OltttiOXriTV KN'TI'IMMMSK. KU'IUAV. SU'TKM IW'M IV HUii. SOME BARLOW HDPTJtRDS UER IS HELP II) IE! WE) 48 IRE ENROLLED IN the school it ra MISSES WILKINSON AND VERKES ARE TEACHERS OTHER KEL SO NEWS NOTES. KKI0. Or.. M'I H-iSpevlall rti licml commencr-d Monday. Scptnn Iht II w 11 h an riirnllttirnt of It In the mltmiiril room, Mum WllUnmn. l'rin- nJ 30 In the primary nxm. Ml Verken teacher. V.r.. I.I nd and children and Mr. tn. i. and ihlldren are at lh hop )ard. N.-il Nelson haa returned from his trip to California where ho l-lted tii llr Mr. Mcklnncy hi !.'n Francis ru. He also visited Lo Anrelen ami San Dlcgo. going by boat anil return inn l train. I, i", l.lmli'll niul family, of Tor Inml were weekend euct at Hob- i-rt Jornid's homo. Mrs 11. Nelson ha returned from a six weeks scjoarn at the Hot Spring In Washington. Max Kllte! has tiatl ln residence repainted by O. Hlomw Ick. Mr. Lundcen lu commenced ork on l". A. Johnson's new house. Mrs. Ned Nelson recently purchased a new Kimtiall plauo. Mr. Ha'l lr. biillil.Hi! a house for J il. Uevemu. Tin- Hall brothers ate operating a (tanoline wood saw In this vit Inity. I'.. Monroe and family r-rontty moved to Kelso, oci .li v ing tho hoiiSD varulod by Mrs. lUrtimn. 1. ill te Jonsrud has tum' to Portland to attend Hie Lincoln high school. Prank Jarl. of I'ortland. visited hi lolkn here recently. Mr. Sugor, of 1'ortl.iud. formerly I villa Yahs. with lulant mm. spent a iwk with her parents A Yabs BEAVER CREEK. UKAVEH CREKK. Ore.. Sept. H -(Speclall Mr. and Mrs. Klmer Han cock, of Oregon City, motored to Hea ver Creek In their new Chivrolet car last Sunday. Mrs. V. Hughes called on Mrs. Abe Thomas Monday ai'tcrnoou. Miss Irene Vogt returned to Port land I list week to resume her studies at the Jefferson high achool. and sev eral more of our young people will leave soon for Oregon City to atteud high school. Miss Genevieve Jones. Krana Bluhm and Kred Kamrath ex pect to finish 'this year. Ernest and Herbert Kamratu will also attend. Miss Inez Larkins and little daugh ler Dorothy have returned to their home In Mulino after spending a week at the Herman home. Mrs. Grace Hall, of Oregon City, lias been spending the past we-k at the home of her sister. Mrs. F. Stiller. Miss Ada Reed, of I'ortland. has been visiting with her cousins, the Misses Genevieve and Helen Jones. A number of Heaver Creek people attended the Ilarnumlbiilcy circus in Portland last Fiiday. Circuit Judge Campbell Friday signed a decree giving Grace Mastino bich a $100 Judgment against W. S. and Gertrude Geori-'e. Another decree signed Friday in the circuit court di vorced Leona Scheideman from Joseph Scheideman. Mrs. Scheideman was al lowed to take her maiden name. I.cona Palmer. BISANZ ESTATE PROBATED. A petition for letters of administra tion in the estate of Annie Hisanz, who died June 8. 