OnKOOXTITY KNTlWIMtiiSR FltlpAY, XOVKMHKH 'A, V.tUY By Voting SIX YOU PUT INTO YOUR SERVICE CCORCC C. BROWNCLL a capable, efficient legislator, able to intelligently represent the will of the people; a man who was one of the first sponsors for woman's sufferagc and the initative and refer endum amendments and always an advocate of progressive measures; one who is pledged to policy of reduction of taxes and who will follow every promise to the letter. He is the nominee of the Republican, Democratic and Progressive Parties. -A. VOTE FOR BROWNELL means the advancement of the peoples interests. For Your Best Interests, Vote 51 X Paid adv. VETERAN OF SEVERAL FORTUNE TALKS HERE W. H. HARDY IS ONLY 8URVIVING MEMBER FIRST PERRY EX PEDITION TO JAPAN. V. II. Manly, SO yearn oltl, has fought ti) defend American liven mill Ainerleiiii principles lit more, than one corner of Hie globe. Under the folclH of the Slurs unci St ripen he lias Hailed on miiiwif-wnr unci merchantmen around the world. Ho Is the only sur viving member of the first Terry ex pedition to Japan In lK.ri2. Ho fought through tlin Civil war from 1861 to LSfitf anil wuh severely wounded In tlio utlac k on Fort Fisher. In Clilnii in the 'Mi's In stood ley hl'i gun to protect lives of Americans tit I IfinK Komk. After the Civil war ho cunto to Oregon and then to Arizona In I Si'.fi where lie wuh deputy United Slates niarHlial until 1Ns:i. Ho fought in numerous Indian campaigns and cIiiihcr lifter liiindltH of early cluyH. He tried his luck In AlaHka, hut fulled, and Hiillcd to l-luropo rrom rortlund in April, ISS5, on the flrnt idecd nalllii! ship miultt In America. The crew imitlned and lie wuh alinoHt killed on nildoceiin. IIIh life Iiiih not ht'i'ii one of pence I and rent. It Iiiih boon one of udveii tare, of warn, of Hulling Dm len Hen, or buttles of the dcHert. Eighty years old, hut with (lie hiiiuo old Hplrlt, he knocked down n man In Portland hint Sunday who dared to remark, "To hell with the American flag." Mr. Ilurdy Ik now on tho Iteptihllciin cuiupiilKn for Hughes. He wuh In Oregon City Saturday night unci spoke ut the corner of Seventh and Muln Ktreetn after F.dgnr Mills had complet ed hln uddrenn. The lilntory of uf fnlre In Mexico convinced him that tlm prcnctit fdmlnlntrntlon hIioiiUI be otiHted. "For the flrnt time In the lilntory of tho country our men wont to Vera Ciiix nnd came away without getting what they went after." ho sald."Vc have not protected American liven or American honor In Mexico. Our cit izens Imve nieen umrderod unci our i property denlroyed. Our nlilpii huvo lieen taken from Mexican portn to leave American citizens unprotected. "I will not vote for a man who does not uphold our tradltloiiH, who cloen not protect our Hag. I offered my ser vIcch to my country when tho men were Kent to the Mexican horder, hut they nald I wan too old. I could net iihu ires to lay country when tho men were Hcut to the Mexican horder, hut they nald I was too old. I could uct iih n Hcout, for I know- that country, but I Kiichh my fighting days aro none, hut I can one my Infliieiico liy tho ballot to hop that a man In elected prenldeut who will uphold tho tradltlonn of out country," COA L FAMINE IS THREATENINGTHE EASTERN STATES OKLAHOMA COAL STRIKE COMES WHEN FUEL STOCK OVER WIDE AERA IS LOW. ONLY LIMITED SUPPLY ON HAND IN CITIES ALONGiMISSISSIPPI