y onmos cm KSTV.nvniHtt. khidav, mhwh'v 4, mc. -1 S. il,. U h-r.t-r '' ' "' " ,1, i.iKin-4 In tw " II,.. I .will ill nf nf 'f ..u fur Um ''''r ' ru ". mlniatraUll nf lb" ' f Marlll U.illf. ilwiil All runs hHU i lain. Main! Mid ratal" lirrb ,, .,iir.H In iim IiI Hh-iii In l" Hi" ,,ni.B of r HilmitMl. Hiiguii nir, linitun, properly n-iMed r .'!! 1 1 . within i tumuli Imhii llm 1 11 ln-rmf. IniIh hi nii niiiiiiiiiii. Annual h l''U CAIUlLINK HIItUIIWKVMI. A.liiilulatmlrlt nl llm l.U nf Mr mi Waller, i l c hi in :iiku Atlniiii-y lr A'liuliilfi" Nulu of fnl tlmn of the I ll of David Harm, Dtttd. Nutli I hereby KlK'll Hil "" ili-i-li-ni-d iinliltnlir ' Hi" ..i liuvlil Haiti, ill" . 'I. Ii UN"! ' lii Ihn nullity liniil jl li kii: inn In llm above eiilltlcd anil. nr , Hlul" n( nil-mill. Ill filial jlipfi.ta III" I mil djy nf Amiil. W- mui.l 'i uili -liitlatl- rlr nf said i .aid il.il In-line eMilratlmi nf ' ,l.il ami llwl Tue.iUv. llm Mil iUr .-. fimn Hi" "' i.( liu iiilii r. 1914. al Hi" li'i'ir nf I" ihl aininmiii. "' If "" '" 1,11 ...l,pk A M h I ii n..l l.y lil ..r it nf aalil niniplaliil. tr ii m limn Iit lnrliii( nf Iliirinf. Hi" .laliill'f 'H lllll' J... Ilui,. In aalil n-i-iil ami III" "IH tn tin- mini f'T Hi" r. ll' f ltii 'l I'T mint th"iinif In M mii-l.ili'l. Hl w r HAiiiiH. A-linliilnlraliT uf tli" Kal.il" "1 I ill llnrili. ( ao.l f HCIII I.IIKI.. Aitiirnr) I n ,.liiiliiUlitnr. Bliarlft 51 (jj tin- ('In nil ('mill "I Hi" Ht.it" il (ii. i-.ill. fur ( tin I'lilllllV n( Wimni I )' jIi a. I'l.illltirr i,i!lrrt Vainli-flinlT ml I-"'" Van-ili-rl.i ff. Ill lt". ii'ti-inliiiit Ht.it nf (iriKini. Ci'iiniv at Clai k In,. . a.' I v irtui iif Jmlfiiii-nl ntiliT. il" I I,.,. U,i nil lltt.n llllli-llt I l-i'rlltliill. tuts im-. nut nf n-l iimli-r llm ! lit (III- hlll.il- t'lllllll-l HMIlt. Ill III" nlinvi ilitltlril riuioi- In l" ilui r.-i t-. ii -1 iluti-l tli" !Mli il' n' J mid, mini a JihIk til i"iuli-ri'il ami ' ... ililif-il III a.ilil court I'll 111" I'm liar .,( Jlllii-. IHIlS. ,.. ...... .. I .-.il,.a .l.ilntl(T. ami aualimt IIIM'iTt alnH-r lioff iiml Cftl" Vamli ilii'fl. Ill lfi. il" fi'mlalil. for Hi" "Uin nf f I '' l"i Inti-riwl llu-ri-on at Hi" lain nf l''r I tnua. , . t M-r annum from Hi" '.'Hi ilay "f I ty vlrtun nf a JmlKimMil iT'l'-r. !"-Iiiiii-. Ulii. ami llm Mithi-r aum nf,ri. ami an rtiiiiU'm. il'i'y ''"" $i f.0 coat ami ilial.ur.-nii tii. ami : ,u f ml iiinli-r th" aral of lh" Ihivo Hi,- u.t of ami ilium llila writ, coin Ln,u,., court. In Hi" "ntltli nmmlltiit lim In "ink" l" f Hi" f"l' Iran". In m" l,'r iHr"l"'t ami Jt- IohIiir ilirrl I mil properly. atlii-,1B ntt day f J"". mc- "1M'n ' t.-in lh" cniinly nf Cl'ii kaina. lai" j,(U.n.nt ri-noVrci! ami r-nli-rcrt in of tirocnn. no ln-l.l iiihI.t bMii. Imi.-iil. !,! rr cm Hi" 29tl day "f J"""-lovll- 191(1. In favor of (Un N. nxHiin. plu n- Ij.la 7 nn-l N nf l.'iMk 1 nf Ollo'tlff BKnt Hi" almve nami-il d"-H..I..I..-. . nn.l aililltlon In Sandy. I ..n.ii,i fur 111" mini of $j?6Xu, Now, thrri-fnr". hy vlrtm- of . cutlon. Juilmni'iil iiiil"r ami "i re". nml In comiillunc" with Hi" coiiitnamU f paid writ. I will, on Saturday, tn" 12th day nf AukuM. llMrt. al Iho hour f 10 o i-liH k n. m . nl lh. front ilmir of llm enmity court hoiia" In Hn city of dri-cnn City, hi auM louuty anil alnl". "ll at inhll am lion, aulijccl lo ri.ili niitlim lo th IiIkIi""! IiIiMt for T. P. M coin riili In hand, all llm rlKht. tltlo and IntorrHt which Hi" wlihln nanmil di-fi-mlunl nr rlthor of II ,. had nil llm ilui" nf Ihn JiulKtimiit hi-r. ln or alncn had In or In tlm ulmve di-ai rllMMl n-iil proporiy or any part th.-n-of. tn atitiBfy auhl ox"icutlon. luilntucnt ordi-r. di-i r".