Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 12, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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local brieps
N. (It ttlinut. nl Oak (irntr, In
IliU H 7 mi I liiifxU'.
I'lllllllH I'l li, nf MlllllHI, III till
i It oil ImihIii. Tliiiil,i.
T. A. Cumuli, ill I "UiU'Ij, III
Mill 111111,1 M'llt llll 1'lllllU.
i: w luiiii ii. i; ii.i., u. m
III.,;, ,li Cil v'ullur iill 'I lim lur
1 liii ,ifn ,'l limn, nf Mll'ikle, 4
III llij(,,ll f'llir I r , li - tin. IiikIIii
Mr mil Mm Mmum lii.li of CI
ilnij'lii, ttirf lirimiii I M tianm
T. ' 'IIiiiiiiiu, if Nix Kid, III
ib, iH Moii'lur. lute li tramm r
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r
UlllUm ClillalliiT. nf l'l'l, Mill
lllliill funHi 111 n( I llll I I'ldit. A III
ibl ill TiiikiIii) .
Mr .1,11 iili lliTlnitli, r III K lirar
lliawf Ciw-li. vlxlli'il Mllli ffli'inl lli
fills 1 11 mi TliiiraiU
W. II ( On ii w It. m i uiill.i' lur friii, i
MlUmiklo, n luiulm rlmlnr In
I llll llllllil '! Mull, l.i If.
Mr and Mm l.iM Join, of
Itlll I'llllll. ITl UfllKIIM IImiim
trutmm tnl liunliiimt III Ofi'K'in I'll.
Mr. (Ir.wt White, of Cmitiy. in
IliU clly on Tlniril.'f on Iht to
I'orlliiinl. wli''n lie lll I-H "till f
liir:imM r'Uln'r. of turn. nii
panted li hi ton aiilia, Krl'
Wuttrr, kith III tlila i ll on liinln-'
Cliatb IIiiIiiii.ii. of Mi'u,ln liriHik.
a In llil ill Tm-iiW In inert bu
!'. wlnt ha liix'ii tUltihK lu r iIuiikIi
ti r In Miiiilann.
liiwirKt) W I'iiiii ami U", of Toil
.mill, ImiI formerly of Maple l.ann.
in Hit rlly on H.ilunl.iy. olnTn IV)
t Uld (I Willi frlitiul
Ml ltmi 0. HlafToril, a trmlirr In
llio I'orl'uii I arhiKiU. pi'iit Hntitl
with lir iari'fiU. Mr anil Mr XV. II.
Stafford at Ml I'll a. mil
1biii4 II. AriiKtnitiri. a wi ll kiumn
fiirmir i'' I lit" 0-n 'lUlilil. a an
i)rt'Kn Clly vlaimr MmiiUv, Iwlng
'inn pan l il by Mr. A r nml run.
Mia Krliu Hl'fliri', of liavrr Cfitk,
In llil clly Hiiliinliiv. Ihtp lie
VllllKll with frli'ioN. HIlK U UK Hill
pmiL'il liy Mr ami Mr Tlioina l'
tic. ,
Ml ('irm h liiieln'1. of Kldiffailn.
tiinoilK llltine lm IiIIimI III (Itu
gull I'll Hutillilav Hlu wu 1 1 riiip
p.inliil In tlila il'y I') Mrs. Arthur
l'ii-ill. of I'lilon MilU.
W W. In In. of Aututa, ua In Una
lly Kiiturihy. Mr lrln Ima Jnl r
Inrnxil frmn Ni'orl. wli'Ti1 In1 li.m
lii'i'll for Illi' Ih'IU'III of III ln-:lltll. Mr.
hua ri'iurnr.l to Iht Iihiiii
Mlna forili'lln Wltivi-ali'k tin Im n
n-li. iril a lln prlmiiry liuclirr In
I Ihi Mnutil rli'iiMitil i liuiil 'l lil l i
tlin mm oiiil KTin Mlna Wli'M Kli k Im '
I tl ti'Ul llIT Ut Mount I'lrllnunl.
Horn In llio wllil of I'l ,1 Ilk lliil'i':
' hu ll nl ( lai kitinnH. u aon. Siliiil.iy. Mil
7. Mr. mill Mr4. Wfalry (irorii ,il
rminlt nnil .) ii U m in . nr tin1 Iiiipik'
piircnl of a iIuiikIiIit, ! ti Tm-aih'
Mr. and Mr. N. t'. Ilumpliryi 'if
W'cbt I. inn uro r ri-lviim runnralnl i
t Ion n ovrr tin' urrlwil of .1 lit 1 1 - bo:i.
orn Muy (j. Tin' Iioiih i of Mr. inn
Mm. Niwlit V. llniiiilon of lli'illnnil
anil Mr. nml Mr. CIiiiiIch William
Masiiirilt of Itii'ry, MlUauklf rmil"
No. I, urn iiIhii wHroliiltiK antix, lui'li
tin' aaino iluln.
