OKEflON' CITY KNTKIMMtlHK. KIM DAY. H KIT KM I IK It V.flC. lummom. In Ilia Clr nit Court of tli Htutv of in uuia fur ( lm kainaa 'utility. Tlllle Itnluii, riiiliillrT, v. Mia lil II. t'liHui', liiiftniilniit. Ill Hi li.iimi nf tilt H I a to of Dri'Kun, iii um linrnliy r'n It ! to appnar mill uliawnr Uin I iiiiiliiliit lllml MKulust nil III Hi mImhii ciitltli'il rauaii mi i,r Imloiu III n I'JIll dux ill Hi'pli'llihor, IB Hi. I liu (linn pri'SiTlhiid III III nrdiir ll plllllll Utlllll III till HIIIIIIIHItlM mil Hint Iii'Ink imu limn l w i'ii k ii from tlm il.itx til fir hC imliili utiiiii of llil no Hex, iiii'l ir ynu full to in appear nl aiiawir, fur wunl (hnri'iif, dm plulnllff lll iiiilx In Hi Kiint fur Hi relief ray for III Imr roiiiiluliit, to wit; Hint dWi'inliiiil, Mr, lil II. I'liaan tin ri'qulri'il In pur In (ilulnllff Milan 31 days from Um iliitn of d. ni ' Iii-rotn. Um mini of $:imj '.'& by ri'um'ii of puat ilim liiHtitlliui'iii mill lulwiwl mi Unit curtain routrai t en li'ri'il Into tiy ili fi nilaiit on lint'. I, I'JU fo tkn nortlii'M'il turner of lot 70 Oik Oroya, lii'lnii 11.1 13 fnnl oil County ro.nl Mini 370 ft (3C ft ) In ili'plli, In Clui kuma county, Oregon toKi'lb"r with all unpaid lun t Iiito on, mill In m" of li r fullnrn In o my i ll miuii and tmi', tli ili'fi'iiilmit, inl mII thoiu) I'lulnm lliruiiKli or under Imr. Ihi fori' ir forc lomd of nil rlKlit. Iltli', i-nUla I It'll or InliTi'Nt In mill to Kit li ininrty; for Imr rout anil UU liiirni ini'uln ln'rtln mill for iin'li olhur iiinl furthiT relief tu the rmirt lu'i'in moot. Till uiiiiiion I iulillaln'il dy order of l Ihi linn. J. U. Cuiniitii'll, JihIk of I hi' ulmre entitled roiirt, iliitoil A UK. II, I f I . dlrertlng Ihul pilblli atloll be iiiuilo In arronlumv herewith. I'utn of Drat 1'iitil l ut Ion Aiik. IK, I'MC. Ial of IuhI pulillratliiii, Hiit. Z'i, ll I.. W. MATTHEWS. Attorney for I'lulnllff. 1.'.' tti.iniln'r of t'uiniiH'ri r, I'ortlmiil, Orngoa. fummona. In tli Circuit Court of the Hlate of Oit'k'on, fur (tin county of Clackmim. Mary ('Brothers. iliilntlfT. v. Krn eat K. Hanto, F.atellu K. Kkiitn, lilt wife C. ttmivr. Lena II. Itcevoa, 111 l(e. dofi'liiliint. ami T. A Wllllmna ami J. H. OHtiKiT, en iiurtncr. dolnc liiialnt'K unilnr (Ii firm nam anil aiyln of Wllllmna ft (lllnucr. Intcrvim t it at iti'li'lijunta. To Hinnnt K. Kaiito. K-iti'lU K. Hun to. ('. ('. llrcvoa ami Lena II. Iti'nvc (Icfi ailukta aliovi nuiiu il: In (tan niimu of Ilia Ktuta of OrnKun you and urh of ynu ar lioreliy ro quired to appear and una it (ho croa coinlilulnt filed UKuliiat you In III aliovo untitled man mid court on or ! forv Ih 30th dny of September, 1916, and If yon full lo appear and answer Ilia auld rroa complaint, plaintiff will apply to the court for tho relief prayed (or la the nnld croaa-cunitiliilnt. to- wlt: Tkat tlm Intervenlnn defemliinl have JailRment acnlna( C. C. Iteeve and l-na II. Reeve, hi wife, In tliu auin of $119 l.r. with 8 per ( I Inter eat from (he 31al duy of December, 191ft, tho an in of IfiODO uttorneyi feca and rout or aull mid ulu and Ihkt a mortKuKO Riven by nald Iteevea and lfo nnrtxmtliiK to auld Intervening ilefemlnnt aiI 51 rlrat Addition lo JennlnK UhIk. In Cluckumu county Ori'Kon, be foreclosed uml auld In the mntiner provided by law and tho pro reed upplled lo the paynii'iit of the cliilma and dnmumlH or tho Inturven Iiik defcnduntM, unit (hut In rami rsulil premlHii lirlnx an InHiifflcliiut amount to puy tho lawful churisc uml do iminil KKaliiHt Hume, that the Inter venlnK defendant have and recover from auld Iteeve niiil wlfo a Unficl enry JuilKment for any overplua ro miilnltiK unpaid on hiicIi fore'loiiure and aula, unit (or Kneral relief. Thin- ammnnuH I hitvim! uimiii you by publication, purauiint to an order muiln by tho Hon. J. i . Cumpliell JiiiIko of ttin aliovo entitled court, and dated tho 14th day of Anoint, 1911! Tho iluio or tho (list publication or thl HiitnmoiiH Ih tho IStli day of An Kiint. 