OHM JON TI V hNTKI.I'J.lhl :;i i(iiAi,i'i):.uiii:iM:,;i!,i,;, 3 I COUNTY COURT IXPtNDITUHll fOH THE MONTH Of MPTEMBtR lilHIIIH'T N I imI l ulvirl I'Ihmhi i'ii, tin:., Kai Hiiin miii ami Lumber Co, IUI7N. A N. Will. 111'., A. Mulder. H7H, Y., dayman, 7 r.U ; H I Mulluii, $W7'i; W. Millwood, I id, Win Hull )'. I'm. A N Willi). I II Vi; I C. Mi UukIiIIii, 110. I) J. M. Ki ll in), M7 . Win. Urudy. l'i. I hailca Kti'Kli k. 111. II M Mullau. I'l, J. K I'eikcr, 12 2.'.. Carl 1'nrrr, 1112'.. A. V Will. I'.l. J. K IVIcia, I2I 71; II M. Nli ImU, HS07, II .lohlielmi, KM 7S. Hull llaaaulie. 9 ; t II. Jiilin 1'avN, K3 3.1; W.J Hiiiurl, 17731. I'uul II.hIiiii, 1 1 n , l. HUmim-. 1 1 '.Hill, II. A lUtllli. .'.7 3K. Janice Kip.ha. H2!i7, H. Ihii I. '- ; A Martin, fsi7;i. C. Hut In. Ill I'M. II IhiiI. i:ii;; c. iititiM tuMti. t lot si, M. Ili.(tlli. ll Id. ( II I'.ilUiiil. II no. II Tlmiiii r. ir. r. II. N. Kith, I'M 7)!; III. 1. 1. MuIIimiii, 11.1 Mi; John Kay, f 74 ;iK; I Cohen. IVCO. K J 'it r 1 1 ii. N 40; fliaa Wrliihl. 1 10 fill; II. Cook, N2 4H; Win. (Ili.r, 27i'.ii; M Ii Jm 17.10, II II Faulkner, I'.l; I . il.lv Worawlck, I0 29, Chae Knaa unl. lit CI; A reiidergruaa. 3i!7. tii Hi Cook. IMk.', A J. Wctiiiore. i:i !i.'.. J. Mommiil. lion. A c im i in I. $i.'je; c. niMT. iti; M I lirlntt iio.iii. I7f. III. C Huh. 'ft). i,T f.0. (I V 1'nralfull. I If I'l. K I. I I. ) I.... 74 o".i. c. dci.-i.r. liiei; u T. Parry. 171 0, M Worawlck. l!i Ml; l( llrl. klxy, I'.UIX, H Href. 12(170; V N. Allen. I'ltlo. K H. dear, 72NO; Ii MorganM. inn 00; II. Worawlck. ts92; I It. Taylor. 114 HI; W. Hoot. 17170; Marry Haider. ZlZ'). K. tl.r ir.4 3o. II. I. Krlclrl. h. tit hi; Field im. I I'iM.riiiiiii, III in. HISTUICT N 4 - KUi mlii Tele phone A Telegraph Co, I.' HI, Alli'ii HuniM.n. II 97. JiiIIiii Krleger. 1 1 j K .' ; Waller lllvciia. IC. r.O. C. W Heboid A Hona. H'.i(0; I'nrtlulnl Hallway, Light Power I n . IM; J A K It. I) In K 1,100. I. Hale, I'.l. K K Lllik miii, 32; N H. Harver. '.'2. I' M Haureniniid. 121; (I T Kit. lilim. 117. II l'. Kelpie. 117. II. A lillhcn. .':'; lake Mima. I:':'; J. II Mini. I J K y.y. 124; II H. Jolica. IIO.'.O; W. T l.ooiicv. 10 Mi, (i. II. I .Inn. .;. It II. Currlti. I a Mi. II Hurvcr. J luiiiri'iith. is:,0. II. A. Ix.uill, III Ml, .1. V Kltchlng. 1 1 H 7 . N. K I. Inn, I'l. I.. K. Hale, I20.7J. It lillheii. J ii iiiikIh". inr.o. it s. t'oiip llil.'.O. J ('. Hitching. 115. ii. F llo i t, 4. HISTHICT NO 7 - - C. K Allen. I. 'i'..'. ; t'am.n.n Taylor I.uiiiIiit Co, 112 1'.; Perrcl t Hlckforil. lo;i0; Sandy Kir I.iiiiiI.it Co., 121. 2fi; II. Tfii Kyck. IO.f.O; K. Ten Kyck. llHi.'.. II w. Akin. ::::,; ii. .v.iuIk.m. Jt.'.o. A. II Kllncli-r. 1 1X0, W. II I'runk". II. '.O, K. tillionn, t- ST.. II. HaKiili. II Ml; C. Ah. huff. $ t ST.; II W. HoilK Ian, ir.. HISTKICT NO. k.-W K. Wilrh, j:l; C. Tni.y, Kl f.0; V. K. Water Tiun, 9; T. K. Kiimt i'. 7i; W. A SliiuK. 1; Aniln-w Oak, till; 8. C. Itiinvnn. 110; Jolin Krl.-I. $10; A. III. ilrn.trln, IS; ('. W. Knru. IIK; I.. A. Wrriin. K; W. K. WH.li, 91 : W". A Ktmif. 14; Jolin kol. U'; A. Ilk ili iiHtoln. K0; J. It. Man.na). i.; J. II Clark. II: A. U Hiirnii. IX IHSTKKT NO. 9 - KroJ l.lim, II.'.; I. Inn, I'.; Kill) (irafiMilluln. I'.l; A, II. Miller. :l; Allifrt I.Iiih. .V niSTHICT Nik 10 -Hurry ItoMn mm. It; KtimI ItnliliiBon, K; llarvi.y MarMhall, :; C. II. Dim.im, IJlMi I.. II. MiKi'iuiry. 1C; T. J. Hi'iikuii Ml f.0; Alfr.-il Woolm-y. 9; J. W. Cur h.ii. IN; hc. Mi.roHc.i. S; It. S. I.u.l low, IC; A. .1. Hun. an. l; W. M WihI... 1 niSTIlKT NO. II C. J. Ilootl, 9.H ; Kr. ink IIiihcIi, 'J f.U; W. A. llolnii'H, t i ll; K. U l'oii. IIJ &0; Itivrm. lii; Kll 1th. th. I0; M. S. (iliihH. l; tiro. Illinlrr. l; Kri'.l lllmlir. l IHSTKICT NO. IS. Jiiiiivh Ailklm I.uiiiIiit Coinimny, 15.61. IHSTKICT NO. I.- V. II. llniiiH.y l.ri.72; tl. Krllimd, :i; II. Kiwi, I.V7.V KISTUICT NO. IK ituyinniiil Oln Hut. Ill; Owrn HiikIicn. 112; I.. I'. Hurry. r.Of. IHSTIIICT NO. HI. A. I.. .Iniifrt, I7.MI, 113.75; Wultir WiiUI.iir. $2.75; lli'iinaii KImIht, .".3.75; Harry Srliiicn linrn, $09; H. Srhoi'iiliorn. $10.50; K. A. .liilifH. $7S; .1. Itlii., $.IS; A. I.. .1 !. $40; llnino Hot tholil. $ Hi. 15; It.S. lnii!- Iifl. $ii5; II. Schiirlii'l, $70; llarvuv Ilnl. i'l ItM.n, 111!; Niirman Howard. $17.50; I.. William, $00; Hrtiry" Wal Iiii i', $ii.25; Marvin Si luM'iitnirn, 7 5c; A ni(. Id IMiIIiiIh. $2; ltolilxnii, $1: W. ii. Wallace, $i:i.r,o; w. ii. j.iiu'h. $;:i. IHSTKICT NO. 21. Jack MorrlH. IIS; .1. I). Cruwford, $1'.; Ialle Craw ford, $ti; (illlieil Muriihy", $11; A. N. SwaiiKon, $0; Alex Krlrkwm, $2; W. S. tiorhett, $9.85. IHSTKICT NO. 22. -- K. V. HndKe, $7N; 11. J. Hamuli, $1; K. M. Hendrlrk hen, $1.50; Dlckeii & Co.. $S.50; Lay UrotlierH, $!.:!!; I). Mcllonry, $ii; Itoli- ort KlklnH. $4; T. S. Cockrell. $ii; M. V. Hliiart, $1; 1 1. O. Kl.lreil. $:l.50; (i. K. Keyrer, $5; Curl I'Vyrer, $1; Krod Schufer, $C; M. Ttnilllnncr. $2; Hon ry Kick, $2; .1. H. l)avl. $2; Waller I'liinler, $S; I). K. IVmlleton, $i:i; Hurt It. I'almer, 50c; Win. Keyrer, $1; .lock Keyrer. $8.50; II. J. ItuHlull. $20. IHSTKICT NO. 2.1.