Olil.OON' CITY KXTKllPHfKK. I'IMDAV, AVUlf, 2tf. YM. LOCAL BRIEPS llnl.wl Hiiitdi'i a, c' Milium, aa In (III I llv mi vVdlneadar. Al Thi'in". nf litatcr Creek, a III IhU I He Wi im lay. l L1.....L ... I i, -....L . ii. ... ... ..... .. ........ , , .... u ll.la I Mr mi Ki.lm.lur lliniliaa Flab. f Mnllno. aa an UrrK.ili Clly lall.ir on Tucaday. i hall Halm. i.( tia.., ai In ll.la i Hy nil hii.liie.a W.,.liitUy. !(. Henry Hmh I IMa.ad aa In llil' rltr nil liialiiiaj Wi dnc .(lay. Pre.) HIHiier, of Maple j.ne. a III Ilila (My mi Iui.Iii.m en H,il, inlay Mr Herman Plhcf and ami, Wait, r of Carna, uere In Ilila clly nil Halnr ila. Mr. ami Mra Tlnimaa li-ala, nf Carui. Orgn I lly tlaimra Wed nca.iar. , Mr ami Mra John limit, of ( arua.lMra li.or., M l.aill, ,ur.i,fa nf Ihu pr In Ilila ity lalllng fr lend nn Imrn.'ny Mai HinnkB ( Cam aa aiui'iif the Ortin I'lly luialmaa Ullora 1,11 Hinra.ln). llnlMrl Hi 'liiM'iiiMirn, ni r-l'lnrail'i. a miin la im-aiin i ny imu nn Tlnirailay. W. Iliaki-'l. nf .Inn ili I lly ronlf N.i 1. Iranaa. lr.1 liiialiii aa III Itm mui. l a.al JYU ir. Mr ami Mr II. J. Ilrltcy, of Klilnra .l.i . ra UKlila i lly Muii.lar nn lli r U l-nrllaii'l. (llo Ktrikir. nf Khlora.l.r. aniiina: tlmaa lranallh ImmIih. In Ihla i lly nn frlitay. liny Armalri'tia. of I'nrt In ml. a I'T itirr rr.ldnit of IliU r( y. aa In I Irr iinh City .lii"ala) Mix rti'l lllllrr. after llHn nU tlvra In Onxon flty. hua rtnrii... to h. r hcinr al HrlliXM W O V.mrhan. nf M.ilull. MP ......i.r IIi.hik aim tranaailfil l.ualtirx lii Ilila i lly Wi'.liira.lay. Mr. and sir. Miilian i aaainaj ami .Iniiiititrr. Miaa Krma. of Caru. wura In 11.1 i lly nn 8atuMy. Mr. ami Mr, tllnlun Gor.Hu. nf lL,...l'. ..r a,.,n Iho Or.Mll flly vlall..ron TU.ira.Uy. i!r.rr. Si.Imii. oi,r nf tlif w,'l rpal.l. nta nf ll.-avrr rr.-k, wa In Ilila rllyi.n Im.lnr... Tlnirailay. MUa luiRKxy and Mi ('. I'rli-au r lalt. d lliflr atalnr, Mra. Itirtlia Kni. at Nui'f lallim Hnnilay. I Wllllnin Hlir.h.-rd, of ('am, nno r I Dm wi ll km, on rraldrnta of that iU t. a In till t il)- n I ui auny. Ml, ixna mi-inam. ai.-r .m.,s in (HI my. ninrnrq to n.r ......... n lU-avrr irr. on WMin'wuy. U'llll.m Hl.nrkl..v. ui. nf Ihe w.dl k....... fartn-m i,f far.1. trunaa.lrd . . . li.Klm-a in till city riuturday Mlaa Martha 8, liii'U. r. of rlld.irad.i. aa an (n'K,in City vli-lior on Hutur day vlnllln friend while I ere Mra. Watlera, of Cooa Hay. I In till i lly, and I vlaltlriK at the hnine of her dai'Khler, Mra. Clarence JUinann. Mr, l.lllle Wlnke, of New Era, who ha len a itueit at the Imiue of Mr, tl. W. (J rare, hna retnrneil to her home. Mlaa Tonln Jelhrlrh, of New Kru, at'coi.iianled l,y her Inilhur, Kmll, were Onaon City vlallor on futur- I- Mr and Mra Dud'er llradley and .(n.i in M.,1,.11. Kliern ihey mil ...t,.l aevernl iluva vlnltlna- rela-1' ',lvi, Mm rilninn IL.U-ate of Porthiiid tMMit Wedneaday In fiUdstone. Ihe ..f Mr. I" 19 .....I Mr. M W linker ' I I I, ,),.,.(, ,,, nf Mild-ankle, waa In (In KOti Clly nn biihliiesa WodneHihiy. Mr l..hn.i..ii la reenvnrina from hi I r .'