THREE DIVORCE SUITS ARE fILED IN A DAY MUIBANU CHAIIO. Dl.lNIIOr.. 1A0 Wivri CMUtlTV-Ol. MiniAL It HON 10. v,l iiuriUK" Hi i ii lix a Iik-ii U J( ii I I" ktui ""Hi r li la miililli, i a aea are ini'ii wnii in" i:'l''" Three mill u iiinii '" "' "' """ i Inllaid II M null agaiiitl .. li.ll.'ilr llllaid, alleging tin l'K",","f llaiuiiionl I lUu"""'"' '"' defendant Ilium' I j .tr't delimiter I" I'" '"" I ,alfk H'HI"i lll'l"ll ll'lll H ((1,t;l,iiii a i auaa f l hm. 11m at-! I.irt. ) f"r ""' I'l1"11" '"U'il l Imi ,k'alM lUri'"'1 I Wllllaine rhan:e i ru I (f M,ln.l rUrrlii II William Tli r n anted January I. IM, til I'ort Hlic aakl fr 1110 eull motley Pill1 M liuthriford alliura In tii'l jivrr n.mplalnl thai her lmalatil. j..J Nulherford, Ml hrr Th-y n .rrlri In llila mnnlr Man h .10. y hh- aka fur lha return nf lnr ota nun. k'lalc ('rlt'aer limit Jii'U rntiill Malm.Ur ,rM an order 1 1 mi I I ti at Hm will - ( f,ttn White ajtalnat lha I'm I Uii I k t'l Miliipany fi r peraolial III re. rlie.l when ail auloinolill m imii rnr oi iin i "i'i'aj a u-in n lit ptrrtiirtied A lmbal af Haalth. Taa rrlhaiiirlana uf Anrlant (ini aia fixKl. iiailra" IrUipi rari'-n ,li f.lfltT At a iMt'lgn Ihrr llan I lie . folnlr.l atar ahltb Ihajr mardoil j a arinlNil nf brallh A ral flra MiiltJ aUr aii-ara on aai h ai ka of (lamlrlaln a TaliU'la. alij (III fill j ll ll ani lrnt nilaalim aa a rmlMil i f krallh If r"'i ara Iruulitrtl allb linll j r(iin. Mlliiuariaaa uf ronMlpallun. I t a kaa nf Ihraa lalilala from ' nrjf Jrarflal. Vou lll I anrjif ta. ' it lha guli a rrllrf alilift llirjf affulJ OMAlnaMa arrtini ( A'l' i m m TTia iir lrr fur Ilia lunilw r to Imil.l U tnr Urt Hanta Clara rana haMtaml anarr aalJ i niiiiilalnl. (ilalnlin .1 Ui." rountr haa l-rn laia4 anllalll laWa JmUmam axalnat you aa M IsiSJin nprrallolia all! iM'Uln at mi -a j ln Kor Ui auin of l?tt.i ami liiU-rait rOB SALE 1 lirwa iMa ro. una. Iwih in June, una In July ami th j clfci-r In (Kliitir. arltln Imauaa' U Bin UK Olio Ni'lMili. It i. Imtl i:i. (irrin CHy, Or 0 MLI-VM - lilac kamllh alnip ii liiOa (IimxI pla. a for (ootl hufia iW Mra Will Jamaa, fiilim Villa If not hoina rniiilra of l. l Tmliiniiar. Money to Loan aul c nacHiR Lawytr Dtutachar Advohat Room ttravrr Hlill OraKon Clly UTimon. la lha f'lri illl Coin t nf Ilia Hint of 0rtnn fur l'l kainua Coiinl. Ji-nrll I'lillmk. rialnllff. i ll.-i I'.il.'tna. John NUrunilna I ihn Ui.lrr. A t i nt, ami dua( Carahrlalua. Ti !'(. r lialrlaa ami liuai Caralirla lot, iti'frml.inta almvn nmni'il In lha hiiinn of Ilia Hlata of OraKim. 'oil anit rarh of ytiu am hnrali)' ro fllrnl In aMirur and anarr lha roin plaint rilrii aKulnat you In lha aoova mtlili'il i-aaii ami Court on or lnfor' (li Kb il.iy of July, 1916, ami If ou 'ill to to appnar ami anawar pluiu lirt'i aal.l roiniilalnl, plaintiff lll lk rlr lo lhi. Court for tha rrllnf pryil tor In Mlil roinplulnl, to wit: Kor a iK-nr (hnt aha hava anil rarovar from J'f. riiUnt. Tatar halntaa, Isdili with lnl'in (hi-raon at Ihn rata of fl por "(il par annum from Ihn IDIh day of Hh, inn, und tha further atmi of k an aitornay'i fan, tonnllu'l llh Uie ci ita and dlnliumami'iita In in) Hkh'I bar unit; adJuilcInK tlnfi'ti 'Unl, 'i.,.r Diiii.taa, an unmarried ""I l lha tlmn of tho pxncullon of t" morimi,;!. di'Krrlliad In her rem pliltitwi) KiijuilRlnn llm anld moriitaRd 10 ' i Hun upon tha wholo of tho l proparty di'Kf'rllM'il In lha. roni' to- it; A pnrt of tint 1. K. C. "'K'm niir In T. t H. H. 2 K. Will, ""i tommi-ncliiK ut a point 2.60 t-hMfnn KiMiih K5 lli'K. r7 Mln. Hunt of Knnihwaat comer of a tmct of Un'l lii by n. W. Itimdull to John Every Housewife or Mother Is ever under that Nervous Strain which so often results in Headaches. Dlzzv Sensations, Faintness, -vcic&sion ana otner ff Nervous Disorders. Dr. Miles' NERVINE HigUy Recommended Such Guei. ir nn.T orrn rAiu to "Ntrrr, youn M0Nty REFUNDf D. ii, ii'in a pan Hf iim ri.i.i. i I ImI I lalin, IIm imo I", mil i ' HH I -I. mi (In- Ki.iHIi In, iif aa. In. I. 3 (', . Imii,,, l,(, s,, I I r'aat 4 iliHina. lliKii.ii nm ' I 1.7 Mill Weal J ". i,ila Mia II U Whlllx a loriiti, I h i, Mimlli I H.K Wil along lhi. J Dili' i.f Mia II M WlilHi.. a Ittml l Hm da nl l gluing I i liama. i i.iiUIn Ing I S a. I. a iik. in i,r I, iri'a.'iiin r...tar '.il (ill aide mi ,i Sun al.ln i.f aald limi, a'i a Ir'itl In Hi H.Hitliiaeat ii.iii. f i,iiih i, (n fa aim i.i aim nj in i xiMU m H.iulh, lirmliifuio aiilit In Ali iiiu Al ilrritajM ami I f t . I..iUit ollli II. li I" liit.lila, iii.aiiM lila i. (.ur li imn.ra lln r In I . 