Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 21, 1916, Image 5

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Harvey lirow m. if I'arua, was In Oil
illy TudaV, UaiiM'lllil bmllin
A, H. Miliiiirfrii, lit MulitlU, In
Hill iltr Tuewlar Slid Wednesday.
W. W. Will, or Mllnaubln, lit
(lila illy on buliii'a Wadnaaday,
Kll lrriir, of li-aver ('leek
as In I b la rlly Wadiieaday.
r'Mar IIIIh, of Hartou, In
Ihle city Wednesday
Gilbert rbbmlill. ul Hlinl.ul, In
Ihlt ill Wednesday.
K. lifon, of ('lalmmiit, aa In Ible
(Mr Wadneadar.
Oeurgn Htahnii, of Heater Creek.aaa
among thus flatting In Oregon Clly
Iloburt Ouliilhrr, or Mapla Una
aa In Itila rlty r'rlday lo vUlt ftlth
Ttiuniaa Klh, buliieM man or Mu
lino. waa In llila rlly on bnliia
ftalurday. ,
l.nard parrlh, or Utr Creek,
aa In I h Is rlly Halurday In irinaarl
lira Vlll. of Molalla, la In Oil
i lly, tin Rural or her niece, Mr. K. I)
V.il fortune. ho I spending Ih
uiiuner al Wllboll Hprlnga, I"
Oregon C'll jr on btialneis Monday.
rrm Wlinan ami daughter. Mla
Marr. or Kldorado, er In till rlly
W. A. Kliavrr. Molalla aawmlll
man. ae In Oil rlly ou IhhIiikm Hal
Jiweph fltudemaii, of Heaver Creek
-r in llila rlly Halurday. whrr"
hit tranaacted Imalnra.
('. l. norland, of HI afford,
amoni thona transiting bualneas In
llila rlly Halurday.
Ml JJiry (lanildn. of Portland, la
In Hill rtty, and la the guaat or ber
riMi.ln. Mr. 8. O. IHIIfan.
It. DrNnul, ona of Hie iroinliiht
faruirrg or Htaffurd. In Oregon
City on biialneaa Halurday.
Mr. Crank Jaguar and aim, Reed
of raru. were In llila rlly Halurday
Ifevld Jonea, or Header Creek, as
an Oregon City vlalinr Halurday.
(Irani Mumpover, or Hlone, was In
tlila rlly nn bualneas Halurday
Judge R. II. lleatle, r lleaver
Creek, waa In till rlly on bualnea
Tueeday afternoon.
V. II. Cuunafll. of alllwaukla, rll
known roadbiillder of Clarkamai cnun
ly, was In llila city ou biialneaa Mon
Mr. and Mr, l-ouli Kell and aon
lm. or Aurora, war In Hit city Krl
day on their way lo Portland In Itiidr
Mra. Bertha Hurst, or Canity. waa
an Oregon City visitor Wednesday.
vlilttng Ihit Chautauqua at Gladstone
tiefore returning home.
Mlmea Gladys and Grace ftrhtiebcl.
or Kldorado, acrnmpanM by their
rotialn Mlaa lUanrh Trulllnger, or
I'nlnn Mills, war In Oregon City Wad
Mr. and Mr. Avon Jcaae, or Canby,
were In Oregon City Wedneaday. Mr.
Jean and bl wife were on their way
to Gladstone.
Monro Irish and son, Delbert, who
havo been vlaltlng with relatives In
thla city, haro rtitumid to Ihnlr hom
at Hearer Crk.
V. II. I.urka, a rninniUalnn mor
chant, or Canby, wa In thla city Wed
nesday, looking artrr buslnos affulrs
Mr. I.ui-ke baa a commission house
In thl rlly a well a at Canby,
C. N. Urklna, or CUrkea. wa In
thl rlty Monday and Tuesday, and
whlln In thl city rcitlslered at tho
tClnrtrla hotel.
Mis Mlllo Wink, or New Kru, wa
In Oregon City Wednesday mornliiK.
on her. way to (iladstone lo attend the
I-Yunk Astmnn. of Canby, w In
thla city on business Thuraduy. Mr.
Aslman rnrinnrly resided In Oregon
City, and Is now business man or
Arnold Mostul, or Hedlnnd, wns In
Oregon City Thursday, being on hi
way to the slnte or Washington, hire
he In lo locate on some or the govern
ment land.
