r OffEHON' f'lTV KNTKIMMtffiK. riflliA V. OCTOUKU ;, i?ui; City Government To Costs$34,647Next Year, Is Estimate Allhnorh lb li.lul lirlnlliliK lul in i ii li I tu I Kmcriimnnl In 1 1 1 7 ant cull milled l only ll,ii7 l.O, mi iiiiiipitiid Ilk (i,l'iill. tin luillliK I'HHHI lined to nine m runl . fur lt year, rcciuii un ii.l.ill.'iin . H i.rlil. il Hi llm IiiccIIiiK ii I In. illy ilium II Thursday night ptntldr fur Hi" appinpiluilnii of l,r.i7to In i'na of Hi" Hiroriu in. IK. en lildllis; mnlicy lined l I HI" umianta of Hie pri'vlnu enr. Tlii rullmule In merely a leiilulhii plliMll lllllll wllllll till I lllllll llllll'll iimr Im Ihi'lr rfforlii at fiiiinliiK u budget Hi mi I'H'i ullve aesitliiii on Moil iluy I'li'iiliiR II n ho w n . lum cu r, lliul it Inlnl ol I Mil Kill piobubly be il iluii.-.l from three ull'rrlulltiM ami a Inlnl o( 1 1, 7 111) lll tin added to fill' u ( t lr lw t ! i li m 1'hn cmcrgeiirle lllllil . fell I, lul fur I Im I HI budget ha I ii i.i'iii.il to ilntii III III" mini of II. 071 M and to guunl against "'I'll iiiinlllli.il licit year It In rei'iiliimeiidcd JOHN JOSEPH SENT 10 SUITE HOSPITAL. AND HE MAY BE DEPORTED NATIVE MAGYAR IS BEUIVEO TO OE INSANE PORTLAND INTERPRETER HERE Ji.lin Joseph, whimc nationality HUH ill ti riiilni d only fti.r a doI'll Inter pn ten were liroiic.lil bi.fori' lilm, w inkcn to the niliii' honillul for l In- In sunn Wednesday iiIkIiI for temporary ircuimcnl II" will probuhly be dc purled. .lnncph In a native Mt:r. llii- mill mil llunjculai) stock. Ir. II. 8 Muiint. who conducted tin' I'laiiilnallon ul Jucph tii'fnrn t'oiility JuiIki' Anderson. u aided liy Mr lvuk, of pnrtlund, a Mur.Vur who la ulli' to rurry on con vcimilnn llh Joseph wild lltlle lrnnl.lt' Tin' mull l i.i "l.al.ly nul lniine, ul Hi... ii li lila i niiviTnalli.ti la not rullun ul ul Ilium. Hi' went llirtitich nil II"' unusual physlriil tents of anility satis la. lurlly Mra l.ovuk declined In du ller i. pinion uf tlir iiimv .Iiim .i Win i inllv. roiLiiiliir rcpri'H mutative of I hi' Austin lluiinr.rlnn nil 1 I'lri', wua Intiri'itlril In the line, uml! Mil hum Ii to help li ul uiillii.rltli'H lliul i mi Interpreter who ruulil talk with lilm Joseph Ih u Niiliji'i t of lluiiKury. lum .h wa hi'lil In III" roiinty Jail him i' Mn on a i Iiuiki of liin i ny In n ilwi'MliiK. 'Hi" Kruml ur, now In (....li. ii. will irol.ulily mil m.ik" n i" nun In Hi" in "iv JOHN M'COOT TELLS DF I EX U. 8. ATTORNEY CHARGES AD MINISTRATION TOO WEAK TO HANDLE GOVERNMENT. Thr hii'iipailty of Hit' il ountl" luirty to iiiiiiiiiki till- fnri'lr.n ulTiilrH of III" I'llltt'll SlUll'H WUH .llilllHl..'ll Wi-ilnusilay ii Ik lit liy John Mrfimrl. i v I'nllcil Stuti'H iitliirni')-, ut a l!.'.iih I h nil n.lly ut Cliu kiimiiH. He ri-vli'Wi'il Hi" i rnil" 1'inl ri'i'lili' luillrli'M ailopti'il Inwuril Mi'xli'o liy I'rcHlili'iil WIIkoii. II.. rhlllKi'il till) ili'llllliTlltH with licliiK iiiinlili' to Imiitlli' Ilio rcliiH of Kovi'in iiii'iil. nml Kiilr Hi")' hiul, wllliln Hiclr luirty, nu hIuIi'niiiiiii of tlu limail ini'ii lul riillhrt' of Knot, Knox or Itooscvi'lt, liitirKe ('. Iliowticll, ri'imlillc nil nil illiliitu for ri'pri'Ki-ntallvi! ntiui ki'il tlm "xlruviiKiiiH'd of Hm liml li'Klslntiir" uml iliu'lnrt'il Hint Ilio Hint" of (iri'Knu is Ininli'iii'il wild no Ii'hh tlinn II I.iiiiiiIh nml ('oiiiiiiIhhIoiin Hint mi' "nt Im? Ilii'lr wuy Into pockula of Hie ln-iiiyc-K. II" in::i'il li pinniiilii of I't'om iimy. William M. Stoii". Ih" nomhiiM! for illHtrlct nlloriii'.v, rmimiri'il llii' hih'IhI Hirirt iiH'tliudH of Hi" ilhilrh't nt tor iii'.v'h offlrti, uml piiiiiiIhiiiI, If I'liTtcil, lo run Hm nfflri for Hm nnlury IIximI by law, nml mild Im would Have Hit laxpiiyiTH of Cliu'kuinuM (ounty rhino lo i 1000 pi r yenr. John Yohiii:, a nminlmr of Hie coun ty ci'iitrnl ciiiiiinllt"!' from Cluckiitiiiin, pri'Klili'd. AT