om:fiox city kxtkki'Imsi:, i i:nAV..iri: m. THE WEGO RECORD RAILROAD Con- j nfition withCoun- ( ly Scat. BETTER ROADS on this tide of the River. DEVOTED TO THE 11EST INTERESTS OF OSWEGO AND VICINITY OS PRICE Slow in Advancing We arc selling Overalls as low as 85c a pair, none over $. 1 25. Jackets the same. Men's heavy work shirts 50c Underwear 75c to $1.00 per suit Neckwear 25c to 50c Bring your Feet along, we have the right Shoe for the right price Don't forget that we can get you a full Tailor Made Suit for - - - ft !2L SD;0l HOUSE AT $14.00 News Items ran addreiM-J to Th Oiwrtrn Kivurd. Oswego. Or, or It'll at tha ator of O. W. I'roaaer or off1i- of II. W. Koehler. ! . . . Advertising rate made known upon request. STOP PUT TO F HAZEIIA BRINGS 520 'STRICT WILL PUT UP MW BUILDING CADBACII OIVI WAV TO BCANl CEMENT PLANT SAVES VALUA BLE PROPERTIES AND ENOS DlSAGREABLE ODORS. IIAZKI.IA. lire, Jne - 1 S it 11 I Charles Ijirxm I building a 10 itiit t cellar. A. K. Illiiii tilil l.'ti mi the ol lUicll hoolliotite, mid aa Ilia hid waa the highest he la now owner. He mot It mmiii ii nuke room for (hi III' school bulbllns Mr. Jerry Flala has purchased a j tii' wocatrd rarrlap'. Theodor HtoliihlllH-r. one of Hai. OSWKGO. Ore.. June . (Special )' lla'e moat progressive f.iriiieri. haa Fur mime Utile lime the residents of ' hsl '"" r-'hiiided and pamici nnl he also fiie his nam a new coat of alnt. The Karelia cabbage cultivators have deelded that riMnif la unprof J. BIC1ER & SONS OSWEGO, OREGON Oswego hae been complaining of the disagreeable fumes of sulphur frtim the local cement plant. Thla ha now been remedied liy (he management of : the company. The officials say that when thla odor occur, ike aixt iul arrangement they have for controlling the large chimney la working Improperly and that not only do the sulphur fumes encape hut a I no iroertli'a of value to ! the plant. which are being liwt. Wanker apetit Sunday wllh IhHr' grandfather, Mr. . f. Whlllln. A plilllc was rtijoteil In the Maple tirote. Holiday, by the following: Mlaaea j-u rumliriw k. Mary I'tiy nt I'riwk, MaM Wanker. I.ucy I'ullard j FlWalclh l'ii)iiiliroetk. Hannah I'ol Iih k, Wanda W anker, I .emu a I'liyni I lroek anil OrW'le 1 a I.Uoit. KMia! W'ankrr, Vi'iiioii Davidson, l.lit)d Wan ker. l.lo)d Davidson, Iloy Fodcr, Wll Hani Nagel, have I on and Waller Wanker. Mla lllamhe liinuan seiit Hunday tilithl It It ln-r aunt. Mra J. Mnriian. of Cortland. Mlaa Mhcl Haker left (or I'oitland Hunday. where aha will vl,lt Mra. A Walllna Itoy Fo.lcr a In I'orlland Tuca day Mlaaea Harriet, Ijitille and Irene Duncan apent a very pleasant alter timui on the llntto Hunday. O. C. Whllten vlalte.1 with r. W. Wanker Toelay. Mr. and Mra. WIImiii eutertaliied roiiiiaiiy Sunday. Mra A. K. Thomaa and lit t lo aon, ) I-orlng. were In Oswego Hunday after noon Mra M. A. Gage, of Stafford, paci ! through Haiella Saturday. i la l-rglrr. of Alto Park, called! on F.d Wanker Tuesday mornliiK. I Mr. and Mra. Ernest Whlttcii and little UuiikIiIit. .Norma, were unllnii In Willamette Sunday ; THE BEST OF MEATS Can Alwnya l I'mind at tlie Oswego Meat Market Frrah Currd I Umt, IWoti nnd Otlirr Prtxluct Frcali Fiah. II. BETIIKE, Prop. Oswego, Oregon Italde. They will try lalltiK lxana A lurico crowd llMem-d to the (lev. Mr. Coleman at U'.! u IkmiI houw Saturdny r t rnlna:. It M norland wat helping J. Mala I Mlaa Ha Scott la M-iidlii( a few with plowliiK Friday. I daya with rt lallvea In Cortland thla Mlaa II. Jean human aix-nt Thura ' week. Mra. Fred Lehman and t III1. Inn with rol.idvc In Oawetio Sunday. Mra. A. K llelma intertuliied