tt l.X'lll 4 l ' l,'kllil.ltllUUiM lull Hi M 4 ItUII, 14 lit It nnrnox rrrv r.XTF.iM'rtisK. kimiav..m'nt,!. mil.. 1 jlteivs From Oyer a e j a ft j n b n w w t MKMVI'KCK.K. , -,M,..t,IK Portland. lUprclal -The NW.II-r.fH M '! u ln llar.. rt. Klmet nd ri" a rr.-i;n.m t ih .hJ hu. , h.iulU '' ''v Mr ml Mr.. A. I. Urk.... ...4 d-l ,uS..r A.m.. U.i-4 Mr. l-rkm.'; Ah. ;,r4 Sun.h.y ...b Mr H.trr. Mr. -.rr. m in...-. - . ivi lhi week. . Tie Meadow brook Lllctary hi - uiti mil N , ' , ; " s.7; r,.,, ,,,,; ,o.,ntv M..r ", '''; "K hh .... .r "a k. I..U H-.-r- Mr".n4 Mr.. K.n. .,,4 d.uchirr MlUlrttl .iH t.t . fr d4' i if ..iiuJ t k TbJ V.J-l.f.k X.-4lmr, dub, . . . i n. ... W.tlir.l.V Jttfli. i. I D :t: is. ,n: r , .... . .. . .V ' h m h Suti.lay o.rnlnic mi 4 A. A. I'ri..- .o C.,Ur.UU. fr n,v. ..b, on -Jr.,.h SUlurd., f f Ihrlr UM l.-rary ,.,., , In. (or th .umnirr. v ' , . o . .. . of C'ol.on. S.turd.,- .fl-moon .1 h".,,; ,M , a u ,lM.k honi- j T. J. Cru- .nl lo Tortlitrid !a-t 4h wk to lit hi. family for . xhort . GARFIELD. . ' f - . -- : ITPER CARF1EI.0. June S.-(Spo ,-Un The Garfield band ha. been engaited to furnUh the for the big Koirth of July celebration at E.- cd. ! The EMa.ada hlKh ehool held It plrnlo nt the trround. of the C.rfleld ; Country club la.t week. j ..alter .varawaria oruiurt auu era' of his friend, were out from Port-' land vifitlns for .everal day. la.t week. .Mr. R. T. Carter wa. M-let ted for teacher at the Porter school for the en.uinc term. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Evert. Mr. and V,. G. P. Henderson. Mr. and Mr.., K. A. H.rtman and Mr. and Mrs. O. C. j llicelow. all of Portland, were week-i end visitor, at Loe La Barre. R. T. Carter and Harry Stoke Just ; returned from a fHhlng trip to the) mountains where they caucht num-J ber of rainbow, from two to two and J a half pounds each. Mr. and Mm. Itotkin". grandmother j died at the age of 90, at their new farm to which they have Just moved trom Portland. EAGLE CREEK. r 4. s. t $ & EAGLE CREEK. CM. June 8. ! (Special.! Ray Woodle Is at present wnrklnir near Troutdule. helDtiiE to build a Varn. E. Xaylor last week purchased a new L". S. separator. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass railed on Mrs. Howlett lan Friday. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Marshall and Mrs. L. D. Woodle were over to Mrs. How'etCs last we?k. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Douglass made a trip to Dover last Friday. School closed In district No. 50 last Friday. Miss Edna Kennedy and her pupils, accompanied by Mrs. Rosa Haker and Mrs. Fred Hoffmeister, go ing to Fern Camp and spending a pleasant day. Miss Kennedy left that evening for Gresham. Mrs. Murphy was down to Mr. Ca hlll's Friday helping pack strawberries for the market. They picked and packed 10 crates. H. Richards, photographer, residing near Boring, was out this way last week, remaining over night at the home of R. B. Gibson last Wednesday