1 . 1 1 . r. 1 1 1 at or In ai ia.i al'liil jlnli.n t,A m'alni.1 r an. I all of Ilia li'lrii'Unta f.. h I (urn lualiia din inor tat.i v ft mil In lilaliillffa mi ih .ni.uit JiikI lirrrlnlM.fiira an. Ilia Ilia aama . aiil.l aa iimii an i m illion al law ami I In' .ih i-ola n( a'l. li aala ai.llnt In tlii riii'iu nf air ! jl allmm )r a (.". mala 4inl illaliiir llidila. In Ilia "f nil il iirn aa mar lir ami intrrril In Ilia aal.l lauan ami Dm t iiialii'l. r ant. In ha haul HUn I iiurl am! t'la IH.anl iif aa Ilia I'oiiil mar il" l Thla auiiiiiiniia la aiTr. ii.mi )n I y iiilill alum, tiiirauaiit to an r in ail i' by Ilia llmi J. I I'ami'ltll Juilfa i.f Ilia at.otn rlillllnl ( mil. anil iliilnl Hip :Mh ila i.f Mar. I''1". I'llrliiK iiilillrallnn ti'fnif linn, a k ..r all innam ullta i ka r lo to III" Uli itar "I July. ! Tin- il-lf "f 1'ia flial if Hi la aiilnli.i ha la Mar iml.ll ISH! "1, IHKi. an. I Iha laal ilal. "I a I Imi la Ilia .'III itur nf Jul). o V KAMTIIAM Auifiu-r lor I'la miff tummona In Ilia ( In nit CimiiI nf lha Hlalr f On gun fir ( la. kan.aa I'liuiilr Sr.l I'tuiat .inxarr I'll, a CnriHira (tlII I'lahiiirr. a "riik 1'iilrlni ami I mi I'iiU-Iiii, art ni.rl, .l,,lng , aa 1'iili-lin Hina H,fPn.anta j ru I'dIi Iiii aliuia tiainnl ilrf.-n int. IN TIIK NAMK OK Til K HTATK 'K ((Ki;o Yn an litrrliy rriiilrr lo I n.j.rar ami anaarr lha riiii'laln( flint ' ajtalnal oil In tin' alxna riitllU-l ;auan nil or lufiira III" Mil itar Jul. IK. ami If )'( lull l " ai"r (In rri.n al Ilia ratn of ( ar rrnl p'r "" Una April :, lM: fur im- auin of 02 ami Inli'taat thTann al (lir rata uf ( lf ii-nl mt anniini alma July 23. lull. f'r tlia aum of III 13 ami Inlrrral IhiTron .it Ilia rata of 6 iar rant pt-r nnnuni alnra May l. IVII. for ("at a ami illaliiirarinriil i llirrlll Tlil auiimiiiii la imlillatii'il by unl. f of lha lion, J. V. fatnoMI. JuilKa 'if tli a alKive anlltliHl Cinirl, itatad May 1. 1K. rlrai nuMli allon. Ma) M. 191ft I .ant ll It atlon. Jul, T. )9t'i O l KliV. Attornfy for I'laliKllf Summont. Ill tha Clri'ult Court of ilia KUta bl trrou for Clarbaniaa County. Watlar (irual and UU Cruol. plain llfla. a Jaaaa llatal. Kdlth A. llai'l. ila vlfa, Nurthnralarn Aiihik latlmi, a cor IHiratlon. and Tom I. Kandall aa ra ii'Uar of aald rorporatlon. r'lrnl Na llonal Hank of On-non City. OraRon, a lorporntlon. I. C Ulmiri-llf, bkmiiI K C. Ijilouroda. BRcnt, Joaaph (Syalar, Martha Molina na adiulnUtralrlx of lha anlalu of Charlra lliiliin'. dacaaaad. It. I,. Iliiti-hlna, (ioorRv H. Smith, Carl A Olaan, Hoyd 1". Urown, llartha II. Hilillh. Mai (ilulaili. It. K. Andrawa. Stafanii Manna, Scott llonorltl aa ad nilnlalrator of Ihn atntn of Allra Sny dar. dm aaai'd, J, C. Will. Carl Maullar. William II. Whllmora, di'ndunla. To tii-orsc H. Smith, Carl A. Olaan. It. K. AndraWK, Slaf.iun Mnnoa, J. (', Will. "Carl Maullar and William II Whllmora, dafi'iidanla al'ovo nunii'd: IN TIIK NAMK OK TIIK STATK OK OltKdON", you ami cath or you ura haraliy ranulri'd Id nppaar und ana''r ( hp rotnpluliit of llii plnlntirfa rilml ARalnat you In lha aliovo Hiitltlad aull on or liofora tho 10th duv of July, 1911, and 1f ymi full l appi'ar and anawnr. for want tharaof, tho plain- llffa will apply to tha Court for tha rallaf prayad for In thlr complulnt hiTi'ln, a aui'i'lnrt atutiimi'iit of which la for a liiiUuicnt nod decree, thut thn iilortKaKi' pxocuIihI hy tho dnfon diuita .laan Hindi and Killtli A. lliucll In favor of thn plulntirfH on Urn L".uh duv of March, 1!U, rovorliiK ull tho followlnB bounded and diMcrlhed prop mm (ft? "v I raj J Ik V &?TQ BADLY RUN DOWN. "I had bwoma grmMf ram low and my nervaa wwra In tambla ondllkin. I ka4 mMt haa achaa and baoama rary waak aad waa unabla ts da anytnlnf. I boucht a boitla at Dr. Mllaa Narr In a. 1 aoaa kaa ta CmI btua, mr narvaa wars qafcatad. I ra enrarad mr atm(th, aad kan aiaaa ractnnmadad Lir. Mlltaf Marrlna to many of air frtanda who ! ud It Willi aatlanartnrr rnniiaa una. franctm whitlotjc. 