Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 20, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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    4 -
onmov riTV r:Tr.iiriMSR. kimdav. octoiiki. d
nection with Coun
ty Srit.
oo this tide of the
All matter prrtuinlug Id Ihli
driiartmpiil can t Ukrn up with
Ml IVns rnnwr, local n-pr
(tentative of the Oawrgu llt-cord
Kindly phone new Items.
Advertising rtl mstl knawn upon
Mr Wodard rrlurtn-a) Iroiii I'al
Ifniiil and la wot king al the iiiticnt
('til a fi lm?
Mr and Mrs r Tomliu and Mr
It K IU' wrrr tlalloia III PuitUnd
f h a HaliK't. Sr. la auDi-nut f i
I Ki..m tMk riciird whi'e .'fkuii
i tn-ar Kunthorp
' Tin U'tv 4klii held a la
' Mar III the IHld rVltowa hall Iht rtfii.
In id IHtoU-r 3 1 t A liiitih fill he
mrd aim.
i-li ciiu-
Pfl-Ul lU
il ljl
d al
IISWEDO. IK t. 1! iSfts uli---.
Mr. und Mr. Chan. HU kncr ntrr- j
tallied friends and reltlvr at a flu"
hundred arty Thursday evcum: In:
their new homo.
The iwtrty a kImii in honor ofi
.Mra. Illtkiiir'a al-trr. Lcona Jarlach. '
on her birthday. Irirc cre glten
Those prcm-nt were: Mr. and Mr
Hulr Conft-r and daughter. Mr. and
Mm. Kd Confer and small son. Mr. and
Mrs. Cha. WuPlng. Mr und Mra Al
bcrt Walling. Mr and Mr. V. II. Jar
huh. Mr. and Mra. I.. Hallinan und
Mm. Mr. and Mra. I.. Hurlin. Mr
Hroock and daughter. Josephine. Mr
Edna Scott, ol Alcrdecn. and Tim Ilarlin.
Ktrrt IhhIv
, Ket. Drill, t'f Seat t If.
the CtitllcrrifatlKlial thui
. day rtrtnnc
I Mr and Mra. J V Uilnuiili from
lruietll'i rolled to lie their ui.
Mrrl Turaday. ahlle en their a
t.i MiMtnntllle hrr the) ciprvt to
make their home.
Vernon Nelwiii and iff. id Tilla
mook, lute relented to luake llu-
home In Portland The) ate l-tt tna:
their folka. Mr and Mr. I'atid Not
.'!! for a few da).
The lorvaa noelety will tin el al Die
home of A J Thompson thin week.
I .adlea" Aid luel at I lie t'hun h
Una Thurnduy.
Trustee' lueelliu of tile M K
ihurch lll Ik- rrhl.iy evening In the
(Intmlpia Toinlln le'ihratcd hm vlli
hlrlhday Thursday, the l:th. Mra. It '
K. Hate of I'ur.iud. Iowa, and Mr
Jo- Mi Inly rv ere cuentK at the din
ner parly.
Mm Myrtle Milkmaid al!eiidel a
dame In SI. Jolum Momla eeniiiK. ;
Ml. M. Dd of St. Johns, a a
Kuest al the hoino of Mr. and Mm
I! Melkmald thN ueek.
mk t;iaK. tin-, tkt it iSm
tlali-Thf lio. i !oi d II tllel
tit, n i i tat etk with an enrollment
of it: i'iii-ii
ili I'artnieiila hate hi i ll added
to the m IiihiI lour-.!' tin year, the
inaliual Irallilnc and doMimllt' loin t
The manual tialniliK demrtliieiit In
elude an iilModale piliitllii: of (Ire
The I'art nl Tearher aot intlotl held
the regular lioilink IYld..y ttilli the
in iieldelit. Mia. Utai kliiall. Ill Ille
thalr. The lialiie of aeteral lie
tueuiher ere enrolled, and aouie III
tereMtii! plana erf dleued for Hie
ork of the year. A iiiulrut la to he
held III the near future.
Kdilli Norhi -rat. one of Mi llottitt s
I'llplU. I llk
their way lit Han lli ,.o, ful , In Wlt
I Ihflr daui;hler, Mia. Kill"
j Hoy Diai kerliy and (.null) u turned
hoiiio from Alhaii)- Knd.it alter a
'pli.itdlil week l'illl with relulltea.
! Mia Deilii HoylliKnlioiil ol I'olt
. 'and M'i nl Tliurda' alteriioon al the
1 home u Mra. J. Itlley
Ml. M A. Illaekerhr and daiiKhler,
l.i la. nioloivit wltli fileuda out In
I'ailUhl I'rld.iy eteiilnn to pend a
' Heek al Iho homo of -: Heiitley.