Kc iinonilc iil Legislation, pay ah go; opposed to Kraft and fuvorltlBin. H. A. LEWIS FOR Joint Senator Clackamas, Columbia and Multnomah Counties. Only Cnndlduto Oiitsldo City of rortlund Let tho "Country" ha represented (fald Adv.) SAFETY FIRST! THIS BETTER CANNOT LOSE HUGHES SUPPORTER BETS ON WILSON, INSURANCE AGAINST HARD TIMES. .1. (!. l.aniiiK doeH not believe In tnk Inn c Indices. Ho Iiiih miiclo neveral election beta hut no matter who wIiih In tho national nice, ho llgures ho can not lone. Mr. i.iiHing in an ardent supporter of Hughes, yet ho In betting on H'il noli. "If WIIhoii wiiiH, I win my boU," he cxilalned. "I'll need the money, too, before another Doiiiix-ralie iiiIiiiIiiIh tratlon Iiiih run Its conrno." "And If Hughes wins, my man in vIctorlotiH and we'll havo progress and prosperity In tho next four year. What nrn n few little dollars In 11 He piibllcnn ndmlniHt ration. I can afford to lone llicni.'' Mr. Laslng regards bin hots largely In tho nature of a small Insurance policy ngnlnst a' Democratic business slump. Dealer in West and Southwest Say Cold Wave Would Find People Unprepared and Serious Sit uation Would Result. KANSAS CITY, Oct. 31 Prospect of u general Htrlko tomorrow in the Okla homa coal fields wuh regarded with apprehension here tonight In view of tho reported scarcity or fuel In other purls of the country. Much of the coal uned ill the southwest comes from the mines In Oklahoma, severul of which already have shut down and more than !S per cent of which nro af fected by the strike unsettled dispute hut ween operators anc) union miners over tho biennial wage contract. The strike order was intuit) effec tive November 1. Only a limited sup ply of coal was reported tonight to bo available In any of the larger cities of this section, In case of a cold wave and tho consequent drain on the fuel on hand, dealers said much suffering would result. The same shortage of cars which was felt during tho cron movement is handicapping shipments of coal, It was declured. Prices so fur, according to retail dealers, havo made no substantial ad vance, hut Increases were predicted noon. I'tali-ldaho Sugar company announc es another voluntary rolHO of 50 cents per ton on sugar beets which is ad vance of $1 per ton over the rato es tablished In the contracts as origin ally signed. REVISION STATE CONSTITUTION IS NSTI1 LIFE IE TOPIC COMMCRCIAL CLUB BODY AID PLAN TO STOP TINKER INO WITH LAWS. CAPTAIN WILLIAMS CHARGES WAR for tlx in lit be IIi'iukIiI Ihry B"dd Hn.ii rations i!.!p"d lo I'larka lum slid duiupi-4 In lie rli i om it any atrcfla aftxr lit Irixip arrhed, in-ro. j Captain Held financial!. j "At Dim fiplfaliiMi lit Ilia li (!,' Inlrd of allotting Ilia rouipatiy runt- luaioli r a rath alio mutt tiMi Hit jr timid lime rot mi tlm lrfrdi-r ln-Bj .ii. i .... ..... . .... i - it...! 11117 Hl'i ll'l Itrrtt iija rif i.iiiiia, iiiiiM'liiiali-r dt-parlim-nl ald lht-y j i Imd In toku ruth'ii or iiotMnn 7Un MAY "' ""' '"'"l"")' I ' (iiiiiiiaiidt-rs hm tlm trtxipa era. iinKli fid out Imd It (l on tht-lr linndt I from 1 1 '-'I In !oi ttoiili of (ovt-rn iih id ruiiiiiK hl(h l lit- Kotrriiiu -ut i ft (uned to takn t,i h and fnitt-d Hi-' I I urn pun f i oiiiiiiaudiira to pay fur out i of tlii-lr oii hm kt-la ; I "I hli ( t Mainly ! a rank ln)n . DEPARTMENT NOT BUSINESSLIKE i Imrdt r and ll.t-rr muni l