friiinla from I'ortlund Sunday. Sanitary. Cleanliness and Quality form the basis of nil products of the OSWEGO BAKERY Our Eatabliahmrnt is Open to Innprction We ester to banquets and Lodgv parties If we pleaie, tell others; if we don't, tell ut. THE MISSES ROBB, Props. Oswego Oregon ahttuld ! utilised,! ''' '"'" "h Antone lU.utt II T. I Hun an ii an Oweico vial FULL BRED JERSEY DAIRY Villiger & Schleiss, Props. Pure Milk and Cream All New Sanitary Implements High Grade Inspected Cattle PHONES: B-6161; Local 371 First and "A" SU. Oswego, Oregon , RECITAL OF MUSIC tor Monday. William Krowl entertained In Oswego Monday. Miaa Arda and .Uti-r Karl I'm,4 v lulled with their Kramliuother. Mra e I.. M. luvldaon. Monday. i .Mr. dene Wortlittu:'ou of ()iv'ko, J h er.tertiilnrd !' Mra A. Worth.! hiiiton Monday afternoon. j Mlaa lllam he lima an apent the fore part of thu wk in I'ort'aud v I.O.I I IK wllh her aunt Mra. S. S. Ilouti j ahuppiiiK in WILSONVILLE. OSWCCO. Ore.. June S. (Special. I Mu.a Lillian HUkner presented a number of her piuno atudenta in a re- LIL . l. M1 - ... I t. - .1..U -OH... ion. ,Me Ul ,r , .r,allJ Suturdu) III fuiiill I'fl.fKU lliililttt ieriltniu Thoiie takltiK wrt were Arda tlox. Karl ' Hox. Ix'ola Todd. Alleen Worthlnu-i ton. Kdith lllckner ;-.nd Mary Jariarh. 0 ('- W iiltlln. who hua been apend The utilllty of th pupils and their Ins the winter with lna d.iiiKliter. Mra thorough understanding of the dlffl- J- K. Wanker, of Medical Springa. Dre.. cu't selections rendered, reflected r,-t nrinl to his horn In ILuella. Sun highly upon their toucher. i 1,a-v- ' -mm I'. II. Jerlnh. of 0u, nnd Ceorge Charlea and Kuyinond Helm mark eted airaw herrlea In I'ortlund Friday. The Mlaaea Cladya nnd Leah Wag ner have returned home from high achool in I'ortland. Mra. Ilutalgla went lo I'ortlund Wediieaduy to vUlt relallvea. Mlaa Itul.y liuker has lieen III with tonallltlea. hut la now aomewhut det ter. ! Mr. and Mra. Kd. Huker and family nttetided tin' gruduatloll een laea at Candy laat week, when "I puplla grad OSWEGO CHURCH NOTES. OAK GROVE DEPARTMENT SOCIAL SERVICE CLUB PROMOTION EXERCISES i WILL GIVE LUNCHEON! AT OAK GROVE SCHOOL OAK GROVE, Ore.. June 8. (Spe cial.) The Oak Grove and Milwaukle Social Service club bas made arrange ments for a luncheon to be given on Suturday. June 10, at the Grange hall, Milwaukle. under the direction of the economics of government department of the organization, of which MUs Florence Olsen Is the chairman. Spe cial arrangements have been made which insure addresses being made , by gome prominent speakers. A series of these luncheons, w hich have been j a feature of the society's work for! some time, is arousing much interest.' OAK '".ROVE. Ore.. June S.tSpe- OSWEGO. Ore.. June S. (Speciul.l Thildren'a l)av exerrisea will he held in the Congrenutlonul church next Sun-' Haker. day evening. Mlaa Gertrude firhuliel. of Kldora. Rev. Jerome llarber. of Foreat visited Mlaa t.uli Wanker Saturday Grove, preached at the Congregational I und Sunday. church last Stinduy. I Mrs. Ferry and Mrs. Meyers. of 'unj rutV,. wevk. ! Frank Whlttln called on Frunk ' Childs Sunday. Misaea llat'le. Kdith and Audrey I'ark Rose, were visitors Sunday. uated from that achool. The New berg cream route haa placed Char I C Taylor on tli" route again from Wllaomi'lo to New berg. Mra. Nurmnn Say and iin John at tended the commencement eierclaea at Neberg Friday evening, June 2nd. when Jamea Say grudiiuted from the the high at hiMil there. 