ORF.flOY TITV KXTKKPRISK. KIM HAY. AI'lirST LA. lMlii. i 1 ' J I .A.A.A.A.A A-A.A-A.A-A-A Weivs From VJ Oyer HACKSBURGWELCOHES CROP IN SOUTHIRN PAR T Of COUNTY ARC CONSlDCrtEO EXCELLENT. NUi Ksnritt:. ore.. ah :i 'i.- Hall Although the frrh and nns Ilk pw-arnc of rcttliii lutr ban kt-t aside, all liliirhi-nkltill !( drouth. .Mikburg a ready to el kiiiic rvfrehlng ruin on Thur!. Aukui 17. Ul are niuuliiK out rll, OioukH l""l " '"r lhrcher to tell u Hie ect nuuSer of bubel la the li ft'. Wheal. th inol upcrlcnced turm rn My, l In prime condition for the hartct. I'olaloe are proinfalnic -n trr limn usual, the yield lielng Urge nil the quality finer than heretofore. Tlif price, too, I correspondln.:')' good. Instead uf being In reere pro portion a It h horn, too often In the pat. Winter apples abundant anil of the finest appearance. ThU U the off year for early apple In many of the orchard. Imt thin will only make u appreciate other fll frultii the more. I'luma are plenty and of splendid quality. while the ever green bluckberry I In It usual abund ante. L t. for more than ran poaalbly, lie used. I'ean are of unusual tzend sweet- ne, and aa they posses the property of acquiring rlchnes hy being dried, many bushel of them will find their way Uito the drylnK house and theme to market, which to a lare proportion of them will mean the older world In all the busy rush of preparing for threshers and filling out the children for the hopflchl. aa well aa for school later on. the ranchwomen do not. iltnci-ther neslect their aoclal dulles. The Mothera' Club met on Thurs- day. August IT. at the borne of Mr John lleina. All were busy through out the afternoon, the visitor being Mm. Henry Itrush. Mra. Henry alsh Mrs. rotratx. Mra. Collins and Mra Keechlng. A charming lunch was nerved. Mra. Helm and Mra. Kush Ing entered their names aa new mem bers and the club adjourned to meet August 31 at the home of Ita prel dent. Jame Smith baa been absent for over a w eek on bla summer outing, but la expected home In a few days. Mrs. Simon Miller la enjoying a visit from her alster. Mra. Schoenbeck with her daughter, from Portland. Ilen Dreln la In Newport, but Is ex peeled home soon. , 4 . t. 4 MEADOW BROOK. MEADOW IlROOK. Aug. 24. (Spe cial.) Mr. and Mrs. Dick Austin and family, of Molulla, visited at A. L. Larkins' Sunday. Clarence Orem purchased a wagon and team of horses from Mr. Matson, Monday. L. H. Klrchem, of Oregon City, was out on business and looking over his timber, for a few days this week. Paul Lee and daughter. Mary Pou line, of Portland, who have been visit ing at Charles Holman's, returned home Wednesday. A few from here went to Wilholt Sunday and report a pleasant trip. Kuth Chindgren returned home Sat urday after spending a few days In Portland visiting her friend, Mary Pnuline Lee. Clarence Orem and Charles Shep herd have the contract to load a car with cordwood at Liberal for John Saarl. of Portland. They started haul ing Monday. Stol a Uela Thing. An Indignant merchant who had oeen robbed of a thermometer put this no tlce In bis window: "The person tvbo took the thermome ter from my door bad better return It It will be of no use where be Is going, as It regls'.ers only 123 degrees." Uniting Learning and Labor THE OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE In its Sir Schools and Forty-eight De partments is engaged in the great work of uniting Learning and Laljjr. Forty-eighth School Year Opens SEPTEMBER 18, 1916. Degree Courses re(tiiring a four-year high school preparation, are olfered in the following; ACKICl'LTCRK. 