OKKdOX (MTV KNTKIMMMSi:. FUIDAY. SKI'TKMUKU a. HHti. r r--i i'--:--i-i-v-'- ON THE FARM AND GARDEN COW MOST -UIKIR5 010 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE GATHERS ESTIMATES OF ItOO DAIRVMEN. ! ICS USED 10 CHECK BROWN ROT IN PRUNES A lording Id eatlinalrs made l more than l.kOO dairy turn and breed ers, lb rltry row rraihra hT huh eat value when between fl and an )Hri )( sge. Tbrw estimate hate been UM-t the laaia o( a study ua tlir Influence ( an on lb lue of dairy mil, Just published aa depart ment bulletin No. 413. Iy J. ('. Miinw ell. Tbe flinirr were obtained from well -Informed farmers throughout th principal tlnirx district of the coun try, and the at erase may In taken aa fairly rrprcaeiitatlt of relative tal ue of coma at different age. t:ltnate were obtained for four of lb leading dairy breeda. Illolitrlu. Guernsey. Jersey, and Ayrshire! and for four rlaaaea of three year-olda of e b breed, namely, the mi grade cow. Ihe $10 grade, the l:w pure breed, and the flOO pure bred. Working from tbia series of arbitrary vslura, estimates rotcrlng vales from dirtb to II yean of ace were obtained. Fur eianiple. It aa found that Ih farm era estimated that a trade HoUlrlo worth 10 at thrv yean of age k ! Ihe Leda to pn-ttut tba ra tram of Iba fllea that deposit egga Th riwnMt of ert-t-iilng l " alight aiid Ibe aatufai ol alio log Ibat Ihe radittiea aie Iree from mat-got warrant Ibe ritr trouble A flame of Irnor larlteimh board ahould Ix built around Ihe Uirdrta ot , Ibe led. few strand of ; HOGGING OFF OI8EASCD FRUIT atrelihnl ai na the lop to noli up lilt' rotering and then ordinary rheee l l.ilh or Uiiwtjultu Helling alrelibedi a roa Ibe lop to keep out Ihe fllea) j Cabbage l-.la ina l-e aimilarli riv I le.lr i rWn allrr Ix-ltia! arl Into the fuld yt'ung rabbage planta are olleu Hi Jutrd III Ihe aame way. The Injured REDUCES INFLECTION IN FOLLOWING YEARS. 1 1 hi. turned lulo Ibe prune or hard In aul'lrli nl nuiubrra to couaunie the nut in K crutiea thai voter Ihe around ..l.-l. . .1. L I w I.I... Im ..r"M' ! r..M.. " - m,.m.r '" I ..... . ,h .1 k. .M-it . ...n i,l.i .. i o"e of Ibe mol prolific aounea ol In attai a ed i - i ' , , turn ho; Into the onbarda and V"' Z on...n.e Ihe rolled prun.-a tha imrr ibe around." ) II. !'. I'ara ol PRUNl LtAF POT CONTROL. h, tV A. P,prrllliet.l alalloll. lenoiiKh bo are ued to clean up Hie Three ai.piuaiiona or m.rurau nu (irihjiri, u,,,,,,,,,!, th,.re UI reaiill lure 4I &0, or atomic aulphur. i ' conalderalde benefit lu rrducln Ihe MAKING WORN-OUT TOBACCO LANDS ; PRODUCE MOSHROFITABLE CROPS Maryland Farm of 164 Acres ol Rolling Land Made Fertile by Intel ligent Care and Use of Lime, Acid Phosphate, Legumes and Live Stock Larger Part of Crops Grown are Fed to Farm Animals-Rotation of Crops Is Practiced. ferae lam ly are likely lu I , " I. and the Injury ,..rtl. ul.rly i ''rU" ,,r"B r"C , . ck.ard aeaaon. au.b a. lb.!. " T""" . "V lo loo a-allona. ere found effeslUe In f ,,, n,f ifnn in the conlrolllne leaf mt dl.raae of ptunra lirh.rJ ..nj ,,,r,l(, follonlne in evperimetita r-c.ntiy onuuii.u o , -if ninia that are Infilled llb line nam ramoioicy uepanmeui 01 me ( ,,,. ro, .n,,,,,! ,0 r,.main on O. A. f. eperlment atallon The h .. f ,h ., ,. , .VT datea of the aprayinc thia year ere , , , , .lKi,.rn n,ntha tiro- May I. JtiM aa the laM Iduaaoma acre . f fnlll.