Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 06, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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    OK'WON i'ITV nSTi.lMMi'lSi:. 1-1,'IIUV. Q
lOIII'.U (i. I'Mii
Vcr fie- Counfe
t HUM Hie, H.i ri.--- uli f
ll.l dlollolle ll.'lll ..!! M Hi.'
.., U Mill ll.llKK ll fcll -bind .11 I 'll
I'lOlll.t llll.ll ll . Ill Hi) Hull I'll!
t tuning lii r biniloi I I Mii'l I. dm
Hi i
MM KSHt ltli. Ore, O.I .'. tSpo
tiall Thi Mutinl month of ant in ti
a inhered In by Irn.i ll
kllght. honeter. I tint no trace iif ll
t. light ! HO fur. llldo. The Winter;
w-grmhlrii, I iy 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 c imlitliwa hmol
their folus untmit tied l.y ml.!. liil
n'l tin" flower here rr bright a
if then" hail been no fnt at alt. Th
lad' potato.- anil l In- bean re prum j
miiiic an ri;'riliiiiiill)' lui crop nd
both are bringing a higher prl. than
Ihcy lia r done before fur Iimh j
Je Hcplcr ln lu b.-cti working,
ll.r plate owned l' Mr and Mlii
IJlade fur lateral year h.ia taken
the mnih formerly ix tuple j by i-t
Nnie. and will nunc ht family there
in 111111" for Ihi nft i"r' work
Ho) Yixli-r ha hail I In nit-rortutu- to
li- a valuable row In a way which
limy n-Tr as a warning to other cut
VI I IVtl Hi.' . l I i.'i- lal'
i Llu..i Cn. k.ou and l.i'i i I i'1"1!
' y.m koii an.) Mi i:.-'nt" Cati'iili i
, Ktalclon. Vt. 'tiling m'l.f-.t li I I" ;
'l l.i-l S Hul l" ! 1 1. t i M I'alUi
i anil taiiiitt Mr l.ihi. ! h.. Ha li I
h; piopertt loar i'i.d lot ifi'i-i
It near ia!la II'' rp..U I"
and like 'i ' ion hi Ifi1 ii- .if f il'in'
llnrn li tlio !' VL- m i.:
nil M.UI..i. I Iif .'Hi- 'a!
Kill ,ll AlltlloC" a M'" 1 ' 1 "
Vorey of LlUral
ttririal trout M inna all" iMol inn
funeral ol ll" lal"" C.ird.ti Miillh II"
liurir.l in the ion iiiiu-lfi al
Mr 1'aitn rmr iloui lu r ha inw '
tlri'tun i'ili lo uli trn-n.1- lor a low
Coiurfui.iii lla!i WW a li.lKr
in Ihi" itiuri h Snii.la al 11 a in Mi.
nilrr of Drfcmi i'li Kim' a talk on
Ihr IT'-" i r .i:in n!:iu nl
Wolil .t ri'ni'l li"i" t Ii.it Mr
llmuliloti. a ro-liii til of M.-a.low I'r.i'k
nu t u nil a I aiulu! a. !li lit n lu!i' lia :l
t ti c hihi.I anil iroli;i: tin- in-tk 1 1
,i tliron from tin" ason ar.'l tV
ivn irin k linn l.K akms olio of hi
i iii.iuii r
... k to al
lot II I'
u .iiii'iuiiim
III 4 I, if
Ci" onr. Th" aniuiuin ilialh a
t iiiiM-J by uicrfcrillnK In i 'ow r. Tin
may rrr on a mariiliu In rattlr on
vr fo whom thi rlovrr field off'r it
.lf an a IrrrnlMililf toniptailon t'y tn
quit k rrtnrna II fitvt In tmth quantily
and quality of tullk and i ream Itaro
ly a uraium paoixii vlthoul at loa-t onr
(alal ac frum thla "-fvo fintlinc ,
The iIovit em to le most harmful :
In tin1 rarly mnrnlni: hllo mill dami !
iiiul cold from tlio and miin'tliinn
trom frost of thi pr- ltm nicht.
Tin- Infant on of Mr und Mrs. Au- j
KUi-t Riithlnhiiri: hu h n In on quite j
.rimis'y 111. U on tlio to twovti
rry now. I
Miss Apnf Kltor ho Knuluatcd
v. i; h
iiar In enteral on thi" roll of pupil
ill till' Jefferson biKh sohiHil In Port
land. A m ry plcusaut mnion of the Motti
i riulj van held at the home of Mm.
JtoU'rtji on Thursday last. The awn.
t:n-r like Keathcr permuted the work
let. And lo" rei-i ie. olli. r Injurn
Mr. Hoimhioii a a fornier ril-ii
of Muhno.
Joseph I. lUllloU made a lnllliei
trip to I'allli)- l.mt Mondai
(ivar li.mli U ha tmllt a tao rooiu
house In Mullno and ha moi'. ln
hoUM'hold tfiH'iU iroiu the A'UU!