Mr. and Mr. K. It. Iek and baby
ituughtor, (loldlo Irene Kutb, or Ited
lund, were In thl city Thursday.
Mr. Chnrlo Surfu Is visiting with
rrlends lit Canby. Krom Hint city she
will go to Snlem to visit.
Robert Herren, ronnnrly or Oregon
City, but now or Oak drove, wa In
this city on huslnes Frlduy. Mr.
Herren I connected with tho engi
neering department or tho . Crown
Wllhunntto I'apor company.
Mr. and Mr. Krvd Jol, ul llnavcr
k, r among Hiomi lraaarlln
nea In this rlty Friday.
Mulrany and daughter, Mls
la, of I ii Ion Mill, er In Duality
K. A. M lrt-u, la Hearing roinMa
Hon, and would ! ready for lb sum
liter ialroliia by Ilia latter art of
nuit week. II also aisle thai Ihl
la una of Hi tlueal hotel buildings
In the stala, ll being entirely ton
at rurled of bM. and la very artistic
Irving U IM'el, formerly ut Ora
gon City, but now or J'ortOnd,
In Hil rlly Monday, visiting Irlund
Mr. Itelml graduated rroia Hi Oregon
Axrliulluial rullega at C-Calll In
111. and s sl ted a assistant In
airui-lor In itbarniai y last fi ll.
Mr. A. W. Allbrlgbl, or Maruuain.
arilted In Oregon City Monday, and
priM eeiliid to (JlaiUtona ark, where
aha la lb gueal or her alalr, Mr
Allie K. Qulnn, who la raniing al
rtiaiitsuij'is. Mra. Qulnn'a daughter,
Mrs. J. W. Yixler, and lb latter'
'sis-tils' jui oi itJ jdiiiiiisn ainii
AMIIIain Hi lirsio. or lleaver Creek,
as among thosa transacting business
n Ibis rlly MuniUy.
Mis Kiniiia Kliilnamllh, hool
teacher or Clarke, was In thl rlty
J. K. Calsvsii. county ai'h'Nil auer
Inletideiit, who haa been at Halem on
business In connwtlon with arhnol
ffslr. returned lo Oregon City Hun
lay evening.
Mr. and Mra. E. K. Ilrodla and Mra
Nlela Harlow lrenre,. who have
Ix-en at Kllelialiurg, Wash., where His
runner attended a meeting or tba
Washington HtaU K'lltorlul aixlely
hava n-turned lo Oregon City. Tba
trip waa made In Hie Ilrodla automo
bile. Tha celebrated Yakima valley
was visited. Acomiianylng Mr. Hrodle
were I'hll Hates, or Portland, and Kl
bert llede, or Cottaga Orove. Mr.
Hrodle will attend Ilia Oregon Plate
Kdllnrlul association meeting In Med
lord In August.
C. Klelnsmlth. or Clarkes, waa In
thla clly on Thursdsy. and waa ac
rituuisnled by FVed Miller, also of
that ilace. They wer on their way
lo Walla Walla. Wash., and will pro
ceed lo Couer d'Alene. wbera Ibey will
work In Hie harvest Held during the
gon City.
E. D. Rosutnan, who graduated from
the Oregon Agricultural college fn
1918, arrived In Oregon Clly Monday,
and ha taken up hi dulle aa official
tester or the Clarkamaa County Cow
Testing aasoclstlon, Neal ('. Jamison
having resigned that position to ac
cept a government position In eastern
Mr. and Mra. K. II. Ijimitert, of
Medford. are In this city, the gueats
or Mr. and Mra. Maxwell Telford.
Mra. IjiiniKirt waa rormerly Miss Car
rl Uiti. or this city. Mr. and Mra.
IjimiMtrt atarted rrom Medford last
Halurday morning at 1 o'clock, and
reached Halem al 11 o'clock, making
record trip. Mr. lmitort drove
her Chalmera rr, and la an expert
t tha wheel.
Mra. C. T. Howard, state secretary
or the grange, waa In thl clly on
Tuesday afternoon. Mra. Howard and
two little grandchildren, or Mullno,
re ramped at the Chautauqua, and
will leave ror their home Thursday.