. in...... C.H.rKo llolman. who la eimaKed In furmlnK In tho lleuver Creek country, I waa nmonir the Oregon Clly vlaitor on Thursday. Mr. Mury Chnrle, cf Pn.irteenlh und WiiHhluulon BlrciH, Ikih us her guest her !ralii!,liumht.,i, Miss Tin n Chnrlea of Hellwood E. C. Ilrownlec hna arrived In till clly from Dallas, Oregon, und ha uc copied a position with tho Oregon Clly Courier as editor. Mr. mid Mrs. Hurh Poster, of Port land, arrived In thla city Krlduy ami uro the gueHta of the former's mother, Mrs. Edwin Pouter Sr. MUa Mario Harvey of Twlllnht en tertained as her Sunday guest at Imr ..... .r I...... ii i. ml. .., e, .,, . ..." " Plelda from Portland. Herman Schmidt, one of the well known farnnirs of Cluckuinaa county, wiih nmotiK thoso tnuiHftctliiK biiHlness I.. .1.1.. ..I rTl...Hu.l..at in una i in. , ..... .,. . mr. ueoii," v- """'" ,"' . .... . ........ ... . .. ... .. son si reels, utter an Illness of several wcekH will, yellow Jaundice. (leorgo 0. Ilrownell will ho tho main ppouker nt Warner Grange next Sat urday nflernoun during the lecture hour. HU topic U "Taxation Mrs. Mortimer Cockrell r.nd two The largest and most complete general stock of Mer chandise and The Lowest Prices Quality Considered Groceries, Field and Garden Seeds' Crockery, Granite ware, Dairy Supplies Drain Tile, Brick, Lime and Cement. Highest Cash Price paid for Country Produce Larsen & Co. Corner Tenth and Main thUdon i.r Moulin, ,ut formerly ,,f iirmirti nir, are In ll,l !r vnl)i inn imiiii r kki ln.r. M( 'r,, II. ''. Ht l.ciu, ill (;(, fn.., a ., Ihla illy on l,t,li,-a y.-.n. y. jnr, Ml.i la a candidal.. f.,r ail iKiiiiliialli.n ,- Dili I. Kl.Uuri. Mini llmiu Watford. I- a lit r in purl laud x Uik,', ,ho nH-iil Hun. lay In ()t I .. . ' ' , , ,iiiiiiii lir irnla, Mr an. I Mra W l Hla!f.,r., rln,.d lo II, , city a( rivi-uln ( K. H,,,,,,!,,, , frl)r r.,,M, f (Irofoii ritjr I, HI mm i.iKaKJ In farm al MolilU, ua In Ilila i lly on bualnraa Tliuradar, returning In hu honi.i ThurnUy evening N. II (human. l, la ii.iw r.n n.Mt.d nh in rindnicrln; d..at titit of (lit (nun VWIIaiiiciii. pulp l'ir company In Portland, na In Ilila illy nn l.'iali.Kat M cdm-mlay, Mra Frc. J. M.-ln.l I ami ( aoiia. ('ial. ami UHU, of H.dlo.d, pr.,i i mcir i.aalcr ta.atlnii with Mr. an. I I fi.rny r, al their lu.iiiu mi Ul,,t Height Ida roiidlllnii nf Mr.. '"irici ilan ilil', nni nfllin lmn n r.-ilil -nla nf Ilila illy, aim tm.t. r -lit a acilnu anral nl nirulliii al Hh (ircmni Clly I lni.iul on Tura.by ali. rn.K.n, ( viry I futiiraliln Jjn.M Hat rn Mhn h. ........ .in, ill.. VIIIm. n V-M... J... n...... i. .- lll.nr.l Ilia fall.llr In' ll.ia Hlv 'f. ..... I Mnniit Aii. , ami r. now mnhlnat llii lr r.Ml.l. n. . .... . ...i. ..,.i -av.i,. IiikIoii attiHli. Mra II A. Il. ikni.in ami lltil.. il.mli Irr, :artiara, r In till city Iht. lliry am lh kih .u ol tin. funnrr'a nmlhnr Mra n T tvim...... .1 rliMi.ly III ai il... h.,i., . i,..r .lu.,li. Ir, Mra ('. (1, Mlllrr. Mr. and Mr. Hurry H. hiH-nlmrn. of Ki,..ra..., anuiuix.a il hy tli.-lr lo I hllilr. n. 1(1 hard and Nnrman, wcru In Ihla Hi, ,,n T,. .1..... ih.. vlalli.il lallli Mlaa M. Iu-..l.rn ami Mr. Il.-nr H. liiwniM.rn sua. t.iHjritn llunilull uiuli-rarnt 4 aurxli al opxratlini fur tlm niiioul of (all ituiir at tl.c r.-Kn City h..llul ftirnluy afli.rnnim. with Jim. Mount m rrnr.,,!.,, II,. .u.r..l,, Mr. ,. .lull c.m.lltl.m In. a Ihti. a-rlona for tlin i.t M.k j,-,,h II. Oi-rl-r' and Kdward fVNi.HI of I'ortUnd ia.no lo Or.-Kn City II, c curly art of the , k In Mr (irrlirr Ford. Mr. (u-rLrr la tnr i asi-r of Hip Arrady I'rcaa and Mr O Nctll I wrll Known rnmini r. (ul artut In I'urtlund. Jnhiiknn. !,. Iiaa l,...