0UEC50X CITY KNTKIITMSR. I'KMhVV. MAY 1!. IMlii 111 $21 H H . M M WULINO ill I.IMl. Ma U- unull- Mr Jal.l" U1K hl Mrlll 10 I'llllUll'l iil mnl-fi'ti; a n-icf ni..'r.itii.n 11 uirrt., rii'Minh to tvl'iiii I.i tiW h4.nn- lT iH-i'tii w. 'Utry I'.Mirr. "f Orrt"ii I'lly. Iimii.-I.I hi-r ri.iiiw lu nil 4i;lciiii.'l'!li X!r. 1'iir IVtJi'iit nit li IVrtl.niI Ul HatuM-iy In On fciiiif alu'l'piiis. Ti.m y h lut-W 4 Li.'ti.- imp i ir-i.-iin l'n ll Thui Uy lti iJ lh-a' timbl i luti nut uti Mr. K 1 Mpl lut Thr.Uv. CLACKAMAS. 4 A bamim-l waa t-Ui-n l lh" rlktuti tri .lK of the ('Lu k.im.m tnwl. ,n lliiriiU-r:tr S.i nrl.i v ci.iiui.; i'!i li ill i ili't iii.iii l null tta mil l In' l.i 'l. li M iti.iii) Kanlilul tlnmri pi. a. nli-.l I i fm iiiK of 1 1. il.i A l.il rwiilin; aiitt afli r tin- l.m.iif and a kioJ l :itt i-nji')ti ! .ill I am i'.ir i IkIiIIi crule it. 1. 1 i i iti' fcui'.u fur i hi. I'Vi-iiiiii;. Till' UI.IUI.ll lirUll lip n( (In- t'l.l. k- am j frimli'ry t'l i.t. Uy IT. tx'O't mrg t 10 ciilivk. All who li.it i frii'tiJ or nbillwa burled then .iff , 4 f r EAGLE CHEEK. ilini tiillnll i r au,i ami gat ua a dan! .m llnih iluir l.a. In ia Mr UhIh'iu a ii.I ll W. M ill, n t.l lit llm lia. a iiii all .1.) Tin ri..n. I Iii a.l. Ihr . I.Mu'H a la. I.' an I III. ) Ilia. In a I ) Hi II la inn. ti PaTrtl.,) l..l Mill Ut iMii of our inniiialn limn Mini, had I lit I.) I In mi,. Ii nit t'im.iii.'ii in I'mt j 'an I "l.la l.u an n.l . ,i ttl ! Iini fur lila aiK'nlf ie...i.i' Hi'trral Ifiilll Kfll ati. n.l. . H''1 'la Kill II lr I llf lll I) . I.'H'I I'ikI) l-l Hall It Halur.la) IiIkIiI an X 1 1"' Hark limit l lii'ir play mi iii. lull Hi" ! limit. u ali'i iiU in ,i nt. ..i .Ull I .III.. ML. I Til" lull, I ai.M.MIIII ' .l.in. ui Hi.. l,.,. ,.1 ii.,. prudam. i.l Hi. r. irr aa uaual m M.m.lay iiuntilii Tin fnia Hal .an." in loo nul ii( llm pa.t tar. a !. I. f u ,,i,,. Irarra In iiilall.iu All llm )l,u.il nun ....kiii aa .l a li.pl.il.ii" inn i. i.UialKtf) liiii-a pl.'ii.l.. i l lia iiiial al'iiiiiUnl H.l.l m all lliv l'l'rt I ll.'r. I'.vlr. l. , Hun' Hi" ..ai. Ilia i mi f i eg at mmi itH i, , iliaK'l li. tla n...jl lull aid ii.lan. u Snn.l t) aMi in. hmi a i.. I i ii-iilim I I Ii. Iilt ll a. h.M. I. ,, ,. i j H.nil.l l tin (Ulli t ali.l I a. I. Mra. It il.y Itml'ilph tlilml h'-r ai i ur-i'J lo rmti" all. I aipul lit linpnn In i li-r. Mm O. U I Kaiia l Ul Thura.U)'. Mra. It SnmUraa wit t lr.n .-r I'rw-a Ylil.i) In i-t.4 tin da lih h r ilaui-ti't-r Vr Hi-rnun. Vla Alil.A J.pMin llif S'ltat if lri ItH-i l.trkm lal i'ii.!.i Mra. I(ul') li ul.ilili. oho Inn I .-. n linlting hi-r imiihi r. .M: Mary I'riX'k nr tho Uat irk. It'll lat S.itur.l.iy to Jnn h'-r iiui.l.an.1 lu A t . . r i .t S!i.- a a.-iiiuiMni". a far aa I'ortUnJ hy hi-r alrlrr. Mr r'rrj Walbip of I Inliin Mtlla. Mnt Walhuo ap.nl lh' Jay ahopplnu In I'unUnJ and rtturtt'tl home on the rvmlnc tar. i The n-cular nmnthly , ninn -f Kranre a held lu-re Ul Saturday. i auniptuoii J'nn.T a ncrted at tU' noon hour. The alt. ri.l.uu'f ta c.hi 1. 1 Mr. and Mr. AuKuf Krkkin 'ut to Portland lat Satur.lay on tniln'. ' Tb.'T rame aa far aa their aon'i pla. e. and :ated there un'll Monday. h.