j LOCAL I1RILTS j OREGON CITY Mil I'lMIMl' M. 'lt l llif lit l.f IVm U Hloii In fl.U lean - Ad I'atilik Harris of Uladalniia I In. pfuilng fiillualiil rvvlil I M Mr tnil M( I I MHUr i( tani.y t tailed (Iickiiii I'lly lili ii.la llils . i ('. M lU'llrf, feidlllt l.f iiit Cllf lOiUts) Nu. J, a business tlal nf III Hi munly Mat Muii.lar Mii M iitr Miiiiiri i( ti.ia i Mr l Had Iter I'jfriiU, Mr. and Mi M Mu. at M.ihir urr Honday. W. A I'rn lor. ll'1'H 'It an indi data) fur rixinl f i iiiiiiiileslinr, a I'll Orrfoii (Mr mi husliie Tua.ey TO BICVCLE MAKERS LAO WANT! 10 WHItL WITH ALL CXPRKM CHAHCtl PAID IINT TO HIM. An arinl ml miiiai.al appeal f-.r 4 fl' Mi tin aa miiI laat imiiilli l.jr llrry lillMMin, at Hurlim. aiulldati I an ir-i.n City iitli In tl,r Kian i lr iixihlr iiiiiniilaaliiiMr fn lha M 1 of Indian (l li and m pul.lkall lliki l. slld t ta la tlly J'l-i I !'" The l. lii r aa f..ral,.J day. in inn Miimr nrKfr loinpany liera ri lit 1111. n are Ulna: liiivrr 1 1 'I turned otrr In Tim KnlerprlM, uiMin Mr ami Mr lurrr mmm over I nem in m jmn.i, nu iiioi in Ilia arrlal of ft liltlo uaiia-liii-r. l-iri Ortun nijr, U llhheid Tim lril- April 10 folloa A moii Handy ilalior In lliltl 'Ihar Hir - Will imi do mi a rlty during Ilia l ( daya vt I fit ? Th faior la' I'leae a-n Clr Junker, A U iN iliti aiul I'sulliiw dial liiilUu li il forty dollars. It. Mrlnli I l(iiiiiiilH-r that uu lll Mill riinr Mr. in Mr llalpli GrlMd nf Ihls limn looo I.I. yi lea a year. I'lreaa sen city tilrlalird Mi A. II (Irlhl'la I una Ilium! aiisaerlns: anything. Iml ami Mr John Jreaa from Caii'.y d"r I e n.I in on. Tha r aaoii hy I aa InK Ilia wk. I roil la thai I ill do )ou a fnr. Th Joatah Martin. former resident til I boy III aak nia lii-r I ol llm In llilarltr. ilomi (ruin l-ln, li'aldun I1U71U ami lt llu in I ( i lrrarnl boitw, looklm arirr iroxii I from jour fai lorr. I 'iit ulf for II IlilrrraU Miliar I I'leara a-ni II, r Hi" ri'rr John I'raft anl ami, llaiuioii'l, of 1 1 liaiai , fur I han I nr monnr. 'i.ii... , a 1 ..... I mb'iioii .., ..., . . "yuati ininirr, liato a In-art an -J.. .1... ift.. I.l ul...,. I . ... my .10.11 i..n ii.n, llir lin fltH, f rliargx. I a Ihrr ! pri..rnr Intun-ata. nlliin a l.lrrrli- alMiut t.o ram IWMiir! B'lx rnaf iiirm in n .11 M. Htixi In thla Uatii' Kiiv. Tha funeral ai'nl.ra for IIih la'o Mr. H)lla MiCrai krn, nf rurtUml, inoltii r of Mr. II llranaon of llila i ll', III hi hnl.l t.Mlur I SO o'cliHk In I'ortlanJ. Mr. ami Mr oin (. lUrtan. if i C. DYE TALKS TO HAPLE LANE APPLICATION OP 00LOCN UL( TO NATIONAL PRtPAPIO ncii 11 oitcumo. THREE COUPLES ARE DIVORCED IN A DAY MAN WHO CLAIMS WIPE HAS AN OTHER LEGAL HUSBAND WINS DECREE. MO Ht rwmmua Hi'litl It free 01 haf . ami will t-( aoiua Imja tit liny a Mi r l from pm. B.111I ma that M iiiip An.l I Iiimm a lilrr I" to Ku lo athool for I halo two mllo In atk verr niortiliiit "I oolj reallr I kII t li a lli . !. In Va.ira to ti.nip I HI not OrvKon t'ltr roiiln No. f. ara rmrlvlm J fr,,. )im it ly an imlun m roiiKmln'Mlloiia or lhi arrival of a (,r, , u from you, ami I will .y for 011. tirn April 10 Tli IIUI It. I ar.i onlr It rra of aa Boar nlh I .oiin. riaaai aenil in a 22 Inrh frama. Hrn I Mr K. H. KrroKiiln. of luirlo. 