night. He took a picture of the school on Thursday, also taking several pic tures In the neighborhood. Mr. Beckett and daughter, Miss Veroo Beckett, were visiting at the farm house Sunday. To the Public. "I have been iwing Chamberlain's TabletB for indigestion for the past six months, and it affords me pleas ure to say I have never used a rem edy that did me so much good." Mrs. C. E. Riley, Illion, N. Y. Chamberlain's Tablets are obtainable everywhere. (Adv.) FARMERS AND TEAMSTERS ATTENTION! Horseshoeing and Blacksmithing of a character that is guaranteed satisfactory Our Mr. Thniims D.-Xike was formerly located in Portland Mr. 'Carl Martin was identify J with 0. 0. Thomas for several years. GIVE US A VISIT DeNIKE & MARTIN Successors to 0. G. Thomas New Location: Cor Water and 5th St?. Oregon City 'Tl Till-177 TheDrink iJilLlU That Fits A drink that shouldbe on every table PORTLAND BREWING CO, Portland, Ore. 0a sal- at all Leading Groceries and Confectionarie PHONE YOUR DEALER FOR HOME DELIVERY - t ; 11! l l.ARKr:. Ore, June -iS Ll I j , M.....II Mr CtiTuf Atietium, m .a-i-ii ' .,,, , ! nark.-, on bu.iiir.. ' Mr. W,.H...I.t I.k.W . .-t h..K., , k ( , . hM. l.-r Mr. I..-. j - J- K. ll.-k.M l"" h" r- m"n ' ! Mr.. W. II. t,..,.Urr I. U.i.n; Cuv. tor a lr ila. - time. ii...... MIm Sophie rhiUplne I. tlKlling i i ,ber relative, for a .hort line. , Th ll"u, rani:e had a ( hll saturdiy June lt a. there will dren . !y la.t Saturday ' f.e m day meeting and U or more Wllli.m Kleln.r.lth from .,,. to be Oreicon U home M.llint. m inotmr. j.,, frm Mr. ChrUten. Mein.mllli ana urn- iliHimlu.(ci u rxptwj I'f. .or hort ""J. h, , ,hl. ,.k Ml" f-m'u ' , ;., I ,V" i I," n V J.rl ivad upervlor. I. bu.y attended the dame at llarK.s lunr ,rovln our .Saturday n Ight. -i.h'road. ..rArAh"rn,;";,;";7;;n ; ShlK,l election U -et for June l. . Pointers on NO OTHER MOWER ON THE MARKET HAS SO MANY Distinctive Advantages AS THE Improved Bmt aaM I in in i. F I r raa a. a mm.m 4n I Raa ktk nam. rf V- mi I I aaaaa 111 I alaiaama aialllaa " If acta tat k aaa 1 torpa t Oljfl TO, M nV FlXf ' Z-Cn fir . 4 Champion W. J. WILSON & CO. OREGON CITY, OREGON ALSPAUGH. AI-SPAl'GH. Ore., June 8. (Spe cial.) Mrs. William Kurasch and son, Herbert, of Estacada, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Githens Sunday. Mrs. Hugh Kerchem and son, of Logan, are spending several days with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Heiple, of Currinsville. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Heiple spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. lmel Eiler. J. W. Dowty spent several days in Portland last week. Me Coay .v-v-v-v-v-v-v-w-v-v-v-v- J KlLSO. ' KELSO. Ore. J"- s. - iSpe. U I l III. kl-ll.lll fitclte.l a Iil.....M riti-nlly Bli:i'i' I'1 d.'.lh a.m. John ll. kvtiuHi, of H " lie died of mllii' Mr l. kfn U In Mimiurmm t L'l " ir.t lux fur Inhere"!"