Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 22, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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wilumette go home. For Your Baby.
The Signature of
1 A H J 1
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S7 i
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1 i
MILISO. Or, Sept :t-(Special I
Mit-a Ala llerlliie itl Uh part)
of friend to Monitor anil from there
he r"ln to Hi" hop yard to pl k
N. II Darnell a an Orr.-on City
Ullor UI Haturda
Mr anil Mr Frank Manning made
a huinei lrit lo Oregon City l.ul St
ILa) no Howard went lo I hi" mount
alna on a hunting nip "! while ther.
hail iha misfortune lo lit hi hnr
lray aay.
A. U Jonr w Ihr tiiftl of Joseph
U Daniel ami family U.I Sunday.
Mr. and Mr Anderon. of Knlacada.
m Mullno tlnllor lant Monday.
... . ..... ...... i i a
I Dm .WIIHT Q'l Ml' "'"!
who have bn-n nuking an rtended !
alar In Mullno left for lh-tr home in J
j'.alnliT. Washington lant halurilay.
Mra. Milli-r and daughter Alice "HI
alar a while longer.
Ml Flora Miller b a Mullno il
tor Saturday.
Mra. Morey. of Liberal, la Maying
with her daughter. Mr A. Anthony.
Mra. Clara Mallei wa a Mullno vli
lor Saturday.
Mra. J. Iv Kohl, of Kldoiado. wathe
guet of Mra. Mary Daniel l.ul Salur
1ar. School begin neit Monday. I gue
all of the puplla lll te aorry their
vacation haa come lo a cloe and their
achool work U-gln.
Onoar Krlckon is urferlnR with a
broken leg bone. He ma thrown from
toad of liimtx-r He wa taken tJ
the Oregon City hospital mhere the In
jured limb wa attended to. He Hayed
there a couple of day and then hi
brother Elmer brought him home In
hi auto. Mo ill I up and around in
a week or two.
Huiel Erickaon I coins to attend
the VolalU high iwbool again Ihl
Mr. and Mr Leslie Holiday er
Portland visitor la t Toes l.iy.
Tom Fish made a huiinesa trip lo
Colton last Friday. J
Mrs. Fred Wallace, of Cnlon Mil's, j
visited her alater. Mrs. Walter Wal-j
dorf last Tuesday.
John Erickson r.nd Mlsa Eve Callff. ,
of Oregon City. were calllns on friend
In Mullno Sunday. i
Rob Snodgras Jr.. who Is attending
achool In Portland visited his parents'
bat Saturday and Sunday. !
Miss Anna Jepson and Mia Ida Iter-'
dine were the picsts of Miss Haiel
Erickson last Friday evening.
Stillnan and Clifford Daniels visited
their mother at the Oregon City hospi
tal last Saturday.
Jesse Daniels was a Colton visitor
last Monday.
Mrs. CeorK Carrutu. of Evanston.
Wyoming, is vlsitins her mother Mrs.
Mary Daniels and her brothers Joseph
U and Oscar Daniels.
Mrs. Eph Dodse end daughter Al
thea. of Colton. are Mullno visitors.
Mrs. Catherine Goucher who has
been visiting her daughter Mrs. Char
les Nobbitt nt Neady returned home
last Tuesday.
begins years i'
MK.lMWIHtiiK. Ore. Sept. :i
(Si lal i The Meadoti brook m hiHil
lM-Kan Mmi'lay ith Mi lludinti, of
Claikaina.. a le.n her. with an en
rollment of Unity -three ho'at.
Mo.t eeryKily who ent to the
hoir-U he returned
r. I.. A Juliimtoii prenldent of th
Aiiiiii.taiia SmukI. of St. Caul, who I
r.-l.ime of Mrs 1. C. Chitidgren and
Hannah O. Jolumton relumed to his
home in Miiineaioll after spendina:
i-everal day llt line relative.
Clarence Orem left Monday for Cor-
talll when he eipect !' attend j
w IllHll
Nettle Urkln besan her stsond
year at hUh m 1hh1 at Molalla Mon
Meadow briHik achmd wa rtpre
nted at the Candy fair Wedneaday.