1. tlf Wcllai Farto Ktiima foinnany niolhrr of Mr J. V. tunU tlalieil In ,,) n,B ,,,r ih ,,ar. a roiirwlf. for Ihhrlir Wr 1n-lar ami left Wmlne- 1 haven't a iM imr of mr on. I am lay nlrht for Knuene, lu-rn alia lll ankloiia to (et It la It other rJallea Jaiue Hell, of Hamty, amoui tha roiuitr eat laltoia from that il.a on Wmlneailay. AIkhiI 30 rel- il.nl from Hnmlr ra !n I ti Is rltjr to attend Irlul In the rlrrull roiirt. Ir. ami Mra. l-e II. Ileqoeth and to rhllilrvn. Hoderta Clalra ami Je, Jr. of I'oillaiid ere over Huniliy (ix al at Ihn home of Mr. and Mr ". Hi.huel.el, parent of Mr. Itequeaiti. Mr. and Mra Kdar. KIIIhk. of thla rltr, left Kaliir.lajf afternoon for t'oltaiiu Crute. her they III maks I their future home. Mr. KIIIhk la a lirolher of Caul KHInK of Mount 11 ilra Mr A 1 itiat. Mr. and Mr. Levi l.rti. or Aurora. ,0 from I'a illna K.lelman or I'aiillnr vllte In thla city ilurtnn thu week. Almaale aa almnsl Hatunlay l.y Clr Mr. Krb eonrerreil lth the county rnlt Ju.lce famidietl. They wero mar tonrt pertaining to tha operating or 1 ri,., 8,.tiinoer 2S. 115. In Kukciiv a rTel pit on hla property nar Tu l- rharKe.l that hi wlfa had an (Unit rlriT. I other leaal liuahand. of whoac eiat flower and rarJa of ronnrattilatl.m nnre lie had no kuowlnlxe until week am helni rerrlved hy Mr. and Mra. after their nmrrUne. He elalii.ed that Krroll McKero of I'ort uiid over tha tho eklatenro of the Orat huihand arrtTal of a little daiiKhler, Uirn April mailt Invalid hla man-tune to her. &. at North Yamhill, the home of the I May Cramer N'olley waa alao a rant (ormer'a parent hera Mr. M. Kern I id ill tone from l-ator l.yle Notley 'an a mieal. Hhn la well known In thla of l Anaele. and waa awards the rlty, alator of Mra. Ouy Iteddlt k and rnatwly of tlielr one rhlld. She Mlaa Vernn Curl, and wn hefore her rharnHl deaurtlon niarrURe, MlM Grace Curl. JiuUn Camphell lt;pe,i a dnree II Mia Marnrvt Thompaon of Mount vonliiK Johanna M. ti.imliert from IMeaaant. a aenlnr In tha Orenon Cltv .eorn uumiieri on tlie croillliiw ot hlKh nchool. ha been teai-hlnit the tuclty. The nilt of Kdward Nelaon naal month at the Twllkht a h(H.I ow- l" ' Howim waa ill Ins to thn ahaenee of MIh (iladya mlaaed and Jonef KTolU-h. who named Hyprynakl of OlmUtono. who Ima heen '" 'n1111'. defendant In a ault to III. M' Ityprynakl will not Im alile 1 1"" l "". Kfn a iieeree to reaumo her work, lilli will he taken up hy MIh Monn Hoed, who was nppolnted to tho plnri nt a meet- ln of the achool board a few dii.va ago. Mlt't Thompson will 1 . t urn to hor atildle. WED IN VANCOUVER AT 19 Tli M.iplo Ijina jr rtaiiK" at Its ln"t Ihl Halurday afteruoon heard K '". )a, a IimbI attorney, iak on I It aul.J.x I of "Apiill. a I Ion of the (iolileii Kula" lr W. T. Millikin, paator of tha flrtt llupllat ihur. Il of Oregon City, inadn 4 ahort and Intereatlng ad drraa. The halame of Ilia lime waa devoted lo a program l.y Ilia rHKo hlill Imluded rwltatl'iiia, aonxa and a lllilipia (Ueaalna' loiileat. Mr. !' Ill ill ad. Ilia roiilelided that Ilia Uol'lm Kii'm alionld lyn ap plied to military affair and to m in ial liualneaa life lie livid that under preaenl roiidllllill IIK-n ttera rte. ul liioal holly hy their fliiani lal Hand Ink. "Certain hankrra." he aald, "hy Iln Ir loan poaer, keep their roMimuiil lln lu Una flnam lal'y, and alao ron Irol Ihn (iiternmetil, o lety and other ai tlvltlea, the poer of their word l- I a at mi h. that Ihey ran even rom eul 1 rime ." 