... Mr, and Mt CharV. Zimiii-rinati ar trjoli In oter l'"" '"' " imiiKiiiiT So far the Ki-! Ir.ciiei. !if (lltll(U )1ir daughter. MiM iVm, r. Unl. A1.r, j.l-r. hM ,M.r,h I . n,- to .'or..-...! . ,k. Mr,. Itr.rnnr b. r.-hm,,.! lo h.-r horn h-r Mi...-. VI..I.I .4 Oll.r IT...I .r M.,lllm ,hl. ...,k ..... th,,r i.,i,n Ii.i',..r1a lui ha. rlo..1.! . - ..,, H ni t,h lh.. .on.!,,, ...r .1 !,,,., ,1llU ,, ,.a,ro,,. or lb- Mr.. ho h... u. ..... '..,,,,, . .Vllml ,.,,,, . .,,,,, . m-ond ..K-.--.. .. I lr " or -rr M a. h,H,- h.-r, ha. . , 4 -'" mli T ,,. fn.l.l.-.Hlie .iKb.h "Ti'.?... ,.h,r.d.t.; Mr d u,...rd ,o..r4 inn r-vorrl.... S.lnrday rwnln.. Mr. j t-r ra.l.. V.d.l. r d- liwrfd . .hI .. lo , N. II. Itarnell , a .all. r ut llif the d ., i '' h""", U rul- Jml Jurl .old lo ... to ITI. Mr. (Vn.r Hull vl-lte.l hrr mother. Mr. Nordelln. ( f..lur Creek lu.t .Ml-.. Anna Krlrk.on United In Kelw.' tt.d.y Saliird.y .nd attended the urudu.tiiu K. Snodcr... m.4- l.'i.ln-.. trip xer.-l!.'. of the .t'h.Hil member, from her.i m m.-im .1 , the Superiority of the Improved 1911 WTrffl I Mat pm aaarraai Agents E OPENS NEXT WEEK PRUNE EVAPORATOR IS INSTALL ED FOURTH OF JULY CELE BRATION IS PLANNED. ESTACADA, Ore., June 6. The Es tacada cannery, which will begin oper ations by the first of next week, has Installed a Hunt exaporator, which this year will be used exclusively for the drying of prunes and apple., with about 150 tons of prunes already con tracted, lieginnlng June 12, the can- nery will put up between fiOOO and ' 8000 pounds of gooseberries, to be fol ' lowed during the season with the can ! ning of raspberries, loganberries and evergreen. The cannery will give i employment to about !)0 peop'e in the i plant and about 100 pickers. ' . , . ,.p., , Under the auspices of the Volunteer Five department, a Fourth of July celebration will be held In Es tacada park. The program will In clude races, ball games, prize auto elude races, ball games, prize auto- mobile parade, with dancing afternoon and evening. ' I ,. ... . I The George community will cele-, brate on Monday. July 3. at the cluh ,, house of the t;eorge commercial ana, Social club. The newly formed Estacada Tennis club last Saturday dedicated its new courts, completed at an expense of $200, in Estacada park, across from the Hotel Estacada. Stomach Trouble, and Con.tipation. "I will cheerfully say that Cham berlain's Tablets are the most satis factory remedy for stomach troubles and constipation that I have sold in thirtr-foiir years' drug store service," i write. S. H. Murphy, druggist. Wells- burg, N Y. Obtainable everywhere. (Adv.) STACADA CANNERY i MLJLINO. . Mt'l.lVO. ttrn. Juiif k- iHi'i't'Ull - Mit I .llii-rtim (ii.ii. I.t-r ...4 Mr. 4i. I'. iii.'I. l.i l.i.H-r.l Ul Krl ld n HiiIm. n4 (."I i lliv.o Crlriul. lil u liixl lur 1 ..l. .. Ih WiIk.iI iii.'X'I Ik. "I (u.. 'ii l.i Ok.khniii. 'ii r.Hrinl r I nii.'.l lo dii g. hi Mr Murr TriKik hi..'4 li'-r iUhuIi l.r. Mi. A. U I..IH.I.. Lt IVt.Uy t.i. A.liU-y imiiv d.ian lin H.I. iii .iiul a IIik (uk.i uirr millil t( III. . i . .. ..... ki :...! Illll HIIU ..".! A.hVi. Hp reiuin.