Misa Merle Dltnlck. or Hubbard, la
In this rlty, the guest or her uncle
and aunt, Judge and Mr. Grant It.
Miss (telle Multley, Instructor or
domestic art department or the Ore
gon City high Bt-hool, haa resigned
lo accept a similar position In the
Bt-hool or Venice, Cal. Mis Mattloy
hs been connected with the Oregon
City schools ror the lust seven year
She is a graduate or the Oregon Ag
riculiural college.
Word haa been received In this
rlty by Judge Grant I). Dlmlck, an
nounclng tho arrival or a daughter.
Ruth Klltaheth, nt the home or hla
brother, A. R. Dlmlck, nt U Angoloa,
Cal., on tho morning of July Fourth.
A. R. Dlmlck ha another child whoso
birthiluy rail on Washington' birth-
duy. ' Mr. Dlmlck bolleve that bo I
In litis rlly fiom III, near Govern.
Went Camp, Momlsj tx-lng al thai
plate Willi Mr. Wright, who l the
packer rr lb government ranger,
and who la lo lonvey lo lb "look
out" on Mount Hood lb wire and
labia ror lb teb-phoit aystem l U
Installed (ber. Mr. Wright lis eight
mule lo carry wire up lit mountain
by "mule power." Mr. Wright. ftr
vlsltlag In this rlly ror Iwo weeks
will go lo Ktktown, near Drain, where
she will l Hie guest of ber parent
until HeplemlM-r when she will return
with br husband lo Waplultla.
Mr. H. A. Ilerkman and little
daughter, Harbara, or Canby, who
have b-ii visiting with Mrs. Hers
man's mother, Mr. C. O. T. Wllllauia.
and also with her slter, Mr. C. (.
Miller, hav returned lo their home.
Mra. Herkmsn attended the rhaiilanv
jua at Gladstone, Hha visited Miss
Rom Heldelirelt b, who I ronntx ted
with the International Opera company
lhal appeared at Hie rhaulauqua Krl
day evening. Miss Heldenrelcb and
Mr. Ilerkman. who waa at that lime
Mis Veda Wllllama. attended Ih
Chicago Musical college, and later
Mis llelilenreli h wi Instructor of
volt e, and Mr. Ilerkman on Ih piano
at a college at Islington, Ky. Mr.
Ilerkman, together with Mra. C. O. T.
Wllllama and Mrs. C. O. Miller, en
tertained Ih girted singer at hint b
eon al Gladstone park on Ihe day tha
appeared on the chautauqua program.
Mr. and Mr. Guy Dwlgglns and
little son. Mrs, lu-rulte Warren and
son, Wlnford, Miss r.lla Howell and
fYed laymen, who formed an auto
mobile party that left thla city Fri
day afternoon ror Heaslde, returned
to Oregon City Halurday evening. It
waa planned by thla party lo spend
Hundsy at Ihe beach, but owing to
Ihe rain ll inade Hie roads Impassa
ble In many place along the route.
and although good time waa made to
Rainier and Clatskanle, It was decid
ed lo return lo thl city and make the
trip lo the beach later In the sea
son. There are many dsagerous road
lo pass over In Disking Ihl trip, and
It wa tieceasary ror Mr. Dwlggtn to
purchase chalna before starting home
ward. The party bad a most delight-
fill lime, although Iher -
hardships to endure n t. '.".
trip, owing lo the
The party reached tb - '
Clye 0. Huellsy.
Clyde 0. I I'm I ley. or this city, run
netted with Ihe Huntley Drug com.
psliy, haa been nstned a member of
the committee which will have charge
of Ih campaign ut Charles K. Hughe
and Cbarlea W. 'iilrtsnks, Republican
nomine ror the prealilt-ni y and vie
presidency In Ibis si; te.
Alleging Dial ber husband ailed
ber a 'tiling" when speaking to ber,
Mrs. Hvalrit Hlnkle Wednesday Hied
a suit ror dlvorc la tb circuit court
against Joan Joel llliikis, making
general charge ot cruelty. Tbey wer
ntsrrlnd July 7, 111, at Vancouver.
Wash., and bav on child. Th d
fniidsnt works al lb H'bssrti aaw
mlll In lb Redland dlstrb I, aad the
wir asks (or :o monthly ror tb up-
port or herself and child. Georg C.