'Uliullar romlltlotia elt In itillllary life," cont limed Mr. Ire. "all rlrlita be lli! ili tcf Miineil by rank." Thla aa a vlolutlon of the (iolil.n Itule, he thoiiKht, and added that the govern ment waa reiula In not looking Into raiM-t more rarefully. lie illed a IIUIM lx-r of military riu-i In hli h he hel- Juatlre had not In en done. In i loaing hi talk, Mr. Iye preaen'. e.l aonie original l.l.aa on the g.Kxl roada ijuejilon Aa meana hy hlrll tha farmer lould reai h Ihe market ri-nlera, good rojita re invaluable. In military affair good road were e-ai-ntlal. and Ihey were alao avenue by hlill Ihe peole of the lountr rould he tirouaht cloier lo the rullUD of Ihe city, ! declared. ARE NOT PAID AS ONE COUNCIL, WHICH DOES NOT MEET, THEREFORE DOES NOT PAV BILLS OR SALARIES. G. II B. OF T JONES MILL MAN DROPS PROM CHAIR TO THE PLOOR, DEAD. TEACHERS MEET AT PORTIAND COLLEGE PRESIDENT FOSTER OF REED COLLEGE TALKS VOTE OP THANKS IS GIVEN. The reKular meeting of the Clack- nmaa County Hihoolmen' club waa held al the Heed college In 1'ortlaiid Kntiirila), the member King th J gueat of I'realdent Koater of that In alltution. I.nnrlinon wa terved at the rollego lo the teaihera, after which they gath ered In tho ro'lego cfaaiK'l. I'realdent Koeler talked on the historical d )- velopiiient of Heed college, illuatrat Ing hi take with vk- of the rollexo bullillHK throiiKhuut the country. The teacher were hora about the college grtund and were given an Idea of Ihe work of Ihe Institution. A vote of thank waa extended to I'realdent Koaler hy the club. About 20 member attended the meeting. Among them were C. F. Homlg of Willamette; J. K. Ilowlaud. V. J. Tooie. A. O. Fwl and V. U Cal- aan. of Oregon City; F. II. Gutherlo, of Kalaiada; Hubert Uoett, of Mllwau- kle; C. F. Hoee, of Molalta, and George Thompson, of Willamette. The next .meeting of the club will ho held May 20 at Willamette. Coum lliiian 'ioo liiiiiii, C)d anl I'arrlah, of filadaione, aupporti-ra of Wrtler Muierlnti lob nt W ill JohiiMi i. are finding their on man tb victim Of their aitlvltlea 7be filadaloli lonn'll ronalata of li member, four ronatllullng 4u01.nu. These llite... fearing an ordli.ame or a mot Ion hlih would restmt ibe autliorlty of l..l..k,.n ah. Ill not ..II.....I f, .ti,,, .11 " - " I I ninellng and have L'i.-. un ulllmatum I MM, to the other three ... in. Iliiii-n. de lr-' lug that "e will neier meet with ym again In room II till u. h of you agr 10 do ba line aa lio n aimiild and lei Jolmnan iiIoiik" With the conn. II pllt three to three, Mayor Howell, alio I In sxnpathy Willi tli-i antlJohnaon fatl..n rould ra tba dneldlng vote. A all bill 01 11. t be paid by tl.j rouni II, none of the ton employes have received aalarii-s for March and no claim have been sllo-.. Water 8iierlntendent Jolinum, in ahoae 'jo half the three tiiMiiU-ra ara holding out, I Ihe prlnrliMl sufferer b.