1 lie ice cream nodal, given by the I.iiiIIch' Aid on Hiitiirday evening. June Mrs. Sarah ChiliU is visiting friends :,r'1 " ul' a'andanj of in the Itnsit I'll v iliU ' excellence. IMotice Call and see me for a nice dish of the best Ice Cream in Oswego. THE HAZELWOOD will call you back PORTLAND PRICES G. W. PROSSER OSWEGO OREGON Nagle were visitors at the J. I. Cook I home Sunday afternoon . j Miss l-aura Moore, of Grcaham. the week-end gucM of Mlsa Kthe' i I'ortland. apent Sunday with her iimlli I er. Mrs. J. II. Illley. j The Mlca Ituth and Itobertu Klk l Ina. of Miita'la, are at present vlaltlng' with Mra. K. C. Warren. They e i pei t to extend their visit an iia to enable litem to uttetid the I'ortland Itoae fesllvul. There has been a large Influx or! new realdeiit.i to Oak Grove the paal I a REDMEN ARE DEFEATED The Oiegoll City lledmeii were lie feuted by the Mulalla ti'uin at Mol.illit Sunilay by a score of J lo t OSWEGO NEWS NOTES. OSWEGO. Ore.. June 8. i Special.) i T El claU-The promotion exercises of the; M iM Ro'uers. of Seattle, was primary graces o. me uaa uro.e UtnB h,.r nlotllPr Mr9 An(I,.r8oni school W ednesday afternoon at 2 P. I j ( M. were thoroughly enjoyed by the! Mra ,.',,,,. . n.,nr u, a few days last week with Mrs. Ku- gene Worthington. Mrs. Hughes at . tended the assembly in Roneburg, two i weeks ago. 1 Mrs. Russell is visiting Mrs. Kelsey, j of Sellwood, this week. i Grandma Davis Is III at the home of 1 Mrs. John lllckner. I Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Hutch were I guests of the Prosser's Sunday. ; Mr. and Mrs.. A. King Wilson enter tained ut a dinner party lust Tuesday night. Oswego residents are u'l attending the Roae festivities In Portland this many who attended. Special arrange ments had been made for the affair. A program made out of wall paper, with which was combined an invita tion, was the handiwork of the pupils. A program of recitation, exercises and music was given. WILL GO TO DAYTON OAK GROVE. Ore., June 8 (Spe ciul.) Oak Grove, during the last few days has been the addition of an amusement park. Louis Colosky has secured a site on the north side of Center street, on the river front and has erected an up-to-date dance pa vilion. Besides this feature he has added a soft drink and ice cream par lor. A good patronage has already developed. MRS. LEWIS MAY RESIGN. OAK GROVE, Ore., June 8. (Spe cial.) Mrs. C. O. Lewis, the president of the Ladies' Aid Society of the Meth odist church, is still .seriously ill. Her illness has now extended over a per iod of three weeks and while her con dition is quite a bit better, yet Im provement is slow. It is possible that due to her sickness, Mrs. Lewis way resign her position with the aid so ciety. OAK GROVE. Ore., June 8. (Spe-! cial.) The Methodist church has ar-l ranged a communion service for next Sunday morning. The present regular schedule of the church Is as follows: Sunday school, 10 A. M.;; church ser vice, 11 A. M.: Christian service, 8 P. M., with song service in connec tion. The pastor, Rev. Dow De Ixmg ex pects to leave Boon for about two weeks to assist Rev. Narcy at Dayton in a series of revival meetings there week. MOHELO CLUB GIVES PARTY. A. J.Rossiter.M.D. Physician and Surgeon Residence and OfficeFront Street. PhoneHome 71 Oswego Mrs. M. C. Young and family attend i e. the Rose Icatltal In Portland this , week. Mr. and Mra. Robert Graham are en I lertnlnlng friends from Hrltlsh Colum 1 bin. School notices uniiiiunclng the an J nnal school meeting on June I'.Mh are I to be seen at ull prominent corners. Mlaa Scollard, who will be principal of the village school during the com. ( Ing year, comes very highly recom- ! mended. Dr. Ilutler. N. O. Say. Robert