Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 08, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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    OlittiOV CITY l'VN'l.l'KMS!'. If I lA V. SKI'TKMIIKU H. V.)U.
For Your Baby.
The Signature of
tSin!iii A Mrt nf I !. T Creek
-ople enjoyed delightful ojtlng at
VVIIIioit Springs laM Sunday. Tlii
making the trip were Mr anil Mr. A
lUUi-k. Mr. ami Mr. Philip Stumr.
Irrne Vugt. lhdw.-n Parry. XV. Parr).
Mr and Mm. F Su-lner. Mt. Grace
Hall, Mr. J. S Jones. Mr and Mm
George lUvlll. Mm. Chut. St-mer. Mr
ami Mm XV. J. Herman "d Mr. and
Mr Mrm of On-gun City.
Kir Stork paM Imi to the home
of Mr. und Mm. At Thomas August
I'"., leawng a baby S'rl.
Mr and Mm. Kieo of Chicago, arc
ilnltinr relatl- iti liaT Creek.
Mm. Sauteiu and Mm J. S. Jones
were caller at Mr F St-incr Frl
day afternoon.
Thrvthlng h roiiimcn. rd In Una
vicinity and a nmulwr of tin1 farmers
mho have their grain threshed are
rll satisfied with the yield.
Hubert SiKKltraHi. Jr.. sin-nt the
weekend at the home of hl sister.
Mm. W. J. Herman.
Mrs. Robert Iteatie and sons Char
! Hubert. John and William will
leave for Corvalll In the near future
Mm. Henjamln Olllt and ihlMren
are visiting relatives In Portland.
Ho to Give Good Advice.
The best way to ghe wood advice l
to net a good example. XX'hen other
e how quickly you get over your
cold by taking Chamberlain's Cough
lleniedy they are likely to follow your
cxumple. Thin remedy has been in
um for many yearn and enjoys an ex
cellent reputation. Obtainable every
where Adv.
AURORA. Ore.. Sept. 4. A number
of itrowers here announced today that
they will abandon their yards, leav
ing the hops unpicked on account of
the mold.
This Is by no means general, but
most yards show trace of mold. The
weather is very unfavorable and grow
ers fear that moldy hops may be com
mon this fall. Up to a week ago, the
yards here have seldom promised a
better quality of hops, but the mold
appeared suddenly and may affect
seriously even the yards that are be
ing picked.
Pickers are wanted in a number of
yards here. Several yards began pick
Ins today with short crews. Others
will begin Monday with half crews.
Are You Looking Old?
Old age comes quick enough with
out inviting it. Some look old at
forty. That is because they neglect
the liver an d bowels. Keep your
bowels regular and your liver healthy
and you will not only feel younger
hut look younger. When troubled with
constipation or biliousness take Cham
berlain's Tablets. They are Intended
especially for these ailments and are
excellent. Easy to take and most
agreeable in effect. Obtainable every
where. Adv.
t ;, J J 'J S ' y v "v r
ALSPAUGH. Ore.. Sept. 7. (Spe
cial) Most of the farmers of this
vicinity have finished threshing and
are much pleased with their large
crops of grain.
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Eiler, who have
been living on the Jack Hrown place,
are going to move near Astoria next
Mrs. William Kurasdi of Estacuda,
spent several days at the homes of
John Githens and J. U. Dowdy this
Miss Echo Githens leaves for east
ern Orgon this week, where she will
begin teaching.
Could Not Do Her Cooking.
Mrs. F. E. Hartmeister, Tea., Mo.,
writes: "I was affected with kidney
trouble for two years. I was so bad
this 6ummer I could hardly do my
cooking. I got Foley Kidney Pills and
they helped me. I feel like a new
person." Too many women neglect
symptoms of kidney derangement.
When the kidneys are not properly
doing their work poisons left in the
system cause weak back, dizziness,
pufflness under eyes, swollen ankles,
Joints, and rheumatism. Jones Drug
Co. Adv.