-iue of Ihe fuel that he Is the only city empolye who doiM. all hla time (j city work. One of the principal feature of tho sltuaMon that ha lit the council i the apollitment of a ati r collector, taklpg the handling of money from Ihe UierlnUndeiit. Goodman, Clyde and I'arrlah opoai the creation of th office of a water collector, althoigh (JiKxIinan, proprietor of a atore, la now acting In that rapacity for Johnson. A peaceful aetll.-iiit-iil of the dead lock la mil In light. ea h side atnrtil I ri.r flrm'y for what II ionl.ers right. T!i. town charter provnlo that If a coun cilman doe not aitri.d a regulur ses sion of the count ll at It-aat once In four month, he mil automatically lose hi place. This duuae alone may result In bringing lite mum II back to gether, and then only l.y the automa tic removal of IIiom- three member forge M ll. Join. ai;cd 1 yean. drope( dead from hla ibalr from an attack of heart fa'lnre, Mmiduy a'le. 11 n, In the Ik me of hla slater, Mr. Ama linel. Mr June had lived at Ihe home of hla staler, lilh I lo. at".) on the AUriialh ucar Jon-' a. ill for a num ber of yeara. He was born In low and ha been a resident of Ihl roomy for over 2' yetra. He I Je'l knoau In Ihe Alermithy d alrl.t. The fuiiera'l till U held from High d this af'.ernoon. 9mbkm How to Feci Well During Middle Life Told by Three Women Who Learned from Experience. MRS. LOUISE DILIER, OF STAFFORD, DIES Mr. Uiulse Alice Illtler I dea-1 at her hoiiM) In Ktjftord. after an I'l nesa of several month. Khe wa age I M yeara and t month, and wa the wife of Kdwln lilller. who aurvlve her, along with the folio Ing dill- dren: Mia Mary Killer, Stafford; Mr. Kthel M) at rum. ItoMl.urg, Mr. Kate Conn, Melrose. Ore.; Htehman llll-r and Walter Oilier, HIadoid. Mr. Oilier was a native of Oregon. The funeral will be held at 1 o'clock Ihl afternoon from the family borne, an I the Interment III be in Hood View cemetery. Hev. Mr. Kill will con duct the funeral aervkea. WILLAMETTE WOMAN FOUND TO BE INSANE a meeting until the other agree with their vie Among thoao who secured marrlago lli-enm In Vancouver, Waah., Thurs day were Jnmo T. lovegrove, of I'lirtluinl, nnd Klla K. ftinton. of Ksu- cada. Hho gave her aito a 17 year. VOTERS WILL PASS UPON $18,000 WATER BOND ISSUE AND NEW CHARTER. . LIGHT GUARD8 FISH - 1.. ..... .... At a npoclnl uluctlon to Do Hold Muy Would-be violator oftho law who nt- 19, which Is ntto tho ilnle of tho prl tompt to fish nt night Udow the Wil- murh', tho voters ot Cunby will bo liwmitte river full nt Orogon City ure called upon npprovo or rojoct a new likely to get Into troublo. A battery city charter und a $18,000 watur bond roiiHiHtlliR of a 1000 candlopowitr Ihkuo. Tho specltil cluotlou was ca'loU aonrcbllght has been mounted on tho nt ft mootlnK of tho council Monday point of the Inland below tho falls nnd nlKlit. la now in vino. Tu, protHiHod clmrter contains pro- wo navo nan a Rrcni ileal or iron- VImIoii which will iMrmlt a municipal hlo with vIolutlotiH ot tho low thoro In y owned wtitor y8tpm und corrects mo pnHi," saiti air. nnoemnKer veier- ,nIH)r crror In tho present