I Mi Ilex latllipmall h.i Hinted lo
i the home of hi r mother. Mi Howard
I Krlilay
oak grove church notes.
Mrs. II. M. I Ii nlnn-r will hate mmi
for noiithern California where rhe e-pi-t
to remain for a few year.
Mrs Kdna Smtt of Aherdeeii, Mr.
and Mr 1.. H.irMn und Tim liarhm
railed on Herhert Nixon Suiiilav eten-
HVK IIUKVK. tire. IM l' -iSi'f
rial l- ItoKiil.ir rertliea Suiiilav morn
I It a: hy the p.i.lor. Kit. lo IlilaUii!
topu. "What N a Comiiiiiint)
Chun h"-
Time nii-iiil'i it were lidded to the
i linn h roll la-t Sunday
Kleitrlr lli;hta hate heeii lnt.illed
III the pariotiui:f.
Mra. I't-loliK ha heen teriounly III
for the lat wet k. It wait feared for a
lime pneumonia had net In. Shu In
roMinc and nun li improted ut tlila
latnt Olday etetiiiii; II. Krilm Kate
the lloy SroutH and their frlendn a
pleasant hour und a half hy allowing
tlewn of Mount Hood und Adams.
The olfu ers for the Sunday m hool
for the etmnliii; year were eletled last
("rldav etetilnic They ure. C. I.
Smith. sii rinteii lent , II. II. Spaiild
Ini:. ussidtant aiipe rintendent : Citlli
ruie Kukit. seeretary; M l.llhan
f t a a t I , , , ,
t'. iSpeilall
Slaflold tin
- tleorne llaon wan
Kor Wedllemluy.
Mra. V. II. '.It li,-)- h.ib nhopplni;
Portland Monday.
Mra. S. S. Iloiiti and litlle aoua. C.
A in one. Shirley and Jean, spent Tiien
day afternoon with Mr V. II. Zlf
ney C. C and II. M. Holland wire In the
Itose City Wednesday
Mr. S. S. I Urn ii ti was entertained
hy -Misa llildur Curlson. of I'orllund
Herhert II. tiiiiuan of HeilwiMid''
farm, who returned home from Mik
halo. Ore, lant wtik Is altendliii: IiIkIi
mhiMil In I'ortlnnd lion
Mr. and Mm. A. K Thonma were In
Dretoii Clly Wednesdav.
Joiieth Zitney was In Osweno Tues
day. C. Wilson wua inarketlui; dresMil
chli kena In Portland Weilnesday.
Joneth Johnson was a huslin-a la
llor in Portland Wednesday.
Corkiu Aikerson whs the (tuest of
his niter Mra. ('. ('. Horland Saturday
li I K Ii t und Sunday.
The Mlssea Juliette and Irenw llali t
spent the weekend In Portland.
Mra. Italpli Potter and son. Clareiu i-.
Rl en hy Dial inlleiii for wheal al the
atale fair.
Mr. tdsi n of Haleiu, waa In IUoii
Mile oil Wi'illieadav, IniylUK rioter
aeed for an eastern flim.
Potato and union Iniyeia hate heeii
niimeroiia In llila Ii lull y ilurln llie
pant week Pnliiloea hate heell no
Inn at l III and onions are liearluK
llie $.' mi mark
Mr. and Mra. Kullieifuiil relurued
on Saturday from a huiitliiK trip Into
soul hern Hiruoii and Mra KutlierfoiJ
la reieliliia roiiaratululloiia iiihui
htiiTClim home a fine hear akin, hailim
shot ' Ml. Urillll" lielself
'The haimlUK of linns wua heal d oil
evert hiiiiill.ist Simdu), as the Knuie
liuiiler put lortll (heir hesl efforts
on that (''using day of llie aeasoii
Till" yoimner aet la'hkliiK foi .nd
to the dame on Saturday iikhl.
Mrs Hay linker hits heeii iiiltn III
lor I he past week.
Kt4iotornor West waa presented
lo a Wllsnut IHo audli nee last Suud.iv
eteiiliiK hy Mra. TornliiK. president of
iho io.u i w. c. t. r. at i do ,i y.
t hiireli The leelure ttas mm h en
Joyed hy all present und was a sploii
did, prai'lUat talk, nlouit leiuperaiu e
lines In retard to the i online elei tlon
III .Voieinher There wna speeiiit
sinmiii! hy the rliiinh i holr
ls of Mr. and
is eujoyinic a
from Wa-liln-
K. I'atiilson
week, hnvini;
OSWEGO. Oct. 19. (Spetlalt
The Oswego grange fair held on Sat
urday, October Htb. was very uuccess
ful. The attendance was about ?')
