X DIVERSIFICATION TELLS STORY OF SUCCESS OF FLORIDA FARMER When Frost Killed Hit Orange Trees He Turned His Attention to Good Pastures, Live Stock, Leguminous Crops, Large Plows and Strong Teams Improved His Herd of Cattle by Pur chase of Purebred Shorthorn Sire. Hr U II JU mill lii.l. IV.nou.tr.iUoi Agvrtt, Mn land H II. Galtiklll. MrlntMh. IU, tama to tba sot In UM anil brjm rrowlnf oraiifes, but did not ll bit Kentucky farm for a.oia years after ha rani to Florida. II was quit U (titled with h la prance irowtnf Ven tura unlit the frrit of ls5 killed all of his trrri. Tbli frees via great hock nd tba oranco (rower did not know bt to do. Mr. Galuklll started to rebud and build up hit grove, but did not fi-t-l that It advisable to rtdy upon orange for everything and tx(an to grow corn, bay and other crops fur uaa and beast. rior to tba frci he luada no effort to grow feed, but urd aoroa of bit oranga money to buy everything ba needed. Ha aoon learned that ba could grow Try Una rropa of corn, bay, oaia, praa and . oiber general farm rropa and dually I derided to ralaa good lira Hock to consume tha rropa grown. Having de cided to go Into tha live stock buaineaa bo aold bla Kentucky farm and bought an old aucar plantation adjoining bla farm and proceeded to make the grow- Inter uh ti'tv hat la obtained little from log of pork and beef bla main work. Bought Purtbrad Vhorthorna. Mr. (ialtaklll wit not aat!nsl to ; through tha feed, eli'rpl the Heidi Ha la taeful. He built bla alio for tha ro and ralea hfii the (rata doea not proe aufflrlent to keen them In fivxl ton- Jdltton It ta not winter or aunimer , alio, but la u-, at any lime during the year hen the ailaga la ndJ im groa great arlety or rropa and haa good grating crop for hia live alotk 12 montha In tba tear He uaea no fertility on bla land He groaa leguminous rropa to feed the live attxk and the live atork spreads the manure over tha farm. The groaltig of leguminous rropa Blla thti aoil full of Mtrogen. adda Immense quantities of bumua to tha aoll and furtuahea the nioat valuable grating for all klnda of live atotk Mr Galtiklll uaea In.' go plows and atntng teams and turna under large quantities of vegetable matter to fur man htiniua He does not abuae hia land br burning off the vegetable mat ter and plowing w ith onehorae plow He la planning to get a tractor, plow , deep, turn under vegetable matter and , grow better rropa each year. Good paaturea, good live atork. leg'i YOUNG WOMEN j MAY AVOID PAIN Ntd Only Troat to Lydl E. PinKham'a Vegetable Com pound,iyMr.Kurtzweg. 1 HutTalo, S V. - " My ilaiinhler. how pic turf ta herewith, was mu'h troubled iwun twins in nrr I welt and ai.lea every month, and they mould aoim-timc lm ao Ud (hat it would -m like acute III itanmiation of nie organ. Shi vd your a.lvcrlucmcnt lit tin ncpcni nn J tried I ilia F. l'll;lt)ain' V e e e- Jl a l I c ('oniisiund. She pralaca It hi;h y n ! hu I relieved i f a I l!i ... ly t'.a ue. ' All mother should kn-.w i f thi rem.-dy, and all young ir'a w!. i.::".t Ii.-uM try lL'-.Mr. Matii.pa Kt itr. wi ii, 52J llmh St.. liui.alo. V. Young women who nr.' troubled with painful r irregular vn:, ln k.vh. headache, dmgcmglown serrations, fainting apel'a it in liotion, aliould take I yd. a F. rinktiain'a cg.-Ubl l'onisund. Thousands hav been re atorl to health ly tlua root and herb remedy. If nu know of nur vomit.' wo itiiitt who i kick mid iui'li lu-lc fill itill , rU lu r to write to the l.ydl.i I I 'in k tin in MtMlirino Co, Lynn, lut, Only women wilt nvrlv tier li'ttcr, nnJ It will bo bold iu strictest couihlciu-v. I " " " .' v !!i LT- ' ,ir! .Ui.lKI; W. II. l.ia.le, :lj.40j T. I'. Kandall, :i.W; K. II. Ko, IIT.'.'O; W II. Hair, 111.80; W. A. Carner, M7.40; K. I', NuUoii, I HI. 40; John ie, 17.00 j V,ta. J. Hall, llll.'.'U; tleii. II. Ilrown, t.'O.Ttl; Kobt. Jona rud. M.00: (,'e.i. . Iti.kford. fllHI: Ira Mickey, li.mij . '. Ilorton l.'.OO; II. V. Iloovrr, '.l.:0; f, W. Ilaitdy, l.'.OO; t haa. Karira. I UN: W. Y.. I'HO; K. V. Uhrmaim. I0; It. .. ' Jarl, fl.OO; T. II. Milan, 11.00; Fred I I. in., $1(1(1; J. J, Ihntaii, 117.40; II. I'. Myira. $.'.00; John HatlleM, I1.N0; W. W. Smith. I l.mi; li IU hrdoii, ! II 00; W. V., John.on, l 40; A. P.l llunu tt, 1 1 . ' 0(1; . II. Iluk-hea, f .'.OO; llarvi-y (iiliaon, 4il; II. Thieaen, t.'.OO; l. K. Fr...t, f Id; F. W. Mc Keclmie, l.'.'.'O; l.ulu llondiick. $H0; It. It. guick. I l.'.OO; F. ('. Iliowulee, $.':'(; l ee Fiench, :'0; K. WiUon, l.'SOO; A. tl. Amea. Jr.0; All.erta L Punn, l-V.'Oj flnra .Mitchell, Si.'