-n lhy teiurn-d home. Their on. Kl roer. hotn they inlted realdea on a, farm mtr Oreuun City. N. II. Parnetl went to Orecon rityj Sat'irJay and Khi'e in lotto w tho Kiieot of Mr. and Mrv fHxer lMxon Mr. and Xr. tlamest Jonea and rhll dnn were the citet of Mr. an J Mrs. Walter Wal.l.irf Sunday. Mm. It. Sodrj and Mifs tirlee art re the ( ivata of Mra. Jon. U Pan ielk Sunday uitern.Hn. Mr. I.ons who has heen rlously ill with inf amtnatory rhetitnatlam for aevernl week, will le moved to the Oti-Kon City honpltal for treatmtnt on! Toesday. j A M-rion aix-ldcnt happend at s hool the general a'ear.mee of the (troiin.li. for lu lortll.'ii dav The ".ipil of the interme.lt.i'.' riH'm of the ah.Hi here were takMi ly nuloimiliil" eiiirlon to the City I'ark in rortl.ind la-t Saturdat. in ilur.'e of their (e.uUer. Mi Anna I'sii kni.ill. All .ill ! .iv l.it tiiere to the tartou ile.irittient of the hi an.! the ihil'iieu'n pl.it tr.niti.l h.ik tin tm nwly ftijniid I't- the yoiii.Ksten. and thry r't.irne,l to their home 'n the etetiinc happy I'.'t tired. Mra Sarah TlmniM'n of Shamro. k UeU'ktill lo.litr. of I'laekainat. will go aa ileletfate to the Thirtieth anni..M aranlun of the Kebekalt anneinMy of Dr-ccm. I. O. 0. V.. whleh will ronteite in Kii'tmr? from May J.i to L'T. y ViM.i: t ItKClt. Mat l I'll '. n1' Mr nl Mra ' Ci-'ke penl S iMiril.it iUk'IiI ttiili H e l.ii'.io i ..;. i er. Mra 'lotlell It II ill! .'tl .i .1 I'.'illaii l tl"lt..r Iri-lay Mm. Walter loni;!a. who tui I'eeii III I'ottlaiil the i.tt llir.e '. j t .line li.iine oil S.iMr.l.M ' J P. WiHi lie .Hid l(e !' Ill Sllllit.it tilcht with Mra llowlelt. Mm Y.. J. K'ldv and .n. I.rm e, of I'ortl.uid. who lute t-eii the uei nf her aiter. Mra It. II liiii.nii. the p.i -i three week, returned home Sm.li. Mr K..t a vnnipanli .1 tin tn. John llenkle made a trip In IVrMan 1 lant Saturday. Mra. Murphy i.t'l. d on M: Ii IVuitha l.i-l Ihiii.l.it .ift rin'ii V V Kterhiirt. Itepul.H. an inn!; date fur iiui'ity aeh..r. a. i .miihhiI" I l.t y. I.. Valfrey of Mni.tli.i tt.in ..mi a--iiii; Hie I'.'.m.I.' Cre. k .niiiiltt 1..M w eek Mra. Viola iMnda-ii had the tin... torun-e to aiep on and r-m a n.nl In o her fiHit the other da). It U iUi'. aore 1ml la ."'ttini: l .'tti r .lan.e Cil'non. Mr. and Mtv II. !'! I to I. ate limk at. lei I thef il.m. liuirnliiK I'n" lilh with the id till wo The leai'her ii . me. 1 1 hi; and f t . lle. aa ' 1 I lio in. ao Wil'ully ,,. are milt en ii ! ri p t.. ! lion . A e are t y aeti I Hi it oi e .. imr K. Imi hi, ', I.. t I'd at lll.it .1 Mil e ")" t..i. h r ' I lie Ki nil and h it r. Un'k t.rt tellott jitid il.n: ' .ii i. Ii . nl. I wi'atlu r The i ' .laid. I. a ale t. rv Jit. ir Id .'In iif! iNmi waa In Sal ill Satill lilt M'ttltili I the Martinet illtcree i e i dlleai1.lt . BARLOW. H I I m M I I H . .. d all Li ,1 illii.toi i. .tela, an . k, Sill. la. '.. d a hoard Hie puplli . ted Ihere lll.-ll .t. Iiii.iI ' , know that j -. h.s.l Kir. a j i.i Dplle the : i . ." md here! I Ii. .in ao i M.