Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 26, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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II III hM... 7
nAII.KilAi) 0.
on this siJe of (he
1 Sri..
the oswego REcoRD'fj,fj pffifED AT BAND OF 100 GYPSIES OSWEGO SCHOOLS
tie Items ran he addressed t The
Oawego It is or d. Oswego. Or. r
left at the store, of Ci. W. prosser
or afflpt of II V. Kuehlrr.
Advertising rat midt
known upon
OSWEGO. May :i iSpcclal i Th
weather being disagreeable lal Sun
day, put a damper on all lbi plans for
Tbe drt'llng and sham baitl .(
Company II. of the Oregon Nation
Guards, aa quits' tame, not more
than 40 mm coming out from Port
land. accompanied by a amall crowd
The main attraction of th Jay
seemed to b the C)py Camp at the
0ero Landing.
Tberw Hvmrd to be nothing be
hind time about them In their means
of conveyance, as they have li a ;t
mobiles (not Krv! In their band
which all seemed to enjoy riding in.
a two of three cam could be seen at
tnoft any time, Saturday or Sunday,
on Main street
l WW EGO, May - iitptvml l-Sc
eral of the Oswrgei lirvtnrn wnlc,
fa! alarm turned In for fire h.n
th.r did not fil It. hut they were
all angry when it waa turned In Wed j ......
msday. by burtm g psp.rs In a Urn j iUrf (l,u t)i... who have he. ti
in old town I caiiipd near lu' o'd Oswego foundry
The firemen rtsponded iiulckty t"j (r ,,.,ral davs, suddi-nlv loll the
tbi alarm. carrir,s buckets and aves , .,, vlnd.i moiniiiit. (ollowing
but overlooking the nioi iniiirtnt 1 4 M1 ,iy ,;ilt.t,ff vii,u. leput
equipments, the ladders, kll of whi. h i j;,,,.,,!, loa 4nd Pistrlcl Attorn v
goes to show the nod of l'r,tl1 i,si;.- The officials had tnflif.l
had tbr fir- been a real one rr hau i ciiiptlntat that the member of the
started from the roof Instead of !" 1 h,l (H . n li'Pi i:iS ! rl y an J
an old tin atr
The bo having proved themselves
ever ready In n' of fire will not
l.e tread upon by overdoing the drill
1 nr tnougm n a rt ai nn-. iwo um. , l hl h,,r ,
a raie alarm a u inrn-n ;i
i.mie etonlng oon and vorklng har I
all day It did not a; peal to them to
run a mile for nothing
OSWKr.O. May :i (Sjh-c lal ) Th
Knlshta of I'olumbin tuwtull boy.
ho er auppoaod to play Ooio
Sunday, did not how up. o aome of
the loa cot bad a game among theiu-
aelve. fc-ortng 11 to .
OSWEGO. May :S. (SiH-clal.l The
new playaheda for the 0.go public
vchoola, will be competed mltbln a
few day, but that trill be too late for
the puplla to get any benefit fron
tbem thla achool year. The ihedt only
lack the roof of being completed, and
this it over one-third finished. The
school term eloje Friday of thla cek. I
and the facuity desired to uje the new
playshedi for the drills and programs
to be rendered by the pupl's. If pleas
ant weather prevails the hed will be
available; otherwise, the exercise
will of necessity take place in the
school building.
OSWKUO. May 3 (Special. Os
wego Lodge No. 93. I. O. O. .. at In
regular meeting Monday evening. May
:;. elected the following officers for
the term, commencing July I: 11. H
Miller. Noble Grand: Joe ('. ThomaJ.
vice-Noble Grand: D. R Vox, secre
tary; G. V. Proper, treasurer.
begging and that they had IhhI steal
Ing w.hhI and ec(a!'les from inigb
boring ganb'iis
The p.irt. undei the badiinlup of
fh'.ef Krhram John. Is on l! a to
national im- tnig m i . ,
bo held to old a King. tocg.
