Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 08, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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In (Im ('In nil limit nf Ilia HUK u'
lH(f',rl fr flat kltllllt lll'llll)
riiiiu iiniiiii, I'uimirr,
'In Mr. II I'lia, defuiidanl ,
Mrs Ida II l'lie, linfiiilmt
In llm name nf I lit Hlulu of llli'guli,
)n i diu hi'H'lix r i 1 1 1 ! lo apprar mul
Ml. t III" Hllllplallll flll'il M!nl
till) III III" iiIhiI D I'lllllll'l) lH llll lit
Lid, in llin ;'i ill)1 n( Hi'l'lxliilx'r.
I'ilii, Ikn IIiimi plew llliml III Ilia old"!
i if IIIII nf llll IIIIIIIKIIl ami
Hint rlK iiiiiim lllall nil wi-nlie fmill
III" tbuu nf llr( puhlli Hi lull of llil III'
Hit', und If iiu full lo epp-ar ami
iin.ir, fur ant I It r f. Ilm plaintiff
HI apply In (In i nuil for Ilm flwl
pr u ! fur In li"r rniiiilliil. In wll;
lltat di-filidtiiit, Mr Ha II. I hai
lm required In pay planum
Hllblll Jl dace fllllll Dm ill'" "f )'
irw Iiiti Iii, llin ilm i( ii ;'i I.)
ri'iixiii nf dun hml jlliin iil ami
lull r'il nil dial nrtalu rmilrl i-n
d rr'l lain by di'liiidrflil mi I'm'. I.
V)i fur Ilm Itm 1 1 1 1 -it ji I i in nrr nf Inl
7H ti.ik Ciiivk, bring 111 13 finl nil
i n. ml X r.iinl ami 37iiil li ( Il'J ft I In
ili'l III, la Clin k.nii rntinly, liri'Kiiii,
ttiiit'i tu'T ttllli all miitt. tun- llnr"
mi, ufld in km nf ln r fullurw In n Iy
,ii. aunt uml l.i . tli iWi'liilaul.
mi. I all Ihnan I -laluia through nr ini li r
linr. I.i' (nri'tiT fiiii i lnanl nf nil rltctil.
llllf. naUUi 1 1 it nr Inli'H'Nt lii ami In
ojI.I I'mperly; fur 1 1 r mala ami ill"
Imrariiicata In-ielii ami fur am li ntlii-r
uml fur t In-r relief ua In llin inurl
'in nui l
I In autiiiiiniia la publllied l.y nr.li'f
nf llin I Inn. J. I'. Campbell, JihIkm nf
llii- ulmvo eiilllled i null, iliili .l Auk
'.i I'.lH. illn-i llnu lli.il nilili allnn he
III III" III III I 1. 1. 1. III. I' lll'll'M llll.
of Ural i.iilili. iIIiiii Auk U.
I i.i I i nf tail miI.. Jlli.n, Kept. '.V.
Alinrni'x fi.r I'lulnllff.
7i".' iHiainlii'r nl i'hiiiiii'-I' , 1'urllund.
( irugnn.
am, (nr Hm ium nf Untw. l ( to In
li.l lliyrmiii at lit lata nf all pal
i cut (icr annum from Ilia J.ili day nf
Jiiii, lli, a ii I Ilia furllir awn
nf I II, aa atiifnr) ' fx, ami Ilm
inal nf ami uni llila aril, i miimaiiil
Inl in In make aauj nf Ilia fnlliia lug
dim ill.fil rial Hopily, (lluala In I lit
in. nilX (if Clai teniae, alalM nf (llnC'id
Th N W. t, nf , N K i.f ai.
I Ion 'li 4, H l I, : nf Ilia Wll
laiiit'llii li.i.il.llaii, iiiij.l a alili nf
laml tlillty feet ldi fi-M-rn-d (ill lite
raal aliln nf i (mix I. in
Nna, 1 1mrofniK, dx If I'm nf aald
cum iiiinii, j.i.IkmidiiI nrlir ami do roe.
ami Hi Kinipiiaiii a ami Ilm nun
iiimiiiI of aalil aril, I Mill, nil Miltil
ilar. Ilm I Mil ilr nf Hepli-inUr, IHU,
at Hi limir nf HI ' Iim k A. M al Ih
f mill lliMir nf llin CllHIlIX I'llllll Mollan
In III i ll y tit ((.. n I'll y. In alil
riiiinlX ami ilal. cll al imlillc am.