-. Intcn-Ht. cnHta nml all aci rultiK cimli. W. J. WILSON. Shurlfl nf rinckatiiBH rounty. lly K. C IIACKKTT. Diiputy. Dutml, OroKim City. Or. v. July H. nn. Eaecutor'i Notica. N-ntlrii 1h lu-rcliy Klvi-n llml Hi" tin iIithIkiiciI hua lii'i-n ni'olnti'il 1')' Hi" i-oiiniy court of Clmkiimini county, OrcKmi. pxcculor of Hi" "Hluto nf Ku-m-ti" M. Kn"li"l, di-couHi-il; nil pi-rminB lmvltiK ilnlnia ncuiiiHt kiiUI paliilo nr" lu-rchy nntlll"il In proH.-nt III" " to lim nr nt tlm offlco of my iittortu'V. . H Ki,y, In On-Run City. On-uon, duly M-rlllml iih by ! riiuln-il wllhln alx llllllllllH of ilnlo Ill'VUOf. LDWAItl) KOKIIKL. Kxn utor. Auroiu, Ore, H I-'. 1. No. I. tl. D. KIIY. Allnrnoy for lOvi'CUtor. Ori'Kim Clly. Ori'P'ii. imti-d July II. If!"- Sheriff' Sale. In the Circuit Court of tlm SliU of Ori-Koii, for tlm Comity of Cluckiumm. Tltln nml TruHt Coinpnny. corpor Htlim. iiilmlnlslrulor with tlm will n tmxi-il of tlm liiHt will nml toHliimi'iit of Wlllliim C. Ilnlllll, iIi'wiihimI, IMitln llff, VB, Wllliuni'lto l.iiml nml lli-volnpniiuit Company. corporiillon. Pufoiuliiiit. Sliitu of OroKim, Comily of Cliiclui man, bh: liv vlrluti nt ll luilKiiKMit onli-r, (In cri'n nml tin oxccullon. duly IhhiioiI out uf mid miilur the hciiI of Hie v nnllllMd court, In tlm iiIiono cntlllod nmsn, to mo duly dlroctod mid dntod tlm 21lh day of Juno, 1!H. upon ,i ..i,.rrit nml oiitorod tn Jllllf-,.11,111 , v mild court on tlm 23rd day of .Mno, inn;, in favor ot Tltlo mid TniHt com- ,.i,v n cornoratlon, uilniltilntiator iih Dm' will minoxod of tlm lnat will and toHtanmnt of Willlnui C UnlHtt, ilccoaHod platnllff, mid iiRaliiHt WII lnnmllo I,mid mid novolopniont Co., ft corponitlon, dnfimdiint, for tlio aum of $10,000, with IntoroRt tlmroon nt tho rate of 8 per cent per milium from tho '71 h ilny of .Taiiiinry, lfllti. mid tho fur ther mini of $-r.00.00. tin attonioy'H roo, i nm fui-llmr Hum ot $:12.3I codt8 and dlflliiirHomnnts, and tho conta of and upon IlilB writ, coinninnilliiR mo to iniiko Halo ot tho followtiiK describ ed real property, nit unto In tho coun ty of ClacUmiinfi, Blnto ot Oregon, to wit: IlnlnK tho northonHt Qunrtor of sec tion 22 In townwhlp G, nuth of rntiKO 3, oaHt ot the Wlllaiiiotto morldian; and all of aoc.tlon 10, towntdilp 5, south nf rnnso 3 cast ot tho Wllliimctto nio rlilian. Now, theroforo, by vtrtuo of snld ex ecution, JudKmont order and docroe, and In compliance with tho commnnds Bld writ. I will, on Saturday, the r.th day of AiiRiint, 191B, at tho hour of 10 o'clock a. m. nt tho front door of the county Court House In the city of nit. I. ataM rnnnfv find ntatfi. sell at public auction, subject to re- dominion, to the highest bidder for U. H snld ri.ln, (mil In build. H Hi" rii-M, ml" and lnirrl hi h lli Hlilii niiid dfndni r i-MliT of I hi. in, hml nn lha llal" Hi" gait" In-1 1' I II IT line Iim4 III r In III" ,Ihii ii.a.illi lal itpa-rr r any part Ihi-nnf, In Hll'lr mI'I -' iiiIkiiiiiI null r. d ', (liter!, mat and all an mil' rtU. W. J WIIJUI.N, Hlinlff of Dm kaium ('minly, Ol". nr V. r. iiackktt. i li,.. iiiim I'll), On-, July 6. l lummonl III Dm riii 'iH I'iihiI if Hi" Hint" of (lr.Ki.li. fr l'U fcaiiiaa Cniiiity. V. J I'i iiiii'H.. I'IjIiiIiIT, ta i;inl II lli'iiMi ll, In fi n. lunl Tn IJIai) II lli'lHH ll, Imi liamml ii i ii.IjIiI In lli limn" of Hi" Hint" of Om kiiII. tun mm li.-i.-by r.'iuU-'l ' aip-ar ami iiiT Hi" iiiiilllil Bttu'li' I KiT a lli-'M" lllaaiiMMU ni" "" irk-n mli.i-I li'i "lt Uitt l ti--ll pl.m.llft aii-l 'I' r. i.1.tit Tin i"l"i I i I i-uUMi' il l-y iU'liT "t I Ali.l.-lalill. I'l'U'" HI 1 i mill, olilili iinli r li'H'l" mi '"" Mil iU nf July, P-il""'. au-l Hi" Hli'" ,,r. . ill.nl f-T iiil.ll1iliiK Hi'-ri i''. I ,, r.