Hrownell and Cbarle T. Hlevers Ll4
tb complaint Ix Mr. Hlnkle.
J. V. Carroll la mad defendant In
a dlvorc anil riled In tb circuit court
by IJIIIan Carroll. They were mar
ried July f, D'X. In Drooklya. N. V
Hlist allege desertll0.
'YouWill Find My
Body In The River
Says Note in Bottle
A mysterious note round In a bottle
floating la tb Wlllametto river at
lb foot or Hoyt afreet, Portland, may
lead lo a solution or th problem con
neied with Ih disappearance of
Peter Zimmerman, Jun 20.
Th rtou reads, "Parkplac. Jun
i 20, I bat shot myself. You
will rind my body In lb Willamette
al Jennings btjalbouse." It wa not
Tb not wa written on aa lec
tion card or O. W. Kastham, candi
dal lor lb Republican nomination
lor district attorney at lb primaries
la Msy. The bottle waa round by
Mra. Archie MrKenile. of Jennings
I-odge, wife or a fireman on the Port
land flrehoet. Goorge W. William.
Zimmerman, a btlddleaged farmer,
left bl borne June 29, and baa not been
beard ot since. H waa seen In Or
gon Clly on the day he disappeared by
a Mend, supporting Ih theory that
b went lo Parkpiace, wrote the note J
and then went lo the river bank near
Jennings I-txtge and took hla life.
Mr. Mi Kenile tumet Ihe myster
otis note over lo Ihe Portland police
and Itetectlv Tbackenberry waa as.
signed to tha rase, fie Immediately
roininiiiilialeil with Hherlff Wilson.
Mra. Zimmerman notified tho sheriff'
of fit here of the disappearance or
ber bueband last Hdlurduy.
Tb note will probably be taken
to Mrs. Zimmerman to see If she ran
Identify the writing a that ot ber
husband lodjy or tomorrow.
Hherlff Wilson believes that the note
may have been written by Zimmerman
and that Ihe farmer may have taken
hla life, but he think It more likely
that the message wa written aa a
Joke. In Ihe meantime Portland po
lice and Ihe local aulhorttle are at
tempting lo eolve the Iwo mysteries
the disappearance of Zimmerman
and Ihe authorship or the note
which are atrangely connected.
In Hie Social Whirl
Current Haapenlnaa ef Inters hi I
and Aaent Oreen CKy
HOST or relatives gathered at the
home of Mr. and Mr. David
Moehnke, Sunday, July , In honor of
their tenth wadding anniversary.
Among the many presents received
waa a collection of aluminum ware. A
Mr. and Mr, hurl C. I.utx, who
hav been In this clly for the past
Iwo daya. Ihe gm-ats of Mr. and Mr
Maxwell Telford, lift for Portland
Wednesday arternoon, and today will
depart ror their future homo al Mab
ton, Wash., where Mr. l-nti la In busi
ness. Tbey were married at Ht-attle,
Yasb on Wednesday. July It. and
a real romance Is connected with thla
Mra. Lull, who was formerly Miss
Esther 1-eavltt. and well known here,
was In her way to Canada ror a month'
vacation, and It bapened that Mr.
I.uti arrived In Belittle a day previous
to the arrival or the young lady. Ac
cidentally meeting in that city. It waa
planned by Mr. I.utx that tbey marry.
and the wedding took pUre that even
Mr. Lutt, who has resided at Mah-
ton ror the past two yean, la mayor
of the city, president of the Commer
cial club and vice president or the Hay
Palace fair, an annual event held In
that city. Ho ssya that extensive
preparation are being made ror the
fair, which will be held In September
Mr. Minnie U Foster, of Portland,
owner or the Portland House In this
city, I named a -a defendant In two
tilt Med In the circuit court
The Portland House, located on
Main and fifth streets, waa recently
rebuilt. Prank Hrk and Mark Heck,
who hold a lease on the building ror a
period or three year dating from
June 1, !!. claim that all Ihe
change and Improvement eclfled In
Ihe lae have not been made. They
ask ror $300 damage. George C.
Hrownell and Charles T. 8 lever ap
pear a attomlce ror the Heck.
Jame Adklna sued Minnie I Fos
ter and C. R. Haverstlck. the contrae
tor who rebcMt the Portland House,
lor $101 0.r,. $75 attorney' ree and
costs. Walizr A. Dlmlck, Judge G. II.