Gra ham and Mr. Simmons, attended Ma ; sonic lodge at Sherwood Saturday evening. June 3rd. when the third de- ! gree of Masonry was conferred up on David Rutherford, the capable man ager of the Oregon Klectrlc rallwny ! depot al Wllnonvll'e. A very enjoy- i able time was spent by the visitors to the Sherwood lodge, nod they lire loud Oregon: 1,1 ,ll,,r prunes of Hie master of the lodge, Mr. Rasmussen, and his corps ; of officers. A sumptuous repast was I TWO LICENSES ISSUE0 After going an entire month ull'iout marriage license, (wo Ctackiiliiaa few days. With the coining of good I county couples Monday secured the weallur practically all or the vacant legal papera necessary lo ed f mil' hoiiiea have been filled and Oak Grove Clerk Harrington. Tbev are Marie Is taking on a busy appearance. ; Sliel and Raymond Simmons, of M.Tint m . 1 Angel, and Mary K. Krlckaon iind An Strlkf Is Not Settled. i K. I'elrnon. or Scuttle. SAN FRANCISCO. Jutin 7. The l'a ' " rlcllc coast district board of the Inter ! ANOTHER 8TANDARO SCHOOL Longshoremen's association a announced at the conclusion or a nicH-, cm,ty Si hoid Superintendent Cain lug here today Hint there would be no vul, standardized (he Fir Grove school reasiitlon or the atrlkn which hus lleilj yT,Hy. The pupils of the school nine up shipping In all Pacific coast ports,lu program and a luin li was served, until the union demands worn colli- piled wllh. It had been anticipated TWO DECREES ARE SIGNED that the meeting might lead to a set- tlement of the rtrlke. Your Blacksmith Work The Mohelo club held a topsy-turvy party Wednesday afternoon. Teresa Will be done right if YOU bring Redman won first prize, Dorothy . n , f , U'rumbaiigh and Reta Kiser second . 11 lu n,c- rrompi ana careiui prizes. The girls all deserved great . attention given to every job. praise for the quaint styles In which they were dressed. Mrs. Gus Smith acted as Judge. served at the clone of the Initiatory work of the order, A great number of village residents have been going back und forth to the Rose City this week, taking In the festival. G. 0. P, Keynote Is Sounded. . COLISKI M. Chicago, Juno ". Kin- phaslzlug that It was not a limn for re- crimination, but of a reconsecratlon, I Senator Harding. oHHilo, in the key-! note speech today urged the delegates! to the Repuh'lcun national convention1 to rorget the disastrous dlfforeniM's of I four years ago und plunge Into the, coming campaign with a declaration of principles which would bring sUccchs at the polls. Circuit Judge , signed decree Knight Sunders from I Sanders and Rose K. Cainpbe'l Saturday separating Myrtle ' s Samuel Wlllett Guy from Thomas II. Wlllett. Mrs. Wlllett was allowed In take her maiden name, Hose K. Morgan. BROWER PLEADS GUILTY DUNTHORPE ADDITION TO HAVE SCHOOL STAFFORD 8, OSWEGO 3. REV. DE LONG GRADUATES. OAK GROVE, Ore., June 8. (Spe cial.) Rev. Dow De Long, pastor of the Oak Grove Methodist church, has JtiBt completed the course at the Kim ball College of Theology at Salem and graduated from that institution last week. Rev. Mr. De Long, in order to continue his work at the Kimball College was forced to make weekly trips to and from Salem. PUPILS MAY MARCH. j OAK GROVE, Ore,. June 8 (Spe-j cial.) The pupils of the school are attempting to perfect arrangements to participate in the Rose festival parade1 in Portland today. A number havej been busily engaged for the last few; days arranging for different drills and exercises and If they can reach a satisfactory degree of efficiency,! with the work they have had outlined,! they will make application for a posi-; tion