PORT ANGELES, WASH. BODY WILL BE BROUGHT HERE FOR BURIAL BY MASONS ON SATURDAY. David W. K In iiiilril. ex-county sur veyor of C'ackainiiH enmity and for ncveral yearn city engineer uf Oregun City, died nt 8:110 o'clock Wednesday night nt his home In Hurt Angeles, Wash . iu' ording to word received here Thursday. Mr. Kinnulrd lived In Oregon City nbout 20 yeni'H. Multnomah lodgo Vu. 1, A. I' & A. M., of n hli h he wim a past master, will hnvc charge of the funeral which will he he'il In thin i ll v Saturday. In terment will be In Mountain View cemetery. He was also an Oddfellow. Mr. klnnaird left Oregon City Hev erul year ago fur Washington. His widow; one sister. HvhiR In Astoria, and a aon, Thomas Klnnaird, aurvlve. The body will Brrlve at Oregon Cltv at 8:4.1 o'clock Saturday morning. Dial an adillllniiwl mini of I I.I mi Im upprnpi luted III "I'lli' of tin. f.ii I lliul tin' illy iiliillliK apprnpi I"1 'on III I ''I'', lum lii'i'ii oi'lKMiit In IIih kiiiii of l bV tlii fulliiiulc lii furi' Hi" i ouiii II provide fur u I loo n iliii Hun In (lil roiinl. TIik nu-r eipciiilliiiie In ilin In llii. t 1 1 1 1 1 li K of ri'tlnl illy orill imiii in I III )i ur lli'iillli nml .ollri., fln nml nuiiT, fiin't Ki ln Im uinli'Hi fill light nml ili.tiiliir appropriation am lliom wlilih uri' r'i oiiiini'iiili'il for Iihuui.c uml IIiomi iiion wlilili decrease nri' suggested nr for illy cngli riiiK. t 1 1 1 1 ii x ami appraiser. Tin' r in- of l In' illy this )"' will iippriiilmatc lliul of 'asl year, lil. Ii w derived ua fnl ! II!'.- l!i .11 lie in tine, IKi.KMi :.: fioni the mini fimil of Ho ri. "Ill ). and . !,.'.!. from licenses uml fines, or a tut al of I'lV.iHIK M. EXHIBIT AT THE STATE FAIfi IEN PRIZES SWEEPSTAKE WON FOR GENERAL MERIT AND SECOND FOR QUALITV. TIik (Mai kaniua roiinly Juvi'lilli' " lillill rurrli'il off tin- awi'i'laki' ut Hi" Pri'Koii Hlnl" fulr ua tlm l."l iIih o rud'il uml l."t arruiiKi'il Imk.Ui. uiul wua aiirilril mm'oihI urlt" In tin' "nt irn iIIvIhIoii for iiiullly of cihililta. Till la Hip aoroml tlnin lliul lliu JiivmiIIu rvlillll from Clai knliiua i i.iint) Ima tarrli'il off Hi" Kwi'i'imiuki-n ul tin' Dri'Koli Stall' fulr, uml rri-illt la Klvi ti to Mra. J. It Wolff, of Mo lullu. Hri'iiloti Vi'ilil.T. of (ilailitnii", J. K f'uluMin, of Dri'Kun t'lty. wlio liiul iliarit" of tlu' urraiii!"iii"iil uml aliliiliiK III" "ilill.llH In. in Hit' Clin ku iiih County fulr itriiiimla. A niinil.i'l of Hi" I'tlillilta arrlii'il ut Hit' fulr Kroiimla lit Hali'lll uft'T til" i'tlillilta Iroin l lie nimily fulr wi-ro rn'i'Hi''l ul lliul I'la. i'. nml ii.l.li'.l lurKi'ly In Hii uttiiu lit" liootli. Thi' hi i. ml .il" iiiiiiuinti'il to I'iU In rimli, uml tlii.f" ii i ii k 1 ii k I'litrli'K will ri'ii'lto tlu'lr aliuri' Thi' auri'iixluki' irl la a Imtiiii-r. A larm' iiniiilifr of ai IiimiIh wiTi' I'litrri'il III t 111 h rlaaa, uml Hit' rniiii llHoii wua i;rralrr llila yi-ul than nt liny tlmr ili.iliui. r.?r. Tula villi nml Mr. VnliliT .lan to nnikr It rvi'ii Iiitkit nml I. "Hit iuM yi-ur nml lo hinc nil nc hauls In iiiiiKi- "li tlll'M. OLD OHEGON TRAIL IS EAST OF THE CASCADES I LESLIE SCOTT, H. H. JOHNSON AND GEORGE H. HIMES FORM PARTY TO PRESERVE ROAD. Leslie Scnlt, II. II. .lohliMin. county simcyor, and tieniKi' II. Mimes, ns alslanl secretary ol tlm Oregon Slate lllslmicul auclety. left Olegnu t'lty Thursday luuruliig by iiuluimilillc to mark Hie route of Hie old Oregon Trail across Hie Cascades. They made tlm Iuihc of Mt. Hood by nightfall ami will continue on their Journey this iiiurn lug. The Oregon Trull has received much attention east uf the I'liHcades, but was rapidly being lust In the ma.e uf roa da west of those mountains. Modem highways do nut follow the old Oregon Trull, bill Hie parly will mark every lutersecHoii of the old trail with the roads or I'.Mi'. with a neat sign