-li., l.l-lllllllllK iHi Hi" '""I" ,lat.-.l -rl-l4)rJuly 7. IHK ami mniln iiltiK iaili "! Hii rinfliT l ami l iluillliK I'rl.liiv. Aui-m.1. IH. r.H. -.ilVNi:i.l, t HIKVKIIS. AM..IIH') for riiilnliff 8hnff'a Sl(. til tin- ("In nit Cimrl nf Hi" Mat" nn-mm. f'T Hi" Ci I)' CUi-kama llln N IIimIIuii. I'l.ilnlirf. . It I. Wil. in. Mary K Wllnn. Iili ... . t ..u..n.... L't..-nlrl iv, f, Mary juiu- i.i-. n-. - ...... ,.f U" I I i-f i-ll. IH-I rnai ii. A I.. Morlaml ami Htm M-n" i""'" of Cri'ohiiin. Ori-itnii. Iii fi ti'limla. Htatn of (iri-mm. Couul)' i'f "lii-k- nta-rMt Hmrwin at Hi" nil" of 8 pi-r rrnl ,,r nnmim from tli" .sun UBT Jmm l!l. and Hi" further antn of M. ,h nttorimy'a fee ami tlm further anin of $ CO coaia and dlliur"ni"iit. and tlm coat of and upon thin writ, coin ,,.,,,lii,r nm to mak" aal" of tho fol lowing d"crll.ed real prniKrty. aim ntn In Ih" county of Cluckumn. atat" nf Ori-min. to wit: ltrrtnnlna al th" nnr(n"R num. ..t .!. norlliweat ouarter of III" nonu- raal nuarter of aectlon twenly-fuur CO In townahlp four (I) aouth of ranno two (2). en-t of Willamette me ridian: thence weal ciismy t"i - nr l.-aa lo til" tlorthwest 'mer of the nurtlmnat qnarler or amu w ....la - ,i.... . iiw.iii',. nui i mxiynn i" then'c cant to n point sixty (60) feet .i nf tlm cum lino ot tlm north west ,,f the tiorlheast (pmrter of said section: themo south to HM nm n...miv road: thence norlheaHt nloiiK said road to Hi" east line of tho northwest quarter of Hie northeast nuarter of said section; thence north ihn i.iii.-n of lieKlnnliiK. contalnltiK thirty-four (-H) acrea more or les Now therefore, hy virtue of said ex ecution. Judmtmiit order nml decree, and In compliance with tho conuimmlH of said writ. I will, on Saturday, the miii ,i,.v of Auiinst. l'Jlli; nt tho hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. nt Hm fronl door of the County Court Mouse In the city of OroRMi Cltv. In said county nnd -I..I.. u..ll nt milille auction, subject to redempllon. to Hi" "Wiest oldder for 1' S. Kold coin, cash In hutid. nil the rli-ht. title nnd Interest which the within mimed defendants or either of them, had on tlm date of the lnortRiiKO herein or since hud In or to the nbovo described veal property or nny pan thereof, lo satisfy said execution i...i..,,.i nr.lnr. decree. Interest, costs nnd all accruliiR costs. W. J. WILSON, Sheriff of Clacltaiuns County, Ore. in- v.. C. IIACKKTT, Deputy, Hated. Oregon City, Ore.. July 21st, 1010 Summons In the Circuit Court of tlm Stato of Oregon for Clnckaniiis County. Hank of Ml. Angel, n Corporation, Plaintiff. vs. Oren J. ltlpley, Kiln A- M. Wpley L. Falconer and Wullneo McCniniint. Defendants. To Oren J. ltlpley, Ella A". M. Rip ley and L. Falconer, defendants: In tho naino of tho State of Oregon, you and each of you nro hereby re quired to nppeiir nnd answer tho com plaint that has been filed ngnlnst you In the above entitled court nnd cause on or beforo (lie Inst dny prescribed In Ibo order for the publlcntlon ot this summons, upon yo. which Is bIx weeks consecutively from tho date or tho first publication thereof, and If you full so to appear and answer, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to tho court for the relief demanded In its complaint, viz.: That tho mortgage hold by plaintiff on that certain 60 ncre tract of land, particularly de scribed in the complaint herein, situ ated in section 7. T. 4. S., n. 2 E. in OhickmniiB county, Orogon. bo fore closed nnd said lands sold, and that you bo dobiirred nnd foreclosed of all right, tltlo, ostftte. Hen and Interest In nnd to tho sold premises, nnd each nnd ovory part thereof, nnd for Biich other nnd