V. V. M.'lairi'ii. of Williiiil. ottm-r
nnil proprli'lor of llio Wllluilt uinnirr
ri'Mirl, u In tlilx '!' on Similar im,
Mun, lay. ri'KlatirliiK at tlin Klrtirti'
lloli'l ulillii lirru. Mr. Mrl.arcn'a lintel
wan ilostriiyi'tl by Urn dnrlni? llio win-
tor. Imt tliU I IioIiik rolnillt nml will
lio mio of llio iiiokI nl I rm tlvo huiihih r
ri'Mirt liuti'U In llif cinnity whoti ruin
Caplaln William Tlioinur. lu) l.i
ronnoctoil Willi n hIi-iiiiihIiIp roiiiiniiiy
wIioho ImuU ply liotwoon So.iltl unil
Aliisku, wan In IIiIh city atiutlay ami
vIhIIiiiI ut tlio lioinn of Mr. nnil Mrs.
C. ( lialicook, of Tlilitoonlli aii'l
WuhIiIukIoii Hlri'i'l. ('aptaln TlmnuiH
npi'iit liU linyliooil diiy In Ori'Kon City
nml luiH many frlondH lioru wit li wliom
ho vlNltod while In till city,
Mr. aii'l Mm. ('. E, Sponcp, of Ho.v
vnr (M'ook, wore In Oiokdii City Krt
tiny on tholr way to CnrvnlllM, where
they are. to nttcml u fumier' niui'tln
to ho Ui'lil ut tlin Oregon AKi'h'ullnriil
rolloKO toiluy. They will proi't'otl to
(IrniitH 1'naH anil will nUoiul the state
itratiKe nonvontlnn that will convenu
ut that place. May 9, contlnniiiK for
four days.
J, Im Mn Hi f . of I ion, If. il it
I 11 llfl tlalHUla
I l.all' l(ll"i, lit I ilin,,, an
I In, ,11 I'll Halni.U
lUYN Hal'U, Of Wlllmll. u
Ofii I III tlallnl Halnfilaf
I n ami Mi Hi anl. i,f (4,U lii".
itu III llil ill on HalMt'l
Via I ft in Id, 1,1, Ilia, of 1'iaitr I fk
ua In llil ill fitl UllM Jf
l.inliili lualiiall i,' ,'MIl.,,,i. a
III Itfitfuii I Hi oh ! K - I l,ualiiai
I. II Nililiii. al". of Mn'al' i. wm In
ihi il on l.n.li'i a S In- In
l ull Kii'x'iian, of M ( l.ni.i.
'II lli'a il') on I, H. tin I'llm.U;
J V 'I ii a li-1,1. nf H.iiiiia.i '
Itl llila all on 1,'i-ln.i-a i,ih- Ij
A ('. i i'iiiiImi . of I' iii ii. In
On i(i,ii i n on 1,'ni'n U lim a ')
Mia A M hi ii"r, of tifi I, uin. a
III llniriill l it) I, i Ifli M ii Wi,lil
II II l i - ti a. of I an',,, . I t I'll
ill nil In 1 1 1 in a Wr,iiiaila afli'l
pin, II.
In nl II, illl, all, of I'llli f t Im
ul a mini K IIh Kt'n If uitai i. In, I
lir III llll i ll Muii'lar,
N Kllna-'r. of Hi, ii,, nun of Iti
pro uliiriil fi'flln ia of I'lut plair, a
I'l (lit nl ill liii-lliraa M'HI l.i
Hi II I'l-lii'l. nf l i jur Ch , k.
In III inaf piul al.l) tticane auain It
lnfiiiliiK at til (aim tint Aumra
Mr V. A M l.ir. n, ol W i;t...ii. Im
ri'l hi In I In lur Im inn alli'i ttaltin
mill Mlaa Ada !nlarll. of I gin l"a i
Nml Juiiili'i i ti r fur lli l 'lak
ninaa I ouiily low r'lln a'airta
tlnll, .i In tlila 1 11 on liualtica Mull
Mf lli riiini n.ln r, of Iti'ilUn I,
haa arrhnl In tlilt iity. ami U at ilm
l.rilatiln o' hi r rallilliinthi'f. Mt Kr d
llul'iir l, talin I ai-rliiual) III
Mlaa Ijinklna of lliililianl, lm haa
tiriti In llil i lly lflnii lu r icrati, I
puri-nt. Mr. an I Mr Alei Hlniiiiuii.
ainoiiK llioaii tranaai tln iinalnra lu
llll i lly Monday.
