Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 19, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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    ournov city kntkhimmhi-:. fimmav. may in. vm
mm 7P n
Absotutoly Pura
No Alum No Phosphate
CANI1Y, May lH.(.Mpclal)-The Mra V. H V-ili (la : h.iink a f.-
incitihcra of Ilia Oregon l ily i. A. It., dan !' fil' ii'U In I'uHluii.l
aa-oiimanied by Meadamra Mutto.ka, Mr llcnum M.inr of Huh m .1
AMrich and McArthur. of Ilia W. II.
l. Vlailcd (ha Canby public a. liool
t'riiluu w.riiinir
Tim vi-.it.im nmdi- the trip l.y auloj
from Orrif.m City, tlirouuh the rour-
U-.y uf M. II. Utoiircllo mill A. A. I
I'M.-. Followed l.y the teachers and
.u,U of Ilia h.H.t th..y nmr.lir.lj
fniin I lie mIi.ihI building to Ilia M. K.I
church, where an Inlcrealinir; two
hotira' wii aprnl aining ol.l annga,
r .-lit 1 1 live war rxpeniMirra, ami Umpir
ing titritti miii In Ilia ininda ami heart
of Ilia young Aini-rirnna.
It la. (lie rule of Ilia C. A. It. to
vi'it achnola throughout Ilia futility
In-fore I iriornl Inn .luy, Canby
favored .y a v i ml lut yriir, and will
look forward to their coming each
Following" In Ilia program of tlio
"America," coiigrri'ntinn; "Colum
l.ia, !eni of Ilia Ocean," Cniihy
kiIiimiIk; rei-itiitii.M, "lllua and tirny,"
Lena 1'ierrr; muaic, drum corpa; ad
ilreaa, 'at ('ummuliiler Flagg; rntl
nit', drum rorpa ;a.l.rmM, fulowrl l.y
.Mernoriitl day eirrriar and grave
le.iri.tiiir, M'. Aldrirh; War Times,
Mm. I'rtty; thnnkaj to iuiiln for dec
orating old aoldirm' grave laat year,
It. MrArthur; flag auluiea, led by
Mua I'lui'if, Cunliy; iloitinK renmrka.
Itev. V. Iloyd Moore; tnunir, "IHir,"i
.Iruiu rorpa. j
t'A.NIIV. May l" - lftieeliil I Mr
ami Mm lieorve llemlnliailler had hi:
tlielr I'lni'ln, Siilunlay uml Humla).
Mm li.'iiili.hii'll.r' hiitet", MUe
M111.1 uml lli'h n Sloililanl. uml Ml-m
1. 111.1 liiHidy uml Kv.'hn tintrrioll, 11 1 1 I
Mr Julio I ..'. nil of l'i 1II.1111I.
lake Mill" of Slii rtnli i. 11 i;ii's
of hla luir. nn. M' uml Mm. K MUM.
lui-t Week.
Mini Kuilly M 1 m 1 1. W Kn iil the wi'i'k
Mul III I'.irtluml
.Mr I'h'lllpa went to flteiion fit
TniMilay to lulertlew the ilintinl.
Tin' iliiini' S'iil unlit v nltlil, nt the
IuiiiiI nii.lit.it lum, fol the Ix'iifflt ,f
till' Itoiir llll'l II Mlh:l l'lll.'l-ro I' i f
r.'i;oii City- .vuh well iitt.'luled. A
Imi'e .rnwil iiiiiie from diei-on t'lty.
nin! ull oilier tnttii within 11 raillun of
1 1 11 1 1 y inlti'K were well r.'.ir. 11i1l.1l nml
proved tin lark of Interent In the Clii -k
a miii ..Hint.' ciimlliliile tiond iiiiimIc
win furnished hy t.nrritt'a or.h.Mtrii
'il.. hundred and limit. . ui ilam e tl. k
were nold.
II It. Kvuii". Pr. , T. Murdy and
i. W. Krut'Ki r inoliued to I'ortlan I
1J.....1.... ,l... .. ..11...... .. .11..
iiiiiiii, ill' 1111 nii'i 111 iiiii'iiii tun'
iter party, the hitter two to ttltnHK
Milne I'lti'lflc fount IciiKtie ImHehall.
hr lli'dtnoii uml II. II. Kuiiik Jour-
ney.'.l to tlr.'K.iii City Sut unlay to at
I. unl the Or.'Kon Slut.' HunkiTM' it".
.irhitlon Mr. Kvunit wua electnd
tr rauriT of the iiorlitlloii for Iho In
. iiiniiiK term.
Sonte Kuril liiiteliall wiih pluyel
Siuuhiy h.'twe.ii Conley ami On'Kiii
City In Iho Knmn for the heneflt of
the I'limo yiieeii candliliile. It ro
ulrrd eleven IiiuIiikm to ile.'liln 111"
victory for Conley, with 11 arore of
!l to -'. The hitllerica Kor Conley,
Holt IIohk uml (Irlhlile; for Or.'KO'i
City, Starry mid Ituux. h.