- iKKiri ,n droppln. June ! and June :. The . . h . . h , f uae of a ath ker lth the In.rdeaux : nJ aIJ j,4h,r(( nillllona of mixture a rouna 10 and -reatiy to ,1Hir,4 ., .1.. ... of ,h- r. h.rd. me apreaum, jniaer or tne apray inelhlu ttltrim ,h, j,,,, (, Inlet-tin leaf apol dleae. aa rroi. naraa. h j.,,illlni. frull. head of the department, ia ratiM-d by,- -ivajrucllon of Ihe decayed prunea orth 110 at birth. Slut al an yera '"W" '" reIH.n.iuie ior tna . . , , hK, ,hp 01y ..rafii,-,! of ace. and $l at K. In Ihe t ae of I lr'oua. ldepread yelloalnc "'! I melho.1 that haa ever been auaiteM. d ih. n..M hrU ih. .iim.i.,l ..Ivan.e dropplne of the follaite In W IHanirtte .... ,... i ,hi, r1tn.tiu.v im In value up to fle or ai year ol ae alley prune onharda thia year and . ,KlrUn, ,rfe f infccilon. IHi not la relatively aharper and the decline l-,t- u retlucea the vitality of thj)o(,k ftr H,m.f, ,hP fimt y.ar after thereafter correaimndiwly abrupt. ! ,r"- l,ro,''Hr reuliilu In greater , ,ne rrai.tl.e i.Kun, ,, the aource Thua the 1300 tiurebred Jrraev la eall- mated lo b orth $i at l-irtb. $.1M ' ,or,r at ill yearn, and but ITI at II WASTE IN SPRAY COSTS. A needlea expenditure of aloul flO.OOO annually for aprayinc mate rial In Ihe atate of Oregon la Indicat ed In a aerie of apray efficiency t l beinc conducted by the entoruolocli al aaruace man naa oeen auapeviru nerr-; . .. ...,.. nrun, mfwiUin. ' Io not look for tM-neflt the flrnt year ' after the practice la lecun. aa the GLUTEN IN PIG FEED. aource of net aeasou'a pnine rot In fection baa been In Ibe cround alnce Wheat of ateraae gluten content i last prune harveat. led to pica produced a cain of JI.J Thla method la not a Sure-all' but pounda In the aame that heat of low (t l help. KxperitnenU t-ouducted cluten content produced a cain of ,y the atatlon Ihia aeaaon demonatrute s3.r pound in a fit'diui: experiment I that aprayinc with UiruVatu mixture al Ihe eaatern On tou branch expert-! greatly reduces Ihia diai aae and alao department of the acncullural colli-ce. meiii atation at t nion. ny uvunnic . (jje roccomycea leaf apot trouble The teata ara to determine the re-1 the feed at 11.00 p-r tiuahni and the j uhlch ban cauaed am h acrioua defollu quired atrvnrth of anenlcal apraya priir of Krk al -3 cent (which was mm m some prune aectlona tbia a-a-and also to determine the efficiency actually one rent le-a tbau It aold M)n." ol leaa expensive apray materials. In for on the Portland market l the Mln determinlnc the lnaectlcidal value, per pic on aerce cluten wheat A Coflgtd 5yit.m Mull Bt Cltartd. iHr II II Al nillli, dial. Ifntonalraltiin Aanl. Maiila I J. 0. (Ireenwell of Hi. Mary'a rounly. Maryland, la makliif good aoll out of poor and maktnc money at lha aame lima. Uerauae of the work of r alorlni Iba urn, gullied landa la a fuadauanlal process In remaking lha tobacco districts, and because Mr. (ireenwell bat dona such notable work long tbia Una, thought It worth while lo par bla farm a vlatt. Therw r raw farms which would mora richly reward a farmer fur visit. On hundred and slilyfour arret of rolling land and every tcrt tbowlng lha effect of Intelligent and loving rax. On all (hit farm there, arw not mora than ten arret that have not bean mad ferula by lima, arid phosphate, legume aod llvt stock. Few gulHea have not been reached; but Intra ara broad arrea whsrt clover and giaaae grow luxuriantly, which atlll bear evidence of th time when lhay wara marred by gulllsa. Ilmpla, Eastntlsl Practaa. How It ba making th aoll mor pro- ductlvt and adding to Ma bank account every year? By th simple, but essen tial proceaa of lime, phosphorus. legume and live stock. II grow crept to enrich hi toll on a large part of hla farm and ftdt the larger part of all crop grown to good live atock. Th gullle wer Ailed with th plow and scraped and plowed over, of course, but th real work of reclama tion waa don by th crops which wer plowed under or fed to live atock and th msnur spread on lb poorest a beautiful bum Th paint bpu.n th duelling and Ihe hlleah I, nob applied