-n In Ihla r v(h . Clarmiro. Jolm ,, hsi ,,,,,,, , br homc a, v.f Ualll HI,.. ... a,,,,,.,,.. l. iwrl.T . .. ... . . . .... ' VT' . .' J "LJ ". .V. . : r"r " win via.i ior ainorui nrtaina. C. E. 8mnco. of llraror Crock, wail In Ihla rlty nn Thuraduy :nornlnn nn hU Wttjr hon,B from Blt'. hfr had attended Ihe I'liniona CraiiRe meel- inn or Marion county, which waa hold near Haiem. lie left for Ills home Tnuriday afternoon. Captain and Mra. J. T. AimhtroiI. who have been at CorvallU, where Captain Aiieron ha heen attendliiK '"M-tlnn of hoard of reRent of the ureuoii AKru Uliiinu coileRe, ruiurne'l I "'nlr home Mnndny uiornlnK. While I CorvallU the vlaitor were all treat- ro)lly hy the Oreiow Agricultural I colleao and tho meet Inn waa the mnal RUcceaaful that hua ever been held by board. ( hurlea l'ark.,r of Ihe lr..n Kiil'I. nm - rlim A Conalru. Hon coiiii.unv. who hua been In Moiituna the luat thre.) wwk on biialiieaa, haa returned to Oreiron Clly. lie i,ent aoino time ul Illllliiaa. Unite. MIrhoiiIu. Creuf Pall a unci In Iduho he vlalted Moscow. Thml In Mr. I'nrkera flrHt trip to Monlnnu anil he wa well lmpreied with the country In which he visited, CHpecml ly ut (iIUIiik and Unite, ACTION BROUGHT TO GET RENT, LONG DUE ; George II. Harding and Claro 10 Morey filed u suit In tho circuit court Thursday agaltiHt (leorgo Young. W. W. llradley. K. I). Morris and A. M. ,.., . . . . . . joiiiisdii iu coiieci nun iiiiegeu to on, duo on n atnro room In the Wlllam- elto hullillng, owned hy the pluintlffH. The room is used a u .wcnnil huml store which tins changed hands sov- fu, tlm(ll Bnco 10 ront llu(,aI1H j,u lliKiuent. The total amount south U jsoii.tin. Hammond & Hammond aro attorneys for Mr. Harding und Mm. I Morey. DESTROYED BY EIRE Fire completely destroyed the homo of K. n, HnyhurHt In the Rodlund dla trlct Monday. Tho house,, wus empty whon the flro was discovered, and the origin of tho blaze hug nto boon deter mined. Mr. Ilayhurut la a brother of I lion HnyhurHt, manager of tho Homo Telephone company of thU city. ESTACADA WOMAN 8UES Mrs. Elsie Doll, or Estncada, filed a Milt for divorce In the circuit court ngalnst Albert K. Hell Thursday, al leging cruel and Inhuman troutmont Slio claims that tier husband once slummod a door In her face, that he called her names und that, when the prohibition law went Into effect, he laid In a store of liquors which ho drunk too freoly, Slio auks for half of the property, valued at $1000. Thoy wore married in Oregon City January 8, 1910, and huvo one child who now Is stnylng with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Thomas, of Sundy. Why Constipation Injure. The bowels are tho natural sewerage system of the body. When thoy be come obstructed by constipation a part of the poisonous matter which they should carry off f absorbed into the system, making you feol dull and stu pid, and Interfering with th digestion and assimilation ot food. This condi tion Is quickly relieved by Chamber Iain's Tablets. Obtainable every where. (Adv.) CflOHCILIH Or GLADSTONE ILL BURY IIATCIIE CITIZENS' COMMITTEE II ABLE TO DNINQ DEADLOCKED FAC TIONI TOGETHER, Cnr FATHERS Of TOWN ON THE ClAfKAMAS KEH AGAIN TUESDA f. t. Dakar and H. E, Croat Intarvla Mambirt on Both Bid ef Con. Irovcty an4 GrUvancai Ar Clvtn an Airing. ''" l'" "lulled I'V "l rrlilK fai lli.na of III', (lla.lal.irw r,"" i"x I"'1" Cll'l ",,l ,,l'l,"l,' """"It f lliu I"ir will nin t BKi'ln, ( flrl time ' '"""X ' . 