1116, was filed in the probate department of the county court Monday by her widower, Michael Hisanz. The estate is val ued at J 300 Oregon State Fair Salem, Sept. 25-30 The Big Live Stock Exhibit of the Year Eastern and Western Oregon in grand display. Six Bands Parades NIGHT HORSE SHOW with thrilling races in a large circus tent. Best afternoon horse racing ever seen at the State Fair. Three Carnival Companies Free Attractions for old and young Every day full of pep. You can't afford to miss it vcr Die CLARKCS Mr Claikea ami her granddaughter Kffie laiiiiu (mm Cortland, are tli.il Itit: their relatives for a alnut lime. MikM-ft Uul.y Curd. Hazel Hingo aii.l Vada Kingo went to Aurora to pick hop last week ,Mi Katie Washburn U tuning II C. Klelumilth and family lor a slim I time. Mim Olga Klmer went tit IVrll.m.l l.tut week to attend m IumiI Crank Zwahlen came home liom i- 'ko lat week. Mr. JobtiAou and l.cr daughter from Portland are lMtmg her daugh ter. Mr l.ewi Maon. of TuiiIh r Crne. foi a short lime. 1 C. Zuahler tlltod lu daughter ' Mr. Crcd l!o. Iat week, I The Clarke mIuhI will open Sep- leml'er I (iiistatf Silileue intend Momla to go hack t !xl. rred H.iuer, of Collon. I lt leave going to i tart la pick hop Monday Little Gertrude turt whooping cough. John Uuol and Kloyd El has Ihe . ,.(! , erh to the mountains last week. Mie Acne Nelson, lternice tiar.l and Florence Klclnmith spent dav wlih Mis Mary Itoitemillcr I.U Ed liraiv I threashln lor Mr xlo llingo The Colton high chmd sl;.rted Sep temlier 11. Charles Nelson is working lor Mr M.miuardt during harvel. Frank Shute. from Highland. I he'p ing Mr. Sullivan build h houe i GEORGE. i GEOKGE. Ore.. Sept. II (Special" Mrs. Edd Star and son Melt en who has been visttuig her mother Mr. H. Joyncr returned to her home in Port land Tuesday. Miss Ida Wagner, of Estaiada. was isitiug Miss Rosa Jamisen a few lays last week. Mrs. It. Fanton and daughter Mrs. T. Harder was the gnel of Mrs. 11 Joyner last Monday.. Mrs N. Schreel and childicn Wal- tei and Edith was visiting .Mrs. r. Rath Sunday. Mrs. Leo Rath visited Mrs. T. Har- ders last Wednesday. A few of the young folks gathered at the home of Mrs. M Minker last Saturday evening. The evening spnt in playing five hundred. Miss Edith Harkenrider of Kstucadj spent a few days of last week at the home of her sister's Mrs. Julius Paul sen. Mr. and Mrs. C. Johnson was Esta iada visitors last Saturday I j. ,j. EAGLE CREEK. K.VGI.K i 'REEK. Ore.. Sept. II (Special) H. II. Hoffmelster. after a couple weeks' stay in Portland, re turned home la.it week. Ed Ilurnett tvia an E..gle Creek visitor Sunday. .Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Mays, of Ore gon City, came out to the home of the hitter's sister, Mrs. Roy Douglass, to spend their vacation. Mrs. Viola Douglass and Mrs. R. H. Gibson accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cdell to Harton Sunday and spent the afternoon at the home of II. F. Gibon. Georee Saw tell w as gathering up I the cream Tuesday for Ed Douglass, I who was preparing to thresh. i Miss Alice Cilcll spent Sunday night j at the home of her uncle, II. H. Gibson.! The Eagle CreeU Sunday school! now meets at 10 a. m. Ed Still pun based some oats from J. P. Strahl, who is contemplatini: go-j ing to eastern Oregon soon. I UOUffly MANY PUPILS ARE STILL IN THE HOPHELDS NEWLVWEOS ARE SURPRISED. CW'UV. Ote. Sept ! iSi-ivlalt The C.inln i !ud opi'iie.l Mnildav. , Seplelllln r II. w till deliu W. V i ll. Kiiperinlendeiit and Kntllli tea. Iht iYi'd II Itolh principal, malheiiiall. t il lid HCIi iice. Ilar e K Tidue, lult language. atbUlli. Il.mard iacle. 