ECoON city ente a44 Tna Wnly EnUrprU la worth tna prlca. Cam- para H witn eihara and than (ubacnba. I, I K IfHTltKU Al. rim IKTV .,,;,.. I'.l-U M T'"" ',,rii.i,. l flFTIITM YtAH-No. 40. OKKliON CITY MNTKIdMUHl), J irlDAV, (XTOIJKU , UU;. KITABLItHIO MM JUDGE ANDERSON 'seven cases before DEVIL'S WASHBOARD TO ; OPENING CUN OF samual PILES STABTS CAREEULLY LAID a T ;f OF ALL PAVING WILUUH CASE WILL Br TAKtN ' OP A NtW MATTER THREE CASES MI AMD. WRECKS A STORE TWO STRETCHES OF ROAD IN EASTERN CLACKAMAS GET ATTENTION LA GRANGE APPLAUDS SEATTLE MAN WHO WILL BE IN ORE GON CITV FRIDAY NIGHT BE OF NO AVAIL l 4 Tht Cnlarprlt It tha only Clacaam County Nipapr thai print All at Ida n of thi growing County, ROBBER U E TOO COMPILES COS MUCH SOUP AND G. 0. P. CAMPAIGN PLASFUDTO IN COUNTY F RED NtT OUTLAY OF COUNTY IS t?4 O.'lUt, OVIH HALF GOING FOR LAOOH. PLEASED WITH RESULT, COURT PLANS MUCH WORK fOR 1917 6vrl Hoad District Plan Bpactal Itvit to Halp Defray Coal of Work Bu BlraUhaa of Paving Put Down. Tlx ari'iuK" kmiI of all unphiiltlc i mulct hunt nurture riMtil laid dor- Mi at llin lit I summer by lilt- county, with county i ihm inai bluer)' ! jt til by eouiily i'liiilii)i'K, wua t7 1 tit a square )utJ, IikIIiik lln i out of bringing III rood In auliKrailn, ai i nfillhjt In figure announced Tu ,i lay by II. H AmlrrwiD, county JiiiIki The nrt runt of all llm patt-iut-tit lulil by (hit ruunly during llm sumiiiei aa IOJK 06. making I In- cunt per mile IH.36I 40 fur a veinrnl 1(1 foil wide. Thn con I of minting anil ,ir paring (tin ban la nut lnrlintil III I ln-im flsuroa If II rrf added, the i ii! a allium yard mould U. lln tram il In uIhiiiI 74 ri'iita a yaril. whlrli wm.ld make Ihn aholc runt of a mill' of It fiNii road Iniilt Ihla year. 171.11 Invtitminta Total H792.2Q. 'I ln ruuiity has Invested In iiiu bin fi). luola ami all equipment f 17:' ", Im liutlng (In' i iiil of a t i-w llon ,i vlm which In soincdine ued fur t 1 - r work 111' flgutcs rIiow Unit tin' enmity, -1 1 ttiul Iiik rlviili ruf It m. In able tn l.iy lianl uurfiu c rnuds fur about tfJ per nut of 1 1 1 nvciuK" contract cost Tin' isninly lulil roads urn declared In In' tin' equal uf rniilnut pun'luili'. I'f t In sulue rluna. Judgo Anilrmnii'a figures allow dial , thr principal u( to the ruuiity In In Ti I'Ihi dainaa uiilily gruiul Jury yrnli'iilny In k ii ii II whin. Hi vi ii Iiinilul in ir uisea ainl aoiun now Hint Ii r. Im IihIIiik, I III' Jillllla Wilbur !'. will Im tuki'ii up Tin' grand Jury will lirolialily be In kcaslun thr greater iart of Ihn week. Tin Imiilid over iiiwi mi' I'lank Hiliinlill, lurii'iiy, M II llrrhuiigh. aliiliitury crime, ('. W Hlulr, obtain lli money mnli r fulni' plrlriinrn, I'. II. Kellogg. rlliualiiK hln i.i iim.ii. Kl Kar 1'uiilioy, Auiml I'irry ami liny I'li'Uulil, liiiriilary, ami Julin lani'iiy In a ilai'lllnr. Ihri'o ram-a rret illniui'i of Muliilay, lilit till' fa nulla of thi' Jury utk In thrni- lanrn will nut lii know n until thr Jury inuki'a II tiHirl Tin i ani'B aKultml Jullnn Wlllnir. iiKinuKi'r of thi' Kilur'a rluli, lhi Mil ainikln ri'nurl hlih u rnlili'il Hun iluy moriiliiK dy HhiTirr Wllnuti umj a Imliil of tilnn ili'nillrN, ami III 111 Tit alili'n, Canry Juura, Tommy .Mihluka, ami Uiiila KuntMifi'liI, Kill hf taki'll U' furr thr Juiy, irulnlily Vi iliumluy, an iif inatli-r. ONE PUCE FROM SAFE BLOWN THROUGH FLOOR, ANOTHER RUINS BHOWCASE. STORE Of C. WANG & COMPANY AT CANBY LOOTED; S30 IS SECURED Half of Town Awakana At Noiae, Bui No Ona Gala Up loFInd Out Cautt of Blail Two Thought To Ba In Tha Party. T MAN WHO USES 'WEASEL WORDS BITTERLY SCORED AT MAR QUAM RALLY. Thut tin- iialrlutlnin of till lomitry In at a luur vl'li tlmn ut any lltno In i tin hlnlury of tlm nutlon huh the I nlnli'ini'lit of Hi'll.llor S. II. Iluntull, uf I'urlliinil. Tiirmluy it I a; lit al a l(i'iulili J run lully at Miirqiium. I Mr lliinluti muri'il thi' Mi'iliiin ml ry of thn ili'tllm Tilth' uilliillilntrutluli, iiml nnld tli tlmi' moiilil iuiiii whi-u hur. l(h ii i ii t -r In I n i'liwi airuml. Thi' tutnl outliiy fur Inlmr im $ 1.1.771) .'