-.l ' h. hum- ! rridiy. ..vompaiil.d li.'im' b M i. ! I ..l. i.l.l.., Ml... u.ll kl.ll fla.Ullk4.ttf ,. ..... - - , j (Hernia In H.lnn fr lew i)4. M , )n u u , ,,, ,,,,.. City I. in. I tii.i-r.. Iiik rdl.ll) Thf rfHil. fruiu ilinf .n' ilia-miia In. Orrin A.lklin. or I.H' il. II j X,r "" Krlik.ii rr .1 llif 1 4.11 a hi.nio TIiiir4.j. Wyiit of rr.l.ltrf. Ir. A .u.-.-e..rul Irrm of III!1' h" ,,r"""r ' T ,l"r,l . 1,.. I...r Tin. lu. Iwrn llio"""1 ' in. i iirincri'i-alw m h. ti'ir of .1' Iinrln. Ilii la.t 12 iiii.iitli. Ill" ' mhiH.I hiiu. a. I.iiilt nti.l ili'illial'-.l. an. I . r.n-nl Tf.i li. '' .".I'l l. Hon . iiiKiiii'u aim .". ....... to I or. mini I.M iiiurxia- i ori.aiiu iim i ihiiiw' J. J. Mallet ietii the greater .rt of laal week In Dregon City. Mr., futherlne Con. her ha. gone to ! Needy lo her daughter Mm . M harle. Noblltt. j , MU oren.e Cainlde. ho I. ty-. ! , ln Portland, Saturday to Mr. tta Mr, ti. W. unilih. j Mi. Vent. Chun bill d Mlrt Mom ' I'.rl.e were Oregon City vl.ltor. S..t "r4av. j Mr.. Cr.nt A.hl.y nd Kred-1 I ii 1 1 1 1 Ymk Im t. if k. md la asl i It piMlh. nir-fiaUrtiWii-j ten MfH ALWAVt Kw. kJt Implements Vehicles PORTLAND, ORE. Spokane Boise Seattle Agents Everywhere erb k wore Oregon City visitors But urday. Mr. DaiiiclHon. who recently pur ehuBod the .-.tuck of goods from Scott & Company has moved Into his new lixsitlon in the store In the Mullno I hall. Work l also progressing rapid- Iy on his new residence. Mullno Is steadily Improving all the time, j Mrs. Wa'tcr Waldorf went to t'nlon Mills Sunday to visit her sister Mrs. J Fr'd Wallace. Mrs. Eulalle Lamb, of Colton, was a I Mullno visitor Haturduy. j The dance given In Mullno hull by I Pete llerdinc last Saturday night, was I well attended. Several neighboring towns were well represented. Miss McConahy left last week for St. Tan', Minn., to be married. Af ter the wedding in St. Paul she and her husband are going to Kansas City to visit her hiMband'n people, before seining down to live In their future home. Mr. Stamen of Oregon City, came out with a party of friends to visit Sunday. The whole party, Including Mr. and Mrs. Woodslde, . motored to In Hie afternoon. Mr. Stamen and party returned to Oregon City in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Eph Dodge were mu ', " ," ' " , Mn rinilize's ' " ''"Hor. las Sunday Mrs Dodge a daughter. Althca Maedonald, ac companled them. ' . L nanlels and "'" DanloU v,Hlt. fumllv last Sun- , ru jitj nn irt';i aiu ! dav. Mr. Striker resides at Eldorado. Alfred Dodge was the guest of JcsBe l)!inli.l lf.ul Hnnrinv He IS going tO work for hi. father who owns a shingle mill near Colton. Mrs. Vic Hatton, who underwent an operation for appendicitis In the Ore gon City hospital, passed safely through the ordeal and Is gaining strength rapidly. Her daughter Isabel I. nursing her mother. Miss Label Is studying to be a trained nurse In one of the Portland hospitals. Mrs. Mahala Wallace, who has been visiting her sister Mrs. Parish. In Ore- In li.