Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 26, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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1 will.
I liM. i
I.L.I ......
ii-.ii iii.ir(r,.,.iii.,.),.ijl
'fll -lrs I
I I il
.1 1
a.e.l .1
i.'u" l4ih uf ll.-.Haiid, In
I i' Malurdar
y. (i.l Mr lii'tut IHIae. n( I i'i.
,n Halurilar
(i r'r among tii"
t,,,t in i:ila Ity Halurilar
Mr iMIii Mnehiike. if
. arte In Ihl i ll nu ei
I I. Clara and oil", of 4 U k ma
,ir anii'ii thuai- III Oregon t 'II
lU'lrt M I "r t and ami. uf t am.
.- among ItiiOT i all lit In Or eg i n
l W lira ire. uf Mull no. la In
anty and la III gucat of lior alatnr.
Many lluylea
din MDaiT. ( Klilorxln. aa In
I a M)r tilllliUr. Il a III lilll(iallni
i a:i a. xi III' hrl
1 Oini hrmiirr f (Vnlrail I'olul.
u iro. lij tlioao lrnaai lln( bualliraa
!; iil Mnli.lar
Mr af l Mra Kiilxrt Hi hurlwl. of
L-.t. rf aiiuiiiK llman hn tlallcl
Sh.iriln Hi WiMlnrailajjr .
.. K.hnfl'i-1 anil khi. Waller, uf
.l. arrn Orrgun ( Uf UIUita
itifUjr. aim !lll IHT aiall'ij "Mil
VI J I uiiimliiga. uf I'aiili). aaa In
a lily un Thuran'a)' llralili-a ral
I frvii Mr Cmiiinlina la PiKaK-Ml In
it.it rliul arli.
Uf. ami Mra liiiinti Ingrain, nf
l'm. vrrv In Ihla city Moinlar an. I
(.' arrc rr Iho gm-ala uf llrv
I Kr J K liiiMMiimih
m K'lMh Htrow lrlilK. uf Kalaraila.
4rr!r. In Ihla rllf. lirri ahi' la
twit nt Mr ami Mra Uy ll'iUrrl
iff TorlMh nJ Kim alrorla I
ol Mra V. II. Pollar.l. uf
iuf.ll ara In Uila city. haln
t rll hT" Ii) llin di atll uf llix
1',-r i mnttirt. Mra iiMir ItamUII
i llafir rl lilt. ill W. ii ' Ho
fi n.n rraitlrtiia uf lliilitiaril
aaa In
i'ven I'lly on Haliinlay anil lillo
iiiinl 111. hnitli'-r. JuiIkh (Irant
I tlln.i. .
Mr on. I Mm ('. I'l.r"inl n ami ami.
tali!, uf Caritiy. Minn. Itavr arrln-'l
Ihn mi ami aru tlif ii! nf Mra.
'jj Mi-vrr. anil i aiMu thn auni-
'r In Ihla i ll)
Mr. an.! Mra llulilmnl aiul tan ilill
, nf Wllwim III", i'rn lu Ihla fit y
i Sna la), anil i'r Un' KiU'ala of
r ar.'l Mra Juhn A. Hnrlika, uf Hrv.
"hilmi Huniloy.
Mua Nillio Hliuli . of llulilmril, u
ihliclijf Hnliiriln)", anil aflrr n'iii
tike d.iy In Ihla rlly with rnlMlveii.
Id I'lirlLunl lii'r aim will vla't
' h (rluiiU until M inula)'.
:m Kinnia Shrlvtr, uf I'nrtlniiil.
wl IhmiiKh Una i lly Tlnirailay on
' ay to Crnnnwoori, alionl four
"iWIrntn Uila i lly. Him la Ihn Kimm
I her uicr. Mra K. H lin-Kory.
W Fortuim Ima ro rlvml wonl thut
hu bern niiuinti il ufflcliil alurtcr
i the rmiiliiii, I'ltnlcrn OrfKon, ram
tl' li . hi'lil In llml i lly May M.
lll lrn MuiiiUy for oualrrn On-
Vn. Charli'K Wi'lniniiiuli'l, nf Cariu,
"U In Ihla .Hi- I'hlirailuv. Ilavlllll
"me here in iu hir liunlininl, who
J rlimijr nt ih,. orngon City ho
luflcrliiK from lypholil jinmi-
M'. dud Ur. U'lllliiiii I MrCiinl. of
(TvllKhl. r ri'i nlvliiK cniiurnluliillonH
tho ktrtaiti f tlii'lr flrxt Kraml-
''"rtli'f. ror:riitiiliillon nm rIhii l
"rnwioij ,y Mi.. pnri'iilM of lUv Imliy,
Wr ind llirry (.1)llfl,r Mra. foil
''' " furnmrly Mian Hilby MfConl.