to Iht feiicea and oiiilmihlinn at often at required not only I'lr.iiw th buildings front deiar, liul add greatly lo lha allirlen...a of Ilia en lira bom. A perfect lawn with trees and shrubs add greatly In tha beauty of the plai a II rbosa Iba free and natural alyle aa B love nalur a way of doing llilnga High priced IsIhii makes II Impels llv fur III ill Iii ue UInu sating ainpl. rnenla and strong loaina Thla It i.n of Iba Mialll i-aa.Mia why ba makes j money funning Tb" sltoiig d ams and Mr. (Ireenaetl grows practically all labor ssvlng Implwiieni lift hint above of lha feed and food conaumad on bla! (i routine of emlleas drudgery. It farm. II doea not aend money to' conserves bis em-rgy, bla health and other seel Ions of tha country to pay j Bl" I"" It gives bliu an opHirtunlly for corn. hay. baron, lard, canned ' eu)oy life. He uaea hla brain mora goode. mules and horse and other j hands less farm produrta. II ataya out of debt "a shrllera hla farm Implement! and It la not neceasary for him lo dump 1 hr In use Ilia nioaar, binder. bla farm products on tht market when prlrea are low. There la a large fart II garden Just back of tba dwelling Tb aoll la very fertlla and ptanta ara grown practical, ly every month In Ih year. Aa aoon at ona crop la harvested, another kind of vegetable adapted lo Iba aeaaon la planted In Ita place. In caaea whsr a vegetable occuplet th aoll for a Con alderabl time, the aucceedlng crop It planted between lb row, or even be tween Ih planta In th row a. Ha not only fully realise th value of a systematic rotation of crops, bul ha atao knows Ih great Importance of a rotation In tb garden and tba keep ing of a aupply of fraah vegetable all Ih year round. Th average farmer glvea little attention to Ih garden and on many farms If th mother falla to look after lha garden, few vagatablea ara grown. Utilise Advantage. Ha It fully a war of th numerous AIRSHIP IS CITY OF LONDON ANOTHER OF RAIOINQ CRAP1 It HIT BY HNITIIM OUNSON ESSEX COAST. Plgt In Rtpt. hay preaa. cultivators, grain drills and plows ara not left out In tba weather. Th tool are cleaned and oiled al iht tnd of lha aeaaon. Hit honea have ornnarlv flltlne liar. advantage hla taction hat for lb co-1 , ,hit ,,,, , f ,,,, nomlral growing of llv atock. Ha j Th harneaa la kept eoft and pliable utliltee tb many advantage to tha ,n(J ,B, boftM. .naui,!,,, m fulteat extent. Th land la compara bruised lively rbetp and for thla reason be de pends largely upon grating for Ih necessary fredt for all llv atock. lit hat excellent pastures of clovert and colonlea of approximately loot) tent ll.O. and on the low cluti-n content caterpillar are used on numerous lc. Thla was a difference of :iTc. rM ! You will find Pr. Klnc'a New Life IMIla a c'ntle yet effective laxative croups of plants that have U.n resented by aa increase of li pounds, for rpmovlnK mp,lrities from the ays vprayea witn arsenical sprays ana otn- ht piK- me mnrm nn me atemi-r t(,m Accumulated waste polsona the era, of various decrees of strencth. Cluten content showed L'il per cent .,,,,,. ,i2,iea,. biliousness and ilmi As the caterpillars die they drop from cluten. and that with the low content. ,v milddr conipU.xlon are ,he ji,resS. the follace. Each day the dead cater- 4 percent cluten. It ts a well known ,nK effet.lg. A dose of Dr. King New pillars are collected and counted and fact that low cluten wheat will ,llt i ure Till to-nUht will assure you a the number recorded and compared make satisfactory flour." says Hubert fr1) fI,, ))0we niovemeut In the witn me numwr emeu ny sprays oi unyconioe. suiH'runeniieiii oi me r inorninB. i ymir driicclst. 