.n. mill fur mitti'rl.i! $ 1 1 .Kr.H.r.r.. Inti'irni ill 111 WnllMi'ht uml lIc'ITiM Inl lull l. fit iik il n( Imi'.i 1.1.".. 1I7 Work la Planned. Su ili iiM'il uri' the I'utiiily ullh lii'x mi. I thn iruuTly oum-ra In t'i:ir..l witli the niiii run of cnuntv lulil luuii Mil fin ', Ihn ruunly nun I iili rmly I ' l hi ii ii I n y ii litihy Ki .iHon of luiril nur Imi' rnuil ulk lor tun KlIIIIIIKT uf l'U7. Si'ii'iul ro.ul illntrlitH nm itiui. nliiK Hini'lnl h'Mi'H III mi I'f (ult Ii) In ilini' thi1 ruuiity ruurt to put ilnun luKiiiK III llii'lr illHlrlrls Tin' pnin l I 'ii I runt uf liunl Hiirfiun hnx hi'i'i: I ik rii fruin thn ci iMTiil roiul fiinil il'irniK I hi' M'imnii Juki rniiiil. Ilnrir U'urK nli k, nii)rrlnli'liilrlit of jiiivIiik. mun uf rounliliTiihli' 'XM'rlt'in'o In tin1 mirk, will ri'tiint to Clin kiiiuiin I'uuiiiy iii'M airiiiK. Tho ruunly iIuiIiik thu Hinnnii'r lulil ilk atri'trlii'H uf liunl Hiirfuri', u I i'iiI of Hii7S llniiil ynnln or :!ii.ii(Mi s.uiirc uii1h. .IiiiIkh AiiiIithud'h Ntuli'innnt fol Inwn: Plant Set up Twice. Tiff plant wiim Hi't up In two il 1 1 f r I'tit pluicH unil Hit Hi'l'iirntn plun'S of luivi'inont put iluwn, lmvliiK tlm ful lu Iiik mt'iiMiiri'Mii'iitn: l.lni'nl Siiinii ViIn. YiIh. Ori'Kon City riirkpliice rnnd 23-ltl I'-MSO Ui'illniid roml HUH 1,410 IMmt hwiI no !:i tt'ontlniii'il on I'm:)) 4.) thn t'lilli'il Sl.ili'n wuiilil hi' lotnpi'llcil In onli'r tn pmliM I lln tllli' to tlm Mun j rix- liiMtrini'. In ku iluwn Into Mi'Vlxi . niul rli'iiii up Hint truiililnl cuiinlry. ! lit' ut Kuril lor il ntrnllK tlillll lit tin Inlin of thn Kuwrniiii'iil, a tniin who I wuiilil line nutni'lhlliK Iu'hIiIi'H "Wriihi I' , wnriln." In liiilullliiK thu Uri;c nlTiili.i I uf the n.itliin. Thi' ili'iiiin rnilr plutfiiriii uml ! niirtruiliT uf I'lrHlili'lit Wihiull wnri' I fruitful tupli H fur iIIm-iihhIiui liy Sunn-! tor HiiNlnii, who l.illii-il in in ly mi hour J I mul who wiih I'.lu n iTuhi- utti'iitlnn hy I 7.'l OtlTS. Wllllu in M HIipiii', ri'imlilli iiu noinl-1 ni'i' fur illntilii nilorni'v, uml V. '. I'lloirt i ii ml lit ji I fur iiilllitv liHSt-H. I nur, t.illiril luii'lly. Mr. Stone iikhiiIIi'iI the i'Mnnni;iiiii e In tho pretti'iil ml inlnlnliullon uf tho illntrUt nltuniey'b off Ire. lln Imlliiitril that the rirent rnlil on the I'YIurn' rluh hml heen ntnm'il n few weeka heforo elertlon for pullllrul effert, ami miltl thut tho roll illtlunu at the MlUvnnklo reaort hail heen nuturluiiHly hud fur iiiiiny niontliK. He npok)' feelltiKly of tho opportiinl Ilex In tho officii for whleh ho Ih u run illilule to Klve law hreiikiTH n (liiinre to refurni, ami nalil that lie would run durt the offlre upon (ho Miliary llxed hy law, without extra deputy hire mid appropriation)! fur the enforreiiient of new Iiiwh. ,1. W. Iloluirt, repiilillcmi roiiiuiiltee- nail for Mariumn prrrlnrl. pri'Hlilt'd at Hie mei'tini;. The ii'inihllrail I'aiidldateii will hold a rally at ClnckmiuiH IouIkM. .lohn Me Court, former United StuteH attor ney, will talk on uullomil Ihhui'h. The ntuii- uf ('. Wuiik II Company al Cnnhy luuka aa If a inlnatiirt hut lie hml Ih-i-ii