Ml. B H Ii. .in i..i..i. i.f (hit
ill.. I't'lilllN.-i, .i-..- "
iiinl cluin:h of I'oitliiml. formiT
' ' thin ell)', H vlHlllim liln item.
linllinp.r, mill wlfn of Koiirlli
'"y'lmiiT mriii'tH Ki'V. Mr. Ilolllimnr
l"lnvfi in ju f(ir DuiiKlua. AIuhUh.
rB h h iicrniitnil rliurun of u
J1 ' iIiiiIkhi, oihi of llm iiromlni'lit
J'ynion of Ciiickiiiima county, whnao
"m In loniii'il nt linuvnr t'ri'i'k, wuh
lhl Hly Snliinliiy. Mr. IIiiiIkit U
'"of ihi iinoHicrii of CliuikMimiH foini
' ""'t nnli'mi)tiitliiK I'IiIitIhk hoiiki
"' "U JlTua.vj nil, I 11 I (' uullln In
llh'romliiK ittMHtr Day hIiow.
Kllm llroiiHon, of Mlnilnn,
" fidkll Ulllii Ima Ilium In IliU ll i
4,!iKttt tho home of Mra. J. II. Cnlu.
"Heft fur l'lirllnnil i,ii Ui.Iiii-.Ii.i. .n.l
frn ........... .ii.iiiij nun
'aim. iii , .1, ,!,,. .i, .m .....
niinni null mil .iniL Willi
'"Hveii lirfom iironoillnT In hnr
'f thrii honioR w(re lirlKhtoniiit Sun
'v " thn arrlvul of youncHtora. At
" homo of Mr. nml Mra. John I'lilllp
j"1 H Colton nml Mr. and Mra.
""Hani KcruiiHiin nt i'lnii,i.,...
i " lorn nnil Mr. anil Mra. Joaniih K.
'"'y. or Kataraila routo No. 3, arc
' I'foud pnrenta of a llltta naiiKhtor.
Blda for Wood.
Bfalod bill wllf lin rnrnlvoil h ,
"lll'ta of f.rf...n 'li
icq ' ""iB", nu.
'8. II. P. O Rika, until Jim. l.t mm
r'Ocorda fll 1ifA.1i. ii. n
ti. . in, uvo ur wouu,
11 D In .h ha.m.n ..... ..
ill i; . . "min oi mo ciKa
'"'luiK before Aunuat Int. 1916.
l'lrea all bid. to Geo. E. 8waf
"1. secretary. Oreinn rit. t.j..
f "89. B. P. O. Elki.
L ' s
7..T ' ' V V. -rf-
i r
tho Chicles Right ,
tl ft I -..I.
I 'mini ,u
one ,, . i... i
Baby Chick Food
i "r a
i.i.. (in. a .....it. i . .
i (
I 2 I.-
I. , , . ,
Poultry RrU.k,r
FulL. L. i .
t...U H.
For SaU by
Tim inrfliim ll urn a( t o'i In. k
lilt 4 laliiiinl, ii h a III Ih fnllnar I
liy a iMialiiKaa araalun ami a talk y
rrralilriil 1 hiiiiiaiin uf lha rluli
''I I'"" of Ilia Vlllaltilli hiHil ll
fits an ufpflla fur Ihn tlaltlnx Iraiti
rr iimlf r ih illriHtiim nf Mra frltn
atr. ami I'nifpawir Siimuur, uf Hi
DrfKun Axrlrullural inllro. l talk
un fliaara uf lln Imliialrlal a urk uf
I lit rural ai hmila.
Arraiiriii"iila fur Ilia iin(iri( uf II r
I'laikamaa ( iiuiily Hi NimiI Maalft
lull, In li hrlj al Wlllamrtln Halur
ilar. rr ruini'lrlfil Mumlar Th
niwin alll ! In-1, 1 In Ihn rtniiin
an aa not to a-lliin1y lnlrrfiTn alltl
Ihn trri;iin lljr rlrliratlun art fur
III i' aallip ila)
1-al.T Tuanai-iul. tho llyrurulil
Uiy ho runf.'aai In liraklUK lulu
and prarllially ro.kliit the hum.
alrad lal'lu of A. Itaki'l In Ihn liumii
talna hark uf Coll. in, alll hn tak.'ii lu
Ihn aUti training a. hmil.
Jimnll.. Oltlrnr Kinal aald yral..--day
thai Ihn ) out II Mi-.IihI Ihn alrl. I
dlai'lpllnn uf Ihn nlaln arluHil In alntt
til in on thn rlclit path Mur.-omr, iln
olTli nra wi'lf ullnliln lu find a aullalilr
hiiinn fur thn lad. prnvnulliiK !iliu from
linliif adopli'd.
