Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 09, 1916, Image 5

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    OHKCION T.T KNTKin'inHi:. H(lliAV,.lirNKl.l'iHi.
Ml MHli TrilrlilKC (if KU), Ml Klm, of Htall'.fd. Iiaa r llollli.irer, and about t'Xi friends rr
Im ha Ixidii spending lh last line lurnH to h-t bow flr tuning lib1 la aitiidn
I liil'ifi liiii klin, oh'i Minifilf r
in Hr "ii iiii t ir Hi Ut in
iiiuiillif r '( ill of I t .-r r i in.,
hfl Inr h.iiu.i Tui'lr iiniiiir,
r i r h iiiiiim fmi .linn in ihu i Mr
tin liuiliii'M. Mr. Dm IUkIii I i iiiiii! I
ri UN Ih Mi hanir al ili'i'arlini-iil of
III r.nnli'Mi llrrxull I.iiiiiImt roiti r.
II I inui'h luipreased Uli lliaraalnrn
Oregon i lly, and that IIiit I
Klt Inline for that moii of h
ll, anil Dial Hi rondtlloii of mof
rr nucr inor iioorsliig ilian at
III t'f t'x iil Mill
Mr ami Mr William Ham and lm
H, lm hai lioi'ii rnlilin( at (Had
loiif for lb Iu4t lour tears, and pre
ilont in dial lima rr la iri'on
'liv. I fl Tulv nfi riiiMin (or tb
rail m-f iIm-jt lll mak llmlr rutin
Inline Mr. Ham disposed of lila prop
erty '.nli-ieal In Clin hamai loiinty
brlme (parting.
Mr ami Mr Herman Klaher ami
on. I.rlr, of I'aru, r In Ori-son
i lly Tuesday, ami lill In Dili city
Mi. OIkt tb gueat of Mr.
Illi liunl Hi hoKiihorii
V. A. I'riMlor. of Hitmly, lni r
irltcil ill Id'iiulilli an tin in I n a t Ion for
ro'inly i iiiiiiiilaloinr, aa In Mil rlly
on liiiliii a Toeailsy,
Horn, Tuesday, Jun . In till ll
if Crank l h, a ilauKli(r, wrisht
ID m i n ikIi Mr. ami Mr Hum h realdo
al Willamette.
J V. I'ol, of I.IU-ral, a in lllia
illy on liualiixaa Tu-iy. Mr Col
k formerly an Oregon ( lly r anient.
l'lirll Murall, of llouii'ilal, amiin
tiili'i by lila iliiiiKtiiT, MyrtI. tlalted
Illi r lallr In Oregon Clly Tuesday.
W II Hair, major of I'anliy, was
allium,' Ihoan trsllaaiillig bualneaa In
ilil uy Tueadsy.
Mr Mlnnl Ymideralie ami her i lill
dreii. Kruuk, Karl ami liul, of Hood
IUmt. u In Ori'Kon City, their former
liome, tlaltlng. Tliey maile til trip
lierr In their lie t'aillllai' elitht.
Mr, (inner Krederlrk. of MolalU,
ui'('oiiialileil liy tier alhler, Mr.
Hlum he Trullliixer of
ek III Oil i lir k( til gtll III Mr fllilul In Hilt til jr.
Hay lloUrlum, of T in h ami Cuilerl tlr (.' K. Men1, of lr 'rk
iittei. baa rluriiii lu tier hum I tuiixl lili frienl In Orgii I lly
Mr. Ilullniflelil, nil kun raldeil Haliinlay.
nl aiil.y. a among th Or4un I Hy I Ml lluUrla M fiui lml, a luilRiit
tlallor Krllay. of llm I'nhmlty of Omgon, r
Mr. ami Mra. A. lolliuk-uiili and turn in Hill illy on KrhUy miming to
nii, ileum, returned on Tliurly lini ner i i urn mi nr arni
truing Irimi NHir1, Oregon, lmrl Mr and Mr. ('. H lmel. Ml Hi bu
lliy lia Iwen for lh pl li 11 la taking a iur In l In lh
iiionlli4. Wlill at Npnrl lhy liad I l'iilerlly of OreKon.
a ml imjoyaiil inn and iirougin Kh, u'llmn. a ai.ol.iii of ih. I'm
Itll I he in aoiu talualiM agate thai
they found on lha heard almrtly after
mi of th alorui Dial they eiperl
tured hll (her.