-0. A. Klilen, $1.08; W. Skinner. $5.20; It. W. .hmiiennitn, $150; II. It. Zimmerman, $2. IHSTKICT Nt). 21. I.. I". HpiiKle, $20.25; A. I.. HeadliiRH, $5.r,0; K. 1). KIiir, "Oc; 1.. A. AHkln. $2; K. .1. Spa l!le, $1; KrncHt Tlilel, $1: John Koh murk, $1. IHSTKICT NO. 2tt. W. .1. K. Vlclt, $5.15; W. . MiiHterton, $0; Win. Mo rey, $22.50; 10. M. Hummer, $2; Onii KIliiKer, $27; Himh Comer, $5; M. Sii'IneKH, $27; Mark Kiinwito, $'!0 : Henry Dulil. $:!0; C. IleiiKll. $31: K. K. HoiiKliton, $30; John Vlck, $2S; S. J. Vniiftlintr, $28; W. O. ViiiiKlmn. $11.25; Wm. Ilnlnz, $30; A. lleimll, $11; S. K. Smith. $14: Kulph KuiiHt. $1; Orvlllii Kllnner, $14; It. O. Cole, $12; .loo JuckHon, $2li; It. WIlltt'HH, $22; Kulien Wriwlit Jr., $12; A. Ilutter fleld, $14; H. II. (iornrtzfiii. $14; SI Iim Wright, $8; Itiilien Wrlk'lit Sr., $14; M. AdnmB, $0.50; I'lcrco WrlRht, $12; Oliver FlBhcr. $14; D. Kroncli, $10; Clyde SprnKiif. 8; M. HoyleH. $10; I. WIHIuihr. $14; V. Diintmi. $3; Delliert nnher, $3.75; Homer Stlpp, $1.50: 8. J. VaiiKhnn, $16; John Vlck, $4; V. O. Vaiiphan, $1S; S. E. Smith, $10; A. IImikII. $4; Oliver Fisher, $8: Ii. Kren. h. II; A ll.iliMfl. l.l. II; II. O ( ..I... 112, HuUn Wiljl.l Hr, , M mui lliiiieyiiiaii, 1. lrvlll K llK-r. 12, (I llli, 2, C l. .i, ll. t, l.. liiini.lt. i., W. iMiiiin, III. John Akin. l. II II (.,.. it, ii, IHHMHCT NO V A llilliui .'l; C K lliomii. k. I. ll ilii.-ii rule. I 17 Nil; Nnrllii'li III Tnial I'u I .'ll 70, 'Die M..UIU I'nllil HIoik. W. i. l. M-im.ii, ll.'.o. r. C. Miiririuou I0 17. Addle lUmiiier, I'M 10. W. II M Inn. H'.'.r., HolilMiim lll.x. 17 I'.. I', M HhihIiIi k n, (0, Julill Hurinlk, I I; A. I. MioiikIii r, l 7i, J I. Tul.l.. 27; W. M Tl"-"., I; Joint TnillliiKir. .'V, Jnlni Miller. I."J. Yml KIiiiI.mII IICC Tuny niM.n. 7, I J tiiei ii, I'i.'.U; J. V. Junes, 5u, Jhk.ii Juno. l. C W. Iliriimu. . V. M lUinin.r, im, I', li. Vi.ilil... ,. Kl lie Nt. li.ilx.il, J r.ll, llnlx-rl KliKle, t'.7f.H; Joint lleliey. l, I'lllli.rl I'lielpa. I J. U llllll. I.'f. Ml, A H. keil, I.'I'., ell IU.liiMll, I J ;.',U, Clin. Hhkc, ',; n.i)d Mi.k. 17, A J KiiinelM Ii. ii. I. II. Murray. i. K Clefter. .', Karl lilnl. I'i M. Illulie IHnl, II. ('. II ;.lff). 11550. Oini r William, I'. Mi; W. I.. Krr. ihuii, Ml; H I'. Km. 117, II K Vallaiilyne, IIV2'., C. HlaiiKliter, III. Kl ClHivrr, III. Ilniiiir TriilllriKi-r. I'.oMi. Unter Tulil.a. 115 Ml. Wller l'lit. 1 10 50. K.I In ll.i. m I, 1 12 50; Waller llu... l. I Hi r.u, Henry ltu...-l, I.'.'; I, H Hhaiik. I'.AMi. thai Icy dealer. I2. J. M lironlioiiK, l, Charley liroa IiiiiiK. 12. Jainea Nli IioImiIi, i. Al W land, f .11 r.u. Kiih M IIii.. I. 7.',0. A II. Illl.l.aril, III; A 1 1. Keller. 115. Mulle Khalik, M Ml lilHTKH T NO 29 Joint V. Iihlert. II, li A. Klilen. .' 10. ti. A l.ll.ll. II 17. li. II. limy. I : 5(l. A On). I I.., U Kelt. IH. N Dulllcr. III. I -en Kelt. III. IHTltlCT NO !l' WH...II k Cooke. II .',ii. J. Iloylen, .'. Win Arm Iri.iik', I.'. Jon. A mint i .him. I1'., K CiMM-y. ... O C Whllteti. ti; Kiaiik Wlillten, s, K.I Whlllell. s H7 I ilrt I'll II "T NO 32 TapiM-ndorll llllllier Co., Ill 7li. VnllllK it Htunxel, i'ik0. 1'i lera II. I Co. 17.' '"I. lieo Ulitulltla, ll. A WihmI.. .'S; J. C. Clialnpaky. I ll r.o. II J Kit. k. l7.5o. linllln Tulley. .'55. Curt lli. 12 50. lieu Htahlliecker. I'i. Iff Mi tillin. v; C. II. Ivi i. II. T M Kelt. 2ii. K. Jtriive. 19.'.U. J. A. I'arrotl, I.'I. tiny MrCiilloin.li. .;. Tom Keltx. I'.. It J. Situ.-r. Is. J. C Clinluii.ky. III. Hairy Jimt, lo7 7o. I.lin.r Todd. :2. I. In). I .I1.11.1.. I.'i'.. Ml. K. I(al.liael on, 1 17; Klmer Ji.ih k. II'.; Jin k ll'al er. I2. Kay lluker. :U. lil. nn llaker. 117. I'liiia Tmli.r. II'.'. Janper Heely I'.; Pur r.ll Kelley, Jaiina Hurneii. $17; J S Snyder. I'-'. Chna. Meyera. I l:l 5ll . Arthur Jaeger. 2; lieo. TimI.I, i;i 50; JaineH Mellrlde, N 50, Win linker. I2. IHSTKICT NO 31. -Krank Mlllur.l. I II. 50. Oiuur llotinun, l IHSTKICT Nt. 35. -- Juil k Krl. .',;10; Kred Kadford. I'.T.'.. Vic Hrn ( ullcr. '. 75, A. C. Iluuuil.ui k. 5n. IHSTKICT NO. 3i'.-John MeKeude. 111.75, A. M. AnderiHiu, 2; Allx-rt I'ederHon. II; l.cHtcr lllinlck. $10. IHSTKICT NO. 37. llolievinail llarduiire coiniuny Jonea 1 .11111- her Co.. $1 liO; Joliea l.ninlier Co., $21; Tualatin l.uinli.-r Co, I'.'I.M; C. W. Krime. I'.OMI, It. It. Moffllt; $1; It A ( elk, $25K7; J. J. Knuua. 115.75; V C. Kviina. 