Thn buy a parvnla, alio llin In Hi.'
Iiiiiiililalna bninnd Ihn t'ollon Ulntrli't,
hum vi all ml all InliTiit In thn i m-.v
Tho In.! will pruliwblv Im lakrn lirlnri'
Cuunty .IiiiIki iiili'rauii wllhln Ihn
nml day or Iwo mid cuiiinillliil (o tli
Irulnlim ai hnul.
Jiiii'iilli' (irrinT FiimI will niiiko (tin
IniiK Irlp in nma thn i oiinty lo (hn boy a
liiiiun today lu n lalin thn proper!)'
lakrn from Ihn It.iki'l I'aliin. Younti
ToKiiarnd Ima told wlinrn It la hlddnn
Invltatlona Are Out
For Approoching Marrlagt.
Invitation am mil for llm appronch
ItiK marring of Mlaa lli'li'ii Kmiiia
lliilllnnrr lu AukuhIiih . WaRimr on
Prlduy nvnnliiK. Junn 2, ut tlm lilKb
1 it 1 1 1 1 ('iiiiureiilliiiial church of for!
Intnl. Mlaa HoIIIiikit In a ilaiiKlilcr of
Knv. and Mra. K. H. HoIIIiikit nnd
lived Iiiti' initny ynara when her fulluT
waa puntor oi Ihn Hrat CoiiKn'Riilional
church. Mr. Wc-mmr wna Imiul of tlm
department of rhcmUtry In (Im Ore
Ron City IiIkIi achool two yenm.
Drain the Roadi.
I'OltTI.AND, Orn., May 22. iKdttor
of Tlm KnlorprUii.) I'olltlcal cxcllo
incut hnvliiK now aommihnt tiiilmldcil
1 venture, to vi-nllliitn uno morn bleu
In llm ilralmiKi' of ronda; which la
Dial w hen II In ilcclilntl lo dniln a road
tho Niitiio be laid out for two llin
drain about 20 feet apart, but that
but olio of liii'iu Ihi put down at llml
mid when that In m'ltlcd no that travc
can pimH aloiiK over It, then that tlm
other ono ho put down at thu con von
lenco of tho peoplo and tlm flnniKi'H
Ono drain will render It tmiieci'N.ary
In Ncrapo up tlm dirt In tho mldilln of
tlm road. Thn nxpi'iiNO of that run iw
iuim'iI and oxpundnd on thn ilrulniiK".
l.'t im drain tho ronda nnd build
llimn no lotiKor on water halliiHt.
K. F. 11 1 LEY.
Al'UOHA, Oro May 211. The band
of r'dhIi'n travnlliiK hy nutoinohllc
from California arrived at Aurora Sun
day. Whlto they worn pn-ntonillnR to
purchnNti Homo nicnhanillHo nt tho
ntoro of O. A. Khlon n S5 Ruld plV
wbn extruded from tlm till. After
threatening tho band with nrreat May
or Sadler and llm niamhal Biuwedod
In reooverltiR thn money. Tho tribe
was then CNCortod out of town and pro
ceeds! townrdH Oregon City and Tort
land. "
"Chamberlaln't Tablett Have Done
Wondera for Me."
'1 have been a nufferor from atom
arh trouble for o number of year, and
althniiKh I have lined a great number
of remedied rocommended for thi'i
complaint. Chamberlain" Tablets la
the flrat medicine that haa given me
poaltlve and laatlng relief," write
Mr. Anna Kadln, Hpencerport, N. Y.
"Chamberlain' Tablet have done
wondera for me and I value them
very highly." Obtainable everywhere.-"
Mra i Im M Ila, r nm n aalil thai
aim did in.l loin lu r ll'ialiaiul, IVIi r !J
Hr r. any iuumi and tl,i , al ,,
laali'ful In hnr a' aim pai kd un In
liliili(,'lliKa, yallmrt'd In llii lr li llill
du n and I' ll Ihi ir lunun, alb a. a Urn
hualiaml In a dltufiu aull fili'd In Hi"
Irnill iiiiirl Tmaday. limy amrn rnar
rli'd Juiin Ii. I , In Cliia. ..II, Mull
Mm Hum hiMmri'.l iilna of dnat-rllun
la faiuri'd by a majority of Ihn pUIn
I Iff a In llin ulliira of Urn lalnat bad h
uf illmrm aiilla flb d Imrn Hurall tilli
bulla and Juhn I', liibbona nmrrli.
