t 7 f t r .t i rr:r-T-mr Tmrrrnm-; i r ,' i 1 v-i CANBY DEPARTMENT CANIIY, Jun 15. - IH. II)-W, K Hraluard, who recently cam lo Canby from HuIkiii, ha takaii ur lb n III management of Ilia Canby 1 1 r (!!, formally edited ly (I. K. ItriMiWIriK" Mr llMHiklnni ipc la lo follow bua liiita of different iiulnrii for Hi limit Im'Iiih, lull n hmi'ii't learned yet Jiixl hal II U lo Inn from a l.il-f vlall Villi 1'urllaiid relalltea. Mlaa 1 .11 1 1 ii Wang mill Mlaa r'aM-Ha Johnnoii wcitl in Portland Wedneaday illuming anil remained uiilll Hitmlay vi-nlng Kirk llehekali ludg la preparing for IiiIIIkIIoii and au'T Tucaday Jun Snih. Th ilicnn staff inel Mon Ki'hirna from Ih alal eiuiiiliialloii i dav lilghl l riiraiilt, aoina im-in received I lila week, ihow good aland j bia having gnu for Ih Bummer. hi! for Canby pupils. T rut y nut. ol Hih ttlh KhMln pupil who liHik llm ph)aliliKr leal I' at . Mini twenty I1 r of Ilia 71 It grail ho look rui'hy. Then giadea ar credited In Hie Miilla on llii'lr eighth rd rtl fliHli'a. Mlaa l.i'iuiln Hmxika of Iregon CII ua I'aiiby tlallor Tuesday. Ham Oolilii'ii, In m n it -r of IIih liol ili'i'ii Kurnllurn Co, left (lila cik for AiiuiiiiMla, Molilalia, her hi' and lila brother will 0-ii a atom. Mr. (iol ilifii ahlpped wiu alia k h liail on K. V llor. spent ilay In Portland ' haiut lo Molilalia. f n)it ItiK IIih Kuan carnival. Mlaa Myrtln Maunder alopped ou r Mra. C. H. I inn ml ami Huugliler, nlKlit In Canliy Thursday. Mlaa Kami iNirla. vlalh'il Willi Mra liuniei a, ( WM r,.,inilri Id I'ortlund after mother. In I'orllanil llila "k MUa Emily Hpulak i am up from her limn In Nw Era In au'ii'l Sunday! Kd Krueger and aon, wi-nl lo fori an extended aiay at Newport, Oregon. Mra. K in It Kriiegcr, Mr. and Mra with Candy frlenda, Mlaa Hpulak leave Uila eck for Kugen t al It'iid lb aiiiiiini'r normal. (Icnrg Krrainlln, wlioan liomn la m ar Ma kaburg. li ft lut week for an rilrndiMl vlall In Dm raal. Mnlvln ("Tlno") Kid Wt Wedneaday for rorlland, whirs ha rnHa lo r main for Ihn aiiiiiini'r. land Wednesday lo Vlall relatlvca and take In Ilia IIim carnival. Kd Krueger and family rt-l uriifj Sunday evening. lila niullier remained until Toe iluy. I). YV. Kmcger looked after tha htialueaa during lila brother's abaem Candy Eastern Hlar lixljt had good ipn-seiitatlv at rorlland dur ing Ilia grand IimIkii. Meadainea II. II Kerbs, J. Ii. Kikcrson and M I. Mr. T. Mllli r U In I'orllimd Uila Hallor wi-ra Ihi-re for Hik rntlra ixru. wi'i-g rwrlving tiMMiiiai irfufiiiii-iii. Mlaa Ni'll llaniilon and Wall lt man molori'd lo Ml. Angi l Hiimlny lo vlall at tin- homo of Mlaa llumiiton'a alali-r. Mra. Vuliipy Whlli-. Mr and Mra. V. II. Iialrand Mr. and Mra. II. II. Kuli'a had an nti'iidi'd auto trip Monday, romlilnlng luialnnaa with pli-aaunv Thy vlallcd (in-aliam, llorllig. CorliKtl and alao Multnomah r'alla. Mra. V. H. Wyrlh apinl Monday ahopplng In rorlland. Mra. II. W. Willi a-iit Huturday al Oawi-go and Portland. Mra. Arthur Cruhum waa an Or gon City vlaltor Motnluy. Mr. and Mra. II. A. Uirkmun, Mr and Mra. K. A. I'rlral and lliflr amall ilauglitra, Darliara and IUtiiI. inu- lorfd In Molallu and l.lliral Hunday artiTiiiMin. Tom HolM-rla and Marry Morllinan of HuIkiii. api-nl a fw houra with Can hy frliiiiln. Humluy. Mlaa IVIna Khi-rldun ri'lurnid Hmuluy vnlng from a wiTk'a vlall In Torllulid. 8h rrinullii'd until Tui-a-day with Mlaa Kuyi-tta Jolmaon and thru drpurti'd for hr honin In Hlifilila, Or. Mr. and Mra. I.. II. Wang and Mr lUlph Bwanhy. wi'iit to I'orllund Hun day to It praint at a Mrthdny din nr at lh hum of Mra. Wang'a jla r. Mra. T. J. (iary, tint ooraaloii lut ing In honor of Mra. Cary'a birthday. Mr. and Mra. K. K. Hradtl r I'orllanil vlaltora Sunday. The ladla of Canity who hav an aurcafully manugod Ih rufi-li-rla al Ctladalon during tho rhuutuuiiua. hav takn Ihn rom-caalon again for Ihla ai-aaon. which opt'tia July Hoyc. llrown rturnd llila wwk from a winter at Kugno. w hr lie al- Iwnili'd Ih atal unlvrHiiy. A. It. HiigU-y la making an xtnd- "rd vlall In Balcm. Mra. Wavr and hiilty rlurnd lnal . . i.. ii..mu..i.u... rt wrk 10 tlimr lioili in iii'tiiiiRitai". r a plvaaant vlalt at tho homo of