Hull, a. il.Ji.rt In riii.lli.lini. In Hi
lili'ln-al I.I.I. Ii.r, fur I'. H K'il'1 i nln,
iali In han. I. all Hi Hthl, llll ami
IiiIitiI wl.l. li Ilm t It li I ii iiaiiicil iln
fi'lnlitnla nr nlllinr (if Hiciii, lii nil Hi
lain nf Hi imirlKaK In-rxlll nr aim
liail III nr In Ilia an ilrm MIh iI real
:iiim'Hx nr an r iurt llicrruf, in ajlfx
aalil ('tin iilluii, J.uIkiiii'IiI nr.li-r (In
i im, IiiIi'm i, rii i uml all auruinr
I tint
Hlii'ilff nf I l:ii kjn.u I'iiiiiiIx. if
H r. IV Jl Al KK'ir. Inimlx
llulfll. (If.-J.lll I'llV, llNK'ill, All( li.
In th Clri'iill Court nf 1 1 1 Hlali' of
Ori':nn, fur llir ciiuiil) nf t'lai kniima
Murr 1'iirnllii'ia, ilnliilllT, va. Km
ral I' Hlinln, Kali-lla K Hnlllil, llll Iff.
'. ('. Hi'cvca. I.cnu II llna. Ill
l(r; (lofcmlunu. ami T A Wllllitina
ami J V.. IHIliKi-r, en ..irlliiTa, ilnliiK
lMu.iiii.ua tinilrr Iln1 firm lininn anil
alvlo of Wllllaiu A IHliiRi-r. Inli-rn'ii
t ii at ili'fi'ii.lmitK
I n Krncat V. Hanln. Kali-lla K. Han
In, ('. (. Ili'ti ami I .in a II. Itiicvr.
id-fi n.luala almv naiiii'd:
In ttm tin mi' of Hik Hlulu nf OrvKull,
vim and rurli nf ymi ant licri-liy ro-1
qiilri'il to uH-ur ami miancr Ilia i pm
i'iiliiilulllt flll'il uiinlliat ymi In III
iilinvn rntllli'il ( am' uml court on or !'
fore til nutti (lay of Si'ili'inlicr. 19lli,
mi. I If you full In Uiicar uml anawor
Hi aalil crnaa coiiiplulnl. I'lulnllff will
apply to tin court lor I In- relief irayi'i
lor In luo an 1. 1 crnaai-niiililulnt, to
alt; Tkat III I M t t It 1 11 at ilnfi'lidulil
tlltvo Jnilnilll'lll uKNlnal C UiM'H'a
uml Ihuih II. lli'Pi'. Ill wife. Il the
hiiiii of $119 I. 'i a lllt S ir cunt Inter
enl from thn nil day of iH'i-einlii-r.
Iir, the im of :.0UU nltorneya fee
uml ( nf aull uml nulo uml that a
inortKuKX ttlvell by milil Iteevea uml
wlfn murlitiiKliiK In ' 1 t liili'rvnlii(t
(lefrmlunt Lot r.l Hrat Ailillllon to
.li'imlnK l.i'ilK". In Clitckuinux roiinly
lln-Kon, do foreclnaeil mul Hold in the
inminer provided hy law ami thn pro
ceed applied tu Die payment of the
claim uml deliiiiml of the llilerveil
Iiir defendant, nml llml In '"' auld
premlae hrliiK un liiHiifllcleiit aiiuiunl
In tmy thn law fill cliiiiKe and du
tniimt aKiilnxl ame, that the lull
veiilni? defendant have uml recovr
fruiii "a Id llcevc uml wlfn a ileflcl
ency imluiiient for uny overplu r
iim i it I UK unpaid on Bin li foroclnnure
and aalr. uml for iteneral relief.
'I'll Ih HiiimtHHiH Ik seru-d upntt you
hy pulillcallon, pnraiiunl to un order
madn bv Hie lion. .1. V. ('amphclt
IiiiIko of thn above entitled court, nml
dated the Mill day of AiiKUHt, lUi
Thn ilute of the Hint publication of
till auinmoiiH I the IStlt day of An
Kimt, I A III, nml Hie laid dull) of pul
Ileal inn I thn 2!Hh day of September
191 .
Allorney for lulervenltiK llefemlaulH
In thn Circuit Court of thu Stute of
Orenon, for Clackania County.
Orva K. Flh. I'lulnllff.
.Morten Flub, Defemlant.
To Merton F'IhIi. iiliove iinmml do
In tho nuinn of thn Statu of Orcnon
you aro hereby required to appear nml
iintiwwr thn coiuplulnt lllod UKulunt
you, In thu above entitled Hull, on or
beore tho 22nd day of September
IRIti, tmld (Into heliiH thu expiration
of nix wookH from thu MrNt publication
of thin HumiuoiiH, and If yott fall to
appear or nimwer mild eoiiipliilnt, for
want thereof thn plaintiff will apply
to tho court for thu roller prnyud for
In hnr complaint, to-wlt:
Kor a decrco iIIhmoIvIiik tho luarrl
awe contract now uxIhIIiw hotwuen
plaintiff and (lefenilant and for thu
euro, ciiHtody and control of mild nil
nor child, Aurol KIhIi. TIiIb BUiiunoim
Ih imbllKheil hy order of Hon. H. 8,
AndurBon, IihIro of thu County Court,
which order was madn on tho 8th day
of AuiMiHt, lUKi, and tho tlnio pro
Hcrlbed for publication thoruuf Ih Mix
weekH, hoKiimlng wll It tho Issue dntod
Friday, AiiKimt 11, 191b, and contlnu
ItiB ouch woek thereuftnr to and In
ehldltiK Friday, September 22, 1916.
