Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 18, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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    ... ..... i, hi, ior i.uiliVV Vl'lll'ST IS.
. :::: : ONE MAY DIE AS
News From All Over the County
a carload of h.Mtn und calll
,U cn mi J ncighborm faim !'
-ek to poitlmid.
The Garfield hand ' dlM-oiitlnucI
practicing for i lw iih of Ancmd
am a nuiiiliT of 1 are '
mi their vacations
Mi Florence Mi'iirli. Mim Miller
ami Otto MilhT of rorll.iml are visit
lug Mr. and Mr. Mart art.
Fiod lal h.m returned from the
hinnt fli'liU lu F.aMern uresou.
Mr. M. Kuhmr end on hav hit
for Portland aftr eut'ndtiiK a H'w
dan tth Mr. end Mr. Ceo. Cook.
Mi Frances Tallmadgo. after hnl
ins Mr. It. T. Carter of lae U Ham,
haa returned to ivrttaiiil.
The Garfield country lnli held it
annual picnic and dance t tin club
grounds. A law crowd attended
Walter Given of Kt.tai-ad.1. Mr. Steph
ens of George, and Mr. Kdard Shear
er of Gartle'd ga ' Interest
Iiir speeches In the afternoon.
Keelit visitors at l-oK l- Karre
ere: Mr. and Mm. K. J. Udd and
K.ith Udd. I'ortland: Dr. and Mm
(' K Walker. Forest Grove; lr. and
Mm II V. Adix. Victor and Joan
Adix. F.staeada. C. X. Jatiscn. Port
land: E. A. Pun. I'ortland: Pr. Amel
ia ziepler. I'ortland; Zelma Sauvain.
I'ortland: Mm. K. II. Gunn. I'ortland:
MalH'l Moulton. I'ortland: It. F. John
mono. Portland; Mlfe M iry '
Portland: Mr. and Mr. F. M. Klrsch.
Tortland; J. O. Umb, Portland; Mr
and Mrs. A. H. Knaus. I'ortland: Mr
Bnd Mm. A. O. Whiuomb. Ga.-filed:
Mm. W. II. Nugent. Margaret and
Cordon Nugent, rtoston.
ar ...u-r.il Inlcrcllnit In.l.inruu
. . . . . ,i -.iliiiiihia wollhi '
ml.-iii.n Hi" nh li.il.her at
lhou and vVarteudalc A ''' ,fll
I.T place we Hatched Hie loadm
lo,) ai.es of wlmon on the Kalh'
Mt The iulitit of this ialilnl It
.. or i'.o(i d.i of Minion
... hi :in. t
, , . , ihu.e.' and U whli.i Hi'' (
,,,, . ,d hlh' two wo,ii..ti and
t. wU wi '" leMm '' A1""1 I
O.O n.e H' U Vlo.l. l,rM'",'
the .lin!i nd iutl.i. u,' of the
to l4llii o er. . Th llrldal Veil
l.iinitier Co. at I'rldal V. il l a lart''
pluiit wlih million of f i'i of tuml-ci
on hand Kluniea carry the roiich ,
luinher from the mill on the inoun
Inlli. and a'l modern contram en are
lined III hamllHiS Itie lunil'er.
Ml l.M. A 'T uU '
John IMinell who h... h'-eil wolkinr
III Ka.l.m HieKoil lor Ihe -a.t ek
erl nioiiih. n tinned hoit.a Ktnr
.lav Alter a Ml. I "it with ln
lather. N II I 'ai lu ll, h" 1 "" "'
work lor Mr Uraul Ahl'
Tom r1h made a t.uliie
Oregon l'H htt Hatiirdai
The mai'ii:.' m-l regular ..-ion
hint Saturday
Mr., falhetine tlou.h.r tf'""1
Bt the lu.me of Mm. V Mattan and
Mi. Hota Miner i.im ..i'...
Cram A-hl' and daughter
K Vt.I.K
I'UKKK. lre . Auk I. -
iSlK-. Uli-J. I. Strahl. a. uoini'auie.i
hv hi on. I.elu. nd I'-'t" Menan" j
left UM week for Ea.tern Oregon, ko j
iim overland. j
Mis Helen rieter lame home la-l I
week (nun Molar.
