BRITISH THVINO TO i i MAP 0' ATTt MPTIO I iV. . t.L. .. i ' wmi&ji ;vr ! ..t -J r- ."tv ),:. , u A r. - I'u.hlng wcalvrd from IWcre. to.ard Thl.pval the llrill.b threat to break deep mIIkiiI In the .r- man line to.iud Ov r. by tr.)Kht II,, lln .ml or. molng th. dl.trl. t .hn.n by the .h..l,-l purlloi , of lh oMP.nylnK m.p An lll f..r. Orm.n rllrrmri,l or cot off th tro..n In thl. - tor. Tlio ,irr-.-..t front ,lnM mun, I'otlwi, all of libli I no Mil by tha irtllh. The (;.-nn... ra uwimI v I...M atron. ,.lllon. t .na aimlmlll on tba r.,l and at ..III l9. nortl.aaat of I'o.lan-.. Tha arrow In tha map Kilnl In the of !ima, tha Important road and railroad ffut.T hl.h tha HrllUh lnh to na h. Muny of the raporla fr.nrl tha we.tarn war front lay atroa on tha abundant aupply of ammunition of all r;.libra for the gum of the Fran.'h mid lha llrltl'h. Tha pholtraih alio a a ork.r on a bl ahcll In a rraiirb ammunition fartory. FIRST BEAUTY DOCTOR. Exploit of Caglleitro, Wh Trlakad tha Nabllily of Europe. Thr firnt "b-atity diu'lor" to Kaln Ida rt'lrbrlly on lUUamo. am of a (KMir al.'kr'rr In I'alfriiiu. but ttat anowu by bla aauuial till of fount Alroaamlru .11 ('aiillmtru. II waa Uiru In I an.l wan nlin alrd In a uioiiaalary. A a yomiK mau br want to It.ime. whara ba tnrt an.l mar Had Ix-aiillful Krl. oar an t-ii'lianita Tha pair than ovar Kur nml.-r lha name of ('.unit and Colin taaa ('aKlliwIro. kiiik alKiut In a luatf iiin.aiit ron.h ami four an.l awiirlng in'. In Ilia IiIkIii'"! ''lrly of tha roniilrlcn thev vUllc.l. 'liny tiia.li1 a fortiinr by aclllmc a "olna of Ktiypt." dlniMio.-.! of In ilropa a bring mora prtM linn tlimi n.- lnr, tha ua of whlrh wan all.'jti'.l l ranlora vlcnr ami .ninth an.l iM'auly to womoiit ami wrtnklitl loan ami wwiii'M. Tha C.iiyitana Srnililna aililura.1 har M'l a a living avl.trnre of the atll.-ary of; Ilia ellilr, avariltig that alia waa paji alxty and hu.l a m who waa a valtTan aolillar. The omnt rlalmril to ba an ootogNinrlnii lnr yanra thay rarrla.1 on a hlk'lilv proftUlile trade In Egyptian' ilropa. b.-auly wntont. wrln kla arnillratiir ami love plilllap. but at length, aftar long anjo.vlng tha favor of king, prlm-ea ami nohlei, t'agllim tro waa thrown Into prlaon ami hi wife ronflnad In a convant, where both dllHl. ARABIA'S DIVERTED RIVER. A Weak That May Hav Boon Dlrootod by Alaandr th Qrat. Arabia lie at the head of the Far Ian irnlf, lie western txnindary lialng the Klmt el Amli, the graat rlvar form ed by the romblnrd walera of the Tlgrla and Kuphmtea, the tight Imnk of which ie In Turk lull Arabln. I'".irty nillea nhovo whara It flow Into tha IYikIihi nulf tha Hhnt el Amh la Rubber Our Rubber Stamp Department is prepared to turn out your or ders for special stamps on short notice. Orders received by 5 P. M. delivered the following morning. Butter Wrapper Stamps 16 OZ. DAIRY G. H. JONES Rubber Stamp like above, Stamp Pad and Bottle. Ink, $1.25. Oregon City Enterprise Office Outfitter! Phone Pacific 2 Home B-10 THAIOMTIN tlNfJ ALUM MAVI I': ill Tit i I f '-t A iRITISM ADVANCE-FRENCH AMMUNITION WORKER. JiiIiii-iI by lha luirrn. i i 0 i' i n : Mulianiiiiain') tnii.'a ni '' f tha two rlUT. ilia f t - ii l g rr.'ii traam. I lie I ilb-r I'i! . an I t l In amiant Hint" II a K ii' ii H.nn-1 Into Ilia gulf and pirt uf !ir nw r till nun alniig tha nld rliunurl. but lha main otraiiin hao Ihhii ilHarl.d llirw nillao alxit M.iliiiiiinu'nili Into an nrtl O.'lnl rhaiinal known gaographk ally a tha lliiffar runal. It la lmp.kllle at an In make a gtiea at Dh lnle of thU "u.lfi fill work, not avau a tradition remaining of tha ruler wh.iae fumlghtiilimi rvalled tha anonuoua value and iHMtlbllllle of the waterway. Aleinmlrr