171 Unaadwar, Bcaaawrtady, M. T. party, alluaU.) h, Ca kamaa ( ounly. ''(mi, loan A part of a.illi.i.a I and f, In lap 3, H 1 K f lha Wlllaimlla Mnl Han III Claikamaa Co. inly, ln ..ii. I.a (IiiiiIiiR l (In. J I i.,rn.., on a-.. II. .ii Una In I nn .. In,i,a land K. (iiiiiiIiir Ilium , mi M an llmi Una N il ilialna; 'I In n. a f. on H Una of Mi li. laa Hinduikir : '.i i hali.a Tin in a N on K 1 1 in. of aald trail ID il.aina In a almia ( ! a i. a r. in, ,..a iimii .1 mi V. fa. a and X mi I1, I In lha i n lar nf Ilia Ciniiilr llnliie H hi linri i a f,( iiilimi.a Y. ; i l.alna In i mid r nf fal. lo road Unii'i N I, ii tn a C, miimti Y. al.-i.K aal.l I aiili'r Una I li7 i liallia 1 In in a H 7J Iniir.-ra H, hli,i,,. a r;, , ,1,,!,, alnnn Ilia laul. r Ima of aald r.,a. In riMid aiivla 1 lifin a H iJ d'Kra-a Y. I IX) i Lain lln in a ali.nK I l aillmi Una illvl.lii.X W J nf .ill. I ll.l., K. and W li.h. a. K Vt i liallia to Ilia I Hi -llmi Una dltllliiR H W I 4 nf a lion I mln N ami K. hah aa Ihrina W. aloiiR aald Una ihalna In I'. oriiar mi a.-..n Una Im-Ihhii aa llmia I an I t 1 ham a H mi Mid Illl". Ii ihalna In inrui-r to aaitlnii I. fi. a and Ihaiiia on am umi ln In ou i liallia In plaia nf U'Kliinlna. i.iilainlim C7 17 inn Alan a Ira. nf laud l.i a a-iuara form i nnlalnliiR J 00 ti raa lying In lha M Y. rornrr of lha ft . I nf aald aiH Ui.ii ',, t,,u ailioulit il. ai ril.fd Im'Iiir l:t 17 airaa. Hata and i ii rpiinic llm Ira. I nf land iiare'nfura i niiai d ajy hy Jnhn I, KHnl.all and Ifn lo l aa. h aa di a rllnd In dead raanrdrd In dai i hook of aal I Cimnlr llacnnla No K7 nn pai.a 111 ,f aald laM.k Ijiml haialn d rllx d aa oanril ,) J.,iii Klnil.all, nnilaliilnn l"l on ai raa mora or lra Im ili rai-d lo la a flrat Han upon aald raal (.ni rrt dcaiTllia.) ih-rln, that )ou and raid of ou ami all and aa. h nf lha drl. n.laiila and ail iN-raoua i lalinlnr umlrr you or any of you or under any of lha defamlnula. aul,ai' lo (all niortRata ,a fnra toa d and I. are. I of all rlnlit. Iltla aUlly or ilallll of ra dani.tloU In and to aald raal proparly and rvrry part thrreif That aald iroiarly I.a anld 4a pnitllcii hy laa and Ilia protaeda appllad to lha amount iluenn uld imirlRaia and uela lieraliy aai lir.Hl, to alt Tha auin uf rt'.ihj with Intaraat Iherron at Ilia rata of all par cant im r annum from tha :ulh day of .Nmeinliar, ll'i, and lha further auin of aa a raaa onr.lila attorney a fea In (hla ault, 'n Ki'llnr with plallillff'a rnata and ilia niraattianla and fur am h oilier and urther relief aa to lha Court ahull aei-m J n at and eiillal.le In tha prein ea Thla aumiiiona la arad upon you y pul.lli atlun theieof hy ord-r of the Ion. II M. Anderaon. Jiidna of (ha ounly Court made and entered on he. ::'nd day of May. l!l. illracllnK uch pulillcatlon In tha Oregon City tnlrrprlaa for onca a week for at leat U () ronaecutlva waaka. I'ate of flrat putdlcallon of thla auin molia la May 2Uh. 19K. I lata of laat pulillcatlon thereof, July th. 116. P. A. SKIIl.liliKliK and CIlAWroUD C ltAWYKH. Alt.irneya lor I'lalntlffa NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING. Inllie ('(Mint r Court of the Stnto nf Ori'icon, for the County of Clark amua. In the MulliT of thn Katate of Hlephen A. Ijine, dineaaed. Notice I hereby Klveli that tha undcnilgned admlniatrator of the ealate of Stephen A. Ijine, dec'Baed hua filed hi final report aa admlm latralor of -tulil entata In lha County Court of Clackamaa County, Ori-Kon. and thn judtie thereof hua act Monday. Juno 19. lSlfi. at 10 o'clock A. M. of aald day for the hvarliiK of objections to an Id final report and for tha aettlo- ment of aald catuta. All persona In tercRted ara hereliy notified to appear and fllo ohjeetlona, if any they have. In raid rourt ou or before aaid data. C. 11. DYE. Administrator of tho aforeHiild etulo Imted May 17. 