II. Ilrnwn. of Dm It'iral Hplflt. and
family, niroiniuiilii ! Mr. and Mm
Snlllilr'n. Mfrp In Ihi 1 11 Han, la i.'i
their r lo Ihi l.triti of Mr. and Mrt
It l Itadci r. if lleairr Cui k.
N. II. H in It It. a ilalr i.mii of Uikiii.
via a In tlila ell Tui'iiliv, mi i inn
pallli'.l hulile li) .Seal Juinlaiin, iifTli'lul
ater for the I'turknmn I'onntir ( nvi
Ti'"llii aaaiirlatlnii. Mr. Sinltli I a
llirllll-r .if the aaam lalloll.
Molalla Department
MUI.AI.I.A, May 11. (Sppciul)
Thi ha b-vn "Sjirinif" lo krf
the farmer "junipinu" In order to k"1
rrdifi ilnlir.
We are in the miilxt of a coM rain
nml a new mantle of snow to the
Old time excitement renrwril re
cently liy the revival of home steal-
City lot are boinir turned hack to
farming, which will icrratly add to the
look of the place nml help mine on
the taxci.
J. S. Tico, leitreaeiitative of the
llreK'on-L'tuh Ileet Smjur Company,
(.luta-l luiitif there, lil(l"lly
Mr. Tl.
Ihi iMiipaiiy built a f'tify In
l:lffi Ofiyufi oiiliuul nn,il In
laititfatii.ir, ami there piond lo be
tiff mu.h ll ami alkali In lh bt
yfutari at that pi', the ijiUnatiun
U-1 n if lht rih ir'aiii nf alt In the
pimluit liiiidrr fnur yiain uf ufr
frmn ff ) IIk,i,k
lu ll the lainl irfly, the com
pan nffat l' fuflilah i-"l frre fur
faitniy, wilhiiut further eipi-m to
Id yitrt, and if II run fruin 12 to
I'l r rtnl fiyr, i,l I M nr re it
iliai, (h fail,,! will pay at lh rate
of f 1 .74 ' r Ion fur the beela.
It i fi(jrl that toll nf bed
that lull li pir f ri I uyr lll Inak
21 I'l xiuiid of kuKar. Mr. Toe -plaiiud
that II, ef thould be frmn
i rrl hun.lir'l pound tu a ton In the
lan.plr i that it ran have what he
rallnl a dnuhU teat. That I, that
eipirt chrmiat HiIkIiI teat the (ample
while at lh fame tune the greater
part nf It he put through the uyr
making pfuien. It I a well known
fait a Minple will teat about ten r
refit higher than It will actually make
due tu mine Impel fertlon In rnanufae.
tur. It i uie.) that every nian who
I Ititereated, or woman either, will
teat a many kind of ground ah
may pona-it for good reault are often
nl, tallied where not eipecttxl.
If thete Minple leach 12 per rent
or better In turar content, and ron
tract ran le n'nrd for S.O'K) acre
fur the 1 '' 1 7 rrop, and four more crop
thereafter, the company promlae to
put up factory to handle the out
put, near Molalla. It already ha
made arrangement o that a apur ran
lie run anywhere within three mile
of town to a latiafartory lite. They
are not particular about water power,
but mual have plenty of water to rlean
the other ?0 per rent anil that should
be pure even if a well must bt dug
to aerure aurh.
After the firat year, aeed In fur-
ninhed to the farmer at I.'i rents a
pound, for lent suited to the work
from other aourre would coat the
farmer 40 or 45 rent per pound.
However, Mr. Tire adviae the farmer
lo raiae hi own aeed after he gets a
tart for there I a good profit in it
even at 15 rent per poand.
A beet to be valuable for this In
dustry muat be raiaed below ground.
Full and spring working of the soil
tend toward making the soil mellow
so that the root ran tend downward.
In raae it doe not the hilling up pro-
ceas must be resorted to. The tenden
cy of this crnp U for the sugar to be
below ground and the nalt above, and
it is deairable to drive this salt and
alkali clear up where the leave nat
urully join, so there is not much waste
in topping.
Like all other crops, the beet
T. K. Tke ha mk, where ugr
made ffom fane, In the Mouth.
II la familiar with lh suiar beet
Iniluitry and realiea how llie farmef j '
look at the tiin(.-a. He ha had his 1
farm all planted to truck garden and I
undrtfnl the farmer' problem of
Mr. Il.'llinger of l undce rm to
vinl Mr, Allen and the (altera moth
er, Mr. Kay, for evei day lat
Week. Tli nn-etny wa a happy
on, for they had Inn friend back
In I 'iHnf ado fir i.'i Vi-ara tii-r,.ra anw
- -' ,
of them planned , come to Oregon, '
Mr, Ilillinger ran a far aa I'ort-
land, then went over to Wahlri't'in. I
Mr. Idllingrr returned l-t Krlduy.