Krlikikin plate whore he (oriurrl
Mra. Home Wallace Ulted Mm
Kust KrU-kaon last Sunday
iKii;s i iMn.f: i'ie . i. i .
iSi lal' lia" H' hd.i" a Ml u .
i ol si'tud at thei;i.i.- iloii'll "
Shii.I.h The . linn h w.i pieii i!'i
u. ll.ii; and ri d ihohi - l I
il..!l! a and I' ! oln('!. l.' l l'"' d'' "' '
lion. Kai ll i 'a lakini; a .ut In lh.
pl.-am iTiVraiu and iliplmua ol pro
n.olion re Cllell At the I lil" ol
ill niie a l'.'k :is i'tii iii..f t"
Mr. II.! i r who I. .I'll to so tioni
al'ionif ii. a. a !ulil lo-'il of .
I.-, in ..ml apple. lal!" '"r s. lt.."
r.li..-l. I a. t'ailur ot the l.iviiltnrs,
oiu- ol the ii'.'M lull ! m ila-..- in
llie S ni.lai In"'!
U I" t t r h.m rot ur ii limn a l.n
lu iml p'eas.iie trip niaklni: a ' ir
.illt o! lurlli' loillltlr. ol lll.'.'ll 111''
!. t road, were lomid lu I't.s k loiiuli
and .;". la!!' fine were tin1 ro.ul
from Kuweiie to I'ottland t u l otial
i. Mr ! lor and pattt made the trip
lo audi
Mr S II IIinIiIi-1 I. nijoillii! a l
It al Adams. Ori son. with her lster.
Mr. t ha haU Her son Ke. I'
mill his itr.indniolher on a hoineale.iiS
in ea.tern Idaho, where he will re
main durinic the winter.
Mra Klla M Harsue ha as her
j icu. st tor the winter, a icranddaiuhler.
An-1 Mr lami. M.li et. who la attending
! si hind In Oregon t'lty.
AllxTt WmwUide l. iniiMlu down to
Mr. Mary Crook' plat e, whl. h lie
has rented.
Mr. Kul.e W ruhl of l.lheral. Msit' d
Mrs. Mary Pamela last Tuesday.
Mr. Mary Cnnik a an iiregon
honors at the Kl.y hmil laM i 1 " ,,M,"r ,J"
is 3
Mrs. Henry I
Mr. Ciillertson of I nlon Mill
Mullno visitor Monday.
Mr. Ilutiy Kudolph who has heen !
(pending a few days with her mother.:
Mrs. Mary Crook, returned to Port ;
John Hounds who h.m heen In ins
oter on the coast Is come lo mote to1
j I'.i.'l lor a alioit liii.e
I l - mil I and l'.in.-i
j W .'III 1,1 I ll.'MIII I II I.' I
1 I. lid liU. ll llOol
I'd l.la.e laliM tU.x
K!. in. mull la. I wr.k
M 1'llgt.l I'elDli. oi i.
In. Ii h.kil at Ctihi'ii
Kd liia. e l aled hi' and
I 'ii.il Lii. ll... is la. I wi i k
I' I in. lu taiiie li.'in.' ironi
j rill I'reu'll last we. k
Mr and Mi J l it oii wore
low 11 on liu.lio-an l.i.l I loir.. lal
I Vl.'t.m.li r Ni'Uoli lanie liotne llolll
...iii. iii a.hiiigti ii List wo. k
I i. n Siaala and Ali" H S. Inee .-nl
' to Itie nioiilil.illis l.i l w.i k
II Hullltail Weill lo roiHau I la-l
I'll l.il I." t Ult his 1.,'i iU
I V. II Ueitlauf.i wa. in loan on
i t u.ini'sa last Week.
il K'wr'y went to iiut.-u Clii li.t
week to lit up Ilia ho i...
Mi.s Mai) Hoiteiiii'li r it S rlidat
! w till Mi.s Atltea V I .m
a Card la alien Hug hi.:ll hool
at Cotton
V. II Hollemlller Ii i il' d Ills ...ii. to
Heater Crei k
' Wall, r wahlen w.nt lo liw.-gu lo
sin villi In alsler Mis l"red H".'
I fied Zw allien I helping Clarl..
I l.rulhei dry prim. .
The Tllllher Cr.'"' . Ilm'l opi ned
I M- lid ll . Septcllll.er .'
! ii M.tnpi.irdt wa. in lown Moudu
Mr and Mr Chat!. . Il.tl; li and son
Arthur, from I'ort'.ind. ate tiaitmi'
liter parent. V. II Holteiulller an I
family for a short t ine
Mlssea Florence and I'eail Siroi.i
. re. n from Colton are atlendnig hlgll I
school in Oregon I'm
Kd Crnci" baletl straw for V II
I'oii.'inir.T Momt.it
Jar Clarke hauled .ome tmt to Hen
ter Creek last Week
Mis Kdlth Stout went lo Curtail
to intend high at hool
Hol'ort Zwahlen Is hau'lna I'ale.l
straw home from Ituol brother
Itufert Minputrilt tame hoine lasl
Kdwln Itottemiller and Charl.
ttalph are picking prune for Clark-"
K!la and Paul S'hiewe aie uttend
Ml,. 1. 1. lull H.i
In I'oMl .iid all.