25o. Adv. known standard value. It Is believed perimvnt station, "aud the above re-: . m that when the result of these experl- suits show its value as a hoc ti-ed." mcnts are published it will not only effect a (treat saving to growers but rj Your Child of Worms. win also encourace spray manulaitur- Thousands of children have worm i r rni.i n,t tie K-inP- v..u- niu-nverv ers to maintain a hiuh decree of excel- tnat wp their vitality and make thciu ; i Kura rlvt. A dose of this combl- lence In their product. 1 listless and Irritable. Kickapoo Worm naton of antiseptic balsams soothes " Killer kills and removes the worms 1 ,he irritateil membrane, clears the SCREEN RADISH BEOS and has a Ionic effect on the system.! u.ad, loosens Ihe pblemn. you breathe AGAINST MAGGOT PESTS Does your child cat spasmodically? easier and realize your cold Is broken Cr.v out in sleep or grind its teeth?, p- Treat a cold persistently; half- The small white maecot In radishes These are symptoms of worms and way measures leave a lingering couch, prepared for the table skI1s the pleas- you should find relief for them at ; Take Dr. Klnc's New Diseovery until ure of eating this vecetable. The once. Kickafioo Worm Killer is a your cold is cone. Kor IT years the mopt satisfactory way to control these pleasant remedy. At your druccist. : favorite remedy for vounc and old. pests, especially In radish beds, is to :'. Adv. ' , vour iiniccis't, "0c. Adv. Changing Seasons Bring Colds. Stuffed up head." clocged-up nose. ticht chest, sore throat are sure slcns r j v v i z tori i I I 'Na.'V 1 m. I I . MM m k ILL nVJf (iui :l .ill'l lllii'':, II 23 FP'V: iliL'To ' ' .'. Ml , Li.,M ! im I " .'... I I! 'i : i..V. i-i,' " ' -H ) hlrb "nno- ' a- (r - f'r"i ' l-U-.- lJt handling, ba made to produce C-7':'.'",?.TT ;. - ' rlTnfyj'rj:r.-rrl 'W- crop. Thriving tobacco. KWjytfir ;V.Vi-. !h i 0:Vf1-f''.-s ' peas ami other crops where once Sit ' i . ..w what can b. don. by nhriS-&' fr in. wh. I have Sean few money making farms anywhere as neat, aa thrifty and at progressive looking tt thlt on. Tb neat horn, good barn, tool shed and all tool la their placet, good atock. Spa fleld of tobacco, corn and wheal, grass fields and aura aanuvH A. Ma nil III. I tl patches, of cowpeaa. Th pea. clorar and grass fields tiplaln how the poor landa war mad good and glvea promls of even better tblnt for th future. Northsrn Farmer Cemlng. Many northern farmara art coming Into this rountry and doing good farm ing, but Mr. (lrenwll I nallv born. Ilia work provea two things first. Ibat to b able to do aa good farming aa anyone, tobacco farmer need only to get to reading and studying about their work; and. secondly, there are few woraout tobacco aoll a, even thos nat- roper profit- corn CERHJW ZIPS. SWOOPING DOWN Af NICUI, FIND DiOTEJtS READY Craved In City Set Burst f Fir Ovsr Outskirts When Fa It Ftllsd N Caswaltl Ar Rtprtd. UNrXI.V. Hepl. t3 - eppello Jul glble wrarabipa agalu paid heavy loll In a mid over Kngland laal plglil and miillmilnc pat midnight thla moru log Hue alrablp waa dealmyed over (lie oulnklrta of liudon, where It ruine flaming tu earth, while a aorond waa officially reported to bav beru broucbt down on the col of Kaaex. but th faiia of thla sm oud olfb lul le port are aa yet unconfirmed. Klm( newt of the raid cauie whit word waa received at l4indon that .eppnllna bad been alcbled shortly before mldnlKbt on the eaal and aoulli eat roaat of K'ncland. An nnclal alatrmeut laaued aftel 3 o'clock tbia morning aald: "Alrahlpa made a raiil on thn iaM and southeast niaals of England Ut nlcbl, dropping botnba In varlooa place The raid la atlll progreaalng. No reHirl of eaaualtiea or dauiace have yet been revelled." Hardly hnd thia rrHrt been made public and the llchl put out all oer die city than the air monaters ap peared Instantly a fleet of aeroplnnra rose (Q meet the luvadera. but the dark nlcht prevrnted any eight of any action there might be until tbe crowd anxiously N-erlng aloft aaw, far inn tho outaktrlM of Umdon, aburat m flame, followed by a detonation ami a awlft fllcbt earthward of a masa flume. Him. ii after an official remrl naa lsi.tiisl t hut a Zeppelin bad bee i deatroyed anil briiucht down In ft.nn- over tho outHklrta of I .on. Inn, Grssnwtll Farm Dwelling. Jim Smith And His Prize Winners .' - -. - j .