Amciial 1. I joi. and aim ail l x-il. Im
dianrlrd Imr AilKUal 2, IHU. Hhr
aaka fur Ihn I iialudy of lli- lr four i till
wary nmi-i aaya in nT n.mr' nun
plallil thai brr huabarid, Juhn. li lt In r
aiHiii afl'T th.'ir inarrlain Juau II
11-1. al Cnntralla Him aaka thai ah
!. alluaml tu tak" lu-r nialdi'ii riainn
Mary Hi Ii ii 1 1 at
Ij Va.ilin f. Huri'iiaun alliKi-a lliul
hnr huabalid, Wallai n J Hiirnnauii, una
aalraiuan of Han I'raii'la. u. aouii
llmd of hnr and d"partnd, Tlmy i-rn
inarrlnl llriulnr II. I'ioT, al Hnu!i
I'llifUll lililr. Caiiipbrll Tunadny
alKlifl a dn-n-n iiurrlli Mlllllln
Hmllh from H.-lh Hmllh.
CharKlnic that rar afti-r b txniklil
a trail in Wnal Ulin from linorKn l
l!ron bp fuiind Ilia! a pari of the land
had bi- n di'dli alr- fur rojil puriMiana.
tllaf IIi-kiUIk baa fllnd a aull atalnat
ilruan In thn rirrult i-ourl, a.kliix for
lI'.Ou daniaima Juai-ph K. Ili-.lui-a ap
pi-ara aa Mr. Ilntubln a allumny.
llin land la alliiatnd In thn Arm-
alrntii duuullon land claim and Ilea on
thn tup of llin hill In Weal I. Inn. Thn
abalraii. Ilnx lali ntlrjr.-a, cmlalua i.n
inniitlun of thn atrip dndlialnd to lh
lunly and thn fail that bla iropnrty
la dlvldn.1 by thn diillcatrd atrip wai
not iluiuvrr.'.l until r.-nntly.
A K Ijikn Tucaduv fAli-d n a'. It
Malhat J. A. llradbuiy lo fornrloan a
btttti'l morlKaKe for fiuu, William M
Htnnn ap.rinK aa Ijikn'a altornny.
Carl Miihaupt fllnd a ault In llin rlr-
ault lourt liinaday to collect a no'n
for I"j aluncil by oaph Nufi r In Orr
Ron City. April :s, Iln aaka fu:
atlurnry'a fii-a and Inlcn-at
Judcn Campbell Tueaday ali;nni an
order it 1 n 111 1 n I M t Ihn ault of It. Idd
anulnat II M Mulliin
There la a fltm chance open at proa
cut for Nome motherly mini to take
charKo of a real boy and turn bin ex
nberant aplrltH from Improper path)
Into proper channel.
There In an opportunity for aome-
body lu make a good, ueful matt out
of l.etor Towiiaond, and lo kecji him
from lii'lim in-u t to the Blalo reform
Nchool -where ho may devolup Into a
Kiiod man and iiIho where he may not.
l.t'Kter Townsond In the 12-yuar-oKl
lad who till week confo8od to Ju
venile Officer Front and tho district
nttomcy'a office that he had broken
Into tho cabin of AiiKimt Hakel, In tho
hill country back of ('niton. Young
Towitflctid commuted till "crime"
chiefly because hla bright brain Nought
exciting recrivitlnn; and Im haa ill
leady told the nulhorltloN where ho
bid tlm ntuff he tttolo. Ho docun't want
to grow up a bad man, he nay, and
Judge AndorKon, of tho Juvonllo court,
haa loll him temporarily In tho lunula
of Jack FroNt.
Mr. Front any a that U'ster Isn't at
nil a bad nort of n boy, nnd that If ho
had thn rlRht sort of a home ho'.l hood
outgrow bin wlldhcHK and develop Into
a model young citizen. For this rea
son Jack Front doesn't want to oe
the hid sent to the reform school for
tho next six yciim, nnd ho In hoping
that somebody will stop forward and
offer to tnko charge of the child. If
nobody volunteers to do this, Mr.
Frost will seo If the boy's grandfather,
John Itlvers of Eaglo Crook, cannot
bo persuaded to do something for the
lad; but knowing how many kind
hearted people there are In tho coun
ty, Juvenile: Officer FroHt says he
thinks there will bo other applications
for tho boy,
Lester Is a bright lad, with winning
ways and an nctlvo mind. About all
that appears to bo wrong with him Is
that so far he hasn't had half a chnnce
In life, and It Is to try and get him
this chanco that .luvenello Officer
Frost la seeking help.