whiii-iIiIiik . ' ladliitHy utfoiiK '' h" adniliiliira j tlim of tlm nr dt parimriil'a affuirt Chairman G Company Fund Commit- ut H'jhhiiloii If u Ii toiidllion lv Some Truths About The District Attorney's Office frit t explains Why fKn) Wat Drawn to Pay for Government Rations Not Ordered. ' iilloed In otlrt." I Ctttitkill Wllllalu. miliiiillli-d Ibti f,i jltittliig ri'iniri of Ihtt (oiiiiaiiy fund to the l.hf Vlff: Receipts 1 Total t tfli ri i ft ut tt ..... I UtiUtlliic lilinwlf III RWiibulhy rln Diabureementa the movement to prt'tfiil lurlher tin ''"I1' Hlnli'hurd kerlnit Vkltli th i.,i, ,tiMilii or re : July - to Cuid. Illniit -hanl ron. . I). KUy. Iik-I attorney, ul thr Hfpt. to ('not. Ilium hard ... lum In-oii of tlm Cinanii ri iul Club l..e:H' l' t' l(i M. Han Idi uoi. Winn Tuenduy inilliuti-d tlinl lie . . I't'iT.'-l , .. H'l'ii . '.'mi i0 . . I-V'Wi It contain neitioiiH In itinftlc I fash rt-luriied by :-.tlf of pro-lithi-rpurtsoftlieliintrciiai-iit.lt- lt.lini 3.72 would fuvor the pn,Kiiii of the Con i-lllutliilul ltcvlloii uiik lut Ion of Ore i:on. wlih h U f.itlnniiK a pit'iion to the It -Klalulurtit to ntlxe the lotuctltu Hon of the state. The lixi-cK l.illoll, li'-.oli i ,y Kt At l-iinc-y (ieiierul Crarord, iniilnluliin Ibal the Oregon 'roii-iMtcitlon Is III roll- llli t with the ft-dt'Ml innntllutloii and that with other purls Is lieslri-d to aufi-k-iunl the roiinlitu Hon from liiiprtiii-r uuu iidiiieut and it In llit-ifforu proiMiM-il to have the leg liilaliire revlsf the ruiiNtltiitlnu an t siiluiilt the draft lo the pic,ile ut a special elc-c (Ion. Mr, Kiy. M. K. Cross and Or. Clyde Mount Hi-re named as a committee to r-trt their Investlga Hon of the proposal to the l.lvc Wires at a ini-eliiiK to be held Novemlier II. I'recl Iah kley, fcumerly editor of tlm I'uclhY Monthly, talked to tin- l.lve Wires In supiiort id the amendment for a new nnrniul hi hem! at I'l-udlc ton. Live Wlrci Elect. The l.lve Wires i-ht led the follow ing officers: C. Si liuihel. main trunk line; W. P. Iluwlty. Jr., suhtrunk; Total lo Cupt. Mam hard . . . 1 9 I -Wi-nli-rii t'nloii T-'t-Kruph to Capt. Ilium hard 1M WtMirn I nlon Telfgrapli in TeleKraphlc Ki hiilige !i Total illiiriiiient ; 'ab rt t-iriied b ('apt. Itlam Ii ard 172 21 );y. csh in hunk Oct. ::i. rut! $ui:t line (nun provlmcms uild I2C.K Vsl'if of provisions on band iinHold H !0 $121. 1 Tola) ciifh and prut Nona un- rold Wild Tolul cash adtauii-d to Capt. I.. K. Ilium hard Total eiM'iidid by Cupt. I .. Itlumhurd I22-39 Total cush returned hy Cupt. I- K. Illuncharil 10V91 Total due from provisions sold 2A.2C Total value of provisions on We strongly commend the work of Gilbert L. Hedges, District At torney, and urge his re-election. He has vigorously prosecuted the keepers of the Hotel Belle and Friars Club and has been successful in his efforts to give the good citizens of Milwaukie a more decent govern ment, and we hope the voters of the entire county will assist us here in Milwaukie by voting for Gilbert L. Hedges, District Attorney, G. C. PELTON, Mayor of Milwaukie. MRS. W. T. FULL, President of W.CT.U. of Milwaukie. MRS. E. B. ANDREWS, County President of W. C. T. U. Do you know that you were rrirefully 'touched" for $2000 00 In the celebrated rasa nf Hurry I-evlncs against CTarkanias CountyT Do you know what part ih District Attorney's office played In this