Walter Poik1.i lell la.t Friday for j
eantern lreson. koIiir im the fohmi j
Mit hUhway with Ceorse PoiikUi.i
and wife. j
Mr. and Mm. It . (ilhon er. the
re on the .lek lil Pr le.iu.a'l.
fanl.v. a. call.il u attend them
Mr Millie Thoirni. ot I'nion Hall
:it a Milium iHor lat Kudo
J,..le PalileU. who 1. emt'loved in
a ,hnu!e mill near foltoti vl-Hed hi.
Varent. Mr and Mr. O U HanieU.
t.ti.. Siuitlav.
n..n Walla. e. Kied Wallace a.i.l I 11
Charley AU'NKht formed a huntin
I'.irt) to ito to the mount. iiii
Alhert WrtMHiii' ""
I. Palile' Saliiriav min
.lll.l i tut
Mm. Jo
Mr and Mm. 'ra l'al
dren an Mm Jot Mallet Jr. were vl
ilini their iMieiit. Mr and Mm Ja.
).i l. over Sunday
.o.. tl..Mi took a I'.irty to W llho.t
i.KiMti.K. ti, A'. i: If!''-1''!
M,.John.on and I..M.II), ol Hand
aeie H-llum Ihe loii.i. I "'' M'
II llalll, of llnilll'' Siilidav
Marie klmkei. ol ;..! U
I...IUHK lh roiiKi .i 'l'""" o
iliaulu.a a. a L' ' "-'
;.l Ihe home of It. r .la'idhl. i Mm
I luile llor.er. ill r.'H'aiid
guile a liuiiil.er "' I""
.le alt.ltded Ihe ' '' I'1'"'' ' ""'
i;,.Hi.ld County clul la-l Halnrday
Mi.. Ituth Twl!:i -r w... n.inut.
iih Mil The.1 Haider Saturday
mtlil and Sunday
Mr and Mr l.m Ka.el. of all
lornla r .ltlnn with i.lallie and
friend al Heonce for a ! e k.
Mu i!ad Joiner U.illi.
Ml.. Ka Pail of 1-iHi.ld Saluidn
iiiKht and Sunday
Mr and Mr. John I'1" Mr 1
Mi Herman lu. ol tUifu 'd. motor
...i .... .. i:. .n. io .ii. nd chui h I il
I Sunday
I Mr la-o Italh and Mr. X S. heal
Lere vllllu Mm I' '" la1 rJ""'
The fwoldn of ....! are KU'I M
I hear th.H William Held . M .ler. Mm
! WLner. of Hathn. v. did nl have to
und.TKo another oferalioii
times oiroRC rouit IN
Hotii Apiritly Civft Away front
Undtr Machln Whin It Turn
Out From Ctntar of Road
For Patamg Car
t t I 4 t 4 4
Vlctm't of Automobilt SlHl
Nar Now Era.
t 4
dinner Kuent of J. P. Woodle and wile, jjnnc,. In hi. auto la.t Sunday
i A
i I i i
KEl-SO. Au. IT. (Siwiali You
who have not taken the trip up the Co
lumbia river hltfiwuy to Honnevllle
huve something yet to aee. It U In
deed a road of wonders and the work
of man in bulldinn this grand bit!h
wav is only surpassed hy the lavish
hand of mother nature, who has here
so generously bestowed her suberb
handiwork. This paved road is1 in
deed a delight to tourists, winding on
an easy grade along river and through
forest, guarded by precipitous ctltfs
where Mother Xature at interval! ex
presses her various nioodB of laughter
and music In leaping waterfalls and
pearlv spray. At Crown Point Is per
haps the grandest, certainly the most
extensive view. This parorama in
cludes a view of 20 miles up and
down the Columbia river which with
the mountains and the white-capped
ilouds just rolling above the horizon,
make a picture that will long remain
to delight the mind. After passing
Crown Point the road winds on down
In the shape of a figure eight through
a park-like forest. Soon Lalo'-relle
fa'ls. 225 feet high, is reached and at
intervals of a few miles. Shepherds
Pell, flridiil Veil falls. Wah-Kic-Na
falls and Multnomah falls, the highest
of all. At the Laiu-r are picms
grounds with camp stoves, where cof
fee may be boiled. Then on again
past the Oneonta florge and through
the Oneonta tunnel, about 200 feet
through solid rock. Then Horsetail
falls which is far more picturesque
than the name would Imply, and nu
merous small falls like filmy veilB
hanging from the top of the cliffs.