Wednisd.iy the patt dldded. the a'l
tomoMlea leaking for Seattle while
the trams will no ip the Columbia and
east through The la!lr
The division of the tartv separated
one fa.nlly. llng to the limited rnou
In the automobiles, one husband
compelled to go with the wagons while
wife and to ihiMrvn traveled.
Ith the automobiles The part ha
three tludH'ns. throe Overland, throe
Cadil-tcs. one Michigan, one lieo. an I
only to Korda I
Whl'e In Oswego one mrmWr of th.'
land stole a coil of roe which the
sh-rtff carrli-d In hn automobile. The
gypsies offer 'd to buy Sheriff Wilson'
tar, although they cemplaliM'd that It j
was of an ol I molel and they had only i
machines with self siartorv j
"It's too mu -h work to crank "em." j
one gypsy Informed Sheriff Wilson aft- i
er a cloe eitminatlon of the officials.!
OSWKGO, May iSpe. ul I TS
Oswco public sihH'lt will cliwe ft I
da. May .'. and el.il'otjle ro'ii iu'i
will mark the clo.nu dav, the) belu
a follow
Song by the fifth, sitih. sen nth an I
elihth grades. "I a nlng . ' M-. Hall. mi
' Secret. ' Wlltlaiu Ui.-'iik dlalosuo
The Golden Kev. Lv fifth and slvlh
grad'. song. -Uur 1'lag." by prlmart
room. i-. Ilalion. Ivliuer 1 i r n I I
rig. Ma lime." fifth, sixth, seveut.i
and ruhth grades, dialogue, V a
Hon Uueeii, third and fourth grades,
recitation, Helen We. .him; retttalloii
Alia Mrts. dialogue. "1 tnle Sams
Album.' fifth and sitih gra.b's. re I
latlon. "Mamma Hired Girl." I'uth
Coalello. rxert lsea, llur lo!les,'' by
sit girls, dialogue. ' Mae Pageant, '
and fourth grades recitation
Harold Huffman: song." Ifendcllous. '
primary grade. rc it.inon, lan drum
Kiush, Helia tvatla: ' l egend of Sleepy
Hollow," seventh and cluhlh grades,
song. " Home, Sweet Home, founk
rade, pla. 'The I 'Id Woman Who
Lived In a Shoe." primary tlepartweii.
song, 'htar of the Summer Night."
i by fifth, sltth. seventh and eighth
trades, recitation. Minutes, " Wlllard
;l'avldin. recllatloi.. 'Story of a
i Cent." Wallace Wortlongton . reclts
.Hon. The tanner lUt.v Made," Kdlth
Uli knor, rag salute sn.l America, oy
' the schiM.I.
Plghth grade diplomas will aUo la
I pn-sei t. d to the gra I uiles
OSWEGO. May 23. (Special.)
Mr. Stella Taylor, organizer for th
Women of Woodcraft lodges of thU
district, received three name for mem
bership in the Oswego order, last
Thuraday, Mrs. Neal. Margaret Haim s
and Mrs. Arthur Davidson, being the
candidates. They were initiated Fri
day evening. A delicious supper wa
served later.
Mrs. Taylor will be here several
day in tbe Interest of the work.
SL Helons creamery has output of
600 lbs. dally, $2000 monthly payroll.
(iSWKCiO. May :T. (Specul.l
The I hinio! ic Science ilo(art
niertt of tnr cuikiuS I'luli re.
I'Ol'i'il an onjnyp.blo tlleetitu; held
with Mrs. (ion. 'I'li'ifiiai Woilno!'.
day aflernoiiit. Mr-. Center ami
Mrs. St.'e(e ib-moii-ti atuiK
strawberry shortcake.
A surprise will be kinoii by the
nieinhers of this loparliiient on
June 6. al Mrs. dray's hofiio, o
which Iho husbainis of n'enibors
are invited.