Attornuyg for Plaintiff,
Sheriff' Sale.
In tho Circuit Court of tho State of
Oregon, for tho County of ('lacknnuis.
It. F. Walters, Plaintiff,
Emll I-lnd nnd Jann Doe Idnd, hla
wlfn; C. O. Gilbert, A. D. Salmon nnd
Wllllum I.lnd, Uofendants.
Slato of Oregon, County of Clacka
nins, hh:
Hy virtue of n Jndgniont order, de
cree and an execution, duly liisued out
of and undor the aeal of the above en
titled court, In the above entitled
cause, to me duly directed and datod
the 10th day of August, 1916, upon a
Judgment rendered and entered In
Bald court on the 29th dny of July.
1916, In favor of R. F. Walters, plain
In Hie I In nit Cinirl of Hi Hlule nr
Orecun fur ( lai kateaa Cnuiity
llenrije W. Akera, (ilnlullff. Annie
1 liuiupauii, I li ee U','. In uml J W
1 ti i ni t " . hr Imabniid. d feiidaiil
To Annie 1bouipuu (nee Web hi ami
J. W. Tbi.llipnill, her IlllntMUd. lie
femluiita alini iiaiiied:
III Ih name of Hi Stale nf Ore(un'
Vuil are hereby cuiiinmmled In appear
III llin abme entitled inutt ami cauae
nil nr before th" Mil (lav of October.
191ft, Ilieii und there In appear ami
imaaer nr other lae plead In llin colli
plaint filed In lhealHie enlllleil l liim,
and If you full an In do, a dit re will
bo laken Kulnl you for Ilm relief
deinauded III aabl l omplallit, to a II:
For a decree of the court im la r In at
Hie plulntlff In U the owner nf Hie
follow lux deacrlbed real entitle, altuute
In Ibe count) nf Clai kutitaa and atali
nr Uri-Kon. In wll
1 hat part of Ih doiiutlon land claim
of William T. Matlock and wlfn lu Hec
Hull 4, lu Inwualilp 2 anulli nl rulitje 2
ct or thn Willamette Meridian.
bounded and deacrlbed a follow a, to
wll; Hi'KlunlnK on tho north Unit of
thn farm formerly owned by ('. F.
Clurko deacrlbed lu deed hook 97 at
page I Mi nf the deed record nf Clack
iiniaa county, where aald lino la III
leraecled by the center lino of III
county road known ua tho llaker'a
Ferry and Mllwatiklo Wagon Itoud,
litem e running north liH decree rant
,19 Ua rod to thn center of thn Oro
Ron & California rallroutl track em
braced In Hi right of way CO reel
wide grunted by W. T. Mullock uml
Klltubeth Mullock, hi wife, to Oregon
Central Itnllroad couiiauy, hy deed
(tilled February 17, 109. recorded In
Hook "C" at pagn 2 of the deed rec
ord of aalil Clackamua rouuly; thence
north 22 degrees ct along thn center
linn or aald tract 2(i.(il rod: thence
north IW degroe cunt HO rod ulong
the northerly 1 1 no of Hitld farm; Ihcnco
noil III 22 degree eitht 119.17 rud:
thence south OH degree went 1 17.1.1
rod a parallel with thn northerly lino
nf aal.l farm lo the center of ald conn
ly mad. thence along the center line
of Mild county road 42U rod to thu
place of beginning, containing 45 acre
more or Iohk,
and that tliltt title lie quieted thereto.
Thi HuinniuiiH In nerved upon you
by order r tho Hon. J. V. Cumpbell
Judge of the above entitled court, ord
ering the aanie to he puhllithcd at least
once each week for six successive
weeks In thn Oregon City Knterprlso
IIM Kit & CliKKV, nnd
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Pate of first publication August 2
I!) HI.
Pate of bint publication October 6
nr aald will. I will, oil HatunUr, Hi
Kill day nf HcptmiiU-r. Il. at Ilia
hour nf 10 u ilixk A M . at Hi fmiil
dour nf Hi I nuiilr I '"ill llmiaa In
Ida ( Ur nl Omgiiii ( Hy, In aald kiuii
ly and alala, a 1 1 al public am Hon.
iilil,t In rieiiipllnii. In Ilia tilKhrat
Idddi-r, fur IV M gub inlii, taali In
hand, all Ilia rlglil, llll and litlereat
wlili li Hi wllliln naiiii'd ill (i-lulalila
nr dtlii-r nf tlimn, luul nil Ilia ilal (if
Hi iituilgage hi-ialii nr aim had In r
In Ilm abut dcairlbetl rial property
nr any part lltrrenf, lii aallafy aald
nl lun, Judgment order, d rra. In
lereal, mala and all a' cluing inula
Hlicrlff nf Clai kali. aa County, Ore.