different relief os the court sliull deem meet nnd equitable. Servlco of this summons upon you by publication thereof In the Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly newspaper, Is mado hy virtue oi an orum ui Honornblo J. U. Campbell, judge of the above entitled court, made and en- torcd of record on the 15th day of July. 1916, and the date of the first IMilillralloll I Hi" Zll liar uf )u' ami Ilia data of Hi" lal pulillia tlmi will lia Hilmlrtr I, I VI CUHTEH K ItOHH, Atlnriii-y lor rialiilllt. Summon. In llm ( Im iiII Cmirt l H' Hlai" if (In-KiiH. I'T Clarkainaa ('iiunly I. M I Hiilllvan, I'lallillff, . M"lo Hulllian. Iii-fi-mluiil. To Mi-l'i Hulllvan aim" -oaiii"il !' femUnl : In tlm nam" of Hi" Hint" of Oii-Kon you ar hi-n-liy ri 'i'iln'il " atii"r ami ni-r Hi" rniiil'luli't fll"l Uf'1'1"' ymi In Hi" almvn fiilllM . ',n "r tH f.ir" lli ll ilay nf Hi-il"iiiln r, ll. anl.l ilt" li"lim Hi" "M'lnilliin ink from lli flral nuliUi allnn nf llil aiitiiimiii. B'i'l " X"" '"" "' 'p' inar nr iiwit anl'l rniii.llnl. fur waul Hii n-nf. Hi" i-lalnllff "l "I'I'1 t,i llm murl fur Hm fll"f l'ray"'l fr In , miiiiliillit, In-tall: Knr a ili-r"" dlawilvlHK Hi mar rlun" ii.ntra'l nw -liHi l-i""n plaliiillT ami d.-f.-iinVH TI.U aum rmi i .iii.nii"ii i-y ,r''',r "f """ J I'. CamiilK-ll. Ju'lf" "' tUn ,lrr"U niurl. lili ll IT'I'T wii limit" Hi" IMh ily nf July- ''"!- o'"1 ""' r.--rll.i"l for ,ulilllilnic Hn-n-nf. la .1, wi-"k. l."Klinilii l,h ,,IH , I KrM iy. July 21- l'-"'1- llnuliiK "mil "-k llii-r.-fti-r I" ami ImlnilliiK Krlilnv. H.-i-li-iiilH-r 1. UltnWNKI.I. HIKVKIIH. Attnriu-y f'T rialntlff. Admlnlitratrla'a 81 of Really. Nollre I hi-r-l.y lven that In pur- auiim e nf an ordi-r nf Hi nty court nf Clackaimi county. On-Kon. mad" mi tlm 17th day nf July. ISIL In th" ..uitti r nf the i-atat" nf J'mn . I'e-m. ili-i niai-d. Hi" limli-raU'tii il will sell lit l.ulillc auction, aubji-cl only to a mori ituif" uf I nm 00, w ith IntercHt from l.er 21 ISM. at Id r cent per nm.uiii to th" hlitheal bidder for canh. lawful moiiiy of Hi" ' H""'", tlm 2lt day cf AiiKUst. 151'. at 12 h i hs k. liimn, at Hie front disir nf Hi" court bona" In Oregon City. Claika- ma county. dr-i:on. all Ih" rlKht. title. i,,i,.r..l mid i-atiit" nf III" aalil Jnlin (V Ilinii at th" Hm" of hi death, and nil Hi" rlKht, IIH" and Intin-st the .i,l rHtiitf has by operation or law ... .i1i..i-wIhi. ncnulrcd III addition ro. llml of tlm said John C. Dean nl Hie time nf bla death, In and to the fol low Iiik described real property, to-wlt: (inn and one half acre nf land iy- Iiik weal of and adJnlnlliK the Cor delia llartlett tract of land In Wilson vllln. Clackamas county, Oregon, and riescrlbed a bcultinliiK at a point Ki.94 chain southerly and 600 feet easter ly from the northwest comer or tnc ThoniB llalley donation land claim No. 45. and runnltiK thence easterly a distance of 32S.9 feet lo a point: thence south 190 9 feet to a point: thence went 32S.9 feet to a point. thence north 1 9 foel to me nucc i.i.L-lnnliiu. contalnliiE one nnd one-nan ncre of land more or lea In aectlon 23. township 3. S. It. 1. W. or Willam ette meridian In Clackamas county. OreRon. Dated till l'th day of July. 1916. COIWKLIA I1AMTLETT. Aa Administratrix of the Estate of John C. Dean. Deceased. Summons. In the Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon. fr Clackamas County. Claire C. Howard. I'lulntlff. vs. Iter! llowiird. Defendant. To Hert Howard, nbovennmed de fendant: In the nnine of tho State of Oregon you are hereby required to nppenr mid answer the complaint tiled against 5'ou i il, n nlinve out Itled suit, on or he- foro the 1st day of September, 1916. xiilil (Into being