Italph Allen went in-t of the moun
tain last week, in learrh of Work,
lie had been 'rl. irijr in Hammer's
mill fur aome time.
A young newcomer to Oregon
want to know whither there i any
countyor state bounty i,n gn,hers; if
mi, how much they bring. Aluo what
part la saved arid where sent?
tyuite an etenii, mude to
the rear of llubburd'i livery barn lust
The Klectric Light and I'owi-r com
pany I putting i.p poles nml a line
to extend the servne to the resident
of the eastern part of town.
Km. Iwis haa installed his new
gasoline pumping ilation, Just out
side of the sidewalk in front of his
repair shop The pump itself is as
pretty a a new red wagon.
No trare ha been found of Dr.
Peltlt'i horse, yet. The young men,
who were stispeci,,), ma,, different
speeches the evening before wishing
they were bark in Texas and Would
be better off among the Mexicans, etc.
They worked for their last supper in
Mulalla, claiming tu be "broke." It
has since developed that the young
man set down his suit esse that event
ful evening, and it l.-o disappeared.
Mr. Knight, who has been on the
Molalla-Canby run, has gone to take
a similar Job out of Portland on the
S. V. His household effects were
shipped Sunday,
' If
e 4 4
a t .. y
Jennings Lodge Department
JK.SMNdH LOIdiK, May 11-' ( rlrbralr .Siatk llirthd.y
! (.upecu The I'arei.t-Tearher' A-1 Miaa orulhy Ko rlebratd her
' ciciation will hold It annual meeting ninth birthday latt week, and In huruir
Ion Friday, May 12th. A ptrnie lumh-'f the ooan,n entertainej a nurtibr
eon will be held at noon to which all of her little frtend at her home,
i nf the mother and their families are where they were charmingly musis
' invitaxj. The election of officer will with game and refreshment In keep
! take place in the afternoon. ; ing with lh occasion, A number of
I'rof, Allen 1'attefi of Ifillsboro,. pretty remembrance were left with
arid J'.ev. II. M. Xrmth and wife Were. Mia Dorothy.
dirmer gueat of Mr. and Mr. O-, l!ev, II, M, h'mith and Mis Ieliai
; trorn on Sunday, :lrt were elected a drlegute to
Mr. Nora Jinaahall, our primary nd the Last Willamette Aocia
! teacher, wa railed upon U mourn which was held In Kalem on
j the loss of her lep-fatlir, who paaa- Tuely and Wednesday of thi week.
;d away on Monday. Tlie funeral ser- i t'-t' Viailor Mke line Calra
j vice of Mr. Webb were held on Wed-' After two week of fiahmg with no
nemlay at the I'ortland home. i luck at all Mark lrinf of Winnipeg
I Mm. Wm. Ileriderstjn etitertaintd 'Canada, raptured four salmon on
!a group of young people on Sunday Thuinlay. Mr. luring Is a brother
afternoon, it being in the nature of i,r- J- Ibbinann and h sperit
a surpriae on her (on, Cba. Walla-e. lt h' PrU In
j The) invitation list iiiclude.1 Kunlce I'ortland. One of the anticipate-!
Williams, Onida Deter, Margaret pleasure on hi weatern trip wa real
I Tucker, Evelyn McClean, Catherine hn he landed the salmon
jl-angdon and Ixils Thayer; JUIph , beautie.
Madison, Glenn Kussell, Carey Deter,' At ,h morning service at Graca
Harold Soesbe, Arthur KoberU and t'hpe last Sunday I'rof. Alva l"atten
( harle Wallace. Deliciou Ice rream IMUboro gave an address on "Kf-
and cake were served by the ho.tes. finn-y of Service.' In bringing out
Mr. Ingalls of the Kedland di. ! broader and fuller life one must dis
trict vi.iu-d hi mother during the I ",0P phyiically, menUlly, spiritually
j Wtk. !an socially, were among the truth
Vivian Spooner spent the week-end ! Pfntl J Vn1or I'stton.
I with Mr. and Mrs. Ungdon, and also ! A business meeting of the Christian
enjoyed a visit with Vancouver friends K"lor is to be held on Friday ava.