.M; katheriue F. Fu, $.'('0; Cortrude W lUon, l.'.OO; I'hil T. H.itlicM, ll.l.'.M; VV. '. WiI.oii, $ 4.40; F. li. I'nrpenter, .V00; t'ota N. Iloutl. I. JO; A. Kruae, fill- W M It ,u. p.... I Kuniery, l.'.HO; Harry hitchinir, fil.00; K. W. Ilatf.wd, IV00; II I.. Patter, ton, $1.40; Samuel llon.lnck, $II.SH; II. .M. Holland, $1.:'0; (Icoiye M. Wil liaini. $.'.S0; llenjaiiun Friedman, $"..00; Frank It. Mount, I.V.'O; Sadie llon.lnck, $4. SO. JFSTU K I'OUKT P. F. Front. $!ii.:0; John N'. Sievrr. $.'.i!.tHI; II. II. Huchea, $1.00; Jack lKenby, $.m); Alvin F. Joyner, $14.:' ; J. I". Iliiinea, $IO.j;.; J. i'. Ilainea. Jr.. $'..00; A. J. Ko. uter. 1 1. SO; Harriet Puncnn. 00; Mr. J. P. Cook. $1 '.'0; J. II. Fnt man, $1 '.Hi; C. C. Ilorhind. $.'.10; Mr. Hregou City Fnteipr.aa, flUA0A;!Co, lll '.'.'i; John I'rlrl, l 76; I. A. Couiler heaa, fill .SSj llurrougha Ad Wrenn, IIOO; '. Avrilll, 7.'.'S; F. M dinif Machina Co., f 10.00; Typewriter I Slona, IIKOO; A. Iliedciiateiii, f ta 7f; InapecUon Co., 17&; J. F. Calaan,V. IUurh, 7ini. $H tH; F. P. Pedmail, t0.7; . M l PISTItlt T Nil. 9 I led Una. Hairinifton, $1 7'.; Huntley Piutr Co.,1 $ lO iMl; Nic S.hr.d, $Iimi, Fled $.' 4.'; Jonea Pruir Co, f l.'.'.'i. j Nil. Lilian, fl'.'iNI; Flank llooaid, FAIKS-Clara P. Tale, fill .00; O 'II.'INI; liua .rin.n, $101(0; Fd F. Ftellf. f.'SOO. lUiaftlihalM, fill INI; ,ler H.lhl. SFAIFIt OF WFIcJHTS AMflriOO; I.. lUth, fHtiNl; ll.iold MFASl'ltFS - J. F. Jonea, $11 X', Joyner. $l.'0O; II J.,1 it, fl.'lHt, TAX lPAItTMFT ;. W. lUi-jA. II. Miller, flitwi; l.mv S.h.i.i.li. rinittoll, fil.OO; Jele Paddock, f I Ml; j fil INI; tllto pauUrn, fill ml; The... F.lith All.lie,lne, f.'S.mi; Una t..iner, llaideia, ftINI; f. A. John..., $01 Ml. PK(iIITIH Fl't-Vm. J. WiUm. f.'.'.'S; T. A. Iluike, f.':'o; F. T. Ma., f I4.V ltd Alt FIMI PISTKICT Ml. I Pan tlatTi.ey, $('.Mt; H. A. Ilaltin, $041 N7; Jamea Kepcha. $141 Ml; A. Maitin, 041 Ml; I' linniermnn, f Id. Nil. PISTKICT Ml. :i J, C. Flhott 4 Co.. fl.lS; Cedar Creek I .unilx-r Co., flil.MI; Curl Wolflmiteii, f.'i.ii;,; Her man Seiheit. fl'..7S; II. Norton, $-'100; J. A. Stall, $S0O; W. ti, hie, fl.00; Sam Koenitter, fi.mi; F. Pill aler. f.'4 00; (. Crawford, f-'OlXI; J.I W. Notion. SI I mi: A W ' II-'IHI; ( S. ii.llow. Puiicuii, f.iii.TS; N. M. Joxph Penioy, $.'00; $HIMI; C. . Puman, , . ..V"1"' . v ; ' .rv.-.' ' sT, MEXICAN CHIEF IS WILSON'S MASTER SAYS ROOSEVfL I CARRANZA, PRESIDENT AND GOV PERS DECLARED IN "INTER NATIONAL ALLIANCE" SURRENDER Of THE PRINCIPLE OE ARBITRATION IS CRITICISED Pavul Ihmcun, fj.00; l lilTord John on. i...ti; n. larpenter. $J..r.0; Huwh l.yona, fil.OO; John Ikl.on liaker. I.:hi; l.ynrtto I hilda, f'J.10: i Mever. Fd W tinker, fl.ytl; M. WorthiitKton fl.L'0; Cturtrn Cline, $1 Joe Piatt. fl.OO; Joseph lUkner. $1.00; Win. Niel.ush. f l.mi; Hen 11! $1.00; J. KeUo. f-JJ.'.'O. CllKONFlt-W. F. Hemp!.tend. $0.10; Kuth Fmbrve. $10.00; vUn llenilrickson. f 1.50; John Kittr. f 1.5x1; l.oui Med Seiruin, ft. SO; John Wil- tclv.n. fl.1'0; K. J. Piiulton. fl.'.'O; Jaine.i Mann, fl.ll); C V. Mcl'iirver. fl.1'0; I. F. Front. fT.OO ClifNTY IDdlt John and Wm. Ileeri, f lO.OO; Mrs. F. F. liaker. $S.00; Walter NukIit. fl.SO; C. A. Urson. fl.1'0; J. S. Uk'Min, fl.1'0; Wm. Fei lii'K'. $IS0; K. MclaiiKhlin. $7.S0; SlIiVFYOK p. Thompson Mel drum. fSl.00. IN SANK Pr. J. W. Norris, f 10.00; Pr. M. C. Strickiiiml. JS.00. SCHOOL SUIT-P. F. Front. $-.'00; II. hcll.tlhtf, f.'illHI; J ',. alet, f.'iMW; John Schuchl. f l.00. PISTKICT NO. 4-Poitland Ity. Iljjhl & Power Co. fr.l.l'O; J. A. Kit.hiiitf, fl.75; K. H. Curt in. f.'.OO; C .A. Uvall, fl'.SO; J. C. Kitchiii. fl.00; M. T. I.ooney, fSOO. PISTUItT Nil. 5-J. M.hIiii. f.'U.tW; Cha. I.ichl.erif. f.lHiH); (). M. Iloiinjr. fM.IHI; O. HorlUK'. f .'il lHI; J. F. Siefer. fl.'.IKI; Otia Itich. f 1 2.00; J. Anderi-nr. f.l.'.mi; I.. Sudden, f 17.00; Truman llichev. $2100: O. M l!uh..e I $.'1.00; Ceo. Tacheron. fltOO: Sum ! f.'.OO; John yer. $10.00; II. Ceriumd. $14.00: Chiiiilk-ren. $12.00; . C. Vtiiitrhait. j $11.00; Cuy pitd.le, $.'.2 00; C. P. pi,- kerson, f .Y. OO; FI.er Fldre I, f .'O.lHI; Milton Trullinifer, flH.SS; t;,-o. Pnvia, i Hi.mi; A. cutting $12.00; I.. F. Ciu-1 f 1 1 Hl; . Fun nini, $10.00; Jerry Haty, $12.00; Oien ' lui.h. $2 SO: A $0IKI; Waller Tel illiyer, $I2inI; Fd tluher, f.' 00; C. (Jul.er, f.'I'O; Adilph Weideihold, fINI; Joe Wei leihold, f.'mi; Ni,- luih, f.'mi, Hen ry Ktinker, f.'OO; Will I in., f ilm. Pl.STHUT Ml. 0 C. . Pon. an, $''.1; J. Ni.hiUon, f.'mi; F. F. Thorn a, flimi; t;i. Ann. Hon, f 12110; I.. II. McKenney. fplOO; J. II i can, fl'J (HI; Alfie.1 WooUey, flliM; O. P. CalilT. flllHI; F. Ilhodea. f IOIMI; A. W. Hotkina. f 21 Oil: II. It. Cliff $2100; Vernle Puna, f.'ilmi; W. A. lih.Mlea, fill INI; i;ni. peShleld", $-'4lHl; J. . Tiacy. f.'ilmi; F. F Jenklna, f 2H.IHI; A. J. Ingliah. f.'