White nainted 8x8 posts five feet high
with 2 2x8 railings guard the road for
miles. Also concrete fences anu
bridces and again railing!) of stones
.hnnt two feet hiiih set four feet Mart
Siirns at all curves warnim; against day.
speeding help make the road safe.
The pavement extends to Itonneville
and will be finished to the Moultno
mah county line. Mr. Benson, how
ever has donated another mile of pave
ment in Hood River county. There
Mr and Mr li. Mochuke were re
cently the guest of their daughter.;
Mm. Hoy lougl.
Claude Woodle and wife called on
Mr. Howlett Saturday evening.
Mrs. Judd. Mm. Krcd HoffmeiMer
and daughter Myrtle. J. P. Woodle an.t
wife and Mm. Hester Uillien. cai.ee
on Mrs Howlett one day last week.
f .t. .
CI.AKKKS. Aug. IT (Special .1
Mrs. Gladys Smith was visiting her
sister. Mrs. H. C Kleinsmith for a
hort tine, but went home dgam iasi
Mr. Kdd t;ra baled hay for Mm.
l.lMie Kingo last week.
Mr. Sam Elmer purchased a Kurd
last week.
Ke Cmlis of .Moiaua. neiu
at the church Sunday evennu.
Mm. lloMem and children were vis
itor at the Long home 'al Sundav
A nuiuher of Muhno Hoy Sout
took a hike, starting out late Saturday
evening and going into camp mar Cie
ford in Milk Creek at the Jack Knott
place and going on to I nlon Hall and
romtng hack hy way of Eldorado hon e
Sunday evening.
Mr and Mm. I Adkm and chil
dren were Multno visitor Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Holiday arc
making their home temporarily with
Mrs. Holiday s parent. Mr. and Mr
August ficksou. They expect to g
to Keast. ru Oregon In the near future.
Mm. Krank Kvan expects to go to
Shanlko In the uear future to Join her
husband who Is employed there In the
harvest fields.
Mr Houghton had a painful a.cl-
lie l
' M Vt KSIltlKi. Ore. Vug I --(Spe
' i tali-S.i fur from uni'tc.iMiit heal
ia been th pn 'it .iliilliier. It I
hard to think that autumn I near
The thre.her I abroad in the land.
ll. fore the lhr lnug I over Hi
hop picking begin. Many and varied
are the plan for linctllig pro
reed of ItiU lndu.tr Already ome
of the children haw creditable bank
account created b ihe p navlug
Many are fitted with clothe and
book for school from the .amo fund,
while other are looking forward to
Christina time.
Mr. Krank rl.li- Kra lured thigh.
ill. located knee i up, both bone.
of loft leg dl .located b. low
knee, aplual liijnrv and brul.c
about the face. '
Krank Kl.h Severe Internal In
Julie. Ill" exact nature of
whl. h hae not been learned.
MS Amy Kl.h I Willi luie of
left leg broken, deep cut oil
. alf of left leg. Rhnuldcr blade I
fr a tiled
Mi Kdlth Johnson Had!) brul
ed and Kiifforlng from shock.
lent befall him last Saturday.
i it,., tt.,1 to the ear to be loaded
Miss Marie Henton is visiting heri whl,t, lrvlnR ,0 t,lrll a i0g out of
mother. Mm. George Rogers, and fain-; )i( -M n(, lt, ,0). ri)11Ml
lly for a short time. hs ,(1," l)m0,,s him to the ground
Mr. Jason Clarke cut some wheat, Jf (t haJ no, been for tj,e proim,t ae
for Mr. Christ Zwahlen last Saturday. ; )f youM ()n ,n r,.,,.U!,ttln hiin
Miss Hazel Ringo vlsite.1 her cons-; m injury might have been the
In Miss ada Klngo last Minuay. : . , w n8 souped vvlth
There was a party given at the i s,....r;,i ,ru,H.
home of Mr. George Rogers Saturday, S;lm i0Htt. u u sufferer with the
evening, August 12th. Among those j rheMmatlsri at the present time,
present were as follows: Misses Pora Rutl idolph was a Portlani vis
Marnuardt. Mary liottenuiler. uuu) .,, i.ls. Saturday.