Milton Chtndren tiHik Ml Hudson the
teacher and the scholar down on a
hayrack, which they enjoyed very'
much, returnlnic home late wishing the'
fair would come oftener. j
I. 0. Orem and family of Cedurdale
Knt Sunday at A. U Urklns. j
Several from here went to Colton;
Sunday lo hear Dr. I.. A. Johnson of j
St. Paul. Minn . speak. !
Mrs. Joclrinto and children returned
home Saturday from Oregi.:i City '
where she has been working all nm- (
, mer.
I Chus. Holman has a fai'iil.- from
: Silverton helping him now on the
I.IHKKAU Ore. Sept. :i -(Special)
- Uisrtilly Cbrl Idvcppteb told of all
aircraft that he saw In a ahuw about
1.' year ago lack In llermauy. It
wa at that lime eighty year old. The
Inventor had a pigeon carefully
mounted by a lalilermll. from Ihl
he had taken careful measurement
and i oiistnii ted bis great "alrblrd"
uixui and enlarged s ale of feathers
i and bamlKHi.
Itli bard Wright .;ld se'eral fine
I steer to Ted Ot for beef one dav last
j week.
I Henry Wltike accompunled Fred
On to Purltand In the latter auto,
i They returned next day.
Mr. lVmock. who ha been upend
Ing the summer vacation with her
brother. Klchard Wright, has returned
to her home In Woodburn.
E liiH-pideb made a trip to Port
land last week.
The Krailmrger hoys saved a val
uable horse one day last week by chop
ping doun the stall, when the animal
got down In a bad position.
The Misses lVoepplch took advaut
age of the recent good weather to put
the primary coat on their hou-.e.
MiM.AI.I.A. Ore. Sepl SI.- OV
lull II W. WiiKr ii-'l'
lo Portland las wo k l dm ioMs-iumI
IihiIs lo replace the compli'le set
blili was stolen from him blle he
Has working on llie tbreslilng ma
chine for a few da
Mr. Wagoner who ' lii l
sli k I much Improicit
W. F. Wilson was Molalla vl-llor
last week.
The MIbmcs Margaret trrU an
Leotia 0 regorr returned from tb
beach last wek. where they had ber
the guest of Mr. and Mis H'm Mack
r.'ll of Molalla.
Albert llayhursl reliiiued to tb
Portland hospllul l.iot week Mr
llayhurst ha made bis hi with hi
daughter. Mr. K.icrinau Itobdlua
while In Molalla. Mr IUliur-t ha
KELSO. Ore.. Sept. 21. (Special.
The Self-tiovernnient club of the Kel
so srhool met last Friday and elected
the following officers: Eunice Jons
rud. president; Grunt Jonsrvd secre
tary: John Canny, police: Lu'ter Ir
vin, line marshal: Robert M'lan. bell
ringer: Mary Canny, Inside monitor:
Lloyd Dunn, outside nioiiit ir; Nellie
Harrison. DoroL.y Jonsrud. Anna Mi
lan and Hazel Dunn, desk Inspectors
for the fifth, sixth, seventh an I eimh
grades respectively. The exucutlve
committee consists of Lester rvn. Ha
zel Dunn. Jim Hite and Mildred .larl.
Mrs. W. A. Itarnum who Is now prin
cipal of the Mount Pleasant schorl,
spent Wednesday of last A't.-ok here
visiting friends and the se.i.iol.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Jo.isrud took a
i, I trip to Hood River by auto Suiur.l.iv.
A, j returning Sunday. '
t, . I Je A'del had the mlsfor mie to cut
" his hand quite badly whi't splitting
EAGLE CREEK. Ore.. Sept. 21.- "'""J s"" e t0
(Special) The Helping Hand society ' u,uu"" ",,;,'"la' " .''
4k -f i-
i? ; t r 'W i t
5 'v
met with Mrs. Howlett last Wednes-I
day afternoon. Nine women were I
present besides the hostess, and spent
a pleasant afternoon with Mrs. How-j
Road Supervisor Jarl has h id a crew
of men at work graveling tne roail to
Pleasant Home.
