MILWAUKIE DEPARTMENT OF I.O-O.F. CELEBRATED AFTER SCHOOL JOB MII.WAIKIF. April 17. (Npei I ill -1li' sJth minhi mm of Hih found IliK (if llm liidrH-iiii'lit Order of O.H l'i"loa ti celebrated by llm MM waiiklc Odd Follow llirlr win and lillilrui, logi'llnr llh vlaiilng l.nili III lual Monday lllghl, when I2.'i "T ma gather I in llm ;raiig hull 'I lin i-eli-hr itlou imrtiHik t if I lie na hire nf tiiimlral Mil rnlr Ullilimiit, In lili were tidied i till dri'ii drl'l. a pll"l. pnni a a urprli by llm ll.-lu kulie, mil fcaal In w tilth all did amplr JuaUi. Ii.pilf tlrmd Miwler. Harry Wr.l lir.Hih, nf Portland, il.-llwr..i the ad ilri'ti i,( id evening. Mr. Wi-r-liriMik gv a brief bleiory n( (hit It, H all iliiini nla anil dwelt al iiiikiii tipnu input or irxlerriaiiam , ,l h only runs to ihn city limit a. atnl (nr llm ix.d iif llm iirdrr Ihr.oirli llm Olaim trail In Lake road! The program npmed HIi an al aoutlt In order ihul free rrcs from Ire, of welcome by Mr. Mix klmi. A all part of Dm city mar l tiia.I IiIuiiii anln rcndcr'd by Ml. a IH i Ht.-pa lll l, luki'ii towaid tlila i n I n a Kriifh Mauhr Itnlph Oledliill aixm. MII.WAI'KIK. April :7. - IHpe. lull - Mm illreclor il ImmI ilMrhl Af.i I, nf Mllwatililc, begin al nine lo carry mil llm whim nf llm inter In voting l.'U.lfMI for a lm l-rauilmr Im ImmiI txi I lt I UK 'llm dim lore ar beli,g liraicgcd on I every hand with abidl.aiita nf an lib twila IhriiiiKliiiiil Mm nuriiMi'l and al llm regular iiieciing will di-rldit up hi a iliit Inn llm different r 'r a"ii lathe oi llii'i firm run i.mei with the hoard, Tim tile ! .-il fur llm hixd la on I7th Mrnt (fortm-ily iiii,iui;im lr.s. In IN'iim nun addition, where the hoard mmellnm awn pun he, two m re al a pile nf I'.uou. i will da ncira.arr bi dpcii Hit ItiU atreet. HI PUBLICAN CANDIDATE J roR repriientativi or CLACKAMAS COUNT gave n comic recitation anil Master licrald llinin placed a loainlolln aol.i MUa Alice Ncwklrk then p'ari'd '1 no MIiIiiIkIiI Fire Alarm" vrrjr iilranlna y mi dm t'lunn. Al thla point llm Ijo lkalia BKrrc.ilily aurpilanl llm OiM Ki'lloa ltli a aki'lili Dial falily) "lirouxtil iton llm hiiuaiv" IIik altn la In llm rnlrnl part nf t In cur.' at near re mm I aa inuM ! km. Iixli'il. all till iiara rmialili'r'l, Hill almulil lm I nlivi-iili iitl) nuiln il. It la plaiiii in rommi'iit n llm work thai II ma)' lm riiiiipli t. ly flnllii' fur I hi' full for lit nf ailnxil. Mu-n I Mm II a nil .Ii,,.., II.- vrunniiur mi. I 1. 1.. I. a, l,,u.l llm ' KM la of llm IM.I rVllowa' au l ; Kr,,,., ,u, ,, (h(ir,(li l0 ,,, ,,.,. llm full,. I.ik ln.llr. .rtllpat. . UlK .lll(( roil. -rt -.1 Into lilKli Mi'a.Uitma Martin, Hrin, r , t, riHIIIII, . i - i ' '"'"', ""' Tliura..iy umrnliiK fnlloHiim Ih air. ainim. r.'prr imik tun ttoii-, , H(llnt My of lu ,MH" lffiu. ma nmiuii. M.I(MI rui,.,i i, iJlln .,... f r ; inri.ta lii Ilia I.huI iixlKtt ami r.-a.l a lo'Biitlful lutein written by blniM'lf atnl il.'.llrut.'.l lo llm Hi'lM'k.ilia of lllvcr Vll'W IihIxk. Til In aa follnwp.l by a n, mi lltlv.l. "UlK a JlK JIM" by lllt'o i n nf Ki'llnaa. ilrllli'.l by V. A. H-ll imh ami a.ri.ini nnlril nil I lip pluny by Ml Kv.'b n W iilkrr Tim i lilblrcii laklna art . m Cliarb'a Hi'avry, C.'i abl l'inon. Itulpfl tib'tnlblll, (Itta NtiM'ktnn. Wallla Kl k Inn Kim ry Kaiimlora, Johnnie Culllii. Vlila Uvtnaii. Kllijl Mn'ary, Kt h 1 Nbhola, Kniina (iolf. lUoiluli (io'f II ul h HtiH'ktnn. Anntlirr onx rrta- tlva In Mr. Wrllir.Mik ami uImi llm Krbcknha wblrb a riially a (mxl waa (lvrii Klahnraln r fnnliuirina follow r .). Tim I'litertalnnmiit rum mill cat rvHi,ilhl. for llm program aa Mi'ara. Hlo. klon. rnincll. Vl aliiKxr. H.' .mil l-Yiill)l. An liitltnllmi aa pttpnib'il In Inral (hlil Ylow urn) Iti'bvkalia by City View bxtp. nf Hi'IIwimhI. lo partWv pit In in llirlr annlvcranry inrctliiK in brt bi'l.l Kumlay ninmltiK at Ilia KplJ opal i lniri h. Tim Invllullnn, rxlrml imI by a rotninltliMi In attnilani'i'. a ai rrplrd mi l the lix al eople will aa arinhle bern In Unm lo tako the l'n n'rliH'k rar for that plara. There lhy will meet at the Ki'MwimkI IihIkv ball ami parti. Ipntn In the mnrt-h from that lur to llm church, which lakea pla.