'l Tin ailiiy nUlit I rii 1 1 uf work on the lart of illli'in' (iiii.iiilltno com i.oai'il of " r" r""' r- w- ,,ul",r ,", 1 William, fnl'owliiK a nnlit Inula ,mr",l '""l M.m.lay nlylit. I 1 ' tn"innn i-onnrii la ciniHmi "f ,l ""'". "' " """- e1'' " ""'""H': qmirmn. Tbr.)... liixnliiian, Turrlnli nn i ( " I l . ri-fnaed ,l,'n '"". ui"'i,y pn-vriu '"K M,ln. I no lonm II u ailll over inutti-ra In rcxm.'i Ihni with the tnnnaKiinirit of Hid watrr di-i-artmi-nt h1"1 h"'' n"1 "M " " r '" M"r" Tm-a-lay nklit tli coir mitti-c of cl'l ' "". .V " " n" " WM.I mllifaUay niRIII lllr-y ltlt.TVl!WVl l . ulH""un- , "rnn i.oin aui-a iiromiai'q io inrK'n ''"' " " "'i " a... ,M',")r micni wu.m mat Irr of bualni-Ra, Innx iftlvi led, will l taken up. Mr. Wl'llum of th runiniltti'O aa unuiilo to attend tho Wcdtii.aday nlKlit rnnfprrnr. Ilolh (Idea alrvd the troiildri to tho rominlllro of i Kln iia. fioodinan. who won bli aorit In the council after a ronti'at In the coutH, iplalnid tlia. the council did not received I, I in In r,,,e wy ni' n" )iiiiinn ",w -.,.,.. -.., nt,,. in ,, ,.,,. r rliv l. .!.,.... The tllffi'ri-ncit arlalnic out of tho oHnilliin of tho clly wau-r ajulfin "e not brouulit tip Wo.lneaduy iilisht. and at the meetliiK n't Tuesday thla matter will prohahly be threshed out WEST LINN HONOR ROLL IiiilJ f the Went I.lnn aihmd who were neither ahai nt or tardy liirliic the achool month Jnat ended are,: -aier rarnier, iierniun lavmr. iuu- Hu AruiHlrona:. Violet MeUter. Uorotny IX'wnlnn, Herman Itnae. I.ivnar.1 Schwartt, Knimet Shield. Klalo llime. Kllu Karllk. Mildred I'Uk'e, Orvlllo Charlea. Willie Campbell. Kdward Mar- o. Krankle Melnter. Frank 1'lckle, HayuiOIld I'lckUl. Domlllll k ZalotlU J'""l'l ZulonU . Ie Wood. lo Ultt m'r' K1(lon ""'l' f'l"rlea Kar'lk, li-r- ,,,1,.'!lrM' ""f"''"' Moo llewlck. Winl. m u l"re. rmrence lurilk. l.ll '" Mclxter. Mary ZnlonU. Mury ZhIoiiIh. Mury Zudnlkar. Ilnth Itohln- vii..f-. ..,.. ru.a, 'onttM Vreen. Clair Telkey, Clarence I'elkey. Hosu H:l.-e. May Powell, Mil dred Kuii'ik, Eleanor Hall, Joe 'Marco, KritncU Yunkcr. Willie El'lolt. Eeon- nnl Hall, Sherman Todd, I ailnla Kn- nnk. Evniielle Hall, Jenuln Karllk, Ocmpey Powell, ltulph McCoy, Ralph Guyner, oo Zudnlkar, Julia Lytsel!, Clara Ymiker, Margaret Pupnun. Plora Kuiiuli, Clurt Karlik, Elmer Simpson, hurlle I my, Michael Zailnlkar, Jnh, Marco, llarlelgh Wright. EUery Hick man, Frank Hogan, Martini McUirty, Charlotte llugueuln, Eileen Nixon Glndya Wright, Joseph Nixon, Ethel Slul'l. Itiiy Hogan. Uoorgo Hlae', Emily Nixon, Allan Draper. Prank Bnna, nhwlvj lll.nl M,.rv S..h..rln.... ... j ..v. hl.,n... , ""o Nixon and Opal Hogan. UNCLAIMED MAIL. Th0 f0owln, ls Ht of unclulmcl letters ut tho Oregon City postofiicc for tho week ending April 21, 1916 Women's list Miss Ida Aldrich MU8 Grace Cooper, Mrs. Dr. Reynolds Mrs. Mary T. Smith, Mrs. Gertrude Chi. Mrs. I. J. WilMuniH. Men'g list W". E, Hultimore, H. C. llenton, C. I.. Johnson, Jacob Kruslch, Charles Uitlmer. Monmouth plans to pavo Main street. Look for the Big thy a When in Oregon City FINE MEALS AND SANITARY BEDS REASONABLE RATES E. T. MASS, Prop. Seventh and Main Opposite Suspension Bridge ! mmm GETS $1721 VERDICT BURETV COMPANV LOSEI IUIT CROWINO OUT OF DIVISION STREET IMPROVEMENT. A erdl. t KlvliiK H. II lu-atle, A. I.. Ilealiu and Nellie M ltl,i,liia, cluilia; Imaliieaa a the Or, ('o,i,uilaalii company, a JudKinnit rr 11721 and mala UKalnal the I'lim.la Kurety loin puny aa alxnad hy circuit Jnd.: , Cauipl.ell Thurailuy. 