The displays were ninny and Inter
esting. Old family relics, some
of tbem dating back over 20u years
ago: fancy needle work, quills und
rugs were In evidence, and the agri
cultural nhowing surprise) any ihat
they have ever had. The literary pro
gram was good.
Mr. IHnlut and V.
were near Molulla this
Mr. and Mr. Vernon Centers hate
returned from a six weeks' stay near
l.ents, where Mr. Centers had obtained
work for the time.
Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Juris. Ii called on
Mrs. Annu Malson, of Vancouter. Sun
day. Jesse Hagby, of MolaHa, railed on
relatives this week. 1
Mrs. Ira Jones has returned from u
visit with son and family at Dallas. I
Mrs. (Jus Smith has returned from ,
the convention of Woman's club held 1
at Seaside. Oregon. ! Mr. Hardestry, Harry Worthington,
and ( harleg Coloskey and wife lot 1 1
i last week for the head of Osnegu laU
Mr. and Mrs. ("has. Hlckner called
Sunday to see Frauk llautiy. who has
been ill for several days at the Sell
wood hospital. Mr. liagby is an uncle
of Mrs. Hickncr. They also spent a
few hours with an aunt. Mrs. Cuhin
Hagby, of Oregon Clly.
iiiiuni-K.il. Mipt-riiiieiincni oi prnii.iry oi .xiikKaio, t're , are eu
department; Miss Margaret Huddles, i Mrs. II. T. Imuran
ton. superintendent of attendance: i Mrs. W. II. Zhm
Mrs. .1. . Kuks. superintendent ofltlslt with her moth
home department, assisted by Mrs. ( ton.
Janus Hurt and Mrs. I.. Wilcox; Mrs Kred l.eliniun. a local rarmer waa in
I. Pun. superintendent of cradle roll, i tin- Hose Clly Saturday
K. A. Daker. who was to hate spok I James Tiedmun formerly of Ha.-idia.
en In re last Sunday will be on hand ; but now of Oswego, was a guest ut
at v p. m. Sunday. Maple Knoll farm Saturday.
Mrs. I.. M. Davidson of Island Islu
hee farm Is enjoying a tisit with her
Theodor Stelnhiller spent the week
OAK CiliOVK, Ore. Oct. iSpe end in Portland,
clali Miss Kachel WorthliiKton re- Mr. and Mrs. A. K Thomas went
turned home Saturday evenliu from lum Inun guests at the former's par
Prendel, Wu.-h. I cuts Sunday.
Miss Katie Oetken gate a party Krl-i Those ''"' Hueha who attended
day etenini: to a few friends, ti'dtiies Osei:o grange Saturday were: Mr.
and other umuseineiils filled iii llieaml Mr"- (" '" I'tTlunil. II M. llor
etenlng. Kefreshments were served I lam1' Mn- (-hllds. Mrs. A. W. Worth
by the hostess. Ington. Mrs. Kn d Udimun und i dill-i
dren. Mrs. A. K. Thomas, Theodore!
Steluhllber. Mrs. S. S. Ilounlz und sona I
Mr. Ackerson uml Mr. and Mrs I.. M
Mrs. C. H. Klsluli returned this week
from a visit with relatives near Amitv.
(iravenhorst. of Salem, was a
C. E. Spence. the state master. ! Buest of Will Hickncr s Sunday, He
gave an address on "Good Roads" and i Hved in Omvei:o several years before
King Wilson on the county division. '. moving to Salem.
ion. ...
j ,ii r on i-iii e flu
Wm. Xaul was a culler at
llorland home Sunduy.
Mrs. Stella Shipley of Oswego spent
the week-end with her daughter. Mrs.
Kred Lehman.
Mr. and Mrs. frank Davidson, were
Oswego visitors Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Shipley und
son of Osweno, were luncheon guests
ut the Kred Lehman home Sundav.
Many splendid musical numbers
helped lengthen the program and was
enjoyed hy all present.
OSWEGO, Oct. 19. (Special I
The Oswego cement plant has again
resumed operation. It seems a prob
lem for the company to secure enough
cars from the Southern Paciiic to keep
the plant running. Hut us sufficient
cars have been assured for their im
mediate future use the plant I
running full blast.
of Hepplur,
has been spending u few weeks with
! Mrs. Eugene Worthington.
j Mrs. Fred Simontoii, of Portland,
i called on her sister, Mrs. Weightnian,
I this week.