1916. Summont. In Ihn Circuit Court of tho Sluto of Ori'Kim, for Clncknmua County, Initio J. Crawford, Tlaintiff, va. I'hllo I Crawford, Dofondnnt, To Phllo L. Crawford, above nnmed defendant: In tho name of the atato of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed nguinnt you in the above entitled suit, on or before tho 30th day of Juno, 1910, Riiid data being the ex piration of six weeks from tho first publication of thia summons, and if you fail to appear or answer said complaint, for want thereof, the plain tiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in hor complaint, to-wit: For a docrco dissolving tho mar- ringo contract now existing between plaintiff and defendant, This sum mons is published by order of Hon. J. U. Campbell. Judgo of tho Circuit Court, which order was made on the lflth day of May, 1910, and tho time prescribed for publishing thereof is six weeks, beginning with tho Issue dutod Friday, May 19th, 1916, and continuing each wook thereafter to and including Fndny, Juno, 30th, 1910. HUOWN-KM. & SIEVERS, Attorneys for rialiitllf, First publication May 19, 1916. Last publication June 30, 1916. Old Folks Saved From Suffering Mrs. Mnry A. Pean. Taunton, Mnaa., In liar Kith year, aaya: "I thouirlit 1 wna beyond t ha reach of medicine, but Folay Klilney rliia nave proven moat beneficial In my caa." Mr. Ham A. Hoover, Hlfth Tolnt, N. C, Write: "My kidney trouble wa worae at night and I had to Ret up from five to even time. Now I do not hava to r-l UP at night, and eon- aliler myaelf In a truly normal con dition, whlrh I attribute to Foley Kid ney I'llla. a 1 nave laaen noming else." . , Mr. M. A. HrlilKea, liomnaon, mi., aaya: "l iirrereu irum auiney an in i' n I a fur two year. I commenced taking Foley Kidney I'llla ten month ago, and thouKh I am 1 year of age, I foal like a H-year-old girl." Fnlav Klilney Pill ara tonic. (rena(henlng and up-bullillng, and reatnre narmal action to tha kidney and o a dlanrdered and painful blad der. They act quickly and contain no rtnnerniiarbarmfiil drura. IUMMONI In lha I In ull I o .rl of Ilia HI.U llrannB, fur Ilia Ci,..l,l i,l ( la' V ainaa J.,. ,hllia y lli,l,l..,n, I'lalnllff, a li rl flol.lton, h f i. .l.i. To :ert llnl.Umi. au,,t, iiani") d" fi i. Iji.I : III lha liallia nf ll,e Hlain of III.,. ,n, o.i ara Imrel.y ia(.nr t ai.-ar an I anaai l lha i ini.'ll,l nf Ida ,UH,lil( (Hi. I kfalnat toil In I hi. alxna en'lll.' I ill on or laifura tii i,a from Dm C'Ul ilaf of Mar, I '!.. Il, ala ,l rllial l.y Ida i id'r of ll.ia rreiit for lha fir' ai..n of ihn li, una, and. If you fail lo an appear and anaarr fur a il lliiraof. lha plain llff will apnly lo lha i..nM for tha relief prated for lha oiiiplallil. loi Kor a ilei rna of rourt lo tha affixf Dial ll. liarrla(n l. lareri tha plaintiff and defendant la ila tared an I dii n-d tulil from lha le;liililli, ur that aald li.arrlafa, U dm larnd told from amli lima a lo tha Hurt may aeem a.Mal,la and juat. Thla auniiiiona la ered up,u you l.y pul.lli a(M.n hy order of iIm llom.r al.le J. I'. Campncll, judifa of lha a Imii entitled rourt niada and entered on lha Kid day of Ma. I'iK. dlrei tlm I audi puhlP atloii In 'Ibi OreRon City Kntcrprlaa, oma a w.k fur all ion aacullia w-ka Tha flrat Hi'jllrallon la of data tha I'Xh day of May, ll'. and tha laat th 3"t h day of June, JOHN II. IIA1.U WllioillldR . Allornay for l lalntlff. In U (lrrult Court of th KlaU of Orrf on, for tlarkamaa County. Jamea Kldar, HairiLiff, vi. Kliia bath Klilrr, Deftndant, Summons. To Kliubalh Kldar, abova named defendant: In tha nama of tha State of Oregon you art hereby required to appear nd aniwer tha complaint filed ag-alnat you in the above entitled auit, on or before the 23rd dav of June. 1910, aaid date being the expiration of in week from the fir it publica tion of thla fummom, and If you fail to appear or aniwer aaid complaint, for want thereof, the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for in hit complaint. to-wit: For a decree diiaolving the mar- riage contract now eiiatinir between plaintiff and defendant. Thia tum mona It publithed by order of Hon. J. V. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court, which order wat made on the Hth day of May, 1916, and the time prescribed for publishing thereof it aix wrka, beginning with tha itaue dated Friday, May 12th, 1916, and continuing each week thereafter to and Including Friday, June 21rd, 1916. BROWNELL 4 S1EVERS, Attorney! for plaintiff. Sheriff Sale In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamat Mary L. Farnum, Ilalntiff, . A. R. lladley and L Lee Hadley, husband and wife. C It. Mead. U U. Italalon. Washington Securities Company, a corporation, and J. H. Hadley, de fondantt. State of- Oregon, County of Clack amas, ts. Hy virtue of a judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly issued out of and under the teal of the above entitled court, in tho above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 2nd day . of May, 1916, upon a Judgment rendered and entered in said court on the 22nd day of April, 1916, in favor of Mary L. Farnum, plain tiff, and against A. R. Hadley and L. Lee Hadley, husband and wife, defend' ants, for the sum of 7000.00, with interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 1st day of October, 1914, and interest on the in terest of $420.00 which accrued from October 1st, 1914, to October 1st, 1915, at the rata of 10 per cent per annum, and the further sum of $187.91 taxes, with interest thereon from January 31st 1916, at the rata of 10 per cent per annum, and the further sum of $500.00 at attorney's fees, and the further sum of $2550.00, with interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from April 13th, 1914, and the further sum of $250.00 attorney's fees, and the further sum of $13.20 costs and disbursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding nie to make sale of the following de scribed real proporty, situate in the county of Clacknmas, state of Oregon, to-wit: Beginning at a point in tho East lino of the Donation Land Claim of Robert Caufiold and wife, No. 53, in Township 3 South, Range 2 East of the Willamette Meridian at the North west corner of the Hood Donation Land Claim, said Township and Range, thence South along the East line of said Cauficld claim 2399.35 foot; thence West 508.53 feet to the center of tho County Road; thence North 29 degrees 43 minutes West 3001.7 feet, thence North 89 degrees 53 minutes East 617.53 feet, thence South 0 degrees 07 minutes East 211.2 foct,thencc North 89 degrees 53 East 859.8 foot; thenco North 0 de grees 07 minutes West 380.8 feet, thence North 89 degrees 63 minutes East 519.5 feet to the East line of said Caufiold Claim, thence South along1 said line to the place of begin ning. Now, herefore, by virtue of said ex- Poland China! X Swine BIG TYPE BIG LITTERS BIG BONES BIG PIGS All Sizes. Best Imported Stock Cheapest Pork Producers. GEO. W. BUCK R. t. D. I OREGON CITY. OHK. aruliun, ludirma'it ordaf and darra ,f and In ilk iKa of aald writ. I will, on Kalurdav. tha I lO'.h day of J w, ISiM, at the hour ot tn o'rlofk, A. M. at the front door of the County Court llouae in the jl'itjf of t)itt,n City, In aald County (and M(aU, aall at pul.lif auction, ul- I i" t it radarnption, to the hlirhaat I'.dder, fur I'. H. gold roin rath In band, all the riM, title and Intaraat whnh the aaid within namad defend ant, A. Il lladley ami L Urn Had ley, hual.and and wife, ('. It. Mead, I. I) Kalalon, Watliilicton H-i'ifllna Company, corporation, and J. II. lladley, or either of them, had on the da' of the rrv.rtrafa herein or aince had In or to the above drrlled a! i projierty or any part thereof, t' aat : lfy aaid eieeution, judtrment order, ,drre, InUreit, roita and all errru- Inf coat. DaUd ll.i 12th day of May, 1919. W. J. WIIJiON. Sheriff of Harkama County, (rcon. j lly K. C. Ilarkatt, Deputy. Kirat laaue May 12th, 1914 Uat iaiue June th, 1914. tummona. In lha Circuit Court of tha Hlate of Orecon for tha County of flarkama Tltla and Truat Company, a torpor allon, admlniatrator "Kb lha will an naiad of tha laat will and of William C. Unl tit t. Iieieaaed, I'laln llff. T. Wlllametle Ind and Iieielopmaut Company, a rorporatlon. Iefendant To Willamette I .and and beneloo aiint Company, defendant aboe named: In tha name of the Hlaln of OraRon you are hereby required to appear and Janr. a-er the complaint ' you In toe above entlt filed axalait titled ault within ti week from the date of the flnt pupation of Ihla aummon. to-wlt. on or brfl,w th,' Hlh Ai1 of J,,n"- ,': n " " 10 P'' " n-r tha aald complaint for want thereof the aald plaintiff will take decrea, asalnat you aa prayad for In aald com plaint, to-wit: Kor the forecloaum cf a certain mortgage recorded In IWrf M at page 157 record of mortgagaa for Clackamaa County. Oregon, wfll-h aald mortgage It a