Mr. and Mr. Tin"lir J. (Jury and
Inn i lilMren, Ted and Marian, airlved
In Oregoii City r'rlday lilKht. Tliey III
lay at llmlr limn at Wl'lamell un
III HumUy enliig Mr. (iry la Tin
rlal of Ihn Hrooklyn u IiimiI al I'ort
laud and Kill bring hi family In Ilil
illy llliln to eek. They
lieud III auuiliier her.
Mr A. N. Hmlih, of ( hliaxu. Ill
have arrhed In Oregon and U lh
gueal of her ruualii, Mra. M. K. Walker
of lllen tU hu. Hha lll lll lh ro
how In I'ort'and and lat'T gu In Can
lion Heai h, Oregon, ahera ah lll
pnd lh auiiiuier Itli her aunt, Mr
It. II Taher
II. II. JohliMiu, nullity aurteyur, hu
a taken In the Otegnn City hiillal
a few ilaya ago uflerlng from au at
la k of apiM-mlu Ilia, la luiiruWi g ami
Hi attending phyali Ian. Ilr. ('. II
Milaalier, lielleiea lliul It will mil
lie iieceaaury for (urglcal iiieratlon
kllM Kniliia Klelnainllll, of Clarkea,
and hn ha Juat ruiiiiileled her third
lei in al th Alherla w Inxil, ai In thlt
rlly Haturduy on her ay to I'ort'and
her ah III aneud Humlay lib
Thouiaa Havlea, i well kiiun furm
er of Heater Creek. aa among llnw
Iranaaiilng Innliiea4 In Oregon City
teialty of Oregon. IH return lu lila
hoiua In thu rlly on Friday, her he
III "iid hi a ii miner tarallon. He
III return In thai Inalllutlon In th
Neal C. Jauilaon, offli Ul li ater of
th Cla k a ma County T'lliig aaa
ilallnli, a In Ihla illy on hiialunaa
W. II. lUirlng. of Hiring. aa In Or
gnu Clly mi bualneaa WednenUy. Th
loan of IWIng U named after the
ell kliun pioneer.
J. V. (ue), of Ktaada. e kiinoo
Hid roiullienl realdeiit of Dial rlly,
ai In Ihla rlly on builneaa Wednea
In Hie Social Whirl
Current Haapanlnfa f lUr In
an) Akawt Orgn City
VKItY pretty and lmprea.hu
marrlagn reremmiy waa per-
formwl at lh hoion of Mr. and Mra
W, I.. I. mil, of Klgliteetith and Water
atreeta on Thursday fuelling when
their daughter. Mla Anna r.urit. Im
ram th wife of William I.. Hnldow,
of Wlllatnetl. Her. W. T. Mllllkui.
paalor of th Haptlat t bun h. offli I
ated. Only relatlvea of lha contrail-
Mra. ('. T. Howard, atat aii reUrjr lug partlca attended. The bridge waa
of lh grang. a in tbla rlly Hatur- bwomlnKly attired In hit roll. ani
day. Mr. Howard'! home I at Mil- waa unattended. A Per lh rereinu''.y
lino wa performed refreahmetiti .re
(ieorg III' InlMilheui, a pioneer ferted. Mr. and Mra. Hnldow v III
I'nlon Mill. J yealdeiit of Clai kama rniinty, whow tnak their horn al Willamette.
were In thla rltjr Hundiiv. I l(trie I at Uigan, a In thla rlly on
tirover tiiilra, of Carua, a In Ihla
rlty Sunday where he vlalted with
l.onla Funk, well known farmer i
ldlng at Keillaml, waa In Oregou City
Thuraday on lila way to Portland
where he waa railed by lb aertniM
lllneaa of hi alaler. Mra. IJile Hern.
Mr Charles Wvlamandel returned
In her home at Cam Thuraday even
lug. after vlaltlng with her liuahand,
who l t'l' (unfliud In the Oregon (.'It v
Martin lloffmiiii, well known real
limit of Cliii kamaa county, ho farm
I alturtled at Murinot, waa In this rlty
on buluea Thursday.
William Scliats, who U engaged In
funning at Stafford, waa among thoae
transacting bualneaa In Oregon City
Charle Mica, who has been lull
ing his duiuliler. Mrs. Henry Hand,
of Holciiinh's school Iioiih dlatrk-L,
alxiut four miles from this rlty, w
In llu rlty on Krliby on b's way oral.
lre he will spend thn summer. .Mr.
Mt)f wl'l Malt with Ills alMor. Mra.
ft.. C. Hurrougha, lf of Attorney
nurrongn, on oi me leaning iaj"i
.if l.liiioln, on Ills way enat and will
J aiieml some tlmo at hi old home ncur
ChlcuKo. 111. Hu u ai-i'omanled to
thla rlty hv bin mm In -law, Henry
lliiiid, of ilulcomh.