Mr'. Wnvr'a nlHtcr, Mra. John llualon. W. 8. Miipl and J"l' Kid atli-nd- vd the convention of the Maaona at Allmny luat wk Mra. lli-rllia llurat apnt a few iluya In I'ortlund during Ih Hob ahow. MUa r'lornco Siwll l alopl'InK ' I'ortlund al the homo of her Hlator, wlio la Ult III. C. N. Walt utti-ndi'd the potmiiHtir'a ionvntlon, bIho tlin Koae ahow In I'ort'iind liiKt wnk. Mra. Walt on Joyod the Hoae ahow Thuraduy. Mlaa Miiudo Iliuitty and MUa Myrtlo lllrrhi'tt, two KNulunli'H of the llt! clnafl of Canity high achool are attend Ing aummir normul in Stili'in. Mra. llol.nmn and diiughter. MrH. ViiK-Kiit Hooney returni'd Sunday even- alou. Otlirra who attrnd'-d were Mra. C. V. I'rmily, f lleatly. John (iraham. II. Hoy I .e, Ml.at-a l.llllan and Mil dri'd Wang Mr. and Mra II. liny I., Mlaa Mil ilrnl Wang and Mr. MiKlnney attfinl d Hi dull giime and Ini lilt-nlally the plrnlc at l.llteral Hunday. II. A. Ilerknian alteudi-d the Koa ramlval In I'ortlund. The Wouian'a Foreign Mlaalonary aiM-lely of Ihn Methodlat rhurrh, liti-t at III home of It a prealilenl, Mra. II. A. (iualrmk Wedni-aiUy aflerniHin. Mra. W. Iloyd MiKtre gave a review of Ihn year'a aliidy lunik and Mra. John aon rondiu-liMl the "linatery hot." (ieorge Hair waa another Cnliliyltn who took In the Hon ahow. Or. A. U Murdy waa a Portland vla ltor Friday. Mr. and Mra. M. J, U. Mlaa I .or ralne l.e and II. Kay le, were I'ort lund vlallora Wedueailay. They made Ihn trip hy auto. I Canity Artlauna and l.llteral rroaaed Itala Hunday at l.llteral. Only aevrn Innlnga were played and Ih final autre waa aeven lo four In favor of Canity. The liaaehall game between Canity ArtlnutiB and Katmada whlrh waa lo hav been played on the Canity dla innnd, Hundy, June IH, haa been pi tat poned on arotint of the llutlevllln rai-ea. Mlaa I'earl Kntellv Smith, of Tort land, who haa been coming to Canby for the paat three your 4 to Inatruct a rluaa In both vocal and Inatrumcntal iniialc waa recently married to Mr. Chaa. Ilergmann, of Portland. Mra. Ilergmnnn eipecta to continue her cluaa In Canity. The murrlage of Mr. Huhle Smith and Mlaa Iuetta Hitook, of Oregon City, o-currd Thuraday morning at St. Patrirk'B church. The ceremony waa Iterformcd by Kev. Jonea, of Can by, at 8; 30 and the couple departed Im mediately for Seattle and other Sound cltlc. MUa Snook la the daughter of Mr. and Mra. W. it. Bnook. who live near- Oregon City. She la one of the communltlea moat popular young lu ll I en. Little need be Bald of the bride groom, aa ho haa been connected with Ih firm of Carlton tt Hoaeiihrana In Canity for eleven yeura and a boat of frlonda, both in Canby and neighbor ing towna wltih ho and hia brido a propcroiiH and happy union. Mr. and Mra. Smith will make their Federal Hatchery Site To Be Auctioned Would Oust Road Boss S. L. MuIIan lo llm llllla aon who reienlly ram In gladdt-a Ilia liomn of Or. and Mra '. I.. Ilayiira. MUa l-aura llruan, of I'nrlland, la in n lug hoi I taratlon wllli Mra I'len a. I'llff laril UiuuiliMr til Hmii Frulil lat-ll I . . . w n v a r .... . . ' ' ; , 'riMlllwl iw mum Mil T mH6IO WITH UINQ POSITION la tiantna Ilia llt'iilirv. iiua im ma flral UII In four Kara Mr. I wiring and family data rrmov ed lo lltelr lioiiia In I'orllanil Tli lollagif here will I Miupltd by lb Ham im k family, Mra. Kraal and lilldren on Tliuraday litoriilrig for Ibflr limit" near AH'Miit Mlaa Kllnl.i-th and Mlaa (it'orgla will remain al Ihla plaia rfur lltg lite Ullillter. Til Keaaln family III return al lb reopnilhg of lite at limila In Heptrinlier. al rrlnTllanWrawof du Ifllaie- , It MCUrUD. POLITICALLV; ALIO WITH WAITEFULNtll, PROPEfiTY'S VALUE DOUBLES IN YEAR H. i. BIGCIR BUY! LOT FOR 1200 EACH IN Itl5, Mill TMIM FOR I WO. Th ronalant adtamlng of real tat valuea In Oregon City aa demon alratrd Ihla week when II. J. Hlgger aold four lola whbh lie bought a year ago for :oo each for $;'t(0, or W a lot. The proerty la altuatei) on High alreel near aecond. Mr. Digger bouyht lb property from John W. IKler. During lb year h paid uuf only 117 for taie. Th lola am well altualed. overliHiklug Ih bual ni-ai aei tlon of lb city, th river and (alia. Several Clui kamaa county farina have