115 75; J. W. Stonn $18. IHSTKICT NO. 3S.--W. II. Coiiuaell. $234.79; W. II. CotinHcll, $3til 41. IHSTKICT NO 10 - It. U Kidman, IT.; W m. Kurllcmuy. 12; I. M. Ilnli-I. j .1. l.ti, lleiiiert Acaemon. :u; lieorso HaiiKOti. Ilk; John Auilcmon, 1S. Kellx Carlxon, 112; Charlie Huckmun. lit); Murvin Klchey. S; K. llorlliu:. 3; l.ee llartleumy, l. IHSTKICT NO. 41-Wulter Kltmnll ler, 112.50; II. II. I'dcll. $12. 50; A. Shirley, $ii; S. K. I'lltH. $S; Vern 1'lttn. $1. l.ee Cooper, $7; J. Steele. $li; Ir v In rpdeitruve, $S; I.oiiIh lluker, 75c: John Affolter. $,.U; II. K. CokkwcII. $25; II. H. Kdell. $2.50; llelhert Cdell. IHSTKICT NO. 13. - Hoy HoiikIuh.h, l; Walter IIoukIukm. $12; II. Cllmon, $i- IHSTKICT NO. 44. Thiia. renman, $10; W. (i. Kandall. $1; Chiu. Sharkey $il; A. S. Newton, $28. IHSTKICT NO. 45. .1. (. Staatii. $750; Martin llros., $337.!I5: Mlko ItydzewKkl, $s.0fi; Joe I'eterH. $59.51; I.oiiIh Vullen, $45.5ti; Waller Cox, $.10.71'.; I,, I'. Klllott. $13; John l'tilr.. $3; Curl SlnmiKreen, $2; ti. A. I lurrl Hon, $2; C. A. Kreeinuti, $2. IHSTKICT NO. 17. I'nloti Oil com pany ol Cullfornlii, $9!Hl.Ktl; Archie MiiKon, $1087.75; Kluher Tlioraoii & Co., $li; W. I,, .lonea, $1; Standard Oil company, j:il..i:; i niou (.111 company or California, $30; Aaocluted Oil compuny. $17.25; Sellwood Wood Coal Co.. $17.15; MIIwhiiMo (larane, $l.0; J. I. Cime, T. M. comiiutiy, $2.80; Will W. Thoniimon, $22.10; ThompHon Stevena, $38; (!eo. Conwuy, $2.50; W. II. Stokea, $2.80: Miller I'litker Co., $7.10; WIIhoii & Cooke, $2.20; Scrip turn & Muy, $1; K. C- Wurren. $1801.50; 0. W. Taylor. $2,50; W. 1. lllliiHlone, 70c; C. W. Kudcy. $191.18; O. I'. Kolhn, $125.18; Tom Kvona, $3; Kulph UlHley, $20.75; Jacob ltlnley, $8ti.2ll : Ira Hart. $51; W. A. Cook, $52; C.. tl. Jones. $51; Alfred Julia, $18.50; W. It. Kasler, $24; W. II. Conn sell, $S2.5o; W. J. McCord, $115; lieo. Coinvay, $12.75; J. New $19.12; Juiues KolmrtH, $13; John Hoick, $6; Sum KolierlH, $15; 1). V, Howell, $37.50; I,. Curtln, $1; It. H. Mudlson, $1.75; C. Coffey, $30; John J. Hnloy, $11; John Kolierlii, $2; tiller Murqiiett, $3.50: J. MiiHuiiett. $3.50; Hurry W'orlhlnnlon, $3; Hui;h Itolicrts, $1.75. IHSTKICT NO. 19. C. C. Miller, $26.25; Hodson KcetiutiKhty $25.20: riioenlx Iron WorliH, $S.oo; llert II. Klnch, $1.75; J. J. Davis, $9.55; J. J. OuvlH, $10.50; I.. M. Yocmn, $12.75: It. W. Lemon, $12.50: M. Snr ver, $3; W. It. l.emon, $3; J. P. Sny der, $58; Robert Snyder, $70; II. II. Iluvls. $20: E. T. PavlH. $:i5.50; A. C. Anderson, $20; Julius Muikwurt, $21; I. . M. Yoeiim, $84; ('. Krl;liunni, $51; W. I). Hnyes, $12; J. .1. Duvls, $32; It E. Duvls, $82; Curtis Wilcox, $18; II. II. Huxley, $16; C. A. Duvls. $26; K. II. Duvls. $20; W. It. Lemon. $47; tl. Stokes, $20; (i. llulhwuy, $12; II. T. Rnwllns, $28; It. T. Cnrter, $1; Ernest Anmohnr, $1; .1. O. Ilotkln, $18; T. Kuch, $26; (1. T. Hunt, $28; II. II. An derR. $28: II. A. Hunt, $28; V. Wndo. $79.50: Albert Hnyes, $4.50; R. W. Lemon. $17.50; M. Sarver. $27.50; T. .1. Smith, $18; Kloyd Duvls, $6. DISTRICT NO. 62.I-eon Illschoff, $2; U E. Wiley, $2. DISTRICT NO. 54. W. W. Iing. IKlo; J. H ILIiar, Kit, Carry i.ia l.alll, i, liMi 0lli. , John DfHl.rf, ; J r VSal.l.ll.an, l IHHIItU T NO bi -4 riax.il Mill Co ll'Ki, C. Jui.t. l. C V. Iliitrlr. .'t; Y l.ll.li, D, Jallira IU111III..I1 l. A. I. WI.H, l, J. Y. Ciiliiiiiln. II, Jim Vi.iilil.(i.,lf, t. Ilili Kali- I. ilpli, 1. Worth liainlidpli, l, r,t M. Illtely. I3 W IHH'IIIH T NO J 1' MHIxr, 113 7'.. : lirirtln. I. liKN'KIIAL KOAIiH- Tin. Iialii Ihxl aon lonipaiiy, l UU; Ijlax t Muali Co. l Mi, II. mil. r Hr. Co, l. Dur ii.uli Addlna Mai l.ih iin.aiiy, 7V; II. .. J K I. Ill I n. l ID. l'oM A I ... I'M'.. lflllll KllH III ll.'llliullll l', I .'Hi To. IIihIm.ii Vi liability I'u. 1 1 0; 3 . Ciaial I'uln it A llnlnn h.iii pli ll , l''l 71. limit llimda Maibllnf) Co, l, Howard l'oor l'urwralloii, IH2ii. Whlta A Hiollh, I -1,0. W00.I an). I'laike k Co. lt1. Illy i-l I'otllainl, 1130, HuTladay Mai hlnr ami liaraite Co. H.o, T'li Ind.-i-i ml flit liaraK", i, ll'r Hloa, .'HCU: WIImii CiM.ka. I5. Mlll.rl'aiku Co, 125, l.iin.a k Martin. !. I'liiH ii:, Iron Worka. I' I I'i, A. Y. I.nkam, 1I0, J. li A'lama k l oin pany, lk 25, The Oregon Iron and Htael Co., 7 k5: CraliK Co, $5H Ml, W H Maple. 110 25; Win. Wei. man del, I55, Creatoli Ilia, kallillll Sin.)". 12 Mi. National Tank A l'lp lompany. ') 15, J I Ca T. M lonipaliy, III Ml, Mllaaukle HullilliiK Malnrlal Co. I'-C. I'ortlainl Italaay, l.litlit I'na er Civ. .'7:n, ltalnu. ll k Com paiiy, l II, III. ii.) man llardaair lompaiiy, lion:. Mamliall Wella llardaarr Co, !V, Canl.y llardaarr k linl'U ItK-lil Co. III. 70, Alanka Junk loiopaiiy, 119 51; Krank lna U, 1 1 1.0 . Carlton k Itimenkralia Co. I.'MJ, OnKoii ( lly Koomlry, $120. Meeae k liottfrled 1 ompaliy. 