-e B lo rn. !rvlce will bruin at II o'chx k. atroita. Voll Iiik their apprntal Of the clrrllo-i ami makltiK dm air fairly r Iiik with lliclr m liixil ye'l. About 76 rtliip.i(. rrl In lli aepuitlim .hinio which wua wilneioie.l by a larRe crowj of rHI-(em. HENEEEE Hill 10 RUN FULL BLAST MII.WAt KIK. April :7-(Special) - II la IIioiikIiI the Mem fi e ahlnnl.' coiniiuny will lm rnunlntt Ita MlUu'i kle plant at full blat In about another week. Till" tneana llm 'iiiiloymeti( of l tween tit) am CO a.lilltlnnal mill hiuula ami lulmrcr.. A itn-ut alini lae of re.lar lota la nlv. pii aa the reaion for llm leniporarv ahnUlown ami Mr. Johnaon, the mill ; Miperlnli'iiili'iit. la at ireaenl down th" river endeavorliiK lo aupj'ly tho mill with Iok. that work may bn reniiine.l. Tim null nlvea riiiplnyn.enl lo a urea number of Mllwuukle re'hh'nla mi l the ln'lunlni; of full oiH-rntlnna la raiterly awnlteil. Octet! Club Dance. On the pvenlim of tho twoniv elchth the Klrla of the O. t.'tle club will kIvc their llnul ibince of the aeaaon. They hava nlveii two very "uciufnl ibincea ao fur. The ibineea are Riven In llm city hall, Hltiee dunrliiK In the achixil hoimo la Inbooit. MILWAUKIE POLITICAL MEETING MII.WAI'KIK. April 27. (Special Tho country roinl between MHwnn kin ami Sellwoint for a illn(anie of 1 nilli'K la the aulijert of much uiifavor nblo coiuinent, and the people of thla Incullty bellevo tho Clarkaiiuia county offlrlnlM Nho.ibl do aoiiiethliiK to cor reel the exlhlllin uvil. A petition IipIiik circulated for almiera to be pre. Hcntcil to I tin county court. Tliu text of thi petition, which la bo IliK freely mniu'il In an follow h: To tho County CommlKHloiirrtt :t Clackamaa County: (ircelliiK: We. tlio umlcrHliieil, H hereby petition tho ,'onrt to nee if homethliiK rannot be dono to npnlr in Homo way llm pleco of rouil lietweeii Mllunuklo niul Hnllwood, which a yon know Ih in n very bad condition, In fact It la ho bad that coiiHldcrah'e of tho pleiiiiiiro cam nro piihmIiik Mllwutt kl up mxl arc travelliiK by iinotlicr route." .Inline Knliin, in npcnkliiK of tho mat tor tho olhor day, renmrked Hint ono fairly hail to hold hiinaolf In bin neat by main HtreiiKth mill awkwariliieHH In rhlliiK over thla mud In n nmclilno, It BceiiiH that IIiIh r.uid was luir-l Hiirfarid, or treated with iimcndu.n mid a tar conihliinlloii, iihout T liionlhK nxo, worked over uualn In tho HprliiK Hurt la now n verltnblo "mrkv rond to Dublin." Tho pntltlon may bo found nt Day Hardware, aloro for tho proBent. An lutcrorttluc liiecllim la to bn held In the Mllwankio CrntiKo hull iH'xt Thuraday nlKht when J. Demi Hutler, n local attorney, will apeak on "Tho Filipino nl Homo," and O. W. KaMliiim. who aeekH tho Itepiilillran noniinatlon for ilUtrlct allorney. will dincUHa the preaent day political nooila. MuhIc will bo furnlNlieil by JohiiHon Hrolli- orn' orchimtra. Tho inoetliiK Ih expect ed to draw a Inruo crowd, no ndnil fclon fee heiliK charKod. E. 0. Old. Republican Candidate for FUpreienta live From Clackamaa County. Tun)ira; I raiiiml w any Jm.t rmum why wo aboulil tiol build all of our main rale aa well aa the inn. b talked of I'arlfl bU:hoy by a atale lm, or I will con ccilii an appiuprlatlnn from llm atale either way, junl eo Hi it the people that are benefited the mnrl have to pay lhir ahure, uml that la Jut the r'-a aon I pla. e It In my pli'dp lo aupp.trt a nieaaiira of thla aort ami will lntr- Iumi It. Kvery man knowa (If lm know a any thliiKl that for every mllu nf road built tlm iiii'trnpolia of the atata tela the llon'i thara of benefit. Take the 21 000 uiilolnll'i-a In tl'o atale; tTfr one half am owned In Portland alotm an I llm rent are altered all