lha (Irani hn br. n aug hut apparently for no other rentiiu I tin ii thin ha la a t'nuveiili'Ut and likely ieniin to rredlt with any auibltloua enterprise and that one of hN many Aleinndiina waa built on the Kite of the present Mohauimerab. IVIde World Miignxliia. Fore of a Flying Bird. Tha mnrvrlnii fniie with which a bird (Ilea waa atrlklngly llluatralad re rantly wh.n a partridge erahed through a big window of a country a tale. Tha window waa glated with plate glaaa a .piaiter f an Inch thick The bird, weighed twenty ounce, waa found dead In the living room eleven feet from the window. The Impact of lla IkhIv broke a hole In the heavy glaaa about three feet In di ameter. The window la more than five feet (uare and cloae to the ground. It overlook a large lawn, which at certain time In tin tiny la very vividly reflected In the glaaa. It Is thought that tholrd wa deceived by till re flection 'into thinking It waa flying through an opening. Nea.-ly all of the broken glaaa wa thrown Into the room. Detroit Kreo Prea. A Modorn MothmoUh, In the axla, or upper hnrlnl ground of Cerninntowu. llicro lg IninttsrotiP Stamps FULL WEIGHT BUTTER OREGON CITY, R. F. D. 2 NOW INOOOM AMMUNITION. whli h give lha ace of lilm who lla tiriiralh It. one Jnlm Adam. a 03 year. Th I lallave. uw thnt hi age waa rightly 111. nine, and th riplanatlon given la thnt th etniierulter rut lit nine Ant and then found be had no room for hi lx. Bo he filled In the nine with cement and rut behind hi flrt marking. Tltne baring worn out th reiueut, reveal apparently th tomb of an ancient, (It to la rlaaaad with tboee mentioned to Uneal(.-rtitladelpbla Idgtr. Rovongo. Martha, aged five, preeorlou and ob errant, had been wverely apanked by her mother. Hhe eat on the floor, ber eyee filled with angry tear. Suddenly he rae ifi'h a determined look upon her nttle fare and aelred her bat "Where are you golngT aaked ber mother. -Out lo tell all (he family aeereU to the neighbor." atd the child firmly. Life. It Wa Horrifying. Mr. Knewrce Ml Verraplaln waa taken to tbe boapllal thta afternoon. Mr. Knewiea liear, dear, I didn't know alio waa 111. Mr. Knewiee She waan't until ahe aw the wrlteup of tbe Swliitun niiialralo In which ahe waa mentioned as the guet of borror. -I'uck. Vagu Roquoal. "That waa rather a vague rejneat tha tenor tnndo of hi manager. " "What waa HT "lie aaka.1 the manager to Indorae bl note." Iialtltnore American. Exp.nilv. Luxury. "Po old Wllllnnia la looking for di vorce fi-tiio bla young wife. On what ground?" "On the grouud of economy, 1 guoa." Ronton TrauacrlpL Ch In Anol.nt C.ylon. In ancient. C'cylou the gamo of cbeas was played with local variations pe culiar enough to note. Tbe king may uot castle, but he Is permitted to jump like u knight till checked. The, pawns lire exrhnngenhlo on the last row for the pieces on whoso row thay stand. Stole a Ult Thing. An Indignant merchant who bad been robbed of a thermometer put this no tice In his window: "Tlio person who took the tuewnome tor from my door had better return It It "111 be of no ise where he Is going, as It registers only 1".1 degrees." KNOW YOURSELF. If you're not succeeding have a heart to heart talk with yourself. Maybe you haven't 10 many brains as you imagine, or maybe you don't know how to use them to get re sults. Have a ten minute talk with yourself every night, and do it in the coldest blooded way you possi bly can. Every little failure of the day should be analyzed; every op portunity you have let pass you un caught should be used as a club on your brain. Then avoid those er rors tomorrow. Cure for Cholera Morbus. "Whon our little hoy, now seven years old, waa a baby he was cured of cholera morbus by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Hem oUy," writes Mrs. Sidney Simmons ftlr Haven, N. Y. "Since then other members of my family have used this valuable medicine for colic and bowel troubles with good satisfaction and I gladly endorse it as a remedy of ex ceptional merit." Obtainable every, where. (Adv.) DRAMATIC INCIDENTS. Haw lharft loo'"' 0lh ef Booth ano! aUCutlough. hna bU Of f"M'ii, In am iiinlr two riilhur Urtlliig 'lii'li!