112.50; J. I Caae T. M lompany, .'5 25. M I. Kline. l 17, I' II. MelnlK. $1 KO, I'uclllc HrldKC Co. '.5; Iluatlioine laak Co., 7I9. I'nloli Oil rompaii) of California. 2I Ck; I'ai Iflc TeUv plume Co, $10, Standard OH company. 1171k 12. Caffall Uroa . 2 60; J. II. Hliiclulr. 15 50. K. (irrb.r. 111 07; A N. Wills. 292 Ck; D D Ili..l.-tler, $150. Kant Hide Mill and Lumber company. $17; Jaiuea Adklna. 114 91,1 Monitor LiimlH-r Co. i5o. Iliiticrtmiti llaidaare t Steel Co., $5 35. Ore I Con I'll) l e Worka. 1 19 50; IUt Side Knel Co . $53 41 ; K. Zollner. $3 k5. K A llaiketl. I17 C2; J W. S I111I.I. II 80, J. II C. Cook. $11 40; (i. A MorrlMiii Lumber Co, I '..2 3. II. S Kiiui. Ilk. Martin Uroa . I2I 21 Ore i;oii City Lumber Co. $137.11; Cam emu Taylor Lumber Co., II3HH2; Ste fan! Lumber Company. I6.M.: Cedar Creek LiimlH-r Co, 6 72: William Hroa Trmiafer Co.. $2. ChrU Hart mail, $1. Or.'Ci.n City Garuite. $'l.5u: II S. Anderson. S k6; V. II Muttoon 116. Clem Dollar. I5; K. W. Kly. $17. Everett Shllta, $17; Jo l'oera. $6 91. John Moritutitl. $110; W. II. Kldd, $976 22; W'uldroii Hyatt. $3.75; S. A Cobb. $13 95; T. A. Hoots. $113 90; II. Wold. $1. W. W. Smith. $'.k; W. II. Counnell. $590; Churles K. Tenlll. $I9K; It. II. Clinton, $17.30; Chns. SiruKhl. $2.79: J. T. Murphy. $7 lk; Kurl lurry. $53 61; W. 4". Itlckerstuff. $lk(l. K. Rolhleshuriter. $lkd; ll. E. Wucv. $7.17; IS. flender aon, $11.16; K. C Kb kemever, $11.95; L. Hsher. $k.97. C. Itrewhk. $12.55; I'. ItothUsburner. $.'.; A. K. Kauti. $5.60; (). J. McKlnny. $14 34; V. W. Walther. $15.11; J. It. Maronny. $5; Clurk. $2; W. O. Ruiiiih, $1; Krutik Mlllnrd. $; Wulter Striink. $1; J. K. MnpT, $1.75; John Moger. 75c; Horner llros., $76.45; Kloyd Spur II11. $k.5ll; W. W. Tucker. $4; W. Hen dren. $3.25; J. K. Smith. $3.25; J. Kelchel. $3.25: Marion Mlllurd. $13.50; ll. Scantiest. $1; C. C. Edwards. $8.45; C. E. Kumsby, $5; II. J. Kai'.tull. $3.75; llepler k Wulch. $S3I; (.eo. Serum lin. $3.10; P. Smith. $6; A. K. Ky mun. $3.75: M. ti. Smith. $2; Uirkins ti Son. $11.25; D. TrnlllUKer, $43.70 Hull Lumber Co., $7.25; It. Schuebel Co., $19.60; Wulter Waldorf. $1.50 Sydney Smith, $37.50; Eurle Iterdlne $24.50; Mury Jones. $7.50; J. V. An ilcrson, $25; Merle Jones, $57; Otto llerthold. $10: J. D. Krench. $4; Otis Smith. $37.50; Clarence Mulliitt. $4 Krank Jones. $33; T. Evans, $27; lor othy Jones, $2.50; N. Robertson, $11 Otto Striker, $8.75; S. Holsteln, $2.50 Frank Andetson, $1.25; C. Shulliou ser. $6.75: O. Krlckson, $2.50; Kurl Silmebel, $71.00; Kred Schuebel $10.50: Kred HrutJe, $74; William Johnson. $7.50; Axle Johnson, $9.50; Waller Johnson. $10; John Anderson $75; Dnvo Kvnns, $72: II. Dietrich $35: Hurold Kdliter, $23; Edwin Knust Cnnby llurdwnre & Iinpletiieiit $17.65; (JeorKU Harvey Lumber $38.35: W. S. Mnple. $10.20; II. C, $1 ; D. It. Dlmlck, $66.50; Tut $66.50; Harry (llllmore, $61.60; Calterl. , I. Nelaoii, I. Klllott. , Y. C, ItUfka, Mra II. M. $21 Co. Co. Kaiuie Hosier, Ed Kupp, $2.50; Wm. Rider. $52.50; S. T. Klsher, $33.75; Ciirlfy Hums, $25; ISeorgo Koehler, $22; Coney Sun- tier. $S6; (i. C. Mitts, $76; Culvln Kocher, $lti.50; Charley Thonins $42.50; CeorKC Smith, $22; Roy Cubb $16; Koseo Mack, $7.50; A. R. Eurls, $5: Ah Johnson, $12; Hnlby llrotbers. $10; Wm. llensche, $12.05; J. C. Mar- (luuin, $1; Gluer llros., $9.21; S. O. Nicholson. $1; Lester Miller $1: Roy Nicholson. $1: Henry Asboe, $1; I. 1). Lniklns. $10: Olof Olson. $2; Joe Jones, $1.60; liny C. Lurkins. $1.50; W, Dutchef, $102; W. S. TliouuiH, $62.25; John Hosey, $62.25; II. L. Mor roll, $18.75: tl. It. Hnwin, $18.75; John Affolter, $16.32; II. K. CoKswell, $1.10: 11. II. Kdell, $15.80; A. Shirley, $8; Leo Cooper, $2; .loimrud Lumber Co., $29.18; R. E. .'lurl. $5; A. Llnil holm, $1: Lewis Hull, $2; S. Hull. $2; Win. iilden.opf, $2; .lurl & Erl, $3.75; Rood Rouds Machinery compuny, $5.87; 11. O. Cole, $10.50; Wm. HeltiJ!, $4; Henry Dnhl, $7; M. Saltness. $6; J. .luckson $1: C. Henll, $6; John Vlck, $7; It. Whites, $7; S. J. VuukIiuii, $6; W. O. VaiiKhati, $7.85; Ruben M'rlKht -Ir.. $3.50; Ruben Wrinht. Sr., $3; Sllns WrlKht. $3: H. H. C.oertzen, $3; ('has. Cullahan, $3.50; A. Iluttor fleld, $3.50; S. E. Smith, $3.50; D. I'Vetich, $:i-50; Oliver Klsher. $3.50; A. IleiiKll, $3.50; Orvllle KlitiKcr, $3.50; Delbert Kishor, 75c; Mason Honeymun 75c; M. Tleclcmun, $S4.35; K. Zltnmer miin, $71.55; P. Kuisor, $111.50; C. Knellermelor. $12; W. Kaiser. $70.30; J. M. Piirk, $42.50; Kred Litis. $20; Curl l.lns. $7; Edd Hurders. $5; Edd C.uber, $15; C. Ruber, $1; Then. Hur ders, $1; C. A. Johnson. $6; Fred Nltchiinun, $3; Wulter TurwllllRer, $20; C. H. I.orenz. $72.38; Rny Holn)!, $57; Cluudo Duty. $10; Andy tirlbblo, $16; Frank Cribble, 6; 0. K. Pott- ruU, $28; Clarence Collins, $21.50; Hill fill.. Ill; Hani YMit-t, ',, A ll Ijfll.l.la, 1. Y. Um. . I) R lltliiarr. S; II W'liwlrr. l II VI f, l, Y. l Olda. Ill'-ll, H.Imjii Kr l.au,l.l Co, '. HOI NT - J'lllna llcl..l, : hllMHKr.