Card. Pernice Card. Agnes Xelson. jtrg Rose Wallace was the guest of
Marie Henton. May Rogers. Alice Kog.j Mr3 M;iry crook last Friday,
ers. Mr. Pen Staats, Edwin llottemil-j Mrs Walter Waldorf visited her sis
ler. Rufert Marquurdt. Alva Card. Ar-1 (er M'r4 0srar Duniels last Sunday,
thur Henton, Walter Kleinsmith. Wal- om j,sn was a Colton visitor las',
ter I.eo. Raymond Ginther. Charles j.y
Nelson. Claudus Pottemiller. Charles; Archle Pavis has gone to the inoun-
Gasser, George Gasser. lleuiy Cross-, talns f()r ft hunting trip
t . n4IOMMtlrrt
Kour were lu)iired. at least two .T
iou.ly. nhoul 9 o'cl.M'k Thursday night
when an automobile, owned and driv
en by Krank Kl.h. aged ubotit year,
a retired farmer of Hubbard, rolled
off Ihe bank of the Pacific highway
i jnitt oiith of New Era In the cat
I with Mr. Klsh were hla wife, who
The Minnutille irngregatioii eia nwiy not recover; hi daughter. Amy
ed In a body to the uni temple on the . u)(,., ir, y.ur. nml Mb Kdlth John'4
inorulug of Sundav. Vigut l h. Mil .on. 20, of Needy,
lowing the regular rooming service., Tin- Klsh mu. hlne turned out of
baptism wa administered to a class (ni, ,.,.i,.r 0f h.. road a It wa i lluih
of I!) young people The day wa per . Utg ,,, j. , lo ,,t nnother
feet. The rite wa. performed la the(.ir 1IBH, ,n,.n n,,, ( n, road
open air by Rev. K Trover, and ,, to give away from under
.ngr. gution m ai- n,,.,,, ti. rr rolle.l off of the road.
turned over three tltliea before dunil
llig the four occupant and then rolled
on down to Ihe Sotilhern Pacific grade
whero It atonped iilinost uii'n'i'ii'
aei'iirdlnc lo those who vled
machlun after the a -cldent.
It I probable that the machine af
ter dumping out the ivcupant rolled
over on them. Mrs, fish I tho most
sevprelv lnlure.1, suffering from
bruise, a fructured thigh, a ditdocat
ed knee cap. dlslocuted bones In her
left leg below the knee, spinal Injury
nn.l neverul cut. Her husband Is
suffering from severo Internal Injur
le. the exact naluro of which have
not yet been determined.
They were taken to the Schoor ho
pital at Hubbard nud Pr. Edward
Schoor is attending them.
miller. Hmer Rogers and Mr. and p,,n,leton. of I olton. is a
Mrs. Rogers. Refreshments were j gm,st al ,he r;ru-kson home,
served and the evening was spent by ; v fit miiy has moved Into the Tay
playing at games. EveryboiLy had a jor rt.si(,.iue. We have not learned
good time. j their name.
Mrs. Shoemaker from Portland is. Mr allj Mrs. Albert Erlckson. who
visiting Mr. Sam E'mer and family for ; ,).l've 1)P,.n visiting relatives and
a short time. . friends in Portland for several days.
Mrs. Hannah Krazy and children j reirnt., home last week,
and Miss Ella Schicwe were down at' r)..v Curtis, of Molalla. was the
Schubol with the Clarkes gospel team K)es, (f Mr an, Mrs. E. J. Maple last
and on their way Home tne noise . Sunilnv night
attended by a larg
tentlve witnesses.
The Mothers' il ub is to hold Its
ITth session of the year at the home
of Mrs. John Heln on Thursday.
Mr. Robert, who has bceu working
most of the summer at hi new ranch
In the mountains, has came home.
Miss Agnes Gibson Is visiting In
Portland at Ihe home of her sister.