over llm kiate. Look at Multnomah count, with her $100,000,000 aateeaed vilua Hon and poor old Clackamaa county with her little 1)0,000.000 aeeeiied val uation and about four timet the amount of road to build. Why ahoul I Clackamaa be laied to death to bull.) loinla for llm ben"flt of Portland? If you mine a 2 inlll aUlo tax for a bard aurfara rood fund to bn proKrtlon. acrordiiiK to tlm inllra of main trunk lln" In Ita county, then you ran Kct your main line hard aurfured anl not until you do, and thon reduce your main rond Ux. If you want to. No-. If you don't do aometblnic nf thla kind, you will confUeato tho farmer' land, for If they .ire In (be aaine fix that I am. which I Kiio they are, we can't ttand many more 18mlll taxes like I am pii.vlna now, and have for three year uiat. Portland ha only 1J mill anil then holler her head off because we don't build road for b'r motor lata. I don't believe I ever anked for any thlr.K but what waa Juat and rlcht n my life, but I believe thla I equitable and right and Jut un.l If it I right why alioutd I not auk for your anppo.1 to try and put a measure throuch rf that aort, and if I arcompliah that clone It will be worth the while. Laborers of All Claisea: When you go Into the booth to caat your ballot for the office of Representative to the legislature, think of this: Every man when put to a teal should, If he has the proper stuff In him, being true to hlmaelf and family, which I will give the other fellow credit for having, vote for and work for his particular line of business. My opponents are doctors. lawyers, bankers and ex-bankers. I am a laboring man, and, you all know, a fighter If necessary. Your, E. O. OLDS. d'alJ AilvertlHomont.) (MoIallaDepartmcn , ,t. f.$f. .$ ? ROCK CREEK NEWS. A $ .4- . .4. -v 5 4- -f 4- J OF F. E. SUED FOR GLADSTONE COUNCILMAN. DE FENDANT IN ALIENATION AC TION, RETAINS LAWYER. TO BIVE 8CH00L PLAY. MII.WAI'KIK, April 27. ISpoclnl) A play to lio Riven In nbout throo woeka by tho local IiIkIi acliool for tho purpoHn of ralHiuir Ainda for coin- niencoinoiit and for next HOtimm'B foot ball tenin. Tho play already cIioh- on Ih "Tho Kroalinuin," a colleno play, doulliiK with the ntteiupta of four Kophomoros, "I1iik" 8tveiiB, "1'lcii- dllly"' Jeroino, "Owl" ClrlKKH nn.l "Tiny" McOrath.'to lutzo tho froah- nion of Lnkoylllo ITnlvcralty, Tho plot F. 10. Cioodnian, Clndntouo coninil- man who Ih defendant In a $10,000 suit for alienation of affection, will chai'Re blackmail in hla defeiiKC. Mr.- Good man yoHterday retained William M, Stone iih IiIh attorney to Unlit tho milt, which wiih (lied by Hoiijiiniln K. Stark, Mih. Stark being; the woiiiliii in (he cntie According- to Oooilinnn's story, ho went to rortland lit her request to dls- cmmh it hiiHlnctm mutter. In order lo bo nhlo to talk over the matter with out Interference they oiikukoiI a room nt tho ToiirlHt hotel, 150 Front Ptreot, l'ortlaml, hint Monday nlnht. Thoy wore Heated nt oppoxllo Hides of a table, Buys Cioodmau, when Stuik broko Into the room and charnei Ooodmnn with improper conduct. Stark returned to !lailntono, his home, with IiIh wife. flood m a n flatly denies that ho has HWinxB around John Wordon, "The FroBbman," Albert Gnmbel will luive had any Improper relutlona wltl) Mrs. (IiIh part. Tho cant Ih compoHi'd . f I Stark. Heven boya and four rIHh. ClarlHH.i Amonu tho real eatute tranHfera of Goold la Mary I.ocka, daiihhtor of a Thursday was ono conveying lots 1 profeHHor In tlm unlvernlty who mar- rig "Tho Froshimin." Clyde Davis, AiiKUHt Oetkin and Jtotfo SkillitRiin will play "lluga," "l'lcadllly" and VTIny,' respectively. Lee Thlonsen will be Locke, profegHor of aHlronomy and 2, block 7, of Gladstone from Frank Goodman to Klpha Goodman, Tho coiiHldorntton was $1 The-suit has created considerable dlActiHHlon not only In Oregon City, but In Gladstone as well and tho town by and mathomatlcH. Aa soon as the rent the Clackamas Is