bearing (he Inscription, "Tl'm Oregon Trail." Leaving Oregon t'lty tlm party trav. fled lor snum distance, uu wlait is known as Hm llolcnmli road, which follows In a general way the mm! mailii by the pioneers. The mad around Ml. Hood of today, Hm Harlow road, Is nut Identical with Hie oil Oregon Trail, although the Iwu cross at a number uf places. Kuch of Ihcsn int crseit Inns will be marked. MRS. CROWLEY LAID TO REST. Tlm remains of Mrs. Kllabeth Crowley, who died at her huiim nt Loa MoIIiioh, Cnllfnrnla, were brnught lo this city un Monday, where tlm Inter ment toolc place In tlm family plot in Mountain View cemetery, and laid ho stile thosii of her husband, who died here some lime ago. Mrs. Crowley died September 1. She was fur many yeni'H u resident of Cams, and has re sided in Cnllfiiriila for some time. Loul Sohn Wed Mr. Carrie Ryan. The marriage of Mrs. Carrie Ryan. of Portland, nml Louis Solum, of Van convey, Vnnh., was solemnized In I'ort luml mat week, und they will make their future home In Vancouver. where the bridegroom has resided all of his life. Mr. Solum Is well known In this city, having been associated with W. XV. W'oodlieck In getting out the Clnckamns county dlroctory a few weeks men. ATTORNEY SUES FOR FEES. Henrgc W. W'lbion, nn attorney Tuesday filed a suit against Sadie K. Flnloy to collect $100, alleged to be due aa attorney's fees from March to July. 1916. MOLALLA Fill! FINDS SUCCESS IN FAR NORTH EDWIN AUSTEN HAS HOTEL IN VALDEZ, MINING PROPERTY, AND OTHER INTERESTS. Mia Mm In Aui.1' ii. funni ly nf ,Mo lullu, Inil now of Vulili , Aluitkn, liaa arrlii'd In Hi In illy ami la ul Ih" p"' i nl lliii" Hm k'I"I of Mia. i. V. i-i ii Afdr vlallliiK In Hila illy for aitirul In) a aim will " In Mnlullu, wlu n. nlu will IUM with fill li. I Afli r a ilall In I'orlluml aim i'ni la lo li uiv for Hill IIOlHl III lll'IKIIllllT. Tim Aui.li n family la Dm nwiii-r ol Hi" AM. "Inul Ik linli l. Mr. AiiI"I ulo liaa i-ili'iinlvv Inli'ii-ala III Ih" li.lnin of Alanka, IiihIiik u larmi ilulni on Hi" Ki'iial pi'iilnaiila HIiiik lukliiK up Ii la ri-alili'iui. In Alaaka hn liaa ili'Volid nun li alli-ntlini to plun-r mlnliiK Ilia anil, W K A unt. li, liua Ih-iii i-mployi'd l.y Hm Kim-innu-iit In rurliiK for thi. aim k ilurlnK Dm wlnli-r luonlln. ami la a'ao a writ known fc I t of Vulili'. II la a rouiiiion im riirri-li"' for llila 'mi ii ic inuii to l.rluK In a IniMihi. ilurlliK tlm hillilliix ai'aaon, Mr AiikIi ii and hla aona urn ulo i-n KuKi'il In tlm flahlliK himllu-na. Mra. Aiiali-n aaya that tlm aoll of Al'iaka la a.lapti'd fur Hm growing- of ull klmla of M-"lutlnii, and thai many tourlnta hav vlald'd In that count ry ilurlliK Hm laat thnn inonllia. Mra. Anati-n ami lu-r family left Claikumua county alxiul li'ii yi'iua uko, and llila la Hie flrnl vllt In t'liu kumaa i ounty almr li'ii) line In I" T ESTACADA ROD A GUN CLUB CO OPERATES WITH HATCH ERY OFFICERS. 1 hroiiK-li Hn- ffforla of the Kalatada ltol it Hun chili and Warden 1'atlon and with Hie volunteer aid of many haul men and furumra, ao fur llila year there hua heeu lllierated from Hie KaKle t'reek fiiililiK pouda and the Hlver Mill hatchery, over one half mil lion trout fly, uccordliiK to the Kuat riiickuiiiua New a. Dlie humlred ami aeveuly five thoii aaml fry were lllieruted from Itlver Mill an. I . i.i, i. ii irom r.uKie i n r, i uiuoiik the lutt'-r In-luc ulioiit I'oU.uoO eaatern lirmik trout. Al merely the expeiihe of hiring u .IrlviT to iilti nd lo Hm horaea, ninny HiotiMimla more trout cull lie dlHtrih uted In Hi" vnrlmiH lakea In the inoiin lalua niurliy, ua the railway compuny, through Ihelr repreaclilatlvv. I-Valik KuIiik. lum offered the u:'" of their pack hornea In Ilio work. At.ilu f Ii Im year un effort i Im'Iiik mail" lo intereat Hie Miiltnoinali An t-'i'in' cluli In the work, cHpcclully for riiinudal aid. us Hie