Ah Cutllng, who bus been hpendl.!ii
the punt viur at TrumiulU't, Cil.,
wbero be bus been vUltliiK l brother,
Jiitvlil CulthiK, bus returned to Cr-e
gun City, and wus the gueat of K. I .
KM Intl. bla roiiHln, of this rlty Thurx
liny. Mr. ('lilting Is n brother of Orel)
CuttliiK, of Molullu. ami bus inn
rbuHed H furm near the Intter'i pliiou.
Mr. Cutting, who In "2 years of uko,
Hays thut (hero la no place Uko Ore
Kiin, and that ho Is going to spund
the remainder of hlx llfn In Clackuma."
MIhm Mildred Alk n. who bus I r the
past two years taiiglit In the Mount
I'liaHimt Hchool, JiiHt cIohIiik her soc
oml year's term as principal, will leavo
for her honiu at Whittier, Cal wboro
hIio will siind the -uinnn'r with her
pareuiM. Mr. AIIumi, a iiewsiiaper mail
of Mlmu'Kotn. roivnlly pun hayed a
homo at Wlilltler, bis family pieced
lug him ncvcral niontliM ago. MUh
Aiken will return to Oremm In th fill,
IuivIiik ucceplod n pohltlon In the
Hchool at HorliiK.
I. . II. Young, who recently moved
to Cluckmmiii county from Condon,
was In this city Friday. 111b funr U
located near the I. Inn hhwiuHI.'
J. C. KauplHch, ninmiKer of the
creamery at Ciinby, wud In this
city on business Frlduy golnn to Port
land before returning to bis li.im'.
Miss Grace Zlnsor, who lias been
teaching school at Molullu, lias re
turned to her homo In this city, where
rhe will spi i.d her vacation.
II. T. Melvln. of Harlow, one of the
well known ro-ildeniK of Cliicltumas
county, was In this clly on Friday, I
Th rooms of thn l.unt home wer
hualne Wedneaduy. I prettily decorated with roaea.
Hr. A. J. Koaalter. of Oawego, was Th bride Is one of Clackamas c oua-
In Oregon City on bualneaa Saturday 11) aucratasful k hool teacherk, and
Kd Fortune has returned to Oregon hi. a ataught the Stafford school for the
City from Condon, where ha acted aa paat thrre years, and th bridegroom
official starter of thn horse rsevs that has resided at Willamette moat of his
were held on Muy 31, June I sml 2. life.
Th races were well attended. Mlillel Ml
Mr. Fortune waa In Condon n was Mlts May Crlckson
aurcaful In getting a large number I Wad Andrw PIrson.
of giMHj racing noraes mr mo coming Th(l murriw ot MlM MMy K Erck
Clkckamas rounty fair, and It la bla In- son, only daughter of Mr. and M
lent Ion to have this year's rarea at the Fred Krlrkaon. of this city, and An
fair in -neat ever.- mr. roriuue aim jrw I'lerson, or Meattle, Wash., was
wife will leave Wednesday morning solemnized at the family home, 711
for Wllholt. where they are to spend Jackaon atreet. Monday morning at 11
the summer, and will return to Ore-1 o'clock, Itev. J. K. Landalwrough. pa-
gon City In the early fall. tor of the Presbyterian church, off!