.OO; li. T Itce'M. f.'l'OO: T. M. Y ileum. $100; A J Tiacy. $00; W. M. Wade, $S4 7S; Flvy liel.e. $2 0(1; h. Wheeler, fl.'OO; W. Trapp. f U'.mi; F. Whilhack, f7mi; W. M. Wade, f I.Vmi; (. !. Palmaleer, fSOO; F. Ithodea, fpl.mi; C. Palma teer. flllHI; F. Soinrra. $100; II. McKenney. fS.OO; Paul llohne, filhl; Harvey Marhull, f'.iHI; C. C. .Miller. f.'O.lii; ,.,t . Kinch. fj.l; J. l! Piincan, $0 00. PISTIJUT NO. II -Chai. I.ive.av. J. T. Appervm. fs F. i' Pope. f.'7.l0; C. lluymip. fll.SO; C. I!. I.ivc..y, fll.SO; N. l iter, fO0. j PISTKICT NO. ir.-Fiank llu..h.i f7.70; Canliy Concrete Woik.. flu nil; WlUuti & Cooke. $ I SO: C. kelUnd 1 I. $22.7.1; F1111I Cel. Illanchi.id, $1 HO; A. f1ir.il; Chaa. hladm, 2l.0j W. Tionl, f 1) mi. PISTUItT No wi-Fd Dir., I, II I lank till, f J V.; b lt.i.au, l'.7f.; lint puigan, fliW; A. A 4'miklin, fl'JMl; f . M. Tuwnaend. I.OiNi; A. F. tailf.n, fN Cxi, Ham hlaaldiiie. f2JlMI, J tee I, 2$ 75, J. F. Matfwa. $12 Oil. PISIKH T Ml 52- Falihank.. Moa A 1.1, $II2S; Matt Cieeli lade, l Ml; .,( t.i.., rt Mc Kli.l. y k Co , $ .,; J. K llfd t.'.W; J. Phillip., $2 50; (ay Ku.h ifoid. Ilf.11. C I . n..er, HMl; II. W hannr, $112'., Aiif liepM (l, f (Ml, Hen le.k.i, u 7.'.; I d Freenian, $12 ml. PISTUItT NO St Frukaon A Wr...ii. $2 2S: J S. 4i,.lrf. i 'l in. fid J,l. kion, f I ini. Aithur Howell, 1 $( Ml; Fiueil C..nru., il 25; J, C. I man. $IIHI; u, .( I,,. , i(MI. I PISTUItT No. m t;,. O.i,,., ft mi; V. CaUin, $ Ml; W. W. U.i1)f, $21 Ml; J..I111 pir,her, $2i; Hen Stanton, $2 Oil, PISTItlt T NO. 55 Creiaoi, 11,11 Co. flilililS; Ity ton Kandolph, film). C. F. Ilnrlv, fllmi; ;. M llmrly. fl2S0; Teniiy, $.'00; II. tlerlwi. I'""'; J F. t uiliinlii, $11 (NI; J,. Yoiinifiidoif. $ mi; JamiHi Craft. $ lmi. F. liild., $kimi; J.,,n Kandolph, $2 mi; s. A. l(.,liiiond, $ I (Ni; A. 1 While, f I mi; J. F. Ucroy. f.'mi. I'lSTKHT No. 5 J. C. U.llei. $' 25; A. JnhiKon, $ ml. ;IM IIAI. KOAPS-W. II. Mat toon, $1200, A. O. Ilolliiiirawnrlh, $7 . Ml; I. p. Taylor. fS Oil; T. A. Koot.. vmunB. ....oi.; nariet Hall. JIl'.OO; , McKarland. $7.tHI; W. Kund.ill $ I Ml- Champ Yauichan. $0.00; lee Jonea, i N. Norton. fl.OO. f..r0; W. II. Steininer. fl.OO; Ceo.: PISTKhT NO. 17 -Alim.n John. Kline. fil.OO; C. It. Jack.on. f.'SOO; .on. fllOO; Herman Pipka fit J. W. Pvm. $1.00; S. A. punlap.lWm. P,pk. ft.mi; Fd Kup'p. f 4 mi; fl.00; T. Mclnto,h, fl.mi; S. A. P.JlIro. Km-hler. $22.5.1; Otto .'inker llun:ati'.f.'..(HI; Cheiler Pickey .$5.00; fS.OO; lrney H.lvey. fl.mi; M. pnv.' im uiiKiiaii, i.in; ,iiK-ri r.nnle. , eleti, $10,110; J. , Helny. $ IMI, i".. nurie luikapilc. .MKi; t . ; Henry Tipka. $2 00; Jucol. It. Fldred. f 10.50; J. V. Stauduiirer. f.'.OO; (He llaNe. I '00- 4- I a.. .!. lit m . m. ... . ' . . f.i; 11. v. mimer. .-....; Miner $1 .50; K. A. Neeilham. $ I IHI miin. $2.00. I PISTKICT No m 11. or PISTKICT NO. l'1-Ciint,y Con. Arthur llluhm. f .' OO, crete Work.t. f 25.00; It. W. Zimmer-1 J"n',. f 10.02. man, $7.00; Koy immernmii, fl.OO. I'IMKK T NO. P. I - A, Caitaklll Home Shorthorn Haifer in Foreground. work with the native atock. but went to Kentucky and bought tome pure bred Shorthorn bulla and a few pure bred females and bred the native cow a to the Shorthorn built. Improvement waa very rapid and he now has a very line lot of rattle, as the picture shows. In the meantime be continued the work of rebuilding his orange groves and now has big trees In bis large orchards. He has indulged in some truck-growing for the northern mar kets and has made quite a bit of money from bis shipments. He grows some cabbage and watermelons, but he does not advise the average farmer to at tempt truck on a large scale and do general farming at the same time. He aays that vegetables must be given the best care and attention at the proper time. He is gradually quitting all truck crops except watermelons. He plants from 40 to 60 acres every year and plants velvet beans in the melon Held at the last cultivation. The ; . velvet bean Is a fine crop for fattening ; all klnda of live stock and transfers large quantities of nitrogen to the aoll. Peanuts for Hogs. He plants peanuts for the hogs to harvest after eating the small and bad- : shaped melons. He plants corn and mlnout crops. large plows and strong teams tell the story of Mr. Caitsklll'a auccess on the farm. Apparent Condition of National Pros per.ty. Colonel Says. Is Arti ficial Reiult of Great War in Europe. $i-..::.'