1910. anil tho lust dato of pub llcatlon Ih tho 2'Mh day of September, 191(1. MKItltKUT C. IIIIYSON. Attorney for IntorvenliiK Defendant. Summon. In tho Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon, for Cluekamua Comity. Drvu K. KIhIi, rialntirr. VH. Morten KIhIi, Defemlant. To Morton FIhIi. alioveiiumed do frmlant: In tho namo of tho Statu of Ori'Kon, you nro hnreby reiiulred to uppeur uml tamiHWor tho complaint lllod iiKiilimt you, In tho abovo entitled hiiII, on or before tho 22nd day of September, 191(1, Niild dato IioIiik tho expiration of hIx week from tho llritt publication of thin BtiimmmH, and If you fall to appear or mmwer biiIiI complaint, for want thereof tho plaintiff will apply to tho court for tho relief prayod for In her complaint, to-wlt: For ii decreo (HhhoIvIiib tho murrl ane contract now oxIhIIiik luitwoon plaintiff and defendant and for tho care, cimlody uml control of sulci mi nor child. Aurol KIhIi. Thl snmmonB Ih publlHhod by order of lion. II. S. Andnroon, JiiiIko of tho County Court, which order wn miulo on tho 8th day of AiiKUHt, 191(1, nnd tho tlmo pro Hcrllicil for publication thereof la hIx weeks, beKlnnliiK with thu Ihhuo datod Krlday, AiiKUHt 11. 1916, ami contlnu liiK each work thereaftor to and In cluding Friday, Septomlior 22, 1916. ItriOWNKLL & SIISVKUS, Attoruoya for Plaintiff. Summon, In (ho Circuit Court of tho Stato of Oregon for Clnckumna County. (ioorRO W. AkerH, plaintiff, va. Annie ThompBon, (nee Welch) and J. W. Thompson, hor husband, defendants, To Annlo Thompson (nee Welch) and .1. W. Thompson, hor husband, de fendants abovo numed: In the name of the Stnte of Oregon: You are hereby commanded to appear In the above entitled court nnd cause on or boforo tho fith day of October, 1916, then and thore to appear and nnBwor or otherwise plead to the com plaint filed In the above entitled cause, and If you fall o to do, a decroe will he taken Bgalnst you for the relief domanded In said complaint, to-wlt: For a decree of the court declaring th niaintirr in he the ownor of the following described real estate, situate! In Ilia fount jr of Clarkamas mid Ut of Oregon, low II: Hint part of III Uoliktlon bin I claim of William T. Mulli k and wllu In Hm Hull 4, In IoiinIiIi 2 no'illi of range il i'l of Uin WllluiimtlH Meridian IioiiihIimI mu ilnai rllui'l ka folio, U wit: I It-k I li ii I n k on Hi liuilli Una of llm ftirin formerly owned liy t'. Clarke detrrlheil In ilni'tl liook 97 at ikKi) lid of Um iIimjiI words of ('lurk um rounly, wbitrs said lino I In Icr am Ifil liy I lit ninttir Una of Hi county rimil known tliu liakr'i Ferry kinl Mllwaukln WkKon llouil tinmen running north ex ii'KM'' imal 311 ll.l riHl In Ilia renter of tlm Ore gon ft ('kllfornla railroad tr k nm braced In Um right of way riu feet will granted liy W. T. MuIIih k kinl Kll'klii'th Mulloi k, lila wlfii, In OrKon Central lUllrnml company, liy deed ilktml February 17, lK'lt, recorded In lliMik "0" kl ikKn 2 of Ilia deed ri orila of aulil ('lurkiiina comity; theme nor Mi 1!;' digreea weal ulong tint renter Hun of audi trai t 24111 rmla; tliilim lint til KH ili'Krut' eual Hit roil klollK ihu northerly llnit of said farm; thi-ni aolllll 2'.' llinrera euat fill 17 roil tlii'lue aiiulli l'. ili'xri'i' weat 117.15 roil purulli'l 4t It Uin northerly Him of aulil ( ii nil to the renter of auld rnilii ty mud; Hume along the (enter linn or auld county road 23 roil lo tlm plai t, ol lii'KllllillIK, enlitulllllIK 4' acre II 1 1 Tit or lea, and that llil title lia quieted thereto Thl uiiiiik I lervrd iikiu you by order of Hi" lion. J. I'. CumpbU Indite or tba abut tiulliled court, ortl erliiK Hie mini to be ptihllnhed at leaat once eiich week for alu aucci-aalve week III the OreKon City KnlerprlHti HAI KU It (iltKK.V, and A. II. MCI IITAIN. Attorney for I'lallitlff. Dule of first publication AiiKUat 2'i mm. I lute of liint pubtlcadon ( lober 6. 1UIH. Summon. Ill tlm Circuit Court of the Mate of Oreiiou, (or (he County of Clai kuina (iottn Hi li nt nun, Plaintiff, v. Umlan Schramm. Defendant. To Uiulao Schruiiim, defendunt: In the nmnn of the Slate of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and Biinwer tlm rnmpluliit riled aKuiliKt you In thn ahove-entltled mil In auld court on or before tho .Will duy or Hep teuiber, liiHS. If you full lo appear and answer herein, plulnllff will ap ply to the rourt lor a decreo against you a prayed for In the complaint, dlaaolving thn murrluge contract now rxIstiiiK between plaintiff and defend ant; (hut plaintiff bo awarded tho custody of their two minor children and Ihul ululntlff be decreed aolo own nr of lot II. block 13. of JloborUon, In Cluckumu County, Oregon, and also Hiuh other relief auld court deem proper. This summons I served upon you bv publication thereof onco a week for six consecutive week III tho Ore gon City hnlerprlse. a nowspaper pub llshed at Oregon City. Oregon, pursu ant to an order duly made and enter ed of record therein by lion, J. V Campbell. Juilgo of tho above court, on thn Hth duy of August. 