16 Departments; COMMKRCK, 4 Departments; KNOIN KKKING, ti Departments; MINKS, 3 Departments; FORUSTRY, 2 Depart ments; HOMK b.COSOMK'S, 4 Depart menu; and PHARMACY. Vocational Courses requiring an Ktglith Grade prejrar.it on for entrance are offered in Agriculture. Dairying, Commerce, Forestry, Home Makers, and Mechanic Arts. Pharmacy witn a two year high school entrance requirement. SCHOOL OF MUSIC Piano, String, Band and Voice Culture. Catalogue and beautiful illustrated booklet free. Address Thk Rkoistrar 1 w 7-1$ 16 lo'J-7 16) coRVAi.i.is. okh.con A drink that shouldbe on every table PORTLAND BREWING CO., Portland, Ore. On sale at all Leading Groceries and ConfectiMaries PHONE YOUR DEALER FOR HOME DELIVERY A--S A-A.A-A--A.-A-A. 2 STAFFORD CITIZENS DIE Will WW MICHAEL SmAFER AND PAUL 6CHRADER SUCCUMB HAR VEST NEARLY GATHERED. tfTArTOKH. Ore. Auk. :i - (Spc rull -Momt.lv, Michael Hhafcr. whi had IteeB loll a respected member ol thu I'oitiiminlty, having IlieJ on what la totally known aa Sharer hill tirur th mouth of the Tualatin rter fur1 nearly lulf a century. burii'd In1 the Stafford cemetery with lui're.! he and appropriate ceremonies j He It-(( a Idrco family -of grown; children, and an aged widow. He' had been a sufferer for tiiunttm. and had had four operations. On Ydtirday Paul Si hrader dit-d of a computation of dloaf. leaving a wlilow and neven youns ihlldreu. He w.i burled III the Stafford remeter) on hYiday at 0 o'clock. Krbtay aftenioon Mra. K. II. And rrw, a Women's t'hritlun Temper-niu-e I'nlon worker. poke In the Ha t!t chunh. eplluliiK the Hiewer'n amendment. Mr. Oldham was cul!rd out of In btl at J o'clock Monday morning l find two young girl at his door, who said they bad come from Tillamook and left their machinb down by the ov,.r the aulo truck and ha gone to grove, as they had taken the wrong selling mcui to the farmer al l.ll road to get to Portland, and their ,.rul and vicinity, mother wa sick and Ibey wanted. ,....... Tiiou-rlmc Ima moved to Ore- some whl.key tor her. He gave them a lime gms iuii ami luey uepaneu. and he haa not heard frof them sine. ... . , . ..., ... - .,,.-1.,..- n hi. ...u.. r"UIC lilliFllilil mtn a w a sis . .. , ,. lK ..,i. llti tuiiu wa iit'ti-u tiifr p.m- erlng of friends and relatives at Mr. William Scbati. to celebrate the birth - davs of the father and mother, which happens in the same week, so they eel- ebrated them together on Sunday. ' ... i . .. A dinner was served, and your cor-i . . , . . ... ..I respondent received a generoua slice of the birthday cake, and a dish of 1 excellent Ice cream, for which many: thanks are due. i Also at Mra. drace Ccbhart'a thtre was a gathering of the clans, to tb-M number of about 35. mostly relatives of the hostess. ISettle Ncmec. who drives her mother's Kord. came towards nlghl and took guests who had come from Oswego, back to their homes. Harry Gebhardt accompanied them and re turned with Misa Kettle. Miss Zula Schuld and Miss Minnie Justin have been visiting their frleuds the Mtsses Nemec, and were pleasant gueata at the moonlight party on thu evening of Tuesday, and at the Ladles' Circle, which met at the pleasant home of Mrs. Nemec on Thursday, the 17th. Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Gage and children, came from their home In St. Helens on Sunday to visit the old home. They had a "lowout and a puncture on the road, which det ,ined j uaicu uj wi v.vfts. ww-w.. . ..-( society is displayed. This exhibit Is, especially for older boys and men. the .Monday A number of hop-growers are quite l, dissatisfied with the association which they joined last year, ana inina u.e, will ao netter to mamei u.v r "'lnk.,.e Mrs. M. r. YounK. ,,Ilrns ,,e UPS 111 lUlUIC. INC VIWi to ,.n,,.n very promising ai present. Mrs.. Weddle. Mrs. Van Nortwick and daughters, visited at Remt De Nemls on Sunday. &! S s,,$ ALSPAUGH. . 