; at the Spooner home on tha Willam-, nin "f thU w,'k lh church,
, ette. The Boy Scout enjoy their meet-
Mr. John Jennings was a Portland ' '" "OW on f1' "'"l"- Jh
I visitor on Thurlday. ! I"r,"U ,B,lU"1 to lhir mUn
! . on May 13th.
i ne picture oi me cnurcn and sun-; Tb MoikW Da
Mothers' Day will be fittingly ob-
A C'sckamiis Count Taspaycr
Ki piililli an Caliipd il at I r'liiurn-t (i.r
Of Conveyances
I was horn on a fur in In Cianl
county, Ort-Kon. Am 31 year of ag",
am married and reaide on my rain li
at lloltou. I.lv i'l) in Clai k. 111114a conn
ty tlin ps-t II ). ur. 1 att' inb d West
Oif-on City k lioola and the Dreg iii
Agrli iiltiiriil college. Am ai hixd : lurk
of District No. ii which comprl.- the jBJr si-hool Uken recently by Chas.
"" - ' " " "'" i.eijmonu were spienaia ana a num- uirTH on Sund n.t b the mem.
I have never before been an office-1 u.r ,re Wn- ord.d served on Sunday neit by the mem-
seeker, belong lo 8o political .,,..). ! r " ' . W 5 ' 1 " th"r ,P
owe no IKilltlea! debt. Ilierefor? I bate ' -" pwnwi nuur.
no lntei.t so irve Iml that of the! Miss Elizabeth Waldron of North
H'ulU Advef tlaing )
MULINO, May 11. (Special)
Mrs. Grant Ashby and (luuirhter Iois
visited relatives and friends in Port
land last week.
N. II. Darnell mnile a busine.'S
trip to Portland last Saturday.
Mrs. French and Mrs. Honeyman
of IJberal made a business trip to
Mulino last Saturday.
Mrs. Eph Uodge was the guest of
Mrs. Kate Goucher last Saturday
i 1 .8 I. .J,
S. f. -V $ 4.
ij 4. r 4 -j, 'V $
Mrs. I'M Brigham and two daugh-
Yakima, Wash., arrived Wednesday to trs, tha Misses Mabel and Hasel, are
be at the bedside of her mother, Mrs. ; soon to leava Tor Idaho to Join Mr.
James Waldron. The many friends ; Brigham, where he ha mining In
of Mrs, Waldron ara deeply grieved . terest.
over her critical illness, she having Church Officially Recotnlied
gone to the Good Samaritan hospital,! Recognition Council was held Mon
Portland, on Wednesday, where, after day evening. May 8th, at Craca
a consultation of doctors, it was 'church.
deemed best not to have an opera-1 P. Dyott of Portland and 8. S.
tion, and at this writin'f the patient 1 Smith represented tha First Contfre-
seems to be gradually growing weak-1 Rational church of Portland; Rer. A.
er, yet renting comfortably.
Lodge People Attend Union.
The first annual Clackamas Christ
ian Endeavor convention, which took
-1 u. r--I. r , : I
rr p,i f 11 c - 11 tr ijio i iiic mmiiian .unKrKakiuiiai
KELSO May ll.(Spec,al)-Mrs. fc on M d fc
rk ratteron has returned home : tM . . , ' , . ' ,
Smith and Lorraine Os
1 . .1 ... viuMers vi uruuiut ins wer
Mr, and Mrs. Joe A)M have moved 7'"' I""- about the church for the
fa. il ' s liv wnv uu 1 a tucv w tr
Mrs. Crook went to Oregon City Jack
I C..1....1... cl. 1 ik. 1 :.l u : 1 1
ibi uniuiiiB, .nu was accompanicu ; imni uiv ounpiuii 111u1.11 niiiiuvvu in, ry. ir w
1. 1 .. 1. j 1 . - . . ' 1 i.u I rtev. 11. 1
mime uj ner uaugiuer, .lirs. fAUUy ; neaiiii.
Kandnlph, who will spend a few days Mr.
;.. vt. 1 .1 1 ' :.,i.. .V...:- L-i
111 .'iuiiiiu iiniiini; ner intuner snil ' i"iu uim inuvn nirai acisu, , . ... .
li,,. , ... i.-l II 1 I r 1 TI ' I m- ciiviiuii wi hue uiiiixn U", l,,V
ininiein, uirn 6lie will o lo ASlona i iienry nut-r3uii oi cunuv l.iue, ' ,
". . . Il- t.. l... 11 .-k. I... .l 1-- IIL.ll. -I . V9UVIII
reacnes us prime, men ocgins 10 ae- - ;" :. - - P0Untv oreani7.tion. At the Sundav
terioate. so that, it is the businra. ra. .Mary Daniel, left Inst Sun-jJarl & tria store nas, with ni. lam-1 gen.ice the mae
of the field superintendent to help see ly to sjK'nd a week with her dauKh-, ity. moved into the house vacated by ; of tMj pa(.e ren(Iere(1 geverai gecf.
G. Moser and C. A. Kressmsn tha Wa-
verly Heights church; Rev. Geo.