.; Harold Casto, fl.SO; J. F. Oil-I avan, flO.'.lS; Itrenton Voider, tl:W.. ( 40; Melviti .Mitts, fO.75; Annie Mul-1 lenhotT, $1.05; Fvelvn Itohlainier. fl.SO. IIOARP OF IIEAI.TII-Pr. O. A. Wcl.h. f 4 1.111. FKI IT IN3PKCTOK-P. F, creto $0.50; Stand-,' PISTKICT NO. 1'S- ( unl.y Con- . eto Works. $7.S0: C. . I.oreni. Andy Crihl.le. fl.OO; 11x11 (;,,. ' on. K00; II. Ftiel. fS.00; Hi How-' cr. fl.OO; Crover Harms, f 12. IHI. PISTKICT NO. i'S- V. N. Chil-' cote. f .'S.'.iH; John Miller. M7.S0; W. MiiHterton, f7.1'5; Kolil.ina llroa., Kraft. Haker. Itt... W F. Joitrv $11110; Cl.m p.,Ur, $7 50; Chailev iill-eit, $5d; Mote I .i.lti t r 1 I Acn dent Conunlxioii, flOII'.O; lluntliv Hioa. Co, $ll.; Portland Ity. I.ieht Power Co . f I .12; The J K. (Ml Co . $ 17 10; Woo.lai.1. I UiLe A Co., f l.'.'S. I'iiioii Oil Co, $Smi t"; SLimlari) Oil Co. $,.'.'.17, C. It lewthwaita Co. $I'.im; C. C. Miller. $0 m: Canl.y Con crete Wmk. $J'iiO; ( a I Culveil A Hume Co. fliit'tS; Faiihmika, Munr Co, f ll.'SO; ll.itkaid CiHer C01 Hirution. II VI 11',; (5hh H.m.lj Mj clin.ery Co , $2 INI; ,hloii Feefiaii(h ty Co . $72 TO; Hiaun Knecht lleimann Co, $I(HS; W. S Maple. $155; J. M Frick.on. $100; lt.it II. Finch, fi t.'.; A. Mather, $2!0; Pacific llridr Co . $ I1 SO; I'acifU- llit-huay Harare. $12 M; W. F. llal.eiU,h. fi25; Honey man llai'Uate Co. f II 15; John A oeliini:'a Sona ('.. fill l'; M I.. Kline. $0 '.Ml; Field Si Poormnil Auto Truck Co, Inc. $ 12 50; Fronk tua-h, $1,155; WiNoii A C.M.ke, firtil; Cmne Co., $1 Mi; '. (V, filf.5; S.rip MILK IS GOOD FOR CHICKENS Ont of Most Valuable Poultry Feeda Available on Farm Encourages Hsna to Lay. The most valuable poultry food available on most farms la milk. Many farmers feed all their surplus milk to the hogs. Milk, when fed to the bogs, makes flesh that sells for seven or eight cents a pound. When fed to poultry, especially during the winter months, it makes eggs that sell fur 25 cents a pound, and flesh that brings twice the price ordinarily offered for hogs. And besides, In discriminating markets, milk-fed poultry always sells for a premium. Given all the milk they will con sume, hens will lay well In season and out of season. One cannot overfeed of milk. It is safe to keep It before the hens always. The vessels In which the milk M fed should be washed and scalded dally. Earthenware crocks are the best for. the feeding of milk since they are cas-' ft ' it WII.FSHAKKK. I'a. Oct. U.-kih-riisMni: the Adaiiison law in an ul drej.,1 here tonight. Theodore Kcwe 'lt upheld the principle of aril.trsi tion in the nettli uient of all labor con troversies, criticised ITesldet.t Wilson for what wu.i termed the sacrifice of the principle and declared in favor of the olsrht hour day law In principle. . Colonel Itoosevelt also discussed the Mexican policy of the udmitilstru tion and condemned what he termed nn international alliance" l.etnooii Messrs. Wilson, Goinpers uud Car rana. He referred to Curranzu us the master of Wilson and Comperx. The apparent condition of national prosperity was described as the arti ficial result of the European war. which would end with that conflict. "If a public servant will do wroiiR to please any particular class," suid Mr. Roosevelt In conclusion, "t may be taken as absolutely certain that he will do wron uuainst the interest of that partic ular (lass whenever It be comes to liis own profit to do so." In o;.enin- his address. Colonel Koos.-velt reviewed the anthracite coal strike In Pennsylvania 1 1 years ato. cxplainiiiK how he had settled the controversy by arbitration. President Wilson, In his action or, the Ailumsim law. Colonel Koosevelt said, had destroyed the principle o url.il rat ion in the settlement of Indus-j trial disputes and put a premium on j sen rinc this 1 . 1 1 1.