4, -j, AI.SPACGH, Ore., Aug. 21. (Spe cial.) Frank Dowty, of Portland, lias been spending his vacation with his parents. Wilma and Lillian Duncan, of Gar- l.u r..-i lnl,,lA num. are visiting uu ...an.: "'"i"-1 this week Charles Duncan, of Garfield, pur chased a Lincoln ram from John Gltli ens this week. On returning to the house after a few hours' absence John Githens and family, last Sunday, found that their home had been ransacked and several articles taken. Among the articles that were taken were several spring chick ens, three hams, and some butter and eggs. They would probably have done more damage but were frightened away, Wilbur Wade and Charles Dun can coining at that time. There were aliout six In the party and they came In ii Saxon car. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fleers rented a place of W. .1. Furlsh, of Portland. The place joins that of John Cithers Mr. and Mre. Fleers are now living in their new home. Liver Trouble. "I am bothered with liver trouble about twice a year," writes Joe Ding man, Webster City, Iowa. "I have pains in my side and back and an aw ful soreness in my stomach. I heard of Chamberlain's Tablets and tried them. By the time I had used half a bottle of them I was feeling fine and had no signs of pain." Obtainable ev- erywhere. (Adv.) The Drink That Fits - V - V - V - V - V - V - V - V - V - V - V - V - V - fje County t -v-v-v-v-v 4 HOLALLA PEOPLE BUSY HAULING FUEL NEWS Of WEEK SHOWS PROFITS FROM CORDWOOD WILL BE LIBERAL THIS SEASON. Mtll.AI.I.A, tie, Aug :i -(4h. ! i l.tl I-lli i I rwu li.i taken a )( ,wliti the Hoift raklii i'oiiimiiv, of j Portland, and b nunc. I to Dial place, i Mr fteuiolda, (uriherl) of thin pl.n e. wan olcllliii; uli. rli'limu for The Kuterpc ie ret nit I) . The thri'uhliig matbiiie wa on Mr lUdltig' era in Miinday forenoon and on Sam I li-li i k - a tula In tlte a'lcr ntMin. Mis Wollf baa motcd tit Portland where her iluUkillrrn will attend kt luml. .Mla Nellie will lake up hlk'h n IiihiI ludleo. The I atllf Aid met al the M.llio allot i hurt h. in the batcmeiit. to finSh a quill. I;it Prtday The hoime belotiKlug to Mr Alice llailc ha been trrateil In a coal of yellow paint. SurM'tor AliUtlt U enlarging hi home. Seti-ral young fltlnTuii'ii are work- lug Hear Creek for all It I worth, I .d on ha withdrawn from the ontrul market In Portland, taken ,.1(. m.ro , J(ll BWalw nlm , , (f h,,,),,,,,,, DtM-ppleb and Wlt.tke have JuM flu ! I''1 l"l"'K T'!it for .loo cord, of i aal , cordwood for a Portland firm Richard WrUht hauled mining ... , j ,0 l'IW,ral 1,1,1 1 The Kraxlmrger Ikv have been spending their spare time, ufler wood hau'lng. studying and riding a motor ! ryele. whlth waa a recent purchase, Mr. Kosche and son. of Muckshurg. " ' . ,. .. .,...,.," have been hauling wood to the Ilia- .. .. .w. . . " ",r ' u, J. . IZ "r " - rul" "' ... Mr. Wltske was visited by ner sis ter one day last week and returned home with her for a brief visit. Fred Ott took a party of young la dles from Macksburg attended tho dance at Molalla Saturday evening. The recent rains did wonders In SCIlltllK lue tnifl uui tviiutiii; - ......v some farmers to move quickly lo haul last loads of hay. finish barns, etc, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Reynolds, of Mo lulla, were Liberal visitors Sunday. An auto pnrty passeu .intuitu Lib eral, one day last week, from MoUila. Mr. Havemannn and Mayor Kverhart being among the party WILSONVILLE. A ,4 )jt A j, ,j, , w,LS0NV.LEi 0re. AuK. 24. ,UMMM Mury uri(1 AHl.e L.