1 r i in-1 1 of tin' gt.iniiii.il grade ami teachei of the ietcut!i anil eighth r.i.l. Nona Au-tin. of EUHi. Iiltl. ' ami llh grade. Cran. e I'olti r. ot Portland, thtrd and fourth Kiadc. Ui Vina Sheridan the vcou.1 grade, and Mltu Hiil'l' Ihe llrt gr.id.' Ite.aue of the late hop picking e.ioti. th. enrollini'tit i not o large un uii.il A veiy pli-aalng urule wn given the nulvwed" - Prof Tot'le atlil wife Tui.l.n evening, led li Mavor Hair and wile. Prof K let and wile, and other W W. .IoIiiimui w.i a Potll.ilid vlit r on Thur.!av I Mr and Mr M I lee returned lately fiotn an auto Irip In S.nrameti i M and oile r point In California i Mrs Margaret Holm. of Portland, 'rtii a weekend guest at the Gunel i home I Mrs Austin, ot Elgin. Oregon, mo ot our new li .u her. I an old friend o. Mr anil Mr George Heiivliadler. and t al pr nt i stopping in their home. ' Mr and Mr. II P. Evan and da'i ghter Katherine, motored to Poit land on Monday The Woman's Foreign MIsMonar siKlcty of the Catiby M E church, held an Interesting mewing Tuesd.ic afternoon al Ihe home of Mr. Andy Kioher Mt MiH're gave an Instrucl he review oi a chaider from the text hook, "The King's Highway" on Cliin.i us a nation anil her school. Mr W A. GaMriM'k conducted the "Mystery Hox". Ilefresnients were serve, ,v the hostess. W. A. Gastrot k ha accepted a po siiion In the shoe department of Lip man & Wolfe's store at Portland, spending the week end in Calibv. t Mr. and Mrs. Wang motored to th.' hop yards oi George Yergen near All rora Monday. Mr. Yergen' yards pre sent a beautiful sight and are con sidered the best crop in the commun ity. Mrs. Grant White returnd Thurs- Wi,,day from the bop field near St. Paul. I having been gone about twelve day. Miss Louise Gastrock returned this week from an extended visit with her friend. Miss Clara Full" n. at Redlatid. Ore. i Mr. and Mrs. II. P. Clarke beve re turned from a trip to Tillamook In their home in Molalla. Mr. Clarke is again at his post as conductor of the train from Canby to Molalla. Miss Mildred Wang returned to Needy Saturday, after a few days at home because of illnes John Gastrock relumed last week' from an outing at l'ai ilic City, bring-, I,,,, I. iit. iii with dim a generous sun plv of Chinook salmon. ' '.Mr and Mrs. V. Zungel motored to! I'ortland for the .lav on riumlay last. , Mr and Mrs. M. W. Johnson were ' viewing the slants in and around i Marksburg last Thursday. Farmers i husv on everv hand cutting and i threshing their Hue crop of grain, hop 1(.kjn., ctr ' Mrs"' William rjastrock and Mrs. ! Hovt Irovvn w ere eleeteil iieieates form the Missionary society lo the llranch meeting which meets In Oc tober at Spokane. I Miss Lavinia Sheridan reached Can by from her home at Shedds on Sun day last, to boclu her work in school on Monday morning. This Is Miss Klieriihiti's fifth vear in the Canby j school, which certainly speaks well I lor her as a. teacher. Mrs. rt'eister, of Drain, has moved to Canby to enter the children in the i Canby school. I Mr. and Mrs. Clifford llnrgess of i Oarhart, have been visiting relatives in and around Canby for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Tobie, of Grcenai rcs, Wash., have taken up their abode in . the Coleman house. Mr. Toble is instructor of fierman In tin; Canby school. Miss M. Hubbs. of Silveiton, is a ' guest at the Itolh home. Ilnlph Cox, wife and babies from , I.oinpoc. California, aro visiting at the '. home of Mr. Cox's mother, in Canity. Mrs. Hulls, of I'arkplacn, iipent l-mt ! Wednesday with her mother. Mrs. , Maples. Mrs. W. Hoyd Moore has had as : her guest this week, her cousin, Miss : Thora .Smith, one of tin: teachers in : the Medl'ord schools. Miss Smith Is j just ieturnin;,' from her summer va a l tion spent in Alaska. I Thirty-four of the friends of Mr. '.,...1 Mr Clifford llurscss gave them i ! a complete surprise in the way of a ' misf.