charter (lay, nnu wo inianu 10 pui u siop co It, Tha placa baa been a favorite one for setting notti at night." The largest ancj most complete general stock of Mer chandise and The Lowest- Prices Quality Considered Groceries, Field and Garden Seeds Crockery, Granite ware, Dairy Supplies Drain Tile Brick, Lime and Cement. Highest Cash Price paid for Country Produce Larsen & Co. Corner Tenth and Main Tho council favors a municipal water plant. Tho town Is now sup piled by a plant owned by M. J. Lee. Tho town Is endeavoring to secure a sntlHfiietory offer from Mr. I.eo, but If unsiicvqHHftil will probably build a nyHtem. H.J.LEE IS SUED BY Mitchell, J.owIb & Stavor company, a Portland Implement and farm ma chinery concern, Friday tiled a suit In the Clncknmns county circuit court nKnliiRt M. J. Uio to collect $194.18, alleged to be duo ns a balance on a note, nnd $40 attorney's fees. Mr. Loo, who Is well known through the south ern end of tho county, was formerly Bocrotary or the Clackamas County Fair Bnfloolutlon and owns the Canny wator works. Will Mulvey Is attorney for tho Implement company, How's This? Wo offer One Hundred Dollar. Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, O. Wa, the underalgnBd, have known F. J. Cheney for th last 16 roars, and ballav him perfectly honorable In all business transaetlona and financially able to carry out any obligation mads by hla Arm. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, Toledo, O. Hall' Catarrh Curt la taken Internally, actlna directly upon th blood and mu ooua surface of ih ayatem. Testimonial aent f ree. Price 71 oanta per bottle. Sold tr all Druttteta. Take Hall a family rill far eoajtlpatloa. LOCAL TEACHER TALKS AT NOLI PLEASAIi "Homo Economics" waa the topic dlactiHsed by Mlxs Maude Morton tenchi-r In domestic science at tho Or egon City high nchool, al a meeting of the I'arent-Tenchera association held In the Mount Pleasant school Friday afternoon. MlM Morton mad a specialty In her talk or dealing with left-overs. Many dainty dlnhoa muy bo prepared out of romnants. An ,ln tercstlng paper was rend on the oub Ject. Pupils of tho boventh and elgl-.tli grades attended tho demonstration and two little girls from the lower claui OB Kavo recitations. Tho next mooting will bo held thu first Friday night in May and a social time will be enjoyed. Every member Is allowed to Invito ono guest. A pro gram will bo arranged for the even lng. Mrs. Hadle A. Colaon. axed 36 year". told Hberlff Wilson, County Judite An-1 who declare that th-y l-l not attend J JW",B nd Dr Moni Friday that h.., utt.i uiii mail it u jo uiiKTB. 1 She further declared that she was j Ix-tween 600 and TOO year old. and was married the flrat time when 9j years old. She added that she waa born on the North Pole, and that she has lived with ever)' Indian tribe 011 the face of the earth during her Iotit life MEETINGS AT CLARKES LINN E. JONES AND E. D. OLDS TALK AT GRANGE HALL CHURCH TOO SMALL. WILLAMEnEHOME IS DESTROYED BY EIRE The home of Amy rtuoadoln of Wil lamette was completely destroyed by flro Thursday afternoon after a valiant flKht by a tew ot tho mombors of tho Willnmotte voluntoor fire