1916. The date of the first publication hereof I August IH. 1916 nnd tho date of the lust publication l September 29, ttll. It. C1TKON. Attorney for l'lulnliff. Portland, Oregon. Summon. In the Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon, for the .County of Clacka ma. Kva H. HlggiiiH, plaintiff, vs. Hoy lllg glus, defendant. To Hoy HlgKlns, abovenameil do- fi'lllllllll. In tho namo of the Stato of Oregon: You are hereby reiiulred to appear nnd answer on or before Saturday, tho Mill duy of October, being nix week from tho duto of first publica tion of this summons, tho Amended Complaint filed against you In the abovo entitled suit; ami if you full so to uppear and answer, for wunt thereof the plulnllff will apply to tho Court for tho relief prayed for In tho Amended Complaint filed herein to wlt: For a decriMwilssolvIng tho marriage tmtrart exillng betweeu plaintiff and defendant and for an absolute di vorce; for tho custody and control of Hoy lligglus, Jr., minor child, ami for tho slum of $f0 per month alimony for tho mnlntenunce of plaintiff and suid minor child. Service of summons Is mado upon you by publication thereof by an ord er of tho Honorable J. U. Campbell, Juilgo of tho aliovo entitled court, made and entered herein on thu 2:trd day of August, 1910, directing; that such pub lication bo miulo In Oregon City En terprise, a newspaper of general cir culation publlHhed In Clackamas coun ty, Oregon, onco a week for six con sncullvo weuks, Thu first publication of said summons Is mado on Septem ber 1st, 1910, uml the IuhI publica tion thereof on tho 13th tiny of Octo ber, 191(1. JOS. K. IIEIHIKS, Attorney for I'lnlntiff, Oregon City, Ore. SUMMONS 11 the Circuit Court of the Stato of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Tltlo and Trunt Company, a corpora tion, Plaintiff, vs. lonry ltussell and Mathilda Russell, his wlfo, Dofomlants, To Henry Russell, dofonilant above named In tho name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer tho complaint filed against you In the abovo entitled suit within six woeks rroin the dato of tho first pub lication of this Summons, to-wlt, on or before the 20th day of October, 1916; mid If you full to appear and answer tho said complaint, for want thereof the said plaintiff will take decreo against you as prayed for in said complaint, to-wlt; for the fore closure of a cortaln mortgage recorded In Rook 100 at Page 342. Mortgage rec prds of Clockomos County, Oregon, which said mortgage la a lin upon the following described real property In the County of Clackamas, State of Oregon, to-wlt: All of lota Eight (8). Nine (9), Ten (10), Eleven (11). Twelve (12) In Trail Thru 13) Woodianiit Klrst Ad iMIoii 'llil Hiiiiiiiioii U publlaiiftil our a week for all Bui aal wtuik In Tha Oregon City Linlf rprlati, In compliant with an order mud by tlm lion. Jainr If. ('aiupliitll, Judge of tha above u tllliul Court, dated 7th Hnplninlmr, mm. W. O. M.CAItTIIY. Attorney for I'lallitlff. Dated and Ural publlahed, Heptnliilinr K, I'JIfl. Mat pulilli tloii O'tolwr 20. 