IIH'lllll. Willi h
Hll.ll It
'I he M. libels' t !li no I
I lit b. ol Ml. II II
i I
:, i .-.pi , i.iii
tl I I. IIIIIO it
ll .11 1. 1 ... n i l
let. Mis I I al
I in ..In a'
I tan iiiol
I I I I I II i. Xlll ll l I', nie . n. i .. i
ItSpetlall I'liliit' pi. klua and tilling
I now well tuidciwav III Ihi s.illoil
and Ibe i lop and ipiallly la liiiulng out
i . inarUaldy well. j
I lie Ilailn ld baud baa been et llle.l
iii plat al r -la. a. I.i iluilng the lair1
wbi.li om tied Iheie Tuesday. ,
Mu.iliuie fulling ol Portland taiiie
mil te.iii.l.it in si.tp mill tier alsler,
Mia liu T Hunt, a shoil tlnio
Mr and Mr Irwin P n. Iii of
t'.l.nad.i. eiiteilallled Ml Wllilit.
blolber, W III I' U rli lit and w I
I'oillaiid. al Log I allarie al Sun
d.it I
l...'Ue l llisl liillil and Miss ldili'
W.Hlnr ol Mst.liad.l Well' 111,11 1 lei'
la-l Silil'lai and will be nt hmiie on I
Mr U iii-Ui. Hk Iiiiii lu Culli ld ill
Irli I
Ml lullils M.ukwall went In Poll
bind Ptld.it for a slioil tl-.ll aitii
ft lend ami, relalltea
Tliost. reglslei lug al laig I .ill.nn j
tor tin' wick cud were Peter C Itol
I. r t ail P lloltui.iu. I'renoii Cm . A
I Tinker and wife, I re-. nt Cili.
I al . J J Man bl ank. Mis J I
M iri hl.aiik Kt.n aniiid . I li Snider
C C.irlion Sin. lei. f:la.ad.i. Mr and
Mi. I! C Coin. II Mi'a M I Muipht
Porllaud. Pr and Mi II V Adi
II Victor Adi. leon : di
to be done out of doors
Walsh was prv.-ent us a timtor and
rendered valuable sen ice in the after
noon's work. The next meeting is to
be at the home of Mrs. Pt-nison Mil
ler. October 12th.
The Minnonite congregation is pre
paring for a lurge convention at th
liethi'l tbapoLon Saturday. Ottober 11
The ociasion U'ins the annual n.i
"' . I en on his house whi. h adds greatly to
The Lutheran mission is to be at' the uppearnncp of his house and also
their church on Sunday. October la. to the convenience of it.
As many come from n distant e to at-1 firant Ahby and daughler Luis,
tend this service the women of the 1 who have just, recovered from a niege
church will give a dinner at the parish ! nf typhofd fever, are aide to be out
1 among ns once more.
I Mulino. He will occupy one of tin
' houses belonging to Mr. Howard
Mr. KYetl Hums of Liberal vi-ned
her sister. Mrs. A'.lev Anthony la-t
t Thursday.
I'.vin MatPuiiald went to Portland
Monday to tisit his brother. Cotlne.
who is employed In a tunnel out near
St. John.
; Mr. .lohns.m U I'uil.litig a ne't k'teh-
Karl Kinney ha returned to In
uorL in Seattle after a t!lt Hh
j home folks at this place
; Mrs Payne who has been re. uperat
lug at the home of Mr. Cushiug for
the past flte week, ha returned t"
' her home lu Van. out er. Wash
( At the regular meeting of the t.uil.li (. hKh n(-htMtl at Colton
j Wedn. sday last, we were delighted to Krank Nicholas took a load of black
!hate with us. Mrs Andrew, of Ore , M.rr,., t Kslacnd.t last wk.
gon City, who spoke on the brewers' ( 5u,o!ph Mueller cauie home trom
''amendment and the W. C. T. V. work j ,. astern Washington last week.
Mrs. Ostrom presiding at the bn-iue-s lUitleniillcr hauled sonie lum
bcr for It. Sullivan last week.
Mrs ti. Kberly went to town In al
meeting An experience social wt!i
In- giteti un Ot to .'i. and promise to I
l.e a novel affair Mrs. Cal. Moore
was appointed treasurer and Mr Ar
th'ir Smith, tlce presldeni, to full ta
i ant ol fices. i au-eil by retuotal of
Thirty little fu'k... ranging in ages
from three to nine years were asked to
come to play at the Hugh
tend the
te k
W. (". T C tonteiitioii last
When ton feel tli-i our.u:cd and des
pondetil do not give up but take a dose
of Chamberlain' Tal.'et and you ar.'
Kolierts almost certain o feci all right within
home on Krnlay in hoimr of llalinors, a tlav
sixth birthday anniversary, the honor ! often
guest being Junior Hole, wlio-e slxtli
birthdav uunitersary falls on the same
or two. pcsptiiidein y
due lo Indigestion I'tid
house at the close of the morning service.