J Waller Coon and Edna Yates, of St.
i Johns, were guests at the home of Mr.
i and Mrs. W. II. Yates Sunday.
j Mollie Jackson bus gone to Salem on
, account of illness. She has been work
ling at the home of L. Davidson's for
I several months.
Mrs. Herb Nion's baby girl
, Francis, has been quite 111.
John and Henry Kickner are
reported on of the sick list this week,
j Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCauIcy and
family of Portland, called on Mr. and
' Mrs. P. II. Jarisch Sundav.
' I
WILSONVILLE. Ore., Oct. lit.
(Special) Elei lion notices ure post
ed In prominent places "jogging" the
memory for November 7th.
Stangi'l brothers returned from
their bunting trip to southern Oregon,
on Wednesday.
has been undergoing
il repairs, tin- farm
d work on the gravel
How Catarrh is Contracted.
Classifying Him.
A gentlciiiiiii who ilini'il regularly at
n certain restaurant often nnleied u
jgiinij ,p,x,. l-!i op ,;V (.,,u,,te,l (hem
! nd I' id but eleven. Still (mother
. d.iy the dozen was nne short. He
!l."n r"i'nld.
I called llie waiter und iiske.l him, "Whv
. i do you give onlv eleven i-lains when I
Mothers are sometimes so thought-1 ril;,p ,wpvpV. '
,,. , . ,' tlllllK .V I s;tlll In In" silllloj lllil'lcoii
oi iliu ijiiivuo iiitrin oi dill-, ,i Olbl I:' Ul'., y t'tblli sf
becomes chronic and the i lnl.1 lu.,
chronic catarrah, a diseuse that isi
seldom curea anu mat iiuiy prove a
life's burden. Many persons who have
this loathsome disea?)' wil' r'-iuelnbtT
having had frequent colds at the time
it was contracted. A little lore
thought, a bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy Judiciously used, and
all this trouble mlcht have been avoid-
ed. Obtainable everywhere. j
i.ii-cd t b'nr that you
nne s L'ucst ut Ills week
Hon ,an you a-o"i:ite
v ulgar U iiiiitV"
There Were vo !:in:v nice
peoie liiiioii'.' the gnosis Unit wediilli'l
have to imsoehue with I ji; host ut oil."
-New Voi L World.
; we-
end part;.,
with su,., n
to cut piling.
Fred II. Harris, Sr., who has been
111. is able to be out. but walks wltu
a cane.
The Needle-craft and Domestic Sci
ence rluh met at the home of Mrs. I
J. II. Evans Tuesday afternoon. He-'
freshnients were served.
Queen, the H year-obl Spit, dog
owned by (I. A. Kinder, died from poi
son Thursday morning.
A. L. l.ullard's dog was imisoued j ?
Sunday morning, but by prompt work j
the dog was saved. j
A surprise party was given Vernon! ''
Dennett Saturday evening ul his home! ;
near v ouruiey roan. About '.i vounii
people wen- present and spent tl
evening dancing. Dainty refreshments
were served.
Mr. Coplin. father of Mrs. lieorgi
Digham is seriously ill at his daugh
ter's home. Mr. Coplin Is m; tears
Mrs. C. L. Vosbeig and three ohil. Tin; Elder hill
dren spent Sunduy in Portland at the! some much-need
Mary ' borne of Hugh Cameron. j its having dona!
I Mr. and Mrs. It. E. Webb liiiv roail with t';iniM.
moved to the Carl Xehren house, i or-i Antone Hatalgia
hit of Lee and Center streets. i proving his property
.Mr. and Mrs. Charles Worthington i
have moved in to their own home, cor
ner or i. enter and t edur streets, alter ;
an absence of one year, a part of '
. which thy spent in Richland, Ore. j
Mrs. Maud Skogg is visiting friends'
. at Halsey.
j Mrs. Glenn Alynn, formerly of Oak !
Grove, but now of eastern Oregon, is
! visiting her daughter, Mrs. .1. Dean
i Mrs. .Maud Skoog is visiting friends!
; to the Drown resilience at (he head of i
j Courtney avenue in the near future. '
' Miss Ethlyn Risley Is teacher In Hi
Hasiham school at Orei:oii City.
Miss Elizabeth Wagner was eh-oled
Thursday by the school board of On
Kon Clly to teach in the high school
I Mr. and Mrs. Osmer Cook, of Th
! Dalles, wee Sunday evening gin-st.-. ,o
I me uome oi .vjrs. m. a. lilaokerby, on I Audi
, ineir way nome Horn their fi in s place
I near Albany.
! D. O. Worthington i;i driving di liv-
j ery for W. II. Stokes.
; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Spauldiiig were
. n-t... .. t . .