The lonietic Science ilepart
inent useii its funds for Ihe pur
chase of two trays, a creamer ami
suitar. which were donated to the
Woman s l.luh will l-ino its an
nual lucnic in July Ut Oswego
Mrs. It. T. Walts and Mrs. J.ipp
loiesses of vestordav. served
sandwiches, chicken salad and
lthotiKh only a small number
attended a jolly afternoon was
OSWKGO. May 3 t Ssm lal Tiie
twelve scholurs who passed the state
examination with good standings ar
as follows:
Anleta Schaubel, Fancls CiKhra i.
Klirabeth Haines. Herbert Huncan.
Margaret Haines. hred Mclntyre.
ona Prymbroeck. An hie Waldrep, Ar
ller.e Prenevost. Chas. W. H.nn
Florence Itnimbaugh. Willis KoehbT
The local schools will
this week.
close Friday of
Slow in Advancing
We are selling Overalls as low
as 85c a pair, none over $.125.
Jackets the same.
Men's heavy work shirts 50c
Underwear 75c to $1.00 per suit
Neckwear 25c to 50c
Bring your Feet along, we have the
right Shoe for the right price
Don't forget that we can
get you a full Tailor
Made Suit for - - -
OSWEO. May J3. iSptclal. The
contractors have begun on the new
road on the top of Elk Kock Into Port
land, this all being In Multnomah
county. The new rud will do away
with the steep grade at the old White
house hill and wl'l Ic greatly appre
ciated by autolst and drivers of team
It !s now suggested that the county
commissioners of Clackamas county
Ret husy and improve the road on their
sldn of the line into Oswego.
OSWEGO, May 23. I Special ) -The
work of r"palrinir, the damage done to
the Oswego I .al: i: diun Home weeks ago
by the high water force I Into the lake,
from the Tualatin river U practically
completed. Tli; canal baa been clean
ed out and the water in the l-ikc hhould
rise vory rapidly during; the next forv
da)H. The Tualatan river Is again
very high, but It in not believed any
further danger or damage will .ehult
to the dam from hlKh water
I USHKI.O, Maf (Special I -ll
signs isilnt to the turning out of th
first t'ach of remettt t.y the Oswego
) Portland Cement Company within the
i nevt few davs For over a wc k no.
the plant has been cmhlng snd grind
Ing up the ;0 carload of lime ston
anil cement rock reietied Irotn th
tpiarrles at Mal'si and Kosrlmrg. and
according In Superlntend-nt I. . New
lands the kiln that dries the cement
will be stvrted up Friday of this'
week if nothing unforeseen occurs
Tbe kiln was thoroughly tested a few
days sto and found to tie In perf- t
working condition, with all the re
quired heat avallabli
The cement company ha opened Its
salesrooms In I'ortl.iiul. at ll'M Wll
cox building, where Charles M Minire.
is In charge as saJesmanager Two
members of the office force from here.
Mr. Maclvonald. secretary, and Mis
Westergard. stenographer, have been
removed to the Portland office, where
A man Moore, vice-president and treas
urer, will spend a considerable p.irtl m
of his time also
Hn.li sn.l tnloir VI.Vii
,,i,.t.n (,i iu i.. III. i ji. I l.-li- ,
.l.'ll el I II l F. I i ll'g lo Id SI li I'l' lo
l.iir.h Ibis k Mis III !
Is a diligtte In he IIcI-ki A
1.1 In Id ul the s.ui.e lime sod I '
1 he Coligl. gatl.Uial .fle ale i
build a I as. in. hi iiu.l.r Ih. ir tbiir.h
. hi it e. t t.i It used as a tea Img an I
1. .1 f.miu fur Hie . 1 1 1 1 e. ple
lois H in il tt. in slieiiii nil. .i l-.jr I
an Al'. eila tar inrouie to his
was kinsk.. down and run over ti
an auto, .lilun If a woman lU'int
serloii.lv lilt '"it the It. ad an I
shoulders be taken to bis sister
home to where bis wife. Mar, I
Smith, was Imiiie.lialelt .iiinii..ii. -I
King WiKoii sud ila i.lil.r Man
will attend the slate oralorlial con
test at M. Minuvllle i.iltese Ptldav
Gra. e Mct'outiel!. of Portland was a
guest of Mamarrt Haines, huuday
I'svll .Nclsuit Is en-' tins a small
store In idd town, on the roa I to (
wrgn take Mr Nelson had iharsr
of l or io l.nats on tbe lake last
The river seems l.v be snwier al
traction thla season on ac.ount of re
pairs to the dsm at the lake, whhh
will not le filled for two o. Ihrer
hhould thU agsrsvatlng wi.oh.r
continue until the lake redeems all
her lost i harms, the lake gucrs and
peiiple III everv grade of sm lal and
Industrial life will find the grounds
around the lake muih more sliri.llir
than the river
In the primary eleiMou last I'n.li'