A drink that shouldbe on every table
Ob Ml at all Lmiing Groceries and Cnfectiwiari;
Ml LINO Ore. 1I
lSpccl.il I
,-Mf. and Mm Pred Slur!- and lit
I tie oti tuiu-d Mm Cullo line Gum hci
j I..M Sunday .
, Mm John II. Hums, who ha I'"
tuning ln-r daughter. Mm Jo I..
Daniels, and fainl'). relumed home
: Momi.i)
Mm. O I. Daniels .t taken to the
Oregon fliy hospital lat Tuesday audi
underwent a critical iipcraiton She'
I not considered out of danger et.
She hat pneumonia '
Mr Mary t'rook a an Oregon j
Cilv tailor l.'.st Sund.t) and Monday j
Mm I .otii; and daughter. Ell.-abelh.
t rt taller at the home of Mr I'.uh-
erine Com her last Sunday evening
Quite a few eople In Mutlno are j
picking eersreen IdacklH-rrie lo sell
Albert Erlcksun I doing lite bll) lug
and shipping
Mr and Mm. Pinter F.ricksou and
children, of Uolton. visited the for
mer parent. Mr. and Mr Aliened
Erlcksun, tnt Sund.iv and Monday.
Hert Rape, of Canby. wa a ta'.lcr
In Mullm) lat Tuesday and XX'edne
Walter Waldorf ha n new Pord
J. J. Mallet I moving luck Into hi
house, formerly prrnpled by the
Mm. ltote Wallace. Hert Wallace
and family and a nuuiler of other
attended a birthday dinner at Earnest
Klur's. the occasion being Mfs Rosle
Klar's birthday. Mis Klar I a
granddaughter of Mm. Uoste Wallace j
Jiixepu i I'aniets anil aona. i.ee j
and IHinald. were it-turn at Liberal;
last Monday.
a Portland
Mrs. Ruby Rudolph was
visitor last Wednesday
Mr. and Mm. Chris Miller were) The Mothers' club met on the same
Portland visitor last Tuesday. j day at the home of it president. Mrs.
Jesse Panlels visited his mother at t John Hepler. and will hold It next
the Oregon City hospital last Sunday. session September 14. with Its secre
tin was accompanied by his cousin. I tary. Mm. ti. M llablwln.
Lenard White. Rev. P. Lucas, of the Lutheran
Mr. and Mm. Walter Waldorf and j
children visited
relatives at Oswego
last Tuesday.
Mr. Long was an
Oregon City vlsl l
tor last Saturday.
Alfred Panlelson's new bungalow
has received its coat of paint and pre
sents a neat appearance,
Mrs. Mary Crook visited her daugh
ter. Mrs. Fred Wallace, at Union Mills
last Tuesday.
C. Smith, w ho has been very 111. Is :
somewhat improved at present. He
has been an Invalid for a long time.
E. H. Cooper, of Oregon City, and
A. L. Jones, of Eldorado, w ore callers I
in Mullnn Inst FVIilai- I
Miss Hazel Erickson visited her
brother. Elmer and family In Uolton
last Saturday.
Constipation the Father of Many Ilia.
Of the numerous ills that affect hu
manity a large share start with consti
pation. Keep your bowels regular and
they may he avoided. When a laxa
tive is needed take Chamberlain's Tab
lets. They not only move the bowels
but improve the appetite and strength
en the digestion. Obtainable every
where. Adv.
County Clerk Iva Harrington Wed
nesday Issued marriage licenses to
Mabel L. Tooze and Austria A. Wihtol
anil to Hazel Crawford and George
W. T. Lathrop. All gave Oregon City
as their address.
Circuit Judge Campbell Wednesday
signed decrees divorcing Anna Cook
from T. H. Cook und Olive M.-Brewster
from Walter R. llrewster. Mrs.
lirewster was awarded the custody of
their minor child.
The Lumber mills in flaker are run
ning full blast and payrolls run into
many thousands of dollars monthly.
Uniting Learning and Labor
In its Six Schools and Porty-eight Ue
partmetits is engaged in the great work
of uniting learning and I.hIj r.
Forty-eighth School Year Opens
SEPTEMBER 18, 1916.