Hy K C. Ha. ki lt, lu puir.
luled, Oregon Clly, Or., Aug 1Mb.
III Ilia ( In lilt Cuurt nf Hi Klata (if
Oregon, for thn County nf CI, kamaa
liualat Hi braiiiiu, I'laliitlff,
liillan Hi brallilli, ll. fi-li'lalit
To Uiuljie Mihraiiiiu, defeitdaiit :
III the lialnn nr Hi Ht ile of Oteroli
ymi ai hereby reipilred In ai.pcar and
unawer lb complaint filed agalnrt
)ui III III atxnn entitled aull III aald
inurl nil nr befule Hi -"til day (if Sep
IciiiIn r, H'lft II you fall In mi appear
and anawer herein, plaintiff will up
ply lo lb" i-uiiit fur a ib i ri e agalnai
uii a prad fur In the iniuplalnt,
dldaultlng Ilm marrlagn contract linwr
etlallng between plalnllff and defend
ant; Ihul plaintiff lm awarded llin
itialndy nf their Iwn minor children
ami Ihul plaintiff lm decreed anln own
er nl lot II, I. Iim k I I. of llol.i-rtauli. In
Cckinaa Cnuiily. Oregon, and alao
un Ii nt her relief aald ( niirt derma
1 liln auuiliioiia I aervi-d upon you
by publication thereof nine a week
fur all (utiaecilllv wreka In the Ore.
run Clly KnierprUe, a newapaper pub
Hahed at Oregon Clly, Oregon, purii-
kiiI In an order duly made and eiilcr
ed of record therein by Hon. J. t'
Campbell, Judge of Ibe above court, on
lb I Hh day of Augual. It 1;. Thu
datu nf thn flral publication hereof la
August IH. I9(li and Ibe dutn of thn
l.iat plll.ll. Httiill I Ke.telllb,.r '1. I'.'l'''
II. (TTItoN.
Allorney lor I'lulnllff.
Portland. Oregon.
aald (omplalnl. Inwll. for Ilm fur.
.,.ll of a ( ellald llmililage rei lirded
III lUmk lo'jat I'aga 3U, Murlgagi, fm
Old (if CIlBlllaa I innilx, (Ifryuit
wlili h aald inuilgage la a Iln Uion Hi
fullowlng derllMl nal proiMirty In
Hi CutllilX tit llaikailiaa, Hlala nf
Oregon, li wll
All nf lola'Mghl 'HI, Mil I9, Ten
(Hi), ;ieeu llll. 'I w l.' in
Tral Tbrr Ol Wmeliimhi Flrat Ad
T'li la Humiiiiiiia I p .i.lUhi-, nni
week fur all au'elv weeka III The
Oleguii Clly Kiilerprl, In loiiipllani
Willi an order Inade by Ilm Hun. Jamea
l. Camilmll, Ju'll" nf Ilm abovo tin
lllled Coiirl, (Uled '.III Kepli'llllier
w. o MiCAiniiy.
Allorney fur I'laliitlff.
Paled and flrat piiblubrd, Hi-pteinbi
H, 1910, Mat pilbll. allnn Oi tuber 20,
Nolle to Creditor.
Notice la hereby given Dial Hi
County Court or Hie Niala id Oregon
for lb" Cnuiily nf Clai kaiita. Itaa ap
Milntei lh underah'm i a'tin llilht ia
lor with thn will anln i,-. nf tbe
lain (if Hwall HoderlM-rg, ii aaed. All
peraon having rkmna at-alimt tint
aald decedeiil, or Ilia entail,, arn here
by given nolle Hint they ahull pre.
-lit them In Ih umli-ralgimd adrnllil-
Irulor at Hid ofllt (if lua. F. Ildge
Ki , In Ilm Well, bard llulldlrig. lu
Oregon Clly. Oregon, wlihln all
uioiiih from Hi da'e of tbla notice,
with proper voiichi-ra duly i-rifli-i.
AilinlnlKlralor of tin- Kulule nr Swan
Kielerberg, deceaaei).