divided In opinion of the caHt Is chosen rehearsals will to Goodman's guilt. be In order. It will bo presented In the city ImI'. The play la a comedy In throo acts. - At the next regular meeting of the atudent body, officer will be elected for the coming year. The offices to be filled are president, vice president, secretary and treasurer. Elected offi cers serve for one school term. MILWAUKIE BUILDING MATERIAL COMPANY Dealers In Cemtnt. Sand and Gravel, Lime, Plaster, Terra Cotta, Sewer Pipe, Drain Tile, Ilrlck, Cement Dlacks and all kinds of building material. For further Information and prices Telephones J. E. WeUler. 54-M A. C Davia. 78-J Tho farmery" aro busy lakins, ad- vuntaKO of the' nice weather, again, after the cold rulny spell. Mrs. Walter Smith, assisted by MIhs Mho Newell, entertained a party of young people Thursday evenlngApril 20, In honor of Mis Woodcock, who was pleasantly surprised. Interesting games wore played and a social time was enjoyed by all. The ten tables were presided over by Miss Faith Young and Miss Mao Newell. Mr. Smith treated the gifestfl with orang.ia. At u late hour tho guests took their j departure, expressing tjiemselvea as having a delightful evening Thoso present wero as follows: Mrs. Gust Jason, Mrs. Smltfi. Misses Viola I.ands dene, Ruth Drown, Lily Anderson Miss Ilurkiiolder, Miss Chambers, Madge Hyorn, 'Olive flyers, Miss Oj- born, Winifred Roman, Mae Newell Faith Young, Kva Gustjnson, Est.-ir GiiHtJiison, Miss Wlckland and Miss Ruvoll; Messrs. Sotlr Young, Victor GiiHtjason, Wilfred Drown, Marti I.amlsdene, Carl Dalles, Hal lioncii Will Donley, Mr. Gelsy, Lester New ell, Itobt OiiHtjnspn. MIsh Thomas, of Port'and, spent tho weoU-end with Hazel Chltwool attending tho surprise pnrty on MIjs Troge, which was enjoyed by a large pnrty of friends. Mrs. Katie Illlleary Is visiting old frleniM In this nlelghborhood. She will be remembered as Kntlo Feath ers. Tho Sunshine club mot with Mrs, Wilson on tho old Tnng farm last Thursday. Intcestlng Ii. formation on fancy Work and sewing were exchang ed and butter methods of doing chnrlt nhle work was discussed. The clt'b la planning a float enjoining with the grange for Booster Day at Oregon City. Anyone .wlt'n a good suggestion for same notify Mrs. Geo. Dal'aa. Clncknmas R. 1. They also Intend aoon to hold on entertainment In the Grange hall to help swell the funds for the new hall Save your pennies and come prepared to hear a good grange programme. Mr. and Mrs. McCorty and Infant daughter are spending Eastertide with Some of your neighbors have -x- changed their farms for city life. Frank Stoll has sold his farm anl moved to Portland. Mrs. McCarty's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Smith. We also learn the Kummer place has been Bold to a real estate dealer of Portland. Mlsa Venia Hunter of Portland. spent the week-end with her grand-- parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Newell. MOLAI.I.A, Ai ill Z7 --(HpevUli . Ml fieri rm-eli. l.iirr f,,iU Mi n miioiiiii ", i,,rr, rriy s pupil mil now in nciiiii in k,i,b i Ml lien llioutloli, iai, ,,f ih-, pupil In lha Aral and imihhI grd wroia a iard ,n mil frli bd Portland Man 6u,( lloik. Mr. WHmii nf I'oitiaiid baa Uju.i llm atix k nf g'xnU forrm rly oiml llm Molulla Meretiiiinx n.iuumuy an ba bad I new inoini to Hie ator- fnrnmrly weupli.; ,y Ihein Tlm Kixxia nut nan r.hmr a bni an I troilh'ed career, 1.4. Ink i,.i need un er and naUH'iii !i,nr limn nin e, la lo ba Imiied lii.i Hmy ,ay l.rltM am ri a lo Dmlr new nwner. Agitation for Union High School. Friday wa llm ,ay fr 'tr, Trai-lnT iiim'tllig, tin- b-der belli Mr. Caa. It i i,hnl o mmI pnrm llm elu'tlon i.f nnirera uuMI mine were premnl 'Dm offer of .'o rrnla er I0O poiiieti for waatn paM-r was dlwn"l Hoiim lboin:bt tlm I iiu:;uln roiipl l,r put to a r-t I -r ut iM'foro rarhliiK k-i-h a fale ai It ji left open lo dou nit on al tlm u-t nmetlng. ( miiuillli-i a were bpixilnlo,) In IIiomi In i-4. h of dm wr iirrmimllriK a oo Olatrlct to rar'y Motulla' Invitation In unli In uiilo lilch rbiMil and to I.