.Mru. M. Mapln U reroverlni; from
an operation for tumor, whlrh wiih per
formed hy ir. Mount of Or.'Kon City,
hiHt ThuiHiliiy.
Hoy. thu ll yeurohl aim of Mr. tind
MrH. ,1. I'ltlrt, wiih luully Injured Wed
nemlay nfteriloon lit Iho arhool
Kroumlx. The mil wa.4 illHiiheyhiK th'i
ruli'H of tlio hcIiooI ground hy holding
to llio hark of the sent In .one of 111.'
hlK hwIiiks while Kinne rhlhlren wero
bWiiiKliiK. Ho lost hla hold mid fell
licneiith llio hwIiik, II piishIuk over IiIm
hoily twlii, ti'iirlni! the rkln nml fli'Hh
from IiIh lii'iul hehlml hU ili;lit "nr
nml IiiuIhIiik IiIh shoulder and liiirlt,
lie wiih run-led to Iho dortor'B offlen,
where modlnil aid wiih pi'oinplly given
heforo removing him to IiIh homo, It
Ih IhouKht (hero are no internal I11
Jurh'H mid hla rerovery will ho rnp'tl.
7 anc kad tajftiUa
haadacbea anl feared La
Orlppa. I eoaM not at
taad to nr vork. I took
eoaae of Dr. Mllea' AnU
Pala Pitta aad the pala
waa ajaarlrh VOBe. Than
I atartad natnc Dr afUa
Nerrloa aad the troubla
I fait n
SarlctT -TaHar. Una.
for? toft todaglbQO
I' l'd'd '"'' Hi.tunlav i l;M ail
! ' I" '" Untidily llh C.ml.y fiL mlt
A mlllhlll llli'lflng Inl'1 l 'In'
""" Monday
: t ,w ,. ,,. ..r dlatrlil atlor
,M-'" " uk' r "' "'
A" 'M" I'"1!'1"" ' '"'.'
i'1'" """"r """"
' "v "''" l"'"'"'"'''
Mu Mi.l.i'l ll'itfiii.iii ri'toriH'il toll
I Inline III rotfUml I 1. 'l.n. rift, r .111
I I'lli'ii.l.'d Onlt with Ml.i' l.llliuii unl
Mll.li. I Wune
I Mr 1111.I Mm I.. II Wang. Mint 1.11
I 1 1 t it Wain; uml Mm Arthur IW.1I11.111
1 iiiul. if . I to I'm ( lum: Tu'..iy (ur u
i i'il a lll.ppiK
I Mr. and Mm M V Jnlilin.ni li id :ia
i (lo ir dinner Kii.-'ti. Hiiii.l .y, Mr an I
Mr J. IT 1 .Hil. r of Hulciu. Mr uml Mm
W A .l.iliiihoii .if Portland uml MI-
1 41 Vina Hlii-rld.ni
'Hi.' 111. ml. .'iii i.l Hi.' I.ii'll.'n' A 1. 1 'if
III.' M K . Iiur. li .njim-il nu nut . lum
iih'i'IIiik at tlie home of llev ami Mr"
l.mln, 'iliii.n . 4i!iiii'it.in Mere
f . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I to Airy the lii.ll.'i out ali.nit
l O'rllll fc. TIll'V took li.lkk.'ll. Of (iO'l I
lliliii!" to eat with them uml ti J. .-.
u i iilr illniirr. ufl'T whl.li Hie lm I
neKM of tlie .luy w,i li.ni.. 11 tid hi
reKulur form.
Tin iiiik llol.eria ami ll.cry Morti
11111 'i of Hul.'iu uer" ."i.tiiluy ku hto h.Ui
t'linl.y frli inln
Ml"" Lottie Slu.ri of 1'ortluud ,i
n Ku. t t of Mlax Nell J 1 .1 111 )' t 11 ;-tiil ir
'''' '"!"!
For IflfknU and Children.
ile Kind Yea Han Alwap Bought
bitftialara of &!affl&&&i
Maple Ijuiii CruiiKe No. ti.' t In
regular aoHHlon Haturduy nft. rnuon In
the (Irani;., hall. Four di iireea of the
order were Klvru runillila'i ii. In thr
f. reuo.111 the third ami foinin il' Kre.".
were conferred on one candidate, ami
l'i the iifternoon threo cmulliluic wer
lilven Iho flmt and Herond d.'Kre'a. At
the lecture hour 1111 luter.'.illiiK pro
Krain wok kIvcii mid nt 110011 11 Krauze
dinner wiih enjoyed.
Blda for Wood.