Mrs. Joe Allwl is caring f ir Mrs.
Mrs. Frank Coolldge. of Hood River,
i Francis' baby while Mra. r'lancU Is
was recently the guest of her inirents
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Stahl.
School commenced in district No. 50
Monday, September IS w ith Miss Edna
Kennedy the teacher.
George Heck and wife, and H. S.
Jones and wlfo, of Portland, were the
dinner guests of Mrs. Viola Douglas
Mrs. C. W. Tinker, of Estacada.
stayed with Mrs. Howlett a couple of
days recently v.hile Mrs. Carpenter
made a trip to Oregon City. !
Thn farmnt-n In thto Tidit'hlirirhnfHl
are through threshing at lest
at the hop yards.
The Parent-Teacher association of
Kelso will hold its first mne'ing this
year Friday evening, SeptiWiiier -'-nd
at i:.P) o clock. All are irmt.-u to
GEORGE, Ore., 'Sept. 21. (Special)
Crops ; Chris Klinker who has been work
turned out well, averaged about 50
bushels to the acre.
Mrs. E. Naylor and Mrs. Katie Doug
lass were Estacada visitors last Wed
nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Moehnke and
John Ululim and wlfo were visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass Sun
day. Will Douglass end 10. Naylor took
some hogs over to Estacada on Mon
Ing In a logging camp In Washington
returned home Saturday night to re
main for the winter.
C. A. Johnson made a trip to Port
land last Saturday.
Mrs. P. Rath was an Estacada vis
itor Saturday.
Mr. TerwIlHger lost his best cow
last Sunday.
Miss Gladys Joyner visited Mrs. L.
Harders last Sunday.
P. Ruhl visited bis sister-in-law,
Eagle Creek Grange met last Satur-j Mrs- Ida Croner, of Portland last Sat-
day. Only a few of tlie patrons were
present, owing to the busy times. A
new candidate was .initiated in the
first and second degrees.
A party of five Firwooditus motored
over to the Douglass settlement Mon
day and spent the afternoon picking
evcrgTeen blackberries.
Circuit Judge Campbell Friday
j signed a decree divorcing Mary A.
Ainsworth from Taylor AInsworth.
She was given her maiden name, Mary
A. Dray.
urday and Sunday.
Miss flora Lins visited Mrs. T. Har
ders last Sunday.
The George threshing machine com
pany finished threshing In the George
neighborhood last Sundya.
A petition for the appointment of a
guardian for Edward, Norman and
Clyde Updcgrave, minors, was filed
in the probate department of the coun
ty court Wednesday by their mother,
Susan I'pdegrave, through her attor
neys, Hammond & Hammond.
The Drink
That Fits
A drink that shouldbe on every table
0a tale at all Leading Groceries and CnfectiMaric
clall School opened Monday with a
large number of pupils present. Niue
, teen of the youngsters are having
I their first experience in cluss room
i Miss Sanshnll haa the largest class,
, having 3: pupi's in her room.
i Lsiah Shenefield leaves on Friday
for his old home In Ohio for an In
definite visit. The Shenefleld cot
I tage haa been leased by Mrs. Roundy
for two years.
Mr. Maker of Forest Grove Is iaylng
a visit to his nephew. Jim Edwards.
j Mr. and Airs. Hurry Robinson spent
; Thursday and Friday at Hood River
I going by auto.
1 Tuesday of this week the Robin
' son's departed for their annual aca
I tlon. going by auto to Rainier park
where they will camp.
W. I. llllnstonc and wife returned
last week from their vacation. As
toria, Seaside, Tillamook, Dolph, The
Dalles, Iluena Vista and Albany were
visited. They were accompanied on
the trip by Mrs. Allen, mother of Mrs.
Mrs. Jackson of The Dalles is visit
ing with the lllinestone family.
Jim Hernard spent the week end
with Albany friends.
Mrs. Humphreys of West Linn
spent Wednesday with her mother,
Mrs. Kennedy.
Previous to the departure of the A.