-jmi tlm a-iii merit of thorn dlHrh la In llm mult' r Th"re wn n piano duel. Mia Tnwnaend. of die high hool. dUiuaaed the t"lr "What Hlinu!d Parent Kpt From Parent and vlra vera. Mine Toa iiaend' talk allowed thut ahc r iiii-iiil-red arid ap preciated llm topic, from Dm view point of a stiiileni ami (hut abe appro rtiitea It a fu'ly from a t-ai her . Tlm parent added a few wurd upon lh aiibject. Easter Egg Hunting Party. Miaa MarkM-ll iimi Mr. CIl.Torl lave an hauler party to their Kuriday school rlaatea Hiiturdy afteruoo.i Tho main feuture wa a bunt for the egK which the children had brought plain, the day before, but had alnce gone through tlm magical dye pot tin dor Mr. Ma. krell aklllful hand. The thirty two little ones were whisked ovi-r to the t hurrh. anppoaedly lo pra tlce fur haater; anyhow (hoau wlu had charge of the -i:Ka tinik advaut ago of the opiKirtunlly to bide, or al- mokt aow I bem over the ecbool ground. One little girl w perfectly happy when she had found four egg. fine expiaiwu -ime lor mamma, on for pupa, one for baby ami one for me." Then she teamed that the rule of the game were m h that she must give up ownership, that they might be counted, which he did with charming grace. Luncheon wu panned to the merrymakers as they sut under a lame tree In the school yard. The guests voted to end colored eggs and Easter card to those who could not lie pres ent. All were eager to be appointed upon the committee to deliver them. Then round and-roun J the egg basket went until when they were gone, each had chosen four. So when the little girl went homo she had "Ono for mam ma, one for pnpa, one for baby," but the "one for me" had been eaten, as well aa the sandwiches and cake. Donald PBrk won the prlie offered to the boys and Gladys Itehnke the girl's reward, each having found tho most on that side or fourteen apiece. Donald's prize proved to be a leather purse and Gladys found thut she had won "a rublut eating a turnip."; Ho ever, there was some discussion as to whether that turnip was a turnip or a carrot or a radish Mr. and Mrs. Moore went to Oregon City Sunday to spend the day with their daughter. Mrs. Eby and her fam ily. A son from Portland was to join tho reunion. Mr. WiHov has gone away to bo gone for some time. Eluin Kn-tpp was sick so could not take his phve In the Easter program. Margaret and Robert Gardner were visitors from the Portland Presbyter Ian church. They took a letter from the Sunday school superintendent, Mr. Guy, to the superintendent of their home church so they would receive credit for that day's attendance. Mrs. EJ Metlezer's sister, Mrs. Hale and friends, of Portland, were over Sunday visitors. Mrs. Davidson's doctor ordered that bIio take absolute rest for threo weeks. Mrs. Davidson put In much time the fore part of lust week preparing her class for Easter. Later Mrs. Master eon kindly continued It. If their part might have been phoned to Mrs. Da vidson's bedside and bIio mitlit have hud a vision of tho class as It appeared I am sure thut It would have done much to bring the early return of strength that every one wishes hot to have. Mrs. Sam llehnlte was taken 111 Inst week. Dr. Todd wus culled Mrs. Wold went to Portland to visit her daughter. Mrs. Mason nt the hns pilal. Mrs. Mason Is expocted home earlier than wus at first thought. Easter Program. The following Easier program whs rendered at the Methodist church laat Sunday: Instrumental selection; sons by choir, "Christ The Lord Is Risen Today;" prayer, by lirother Abbott; duet, Eleanor and Cluire Curtis, fro:n Miss Wolfe's class; recitation, "What Freddie Learned at tho Window,1 Frank Coleman: song, Miss Clifford's class, Heruita Hai'leES, Dernlta Evor- hart, Glen Itehnke, Eleunor Park, fin- nice Park. Elizabeth Park. Olgu