-elluneous shower last on Minn ! day eve ning, at the home of Mrs. tiruHford. mother of the bride. Music ! uiui t-iiine:! were indluged in until a late hour, when dainty refreshments ..ere served. I The fourth tpiarterly meeting of the Canbv Methodist church was held on I Thursday evening. Dr. Ford, of Ha ! lern presided. ! Miss Mable Cole will leave for Cor j vallis on Monday, Sept. 18, to enter ' the Domestic Science department or ' the college for the ensuing year, i Miss Hazel Miller returned home i Sunday front Harlow and entered Can- by high school on Monday. Withdrawn Landa Open. WASHINGTON, Sept. 12. Resora tion to entry of nearly 457,000 acres heretofore Included In coal land with drawals in New Mexico, North Dakota, Utah and Wyoming wa announced to day by Secretary Lane. PICKtHS IN TLU. kLATACIR ASO POHTtH VAHO HI TURN TO MOMI II VKI.ll W, Oik , Si , I II iKpmUli - Some of Hi i,i.ui.. ale llnitliili up Ihl week. C t. lull linl'licl oil Sun .l.i . K Hlat.,..l Inii.lie.l M..ii .l.i) and Mr. '.-n i Imulo d T'i. day Mr and Mr J-l"'u an.l lo ol Ihelr ihildren, i..r and l laini.. ami Mr I yuiaii '"! Utook o pi. k hop (or V I' l ull 'be l inaind. r of Ills pi. kmc Waller Sliillll m. Ii.'li.e 'll.nld.. to ee hi mother lioiu Camp Willi) iiiiiibe, vtlu re he I. . r.-iurned from the border l.e Hardin. k i " .1 n ol Mr and ll. Keel.ailgli, ia Jollied tin armr. Harold Sage w.uklug at the While and Smith tatat..' Ill Caliby. Mr. and Mr, tii. I'l.iwlc are ti mug at the l'rol ran. h fiom Pell laud 1 Miner Irwin I liaulnig toniatm l.t Oregon Cllt I The eighth gr . b i of I il year have Joined the b '.li h.xd ihlldi.n and are attending Ii.n'I al Cmil'y, will, h make ipntc a l ull. Il allendllig high . hmd from I te How to Gtvf Good Advict The best tvny , t:..' g.M. udvl.e I to et a good ex unple Wh.-n olll'' see how iilli kU ."! get over lour told by taking I l.aiul'eil.iln' Cough Remedy thev ure !. Iv to lot'ow tour example Till l.'icdi ll.l I II III use for mall)' )e.n- m l eii)..v mi ex cellelit vv here repulatloi; A.lv (I'.t.unal.le TV LIOERAL I.IHEItAL. Ore. Si-pl II - (Spe rial I tins Collin, of WUhouv ille, . stopiH'd to ee his (i lend Mr. Dicker son. on his way through LUn-ral wuh a bicycle. Mr. Collin had Ihe mis fortune to brvak hi handle bar. an , a wulklng and Lading In wheel , D Englo pa"l (liriuigh l.ll'eial one .l.i. last meek. Mr and Mr. Wtt.k turned troiu, M.n kburg where Ihcv had gone ex j peiting to tend a whole week work ' In k with the bops Mildew had abort ' en. d the task. S. Ktiapp and son through Liberal bt . of Molalla. passed unto one day lal - w eek. W. J K. Vlck .vent to Molalla on day last week. E Viiiihn. of Portland, was In Lib eral one day last week to help .Mr. Taylor start bis portable drag saw, t whi. h ho purchased recetnv. Mr. j Taylor had tvjo finger quite badly I crushed In the flywheel 1 Mr. Tate has cut more than ::! cord of wood