C. McFarlane family for their new
home in Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Heck
ncr entertained at dinner on Monday
night. On Tuesday night the McFar
lane family was guest of the H. J.
Robinson family.
R. F. Deter departed this week on a
business trip to The Dalles. Pendle
ton, Ilend. and Klamath Falls.
On Wednesday Dr. Mary L. Farnum,
Mrs. II. M. Hart and the Misses Ethel
and Fern Hart and Miss Campbell,
enjoyed a trip over the Columbia
highway. "Miss Campbell leaves next
week to teach In the high school at
Miss Scrltpure, who was removed to
St. Vincent's hospital last Wednesday,
Is In a more favorable condition.
Miss Sarah Kaminskl is enjoying
her vacation In Seattle, the guest of
her brothers.
Mrs. Iteckner has returned home
from a visit with Portland friends,
having been the guest of Mrs. Iluck
over the week end.
Mr. Kinney, formerally of Seattle,
has decided to locate here and Is
building a new house on Addle street.
The new homes of Mr. Clemens and
Mr. Nelson are progressing rapidly.
Mr. Lawrence of Rothe, is also build-!
ing a new house.
Mrs. Soudan of Portland, has been
the guest of Mrs. Harry Robertson
during the week.
Mrs. G. A. Ostrom and Virginia,
have returned from a six weeks' out
ing at McMinnville and Newport.
Wendell Smith returns this week to
enter upon his second year at O. A. C.
Miss Wilma Iiruechert has returned
from Clarke county, Wash., and will
enter the Oregon City high school.
Miss Dora Roethe is attending the
Milwankle high school.
Arthur and Miss Margaret Tucker
have returned from a trip through the
middle west.
Miss Vera Glass Is now on her va
cation at The Dalles, and will visit
at Newberg before she returnB home.
Mrs. Temperance Rice of Newberg
was looking after property Interests
here Tuesday and was in over night
visitor at the Russell home.
A community supper held at the
church on Tuesday evening In honor
of the A. C. McFarlne family, who
have recently moved from among us,
was fpiite an event of the season.
Eighty people were present.
Worms Sap Your Child's Strength.
Is your child pale and fretful? Does
he cry out in sleep or grind his teeth?
These symptoms may mean worms
and you should obtain relief at once.
Klckapoo Worm Killer Is a pleasant
remedy that kills the worm, and by
its mildly laxative quality expels It
from the system. Worms sap the vi
tality and make your child more sus
ceptible to other ailments. Your
Druggist sells Klckapoo Worm Killer,
25c a box. (Adv.)
opent a year In the honpiul where he
was treated for raineroiu growths.
The attraction of Dollar Day
brought quite a few lo Molalla Salur
dav, especially In Hie afternoon. 1 he
menhanta arranged with Hie proprl
elor of the Lyric ihe.tirle o that all
who came lo town between I be hour
of ll) and four could enter free.
Word ha rouiv (rout II. X. Hum
niervllle who went to Hrogau. Mai
heur county, last April, that they have
taken a homestead which I consider
ed esiH'clully valua''le. beiatuo It I
well watered.
Mr. and Mr. Km and family hate
returned from Washington, where
t In-v have been spending the summer
Although there U much finishing lo
be done upon the Oddfellows hall, the
outside haa been painted.
Monday morning a the Molalla
school In progress once more. Mr.
George Case. Mr. Thoma. Mis Hay
and Mr. Joy will tculi in the prl
mary and grammar grade. Ml
Townseud, Mr. Middle and Mr
Rose will teach In the high school.
The day's vacation to allow the pu
pils to attend the fair came ut an o-
portune time to allow needed hook
to ctome.
Mr. Uo returned last week from
Nebraska w here he spent hi uiumer
vacation at the home of his parent.
Mis Alia Kamsl'.v who taught the
third and fourth grade last year, i
attending school In Mt. Angel this
Mrs. Abbott, the aged mother of J
H. Abbott came from her home at
Hubbard to visit with her son.
- Miss Mario Perry bus gone to Port
land to attend business college.