perpetuation uf Kuod niiKlliii; In llila country la of ll.il Intercut to Portland Kportamt'ii, IliiniK.iiiili of win. in cm h year fifh the ncnrl.y htreauia; In fact, u humlred Portland flKhermcil enjoy the spoil, where one local mati i;o" fishing S-IEAR-OLD DOT FALLS TI T LAD PLAYING ABOUT FIRE TOWER ON WAY HOME FROM SCHOOL MEETS WITH ACCIDENT. The li year-old sun of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Jepsen, 10!) Washington street, tell 20 feet from tlm ladder on the side of the firo bell tower on Seventh street al tlm tup of the bluff Thursday afternoon and escaimd with only n few limbics, lie was taken to tlm offlco of Dr. M. C. Strickland In Hie Amlresen building, where his slight Injuries ' were dressed. The boy was on his way home from school and stopped to piny about tlm tower. An Iron ladder runs up one. side of Hie tower to the bell at the tui, and the 1ml started to climb. When nbout half way to the top, Im seemed to grow dizzy and fell, strik ing on the ground below. SECOND CUTTING OF TIMOTHY STANDS 4 FEET S. I). Harney, of Maple Lime, was in this city Thursday, bringing a sam ple, of timothy of the second cutting from his farm, over four feet. Where this feed was cut Hm soil is produc tive, and the crop has been excellent. There is throe-fourths of an acre of the second crop timothy, and the lust cutting was about September IS. The first crop was so heavy that It was necessary to cut with n scythe. He is also engaged In growing al falfa un his farm, which has attained a height or about three feet. It hna averaged three cuttings. Mr. Harney's farm Is locuteil about four miles from this city. The styuple of tke timothy of the second growth hns been planed In the publicity department of the Oregon City Coinnmrclnl club. A Bad Summer For Children. There has been an unusual amount of dangerous sickness among children every where this summer. Extra 'vre cautions should he taken to keep the bowels open and regular and the liver active. Foley Cathartic Tablets are a fine and wholesome physic; cause no pain, nausea or griping. They reliove Indigestion, sick headache, bilious ness, sour stomach, bad breath or eth er condition caused hy clogged bowels. J Jones Drug Co. Adv. DIVORCE SOU OF ONCE MUSICMNTRIEO HERE! 0. M'FALL ALLEGES WIFE ' BROKE UP PROSPEROUS BUftl- i NESS AT CAPITOL CITY. ' 'l lii. illvmi I'Ull of J I Mi Call, ul ; out' Ilini' mi" of Hi" ii. i. I jiniiMi.i nt I liiuai lulia III Uu l.iM ioii. Ii C,1 kKulnal Mia. Hum II M. full, waa Irli d III Hm i In nil niurt la Ion- Ju.U'Hj lii.nluy Tlmra.luy. lu.li:" ItaU-y look j Ih" lum' iind'-r ill im lit ! Mr. M' Kali a i.m li u.li-r of Him choir of Ilio ,Mi'lr...iliaii l'riii n r lun i liiiri li In Wurliiiii inn ami a i uml. n tor of h loiix Mulmy of in i n I' lri Hn. hullolii.l cu.ltal city. (UIiik to Hm D' llvlty uf lila wlfi', In- ii.i Intrd, I hi. IiihI lila Hialtliiii allli tin- iliurill.l He alyiii'd up liu'itamiiia ii.ntru't' 1ml loat mil w li' ii lilt If", h" all. ), ' wrote an unoii) in"i. dltir In tlm; i liuulauiua niri'ii' y. A (IiT loalliK lila I..:ii.-k;i Hi" lO.iplH ai-piiruli-d In I -Mia Mcr'ull koIiik lo Cli'ii'lund. ) , whi r" hh" la In I n if with In r drot her. II" laum to Wal ler", Idaho, wliir.' In- filed ault for illvorn-. Tint mtliiii wua illaiiilhncd. and a new mill I.H.ifiht In n- mu ral wi-i'ka uko. In an wiiBWcr filil ihrourh Clyd" (). (iarni"li.r, a 1'orllaiid utlnrni y, Mra. Mr Kail ucrilni'd In r liialmml of li-lnK too I ti 1 1 in lit with ai'iiTuI of lila pu plla. Hlio denied all of lila alli-Kutloiia. Mr. M I-ull went on Um aland on hla own Inliulf. Tin- depoaltlona of la wIlni'Hai'H nt Wallace wi-rr intro d in I'd and the cum- ir, l out on the HlreiiKth of them. Mr. Mi Kali waa repreaeliled l.y Jil'K'i.' Crunt II. I'lin lik. Walter A. I'lmlik and Will I. Mulvi')'. The couplo ! laarrled In lkt.2 and huve ouo tljunhti-r, who Ima n hli veil aucocioi at a inunh Un In tlm eur.l. T TO VOTE REPUBLICAN'"; day nliiht to call the attention of the ACKERMAN HASTENS BACK'1" ,ounr" ,0 lh' vT"lKht. IWrlng J. K TO NEW HAMPSHIRE HOME TO BE THERE NOV. 7. J. K. AtHerinun liaa been a deime cmt all hi life. Durluit llm I'O odd llcirea almwInK the growth of the II yenra he hua been old enoui:h In voteibrary during tlm luat three year: he hua gone to the polla em h four December. ISIS, to November. 