-t and j . i.u K, So and 'iie' fur I.i I." tried WACKSBUna ' r. turn, d lini.ie Monday lie Hat .. i ulli; . tilled him Inline Mlt Katlin Ine John .on felt imt f an auloiiiol'lie Sunday etinln whili t r ink to rliai'Ke ae.itj milium Wait. In fur Hie autu to atop. f.illli( on lir la. e and lo ad II. r toe la I'.i lly rill, he, I and aolVn 'roni Hie (all. S. Ill ol (lore I'll. lit l Ull Iter. It. i III the afternoon. Mr mid Mra iKiitaldmn and Mra !l;l llt. Mat It HiM.iali M, , J J Win tel. wile ..f one nf nur mer halila. p.iM. In a hlihrr lite Halur da iiiniiiiii al I I.i. follow Iiik an op I'latl.ui nl Hie Hi iiuiiita In-apili1 will. Il look t'l.i... May Mia U nr til wat a di tili'l and loilnx wife and mono r. a kind ai d tli.m, httnl n.i.l. Imr. a'wi.ta pil'.t a Itli a hei Kul worl and mile f. r i t. none Mie will a,,i nil a. .1 an. I tor ill alh Iiaa tail a kIih-iii our Hie eti'li" i eiiiiinitiil t lie. III. II atilip.nliv 1 4 itleli.li'd to III. t.i'teated f.tliilli ftlie leatra a liU" hand, one il . 1 1 K t t r. Ian il.ra. an I Iwi, hrollu r. . 'l,ea a hnat nf If'.i lit. ami til. n l 10 tn. .urn lo r .1" mi..' tin. 'fin. nt t.Mik I'l.ne at I on , I tirote Tuetilat II an. I C Ii Tiill hate H nl.' I all mi a, re i... tai.l Hear I ' r iv, . k I at le ti n ato r. nted Hie . la.m hoi )anl Kohert I'arroi. nf CI. wii.t na in . n tiniMni; leiaiiti-a here. I , , 4- -i M VCKSl.l'Kii. Mat oiwtthtaii llm; the r work tii.il r.iuie w lih th the r.Mtl. the i roperlt the Hue of the new rn.l l 1 adiiii: (loin l.ll.erwl to Hie Kl'y aelio'l. turned nut III full forte lat Week I.i fit that hu'i I t I II! ! of (ar u . .""..itlnu cf nio-ia mUiii : . I liiliaon of I'arton, lla.-el and Tiankl'ii 1 way In idtapi for tratel The portion I .. I. I. 4, 4v MEA00WBROOK. I i 1 t r I. I r 1 I t MF.APOWHK00K. May IS. (Spe cial! Tho tliree-a. t comedy. "I'aik to 1 the Country Store." Given hy the Lit I erary t lub at the nhool nouse IXday 1 evenlnc. May II. wan a sroat Kueces. j al.'O the Pioneer Male quartette and I the Colton huh at hoxd quartette and ; the rest of the program wa enjoyed hy all. Nearly three h.in.lred were present. Kilty dollurs was made. Mr. Cary ot Portland is out doltiR some rarpen'er work on the house h sold to Mr. I'outter a while back. Mrs It. I.. Orem wa taken to the Oregon City hospital Monday, where last Monday ne-r the noon hour wh -n he "Pe , dHTated on. Wayne, the small son of Mr. and Mrs. Harding, fell off of the fenee and re ceived a cotrponnd fracture of the arp at the elbow. Mr. and Mr. Hardin removed the, boy to their home in the afternoon where he if resting easy. Mrs. Eulalle I-amh whose borne i near Colton, made a business trip to Portland last Monday and on her w iy! hark hntna slnnnaH nff lit li,ll,n n n.l I visited Mrs. August Erlckson. Mrs. Norman Howard who under went an operation for appendicitis :a a Fortlund hospital came out to M'l lino last Sunday to stay at the Erlc' on home while she is convalescing. Her husband is employed by the Hult Lumber Co to haul lumber from the sawmill to the market. Mrs. John Kepler and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mantilnu were callers at the O. L. Patiie'o home last Sunday. Elmer Ericknoti, of lloltou, came 01 i to Mullno alter a load of hay and while here visited his parents, Mr and Vrs. August Erickson. He was formerly a resident of Mulino. Mr. and Mrs. Vlreil Clark, of Port land, vi.