Nelson Edwards of Oregon City, Clar.
enre Brunners of Parkplace and Supt,
A. J. Sullen of Portland were pres
ent This church was received into
fellowship with other churches with
a pleasant gathering of home folks.
Clusters of beautiful Iris were ar-
that each little patch is harvested as
it becomes ready. The crop must be
harvested before freezing weather
comes nnd must be kept from both
sun and frost after gathering. The
farmer has the tops for feed.
Fifteen pounds of seed are used
per aero to insure a crop without
niiulo a tulk at the Grange meeting "klP" w'"lh Wl" re'l""" thinning to
Saturday on trial suirar beet B-rowinir. 1 ' inches In the row. Rows are to
The largest and most
complete general
stock of Mer
chandise and
The Lowest Prices
Quality Considered
Groceries Field and
Garden Seeds
Crockery Granite
ware. Dairy Supplies
Drain Tile, Brick,
Lime and Cement.
Highest Cash Price
'paid for
Country Produce
Larsen & Co.
Corner Tenth and Main
This South Clackamas country ought
to test out this industry and see if
the uiility of sugar beet ran be grown
here. The proposition made was that
tho company furnish five pounds of
augur beet seed free and the grower
plant one fourth of an acre ami deliver
ut least lltHI pounds of tho product
this falj f. o. b. railroad for the com
pany s test.
The Molalla Grange Hull No. 310
hus ju.it been finished im-iile by I
A. Daugherty, the lower hall being
painted and the upper story painted
and papered.
Tho I. O. O. K. lodge has about con
Humiliated a bond issue for $10,000
and will begin operations for a new
building where the postoffice is now
Tho Kobvkuh Lodgo No. 159 ini
tiated a class of -0 now members
lust Tuesday night. Some 110 co
worker.'! from Oregon City did tho
A. T. Shoeimiko and daughter Adir,
went to Southern Oregon Monday
Mr. Shnemuko hus a farm containing
some timber that tho market is now
Another new S. 1'. agent for Mo
lalla (No. Gth or Tth), also a chnngo in
conductors and firemen has rocontly
taken place.
A steady haul of lumber nnd tim
bers aro now rolling away from this
one 'or more trial patches, to as ninny
pooplo as will tuko it. The farmer
furnishes the land and work and the
company furnlahcs tho seed and a field
superintendent, who advises how tho
ground Bhould bo prepared, whon tho
crop Bhould be planted, how cult!
vuted, whon nnd how tho crop should
bo gathered 1ind delivered onto the
It is to be setit to the Grunts Puss
J. S, Tice of Portland appeared bo
fore tho membors of tho Molullu
Grnngo nnd their gucats, during tho
lecture, hour lust Saturday with a plan
of cHtublmliing a sugar beet industry
at this place.
Mr. Tice is the advance ngont for
the Oregon-Utah Sugar Boot Co., who
claim to be backed by millions of dol
bus, and have a chain of sugar fac
tories from Utah to Oregon and docs
not wish to loave this field open for
other capital to develop. The com
pany has quietly Investigated tWis
place for the past two years, unknown
to tho roshlents. In fact, the factory
that was put up at Grants Pass and
be -0 inches apart
Tho boet pulp, it is estimated, pays
the manufacturers for their work. The
10 per cent sugar that cannotbe ex
tracted goes with this to make bettor
feed. Much of it is sold fresh and
what cannot be utilized in this way
is dried and put onto the market.
The company seems to be anxious to
make Molullu its headquarters for rea
sons of its own, but says that this
affects all farmers along the railroads
within a radius of 100 miles of this
The seed is ruined on seed farms
in Utuh, but is sent from Grants Pass.
This year planting may be dono as
late as the first of Juno and the first
of July.
' It is estimated that the factory the
company plans building, if nil is prom
ising, will handle 400 tons of beets
per day nnd it is said this requires
tho work of ono person per ton or 400
people for four months. In connec
tion with this, they will furnish the
seed and till the soil at a cost to the
furmer of $:i3.r0 per acre nnd guar
nntco 120 tons per acre,
A number of people have requested
seed. Dr. Th6inas was the first to
sign. Editor Taylor put down his
numo and when last seen was look
Ing for a town lot to farm. Schuyler
hnnpp, storekeeper, was urging Mr,
Worth, butcher, to try out a sample.
It is hoped that people, in surrounding
localities will be as anxious to test
this industry as local people. Fur
ther information may be had from G
J. Taylor, or F. G. Havemnnn of the
Molalla State Rank.
ter, Mrs. hph Hodge, who resides i the. Albel family,
near Colton. j Kev. Chandler of Sandy will con-
Miss Belle Houghton spent several , duct a song and preaching service at
days lust week visiting her sister, Kelso Sunday, May 14, at 2:30 p. m.
who lives at Meadowbrook farm. Kighth grade examinations were
Mr. Houghton is building an addi- conducted last week by Mrs. Jonsrud.
tion to J. J. Mallet's house. The Kelso school will close May
Mr. Long is still under the doc-ili'th.
tor's and nurse's care. At last re-
l. .nJ f TL'.l.l-.. T.