the expiration of six weeks from tho first publication of this summon, and it you f to ap pear or nnswer snld complaint, for want thereof, tho plaintiff will apply to tho court for tho relief prayed for In her complaint, to-wlt: for ft decree dissolving tho mar riage contract now existing between plaintiff nnd defendant. This sum mons Is published by order of Hon. J. V. Campbell, judge of tho circuit court, which order was made on the ir.th day of July. 1910. nnd tho time prescribed for publishing thereof Is six weeks, beginning with the Issuo dated Friday. July 21, 191G. nnd con tinuing each week thereafter to and Including Friday. September 1. 1916. GRAHAM. BECKETT, & COOPER, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of tho Stato of Oregon, for Clnckaniiis County. Mary A. Alnsworth, Plaintiff, vs. Taylor Alnsworth, Defendant. To Taylor Alnsworth, abovc-nnmed defendant : In the nnnio of tho State of Oregon you nro hereby required to appear nml answer tho complaint filed against you in tho nbovo entitled suit, on or before tho 1st day of Septem ber, 1916. Bald (Into being tho expira tion of six weeks from the first pub llcntlon ot this summons, nnd It you full to nppenr or answer said com plaint, for wnnt thereof, tho plaintiff will apply to tho court for the rollcf proved for In her complaint, to-wlt: For a docreo dissolving the mar riage contract now existing between plaintiff nnd defendant nnd for tho restoration of her maiden name, Mary A. Ilrnv.- This summons la published by order of Hon. J. V. Campbell, judge ot the Circuit Court which order was mado on tho 15th day of July, 1916, and tho time prescribed for publish ing thereof Is six weeks, beginning with tho issuo dated Friday, July i, 1910. nnd continuing each week there after to and including Friday, Septem ber 1, 1916. GRAHAM. PECKETT & COOPER, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Notice of the Completion of Oak Grove Avenue In the Town of Oak Grove, and Divisions 2 and 3 of the Oatfield County Road. Notice Is hereby given that the county surveyor of Clackamas county, Oregon, has filed tn the office of the county clerk of said county, his cer tificate that W. H. ComiselT, contrac tor, has completed the Improvement of W.B.KIDD IS AWARDED FLY CREEK ROAD JOB ellWOOO CONTRACTOR WILL OPCN UP CUTOFF NEAR NEW ERA FOR K.M4.W. W. II. Klild. If'l Kal Kletmiib atn-i t, I'nrtlali'l. wa awardi-d Ihn inn tract for tlm Hy deck i utnff by tin cniiiity cmirl Wwlm-aday. Ill bid of 2, Mil m lb" Inweat nf several rn- cl-iviid by ih cmMy. Th" Hy Creek rutnff run for abnul 1.700 feet north nf N" Era and ellim luatea two jeradea and two rroaIHK over llm HuiiHieru I'ui Iflc trm k. Tlm new road will follow III" a'lrw-y t,1 th" latu lilKbway ei,Kliner, mam- v i-rul iiiiiiitba K'i. ami will mm h liu prove lb" I'aclflc blitliway unuth from (lr"K'ill ("Hy. Hi" Hnutliern I'ttillic Inn dniiatml In aid p the work, a tlm new route ilm- away with two TiialliK "ver III" railroad tr.uk. Tlm cnunty court, at tli" flral day uf Ilia AuKuat term WOlm-nluy, traiia urted linn Ii roiitlim liiialm-iia, prlni I pally anion: wlibli wua tlm di-nlul nf tlm petition nf W. K. Telford, and oth er for a road runfilni; from liorltm to Andi-rM'in station, a dlatume uf over two mile. Tlm petition lalbd for a fio-fnot road. Tlm county court also denied the petition nf (. A. HUtimii and others fur a new road in the Wllannvllle illstrlit. I'.olh of thi-ae pi t It lout were denied l-i auae nf the heavy dniiiaKc attai bed in openlnx thelll up. Tlm county cnutt will probably be In sesalon today and part of tomorrow. ILL 2 MOTHER OF MRS. GEORGE PUSEY SUCCUMBS AT HER DAUGHT ER'S HOME. Mra. Adullne Hrady, a resident of On-Kon City for 13 year, and well known, both here and In Aurora, where hIiii lived for many years, died ul the homo of her daughter, Mrs. (Joorite I'usey, 1009 Main street. 