1911: yenra uml cant hi Ullot fur Hm demo-; circulation. lO.fii'.H; uttendance. .6,013; crutlc nomlime. I borrow era curds. .'nOS. Hut there la uinc to be a big cluinge In Ml. Ackeruiun'a ballot thia year. He left Friday for hla home In New llumpahiru no thut. he will be there In time to vote for llnlicn uml ; Kulrbaukit. "Wllauu'a made a republican out of me," he auid. 'I now can rcalle what free trade uml the ileiniM-rulic pro- a in of l.'Ulnlatloll would int-uii to this country were It not fur tlm world j war which Mint out foreign coin pit i tiun. Kvcry body In my home stale ! Meems lo have turned republican ( llughea la going to carry not only New Hampshire, but all other New Knglnnd . mates. 1 have tratcled all over the! fulled States within the last few month, and if I am any Judge of po-1 (011imi,tee to negotiate with the board litlcal conditions Hughes is as good j tlf w (.0,limls.sloiiers relative to the as elected right now." 1 0f scattered cltv lots for 13 acrc3 Mr. A.Vrman came to Oregon lo ; (nM.tl i.v the water department in the look after property Interests, lie ow ns j southern part of the cltv. The board mining properties In bis home state,, s knott, , wimn! t0 ,r.ulp its and Is Interested in paper making. He I pr0,rtv, which wc.'ld be Ideal for u declares that a tariff Is necessary to , mrk ami piavKround. protect the paper und pulp business! g ..Y lirpsl.i,lllt of the 0re. from foreign cheap labor. EFFIE L. GAY GLADSTONE WOMAN ALLEGES HUSBAND CRITICIZED AND NAGGED HER. Mrs. Kffle L. Hay, of Gladstone, filed a suit for divorce from Itufus A. day. In the Clackamas county circuit court Friday, charging cruel und Inhuman treatment. Joseph E. Hedges appears as Mrs. (lay's attorney. Mr. and Mrs. Ciiiy were married in Oregon City November 22, 1S96, and have three children. She asks for the custody of the youngest child, Wil liam day, and is willing to let the court award the two other children, 1. eland and Dorothy, to Mr. (lay. She charges thut her husband criti cized her, Hint ho nagged her and called her a foul. He Wa Worried and Hopeless. "For ten or twelve years I was bothered with bad kidney trouble," writes T." P. Hutchinson, Little Hock, Ark. "I tried many remedies and doctors, but grew- worse nil tlm time. I was worried and had almost given up all hopes. I triod Foley Kidney I'llls and they bellied mo a lot. I have since used five boxes and am now a well ninn." Foley Kidney nils drive out aches and pains due to kidney trouble; also sleep disturbing bladder disorders Jones Drug; Co. Adv. Economical Legislation, pay as we go; opposed to graft and favoritism. H. A. LEWIS FOR Joint Senator Clackamaa, Columbia and Multnomah Counties. Only Candidate Outside City of Portland I-et the "Country" be Represented (raid Adv.) 