-.a- ,l...i.rl.t..t- f Itlnrnui Kintiu ,, llllVB llH(n ,.,. Mr and Mrs. Joe Thornton for two weeks Mrs. J. J. Stangel, of White Salmon, , vsttni. relatives in Wilson Mrg ()f portllinJi vlsCl, )u.r Aaron McComiell placed a stalk if corn In Thornton's bank window last week, which measured 13 feet In height. Tho men of our village displayed the spirit of the Good Samaritan Lift week, In assisting to remove the p.;: tomoblle from the river, on Wednes day, after the driver, P. L. Camps, bud mistaken our river for a long hill. H. D. Aden arrived home last Wed nesday, and friends are. glad to learn that tlieirbaby. who was very 111. 'u much better. Mrs. A. McConnell took the popular ,-i ,. Hip Columbia Highway with t,,. i rPt.nd:ti on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Klingensmlth and Mr ami Mrs. Dutton and daughter, visited liatalgia's family, on Sunday, coming from Portland. Mrs. Harber. of Portland, is visiting ! her mother, Mrs. Frank Seely. Geo. Seely has a fine new autonr) bile, purchased recently. t Threshing machines are heard on every hand, and the busy season is upon us. The lecture at the Methodist church on Sunday evening was a splendid one, and the attendance was largo. Mrs. Raymond Seely entertained about 25 members of the W. C. T. I', on Thursday afternoon, August 17, at which time Mrs. Mallett, of Portland, was present and gave an address to the ladies. Mrs. Andrews, of Oregon City, was also present and made a few remarks of much interest, and a very appropriate program was rendered. The next meeting will be held at the hall, at Hood View. Mrs. M. C. Young entertained a large number of lady friends on Fri day afternoon, August 18, at her beau tiful, commodious home, which was decorated with flowers for the occa sion. Story-telling was tne aiier noon's pleasure, at which Mr- Brown proved most proficient. A dainty col lation of good things was served diii Ing the afternoon. Those enjoying Mrs. Young's hospitality were Mis. Shore, Mrs. Horning, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Fiutler, Mrs. Joe Stangel, Mrs. Frank Stangel, Mrs. J. J. Stangel, Mis3- Mary and Alice Evans, Misses Jessie and Nellie Angus, Mrs. Clutter, Mrs. Frank Seely, Mrs. A. A. Wood, Mrs. Raymond Seely, Mrs. Barber, Mrs. Norris Young, Mrs. Chas. Rldder, Mrs, Dorrls Young, Mrs. Norman Say, Mrs. Fleed Craham, Miss Helen Murray, Miss n. Ratalgia, Mrs. Jake Peters, Mrs. Sbaltipsky, Mrs. Wiedermann, Mrs. Rutherford and Mrs. A. Hassel brink. Mrs. Robert Graham nas oeen kh- tertainlng friends from Vancouver, WaBh., during the week. EAGLE CREEK WOMEN OFFICERS ARC ELECTED AND AR RANiiEMENTS FOR MEET INQ AMI MADE HAtil K CIIKKK. tf Au :i -l r'"t lal I - Hrlrral W milt n mt l at Ml It. M Hititlla' home la. I UnlnettUy and h in a ileanl altt iuooii with li.r and her sUler. M i ) V Siiaht Tli'-V helped In fin mil a mmforler (or Mr Hlrahl, after wlii'h a cluli, li-mimikTlly named Hi'' Hmiluu Cluli." waa nmalilied Mr. II It. tilb oii j clit tisl prr.i.li "I and Mr Kmtt llollandttr. iniii.ii' The lu't will nieet eery two wr-k at the Iioiiip of I lie rut' tn tier Mrs. Ilia lic.M.i.a aii-l t lilldien. if Portland, were out U Paste fleck ritt'iitlv tUIIIng for ' da) Willi Mr Hlrahl and Mr 1'iatli Mr. and Mra. II. 8 Joiio, ol Poll land, were the Weckmul 'iil of 111" lailt-ra mother. Mra u'U IkiUK'aaa f aiile t reek (.rang nei.i a reguitf at'Mtin lal atllrlav aikiiii t... in - ,luilln vlallorsaud b.i''i'. were pit i ,.( , It I ut h a !"it lime it it I ia uf the brother ocre In all' rd am e. After partaklm: ol a fine d'u ner. a abort bulne mcelinx wm held The lecturer's hour a Inter ruling. Hloy iMuglas and wile ni.i-le a I'lp to Logan Sunday. Mra. Strabl and Mr Hrah ri.iu.l on Mr. Ilowlelt Huu.lay. II. S. liil'son mad" a trip lo San ly on Saturday after a load of luinVrr Mr. and Mrs. J. P Stelnmait vere catling at the home of Mra. It'tla )otigla Sunday. Mrs. John Swueney of Slevt noti Wah.. and children, Charles and I -el la. who have been gursl ut the honi" , t Mr. and Mra. Will IHuula for wim two week, left