-r--'V-r. :;... vv? r?.r u t., mf-M!..-'. ;r.vr-v.-i '.triaa: ;,... ;;i . V -.1 r-- .-1 .' spots with a manure spreader. Cow peas, soy beant. crimson clover, red clover and alfalfa have all been grown; even a growth of weeda la considered helpful. Mr. Greenwell says that the main trouble with tbe worn-out to bacco landa ia lack of humus. He grows legumes to fill hit toll full of humus and nitrogen and to furnish valuable feed. The policy of furnishing the soil sn abundance of .vegetable matter Is pur sued on everr uart of the farm. Huch crops aa tbe clovers, tobacco, corn and breeding purpose and used for pork wheat are grown in the rotation. (Tim- '"' '""1. Permanent pasturea. grai on clover la always planted In the to- I K "op and about one-fourth pound bacco and corn at the last worklnc- of corn per hundred pounda of hoc per The Idea of keeping Ihe toll full of j uv k,,,,I' h hoft In the best possible deeming vegetable matter 1 always , condition. kept In mind; and the rough feedt are The poultry department tuppllet egg". cntcKene tna tumeys ior name use snd to sell. The turkey contribute their sliaro of the profits, but chicken are rormln.nrd the test money makers. Mites and Hen are kept off the chick ens, clenn, well-ventilated houses fur nished snd plenty of good feed sup- The Kaal needs more than anything else men who will set themselves pa . tientty and determinedly to Ihe task j orrnaru ami rye grass, i no ciuvera. ' oi rruuniiing rural lire, or making tne i M airalra. vetch, rape, wbeat and other ' waste rlelda fertile, of eatabllahlng at rropa furnish good grating for about tractive and comfortable farm bomra, ten month In normal yrara. During of taking the lend in Ihe development six months of the year tbe pasture af ford all the grass his animals consume and part of this feed for four addi tional months. The feed for the bal ance of the grating period la furnished by supplemetiary crops produced on other portions of the farm. Purebred Duroc Jersey hogs are kept on this farm. The pigs are sold for SiMUl BETS" RELIGION; TO This is a picture of Jim Smith, his pet collie ilou and his sheep which walked away with ho many prizes at (he Clackamas county fair at Canhy this year. Mr. Smith was awarded lirst prize on every head entered. Sime record! He takes much pride in his sheep and is considered one of the lead inn sheep breeders in the north Wil lamette valley. Mis sheep pens attracted much attention at Canby. ' i almost entirely consumed by live I stock, the manure going onto the poor j est spots. It Is this policy of perslst I ent soil feeding that ba Increased the productiveness of thlt farm until It ! yields an average of more than 2,000 ! rounds of tobacco, two tona of hay. 45 : bushel of corn and 30 bushel of P,pl wbeat. Followed Sana Plan. Thla Is the great big loon to learn from thla farm. Mr. Greenwell real ized that the most Intelligent farmer will fall on poor land unless be build It up, and set out to make his aoll very productive. He did not attempt to do i this by the extravagant use of com merclal fertilizers. He followed the sure, sane and economical method of good plowing, phosphorus, lime, lejrumes and