J C. Haines reiclved l'- Votes for
Justice id the peace .if the Us, go
district, while G , I'roiai r re.eved
T. thus the nomination Ct.r.r'ey r'.
Austin was nominal. .1 for i insist. le
of the same district over Arthur M
Vey by a vi'te of IUT to 47.
II W. KiM-bler, de.iit county as
sessor. rompleiid his annual lalmrs
a few davs ago and la once more found
In town He bsi in a busy man for
some two niolitns past, having l.een as
signed adlltlonal territory by Counti
Assessor Jack after he had finished
the aasrssmrul of the Oswego area I
Perry Muter, of the firm of Mnaer'
A Williams, suffered a slight stroke
of paralvsls, a few davs ego, toil It is
etpected that he will .e al'le lo pel
at his tilace of hiislness within a few
ila v s
I. it , Mr H M I . Ui.. sil
i. sis el VU iol viii
IHlll lllOl
h Haiili
Viss IUrr.il liiiiean was k.'l plug
Hi 1'i'illaU'l I'm .1 1
Wis. I to Coil. 1. 1 sini.t I n il
with Mis l.i. loss
Mr aol Mis l.iinsii sn I s "i
i.ailoii si nt a pli s.ji.I sit. ru.-. i. wild
Mr and Mrs A F Helms. Hmidav
1 he i.uiiiail wilt le lit s..ui for
Hot tie. tl.ll if a .irw s. Il'tll house St
llarclia 1 he ni l -liool . ml. ling
al I e ti ld l.i the M.lo t I l.l.l-r
Satur.lai evening, Vs 7?
Misl.r I" Aulolie lUnli, who has
lien si. k Is I h Pi Her al this wll'
Mr ln.l. re hleliihU'ir was In H a
Urns l it Sat irdsv
yulte a nuiiiUr f po.le fronj
Han In .ie at Oswi go i.ran.e meet
lug Hatwldav
1 lie Mis., s Haunt and Ittne I' lil
an were pleasant lallcis of Mrs H
S Itountf Saturdav rvinlug
I III tss I'mil luii v. wh i has Ucii
III lor some lime. Is Improving
1 here sat .r. bins, seiil.es al
lls'.-lla Katuidav evenlns. ollo. i,
an iniproiiii'l i lUerar, with su n."l
lent program followed with Hsbt r
fn .bii.ents t lil waa the last uni t
His- oi ti e Hju lia I. Hi lar, S.h I, u
this sr and all lil-nt flue time
Mis t Helms was In Portia id
. .In. s tji
lrs F 1 1 nil t-s-i t was a I. Usui, is
visitor In Portlin.l ,'sturilav
Jim Finn was -1 as -sa I ' entertained
In Ha-elia Frl lat
F Ttiomaa was transao ting 'oi-l
I'c.a In Portland Halurdav
M.i.l.r Fier.lt vAlilltmi la lit A'l
n.'ie .'or a sin . .i rnt'iiri
Mrs A F 1 ho. nas entertained ber
motliir's sister and other relativa
from lafsielte U.t r.k
C C llorlaiol returiird Tued..T
from Grants P.iss. where he alien. l-i
State Grange
Mr Farmer la visiting with rs-la '
lives at lla'ella this week j
Joseph McMabati was In I'ortU id
Saturday j
Mr flala niarkelitl some taltea 'll
I is arm IVl lay
Chailry lavrsen Is markittiig u i
tors these data
li..se bsiilig aiitlltlni
ii...iug a fair pins at ,r,,.