been aold recently with eucourag Ing advamea In prli ea. SHOPS INSPECTED County Jqilg" An lrw.ii J.,i,,j Chargea or ualng lila poalllon po wrol Mnry O Mnlle. aaaiaum in inn ally, of heglet iing bla work, of iharg of Hi dllalon of t., i uligre aal, of failure lo rnakn needed re al Waablrik'lon, C, irinUalon lolpalra and ol general niluondu' t are Imld lb public aal of I lie Haker'a I mai agaliul (.,.d Hupervlaor H. I.. bridge lial'liery propt rl). Halm day, M'lllmi, l andldate rr romrnlaaloner al July IJ, at lb '"" door of ibj the itepiit,.n prlinarlea, in a petiilon court bona. ', Died with lite county court Tliuraday Titer la lllll doubt but Hut titer' hy Hi peraoiia of lila dlatrlrt. will be B4irii keen roinpiitli,ii at Iblaj The county court aet tha date for lime, aa lb Und la we'l bted on Ih Ih hearing neit Halurday, June 17. baiika of lb Clukama rler and al' The peiiilouera declare lhal Huper. lb nionili of Clear rret-k. Thla land' lor MuIIan, who la In ihargii of work adjolna jiro-rty raw a-mlr pun had In dlairbi No. I, haa failed lo repair hy I . H. Jai Kaon, rom.r oi in u,egon, road when needed, that he haa neg- M0LALLA DEPARTMENT MOI.AI.I.A, Or., Juua IS (Hp clall Th toiniiiiiiilly alng held at lb ahol hmtae J(llle , ulll)rr tllA rM'ilon of MUa Kthel Morrla of .New berg, waa a aucieaa. Holoa, duet a and alnglng by (he audltnie mad up the program. "Hun Hor," Vlda Col; 'M-iHura Oreain." Harold Jai kaon; la I ' Hleep Well, Sweet Angel," (a) "fUllerlne," Faye Tullver; "Iji Chaaae am l!a aellea," Mary Palfrey, (leva Kverharl; -Threa liraiea," l.ydla Hallor; "Ca rllllou," Ofa Adanta. la) "lllnllng Journal. II la altuulid aUmi a-en mlli a from Oregoo Jty. Th govertiinenl liatrhery waa for mirly operated at thU point. There ar 17 at rra In all, and inoal of thla land la under cultivation. Robber Milwaukie Bank is Paroled HAI.KM. Ore., June 13 -,omplylng with the recoinmendatloiia mad by the parol board, (ioternor Withy comb linlay laain-d a conditional par don to Virgil A. I'errln. nerving a term In the penitentiary for robbing a bank In Mllwaukl. Cla kamaa coun ty, lie held up th raahli-r of the bank In ISIS, and when arretted plead ed guilty. Aacondltloa of (he pardon la that he la to go to Ht. l.oula and realde with lila parrnta leiteii bla duty and that he uaei) hla olTIi for lie xilltlil power. Freewater will dUtrlbule 7u) in caah prltea al her Cherry day, June 21, lo wlnnera of dUplay and athletic i eteuta. Three; cart of alm k were ahlpied ' W 'Urrarole. Clara Ibdmrli h, rrorn Molalla laal week, lo ara be Ing loaded wllli aheep arid Ilia other with tioga. Mm. pleraon and ann, Rdwln, hav reriitil ih place Itelonglng lo Frank Kramer, for Hie aini.in.-r. Mra. Pler aon and aon ar on their way to a homeatead they filed on In Ih K'k lit! "aU linn rniiiiilii." Klenora Hi-hlewa; (a) "PiilorinU-' (ti) "Lilly of the Valley," Naomi llohhliia: "Than hauaer," Ofa A dam a, l.ydla Haller. Thoiie who have been picking atraw. berrlea at Mr. Hhaw'a rani h will al.ont flnlah thla wm-k. II. W. Wagoner of Liberal, waa in I'rarlo country. The Pleraons com!'""n Hll"day lo engage a houa for from Aberdeen. Mr. Pleraon haa gone! Mr. Wagoner will work on lo Vancouver, II. '., but will join hlai"'" Willamette Valley Southern, family later. I Mr. M.u krell la rernndellng hla atora Frank Kramer and family who! '"""erly occupied by Nudlnman. He formerly lived at Molalla moved from '"" Iko pointed the inaldn of the Ht. Henedli-ta lo Mount Ange) recent- '"'"ding and put In electric llghta. Should lloan'a Llnlmant Co Along? Of coura It ahould' For after a trenuoua day w hen your muax lea hav been fairrciaed to the limit an application of Hloan'a Liniment will take the aornneas and Btlffueaa away and yet you In fine ahape for the mor row. You ahould alao uae It for a and- den at taik of toothache, at Iff neck backache, il'.r.r. bltea and th many accldenta that are Incidental to a va cation. "We would a toon leave our baggage aa go on a vacation or camp out without Hloan'a Liniment." Writea one vai allonlat: "We uae It for every thing from crainpa to toothache." J'ut a bottle In your bag, be prepared and have no regreta. (Adv.) OAK GROVE DEPARTMENT 13 GRAUDATED BY L PORTLAND, MAKES ADDRESS TO GRADUATING CLASS. Few high rating ar aecured by Mo lalla and Cunhy inarketa, dairlea. hotela and reatuuranta, according to the quarterly bulletin of th Oregon atate dairy and food roniinUalon. Ocp- uly dairy and food commUalonera la- SUPERINTENDENT ALDERMAN OF Ited Oregon City recently but the re-i aulta or their work la not In th but letln Juat Uaued by (he commUalon.' The ratlnga given placea Inapected In Canity and Mululla follow : Canby. Hairy M. W. Juhnaon. 