11116. Summon. In llm Cln ult Court of llm Hlt of Oregon, for tlm Comity iif Cla' kama Matt Dldmin, I'lallitlff. v. II. K. Morrell, a admlnlatralor of Hie rtat of lml Morn-I, also known a liula K. Morrnll, denatd, II. K Morrel, a widower, II. W. Morrnll, a widower, Kannli) K. Knlgbl and Wil liam Knight, her dual. mid, liffi'iulmit To II. W. Morrnll, Fun nit. K. Knlgbl and Wlllluiu Knlgul, In r liualmiid, d" ft'inlmil abovn named : In tlm Hanoi of thn Slata Of Oregon, you and each of you rn hereby rn- ipiln-d lo kpN-ur and answer llm coin plain! (lied kgulusl jrou In tlm above i nllHi-d suit oh or be f ore Oi tober 30 I I 5, which dute I tilhaeqiUTit tu llm eiplrallon or six ronamiitlvn wm-ks ufler September I '.Hi. 1916, which I tlm datn or lb" first publication or Ibis miiiiinoiia, and If you full lo ap peur and answer for want thereof Ihn plulnllff will apply to thn court for the relief prayed for In hi complaint on file herein, which I briefly a follow a, low It: For a decrnn aglnat thn defendant It. K. Morrell u admlulslrator of thn esluln of Uml Morrnll, decend, for the sum of lu0 00 with Interest Ulertv on from the 2Kth day or Januury, 1916, at thn rate of K prr cent per annum until paid, and for thn further uin of I'.O 00 attorney' fen, and for thn cost and illsburseinent of thl ult; that thn plulnllff mortgage et out ami den rllied In thn said complaint bn decreed to be a first lien upon the reul proiMTty deacribed III hi auld complulnt. to wit: On all of lot num bered five (u). In blixk numbered thirty-six, In Oregon Iron Stnel com. puny' first addition to the (own of Oawego, Clackamas county. Oregon, and Ihul (he iiereniiant ami em n oi (hem, and all peraons tlulmlng through or under them subsequent to the execution or palllitlff' laid mort gage upon auld real property, either pun baser. Incumbrancer or oth erwise, may bn barred and forever foreel d; (hat auld reol property be sold a upon execution, and that the proceed of such sale be applied (1) to thn puyment of plulnllff cost and dlabursement of this suit Including ultorncy' fees allowed by tha court and accruing cost; (2) (o (he pay ment of (he amount due the said plaintiff from said It. K. Morrell as administrator of the estate of lxml Morrell, deceased, upon suld promis sory nolo and mortgage, and thut the remainder. If uny. be applied as to thl court may eem Just and proper; thut tho defendnnt. and each of them. bo forever burred and foreclosed of all right, tltlu or Interest In or to (ho suld real properly or any part there of except a redemptloner under the statute; and plaintiff pray for gen eral relief. Thl summon I published In pur suance of an order of the Honorable V. Campbell. Judgo of the above entitled court, mudu on the 9th day of September, 1916, directing the same (o be published once a week for six conspcudve weeks In (he Oregon City Knterprlse. a newspaper pub lished In suld Clackamas county. Ore gon, beginning on Friday, September l.rith, 1916. WILSON. NEAK & ROSSMAN. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of tho Slate of Oregon, for Clnrknmas county. Jas. I,. OHborn. Plaintiff, vs. IttiHU E. OHborn, Dofonilant. To Rose E. OHborn, above-named de fendant: In tho namo of tho stnte of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and niiBwer the complaint filed ngaiiiHt ynu, In tho above entitled suit, on or tieforo tho Srd day of November, 1916, suld date being the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this summoiiH, and If you fail to ap pear or answer said complaint, for want thereof tho plaintiff will apply to tho court for the rolief prayed for in his complaint, to-wit: For a decreo dissolving the mnr Hugo contract now existing between plaintiff anil defendant nnd for tho cam, custody nnd control of said mi nor child. Alum Osborn. This sum mons Ih published by order of Hon. J. IT. Campbell, juilgo of tho Circuit court, which order was made on the 21st day of September, 1916, and the time proscribed for publication there of Is six weeks, beginning with tho Ih huo dated Friday, Soptember 22, 1916. nnd continuing each week thereafter to and including Friday, Novombor 3rd, 1916. ItROWNELl, & SIEVEUS, Attornoys for Plaintiff. Administrator'a Notice. Notlco is heroby given that the un deiHignod, administrator of the estate of C. II. Hunnull, deceased, has Mod his final account herein, with the county clerk of Clackamas county. Oregon, nnd the county Judge has sot Monday, October 2nd, 1916. at tho hour of 10 o'clock n. m. at the county court room In Oregon City, Oregon, as the tlmo and place for hearing objections to said final account and for the finnl settlement of suld estate. .Dated September 1, 1916. H. O. STARKWEATHER. Administrator, O. 0. ERY, Attorney for Administrator. Summon. In the Circuit court of the Stnte