department. Mr. Ilueadoln was on his way to work while Mrs. neaudoln was in Ore gon City and could not be located tin til tho hoiiBe had boon destroyed. Nothing was saved, causing a loss of belweon $".00 and $G00 which was mostly covered by Insurance. Tho origin of the fire Is unknown. CASTOR I A For In&nU and Children, Tha Kind You Hare Always Bought Bears tha Signature of HARDING IS "KEYNOTER" CHICAGO, April 7. United State. Senntor Harding, of Ohio, was named today as the temporary chairman of the Republican national convention. which will meet In the Coliseum Juno He Ib to be the official "keynoter" Sg popular have become the open forum meetings at Clarke, in which a wide range of siihjecu are discusaeJ, that the sessions no longer are held In the Clarke church, but now in tho Grange uall, ahich Is larger. The mevtlnKS are unusual, and probably the only onea ot their kind conducted regalurly In th.' Mate. Sunday night l.inn E. Jones, former eg!lntor end cx-n.ayor of Oregon City, spoke on "HyRenlc Laws and Their Relation to Manhood and Worn anhood." and E. 1. Olds, of Oak Grove, discussed "Home." Mr. Jones leclare-1 the Importance ot the rules of hygenc as applied to every day living. Next Sunday Harvey Cross w-ill speak on ThltiK Worth While": Thomas A. Hurke Is scheduled to talk on "The Hoy," and J,ohn W. I.oder on "Jonah." In addition a quartet will sing. The Change of Life is a most critical period of a woman's existence, and nt glcct of health at this time invites disease and pain. Women everywhere should remember that there i no other remedy known to medicine that will bo successfully carry women through thi trying period zs Lydia E. I'inkham's Vegetable Comixjund. made from native roots and herbs. Kead these letters: I1ilLuli !j4iIa. IV t starts! th (lianc of IJfj five years bk'o- I always hml a hcsulai he and buck-at-he ith U-arinjC down pain.: and I would bavn heal fLinhe very had at tiiiM- with dizry aju-lln ami rMTYoti fi.-t-IiriKH. AftT takinir I.ydia E, Iliikham'ii Wgi'tahte Compound I fifl like a new ienm and am in U-tU-r health and no timre trnuhb-d with the a hi s and juIim I luul U-fore I took your won. di rftil n-nwdy. I n-efimnii-nd it to my friend (or I cannot pralnj it cnotiifh." Mm. JIakoabet Ci ram mas, 7JU y. IUiiKijold SL, lliihidulphia, I'a. ISeverlr. JfaxH. "I took I.vdb E. Ili.Vham'a Viffi'tahle Ounpound, for nTvotmneH, and lyp-iLi. when I wa (foing through tho llmnifo of life. I found it very helpful and I have always spoken of it to other women whogtiut-r an I did and have had them try it and they also have received j good rvnult from it." Mrs. (JeoaoB A. Dixbae, 17 iiounay m, ueveriy, jlvh. Krk', I'a. "I was In poor health when the Chano of life started with me and I took Lydia E. liiikJiam'g VegvUble (bmpotmil, or I think I should not have got over it a eaxy a I diL Evi'n now if I do not feel good I take the Compound and it restores me in a short time. I will praixj your remedies to every woman for it may help them as it has me."