NlaKcd In II. Tlu-ro are holm In thn walla, allow mf yluna la aplln lered and one hit of Iron la blown throiiKU tho floor, all IxiaUMi aume In eiprrlriiri'd pcrnuii unt-d loo lumb "imup" In blow Iiik tlm '" uhotit i u t liM k Tuenduy moriiliiK. Thn aafn llaelf la a riddled inana of nli'i'l. Tin door wan not only blown off, but Ihn thick vulla uf the auft i-ii'ti were bent, ao Kri-ut waa tho fun t of tho riplonlon. Hits of aleel were aent liurlliiK In every dlrertlon, leav lux nrore uf arara on woodwork and alui k, broken Klu and dutnaKed III (urea. The liolne of (he blunt uwakrni-il half of Cunby, but rvvryhoily, evident ly, Miiined a lorpedo on Hie Southern I'arltlr Irurka nearby, turned over In bed und went bul k lo Bleep. Tuemluy moriiliiK word un tptephoiied to the aherlff'a offlre and Sheriff WIIhoii hui rled to Canhy. Ilulf a duy apent In j vIhIIIiik ull tho holio cainpa und In iruredilly InnperlluK tni nirne of the jrrlnie fulled lo reveal the HllKhtent irlew ui tu where (he nnfe-bluwers went. Mr. I.. T. Ilatton, who Uvea near the utore. told HhorllT WHnon thut the hemd the explosion. She tliotitit thut I there were two robhiTH workiiiK to- Kether on the Job, nnd dial they t-uiiie uml went In an iiutninoliilc. The iiolnu of the Idnnt waa lerrllle aa ttiu liieu did nut muffle the aafe und fevrnil 1 1 in ch tuo inni li nltro Klyreritii wun 1 lined. Thirty dullura were aerured in i-anb from the hiife. Knliuiire wuh aeeured hy pimhiiiR In the front door. The Wuiik More him been rubbed ubout live tliiicn hi rerent yearn. The lime Il I In the neruiid Hiife i rarkini; Job In the ruunly mure . .1. llsnti iiei .iine I ilierlrf iilmnM two years aKii. T he detll'a wanbUuid, a nln Ii h ol riiad In lweeii Hartoii and rjnile Crn-k III thn eunleril part of thn ninlily. In to Iokc Us terrors j The i mi ll'y ronrl hs determined In' Improve tha etrt-li h. und Kuailiuunli r ' ItiMila will ! at work iioii It within a few duys The rornl Is one nteep, j hlKh hemp after another lis ruiidl-1 Hull wu i mined by rlninpliix load after the. MOLALLA HEARS CONGRESSMAN HAWLEY ANO CANOIOATES FOR COUNTY OFFICES. CEORCE C. BROWNEll EXPLAINS I.A ll A.S'liK. Or, f).l 4 -The lluifhes lampulcii wan m-i In motion J In I ii Ion touiity toiili:lit. Thn open Iiik bombardment fur llnuhea vote , was fired with MHnu effe. I. In the j til iiiimeroua counter tun tl ' Irarlloiis a larte amllem a had aa M-mblid In Ihn Mormon luneriiarla THIRTY-FIVE WOMEN AND MEN CAUGHT IN RAID BROUGHT HERE AND EXAMINED. rYTOvir(wrr nr irrici inror i H,,mmr Hm.,ei imi,-. ... m UtlluilrlUrUtuL VI UUIOUtlUltLl the' loud of itravel an. I i,ut letelliin nurfare. Thn rouiii will level roud and put ou a m aurfam. The ruunly rourt has also appropri ated I'iOU lo Improve the Hurt in Mill roud, another ntretih In eastern Cla' k ainua whlrli la lde known amoaic motorlnis and furmem Rcprtenlativt Diaaacta Fret Trade Policy of Democrat William M. Si one Criticize Democratic Dutrlcl Attorney. CLACKAMAS EAST COUNTY FAIR AT E! 5TA ADA OPENS BIO SCHOOL PLAYSMEO HOUSES BIG SHOWINO OF FARM AND GARDEN PRODUCTS. CURRINSVILIE CAPTURES FIRST PRIZE FOR COMMUNITY DISPLAY Franklin T. Griffith Outline Plan of Hi Company to Open Up Big Tract of Lond to Actual Settler Soon. KSTACADA. Or.. Iki. I With ul! exhihlls In jilarc. tl;" third annutil MaMt (Turkuiua4 Co nty fair opened this tiinrnlnK wit- - j attwiil;in o( mo or ,'iUO iliirtuit tho duy. The nuia slve plavMieu ol tne r.iai anu m nooin rotnprlned tin- main rxhlhit hulldiiiK. ! houslni; (he in;rn ultiirul. burt.cultiirul j The op-iiiii (nil of tlir republli ail ;n-aklnK