5t 2. Hotela and reatauratit Cottage hotel. Mra. Caa.il Evana. 89.6; Canby lun. 8. Henderll. 69.5; Lunch RiKtrn, Frank Aatmann, 65.3. Market and slaughter houa Allen & Schaubel,.65. . Molalla. liakery Molalla Home liakery, F. Kogcra, H8.4. Hotel Molalla hotel. J. W. Powell. 76 8; llarrick hotel. II. Derrick. 73.S. Market and ataugbter houae Molalla Meat Market, (ilutech & Worth. 63.9 How to Get Rid of a Cold. Summer colds are serious. Read how C. K. Summers. Iloldredge. Neb. got rid of hla: "I contracted a severe cough and cold and could hardly Bleep. I got a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar and the very first done relieved nie. I took a second done before go ing to bed and can truthfully say I did not cough all night. Hy using us di rected the next two days my cough waa entirely cured and I give Foley's Honey and Tar full credit for my home In Canby and will be at home Ic towAy recovery." Foley's always friends after July Int. I pontiles and heals. Children love It. Mr. and Mrs. Thurber, of CorvailU, j0M )r, Co. (Adv.) were gueats of Mrs. C. A. Will Mou lin". They cume from southern Ore gon by 'auto. Mr. and Mrs, I). P. Newman, of Ore gon City, vUltcd with their daughter, Mrs. C. A. Will, this week. ...... ! I Jennings Lodge Department JKNN1NI1S I.OIMJR. Ore, June 15.1 MIhh Hather Campbell, o graduate of iMnn.-liill At tireHiint a number hero art) on tho sick lUt. Mrs. Wll Hum Jennings Is now coiivali'HcliiK rrom u severe attack of pneumonia. Her daughter. Mr. Millions, of Se attle, Ih still at the bedHlde of her mother. Carl Smith Is confined to hU bed with lllniiBB Hlnco liiat Friday. MrH. Krlckson, who has been an Invalid ror two yearH in falling rapid ly. Mrs. JunieH Waldron's condition re mains about tho hhiiiu. Mm. W. 1. lllltiHtime, wire of tho grocer, Is Htlll confined lo her home. Or. Hugh Mount Ih In attendance. While Mrs. Gladys Wnlson was on a vUlt In her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. I). Newell, hnr little (laughter, was tuken down with scarlet fover. Tho Newell homo Ih under tiunruntlno und every precaution Is being taken to prevent tho apreud of tho dUeuHO. MrH. J. ( McMonlgul was sonio bet ter on Monday, her daughter Mrs. HriggH, of (irantH PnHs, Ih with her. Mr. Mortality Iiiib Iteun unublo to lie at IiIb pluce of IiiihIih'hh. 8ITt'rlng from a apralned ankle. Mr. Morarlty Ih editor of tho Portland News. Kev. Young is gaining some since tho building of his open-air cottngo at the Wilcox place and Ih able to be about In his wheeled chair. Mrs. Shaver, Mrs. Roberts and Mrs, Cobb, of Dubuque, In- 'ere luncheon guents of Mrs. H. M. Hayles on Tues day. During the week Mr. and Mrs. Hayles Imve entertained the two Clarke sisters of London, England, at thnlr home at Evergreen. Floyd Webb, who has been attend ing the Willamette 'university nt Sa lem, Is spending part of his vacation with his aunt, Mrs. Chas. Redmond, Miss Wicker, of California, Is also a guest at the Redmond home. Harold Smith, a graduate of Reed of the 1916 class, and Wendell Smith who has been attending school at Cor. vallls, are enjoying their vacation with home folks. - Eugene L'nlverHlty, has returned to her home. Mr. and Mm. John Robert Fl.-dior have decided to uinvo to Portland. Mrs. FUher has charge of .the pri mary Sunday achool class.' Mrs. M. A. Shaver vUltcd with her son during Festlvul week. A strawberry and Ice cream festival will be given on the lawn of E, A. Samlorri on tho bank of the Willam ette Wednesday evening. The pro cemlH nro for tho Guild. Mrs. Geo. A. Ontrom, Mrs. Hess Hruechnrt and Mth. Nollle Sanders nro ninniiKlnK the affair. Many attended the commencement exorcises lit tho Oregon City high school Friday evening. Rev. Hoyd gave an addies.