with one set of dry ' cells on hi woodsaw. It is believed i lliai this unusual iiniounl Is due to , the fact that Mr. Tale miws bill a1 short time, then sp'its the wood, giv ing the .try cells time In recuperate Mr Olson Is camping In the Doep-1 ideli woods. He Is splitting cordwood. j C. W'oifer has been helping Mr. Doepplel. fall timber. Messrs Dick-' erson. Stier. Waltx brothers and Wil-, sou brother are splitting, and D Hadger is sawing corilwood with tlrag saw In the Doeppleb woods. w-1 ','lt i Mr.. Dimb k had 1M men to supper - '" - Mht lt wl.-n the ll.resh- -rs returned lo thresh for l.-r brother. Itichard Wright. The clover thresh- ers had already been there Mrs. Dimb k coked, ready for tho thresh' ers. once when they did not come. Kred Ot.. of 1-ortland. has been I. living and helling stock around Lib- eral the past week for the 1'ortla.nl i"." ''i The Kraxiierger boys of Macksluug. i loaded a car of cordwood at the Lib-1 eral oral W. V. S. ranch. station, from their Lib-1 For Sale Having sold my farm, I have no further use for the following: One span of draft horses: - wai;ons other onu Is 314 thl' , Inch; one light wag- on one hack; one buggy; one single harness; two sets of heavy harness; on" disk !'" row ; one one ll-lnch Oliver flow; horse, 1100 lbs,, good liu- where. No reasonable offer will be re fused for any of the above. Call or address CHARLES T. TOOZE, 108 14th Street Oregon City Uniting Laming and Labor THE OSEGOll AGRICULTURAL COLLECE In its Six S I,.,., I, and I'orty eight He :i.i(;ed in the great work I parlnictits is . of uuiliu I,e ir n.iu and Lab .r. Forty-eihlh School Year Operw SEPTEMBER 18, 1916. Degree Courses requiring a four yriir high school pn-oirilioil, are ollcred in the followie. A",; IL't rrt'RK. 16 Departments; C'OM,ili;i(. I-;, 4 DepHrtiiirnls; HNC.I.W KICK INO, ii Iwpartmenti; MINKS, 3 Drpirtim-nts ; P'OKli-iiK V, 2 Depart ments; H'IMK -.Cf)N''.MIl'S. 4 lepart nients; Hint I'HAKM AC'V. Vocational Course requiring an Eighth (Ira le preparat on for entrance are ofTcred in Agriculture. Dairying, Commerce, Forestry, Home Mak-irs, and Mechanic Arts. Pharmacy witn two year high scIimiI entrance requirement. SCHOOL Ol' MUSIC. Piano, String, Rand and Voice Culture. hiiiI lirautiful illurtrated bwiklet free. Addien THK RROISTa, 1 w-7-l. U.K-71) COKVAI.1,1, OagOOM OHrING WIND lNDOCf pAMACt OC HAIN-CHOPt AMI I'N UIUAIIV HtAVV M V K H III (J l. , Hi pi It S,mii,iIi I lin Meallul hi. lull lii .ill leal li.lliid mil lit be I lie Inn l Miall,i nr Hie l4lll In. il. in w uiioU ul Saluntai and Hundat pi.linu II III I lie li ! ti.tpe Ini Hie II.I.-.I..I., tin were III iall) oil M.Mili) in. hi. lug The !". whir nan. I...I alM (ul imal lln.e lilt I lie je .0 IiikIiI Hie i oi ii i a iiikiua ii in iiii.ui ol ihe 1. 1, Millie ll.i-.ilt II I'll (oil l all i n.'i.r In- iiM.le a nun an. ulna iaie In li. ..lit nf Ihe Held. Hi a . Urn ai.iiil l.ilk ii 4i long lai Uite H.e hi ad of Hie I l'l. .1 rail. her. Hit tl iik healing le III HI wu all. I mailt hat lug ll.l'-e plopi'llli'lnillt li-, e.u ii.lll.a nue Isai k Id un 1. 1. 'It In Ihe II. I. Idle vtiet win 1 1' I I'rll Is Ihe UHII cr pi ide llnppli klllg inillple.1 III.'