In-lii HeUel, a former Oregon City elating. Tho ceremony was attended
boy hut who has for the lust year been by relatives of the contracting parties,
assistant Inatructor In the pharmacy after which refrealinienti were served,
department of the Oregon Agricultural and the bridal couple left on the 12
college, from which Institution he o clock rar for Portland. They will
graduated several years ago, has been spend their honeymoon In Phlladel
re-elected to that noalllon for the com- phla. the old home of Mr. I'lerson
They will make their future home at
The bride wore a becoming gown of
Purlalan blue taffeta, with a hat to
mulch. She carried a hoiiuuet of Hies
Ing arhool year. Mr. Heliel will ajiend
hla summer vacation In Portland with
his parents, Mr. and Mra. Frank Het
Miss Kdua Swales, niece of Miss
Mary Swales, who Is superintendent of of the valley
the Oregon City hospital, and who re- Tho rooms of Hie Krlckson home
rently underwent a surgical operation were bcautlCed with roses and ferns,
for (ho removal of adenoids and ton- urtiHtlcally arranged
sua. wus ume in iru.e inr ner t The ,)r(o g w,, known , ,)r0B01
I.OKHH omuruii,. rt. ,lavlnK te,tcl ('lacnnias
Mrs. W. P. Hums, no early Oregon rounty all of her life except iho last
pioneer, and daughter. Mrs. l-aurt0 years, when ho hus U-en en
Fnl'er, who have been residing In this ployed ns strc'iormphcr, part ol the
clly for tho last two years nl the time fur the government fish commit-
home of the former's son. Charles slon. and before leaving this tin he'd
Hums, left Wednesday for Portlund, a similar position with tho dub com-
where they will make thulr future mission. She has a large circle of
home. They wero taken to Portlund friends In this city
In an automobile ly Mrs. o. i; inomp Mr pir-nnm Is prominent It. roclal
mm, of that city. MM. Hums reswou m )llHPll(, crcU.6 In Seattle, where
lu this clly many years ago, coming ,e Is paying teller In tho Pexter-lior
acrcss the plains in the early bus ana ton hunk
bus old time friends hero,
Mrs. William Hammond and chil
dren are ut Cannon llcuch, where they
have taken a cottage for tho seuson
Mr. Hammond uccomimnled his family
to tho beach, hut returned to this
city TuoHduy. Phillip Huminoml, hro-
NNOCNCKMENTS of the murrluge
of Mis a Hess Albright, daughter
of Mr. Bnd Mra. Charles Albright, for
merly of this clly but now of Portlund,
to Howard Memlall Thomas, ulso of
Portland, have been received In this
ther of W. P. Ilummond, who bus boon dty. tho marriage Inking place Sun
I'l for tho last two month. huITitIhb "'. J"e . H Portlund
from Inllummatory rheumatism, will Mrs. Thomas him a host of friends
ho the guest ut the Hammond cottago In this rlty and la popular In tho
for Bovoral weeks. youngor set of Portland. Sho loft thla
PruroHBor nnd Mra. Iloynl Nlles, of y sevorul years uko for Hood Rlwr
MarBblleld, have arrived In Oregon l,m lllt'r '""ved to Portland, where
Clly and nro the guests of tho fonuor'
Bho has been conrected' with the KlrBt
Keep Your Eyes Op
Your HveatiN-k i expiwed to dangers fmm withe
wilhin, Indigestion, aluggmh liver anil lioweln, weak circu
lation, are the rnune of grentcr loss thnn aeridcntii, nince
poor condition iimiiiIIv nlfe'ta all the stock and accidents
strike inilividiiiils. It pays bill to keen liorars, cnttle.
I sheep nnd hog in prime rondition, capable of doing their
rl best nt nil times. This means tlie difference between
profit and lew.
prfiiP Animal Regulat
l Ihr bnt anlmnt mnilitlonrr known In llock irmwfn,
thp prarliral Irit ot flirty yrari and mau a.io.1 nil
wlirrv. It ! a Innir, nt a (mmI, anil arU ilirM-lly
nl illimtinn. It maintain a arm awtitr, P"
bravy prudurtiu. Vim raa'l aflonl la bo altliai
lie, 80c, fl 3S-lb. rail. M
Far irnrral farm and family nolhinf cquall
ftP Liniment
Equally aoxl for man anil lit. H ruir. .nraini,
bruiM-i. x.ra ami lit mimlfi. ASarila rrlicl Irom
rfarumadtm and neuralgia.
2.4c, 50c, II
"Your money hark If II f.illa"
For Sale at
Oregon City.
Groceries and Produce
mother. Mrs. Jennie Vincent NIIob, of N"""""' bank.
Mount Pleasant. Mr. Nlles Is ono of Mr. Thomas, who is connected with
tho profoasorB In tho Murshtleld high tho Portland (las & Coke company, la a
iichool, and ho nnd his wife will spend graduate of the Pacific, university at
tho summer with Mrs.-Nlles at Mount Forest Grove, mid it was ut tills col-
I'louHiuit. lege wiiero he met M liia Alnrlght.
(leorgo Gregory, of Molalla. the well I . . .
""""" V X1S dim.' of lha onon .nl..,,,,,,
.1.. ..... i l. tl.Iu lr M.irllwiailnV 1 ' . ......
I 1 Vital III flu. l-l (i II limn rrxhirrmnit IimiuI
tv., itiniiuntw vi'iihivhiinuiiui
Mr. Gregory was on ma way nomu irom p,1Hr,.hi portumi( Fd(Iliy nK,lt nt s
Portlund, where he -uttoiuled tho roBe o'clock, when Miss Helen (Killlnger
show, and nronouueed It ono of the oldest daughter of Itev. and Mrs. K. S,
it ,,, ahnwa ever held lii that cltv. JoHliiKor. of that city, but formerly of
v-mt-kuii i.ii.y, iiiiuuu ill nun i luge
to A. A. Wnggncr, of Hood River.