Dlflck and Will Mulvey appear ror
Mr. Adkln.
Saturday Frank and Mary Beck
riled a ult against Minnie U Foster,
owner or the Portland House at
Fourth and Main streets, alleging vlo-
linn. r .1..... Im .
-.l. ..i . ...... i. i v aa v.-1-j .ir.ir. I .u -
""" . . . V . : : . lease. Monday Mra. Foster, who live
wnirn wa ouim me pniaco. wnicn la v icei w me . nr4.n. ..,.. ...
anu liMf.ievi ia teiiKia. iiu uvtiti
Misa Kathyrn Moehnke
highly appreciated by Mr. and Mra.
On account or the large number be
ing present, the upper floor or the
sawmill waa converted Into a tem
porary dining room, where a dinner
waa served. The table were dec
orated with cut flower and were
laden with good thing to eat. Alter
the ropast, toaat were offered to the
happy couplo.
Although tho weather wa some
what cool, the Ice cream etaud did
not lark It usual patronage and
everybody hod a plenty. Towards
evening tho crowd began to disperse.
Those present were Mr. and Mra.
David Moehnko and sons, LaVerne
and Murtin, Kd. W. Homshut and
daughters, -Heulah and I.tilu, Mr. and
Mrs. Michael Moehnko, Mr. and Mrs,
Cbriat Muralt and daughter. Myrtle,
Mr. and Mr. Willlum Llmlon and
daughter, Gladys, Mr. and Mr. Wil
liam Moehnko and daughters, Kathryn
and Murgurette, Mr. and Mrs. Otto
Moehnke. Mr. and Mr. Henry Mott-
or 35 feet The Interior I filled with
all kind of exhibits or Yakima county.
Among the prizes that the association
la to offer thl year, aay Mr. Luti
la $100 for the but tea car of corn.
and $100 ror Hi beat bushel or pota-Iocs.
Rock, declaring that the Deck held
Ihe property by force and asking that
they be ejected. J. E. Hedge ap
peared a Mrs. Foster' attorney.
J. H. Christ, or Sandy, wa bound
over to the grand jury In the Sandy
Justice court Tuesday on a charge of
threatening to commit a felony. He
waa released under $1,000 bonds.
GhriBt is alleged to hava threatened
to take the life ot hi wife. John N.
Slcvers represented him at the Justice
court hearing and C. D. PurccII, the
Funeral services for the late Frank
Perry, who died at hi bom at Mo
lalla Monday, were conducted at the
Methodist church, Molalla, Tuesday af
ternoon, with Interment In the family
lot at Houlton. Ore.
Mr. Perry waa one of the oldest
hotel men In the state, but previous
to hi death had retired from busi
ness life. He waa born In Iowa In
1814, and arrived In Motalla about
30 year ago, being In the hotel busi
ness In that city ror many year.
Mr. Perry la aurvlved by hla daugh
ter. Mrs. Chllcote. Misa Marie Perry.
or Molalla; aorta. IVcrt Perry, or Mo
lalla: Dennl Perry, of Portland: Cor
son Perry, of Mullno, and the follow
ing brother and lter: C. W. Perry,
of Houlton, Ore.; N. A. Perry, ot Port
land; Mrs. J. D. Grouse, of Seaaile,
Circuit Judge Campbell Friday
signed two divorce decree separating
J. L. Green from L. M. Green and
Maude Case from Richard Case.
E. G. Alfredaon Wednesday filed a
suit in the circuit court against J. B.
Haumgarthcr to collect $200 alleged
to be due on an $800 note aigned In
Portland. April 3. 1915.
PIIU la Hr4 u4 ttt iikV
k.us wM MS SIM Ribtaa. V
Vtu ilV.f ii i' itt it-Trv
biaSuNa mban rim. a
rmtt k mmw M SaL SUM A ton 1UW
It It
Patrick Hani, a native of Ireland,
and a resident of Clackamaa county
for almost half a century, died at his
home In Gladstone at 1 o'clock Mon
day afternoon, after an Illnes of sev
eral days. Death waa due to heart
He was born about TO yeara ago
on the Emerald Isle, and came to th
United Sutes when 25 years old. First
he went to California, living there
two years, before coming north to
Oregon. He lived on a farm In tha
Sandy district for many years and fa
well known through that part of the
county. He sold hla Sandy farm and
bought property near Parkpiace. The
last 10 years of his lite were spent
at his home In Gladstone.