. I ol Hie pjst wink, the nealhei being Ideal loi Hie pii ke. oii l.s and imd Oil ild.it. hoWrter Hie llitralelled lalll came In lln- mottling, bill ...l.. be lute In mil I he l iilgli i ll Idai kl-erl) I How lu It pi i no' and la ripeliliig III '.oh pialitllli' lliat our language neeui It. wd.-.piale n ii.mi-t any lib I of Hie i. i. rli. 'lining mipi'lt Ihe word almli lame" and ' pinliisliiii ' uppe.ir tn.ik wtn'11 Use. I lo in ale a lli'iugbl in I In-1 r tin nin ilt able luullil'i.le I'likei i .nin' f rum nil) illre. I l.'ll in. mt In I In-lr auto fioiu I lie ii.lj.1 ..lit it.MtiM to rarrt aw.it I lilt luml oils ItllH lint olilv lor premTte lle Mild lor I lie winter lure, hill to be oil veiti-d into home made llie and Ml lit tins lllllllber lilt oil Ihe vine sielll a great a I'vi I Mr and Mr l.lni llepler were de lined l.t tilu Irolii making lln lr mil li l.iplilleil trip III III .l-t. bill will go later oil Mr David hauffinali who ha I I. t IIIIiik relative In Ohio and Pi nil tltaiila I evpisl.'.l linni" lu'luie Up end ol III.' Week Alie llepler. with In patlt. return i ed on Snluidav Irolii hi nioiilitalti . trip, bringing a load of in.iutituinl Inn kleberrle M EACH FINED !S 1 1 EAST CLACKAMAS MEN ENTER PLEA OF GUILTY BEFORE JUSTICE SIEVERS. Ji.hu H.ili.y. of Sandy, and John An dregg. of llorlng. were radi fined $' niul cost Saturday by Justlie of th.' ,.. ,. sievoni, ader entering a plea ( Knllty lo charges of iia.sutilt. They ,.n. arresliil Friday by Sheriff Wil son and Deputy Krost. Haley Is alleged to have ultacked William Sltll. of Kagle Creek, follow ing a debate on the morils of cigar cites. SHU, ilerluri'S Ihe Sandy man. smokes and Attempted to force him to take u cigarette. Haley resented the defense of cLuri'ltcs Hindu by Still mi. I a flitlil Is alleged to have IllllllWlll Audregg and his son, a. minor, are ! alleitetl to have struck nn aged thev met on the county road i llorlng. man near Salvage Plan Changed. KI'KKKA. Cal.. Sept. II- Finding that there Is little lo be iiccoinpllshetl by pulling on Ihe steamer Hear, ashore near Cape .Mendocino, the sal vage crew now Is pacllng Its reliance on being able lo pump awuy enough sand from uroiiiiil the a basin for her. steamer to make CURB ON MARRIAGE URGED. CHICAOO, Sepl. I.'l. -Marriage par ties divorced for any cause, either of whom has a husband or wife living, will not be permitted herearter In the I'roteKlant Kplst opal church. If n new canon recommended by the commis sion on marriage and divorce Is udopt ed by the general convention of the church. Three British Ships Sunk. LONDON, Sept. X. The llrltlsh steamship St rut hay and the Kllerman Lino steamship Tagus have been sunk The crew of Ihe Slralhay was saved. Tho llrltiHh steamship lleallidelie, of :1jII tons gross, him been mink, ue cording to announcement made al Lloyd's. Oregon Hens Are First. OIIKGON AOitlCl'LTl.'ItAL COL LKdli, Corvallls, Sepl. 8. The forty third week of the fifth annual Inter national, egg-laying contest, now be ing 4ield ul Storrs, Conn., finds the pen of OregotiH entered by the Oregon Agricultural college, gaining steadily and In seventh place among the 100 different entries. SCHOOL OPENING POSTPONED. Owing to the fact that many or the children of Mount Pleasant are in the hoprields, Ihe school board of that district has decided to postpono the opening day to September 18. It was the Intention of the board to open the Heboid Monday morning, September 11. Don't Let Skin