last Wedneduy for home. .Mr. IViuglu accompai.ylirt I the in aa far aa Portland. Pave iHuiKlas and lainlly were seen i In llil neighborhood List Saturdiv. Virgil IVuiglaa and John Huu left last Thursday for Eastern Oregon, where they exixit to work through harvest. II. II. Iloffmelster, who has leiu In Portland for sometline. cau e out to Kaglo Creek Saturday' and attended ('range. ENFORCE GRASS MDOW RULE Civil Sarvica Eammra Bar AH Ap plicants ef This Typa. Washington. The rule of the pol office department that "no grit wid ows neetl apply" was adhered to by the examiner f the civil service com mission lu examining applicants for government positions. This Is not or w rule, bnt It Is being enforced mure strictly now thn ever tefura. The ptwlofllce department has had a regulation for several yearn that barred from It civil service roll married wo men. Grots widows are cmisldered married. Imt divori-etl women are nt and therefore are eligible. Recently the postorrice department and the civil service commltslnn let up oo the grass widows somewhat- Wo men who were separated from their husbands without fault of their own and were struggling for a living were sdmltted. but the drawing of the line between those who were grass widows for cause and tbnse who were grass widows by no fault of their own bo came a bone of contention, and al' grass widows were burred WED AFTER FIFTY YEARS. Swthrts Bafor Civil War Now Happy Togath.r. IiPXlnKton. Ky. Oliver Mnrcum ami Mrs. Mary II. Murray were married by the Itev. J. S. Thompson at tho minis ter's home here. Mnrcum Is Bevun'ty two years old mid his bride seventy one. 4 The couple were sweethearts be for, the civil war mid hud not mef in fifty years until the day before they wer married. The brldecroom and the min ister who 1n11rrl1.1l lit ni served In th. same company lu the federal army. Miircuiii's first wife died four years K0. Ills bride had been a widow many years. GIRL IS DEPUTY CORONER. Mi Edison, Who B.cam Doctor In Juno, Got! Poit In W,st. Seattle, Wash.-Tbe little lty of Tolt has the distinction of bavlni? the first woman deputy coroner appointed ia this state. Mr. Hazel Kdlson. who was Rnidti atnd last June from Rush Medical col. It-Be at Chlciitro, bung out her BblnRlo in Tolt In July. With a runabout she makes culls In nil part of her moun tainous leniioiy and I already popu lar. As deputy coroner she will liav. to Investigate all violent und suspicious deaths lu her district. riuijo una uumil. OurliiK Victor Hiiro's exile Dumas went to Oiierusey, where IIiiko re ceived Ii i in kindly und took him to breakfast on a ei-niKln overlooking the ocean It il;d nut take iMumu Ioiik lo discover Hint lluco ns already pos I11K as the prosf-rllied prophet, nnd the uoet said, with 1111 Olympian wave of his band. "You see inc. my dcur Du ma. 0:1 my rock of e:;lle like the pro scribed one of iniibiulty." ".Never mind." wild Pumas, with bin mouth full. "The butter is far bettor here than In I'nrls There Is no disput ing Hint." A Woman's Helpful Advice. Mrs. 0. H. Eveland, Duncan Mills, 111., writes: "I was stricken with lum bafio, unablo to turn myself In bed. A neighbor brought me Foley Kidney Pills. Said slm had been similarly af flicted and they cured her. I tried them and was completely cured by three bottles." Mr. Eveland heartily recomomends Foley Kidney Pills for kidney trouble. When the kidneys are functioning property. Impurities left In tha hlnnrl rgnna rtipumfltism. lame back acheg and pa,ng Joneg Dfug Co (Adv.) HIS GREATEST CAME. TK Climii if MiIiih' f so I BMka'l PiUhr. ' always ! Ullid Ihst b frralr! li that Jliiw"0 aver pll.lied wis Hie ni(lillt and tlMlii roiitei ItHwet-u i."i"n and Nw York III III World M-ltea uf ItH'i II btiiild biia sliul iha