Sealed IiIiIm will he rereived hy Iho
trilhleen of Or.'Kon City IoiIkc, No
HMt. It. I', t) K'kH, until June tut, l'.M'i,
for 10 cordH llmt crowth. live llr wood
piled up In tin' husement of the Klk.i
hulldiiiK iiefore Aiimmt Ul, 1!H(i.
A.ldr.'HH 'ill hldH to (ieo. K. SwuT
ford, hecretary, Or.'Kon City I.odi;.'
No. 1IS9. II. I'. O. Klka.
Inlho County Court of the State of
Or.'unn, for the County of Clack
It til II H.
Ill the Matter of the Kstatc of
Stephen A. Kane, dereu.ied.
Not Ico Ih hereby nlvcn that Iho
unilrrslKited lultulnlHliator of the
1'ntato of Stephen A. I.ane, deceiiHt'd
hits filed IiIh final report iih hiIiuIii
IhIihIoi' of uiild iMtute In iho County
Court of Clui'luinum County, tlrrn.m
and the Jnil;;r thereof Iiiim net Monday
.lune 111, l!M. at 10 o'clock A. M. of
Mild day for the hcurinr, of objections
lo tin Id final report and for the hiiiI.
inent of huIiI cHtale. All persoiiH In
tei'CNled 1110 hereby notified to appear
uml file object Ioiih, If any they have
III paid court oil or before. ald date.
AdnilnlHtnitor of Iho aforesaid estate
lulled May 1". I flit!.
Pain and III Health
rob you of all your
quickly relieve Pain, but
at the same time, when
over-work or nervousness
is the cause,
Dr. M11W
Restorative Nervine
should be used to relieve
the cause.
btialitl County Convtntioft
la liemliy ull.d In UimI at OreK'iii
citr, Omen, iiii i iui'i.ir. Mar
W, al l'i A M II." pufpotn In -
Hi. 1 iiiiiiiliiMili.il of lounly 11. (it and
Ilia lfaiii Hull of li i.lli' f liiiillno
1 a limy i("ierly 10 n Ik (.. lha 111. .. I
IIIIT All H.hUIi.14 Mill I minted l
pailli IpoUi, aa Mill 1 on . 1 lit loll la to
ha a IH4 i.lm iill.ll of all Mia lilt
IMa ililii In On. iiuiil)f. I M-f h'l
In IIkI i,mi IjIIi lot Mid
W W M VI.'IIH, I ln.illn.il
MM I A.lr I
fOH tALI 'I hf" t'xA ii. one
ft. -It lii June, one 111 July and the
Oilier III lli'il.ir, HlllK loiaual'
of innilliM flllo ,S'i U.in, If fi. lUii
I.l, til. I'. .11 ( It), III ,
fOH iAlt-VA Ilia. k.iiiUli ah .j
and I.H.Ia (!.hh ptu for ko. hori
nlnHt. Mra W.ll Jaiitea, I'lilon
Mill If lint liolne 1 lepllla of l I,
Money to Loan
Liwyt r
DauUthir Advokal
lluiiin 2 lieater III.Ik tlr.Kon City
III Hi" Cln nil Cinirt of the Stale . f
(Ir. ci.u, for CI.ok.iln.il. Cniinly
iMXw J. Crawford, Plaintiff, v.
I'hihi I. fruwfuld, l. f.fnluiit.
To Phil.i l Crawford, ahove
nainnl ilefenduiit:
In tlio narpe of the atuta of Orron
you ara lier.hy required to ap"-ar
niel ainw.-r tlie complaint filed
UKamal you III the ahovo rntitlid
ault, on or la-fort the ,'IHlh day of
June, l'.iii, anid data beiriK the -liirntKiii
uf fix wrrku from the fimt
pul'ln atinn of thi" autninona, ami if
you fail to appear or annwrr aaid
rotnpluiiit, for want thereof, the plain
tiff will apply to the court for the
relief prnye.1 for in her roinpluint.
Kor a decree i-iiUinif the mar-
rinire rontract now exintinif lietween
plaintiff and d.'femlunt. Tliu turn
nioiia in puhli"hi-d hy order of II. in. J.
U. Cninphell, Ju.Ik'o of tho ("ircuit
Court, which order ai made on the
Ulth day of May, l'JK'i, and the time
prenrihed for puliliAhini; thereof i
nix week a, lcL'inninif with the iue
lated Kridny, May r.'tli, l'JK,, ami
continuiin,' eu.h wi--k thereafter to
and ini'luilinir priduy, June, not h.
Attorneyr. 'or I'lulntiff.
Kimt publication May l'.l, pjlfi.
publication June :!0, VJlfi.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the Cooiily of Cluck-
JiiHephlne M. Itohlnon. I'lnlnt Iff,
Hert Itohlnon, Defendant.