-t for tho largo number of graduates. Mrs. Roy II. Welch, of Kelso, was a week-end visitor with tho Albert Pierce family. Mrs, Welch was so verly burned n year ago and has but recently returned from the hospital. Mrs. John Jennings ta cnnvaleslug at u Portland Riiimtorium. Mrs. Woolcott, dnitghtur of the late Major Clarkson, was a business caller Saturday of lust week. Tho annual school meeting will he held Monday evening, June 19, at the school house. One director and a clerk are to be elected. Mr. and Mra. Arthur White and Miss llordotta White, of McMlnnviUe, were 'the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pulla brand during Rose festival week. Mrs. M. J. Cobb, of Dubuque, Iowa, departed Tuesday for Medford, where she visits with nor BUter, Mrs. McKee. Mrs. Robinson, of Wtnnepeg, Can ada, arrived on Saturday to spend the summer with her only son, Mr. H. J. Robinson, of this place. Children's day la to be observed on June 18 with a program of music and recitations. Mrs. Rose haa come to make her home at this place and is pleasantly located at the Captain Snow home. Raymond has been the name given ESTACADA GETS HARD SURFACE ESTACAIM. Ore., June H. Eittnea da is soon to have its first hard sur face street. Main street Is lo be paved northward from the railway depot for several blocks with concrete, the grading of the street has been com pleted, and presently the hard sur face pavement will be laid. Main street Is SO feet wide, and always has been In bad condition In the winter and summer from mud and dust, but the hard surface will chango all this. Only one property owner objected, and be failed to stop the Improvement. Sumo of tho Intersecting streets arc being Improved with macadam pavements. Remove Face Blemishes. Pimples, blackheads. Acne, tetter, rl;g worm and that dreaded eczema can be permanently' removed fro'U your face aiifl body by Dr. liouson's Ec.ema Ointment. H Is no longer necessary to go around with an tin sightly complexion und suffer the pain and annoyance that goes with unsight ly ullments. Dr. llobson'B Eczema Ointment Is a time tried, guaranteed remedy, good for Infants, adults and aged who suffer with skin ailments. Huy a box today, start using at once. Money back If not satisfied. 50c at your druggist. . (Adv.) OAK CROVE. June IS. (Special.) The recent promotion eierclaes of the Oak drove school eclipsed by far aiml lar effort a of former years. The class, which numbered 13, was composed ot th following: Earl llerg, Haiti Wood. Francea Griffith. Mildred Wetx ler. Harold Kuks, Margaret Huddel atone, Lola Hamblln, Alvlna Roth, Carl Peremler. Millie Mayer. Arlet Alexander. Sivilla Denniaon and Flor ence llullard. Superintendent Alderman, of the Portland schools, made the congratu latory address but rather intended his remarka for the parents than ror the pupil. He declared that the lion's share or the prulxe belonged right fully to the parents who by their forti tude had made poslhle the promotion of the students. Ills talk further em braced an outline of what the future held In store for th graduates. The outstanding feature of the ex ercises was the fact that all the music was furnished by the members of the school. The hall waa prettily dec-, orated and an abundance of flowers! were presented to the promoted stu-j dents. Earl llerg. a member of the! chiits, gave the welcome speech and one of the most entertaining features I of the exercises was provided by MUs Hazel Wood, another member of the class who, coming garbed as a gypsy, told the fortunes of the entire class. MUs Mildred Wetiler rendered a vocal solo, while the entire class sang sev eral songs. Mrs. John Waldron, chairman of the Oak Grove school board, presented the diplomas to the pupils and also ad dressed the graduates. Practically all of Oak Grove's stu dents attended and expressions of en Joyinent, as well as admiration for the efficiency ot the pupils, were freely mad. WOMEN HEAR TALK THEN COME LUNCHEON, SHOWING VAST KNOWLEDGE OF COOK ING IF NOT OF CIVICS. OAK GROVE. June 15. (Special.) The luncheon given last Saturday by the