10:30 o'clock j Wednesday night. Mr. I'usey was SI years and five month! old at the time of her death She waa born In Ormnny and came to the I'nlted Stutes with her parents when one year old. Her death was duo lo heart trouble and came on after two months of Illness. Mr. Pu.3ey and one son. August Hrady. of Willamette, survive. Fnner- ul arrangement! have not yet he; made. '.. EAST CLACKAMAS. , ,j- . .. .. fr f ?? EAST CLACKAMAS. Ore.. Aug. 4. (Too Late fur Uist Week) Miss Em ma Haberlach has gone to Tillamook to visit her brother there. She ex pects to be gone a month. A couple of 'umllles are going to move nwuy (rom here. Mr. Adams to Gladstone and Mr. and Mrs. Wade and family to Cams. J. Itennett sold all hut IS ucres if his farm to a Mr. Kelnhaufer, who is going In the chicken business. Rev. Walter Duff, of Portland, is holding services near the school house. The East Clackamas Social club meet at the home of Mrs. Katie Dane, president of the club. Tho afternoon was spent In doing fancy work and In conversation. Those present were Mrs.J. Dennett and daughter. Mrs Rnsnmsen and daughter. Miss A. Hny wnrth, Mrs. Kneelnnd and daughter, Mis. Frank Haberlach, Mrs. G. F. Huhorluch, Miss Dora Ilemrlch, Miss Minnie Ilenrich, , Mrs. Walter Mund henke and children, Mrs. Gustav Hub erlnch. Our next meeting will be on August 10th, nt Miss Dora Hemrlch the above named roads. Any person, firm or corporation having objections to file to tho com pletion ot said work, may do so with in two weeks from the date of the first publication of this notice, in the offlco ot the county clerk. Date of first publication July 20, 1916. 1VA M. HARRINGTON, County Clerk. Notice of Final Settlement of the Es tate of Katie Wines, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned administratrix of tho es tato of Katie Wines, deceased, has filed in tho county court ot Clackamas county, stato of Oregon, her final ac count ns such administratrix of said estate nnd Hint Monday, the 14th dny of August, 1916, nt the hour of 10 o'clock n. m. hus been fixed by said court as tho tlmo for hearing of ob jections to said report nnd the set tlement thereof. MARY GRISENTIIWAITE. Administratrix ot the Estate ot Katie Wines, Deceased. C. SCHUEtlEL. Attorney for Administratrix. Money to Loan PAUL C. FISCHER Lawyer Deutacher Advokat Room 2 Peaver Bldg. Oregon City FOR SALE Thoroughbred Poland China boar, 1 year 10 months old, weight 350 lbs. Also sows and pigs Address L. A. Read, Gladstone, Ore gon. CHEAP FOR CASH Small team, weight about 1000 lbs. The price of the mare, $150, takes both. For particulars address El B. Grant, Box 216, Oregon City. Ore. THESE BABIES i ' (Upper) Mildred 11" Kennedy and (lower) Gordon Erneit Jone Woodward, nf this city, and ha a numbtrof brother and alatera here. Mr. Kennedy la mpinyed hy the Crown Wlllatnett" I'aix-r tntnpany. working hern for tlm Crown Willamette mill before being tranifered to the Cama plant. Mr. June I the superintendent of the city ' hnol" of Cama. , MEADOW BROOK. , MKADOWItROOK. Ore.. Aug. 3 (Speellal Mrs. P. O. Chlndgren en tertained the ladles' Aid at her home Thursday. July 27. The Clark Gospel team will hold a meeting In the Meadow-brook school house Sunday, August 6 at 2:30 p. in Itufus Hiilmun and family, ofo Port land, sH-nl the week-end at Chas. Hoi- man's. Several from here attended the all day meeting at Clark Methodist Epis copal church, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Evans who have beeu working for Mr. and Mrs. Charlei Holman, left Saturday. Mr. Evani expects to go to eastern Oregon to work. Mrs. Evnns Is staying with her folks. Mr. and Mrs. Houghton, of Mu lino at present Mr. and Mrs. Frank Huff of Miner. who have been visiting relatives here left for Walker, Ore., Tuesday, where they expect to visit a fw days. H. Chlndgren went to Portland Sun day to meet Julia Linquest. of Mln nesotu. She expects to spend her va cation visiting relntlves and friends. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Larking and fam ily visited at I. O. Orem's. of Cedar dale, Sunday. Railroad strike or Big Four unions to take place In August unless settled by arbitration already beginning to affect travel to west adversely. COLE AND CUMMINGS, CHIEF SPELLBINDERS OF THE TWO BIG PARTIES. RALPH D.COLE HOMER S.CVMMIHGSLReloud Homer S. Cuinmings, who has been vice-chairman ot the Democratic na tlonal committee, is In charge of the Democratic speakers' bureau In the present national campaign and ex pects to have his organization In full working order Boon. Chairman will cox of the Republican national com mittee announced that he had appoint ed ex-Congressman Ralph D. Cole of Flndlay. Ohio, director of the Repub lican speakers' bureau. Mr. Cole was counsel to the comptroller of the cur rency in the Tatt administration and served four terms in the house of rep resentatives. In the pre-conventlon campaign he was an active Burton supporter. He' is an authority on the tariff. -jr lit 1 stjJ:&&vJM$ C Above) SCORE HIGH Miblied Klm Keiiimdy, a--! II iiiniitli. Ilia dkiifbler nf Mr and Mr. II. ll Kennedy, and (Jordan Kniel June. ki'I 2 nii'iiiti. Mn uf Mr. an. Mr Krneal June. ' h cura4 M per irlit III a l" "Hi "'Mi-Ill' I HI, teat con d.iilrd In I'lTtUlut by Hi" (reiin Con fra uf Mother Mr and Mr Kenn'dy furuierly lived III Oremili City, Mr. K"iiuedy I the ilJiixlilif nf Mr. and Mr. II E. OUTDOOR CONCERT AT LIBRARY PARK DRAWS BIG CROWD AND PLEASES ALL. -A band composed entirety of em ploye of the Portland Railway, Light & Power company gave an outdoor concert at the Library park. Seventh and John Adams streets, Tuesday night, before 700 persons, and every one of the 700 was much pleased with the music. The park was packed with people, while the streets on tho four sides of the park were lined with automobiles. The band arrived here on a special car from Portland early Tuesday night and played until 10 o'clock. One of the features or tne concert was a plccelo solo by A. Thome. The band played several patriotic numbers which brought much applause. CORVALLIS. Ore.. Aug. 1. This city j Is making big preparations for the an- j nual firemen's tournament of the Wll-1 lnmette valley, which will be held here two days, September 4 and 5. A com plete program of sports and events Is ; completed and companies from all ov-l er the valley have sent In their accept-, I ances. It Is proposed to make these I two days county holidays, and the lurgest crowds ever In the city are expected. I m m I I Just the Thing for Diarrhoea. "About two years ago I had s severe attack of diarrhoea which lasted over a week," writes W. C. Jones, Buford, N. D. "I became so weak that I could not stand upright. A druggist rec ommended Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy. The first dose relieved me nnd within two days I was as well as ever." Many drug gists recommend this remedy because they know that it Is reliable. Obtain able everywhere. (Adv.) If PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lawyer MONEY TO LOAN D. C. Latourette, President F. J. Meyer, Cashier The First National Bank of Oregon City, Oregon CAPITAL, $50,000.00 Transacts a