'COUNCIL DEBATES CilARTER CHANGES ON OCTOBER 1 9IH ABOLISHMENT OF ASSESSMENTS ELEVATOR FARE, RIGHT TO CONDEMN ARE URGED. CITY TAKPS FIRST SIEP TOWARD ACQUIRING 13 ACRE PARK SUE Finance Commit! Ii Authormd Najotiata With Waltr Boa. J J. I. Htdu SHowi Grownh of'CHy Library. to 'Hit"" ropoM'i ih.irtir am"id liii-iit, ca. Ii Im In k Ih" i niliuaallc hai kliiK nf Mayor lluikHt, art- lo In-cotialdiTi-d al u a lul inn HfiK of tin- I ' "X ' onm ll Oi tol,i-r '. Tin- -- ii tltr onilliu d the i hancra he advixut"a and tlm reaxm fur hla atuml al tlm rn'iilur Oi tolier mri'tliiK WVdnea.lay One of thee luiendini nla would pro vide thut all municipal linproveinfiita. Im ludlnK klri'i ia and aewera, would Im paid for nul of a city fund, luatead of cliarKliiK then) ai;aliit the property. Another one of hla prnpoacd meaauro would ylw- the illy the rli:ht lo con demn any property for a municipal dix k or other purpoae. and the third proioaal would provide for charge of one hulf of one ("tit for ride on llm Seventh Mrect inunh Ipal elevator. Roikt Favor Charg. Councilman Itoakc warmly ilefrmli-d tlm propoaal thai elevator be made M-lf aualalnlnx. Ilu railed attention lo tlm fact that many property owner who were not heni-flttcd hy thi eleva tor, in unt rontrlliute toward It iiip (K.rt through city taxea. An allowance of 12000 la made In the 1917 ludK"t for tlm operation and maintenance of the I.Ik city hulit. In prcparlnc next year InuUct, the council overlooked the library. J edxea, preildent of the Horary lioard. an at tlm meeting Wedne- the luat 11 yionthn the attendance at he ( liy Library ha Increaaed 40 per cent over a corrcspondUm period a year ato. Library' Growth Shown. I i Mr. HedKe aubtnlttcd the rollowim; Nuveiiils r. 1914. to November. 191.1; circulation. 1.1.812: attendance. 29,.'!li: borrowers' cards. 2100. November. 1913, to October. 1916, circulation, H.09S; attendance. !6.T53; borrower' cards, 2S26. Mr. Hedges explained that the li brary was not confining its efforts to Oregon City, and thut shools In all parts nf the county were benefitted The library has over 3000 volumes at the present time. Un increase of 4N5 In the last ywar. ruder the city chai'er the library receives one-half a mill of the city tax. which amounts to about $I.'I00. Park Trade Coniidered. Tllll . ........it ,hori-eil the Hinuu-e gon City Athletic club, outlined the club's plan for a rally next Friday. He I ' asked permission from the council for the use of the streeets for the parade and other stunts planued. The mutter was referred to the street committee. Pecanse plana and specifications for the new Dusch dock were not ready. action was not taken on a proposed agreement between the city and Mr. Rusch in wlilch the city would be giv en a live-year option on the property. Mrs. Herthu M. Story, of the Hose mawr Poultry farm of this city, Is nt Sulem, where she has one of the larg est collection of birds ut the State fair. Mrs. Story exhibited white crested Hlurk Polish, winning all awards in the class. She won on Hearded Polish dolden cock, lieu, pul let nnd pen; Peardcd Silver Polish cockerel, hen; ltearded White Polish cock, hen, cockerel, pullet, pen; ltearded Huff Laced Polish cock, hen cockerel, pullet, pen; Huff Laced Pol ish cock, hen, cockere', pullet and pen; Golden Polish cock, hen, cockerel, pul let, cock, hen pullet, pen; also nil awards on Non-Heariied White Polish, Illue Polish, Golden Spangled Ham burgs; first and second on Silver Spangled Hamburg cock; first, second and third on the Silver Spangled Ham burg hen; third on cockere'; third on pullet; third on pen; all awards on dolden Penciled Hamliurgs; awards on White Hamliurgs, first on cock; first, second and third on hen; first on pen; first on pullet; first and second on Illnck Hamburg lien; first on cockerel; first nnd second on pullet; first on pen. TWO COUPLES DIVORCED. Circuit Judge Campbell Tuesday signed decrees divorcing Orva Pish from Merten Fish and Ora Z. Wilkin son from James Wilkinson. Mrs. Fish was given the custody of her child. Judge Campbell also signed on the motion of the plaintiff a suit of L. H. Smith against P. Fairchlld and W Illuhm. Council Drafts Budget With Appropriation Of $4000 For Motor-Driven Fire Engine Onkoii City la likely lo have a um lr driven lira Inn k aoon aflrr llm flrnl of Hm )t-4f aa r-ault of tha ac lion of ih illy omul i, al an mnu tlm ".Ion Monday liifcht. In Ilu I