-iil In rou lir. ll.iil with lha lrli of Mr. Ilootll and John aJci ullough. Tha night that Kdln llootli dktd I wa taking cupper lu lha dining- room of ha I'layar' rlub wlih Ihroa frtanda. There war lio other 1111 In lha club. It waa about 2 o' l' k In lha morning. Wa, of (-our, knew lint Mr. Iloolb , Jt III, but bl death wa not upecteij Immediately. While were talking or our uiaal aoddenly etery light In lha rlub went out. My rompanl'Hia be gan lo nil for the waiter and proteat ! lomlly. Kroin th darknao right at our alliowa a ol, that of Mr. Me- Uonagal, the manager of lha rTiibfaald: "lluali! Mr. I'th ! 'It-ad. " Tha day Mr. M ulli.iii:h dli-d I hap , paned lo I alud;lnf the play of "Cym 1 ..rower -M-rln-r will lie Inter balliiH. 1 waa reading the Bong In 1 h-i.71 in new metho.1 rai antty evolved -t 4- foar m moi. th. Iimi 1 th. aun Nor Ida furlou. wlnor a i.t.a. Tt cu llir wrldlr aal tiaii ilo .o, lluina an g'rfio ail ta'n thy O.-M.ri la!a and !" all niuat a. cr.imnoy -... l.rna Mend of wine opened thedoor of my nuu In the Hturievant lloua ana ll. --' u"""" -rnnn My ltaiiembran(4," by K. II. Both rn lu K. rlbiter' Magmliie. OLDEST LIVING THING. Fore.! Giant That Tewor In Sequoia National Park, Towering giant among giant, tha oldcat living thing llmt romiat-U tha preceiii with the dim paat, majeatlc In lla inlan, lla dignity and lla world old eilar1enct. the lianeral Khenuan tree la the patriarch of the Kcjuola Natlutial park of Callfurnta. Tbla wonderful iraa waa already ""0 years old when ClirM wa born. In the age whan tha known world wi rocking In Ibe throe of the Trojan wars and the lime that htatory tells 1 ua marked tbe eiodu of the Hebrew from Efypt tbl frenteat of 8eluola glgintaa was a flonrWilug aapllng of wins twenty or thirty feat In height and truly under tha eieclal rare of the Creator, who held It aafe from the lightning of bla wrath bt did from tbe attack of earthly anemia. Tha General (Sherman waa discov ered In 18T0 by Jama Wolrerton, a hunter, and name. by him lu honor of General William T. Khenuan. It tow er Z7U9 feet Into tbe tkr, lu base clr fumferenrw I K)2.8 feet. Its greatest diameter 34 3 feet, and It ha develoed a diameter of 17.7 feat at a point 1U0 feet ahoTe tbe ground.-National Geo graphic Magazine. From a Clty'a Mountain Top. I'pon the top of on of New York a man made mountain there la tbe aame peaceful quiet a on any mountain top. No sound from tbe street lielow comet Up this distance. Men on tha sidewalks re lufltilteslmal dot, darting hither nd yon. Looking down upon them, one la Inclined lo reflect what puny being humans are and from tbla lofty point of view almost forgets hi ym patby for their ienioual Interest! Then romea the realisation that thl mountain waa built by tbeae puny be ings from materials dug out of tbe earth In a crude state. porMed. ihaped and faatened tuKether In a mauner Ibat will make It aland practically for 11 time, and then a feeling of rever ence for the bunmn brain thnt God given boon which has made these things poaalble.-Niitloual Geographic Msgazlue. 