live stock. Prize Winning Sheep Taken To Salem i wtM&m ANDERSON, PORTLAND, SAVS HE HUNTED AND FISHED WITHOUT LICENSES. In tht Cowpta Fleld. Several good milk row are kept on the farm to furnish milk, cream and holler for Ihe family, flood naature clover hay and cottonseed meal ara nii direction of a spirit of progress on fed to the cow. The manure la care- 4,18 l'rt ot thl'lr fflllow Mr- fnllv ve,l an.) am.lle.l to tha nnorest ! Oreenwell Is doing thlt kind Of work spots. Horn Mtdt Beautiful. His home Is the most highly valued of all his possession. It I hi and his loved ones' castlo. It shelters those he love most and I to him the dearest spot on earth. It Is not liixurl- I and it ran be done by thousand who read thi sketch If not on the same scalo, at least with Ihe same spirit and i to the aame worthy end. FEEDING THE LITTLE CHICKS Of course he believe In commercial ously furnished, but comfortable fur- y-i ... , tfp-- XT'. i'r, M. Anderson, 3s7 Vmh Ankenv street, I'oitliind. finds (but his oll sins r Inn k lo worry him after conversion. To euae bl mind anil clear hlaj con atieiii e, he hua niiiile n confession to Sheriff AVI'aon, of t'lackiimus counly. The confession was ns'elved here by mail Sattirdny, and follows, Just us written: Sept. 23, l!Mi "Slierlf III Orecen t'lly "llecuose tiod bus saved my soul mid minle me u christian. 1 Knt t,. confess out tings have done wrong Icon the state lust winter I mi out hunting and Hint with out n ( i runt Irom the Stale . "und In Ihe sprluc I vns nut Ktsblmt the same way. I detent got eny Ulnls. "I cot one Klsh about :i ItiHh lone. "I usK for forclvnes meny Time "Yours truly ' lis? Kusl Aukeny street "I'nrtlnnd, Ore. "M. Anderson." Sheriff Wilson believes that the rather roinarkiible coufeKHlon wu sen', to liiiu IniiaiiHe Anderson went fishing and hunting- lu this county. The let lor Ih wrltleii on one side of a sheet of note paper in u careful laborious hund. The sheriff does not kno Anderson. Oats In Shock in July. Mlxturt of Equal Paris Hard-Bolttd Eggs tnd Stale Bread It Best for a Stsrter. Kor the first three days chick may be fed a mixture of equal parts hard boiled egg and stale bread, or stale bread soaked in milk. When bread and milk are used, care should he ex orcised to squeeze all milk out of the bread. From the third or fourth day until the chick can eat wheat and cracked corn, common-la! clilck feed 1 a good ration. i Dcs MniiieJowa. " Four year bro ALFALFA AND CI OVER CROPS 1 1 WH" v,'r "i,rk an'' my lif- M n"Hry spent, j no doctors HUSBAND OBJECTS TO OPERATION Wife Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham'g Vegetable Compound -fertilizers, hut he Is not afflicted with the notion that Inml can be profitably or permanently built up with commer cial fertilizer If the life of the soil a supply of decaying vegetable matter Is lacking. His success as a soil builder appeal' to me. It would ap peal to anyone who could see a I Raw tbe beautiful stretches of tobacco and pea meadows, the splendid reaches of rrn and the broad wheat fields. ilBhings neatly kept In order make It attractive to II Inmate. Ihe boyi and girl on this farm will be Im pressed In early youth with high Ideali- if rural life and will most likely be ontented to live on the farm rathe: :han cultivate desire for the mere sur face attractions of the town or city. Ihe flowers, neatly kept yard and .'encea always maintained In proper ol der are all that I needed to make thlr Supply of Cultures for" Inoculation May B Obtained From the Bureau of Plant Induatry. If you think your alfalfa or sweet clover will do better by being Inocu lated, you can obtain a aupply of cul tures for this purpose from the bu reau of plant industry at