.J A i, S. v
P.KAVER CRKKK. Ore. Oct. a.
(Special) School opened in the Beav.
er Creek district September -5 with
Kobcrt Ciintiicr a.s teacher. Mr. Gin
thcr taught here a numln-r of years
Mr. and Mrs. Claud Anderson of
Oie.gon City passed through Heaver
j The school lier" has a larger etno'l
tiient than last year, and two pupil
graduated last year and one. Miss'
(bori:i Kue. is attending school at
Colton and o.-car Kriokson will attend
the Mola'.la si lino. I
Rob Snodgrass. Jr.. v. ho 1 at'i-nding '
school in Portland was a week end
visitor at the home of his parents. Mr '
and Mrs. It. Snodgras.
.' .lack Frost" came cood and bard '
last Monday night and nipped the ct-;
cumber and tomato vines. j
Mrs. (ieorgi: Carrutli who is visit-j
ine relatives hero in Mnliiiu for a 1
whi'e went to Salem Wednesday to sec i
her niece. Miss Ruth tiibs,on. Miss iiiii i
Creek last Wednesday enroute to the ! son I attending the Sulem high school
home of A. Habcotk. "
.Mr. and Mrs. L. Ruconkh and V. ; - ? i ?'? ?'?'
llohlender and family made the trip -9-up
the Columbia highway last Wed-j "
tiesday, the trip being made In the ,
Kuconich car. ?
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Wilson and fam
ily and Mr. Foster of Portland spent
the week end at th' home of W. J,
A party from Fleavpr Creek attend
ed the Salem fair Thursday, making
the trip by auto.
George Holmau returned from Pen
dleton last Sunday after having at
tended the Round-Up. He reports a
very enjoyable time.
August Iiluhm has had a crew of
men at work during the last week fill
ing his silo.
O. Lyman, Mr. and Mrs. Holman and
son Max were among those making
the trip up the Columbia highway
ft 4 ';'.
KELSO, Ore., Oct. 5. (Special)
Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. H. Monroe, a
baby girl, September 20.
Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. S. Skogan, a
boy, September 27.
Hobert Jonsrud and family visited
the state fair and other points of in
terest at Salem Friday and Saturday.
Ernest Hutchinson of Pendleton
brought his youngest child. Lewis, and
placed him in the care of Mrs. Gilbert
Jonsrud. Mr. Hutchinson will return
to his home tomorrow.
(Special) .Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ho'
man visited their son Ralph of Mon
roe last week.
11. Stone of Mulalla. spent Sunday
with Herman and lien Chindgren.
Myrtle and Hazel Larkins spent the
week-end vi.-itin;; at Marqnam and at
tending the fair. v
Horn to the wile of Fred lilui-k tiniii
Wednesday, September an eleven
and a half-pound girl.
Milton Chindgren made a business
trip to Oregon City Monday.
An auto truck from Heaver free.;
took about 'l't persons from Meadow-
brook and Colton to the state
Friday, Scandinavian day.
Glenn I.arkins and Rueben Chind
gren spent Sunday afternoon at Mu
lalla. Mrs. Matson and children left Sat
urday for Red Lodge, Montana to join
her husband who is working in tliu
mines at that place.
Miss Hudson. Ruth Chindgren, Mary
and Impi Raari visited at A. L. Lar
kins Sunday afternoon.
R. L. Orem and son Glenn have bee;,
building quite a large prune dryer for
0. W. Hopsetter.
For a Muddy Complexion.
Take Chamberlain's Tablets and
adopt a diet of vegetables and cereal:;.
Take outdoor exercise daily and your
complexion will be greatly Improved
within a few months. Try it. Ob
tainable everywhere.
The Drink
That Fits
I very
j ness. for which theae tablets are e.
. i. n i.illv valuable. Obtainable every
dav. Home tnade b e cream and cake , v. li
were sorted. Mrs Cal Moore. Kli'.l-
belli I'.ruethert. Porothy Jacobs and
I'cssie Roberts assisting with Hie
giiuies and entertaining the little
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hole entertained
i harmingly for Junior Hole mi Satur
day from two till five. Twelve little
folks were invited The table was
prettily decorated with autumn leaves
and was arranged in the rustic look
out on the river. Souvenirs being
rustic baskets, filled with boil ITons,
cleverly made by Mrs. Hole. Mr.i.
; Potter.- assisted Mrs. Hole in -i-nitig
i the delicious relieshuients.
i Miss Annie and Glenn Russell enter
! tained the young peop'e of the neigh
j borhuod at their home Sunday after
noon. Carl Voutu' gave several piano
sulos. which were much enjoyed. Tin
! afternoon was devoted to music and
I song and Mrs. Russell served deli. i
' nun refreshments. Those present
I were Mary and Wilma Hruecherl.
lOulila Peter. Margaret Tucker, Hessie
i Roberts. Anna Russell. Carl Martin
and Ted Young. Abb-n Kelb-y. Carey
' Peter, Frank Turner. Hirdsall Ludd.
! Arthur Roberts and fibui Russell.