Deafness Cannot De Cured
r loci applications, aa they eannnt roach
lh. dlaraard portion ur lh. ar. Tncra la
anly una war to cura d.arnpaa. and lhal la
by cnnatltiitlnnal rrmrdlea Drafm-aa la
oauat-d hy an InfUmrtl ronilltlon or thi mu
r.ma llnlna of lha Ktiatarhlan Tuba. Whrn
Ihla till', la mnamrd you hava a rumbllnf
Bound or Imprrlrct hrarlna. and h.n II la
anllr.ly rloanl. llrarnraa la lha rrault. and
untraa lha Indammailon can ba talian out
and Ihla lub. rratnrrd to Ita normal condi
tion, h.arlnf will ba datroye for.v.r: nlna
caar out or I.n ara caua'd by Catarrh,
whlrh la nnthln but an InHamad condition
of lha miK-oua aurraca
Wo will air. Ona Hundred Dollara for any
eaaa of ll.afn.aa (rauard by catarrh) that
cannot b euri-d by Hall' Catarrh Cur.
Band for elfrulara. fr...
r. J. CIIKNKT CO., Tolado, Ohio.
Kold by nrufliat. fie.
Taa Halla amlly fills) (or eonatlpatloa.
I'-y l.ii' iiiaurlllea, tl,n vuti-ra i.f
Catiby al a apni lal pip.Iu.ii Krlda
uti..rlpi Hip khiiuiI In laaiin i,ii)'j
fur Hip liim.lrii.lli.il or p.irhaa of a
uniiili (pul ati r ayali in aiul a.pru-1
Urn m a lly i barter. The vol foi
low a
Walar Bond.
No ,
City Chartar.
Vn a
" il
Thn iiipaairu a'ltliuruiiia; Urn bunt
laaiia baipa llin jnaiiiirr of a"ilrlnrf
a oily Water ayalein larmely lth lh
rniilull M J. I-p liana Ihn waler
aatnm b lib 'low a'tppbra Ihn limn,
arm Urn council may puri haa II ur
build a ne ayalnni If a aallf. tury
atcrna-niPiit on llm prb p cannot bn
rpai he
Thn linw (barter la (Hit lllfTirent
from llm old In any maleri.il ay, and
waa ilra't.-d to correct lul.ukea In thn
WA.HlllNtJTON. May IS. Ilepubll.
'ana In the houan rauchl thn lleino-
rata napping today and knocked out
Ihn Rui eminent ownership provlalou
In thn ahlp purchaan bill.
The volenti thn propuMtlun was 102
tu AT.
Ix-iii x rata plan lo nullify the actlin
I m-fore thn bill gona to the floor. Tho
aeitltm w filch waa killed provid. a thut!
thn shipping board shall have pouer tu
build, leaan and equip vpaanla fur th-
marine trade, ual.ig army tratiiporU
and aiiklllarl" In raw they are need
Howe, of New York, offered III
amendment. The Republicans had been
aecmlly notified to be ready. Only 7'!
Iicmocrai were pr.-aeiit before the
call for reinforcement aid the vote
waa forced. If thn amendment bland.
the bill will merely provide fur a hlp-
plng board with powers to reniila'e
Senator J. Hamilton Iwl. Dem
i ratio whlji, Inirodui ed a bill ciiik)'
i ring the g inrtiimmt to build 100
ahlp Immediately with money ob
tained by Uaulrg bonds secured by the
ahipa' naming, the fhp lu le liasej
tu private concerns but controlled by
the government and used as auxiliar
ies In event of war.
U'Wls nxHcts that Democratic aen
alors who joined thn Republican All
busier last year will support the bill.
Tl'AI.ATIN, Ore.. May 19. Another
suspect In tho Jennings murder ca
was taken here tonight In an old, do-
serled hou.ie belonging tu a man
named O'Connell. situated about two
miles from the Jennings home. Ho
declined to talk about tho case. !
refused to come out or tho house when
the parly surrounded It and demandt d
ho "come forth." He was drugged out
when covered by guns. When asked
what ho knew about the Jennings mur
der he said: "I don't think anything
aboil It." He wont give his name.
(loorge Andrews, a man named Reed,
deputy sheriff from Waihlngton
county, und another man made tho
I'OllTIVND. Ore.. May 19. Fir-
tlmr weakening of the circumstantial
chain connecting Dennett Thompson
with tho double murder near Tualatin
Monday night nnd tho strengthening
of tho robbery motive for the crime
were developments of the investiga
tion, chletly comlitotod In Portland .o
dny. Could llonnett Thompson, the sus
pect In Jail at Illllsboro, wear a shirt
with a 15 neckband? Investigation
toduy revealed that he wears, ordinar
ily, a IS shirt, and at tho present time
is wearing 6lze 1G Vi because of two
small goiters on his neck. The bloody
shirt that tho authorities aro now con
vinced was worn by the murderer ap
parently waa site 15V4.