Miss Edna Hamilton, who has heel
away from home for some time. na
returned for tha remainder of tne
Miss Hertha Boeche l slaying for
Ihe present In'Cinby.
Henry Hopslger'a new barn I iuu.
finished and In common with the like
structures in the neighborhood. Is
marked Improvement to hi ram n
; 11 10 REST DAY
Ai.roiuiL i rtn nar
lindar 5u(KktoonaUivbJ
Promolc Pif lkwfirrffJ
r'M ami Ik-vf onlilfit B
Htmim Mofiihinr rarMkicril
Anerfrcl IVnwiK forfitHnf
lu-M ami LOSS ior 3Lu.r.
rvSu.lf Sinalr f
For Infuiitni Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Boars tho
j ur
1. j .!"
Kis.1 Copy ol Wrapper.
For Over
Thirty Years
Jennings Lodge Department
came frightened and tipped over the
buggy and Klla Schiewe had her neck
hurt and Mrs. Frazy was hurt sightly.
Miss Hcrnlce Card and Miss Acnes
Nelson spent Sunday with Miss Edith
Rev. Hawkins and daughters Ruth
and Dorothy, and Miss Elizabeth Mar
shall went on a trip to hot springs
last week.
Miss Engla Ilergman from I'ortland, .
was out and visited her parents. Mr
C. H. Bergman and family last Sun
Uniting Learning and Labor
In its Sir Schools and Forty-eight De
partments is engaged in the great work
of uniting learning and J,ali:r.
Forty-eighth School Year Opens
SEPTEMBER 18, 1916.
Degree Courses n-iuiring a four year
high school iirep.ir.it ion, are offered in
the following:
AORICl'IiCRK. 16 Departments;
COMMKRCK, 4 Departments; K.S'OIN'
F.KRINO li Dcparlinrnts; MINKS, 3
lie'partnients ; FOItlvWRY. 2 Depart
merits- HOMH hCOSOMKS. 4 Depart
meiiLs;.and PHARMACY.
Vocational Courses requiring an
Eighth Grade prep ir.it on for entrance
? -r.,l in Ai'Hi ullure. Dairyine,
Commerce, Forestry, Home Mak.-rs, and
Mechanic Arts. Pharmacy witn a two
year high school entrance requirement.
SCHOOL OF Mi: .iIC Piano, String,
Band and Voice Culture.
C'Htahjpue and beautiful illustrated
booklet Iree.
Addres ThK RkcisTRar,
Mr. Alhert ISuol Jr. trom ureison
City is stayiiiK with his brothers, Mr. .. j
Edd and John Buol, for a snort tunc.
Rev. .1. 0. Staats and daughter Es
ther, were in Oregon t ity iasi nun-.
Mr. Jake Elmer and daughter Pearl.
and Miss Ruth Leeny. from Portland, j
are visiting their friends and rela
tives for a short time.
Tho rlarVes Eosnel team held a ,
meeting at Schubel last Sunday.
Miss Ruby Gard who Is taking tho
teachers' training In Oregon City, was
home over Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. Sam Elmer Is hauling in hla
Rev. Hawkins and family from Ore
gon City, are camping out here during
his vacation.
Mr. Rufert Maniuardt went to town
on bin bicycle last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Casser, from
Portland were visiting his parents,
Mr. Albert Gaaser and family last
Miss Ethel Smith as a Mulino vis
Itor last Sunday. Her home Is at i-.i
Mrs. Vic Hattan tum funs to Mono
for a visit of a few days and on her
wav she will stop-off In Oregon City to
transact some business.
Clarence Mallet has moved his fain-lu-
,v,.r tn a eamn to cut wood. The
r.'.cni.ilv came from Tillamook.
Dr. Didinan, of Canby. was called
to see Mr-. Oscar Daniels las Tuesday
morning. She was suffering from
cold and a relapse.
. $ -v
Liver Trouble.
rial i P. O. Chlndgren. Milton f'hind
eren and Mr. Anderson left for Hot
Sorbins Friday, where they expec t to
uii.v rnilte a while
Kmilie and Pauline Hofstetter vis
ited Myrtle and Hazel I.arklns Tues
day afternoon.