Washington. Direction will be given for using th material and blank furnished for rt i porting tb results. This picture thows some or tne registered Hampshires that were ex hibited at and won the first prize at .the Clackamas county fair of 1 91 I. These sheep were In the private stock pens of Judge Grant H. Dimlck, and are owned by Dimlck & Gregory at the Greenwood Stock Farm, Oregon City, Route 1. This Js the first time that Dimlck Gregory have shown sbeep at the fair, although they have had large ex hibits of awlne, including O. I. C. Herltshlres and Poland Chinas at every fair hcid In former years. Plans are ! netnK mane to nave a larce exhibit of stock at next year's fair, and the pens will be enlarged. At the Dimlck Stock Farm, at Hubbard, with K. J. I.ankins as superintendent, are some of the best Ayrshire cattle In the northwest. They were exhibited sev eral years ao, and carried off the grand champion and first prizes at the fair. These farms are to lie represented at the Oregon State fair by some of the prize swine, and were shipped to Salem Friday niorr.lne. Amor? these were gome of the Poland China and O. I. C. breeds. There are l.'i head in all that are to be exhibited, six bead of the O. I. C. and the remainder the Poland Chinas. These will be in charge of K. J. I.anklns, of the farm at Hubbard, and Tbornas Gregory, of tho farm at Greenwood. "Pacific Jumbo," the herd boar, weighs over TOO pounds, and no doubt will come away from the Iregon State fair with one of the big prizes. The University of Nevada, at Reno, recently purchased one of the pies of Mr. Dimlck's breeding. IS SVIM BEBUDSI MAN CHARGED WITH STATUTORY CRIME BRINGS SLANDER ACTION FOR $5,000. M. If. Herbaugh. arrested In August on a statutory charge, filed through Prownoll & fllcvers, Monday, a ",000 slander suit against Samuel P. Hon- drlck, who Is tho complaining witness against Herbaugh. Herbaugh was bound over to the grand Jury In Jus tice of the Peace Slevers" court and Is freo under 13,000 hall until the grand Jury meets. The girl In the case is the 14-year-old daughter of Hondrlck, the defend ant In this case, and a niece of Hor baugh. Hoth are farmers in the Needy district in the southern part of the county. J. Ira Routlcdge filed a suit for di vorce against Elizabeth S. Routlcdge In tle circuit court Monday, ullegiug cruel . and Inhuman treatment. They were married In Juneau, Alaska, May Ifi, IK09. Ilrownell & Slevers appear as her attorneys. Conatipation the Father of Many Ilia. Of the numerous Ills that affect hu manity a large share start with consti pation. Keep your bowels regular and they may be avoided. When a laxa tive is needed tnke Chamberlain's Tab lets. They not only move the bowels but Improve tbe appetite and strength en tho digestion. Obtainable every-1 where. Adv. luted that i would never get well with out an operation and that without it I would not live one year. My husband objected to any operation and got me some of Lydia E. Piiikham'l Vegeta ble Compound. I took it and commenced to get better and am now well, am stout and able to do my own housework. I can recommend the Vegetable Com pound to any woman who it tick and run down aa a wonderful strength and health restorer. My husband tayt I would have been in my grave ere thia if it had not been for your Vegetable Compound." Mrs. Blanche Jeffer son, 703 Lyon St, Dei Moines, Iowa. Before submitting to a surgical opera tion it is wise to try to build up the female system and cur it derange ment with Lydia E. Plnkham'a Vege table Compound ; it hat caved many women from surgical operations. Write to tbe LydU JE. Plnkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Ma., for wl vice It will be confidential I