That was tho figure deciphered on
the neckband by Ieputy Sheriffs Hob
Phillips and Oeorge Hnrlburt of Port
land. The big "ti" could scarcely be
distinguished nnd ni!i;ht have been a
"6," sny tho officers. ' Should meas
urement show that It was 111' 4 the
case against Thompson would be much
Improved. Sheriff Reeves, of Wash
ington county, has the shirt, w hich, so
far ad known, has not been measured.
Daniel Rains died at Rolton on Fri
day night at 12 o'clock, and the re
mains were brought to the Myers k
Rrady undertaking parlors, and are be
ing prepared for burial and will be
shipped to his former home at Silver
ton. Mr. Ralni was born June IT,
1846. and ha resided at rtolton for
some time. He leaven several chil
dren. '
IIOHKIinifi. Ore. May 21ttl!h
llin l.l.el alieiidarirn for many yeara
I Im annual aeaaloua of Urn fraud
'ainpriienl of Oddfetloaa and tlm It -
l-ekaii a wmbly of Or. nun opened in ;
Itiw-burtt Ihla morrilriK. Tim iwaaloiia i
of llm eiiiatiipiiienl aern featured byj
Ilia elix tloii of offli era. iorialdnrall.ini
of off h lal n-iMirta rovriri ihn pt.t
yar. and addr aae by aeveral mem -
bert of thn order.
riffi. .... i. i,i ... .
full ... a-.Vi 1 ui -"-""t
trarid prelate; Hoi H. Ma ker, Orel! in
.. ,, ,, , ., . . .
i ity. xrand hlcb prleai A. H. Kn U'lit, i
C.nby. ,r., ae'.lor ..,; K K!
Hharon. l-ortl.nd. Kr.nd rll- W. W.
i.v..,.i. n. . i. ,'
a ii 1 1 e i' , ' ""I"""'..
er. Andn. "i T"!, UT "
. ... niuiviiiit K, I elii--
ton, Krand luarahal; H. A. Ilnxlbead. ,
Tillamook, grand .wntlnel; (Jllbcrt
Hrown, Uknvlnw, grand outalde arni:!.1
Mrs. Oeorge Randall dim! at 11:45
o'clock Saturday night at her bone ou
Fifth and Jefferson streets from bear
failure. She had been 111 for some
lime, and recently undnwent an oir,
Hon at the Oregon City hospital.
With her when the end came were
her buaband and the following chil
dren. W. (. Randall. Mrs. little Cra.
ford and George (. Crawford of Ore
gon City, and Mrs. W. II. I'ollard of
Springfield. Ore. One other daughter,
Mr. A. W. Urowt of Hothell. Wash,
ui lives her, as well as 13 grandrhil
Mm. Randall was born In England
iH years ago and came to the I'nlted
Stales in 1 For over half a cen
tury she llvd In Oregon.
Arrangements for the funeral have
not been made.
Deep Snow at Bull Run.
PORTI.ANI), Ore, May 22. The
deepest snow ever recorded at this
time of the year In the region of Hull
Rur. lake Is reported by officials of the
city water bureau, who have returned
from a trip to the lake. The snow is
alx feet deep, and on the summit above
the lake It Is 10 feet deep. Records
show this to be a record breaker for
this season. 1
Booster Day Specials!
Come to the Grocerteria, free demon stration on National Hlscult Company Crackers and Cookies, all day Sat
urday. Come and help yourself.