of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Fae II. Ryder. Plaintiff, vs. Paul Ryder, Defendant. To Paul Ryder, above-named defend ant! In the name of the stale of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you, in the above entitled suit, on or before the 3d day of November, 1916, said date being the expiration of Ii wtmk from Ih lira! iullli ation of Ihi uiiiiiioiia. and If ou fall lo appear r miswer laid lou.plaliil, tot want Hit-iwf Ilia plaintiff will apply to Ilia court for In ri lif prayed for la bir complaint, to-lt For a di re dlollug tba n.ar rlagn contrail now ailating l,itctii plaintiff and ilefniiilaiii and for Ilia ('km, rutatidy and mnlrol of aald nil nor iblldrrii, Kredtink Hder, kidd (u year, and lurinn Itydnr, agnd onn year. Thl iiiiiiiiioii la pul.IUI.ml by order of I Ion- J- Caiiipltnll, Jmlgn of Hie Clnult court. tilt it ordr was inadn on Hi 2"lli day of Htplriiil,t-r, Hill, kinl Ih tlm I'i' v rild for pul Ibatloii tlureof la ali wt-t-ka, IkIo ulna; '"' I'm lau ilait-d Friday, Hp Inmlinr 22, 1 114. a'i'1 i oiitlnuliig Mill week Ihereaflnr lo and ln lU'lin Frl day, November 3, I '1 1. IUIOWNKI.I, 4 KIKVKIIri, Attoriit-y for I'lalnlllf. Nolle of Final 6ttlmnt. Nutli I hereby gltnn that Ilia un dersigned a aduiliilatratrlx of Ilia lute of Charles K (Jilliu, dereaafd. ha filed her final amount In tha roun ly court of the stale of Oregon, for th county of Cli kma, and thut tha 2nd day of October, 1I6, at tlm I hour of 10 o clock In llm foreiuxm of suld day In the rourt room of ld court li Iteen appointed by (ha ld court a tha (line and place for hear- log objection tbi r.iu and tha initio- im nt thereof. Dated Aiiguat 2Mb. me. AIJCK V.. Ql'INN, Ailmlnlatratrlx of the rUtato Charlea K. Q ilnn. deceaied. COItlKJ.V K. HAVKS, Attorney. of Nollco to Creditor. Notice la hnreby given lhat the County Court of (he Stale of Oregon, for (he (ounly of (lackama. ba ap- pointed the underlined admlnUtra- tor with the will aiuieird of the e - tute of Swan Soderberg, decaind. All IH-raona having rlulm against the said decedent, or his estate, are here - by given notice that they shall pre- sent (hem to Ibe undersigned adinlula- trator ut the office of Jot. E. Hedgns, Ks(., In the Weinhard Ilulldlng, In Oregon City, Oregon, within all months from the datn of thl notice, with proper voucher duly verified. HARRY J. FKATHEKS, Administrator of the Katute of Swan Soderberg, deceased. Jos. E. Hedge. Attorney. Date of flrat publication, Septemlx-r 8th, 916. t7 Cltation. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. In (he matter or the Estate of Geo. M. Serrest, Deceased. To the people of the state of Oro- gou, to Alice Hanson, Ester Chllberg, Iteutrlce Becrest, Allien J. Secresl and Una M. Emery, greetings: Ily order of this court, you, (he said Allre Hanson, Ester Chllberg, Ilea- trice Secrest. Albert J. Secrest and Una M. Emery, are hereby cited to appear before the county court of the atate of Oregon, for the county of anxious, however, to go to work, pre Clackamas, at the courthouse at 10 ferably on a farm, he said. He left bla o'clock a. m. on Monday, the 16th day home In the old country 15 years ago, of October, 1916. to present your va- rlous claims and show cause. If any. why the court should not construe the will of Geo. M. Secrest, deceased. H. S. ANDERSON. County Judge. Money to Loan PAUL C. FISCHER Lawyer Deuticher Advokat Room 2 neavcr Bldg. Oregon City HEHE IS PREMIUM LIST OF Fill FLOWER SHOW SILVER TEA AND MARKET PLANNED FOR DISPLAY NEXT SATURDAY. The committee of women of the St. Puul s Guild In charge of the sec- ond annual dahlia and fall flower show which will ho hold next Saturday, has completed tho premium list of the show and mado many arrangements for iL Tho show will bo Held In the Willamette hall. No admission is chnrceri oh o ii ver tea nnd market will bo given to nnnnoo the show. Many good things mnt win help toward the Sunday din- 'er will be offered for snlo hv thn women. Tho committee nsks that nv. cry dahlia grower in the county mako an entry Tho premium list follows: Section A. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. Host 3 red dahllahs. Heat 3 white dahlias. Host 3 yollow dahlias. Ito.it 3 pink dahlias. Section B. General collection. Four prizes. Section C Cactus Dahlias. No. 1. Pent 3 red dahlias. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. Host 3 whlto dahlias. Host 3 yellow dahlias. Pest 3 ping dahlias. Post 45, collection each a soparato variety. Section D. Individual dahlias. Four prizes. Section F. Roses. No. 1. Post 6, any kind or color, Four prizes. Section G. Roses. No. 1. Peat Individual rose, prizes. Section H. Fall Flower. Post collection. Three prizes. Pmir Forget Your Aches. Stiff knees, aching limbs, lame back make life a burden. If you suf fer from rheumatism, gout, lumbago. neuralgia, get a bottle of Sloan's Lini ment, the universal remedy for pain Easy to apply; It penetrates without rubbing and soothes the tender flesh. Cleaner and more effective than mus- sy ointments or poultices. For sprains, sore muscles or wrenched ligaments resulting from strenuous exercise, Soan's Liniment gives quick relief. Keep It on hand for emergencies. At your Druggist, 25c. (Adv.) j (( niiinini Tiiirr ti itnu imu ;I8 AUITHIAN COfctUlAft Ml PRC INTATIVt TO CONTINUE EFFORTS FOR RELEASE. OCCUPANT Of JAIL COS SHAVE FOR flRM TIME SINCE MSI John Joph Say H Oon't Mind ConRnmnl Partlcularfy, But Would t Ik le Co to Work on Farm For a Chang. Tlm nationality of John Joat-pn, a foreigner who ha bi-n In tlm Clack ama rounly Ju It alum May 23 bound oer (o (be grand Jury on a borne of larmny In a dwelling, wa almoat dffl nllely determined Wedtmaday alter- noon after an Interview between Jo eph Woerii'lln, Tonsillar reprnanlita tlva of tha Auatro ilungury nmplra. am Joanpb, through an Interpreter. Joaepb wa at first believed to ba a Frenchman, but after a vlall (o Ore gon City by C. Ilenrl Ijibbe, French vlcn-conaul, laal Saturday, bn wa thought to tw ftt Auatrlan. Mr. Woern- oia heard of the caa through new- I pupers and ram to Oregon City last Sunday. After an attempt lo Inter view him, Mr. Wonrndle reached Ibe 1 conclusion (hat Joseph w a Ilobe- mlan, but a Ilohnmlan Interpreter here I totlay could carry on a conversation 1 with Joseph only w ith difficulty. Jo- eph I now believed to be a Slav, and thl afternoon Mr. Wrx-rsdle will come up here again, this time with Slavo- nlan Interpreter, Man May b Drangd. I The rase ha many unusual angle, Joseph can sH-ak a little It u as lan, ome Germun and Ilohemlan. The In terpreter yesterday would ask him a question In Ilohemlan, and often Jo- eph would reply In another tongue. Sometime the prisoner would answer some entirely different question, al though appearing to understand the query, Hecause of (his Mr. Woerndle be- Ilcves that the man may be suffering from some mild form of Insanity, "1 am going to do everything In my power to help him," sold (be consular representative of the Austro-Hungar- lun empire yesterday afternoon. "I will stay on the. case until the matter Is cleared up, Prisoner Get Shave. Joacph told (he ln(erpreter (feat he rather liked the county Jail and was not anxloua to leave It. He waa he declared, and Is now 38 year old Ho was working for a fellow country- man in the Estocada district before his arrest for stealing a chicken. Joseph spent the greater part of the four months he has been In Jail with out a shave, but Wednesday his inch- long whiskers were neatly cut off. MINUTE OF DEATH IS TS LAW IS CALLED UPON TO DECIDE DELICATE POINT MUCH LAND AT STAKE. Melvina Cantonnlne, formerly Mrs Gridor, who rosided many years In Oregon City, mother of Mrs. Al Lea- non, of this city, has begun suit to quiet title to 1100 acres of land near Condon, Gilliam county, valued at )30, o0C. which she Inherited from her son, Wuyne Grider. It will 1)0 nomembercd that last Juno Wayne Gridor, In a fit of jeal ousy, shot his wife four times with a revolver, and having emptied the same, wont out to the woodshed placed the revolver In a table drawer nnd returning to the scene of the traKeily wIth hls rifl0' stood 1,1 fronl 01 " e B i,roslrulu ,orm uuu llreu """ei up inrougn uis own ueau There was no eyewitness to this dou hie homicide, but persons in the build inK hoard tho 8,10,8 a,ul telcnhono1 t0 the sheriff, who came about 20 min utes nfterwnrd and found both hus band nnd wife dead. The body of the husband had fallen over