His wife, Bridget Harris, died two
years ago. - One son survives. Patrick
L. Harris, but his whereabouts la un
known. Other surviving relative are:
Slater, Mrs. . Margaret McAdam;
niece. Mrs. Mary HcDonough. Mr.
Anna Malr, Mra. S. R. Graham; neph
ew, John McAdam, of Portland.
The funeral ot Martin Walter, who
died at the home of hla daughter, Mra.
Strohmyer on Pearl atreet, will be
held at 1 o'clock this afternoon at the
German Lutheran church. Rer. Krax-
berger officiating. Interment will be
In the Mountain View cemetery. Mr.
Walter came to Oregon City 13 years
ago. He waa born March 23. 1835.
. Marshfleld State will supervise ex.
penditure ot good roads bond issue
of Coos county ot $363,000.
Fruit Jars
At I.es Tlmii Prosent Wholo
ulo COHt.
Do not overlook our Block of
grcutoHt vnrloty ot other good,
TORS ami othnr DAIRY and
rOUL-TRY Hupiillos. All goods
Rtiurnntnod us roproBontotl, or
monoy buck. Our prices will
nvorngo lower, quality consltl
orcd, ttmn other hoimca In this
Cor. 10th and Main Sts.
A very pretty wedding ceremony
took place at St. John Catholic
Siiniinv ninrtiliiir at 9 o'clock, when
one of tho most patriotic cltlsens or ",un ' n(l d6Mer, Alma. Mrs. Charles M,8I Sll8lt, Mlirie Rot1er. daughtor
Los Angeles. iic.tit.ti.i. at,, nti.tiu mumum una of Mr ,, Mr8i Frank Rotteri 8r.(
nil HiTi-iinrti HVfiivn inrninv nn i Bin ... ... .
rimrittu s i.ii,-.. .int.. n...i..r r tiw, ..".' . - and Noun M. .Marten were unuea in
. i.iovu. .Mr. Jno. U. Moehnko. Mr. Wal- , ... .... t,-.. . ,t....i j
umnue-wnii In lis r v pyrin v. in . - .. . . .. . ' ... mnrriUKe uj i" iiiiit-uruuu,
being tho Hrst time Hint Mr. Spenco
ha been able to make the trip to this
city since his accident when ho roll
from tho roof or hla hum at Heaver
Creek and broke bl anklo. Mr.
LSpenco said Friday that "ho was go
ing tho spned limit, and was arreBtod
by 'Mother earth,' and Ih now 'doing
tlino.'" Ho la altln to walk with tho
aid of a crutch.
.lohn and May Tobln, ot Oregon City,
nro nt Williolt Springs. John, Jr.,
Is OHtahllHlilng quite a roptitntlon for
himself nt that place as an export
nl in rod. On sevornl occasions ho has
Rent his pnrcnts, Mr. ntid Mrs. John
Tobln, or this city, a mess of trout Tor
their hroakfaat. Mr. niul Mrs. Tobln
will bo among those who will go from
thla city to Williolt Saturday to at
tend tho "hoiiBowarmliiR" ot the
hnntlHome new hotel.
J. 0. Stant. ot tlila city, hns pur
clinsod n general iiiercliandiHO store
from C. N. I.nrklnn, at darken, and
linn takon posBOBHlon, Mr. Stnats Is
BHHlRtod nt tho Btoro by his tlniightor,
MIhh Kutlior, anil Mrs. Slants and
her son, Ken, will Bonn leave for
tliolr now homo. Mr. Slants has hnd
n nutiihor of years or experience in
this lino, and wns In hiiBlneas in
Iowa, Oklahoma and at Oak Grove bo
fore coming to this city. He hns
taken an active Interost In tho city's
wolfuro rIiico making his homo in
Oregon City, and is at tho present time
school director of dlRtrtct No. 62, Ore-
J. 8. Yodor,of Yodor station, on
the Wlllnmotto Vallny Southern, was
In this oily Saturday on his way to
GladHtone to attond the chautauqua.