lien upon tha fol lowing dcacribed real property in :hi county of Clarkama. Stale of Oregon, to-wlt: The northeast quarter (4) of a;. Hon twenty-two 122) In township five (5) aouth. range three (3) east of the Willamette meridian and all of action tUteen (16) In townahlp Ave (5) aouth range three (3) east of the Wil lamette meridian. Thlt tummoni It published once a week for tlx tuccesslve week In the Oregon City Enterprise !n compliance with an order made by the Hon. Jamet I'. Campbell, Judge of the above en titled court, dated tb, day of May, 1$1. w. o. McCarthy. Attorney for Plaintiff. Duted and flnt published. May Sih. 1916. Last publication, Juno 16th, 1916. Sheriff' Sale. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamat. Mrs. Kate Sumner, Plaintiff. Tt. f S. R. Haworth and E. R. Hawortli. his wife: J. A. Arbuckle and Katlo I). Arbuckle, hla wife. Defendants. State of Oregon, County of Clacka maa, ss: Hy vlrtno of a Judgment order, da cree and an execution, duly Issued out of and under the seal of the above en titled court. In tho above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated tho 3rd day of April, 1916. upon a Judg ment rendered and entered In said court on the 31st day of March, 1916. In favor of Mrs. Kate Sumnm, plain tiff, and against S. R. Haworth and & R. Haworth, his wife; J. A. Arbuckle and Katie It. Arbuckle. his wife, de fendants, for tho sum of $5,600.00. with Interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 14th day of November. 1914, and th further sum of $200.00, as attorney's fee. and tho further sum of $20.00 costs and disbursements and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding mn to make sale of the following described real property, situate in the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wlt Beginning at a point marked by n stone set 50 5-16 rods west of tho northeast corner of the northwest quarter of section two (2) in town i.hlp two (2) south range two (2) east Willamette meridian; running thence west following section lino 50 5-1 rods; thence south parallel with the west side line of Bald section two (2) 1690.J feet, to the center of the coun try rond; thence south 79 degrees an! 23 mlnutos east, following the center of said road S46 feet; thenco north und porallel with the west side line of said section two (2) 1837.3 feet to tho place of beginning, containing 33.6 acres In tho county of Clackamas, Btote of Oregon. Now, Therefore, by virtue of said execution, Judgment order and decree, and in compliance with the com mands of said writ, I will, ou Satur day, tho 3rd day of Juno, 1916. at the hour of 10 o'clock. A. M at tic front door of tho County Court House in tho City of Oregon City, in said coun ty and state, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for IT. S. gold coin, cash In hand, all the right, title and Interest which the within named defendants or either of them, had on tho date of the mortgaga heroin or since had In or to the above described real prop erty or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, Judgment order, do crco. Interest costs and all accruing costs. W. J. WILSON. Sheriff of Clackamas County, Ore. Ry E. C. HACKETT, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Ore., May 5tn, 1916. Summont. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the county of Clackamas. Geo. A. Harding. Plaintiff, vs. Clackamas County Femalo Semi nary; Oregon City Seminary, and all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title. Hen, estate or interest in the real property de scribed in tho complaint herein, Do- PROFESSIONAL DIREOTORY JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lawyer MOMCY TO LOAN D. C. Lat'ii uni, re,;,,nt F. J. Mtvkt. CJti'r The First National Bank of Oregon City. Orrg-oa CAI'rrAL,$50,000.(Xj TrnkfJi a fjericriil Hoiking limine Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. William Hammond Philip I. Hammona HAMMOND 4 HAMMOND Attomya.t Law Abitrart. Raal Katata, Loaaa, Istur aaca. OREGON CTTT. OREGON faclflc Pbona II, Home I'hona A 271 Office ItioD Pacific Mala tOi; Home A 179. TONE A MOULTON Attorntyt-at-Ltw tlaavar llldg.. Room ( OXEGOS CITY . - OREGON 0. 