Lunch Goods
Pamento Cheese 10c
Chilli Cheese IDc
Tillamook Cneese, pound 20c
Booth's Sardines, can 18c
Palm Brand Sardines, 6 cans...25o
Norwegian Sardines, can 10c
Chilli Con Corn!, can 10c
Hot Tamales. can 10c
Chip Hecf, 2 glasses 25c
Vienna Sausage, can 10s
Golden Nectar, pint, 2 for 25c
India Relish, per bottle 26c
Chilli Sauce, Mexican Hot, Sweet
Pickles and Sour Pickles in full
pint jars, 15c; quart jars 25c
Green Olives, alios... 10c, 15c, 25c
Corned Reef, can 25c
Deviled Ham, can 5c
Lobsters 30c
Shrimps, 2 cans 25c
Heidelberg Dill Plcklea, 2 cans. 25c
Sour Pickles, per qt 10c
Can Rlpo Olives 15c
Pineapple 10c 15c
100 Lbs. Broken Klco $4.00
Falls City Gutter 60c
10c Con Pepper 5c
Good Ilroom 25:
Toilet Paper, 3 for 10c
Arm & Hammer Soda 5s
50-lb. sack Dairy Salt 50c
GO-lb. sack H pround Salt 35c
R gala. Coal Oil ..65c
S boxes Matches 10c
Corn or Gloss Starch 6c
10c Bottle Mining or Ammonia.. 5c
3 cans Old Dutch Cleanser 25c
5 cans Lye 25c
Vinegar, full quart 10s
4 lbs. Petite Prunes 25c
5 Jay Mechanics Sonp, reg. lac
while they Inst 5c
Vinegar, gallon 25c
Reg. 25c size K. C. Baking Pow
der 20c
Reg 50c K. C. Ilaking Powder. .40e
Walter Baker'a Breakfast Cocoa,
reg. 30c lb 25c
6 cans Sardines 25c
3 cans Silver Salmon 25c
2 cans Chinook Salmon 35c
6 loaves U. S. Bread 25c
Wax Paper, 24 18-Inch sheets.. 5c
wheat. $1.35 sack; $5.25 barrel
SWAN FLOUR Every sack guar
anteed, $1.25 sack; $4.75 barrel
I Jennings Lodge Department
JKNM.S'tH UHHiK. May 2V(Him-
( lal) -Per tlm p'eaaura of Mlaa Mol
Im lloan of OPKon City, who la l.l
lea on Jurm I rtb for Montreal, Can
ada and I'rlma Kdaard laland, an auto
;-ar!y .a ina'le iin Halurday lo
Horn-tall l'alla on llm Cohiiiil.la IiIkIi
ay Tboan xulriK In tlm Harry Hay
lea car wprn Mr and Mra. Iluylea, of
Kierrenu, Mra. Ilrue. bert, of lli'a
plain, Mlaa Helen I'alnton, of Orel.,
ar.la, Wa.li , and Mlaa How
Mra K A. Handera, arrornpanln I
rortland frleruU on a tfelltibtful Irlp
up Km Columbia highway on Tueaday
of laat Week. An ' lulln trip was en
Joyed llev. Hirilth aMik InlerentlliKly fl
iH'"",ur- Mr ,m "Wlnnlnt l'rala
1 'r"m t'1trl"r' ltlrt cam
, M-port of ih happenlnra of llm Kail
. lllame't aaarx latlon roner.tlon,
--hl.h convened at 8a!e, on May J
i .. ' . .. ,
"l"''lon. Thn averarn attendance al
u j j ...
' r"u """"J T,
, u, t
allendance la dim Mr. Tucker, the aa-
''- -P"'nt..ndent, during th. .le
"" .-rln.end.-nt. If. J. HO..
A number from Imr attended the
ren-ption for Knv. and Mr i.
KAttA held on laat Thuraday e-n-
; ing ai tne urngon l liy t ongregatlonal
' church. Itnv. flard has made many
! calls among the parlahoners of thn
Federated ihunh here who bid him
j (io.lappn.1 In his nw work, that of
aaaiatant siiimrintenOent In the gen
eral lulaaloriary work In Montana. We
understand Itnv. and Mrs. Edwards
will leave on May 2Mb and will make
a short stay at Seattle, arriving et
Hillings, Montana, on June 1st.
Mra. Will Rooenberry. of Junction
City, spnnt the week-end with Mra.
Tillie Moore.
A number of friends were enter
talned at the Sanders' home on Sun
day. Among them were Mr. and Mr,
Ryan, of Tort land; Mra. Jarbo, of Ha
mahl, Idaho; Miss Monica Pomeroy,
of Kalamath Falls, and Mr. and Mrs.
IMerce and son and daughter of Fort
laud. Mr. Davis, of Lebanon, and Mr.
Smith, of Canby, were callers on Mr.
Morse on Monday.
August McClean. of Oregon CUT.
waa a business caller at our vlllag
on Wednesday.
Rev. Young, formerly a minister of
the Lutheran church, baa leased the
Wilcox property and his family came
this week. They were former resi
dents of Soulb Dakota and owing to
111 health. Rev. Yung waa compelled
to retire from active work In the min
istry. Mrs. Mary Hart, of Heaverton, spt-nt
the past ten days with ber son, A. H.
Miss Alice Waldron returned to ber
school duties at Everett on Monday
of last week. Her mother I gaining
gradually and under the watchful care
of Miss Elizabeth Waldron and It.
Ilurkhardt. recovery Is hoped for by
her numerous friends.