IO.I-- iiiuinuu) inun nuinpier, ire.. on
Th Way Ha Oncovar.J h Diamoni.
Fuldt of South Africa.
(Lite you i ter be.iiil bow diamond
were ilis.vicir I in ShiiIi Afiha? And
did you kliotv that I ii II Dhislea was
the limn who made llie ill, ut i-ry ? lint
hiTe la (he stm t
A lieiinnii iinilel in kln mid ostrich
fea tilers from Die Intel lor. Willi pleter
mailt r Inn s as bis fr.uiiiei aiatbui.
drote iiiM I apt Toti u one afternoon
He bud been Inn months diluting In
Ills wagons, . in Ii ill u t ii by ten yoke
of long b'Tin.l i.xeu. ti.iiu the fnmller
trading si-t mi iiu-.l
This tiader. iiuioug .ihcr cuilous
things, hail a doncii m tert luillhuit
li'lililcs will, h be was how lug In his
"l ine sss Imi'ii- ol glolmliir iiiurtx,"
said a ili tor hew It united, w lm had
j Just enough a sii, itlel Ing of geologt
I In know nothing lit nil iilsuit It.
"Would you niln. I giving me one or
I two of tlne pebliles'i ' said n lull
dark sklunisl slender t.miig num. "Or
1 I tt III lint t In-Ill (mill tun ut ttliatetei
you mn.v consider lln in ttortli I hate
no sii. h stoi'.Hi n mt mills tlon at
"My ileni sir'' the other leplled.
with the Ilea tlui'ss of a dweller on
the veldt, "too ate very welcome to a
isuiple Pick mil any I n o you ma r
fancy ."
The dark young man arlii-lnl Inn
n I Mm t as huge us a medium sl.-ed hick
ory nut. tlninl.isl the trader and lm
mislliitely sei.t the "globulur qnartx"
off In Amsterdam As lie thought.
(he renirt mine buck sating that the
stones were diamonds of liu'oinpiirn
hie thin lessness Then started the
rush to the illiiinond Holds - Philadel
phia North American
Whan Haakad Tht.a Oamr Fi.K Al
Hi f ighl la FimaN.
bin k l'i-s I. Hir 1)1 of Ihf
alfc naiiui IWIn-a of Allirlba
lisause ha la iml only Hiral
In iiiiiarnlar iin'iK) anil llnlila Ilka a
liiillilo;. yrl In dia stieiniuii. rtToita lu
fsrnHs khiiw slniosl liulnail lolrlll
(eiii-d lie Mill Mill III and then mi a
luik llu leap lulu Ilia air ami ahaka
tils IhnIjt In Ills )' (Toils In dlslodg flit
till I'alhng. down In Dm "d h
urgea and dntts a round a tunkru risk.
'If In sever the gut leader mi Ihr
sharp or rngg) edges, or, falling, aeek
the IhiIIoiii and I heir, lln.eeli. I'la
I Ilia h .-lm it I lint U-lnrell I mi ainall
rtsl, and I i Ihls foltlt's of ilefelur
l'. Jlk. J on ihf. Unit mill Ii na ilotl
Jrlka at nd'O lu bl III thn band
Some anglcia hut roiitpanil tlila ac
(loll of Iba h" In Ihf milk of the
nluioii, mIiI. Ii Is irttri tlta on h lutaa
I hit lietrr anils, but la rtcr hi action
and lliilita In a llnlh
Hul tlii-stt Irnlls of llie black baas
are like alorles uuiny tliuea told lo Hm
old angler for "bioiKel.n. kera," bill (lie
tuuiiK 'nil H'lliil Is )r n pats
Ihroiigh (be thrilling rii-crloiir of
DghlluK an Impaletl has, wllh a llgh(
rod. a gistsainer leader and a featbertsl
It), and It I well In nam him of Hid
aimlullr gynith.us of Ihn .Mlrrnplrrua
diilomler, fur silrh Is Hie tclclilUk' liolll
d plume of nitr bmlly llghli-r. All
Lincoln's. Quttdon Waa a Potar Far
Hia Lawyae Oppanonl.
The Into Colonel Water al the Hum
of Ida dentil Ii id practiced Ian longer
t tt it any other lawyer lu Kausna City,
lie wua mliiillted In the bar In Jla
I i-ouni. in.. iN'iori lie waa meniyoiie
I yean. old. Abrahaui Lincoln wna a
lawyer prailblng In thn atne dlstrbt
j (hen. am W aleis nle lu die same
t circuit w llh Mm. Once Colonel Wa
(era retiilnisl I.N frieinl tu help Ii I tit
III a case.