Degree Courses n-'itiring a four-year
high school preparation , are offered iu
the following:
AORICCI.Tl'RI-:. 16 Departments;
COMMKRCK. 4 Departments; KNC.1N
K Kit INC., ti Departments; MINKS, 3
Departments ; l-'OK KSTK V, '1 Depart
ments; HDMH ht'ON'O.MK'S, 4 Depart
ments; an.l PHARMACY.
Vocational Courses requiring an
Eighth tirade preparat on for entrance
are offered in Agriculture. Dairying,
Commerce, Forestry, Home Mak'.-rs, and
Mechanic Arts. Pharmacy witn a two
year high school entrance requirement.
SCHOOL OP MUSIC Piano, String,
Band and X'oice Culture.
Ci'ril'ivue and beautiful illustrated
booklet free.
Address Thk RkoisTRAR,
I w-71516 lo 'J 7 10) COXVAU.IS. OK ROOM
The Drink
That Fits
M Xi'KSIU It'i. 're . Seil 7 iSpe
i i.ili The rain, though t-oiuUK t lite
height of liane.t time, ha In ell o
Itili-riiiUclit III It loume and o ar
led villi wind ami iiiittl!io that no
iii r. i titil.il' ilant.ise tin w o 'ar. bet n
done to cither giaiu or hop, while the
I groih of alt Handing crop ha been
l!iinictiiirally a- celerali-d b Ibe com
blued niowliire and heal
t'orn and l.iloe are promiiiiK a
Lpbndld yield and the p.i-lure ha
j taken on Hew ea-e of life
' The road. to. are In the Ideal stale.
!ll. free from either dut or mud.
j that we know, too well, iinii.t be of
I lirlcf i otitltittaiice j
. Hop picking ha begun In ome of
the yaril. and will be well underway
bv the middle of the present week
Jess and Abe Hepler w(h Will Hey
nobis, have gone to the mountain for
a short stay.
Mr and Mr John Hepler. with
their son In la XV ill Roth, are plan
ning a trip to the coast In the coming
J.itiie Smith has relumed from a
very siiccesstul hunting excursion. Ills
party of fHe having taken ten deer
while on the trip.
lien I'reier ha returned from New
port greatly ImprowM In health.
I The Women' club of the Lutheran
j church met on Thursday. August 31.
with Mis Lucas at the Parish house
church, will hold service at the church
Sunday. September 17
I'lTKIt GARKIKLD. Ore., Sept. 7.
iSpocall The pleasant weather In
this district has enabled the farmers
to get their hay and grain crops well
taken care of.
Guy T. Hunt and son Hurry, and
Oliver Howinan have gone to Haker
to work In a mill the balance of the
The Porter school w ill start on Mon
day, September II. with Mrs. It. Tom
Carter as teacher.
Walter Markwurt met with an acci
dent while driving out of the Held
with a load of hay. He was going
down a short hill and some part of
lite hay rack struck one of the horses,
causing them to run away. He was
thrown and considerably bruised und
shaken up. A doctor found, however,
that no bones were broken, but Mr.
Markwart was budly bruised and cut
He is resting easlr today.
Mrs. George Cook and Mrs. Paul
Saner and children have gone to Port
land for a short visit.
Mrs. D. I.. E. Wills, of Estarada.
entertained a party of frimls and her
brother Frank E. Lillburn. of Rose-
burg at Log I41 llarre last Thurs
day evening. All seined to have an
enjoyable time with grimes and danc
ing. Those registering at Log La Harre
during the last week were, Mrs. M.
Ilrigham, Mrs. M. Manlaunt, MiBs C.
Johnston, E. A. King and wife, Port
land; Florence Mc-sser, Springfield,
Mass.; Virgil D. Earl, C. T. Dicken
son and wife, Dr. Grace Keith, Port
land; Sue Gilbert, Norman Hender
son, Dr. Mabel Personct, Mnrqquerto
Overhuls, and Gladys Chamlmrd, of
Changing Seasons Bring Colds.