. ,,.al ..ii. aim ,.iii. Naiuca iiiiuiuii. w I
was chosen president of the . . 1. . ,
ni,.t,n c,i of Newberg, spent Sunday at this
Mrs. Eugene Sanders entertains
the executive committee of the Guild
at her home on Tuesday afternoon.
She will be assisted by Misa Lois
Jarbo, a sister, who is visiting there
from Kalamai, Idaho.
tions. Those singing were Messrs.
Tucker, Blincstone, Ostrom and Wood
ham. May Resume Residence Here
Mrs. Edith Truscoll and little
daughter spent Saturday at this
place looking after their property in
Doafnes9 Cannot Be Cured
h- local applications, s they ennot reach
the dlai-aai-il portion of tha ear. There I
only una way 10 cura duafnc, and that I
uy conalltullonnl ri-madlea. Drafni-aa la
rauaad by an Intlafhrd condition of lha mu
ciitia llnlnir uf tha Eustachian Tuba. Whrn
llila tulia la Inrtamed you hava rumbling
sound or Imperfect haarlnff, and whrn It la
rntlrely eloanl, iJeafni-aa la tha result, and
unlf-a tha Inflammation ean ha takan nut
and this tub n-atnrrd to it normal condi
tion, hi-arinc will b deatroyed forever; ninn
caai-a out of tn ftra cauaed by Catnrrh.
which la noihln but n Inflamed eondUlon
of the mucou aurfaca.
Wa will lva On Hundred Dollar for ny
eaa of Deafnea (cauaed by catarrh) that
cannot ha eurra) by Hall' Catarrh Cure
Send for clrculara. free.
F. J. CHRNRT St CO., Toledo, Ohio.
ffnld by Drueaiata T6e.
Tak Hall family rill for eorutlpatioa.
Look for the Big
When in Oregon
E. T. MASS, Prop.
Seventh and Main
Opposite Suspension Bridge
ports his condition was somewhat im
proved. Mrs. E. J. Maple called on Mrs.
Churchill and daughter Vesta lust
Mrs. Jos. L. Daniels and children
and Mrs. Mury Daniels called on Mrs.
Hose Wullace last Thursday.
Mrs. Woodside was a caller at the
Snodgrass home last Thursday.
Mrs. Crook was the guest of Mrs.
Kato Goucher last Wednesday.
Don Allen's now modern bungalow
is neuring completion. Mr. Allen's
futher is superintending the work.
Mr. Daniclson is going to start
building on his property here in Mu
lino in the near future.
Everyone embraced the opportu
nity given by the nice weather to fin
ish making their gardens and plant
crops in general.
Off to State Grange
Mrs. C. T. Howard left last Mon
day for Giants Pass, where she will
uttend the State Grange. Mrs. How
ard is secretary of the State Grange.
Mrs. Rogers of Portland is visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Scott.
Depot Agent to Be Transferred
Mr. McConahny, the depot agent
in Mulino, has received notice of pro
motion und transfer to Gresham,
where a similar position awaits him
In that city.
To Hold Industrial Fair
The Pupils' Industrial Club will
hold a fair at the school house Fri
day, Muy 19, and display their hand
work. The Parent-Teachers' meet
ing will be held in conjunction with
the fair. A lunch will be served at
the noon hour by the ladies of the
Muy Extend School Year.
The directors are talking of having
two weeks more of school beyond the
current term.
Mrs. Thomas, a trained nurse, who
had charge of Mr. Long who is criti
cally ill with inflammatory rheuma
tism, wns called away by another ur
gent case. Another nurse was called
in to have charge until Mrs. Thorrtas'
Mill Running Full Blast
Hult Bros, mill is running full
time now. A number of teams are en
gaged in hauling lumber away from
the mill to various places.
New Cottage for Mother
J. L. Daniels is hauling lumber to
build a cottage for his mother and
sisters. Mr. Culberson of Union
Mills drew the plans and will do part
of the carpenter work on it.
Sunshine and showers are the order
of the day. But showers greatly pre
dominate over the sunshine. It is
keeping the farmers back with their
seeding and spring work.
Death of Little Boy.
Word was received today telling
of the death of Guy Jewett's little
boy. He died at the family home In
Portland. Appendicitis was the cause
of death. The body will be buried in
the Zion cemetery at Canby. Mel-
vin Clarence Jewett was five years of
Mr. Jewett was formerly a resi
dent of Mulino. All extend their sym
pathy to tha family in their sad be-
Medford people vote May 13 on
X Pecker is preparing to build a ! teres'.. They are thinking of again 300.000 bonds to build railroad to
new house on his place at Kelso.