The Luther League was entertained
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. O.
Chlndgren Wednesday evening, Aug.
9. A very enjoyable time wan spent.
Glenn Larkins visited Mends in
Oregon City Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. P. O. Chlndgren and her sis-
ir..n.,l, n lohnson. siient tne
visiting girl
"I am botaered with liver trouble
about twice a year," writes Joe Ding
man, Webster City, Iowa. "I have
pains in my side and back and an aw
ful soreness In my stomach. I heard
of Chamberlain's Tablets and tried
them. By the time I had used half a
bottle of them I was feeling fine and
had no signs of pain." Obtainable ev
erywhere. Aav-
The Drink
That Fits
Adrink that shoufdbe on every table
n, ..1. At all Lnilng Grcerl tad Ctafecttoaarita -
week end In Portland
hood friends.
A son was born to the wife of I
Hellbacka Friday.
iiilln Dimmest and .Inanita Hrun
land, of Colton, visited at P. O. Chind-
gren's a few days last ween.
.1 M. Larkins, of Oregon City, O. F,
.lohnson and family and Robert Oreni
of Union Mills, were Sunday visitors
at A. L. Larkins'.
Alice Holman who has been stay
ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Holman, left for Newport Sun
day, where she expects to join MrB.
Ralph Holman and sons from Monroe,
When Visiting Strange Places.
The fun-ri'l services of the late Mrs.
Mary Ivy Ford, wife of Itev. T. II-1
Ford, who died suddenly at the family
home In Salem Tuesday morning, will
he conducted todny. There to be two
funeral services, ono at the Webb &
dough, chapel in Salem this morning,
with Rev. Ri. hard N. Avlson and Rev.
.1. Mont.alm llrown, officiating. Tho
body will be shipped io Portland, and
the second service will he l"dd lit the
J P. Finley undertaking parlors, urth
and Montgomery streets IhlB after
noon al 2 o'clock, with Interment in
Portland. Friends are Invited to at
tend the services.
.o i-r,i . t.-.ken ill Monday
evening at her homo in Salem, and
her death occurred Tuesday morning
at 3 o'clock, and was duo to heart fail
ure. At the time of her Illness, Rev.
Ford was al Modford, where ho had
been for the last ten uays ..-"",;
the convention of the State Ldltor al
association of which he Is chaplain.
He returned to his home Tuesday
evening, having been advised of his
wife's illness and death, but Hho
passed away before he reached his
'"Tl'rs Ford was well ucciialnted In
. Ml rtn fmltl
Oregon City nml many ...
here to Salem or Portland to attend
the funeral. She lived here our years
while her husband was pastor or tt o
local Methodist church. She moved to
the capltol city last October when her
husband was appointed district super
intendent. ,
She was bom In Ozark, Ark., and
married Dr. Ford In 1874. The fan,.
., ,.,..,. w I,. 1X90. settling first in
Washington. In 189S they
Oregon. Mrs. Ford Is survived by l er
husband, two daughter, mi "'"-
Evelyn and Ivy, of Salem; iwo nu ...
nun-ess F. Ford, formerly i-
and superintendent of tha Estacana
schools last year and Olln F. lord.Df
A Woman's Helpful Advice.
SALEM, Ore., Aug. Hi. Denouncing
the Portland & Oregon City Railway
company tin a law breaker, the State
Public Service coiiiiiiIhsIoii Wednes
day has made rules and regulations
for safeguarding Its Krudu crossings.
The company constructed Its line
before asking tho commission's per
mission lo make numerous crossings
of streets, hlghwuys und other liner
of railway at grade.
"Nowhere. In the act is authority
grunted to the commission to ratify
oud make legal acts committed In di
rect violation of the statutes of the
state," sayB the commission In its or
der. "In view of tho fuct that applicant
bus, in direct violation of Hi" act re
ferred to, constructed many crossings
over und across highways ut grade, no
relief can bo had from the commlssio.i
us to said crossings. In addition to
tho applicant being charged with no
tice of tho laws of tho state, tho com
niIhhIoii reneatedly during tho con
strtictlon of the line, called appllcnnl's
attention to the necessity of lirat ou
talnlng from this commission permls-
Mon of cross highways ul gruiio, mu
,.,.,.11, hns not seen fit to no so.