I ne i i.i.ii.o j urn in., i, j . .
..I tl. I.. ,.i.l .......i... ... .. "
... , ,,,
II lu
sirs, .
ititmir oi luaiaiui is.( a.
Ill, 1,1 VV lo l a trs(. ,.
mar lioiiie ol'e la affc. Ir. ,r j,
.lifTntl.t way Hisu wloi,. ( '
In anolhir stale or i ouoi. '
some of us r mi.' in r the fsn.n,
she was a little girl before ,., fc.
l.i 1'i.illsnd. and all hoV t't r
n. lid will be piinlslied
A numbir of nur fruiols if
iuaiiilaiii s Were held up an
. this ssm 1 'hitiiipstiN rtru i, t'
making bis raids on Flk ll.. t
immiii Hill, etc
4 le. II. day -"scd i.if q.tj,
liuiiil.er of s unit-1, v.,i . t it
full tiHint of either men or , 1w
;..s. a md flowers of sll k'rcj,
vet, l a.kssrd and ll bs.ks ro b
there will be a s. sr.llr i.f !
for de. .. ration da, (J ilt., a t(B
have got (In tr lots i leaned, t.j
some new plants are M.otl:,
, t I 4 4 4 4 4 44)
OSWEGO. May 23 -(Special I The
Oswego Grange held an adjourned
meeting last Suturduy with an alien
dance of 1 members
Visitors er Slater Mary S Hmv
ard of Mullno, secretary of Hie lip
gon State tirange. and llmther O. M
Plummer of I'onl.ind.
They an1 alas glud to welcom
visiting inenibers and more especially
these two, as they come so seldom.
t 4.4-4
('. Frlsble aim mm
to soon be at his
.'.V ( S lal I -II
h that he f vu i ts
dd stand at Uike
Grove Park with tils boat ngiln. Mr
Friable has be.-n nt Oregon City for
several weka pa t. during the fishing
season, with his i- ats, and has had a
good demand for their use
OAK GltOVK. May 25. fK;n- lal.f
i The Woman's Soda Service Club -A
Oak GroveMllwaukie U tnc'tlng to-
day nt 2 o'clock at Iho home, of Mrs.
Eliza Alexander, Island station. Un
der th': Kenoral head, "E oiiomii.K of
Government,'' Mm following will lie
diKcuxped: "'I.uv.' to Protect Labor,''
: Miss Mary Campbell; '.Seamen's Law,"
, MIhh Flora Hnovella.
Villiger & Schleiss, Props.
Pure Milk and Cream All New Sanitary Implements
High Grade Inspected Cattle
B-6161; Local 371
First and "A" SU.
Oswego, Oregon
OSWEGO, May (Special.) Her
era! of the turrets of Oswego will be
oiled shortly undr the direction of tbe
street committee; of the city council,
action looking lo this end having l;en
taken at the lant regular meeting of
the council on May IX. Th streets
that will hit oiled have dthfir been
rocked or cindered and when treated
with oil will provo quite satisfactory
for the season.
At the next r;ular meeting on
June. 1, the council plans taking action
looking to paving of Main street one
block na h direction from the present
terminus of the town's only paved
street. It is almoat unnecessary t)
state that cement will lie used for
this Is the borne of the cement Industry.
Eueene has called for bids on
000 achool building.
OHWKGO, May ISpoclal. I Mr i.
O. Anderson has been seriously III at
her home the pail week.
Judge .1. I'. Campbell, wife ami
daughter of Orci.ti city, spent Sunday
In Osweg.
Grace Wlnt, the ten months' oil
daughter of Mr and Mrs. Ed. Wlnt,
of Portland, was burled here last Fri
day. Prof. Ilebec, ol the rnlverslly of
Oregon made an addresa at III"
school IritiKe Friday evening, under
the auspices of the Woman's Club,
A. J.Rossiter.M.D.
Physician and Surgeon
Residence and Office Front
Phone 1 lome 7 1
Your Blacksmith Work
Will be done right if you bring
it to me. Prompt and careful
attention given to every job.