Gluten Zena Undger, Shirley Robbtns; reel tation, Harriet Park; solo, -Shirley Robbins; class song and scripture reading by Mrs. Vernon's class 'if young ladles; recitation, "Tell the Glad Story to Us," Ray Howard; solo, olinnlta YAorley; exercise. "Step by Step," Mrs. Davidson's class: Thelmu Vernon, Celia Worlcy, Meta Colo, Vera Itehnke, Clara Mason, Beneve Gregory, Fay Toliver; solo, A. G. Chin grin; talk on missions and commun ity church, Rev. CurtiB; mixed quartet Mesdames Ridings and Worlev, Messrs. Gregory and Stone, organist- Mrs. Knapp: song by choir; presen tation of books by Mr. Guy tq Glen Behnke and Eunice Park from their Sunday school teacher for perfect at tendance: exercise, Mrs. - Mackrell's class, Wlnnlfred Worley, Gladys Behnke. Willis Badger, Lola Davidson, Essie Hendrlckaon, Robert Burnett, Clarence Harless, Donald Park, Rob ert Park; benediction by Rev. Curtis. Of the many who helped so faithful Jennings Lodge Department JKNMM.n liilx.i;, April ;7-Hp ill Laett-r ol.-rvr. Imra i'i an early u.orainx ,f e iriu.t m hub leu nf the Christian t..l.o ere prt-et-nl. At Ii tlm Uioiol.en of lha Hmi'Ujr hool gathered ( lUr rliiinh lo have llirlr J.lilure uku I'rrbapa all of llm filiirlir en pn;-lli enrolled were pri,l at Ibia (rt nf llm day tieiriaet while llm bekUIHul romioiiie have the aSalr In band an I llm rlrat oft;reatloiial t h ir. h tu Cortland. Utterly Height, lleo, I'arki-Ui and Oi.K'Ui I lly will Cnur-h Guild tied. A very leaanl met ling nf llm timid held on We lncly afternoon at i llm rb.irib II tit Ih annual n.eel lag. reix.ri U-ii,- ai.en by Ilia va.l 0. W. Clhtm, Republican candidal for Oielrict Attorney If )ou want public kiialrme run lo nil you lake j liand In running 'I KI.tloi, are w illed a llm prlmarle. v bate one May 1 people altelnl.-d a pnllllial meet lug way up In Colon; liiey eumd In like II. BE AT MAROUAM NtXT SATUR DAY EVENING OR AT ISTACAOA NEXT MONDAY EVENING Mualt- and apeuklng; bring llm lit tle folk. If you are dead tired at n pr linm thut I a sure alien )'ni ni- d annm rv real Ion. If you are Iran ling In a rut pull youtw-lf out of it. Telephone your friend to meet yoi we, u.., l.,-,il , ,v yr,n, , in , r , , w, AM,, h(l 1, Ih.. and Ix-aulirul er.i, j ukr , hf lfl ir)Hy ,8 , lml.1 at Gr.. ibur.h on -unlay ,,,,, ,, ptil. tlm ,,,,, Tlm wild hui kleherry formed rl A iraa!rr leatlv il M to m l.i kgr.xind for the bug t lua'rr nf1"1"" " ')' '"' Hamler lawn on rail Him til b were aei.t from Oak I "'" ,r"", The iiffi. r lere, land for llm O" aaloq while Ihfl gefonl '-'" ' " "ln,m for prranleiit rum and diMwixxI alan were arranged ariutnally alxiut llm room making IiiimI pleating .lei nratiori fr the x ial..n and were n prettily arranged r.y Meflanmt Mi Fartarm arid I fart and Mr A K llu.a. II. M-H h rre.HI la alto d'le Meadam- lllliiealonn, r'ide anl J ..col J fir the program and edi. lent training of lha lilt', folxe fo- llm e i client program rendered a follow a: "Joy l llm World." by 'hixil; rnein nr" Work." by !oy rlroula: prayer, Rev. II X. Hiullb; xiliir. "Clad fUa ler Time." aibool, (.rlniary en-rrit.- by little folka; a.rf.g "Llllle Worker- by Merle (Vdwrlli flower there. Voull all have a food Hum, J aong nd inre ,y Mary Kaxl I pert one inywlf- that la why I a:n riding 'ii riillea lo be there. ',1'ald Adv. by O. W. F.lham I deecrvlng of men I Ion I Mia Cllffor.!. who lath evening after blub xbixit. not only taught her own claaa but wa always ready to prealde al tlm organ to that all who bad mimic .e tloni. nilglil practice. Eleanor and Claire Curtla, aged four and three, reapecllvely, were accom panied to the platform by iheir llttl friend, Lula and lu-ttrlie Park, while they aung their charmlrif little ducL If a record of their seug might bate been preferred. It would be greatly appreciated by theee little ladle. In later life. Shirley liobblni, agi-d lx, ang her solo, "The Slumber Boat." o that th- swet't. Under strain