ml. d an appropriation of about ix0 In be iie. for the puriliarw of Hm motor drUeii apparalua. In llm illy luidart. Mayor lU'keit and tlm city i-nuiidl reiently vUlled M. Miiiiiv Illn aa tlm aueata of llm Nortlieainrn Pi re Ap paralu company, lo anli a demon atmtli.n of tlm tii-ar lire trie k re rut ly pun lia-. by Hm mum II of M MlliliHIIe. All aet-mei) aalUfle, I llm preliminary deiiioiiniiatlun, and If lh trui k i an pull up llm rradea of Oregon City to Hi" tl,-.fji llori of the illy offHlala II I likely that thft ve il b In offered by Hi! company l'l Im I Im i lioli mini". Other amull ihli;i rrr load In llm draft Ilia- of Hm budget, but llm i-ttiiiK alde of thi fund for llm pur ha of a motor driven fire apparatu aa Hi" only material hanjc. Prac tically all appropriation and aalarma remain tlm aaum aa laat year. Tlm receipt of Hm city, baaed on a even mill K.-ni-ral city lai levy will Im approilmately f.S.rs a. Of thi amount. 119.919 31 wl'l be derived dl rwtly from taiea, flA.A-aS M lll be -c-ured from the road fund from Hm county and It I etlinuti-.l that IV SUNDAY SCHOOL MEET is set ran oct. is.h BIG PARADE WILL FEATURE CON VENTION ASSOCIATION 23 YEARS OLD. The i'.'.th annual convention of the Clai kamua County Sunday Hi h nul as sociation will be held in Oregon City October 13 and II. The first meet ing of the organization was held in the !Tehytrian church, and also will be the one at which the 25th annivers ary of the association will lie observed. The feature of the two-day conven tion will lie the parade on the morn ing of Saturday, October II, lie-in-nine at 11 o'clock. Officers of the ashoclatlon invite every church of ev ery denomination to be represented, either by delegates in line of march or by a flouL C. A. Phipps, state su perintendent of Sunday schools, will lead the parade. If the weather la e'ear. a basket lumh will be served In Cam-mall lurk,! and In case of rain the churches will be thrown open for lunches. Prominent church men will address . the convention. All churches In the county are Invited to send In d?lc-l gates. The co-operation of the public school teachers Is asked lo make this ' convention a success, and that all he cither represented liy carrying; fla;;s. i banners, ltibles or by bringing a float.! Heaver Creek is among those to be! represented by a float. j GLADSTONE COUNCILMAN QUITS. F. A. Bunion resigned from the Gladstone city council at the regular October session Tuesday night. His letter attributed his move to "reasons unnecessary to state." . The country editor is resourceful, as be must be. The editor or the Handon I Western World Is a good example. As j his paper was off the press when hej received news nf the disaster to the Congress, he ran bts paper through j a gain printing a bulletin In red ink on the margin thus giving his readers inoj news. Rheumatism Follows Exposure. In the rain all day is generally fol lowed by painful twinges of rheuma tism or neuralgia. Sloan's Liniment will give you quick relief and pre vent the twinges from becoming tor ture. It quickly penetrates without rubbing und soothes the sore and ach ing Joints. For sore, stiff, exhausted musclos that ache and throb from ov erwork, Sloan's Liniment affords quick relief. Urulues, sprains, strains and other minor injuries to children are quickly soothed by Sloan's Lini ment, det a bottle today at your druggist, 2ic. (Adv.) Over-work, worry and the constant strain of a business life are often a cause of much trouble. Dr. Miles' Nervine is highly recommended for all Nervous disor ders. It is particularly invaluable to business women. Regulate your bowels by using DR. MILES' LIVER PILLS IF FIRST BOTTLE, OR BOX. FAILS TO BENEFIT YOU, YOUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. Um,u4) U reteltvil from liima. Ilmiiar and perinlta Tlm total flKure nf llm budget a