lampai'i III Claikamaa I roiuily wjs fired HuturJay nixbt at I Molulla, where mure than ZOO voter I listened attentively to randldale fur ruuiity offices and to Conicrensinuo llawley. The Initial nieetlnn; was must aunplrloua In point uf attendance, and was enlivened i-v niualc from the I'lo-ni-er trio, whose souks were localUed and fit the oriusloo. ieorite T. Hrnwiioi. randldate fur representative; William M. Stone, for dlntrlrt alturney; W. W. Kterhart, fur assessor: I'udley H. Iluyles. fur re corder; il. K. Dunn, for treasurer, and I r. W. K. llfinpsled, for coroner, were present at the meeting, and the latter made brief tctk. Mr. Stone mudc a direct plea fur economy In the administration of the affair of the dlntrlrt attorney a offlre. lie flmrplv criticized the eitravuname of the demorrutlr incumbent Id the employment of a deputy at a sulry uf ISnO per annum and the aeciirinK of a ski lal uppniprlutlou uf $:!uW) fur the enforcement of the prohibition luw. Me ulno condemned the employ ment of Detective lvlni: in the Mill murder cunt at a cost to Clurkamu county of uIkiiiI $:!U00, and said noth Iiik had heen accomplished by the ex penditure of thi money. Mr. Stone promised, if elected, to conduct the dlatriet attorney's offlre for the sal ary fixed by law, and said If be re Mr. llruwnvll caused the Inroicr-tuv payers lo sit up and take notice in an able exposition of the extravagant of the legislature. Mo read a Iouk Hi't of lfKinlutivt' appropriations from the trod in ed The Heatlln attorney fl ienry, r-a soiling and roni n-tc presentation uf Im Is Immediately i ellienti-d Ihei lou-sl i attention, and he dove hi-sdlonx Into j the ureal politlial Inanea of the day j It is doubtful If a mure rnnvlnrlns; j sM uker will spin ar during the ram I I'jIk'i. AlthoiiKh showing some sign I of atiain from the strrnuuu tour be la making, he evinced desire to con vert doubting Tbonunes Senator 1'Hes will be in Oregon City Krlday nlKht. sH-aklng al Wlllumette hall. OfTlrers uf the (Tai kumta coun ty republican central committee are planning to make hi talk here one of the big event of the county campaign. IT COMMITTEE 13 APPOINTED TO PROMOTE PERMANENT ROAD WORK IN THIS COUNTY. Kurd surface roud i-oiiatrurtloii in C'ackaiiwB county recaived an im petus Tuesday throuch the Live Wires uf (ho Commercial club, ut their initial nut-ting after the an miner vacation, when 11. E. Cross, Captain J. T. Apper aon. Grunt 11. Dlmkk. 11. C. Sta-k-weather and Ceorge A. Harding were named as a committee to promote ; jiennuncnt road work. SEVENTY BOTTLES OF ASSORTED LIQUORS ARE HELD AS EVIDENCE Sheriff Wilton and Deputits Sweep Down on Place While Rvlry I at Halghth Stat Hat Strong Cat. The best laid plana uf inlr and men (Jang aft aglee. Tbe truth of Hubert Hums' oftipiol ed lines la food for reflectloo for Jul ius Wilbur, manager uf the Prutr' club; fur the club waa raided again Sunday morning; Wilbur. Casey Joavs, musician, Tommy Nlahloka, Japan ese porter, and Iiuis Rosenfeld, wait er, wrested; 70 bottles of assorted liquor seized and held a evidence, nd 35 patruna of the place) brought to Oregon City and examined. Wil bur la free under $1000 ball furnished by Mllwaukle business men and hln three aide are under I'.OO each. Revelery waa at it belghth when the sheriff and bia nine deputies swept down on the plare about 1:30 o'c'ock Sunday morning. Music for the dance and song was pounded out on a piano and a set of drums, a wait er glided from table to table with drink and food, while Julius Wilbur, manager, went from table to table to see to it that every