'Stuffed up head," cloggcd-up none,
tiRht chest, sore throat are mire Hlns
of cold, and Dr. Kinp's New Discovery
Ih sure relief. A done of this combi
nation of antiseptic balsams soothes
the Irritated membrane, clears the
head, loosens the phlegm, you breathe
easier and realize your cold is broken
up. Treat a cold persistently; half
way measures leave a lingering cough.
Take Dr. King's New Discovery until
your cold is gone. Kor 47 years the
favorite remedy for young and old.
At your druggist, 50c. Adv.
Kaiser Begins Reprisals.
IlKItl.IN. Aug. 31. (Uy wlrelc. s to
Sayvllle, N. Y.I Officers and sail
ors of the Russian navy, prisoners in
Germany," says the Overseas News
Agency, "have been brought Into a
reprisal camp because German naval
officers and sailors In Siberia havo
been treated as common criminals."
Lightning Kills Valley Farmer.
KL'GENE, Ore., Sept 2. William
Nelson, a Lane county farmer, was
instantly killed today by lightning.
He met death while working on top
of a stack of grain at his farm on the
Elmlra road, six miles west of Eugene.
I'll! id Hr4 M tl1 m.til
liit, tested with hlu KiMk.
TbIs Br. Hmj f jmmr ,
HI AM" N D H It AND flLLA,fcvSft
MMkMnMBnl, Stint. Ralimtit
XMIV. tre. Hi-U : iSpi-lall
Mix Adeline It. XXyelli. Um llnleiid '
eiit nt the fallb) lnli liool, I III
her ofllie at the . lno building,
l-ai tl llll'rtllllg lllla ii-rl, lllli II IW lllg 1
all pupil who ate kcikitig adilie In
rejtard lo their work lot Hie lolliliig widl planed Willi I tic weather
ni School will im ii rlepleiiibei ( Mr A XV 1'iHike and Mr Si.ih
II I'allii were the gu.-M. of Ml H P
The t auby band l.. i. aie gelling Howh It. Ut XVedueduy
ready for the count) tut XXithprac Jauie lilbxiii, hi oti. II P lilb.
tin' on Tuesday and lliumd.iy en-n '"'. and grandson. Sam XX'lUon, wen-
lllg lliet slloilld lull- K-t'd (HOglatlll P hi home l.lsl WiH-k alter r
oul I Hied '"HI
Ml. Mary llu.i.m wl... giadn.le l 1 "",',') '
la.l er fr I,-.-. .. h.u.l ",r M" "l
left till week for Molid Idaho.;
whern lm will tea.lt ilu year ,
Wcdiici.lay (yi-nlng II. e Itoiue of Mr ,
and Mm. lieurg Plrd her wa I lie I
aceim of a farewell arl glieii III
honor of Ml llu.l. ii 1 lie cu-tiing;
w spent In galtiea. lol'owed by re 1
freshmeitl. Tlione n s.-lil were. 1
Mle Maty lliisloti 1 1 in-ill Sliell.
Alma Knight. Sophl.t S-baubel. Amu '
t Is- lit. Plltllie I lodge. Mittle llurges. '
Mania llclii and Mi -r Noitoii
tiradrurd, Carrol Cl.cn
Arthur lluglev, l.li.,
Albert Aume.
it II tl.-li Heln. ;
in tiai-iid and i
Mi M.iIm'I Ki'IiKiukIiI and Scili E ,
CIcriMtgcr wen niarrti I Sunday, Hep-.
ti'iiilnT .!. at Kurt ' Or.ui Mr !
Clcri'itgi-r la n promm. nt tming ilmki
man. Ml Ki-iiKiiUbi . tiiriiii-rl
Cjlll.v girl She era In.tti-d It. .til III.' I
Cituby high school, .u. . I t.iuglit III tin' I
Kruiiiuur nchiMil, tu ti.tr following'
her graduation.