-nu-ti t by threat and dur-ss." Cattle on Gaitskill Farm, Near Mcintosh, Fla. after filling the bIIo breaks the land from which the silage corn was cut and sows row peas. The corn ripens in August and he gathers It in Sep tember, and turns the Iioks in. He uses the hogs to clean up crops that would otherwise go to waste. He puts the hogs in the velvet bean field In which be plants corn and the hogs fatten rapidly on the beans and corn. Ho plants large fields of corn and velvet beans in alternate rows. He says he can make more corn by plant ing In five foot lows with a row of beans down each middle than he can get In three and a half or four-foot rows. The com is gathered and the beans grazed by all kinds of live stock. The grazing season is long and the cattle do well on native Brasses until about December J. The cattle aro then turned on a field of velvet beans and fatten very rapidly. The velvet beans make beef of a v ry fine quality. Large numbers of his cattle usually go lly cleaned. If wooden troughs or ves sels are us;d, they will, in a very short time, become so fouled that thorough cleaning is almost Impossible. If only a limited quantity of milk is available for the hens, the better way of feeding It is to use it In moistening the mash. When used for this pur pose the milk will be evenly distrib uted to the flock. SECURE GOOD YIELD OF COM Constipation the Father of Many Ills. Of the numerous Ills that affect bu Ii .niity a lame share start with constl ration. K.-M. yo.ir bowels regular and they may be avoided. When u laxa tive N needed Chamberlain's Tab-b-ts They not only move the bowels but iiiiprou- tin- a. petite and strenu-th. en the digestion. Obtainable everv where ..dv. COUNTY COURT KXPKNIHTl'KKfS FOIt THK MONTH OF SKIT EMU Kit, III Hi ;kkuai. ir.M) Selection, Curing and Testing Are Three of Most Inr.ortart Factors to Be Considered. A good yield of corn i: ;ui:iU upon a number of factuis. of which I nee of the most important are the selec tion, the curing and the testing ol the seed. Cnder average farm condit oris the proper amount of care taken in se curing the beat seed will be more than repaid. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. The following real estate transfers were filed in the office of County Re corder Dedman Friday; . Laura D. and II. M. Fatten to It. II. Ilrown, land in Wood burn Orchard company; $1300. Geneva Pruitt to Johanne Karoline Sorensen, 2 acres of land in Clack amas county; f 150. George A. and Augusta Glockncr to Annie Glockner, all of lots 7 and 8 of block 1, Otto Meinlg'a Third addition to Sandy; flO. William Goebel and Elizabeth Goe bel to Andreag and Theresa Hein, SO aires of I). I.. ('. of Almond li. and Nancy S. Iloli-oinb No. township 1 south, iviige east: ?-"0n. Iiene and ( hauncey It. Haversli. 'k to Fiances A. Myers, lots S and ! block 2, C. T. Tooze addition to Ore-, Kon City; $10. ; Ceorue ami Mary Ilcddaway to Se donia .Slum, land in Oregon City; $lu . Sedonia Shaw to George and Mary SCALP IiOl'NTY Paul Stc-eman, $1.50; Joseph Haas, $1.50; J. M. Dickinson, $1.50; Golden Husbands' fl.50. KLKCTIOX-I. M. Harrington, $.-.0; P. M. Graves, $.'!.()0. .SHERIFF - Miller-Parker Co , $0.55; D. E. Frost, 111.20; Lee French, $11.00; A. (',. Ames, $.'.00; Western Union Tel. Co., $0.00; W. C. Murray, $2..'!0; Wilson & Cooke, $0.:;0; Jack Owenby, $1.00; Wm. J. Wilson, $11.80; Alvin K. Joyner, $.!.25; E P Elliott, $7.00; II. H. Hughes, $7.00; M. A. Deaton, $.'i.20. RECORDER F. Hewitt, $45.01). COUNTY COURT-II. S. Amlcr son, $0.20; W. If. Mattoon, $10.00 A. II. Knight, $0.'i.20. COURT HOUSE Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., $:::!.65; Home Tel. Co., $M.- 80; Hor-j? Pros., $1.25; C. W. Fried rich, $9.00; Jones Dduff Co., $2.25; Roberts, $15.40. CIRCUIT COURT T. M. Miller. Rcdi!uvay, bnd in Oregon City; $10. ' $09.00; Home Restaurant, $3.25; J. C William a. Henderson and Ina Bradley, $12.00; F. S. Hutchins, $13 Henderhon to It. H. and Isabella Ta- 80; C. W. Swallow, $12.60; II. j her, 1 acre of land in Glen Kcho f:i700. Feathers, $14.00; C. Muralt, $12 80- William M. W. Smith to Dallas C. E. Battin, $1.3.00; M. II. Howell' Downing, land in Jennings Lodge; $10. 1 $12.20; N. Blair, $28.20; Seth Young' isn, ; .ii.i.i. IXPIGKXT SOLDI FK Mead Post Xo. G. A. R., f.JO.OO. Mrs. S. Johnson, flO.OO; Katie You deska, $5.00; Wm. Pickclmiin, fT.00; Mrs. Saunders, $5.00; Geo. Avery. $15.00; Wm. Danforth. flO.OO; Boys and Girls Aid Socitey. flO.OO; Oregon! Comm. Co., $14.00; Mrs. Hradtl, flO.OO; Mrs. Mary Buckner. $:'0.00; Sum llooher, flti.00; Pock Mosier, flO.OO; Mary Buol. fo.00; Sarah Gib bons, fl'0.0; Flla Payne, flO.OO; Hen ry Spiess, f 16.00; W. J. Moldenhnuer, flO.OO; Louise Hallou, $15.00 Mrs. Gulbraith, f 15.00; Harry Cooper, fL'O.OO; Mrs. G. W. Thompson. flO.OO; A. C. Sleight. $15.00; Ada lhaw, $8.00; Katie Pluanl. $8.00; Ella Tracy, flO.OO; Ben