0UM10X (MTV i:TKIMMMSK, KIM DAY. .1ULY 7, IMG l? , f ) Mi A3 0 fe j . The Notion is a determined one on my part to move this stock to an absolute clearance of all our Spring and Summer Merchandise. 1 am going to bring into play all the effective methods known to the Movie Business to present to you "real" bargains. I am going to "cut out" profits, bring prices "close up" to manufacturing costs and "pro ject" before you buying economies that will "take" with your judgment of exceptional values on the smartest apparel merchandise ever introduced in this town. (OB.OSlir,SliniDB at Here Are Some Tempters in Fine Summer Suits Li. Reduced Close to the Edge of Manufacturer's Cost 1$ 12.50 SUITS $1 5.00 SUITS The kind you always pay more money for We will sacrifice at our Clearance Price for only win saennce ai S9.88 The suits in this lot represent our most popular selling lines in the sea sons beautiful patterns, Clear ance Price ng lines in uie sea- $11.85 $20.00 SUITS Here is real evidence of our de termination to etfect quick clearance. Takeyourbene f its in these suits Clearance Price $25.00 SUITS Here is a splendid lot of high-grade tailored suits, elegant assortment. Take these suits at Clear ance Price $19 IB COME EARLY-DON'T MISS THIS GREAT MONEY SAVING EVENT Special Savings in Hen's and Boy's Shoes $6.00 Walk-Over's $5.50 $5.00 ?4.50 $4.00 $3.50 - " $5.35 $4.85 $4.35 $3.95 $3.45 $2.95 $3.00 Dress & Work Shoes $2.45 $2.50 " " " $1.95 $2.25 Men sMuleskin Shoes $165 Youth's Button and Lace Shoes, 2 to 5 $1.95 Boy's Button and Lace Shoes, 8 toiy2 $1.65 Boy's Patent Lace Shoes .95 For You Own Good Read These Clearance Prices $3.50 Mens Silk Shirts $2.65 3.00 2.20 2.50 ." Dress " '1.95 2.00 " " " 1.65 1.50 " " " 1.15 1.00 ' 85 .75 " " " .59 We have on hand a lot of large size shirts. They sold regular for 75c to $2.00. They will go at 35c 75c Sport Shirts 55c $ 1 .00 Black Sateen Shirts 55c $2.00 Richmond Union Suits $1.45 1.50 Lisle ' " " 1.15 1.00B. V. D. " M L .89 1 .00 Balbriggan " " 85 Porous Union Suits .39 Boy's Union Suits 25 Special Snug Set Union Suit, .;$ 1.00 value .79 $1.00 Quality Nainsook Union Suits .59 Shirts and Drawers, each ...:,.. 19 Boy's Overalls 4 to 7 25c 25o Admiration Hose, all colors 17c 25c Garters 11c ' $5.00 to $6.00 Florshlem Shoes, all sizes $3.45 Men's Khaki Pants 95c Big Line of Sample 8 hoes Black and Tan $2.15 Boys' Tennis Oxfords - 19c Special A lot of Silk Neckwear 29c Men's Wash Ties 15c Boys' Blouses 25c Hand Grips 39c NOTE THESE CUT PRICES IN MEN'S and BOY'S HATS and CAPS READ AND SAVE Gordon Hats $2.35 $4.00 Felt and Straw Hats $3.15 $3.00 " 44 . 44 44 $2.35 $2.50 - " 44 44 ,r $1.95 $2.00 44 44 44 44 $1.35. $ 1 .50 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 . 95 A splendid lot or Panamas, values to $5.00, clearance price $2.35 A lot of Straw Hats 19c $1.50 Caps, all shapes $1.15 $ 1 .00 4 4 4 4 44 . .85 75c . 44 44 44 .55 Closing out a lot of odd Caps .43 Remember this sale is conducted for a legitimate purpose and reason We must clean out our Summer Stock Now Good values are here, its up to you, Men and Women, take advantage and get some of these bargains; good values, extra help and Satisfaction will be the main points of the sale. Suspension Bridge Corner 7th at Main, Oregon City MELJL 4J 7 All. T5 The QUALITY SHOP