Tho rliiR coremony was performed
beneutli a canopy of white roses and
ferns by Hov. K. S. Itolllngur, rathor of
tho bride, nnd the bride waa given
away In marriage by her brother,
Churl- Holllnger, of Oregon City
Procedlng the coremony Mrs. Charlos
Spraguo, formerly MIbs Amy Thomas
of OreKon City, sang Impressively "Oh
Promise Me." aftor which the bridal
party entered the church, the bride
ncoiupanlcd by her brother, Charles
Holllngor. Thoy were met at the altar
by tho bridegroom and his beBt man,
David Mobley of Portland. The ring
bearer wna Thomas Orwlg of Owego,
New York, and the minors wore young
women frlenda of tho bride, und mem
hers of her Sunday school class.
The bride was attractive in her
gown of white carmeuse, and her long
tullo veil was hold In place by a
wreath of orange blossoms. She car
ried a shower bouquet of bride's roses.
I lor niald of honor wus her stater. Miss
Alice Hollinger, of Portland, who was
becomingly attired in pink silk nnd
carried pink carnations.
Following the . marriage ceremony
at the church which about 300 friends
and relatives of the contracting par
ties attended, a reception waa held
at the home of Rev. and Mrs. E. S.
Mr. and Mrs. W.(rir will mak
llmlr liome In i'uitland during Hi
uiiiiner. but III ruin tn Ilil tlljr In
lb fall, wiiar Mr Wan-r ha a
cird a position with lb Oregon I'll
high f hool.
Mis fliamlna McDonald
And V. ft. McOemxil Wad.
Ml Kluiiilii M'lx.nsld and Vb lor
lowland M'lx.well. both, ut Oregon
(lly, were married al lh Melhodlal
rliunh Halurdor hlglil. Th ihur
a dworslod by filond of lit bride,
dire ted by Mrs II. A Hogg and Mr
Hlrarn CnalilM Tli In.prnalv
ring rreinniiy u"d by Iter. J. K
Ha kin, paalor of lh ihiiriii. in tin
preaeni of many friends and r'a
lite cf lh rnnlra'tlng rile. Th
young couple wer uriatteodad.
Th brlda was prxtllr attired In
whlla crepe gown. Hl wor a Inn
lull ll, and held In pUc with aprar
of orang blifeanina, ami carried an
arm luuipint of wlilt larnatlona Mlaa
Hadr Ford, of Haleiii. plad lhen
grin's wedding nun h aa lb bridal
party entered th hirih parlors. Th
ceremony waa perforined benratb
larg floral bell of hlt rinv and
iiillai. Th eiilwlned with
fesliMins of Ivy and clutters of whit
rosea wer arranged iherenn. Ferns
In hanging baskets and In bra bowls
completed Ihe artla'ir dealgn.
After a brief honermoon the young
(oople will make thlr future horn at
Mount Pleasant, whir a furnlahed
rottagn la In waiting
Tim bride la Ihe daughter of Hubert
MeOonald of (ire!). Kanaa, and ram
In tbla rlty about four yeara ago from
thai rlly. Since making her home
her ah baa been an active worker
In Ihe Methodlkt church and la a mem
br of the Kpworth league. Women's
Home Mlsaloriary s'irlety, and baa al
ways leen ready to give her assistance
In church work.
Mr. Mrlowll, who la an employ of
the Crown Willamette Paper company,
also came from (ireety, Kansas, ar
riving here about two years ago. He
Is popular among bit aaaorlale. and
haa been a memlier of the Methodlat
church for some time, and always been
an active member since coming to this
ml and u.. f
CANHY. Ore, June . (Special.)
Commencement week was a buay oui
for the teachera and pupils of both the
grammar and the high school grades
of the local schools. Twenty-one pupils
graduated from the ilghta grade, the
largest class tn the county outside of
Oregon City. Their exercises were
bold tn the band auditorium last
Thuraday night, Th program follows:
Orchestra: salutatory, Theodore
Eld; chorus, "Happy Days Gone Dy,"
sixth and Seventh grades; "Our Na
tional Cupital." Merrill Hampton;
chorus, "Lullaby," primary grades;
declamation. Eva Heady; orchestra;
Transportation of Our Early Pio
neers. Frederick Jones; chorus,
"School Day," seventh and eighth
grades; "A Trip to the Heach," Nel'le
Lee; Instrumental duet. "Yellow Jon
quils." Mildred and Lucille Huker;
reading. Hazel Miller; piano solo, "Con
Amore," Josle Porter; "History of
Eighth Grade Graduating Class of
1916," May Hul'ock; recitation. Hor-
tense Stacy; chorus, "You're a Grand
Old Flag," fifth and sixth grades;
"Cluss Prophecy," lcna Pierce; or
chestra; valedictory, Lillian Wheeler;
class song, class 'Hi; presentation of
diplomas by County Superintendent J.