Mr. and Mrs. White and grandson,
I Pouglas of Cornelius, were Sunday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tucker.
Mrs. poForest and Mrs. Albert
Pierce were dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Cortelyou of Vancouver on Sun
day, they being former Kansas City
friends. While these ladies were In
Washington, they called on Mrs
Spooner, who is with her sister. Mrs.
Addie HodgkiiiH and found the later
is very much Improved in health,
which is pleasing news to her many
fair Clackamas county friends.
Leo Cook, oldest son or Mr. and Mrs.
Win. Cook, is at the Good Samaritan
hospital to undergo an operation.
Miss Carrie Scripture is still con
fined to the St. Vincent's hospital, and
her condition is now somewhat favor
able for a recovery.
The pretty home of Mr. and Mrs.
(ieorge A. Ostrom was open on Fri
day evening of last week, when a fare
well recentioii was tendered Mr. and
Mrs. Fisher. The evening was pleas
antly enjoyed In conversation anil
song. Lorraine Ostrom favoring with ,
several mandolin selections. Pelici-I
ous refreshments were served. About I
thirty were present and extendi! ie-
grets that the family were leaving as
well as the best of wishes to them In
their new home.
Mrs. Charles Redmond visited with
Mrs. Jones in Portland last week
while she iB entertaining her daugh
ter, Mrs. S. I'. Pow of St. Paul, Minn.
Owing to the hard frosts of the two
past evenings, the dahlia show has
! been called off. Most of the dahlias
(in this section being destroyed by the
i frost.
For Sale
Having sold my farm, I hate no
further u-e for the following:
one ipati of draft horse; J
wagons, t Is 31; and the
other j im h: one light wag
on; one hack; one buggy; one
single harness; two sets of
heaty harm-sK; one disk har
row; one 1 1 inch Oliver Plow;
one horse, 1101) lbs., good any
where. No reasonable offer will be re
fused for any of the above.
Call or address .
108 14th Street Oregon City
Kiil.K CRKKK. Ore. Del !. (Sp
ilali Mrs Waller pouglas wa no
K-laiml.i tl-ltor ln-l Weiliiead.it after
Thomas Kuden. of Viola, bating pur
chased a teat of II S. lilbaon, cuniu
titer ufter II lust week
Alex H.ikcr took Kti pound of ev
ergreen blackberries oer lo the K
taenia cannery one day last week.
Grandma .ludd spent Sunday with
Mis llnulett
Kterett Hetkell wa II g'le.l ol hi)
mother and sinter, one day la-l wevk
Mr. Roy loiig's lulled on Ml
Geo. Kit niilb r the other day
A W. Cooke and wife were calling
on Mrs Howled l.iol Ftlda)
II II. Holfiuclsier. son. Pate, gtun.l.
on Wilt, and Mr mid Mrs R. II. Gib
sou. attended the Geolge fair oil Moll
Mr Orke re. " titli made a business
trip to the Yakima country
II S Gib-mi wa an Oregon City
tlsltor last Thursday.
.1 W. Cahlll and wife were calling
on Mrs Howlelt the other day
W. F pougt.iss made a return trip
to Portland Saturday
J. Affolter and wife were Oregon
City visitor Monday.
The Helping Hand society met at
the home of Mrs. Alex Pakcr and
spent a tery plea-ant afternoon last
Wednesday .
K Nay lor. W F Ponglass and Km
Pouglas hauled scleral loads of (rout
I from the K.igle Creek Hatchery and
pill them lu Peep Creek la-t Heck.
j Wa'tertllle lluo aire Pcciburn
rale h mi Mi Kei'.ie rlter aells for
Could Not Do Her Cooking
j Mrs. F. K. llartniclster. Tea. Mo.,
writes: '1 was affected tilth kidney
trouble for two year. I was so bad
this summer I could hardly do my
cooking. I got Foley Kidney Pills and
1 they helped me. I feel like a new
, person." Too many women neglect ;
j symptoms of kidney derangement. (
j When the kidney s are not properly
doing their work poisons left lu thu '
system cause weak back, dizziness, '
piifflnc.ss under eyes, swollen ankles,
I Joints, and rheumatism. Jones Prug
Co. -A.lv.
, lb. led Hie folliiwIiiK ellli.i.
1 1: iu i. in, pi. i i.ni . Mi. ii
' man. 1 1, c pi . .1.1. i,l . Mi . i
I H. lid . ha. L I . . trial i and
limine I'll. 1 1, .l.llli I
W lohll.nll M.I4 I 'i i 1 1 I II' I ll-ll.il
Tuc.,1.11 mid W. dill ..1.1!