out rage Do you know that the county bad to lov $IH00A to private lawyers to defend it. TIIOI CM THE DISTRICT ATTOKNKY RECEIVED A SALARY OE I21D0 PER YEAR TO REPRESENT THE COUNTY? Do you know that the Deputy District Attorney costs you $900.00 per year tthi-n there is no use for a deputy? Do you know that you hud to raise a fund of $1000.00 to enforce the pro hIMtlon law when It should be enforced for nothing as it Is In Multnomah County? Do you know that the Erlurs' Club Is still doing business at the old stand thouKh the Social Service Club of Milwaukie and Oak Drove passed resolutions censuring the District Attorney's office for not closing up the notorious Joints in the north end of the County In accordance with the Prohibition law? Do you want the law enforced In an effective war? Do you want econ omy in office? Do you want the office run In the Interest of the people or scurvy detectives bent on grafting you? VOTE FOR Wm. M. Stone FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY REPUBLICAN l Paid Advt by Wm. M. Stone.) No WeakAching Backs No weary aleepleu nighti No painful Haider tmgnlaritlei TWXFoley Kidney Pills Makaa 61 Fal Like 18 lira. A. M. Bridges, Robinson, tflae,, eajres "I ufferad tram kidney ailments two year. I commenced taking Foley Kidney Pills and though I am 1 years ol aye, I led like a H.yaar-old gut" Raymond P. Cuufleld, transmission wire; O. D. Eh.v. Ky wire; C. V. Kobey was appointed feed wire and Dr. I-. A. Morris, chairman of the pro cram committee. II. E. Cross, A. A. Price and V. A. Huntley wero unpointed a committee to take up with the council the con dition of Main street, which Mr. Price says la slippery because of tho manner In which it is cleaned. Unbusiness-like Methods Charged. Chai'Kcs of utilumlness-like methods on the part of the war department in handliiiK supplies for tho Third Ore Bon infantry while on tho Mexican hor der nnd while at Clackamas were Hindu by Cuptnin 1 1- E. Williams. Spanish-American war veteran and former captain of a Portland tnilitia com pany, iicfore tne i.ive wires, t upturn Williams Is chainnun or the U Com-; mint- fund conimitteo of tho Live Wires nnd made his churpes while re porting on the handling of the $95T.i0 company fund raised for tho Oregon City militiamen. "In rendinu thels report, you will notice n check for $M!US which was sent to the quartermaster at Fort Roseneranr. for overdraft of rations by Cnptaln Blancluird of O Company." nald Captain Williams. "Tho company commanders were ordered to draw 15 days' rations upon leaving the border They (Inured the amount of rations necessary In addition to what they had on hand, hut the captain quarter master evidently thought they did not know what they wanted and shipped hand and unsold !l.90 Total J619.4S We further certify that we havo ex niniiied all receipts presented by Cap tain U. E. Pilnnchard covering the above expenditures and And them true and correct. Respectfully submitted. CAPT. 11. K WILLIAMS, Chulrmun O. D. EHY. M. D. LATOl'RETTE, C. SCIU'EPEL, GEO. A. HARDING, Committee. POLK'S GAZETTEER A BuIdmo Directory ef eaeai City, Ton aa VUlos la Onfot aa4 Wwblactoa. aivlae a Dncrlntin Rkolrh ol tW-h pUml Loeatlsa, fthlpplnf Fx-illtle aid (ImU (i4 ulrw-tarr aackj Bmlacoa aa4 tnttkam, b. l. roT-s ro, Xm, PITCH FOUND IN TREE Among the cases reported to the ChtckniiKis County