'The 8tar Spangled Banner." Francis Scolt Key wrote "The Btar Ppatifilad nniiner" on board the Hrltlsli frigate Suti'rtse during tho UmibHrd mailt of Port M' lletiry. Itnltlmore. by the Hrltlsh In ISM. When ttie Hrltlsh attacked the city Key went on an er rand, under a flag of truce, to the Drltlsh fleet, but was detained while (he bombardment took place. He watched the progress" of the tight fMUl the ltrltlKb ship during the night, ami In the morning, seeing the stars and strles still waving triumphantly, com posed the famous song. It was nt once printed and became almost Instautly uopular. FRENCH BOMBERS RUSH J ' U"!t N.i'Ai'liii v t VMi V1 j m fv eV. " Jit Vs- K 1 .k( i'N f- AStOClATlON :?'. FROM MCOEM Vv v ',X 13 i; J. J LA If v. GERMAN HAND GRENADE CLAIMS "THREE VICTIMS. This picture, made with the authority of the French government and Imported recently into America, Il lustrates a graphic Incident on the France-German front A trench had been overrun and occupied by the Ger mans, and a counterattack was ordered after artillery fire had raked the position. The French advanced, throw- Ing hand grenades, and the Germans retaliated In the same way. A German band grenade explosion struck down the three men seen In the picture. OiM THF TO POTATO ANO BEAN GROWERS IN. WESTERN OREGON BUFFER FROM THIS PEST. I 1 Ity A. I,, Acting Knlomologial I . k A I L-......I UI..II,... I ... n. . . r.i.-hum .u. 1 fur the control of wlrawonna. I'olatd ; mid l mi Kroner j have aiiffi-nd pur- i ll. tilnrlv In.,,, iIiIm l..l In ; i ; ' . , ' . " : a.-rloiialy altui k.-d lu lha anient part of lh alata. Kaw there are, Indeed.) who bate not auflernl mote or ! "' """"' ' ",r' ; I ho bate not auffvred mote or '; j from tin Ir Injury at on.t time or an-. T() rl,,., ... ,. . It l Hi.) fitiiule Ixi t'.e that depoall! tbe -itK In lha soli from u i.-edlng 1 yi-ui rullona of woima. Of purtlrular Importance are any ineauiir.-a employ-' ad aralliat the, adult beetle. 1 Tha wlreaorm Iniimform to pupae i lii lute aiiuini. r and those lo adult beetles In early full. Thaaa haetl.-a generally remain In the pupal .!! In lha soli until tho following spring jjt. aaa It la probably not economl In early spring there la a period of j r, lo L,,,tfj 6 ,. than IS nor several weeka during which the adult , mre tian 2o f.t In diameter. If beetle emerge an.l crawl about more 1 url;i.r thun :'0 feet. It la hard to throw or lens. During this period, thay s.t k i . ,,0 (roln ,i,e IJU, K ,1,1. jf shelter under any trash, vines, crop:, Krw,tPr rapacity la needed lo alius remnants, etc.. about the field. probably give Ix-tter satisfaction. Hemove all rrop rcmtiunts. trash, j m,. narrow alio are more economl ate. and in early spring place small 1 rH al( tuin(ai anry than low, wide heupa of coarse straw about the In- one. fested fields, about five plies to thai The limit In height la about 45 feel, acre. They should he turned ovar ' because of the difficulty and power frequently because to prove most at tractive, they should he comparative ly dry. Examine carefully for beetles: In California, from 23 to 80 beetles were toecled from each heap of straw. As soon as the Beetles are ob served In the straw, the piles should be burned with a quick fire and new traps mado If necessary. This work to be effective must bo done reason ably early In the spring, because If delayed until warmer weather tbe beetles will become active and dis perse over the field and begin egg laying. It Is urged that growers give this treatment a trial on heavily Infested areas ond report results. The war gainst the adult beetle atrikes riRht at the heart of the trouble. Each female beetle under favorable condi tions, will depoait from 25 to 125 eggs; allowing 1.10 female beetles to the acre, this would mean at least 12.000 w ireworms to the acre per sesason. Measuring a