- ilrs. E. Kismlixo, OJl East 2l0i ML, Erie, I'a. No other medicine has been so aaccaufnl la rellerlnj woman's Buffering as has Lydia E. Plnkbam'a VegeUblo Compound. Women may receive free and helpful advice by writing the Lydia E. Plnkbmm 9Iedlclne Co-, Lynn, Mas. Such letters are received and answered by women only and beld In strict confidence 1 pa m 1 -J It t " ' ' . -t , ! sip ;n . 1 -- . . ... UNJUSTLY ACCUSED, SAYS WIFE committed to the itate bosptal for thi Insane. She lived near Willamette with her husband. CharKing that her husband unjustly She was examined for Insanity an I accused her when she came home at 10 ociot k one numi. Mrs. tieten ma bee bus filed a suit for divorce against Morton A. Illsbee In the Clackamas county circuit court. She says that by the nature of her employment she was sometimes unable to reach home early, and that she was entirely Inno cent of the charges made by ber bus band. They were married February 8. 1915. In Vancouver. Wash. Why Constipation Injures. The bowels are the natural sewerage syfctem of the body. When they be come obstructed by constipation a part of the poisonous matter which the should carry off is absorbed Injo the system, making you feci dull and stu pld. and Interfering with the digestion and assimilation of food. This condi tion Is quickly relieved by Chamber Iain's Talileti. Obtainable everywhere. (Adr.) MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUED Louisa Schwerin and Sidney G. Waldron, of Willamette, secured a marriage license here hursday. U. OF O. STUDENTS ON VACATION The Southern Pacific Is helping tho I'nlve rsity of Oregon students In their enjoyment ot their Easter holiday. A tpeclal train wa run Friday from Eu gene to Portland, carrying about 100 of these home bound students. The train left the university city at 1 o'clock. When their playtime Is over, the students will be taken back on another special train leaving Portland ' at 1:10 p. m April 16. arriving at Eugene at 11 p. m. Tbe train will stop at Oregon City, Salem, Wood burn and Albany In both directions. Portland Gas k Co'e company plans gas distribution In eastern Multnomaa county. Kp Your Skin Clear and Healthy. There Is only one way to have a clear, healthy complexion and that is to keep the bowels active and regu lar. Dr. King's Mew Lifo Pills will make your complexion healthy and clear, move tho bowels gently, stimu late tho liver, cleanse the system and purify the blood. A splendid spring medicine. 25c at your druggist. (Adv.) DR. ICE BUY8 STOCK R. U Paduer of Heaver Creek, 7.. Elllgson of Stafford, Dr. L. G. Ice of this city and Mr. Allen of New Era, all of whom aro engaged in raising pure blooded Jerseys, motored to Scnppoos-), Ore., Thursday, where they attended the annual sale of Jorseys at Sunny Bank fnrm, owned by Harry West. Dr. L. V. Jce. who owns a farm near Canby, hnsi seven head of pure-blooded cattlo of the Jersey breed, and at the sale of Mr. West on Thursday purchased un Imported Jersey heifer, "Fontaine's Nclllo Girl," that hns been bred to "Fancy Raleigh." grand champion at the International, Livestock Bhow held at tho Panama-Pacific exposition. SANDY SCHOOL GETS PIANO SANDY, Ore., April 10. The Union high school is tho owner of a fine pi ano, purchased through tho efforts of the student body of the high school. The Sandy