-r hi. inn lii'i lii M.illiiu Hit. r k Mr l.irii.rll I. .lolling fil.ll.'. .ml lii.'ii.l. lii I'uriUii l Hliv Inii'ii.l. HiukliiK iill an rilrii.l.M alar lln Ml. t'irnrll, h.ll lirix III M' making quilt) an t l.'iuli'4 I.V l.i"-r Mi. rt.nk Mjiiiilng Ml I'll rill In (llrgiill I'll. I.l HjIiii.1i) lo .it. lur liui.-aii'l .i I III lii lii Ur. K.Mi ( id lin.ii.l Mi- li'IS.II. Ill tillllllllllll Dllllliotlial llll .r.-4 Mi. IV T. Il.irl .. n llicgxii I'll. lii.l Hal. ll. l.i) J J. Ma. U l I hut lug luiii.H'r liiul".) In .ii( Ill in ili .mall Ikiii.u nil III. .rnH-rt)r ti.-ar H. r.r Iiik Mis IW WimhIMk ii.1 t hlldrell. Ml"' '"" """" er. Mr. t Hit. I l itllli-r l'l 1, V ltlt ttllil - - - ihlhlten of lloHon, were UhIiiik the ilir,.r , Mr slid Mr. AuguM KM. k.oii Mia l.r.Ilr llu'l.l.i) nf Tll.iUMll. U im-ii.I In ttri-k llll liT .r.'til4. 4 MACKIBURQ. i 4..t4f.t4. tV MACKSIH IHi. Ore. June -rUl ) - Die rn.ll of rain Mated ork many of IIik runrli er. alloveil IheineaUe. time to .1 tend lh;1 Mennirlnl iNiy ejer.1".-.. Ink Inn their fatnlllea Willi Ihetit III the lh lo linpre.. the children, ree. lal'y altti the ratrlnium nianlfe.le.1 In Ihelr reiiieniliranee of our eoiinlry'. ilrad Tlie dav vta. iM' the ' errl.e. eti-eitlonally beautiful anil aluindanl. The long .tinny day. are r.tMlnx iirrn-iniiiip iiiiiiiiTiiirni in hit. mnw.ii ,,f th grain nd In the rl"-t.lng or ereeilile ..Ivan, einenl In the growth 'the early fruit. Strawlierrle. are In their prime and are re..)ln the they have r.velve.1 by being mu.h larger and .weeler than ever herein fore. In thl. newly .. tiled land Mr.. K.I llurii w ho h.. been keep- lug ho.i-e for her brother Syl. r Cib.n. h. gone to ea.t. rn Oregon where her la .Irendy .etlled S.I.e.ler I. at .re.ent taking of hlm.elf on .he former I .ren, rnnrh. CHAMPION MOWER 33 33 CLIP THE SLIP and secure latest Champion cata logopinions of users and prices FREE WIDf CM AM ft, 4MMMf A M7 GEO. BLATCHFORD MOLALLA, OREGON whlch he has taken for tho yenr. Mrs. J. Clbsou has gone to Port land to visit her daughter, Mrs. Vogol, and will tuke In the Hose show while there. Mrs. (ieorge Sutherland Is thought to be recovering from a serious 111 niMs. Her Improvement, however, Is slow. A loiul congregntlon Is planning to go In a body on Saturday, June 10, to tho Zlon church where a Sunduy school convention Im to bo held. As the services are to occupy both morn lug und afternoon, dinner Is to be served on the grounds. The Mothers' club held an all-day session today ut the home of Mrs. (i. M. Baldwin. Mrs. Hchwan.ara, who has been staying since their sale, at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dawson, has gone to Los Angeles where Mr. Schwan.ara Is now settled. Mrs. J. Gibson und Mrs. William llarth were Sunday visitors of Mm. Ilaldwln. CHURCH 8ERVICE8 AT REDLAND. REDI-ANIJ, Ore.. June 8. (Special.) Ilev. C. C. Hayes, Presbyterian