'II, i- i ue waa tried one month axo, '. an I I Hllpp reprewiitliii! the plalliUffa and John Hull, I'onluml attorney, Ihe defilidat.t. TIlM ...II tfrfftf. I.lll .,f II. M l.(.(,V..Vtf ment of iJlvlalon aire I J. W. Hln who held the contiait. a lomli.d l Ihe llllnol company II., left to before the Improvement wa coin pleted and Ihe ault waa filed to collet l 1,111a he left unpaid. The commUaiiin i-Miipany, which held mat. rlal Mil loiallna; tH'2 7f. BKi.lnat Hhea, aUo hud a-U,ied rlulma from IjirHns t Jonm urn Jainea Ad klna for lumber WORERS Will MEET AT PARKPLACE REPRESENTATIVES OF 13 60CIE TIES IN COUNTY WILL GATHER WAV 4-7. The Christian End. aon-rs of Clack- amuu county will inc,t at rurkpla.:e on Katurduy and Sunday. May 0 and 7, for their first annual I'hrUtlun Kn- tleavor convention. iHdexatea from every ( lirl-tlan Ku- deavor aoclnty In tl," counly will he preaeiit. and the tot u I attendance at each aeasion will he over 1 .V. A com- mltteo haa been at worl: for over a month rompMitiK arruiu'emeiiia for Ihe convention, and some of the best Kndeavor worker on the I'uclllc coast have been obtained for the afsslons. The keynote addrc., of the conven- tl oa Saturduv afternoon will he de livered by Clarence II Sprui;ue, of I'ortluud. K. E. Kelke and (J. Evert linker, also of Portland, will have prominent place on the program. On Saturday evenina; a ".Millionaire Han quct" will tuko p'ace, at wtilih. tho union officer for the enauliiK year will be selected. Othor feature) of the rogrum will be a hike by the Kn- eavorer lute Saturday aflernoon, and (unrlac aorvloe on Sunday niorninR. Clntkumaa county hai 13 Endeavor ocletles. CRAY DENY GUILT Joseph Gray and Joan I '.rooks, a'- leged bonding w ire thieves, entered a plea of not guilty iu tho circuit conr'. Thursduy morning and will be tried June 7. They were arrested In Portland a week ago and the churgo against them Is tearing up, removing and dis placing pieces of a railroad truck, a crime defined at tho lust Bcsslon of the legislature. I.lvy Stlpp was ap pointed attorney for llrooks and Gray by udge Campbell. John Hiilmer. of Cunemah, chnrged with a statutory offense in whicn his own 8tepduughteis are Involved, was a'so nrruigned. Through his attorney George C. Hrowm-II, he entered a pl"u of not guilty and will be. tried June C. IN FEES EOR FILING The law making it possible Tor a candidate to deposit a filing fee in stead of a petition netted Clackamas county $210, according to figures pro- pared by County Clerk Iva Harring ton. Many candidates found that It was easier and less expensive to de posit a filing fee than to circulate pe titions as required under the old law. MOLALLA EDITOR TO nnrr tiii mi "nun" (jIVL lALli urn mv G. J. Taylor, editor of the Molulla Pioneer, will again give hla humorous talk, "Dud," nt Parkplace high school assembly room Saturday night. He will be accompanied by the Pioneer male' quartet, which was with him when he guvo tho same talk at Cunby several weeks ago. The affair is to be given under tho auspices of the Youus People's society of Christian Endeavor of the Congregational church. Dend: The Shcvlln-Hixon mill with a capacity of 300,000 feet In two 10 hour shifts, although completed only three weeks ago, will Increase size of plant one-third. Could Hardly Do Her7 Work. Housework ls trying on