E. Culuvan; orchestra.
The fifth declamatory contest of the
Canby high school wus held Wednes
day night at the band auditorium. The
program follows: Piano duet. Misses
Herg; 'Tho Theatre Party, Miss Cole;
'Cupid's Arrows." Norton Bradford ;
Vlo'ln solo, Mr. Marks; "Horatlus at
tho Hridge," John RobbltiB; "The Man
lu the Shadow." Claire Haines; "Hia
watha's Wooing," Miss Dodge; vocal
solo. Miss Gastrock; 'The Doom of
Claudius and Cynthia," Miss Gtlmore;
HaptlBonon' tho Teolns," Miss Bur
boss: "Triumph of Innocence," Miss
I.nnner: orcltostra selection.
The prlics were presented by the
First National and Canby Stato banks.
Dr. Dedman awarded the prizes first
prl.o, ten volumes of Shakespeare,
wiib won by John koudius unu secona
prize, Ave volumes of Anclont History
Reference books was won by Miss
Maple Cole. The Judges were Mrs.
Royer Smith and Mrs. Little of the
GIlloKpIo School of Expression and
Mrs. V. L. Holt, all ot Portland.
The graduating class held their class
day exorcises ut tho Methodist Epis
copal church Thursday afternoon. A
large crowd was present nnd enjoyed
the "take offs" on the faculty, teachera
and especially the juniors,' who were
well prepared to receive the taunts of
their departing schoolmates.
The following program wub given:
Instrumental solo, Mary Huston;
greetings, Molfurd Ilewett; class his
tory, Henrietta Heck; clusa prophocy,
Mabel Lowery; itiBtrumontul solo,
Lornlne Leo; last will and testament,
Evelyn Nebendahl; presentation to
juniors, Maplo Cole; presentation to
high school. Myrtle Illrchett; the part
ing hours, Maude Heatty; instrument
al music, Mary Huston; planting of ivy
on school grounds. Norton Bradford
guve the Ivy oration, aaslted in plant
ing Ivy by Burton Brown.
Commencement week closed with
the senior cluss graduation exercises
Friday evening at the 'bond auditor
ium. The class members are: Melford
Hewett, president; Maude Beatty, vlce
preuident; Maple Colo, secretary and
treasurer; Clifford Brown, Veda
Drown, Burton Brown. Myrtle Birchett,
Mable Lowrle, Mary Huston, Henrietta
Heck, Norton Bradford, Evelyn Neben
dahl. MIbs Maple Cole received the
highest honors, which entitles her to
a scholarship in one ot six Oregon
denominational schools. Norton Brad
ford received a scholarship to Willam
ette university.
UUilO 111 Hit
lb Junior won lb annual Junior
i.liomor debate at lh bun school i
Ifi.fiilMV nlttif ThM H..I.tM ... a lu I
ly on, both (earns being well pre
pared. Th sub)ei waa. "Holvtd, That
lha roniiiilaaluu form of government
should I adopted In all cities." Th
ophmimr team, upholding lh affirm
atlv sld of Ih question, was com
poaed of Mlaa (ilyd H huebel. Jack
Hwan and Charlea Wl'e, w tills lh
negallv Waa prenented by Junior.
F.Mhol Armstrong. Karl Caddutk and
Fred Too Jr.
Two raah prlcea wer offered, $7i0
lo th winners
team. The money
school projects.
Iter. W. T. Mllllken. T. J. Gary and
J. K. Calavan wer th judges. A. O.
Free) was Ih chairman. Mlaa Naomi
Armstrong aang a solo.
Mr. M. Howiiiaa has been as-
pnliiiad manager ot lb adriis- 4
Ing department of Hi dally and
- weekly editions of The Kntcr-
prise, succeeding W. K Hauler,
who Is no longer connected with
Th Knlerprla
An Innovation In dairying la being
Installed on th ram h of .Neal flmlth
at Uigan. Mr. Hinllh, who conducts a
dairy farm, has a herd of fine Jersey
.,! IS to ,h.-1,(j-..I.Me..u;lil....q..il.