of tbl baby tong reached the farther?! corner of the building. It I truly a pleas ure w hen tho.j of such t. nd. r year rbowa to much mualcal ability. The church was packed. There were no special Eaatir service at tli Christian church, os after Sunday M-hool. uiany from their congregation a well a visitor from Portland and I eltewhere attendej the Faster exer else. Mr Sain Behnke and children went to Portland with her sister for an ex tended vUlt with relatives. The rh'l oren took their books from school as they may not return until vacation. Mrs. Tuley has written to Mr. Fin- ley In behalf of the TarentTeacher meeting, slnoe his return from the east to learn on what date be will be able to bring his views of bird life to Mo lalla. It Is the Intention of that or ganization to have Mr. Finley lectur: In the Lyric theater, the benefits go ing to the Parent-Teacher organization. A notice haa been posted asking for bids for furnishing the school with 60 cords of fir, the bidder to state j whether the wood la old growth or sec ond growth, also 10 cords of oak, to be delivered Into the school base ment. Bids to be In by May 6. Mrs. Metxler's sister, Mrs. Hale, re turned to Portland Monday evening. J. J. Metz'er was In Molalla thia week on business. Oscar Lyons has been doing some work on the Metzler house, formerly occupied by Mr. Clark and family. Same one from out of town Is to speak at the morning services in tho Methodist church, Sunday morning. There will be no evening services. The Colton people will give an ora torio at the hand auditorium In Mo lalla Sunday evening. It la "Holy City" and was given at Colton recent ly. Those who have heard it speak highly of It. A play was given at the Bund audi torium Inst Saturday by a number of Molalla's most prominent citizens. Those taking part being: Elmer Saw rell, E. A. Woodworth. L. A. Dough erty, Ross Sawrell, Puul Kellogg, Ethel Wells, W. T. Kcherd. Emory Worth, Raleigh Tcherd Ross Englo, Mary Ech- erd, Birdie Dickerson. Dorothy Jamb. Virginia Oalroin. Ru by and lleaem Trout, margaret See-ley, IXIth Caldwell. M-rln lelr and 1 on Foi; primary erclae by Claudia Foi. George Card and Elaine lU-trhel; reading. "An Faatertld Iiellversnrn" by lleenle- Roberta; eierrlae. "Conal-I-er the l.llll.'t." by Ruby, li.-.-ln anl Grace Trut, very linpreialve; retj. lion. -Violet." flora Alio Murw; election by Builder. Florence Ikm-. Ing, (goodneaa) Klva Fade, (kind ne.O Elza fletx. (nieVri- Antu Doerlnr. (faith). Helen S-el-y (hope!. Myrtle Berry (rhrlty. IUale Trout (aa.-raflcel. Elizabeth Bruech-Tt Cove), Alice Eve McFarlane. ih rroaa; ng, "He Anw." achriol; re. I latlon, "fUater," Anna Daun.gartnxr; rhoru. "Ring. Itidls, Ring." by mem ber of the Climber and rpr.trranmr i rlaaae. In this splendid rhoni wer Fern and Ethel Hart. Ellzamcth and Will Kaaal. Carey and Onlda Deter. Artlrur ad Beaale Roberta. Margaret Tucker. Harold Boe!. Glenn Rus ell, Mary Brurchert and LrClalre Oi- trom, Muvs Annie Russell, accompan ist Church Service Scripture l-ori and prayer by Rev. Smith; baptism of four little people; song, "Jenua Live'," congregation; Eaater music, the choir, quartet. "Tho Light of Eantern Morn ing." Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Burke, M. and Mr. H. J. Robinson; reception .if four new members' solo. Miss O trom; Easter talk ou 'Immorality." by Rer. Smith; quartet. "Pralae to Our Risen King." Mr. and Mra. Burke jf Gladstone, and Mr. and Mr. H. J. Rob inson; mualc, by men's vbolr; solo, Miss McCloud. of Portland; son. mixed chorus; benediction. Lorraine Ostrom, Mra. II. J. Robinson and Mr. Bllnestone were the music committee for the splendid Easter song service. The focus meeting for Aprii was held on April 25lh at the church. Among the things planned are the recognition service to be held on the evening of May Sth. The chup.