- ' Y. Kfol, l.'Uf.O Mi M. iK.iiald. 1 1, II II Hnyli .'7. Ja.k Oanlr Jr. II Ui WII..-II. Ill 10, Of.,.. I. Illy l,KF l.'kMi. lasndaa Ami. f l, A V. I)i..r. I'.l Ml, II- II H u b. a. .',, Moli 111 l lili.n T-l.ia.ti iiiinpaii), IJI l l.UtK - Y. T. Q iiim. II. Man lile-lrlih, II, Krrd A Millar, l IlLl lilllil.lt. - H Ha Id altt. $-,,! lllKAtHllKII --Ala I la Irkliia. I I3 CHI N'TV I'OI ItT W II Mall.a.li, l. A II Knlalil. I'l. 'U j I HI ItT HOI HK lu,.r.t of Water r.iil.ii.laaloliers. I.'I. H'ralfl.t k Hal li.iir, 122 l; r-Kfi l ily 1iani-.r ' tallon Co, 2M ; llon.i' T. Ii phone Co.! l.'.. I'ailflr T-lepliMie k Tileitf .I cii..aiiy, 1 17 o . I.'iiirl. xn.re 1 : 1-0 1 im 1 it coritT 11 A W. Albright. 1. Y. V. I. J T. Kan. : JI'HTK'K I'KACK K II M. W. II Cook", II II 70. I Y. Kroal. II 70 Idil.Una, 12 10; W J Wll.ii. 1 1 70 . l K. Kroal. $1.70: D Y. Kroai. I'.llo. J Y. I'oiiieroy. $3, II K. Ka.n, I:'; I' II (irur. $2; A. Y. iinr-r. 119 50; John N. Hlevera. I !"l I'OKONKIt. J 0I1 11 N rlletera. Ill 40; Ural A. Wi-bh ',. ir It. la heldi r. IIO; Clark M lairln. II; ll Y. Hoaer. II; Y. K. H"kllb, l; In I Judaln, $1; A. W. It'll. II: A lei (iray. l; M. A. Ilnalon. I'.Ml; W. K. Hruip almd. 1 16 50; A. K. J'0 11. r. $21. HI'ltVKYOIt. Paul I1111111. $kC0; J. C. Knllhan. $4 CO; II II. JoIiiimiii. 72 7o; William Hn Traiia. Co, IV ISSANK-Dr. J. W Norrla. $10; Dr. HuKh H. Mount. V HI'PT. OK HCIKKHJt -a i,a Kb n, 155. J V.. Calavan. I'l m. K. (iuthrle. I'i: T J. liary. $.1. Hnnion edder. 1133 20. HOARD OK HEALTH -Kred Kreb. ; lir O. A. Wei ll, 113 kl; Jonea 1 11 iik Co. Ill 50. KKI'IT INSPECTIDS" - P. Y. Stand la.lt. 127 55; O. K. Kretmc. $35.75. LS'liKiKNT KOLlHKIt -Mead I'oat No 2. li. A. It . $35. COI NTV POOIt.-VVm. Danforth. 110. Iin-Kon Coiiiiiiiioluii Co.. (Tom Ji.in-al. $14; Itoya' and tilrla' Aid So ciety. $10; Mra. Ilradtl U. Mc Sa mara I, $10; Mra. Mary Huckner (W. T. Ttnali-y). $20; Ham llooher. $16; Iks k Mosler, $10; Mary Html I Robert Trimble. $5; Sarah (illiUins. $20; El la I'aynr, $10; Henry Hplena (Mr. and Mrs. Chalk). $16; W. J. Moldenhauer. 110: l-oulce llallou. 115. Mrs. (ial bralth. $15; Hurry (M.ier. $20; Mra. (i. W. Thompson. $H, A. C. Slelichl. 115; Ada l-elluw. k. Katie I'luard.' Ik; Ella Tracy (Eunice Horner). $10; Hen Uinli'H. $12; S. K. Curd (Michael l.i)l). $k; F. Fredrlihl (Jim- Fox). $!: Mrs. l-ee llrown. $.'0; A. W. Camehl (Chaa. Holmes). $7; Cora Josslyn, $20; C. II. Dybahl. $12; Custuv (ireble. 110; Mra. S. E. Taylor (S. llooher. 114; J. P. Flnley t Son (Mury Kvunm. 125; Frank 11. Cross (Sarah Gibbons), 10; Hoard of Water Commissioners I A I'erWI. $280; L. A Jama (Hen I-aa-ills). $7.55; H. D Aden (Mrs. Hart lelt). $5; Myera & Urady (Wilbur Italuwater). $20; Yreii Scharwti (Mrs. $9; Jones DruK Co. (Cranquiat. Jno. Ileers. Mrs. Peto. Murx), $184: Hunt ley liniR Co. (Kurowlck. Peers). $5.33; Dr. J. W. N'orrls. $12.67; Park place Store 1 Mrs. lUiker), $5; Purk place Store (Smith). $5: Hevcrlln's Grocery 1 llooher I. $11: . 4- Mini- Kiim (Mrs. Halmer). $18; W. C. Man- Finn tMrs. Twotnliley), k; aril 11. Lawton (Mrs. Rlcolette). $7.50; Otto E. Melndl (C. J. Seaborn ). $: fclce trie Hotel (Dick Meyers). $20; St. Vincent's Hospital (Mobru. Koster, Phith. Hurkley. Crites), $128; Joseph Supple. $10; Mrs. K. Frnser (Mr. Murx), $5; Denis Donovan (Jerome Hamilton. $14: SuKfrt & lUank (Mury I-ot-k ) . $20: (5eo. Reddawny (Wm. Rlmford). $10; F. M. Robertson( Wm. Ileers). $1; Hatdorf Pros. (Mrs (.irundqutst), $33.75: H. S. Anderson (J. W. Huwln and Peers), $5.50; Furr Pros. (J. Mutheson), $25; Vtirr Urns. (Mrs. l'icr.a). $2: Hoff Pros. (T. J. Wtrtz). $8.55; Mrs. Flora Pub mer (M. S. Stewart). $2.75; Francis Welsh (Mrs. Church), $5; Mt. Picas- tint Dairy (John Peers), $2.2.; Win. E. Estes (Mrs. Pleza). $10; Wm. E. Estes (Mrs. Saunders), $3.50; Frank T. Muilow (W. D. Dleklenmn). $10; Frunk T. Harlow (Peers), $25: Mury Wilson (Edward Miller). $60; T. H. Schoenborn (Mrs. Rhodes), $1; Lar sen & Co., (Albert Petturin), $12; Ursen & Co. (Eva Marco), $15: Ore Bon City Hospital Co. (Ernest Starr). $28.50; Oregon City Hospital Co. (Mrs. J. Crites). $11.45; C. A. Hniti- bind (Mrs. Anna Wetterlln), $10.i8; Lehman & Cloush Co. (L. Valentine), P. J. Winkle (Mrs. Katlo Youger- ku), $5; W. W. Pollock (Wm. Mc- Kltmls). $12; Mrs. Trulllnger (F. Pas chal and Hanson), $10. JAIL. W. .1. Wilson, $68.53. JUVENILE COURT. .lack Own- bey Jr., $7.50; Williams Pros.. 50c; D, E. Frost, $33.15; F. C. Purk, $1.50; Minda K. Church. $1S.S0; II. H. Hughes, $1. TAX HEPATIC. R. H. Coshnn, $71.44. PRINTING AND ADVERTISING. Siihns & Wmidheck, $12; Purrouglis Adding Machine compuny, $30; P. D. 