Mr M.tlxl Hair ut.d "ii ' neck '
end vlnitur lu I'urll.iiil at (In home'
of W. W. Knight . I
Mi I tit a Mim- went ' 1'urtl.ind Sat
urdav evening to ri'iu.nn '-r Sun
day i
Mr. and Mm. II H Kliih and,
daughter Catherine, motored to Seat
tie Sunday, remanllii; a few d,i
Ml CliuBe of Allum. was the c-k
end gili-'t of Ml W'li'tli Ml Chun M VHQt'.VM, Ore, Sept T -lSpcclull
Is a college friend of Mi Wielh i Ititiidrcd and t-ll toim of logalilx r
Mrs. Grant White and Miss Lllllun i rl,,, mw. t) ultlpi'i'd from thin part
Wang motored to St Paul. Sunday. j f (,,. (1iinty to WiMKlluirn during the
Mrs. James Tortcr and family left I UHt ( week. A large pa it of the
for the hop Melds la-l Sunday crop was gathered from whul Ik
I.. It. Ciorhum was a Portbiud v Ultur . Knon as the loo Chatman place, two
last week. miles north of Marnuaiu.
The pulpit of the Methodist i hurch fhe grain crop llil year through
was occupied Sunday i ienlng by lev. j , nt v.ir,,n;im district Itenvy.
A. J. Joslyn. who g.ne n sermoii on) MoppU-klng In m few ard hern be
"The Kind of Ililoiii.ii v God Honors. " I ,IU, t n AugiiHt and now prnetl
Mr. and Mm. I". X Walt and their
Kucstii. John Kid uinl son Xoruiiin.
haie rturned from an outline at New
port. Mrs. Maritaret Tel. her. of Granite
vllle. Idaho. Is visiting with her aunt
Mrs. I'ullen.
Frances Hov returned this eek
to her home in"fatlfornla. after a
visit of Hire months, at the home of
her uncle. Mr. K. F. Hov
Misses Mildred Wan and Kuyettej
Johnson are speudliiK 'he week nt J
There has been quite an exodus of j
hop pickers from Cauby to tin- differ-'
eiit yards In the valley.
Mrs. John Graham and daughter.
Mi's. Savior, mid Mrs. Hoy l.ee. left
for St. Paul Sunday lo begin hop pick
ing Monday.
Mr. and Mr" M. J. l.ee and Hoy
l.ee left lust week by uuto, for a two
weeks' trip to California. Investigat
ing some gold mines In which they
ure interested
Mr. and Mrs I.. II. Wang spent a
few days of last week, on a trip to
Mt. Hood.
Dr. and Mrs. II I). Garret are en
Joying an outing on the coast.
Walt l.ol.-unan and Dr. A. T. Ken
edy motored to Portland Friday ev
ening. Miss Anne Krueger came up from
Portland to spend her Labor day va
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Adams and
duimhter. Caroline of Portland, were
weekend guests at the Wang home.
Frank Astman was a pasenger lo
Portland Thursday.
Miss Favctte Johnson was an Ore-
gon Cllv visitor Thursday morning.
W. Johnson spent three days of last
week in Portland.
Miss Marv Huston spent Thursday
in Oregon City.
Rev. Math Jonas, pastor of the Cath
olic church is visllng In California
He exnects later to visit his former
home In Alton, Iowa, and will be ab
sent about six weeks.
Great preparation arc being made
for the Clackamas County Fair, to bo
held Sept. lS-2lst. The new premium
lists ar out. Call at the bank to get
one and see the nice list of prizes of
fered. Rev. W. Iloytl Monro was culled to
Clackamas Sunday to attend tho fun
eral of Mrs. Orce Colo.
Misses Ruby Woolworth, Kugenla
Richardson and Rosella und Corlne
Wilkinson of Portland, spent Sunday
and Monday in Canby, guests of Rov.
und Mrs. Moore.
Uoyce Hrown spent tho week end
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W.
Mabel Hair has returned from her
visit In Portland.
Gold Hill Dave Good picked up C2
ounce gold nugget.
Villa Leads Men Into Battle.
CHIHACHl'A CITY, Mexico, Aug.