prepare.' by llm coillii II outline an peiulltiir of ll.i;t, Iratm a margin of f I . t aj at. llm bmUel aa prepared by llm ruun. ell limit firat Im approved by llm cit izen and a me-tiiiK ha been railed fur llila purpoori on Oi tolmr 19. al 7 : 10 oYI.uk At llila Hum tlm cm ten m-lll Join with Hit city room II In coiialder llm liililK"! aa It I Boar pru. pared. Tlm miiiicll beard report from llm roiiimltti-n appointed to confer Ull Prank lluxli and hi attorney, (). D. Khy, with a vie l rntlii Mr. Hum h a permit lo ere. t a i).a k over Water aireet between K'eveoth and Twelfth, with tlm pro v Lion that the city have tha rich! to purcbaiwt llii I'm k for the coat of tnaterlala and run tn Hon within five year of the con pletlon of the dock. The rominllt r ri'rted that Mr. Iluwli would i i.'r m the city 1 1 ooo for the property if they botiKht the d k. The council run aldered Ihla a fair proposition. Tlm proMal arm back to Mr. ilea- h and hla attorney, that (hey ml,;hl make a few minor cbauxea after which Ihew will resubmit It to tl a council, for it approval. HOGS USED TO CHECK HOCGINO OFF DISEASED FRUIT REDUCES INFLECTION IN FOLLOWING YEARS. Hog turned into the prune orchard lu tufflclent numbers to cod mi me the rotting prune that rover the ground will not only eat the prune crop re fuse but will at the same time deatroy one of the moat prolific aourvea of in fection of prune brown rot "A soon as prune are harvested turn hog Into the orchards and let them consume the rotted prune that cover the ground," says H. P. Hams of the O. A. C. experiment station. "If enough hogs are used lo clean up the orchard thoroughly there will result considerable benefit In reducing the sources of brown. rot Infection In the orchard the second spring following. "If prune that are Infected with brown rot are allowed to remain on the soli or In the upper layers they will in about eighteen months pro duce a crop of fruiting bodies that push their way to the top of the ground and discharge millions of spores Into the air of the orchard, thus starting the disease by lufectimf the developing fruit. 'Destruction of the decayed prunes by means of hogs Is the only practical method that has ever been suggested for the removal of this extremely im portant source of Infection. Do not look for .benefit the first year after the practice Is begun, as the source of next season's pruno rot infection. Do not look for benefit the first year after the practice Is begun, as the source of next season's prune rot In fection has been in the ground since last prune harvest. "This method Is not a "cure-all' but it will help. Experiments conducted by the station this season demonstrate that spraying with bordeaux mixture greatly reduces this disease und also the cocconiyces leaf spot trouble which has caused such serious defolia tion in some prune sections this sea son." , Our Jitney Offer' This and 5c DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out thin slip, enclose with 5c' and mail It to Foley & Co., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. You will, receive in return a trial package con-, tulnlng Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound, for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, for pain in sides and back; rheumatism, backache, kid ney and bludder ailments; and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesomo and thoroughly cleansing cathartic, for constipation, biliousness, headache and sluggish bowels.. Jones Drug Co, Adv, NERVOUS ATTACKS. "I suffered with wenrou at tacks and headaches. Then my liver -ot out of order and it seemed aa though my whole system wu upset I com menced utlnr Dr. IflW Nerr loe aid also took Dr. MJlea lirer Fill and now I feel per fectly well In yery way. lfy bowela also arc In food (hap BOW aU& AUGUSTA KKEBL 1H rortland Ave., Rocfctsttf, K. T.