'uiiiilnglmiii Co.. 5c; Jonos Drug Co., $8.55; EUloll-Flsher Co.. 25c: Pnnnoii Co., 50c; Oregon City Enterprise, $138.10; Courier Press, $1.3.20; A. . Simmons. $16; II. S. Anderson, $1; I. M. Harrington. $5; J. E. Caluvun, $6.90: W. J. Wilson, $10; M. E. Dunn, E. P. Dcilnmn, $5. SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. J. F. Jones, $34.50. TAX DEPARTMENT. G. V. Har rington. $7.75; Ona Rentier. $u. PROIIIPITION". D. E. Frost. $5.20, Jack Ownbcy Jr.. $3; A. E. Joyner, 6. ELECTION. Oregon City Enter prise, $2.50. ON THE ; . Ja rAKM AINU GARDEN t E STILL IN STACK TNACC Of ARIENIC IN IULPMUH WILL DAM ACC MOPI, A OEPARTMCNT. II. .p r in na and liandbra are 'iir-'! I.) Ilio I'. K. ilrpaniiiei.l of t rl"iltur Im maka certain that the kulplmr they ua In curln la al.ao lulrly fre from any trace of arwnlc. The a ' Ideiilal prcw m t In 01 1 aaloiial hlpiiieiiia of Am -'ban hop of mili um tiaiea of aranilc liilnxlucH IbroiiKh the uae ol Impure aulphur liaa led al llmea lo rejection of shipments ".pr'lully lii caat-a of riporta lo fr- Ikii ciiunlrlca a lib rigid hop aland arda. Aa Hie eiport trade under or dinary conditions la Important, grow er and liandlera of hops should I careful to uae In treulliiK tb.-m only pine aulphur Kiiaranteed aa araenlc fr e. The ua.ial guaranty f 99 6 r (nt pure, l a found, ll hot sufficient, aa Hie one half of one per rent I in It, I purity may conceal traces of arM-nlr. That these traiea of a runic In oc casional roiialgniiitiit come from the Impure aulphur used In drying and bleaching aa suggeated by tea ('. H. department of agriculture s'line years ago. A seioi.d loveallgation Just com pleted eatabllshia definitely that Im pure aulphur Is the source of this con lamination. DAIRY EXCHANGE NOW READY fOH BUINICM. PRUNE BROWN ROT. The Ort-K'.n Cooperallie )alry Y.i 1 l.anga la now completely organised and ready for business. The eichaiige sa urganUed Ut aa- Ut the Oregon dairymen lo linprov and standardly tbelr butler and lo market their rnam at a Juai profit, and to place the holier In profitable inarketa In aiifflcl.-nt lots of uniform '(uallty and pack to aork an eipan slon of the Oregon butter Induatry. Ileaaona for Its support are thua tated by V. II. Iltla, eitenalon spe clallat at O. A. C. ll alanda for letter dairy kikIui t. for the payment of cream on the baals of quality, for economy of production and manufacture, and for equitable marketing. It Inaur'-s permanency of the dairy Induatry and maintenance of priiea. It afforda protection lo the Individual dairyman and the small country rreamerytnan. And It enable Oregou lo profit by Its natural ad lanluges of climate and feed. WORK OF THE EGG CIRCLE. NUMBER Of TON! CAN BE DE TERMINED BV UtE OP MATHMITAL RULE. The relative value of Ilordeaux mix lure, atomic sulphua and lime-sul pliur for control of brown rot and leaf sHit dlacaac of prunes were made the subject of experiment conducted by the Plant Pathology of the O. A. C experiment statior on Saturday last. near Salem. An enthusiastic gather ing of progressive fruitgrowers of the Hunnyslde district Is report by Prof. Pars. Many of the men In attend ance came from considerable dis tances to be preaent at the demon stration, which had been planned by the Marion county fruit Inspector, C. O. Constable. It aa found that Ilor deaux mixture la probably the most desirable material !or prune spraying. Atomic sulphur gave results nearly as good. Lime-sulphur, however. In three of the applications, produced leaf In Jury at a per cent of as low as one to fifty, showing this materiu unsafe to use on prunes. W0MAN.68.SAYS SON DUPED HER For tlioin runners who will take ad vantage of an opportunity to become members of Ihe poultry and egg cir cle, much material benefit la awaiting. The egg circle movement la a plan for Improving the marketing of poul try products. It stimulates the pro duction of more and better eggs on our farms and puts the eggs on tbe con mimer'a table quicker and In bet ter condition than the ordinary meth od of marketing, aays C. C. l-amb. ex tension specialist at the O. A. C. The consumer profits by being able to eat mote and better eggs, and the pro ducer wins by selling; more and better ears at higher cash prices. hotlmailiig I bo number of t.ma of hay In a ata' k by nieaaurlng la oftm resorted lo when It Is Inrontenlent or Impractical lo welb it. It I Impos sible to give a rule for measuring hay which Is entirely aatlafVtory. The following one haa often bee. Uaml. state profeaaor .. (J. 8hfr, of th Waalnglon