Joa K. Ileilge, AHnriii )
Pate of flral publication. Scpti-mUr
Mb. 916. t
Money to Loan
DuUchr Advokat
ItiMirn 2 Heaver Hldg. Oregon City
WA.NTKD to hear fmui owner of
gi mh rani h fur a.ile. Hiate caah
price and dcai rlpllon ll F. iitiah
. MliitieuiMilla. Minn.
tiff, and against Emll Llnd and Jane
Doe Llnd, hi wife; C. 0. Gilbert, A. execution, judgment order and decree,
Sheriff' Sale
In the Circuit Court of the Statu of
Oregon, for the County of Clackimias,
Jenelt Pollock, Plaintiff,
Peter Pali'tus, John Maraudas, John
V. I.oder, agenl, und (Just Carahrls
Ins, Pofemlnnls.
Slato of Oregon, County of Clacka
mas, ss:
Hy virtue of a Judgment order, de
crco and an execution, duly Issued out
of and under the seal of tho abovo on
titled court, In tho above entitled
cause, to mo duly directed and dated
tho 14th day or August, 1916, upon a
Judgment rendered und entered In
said court on tho Mth day of August,
191G, In favor of Jonutt Pollock, plain
tiff, und against Putor Dulotus, John
MaraiHlas, John W. I.oilor, agent and;
(lust Carahrlstos, defendants, for tho
sum nf tXtiti.C!), with Inti.rost tlieroon
nt the rate of six pur cent per annum
from tho 10th day of March, Ifllti, and
tho further Hum nt $100.00, as attor
ney's tec, and the further um of $53.70
costs ami disbursements, und tho
costs or nml upon this writ, command
ing mo to innlio salo of the following
described real property, Bltuato In
tho comity ot Clackniims, stato of Oro
gon, to-wlt:
A part of tho P. U C. of E.ra Fish
er In T. 2 S. R. 2 E. W. M., commonc
lug at a point 2.50 chains south, 85
degrees 67 minutes enst of tho south
west cornor of a tract of land sold by
N. W. IUndnll to John Naught as rec
orded In Volume X, page 397, being a
part of tho aforesaid donation lnnd
claim; thenco south 85 degrees 67
minutes east on tho south lino or
said tract 3.15 chnlns; thonco north 1
degree enst four chnlns; thonce north
85 dogrooB 57 minutos, west 3.15
bains, to Mrs. II. M. Whltlock's cor
nor; thonco south 1 dogreo west along
the oast lino of H. M. Whltlock's land
to the place of beginning, 4 chains, con
taining 1.3 acres, more or loss (reserv
ing a road-way 20 feet wide on the
north sido of suld tract, and 'also a
tract In the southwest corner, being
4t4 feet east and west and 112 foet
north and south, heretofore sold to
Alonzo Alldredge and wlfo).
Now, Therefore, by virtue of said
tu the Circuit Court of thn State nf
Oregon, for the County or Clacka
Kva II Hlgglti. plaintiff. liny llig
gllia, defendant.
To Ho) Hlggln. above lianii d de
fendant. In Ih itaine of Hie Stale nf Oregon:
You are hereby required to uppeur
and unawer on or In-fore Saturduy,
llin 14th duy of October, being six
week from the date of first publica
tion of this summon, thn Amended
Coiuplulnt filed against you In the
above entitled anil: and If you fail
so to appear and answer, lor want
thereor thn plaintiff will apply to the
Court for thn rvllef prayed for In the
Amended Complaint filed herein to-wlt:
For a decree dlsHolving the marriage
contract existing between plalnllff and
defendant and lor an uhuolotc di
vorce; for thu custody und control of
Hoy Hlggln. Jr., minor child, and
for the alum of J.'.O per month alimony
for the iii.ilntenunce of plulntlff nnd
sultl minor child.
Service of summon Is uiiido uxin
you by publication thereof by an ord
er of the Honorable J. I'. Campbell,
Judge ot thn above entitled court, made
uml entered herein on the 2:ird day ot
August, 19li. directing that Much pub
lication lm inuilo la Oregon Clly En
terprise, a newspaper or general cir
culation published lu Cluckumus coun
ty, Oregon, once u week for six con
secutive weeks. The first publication
of said summons Is made on Septem
ber 1st, 1916, and thu last publica
tion thereof on the Kith duv of Octo
ber. 1916.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Oregon City, Ore.
did property In Tillamook County,
15 lota, II room modem bonne, well
finished, and furnlahed; also saw
mill. Will trade for good Improved
ffrm, clear, or what have you. Ad
dreaa Mr. J. H. Mattley, Oregon
City. Oregon.
Aaaessor Notice of Meeting of Board
of Equalization.
Notice 1 beroby given that upon tbe
lecond Monday la September to-wlt:
September 11, 1916. the Hoard of
Equalization will attend at tho court
bouse In Clackamas County, Oregon,
nd will publicly examine the assess
ment rolls and correct all errors In
valuation, description, or qualities
ot lands, lot or other properties as
sessed by the County Assessor.
Ltutod at my office this 8th day of
August, 1916.