guest was enjoy ing the night. Tbe arrival of the sheriff, however, did not slop the flow of fun, for while the official and his helpers were hunting attic, cellar and kitchen for liquor, the music in the big dance hall continued, the laught er did not wane and the dancing was just as modern. Just as lively, as be fore the officers srrived. Much Liquor Found. O k HU. l 1I....SM- l..l!i,li.i j OCICHIJ uwiiiri ui iiifuwi, , I l.opr forelun nniL domestic wine. Kin. The county court haa boeti Instru-. i.n.n.u- o,,ni uhlJuev nhsinthe and hall. Cupboards in the lower part or the bar fixtures were filled v,;;;. In- mental in building hard surfaced i.,.,i.r, in,i ltmlttr har tx roads in Clarkamus county for the irM . . " .,. ,.. ofr the jun,.e Moral, domestic srleiicc and luinmun j "-- "". , - ' ItV exhibits The liWStOl k. pollltr" ' m-uin wiilimi linu buwi-but l uihimoj ueiY"--i-ll .llinuuivie uiyi oeu- .'..i ..o.ii.n. -.. i: ini in.. " ""K rolllnc. lie was esperially em-1 wood, betwei'n llackamas bridge and , .,., aimearinir bottles. Sheriff tents erected ut. Hie adjoining s(.,i ' P"''tie in his di'minclatlun of the many j the northern '.Units of Oregon City i wllson amI IH.lllty however. m l!( ipiln'd sperlal assistance, he would i and for a distance of one and one-quar-l Bere h0i satisfied w ith the appearance T1, ' r . . , ,irs.'l,a-v ,,,r 11 0,11 ot Mi own l,tKkpt- He. ter miles south of tho Multnomah j of llnK8i ,,,.,,,, 011t the bottles aid i iir i lien iiiiir inn let-is nr ire in eioiri. i rn in v day's u wards seiitered In the commu nity ui?.o of which was awarded ing the law- providing for a district at-' street line road. on the farmers Klghty-sccoiid who have had INS MAY CUIDE TOURISTS TWO ARE COMBINED AND BOUND ARIES OF OTHERS ARE CHANGED. ON CLACKAMAS HTY MS Tho county court Is coiiHiderliin put ting up an iiili( ua t ' Hyslom of road Nigna und warning nlxnultrou ull thu loiiilK of thu ruunly. The county now Is gatlmrliii'. up iufui nuitioii which can lie used In ai riving ut uii cKtlinate of the cost. The taxpayers at tho mi niiiil budget mooting will bo askod to approve an llrni lor tho piirrhaso anil tho iiiHtnllatioii of these hIciih. Tho court Iiiih enll.Mted the co-opor-ntlon of the roml HiipcrlvlHors of tho roiinty in securing uu cstiinato of the number of signs mi'iled. County Judge Anderson has sent tn overy KiipervlHor In the county the I'nllnwlng letter, out IIiiIk the plan: "It Ih the purpose of tho fount)' court to (nit guliln bniirdH at points whoro roads Intersect, as a conveni ence to tho traveling public, and In accordance, with the state law. "Those signs should indlcato the directions to ho tnlion (o roach towns or cities, and the distance In mllos to them. "You are asked to Indicate on th blank sheet hereby enclosed, the proper name an distance, with tho arrow pointing forward or backward as I In case may require, thus OlMCCON" CITY 6 MI1.KS, DAMASCUS 4 M1I.KS. "Select arorrillng to your best Judgment where such signs mo noodod niul use ii separate lino on tho shoot for each one, nnd tho slgiiH will he painted mid sent to you for you to put up. Whore proper signs arc al ready up, no now ones aro necoHsnry. Also, whore warnings uro needed on main roads whoro there is much au tomobile truffle and sharp curves or narrow roads ahead, Indlcato by such warning signs us ' tlo Slow," "Signal With Horn." If nny such warnings ure noodod, Indlcato on tho sheet the number you need. "Accidents) on roads nro frequent, and tho county Is threatened with dmiuiKo suits on account of them, so that nil reasonable precautions should