Troubles Spread. Trivial blemishes ure HomotlmoH the first warning of serious skin diseases. Neglected skin troubles grow. Dr. Hobson's Kc.ema Ointment promptly stops the progress of eczema, heals stubborn cases f pimples, acne, blotchy, red nnd scaly skin. The an tiseptic qualities of Dr. Hobson'B Kc.ema Ointment kill the germ anil prevent the spread of the trouble. For cold sores or chapped hands, Dr. Hob son's Eczema Ointment offers prompt relief. At your druggist, EOc (Adv.) Airoimi. j ran tr. AWriJVrrrftinfUitrJU imiUiUi$ifMjllvrvHij liilSbaJkTlii' ivntfsiinjir IromolfaDillinfVrifJ rvitailk-vloiiiilflipro Oniim Mmjihinf nruai ' . . s , . m'l Alit UTIC. w is- tap. AtMifrflRrmriiv forfi lion. Sour Skiava h ULurtin WornuJi'uiriVilxiJrwll iirssndLossor5Lu:r. Tu SwV Snanrf aT NEW YOHK. Kixt Copy ol Wrappar, Encouraging Reports From Many Towns Concerning The Republican Banquet Saturday M A Dead in. cunhlcr of the ('luck anias I 'en ilt) bank of Sandy, and F. K I'.e.k wllll. ell) recorder of Sandy, were lu Oregon Cliy Weiliieday and gathered Ultlcll Itlforinutloii coll. em lug the It. pul. II. an t it 1 1 . 1 1 1 . -1 whb h will I. ii held Saturda) nlgbl ul Ihe Hunch hall. Eleventh and Main street. ' I'm going to cmiie In to Ihe bun quel, and I'm going In bring In u many a I can." aald Mr. Deuloti. "One thing I certain, and that I Sandy will bo well represented " Such cheerful message a till were received from all purl of Ihe TWO COUNTY QFFICfALS I STATE CAPITOL COUNTY JUDGE AND COMMIS SIONER TALK OVER FEDERAL AID WITH STATE BOARD. County Judge II. S. Anderson and Commissioner Adam KiiIkIii went to' Siilt'in Monday to discuss road mat ters In general and federal aid In road work In particular with the Statu Highway commission. Mr. Knight re turned lu Canby and Judge Anderson to (iladstone late Monday night. Clackamas county will seek federal assistant e It; road cotistrucllon, and tho two enmity officials made Ihe trip to tho stale capital city to learn morn about the recent act of congress tin tier which the national government of fers aid. Could Not Do Her Cooking. Mrs. K. K. Ilartniebiter. Tea., Mo.. writes: "I was affected with Kidney I troublu for two years. I was so bad this summer I could hardly do my cooking. I got Foley Kidney Tills and they helped mo. I feel like a new person." Too many women neglect symptoms of kidney ileruiigemeut. When the kidneys are not properly lining their work poisons left In tho system ciiiihii weak buck, dl..iness, jiiif.'lni'hrf under eyes, swollen ankles, joints, and rheiimatlHin. Jones Co. -Atlv. Drug P. P. KELLOGG IS BOUND OVER. I'. II. Kellogg, arrested Wednesday by Deputy Sheriffs Krosl and Harring ton on a charge of indecent exposure, waived preliminary hearing bel'orn Jus lice of Ihe Peace John Slevers Thurs day anil was hound over to Ihe grand Jury. Ills hall was raised from $100 lo $200. Bad Colds From Little Sneezes Grow. Many colds that hang on till winter j start wllh a sneeze, a sniffle, a sore throat, il tight client. Vou know the symptoms or colds, and you know prompt treatment will break them up. Dr. King's New Discovery, wllh lis soothing antiseptic halsamit, has been breaking up colds and healing coughs of young ami old for 17 years. Dr. King's New Discovery bullions tho phlegm, clears the head, soothes Hut Irritated