economics of government depart ment of the Oak Grove and Mllwaukl Social Service club, maintained the same degree of Interest thut former meetings of this character has re ceived. The address of the day was made by J. P. Stevens or Portland, who apoka interestingly upon "OovemmcnL" Other speaker were Rev. W. R. Moore and Mr. Sdltor of The Press of Bend, Oregon. Mra. Atherton, of Concord, entertained with a vocal selection. The luncheon which was prepared by the women of the organization, demonstrated that regardless of the perfectnesa cf the members in tbelt study of government there was no doubt concerning the perfectnesa of their culinary ability. Mrs. Will W. Thompson, of Rother station, acted as chairman of the meeting. ly. Their son Jo will continue lo atay witn Ma unci In Hrlllah Columbia an other year. Mola'lana had the unusual rioer- lenc laal week of following th post- omr as II moved slowly to Ita new location, Juat aat of Its former real Ing plar. Mr. Clifford baa had th houa Mr. and Mrs. Noblett lived In moved lo a larger Iol. aa it extended six feet on Ih lot that (he Odd Feb Iowa had bought. On June 9 several women of the Udlea Aid met at Ih church to pick over wool. Mrs. Ouy served luncheon. Mra. Will Avlaon Is the mother o twin daughters. One weighed three pounds and on six pounds. Frd Parka moved hla pool-ball from the Corbln building to the room form erly occupied by the Vernon drug store. June 9. Mrs. lin k's pupils gave their annual recitul in the band auditor ium. Pink, white and red were the main color scheme though some of the yellow Scotch broom waa used. The girls were dressed in while with red ties and hair ribbons. The boy wore white walat coat and red ties. As each flnUhed bla or her part, little Shirley Rolililm presented a pink, white or red bouquet of rosea. A large audience attended. The first number was a song by Mrs. Heck and her rlasa of 16 flrls and one boy. The program follows: "Danse 8em pllce," Anita Cole. Thelma Vernon; (a) "Away to the Field." (b) "Silent Longing." Alberla Shoemake; "Jolly Jokera." Anita Cole; (a) "In the Park." b) 'The Cuckoo." Gladys Stlpp. Lib eral; (a) "Two Flowers." (b) "Frag rant Violet." Helen Reynolds; 'The Palms,- Misses Pearl and Merle Ba ker; "Danse d'Amour," Reva Ever- Two young women will soon com lo open a millinery and dreaautakliig parlor. Mr. Runolda will go lo Oak Orov lo enter hla old trad, th bud her busi ness. Mr. Runolda had a thop lo Molalla for several yrars. Mrs. Ilavermann haa extended an Invitation to the Parent Teachera' as sociation (o meet In her bom Friday, June 23. In the afternoon. There will b a program and refreshments will be served. Titer will b a alight charge to meet th expense of the association. Wlllard Robblns, who hsd pneu monia recently U able lo b out. Residents of Canby will prearnt "All a Miatak" at the Hand ball Friday evening June 16. under the auspice of the Molalla band. The play la under the direction of Mrs. Muaterton of Molalla. A. II. Chlngdrln waa a Molalla vial tor last week. MUs Ethel Morris and rather, of Newberg, have been visiting at Mr. Wolffs home. Mlaa Morrla and the Mlsaes Wolff are cousins. A man in a sailor's uniform stepped off from the Willamette Valley South ern car Wednesday afternoon. It was H. C. Haw aon from the U. S. 8. North Dakota. He Is a nephew or Mm. Riddle. The new garage belonging to Rex Lewis has received its covering of shingles. Dr. Hutton spoke at the Methodist church In the interest of the Anil- Saloon League. Molalla Is . planning the biggest Fourth of July celebration that it has ever held at thla place. Mrs. Will Thomas has been chosen to teach the third and fourth grades hart: "Chlmea at Twilight." Thelma the coming year. Mra. Thomaa has Vernon; "Last Rose of Summer." Rena bud many years experience before Worth; "Promenade de Fleurs," Pearl coming to Molalla and has made many Raker; "Silvery Waves," Mary Pal- friends since coming to this place, frey; "Rustic Polonaise." Rena Worth, I Mrs. Plerson started for her bome Harold Jackson; "Joyous Message," , stead Tuesday morning with her son. Merle Baker; (a) "Narcissus," (b) ( They expect to maketTgaTAOLNoin EMPTY HOUSES