Snowfall. Tbe snowfall on mountains la esti mated In a number of ways. One method Is to measure the height ac cumulated on a board one meter sqnare supported one meter above the ground, and then sliding It Into a fine tank for determining the water It make on melting. Another type of Instrument Is a tube which Is pushed down through the snow, then closed at tbe bottom by a shovel to retain the con tents of the tube on withdrawal In remote places, visited only at consid erable Intervals, the snow Is collected In a tank, only the snow water for a stated period lielng measured. Vase line oil In the tank rovers the water, preventing evaporation. d calcium chloride basteus the melting of tbe now. About the Sama Thing. An old colored ancle was found by the preacher prowling In his barnyard late one night "Uncle Calhoun." said the preachet sternly, "It can be Rood for your rheumatism to lie prowling round hero. In tbe rain and cold." "Doctor's orders, sah." the old man answered. GERMAN TRENCH FOLLOWING H ? r 'W ; yt is? .vAf ivy iA;t .V 'w. FAPM AMnrADnrM THE CABBACI APHII. lha cahbaga aphl I unuaually aliiirulaiit thl year ami anly .arrful apraylng will keep it lo tliwk. Thl bliilnh aphla alia, k not only the tab hagn b it all the allied Crudfrraa, In Imlliig brK.oll, kale, nmalard, lf, Any of lha rontuM pra an. h a keroat-na emulilon or lha nl'otlna soap aolullon are trry affettlve, lliougb li.-rn the pel I alrddy prriM-nt in m,)n, t l be nw a.aary lo make I I ........ 11.... ..... 11. I ....... for lha malarial lo be effUve. The keroaene auiulalun ahoubl ha u a a 7 par ..-tit aobttlon or at lha rata of I purl of lha ato k krroai-ne ainulalon I lo M4 part of water A very aimpla apray and one aaay to apply la Ilia nl'otlna aulfiita or eolutlon. lliark UaMK 2 tal,lep-nfula w prr(l.rrr(, u, w ' ' t gJn, lnliy ,. iR , RIGHT SIZE OF SILO, The B, j (h nib, to ba built muat te govarn.d by lha number of anlmala m f,.,j. 'erry Van Klng, who! i rte In parm and Home en this suit- needed to elevate the silage to a great er h lirht. and the difficulty of build ing and climbing into the top of high er ones. There are solid cement silos in exi t, nee that are as high as 90 feet 1'iat ere giving good satisfaction. COLORADO POTATO BEETLE APPEARS IN OREGON. The Colorado potato beetle baa ap peared in portions of eastern Oregon, and growers throughout the slate should be on the lookout for this most serious of all potato pests. It will he readily recognized by Its characteris tic markings and oval shape. It Is controlled by arsenical sprays, either duBt or liquid. Those who note this Insect pest on their potato crops may Jcarn full particulars of control meas ures by writing A. L. Lovett, acting entomologist of the O. A. C. experi ment station, Corvallis, Ore. "Doctor's orders if said the preacher. "Pld be tell you to go prowling round all nlghtr "No. aah. not exactly, sab.i said Co de Cal. "but be doue ordered me chick en broth." Chicago News Antiquity of Engraving. Gems were engraved at a very early period of the world's history. The very oldest specimen of this art in existence Is believed to be n square signet of yel low Jasper engraved In the year 1400 B. C. and now In tbe British museum. The engraving upon It Is a fair picture of the horse of Amenopbls II.. and the characters uiiderueatb have been deci phered as being the names and title of that monarch. Blamod th Hon. Jimmy was on his first visit to the country. Somehow he gained the Im pression that the bens laid everything about tbe place. lie was discovered admiring a huge pumpkin. "What Is that, Jimmy?" his mother inquired, testing his knowledge of things agricultural. "I don't know what It Is," Jimmy re plied. "All I know is that a ben laid It" Indianapolis News. EAVY ARTILLERY ATTACK. . 