iiiiimliriiiie mill mskes breath ing easier. At your druggist, aOe. (Adv.) HMtsa A drink that shouldbe on every table PORTLAND BREWING CO., PortLnd, Ore. On tale at all Leading Grscerlea and Confectinarii PHONE YOUR DEALER FOR HOME DELIVERY Tor Infmits t Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boara tho Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years ennui. v W cdiicml.i) by officer of Ihe ! county central coiuiiilttee Molalla. Canhy, Kslaiadn. Mllwaukle. Jennings lai.lge. Oswi'go and Wllaoiivllle will have rfprcftfiitatltc ul Die liiiiuiuet a wi II us Hainlt Oregon Clly Re i piibll. an, cheered by Ihe Interest shown, pleilltl Ihul Ihe lil.'ellllg will be Letter attended limit any political i K.iihcrlng this year Judge Grant II Dunn k, president of Hie Willamette Vullev Southern, said la..! night thai the schedule for Ihe special train which will run In Irom Ml Angel the night of the batiiiiet would th I ti I U l.e completed toduv. Stat. Dcflclenclet Met. SAI.KM, Ore. Sept. II. -Alter flv hours of bitter debute and vllrollc er j bnl clashes In which all iiienibors par : clpated. Hie Stale Kmergeucy board l.i.luy iiiilhorled Ihe creation of e. i llcleiicles to provide for stale luntl I lotions until the relualmler of the i year, umoiintliig to lll.ono. The deficiencies lliltllol I 'ed were a follows: Dregon penitentiary. fJa.. i (inn; State Training school. $10. nun. Tuberculosis hospital, tiioiiu, for re. : turn of fugitives from Justice. J.IiiuO. The board rejected the rciiiol of Hubert Crawfonl superintendent of (he penitentiary flax plant, that il de ficiency of i;,00(l be alliivfetl lo ope rate the lii.lin.lrv, after Attorney lien cm! Idown had ailvl.icil thai (he ul lovvaiice of (Ills sum lor such II pur pose was not within tint b'ope of the emergency hoard. A request for Il'OiiiI lo pave the playground at the Stale Training school, and for an equal amount to pay for compiling the siipretne court records was also rejected for the same reason. A WORD WITH WOMEN. Valuable Advice for Readers. Oregon City Many a woman endures with noble palleni e Ihe dally misery of backache, pains about Ihe hips. blue, nervous spells, dizziness and urinary disorders, hopeless of relief bet ailiie she doesn't know what Is Ihe mailer. II Is not true that every pain In the back or hips Is I rouble "nnciilliir to Dm get sex." Often when Ihe kldnoya congested and Inflamed, such al lies nnd pains follow. Vou can toll It Is kidney trouble If the secretions ar dark colored, con tain seillmenl ; the passages am too frequent or scanty. Then help the weakened kidneys. Don't expect them lo gel well alone. Dunn's Kidney I'llls have won Ihe prolan of thousands of women. They ar endorsed al home Head this Ore gon City woman's convincing state ment: Mrs. .1. It. Selialz, 213 Seventeenth St., Oregon City, says: "I know from personal experlnci! that Dunn's Kid ney I'llls arc, a mcdii-lnn of merit and whenever I can recommend them to others, I don't hesllato to do so. I have taken Dunn's Kidney Tills on several occasions lor kidney trouble ami backache ami they have always done tne good." Trlcii fide, at nil dealers. Don't simp ly ask for a kidney remedy got Drum's Kidney Tills Ihe salim that Mrs. Schalz hail. Koster Milhnrn Co., Trops., Murrain, N Y. Adv. The Drink That Fits AW