Pratical Horse Shoer
Up-to-Date Wagon Work
Oswego Oregon
HAZKI.IA, May I Span lal I Mr
and Mrs F II fluids and Mrs Harali
Childs were dinner guest a of Mr and
Mrs. A. Worthlngton Sundav
llsella Ulerary and i'-bsllng so
rlely held the last meeting Saturday
evening. May .' One of the brsi
programs since the an. lit, was organ
Ired waa enjoved by all pr-seiit
Mr. and Mrs J,ieps Eastman were
pleasantly entertained by Mr and Mrs
A E. Helms Sundav afternoon.
Mrs F. W, Lehman ialle.1 on Mrs
Gephardt, of Stafford Thursday after
Herbert I muesli made a business
trip to Portland Saturday
Hugh linker falls il on Ed. Wank T
Miss Elnitunre i'iintin spent th"
weekend with her parents
J. I), Wlrth. of Medical Springs, Ore
gon. Is visiting F. W. Wanker at this
writing Mr Wlrth was formerly In
business ut Tualatin. Oregon
Misses Mary, l-eim. Lllubeth and
Leoim pii) mbroeck ami Hiittle Wan
ker were pleasantly entertained by
the Misses Harriet, Lucille and Ulaiich
Imncan Sunday afternoon
Mr and Mr'. Geo. Nugl. Win C
Nagl, Hoy Foster and Herbert lium ati
were pleasantly entertained by Mr.
and Mrs. J. A Wanker and family Sua
dav evening
1 1. E. Umg was In Portland Friday,
MlHS Violet lleNlell, of Tlllllllllll
Meadows, was an llaella visitor Sat
urday evening
Miss Lulellc Duncan mid brother.
Herbert, spent the evening ul the V.
W. Wanker homo Friday.
Mrs. Fred Crolsant who, for the pant
week has been visiting her Hitter, Mia.
Frank Whlttt-ii, left for Sherwood, on
Sunday where she will visit ber grand
mother, Mrs. Wright.
Miss Lucille Human was In Port
laud Friday.
Misses Marian Eastman mid Je.in
Wilson spent Friday evening In tin
IIohi! City.
Max MtMahin, of Tualatin .Mead
ovvm, called on bis parenls, ,r lin
Mrs. Mc.Mah in, Satuiday.
MIkh Lucllln lliiman was the guoHt
of Miss I fur tiff Wanker Sunday even
Wlieffls-ll wzoKIIMiie-w Itrr eer ker
Miss Marlon ThotiiHon, of Oswego,
was very pleasantly entertained by
Miss Ethel linker Saturday mid Sun
Miss Wanda Wanker Is visiting her
i cousin, Miss Lulu U anker this week.
A. E. Helms and sons, ('lias, an I
Knyrnrmrl, were Oswego visitors Mon
day. W. II. f'oo made a busliie.iH trip In
Oregon City Saturday moniln:,,
Mr. a ml Mrs. . Nlelson vlmied with
Mr. and Mrs. .1. P. Cook Friday even
Ing. Miss Irene liiinenn was Hie guent
of Edith Wanker Frliiay afternoon.
STAFIHIIH. May 7'. ( Special I
Wltiler weather In the month of Ma '
Although the inerviiry stands at v
and no frost of night, one feels like
putting on wraps when venturing nit
Gardens p!anlr, In April grow alowl,
while those planted In May are doing
Mr and Mrs Nussnaum and famll)
drove to Portland on Tuesday In see
to a matter of Lusinrsa and purchase
sui plica
Mrs Gage nailed upon Mr. Ilavri
oil Monday She found blltl ,Ultc, Ire
ide. but i lie. rful He la vi years old
Mils wek and all w ho have know n him
In hi davs of Usefulness are re,iest
e. to loin li.sr,ii grange In giving
him a 'card shower." It will be a
source of pleasure to him and al
though his eveslght bai failed blin. bis
son, Juilge Hayes, or the nurse, will
read them for him.