31. Francisco Villa, commanding a
band of between 300 and 400 men, en
gaged government troops under Gen
eral Ellzondn in a sanguinary bat'le
yesterday In the hills cast of 3atevo
which lasted from daylight until dark
ness. The casualties on both sides
were heavy.
Booze Ship Raided.
A11ERDEEN, W'aih., Aug. 31.
Fred Lundln, steward of the ateamor
Avalon, wan caught In the act of trans
ferring liquor from that ship to a row
boat this morning by a coterie of
policemen headed by Major J. M.
Phillips, who led the oflcers aboard
the ship In making the arrest.
PXi;i.K I lit I K. tire.. H. pl 7 -
I Sl'ei at I - Kolli of the laillier hele
aie Hi rou h with their ltuehlii( but
the lliost of llii-ni ate awaiting the
ii ill 1 li K of I lie lhieliei 1 ho who
I hate grain out In the field ale not yery
In Ihe iiiouiilalii last week alter i.iih
Inn klelierrle. UMiiiIiu hoiue with
uU.iil right gallon
Mr and Ml liow.of Portland, were
guest of the latter' parent. Mr. and
Mr Hill, our Sunday.
Ralph and pari lillisou weie up to
I In-ir llraiidfallter tllUon's plj.e on
Mulidav after otue bcrrle
'The Stiilliug Chili' met at the home
of Mr ) IU i ki ll l..l XX'ediii'.ar
alteriliNin The Halite of the i lull wa
i limited In that of The Helping
llaiul.'' the latter name doing more
.... It... I...r .... I..
j ii t't'i m-i itiii-. u i in i
help one another whelleler ponalble
Mr. Muuipower. who w.i with Mi
llii.lctt for two seeks, reluriled holne
last wei'k
cully every yard Is filled with pick
Mr Van drove a number of I f ut
tie to Mount Angel recently.
John King, an old resident of Ibis
country, but of lute a rltlen of Cali
fornia. Is here to visit his daughter.
Mr. Olof Olson, for a week or so.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox of Spokane,
with J. K. Manpiain. Mrs. Wilcox and
Mrs. Miiriiuum are sisters.
Charley Mi Roberts has gone to
lletid. Ills mother will hive later.
Albert Iturth bus rented McRoberls'
Mrs Allen Jack, of Orgon City. Is
here visiting her sister, Mrs. J. I..
Guy C. I.nrkius has I n moving
his household furniture to Sllverton.
where he will tru.il school, lie It us
rented his property here to Mrs. It.
K. Iinllinger and son. She takes pos
session Immediately.
Mrs. P. S. Muuipower, of llorlng.
was up a few days last weeK to visu
her father, I. D. Lurklns.
.1. C. Manmam Is shinning all the
evergreen blackberries lo Woodburn
that he can get. Thero Is u lurge
auto truck comes out every day after
Word From Br'ar Williams.
Old you ever flop ter Iblnk tint If
all de lime lol lu growlln' at do
world God made n ttr. spent III lilt till'
hard licks ter make things better how
much like yo' dreitui o' lieiivim de
same old world would tie?-Atlanta
Not Much Brains.
'Too bud about Jim Jaggs,
a mil n. n Slitikespeai-e says,
an enemy Into Ills mouth to steal away
his bruins."
"Oh, well. It's only petty larceny In
Jnggs' case, anyway."- Huston Trail
Houil Plants.
The inn n who mt.rs house plants are
of no account Is h grouch. There is
no place lit wlil. lt to hide burned
matches so convenient its o geranium
pot. Kansas Cllv Star.
Revorstbls Figurss.
Lndy-At what number lllnnk street
do you live. tlenrV Hobble- Well, when
you ciiinti down I be street It'll No. 811,
an' when you come up Hie street It's
118. Huston Tiiiiin rlpt.
Only Wanted a Chance.
Mother Pei'liiip- Hie young mini
needs " little em iigeineiil. Daugh
terYes, mamma. I wish you would
keep nut of sight more while he Is
Every good deed performed la not
only a present plcamiro, hut a support
for the future.
Ilend creamery
will erect modern
Our Jitney Offer This and 5c.
DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this
slip, encloBe with 5c and mall it to
Foley & Co., Chicago, 111., writing your
name and address clearly. You will
receive In return a trial package con
taining Foley'B Honey and Tar Com
pound, for coughs, colds and croup;
Foley Kidney Pllla, for puln In sides
and hack; rheumatism, backache, kid
ney and bladder ailments; and Foley
Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and
thoroughly cleansing cathartic, for
constipation, biliousness, headache
and sluggish bowels.. Jones Drug Co.
the only guarantee that you have the
im no a
prepared by him for over 30 year.
YOU'LL give YOUR baby the BEST
Your Physician Knows Fletcher's Castorla.
Soid only In one size bottle, never in bulk
or otherwise; to protect the
The Centaur Company,
Jennings Lodge Department
JF.XMNGS I.ODGK. Ore. Sept 7
(Speclali- For the convenience nf Its
customer the Portland lluiluuy.
Light ti Porter company hut opened
a pay Million nt the Jennings laidge
-.lore, where ull bills for light and
power call be paid Another thing
granted recently by this company
a reduction of rates for si IiimiI child -
re it going to Oregon City. The fun'
beliiit only 4 cents now from Jennings
Meldriim gels a 11 ' cent fare. ;
II. C. Puiuton and Miry June ofj
Gehr, Wash., were cullers on Tues
diiv of tills week. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tillbury mine
from McMlnnvllle lust week for a'
short visit with Mrs. Tlllbury'a pur j
cuts, Mr. and Mrs Outroin. On Stil l
urday the Tlllburys .h-partcd for Los;
Angeles. j
Miss Georglna Kessl and Miss Delia
Hrusli leave this week for Pendleton
where they will tench III the graded I
Miss Mary Pierce. Helen und Ivy
Paddock, Ruth Cook, Donald Mc Far
lane anil I.eCUiIre Dsirom, Fruncis
Wootl have resumed their studies at1
u l-oriianu nigil suooi..
Miss liulilu Deter lius retur I
from MolltuqgllC, V II 1 1 1. . after siellt
lug a delightful summer with rela
tives at Medford, Ashland and with
her uncle lu California. Miss Deter
returned a week curlier than she had
planned owing lo the threatened
nlrikc. She was accompanied home
by her uncle, Dr. Deter, who may de
cide lo locate In the Willamette vul
Miss Carrie Scripture was moved
to the Oregon City hospital Wcdncs-
Adjournment Day Is Set.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 2. Senate re
publicans and democrats are figuring
on adjournment of congress Thursday,
September 7.
With the Increasing wave of expert
iiiculs in iulllatlvu legislation in re
cent years, the tendency has grown to
kul e nearly every such measure at
the polls. .
Riclmt Language.
Of tile .'I.I2I known language on
earth the complclcst and tho richest
In the ways and menus of expression
Is Ihe English. The late distinguished
German linguist, Grimm, (leclurcil Hint
no other language Is compnriiblu to
the English.
The main defect In music Is ttio lie
cesslty of reproducing compositions by
performing I hem If II were as cusy
to rend music ns II Is to rend hooks
lleethoven's soiititas would he its pop
ulur as Schiller's poems - Ferdinand
"Dyspepsia," renin iked Hie student
of etymology, "comes from Hie Greek'
"Not always." replied ilu man who
had It. "I got mine In n I'teio b res
taurniiL"-SI. Louis Posi ipuioli.
Already Disciplined.
"I envy Margaret for having miir
ried a steel mini "
"Why so?'
"IJecniisc a steel man must he well
tempered." Hull linoro American.
A Little Way Off.
Tommy What does the pnper mean
by calling Mr. Hugghniis an eight by
ten business man? T.'a Fnllier-I pre
sumelt means dels not einrtly sipuire
riow hitler a thing it Is to took
Into hspplnes through snot her iiiiin'
eyes: Shakesiieare.
, iliiv Her nut. III). nt remained tin
I i hanged during Hie ivk.