llrd Hi out lit that Ulll, bill liU team falldrd and bMka Iwhlnd liliu. aiul lltMiiiii finally 'o III ten Iniili.t'a by a I'vn of 3 to 1 llally bad In-ru Hi iiiuuliiioiis ili..ir uf Ills c.imr.f. II frit Hut It lulgtil ! lb lat worlil's miIp lma lit trrr would I'll' h, ami h put Ima hi work. all li cuiiiilhg and skill Hut lis )er bi iflien lilin In Hum ten liming- h r)llilii ha bd. and It inanrlou lill lll"ii nf tlrllu(. lieu ha entrust Ilia Inis hla step waa sprliify and hi b'l held hlab II loukrd allii'Mt InijIiIi. When lis left lb iiiouinl after lb (am II m with twill brad and Unsliif ferl. bill (lie lUtatoti trt'Wtl sl'xxl up In h lajid and rlirt-retl. iu their team, wi li hid jul wiin the world'a etiam plmialilp, but the tli'frilrd Malhewiou Hud lira. Itl ball plajerw bad lean ll their checks a Ibey ran to Mnllyto tlirt't tbelr arim acroaa hi ihtiul'ler. and M.i ; raw luirrlrd a'ro to meet laliu from Hie Itriicb, siylng: "It waan't j .ur fl Matty. Yon I'llche,! Him , ,rx-at.-.t m I aver saw."-.Sw York Worl.L FREE FROM BEETLES. Spitibargtn Is h Only LanJ In h World Without Th.m tine f tha iii" I ainailiig things In j naluril blMory la the way In whlt h beellea have trliiuipbetl In the iirilggla fr exlatent'e. says tba popular H Unr Mtiuihly. of all crwituiw they are by fir the moat nuuiuroua, no fewer than l.Vi.iaai dUllnt't apfclri hiving been Itlt-nllllrtl - llirw tlmii lb IUIUilr of backlttnirtt aulmala. ' lU-etle are f.iun.l practically everywhere-In the fro-t ln'Uiul traila of Itvland and In the h" dru-rt snmls of Africa, ott the bUtiral mouulalus, un der lb ground and ftU In the divpeat strata, ou land ami In water, on plant, among: atones ami In wood and earth and ecru In Hie very crater uf volcanoes. Hut there Is on place where no beetle ha yet Ix-eu found. It I the lubtwpl. (able land ef r-i'lnUTvcn. to lb uortb of ItiiMla. Hern are found the mam mal, birds, flub. iiitiUtuks, crustaceans, a few Insect of varied Slavic and many spider, but not a slniflo beetle. While other lnev! have succeeded In some way In uilk'ralli.K from tb mainland, tba Ut'tles bare apparently been uusbl to cross the wide, icy water. Whan Paraaal Bgn. Parasol when they first came Into Die must have been cumtiersome Henri t'.stlenne. writing In l.'iTS. apeaka of a pars sol a capable generally of sheltering four persons from the sun. And when they diminished In circum ference the material still remained of the heaviest. lied velvet parasol, with heavy gold fringe, were carried by ladle of fashion in the day of Iml XIV. At that time It wa pol ble when crossing a brldgo In Pari to hire a parasol at one end and deposit It at the other, the charge for the accommodation Ixdng a soil. I'mler the regency fashion went to the other ettreme Men' parasols folded Into (bo shne of a three cornered hat and could Hum be carried elegantly under the firm. Ladle' pnrnsols were hinged so that they could slip Into the pocket, for ladle had pockets then. Indoo Spectator. 8vn Btlli. Everybody who kuntrs anythlnit about nautical matters understand tho method of keeping time at ix-rt fllit liells every four hour. From 0 lo 8 In the evening Is the second dogwatch, but on Ilrltlsh ships seven bells (half past 7) of Hie second dogwatch are never struck. All other ships, even the American, slrlko these bells. During the Napoleonic wars there was a great mutiny In the Ilrltlsh navy. The crews of the Heels lying nt Splthend anil the Nore an reed to rise simultaneously against their olllcers. Tho signal agreed upon wns seven bells of the second dogwntclh The mutiny nctually iM'giin ut tho nrriingcd time, but fulled, the ringleaders being executed. Ever since then seven bells of tho second dogwatch has never been struck on Ilrltlsh ships, naval or mercuiitllo. Th Misguidtd Fritnd. De Chnpple If lere's any one nul snnco I bate more than another It's a fellow who Is ul ways going around In troducing people. There's Ooodbeart, for Instance. Hoiittown Whnt's he been doing? Do Chappie The Idiot! The other day be Introduced me to a man I owed money to, and I'd been owing It so long he'd forgotten all about me. Now I'll have to pay up or be sued. London Telegraph. 