To Itert Kohinon. above named de
III the name of the Stale of Oregon
you are hereby required Ir. upix-ur tin I
itnewer the complaint of plaint If r
fll.il uKaluat von In the alove entitled
Milt oil or before hIx weekti from the
l!lh day of May, '.i.i, t,ie dale pr
acrlbed by the order of thla court
for the fir', publication of (IiIh biiiii
iiioiih, anil. If you full to ho appear
uml niiHwer for want thereof, the plain
tiff will apply to the court for the
relief prayed for the toinplalnt, to-wit;
Kor n decrov of thla honorable court
to the el feet thut the niarrlaKe bi'-
tueen the plaintiff mid defendant be
declared unl decnt'd void from the
hcMiuulnK. r that said marriage be
declared void ft 0111 Htich time us to the
court may aeem e.iultable and Just.
Thla suiiunoiih Ih nerved upon you
by publication hy order of the Honor
able J. V. Cainpnell, Judge of the ubovo
entitled court made and entered on
the 17th .lay of May. lSlt'i, dlrectiiiK
such publication In The Oregon City
KntcrprlHo, once a week for six con
secutive weeks.
The first publication Ih of date- tho
1 nth day of May, l'.llii, u ml tho lust tho
lintli day of June, l!Ht.
JOHN II. 1IA1.I., Wilcox Dldg.,
Attorney for riaintil'f,
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
James Khlcr, Plaintiff, vs. Eliza
beth Elder, Defendant, Summons.
To Elr.abcth Elder, above named
In tho name of tho Stato of Oregon
you tiro hereby required to appear
und answer tlio complaint filod
against you in tho nbovo entitled suit,
on or boforo the 23rd day of Juno,
l'Jlo, said date being tho expiration
of six weeks from tho first publica
tion of this summons, and if you fail
to appear or answer said complaint,
for want thereof, the plaintiff will ap
ply to tho court for in his complaint,
For a decree dissolving tho mar-
riago contract now existing between
plaintiff and defendant. This sum
mons is published by order of Hon. J.
U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit
Court, which order was made on the
8th day of May, 1916, and the time
prescribed for publishing thorcof is
six woks, beginning with the issue
dated Friday, May 12th, 1916, and
continuing each week thereafter to
Old Folks Saved
From Suffering
Mra. Mnry A. Dean, Taunton, Maaa.,
In her S7th year, snys: "I thoucht I
wns beyond tho reach of medicine, but
Foley Kidney Pllla have proven moat
beneficial in my ease."
Mr. Sam A. Hoover. Illch Pnlnt.
N. C, writes: "My kidney trouble wbb
worse at night ar.d I had to Ret up
from five to seven times. Now I do
not have to Rut up at night, and con
alder myaelf In a tt-ulv normal con.
dltlon, which I attribute to Foley Kid
nay Pills, aa I have taken nothing
Mra. M. A. Fridges, Robinson. Mass..
Bays: "I stifrered from kidney all
menta for two years. I commenced
taklnff Foley Kidney Pills ten montha
mi, and tliouKli I am 61 yeara of age,
1 feel like a 18-year-old girl."
Foley Kidnev Pllla are tonic
strengthening and up-bulldlng, and
rem ore nvrnial action to the kidneys
and '0 a disordered and painful blad
der. They act quickly and contain
no dangeroua or harmful drugs.
mi liirluiliny Friday, Jul 2 lrd, I'JW
llltiiWM.I I. A kii,vi:i,
Att.ri.t)! fur pli,tiff.
Mirrlffa Kala
In Ilia Clrcuil I'uutt of tl, fitala of
Omif'in for ! founly of
itary l Farnom, 1'lan.l.ff, v. A.
It. Iladley and I. U lladley, hutUnd
ami ifa. C H. Md, I.. It. lUl.trom,
WaahliiKton Mi-uitm niiipany, a
roi potation, and J II. Iladley, dr-
Mtata of Orrifon, Cuinty of ( .k.
lull, aa,
!y itua of Judyo eot ord. r, da
rm ami an txacutniii, dily iaud
out of ami under the ,,( tha al.v
entltlrd rourt, id lh ulum entitlnl
!u-r, to rna duly din v. and dutri
lha "Jn.1 day of Mjy, 'Jl!, ui,n a
Judgment rendi rni ai d n.i. i.-d in ui.l
court on the .'ml llay of April, rJlfl,
III favor of Mary 1.. I n im, plain.
tiff, and aifain"l A. I! Ilnd'ey and L
a lladlry, hualiaml 1 I w f.-, di-fend-
ai.la, for thi aum of ITmhioi), with
11, li re. t thereon at ti:r rate i,f li per
cent per annum from the Ni day of
II. tolirr, )1M, and ii t.-n-.i on the in.
terrat of 1120.00 wl. l. ..rue. from
O. toUr lat, to 'i.' .i,er 1-t, PJlJ, a,'d Katie l Arh i. kle. hla wife, fl
at the rata of 10 pr nil per annum, '"'danta, for the .urn of y.t.hli mi,
ami the further aum ..f n7.9 tnea, lnti r."t thenun at the late of
.ih i.ilereat thereof, from Jai.uarv l- r cmt per Ulltium from the 1 Ch day
.'Hat IVIfl, at the rate of 10 per rent
per annum, and the fjr'.her aum of
I'.OO.OO aa altiirnty'i f.-ei, and the
further aum of f-'M'i.fri, With Intereat
thereon at the rate of t, H.r ,t pPr
annum from April li'.h, 1'Jll. and
the further aum of .