The o'""ilng lawyer, sail Hie Kali
ans Clly Star, dematiileil mm of Ibelr
wltm-ss.-a should nnsvv.r u certain
llieatlnti ttllh a dlle. t "es" or ".So"
Ulliolll conleliilisl (ho iicsto could
no) In- niiswcnd lu that way.
"There'a lm ipteslloii on earlli thai
can't Ih- niisvteied ttllh a dli.t 'rs
or 'No.'" declared the lawyer.
"Voii take (he stand for a moment
nod I'll show you," ill Lincoln.
The lawyer .'k llie "(and. ami Lin
coln asked 111 lit ' Hive ymi ipill lieat
big your w Ife?"
The lawyer iNsauie iliillgiiaul. and
Lincoln ii-iM-ainl his iiiestlon. The
Juilge, liiiiLlnug ben it I ly. Iitslslis the
lawyer must nnswcr
Willi I he nl, I ol t I In. ) liters won
Hie i use. I.i.-o', ch.iigisl II I tt '". a
laiLe fee In Ibose iluya
Lit'l Foolad Than.
Wiapped In his diesslliii gown ntel
with feel Incased lu sllps-ts, Fraiu
IJszt was silling comfortably one etc
uliig In Ids in lie hair ready for tvoi k
and Inviting inspiration. On the llooi
nlsiw lu (lie mini (iiii-iils of a hunker a
le'ls) ninth si 'Hie mis in prognsa
I'nloiiMlsi had -ii .ii l.. alia and
in lollies h id (..II. on. I iniiil.
hen iiddiiilt Ibe d'sii of Die salon
npflinl and U-'l ii.liml sllll ras-i
III hi dietslng town Ilia aatonlsh
llielil of hc . oli'l'.llil lint If llli lgllinl
Mtll alow H . I l-l wa'si'd Inward
Hie plaini and Ibe lining key ("inliilri
aim tta. allllug al il ipil. kl) lef( bis
phot. I l s.i d 'ttii al Ilia liialrn
in ill I . raieli-ssli swept bis lllnfi'is otri
Ihf ke) a If In (ii'iii le, ami I bell and
ilenly lie "hut d.n.ii Ibe mtri iiud put
Hie kit In his ss lil n. I ii II 1 1 n la
la wllh Die sn Iiaiopill air allli
Hlik b he lm I ri li ii I he iienl iml and
iiluiind In bis i.huii w heie ha ouiM
a oi k al his e
Firaman AUm D-asd Thai Tp al
Winhi ut Canllagiation.
A It of llie lint Die III. llu u idea I
I yit-ul deal Is a bin" In a lolloii naif
hiui.e 'I hi so Una gnicittte all lm
Ineiisf ninniitit of ilciie surTis alll'.'
aiiuikf and If "Use of ll.ls fie I hatti I
be fought nl I i . Iiclti'lv frnlH lb"
oillsl.le of Hie bull. Hi. s Ibe sinnsr I.
of I. si dniigi nnis a .hmuilt r In alln"
llie Incn .i li lii.i ii in. t Icn. Ill of lluie
In.li'e Ttieiel Ibe llie lighting has
In U- d nlli. lt (n In the oulsde
ij Miiirliig gti il slienina of waler
Ihniiigh Ibe wliiihota mil ibs'iwats
tliilll II Is finally " Imwiie l nut "
Ihcie la mi nd lnl d.ini'er al fln a of
this tyf I In. I I- ted cciinal'y know n
llie lolloll b. me 1'iokel so ilosfli
III Ihesf Imllillngs with itu'ially lei
spare iN'tttei n II . in mid sin h mi rin-i
llliilla at 111 ml I ' t ol w nli-r 1 1 1 1 1 -1 11 Used
lii cilllignl.il the bie. thai Dm rotlmi
nlis. it s (he w it.i nod Isglua o swell
And Ibe "sin HIiil " ol etpnnsloii of II..'
r.ill. nl lias been sill!! Icnl In a li uliils t
n f inn's to Im e ..ul Dm waHa of Die
building, unit ug Ibe .tin Iiiiii In lum
hie lilt" Die sic. mid within a sliml
lime inlet Die null. n k of Dm file
'Ihls wua llu- hi e nl a Hie la a ml
Imi itarebiiiise In niilh tin ni hil sc.