Mr. Yoder Is now engngotl In raining
walnuts, having 17 trees on his farm,
16 of which are heavily l&don with
nuts. Mr. Yodor's farm consists of
112 acres, all of which Is under ctil
tlvatlon. Mr. Yodor hns eight varie
ties ot apples, besides other fruits,
Including pears, cherries, peaches and
plums. He Is planning td have an
other exhibit from his farm at the
Clackamas, county fair this fall, and
never falls to capture a largo share
ot the prizes thnt are offored In the
department of fruits.
Mrs. Doe Wrlcht, of wapmitia.
Wash., Is a guest of hor mother-in-law,
Mrs. A. Nelson, ot Seventh and
Center streets. Mrs. Wright arrived
Ilornnliiili and daughter, Mildred, Mr.
and Mrs. Otto Lyman, Mr. and Mrs.
H. II. Myers, Mr. ntid Mrs. Charles
Mouhe, Mrs. Oiaf Aswald and son,
Norman, Sam Jones, W. H. Kechu,
Mrs. D. J. Thorno, Mr. PurtrlilR.e, Joe
NK of tho most dolightful parties
was at tho homo ot Mr. and Mrs. H.
A. Tschlrgl, of Fifth and Center streets
Monday evening. It was In the form
ot an niinouncoiiiont party when the
oiigugomotit ot tholr eltlor daughter.
Miss LUInn Tschirig, to Phil Ash ford,
ot Canyon Clt.S? was made public. Tho
uiarrlago will ho solomntzetl in this
city on August 10.
Tho rooms ot tho Tsclilrgl home
wore prettily decorated, the color
Bcliome bolng red and green. Rod
rambler tobcs were used effectively,
and festoons ot hearts wore among
the decorations of tho living and dining-rooms.
Cards wore the evening's
entertnliiment, and followed by mualo
mid refreshments. Mra. Tschlrgl was
nsslstoil In the entertainment of the
guest by her daughter, Miss Mildred.
Attending were Miss Etta Long,
MIbs Roho Uptrgrove, Miss Maude
Moore, Miss Adah Muss, Miss Lola
Moreland, Miss Eva Alldredgo, Miss
Edith Alldredge, Miss Virginia Shaw,
Miss Sodonla Shaw, Mrs. W. R. Logus.
Miss Lilian Tschlrgl is one ot the
popular girls of the younger set. She
has resldod In Oregon City for about
two years, and recently returned from
an extended visit In eastern Oregon.
Mr. Aaliford is an attorney at
Canyon City, and Is the owner ot a
large ranch near that city.
In tho presence of many friends and
The bride wore a becoming gown
of navy blue with hat to match, and
carried a prayer book. She was at
tended by Misa Gertrudo Nadonu. The
bridegroom wns attended by Joseph
Johnson. After the mnrrlage cere
mony the bridal party repaired to the
home of the bride's parents at Elev
enth and Monroe streets, where
wedding breakfast was served. The
home was prettily decorated with
roses and other cut flowrs.
Attending the reception which fol
lowed were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rot
tor, Sr., Mr. mid Mrs. Frank Rotter,
Jr., Mrs. Nadeau, Miss- CInra Rotter,
Miss Gertrude Nudeau, Mrs. Potzold,
Misses Josephine, Anna and Myrtle
Petzold, Louise Rottor. Alphonse Rot
ter, Carl PttihlerntH and Fred Petzold.
Mr. and Mrs. Martell are both woll
known young pople and hove a host
of friends. They have gone house
keeping in their cottuge at Glad
E. A. Ilnckott. Seventeenth and
Washington stroots, a dealer In wood,
Monday houKht the coal business of
the Oregon City Ice works and in
tho future wilt handle coal as well as
wood. Mr. Hackott now has tinder
construction modern coat bunkers and
a warehouse on his property on Sov
enteenlli street.
lor Infanta tad Children.
Constipation and Indigestion.
"I have used Chamberlain's Tablets
and muBt say they are the best I have
..... A (- .niutltulk. tn.ll.
Till Kind TOO HSTI Ari2S Kim gestton. Mr wife also used them for
inUlgUSilUU U"u uiu uci lsuuu,
Bara tb
Sijf&fttVLi of
Income taxe
for year Just
against $123,303 for year previous.
collected In Oregon
closed $118,437, as
writes Eugene S. Knight, Wilmington,
N. C. Chamborlaln'a Tablets are mild
and gentle in tboir action. 'Glvo them
a trial. You are certain to be pleased
with the agreeable laxative effect
which they produce. Obtainable ev-
erywhere. (Adv.)