.Ml li
fe.-., and the further .uu, of f 1 11.0,
co.ta and di.buraemi i'., and the co.U
or and upon tr.ia wr.t. omniamiinx unhllli corner 0. the northaest
me to make aale of ti.e f.,l..wiriir de-' flll,r,,.r f wt t (3, n town
acnbe.1 real property, iltuate in the ,,ptwo C) south range two (2) eaut
county of Clarkamaa. ita'.e of OreKon,( wuiamette inrld.au; runninit thence
to-wit: j went following action line .'.! .VIC
liil'inninir at point in the fjiit rela; thence aoiith paral'i-l with the
line of the Iteration Uml Claim of . al.le line of aald ac tion two (2)
Hubert Caufield and wife, No. C.'l, In 1i;:i0 2 feet, to the center of th conn
TowiDihip 3 South, lUni'e 2 Kat of try road: thnre aouth 9 degree an 1
the Willamette Meridian at the North- M lit 1 11 11 1 euat. following the center
wrt corner of tSe Hood Donation of aald road M feet; thencv north
Ijind Cluim, aaid Townihip and anu parallel with the weat aide line
Itunire. thenre South ab.iiif the Kant (' ald " tlon two (2) 1K37.3 feet to
line of aaid Caufield claim 2''.'.!.35
f-t: thence Weat f.i.H.r,l feet to the
center of the County ltoad: thence
North 29 degree" 41 minutea. West!
:i()0l.7 feet, thence North 89 dcgrcci
r.'l minute. IUt MM feet, tnence
S....m O d...,ree. fl7 minule.
-It f,. ,h,.nr Vnrtt, li'l ,l..Wr... M
.'l U'.'l tt f ...! Vnrth fl it..
K 1 .1 ' iiiuiuiva i'i a rt. -(
thence North 89 degrees 53 minute
Kat 519.5 feet to the Eaut line of
said Caufield Claim, thence South
alonir aaid line to the place of beg-in-
ninir. j
Now, herefore, by virtue of said ex-
ecution, ju.lirment oruer ana decree, j,hp mortgagi herein or lnce had In
and in compliance with the commands or t0 tn Bi,ovc described real prop
of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the crty or any )urt thereof, to satisfy
10th duy of June. 1916, at the hour or
ten o'clock, A. M. at the front doorree. Interest costs and all accnilng
or the County lourt House in the
City of Oregon City, in said County
and State, sell at public auction, sub
ject to redemption, to the highest
bidder, for U. S. gold coin cash In
hand, all tho right; title and interest
which the said within named defend
ants, A. R. Iladley and L. Lee Had-
ley, husband and wife, C. R. Mead, L.J
Ralstrom, Washington Securities
Company, a corporation, nnd J. H. In the matter of the estate of Hetta
Iladley, or either of them, had on the . Ann Hopkins. Deceased,
date of the mortgage herein or since Notice Is hereby given that the tin
had in or to the above described real designed executor of the estate of
property or any part thereof, to sat- Ann Hopkins, deceased, has filed
isfy said execution, judgment order, ' """ account in said estate in the
decree, interest, costs and all accru
ing costs.
Dated this 12th day of May, 1916.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
By E. C. Hackett,
First issue May 12th, 1916.
Ijist issue June 9th, 1916.
In the Circuit Court of tho State of
Oregon for the County of Clackamas.
Tltlo nnd Trust Company, a corpor
ation, administrator with the will an
nexed of tin' last will and testament
of William C. llullitt, Deceased, l'laln
tlff. vs.
Willamette Land and Development
Company, u. corporation. Defendant.
To Willamette Ijind nnd Develoo
incut Company, defendant above
named :
In the name of tho State of Oregon
you arc hereby rouuired to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you in tho above entitled suit within
six weeks from tho date of the first
publication of this summons, to-wit, on
or before tho Kith day of Juno, 1916;
and If you fall to appear and answer
tho said complaint for want thereof
tho said plaintiff will take decrco
against you as prayed for in said com
plaint, to-wil: For tho foreclosure of
a certain mortgage recorded In Hook
88 at page i'u records of mortgages
for Clackamas County, Oregon, wh'.i'h
said mortgago is a lion upon the fol
lowing described real property in th
county of Clackamas, State of Oregon,
The northeast quarter (Vi) of sec
tion twenty-two t"2) In township five
(.1) south, range throe (3) east of tho
Willamette meridian and all of section
sixteen (161 In township five (5)
south range threo (S) cast of the W!l
lantotto meridian.