Sun day school missionary, preuched at Hethel church on Sunday afternoon. Ho was accompanied by the Aldrlch brothers' quartet and a number of Ore gon City workers. An appreciative audience listened to them and will welcome them back any time they can come. There is a desire manifested by the Oregon City churches to assist the country churches and Sunday schools, which Is doing much good In that It M Increasing the attendance and In terest to a great extent. Next Sunday at 2:30 o'clock Jlev. A. J. Ware, county missionary, will preach at Evergreen school house. He will bring singer, with him. Riddle to get an electric light Bnd power plant. mm AJVlVrtwLtilj ttmiljiuLbtluuiiHtrAti ll.t,l'5M0UlBalik.rbi ?inPtjli-knilUfVrtfJ ivm iind Hn. f onUUn im Oi.iuu Mixptunr ikrkaai MtNaiicotic. 4M ts Arvnfrfl rVwnh forrownj llon.lvxiTSlnih.liLiit NYuriuA itmuluuui jothu ltt-siidlossor!iur. pl ..t, VCM NEW YOHK. ,1 E.m.1 Copy ' Wrapptf. CLASS GRADUATED BY MAPLE LANE SCHOOL REV. W. T. MILLIKEN MAKES GRADUATING ADDRESS AT WELL ATTCNOEQ EXERCISES. MAPI.E LANK. Ore.. June V (H lul -Th nr.. hinting, cxrcLe of llm Im.l M'hiKil lu.t Saturday night Tt well .llendt'd Itev. W. T. M.IHkim. of I lie Oregon City Hupll.l mude the principal talk on thu pro gram. The pupil, of .11 took part In Ihn program which follows: Opening song. "Joy Cometh In Iho Morning." by school. IHuIok.ii'. opening .poeih. Drexel Hea ler. Ivan tilnther. Ijr .Urney, Chiiun cey Harney. Arthur Haulm. n, (ieorge KodKer.. O.i iir Ablherg. KwlUtlon. 'The Hint? and th Gray." Emily Calger. Song. "Nellie Gray." school. Concert llecltntlon. "Human Hody In Hhyme." Klr.t. Second. Third and Fourth grndiM. Solo, "Way Out West Among tho ItiiHcB." Oille Annul. Dialogue "The Doctor's Office." Juiiies Stewart. HiTt Jtodgir, Harold l.ludhiil. Itaymond Dudley. Itmllutloll. ' How She Got lleildy." Murion Glnther. Song, "Train Song." school. KiH'ltutlon, "The Mull that Never Kicks," Kiigemi Schmidt. Dlnloguo. (coloredl. "Muster oh do Situation," Ralph (luge. Irving Nelson, HiTUian Je.Her. Solo, "Childhood," Mr.. Uiurii Schocuborii. Concert Recitation, "Utile House wives," Elaine Glnther. Alllu Olsen, Carrie t'lloiu, Dorothy Stewart, Hlldii lesser, Dorothy llorton, llcrtha Culger, Orphu Harney. Song, "Those Evening Hells," school. Dla'ogiie, "Military Discipline," John Wuldo, (ieorge Colger, Robert Hurley, Nicholas Guge, Richard Gage, llyron Chillier, Leslie Linn, Walter Wuldo, Willie Wesenberg. Recitation, "Thu Old Horse's Pro tent," Dorothy Swnllow. Recitation, "Thomiis Pnlne," Ronald Glnther. Japanese Fun Drill, l.ydiu Gage, Mar garet Ahlberg, Olllo Ainan, Gerdii Wes enberg, Kate llorton, Ruth llorton, Dorothy Swallow, Helen Llndiihl, Lol. Pagenkoff, Martha Jesso, Gerdu Wes enberg. Presentation of diplomas by the teacher, the class consisting of Ralph Gage, Herman .lesser, .Inula Schuildt, liremi Klelnsmlth, Harold Llndul, Jones Stewart. i I 1 1 i tww j FORDS FORDS FORDS FORDS