bo taken to prevent thorn. , "Those slgiiB should be placed whore they will attract attention. "Make out these shoets as soon as you can conveniently, nnd send them to me. "If it is (lie Intention to vote on the question of a special road tax this fall, get notices posted In ample time for meetings." Tho number of road tlistilcts In Clackamas county was still further re duced Thursday w hen tho county court decided to consolidate districts No. 1 and district No. 2, both located in the northern purl of the county. The now district is olio of tho lurgest in tho county. Two yours ugo tho county court cut tho number of road dli'trlcts from (10 to 67, and Thursday tho number was reduced to 50. further changes, which would still further reduce tho number of districts miiy bo miido this mouth. Tho county court 'extended to tho west the boundary of district 12 In Logan (o take In part of tho Clack amas river road und part of tho road to rortland from l.ognn. All tho ter ritory south of Clour Crook was taken from district 12 mid added to 13. Tho court denied tho petition to split district No. 40 in tho Iliirton country Into two district!. The court also turned down tho movement to form a new district at Clicrryvllle. Thu plan of dividing nil tho country north and oust of tho Clackamas river Into several largo districts canio up for sumo consideration Thursday, but no definite action was taken. Tho court will continue its study of road district boundaries this wook, with a vlow of making Improvements. tornev for each countv In the slate, an nniinrtuiiitv lo see this work have to Currliisville. with Sprlngwater, tieo h.u,,i.,toj 0 f,lrthcr cost to j boon much pleased and are c'amorlng rgo and Carlleld taking second. j the ruuntioti or Ort'tiun. for similar improvement of roads in and fourth places respectively. : ,oar,rt ullll commissions that are eat- I other sections of the county, und the Tho principal speaker of tho day was ing their way into tho pockets of the I committee appointed by the Live franklin T. Crifflth, president of the ! taxpayers, am! pledged his support to-j Wires will probably recommend that Portland Kailw ay. Light & Tower com-1 wards tho elimination of many of the continuation of hard surface pive pany. who delivered mi address ad- j these commissions. He urged his niont be distributed in the eastern, nilrablv suited to the occasion. legislative experience us one of the The announcement hy the speaker of reasons for his election the early opening up of several thou sand acres of company land In this county, especially in tho near vicinity of Klvor Mill and Kstacadn, for settle ment, was welcome news. l'resldeut Criffith states that tho couipmiy Intends to soil a part of Its largo land holdings, have already had surveys made, dividing the property into 4U acre tracts. As most of this laud Is raw ami when cleared rep resents the host of agricultural land, a special proposition will be made to till bona tldo settlers. There will bo no cash out'ay on the part of tho buyer for tho tlrst live years, at the end of which time, pro viding the buyer lias lived up to his part of the agreement, ho shall have five years more In wnlcli to pay for tho farm. Tho company hopes this land open Ing will attract many real farmers, as well as others unfamiliar with the business. Miss Helen Cowglll, state loader of Industrial club work of the Oregon Agricultural college, delivered nn en tertaining talk on tho work of the boys mid girls of Oregon. The musical program was in charge of rresident M. 0. Stephens, of tho fair hoard, and comprised