in the parade. I Oswego and Stafford boys had quite an interesting game Sunday on the lo cal grounds. The scoring stoop 8 to 3 In favor of the visiting team. Pratical Horse Shoer Up-to-Date Wagon Work G. H. MILLER Oswego Oregon I OHWKGO, June 8. (Special I As I Mtmllwirnn Aililltlon hnu been without school facilities, a school ut this place has been Instituted, und no doubt will be greatly appreciated by the resl dents or this nart of the county. A movement has been on foot for some time In establishing this school. OAK GROVE LOCALS. SELECT OFFICERS;; BIRD LECTURE AT OAK GROVE. OAK GROVE, Ore., June 8. (Spe. ia'.i W. II. Stokes, the local grocer, spent Monday and Tuesday on a fish ing trip at the heud of the Molalla river. G. Taylor, connected with the Oak Grove wood yard, wrenched his back OAK GROVE, Ore., June 8. (Spe- OAK GROVfl. Ore.. June 8. (Soe-ieiul i n the inn, mtinir .r ti.o rii.i claU-The Audobon society of Port-; Grove Parent-Teachers' association,;"'18 w,i"k uml 'o confined to his land, Joined with the local members: the following officers were elected ror!'"'"1" f(,r tll,! n'man,lfT of the week, of the organization recently and he'd j the coming year: Mrs. A. P. Hushnell.j A sister of M. T. Howard, from a lecture on birds. The meeting over president- Mrs. R. Webb, vice-presi-l Minneapolis, Is at present visiting which President Elliot presided, was: dent; Miss Florence Howltt, record-! wi,h I'1'"- Her stay Is Indefinite, held In the Oak Grove school secretary; Miss Frances Dayton, Mr. Lewis and family, of Portland, A large crowd thoroughly enjoyed the ! corresponding secretary. have moved Into the Upton home at entertainment. There are about 70 1 u h,.mh in,. r. h. Rother station members of the society In Oak Grove. Dependable Groceries are the only kind we handle Quality considered, our prices are absolutely the lowest We are now situated in the Green BIdg. equipped to better enre you. Phone Pacific 55 Your order will receive prompt attention W. B. STOKES, Grocer meetings of the society until school opens in the fall. BOARD TO MEET TONIGHT. I OAK GROVE. Ore., June 8 (Spe cial.) The Sunday School Hoard of: the Methodist church will hold a spe-! cial meeting tonight at 8 o'clock at : the parsonage for the purpose of con- i sldering a successor to C. M. Smith, the former president of the board, who i resigned recently due to the fact that his business In Portland, necessitated j application of all of his time. j H. Henderson, of South Mend, Wa-ih.. Is ut nresent visiting with his daughter, Mrs. McAlpln. Mr. und Mrs. Singer, from Corvullls, iiarents of I. P. Singer, of Oak Grove, were visitors here for a few days. William Lovett, a pupil of tho Onk Grove school, Is to leave Thursday for Sun Diego, ('!, to spend the summer with his mother. During Ills stuy here he hus mutle his home with Mrs. Moore. According to present plans Miss Edith Morgnn, un Instructor at the local school, will spend the summer attending the University of California. Mrs. Vlul Dugan and duughter, of I'ortlund, spent Friday visiting with Mrs. E. C. Warren. Mr. and Mrs. Oiler and family, of -V-V-V-V-V-. Baker Oregonvldaho Investment eompany will operate the Poorman copper mine. WOOD! WOOD! WOOD! We are now making a low price on wood for Summer and fall delivery. We have 18OO cords of very fine fir wood, and would be glad to have your order. Write or phone us. W. W. THOMPSON Phone 44, Oak Grove, Ore on Republican Convention Oponi. CHICAGO, June 7. Tho Republican national convention assembled In thu Coliseum today, heard a keynote speech delivered by Senator Harding, of