This summons la published once a
Poland Chinaj
All Sizes. Best Imported Stock.
Cheapest Pork Producers.
ck for all uireaal.a werka In Ihfl
)f iron CHy Knti rprlMi in coiupliani a
lilt an oi.l. r rna.ln l,y Cm Hon. Jainei
I' CbiopUII, ).), e uf ih ahova 1111
lltlid lourt, rUteil llh i.y i,f May,
W. f) M.CAJtTlir,
Attorney for I'lmniifT
iMlrd and flrai puhllnhed. May .'.Hi,
I'iK. Itil ,il,l. all.ni, J, inn ICih,
Shiriff'i tall.
Ifl the Clr'ii:t Court of the Ktatai of
'ri oii. for the County of Clai kumaa
Mra Kale Hniiiiii-r, Plaintiff,
H It llaaorth and V. ft Haworth.
hla wife. J A Arhinkle and Katln
ll Arli-okle, hu wife, w fi ndanta.
Hlttto of firi-Kuii, County of Cla. ka
lima, aa:
l.y ilrtue r a li.!iriiii-nt order, d
re and an eienitlon. duly Uaueil out
of and under the aeal of the alove mi
I lll.-.t inurt. In the ulmvc nllll' d
uw, to me oVv directed and dai'-d
the Ird day of April, lilfl. upon a Jud
"h-iiI t eii'l.f.d and entered In aaid
"urt on the Int il.iy of Mur h. I'.'!';,
In favor of Mra Kutn Huiiifn-r, plain-
Uf. and axalii. t fl. It. Ilavorth and
" Haworth. Ill" wife; J, A. Arl.wU"
of .Voveiiil.er. Ill 1 1, and tlio further
u 111 of l.'nuOO, aa attorney'a fee, and
the further aum of H 00 coata and
dialiurw-inenta and the coata of and
u'.ii thla rlt, roiiiiiiiiniliiix mu ''
liiuke aalt! of tin- follow I11K di-acrilnd
real projeTty, altuute In the county
' "
"...r f..-i,....A ..f rir...n I, ..-.li
,.,.,,., al , ,,lt lni(rk;.(, ,,y a
!,, .t ,0 5.,6 ,.,( f ,
l,lar0 ' bKlnnlng. rontalnliu
"' In the count y of ClackamuH.
"'"I" Oregon.
Now. Therefore, by virtue of aaid
"" "'" J"Kmi-t.t oru-r anu uecree
" ""l'"nre with tho corn
"l'i rlt. I Will. On hatur
,Ib'' '1rJ d")' f Jl""'- "Ifi- ttt
hour of ID o'clock. A. M., at the front
Court House in
the City of Oregon City, In said roun
ty and Mate, sell at public auction
subject tj redemption, to the blgheit
bidder, for f. S cold coin, caul) In
hand, all the right, title nml Interest!
which the within named defendants
or either of them, had on the date of
ai.! execution. Judgment order, de-
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Ore.
l!y E. C. 1IACKETT, Deputy.
Lated. Onvon City, Ore.. May 5th
In the County Court of the State of
! Oregon for the County of Clackmas.
1 ouni) loun 01 me oiuie 01 vjregon
for the county of Clackamas, and that
Monday, the 22nd day of May, 1916, at
the hour of 10:00 o'clock a. ni., of said
day and tho courthouse at Oregon City
in tho said county and state have
been appointed as the time and place
for the hearing of objections to said
final acco'.int and th settlement there
Attorneys for Executor.
First publication, April 21. 1910.
Ijiit publication. May 19, 1916.
In tho Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the county of Clackamas.
Geo. A. Harding. Plaintiff,
Clackamas County Female Semi
nary; Oregon City Seminary, and all
other persons or parties unknown
claiming any right, title, lien, estate
or interest in the real property de
scribed in the complaint herein, De
fendants. To Clackamas County Female Semi
nary; Oregon City Seminary, and all
other persons or parties unknown
claiming any right, title, lien, estate
or interest in the real property le
scribed in the complaint herein, de
fendants. In the Name of the State of Oregon.
You aro hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled court and
cause, on or before June 19, 1916, nnd
if you fail to appear and answer for
want thereof the plaintiff will apply
to tho court for the relief demanded
In the complaint as follows, to-wit:
For a decreo declaring that tho plain
tiff Is the owner in fee simple of the
following; described real estate, towit:
Lots 1 and 2 of block 21, Oregon City,
Clackamas county, Oregon, as shown
upon the duly recorded plat thereof
now on file In the county recorder s
office of said county and state. Save
nnd except that part thereof described
in Record of Deeds Hook G page 97,
and also save and except that part
thereof described in Record of Deeds
Clackamas county, Oregon, Hook 137
page 204.