Rev. Mr. Payno will occupy the pul
pit ut the Methodist church until con-
erence. Rev. Curti. the former pas
tor hus gone to California where he
xpevts to be placed for next your.
John Dunnlgao, who went to eust-
ern Oregon, to visit friends and seek
health, has written friends Hint he
found both.
Two marriages that by rights be
longed to Cluckamas county were per
formed In Vancouver. Wash.. Friday
The contracting parties were Elmer
Z. Wiseman, 20, and Mabel G. Weaver,
0. both of Milwankle. and Simon
Rlcbter. 25, of Canity, and Mis Mary
Theresa Fonton, 21. of Santa Clara.
JKVM.VGri I.OlNJK. Ore. Kept SI
(HH-ilall The middle of Hiplrinhw
Mud many fiuiillli leaking lor Unit
I'.ulUud home after cnlnplng Hie
uiiimer month on Him bunk of Hie
U llUm. lle ihcr Jay I'addb k and
later hate tainted Hie J. Wh h ml
l.ige. Hie t'lki'li family b-lt Molidat
and Mr and Mr C II Heado and
llelty returned lo Hi Wllinar apail
incut lust Hatutday In Portland
Mr John Jcnulng I nm mm b liu
proied M .in y (lower are being cut
lining her llluen.
Word from Hie l(obluoii famil)
late they are lo Journey on In Hrlt
lh Columbia before they leturn fr.no
their ai ntloti which ha been spent at
Krfluler Park
Arthur Hiutlh and wile were hkhiii
panled by an aunt. Mr Fuller, of Tot
onto. Out., Canada and hi father. Mr
Smith, of Dalla. on a Irlp over Hi
Columbia highway Hum!)'. Mt. Flh
er will spend wuiietlnie with her
brother nt Dulla
I'arey I Mer, Glenn l(uell, Fruk
Turner and Arthur Robert rtijoyrd
the mcnery along the highway lo Mull
notnuh Fill Hunda) .
Federated Congregallon.il church
union out of door sen ice w held si
the Gladstone park Sunday lat Thime
owning cur from Oregon City, Jen
nlng l.itdg. Parkplucr and Clacka
ma carried the little folk who
wished lo attend the Sunday school
here al 10 (j Immediately following
A. Phlpp. a well known Sunday
school worker spoke At noon a ba.
ket luncheon wa ered The men'
holr from till place rendered Rpeclali
music. Dr. Andcntnu of Portland ad
dressing the congregation In the after
noon. At 5 p. in. Uirrulne Oatrom
lead the Christian endeavor which
ell attended.
Wedell Smith returned to Cnrtalll
on Monday.
Medauii' Altman and Snaahall are
to accompany the i hlldreti who Mi
to visit the fair al Caiiby on Wedne
lay, September 2(1.
A nian'oclul ami conference I to
be gltcn Thursday night at the church
The committee hit arranged for eata
and dlacusslou of men' orgaulicd
luc In the church chool. II. X
Smith. Frank Tuckitr. William Jacob.
Hllneatone. George Ostrom and
U the only fuarantct that you hivt the
i i ;
prepared by him for over 30 years,
YOU'LL give YOUR baby the BEST
Your Physician Knows Fletcher's Castorla.
Soid only In one size bottle, never In bulk
or otherwise; to protect the
The Centaur Company,
CANIIV. Ore, Sept. 21-1 Special l t 'It y were taking In the. fair Tucd.
Jack Coffman of Portland a It. G Union came In from MolulU
Canby fair tlnllor Monday. i Tu-aday to meet om old time friend
Chamberlain"! Colic. Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy.
This is a medli lno that every family
should be provided with. Colic and
diarrhoea often come on suddenly and
It Is of Hie greatest Importance that
tbev be treated Dromptly. Consider
the suffering that must be endured
until a physician arrives "or medicine
can be obtained. Chamberlain 8 Colic,
Cholera ami Diarrhoea Remedy has a
reputation seclnd to none for the quick
relief which It affords. Obtainable
For Sale
Having sold my farm, I have no
further use for the following:
One span of draft horses; 'I
wagons, one la 2 and the
other 3V4 Inch; one light wag
on; one hack; one buggy; one
single harness; two Hets of
heavy harness; one disk har
row; one 14-Inch Oliver Plow;
one horse, 1 1 00 lbs,, good any
where. No reaonable offer will be re
fused for any of the above.