eral yews ac" IDilu Dm e ipuirler
of an limit n f f r 1 1 I -. the .1 ute-t. a'
though II tins in a -u'.-t inilnl I "'king
stone bllllilln.' li e u tills S'll 'i llli
buli e-l out and - tasl.id Into Ibe stt.il
ami a iiunilei f Hi. men ttnikiug item
by Hallow It o.id Icing kllbs
Charles T Hill In SI M. Indaa
Sunken 8bi a Mark Hia Cravo
Then are iniiiit uiniiiiuieiits In Hi
"falht-r of Hi" I'.illl h luity." Sir Finn
els Drake. Duma limit Die wnihl. bill
Ills tomb" Is III tin gleilt deep IIm ii
whli Ii lm in uli' bis I'ter'nstiug fame
Hi il til Jau '.". I.ViV lu Ida ship Die
Dcllinii-e. near Die lottu of Nomine d
ins. West Indies, and In a leaden
mill n bis Isiily ttss lowered bilo the
Waves aoin, sly miles from shore. A.
a last honor to him Inn of his ships
with all Dm prl'rs Dial were In the
fleet at Ibe I line, were sunk Is-sHe his
casket Al Die lilim of his death the
great admiral was In hia fl ft If h yrai
and In (he prime of Ids pbysbnl and
liitellii'luiil potters. Since Ills death
Die llrlllsb unit, has never been with
out n ship Is'iir ng his imme V.
en ware i burns are especially uiidcair
able unless perfectly glu.i'd, since it
pores ure exposed they absorb milk
and cream which later decay. Churns
With tnechiilili'iil devices IiihIiIc Ibelll
uro dirirult to clean uml sometimes in
jure thn body of Iho butter.
Tho churn should ho scuhled prepu-
HANDLING rutory to churning, but should be
cooled with water before Die cream Is
plaieil Inside, 'l lie cream should be
poured In through u course strainer.
has bi-en inl
and is having a
well drilled near his house.
Three carloads of onions have gone
out of Wllsonville lu the past week.
; Mrs. M. ('. Young returned on Sun
day from a trip to Thn Dulles, where
' site went as a deleuute to the State
Congress of Mothers. I
The Commercial club has resumed
I its meetings on the 2nd and Ith Fri
days of each month.
Mrs. Cora llaselbrink Is leaching at
I'ltion district, und goes back and
j forth on the Oregon Electric railway
each day.
! Mrs. Wm. Hrobst entertained the W.
tC T. I'. in a delightful manner on
Thursday alteriioon. 1
Ed linker li.nl some chickens stolen,
on Saturday night, the parties coming!
. after them in mi automobile. I
,liss-s GladvH mid Leah Wagner'
'spent the weekend at their home.
Mrs. Aubrey W'ooJ and daughter,
The adoption of more careful meth
ods of handling milk und cream und
improved practices in the making of
I a i in butter will reduce rather than
Increase the trouble Incident lo home
production of this food, says dairy
dairy specialists of the department,
and will result in a superior product
which can he sold more easily and for
a better price than the average farm
butter. Last year about :!i),0ll0,00U
pounds of butter, much of which origi
nated on Hit farm, vvhh washed or ren
ovated because it was of such poor
uunllty tiiat It could not be profitably
offered on the regular butler mar
kets, t.
Cream ulone should lie churned. It
may be skimmed as soon us it I'm.
or may he separated by a mechunlcal !
sepiirator. The hitler plan Is the,
more ell'li lent, and though reipilrlng
a considerable Initial outlay often will
be profitable. The cream should he
set aside In a clean place by scpiruM
I tiillklngs. A temperatetire of 50 do.
In order In secure colli, much ol
which has undoubtedly been very sei
IouhI.v damaged by the early frost,
suitable for seed for next season'a
crop, farmers should K through I lu ll
fields before cutting Hie corn for sil
age and snap off till of Dpi more nut
turn ears which show reasonably good
I'll early frost has caught a good
The prices of meal animals- hogs,
cattle, sheep, and chickens lo pro
ducers of llie Culled Stales Increased
I I per cent from August lfi lo Septem
ber Hi; in tho past six years prices In
creased In like period O.fl per cent, ac
cording lo the depart i t of agricul
ture. On September 15 the Index fig
ure of prices for these meat animals ' ,,, , r .., ,,iry ,,,., ,.,. M im mini
was about 2:1.7 per cent higher than a nlll ., (lf it will be unfit for seed
year ago, 10.5 per cent higher llnin I irl,m,Hl" Huys (I. It. Hyslop, special
two years ago, and .a per cent high-. h( , f,,ia erops al Die Oregon Agti
er than thn average or the pni.l six (;unurtt college
years on September la. I ., . w1 ..,, .,, ..
very scarce article next spring.
"Hy going through tlui field und
snapping of Hie more mature ears.