health and strength. Women are as much in clined to kidney and bladder trouble as men. Symptoms of aching back, stiff and sore Joints and muscles, blur red vUlon, puffineas under eyes, should be given prompt attention be lore they lead to chronic or more ser ious ailment Mrs. George Hauck, 955 Pearl St., Denton Harbor, Mich., writes: '1 was awful bad, with such pain I could hardly do my work, and I am very thankful for Foley Kidney Pills." (Adv.) COMMISSION COHPANV SHELIKED CHILDREN I.I HE DIDN'T; NOW SHE . BIRTH CONTROL CAUSED TROU - OLE IN THOMAS FAMILY OTHER ACTIONS FILEO. " The prliw Ipln an,) ii-Hm. of blrtli control are laied liy Mra. Kmma M Tlioinua, who Wednesday filed a amt for dlvone from Hurry II. Thoinaa. for the IriMiMe between heraclf aill I""1" " " l --t liiiaband. Tin y wer mariled In Maf j fl,it m f"iy. H lived mot Octiher i, lit., and hae lwo;","r r l Junction City. Uteri children, of whom Mra. Thomaa e. ki; mnvln lo Kuisene where he remained I a.1' "" - y I Thorns ulti-rn that upon their n ' '"""'"K" !" woman. - . er nwnl wa 0,ixeJ lo rhll ilren and Inaiated thai ahe lake dnua and treatment which did much to wreck her health. Hlie aak for :4 rilf.tiltklv f..r IliA .....ru.rf nt llit.lr Im.. children. Ilnrwnell Hlever. filed, th. r.......i.i..i r..r ir. T,. Clalmlnir that hi wife once said mtii . m i. mil i.,r iiavina i.tarnr him, and that ahe often said that ahe wl.heil that they were not married, Elmer A. Illy ha fl'ed a ault In th circuit court for a divorce from Alice It. Illy. They were married October 29. 1892, In Omaha, Nebr. Marie Tnxle ha filed a suit for di vorce from Herman Henry Enn'e, al tering desertion nd cruel and In-! human treatment. They were married ! .March 1, 19)1, In Eugene, and have! one child. ChurKlnK that her huat,nd waa, a addicted to the use of int'ixlcatlnr li ' uor and lml.led ltoether loo free ) Mr. Kate Gardner, well known real ly to ault her .'amy, Mr. Krankle: dent of Onron City, died al her old Kchofleld ba.i filed a ault In the clr cult court for. divorce from Herbert Schofle'd. They were married In Heatlle Eebruiiy 4. "Wi!. N. E. Clark alkvea desertion In hi tilt for a divorce from Emma Clark. They were married November 15. 1SU9 In Han Franclico. id. he say a, she left him In 1900. Mina HUtrup charged desertion' against Clement lllstnip. They were married March 7. 190:.. In Henna, Minn., and have one child. Coughs and Colds Not to Be Neglected Anyone will realli the aerlouanaaa of nrgiectinc a cold If h observes rtaulta of auch neglect among hi acquaintance. How often have you heard, "II caught cold, didn't do any. thing for It and It turned Into" then some dreaded dUease 1 named. Ordinary colda yield to prompt trraiment at ihe bec, lining. That I why every family ahould be aupplled with a reliable cough medicine one that will heal raw and Inflamed aur facea. looaen th phlegm, allay Irri tation, ease the hoareenees and atop the tickling aenaallon In th throat that doea not permit one to deep. Foley' Honey and Tar Compound I Invaluable for relief of cough, colda. croup, whoopli g cough, tick ling In throat, tlghtn.