-ited at A. U Larkins Sunday. IU'n Chindgren and Ijura Moore visited friends at Timber Grove Sun day. Quite a number attended church at Clarke Sunday aftetnojn. Haiel Larkins went to Marquam Sunday where she expects to stay .1 while with her uncle. J. I), l-arkim. Mr. and Mrs. Hudson, ol Clackamas, visited ut .Milton ChindKren's Friday and Saturday guests of their daughter, Ruth Hudson. Mr. J. Hellbacka returned home Fri day from Washington where he has been working in a loRging camp. Everybody 1 busy getting their grain and garden in during the good weather. DAMASCUS. . fit 8 St. - UPPER GARFIELD BRIEFS. "'$''$?5?S?S- .s,,,, UPPER GARFIELn, May IS (S;i- clal) Verner Anderson, Newton and Joel Powman were visitors at the pro gram given by the Literary society "f ! the Estaeada high school. They were! invited to be present by Mr. Guthrie. 1 principal of the school. j Road work has resumed since the 1 weather has settled. Mr. Duncan, j road supervisor of district No. 10, keeps all his roads well dragged, tnak-' ing It fine for motorists. ' Captain Smith, son and party of I Oregon City, were Sunday visitors nt "Log LaDarre." They reported the . roads in good condition for motorists. Mr. J. I). Hancock. Misses Mary Ilel , and Jennet Hancock, ull of Portland, I were week-end visitors at "Log La-1 Darre." The Garfield Country Club gave 1 dance Saturday night, which was well attended. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Win lan have trad ed their farm in L'pper Garfield for an apartment home in Portland. They left for Portland Wednesday. Assessor Paulson, of this district, was making his annual calls the latter part of last week. The Garfield band installed their of ficers last W eunesuay evening. A numbe of boys from Estaeada attended the ball game at Estaeada Sunday. DAMASCUS. May IS. 1 Special 1 Mr. and Mrs. Edd Still and family, of Eagle Creek, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lock They drove down in their new car. Mrs. Still is a ilster of .Mrs. Pock. We hear Miss Ruth Liugle, win taught at Rock Creek last year, has Ixtn engaged to teach the primarv I room here for the coming year. Miss Esther Retell left for her home j in Lead. S. D., as scon as she finished j her school here. Her many friends 1 here were .sorry to part with her. I Two of our young men, Ole ilo.i ; and Jack Kettle, have purchased lie ruiun. 11 ny waiK. glrlS, II toll Call ride? Simon Huddle will sell most of his dairy herd at a sale Saturday. He has bills over the country. The German club has bought a nen piano. Th" Kumna-r place has been resold to Timothy Casey of Portland. Pi ed Cooke has rented Mr. Part en's place lor three years. Mrs. Huddle was on the tick list lai-t week but is some better. Rev. Ii. M. Higbee of Albany ha.t been appointed paster of the Sunn--side and Damascus Free Methodist' churches for the coming year. K':v. .V. C. Welter will go to Falls Citv. aU j .a 1 .'.r-ir.w '1 if -III" .1 43 I IV. IT i . I Jm . M TV t f l iTll-KI Vffit- L SAVE YODR FIRST CROP Silo your first crop of clover and save it from Destruction by rain. Not only will you save yourself loss but will give your cattle a feed that increases their milk flow keeps them in better health. Cattle thrive on ensilage. The BLIZZARD ENSILAGE CUTTER is the machine that cuts your material and elevates it inside the silo at. the least possible expense and worry to you. It unfailingly elevates into the tallest silo, it cuts evenly and rapidly, taking the material as fast as you can get it to the machine. It operates on low power