eiperlment station at Pull man, and approilntate the correct weight: "Width plus over, divided liy four and squared, then multiplied by lha length and divided by 512." The above rile assume that Ihe cross section of slack may be ob lalnel by dividing Ihe width plus over measurement by four and squaring It Hlark vary so miM b In shape that this cannot Im absolutely true wlih stacks. The above rule also aaamne that there are 512 ruble feet In a too, Tbe length of lliae a slack ha been built, the aUe of a stack or the amount It has settled. alo tbe kind of hay all Influence the weight of a certain volume of hay. Tbe a'juve or other rules should not be MM upon unleaa It la Imposnlble to weigh hay when It la sold. Problem Assume that a hay stock meaaurea IX feet wide, 24 feet over (distance from ground on one aide up over the stack and to the ground on other aide and 30 feet long. The solution would be: plu 2 equal 41; 41 divided by I equal 11; 11 squared equals 121; 121 tlmea 30 equal 3630 ruble feet In stack: 3630 divided by 512 equal 7.09 tona. J T TAX LIMITATION PLAN WOULD PROBABLY KEEP ROAD LEVY WHERE IT IS NOW. OUTOFPROPERTY MRS. SOPHIA GRIMM ASKS THAT COURT RESTORE TO HER FARM AND MONEY. COMPLAINT CHARGES BOY TOOK ADVANTAGE OF HER AGE, ILLNESS Clause in Deed Which Would Have Protected Her Interests and Forced Hi.rt to Provide for Her Left Out, She Declares. Aged. Illiterate and III, Mrs. Sophia Grimm Friday filed a suit iu the Cluck amus coilnty circuit court to regain title to property which, she says, her own son secured by taking advantage of her infirmities. Mrs. Grimm, who is 6S years old, hud nil the confidence in the world In her son, Cicero, she says, and when he offered to provide for tho rest of her life In comfort on the condition that she would turn her farm over to him, she ueceptod the tiffer. Papers were drawn up nud a deed prepared. She understood, she says, that the deed was to bo so worded that he would be required to care for her the rest of her life. She cannot read and hud to rely on what the son told her nil through the transaction. The cluusos which were to protect her In terests were found to be lacking when the uged woman hud them examined. The papers were signed February 4, 1916. ami the aged woman, trusting In her son, moved to his house. Then began a course of treatment which flnully, she snys, forced her to seek shelter elsewhere. She had others ex amine the transfer of tho farm for her, and then sho found that her son hud taken advantage of her nge, her illness and her inability to read and had duped his own mother from all of her property,' sho alleges in the com plaint. Mrs. Grimm asks thut the court set aside the deed conveying the farm to her son and that money she advanced to him bo returned to her. George C. Prownell and Churles 1. Sievers ap pear for Mrs. Grimm. Even if the voters at the November election approve the tax limitation bill, which is designed to limit the increase of levies, Clackamas county has little to fear, at least as far as the county road fund la concerned, be lieves County Judge Anderson. The bill provides that a tax levy cannot be increased more than 6 per cent In a year unless the people sanc tion the increase by vote. It mokes no exception far Amergenciea, and It has been pointed out that a tax levy ing body would be unable to meet a suituen demand for money, no matter how urgent the demand was. 1 tucKamas county already has an S mill road levy, and the construction of roads is one of the principal prob lems before the county court. Judge Anderson points to the fact that an Increase in the county road levy under any circumstance is not likely, but with the passage of the tax limitation bill, a reduction in the levy, also. would be improbable for the reason that it ould be too much trouble to get the levy back to its present size. "One thing is certain," said the coun'.y Judge, 'and that is Clackamas' road work would not be hampered by the passage of the bill. Our levy already is about as large as prac tical, and we are safe from the measure." SEPTEMBER 15 SET TO SIX PETITIONS FOR BOUNDARY CHANGES RECEIVED AND MORE EXPECTED. Tbe county court Thurvlay set Sep tember 15 as the day when petitlona for changes in road district boundaries will be heard. The court now haa lix petition on file and many more are expected. September is the month designated by the state road law when the county court shall hear petitlona ' for changes in road districts. At the road district boundary meet in? of the court a year ago, the lum ber of districts was cut from 60 to 57, and a still further reduction In the number is considered possible. Judge Anderson Is known to favor larger and fewer road districts, and has suggested