Ohio, perfected an organization and adojiirned until 11 o'clock tomorrow. It ull took two hours and In Its luck of demons! nil Ion or outbursts and Its strict nttentlou lo the business In hand was reminiscent of the Philadelphia convention of 1D0O that nominated Mc Klnley and Roosevelt. William Urower entered u idea of gul'ty on u tiuinto of currying con cealed weapons Monday before Juntlce Slevers. He will probably be sen tenced today. Ilrower was arrested Saturday by Constable Frost uud Chief lllaiichard. CANNON EXPLODES, 30Y HURT K8TACADA, Ore., June i'.. Ilenton Sarver, the IL' year-old son of Mr. nml Mrs. H. O. Sarver, of Kstucadii, met wllh a painful accident Saturday, when ii home-made toy caunor: ex ploded. The imy received the ..ill blunt of ; lie powder In tho face, and a physician picked over 100 particles of pow der out of tlii lad's face NEW POSTMASTER IN OFFICE Cut This Out It is Worth Money. DON T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, Inclose with !c and mall It lo Foley & Co., Chicago, III,, writing your name und address clearly. You will receive In return u trial package con taining Foley's Honey und Tar Com pound, ror nroncniui cougns, coins anu ; ,.mlM ihrougliont with new croup; Foley Kidney Jills, for l1""" ; und llxlurcs back, weak kidneys, rheumatism, b'ail-, m , ,. dr r troubles, and Foley Cat hurtle Tub lots, u wholesome und thoroughly cleansing cnthartlc, for cniiHllpullon, biliousness, headache und sluggish bowo's. Jones Drug Co. (Adv.) ESTACADA, Ore., June !. W. A. Ilyelmnn, the newly appointed post- muster at EHtacaila, look over thu of fice lust Saturday, succeeding A. N. Johnson. The postoffico is now In tho former EHtacaila bank building und Is boxes Six Dead In train Wreck. COLTON, I'lah. June . Six per sons were killed In a wreck of Denver & Rio Grunile passenger train No. 1'5, 1 west bound, hero this forenoon. 1 THOMAS MORTON APPOINTED ESTACADA. Ore., June ".Thomas Morton, of Eslucnia, who for several years has been Idenlllled w'Hi the hatchery nnd forestry work In this vi cinity, this week received tho nimolnt ment from the United Slates bureau of fisheries to proceed to Yes bay, Alas ku, where he will continue the hatch ery work. Haltlen Chieftains Slain. WASHINGTON, June . American murines and Haltlen gendarmes killed the revolutionary chiefs, Welellus and Codlo, und nine of their men In a fight neur Fonda Vorfetes Sunduy. Does Sloan's Liniment Help Rheuma tism? Ask the man who uses It, ho knows. To think I suffered ull these years where one 25c bottle of Sloan's Lini ment cured me," writes one grateful user. If you have Rheumatism or suffer from Nengralgla, Hackacho, Soreness and Stiffness, don't put off getting a bottle or Sloan's. It will give you such welcome relief. It warms and soothes the sore, stiff pain ful places and you feel so much bet ter. Hny It at any Drug Store, only 2-'i rents. ' (Adv.) ANOTHER LIVE WIRE Horn, Friday, Juno 2, to the wife of A. C. Howlnnd, of Sixth and High streets, a son, weight pounds. This Is the first son In the family. Mr. Howlnnd Is the mnln trunk of the Live Wires of the Commercial club. Indiana Man's Experience. Frank Moseley, Moore's Hill, Ind., writes: "I was troubled with almost constant pains In my sides and back and attributed it to weakening of my kidneys. I got a package of Foley Kidney Pills. Greatyi-'lef was appa rent after the rirst doses and In 8 hours all pain left me." If you have rheumatism, backache, swollen, ach ing Joints or stiff, painful muscles, why not try Foley Kidney Pills. They stop sleep-dlstnrblng bladder allmepta. too. Jones Drug1 Co. (Anv.)