considering the work it does. It has patented features which place it ahead of others. It is positively the best ensilage cutter investment on the market and we can convince you of this if you will give us the opportunity. Call for the Blizzard Catalogs and inspect the machine. W.J. Wilson & Co. Oregon City, Oregon GEO. BLATCHFORD MOLALLA, OREGON For Your Baby. The Signature of 7 ji r r m i .1 i ) ' U the only guarantee that you have th Genuine prepared by him for over 30 years. YOU'LL give YOUR baby the BEST 0 a 1 Your Physician Knows Fletcher's Cnstorla. Soid only In one size bottle, never In bulk or otherwise; to protect the babies. The Centaur Company. 340-46 East Morrison, Portland, Ore. The Closest skimmlr The Iowa Separator A' BETTER SEPARATOR FOR Also on Display LESS MONEY IN ATHLtTIC MEET: KICKED H HORSE Ki:iHO. M.v - (SiH'.lali hi'Un Mini tint 1 ii.iiii iiiii'iiiii 111 tin. uiiiii'ti.-' rovi.Kii. Ili'l.i lint t In I.I at S. 111.lv H.itunlut , I :ln,i r l-.tmia M.iv M.iv I 'Hi. 1111. 1' r tli. uiii.nl. 11 nl Hi S.iii'lf l iiiiui lii tli i" lux.! in ulli. h Hi. fulliit llu liu ul i In nla r 1 1 li'.iti' I Ki'lan. S.mil v. C11II1.II. K11 tt.Hxl, ii t.-r. Miiriiiul mi l t : 1 1 1 ltuii. K-l wi n 201 liil. t'uttrill runii' f.-.nul ttiili 1 1'. Siiti.ly tlur.l '.in i,.iiil. mi. I Kir ttifil fuiirih ttiili I''1, (miIiiI- or tin K'rlit M.irl. 11 Hiiriiiiin wun Hi.. IiU'Ii.iI tin 111 li-r i.f iHilnla. "I'S. nml of tilt' Lu) a l.i'ati'f li t In. "I mliit.i li. uri;.' J.niHrii.l K"ln. Inaiir III" lull ; cut rutinliiR lirtunl Juiiip, 17 (' i i. Imhi't. In tin' alx I'ti'iila tor 1iok nt i r 1.'., In ttlil. h ln I'litiTi il. wiii lir-.t i.n i' III ull l.iit inn nml In Unit In. ttnii ?iii'iiiii. Third Time Kelio Wlni. 1'lt I h la tlu tlilr.l tliin. KrUu li.i at tt. n thi' uthli'tlr rliutiiiiiixliii, wllllllliK ul lint Suilily (It'M ini'tt liint yiur ulan nml nt tin' llnrliii; rtt-l.l mri't hrlil Ii. Miiri-h tlilH i'iir. Tim irli roiihlMti' l i'f a ti.iiiilmiiuf 1 !i;iii:iiiii-IiIi n'iiii.inl I III tin S.ui'ly 1111 Inn In tli n. In ml i ii'h.-k of Krii'ii ami tlillr. 1 Iik IiikI iiii'i tlni; of thi' Krlnu I'nr rlit Ti'iu lirr iihiii. iallull to In' ln'lil II.ih wI.imiI yiar will ln hrliluy i-twilim. May lit. Spelling Match May ?6. A aix'lllni; I'linti'at will In' li.-M nt tin. Ki Ihii m ln ml I'rlilay i'Vi'IiIiik, Mat L'l'., In wlilrh t t 11 1 out titant H front I'll' Il 'Ui II llf tilt, loi'lll hrllliolH II r i' llltll.'il to ';i rl li-1 1 n t .-. CHICHESTER S PILLS W . IIIK IHAVONIf II It Ml. a. Ixllrat Ak yp HrtiCl.l I f A E OJ hi rhf-lrr't Mia. ,J Tlrt.lV ljJOv ritl.iM U.4 4..U "iiii'AV JjJJ (-., !.) tlh IH Y - I'mifMi, Ati 1 i 11 1.1 111 - it tihmnu IVrtt. Saittl. AUiv M !! m SOID BY DRLGGISIS tVIKHLKE 1 1 (S i lal 1 it .11 mi H.itiiriluy uli-'it ki. t.r.1 I.i Iik n nl'lli' I11T .' i lnl 11U ' ' 1. r t .nlly I.i. 1 r.iti'.l. tin- iiiiliniil a linof I Mrikini.' nt.'r i'ih i't. un. I rnttlnit n il-ll that r.'.illli 'l II alitrlii'a 'I h.i 1,1.1 una l. a linil lilt 'i.'li' to III., ham mi S.itunlat ri. 111:11; ulli r . uiiil l. tin.: Iiln tttirk nf larrtliik' in" n.ih'i, uln 11 tin. iiiilinal rr.irnl, lirt.ki' liMit,. mill kliki .l tin' I. l'l. I.IHM kllll! Illlll 1I111 Ml. ttlnrt' Il ' it ui. irki . lip III all j 11111 1 'llm Iiiim riiinlil loll ! A I'litali lali vtua li.inlll)' ai'i nri' I uuil tin. Hi.iiiiiliil In. I n4 mail., aa riill.fnrtalil" II K'lnll'li'. 