0. CSV Attorney at-Law Money toaoad. abatract furnlib ed. land tltla eiamlned, eatatea tattled, general law builaaaa. Over Bank af Oragon city. C. ICHUEIEL Attornty-atLaw Dautachar Advokat Will practice, la all eoorta. mak col lertloot aad tettlemeata. Offlca In Eotarprta Building. Or on City, Oregon. nary; Oregon City Bemintry, ana ail other person or partleo unknown claiming any right, title, lien, eatate or Intereat In the real property Je arrllied In the complaint herein, de fendants. In the Name of the State of Oregon. Tou are hereby required to appear and aniwer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled coort aad cause, on or before June 19. 1)16, and If you fall to appear and aniwer for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In the complaint at follows, to-wlt: For a decree declaring that tba plain tiff It the owner In fea ilmple of the following described real estate, towlt: Lota 1 and i of block II, Oregon City. Clackamaa county, Oregon, aa ahown upon the duly recorded plat thereof now on file In the county recorder'! office of taid county and state. Save and except that part thereof described In Record of Deedt Dock Q page 97, and also tare and except that part thereof deacrlbed In Record of Deeds Clackamaa county, Oregon, Book 137 page 204. And for a further decree that the d fendanta and each of them and any person or persona claiming or to claim by, through or under aaid de fendants, or any of them have no light, title, estate, lien or Interest m or lo said real property, or any part thereof and that each of said defend ants be forever barred and estopped from asserting or claiming any right. title, estate, lien or interest in said real property or any part thereof, and for such other relief aa to the court shall seem Just and equitable. This summons ts published by order of Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the county of Clackamas made and entered the 27th day of April, 1916, directing that publication be made In the Oregon City Enterprise. Date of first publication, April 2Sth, 1916.. HAMMOND ft HAMMOND. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Notice of Sheriff Sale. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon in and for the county of Clack' a mas. Dr. J. D. Fenton, Plaintiff, vs. Mabel Francis Patterson -Burns. Richardson, formerly Mabel Francis Patterson-Burns and C. S. Richardson, her husband, Defendants. By virtue of an execution, Judgment order, decree and order of sale issued out of the above-entitled court, in the above entitled cause, to me directed and dated the 21st day of April, 1916, upon a Judgment rendered and enter ed in said court on the 14th day of April, 1916, in favor of Dr. J. D. Fen ton. plaintiff and against Mabel Fran cis Putterson-Burns-Richardson, for merly Mabel Francis Patterson-Burns and C. S. Rtchardson her husband, de fendants, for the sum of two-hundred and fifty (2r0.00) dollars with inter est thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum from the 23rd day cf March, 1911, and the further sum of fifty ($50.00) dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of Bix per cent per annum from the 14th day of April, 1916, and tho further sum of thirty. one and bu-lOO (Jl.Bi) dollars with Interest thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum from the 14th day of April, 1916, taxed as costs and dis bursements herein, and the costs i and upon this writ commanding me to make sale of the following describ ed real property, situate in the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon as fol lows to-wlt: All thetr right, title and interest in a certain one-hunrded and twenty (120) acre tract of land in Clackamas county, Oregon, said inter est being as follows, to-wit: An undi vided one-sixth (1-6) interest in ths north half (N4) of southeast quarter (S.E.U) and southeast quarter (S.K. ) and southeast quarter (S.E.Vi) cf the southeast quarter (S.E.Vi) of sec tion twenty-six (1:6) township three (3) south range, five (5) east of W. M. containing one-hundred and tweuty acres more or less In Clackamas county, Oregon, together with all and singular, the tenements, hereidite ments and appurtenances thereunto belonging. Now therefore, by virtue of said ex- ar,il!nn(vf!'Tr"f.