ARE FEW IN OAK GROVE OAK GROVE, June 15. (Special.) "No homes for rent" seems to be the slogan around Oak Grove the days. Since the weather has Improved there has been a steady stream of families taking up all the vacant dwelling places, until there Is absolutely noth ing left. Among the recent families to locate are: Mr. and Mrs. Kruger, Mr. and Mrs. Hardesty, Mr. and Mrs. Carlisle and Mr. and Mrs. Hockady. ELECTED JUNE 19 REV. C. H. LEWIS AND HAROLD JAN MENTIONED FOR PLACES ON OAK GROVE BOARD. A HOUSE BURNS AT MT. PLEASANT The residence of C. E. Hcskett, of Mount Pleasant, was burned to the ground Thursday morning, with a loss of $-000, not covered by Insurance. The lire originated In a defective flue. Mrs. Heskett was getting breakfast when the Are broke out. The build ing wad erected 15 years ago. There Is mora Catnrrh In this section of tha country than all other dlscuaea put together, und until tha Inst few yours r..".a suppcBi-il to bo incurable. For a ereai many yuara doctors pronounced It a local ilincasa nnd prt'scrlltod local remedies, and by constantly falling to cure with local treatment, pronounced It Incurable 8cl-tw-e haa proven Catarrh to be a consti tutional dlaeane, and therefore requlrea ronstltutlonnl lre".!mont. Ilnll'a Catarrh Curo. mnnufa"" r;d by F. J. Cheney tc Co.. Toledo, ( la the only Conatltu tlonal cur on i o marUot. It Is taken In ternally In doaea from in dropa to a tea ipoonful. It acta directly on tha Mood nd mucous surfaces of the syatem. They .tlTc-r ona hundred dollara for any ease It fnlla In euro. Send for circulars and tes timonials. Addrraai T. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, O. nld br PrneirlBiB, Tfe. Tak Ball's Family Pllla for aonatlpatlon. OAK CROVE. June 15. (Special.) Mr. and Mrs. Guthrie, who have been elected to the positions of principal und Instructor respectively, of the Oak Grove school for the coming year, have made arrangements to spend the summer at the State normal school" at Monmouth. Mrs. Guthrie will take a special course In domestic science, while hor husband will take up manual training. Miss Morgan and Miss How Itt, two other members of the local school faculty will also attend Mon mouth during the summer. Miss Muthews will instruct a class of pros pective teachers, Instructing them for kindergarten work. Mr. Reese will snend the summer on his farm In Eastern Oregon. OAK GROVE. June 15. (Special.) There is acute interest in the forth coming election of the Oak Grove school board which is scheduled to lake place at the school house on the evening of June 19. The two mem hers whose terms expire are the chair man, Mrs. John Waldron and the sec retary, MUs Hattle Williams. Several people have been spoken of (is likely to succeed the retiring mem bers of the board. Among the pros pective candidates are Rev. C. H. Lewis and Harold Jan. A large at tendance is desired In order that those elected may reflect the desire of the majority. ETi TEAM IS DEFEATED E IS POPULAR PLACE OAK GROVE. June 15. (Special.) The new amusement park, named Oak Grove beach, situated on the north side of Center street, down on the river is meeting with success. Large crowds are daily in attendance and the manager Louis ColOBky has In stalled amusements which have struck a populur chord- with the pleasure seekers. New features and comforts for the patrons are constantly In stituted which bespeaks a lasting suc cess for the owner. OAK GROVE NINE DEFEATED. OAK GROVE. June 15. (Special.) The Oak Grove Grays, the local junior ba.. team, suffered a 6 to 2 defeat at the hands of the Preston team. Col lins and Sturkweather formed the bat tery for the local team and Peek and Miller for the visitors. Both of the teams put up a snappy brand of ball. OAK GROVE NOTES. OAK GROVE. June 15. (Special.) A large tent has been erected and a , series of students' evangelistic meet ings are being held in Oak Grove. OAK GROVE, June 15. (Special.) Two meetings were held last Sunday OAK GROVE STREET IS BEING If'1 OAK GROVE, June 15. (Special.) Under the direction of Charles Rlsley Center street In Onk Grove is now being mncadlmUed. A large force of men Is engaged in putting down