Call or address
108 14th Street Oregon City
II. Witodhum are the committee.
Kd Hrlghum ha returned from the
Idaho mine after an absence of ev
eral month.
Mrs. I). P. Abbey 1 a weekly visitor
at Wider. Waxhlngton where he I
receiving medical treatment
Charles Walluee returned' Tuesday
from the Walla Walla country where
he ha spent hi vacutlou.
Those attending the Oregon City
high from this place are Martin Younx
Wilma llruechect and Oulda Deter who
enter as freshmen; Annie and Glenn
Russell. Lottie Johnson, Mary lirucc
heel. Charles Wallace a Junior and
Fern Hart us senior.
Mr. and Mr. Russell and twit boy
visited on Sunday ut the home of a
cousin In Portland.
Mrs. Lauru Newell ha been a recen
visitor nt the home of Dr. Ford In
Miss Vera Glass I enjoying u two
weeks vacation at Newberg.
S. Ilechlel ha gone on u business
trlt through eastern Oregon and Malm
K. M. Home of Kenton wa a dinner
guest of tho Kessl family on Monday.
Mrs. K. A. Sunders was u culler on
Saturday and made arrangements to
ship their goods to Wultsburg, Wash.,
where Mr. Sander Is Interested In the
(Inuring mills nt that place.
Mr. Pomeroy and hi niece Miss
Mary Pierce spent Suturiluy lit the
Gresham fair.
A petition for letters of ndmlnls
tratlon in the estate of tho Into Thomas
Foster, who died August I". 1916, was
filed in the probate department of the
county court Tuesday by F.llziibeth
Strickland. Tho estate Is valued ut
No One In Oreaon City Who Ha
Bad Back Shoudl Ignore Thli
Double Proof.
Uniting Le iming and Labor
In its Six Srli'iols and I'orty-eiglit De
partmcnts is engaged in the great work
of uniting Learning and Lab.tr.
Forty-eighth School Year Open
SEPTEMBER 18, 1916.
Degree Courses requiring a four-year
high school preparation, are offered in
the followii'g.
AGRICI.'LTCR li, IS Departments;
COM.MKRCP., 4 Departments; KNGI.V
KliKINC, ti Departments; MINUS, 3
Departments ; i'()l'.STRY, 2 Depart
ments; IIOMK HOVOMIlS, Depart
menu; and PHARMACY.
Vocational Courtet requiring an
Eighth Grade preprat on for entrance
are offered in Agriculture. Dairying,
Commerce, Hnrritry, Home Mak';r, anil
Mechanic Art. Pharmacy witn a two
year high school entrance requirement.
SCHOOL OF MUSIC Piano, String,
Band and Voice Culture.
C'tnl'tfiie snd beautiful illuitrated
booklet free.
Addreis Tun Rkcistiak,
Iw-7-l-lM9-7-Jt) COVI.LIS, OKCOOM
Does your back ever ache?
Have you suspected your kidneys?
Iluckache Is sometimes kidney ache.
With It may come dl..y spells,
Sleepless nights, tired, dull (lays,
Distressing urinary disorder.
Doan'H Kidney Pills have been en
dorsed by thousands.
Arte recommended hero nt home.
You have read Oregon City proof.
Head now the Oregon City sequel.
Itenewed testimony; tested by time.
Mrs. Thos. Illnnchard. Sr., 1102 John
Adams St., Oregon City, Bays: "I
have lined Doan'H Kidney Pills for
kidney and bladder trouble that had
annoyed me for years and have re
ceived good relief. I have taken In
all less than two boxes of Doan'H Kid
ney PIIIh but they showed their merit
ho that I feel that I can endorse them
and advlHe their use to otherH."