'I Tit lloi't ir i'.ri'i.M'a tin' hoi.' that tin' Injur'-. I linl'a I'lrMKlit f Hot nlf. i t' .1, Imt i,m tlnrn It il.ilin.T In that illrtTtliiti It la lni'ii"Milil" ut )i't to any how inTl una tlin Injury la until III.- awllliiii "f tin1 (in i' itnra ilo 11 1 ln Hoy Sioiitri nf Ihla ihni'. to hlrli orKiiiilMitlon KlmiT t'f!i.iic.-.. hiitr taki'ii it rr Iiln I a 1 r rmiti. ami ulli ran' (or 1 1 1 .i.'h unrl, until Ii" la rtillrt'ly ri'Mlormi TO HOLD RECEPTION JUNE 1. f(NCtlltl. May It - Sm . Iiil I Tin' t'oin nr.l I'liri iil 'lYarhrr iin.n I I Hull will holil il r ' 't 1 1 Il on .lu Hi' ' 1'iillonlnn nln tlln nflli i ia I'lr. Inl lit iln' lust UHM'lliii;. I'rrahli'iil. Mm . A. Arnolil; vlif prrnlili nt, Milan II. Hiiiii'iiIiik. Hri rrtary, Mra, Tyra War u n, mnl tri'iiHiin I, Mm I.i'Uln Camp linil. ANOTHER VANCOUVER MARRIACE Ci'orKK ll'irl.iH. iim'il "2 vrara, mil Mlat Vlolnt StvliiiTt, iii'iil IS yrara, MMiiri'il ii nun rl. i,i" lli'itiHii ut Vuii ronti'r. W.ihIi , Momliiy. Until lti at Cunliy. DIVORCE IS GRANTED Circuit Judge Campbell has signed a decree of divorce separating Lizzie Cudaback from C. J. Cudabuck an. granting to her S20 a month alimony. A Symbol of Health. The Pythagorians of Ancient Greece ate simple food, practiced temperance and purity. Aa a badge they lined the five pointed star which they regarded j aa a symbol of health. A red five , pointed rftar appears on each package of Chamberlain's Tablets, and still ful fils its ancient mission as a symbol cf health. If you are troubled with indi gestion, biliousness or constipation, get a package of these tablets from your druggist. You will bo surprised at the quick relief which they afford. Obtainable everywhere. (Adv.) Gibson, and Mrs. Cora I'dell and chil dren of Dover, were unests at '.lie home of It- il. Gibson Sunday. Mr. Jiow of Portland, paid his wife's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Hill, a visit Sun day. Mrs. Orkey made a return trip to Portland last Friday. KELSO. The Drink That Fit's A drink thatshouldbeon every table PORTLAND BREWING CO., Portland, Ore. 0a ule at all Leading Grocerlea and CcnfectinriB PHONE YOUR DEALER FOR HOME DELIVERY KELSO, May IS. (Special) Joel Jarl spent over a week hunting for a black heifer that he forgot to put a bell on. The heirer is still lost and he quit his job. liircli Roberts has purchased a Ford auto from Proctor & Deaton of Sandy. Mrs. Max Sanberg, of Portland, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Walker, here. lie Nelson has disposed of all his small pig 4 at $3 each. Pigs are scarce around h ire. Martin Mickelson bought a n."v team anil had the misfortune to lose one of the horses the next day. Its leg was broken and he thinks It was shot from the road. Saturday was a fine day and the track meet at Sandy was a success and enjoyed by a large crowd. Kelso school won the championship. They received 201 points. The teachers, Mrs. Barnum and Miss Erickson put In many extra hours training the chil- of tin' road lying in the Kby school district was conipl. t.