j EES 1913 FORD touring, practically new speedometer and cut-out; $305. EES 1915 FORD touring, speedometer and hand horn; $395. EE 1916 FORD roadster, like new; $395. j EEs 1914 FORD roadster, flne.t condition; electrlo lights nd seat cov- EEj E ere; $295. E 1914 FORD touring; electrlo lights; $295. SEE! EES 1914 FORD touring, electrlo lights and seat covers; $315. EES EES 1914 FORD delivery; $325. EES Term. If de.lred and a year's free service on all minor adjuit- menta. sz FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO. Jf E 1109 ' EAST 13 A HAWTHORNE AVE. We Want Your Broilers WRITE US ABOUT THEM VALLEY PRODUCE CO. 203 Washington L PORTLAND, OREGON Tor Infunts anj Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signaturo of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIR tt Mt rm rw Aildrr.4. Rev. W T MlMlkell Clo.lng song. " T.lhKht." school. Clu mmii. Uireim Klein. nillh. CI... prui'lii.. ). J'. ii U Sihuildl newIySIs elected at barlow HARLOW. Ore . June M - lSe lal.l - K Judy h.a traded hi. f.rm fr s X'O.cre ranch near Haker. ra.lern Oregon. Mr.. Iluliy .nd .oh. Claude. .Itended lbH)trr Hay In Oregon Clly .nd vl.ll ed friend, there several days. Mr. V.n Winkle I... gone to Idaho lo a daughter .nd will Ito to Wellington where .he will vl.ll Mr.. Clari'iu n Oak. ami lltlln duugh ler lne. of A.lorla. ure visiting Mr.. Oukei' parent., Mr. and Mr. lron. Ml... Olg. Howe .ml Hattlo Irwin .Itended the dance In Aurora Satur day night. At the ell) elerllon held Monday night J. J. Wurfel. H. II. Toll .nd J. A. Andrew, were elected rouncllmeii. C. G. Toll wa. elet ted clerk and I L. Irwin irea.urer. with W. W. Je.e, ui.yor. BACKACHE IS A WARNING Oregon City P.opl. Should Not Nt gleet Their Kidneys. Hackache I. often nature's mini fre quent signal of weakened kidneys. To cure the pultiM and uckes, to remove the lameness when It arise, from weakened kidneys, you must reach the cuiim the kidney.. If you huve pain through the .mull of your Ixiek, urinary disorders, headaches, dUy spells, or are nervous i.iiil depressed, start treating I lie mdueys with n tested kidney remedy. Dunn's Kidney Pills have been proved good nnd are especially for weak kidneys. Dean's have been used In kidney trouble for over 50 years Rend an Oregon City testimony. Mrs. Harry Hrnnt. IU04 Ninth St. Oregon Slty, says: "1 hud been trou bled by my back and kidneys for sev eral years. My back nearly killed me ut times, It pained so. 1 could hardly straighten up when I got down III a stooping po illlon. I also hud more of les trouble from my kidneys. I had heard Dunn's Kidney Pills rocommend ed so highly that I got it box und found them henellclnl. Ever since I hnvo rtuck to them und whenever I have felt In need or a kidney medi cine, they huvo ulwovs done mo good." Price ."lOc, nt all diiulers. Don't simply usk for u kidney remedy net 1 man's Kidney Pills tho same Hint Mrs. Ilrant had. Koster-Mllburn Co., Props., Iluffalo, N. Y. (Adv.) I S If