The above statement waH given on
April 4, 19l.'l, nnd on April 17, 1910,
Mrs. lilanchard said: "I have alwuyH
found Doan'H Kidney PIIIh to bo all
that Is claimed for them. Whenever
I have had occasion to take a kidney
medicine, I have used Doan'H, for I
know they are most reliable."
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't
Dimply aHk for a kidney remedy get
Dunn's Kidney Pills tho narao that
Mrs. lilanchard haH twice publicly rec
ommended. Foster-Mllburn Co., Iluf
falo, N. Y. (Adv.)
Dave Long of Haiella tutted Hie
fair Monday.
Mr Cook of Haella I kept bu
bowing the flue display In the Ha
tella hoolh at the fair
Ml Lillian Wang and Mr I! W.
White were Portlund tlaltor Satur
day. Mr and Mr Mitt and ou Wccy
were Oregon City shoppera Saturday.
Mr. John Graham and Mr M. P.
Sailor left for Salem Monday morning
to open the cafeteria, which will be
conducted by Canby ladles
Mr. II Hoy N-e and Mis Mlua
Graham were Portland (hopper Monday.
Grant Dlmlck came up from Oregon
City Monday to look over the I'lacka
ma county fair dbplay.
Mr. and Mr. Iwui Dlmlck, of Au
rora are dally vlltora at the fair
Dr. De l.espanae of Hubbard
spent Monday In Canby and num.
bered with the Canity band, who fur
nished some good music on the
ground during the day.
A. W. Grlbbln of Mai ksburg I a
frequent visitor at the county fair.
Mr. and Mr. Hurry Garrett and
Ron are spending some time with rela
lives In Canby. Mr. Garret has re
cently sold his bicycle nnd repair shop
at Newberg and Is seeking a new to
Mrs. Altman of Portland Is visiting
with her mother. Mrs. Sopor.
Kdgur Smith who hu been suffer
ing with a wisdom tooth for soveral
days, went to Portland Miindny to
have It extracted. He was iicrnmpu
died by Dr. A. T. Murdy. 'Where Ig
nornnce Is bliss," eh Cup.?
Ira White who recently returned
from the border n a member of I be
Third regiment band, spent Monday In
Canby, returning to Cluckama on
Titesduy morning.
Mr. mill Mrs. ('. A. Ilrandes anil son
Allen of Portland were Canby visitors
Monday evening. They were return
ing home from CorvalllH where the
son bus registered In (). A. C. Mrs.
Claude Scott iiccoiiipnuled them from
Mr. John Kckersuu has returned
from an extended visit In eastern Ore
gon. It. G. Whlttworth, of Aurora, was
among the fair visitors Tuesday.
Grant White made a business trip
to Portland Tuesday.
Mrs. Ilii7.ard and daughter Alice of
PnrCniid uro visiting with Mrs. (1. W.
Mr. Jim Smith nnd daughter I.ela.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Smith of Macks
burg spent Tuesday viewing the coun
ty fair.
Ralph and Charles Parker of Ore
gon City were among tho FiiIIhiu'Iiiiih
who represented their home town
Tuesday at the fair grounds.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Graham have
iih their guests, the former's mother
and brother Tom from GrantH Piihh.
MIhh Lexy and Mr, CharleH Graham
woro up from Oregon City Tuesday.
Mrs. Georgo Yergen and Miss Nor
ma Yergen motored over from Au
rora to take In the fulr Tuesday.
Mrs. Georgo Knight Is up front
Portland visiting her daughter, Mrs
W. H. Hair.
Pierco Wright of Liberal waH a
Canity fair visitor Tuesday,
Mr. John Stewart, Dr. A. J. Stew
art and wife of Portland were gucHts
of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. KauplHch Tues
Mr. nnd Mrs. II. II. Kvnns motored
lo Portland Sunday. They were ac
companied by their daughter, Miss
Catherine, who entered the Jefferson
high school,
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Illdlng of Mo
lalla were Canby fair vlnltorH Tues
Mr. and Mra. W. Cook of Oregon
and Incidentally lo take In the Clack
auia county fulr
Mr and Mr I.. A llrande. acorn
Imnlcd by their son. Ilov ami Allied,
were Canby tlnllor from Portland
! Mr. S.iutell of Molalla. waa a iouu-
I li. f..lp .1.11. .r Til...!