And for a further decree that the de
fendants and each of them and any
person or- persons claiming or to
claim by, through or under said de
fendants, or any of them have no
right, title, estnte, lien or interest m
or to said real property, or any part
thereof and that 'each of said defend
ants be forever barred and estopped
from asserting or claiming any right,
title, estate, lien or Interest in said
real property or any part thereof, and
for such other relief as to the court
shall seem Just and equitable.
Thla summons Is published by order
of Hon. J. TJ. Campbell, Judge of the
Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for the county of Clackamas made and
). C. I.ATi.Lmi, IWIrni Y. J. Ca.li.tr
The First National Bank
of Oregon City. Orrgoo
CAPITAL, fS0.000.fX)
'I'ranwiiti a (irnrral Hanking Hmincs Open fr.un ') A. M. to 3 P. M.
William Hammond
Philip L. Hammond
Attorny.t Law
1 Ahatra.'U, Ileal Katate, Iguana, Iniur
j Pacific I'bone II, Home Phone A 27J
Offtc Ptinora-I'arine Main 401;
Horn A 270.
lleaver llldit., Itooin
0. 0. EBV
Attorney at La
Money loaned, almtr.it U furolali
ed, land title eiamlned, eatatea
aettl.-d, general law buninuit.
Over Bank of Oregon City.
Attorney at Law
Oeutaeher Advokat
Will practice lo all courts, make col
l.vtlona and aettlementa.
Office In Enterprise- DulldlnK.
Oregon City, Oregon.
entered the 27th day of April, 19IC.
directing tbit publication be made In
the Oregon City Enterprise.
Di'te of first publication, April 2Stb.
19 16-
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Notice of Private Sale of Real Prop
erty. In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Multnomah county.
In the matter of the estate of Wll
Ham It. Glufke. Deceased.
Notice is hereby vven that the un
dersigued. S isie R. Giafke and H. C.
Griescl, the duly appointed, qualified
ar.d acting executrix and executor of
the last will and testament of William
11. Glalke. deceased, will from and af
ter the 20th day of May, 1916, proceed
to sell Bt private sale the following
described real estuta. tw!t:
Lots one (1) and four (4) In block
forty-five (45) and lot one (1) In block
fifty-eight (5S). First Subdivision of
Oak Grove, Clackamas county, Ore
The terms of said sale are as fol
lows, to-wit:
Consideration. J11.9O0.00; $1000.00
to be paid upon execution of a bond
for deed; $1000.00 on or before sixty
(CO) days thereafter; balance at the
rate of not less than $1000.00 per an
num; warranty deed to be executed
when $5000.00 shall have been paid
interest to be paid at the rate of sev
en per cent (7 per cent) per annum up
on any unpaid balance not in excess
of thirty-five hundred dollars, and at
the rate of six per cent per annum
upon any unpaid balance in excess of
thirty-five hundred dollars; property
to be free and clear of all encum
brances, including taxes for the year
1915; said sale to be made as of April
1. 191C.
Executrix of the Last Will and Test
ament or William B. Giafke, De
ceased. H. C. GRIESEL,
Executor of the Last Will and Test
ament of William B. Glafkle, De
ceased. Notice of Sheriff Sale.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon In and for the county of Clack
amas. Pr. J. D. Fenton, Plaintiff,
Mabel Francis Patterson Hums -Richardson,
formerly Mabel Francis
Patterson-Rums and C. S. Richardson,
her husband. Defendants.
By virtue of an execution, judgment
order, decree and order of sale issued
out of the above-entitled court. In the
above entitled ca.ise, to me directed
and dated the 21st day of April, 1918,
upon a judgment rendered and enter
ed in said court on the 11th day of
April, 191 0, in favor of Dr. J. D. Fen
ton, plaintiff and against Mabel Fran
cis Puttersou-Burns-Richnrdson, for
merly Mabel Francis Patterson-Bums
and C. S. Richardson her husband, de
fendants, for the sum of two-hundred
and fifty ($250.00) dollars with inter
est thereon at the rate of six per
cent per annum from the 23rd day i f
March, 1911, and the further sum of
fifty ($50.00) dollars, with Interest
thereon at the rate of six per cent
per annum from the 14th day of Aprl'
1916, and the further sum of thirty
one and 65-100 ($31.65) dollars with
interest thereon at the rate of six per
cent per annum from the 14th day of
April, 1916, taxed ns costs and dis
bursements herein, and the costs '1
and upon this writ commanding me
to make sale of the following describ
ed real property, situate in the county
of Clackamas, state of Oregon as fol
lows to-wit; All ihe'r right, title and
interest In a certain one-hnnrded and
twenty (120) acre tract of land in
Clackamas county, Oregon, said inter
est being as follows, to-wit: An undi
vided one-sixth (1-6) interest In tho
north halt (NW of southeast quarter
(S.E.tt) and southeast quarter (S.E.