-1t fi-Af rtnrron prvl WC1NHARO iUILOIUft I'bonat-I'aclflc il Hon A III GEORGE C. SHOWN ILL Attorney at La All la gal buatnati promptly attended U C. D. A D. C. LATOURETTI Attornyaat-La Commercial, Raal EaUto aad Probata our flpeclalllea. Of lira In IVt National Ilaak Wdg., Oregoo City, Orafoa. CLAUDE W. DEVORE, Attorney a t-Law Notary Public. Eatacada, Oregon. W.S.EDDY.V.S..M.D.V. Graduate of tha Ontario Vetart aary College at Toronto, Canada, and tha McKllllp School of Sur gery of Chicago, la Mtabltahed at Faihloa Stable, between Fourth and Fifth on Mala Street Ilotb Telepbonea Office Pacific 5; Horn A 95 Rei. Pacific 184; Horn D-19 tha command of aald writ, I will on Saturday, the 27th day of May. 1916. at 10 o'clock a. m.. at the front door of the county court bouto, In Oregon City, ttate of Oregon, county of Clack amat, tell at public auction (subject to redemption) to the highest bidder for cash In hand, all the right, title and Interest which the wlthln-namod defendants, Mabel Francis Patterson Burns Rlchardaon formerly Mab-rf Francis Patterson-Burna and C. S. Rlchardaon, her husband and each and all of them had on the 23rd day nf March. 1911, or subsequent thereto, the date of the mortgage herein fore cloaed, or aince that date In and to the above described property or any part thereof, to satisfy aald execution. Judgment order and decree, Interest, costa and accruing cotta. W. J. 'WILSON. Sheriff of Clackamat County, Ore. By E. C. HACKETT. Deputy. Dated thlt 2Sth day of April. 1916. Date of first publication, April 28th, 1916. Date of last publication. May 26th, 1916. Summont. In the Circuit Court or the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamai. Zella May Wallace, Plaintiff, vs. Robert T. Wallace, Defendant To Robert T. Wallace, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and aniwer the complaint In the above en titled tuit Oknl against you on or be fore six weeks aftefr the first publica tion of this summons, to-wlt: tho 13th day of April, 1916, and If you fall to so appear and answer for want there of the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In said com plaint as follows: For a decree dis solving the marriage contract between yon and the plaintiff and for such oth er and further relief as to this hon orable court may seem Just and equit able. This summons is published pursu ant to an order made by the Hon. H. S. Anderson, County Judge, tor the County of Clackamaa on the 13th day of April. 1916. The date of the first publication of this summons being April 14, 1916. E. E. MILLER, Attorney for Plaintiff. Guardian's Sale of Real Estate. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Washington County. In the matter of the Guardianship of John M. Luther, George D. Luther, Earl C. Luther, and Imogene Luther, Minors. Notice is hereby given that, by vir-. tue of an order of sale made and en tered by the above entitled court, on April 27,1916, in the aforesaid cause, licensing me, aa guardian of aaid mi nors, to sell the hereinafter described real estate, at private sale, I will. from and after Monday, June 12, 1916, proceed to sell, at private sale, to the highest bidder, all the right, title and interest of the above named mi nors in and to the following described real estate, situate in Clackamaa County, Oregon, to-Vit: Beginning two chains South and 18.01 chains East of the Northwest corner of the Northeast quarter of Section 29, in Township 1 S. of Range 2 E. of the Will. Mer., running thence South 244 rods, thence East 20 rods, thence North 24 rods, thence West 20 rods to the place of beginning, less the right-of-way across said prem ises granted to the O. W. P. & R. Co. Terms of sale: Cash payment of not less than $100.00 on date of sale, balance on a credit of not to exeed 5 years, at 6 per cent interest, deferred payments to be secured by mortgage on premises sold. Said property to be sold subject to dower right of Ellen Luther therein, and also subject to a mortgage of $600.00. Bids may be submitted to ma at the office of Oregon City Enterprise, in Oregon City, Oregon, or at the law office of Benton Bowman, in Hilla boro, Oregon. Dated this May 10, 1916. ELLEN LUTHER, Guardian of aaid John M. Luther, George D. Luther, Earl C. Luther, and Imogene Luther, Minora. j 1