Mix Kntller I'lllllpbl'll who Hun
i I'.iHi grinliiiiie of Din, Oregon Culver
sit), elilerliillied nine of Ihe Culver
nlli of (in-con girls of Mary Splller
hull bml I'M. lay. her mother. Ir Marv
' I.. Farnuni usixtlng The purl) inn
luted to a place ntn.itt u tulle up III.
' Clin k.iui.in lu re u delighted lime
I was hail rowing on the river and re
culling ttuien ut tlin iiuherslty. I liter
they cajoled a cuinpllre dinner lu
the cw'lllll,; Miss Campbell look the
! follow lug coeds In their Portland
! Itoiue lu her utuchliiii: Mrs him
J.ii k ion. Mlna Ferguson. Kv lliulley.
i llallle Hail. Cornetlu Hess. Marjorln
Steams, Maria lludnru, Helen Ander
! sou t: ml Myrtle fumphcll.
1 lr und Mrs lirkllt. of Wellenlev.
isjMass. departed for their home
1 day Mrs ll.vrkell spent lb stiiu-
tuer with her father, Juincs Wul.lron.
und biter went lo Cullfornlu whero
she met her IiurIiuiuI und they Jour
iieyi il north lo stop iikiiIii on their re
turn home.
MliS Kllnlielli Wul.lron will lake
up her schiHil duties again ut Everett,
Wash, leaving lust Saturday
Dr Sloi'iiln. wife und children en
Joyed I'll outing oxer the week end ut
their pin. c, n turning on Labor Duy.
!iy uuto to their Portlultd home
The A. C. McFarlulie family will
move from this plui-c to Portland
Mr. LYcles of Portland, who r
ceiillv pnri'hnseil property here, was
u caller on l.nbor Day
II. J. Robinson bus returned from a
business (rip lo Unite. Montana.
A number of our neonlit availed
, lliemsehes of the oppoitunlly
to at
which tend the Kmleiivor Inntltute.
held a threeilays session
at Oak
Grove during Inst week
Goo. A OMiroiu has returned from
Omaha crier a business trip of Uve
Miss Helen Pitliitoii left on Saturday
for her home ut Orchards. Miss Paln
lon In a graduate of the Oregon City
High school, class of l:i.'l. She has
spent most of (he summer at Ihe Stale
Normal at llelllngliaiu, and will tench
this year In Clarke Countv.
Deputy Sheriffs Frost and Harring
ton urrested P. II. Kellogg Wednesday
afternoon on a charge or Indecent oX
posure. He was released last night
under $HiO ball furnished by O. P.
Kellogg anil Mrs. M. J. Morelund, with
whom Kellogg wns rooming. Ho will
be taken before Justice of tho pence
Slevers this morning for u preliminary
Advice for
Oregon City
Many a woman endures with imblo
piitloiu o the dally misery of backache,
paiiiH- about Hid hips, blue, nervous
spells, dizziness und urinary disorders,
hopeless of relief becuuse she doesn't
know what is the matter.
It Ih not truo that every pain In the
hack or hips is trouble "peculiar to
tho sex." OHeii when Ihe kldueya
get congested and Inflamed, such
aches nnd pains follow.
You can lei! It Is kidney trouble If
tho Hcoretloiis ur dark colored, con
tain sediment; the passages aro too
frequent or scanty. Then help the
weakened kidneys. Don't expect thorn,
to get well alone.
Doan's Kidney pills have won the
pralso of thousands of women. They
ar endorsed' nt home Read this Ore
gon City woman's convincing state
ment: Mrs. J. 11. Scliatz. 213 Seventeenth
St., Oregon City, says: "I know from
personal exporlneo that Doan'H Kid
nny Pills aro a inedlclno of merit und
wheAover I can recommend them to
others, I don't liesllato to do so. I
have taken poan's Kidney Pills on
several occasions for kidney trouble
and backache and Ihey have nlwaya
done mo good."
Price r.Oc, at all dealers. Don't simp
ly ask for a kidney remedy get
Donn'ii Kidney Pills the same that
Mrs. Rchatz had. Fostor-Mllhurn Co.,
Props., Iluffalo, N. Y. Adv.