several violin selections by Rev, C. f. Alio, oi" Sprlngwnter. accompanied by Mis Holon Partlott. of Kstacudu. Mr. Hawley dissected the free-trade policy of the democrats. He explained that tho American standard ot living could lie maintained only hy a reason able umoiint of protection against the cheap labor of foreign countries. He flayed the Mexican policy of the ad ministration, and said tho unstable acts of rresident Wilsou had cost the lives of hundreds of Americans ami the loss of millions of dollars worth of property. K. K. Ilrodle, chairman of tho county central committee, was chair man of the meeting, and Congressman Hawley was introduced by G. J. Tay lor, editor of the Molulla Pioneer. INITIATIVE BILLS DISCUSSED. Tho merits of amendments which aor to he voted upon by the people of Oregon at the November election wore discussed Tuesday night In the Oak Grove srhoolhotise. All sides of the various amendments were touched upon, tho discussion being in charge of J. Peun Duller, an Oregon City at torney. The mooting Tuesday night, which was well attended, is one of a series to bo given each Tuesday night in Oak Grove, until election. The meetings will ho hold In the school house at Oak Grove and will bo under the nus-j pices of the Milwaukle-Ouk Grove So-, cial Service club. western and southern parts of the county. Mark V. Woathorford. an Albany at torney who Is the Democratic and prohibition nominee for congress from the first district, was a guest of the Live Wires at. luncheon und urged the marking of ronds in every county by the road supervisors as required by law. n. T. Mrllaln, O. D. Eby and M. D. Lutourette were named a committee, to work for the securing of an appro priation from the government for the renewal of work on the Oregon City locks. Work was stopped a few weeks ago on account of the luck of funds. Water in the lower lock chamber is so low that loaded steamers cannot enter. Tho Live Wires, under a suggest i. from George Randall, will take up the matter of installing cluster lights along Main street. Dr. Van Itrakle urged the early construction of a hard surfaced loop connecting Oregon City and fortland. Dr. Roy frudoen made a brief talk. found under a fulse bottom of the. cupboard, another compartment filled with liquors of every kind. A similar hidden compartment was found at the opposite end of the fixtures. from the standpoint of the officers the raid was a complete success. Tho sheriff und his deputies went to Sell wood In two automobiles, leaving Ore gon City about 12:30 o'clock Sunday morning. At Sellwood they turned about uud the automobiles were hid den on the roadside near the club building. The officers divided into two parties, one headed by Sheriff Wilson and the other by Deputy frost. Deputies Break Down Door. Deputies frost, George Woodward, Lee French und McKechnle climbed over the high fence at the back of the club, while Sheriff Wilson aud Dep uties Harrington, Hughes, Ilrownlee and R. E. Woodward walked In through the front door. Those In Deputy Sheriff frost's party forced the back door ot the club, and were, in the dance hall a few minutes after the others arrived. Drinks on the tables, declared by the district attorney's office to con tain about 30 per cent alcohol, were seized by the sheriff and the hunt for the liquor began. Julius Wilbur, man ager of the place, was a busy many at first, but an hour after the sheriff and his party arrived he suddenly disap- (Contlnued on Page 4.) ATTORNElf E. E. COOVERT PASSES AWAY SUDDENLY E. K. Coovort, Joint candiduto for slnte son .tor from Multnomah, Col umbia nnd CliickainuH counties, und ono of rortluud's most prominent at torneys, dlod Saturday afternoon nt ,1:.10 at the Good Samaritan hospital following an operation for appendi citis. Mr. Coovert waa operated upon last Sunday. Mis sinking and death woro attributed, not to the effects of the operation, which proved success ful, but to other complications due to diabetes, from which he was suffering. 