County Assessor.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given (hat tho un
derslgnod, administrator of the estate
ot C. II. Huiinell, demised, bus tiled
bis final uccouut herein, with the
county clerk of Clackamas county
Oregon, and tho county Judge has set
Monday, October 2nd, 1916, at the hour
of 10 o'clock a, m. at tho county court
room In Oregon City, Oregon, us tho
time and place for hearing objections
to said final account and rot- the final
settlement of suld estate.
Dated September 1, 1916.
0. I). EHY,
Attorney lor Administrator.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notlco Is hereby givoh that tho un
dersigned as administratrix of the es
tate of Churlna K. Qulnn, deceased,
has filed her final account in the coun
ty court of tho stato of Oregon, for
tho county of Clnckumns, and that
the 2nd duy ot October, 1916, ut tho
hour ot 10 o'clock In tho forenoon of
said duy in tho court room ot said
court has been appointed hy tho said
court as tho time uml place for hear
ing objections thereto and the settle
ment thereof.
Hilled August 28th, 1916.
Administratrix of tho Kstuto of
Charles K. Qulnn, deceased.
PORTLAND. Ore.. Sept. 6. The
I'nlted States cruiser lloston. former
home of the Oregon naval militia. Is
lo bo scrapped and sold as soon ns It
reaches the Hremerton navy yard, ac
cording to word received by Lieuten
ant J. II. Hluckburn, in charge of the
locnl naval recruiting station, from
Captain Kunti, the navy yard com
munduut. The old shin will bo sent
to Hremerton us soon us the state
mllltlu has muile a complete account
ing to the government and closed Its
agrement with the government by
which tho ship was loaned for a train.
log ship In July. 1910. It is expected
that she will leave Portland within
few days, uml arrangements are being
niudo for u tug lo tow her to Pugol
sound yard.
I'MIITLA.M), Ora, Aug .ll.-Bold to
day hy lb II. II. Tliompann ealatit lo
an i-aatcrn aymlliate. Hi Multnomah
bold will anon It rn-enrd. Tbe
price la aald lo approximate 700,'HiO
Thn hotel baa not been altered aim
It was iloae-l January 2', I 'J I, and
but alight allnratlun wl bn needed
licfor II ran be r oiiencd.
Tim aaln (a aald In have been du
to ((itiflileiii or lb ummliera of Hi
pun baaing ayndli-aln thut the Pacific
north w ent la about In nter a Imal
neaa revival.
Ommlcourt, Rainnett Wood and Part
of MarrltrU Wood Taken Aftar
Four Day' Cannoned Teu
ton Trenchc Ruinfd.
I'AIIIX, Hi-pi. fj-lli aplte of stub
burn defi init and violent counter al
lacka madn by th (ii-rmaii, the
Fn-iK li today were abln lo continue
tln-lr ad valu e, cutting deep Into thoir
foe a lines.
North of Hie Komiiie Fw h'a troops
piiahcd out from l-e Foret to the
end of thu wood of Murrterle. They
now hold all thn heights between
Clcry and Comblea ami dominate the
powt-rful fortrena the German have
muile of the latter place.
Thu official comtmiiilijue tonight
auld: French troops have captured
thn village ot Ommlrourt, hospital
furm; Italiti-tte Wood and progressed
In other regions north or the Homme.
South of the Komme, the report
auld, a furious battle raged through
out the day. The French captured s
line of Onnan trenthea and repulsed
all counter attacks. The prisoners cap
lured since September 3 number 650
and the cannon .16.
South of the Somine the battle-front
exti-ndeil over 20 kilometers (12 mile)
and carried tho French offensive
Ight kilometers south of Vermando-lllers.
Thla front forms an arc with Soye-
ourt as tho center. For four days
the artillery has been preparing; the
way for the Infantry. The capture In
Sunday of tbe lino from Clry to
omliles put out of action the Cermtn
guns which had been enfPuding the
French lines south of the river.
The order to advance was given Just
after noon yesterday and at 2 o'clock
the Infantry left the tre.iches and
swept down on the German lines. It
was an attack over the biggest front
since the opening of the Sonmij offensive.
The most desperate resistant- was
found at Denl Court, which tbe Ger
mans had transformed into a 'ortress.
powerfully armed with mitnllhuseo.
Around the chateau, in the north-vest
corner of the town, had been built a
system of armored redoubts, con
structed of reinforced concrete, with
armored cupolas. Neverthehsj the
French penetrated this supposedly lm
pregnable stronghold, and at tho end
of the day' fighting held the north
ern border.
Four hours sufficed for the Frt-neh
to tuke the entire German fi.-it line.
The attack began at 2 o'clock nnd
ended at 6.
Hy the four days' cannonade the
Gei man trenches had been comp'eiely
demolished nnd presented only a series
of shell craters, where lay torn i nd
twisted bodies ot German dead.