iHumnne society recently was one in which kittens were found hanging in a sack from the limbs of n tree ut Gladstone. A boy, passing along the hanks of the Clackamas river, heard the niewln of kittens. His attention was drawn to the limb of a tree from which he saw a sack hanging. On cutting it down with a knife he found that it contained four little live kittens, fair ly covered with pitch. The hoy car ried the kittens to his homo and en deavored to clean them of the pitch, hut their condition was such, it was necessary to end their lives In a more humane manner than to leave them starving in tho tree top. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Mary A. Wiles to Arthur Scott, 20 acres In Sec. 21, T. 3 S.. R. 4 E.; $1. Edward C. Hunt to A. E. Sparks, 2T.50 acres in sec. 29. T. 3 S., R. 4 E.; $10. George T. Coleman to Harry H. Coleman and W. Beeson, lot 15, Clack amas park, 5 acres; $10. Julian and Mary Overton to Gam- brinus Brewing Co., 10 acres in J. S Howland, D. L. C, No. 43, T. 3 S., R. 2 -E.; $250. John A. Stromgree et ux. to Carl G. and M. L. Klang, 5 acres In Sec. 27. T. 4 S., R. 3 E.: $2500. W. A. and Huttle Hart to Nellie White, 3 acres in Sec. 4, T. 4 S., R. 1 E.; $10. R. K. and Miranda Watts to Hans Jensen, 2 acres in Sec. 19. T. 5 S., R. 1 E.; $175. Charles B. and Sarah E. Moores to Charles and Ida West, lot 35, Sellwood Gardens; $500. Bertha Vandermeer to A. E. King and Martin T. Duffy 10.6S acres In Vandermeer park; $10. Albert B. and Minnie Brown to W. E. Critchlow, all of block 1, townsite of Arista; $1. Prank King, of Logan, was among the Oregon City vUitors Saturday. The following reel estate transfers were filed in the office of County Re corder Dedman Tuesday: Eunice G. Sargent to lone Lambert, 1 acre of section 29, township 1 south, range 2 east; $10. Clarence L. Eaton to G. and Edith Matson, 1 acre of land In Clackamas county; $1. Edith and G. Matson to Clarence' Eaton, 1 acre of land in Clackamas county; $1. Mary A. and John P. Cole to W. W. Irwin, 2 acres of section 12, township 4 south, range 1 west; $1. A Bad Summer For Children, There has been an unusual amount of dangerous sickness among children everywhere this summer. Extra pre cautions should be taken to keep the bowels open and regular and the liver active. Foley Cathartic Tablets are a fine and wholesome physic; cause no pain, nausea or griping. They relieve Indigestion, sick headache, bilious ness, sour stomach, bad breath or oth er condition caused by clogged bowels. Jones Drug Co. Adv. Union Pacific system cals for bids on 2500 frelghs cars using 15,000,000 feet of lumber to be purchased from Union Pacific territory in Oregon, Washington and Idaho. Eugene Loganberry being promoted here. juice factory V a SEVtRg HEADACHE. "I onco k4 Unribi hoadachea aal feared La Grippe. I ooata not at tend to nr work. I took some of fir. Miles' AnU Fata Pllia and the pata waa erlckly gone. Then I atartod ualnc Dr. atUea- Nervine and tha trouble Taniifaad complete aad I felt well aad aotiva once more. HENBT FAKNHAH. Spring Valley. Minn. Pain and 111 Health rob you of all your efficiency. DR. MILES ANTI-PAIN PELS quickly relieve Pain, but at the same time, when over-work or nervousoess is the cause, Dr. Mil' Restorative Wervine should be used to relieve the cause. IF FIRST BOX. OR NTTU PAIL TO MNEFIT YOU, YCWI OMY WILL BE RCTUNOEO.