M'H ll pl.il-e mi rlti ii Ibe belli
kIiu i ond'ii If il Hie I alibi talel. lU al
Siileiii iluilng Hit. flali. l.nr lui llm
In. mm r III wbbll Ibet Mitel I he pub
III Melllbils ol Ihi. l ilt .lsi.il. lallell
Ol id Hlelll In t i . I Ibe i uli-i s.lirli
, (or In it .i ...li I he . al. tella w.t
.'lll.b r Hie III. Ill, ie. Ill, III nf Mi . ,,iiiii a
M P Sailor M I Lee li bile and
John Cl.ih.llll Oilier Clllht peopln
who ii-sl'.led wen' Mr C V Piouli.
i I'.ll. lie liibtmiili. I I' , eii.l, ,n bin
em i" l.ili ilon uinl lull I'oit. r
M J. lee look III the atale lair
j I butsd.it . Kolng on In Lebanon In III
lend Hit" l.il mull s i uiiferein e ol Ibe
i M K i bun b
I Geotge Pali was a dalli tl-llm lo
i Ibe stale (nit
I G U Vt hue ami I II III. s Pl.i'it.
Te bill tilliiia W i iliiclat
I .Ml Amy Winpp'e. wbo u alt. u l
ling Monii Ih ii.oiii.il was gte.liin:
I alibi hi. -n, la al Sab m Saint. I it
Ml. II II lb i n il aii.l i .iii-in Mi .
' L lllll Slllllll. ol I allien llele i.l.lb
; ll died in a i ii i i,iuii at Hie I i.l
t'l.iuml- .luiliii: lb" .tale (ail Mi
ll.riell mid Mm Smith t.cre tl.iloi.
al the lamp 'Hiui-d.it Mtllei l ll.r
toll and Roland, who r. i . ntlt i i-l hi iii- l
,(111111 I a 1 1 f.irn i.i. i .line in S.tiiinl.it ami
I tliet ult lelnini'd Iii Hubbard Sumln
! Mr mid Ml lieoige eireii. M.
j Noiiua Yergeii and Hot i-rgcii i
i llpletl I III-1 r lollilge ill the fair t'toi'lld
during Hie week of Hie (air
j Mr. and Mr Kdgar Smith Wail
I K i ' i (-.' i and Pot- Sailor, win among
jibe Caubtllf w bo melon. I lo Salem
I Aiming Hi.. Caiiby people who .ml
: pari In the lair Porllaud day were
j Mrs Kd lira. HI. Mia p G Clark. Mis..
; l.oralne Lee, Mr and Mis A Knight,
'p. It Plmlik. Crank Podge, Mr. mid
, Mr Sliicv, Mr ami Mr. Ora Sitter.
i Mr and Mr. J Lee Hi koron, Miss
' Hi.iiiii.i He. k. Mr. ami Mr I S
: K.tui'tH. li. Pr and Mi R I. Gariellt
Mis IoiYIii.i Sinn, Ian ami Ml- Ml
nil lliihhs look III Ibe (air at Sal, in
last week
The general nn r, ll.llldl-e .lele ol
C. Wang A Co w as elilerid hv tliieti .
Moil, la i night about I.' il'i The .al"
was completely delimit. tied, abi.ul II"
In t ash lal.fii and oiue stm k I'enple
residing In the neighborhood heard tin
explosion and a iii.u lilii" dioie i.ipblly
through town .ti, nlli aftetward SIhi
llf ll ,oll. of Oregon Cllt, responded
lo the call as soon as the robbery was
illscotered and the mil v i lues n. ie a
crowbar and a cake ol soap Thin la
! the third time since Mr W ang li.it
bet II In business III Callbt lll.it III'
sate ha been blown open
Mlsa Lola Smith. M-. eda Hrow. j
ami Mr Kl'l Hroitu Imik In Hie stute!
fair during the w e. k.
Mr. and Mr,. Arthur Graham, l.-s
Lillian Wang. Mil, In, I Wang, and'
Cli.ulle Grahaiii. of Urc'iui City, mo
toicil to Salein Friday
Miss llllelia Snell and Mi.s Louis,
GaHlroik ih i,' (air il-H,us Friday.
Mr. and Mr W. H Hair. Mr ami
Mrs. II 11 Kr, 1 h visited Ibe stale
fair Friday
Mrs i: A Krueger and :imill son.
returned Sunday from a tisit nf set
enil days 'villi Portland ndatiies. ;
J. A Mitts spent scleral day In Sa
b in taking III III'' slate lair
C. A Will returned In Caiiby last
week from Newport, where he has
been for several 111011(11. He I- great
ly Improved In health.
Kd llulras. Walt Krueger mid Pi
A. T. Murdv were Poitland visitor..
Suiiday. i
A, I, im Knlgbl went to Salem Friday '
to attend the fair and Iml, lent. illy
lake In Ibe coiumlsttloitcr' and Judges'
Mr. and Mrs. Koger. of Salem, won
Canby visitors Tuesday
Mrs. K. J. linker ami daughter have
returned lo Canby after scleral days'
visit wllh Poitland relative
Clyde New si rum and James Kau
plsch spent Saturday nlglii and Sun
day In Harlow.
Art Snook, of Vancoiiter. was a
guest Sunday of his slsler, Mrs. It. S.