It 10
have them milked three limes each
In order lo Uk earn of Ihe work,
h haa contracted with Wllaon A
( Cook of this city for the Installation
of a Hliarplcs stesin power separator,
tho only one of Its kind In Clackamas
It. D. Wllaon spent Wednesday on
the Smith ranch superintending the
Installing of tbo separator.
The graduation exerclsee of the
eighth grade of the Mount lieasant
school took place at the arhool house
Wednesday night. Judge Grant II.
Dimlck made the addreaa to the stu
dents anr1 presented each of the grad
uates with a diploma.
Those receiving diplomas were How-
rd Ostium, Clifford McLane, William
Moore, Charles Forward. Mary Fields,
Bertha Hartke, Marjorle Paul, Kath
leen Eastman and Louis Forward. The
remainder of the evening was taken up
with an entertainment consisting of
vocal and Instrumental music and reci
tations, under the supervision of Miss
Mildred Aiken.
The class colors, white and pink,
ere used In the decorations of the
auditorium where the exercises wore
held, aud roses and marguerites wer
used with artistic taste.
Friday afternoon the exercises of
the five lower grades were conducted
by Miss Grace Snook and Miss Cor
delia Wleveslek, primary teachers, and
basket lunch enjoyed. Games were
played by the young people, and many
ot the parents enjoyed the outing ci
ell as the students ot the Mojnt
Pleasant school.
Geneva lleiiaon, daughter of Mr.
Jalliea IJlin, and stepdaughter of
James I. Inn. who resided Bear IJnn's
Mill, died at Ih Or. gon City hospital
Wednesday morning from meningitis.
Tb funeral srvli 4 will be rnnducted
at th Myers Brady undertaking
parlors II o'clock this morning, with
Interment In Mountain View cemetery.
Iter. A- J. War will official.
Kb wa born at Canyon Clly, Grant
anility. August 1, Her;, aud baa rcslJ
d near Linn's Mill for some lime.
Hli attended the Mapl l-an school.
Hh was taken III about to weeks
ago, Buffering from meningitis, and
was taken lo the Oregon City h'Mpltal,
where every effort wa mad to save
her life. Her condition brani criti
cal son after being taken III.
Hh la aurvlved by her mother, Mr.
Jam Linn, on ilatrr, Kela Hanson,
two half aiatert, Irene and Eva Linn,
of Linn's Mill; five aunt. Mrs. Olive
Tl'ger, of Portland; Mrs. Eva Kail
thorn, of Independence; Mrs. Emma
lrken, of Nswberg. and two sunt of
Baker. Oregon.
I'mpqu. harbor to be Improved at
an expense of KO0.000. 1
Mrs. Harriet P. Harger, who taught
In the Oregon City schools in early
days and who made ber borne with her
sister. Mrs. Maria Barclay, wife of Dr.
Forbes Barclay, the well known Ore
gon ploner physician, died at the fam
ily borne at Newberg, Wednesday
night. May 31, after an illness of sev
eral months.
The funeral services will be conduct
ed at the family borne this afternoon,
with interment in the Newberg cem
etery. Mra. W. E. Pratt and Miss
Katie Barclay, of this city, nieces of
Mrs. Harger. and her alster, Mr. John
McCraken, of Portland, will attend the
Mrs. Harger 'was 78 yers old at the
time of her death. She was a member
of the Women's Relief Corps and of
the Ordur of Eastern Star. She Is aur
vlved by her four daughter. Mrs.
Fred Kinney, Mrs. James McGulre,
Mrs. Elza Hadley and Miss Amy Har
ger, of Newberg. She leaves one sis
ter. Mrs, John McCraken. ot Portland,
the only surviving member of her lm
mediately family.
What Is Uric Acid ?
Erer fine the discovery of nrk) acid
fa the blood by Kcheele, in 1775, and
the bad effect it bad upon the body,
scientists and physician have stnten
to rid the ttasnea and the blood ol
this poison. Becao) of its over
abundance In tlx system it eanset
backache, paint here and there, rhea
malum, gout, gravel, neuralgia and
ciatica. It ih Ir. Pierce who dis
covered a new agent, called "Annrio."
which will throw ont and completely
eradicate this nric acid from the sys
tem. "Annrio" baa proved to be 37
timet mora potent than UtKta, and
conaeqaently yoa need no longer fear
naacnlar or articular rheumatism or
goat, or many other disease which are
aependent on an accumulation of orio
acid within the body. Bend lo Dr.
Fierce of the Invalids' lintel and8ur
Eical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., for
pamphlet on Anuric," or send 10 cent
lor a trial package of "Annrio Tablets."