8er.n Sarcasm. "You have completely upset my trnlo of thought," exclaimed the Irascible, ma ii. "I shouldn't cull anything so easily upset n train." commented his Irrltnt big wife. "It's more like a canoe." Wnshlngton Star. A Natural Mistake. The Confused I,udy Shopper Keg par rlon, sir. but are you n floorwalker? The Muddled Man Shopper Where clan could I walk? Do I look like a fly7 Excbange. If you bring n smile to (ho trembling lips of another you will soon discover that a smile Is alighting ou your own lips. When Visiting Strange Place. Vacations and summer trips bring disorderad digestion on account of changing drinking water and food. It Is well to be prepared with a reliable cathartic. Salts and castor oil can not be taken by many because of re sulting nausea. Foley Cathartic Tab lets are wholesome and thoroughly cleansing, act surely but gently, with out griping, pain or nausea. They re lieve sick headache, biliousness, bloat ing, sour stomach, bad breath or other conditions caused by clogged bowels. Jones Drug Co. (Adv.) For Your Baby. The Signature of Is the only uarntee that you have ths Genuine prepared by him for over 30 yttu YOU'LL give YOUR baby the BEST Your Physician Knows Fletcher's Castorla. Soid only In one size bottle, never in bulk or otherwise; to protect the babies. The Centaur Company, Jennings Lodge Department LIKES SOLDIER LIFE ONLV ORAWOACK .BAYS RAY MARTIN, IS HEAT OTHER LODGE ITEMS. JKNMN'tiS I.OIXiK. Ore., Auk SI (Spcclull Mrs. Martin recehed Word from her aon liny who I now stu Honed oil th border of Mcilco Ihul ha Is much delighted with the place nly say It very wurin uud I llior otiKhly eiiJoyiiiK the fruit rake and nndy Rent from home. Kui Hush f till pluce I also In tho same emu. p iny with Mr. Martin. (ieorai1 Tucker who Is on the lor pedo Unit Kerry I soon to ko on a lotiK cruise to India. Ill lust letter! (rlnirliiK word of the Fourth of Jul) elebnulon proKrom and menu of that day's festivities. He Is the third son of Mr. uud Mrs. Frank Tinker of Ibis pluce. Mr. ItuwlliiKs. who bus been ul tin1 bedside of his mother for nome lime bus returned to bis home In Sheridan. Wyoming. tin Sunday Mr. und Mr. Will .In cobs, Mr. und Mrs. (ieorge Sinner. Arch Shaver nnd Mrs. M. A. Shaver motored on the Coltimlilu Highway Multnomah Fulls being the objective point where u picnic luncheon nus enjoyed. Mrs. I.U.lc Cage nnd three children were visitors (it tills place over the week end, enrotiti' to Sulloii, Wush. from Lebanon. Oregon. K. M. Homo, of Kenton, was u din tier guest lit the Inline of Hugh Hub erts on Saturday. Mr. Ilorne says us the Col urn I lu bridge Is nearlug bridge Is on Derby street where Mr. I Ionic's real ealnto office III located, completion. The approach to the Mrs. .ele KenMc mill small children have returned from their ranch home In eastern Oregon lo take up again their residence here so as lo enable their children to have belter school advantages. Will Keen" nnd Miss Elizabeth attending thu Lincoln high III Portland. Miss (iixirgia KeH.se will tench In one of the graded schools of Moro county. Miss Delia llrusli, who has recently returned from the Htntn normal at Monmouth will spend tlm remainder of summer with her slater, Mra. Kessn Miss lli'iiab will iigaln take up her teaching duties. The hcIiooI board was fortunate. In being ubbt to ucciiro