LONDON. Sept. S -King George lo
day awarded the Victoria mm lo
Lieutenant William lcf Hoblnvin,
of Hi Itoyal Hying rnrp. for "con-pli-iioiis
bravery" In bringing down a
i-pixlln while ilm airship wae ap
proaching 1-ornlon Saturday night.
Kobliiaon bad been In Hie air for more
than two hours, and previous! at-!
tucked another alrahlp. 1
Lieutenant Koblnaon waa 21 years
old In July. He look hi pilot' cer
tificate at Farnaborough on hla 2'itb
birthday, and la considered th keen
eat youngster In bla squadron.
. Sept. 2. R
Norrl Wllllum It. former national
tennis champion, won his match from
Ixiiiglua Walter, southern champion.
3 6, 6 1, C-l. 6 2.
Wllllum played an indifferent flrat
set. winning the next three easily.
William M. Johnson eliminated Wat-
eon M. Watson from the national ten
nis chumplonahlp play this afternoon,
winning. 6 2, 62, 7-5.
Ga Pip I Ud With Telling Effect
In Charge Eaplanation Refuted
Police by Wild Man Who I
Put Under ArretL
Alleged Forger Killed.
CENTftALIA. Wash.. SepL 1. Allen
J. Martin, alia P. F. Phllllpa, who bajj
a siring oi anuses anu woo was warn
ed In Portland, Everett and numerous
other cities on charge of forgery, w
shot twice lust night by Chief of Po
lice Miles McGrall, while endeavoring
to elude capture. Martin died today
In a local hospital. Hefore he died be
shook hands with the chief and aald
thut he did not blame the latter for
shooting htm.
SEATTLE. Wash., Sept. 4. Georg
Yakli b, a Serbian, I declared by th
police to have run a mink with a ga
pipe tonight in the heart of tl.e btia
Ineaa dlatrlit. Infill ting dungeroiia In
Jurlea on one man, and aerlotu Injur
lea on two othera before he waa cap
tured by the police. Four hour pre
vloualy Vukich had been released
from Jail after serving six month'
sentence for stabbing six men, as a
result of a war argument at the same
II. L. I'etera. a printer, waa bit on
the bead, and Is believed lo have uf
fered concussion of the brain. HI
condition I regarded a dangerous.
According to bystanders, Yuklch
approached hla victim without warn
Ing. At the police station be refused
to give any explanation for his action.
President Wilton Open Campaign.
LONG HEACH. N. J.. Sept. 2.
President Wilson today formally open
ed his campaign for re-election with a
speech accepting the democratic nom
ination, in which be characterized the
republican party as a "practical and
moral failure.'' defended bis Mexican
and European policies, recited the leg
islative achievements of bis admin
istration, and declared for a "big America."
Army Is Laying In Food.
EL PASO, Tex.. Sept. 1. One mil
lion five hundred thousand pounds of
flour and a supply of hams and ba
con, sufficient to last the troops now
on station in this district four months,
were bought from local dealers today
by Major William Elliott, district de
pot quartermaster.
A Clogged System Must Be Cleared
You will find Dr. King's New Life
Pills a gentle yet effective laxative
for removing Impurities from tho sys
to m. Accumulated waste poisons the
blood; dizziness, biliousness and pimp
ly, muddy complexion are the distress
lug effects. A dose of Dr. King's New
Lire Pills tonight will assure you a
free, lull bowel movemont lu the
morning. At your druggist, 23c. Adv
He Was Worried and Hopeless.
For ten or twelve years I was
bothered with bud kidney trouble."
writes T. F. Hutchinson, Little Rock
Ark. "I tried many remedies nnd
doctors, but grew worse all the time,
I was worried and had almost given
up all hopes. I tried Foley Kidney
Pills and they helped me n lot. I have
since used five boxes and am now a
well man." Foley Kidney Pills drive
out aches und pains due to kidney
trouble; also sleep disturbing bladder
disorders Jones Drug Co. Adv.
In the Circuit Court or the State of
Oregon, for tho County of Clacka-
Title and Trust Company, a corpora
tion, Plaintiff,
Henry Itussell and Mathilda Russell,
his wife, Defendants.
To Henry Russoll, defendant above
In the name ot the State of Oregon
you are heroby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
In the above entitled suit within six
weeks from the dato of the first pub
lication of this Summons, to-wit, on
or before the 20th day of October.
1916; and It you fall to appear and
answer the .said complaint, for want
thereof the said plaintiff will take
D. Salmon and William Llnd, defend-'and In compliance with the commands decree against you as prayed tor In
Guard Unable to Return.
SAN ANTONIO, Tex., Sopt. 5. Al
though nearly a week hus passed since
the war department ordered 15,000 Na
tional guardsmen to return to their
state camps, five regiments still re
main on the border.