Have you a long head for figures? Do you want to keep
down your living expenses? Then read this list carefully
Lunch Goods
Pimento Cheese 100
Chilli Cheese 10c
Tillamook Cheese, pound 20c
Cream Brick Cheese, pound.... 25c
Llmbergor Cheese, pound. ...'. .25c
Rooth's Sardines, can 18c
Palm Brand Sardines, 6 cans.. 25a
Norwegian Sarines, can . .2 for 25c
3 Cans Shad 25c
Dairy nutter, roll 50c
Ch,ll!l Con Carnl, can 10c
Hot Tamales, can 10c
Chip Beef, 2 glasses 25c
Vienna Sausage, can 10o
India Relish, per bottle 25c
Chilli Sauce, Mexican Hot, Sweet
Pickles and Bour Pickles in full
pint jars, 15c; quart Jars....25o
Green Olives, sizes.... 10c, 15c, 25c
Corned Beof, can 25c
Deviled Ham, can 5c
Lobsters -30c
Shrimps, 2 cans 25c
Vnncamp's Pork and Beans, 10o
3 for 25c; 15c, 2 for 25c; 20c, 2
for 35c
Sour Pickles, per quart 10c
Can Ripe Olives 25c and 15c
Pineapple 10c, 15c
1 pint Grape Julco 20c
1 quart Grape Juice 40c
Wo will give absolutely free, your
choice of
Lemons, dozen 20o
Fruit Jar Specials
Quart Mason Jars, doz 65c
Pint Mason Jars, doz 65c
V, Gal. Mason Jars, dox 85c
Pint Eeonom"8, doz 65c
Quart Economys, doz 90c
Quart Wldo Mouth Masons, doz 75c
Best quality Jar Rings, regular
lOo, In red, grey, white or black,
special 2 dozen 15c, or 4 dozen 25c
Masell Jar Caps, 2 doz 35c
Kerr Self-sealing Lids, 10c 3 doz
Economy Jar Caps, 2 doz 35c
100 lbs. Pure, Cane $8.35
100 lbs. Dry Granulated $8.15
13 lbs. Pure Cane $1.00
13 lbs. Dry Granulated $1.00
Coffee and Tea
Gold Dollar, reg. 30c Coffee... 25c
Royal, reg. 35c Coffoo 30c
Caravan Coffee, res. 40c 35c
Caravan Coffee, 31b can.... $1.00
Upton's Tea, pound 65c
Tetleys Tea, pound 65c
Splderleg Tea, rog. 65c gruae..
pound 50c
Gunpowder Tea, regular 65c
grade, pound 50c
Ceylon Tea, reg. 65c grade, lb. 50c
Bulk Lard, pound 15c
No. 5 Pail Pure Lard 75c
Eastern Bacon, pound 25c
13 Bars Bob White Soap 50c
10c Can Pepper ...5c
Good Broom 25c
Toilet Paper, 3 for 10o
Arm Hammer Soda 5c
50-lb. Sack Dairy Salt 50o
501b. Sack ground Salt 35c
100 Lbs Broken Rice $4.00
5 gals. Coal OU 65c
3 boxes Matches 10c
Corn or Gloss Starch 5c
3 can Old Dutch Cleanser 25c
3 cans Lye 25o
Vinegar, full quart 10c
Regular 25c size K. C. Baking
Powder 2Qc
6 cans Sardines ...25c
2 oans Chinook Salmon 35c
6 loaves U. S. Bread 25c
Wax Paper, 24 18-lnch Bheets..5c
Kellog's Corn Flakes
Post Tosters
Puff Rice.
Puff Wheat
Grape Nuts,
Quaker Oats,
Shreded Wheat,
Holston's Bran
Kellog's Bran
Krumble Corn Flakes,
3 for
2 for
2 pkgs..15c
All kinds of fresh Fruits, Vegeta
bles. Water Melons 2c pound. New
Potatoes 2c pound.
2 pounds Peanut Butter 25o
Regular 25c can Peaches 10c
Canned Shrimp 10o
Armour's best Picnic Hams, lb. 15c
Wednesday Is Butter Day
Seventh Street
Near Elevator