4 Wm AM A Al IKI VWBraA I 1N1S mm WinUa ITS PERMANENT ORGANIZATION Federal Probe 0 Management Of Friars' Club Is Probable; Wilbur Caught Between 2 Fires Permanent organization of the Ore gon City branch of the National Hughes' ulllance was affected Mon day night. E. L. Johnson was elect ed president; f. J. Tooze, secretary, and M. E. Dunn, treasurer. Mr. John son, Judgo Grant n. Dlmlck, L. Sttpp and C. Schuebel will attend as dele gates the state convention of Hughes' alliances in rortland October 6. Considerable enthusiasm was mani fest at the meeting Monday night. Ity laws and a constitution will not be adopted until after the state meeting of tbe alliances in rortland. The con stitution of the local branch will follow- closely after the lines of the con stitution adopted by the state organ ization. The delegates from the local branches from all parts of tho state will attend the meeting in rortland on the sixth. The morning session of the convention, which will be held In the auditorium of the rortland gen eral library, will be devoted to the election of officers und the adoption ot by-laws and a constitution. In the afternoon Congressmen Hawley, Me Arthur and Sinnott will speak, and in the evening the delegates will attend the Fairbanks' rally. Railroads of the state are offering a fare and a third rates to rortland for the convention. The possibility of u federal probe of i the management of the friars' club, I tho MilA'aukie resort raided by Sheriff Wilson und nine deputies early Sun day morning, became known here Tuesday. Julius Wilbur, manager of tho resort, free under $1000 bail pend ing a grand jury investigation, may have violated federal statutes in tbe conduct of his place. Wilbur is caught between two fires as far as a federal liquor license is concerned. With statements from those caught in the raid, with 70 bot tles of assorted liquor held as evi dence, and with other information which to date has not been announced by District Attorney Hedges, but Is said to be important, local authorities are confident they can prove Wilbur sold liquor at his resort If he produces a federal license to escape federal prosecution Tor selling liquor without a license, the license can be used as evidence against him in the state case. If he cannot pro duce the license, federal prosecution is considered almost certain by local authorities. Sheriff Wilson uud his deputies wore unable to find the license during the raid last Sunday, und are inclined to believe thnt he had none, thereby laying the resort keeper open to feder al prosecution. The federal statutes provide a fine of from $100 to $1000 and a Jail sen tence of from four months to two years in case of conviction on a charge of selling liquor without a license. Dottles declared by the district at torney's office to contain 98 per cent whiskey and about 2 per cent ginger ale, labeled ginger ale, which were found In the friars' club, may also lead to a federal charge of misbrand ing under the federal pure food and drugs act. federal authorities In rort land will also look up the law relative to the importation and handling of absinthe, several bottles of w hich were found In the raid.