It Is ordered that tho road Install
at crossings outside of the corporate
limits of Portland anil miiwaimio,
standard highway warning signs, cat
tle guards und wing posts, und whistl
ing posts ut a suitable distance.
JK.NMNt.S HiDGi:. Ore. A'li: I. -
(Speclull- Mrs. A. C. MeFurl.inei.
Sunday hmd enjoyed a pb nlc at thi
Oak Grove bin. h last Friday, the trli
belim by bout The little folk had j
a merry lime and a plunge In the Wil l
luniette lili a picnic dinner und -r
Hie oak were amnni! the eiij.i) ineiilM
Kdlth taliUell. MarKiirel Heelcy..
Allen M. Farlune, Grace Trout, Oswald'
Yung. Robert Ruell. F.llubeth lirue
chert. Martin YuiiK. Dorothy Fin and
Anna llaunik-ntiner. Domihl McFarlane
were present.
A. F. KukhcII Is iikiiIii able lo return i
to his work III the mill after a week's
Two cows have recently h I pol-1
oni-d from a weed, one behiliiiiiig lo
Mrs. Tlllle Moore und the other to
Alex GUI, chairman of the achool
George Morse and Mary llrue hert
accompanied Mr. und Mrs. II. M. ILiv
les of Cedarcrolt on un auto trip lol
lllllsboro. The day being spent in j
Mountain Dale, the home ot Mr. und j
Mrs. I Sehwanders.
Win. Jacobs und family returned
from their outing on Tuesday tilhl
Going by auto they stopped where Ian
cy took them, taking a cumplng oiilllt
with them. Leaving the Lodge on
Saturday, August full. Then went lo
Tillamook und Nehalem beaches,
spending several days at Murlxmi'to
Tho P. It., L. & I'- Co. hand was
heard by many when Tuesday even
lug at Cellar Inland. The Kitty Mo
run brought many out from Portland
for tho evening.
The Ni;w family, of I'ortlaiid, has
eased the Shook cotlugu for the re.
muliidor of the year.
('bus. Truseolt, eldest son of Mm.
dull Truseolt, departed u fortnlglit
ago for Detroit, Mich., where ho bus a
position with u largo uiilomoblle con-
Mr. McCliiru, who contributes arti
cles on seioiitlflc subjects for varloiih
impels, was a business caller In Port
land on Wednesday.
The J. A. Honshu family Is selling
Its furniture and will take up perma
nent residence In I'ortlaiid. Mrs,
Soesbo will soon bo utile to leave the
Good Sauiuriilln hospital where she
has been III for severul weeks.
Mrs. Hugo Saiidslrom was a busi
ness culler In Portlund on Friday last.
Mrs. Kinney, of Los Angeles, Is
spending tho summer with her daugh
ter. Mrs. Morurlly.
A new piano bus been purchased by
Rov, Yung and Mrs. Yung, who bus
studied abroad Is ublo to give music
lesslon. She has now a number of
piil'IU tmMiiK under In-i illrectl.ni
,r. h Slwucr and ihiiinlHer. Mi
II..I.H and Hubert. peul Sunday with
Mrs M A Shaver while the iiiembe!
of the Juenlm fail. Hv are cliJoVHK
Ihelr outline on Hie M K. n'le river
Glenn Newell nilloed mil frm
Portland mid spent the day with I'
l Newell
Clnreiue Giant will mine lo Ik"
M. ldrnni pl whi le lie wilt work for
C M .1 ilr ii in
Rev Mr Clark, of t hliiigo. will
vli.lt with the O.tr.im and llopnui
family this wink. On Frlda. AuguM
II. Mr and Mm Campbell and Rev
Clark are to be luncheon r.nciits af
Ihe Ontruni family All are loruier
Omaha friends
Mm Arthur Smith und ilnter. MIm
Vera Clans urn enji.)lim lh-lr taen
Hon with rclalfeeii ul (mby lor a
Itev. Y'lUK Is able to be mil lu Ills
wheel air and In Kiilnlnx . Mime,
which his ninny friends are pleaaed t
learn. Rev. Yung Is a nilnll'r and
missionary of Hie I iilhcrmi church,
bill was compelled to give up his work
on account of lllneni.