6'X? w COLORADO POTATO BEETLE APPEAR! IN OREGON lirauhoppcr oull.fraV mtf ba as pa. lad lu tariuoa puttloua of lha atala ays A. U Uohi, au ting eutotnulotLl at O. A. '. from lha praoanl lodl ration. (iraoabonoaia Inlura nma m,,r. f r )r.r t0,, dl,, , fri-at dr.l of Injury la prtioia of lha aula lot Thi-ra 1 iy rejoin to Irf-liava t:it ibl too luioa III b a bad ibl yrar to moot raor tbe iw i ur at Ibl lime a only partly grown form, mora or a .unfilled in tl, raa of thnr ' " raw thry ba. not ya entered Ilia militated flelda. hut lll be found In great number a minute hoppera In wa.ta jpla..-, roiky are.a, etc. avJja'-eat lu j the rulllvateil fle. Wlo-ra grita.hopper are alrdy b ginning lo antrr lha Oald or hrr later they do enter tha field Ilia amo (Miliuin bran n.aah ahould h uad. Hlmply broad. aa It over lha areaa wbnre the graaahopjiar orrur. (iraaa hoppar land lo rollei q open aparra on the soil for paaaing tha nUuU thar fore aurb arraa ahould b wab bed for and tha pnloa bran Diaah .-altered there, either late at night or vary early In Ibe morning. Tb uili- ,"f" "u"'' '''nt to 'real an ar la pre- parH aa follow Coarse bran 14 pound I'arla green or white arsenic., 14 lb. l-mon etra I 2 teaauooufula Warm aater to make toaraa crum bly maab. lo uot get the material sloppy. It ahould fall apart readily lu tbe band after being pained together. MARKET REPORT BUYING. Product. Potatoes, per lh 1814e Butter (country, per lb) 20c F-gK. per do 2So VogtUble. Cabbage, per lb 313c Carrots, par bunch 3c Lettuce (per dox. bunchei) 20c Beets (per dox. bunches) 40a Peas, per lb 103c String Beans Ml 5c Cucumbers, per dot 20c Turnip, per dot. bunches 40c Green Corn, dox ie SELLING. Potatoes, par lb ...l&te 30a 5c Eggs, per dot Cabbage, per head Butter, per lb. (country). Creamery butter, per roll. Carrots, per bunch Lettuce, I bunches Beets, per bunch Peas, i lbs. for String Beans, & pound.. ...25 ...5c ....5c ....5c 5c ...25c ,...25c Green Corn, dozen 25c Cucumbers, one or two for (depend ing on sire), each 3c Raapberries. per crate $1-15 Loganberries, per crate 90rJ$i Sugar, dry granulated. 100 lb..S.15- Sugar, pure cane, 12 lbs $1 Sugar, dry granulated, 100 lbs. .$S.25 Sugar, pure cane, 100 lbs JS.35 BUYING. . Meats. Live hogs 1308.65 Sheep (old) per lb 45c Lamb, per lb 77Hc Yearlings, per lb 67o Steers, per lb 6jJ7c Cows, per lb .-. 55Hc Chickens, dressed, per lb 14&15c Springs, per lb 12ffl2ttc Old roosters, per lb SfSHc SELLING. . Seed and Grain. Oats, per 100 lbs $1.50 Wheat, per 100 lbs , $1.75 Shorts, SO-lb sack $1.25 Plour, per Back $1.20 1.55 Salt, 50 lbs. high grade 40o Bran, 60 lb. sack S5c Hay, per ton . . .' $20 Chick food, per 100 lbs $2.75 Scratch food, per 100 lbs $2.25 Bone, per 100 lbs $2.55 Beef scrap, per sacs rrom $3.6094.25 He Could Hardly Walk. Kidney trouble manifests itself in many ways. Rheumatism, aches and pains, soreness and stiffness are com mon symptoms. Ambrose Gary, Sul phur, Okla., writes: "I was bothered with kidney trouble ten years and at times could hurdly walk. Three months ago I began taking Foley Kid ney Pills. I got relief from the first bottle but continued to take them till I had taken three buttles. I feel like a new man. It Is a wonderful med cine." No harmful drugs. Jones Drug Co. (Adv.) A Good Time Coming! Everybody come to see the three act play given for the benefit of the Sweet Briar Baseball team. It will be given in GEO TIEDEMAN'8 NEW BARN Mountain Road District AUGUST 12TH AT 8 P. M. All girls bringing basket will be admitted free; others 15 cent; children undtr 10 year free. SOCIABLE TIME LATER. ALL COME!