Tho prlco of hogs flu Heplembei' I.'
averaged for the Dulled Stales f!i.'.'-'
per Kit) pounds, ciimpnioil with f.s.nl
a mouiii ncioie, v,.r. a ye.n n,.u, i. . i lirml.H ttil rripicnCy be ahln In no
$7.IN, Hie average Heptciiiber l j price ,.,.,, Hu I IhI'im t illy seed. These eais
of I In; past six years. should he husked out w ithin a lew
Href ralDo averaged J I . T per Hit) ' da) il and stored on the drying men
pounds, compared with il..'l u inoutli recommended hy Ihn college, in some
Mii.s Jessie Angus und bi other,
accompanied bv Mr. and itlrs. Hairy
Say and daught-r, Jessie, went to New
berg, on Sunday by auto.
Hi.nry Jaeger will attend the O. A.
C. this winter, having won the prize
Villiger & Schleiss, Props.
Pure Milk and Cream All New Sanitary Implement!
High Grade Inspected Cattle
B-6I6I; Local 371
First and "A" SU. Oswego, Oregon
due Co Lynn, Irfasi., for special a rice, It will be confidential. should be much better ti,iH
Can Always be Found at the
Oswego Meat Market
Fresh Cured Hams, Bacon and Other Products
Fresh Fish.
H. BETHKE, Prop.
year. I
I,. ..I I si ilop.hiV
III III lOIHI.I.l. "!.. t. ... 1.1 I ...I,,,. I
I 1 given ' mi i . r i -1 iiiimi.oi nc it tain i u i ii
until ri out li to ik hours oeiore citiiru
ing time, v, hen (he various batches
should bo stirred together well und
brought to ti leuiperaltiro of about. 70
degrees E. bv placing the container in
a bucket of wurm water. One of the
;j first ads of the farm housewife who
ilocidoK to adopt Improved nielhoiis
should be to purchase a dairy lliermo
meler. Temperatures play an import
ant part in the development of flavors
ill butter, and nlv. uya tdiould be do-j
termined villi fair iieiui ucy. Al ter j
thn cream Is mixed it sliouM be kepi
ut approximately 70 dei.-ri.es E, until j
Just before cliurni ig time, when II
should be reduced to about h degree
V., where this Is possiblef or to such
temperature not above i:5 degrees E.
as to complete the opera! leu of churn
ing within 25 or .10 minute .
The barrel type has lcen found by
dairy specialists to be one of the most
satisfactory churns. The dasher or
tiluiii-'er troe reoulre a lomewhat
ago, li.(il a year ago, and $. HI. llie
average IT. price of the put t six ycitrH.
Shep averaged $(!.2ri per 1(1"
poiuu.s, ciimtuired with $tTl a inonlli
hefoie, Sa.Oli a year ago, and $1,111, (he
averut.e Septeiiilier l'i price of Die past
hIx years.
These average are based upon re
ports of several thousand correspond
ents of the bureau of crop estimates of
the department.
Our Jitney Offer Thli and 5c.
DON'T MISS THIS. Cut nut this
slip, cne'.oso with 5c und mall It to
Eolev ft Co.. Chicago. III., writing your
name and eddress ( lenrly. You will
receive in return a trial package ron
tnlnlng Eoley's Honey and Tar Com
pound, for coughs, colds and croup;
Foley Kidney 1'Ills, for pain In sldeR
and buck: rheumatism, backache, kld-
nev and bladder ailments; and Koley I
Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and
thoroughly cleansing cathartic, for
constipation, biliousness, headache
and sluggish bowo's.. Jones Drug Co.
r r
VIWCU) VlCffWia . poiur-i w ic 1
- jylf-l ftmnr. mm -j u a.a.y . a av PwaMiy aui 0uy -1
place Hint Is warm with a current ol
uli'. Most ol the i in unit ure corn may
be dried In suificleiitly good condition
to germliuile and produce gaud com
next year.
"This season has been lute as to
growing and early us to front. Il
very forcibly demount rales Dm uncus
It y for an early to a medium maturing
variety of silage corn, both from Die
Htandpolnt of iptallly of sllagu und abll
Ity to secure sufficient send to keen
up Iho crop.
I'mler no condition try In store the
Immature corn In bulk or on shelves,
or In sacks. If you do, it will cer
tainly mold. It should bo put on
nicks or on wires, or should hn lied
up with strln:; ho that no two ears
touch und so that the air has access
to each ear. Put the corn in a place
that Is wuiin und in a draught and It
wl'l dty out ipilckly und without
Hproiillnu. if put Into n pi ico that Is
warm nnd without ventlluDon tho Im
mature, corn Is likely to sprout at
once. If put Into a cool place without
ventilation, the tendency Is for It to
mold and sour. Corn will successful-
' Iv stsnd 1.10 degrees. P."'
2,'.o u box. ( dv.)