-aa or aoreneaa, grippe or bronchial cougha. It con talea no harmful Inyredlenta. It I healing, aoothlng, efficient and p lead ing. JONES DRUG CO. (Adv.) u.gar ALL OUR ADVICES ARE TO PREPARE FOR THE CANNNG WE MAKE PENNY CHANGE. Silver Flake Rolled Oats Regular 30c package 20c While they last Curve Cut Macaroni 4 lbs. 25c Also 10c pkges 3 for 25c WEDNESDAY is BUTTER DAY Flails City Butter 60c THIS IS THE SPECIALS 10c Can Pepper 5c Good Broom 25c Toilet Papor, 3 for 10e Arm & Hammer Soda 5c 50-lb. sack Dairy Salt 50c 50-lb. sack H ground Salt ..... .35c 5 gals. Coal Oil 65c 3 boxes Matches 10c 25c Box Pearllnc. or Gold Dust, ,20c Corn or Gloss Starch 5c 10c Bottle lllulng or Ammonia.. 5c 3 Cans Old Dutch Cleasnser . . . .25c 5 Cans Lye 25c Vinegar, full quart 10c 4 lbs. Petite Prunes 25c 2 Jay Mechanics Soap, reg 15c, while they last 5c Vinegar, gallon 25c Reg. 25c size K. C. Baking Pow der 20c Reg. 50c K. C. Baking Powder. .40c 4 pkgs. Quaker Corn Flakes. .. .25c Small Onion Sets ..- 6c Fancy Hood River Apples, bx.$1.25 Fancy Naval Oranges, size 80,..30o Fancy I-emons, extra large, dor. 20c Walter Baker's Breakfast Cocoa, reg. 30c lb 25c 6 Can Sardines 25c 3 Cans Sliver Salmon 25c 2 Cans Chinook Salmon 35c 6 Loaves U. S. Dread 25c 1 0F1852.PASSESAWAY FORMER RESIDENT OF EUGENE j AND JUNCTION CITV DIES 1 AFTER SHORT ILLNESS. l( V. Howard, a pioneer of U,J Idled at bla l.niim In MolulU II o'tlo. k ' Monday ulitlit, follow lr, an lllm-aa of i '"ur " 'U " !" W""' ""'U- wa Ix.rn In Kr rounty. (h,o, Member , ln, and rr.e. tl,.- iintll two yaer aro when I, moved to Molul'a. II leave a wldjw and the follow In children r Mr. Carrie Moore, Knappa. ( al ; Mra. J. W. HedKea. Kan Kran rlo, Cnl.; Mra. C. W. Htarr, Mrs (icorre Hovrm, Mr. J. M. I. Inion and Mr. Y. M. liaker. of KuKene; Mr , ' . ": I'ortlaiid; i. I. Howard. A. Howard. William Howard of thu afafe of Wa.k. , ,,,. u T ,ard of MolulU ar,d!ult Judxe Campll upheld the de- i , t ir.H..a f.. ..,.,.... The body wld l- taken to Kmcrne j i0 m),nl ,,,, u toni,,1( .r friiM the (irandnleed uridertaklna: parlor Krlday afternixin. c DIES AT HER HOME hnm. on Kltlh and le(T..r.n aire-,. Thurday morning at 5 o'clock, after an lllnaaaiai it imimni vti r Vlr Gardner wa. born In Inland, and hd been a resident of Oregon City for many year. She was 83 year old at the lime of her death. She leaves three daughters, Mr. Kate plannlgan. of Oregon City: Mr. Sarah EIIU. of Port'and. and Mrs. Mollle Slvell. of San Francisco. Funeral service will be conducted In St. John' Catholic church Satur day at 10 a. rn and interment will be made in the Catholic cemetery. Rev. A. lilldebrand officiating. 8ILVERTON TALKS TOWN LIGHTS SII.VERTON. Ore.. April 24. At the regular annual election to be held in thla city next Monday the voters will he called upon to decide the question of bonding the city for $33,000 to bull ! a municipal electric light and power plant, securing power from Duett creek at Scotts Mills. Two weeks sub sequent a special election will be he'd to decide the question of bonding the city for $1500 for the purpose of estab lishing an auxiliary water system which becomes necessary by the estab lishment of the Silver Pails Timber company's mill, work of construction ' leaves, you rest comfortably and on having commenced mis morning. joy a refreshing s'eep. One grateful - user writes: -Sloan's Liniment Is ucep now on tue uuv auiiutie range of mountains west of Iiuker, the Demo crat says, insures cool nights tho frosty mornings. is Going Up! THE EFFECT THAT SUGAR WILL KEEP CLIMBING UP IN PRICE. SEASON NOW. WE CAN POTECT OUR PATRONS UNTIL MAY 1. COME AND HELP YOURSELF. WE SELL FOR LESS. FREE! ONE CAN OF CEDAR POLISH