Undes, fl2.00; S. E. Card. fS.OO; F. Frcdrici, fH.00; Mrs. Lee Drown, $-'(I.ih; A. W. Camehl, $7.00; Cora Josselyn. $20.00; C. II. liybdahl. $12.00; Gustav Grehle. flO.OO; Mrs. X. F. Taylor, $144.00; J. D. Crawford, for Anna Wettcrlin, $4.00; Hurton Harlow, $4.00; C. J. Hood, for Albert Pifueron, $5.00; Emil Frey. for John Beers, $2.25; Dr. W. E. Harris, for Anna Wettcrlin, $3K.OO; Millie Anderson, for Anna Wettcrlin. $12.00; Fred Schwartz, for Mrs. Trullinger, $'.1.00; Miller & Tra cy, $20.n0; Ursen 4 Co., for A. Pi irueron, $12.00; Mrs. Marco, $15.00; II. S. Anderson, $1.0(1; Farr Bros., for J. Matheson, $10.00, for Mrs. Preza, I $2.00; Frank II. Cross, for Sarah Gib hons, $5.00; Mary I. Wilson, for Ed ward Miller, $::0.00; Henry Sovct, for I Mrs. Palmer, $:i.20; Wm. E. Estes, I for Mrs. Saunders, $13.55; James I Ivey, for E. M. Valentine, $10.50; Mrs. I M. Stewart, for Mrs. Balmer, $2.75; I Francis Welsh, $5.00; C. A. Branland, 1 for Mrs. Wettcrlin, $12.28; Clara Murphy, for Mrs. Marco, $4.fiT; W. W. Pollock, for Wm. McKinnis, $12.00; Jess Poiiser, for K. Pluard, $1.00; Electric Hotel, for Dick Meyers, $20.00; Parkplace Store, for Mrs. W. V. Smith, $5.00, for Mrs. E. S. Baker, $5.00; H. S. Goldman, for Mrs. Bey ers, $2.50; A. J. Knijfhtly, apt, for Mrs. Marco, $7.00; R. L. Holman, $".1.50; C. C. Store, for B. L. Case day, $l)..'il; Mrs. ('has. Payne, for E. M. Valentine, $10.00; Mrs. C. Santa nera, for A. McKinley, $15.00; Frank Ott, for Mary Foster, $22.20; Loituh Est, for John Peer, $0.00; Board of I Allen Water Comm. for A. Perizi, $1.40; C.i$'-!8.10; If. Dac hy, for Mrs. E. E. Baker, $10.50; I'.atdorf Bros, for Mrs. Twom- blcy, $17.50, for Mrs. Grand(uit, S 10.00; F. T. Harlow, for Wm. Dkk- ielman, $10.00, for Wm. Beers, $5.00; Huntley Pruif Co., for Mrs. J. Crites, $0.40; Geo. Redilaway, for Mrs. Ren fert, $15.00; Dunmire Grocery, for Mrs. Mobra, $10.00; Dr. J. W. Norris, $10.R7; W. li. Stokes, for Mrs. Olund, $15.00; Oregon City Hospital Co., for Mrs. 0. A. Klock, $24.00; Dennis Don ovan, for Jerome Hamilton, $14.00; P. J. Winkel, for Katie Younjrmust, $5.00; St. Vincent Hospital, $05.00; F. li. Schotnborn, for Minnie Rhodes, $15.00; Dr. II. V. Adix, for Mrs. Sax ton, $10.00; Mrs. Rose Nehren, for Mrs. Mohra, $39.00: Good Samaritan Hospital, $09.75; Hoff Bros., for Mrs. Repke, $5.75; Lone Oak Cemetery, $5.00. JAIL W. J. Wilson. $53.55. JUVEXILE COURT D. E. Frost, $23.00; Geo. W. Shepherd, $1.60; II. H. HuKhes, $7.00; O. Skirvin, $2.00; A. E. Joyncf, $11.00; Minda E. Church, $35.00. TAX REBATE F. II. Rhodes, $2. 93; Caroline Gregory, $L48. PRINTING, ADVERTISING AND SUPPLIES Molalla Pioneer, $5.00; line A May. Jil.V Or. iron Cilv Cn f 100; W. II. June, ft 1.1111; . Schuc nik'e. $1 .'.': Il..irir Pro... IIS'.! It hcl. f 31.50; Anton Rantima, fj Oil; S.hn.l.il A In, JTxi; Cunhy Hard Farl Schuehcl. 4.00; Hruno Hcrthohl. i'e A luiplcuient IV, fPl.lfj; Port f'-'.LTi; Harry Schornborn. i' J:,: land Hiasim! A M.ichii.n W..rk. jlleriimn Fisher. f-'.f.O; Eric Fi.ber, ' II I-"; !. City lllii.ktmith Shop. ?i.v; urn Miiun. J. C, Ami iJI.HO; I'aul liothlisbi-rrr. f.l'.Hi. ernon. fJ.OO;; John Me-nrr. J 1 1 (III- 1 Slmrn A Halt Co.. lllllll: Tl.. t.,,1.. , Sidney Smith, 2.(10; Xornmn Howard, pendent (;.iruk-e. IU11S; S. U Mul I John Andernon. fl.OO; ,. F. Jonei. Inn. $ (HI; . G. Knox. f.'.4 00; Cole . 1.110; rrauK Jones, $1.(11; J. J. Mul- linn. A- Co., I l iai; Fut Side Fuel latt, f.'.OO; W. Mietrnan. f 14.0(1; Urs ' Co., 1 75 l,Clm. I.ivcuay, f:.'.;.'.. Mleteimn, f!2.(HI; John Yoknrinla. ; !co. Uinmer. 127:1 04: Snd Fi, if 12.00; Jacob Ticnhara, f.'I.OO; JuL, ' l-i"nl'T ., fl.ViUI; Clur Crcri. I Ill 11... 1 . i- . il t ...... Grav JSIKI- F II Cmv mini- I ..!;.. 1 . -."-, auuii r.rn nson. i.umorr m., ...;.: j. r.. .lulhrrland. Shnk WW 5" ',,luMl''HI;AIIrtFrick.onfl.OO;J. .u. fH.r.O; J. S. F.hcr. fl2.t.4; Jmr. ''. ! ;N inn... a...i i..l ...... ,- . in.... 1 1 .. ... .. . . 1 ui.iiuni.ii, no; r.ari 1 i.iMioi i.iiiui.er iu., tii.a.i; li. A. iieruine. I.'.IH); W . II. Wallncr. $.'..(M: .Morrison l.um hrr Co.. $7.97? II John Kappler, $12.50; A. U Urkins, j Kern, f l .'.O; Uvi Frh, f l'J K:,; A. N. f.'I.OO; John Kellrr. fil.OO; Anson Will., f 415.75; ( h.rlc. F. Trrill. el 13:1. Ml- llarrv In.l ttt'.(WW:.w. I 1. . . .7 ' """"" Jonnnon. !.".; - MH.I. .