-a Mra John Robert Flalier, Vl.e print dent; Mr Win. Ja.oiia, anretary, Mr. E A. Handera. Irramirer; ilr Berth ll.ifl. auditor. Al Ih not meeting in May an amendment In the lonalitutlon i In be made aud a full atlrndjliee la ibalrr.l Mra. VI-tor f.rli kaon enjoyed a la It from her al.ter, Mr. E'll fro:u Cortland nn Mond i) Mr. and Mr. If. J. Roblnwin aaalal ed with llm Faater iriualr at tlm lUo Hat rhunb l Gladtnne nn Kuiidiv evening. New a ot llm marriage of Mia I-oU Kord-ndanl. nf Clail .tor.n and Henry Heard. Portland, to u r renlly. the wedding taking pl.we Jt the I'reabyterlio manae In Oregon Cliy on April Lrtli. Congraluldtlou from Ihl place) are extended to llm newlyweda who will real.M In Port 'and. Jim lu-li raolurrd a Hue ul'iion weighing ii pound one da laat week. Tlm flailing allll remain below normal, yet many were seen wending their way hoim ward nn We nee.Uy with lh-lr lunlt.-d number A. A. Byron wa taken ui!dnly :.J on Monday, and wa taken tu (he hos pital where he la nitTerlng from blood poisoning. Mrs. Tubetlng who ha (pent th" winter with her aon, Dr. Clyde Jorr. (pent a few day with the Kua'l family white enroufe to her home at Midway. Oregon. ' I Mr. Jauie Waldrnu ha returned from a ten day' vlalt with ber daugh ter at Eertl. Wash. Henry Smith ha sufficiently reco errd from hi operation to be able lo return to hi borne on Thuraday of last week. Mr. Wiley Trout who waa slightly Injured at the mill In Oregon City last week, baa been sole to resume hi work. Mr. Eugene Bush has returned from a trip to TIHamook. Percy Grlsez, an electric engineer, of Ashland. Oregon, has returned to his home after a month' visit with Mr. Deter and Portland friends. Mr. and Mrs. Olin Ford. Mr. an I Mrs. Edwin Newell spent Sunday with the P. D. Newell family. J. P. Strain and son, Newton, vl-v Ited here before they departed for, Manchester, Iowa, last week. Mrs. Strain and Etta will Join them later. The girls' baseball team of the lodge enjoyed a game with the Concord girl team on Friday lasL The score being 26 to 24 In the Jenn'.ngs team's fvo'. Mra. Minnie Altman chaperoned 20 of the pupils to see Undo Tom's Call in In Portland on Saturday afternoon. $ '!N S S $ MAPLE LANE SCHOOL NOTES The Maple Uuie senior debating class met Friday afternoon, April l.'t, 1916, and after the election of offi cers debated the question, "Resolved, That the women of today have more to do than the women of one hundred years ago." The speakers on the af firmative were: Lorena Kleinsmith. Ollle Amnn, James Sewart, Ralph Gage, Gerda Wesenberg, Ixiis Pagen kopf, Harold Lmdahl, Kate Horton and Ruth Horton; on the negative were: Eugene Schmidt. Herman .les ser, Forion Ginther, Junia Schmidt, Irving Nelson, Margaret Ahlberg, Gen eva Benson and Raymond Hadley. The debate stood 16 to 13 In favor of the affirmative. Our question for next debate is, "Re solved thnt Grant was a greater gen eral than Lee. C. F. Anderson, a former supervis or of schools visited our school during the month and gave us nn Interesting talk. Mr. F. W. Parker, a business man, of Spokane, Wash., until recently, spent one afternoon with us and gave us one ot the most Instructive talks to which it has been our pleasure to listen. Mr. Dlmick came over to see us for little while last Friday afternoon and gave us some timely advice how to meet our new teacher next fall since Ft. Ginther will leave us. after having been with us four years. Wall Paper 1 1 I LI II I - iiijj NN Spring. Spring Is looked upon by many as tha most delightful season of the year, but thla cannot be said of the rheu matic. The cold and damp weather brings on rheumatic pains which -are anything but pleasant They can be relieved, however, by applying Cham berlain's Liniment Obtainable ev- ly to make the program a success, one erywhere. (Adv.) We have just received our second spring shipment of the famous LAC AT WALL PAPER and offer a variety of well selected patterns for Fer Single Roll - . i IFirainilk BJiuiscIh; i BUSCH BLOCK OREGON CITY, ORE;