Vacations and summer trips bring
disordered digestion on account of
changing drinking water and food. It
Is well to be prepared with a reliable
cathartic. Salts and castor oil can
not be taken by many because of re-
sultinK nausea. Foley Cathartic Tab
lets are wholesome and thoroughly
cleansing, act surely but gently, with
out griping, pain or nausea. They re
lieve sick headache, biliousness, bloat
ing, sour stomach, bad breath or other
conditions caused by clogged bowels
Jones Drug Co. (Adv.)
Mrs. G. II. Eveland, Duncan Mill",
111., writes: "I was stricken with lum
bago, unable to turn myself in bed.
A neighbor brought me Foley K dney
Pills. Said she had been similarly af
flicted and they cured her. I tried
.i. o,i .nmnletely cured by
three bottles." Mrs. Eveland heartily
rornmnmemU Foley Kidney PHI
kidney trouble. When the kidneys are
functioning property, impurities left
In the blood cause rheumatism, lame
back, aches and pains. Jones prug
Co. Adr)
The hnsbunds of threo former
nibmuu ronntv KiriS, liienuiu
Geary, Donald Stevenson und a. mo
Cornack, have been generously remem
bered in tho will of the luto E. P.
vr,.r',.rr,ark. of Salem, who died sud
denly at the Capital city recently. The
estate hns been appraised at $800,000
and the three men are nephews of tho
,.nnfl Mr. Geary, now a mining
engineer of Idaho, married Miss Hess
Gallogly. of Gladstone, mr. moven
o,o wedded to Miss Angellne Wil
Hams, formerly of Oregon City, and Is
a well known civil engineer oi .
lcm. Mr. McCornack married Miss
n,ni,. A.lams. formerly or tuis c.tj
. -uter of Dr. Waldo Adams. Mr
MePornack is a well known Eugene
druggist. The three nephewa will re
ceive valuable portions of the estate
It is reported.
.IKN.NINGS LODGK. Ore. Aug. 17.
tSpecliill - At the special school
i meeting held Friday evening It was
! voted not to purchase any more prop.
icily for school purpose. Although a
i dehlriihlc half ucre call be piircbnsed
for lir.n, the majority present s n
to look upon the purchasing of more
land unfavorably. Not many of the
tax puyeiH were present.
Mrs. A. C. McFnlbine und daughter
Alice accompanied the lluyiies family
of Portland on an automobile trip up
the Columbia highway on Saturday.
Mrs. Klla Spooncr und grunddiiugh.
ter Miss Vivian luive returned to Van
couver, Wash.
Mrs. II. C. Pnlntoii und little Mar
tha of Orchards, Wash., have returned
home lifter spending u few days with
Mrs. Hess llruechert.
Ileuiillfiil blooms from the dahlia
bullis given the members of the Sun
day school ut Kusler I lino urn llndlng
their way lo Hie homes of those who
lire ill us well as lo the church fbr
Sunday decoration. Among some of
the prcttlchl und largest blooms com
ing from Mr. W Illnius, Gruco Flint
und Kililh Culdwelbi buiihes. A dale
alia show will be held In .September.
The Coininunlly club, Piironl-Teucher
combining Ihelr efforts to i.iako this
Unit display of duhnlliis u success.
Aslorln $I92 bridge
across Slpution cheek.
to bo built
0W I m m m ru mr
Cat the Round Package
Uted for Vj Century.
Caution 7",
S&Uold SubitltutfjCg
Ask For and GET
Made from clean, rich milk with the ex
tract of select malted grain, malted in our
own Malt Mouses under sanitary conditions.
Infantl and ehildrtn thriv on "it. Agrttt with
tht wtahttt ttomach ot lA invalid tha af d.
Nd no cooking nor addition of milk.
NouruHe and sustains more than tea, coffee, etc.
Should be kept at home or when traveling. A nu
tritious food-drink may be prepared in a moment.
A glauful hot before retiring inducee refreshing
sleep. Also in lunch tablet form for business men.
C Substitutes Cost YOU Sam fries
Tako a Package Home