(.'J.ZH; . A. Bataliria $0 7V (ilenn linker ' 111! Oil-1 v. ' J"h,,",n- '0(,,,: C"" ''''. -nt'y Transfer Co.. yatalm, ?0.i., (iltnn ' j Ylinen, fl'J.IN); J. Akins, f l.Otl; (i. It. I f'.OO; l.c.n Jack.on. frt.lHl; F. F. IISW' A P Todd' t 00 Kml; ,l,,r"U',ler' ,,-: Wa,ter '...r. SchaU. f.5.00; Se.h Cook, f 44.60; II -fc . o ilinuKren. ...mi iuyr, fi.tu.n.i; n. t imik, Sltf.tli; f-1.25; Herman ChimbriMi, f 20.00; ' A. Pcndertrrnsn, f.".'.32; Karl Perry. Isauc Helhaca. f 12.25; Arno llelhncn.i f'!.'J7; G. Hindcrnon. f.l3.4H; A. j. f 24.00; Gmrtre Giismt. fil.OO; Charle. Wetmore. f XI.FI; R. It. Gihmin. $4.L'(l. Gasser. fii.OO. E. Fickemeyrr. fXI.MH; L. Fisher DISTRICT XO. 21-Go.mI Itoads - J- McKinney, $43.02; Teddy Machinery Co., $21.50; A. E. Ander son, $148.50; Emilo Pctterson, $20.00; Frick Tryiftr. $35.00: Hen A nderH.tii f I... I. .. a...... ... ..oo; ji.iin .inner, ..uu; Jesn nep. erd. f2.00; Fd Ru.sell. fl.OO; Henry Russel. fi.tH); Homer Trulliiiifer. J $.'.00; Farl Ilird. f2.00; I.. D. Shank. flO.OO; C. W. Herman, f3.IKI; ). I!. DISTRICT XO. 29 G. A. Fhlen. ; $1.15: G. II. Crnv lJJ7r.- Arl.i i:r..v I flO.00. DISTRICT NO. 30 Younir Stan- f 10.50; , f 24.88; Kraus, DISTRICT XO. 33 Frank Millard, f 18.00; Marion Millard, fl.50. DISTRICT NO. 36 Uvi Fib. fl8.. 45; John McKinzie. $24.25; Albert Elliott, $8.00; Albert Pwlerson. f 12.00; L. E. Moo, $3.00; P. II. Ilastie, f l.(M). DISTRICT XO. 37 K. A. Dclk. $10.00; C. W. Kruse, f85.32; C. W. Kruse, $148.32; W. R. Wil mot J. W.Stone. $ 47.25: R. A. Pelk R. R. Moffitt, f8.00; J. J. $24.75; W. C. Evans, $25.00. DISTRICT XO. .38 E. C. Warren, $-1.00; A. Mather, fil.OO. DISTRICT XO. 40-Herhvrt Ack erson, f38.00; P. M. Holut, $51.50; J. M. Anderson. $30.00; W. Hanson. $7.00; Carl Hanson, $4.00; Murvin Richey, $19.00; Charlie Huekmnn, $23.00; Jack Anderson, $14.00; Erik Burling $19.00; Chnrlio Paiiielson, $9.35; II. Hronner, $2.50; I). L. Erd mnn, $55.25; Harry Henricksen, 52.50; Wm. Ilartlemay, $10.50; Guy Wilcox, $12.50; Geo. Macho, $21.25; R. Wilcox, $20.75; Lewis '.ova, $11.50; Herman Hronner, $33.00; Carl Young. $11.00; Henry Young, $2.00; M. Zogg, $6.25; Allison Erdmnn, $2.00. DISTRICT XO. 41 Louis Baker, $1.90; II. II. Udell, $13.48; A. Shirley, $17.00; M. Grafenhnin, $26.00; Frank .astern, $1.50; Jess Cooper, $10.25. DISTRICT NO. 43 Cedar Creek Lumber Co. $41.25; F. M. Illuisdell, $5.00; Bennic Illuisdell, $5.00; Wilson Fcst,- $3.00. DISTRICT NO. 44 Frank Busch, $7.25; Hogg Bros. $5.50; Chas. Shock ley, I0.5(); Thos. Penman, $82.30; A. S. Newton, $88.00; Erich Fisher, $36.00; Herman Fisher, $46.50; Chas. Shockley, $6.25; Thomas Penman, $10.00; H. II. Eastman, $31.25; Will $23.00; Ashton Woodward, Christ Giger, $28.10; J. T WorswH-k. $5.57; K. P. Grcn. $-'8.38; H. V. Pendleton, $28.94; M. D. Jone, f 40.63; C. Frossard. $30.98; (). I.. f3.00; (). (J. Nymiist. 1:1.1.(1(1- Alfred ! s,,ll,h' fll-1'5; S. Sims. fl3.95; Rol Swunsoii, $31.00; John Trygg, $32.00; ! ''rt Mutlixm. f 4.80; II. Worswirk, f 79.- Archie Iloimey, $5.00; I, O. Dix. $2.00; els I.unmurk. f 17.00; Carl Erickson. 2.r.f)0; W. S,-hafer, $28.50; W. S. Gor belt. $31.00; A. E. Nelson, $23.00; Gilbert Murphy. $42.00; A. N. Swnn soii, $46.00; A. Johnson, $12.0(1; J. I Carlson, $25.50; G. A. Gottbcrg. $11.00; Leslie Crawford. $101.00; U. S. Pix, $24.00; Jonus Pelterson, $12.00; J. J. Jones, $16.00; T. Fellows. $60.00; Fay Fellows, $20.00; Jean Fel lows, $20.00; Claud Window, $50.00; A. E. Swanson, $30.00; A. E. Nelson, $31.00; J. D. Crawford, $12.00. W. S. Gorbett, $25.00; Archie Bonnie, $17.00; A. N. Swanson, $150.00; C. A. Ilranland, $6.70; A. Nelson, $35.75. DISTRICT NO. 2U-Gottli.il) Fey rer, $11.30; Chns. Hall, $11.20; Coast Culvert & Flume Co., $58.14; George lllutchford, $2,454; II. J. Rastall, $69.44; Dickon & Co., $9.05; Robhins Bros., $8.90; Raymond Dickey, $2.00; S. A. Douglas, $22.00; W. II. Engle, $19.00; G. T. Frazor, $9.00; Harry Frnzer, $9.00; Milton Chindgren, $8.00 S. J. Vnughan, $3.50; R. W. Davidson, $32.00; Ira Steininger, $35.00; Gra ham lluiignte, $30.00; Mark llungalo, $15.00; Wm. Foyrer, $2.00; Clay Hungate, $22.00; I). Mcllenry, $6.00; Henry Fick, $6.50; lien Steininger, $18.00; O. W. Dickeison, $8.00; M. i romlinsoii, $6.00; Fred Powell, $6.50; j 1 II. C. llonuker, $16.00: lien Chindinen. i Hoops, $15.10; Hugh Jones, $16.25; '"; ""0 hlone, $1.00; Herman Geo. Hamilton, $16.00; John Ball, j M"K, $r',,; Harlie Freenmn,$(i.OO; $17.50; H. F. Allen, $24.00; J. C. Curl- r- A- E'Ceman, $6.00; A. S. Freeman, son, $14.00; Gus Ycska, $1.00; J. N. I !'.