Miss Sophia Srhaiibei, accompanied
'I In r ii i Pom Si I i-ka. eie in i
i ..li I IP i allel. I iel.il
Ml and Mi,. I'nd ill. mi n M0I.1II4
h. to l aubt tb.ll.ua l ll l i)
Ml .. M ib. I lobt'l ul Ml xiito l.
pi lit I'll, I it nil, I li.ililld.l) Hie
I. iiloe id bla ,..b. r. lake lieli et
Wall bl'i, iii Clan ine I n .oil
I bub. Combs weie I'm II. 111, 1 l"i.
II. as I I ll.il . t II, ,l
I 'i.tlow ,iC ate a.'lne nl Hie lalib.
pi.' pit Hi, 0 ti it.. I III! Sill" I, ,11 dm
III. ' Hie filk Mia I'.'llll.l l,.l
Ml Sell ll.ilflll.,ll Mia C li I
tin'i Ml .. I IIHo Mi 'Hum. Inn M. II no
AM', tl ll .it t Mi ill P. . il P. elet
M1II1 1. I. dm SV lute. Inn I dull 101
U..1..1 and K I Hot
Mi mid Mi . li Vi W bin. mi l Mi .
till, 10 l.ialiaiu wile pi.iHaii.l toll
1, la 'lhui.il.il
Hut punning b I hii'inlat Lu 'a
' in a. 1. I "p. lldUM s. ll l ll .III. Ill
I alibi
Mi - t It I'll. 1 .in. d 1. Im m I
lie, 1., In to hit Inline In I'eitlnid al
let all ettilnbd 1 1 -It wllh lot al.1,1..
M 1 .
I 1 .no
Kill! Ill inn I Mt
w .11 I
l l ll
, l.e I
llll.. Ml . II I. nan. II
I Ml - I..I licit lb ell to I'lll 11. I ' "
it Si 1 It 11,11 til belt ll,lle,
; ,11 llll lllllollliiblli' lo I Idi'lll M'lll'l.l.
...ill,. M, I I b till" Is oil bin, I
log f r 1 1 1. i'.ll llieiebiiig wih 11 pail
of III. Il l- I" .lllllUK III" ai'tolll'll'lle
vtb.il H i .le. lllin Keel b. . alio' i"ll ol
in. Iii I be lo-l 11, Html nl Hie ma
bin. I ... 1 on: It w.i. going I" ba. k
ou t a I'. ill,., lie pile, rd .III I (.11 in
'ill III, bl. lo , d and l .l' k II" w.l le
mon. I to Ibe lin i I'lltg I oapllal ami
011 Wt.liii'Mlat was anil tun on. 1 Ion.
Init ol Ibe lllll." Til" lb" tot Ille tint
able 10 determine hew si 11,111a the In
pill, a llll' I I'C Is Hi" soil III Ml Ull'l
Mia I I I Ii who wie an aelln.i-.lt
ll, .. I tan I'lilllbs Iti.n. whell I tl.-Ir
III 11 1 ll 1 1 11' went otel til" I'lllballk'lii III
a I S. . I 1,1
Whin You Tkt Cold
With lb" uM't.ige mall 11 told la .1
mtIoiis imiller and should nol be trill
e. with, as si. fie nl Hie lunal danger
oil ' ilisi a-e.nl.nl w llll a 1 illinium col l
I., l.e chamberlain' Cough Kemuli
and gel 1 Id of your 1 obi s ipib l.ly a
po.alble You lire Hot e I M-r llllelll lllg
when ton ii".' this remedy, a It I1.1
beeii In use (or mmit tear and bus
uu established reputation ll contains
tin opium or oilier n.tr. otn Obtain
able i-icrt where
Poll I I ANP. Die. Heil :n. Kn'
1 bi t boura lo the minute (null 111,'
time Hie pirv in the Kll.-abel'i G
Fi.tiy feig'Ti inn' retired they ie
turned I11I0 toiirt at iiisiii today
asked to b" I'll used.
It Is absolutely Impossible (,o
lo ugrii,' klated lb" (oietnnil
I lie Jolt flood ulllii Inr cnliv:.'!
and line" (or a, ipilltal.
The ipiestioii of Inlsnt" wui Hi"
I',, lilt oicr Willi h III" Jill l ilea. I'll. k.' l.
Orrgon City People Should Learn to
Dfttct the Approach of Kidney
I be Min;,li,ins nf kidney trouble aie
m int III ... r . 1 1 -1 .-. I kldncy i often ex
1 n te a till, k. i loiiily. oflciinlte urlii".
full of s. dlinciit, ll 1 1'gtilur of passage
nr at'i lob d by 11 sen ..(Unit o( si aiding.
'1 he I a, k mil v- ache, headai he and
di t -p. IP mat in-, ur and Ih" vl'llui
Is ofi.'ii tteirhied do'iii In a feeling
oM. hi , 1, ir ami (atlgne .N'eglei t llie .c
warnings ami Ib. r" Is daiigi r pela.
often protcs fatal
'oii tan us., no better cndorsi'd
I I bluet n l Ii than Po.in's Klduef
Pills Heles Ulegoll Cllt proof of
tlulr iin rll
l.liwli'llie N.lllie '."1.1 M.lillioll St.