that of his wife nnd the rifle stood up against tho husband's body Tho relntlves of the wife are nmk tug the claim that the husband ex pired first, and therefore thut the wlfo would inherit hla property and on her death tho property would de scend to tho wife's relatives, whiie Mrs. Contannine rlalnis that there can be no doubt that the wife died first and that after the husband's death the property would nt once descend to her as sole heir, thore be ing no children. Two doctors who examined the wounds say that In each case death was lnstantnneous and that Wayne muBt have survived his wife by at 'east several minutes C. D. and u. U. iautoureue anu Earle C. Latouretto are attorneys for Mrs. Cantonnlne, and Angel & Fisher, of Portland, are attorneys for the other side. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. The following real estate transfers were filed In the office of County Re- corder Dedman Friday: O. P. Kellogg to Frances E. Kellogg, all of lot 34, and the north 42 feet of lot 33, block 3, J. V. Harless addition to Molalla; )1. Thomas H. and Lucetta Smith to Aloyslus M. Zurflush, lots 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, Pleasant Little Homes; $300. The following real estate transfers OTE EIIII mm BORN N. V REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK l Orgon City, In Ih Stat of Ortgon, al Ih cIom of buln on StpWmlxr 12th, llil. JtKHOntCKH. Iah nd dlatount fll3.2i' Overdraft Ill 27 I'. H. bond depoaltrd In (nt-ur circulation I1,I00 0 lloiula other than I'. H bond plndged lo riire postal aavlnga depoili , (ii.Onu l Hw urltlfa oilier than I'. H liond owned iinpMKr.d. . 1 7,11 1 2 Tolal Milnla, six untie K7.H9I 21 fun k of federal rnaerv bank 1,760 00 Vain of banking bouae II. 900 00 Kurnltiira and future t.000l Net amount due fioin Frlersl Iteaerv bank Ml 12 .Net ainoiuil dun from approved reaerr agent In Nnw York, ( 'bli ago, and HI. Ixiul 1.021 O't N'-t amount dot from approvnd rminrvo agent In othnr reserve title 4:1.1117.13 47.K7I.K Net ainounl dun from bank and banker 12,372.73 Other clicks on b.-nk In tha aame rlty or town aa r porting bank I.0K21 tlulaPIn rhetk and other raab Itema J 25 Fraitloual currency, nlrke, and rnt 491 34 400 (M Note of othnr national bank , I.S20 00 Federal Hnae.vn note tlJOO Coin knd rrrtlflrate li,7730 l-er.al temli r note '71IS.OO Itedempilor, fund with I'. R. Treaaurer and duo from I". H. Treasurer 625 00 Total I !2O0S.j0 IJAIIIUTIE8. Capital atork paid In I ,,000 00 Huritliis fund 2ro00 0i 1'ndlvlded profits 2.KI M l-aa current expenan. Inlnmst, and (axe paid 1.(11 11 523.71 Amount reserved for taxes 753.70 (Trulallng notes outstanding I.00 00 Net amount due to banke and banker ' 35.42 Individual dnKst subjnrt lo rbeck 1H.7S1 17 Certificate of drpomt, due In le than 30 days 01 Certified check 119 I'osul saving dnpolt 3(000 00 221.527.09 Tim certificate or depoall 12.043 06 Other time deposit , 3J22.2H Total SI26.S05.30 State of Oregon, County of Clackamai, ss: I. F. J. Meyer, cashlnr of the above-named bank, do aolemnly swear lhat (he above e(atement la true lo the best of my knowledge and belief V. J. MEYER. Cashier. Correct A ((est: D. C. LATOCRETTE, M. D. LATOCRETTK. C. D. LATOL'RETTK, ...... Director. Subrrlhed and aworn to before me thl lSlh day of September 11 (31) E. C. LATOL'RETTB. Notary Public. My commission expires July 17th, 1919. were filed In the office of County Re corder Dedman Thursday: Cyrus M. Falrbrother and Pbebe E. Falrbrother. lots S and 7, of block A." Falls View addition to Oregon City; 10. Grace C. Tall and Jamea A. C. Tail to D. F. and Viola Clarke, (be north west quarter of the northwest quarter of section 26, township 3 south, range S east; and the south half of the north west quarter of section 26, township 3 south, range 5 east; $10. W. R. and Y. J. V'Ren to Roland Conway, lots 19, 20, block 19, Glad stone; $300. The Oregon Iron and Steel company to Constant G. and Velma R. Simon, land In Lake View Villas, being block 51; $10. George B. Huls and Martha Huls, Paul Iloss and Clara Ross to Marie Poss, part of the Joa. Kellogg and Lot Wbltcomb D. U C township 2 south, range 1 east. 8.20 acres; $1. George D. Huls, Martha Huls, Marie and Paul Poss to Clara