WITH EACH PUNCH MOP Tms is the best mop on the market, has ballbearing hanale. adjustable to any angle, never gets out of or dec. .No screws to wear out. PRICE $1.75. BEST BRAND OF CREAMERY BUTTER 6 Bars Crystal White Soap Regular 25c Can PEACHES 10c Arm & Hammer Soda Reg. 10c pkg. 5c MORGAN'S The Cut Rate Store Oregon City Phones Pacific 19. Home A-133 CAMPBELL HOLDS TOOZE DOES HOT FOLLOWINQ DECISION. SCHOOL BOARO REELECTS SUPERIN TENDENT FOR NEXT YEAR. OPINION IS IKPORM AS MANY TEACHERS IN STATE AffECTED Distrlct'a Cat, Bd en Eactptlon In Law, I Clr Tiacrrt Will B EUcttd at Board Matt ing on Saturday NaL upponrnia oi i ny n. nooi nuprrin tendent K. J. Toote fulled In their at t lemt.l In Attil 1.1m Ti.m.(i i.l.n ft. mnrrrr filed hy Ihe dlatrlct against A. I lieatlc complaint. In which lleatle prayed for an Injiriutlon re atralnina: the dltrlt from paying Tool salary or clvtiif blm a contract for the school year 151 17. Follow In" the derlaion of Judxe Campbell, the chool Imsrd held a ape clal meetlna and elected Mr. Toote uperlntendrnt for tne nm year, com tnencliK Heptember IJ'.S. HI aa'ary will be 19o0 a year. Mr. Tooie doe not bold a slat cer tificate of any character whatsoever, and Mr. tu-atle held. In hi ault for an Injunction, that till lack of atutri miuiirani preTemeu mm iroin ierl ' " -- ""'ur' : 1. 1...,. I, ., ... I lr - 7 iu uj T"1"" 'f .' ?. hUh ,U" plaintiff ba-d hi rase. In which It was provided that no etrtlon of the law should be taken 'lo Invalidate tho . . . right and privilege granted by such certificate or dip'oma." Judge Campbell's decMon la Im portant to the teachers of the stale In asmuch as he ls of the opinion that a teacher, who had properly filed a di ploma fmm a college or university as waa provided under the old law. prior to the enactment of the rtatute of 1911, Is entitled to teach now without addi tional certificates. Judge Grant !).' Dlnilck. C. Acbuebel and C. D. Eatourette represented the district and Uvy Stlpp, Mr. Heatlo. The board will meet Saturday to elect teachers for the next school year. The Aches of House Cleaning. The pain and soreness caused by bruises, over-exertion and straining during house cleaning time are soothed away by Sloan'a Liniment No need to Buffer thia agony. Just apply Sloan's Liniment to the sore spots, rub only a little. In a short time the pain worm us weignt in gold. Keep a Dot- tie on band, use It against all Sore ness, Neuralgia and Bruises. Kills pain. 23c at your druggist. (Adv.) SUGAR SPECIAL Until May 1, 1916, to customers buy ing at least $1.00 worth of other groceries: 100 lb. Pure Cane $770 100 lbs. Dry Granulated 7.50 13 lbs. Pure Cane 1.00 14 lbs. Dry Granulated 1.00 Gallon Canned Goods 1 gallon Peaches 1 gallon Apricots ITOrt 1 gallon Plums (ZajLl 1 gallon Apples f 1 gallon Pumpkin (.ATI 1 gallon Blackberries ) 1 gallon Loganberries 40c 1 gallon Catsup 35c 1 gallon Pears 40c 1 gallon Syrup 50c Two Pounds Roll DRIED FRUIT 3 lbs. Dry Peaches 25c 2 1-2 lbs. Fancy Prunes 25c 4 lbs. Petite Prunes 25c 2 lbs. Dry Apricots 25c 2 1-2 lbs. L. M. Raisins. 25c 3 pks. Seeded Raisins 25c 1 pk. Dri-Fr's Prunes. 25c 3 lbs. Black Figs 25c 1 lb. Dry Apples.. --10c Soda Crackers 65c a box AUTO DELIVERIES Gladstone and Parkplace, Monday and Thursday morn ing. Mount Pleasant and Fall View, Wednesday and Satur day A. M. Wet Side and Canemah, Tuesday and Friday OREGON CITY DAILY. HEEOSTATEPAPER