Mis. M Inn lo II. Alttnaii and Mrs. Nora Suiishall for tho coming year. School will open on September II. Tim pretty bungalow of Mr. Ken been completed thu family caniii on Saturday to tako possession of tbelr new home. Miss Ellnabclh Waldron bus benn u recent vlHllor at the homo or her brother John nt Oak drove. Mr. and Mrs. Arlhur Smith und MIhb Used for Vi Century. Caution void Substitute UtALflOMlrfCO' WI,U.f. motectWmmm! Get the Round Packaga " Aak For and GET f t ACsjtc.wia.wif. .v. Wl Win llluxs vtlll uulo. lo The Hulli- this week lo uttciid the aeddluK of the tu bilter brother In Unit city tloliii; In a seven insciii;i'r car the bride and hrlilcKrooin Kill return lth the Smith f.imlly to enjoy their honey, moon ut this pi. ut'. Mr. Arthur Hinllh will wit ii best mull at Hut "l. Hun ceremony. Net. Yuiik bus been able lo luke u short auto rlile, enJo)luit a trip lu .Mis Ktllicr 1'uiuphf II new Hnpino title. A trip lo Hri'iion City I to be I I1'"1""''1 IM"l Ml"- '"UK I able '" I'1 l'er. Hamilton M. UIiik vat u visitor at ! tint house of hi nlMrr. Ml. II. J. J lloblusoli. Mr. UluK bus receutl l taken a motorcycle trip of l.uuo mile und u write up of hi pleusaiit trip ' and evperlence uppear In Ibu August i number of the Sunset uiuiiuxlne. Wlllliim I.. Klnlev. w lf and two cbll ldreti. spent Hie weekend at till nluce. I coinliiK out In their new cur. Mrs. John JunnliiKs, who was visit- ' ItiK in Vancouver, look a relapsu from her recent lllnen and Mr. L'llubriind. of this place, hnslened lo Hie Wush- lugton city to bo with Mr. Jeliuliiii. Mrs. Eugene Sunders, u former res blent, wn culling on friend ut the Lodge on Monday. Tho family enpect lo move lo Lu (iraiide, as Mr. Sunder, who travels for a large flour milling compuiiy, will establish his headipiur lers lliere. Stevy Struve, of Sherwood, spent Sunday wllh Mr. uud Mrs. Illinium. Mr.' Struve was trying to gel hop pickers for his yard ut Huttevllln, The fare by Imat lo hi place la only fiiic, with fruit, potatoes und fuel fur lilsheil free lo his pickers. Do Forrest I'ouieroy, wife uud buby will return to Ihclr home In Minneap olis on September 1st, after spend ing Hie summer on the bunks of tho Willamette. Mr. l'omoroy Is u son of Mrs. Do Forrest und u brother of Mrs. Mablo Pierce. The I'ickiird family, who uro pleas antly located nt one of the Ktnmons collage entertain u lurge parly of friends each week over thu week-end. Sunday twcnty-oiio parlook of picnic luiichi'on, uud music und dancing ou the lawn wim much enjoyed. ,. Mrs. CeorKO A. Ostrom and Virginia uro spending a month ut Nyo lleiich at Newport. Wednesday morning Inst Itov. II. W. Smith and wile started out on their outing, going by team, camping where fancy takes them, thu objective point being Iho seiiHhoru. Mrs. Junius lleiiiurd Is cnnvulcHcing ut tlio homo of her mother In Albany, .Miss Kuth TriiBcott Is visiting with friends ut (iresliiitn. IV, y!rioU. Cli si Flapper-I en n't Imnume how that seerel leaked out. Second Ditto Nor I I urn sure every one I told promised to say nothing about lt. Londnn Passing Show You must let your phlegm subduo our clioler if yon would not spoil your business THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK Made from clean, rich milk with the ex tract of (elect malted grain, malted in our own Malt Mouses under sanitary conditions. Infants and ehilJrtn thrio on it. Agrf with th wtakttt ttomach of tht invalid or tha ofd. Ndt no cooking nor addition of milk. Nourishes and suitaina mora than tea, coffee, ate Should be kept at horn or when traveling. Ano tritioua food-drink may be prepared in moment. A glassful hot befora retiring induce refreshing ajcep. AIo in lunch tablet form for biuineaa mm. C Substitute Coat YOU Sam Prlca Tako a Paokago Homo