Boss, part of Lot Wbltcomb and Jos. Kellokk D. L. C, township 1 and 1 south, range 1 east. Including 8.20 acres; $1. George B. and Martha Huls, Marie Boss and Clara Boss to Paul Boss, part f Joseph Kellogg D. L. C, township 1 and 2$ south, range 1 east, 5.86 acres; II. The following real Estate transfers were filed In the office of County Re corder Dedman Monday: George E. and Lera Dale to Susanah Dale, lot 6 in block 34, First Addition to Estacada: $10. Florence Fentzllng to Western Ore- gon Conference, land In Clackamas county; $1, C. T. and Mary S. Howard to J. J. Mullatt, undivided one-halt Interest In lot 4 of block 10, Mullno; $175. C. T. Howard and Mary S. Howard to A. J. Knightly, undivided one-half Interest In lot 4 of block 10, Mulino; $175. Georglana and W. W. Taft to N. M. Minis, lot 7 of block 2, West Side Addition to Oregon City; $10. The following real estate transfers were filed in the office of County Re- PROFESSIONAL JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lawyer Y TO LOAN D. C. Latourette, President The First National Bank of Oregon City. Oregon CAPITAL, $50,000.00 Transacts a General Banking Business William Hammond Philip L. Hammond HAMMOND Sl HAMMOND Attorneya-at-Law Abstracts, Real Estate, Loans, Insur ance. OREGON CITY, OREGON Pacific Phone 81, Home Phone A-273 Office Phones Pacific Main 406; Home A-270. STONE 4 MOULTON Attorneya-at-Law Beaver Bldg., Room 6 OREGON CITY - - - OREGON O. D. EBY Attorney-at-Lavt Money loaned, abstracts furnish ed, land titles examiued, estatss settled, general law business. Over Bank of Oregon City. C. SCHUEBEL Attorney-at-Law Deuticher Advskat Will practice in all courts, make col lections and settlements. Office In Enterprise Building, Oregon City, Oregon. " '! 1 '..! .. ni.fli ! 1 corder Dednman Tuesday: Hiram E. and Motile E. Stalgbt to Charles Tooie. lots 3, 4, , block 71 Oregon City; $1. Charles T. and Lettle C. Tooie to L. G. and Katberlne M. Potter, 10 acres of section 29, township S south, range 2 west; $10. Charles T. and Lettle G. Too re to L. G. and Katherlne M. Potter, IS acres of in the Andrew Hood and wife D. U, township S south, rnnge 2 east; $1. Cbarle T. and Lettle G. Tooze to L. O. and Katherlne M. Potter, IS acres of D. L. C. or Andrew Hood and wife, township 3 south, range 2 east; $1. Charles T. and Lettle G. Tooze to L. G. Potter and Katherlne M. Pot ter, lots 3, 4 6, block 71, Oregon City; $1. Leslie Seabrook to Ella B. Apple gate, all of block 19, Lake View Vil las; $10. E. D. Olds and Alice Olds, his wire, to L. P. Endlcott and Ossle Endicott. bis wife, a certain tract of land in Oak Grove; $2200. Wni. James Llewellyn and Evelyn B. Llewellyn, bis wife, to Myrtle M. Fsulder, lot No. 3, Henneman Acres; $650. J. G. Gorbett to Board of Water Commissioners jot Oregon City, a part of the Wm. Holmes and wife D. L. C-I $10. t Stop the First Cold. j A cold does not get we of Uself The process of wearing out a cold wears you out, and your cough be comes serious If neglected. Hacking coughs drain the energy and sap the vitality. For 47 years the happy com binatiqn of soothing antiseptic bal sams in Dr. King's New Discovery has healed coughs and relieved conges tion. Young and old can testify to the efefctlveness of Dr. King's New Discovery for coughs and colds. Buy a bottle today at your Druggist, 60c. (Adv.) DIRECTORY WEINHARD BUILDING. F. J. Meyer, Cashier Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. Phones Pacific 62 Home A-161 GEORGE C. BROWNELL Attorney-at-Law All legal business promptly attended to C. D. i D. C. LATOURETTE Attorneys-at-Law Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our Specialties. Of fice In First National Bank Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. CLAUDE W. DEVORE, Attorney-at-Law Notary Public. Estacada, Oregon. W.S.EDDT,V.S.,M.D.V. Graduate of the Ontario Veteri nary College at Toronto, Canada, and the McKilllp School of Sur gery of Chicago, is established it Fashion ' Stable, between Fourth and Fifth on Main Street Both Telephone Office Pacific 65; Horn A-95 Res. Pacific 14; Home B-0 . - l . 1 tut: Piii. Iv A. 'I li:t. : (I-. . . ... .... . .... " t : -e i-iiiiiiiii.io Ili'!"l!!!l ,!! I,. t IT iii in 'Tt 1 n-.i 1 .7