and southeast quarter (S.E.) of
the southeast quarter (S.E.4) of sec
tion, twenty-six (26) township three
(3) south range, five (5) east of W. M.
containing one-hundred and twenty
acres more or less in Clackamas
county, Oregon, together, with all and
singular, the tenements, hereidite
ments and appurtenances thereunto
Now therefore, by virtue of said ex
ecution, judgment order, decree and
order of sale and In compliance with
Pboiiei-1'a. inc 62 Horn A III
All leiul bmlneaa promptly attended U
C. 0. 4 D. C. LAT0URETTB
Attorntynt La
Conimerrlal, Real Katati and
I'robate our flpeclaltlea. Of
fice In Klrat Nallonal Hank
Did., Oregon City, Oregon.
Notary Public.
Eata. ada, Orrcon.
Graduate of tho Ontario Veteri
nary College at Toronto. Canada,
and the MeKUItp .School of Sur
gery of Chlcugo. la establtahed
at Kashlon Hlulile, between
Kourth and fifth on Mala Street
lioth Telephone
Office Pacific 5; Home A 95
Res. Pacific 181; Home B-80
the command of said writ, I will on
Saturday, the 27th day of May, 191,
at 10 o'clock a. m., at the front door
of the county court houae, In Oregon
City, state of Oregon, county of Clack
amaa. sell at public auction (.subject
to redemption) to the hlgheat bidder
for rash In hand, all the right, title
and Interest which the wlthln-namnd
defendants, Mabel Francis Patterson
Hums - Richardson formerly Mubvl
Francis Patterson-Hums and C. S.
Richardson, her husband and each and
all of them bad on the 23rd day nf
March. 1911, or subsequent thereto,
the date of the mortgage herein fore
closed, or since that date In and tj
the above described property or any
part thereof, to satisfy said execution,
judgment order and decree. Interest,
costs end accnilng costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County. Ore.
By E. C. HACKETT. Deputy.
Dated this 2Sth day of April. 1916.
' Date of first publication, April 28th.
Date of last publication, May 26th,
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clackamas.
Zella May Wallace, Plaintiff,
Robert T. Wallace, Defendant
To Robert T. Wallace, the above
named defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint in the above en
titled suit filed against you on or be
fore six weeks aftefr the first publica
tion of this summons, to-wit: tho 13th
day of April, 1916, and If you fall to
so appear and answer tor want there
of the plaintiff will apply to the court
for the relief demanded in said com
plaint as follows: For a decree dis
solving the marriage contract between
you and the plaintiff and for such oth
er and further relief as to this hon
orable court may seem just and equit
able. This summons is published pursu
ant to an order made by tlie Hon. H.
S. Anderson, County Judge, for the
County of Clackamas on the 13th day
of April, 1916. The date of the first
publication of this summons being
April 14, 1916.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Guardian's Sale of Real Estate.
In the County Court of the State
of Oregon for Washington County.
In the matter of the Guardianship
of John M. Luther, George D. Luther,
Earl C. Luther, and Imogens Luther,
Notice is hereby given that, by vir
tue of an order of sale made and en
tered by the above entitled court, on
April 27,1916, in the aforesaid cause,
licensing me, as guardian of said mi
nors, to sell the hereinafter described
real estate, at private sale, I will,
from and after Monday, June 12, 1916,
proceed to sell, at private sale, to
the highest bidder, all the right, title
and interest of the above named mi
nors in and to the following described
real estate, situate in Clackamas
County, Oregon, to-wit:
Beginning two chains South and
18.01 chains East of the Northwest
corner of the Northeast quarter of
Section 29, in Township 1 S. of Range
2 E. of the Will. Mer., running thence
South 244 rods, thence East 20 rods,
thence North 24 rods, thence West
20 rods to the place of beginning, less
the right-of-way across said prem
ises granted to the O. W. P. & R. Co.
Terms of sale: Cash payment of
not less than $100.00 on date of sale,
balance on a credit of not to exeed 5
years, at 6 per cent interest, deferred
payments to be secured by mortgage
on premises sold. Said property to be
sold subject to dower right of Ellen
Luther therein, and also subject to a
mortgage of J600.00.
Bids may be submitted to me at
the office of Oregon City Enterprise,
in Oregon City, Oregon, or at the law
office of Benton Bowman, in Hills
bo ro, Oregon.
Dated this May 10, 1916.
Guardian of said John M. Luther,
George D. Luther, Earl C. Luther, and
Imogene Luther, Minors.
Benton Bowman,
Attorney for Guardian.