crush ed rock and gravel and the road Is expected to be completed within a few days. This street, which runs through the center of the town will, when completed. Improve the appear ance of the business section. Hy u score of 5 to 3 the town base ball team was defeated by the Port land Heights baseball team last Sun day on the local field. The score by no means Indicates the exciting nature of the game, for in the ninth Inning the score was a 3 to 3 tie. In the tenth Inning the visitors by heavy stick work combined with the errors of the local team managed to get extra two runs. Olds and Skoog were the Oak Grove batteries. A large crowd thoroughly enjoyed the exhibi tion. E. C. Warren was umpire. CANADIANS RETURN TO HOME. OAK GROVE, June 15. (Special.) Mrs. D. Smith and Mrs. S. P. Jackson, mother and sister respectively of Mrs. C. D. Smith of this city, left last week for their home at Woodstock, Canada. Mrs. D. Smith has been visiting here since last September and Mrs. Jack son arrived hero last month for the express purpose of accompanying her mother home. They expressed their keen regret at leaving Oregon, espec ially this section of it. and judging from the attendance they ure proving highly sucessful. S. Green and family have moved from Portland to their local summer home situated on the river road. S. F. Klackman, who has been mak ing Oak Grove his home for some little time, was called to Chester, Mont., last week, upon thee receipt of a wire stating the illness of his little daughter. Mr. Blackman expects to return within a few days. He haa been living at the borne of I. P. Sin ger. Mrs. Charles Thompson, of Roths station, has friends visiting her from Walla Walla. Wash. Mr. and Mra. Elkihs, of Portland, have rented a summer home at Rothe station on the River road. Mr. Elkins is connected with the Sherman Clay company. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kelland have been visiting their parents Mr. and Mrs. U A. llullard. Mr. Kelland ex pects to return for a short visit in a few days. Mr. Bulland Is the well know real estate dealer. Rev. Dqw DeLond Is at present spending two weeks at Dayton, where he Is assisting In a series of revivals being conducted by Rev. Narcy. Mrs. C. O. Leis, president of th Ladles' Aid society of the Methodist church, who has been ill for some time, is greatly improved, Mr. Burnett, commonly known as "Dutch,'' is at present having his machine overhauled In Portland. He plans making a trip this summer to Cannon Beach. George H. Dedrich has rented his home to Earl Dodd. Mr. and Mrs. Dedrich intends to spend the summer in Idaho. C. J. Miller and wife, of McMlnn viUe, visited the Misses Williams over carnival week. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Griffith are the parents of. a nine-pound boy which arrived June S. Both the mother and baby are doing nicely. Dr. Grimm of Sellwood, was the attending physi cian. H. E. Harder has left for his farm near Astoria. Mrs. Harder expects to " join him for the summer soon. Mrs. W. J. Cedarson and daughters, Irene and Beatrice, have left for the summer for Vlento, a summer resort near The Dalles. Mrs. Cedarson has taken along a private instructor In order that her children may continue to receive the necessary sholllng dur ing the summer. Mr. Cedarson spends the week-ends with sis family. A large delegation of Oak. Grove citizens attended the Flag day cele bration at Oregon City Wednesday. Misses Ruth and Roberta Elkins, who have been visiting with Mrs. E. C. Warren, have returned to Molalla. They attended the Rose festival. Mrs. J. H. Riley and daughter, Mrs. Oiler, spent last Sunday In Portland. Miss Lexy Graham, formerly of Oak Grove, is attending Monmouth normal school this summer. T. R. Worthington and sons, Harry and Everett, left last Wednesday for the mountains to spend a few days fishing. Miss Ellen Worthington spent the week-end In Portland with her slitter Miss Rachel Worthington. WOOD! WOOD! WOOD! We are now making a low price on wood for Summer and fall delivery. We have 18OO cords of very fine fir wood, and would be glad to have your order. Write or phone us. W. W. THOMPSON Phone 44, Oak Grove, Orefon