1 taking up their residence here.
Hlue LI?e mines.
You don't have to look over our prices more than tn'.ce to convince you that decided savings are to be mads
licrc. Our prices are even anxiously sought by our competitors, for we receive numerous calls daily from
tlum wanting to know what we are charging for ;!iis or that item. We are glaJ to have tlietn ask the
prices arc always ready for tlicm as well as our customers.
Armours Best
Pincic Hams
15c lb.
13 Bars
Bob White Soap
Gallon Canned Goods
t gallon Peaches. .
1 gallon Apricots.
1 gallon Plums...
1 gallon Apples
liiiiun nppica i gy
gallon Pumpkin 1,911
1 gallon Blackberries
1 gallon Loganberries.. 40c
I gallon Catsup.
1 gallon Pears.,
f gallon Syrup. .
. .35c
100 lb. Pure Cane $8.25
100 lbs. Dry Granulated 8.05
' 12 lbs. Pure Cane 1.00
13 lbs. Dry Granulated 1.00
2 Pounds
Peanut Butter
Lunch Goods
Pamento Cheese 10c
Chilli Cheese 10c
Tillamook Cheese, 2 lbs 45e
Booth's Sardines, can I8e
Palm Brand Sardines, b cans... 25c
Norwegian Sardines, can 10c
Chilli Con Corn!, can 10c
Hot Tamales, can 10e
Chip Beef, 2 glasses..... 2c
Vienna Sausage, con...' 10s
Golden Nectar, pint, 2 for Z5c
India Relish, per bottle 25o
Chil'l Sauce, Mexican Hot. Sweet
Tickles and Sour Pickles In full
pint jars, 15c; quart jars 23c
Green O'lves, sizes... 10c, 15c, 25c
Corned Beef, can 25c
Deviled Ham, can Dc
Lobsters 30c
Shrimps, 2 cans 25c
Heidelberg Dill Pickles. 3 cans. 25c
Can Ripe Olives 15c
Pineapple . ..10c 15c
100 lb. Broken Rice $4.00
LEMONS 10c dozen
Flails City Butter 60c
Two Pounds
10c Can Pepper 5c
Good Broom 25c
Toilet Paper, 3 Tor 10c
Arm & Hammer Soda 5c
50-lb. sack Dairy Salt 50c
50-lb. sack ground Sa't 35c
5 gnls. Coal Oil 65c
3 boxes Matches 10c
Corn or Gloss Starch 5c
10c Iiottle Pining or Ammonia.. 3c
3 cans Old Dutch Cleanser 25c
3 cans Lye 25e
Vinegar, full quart 10c
4 lbs. Petite Prunes 25c
2' Jay Mechanics Soap, reg. 15c
while they last 5c
Vinegar, gallon ; 25c
Reg. 25c size K. C. Baking Pow-
- der 20c
Reg 50c K. C. HakInK Powder. .40c
Walter Baker' Breakfast Cocoa,
reg. 30c lb 25c
6 cans Sardines 25c
3 cans Silver Salmon 25c
2 cans Chinook Salmon 35c
6 loaves U. S. Bread 25c
wheat, $1.35 sack; $5.25 barrel
SWAN FLOUR Every sack guar
anteed. 11.25 aack; $4-75 barrel
3 lbs. Dry Peaches 25c
2 1-2 lbs. Fancy Prunes 25c
4 lbs. Petite Prunes 25c
2 lbs. Dry Apricots 25c
2 1-2 lbs. L. M. Raisins- 25c
3 pks. Seeded Raisins 25c
3 lbs. Black Figs 25c
1 lb. Dry Apples IQc
Soda Crackers 65c a box
100 size Fancy Naval OrangeJ,
dozen 30e
Beans and Rice
5 lbs- Broken Rice..: 25c
4 lbs Jap Rice 25c
3 lbs. Best Head Rice 25c
3 lbs. Smill White Beans 25c
5 lbs. Red Mexican Beans 25c
3 lbs. Lima Beans 25a
!bs. Bayo Beans 25c
W, 11)3 Pink Beans . - 25e
Saqo, pound . . .100
3 lbs. Tapioca 25o
4 lbs. cut Macaroni 25c
25 package Star, Naptha or Pearl- I
Ine 20e I
The Cut Rate Store
Oregon City
Phone Pacific 19. Home A-133
Gladstone and Parkplace,
Monday and Thursday morn
ing. Mount Pleasant and Falls
View, Wednesday and Satur
day A. M.
West Sid and Canemah,
Tuesday and Friday.