They have bcon tumble, up to today,
to get away bocause of lack ot roll
ing stock, army men said.
Cars to Croat Columbia.
PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 1. The
Portland Railway, Light & Power com
pany will be permitted to put in a
connection with the Interstate bridge
from the end of its present Vancouver
line, utilizing its old right ot way and
trestle up to tho bridge, according to
action taken nt the meeting of the
Interstate bridge commission at the
courthouse this afternoon. ,
No Reports of Casualtie Received
From Attacked Areas, Say Of
ficial Statement Details
Are Lacking.
LONDON, Sept. 3. One of a squad
ron of German Zeppelins which raided
England tonight, with London and the
eastern counties apparently as their
objective, was brought down in flames
an official announcement says.
Many bombs were dropped, but no
reports of casualties have been re
The earlier officials statement says:
"Shortly before 11 o'clock In the
evening- our eastern coasts were at
tacked by several hostile airshfps.
Bombs already have been dropped on
a few pluces. No details have been re
ceived as regards the number of raid
ers or their object. The raid is still
Chamberlain' Colic Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy.
This Is a medicine that every family
should be provided with. Colic and
diarrhoea often come on suddenly and
it Is of the greatest Importance that
they be treated promptly. Consider
the suffering thut tiuint be endured
until a physician arrives or medicine
can be obtained. Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has a
reputation secind to none for the quick
Plague's Terror Waning.
NEW YORK. Sept. 4. The infantile
paralysis epidemic is decreasing In
every borough in the city, according
to a report Issued today by the de
partment of health.
A Bad Summer For Children.
There has been an unusual amount
ot dangerous sickness among children
everywhere this summer. Extra pre
cautions should be taken to keep the
bowels open and regular and the liver
active. Foley Cathartic Tablets are a
fine and wholesome physic; cause no
pain, nausea or griping. They relieve
Indigestion, sick headache, bilious
ness, sour stomach, bad breath or oth
er condition caused by clogged bowels.
relict which it affords. Obtainable Jonea Drug Co. Adv.
PORTLAND. Ore.. SepL 1. Out
fielder Hilly Speas who baa been a
member of the Portland baseball club
since 1909 was given his five day no
tice of release this afternoon.
Speas came to Portland from tbe
Cleveland club, and aside from two
seasons with the Portland Northwest
ern league club ha been continuously
with the Heavers. He waa undoubted
ly the most popular player ever on
the Portland club.
Things have not been breaking right
for him this season. He Is undecided
whether to return to his home In
Toledo or stay on the coast during the
Louie Guisto worked out today with
the Beavers but is still undecided
about reporting to Cleveland.
4. Freddie Welsh retained his light
welcltl cbamnionKhin title when he
was given the decision by Hilly Roche!
at the end of the twentieth round of
his fight with Charley White of Chi
cago here this afternoon.
The decision threw the crowd into
an uproar. Hundreds ot cushions
were hurled at Refree Roche as he
stood in the middle of the ring. Cries
of "robber!" came from all parts ot
the arena.
Witlua blazing sun giving the lie to
the town's low temperature boast,
hundreds of fans begun scrambling
for choice seats In the $3 sections
long before the time for the 20 round
battle. '
CEDAR POINT. Ohio. Sept. 4.
Johnny Kilbane ot Cleveland this aft
ernoon successfully defended his title
as featherweight, champion of the
world by knocking out George Cha
ney of Baltimore in the third round
of a scheduled 15 round fight At no
time was Kilbane In danger. He
stepped around the challenger playing
his left upon his face constantly.
Chaney became wary but as he step
ped in In the third round Kilbane
whipped a right to the jaw and
knocked him cold.
D. C. LAtourette, President F. T. Meyer. Cashier
The First National Bank
of Oregon City, Oregon
CAPITAL, $50,000.00
Transacts a General Banking Business Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M.
William Hammond
L. Hammond
Abstracts, Real Estate, Loans, Insur
Pacific Phone 81, Home Phone A-273
Phones Pacific 52
Home A-ltl
Office Phonee Pacific Main 406;
. Home A-270.
Beaver Bldg., Room 6
Money loaned, abstracts furnish
ed, land titles examlueJ, estate
settled, general law business.
Over Bank of Oregon City.
All legal business promptly attended to
Commercial, Real Estate and
Probate our Specialties. Of
fice In First National Bank
Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
Notary Public.
Estacada, Oregon.
Deutacher Advokat
Will practice In an courts, make col
leetiona and settlements.
Office In Enterprise Building.
Oregon City, Oregon.
Graduate of the Ontario Veteri
nary College at Toronto Canada,
and the McKlllip School of Sur
gery of Chicago, I established
at Fashion Stable, between
Fourth and Fifth on Main Street.
Beth Telephone
Office Pacific 65; Home A-95
Re. Pacific 184; Home B-S0