a plan whereby the county court would have between 13 and 20 districts In stead of the present number. It will probably require several days to take up and consider all the dis trict changes sought Employer Turn Down Arbitration. NEW YORK", Sept. 12. President Shonts, of the lnterborough Rapid Transit company, announced tonight that he will not accept the recommen dation of Mayor Mitchel and the Pub lic Service commission to call off the strike and arbitrate the differences between the railway companies and the labor unions. Philomath Mary's River Lumber company building two miles logging road. County Court Is Helpless In Gas Franchise Matter, Thanks To 1915 Legislature Constipation the Father of Many III. Of the numerous ills that affect hu manity a large share start with consti pation. Keep your bowels regular and they may be avoided. When a laxa tive is needed take Chnmberlaln's Tab lets. 'They not only move the bowels but improve the appetite and strength en the digestion. Obtainable every where. Adv. Officer Sue for Freedom. TACOMA. Wash.. Sept. 13 An alle gation that he is being held a prisoner nt Camp Brown, in contravention of the articles of war of the United States, is mndo by Captain David Liv ingstone, company M, of Centralia, Wash., who today obtained a writ of habeas corpus In the federal district court directed against Colonel Wil liam Inglls, Second Washington Infan try. The writ, which seeks to com pel Colonel Inglls to release Captain Livingstone from arrest. It Is return able September 19 in the federal court at Seattle. , The 1915 session of the state legis- lature had a kind, benevolent dispo sition. It was also generous, particularity to gas corporations, such as the Port land Gas & Coke company. In fact. It was not until the other day that. Clackamas county officials awoke to the extreme kindness of the legisla ture when they discovered a law un der the terms of which a gas company, if unable to agree on the terms of a franchise with a comity court, can tell the county court to go Jump hi the lake and proceed to appropriate the county roads without further fuss or bother. I If the county and the gas corpora tion can't ns;ree, why then, tha 1915 legislature ruled, the gas company wing. Now it so happens that the Port land Gas & Coke company saeks a franchiso from Clackamas county un der the terms of which the gas com pany can lay its mains on any road i:ow constructed or any road to be constructed in the future. Every mi'e of the 1100 miles of county roads la at the disposal of the gas company without further fuss, once this fran chise passes the court. Yet the court cannot object. The county court cannot insist on ton s'.ringcnt clauses to protect the coun ty's interests, thanks to tbe 1915 leg islature. If the county court and the gas company are unable to agree, then the gas company can go ahead, put down Its mains and forget the I county court as if the county coiirt did not exist. The clause granting the gas com pany this right is tucked at the bot tom of an apparently innocent meas ure. After many lfs, ands, and where ases, the law reads: and when It shall bo neo- essary or convenient in the locat'on of any gas mains, gas pipe lines, pipes and appurtenances therefor, to appro priate any part of any public road, street or alley or public grounds, the county court or the board of county commissioners of the county wherel.i such road, street, alley or public prop erty may be., unless the same be with in the 'corporate limits of an Incorpor ated town or city, may agree with the corporation so constructing said gas mains, gas pipe lines, mains and ap- pmcenances tneretor, upon the ex tent, terms and conditions upon which the same may be appropriated, used and occupied by such corporation, and if such purtics shall be unable to agree thereon, such corporation may appro priate so much thereof as may bo nec essary or convenient in the location and construction of said gas mains, gus , pipe lines, pipes and appurton ances therefor; provided, however, thut ,the passage of this act, or any thing herein contained, shall not be construed to impair any rights here tofore acquired by any such corpora toin from any county court or board of county commissioners," The legislature, after turning coun ty roads over to gas companies of the state, even added a clause that the law should not be construed to impair any rights heretofore acquired by any gas corporation. There is no such clause protecting the county or the public. The roads, under such a law. become gas routes, rather than county roads. The clause quoted above is on page 40 of the session laws of 1915 and is chapter 27. It was filed In the office of the secretary of state February 4, 1915.