()); S. H. Hrown, $8.75; L. Vullen, Rasmussen, $19.00; G. V. Kuhl, ', $l-'-25; W. T. Homlcrxon,$4.00; Mike $22.00; II. Vaughndroy, $13.00; Wcs-1 "yoenoski, 2.r,0; L. P. Elliott ley Knowles,$12.00; E. T. Bancroft, $18.00; G. W. Randall, $33.25; Richurd Breaker, $2.00. DISTRICT NO. 45 John Putz, $13.50; Curl Stromgreen, $10.00; Carl Potter, $6.00; Edgar Brooks, $2.00; C. W. Schuld & Son, $118.80. DISTRICT NO. 6 Portland Ry. Light & Power Co., $170.80; Jarl & Eri, $12.00; C. W. Schuld & Son, $146.40; R. E. Jarl, $40.25; B. Mon roe, $17.50; E. Bartsch, $23.50; E. W. Layman, $23.50; B. Nelson, $40.00; A. Hayworth, $18.50; Wm. Cunningham, $19.00; Leo Canning, $18.00; Lewis Jerger, $19.00; Alburt Jonsrud, $18.00; Ed Littlopngo, $24.50; A. Lindholm, $2.00. DISTRICT NO. 7 Sandy xMercan tile Co., $13.35; T. Ten Eyck. $4.50; H. Cook, $44.50; C. Pntnoe, $4.50; E. Ten Eyck, $2.25; A. C. Freeman, $4.50; D. W. Douglas, $3.00. DISTRICT NO. 8 Paul R. Meinig, $20.75; Cedar Creek Lumber Co., $3326.25; C. W. Kern, $21.00; Sam k'-.ll 1. A I, I Ail ti .. .M; n. iiogoeu, .i.oo; IIogie:i, $2.2.ij John Scott, $7.50; J. F. Doug Ins, $4.25; Walter Cox, $1.25; Malt Parks, $4.25; Hogg Pros. $21.70. DISTRICT NO. 40 Edward Nach and, $15.00; Hert Marston, $8.00; Fred Valletto $4.00; J. Rhines, $3.00; Wm. Lilliu, $1.00; II. Hand. DISTRICT NO. 47 Archie Mason, $542.35; Standard Oil Co. $972.04; K. D. Olds, $44.50; Union Oil Co., $18.65; Miller-Parker Co., $3.75; W. J. Wilson & Co., $1.50; Pope & Co.. $0.50: W. II. Stokes, $29.38; Wilson & Cooke, $5.00; Will W. Thompson, $16.80; E. C. Wnr- ren, $278.50; C. W. Rislev, $132.13; O. P. Rocthe, $140.03; D. J. Ahhy, $3.30; Jacob Risley, $7.00; Ira Hart, $43.50; W. A. Cook, $37.00; C. G. Jones, $40.00; Alfred Jahn, $43.00; W. R. Esler, $12.30; W. H. Counsell, $10.00; Wallace McCord, $15:00; John Boick, $2.00; D. C. Howell, $2.50; Walter Marquardt, $58.00; Hugh Koncris, $0.00; Jim Edwards. $19.20: 84; I. I). Tavh.r. 113.44: W. tt.w.i $49.8(1; A. O. Hollingsworth. fl2.33 II. Balder, f 222.112; E. Gerber. $211. 38; II, L. Fredericks, $200.13; Field A Poortnan Truck Co.. $36.00; G. W. Pursifull, $15.18; F. W. WMthcr, fli.38; M. Christensen, f 16.52; A. Hiichel, f 03.84; C. Ober, fS.98; E. L. Deyoc, $40.63; G. T. Parry. $3f,.Kf; M. Worswirk, $10.26; R. Ilricklev. $33.25; II. Tiimner, $18.20; M. Pnttiii $22,10; II. I mel, $25.09; C. E. Hattin. $31.96; J. W. Munition, $25.29; P. J. Lawrence, $20.31; It. E. Wagy, f 1.80; A. Johnson, $19.41; W. R. Telford, $J0.70; II. Nans, $112.00; Joe Otor niatt, $28.00; Ji Meyer, $40.00; llerh Olson. $18.00: IVter S,h..ii. zer, $26.00; Teddy Coleliian, $8.00; II. Johnston, $10.00; G. Kelland, $10.00; H. Engel, $13.50; N. Norton, $1.00; W. Itnndall, $6.00; P. Huiras, $4.00; A. McFarliiml, $1.00; D. R. Dimick, $15.00; Put Hosier, $18.75; Harry Gillmore, $10.00; Win. Rider, $41.25; G. T. Fisher, $10.00; Claud Torgorson, $12.5(1; Rosco Mack, $10.00; C. C, Mills, $52.00; y Chubb, $54.00; Geo. Kindlier. $32.00; Paul Hany, $32.00; Chits. Thninas, $2.00; Edward Niichand, $4.50; Bert Marston, $2.00; Stefani I.uiiihor Co., $12.02; F. Zim- meniiiiii, $l(i.2;i; M. Tieilenian. $60.0(lr I'. I' HIS"!', H 1.(1(1; $8.00; W. Kaiser, Pros.. $25.00; C. C, Guy Dibble, $8.00; $6.00; Ebet ilred, $8.00; P. Zimmerman, $57.50; Adkins Kdwnrihi, $11.79; ('. D. Dickerson. Eldied, $6.00; C. H. Fl- G. It. Jackson. $1.00: Chiv Hungate, $2.00; II. J. Rastall, $6.50; CIiiim. Paikpile, $2.00; A. Ilogden. $5.00; I llogilen, $5.00: John Scot! $11.00; Mike Ryd.ewski, $1.00; L. P Elliott, $12.75; John Putz, $6.75; Carl Slromgreen, $4.00; Harlie Freeman, $3.75; C. A. Freeman, $3.75; A. S. Freeman, ?4.75; S. B. Brown, $3.75; L. Vullen, $2.00; Albert Bauer, $3.75; T. M. Roniuinc, $5.00; Jako Horner $2.50; F. Finzer, $1.25; Ward Jones. $7.50; Dan GnlTney, $25.00; H. A. Bat tin, $25.00; R. Johnson, $40.00; ,L Kepcha, $21.00; A. Martin, $21.00; C. Batten, $17,50; J. Zimmerman, $21.00; II. Imel, $12.50; Sol linel, $17.50; J. D. Crawford, $20.00; Nets Lundfark, $10.00; Carl Erickson, $6.00: Matt Pelterson, $.37.00; W. Dutcher, $72 00 W. R. Thomas. $35.00; John Hoscy' $36.25; P. Heilman, $23.75; E X Ecck, $25.00; Paclllo Tel. & Tel. Co." $8.60; G. C Maronay, $J.7C; Elmer Radford, $2.50; Homer ?.:0ulton, $2 -60; Wm. Fellows, $2.50; John Mit chell, $2.50; A. C. Baumhack, $2.75; Gus Ludwigson, $2.50; R. Ruthor, $2'. 50; Tom Bowen, $2.50; Tom Uuder- Henry Smith, $33.00; Frank Lambert,' ba $2.50; p" Osbor,! 70. B-6161; Local 371 Fresh Hsh. satisfactory churns. The ..i.n.eer tvoe requires a dasher or . ""V- r, m. I mold ana aour, .omewhat and . ugK.sn uo - , m 1UtU tt