The owners of hop fields have their
work well In hand ami bops look pret
ty well.
We have nut had iiiuih rain the
past week, although cloudy and cold,
the re for. work In the field could go
on as needed.
A ttilsslounry gave a very Interest
ing discourse to a crowded bouse at
the German liuptlst church Inst Sun
day. Ho spoke In English.
W II SI IN VII J K. Ma, . . iM;4
rani t-r v is,,r Prrt ton !.r ,
U ll.. oi i lite on Ih irol u to atu-tl
i tl'Mil el til.
the ,..e at Hie pn i.rie ,
smaller ibaii Is us. nil) ast trt
I soil forget to alien,) id. ,, w
to si" n ! Msa Unil st. on
da, evening. Mat 7. In th I 01
W ball
Many fearrta are b. ai l n .,
Ui.mI and Mrs Haoell iit.k ki,sW
rescued their piMllioiis at U i
111 Hie Village s. IohiI Mr rllj. ,
ship lias slteall l-eli ,). - 1,1. 4 ,
.snd Miss H.olltrd of Wis.lt.jrt.it
j fill tbe tmsitlnii
ll la to l-e hopsd that o-ir i.'tjt
j p. ople i 'ske advaulaiie f u
polliinlt) to In SI Miss Vir, bn-'a(
and ln r assistants In cot,, .-rt Iti
n.a evening Tb ki ts a'tltsttt'
,'i lents and M.ss Probst It t nvn
favorite In our village at rtl V I
first t lass must Ian Cl ie fx r lM
ed bouse
Tbe s. hm I .b tin on I hursdar sa
well attended despite the lr.lSl
wra'lu r A splendid dinner lu
lowed b) an ev client prorwats4a
a.bira-s li, I'lotessor 'rdd r
Count, Si limit Siiwrl:ilei,4st ('.
isu rrirlvel a big vole st Iks
mart in Wllsontllle and surmjriU'
Mr Wm and Mrs llrl'.'i
were iirrsenled with beautiful ta
Hire sets, as a lokeu of affes tluaS
their pupils, on Thursday, the i ksi
lay of si hool.
At a retent meeting of the Par
Teat hers' Assim latlon In our vtlar
Mr Chas. Wagner waa ree.'a'i
The following pupils wrrv M'V
l.i.t week that they had aui-onifn'l
passesl their ruminations In tin gill
seventh and eighth grades, reaper.'"'
ly Manrlne Urown, Embs 0Ki".
Maggie Illation. Albert Swartl lleg
ScbtH bla and Otto Jaeger. fr
sltib grade. Fffle Wagner. Ws!'
Vouiig. Edith lllshmi and Jubo.
Corinlck from the seventh grsJeiii
Theresa Si hecbla eighth grade K
the puplla passed with hkb RtU
the highest being 101) per rent
the lowest HI per rrlit Thrfs) f
several pupils who made H ler i
SO they have reflected creillt 4t
their teachers as well ai up" t
yuite a number of village mil'3
are preparing lo Attend Itomlcf l
ut Oregon City, and take pn
fetea of that day.
Cnn Always be Found at the
Oswego Meat Marker
Fresh Cured Hams, Bacon and Other Products
Fresh Fitih.
H. BETHKE, Prop. Oswego,
Sanitary, Cleanliness and Quality
form the basin of all products of the
Our Establishment is Open to Inspection
We cater to banquets and Lodge parties
If we please, tell others; if we don't, tell u.
Oswego Oregon
4,, t, if, i, ijp ft, ft, ,y, , 4,
4- 4 ?, v tt, 4j, y 4
HAZELIA, May 2f.. (S,.e( lal.) -Ho
much rain is making the farmers wear
a broad smile, and the grain and gar
den grow.
Mr. Theodore Htemhlller was pleas
antly entertained by Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Naze Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C, Horland and
Call and see me for a nice dish of
the best Ice Cream in Oswego.
will call you back