Oregon Cllt. sat ' Klghl years ng 1
I vim laid up for -eii'tal mouth with
lllll. illilli.it,, I v rlieilllillllslll. Mieil of
the lime I was perfeclll helpless all. I
my whole body ias sore. I could
1 li a it 1 1 y bear lo hate anyone come near
'my bed, 11s I was 10 sen.illlve to the
leioit noise. My kidney Were III a
pretty bud way ninl they were tery
I congested. I had taken only a couple
of boxes of Un, m's Kidney I'llls when
I my kidneys acted more freely and the
rheumatic pultm eased up. I I noli
I about six boxes allogelhet' 11 ti il since
then I have had bill very little trouble
from my kidneys and hate been (eel
llli; good In every way."
! Price r.lic ul all dealers. Don't sine
J ply ask for a kidney remedy gel
I loan's Kidney Pills the name Hint
I Mr. Nnlhe It it I . Fouler Mllburu Co.,
I Props., I tu (Tii lo. N. Y.
A drink that shouldbe on every table
On Bale at all Leading Groceriei and Confection trite;
In-.,,!-!. A Untl Ilia llKs-Triln
WA tioNn iiiixmi i-ii.i.s. r a
With exieiiKivo improvements to
buildings and grounds now under way
completed, the federal lish hnlohurv
at Clackamas will be one of the best
in the entire country.
The ma. 11 milliliiiK of the new plan1,
a structure f.S by 11)0 feel, to be used
lor the hatching of eggs, will be com
pleted early next month. With Us
ccmpletion, the present open Htrnc
li.ro will be no lonRcr used for batch
ing eggs. A reservoir, made or con
crete and with a capacity of li.'.U.'JUO
gallons, will be used when completed
te hold young fish when they have
grown so large that the hatchini? trayii
are Inn Kinall for them. The reser
voir will be ." by 77 feet and will be
11 feet deep.
Near the banks of the. Clackamas
river a pumping plant Is bolim In
stalled by W. II. Howell, formerly sup
erintendent of the Oregon City water
works. The system will contain two
pumps installed, each liuving a cap
acity of 1000 gallons per minute. One
v ill pump the water from the Claeka
mas river to the reservoir, and a simi
lar pump to be Installed at the Hpring,
which now supplies the. present build
ing with water for hatching purposes.
An electric light system Is to be In
stalled. The grounds surrounding the hatch
cry buildings are to bo beautified.
Gardens are to be laid out, which will
surround the concrete ponds contain
ing the young fish. There are five
acres lu all, and one of the most de
sirable locations for a fish hatchery.
It is through the efforts of Henry
O'.Malley, who was formerly connected
v illi the hatchery at this point, and
who Is now chief of the division of. fish
(ultiire at WavhlnKton. P. C, that the
improvements to the Clackamas
ye.ntivTwna.Bt.safr'a Ai.ijnKdiit i i hatchery are being niHile. Mr.
ley was succeeded at this hatchery ny
il. C. .Mitchell, who has been con
nected wllh the Culled Slates llsli
hatcheries for the last 11 years, ti nil j
who recently arrived from Yes Hay.
Alaska, but was employed tit the
hatchery at Clackamas about seven I
years ago before taking up his resl-;
deuce in the north. He has iiIko been I
ci.nnected with California and Wasli-1
i::f;tiin hatcheries.
In the hatchery building that Is now J
being used at this point lire ovcri
1,000.0(10 Chinook salmon eggs so far)
Ibis season, and arrangements are be-1
ing made for the handling of I ."iiiO.OOO. !
They will be used when hatched to
i-.lock the slates or Oregon, Washing-1
Ion and Idaho. These eggs lire placed j
in wire netting trays as soon lis taken ,
from the salmon nearby, each trav
having n capacity of 21,000, and Ihese j
are gone over each day by John Lena-1
l.-orger, who has been In the employ of j
the llsh hatchery at Clackamas for the
past 'l't years. I
F.ggs bearing the while markings'
on the side are Immediately removed.
ns these lire dead, and If not removed i
Immediately will cause others along-1
side to become affected with, w hat Is j
lermed by Mr. LennberKer, a fungus. !
The temperature of the water Is about
f.O degrees, and It requires about 50
days time Tor these eggs to hutch.
After the eggs have been hatched,
these young llsli will feed from the
sacks that cling to their bodies, and
will thrive for about .10 days, iiftij,
which they are fed ground liver, three
or four times each day.
Close to this building are several
large concrete ponds that have been
constructed for the caring of tho fish
alter they have become too large for
the wire netting trays, and at the pres
ent time there are several thousand
young Chlnooks ranRinK from three to
four Inches In length In these ponds.
Rubber Stamps
Our Rulilicr St amp Department is prepared to turn out your or
ders for special stamps on short notice.
Orders received by 5 P. M. delivered the following; ninrninn;.
Butter Wrapper Stamps
Rubber Stamp like above, Stamp
Pad and Bottle Ink, $1.25.
Oregon City Enterprise
Office Outfitter
Phone Pacific 2