General Banking Business Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. William Hammond Philip L. Hammond HAMMOND & HAMMOND Attorneye-at-Law Abstracts, Real Estate, Loans, Insur- ance. OREGON CITY, OREGON Pacific Phone 81, Home Phone A-273 Office Phones Pacinc Main 406; Home A-270. STONE & MOULTON Attorneys-at-iLaw Beaver Bldg., Room 6 OREGON CITY - - - OREGON O. D. EBY Attorny-at-Law Money loaned, attracts furnish ed, land titles examined, estate! settled, general law business. Over Bank of Oregon City. C. 8CHUEBEL Attorney-at-Law Deutscher Advokat Will practice in all courts, make col j lections ana seuiemeniB. Office In Enterprise Building, Oregon City, Oregon. WQH IS VISITING HERE Mitt MAR V MCULLOUGH, Of AL. IXANORIA, TILL Of TRO ACH0 ATLANTIC. Mia Mary Mi CuIIihikU. of Ah-tan-dria. Hcirfi.nd. ba arrli In ()reon City, and I (he gu"t ui hr buiii. Mr Anna MiCulloiiKh. of Tenth and llHtllrooil avenue Ml MiCullouch may remain III Oil city during lh wlner. Him left her lioiii" In Siotland on the (ti-aiimr T'innl Junn 30, and arrived In New York 10 day later. 'The leamer on w tilth she Iliad" Ih" viyxe In Ann-rlia wa earurted fur mine dialam a by lirltlah war e"l. and altlHiiiKh there wa much uneaal no amoiiK the hundrnd uf paaaeng er no irnuble waa enpi-rlenced with the lirltlah rnetiile' vratnll that are pl)lng Hie e at Hi" preent time. There ai an unuaual nuinlier of paxenver un the Ttnuanla, allhnug'i the ailllng nf Hm hlp wa annnunci'd but three day before Hie aulllng lime. It I rnatouiary al the preaent lime for boat leaving the lorlKH port for America lo sail few day after the announcement I made, lima prol ably laving many live. Coining to America also from Scot land on the same ateamer waa David lluwl", of Alexandria, who will vIrII In thl city for aeveral montbi. They are much delighted with Ameri ca. Mr. M'Cullough, with whom they are visiting, ha a large number of relative In the llrltiab army. PORTLAND BLIND HAVE Tuesday was the biggest day of 1914 for the blind of Portland and their famllle. Members of the Portland adult school for the blind and their families and friends celebrated their second annual picnic at Canemah park. The Portland Railway, Light t Pow er company furnished special train, which left Flrt and Alder street!. Portland, at 8 o'clock Tuesdsy morn ing. The entire day was spent at the scenic park. At the luncheon hour members of the school board and oth ers, who have been Interested In the school for the adult blind, made brief addresses. Roseburg Seven thousand yards of gravel will be placed on the notorious Pass Creek canyon road by Douglaa county, covering nearly 17 milea. A Good Time Coming! Everybody come to see the three act play given for the benefit of the Sweet Briar Baseball team. It will be given In GEO TIEDEMAN'S NEW BARN Mountain Road Diitrict AUGUST 12TH AT 8 P. M. All girls bringing basket will be admitted free; other 15 cents; children undtr 10 years free. SOCIABLE TIME LATER. ALL COME! WEINHARD BUILOINA Phones Pacific 52 Home A-151 GEORGE C. BROWNELL Attorney-at-Law All legal business promptly attended to C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE Attorney-at-Law Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our Specialties. Of fice in First National Bank Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. CLAUDE W. DEVORE, Attorney-at-Law Notary Public Estacada, Oregon. W. S. EDDY, V. S., M.D.V. Graduate of the Ontario Veteri nary College at Toronto, Canada, and the McKillip School of Sur gery of Chicago, is established at Fashion Stable, between Fourth and Fifth on Main Street Both Telephones Office Pacific 65; Home A-95 Res. Pacific 184; Home B-80