-d on May 1 Ith. It difficult io overestimate th benefits that must accrue from the opening of thi'-, road. It brings Lib eral nearer to us by lully one-half tho distance In the former fircultuoui route and must tai.e a great deal .)f patronage to tint place that lias hith erto gone to other towns. The chil dren from ootli day und Sunday ononis will ,e especially benefitt'i'l by the ncr road as it will shorten very materially fin ir Journey to hchool. Mr. Huberts has bought a mount ranch and Is planning to move his ramlly to It in the very near future. Fiank Hilton is Hitting In the se'i son's crops on iiis home ranch at pres ent, hut will return to his mountain farm In a few days. The Motli -rs' club had an especially Pleasant s'-ssinn on Thursday last at the home of lis president, Mrs. John Hepler. .Mrs. Will rtoth with her small children was a visitor. The usual amount of work was done. Very templing refreshments w-re 'rve I anu after accepting Mrs. Simon Mil lers Invitation t;i hold the next meet ing at her home the dub adjourned to me"t on the afternoon of Thursday. May 2f,th. The Eby school was closed on Fri day owing to the sudden and danger ous illness of Miss Week's father. The telegram bringing the alarming news came on Thursday evening, obliging her to leave at once for her home In Portland. School was opened, how- Tallman went to Portland Monday. MAKE LONG FLIGHT GAIIFIKLIJ, May 18. (Special) Sunday Dock Palmaleer witnessed the flight of the first carrier or homing pigeon ever freed from his section of the country. There were six In the (lock sent out by a Mr. Stevens of Portland, who had came out as a guest of Mr. II. Nunn over Sunday, The birds were turned loose Just east of the Dock Palmatocr homo In the Garfield country. They Hew out over the Kagln Creek canyon and took an easterly course for some distance, then circling until they got th.'dr course, after which they set out for their Portland home. Ono of the birds has returned from more than a 100-mile flight. Whooping Cough. One of the most successful prepara tions In use for this disease Is Cham berlain's Cough Ilomedy. S. W. Mc Cllntoo, Brandon Springs, Ala., writes, "Oar baby had whooping cough as bad as any baby could hare It. I gave him Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and It soon got him well." Obtainable ev erywhere. (Adv.) FARMERS AND TEAMSTERS ATTENTION! Horseshoeing and Blacksmithing of a character that Is gunranlood satisfactory ( ur .Mr. 1 lioiiias I t.'.Nike w.i .Mr. Carl Marl in h;h iilenlilli yeni's. fiil'llii'lly with o ii. I lli'd III I'nillllllil li'Unas fur si'Vi'i al GIVE US A VISIT DeNIKE & MARTIN Successors to O. Q. Thomas .New l.ot'iilinii : (,ur Wilier nml M 1 1 sis. i'i'Kiin f'.ity I FORDS FORDS FORDS FORDS 1915 FORD touring, practically new speedometer and cut-out; $395. EE 1915 FORD touring, speedometer and hand horn; $.195. j EE 1916 FORD roadster, like new; $395. EE: 1914 FORD roadster, finest condition; electric liyhta and seat cov era; $295. Ej 1914 FORD touring; electric llghtii; $295. J 1914 FORD touring, electric lights and seat covert; $315, EES EEj 1914 FORD delivery; $325. ' ' E E Terms If desired and a year's free service on all minor adluit- ments. ' ril FRANCIS E 1199 II MOTOR CAR CO. 1 EAST 13 A. HAWTHORNE AVE. We Want Your Broilers WRITE US ABOUT THEM VALLEY PRODUCE CO. 203 Washington St PORTLAND, OREGON