If yoa feel that tired, worn -oot
feeling, backache, neuralgia, or if your
sleep it disturbed by too frequent
urination, go to your let drag store
and ask for Dr. Pierce's Anurio Tablet.
Ibey are put up in CO-cent packages.
Doctor Pierce' reputation la back of
this medicine and yoa know that bia
Golden Medical Discovery " for the
blood and hi "Favorite Prescription"
for the ilia of women bare bad a splen
did reputation for the past fifty yean.
Doctor PSeree'g Pellets are unequal ed
a a Liver PUL One tiny 84arcoatt&
Pellet a Dote. Cure Eick Headache,
Bilious Headache, Ditxinees, Constipa
tion, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, and
all derangement! of the Liver, btomactt
and Bowels.
HOME A-133
F'alls City Butter 60c
Two Pounds
ft 1 ' can eMJ 1 j
Armour's Picnic Hams, lb 15c
Armour's Hacon, lb 25c
Coffee and Tea
Gold Dollar, reg. 30c Coffee 25c
Roycl. reg 35c Coffee 30c
Caravan Coffee, reg. 40c 33c
Caravan Coffee, 31b. can $1.00
Send In your coupons for Tetley's
Tea, and receive ;-lb package Fri.
Liptons Tea, pound 6:-c
Tetley'a Tea. pound 65c
Spiderleg Tea, regular 65c grade
pound 50c
Gunpowder Tea, rogulur 65c
grade, pound 50c
Ceylon Tea regular 65c grade,
pound . . .' 50c
3 lbs. Dry Peaches 25c
2 1-2 lbs. Fancy Prunes 25c
4 lbs. Petite Prunes 25c
2 lbs. Dry Apricots 25c
2 1-2 lbs. L. M. Raisins 25c
3 pks. Seeded Raisins 25c
3 lbs. Black Figs 25c
1 lb. Dry Apples 10c
1 0 lb. box Soda Cracker 65c
Lunch Goods
Pamento Cheese 10o
Chilli Cheese 10c
Tillamook Cheese, pound 20c
Booth's Sardines, can 18c
Palm Brand Sardines, 6 cans... 25c
Norwegian Sardines, can 10c
Chilli Con Cornl, can 10c
Hot Tamales, can 10c
Chip Beef, 2 glasses 25c
Vienna Sausage, can 13c
Golden Nectar, pint, 2 for 25c
India Relish, per bottle 25c
Chilli Sauce, Mexican Hot, Sweet
Pickles and Sour Pickles In full
pint Jars, 15c; quart Jars 25e
3 packages .Star Naptha
Powder 20c
13 bars Bob White
Soap 50c
Liberty Oats, regular 30c
package 20c
Arm & Hammer Soda,
package 5c
White Mountain Honey,
comb 15c
10c can Pepper FREE with 1
pound can D. W. Baking
Powder 25c
The best Powder on the Market
wheat, $1.35 sack; $5.25 barrel
SWAN FLOUR Every sack guar
anteed. $1.25 sack; $4.75 barrel
Crown Flour, sack $1.40
Barrel $5.40
Snowdrift Flour, sack $1.40
Barrel $5.40
Beans and Rice
5 lbs. Broken Rice 25c
4 lbs Jap Rice 25c
3 lbs. Best Head Rice 25c
3 lbs. Simll White Beans 25c
3 lbs. Red Mexican Beans 25c
3 lbs. Lima Beans 25c
ii lbs. Bayo Beans 25c
3H lbs Pink Beans 25c
Sago, pound 10c
3 lbs. Tapioca 25c
Gladstone and Parkplace,
Monday and Thursday morn
ing. Mount Pleasant and Falls
View, Wednesday and Satur
day A. M.
West Side and Canemah,
Tuesday and Friday.
Armour's Grape Juice, pints
regular 25c now 20c
Quarts regular 50c now 40c
Gallon Canned Goods
1 gallon Peaches )Ofl
1 gallon Apricots IIP
1 gallon Plums . aVUU
1 gallon Apples I p.n
1 gallon Pumpkin .1 vdll
1 gallon Loganberries 40c
1 gallon Catsup 35o
1 gallon Pear 40c
1 gallon Syrup 50c
Green Olives, sizes... 10c, 15c, 25o
Corned Beef, can .'. .25e
Deviled Ham, can Cc
Lobsters .30c
Shrimps, 2 cans 25c
Heidelberg Dill Pickles, 2 cans. 25c
Sour Pickles, per qt 10c
Can Ripe Olives 15c
Pineapple 10c 15o
Morgan. Cash Plan Makes $1 Do the Work of Two. We always Sell For Less.