Kugetie Wortblligton of Oawegu,
was sight seeing at Hie Canby f.Ur
Mr. and Mr Arthur Graham, Ml
Gruhiim of Grnt Pi, Mter Tom.
and Charlie Graham of Oregon I'll)
motored up the CohiuiM highway
Mr W. K Shctwood of Portland la
spending the week Willi her alster
Mr. Adam Knight and Mr. Cle
Mr. Fraiu Kraiberger of Mucksburg
I In charge of the Canity Cheese and
Produce Co. booth at the fulr ground
Mr. W. Johnson wa a Portland vl
Itor Sunday.
Mr. J. II. Wolfe of Portland I
spending the week In Cuilby nitlng
County Superintendent Culavun In the
Juvenile display at the fair.
Cutlby schist) are cloned thin week
for tho fair, mid Hie teacher are tak
ing udtuntuge of the tucatloti In url
on way. Supt. Yoyeth la resting nt
home; II. II. Kccle, Fred llotli and
Hurry Toble are employed ut 'he fuir
Mis Mlua Hiibb I ut her homo In
Silverton, Mix Sheridan nnd Mis
Potter ure In Portland.
The home of Mr. G. W. Kennelrlng
wa the scene of a pleasant reunion
on Friday. The hospltullty of the
host and hostess will long be remem
bered, also the wonderful dinner
which was served ut noon.
The guest of the day were: Mrs.
Irvln and Hon Ralph of Pomroy, Wu.; ,
Will Grlbble of Monmouth. Albert
Cribble and wife. John Jesse und wife
of Macksbiirg, Mr. Irvln and wife and
Mrs. Wing of Portland.
The Mothers' club met Friday ut the
home of Mrs. II. A. llerkman with tin
enthusiastic attendance. The subject
for dismission was "Schools. Parent,
Children, Teacher Co-operntlon."
Mrs. M. W. Johnson ucted iih lender
und School Supt. Adeline II. Wycth
gave an Interesting talk on the teach
er's viewpoint of the subject. Dainty
refreshments were served by the host
ess. Mrs. Ilradford and Mrs. ('. O. T.
Williams of Oregon City were guest
of the ariernoon.
I.chIIo II, Kill ton, brother of Mrs.
It. L. Porter, and one or the linl'ortu
iiiiIoh In the Hleamer Congress dlsiiHt
er arrived In Canby Saturday. Mr.
Sutton recently came from Jutmcun,
Italy, und tnllH Home thrilling experi
ences of IiIh trlpucrosH tho hciih. Their
course lay through many miles of
sunken mimics und two vohhoIh were
dnmolitihcd wllhln view or their ship.
Mr. Sutton spi'til Homo time In Mobile,
Alabama, beforo coming to 0u Pa
cific coaHt. He lert San FranclHcn on
the Hteamer Congress, bound for Port
land. In the fire which destroyed tho
steamer, Mr. Sutton lost all his per
sonal crrects, among which was hoiiio
valuable pleccH or sculpture from
Italy. Mr. Sutton will make, a short
vlHlt In Canby before, going to Seat
tle und other northern cltloH.
Doc. M. P. Sailor of Liberal, en
joyed tho county fair Wednesday,
Several inemberH or the Canby Ma
sonic lodgn went to Portland Saturday
evening to liiHtltuto a MiihcoiiIc order
at that place. A banquet was served
which had as Its speclnl feature forty
two chickens.
Those who went from Canity were:
J. Lee Kckerson, Frank Dodge, II. II.
KccIoh, Geo. F. JlatOH, C. II. Gunzol,
John Kid, Win. Maple und If, It. Ev
il iih.
C. F. Romlg of Oregon City wiih a
visitor nt the county fair Wednesday.
For headache and nervousness due to kid-
awM A kl.JJ.. JU.
tat Backache.
yZatwI -a P-in-laden days and tleepleia nights, for
XU. ..k t.rv. k..L c-.l... ri J lull.
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