Donald McFarlane was host to the
Roy Scouts on Saturday evening. Re
freshments were served during the
Mrs. C. P. Morse entertained
Gallon Canned Goods
1 gallon Peaches
1 gallon Apricot Qfl
1 gallon Plum aLtJLl
1 gallon Apples f
1 gallon Pumpkin LSD
1 gallon Blackberries
1 gallon Loganberrlea 40c
1 gallon Catsup 35c
1 gallon Pear 40c
1 gallon Syrup 50c
13 bar Bob White Soap. 50c
Lemons, dozen 20c
100 lb. Pure Cane $8.25
100 lbs. Dry Granulated 8.05
12 lbs. Pure Cane 1.00
13 lbs. Dry Granulated 1.00
2 Pounds
Peanut Butter
3 lbs. Dry Peaches 25c
2 1-2 lbs. Fancy Prunes 25c
4 lbs. Petite Prunes 25c
2 lbs. Dry Apricots 25c
2 1-2 lbs. L. M. Raisins. 25c
3 pks. Seeded Raisins 25c
3 lbs. Black Figs 25c
1 lb. Dry Apples IQc
10 lb. box Soda Crackers 65c
100 size Fancy Naval Oranges,
dozen 35c
The Cut Rate Store .
Oregon City
Phones Pacific 19. Home A-133
brother, Coleman Hill and Mlaa Mllbr,
of Cortland, on Hun. lay
I Ittln Helen Hanilera accorripa.iie l
Mrs. Jario lo llillalmro where limy
III vlalt an sunt of Mrs Jarbo.
Mr and Mrs II. 1. Robinson art
looking foraarii with much plna.ure
fur a vl.il from Ihnir mother, Mra.
Iloblnson, of Winnipeg. Mra. Kolilu
aon vl.ltid on Hill roaat l.'irim y.-ar
ago and Imr friends will Un did'ghled
to meet hi r again.
Mrs. Hiram Cobb, of fliitiii'iun, Iowa,
will arrive Dm first week In Juim fur
an eit-nd.-d vlalt with the Hugh Rob
erta family.
Mrs. West recently came up from
U Angeles, Calif., and Is enjoyln.i
a visit with thn I. I). Newell family.
Mrs. West will later visit In fcugeni
before ah returna aoutli.
Mlaa Helen I'alnton I visiting at
tlm Hruaa hert home, returning un
Tueaday to Orchards. Waah. Jure fitti
Mitt I'alnton leaves fur fUillingham
to attend the Htate Normal.
Serving on the election board at the
primary on Friday last were R. F. Det
er, I). I. .Newell, James Waldron. J'din
Jennings. Alex Gill. Mr. Miidrum, Mrf-v
dsmes ('has. H-idmond. lAura Nawi,
David 1-aCurn and Kdd Itoethe. Out
of tlm 212 reglatertng only 122 votes
were cast, ti Republicans and 27 for
the ITnocrat.c party.
lot laJajtU fc&d CMIirasL
Tli Iki la EiTi Ahrcjs
htn ta
The Farent-Teac her association of
the Mount Pleasant school bold the
last meeting of the season at tba
school bouse Wednesday night. Hus
bands were Invited and after ejection
of officers and a short program i un
cial time was enjoyed and refresh
ments wre served.
Mr. E. Frey was re-elected presi
dent; Mrs. Frank Adrock. vlce-prorl-dent;
Mis Grace Snooks, secretary
treasurer. This association waa organized last
January and has Increased In unrulier
ship and Interest Miss Mildred Alk.n
the retiring principal of the school
read the financial report and Mrs.
Frey, ihe president, told of tbtf work
the teacher and parent bad accom
plished since working closer together
and of what good they are doin.r in
the community.
Medford will vote on bond Issue In
the near future for JSOO0 for heating
system and enlargment of Washing-
ton school
RegulUr 25 cents can
Gold Dollar, reg. 30c Coffee 25c
Roys.1, reg 35c Coffee 30c
Caravan Coffee, reg. 40c 3oc
Caravan Coffee, 31b. can $1.00
Send In your coupons for Tetley's
Tea, and receive ;-lb package F'rvo.
Llptons Tea. pound 6ic
Tetley's Tea, pound 65c
Spiderleg Tea, regular 65c grade
pound 50c
Gunpowder Tea, regular 65c
grade, pound 50c
Ceylon Tea regular 65c grade,
'pound ..." 30o
Armours Best 1 C IL
Picnic Hams IOC ID.
Two Pounds
Beans and Rice
5 lbs. Rroken Rice 25c
4 lbs Jap Rice 25c
3 lbs. Best Head Rice 25c
3 lbs. Small White Beans 25c
3 lbs. Red Mexican Beans 25c
3 lbs. Lima Beans 25e
34 lbs. Bayo Beans 25c
3ft lbs Pink Beans 25c
Sago, pound 10c
3 lbs. Tapioca 25c
4 lbs. cut Macaroni 25c
25 package Star, Naptha or Pearl
lne 20o
Gladstone and Parkplaca,
Monday and Thursday morn
ing. Mount Pleasant and Fall
View, Wedneaday and Satur
day A. M.
West Side and Csnemah,
Tuesday and Friday.