batik assisted the students In milking tbe purchasX) for cash. For Croup Mothers Always Keep this Handy Th day of tho Croun aoar la oar for thoaa parant who wisely kaeu rolay'a Honey and Tar Compound la th horn raady lor laitant us. W. P. Allpn. Poselov. Ma. wrltpa- "I hnvA ruUed it family of four children. nnil Iirvii lifted Foley'11 Honev unit Tur Compound Willi nil of them. 1 tlnd It the bent croup and cough medicine I have ever UHed and I have UMcd It for eight or ten yeurn, and can recommend 1, .......... ir toward niKiiunii me little ones frrow hoarxe or croupy, ir tneir Dream nir becomes wheesy nnd stuffy, give them Knlev'ii Honey and Tar CoinDound promptly and It will ward off an attack of croup. If you are awakened by the honrse brnsay coiirH Ihnt mesns croup, rive Foley a Honey and Tar Compound at once. It will ease the little autTerera mili-klv. cut the thlrk choking- phlea-m. anil anon they, will have eaay breathing and peaceful quiet sleep. ttt Every uaer u a xnana. ( sc:emmeNew Caf eteria Store ?rttl COME AND HELP YOURSELF1 SUGAR SPECIAL 100 lbs. Cane Sugar $7.55 100 Iba. Cry Granulated 7.35 14 lbs. Dry Granulated 103 13 lbs. Pure Cane 1-00 FLOUR SPECIAL Swan Flour, $1.25 sack; Bbl...$4.50 Crown, sack $1-35 Crown, Hbl :.$5.30 10 lbs. Pancake Flour 45c 10 lbs. Patent Flour 0c 10 lbs. Farina 45c 9 lbs. Corn Meal .....35c Rice, Macaroni, Etc. Sultana Raisins, Ib 10o Muscatel Raisins 10c While Figs, lb 10s Pluck FiRS. 3 lbs 25c Dry Peaches, 4 lbs 25c 4 lbs. Pink Heans 25c 34 lbs. Mexican Bonus 25o 4 lbs. Pnyo Heans 25c 5 lbs. Ilroken Rico . ..25c 4 lbs. Jap Rice 25o 3 lbs. Pesthoad Rice 25c 3 lbs. Sago 25c 3 lbs. Tapioca 25c 4 lbs. Cut Macaroni ' 25c 3H lbs. Small White Weans.... 25c Hams, Bacon and Lard Armour's Best Sugar Cured Bacon. Packs, pound 20c Armour'B Best Sugar Cured Hams, pound 20c Sldo Hacon, Pest Eastern 23c Salt Pork, Eastern 15c 1 pound Armour's Picnic Ham..15o No. 10 Pail Pure Iird $1.35 Lard Compound, in bulk, per lb. 15c No. 5 Tin Pure Lard 70c CANNED GOODS 4 Can Oysters 25c 2 Can Merlgold Milk 15c 6 Can Clams -65c 3 Con Fork and Beans .... 25c 3 Can Sardines 25c 2 Can Chill Con Carne 25o Pickles and Kraut Sour Pickles, pint Jar 15c Sour Pickles, quart jar 25c Sweet Pickles, bu'k, iuart .... 25c SPECIALS 10c Can Pepper 5c Good Broom 25c Toilet Paper, 3 for 10c Tillamook Cheese. Ib 25c Arm & Hammer Soda 5c CO-lb. sack Dairy Salt 50c 50-lb. sack H ground Salt 35c 5 gals. Coal Oil 65c 3 boxes Matches 10c 25c Box Pearline. or Go!d Dust.. 20c Corn or Gloss Starch '. . 5c 10c Bottle Bluing or Ammonia. . 5c 3 Cans Old Dutch Cleasnser . . . :25c 5 Cans Lye 25c Vinegar, full quart 10c 4 lbs. Petite Prunes 25c 2 Jay Mechanics Soap, reg 15c, while they last 5c Vinegar, gallon ...25c Reg. 25c size K. C. Baking Pow der 20c Reg. 60c K. C. Baking Powder. .40c 4 pUgs. Quaker Corn Flakes 25c Small Onion Sets 5c Fancy Hood River Apples, bx $1.10 Fancy Naval Organes, size 80, 48c Size 176, doz. 20c Fancy Lemons, extra large, doz. 20c Walter Baker's Breakfast Cocoa, ' reg. 30c Ib 25c Regular 30c pkg. Rolled Oats... 25c Regular 25o Can Peaches 10c 6 Can Sardines 25c 3 Cans Silver Salmon 25c i Cans Chinook Salmon 35c 6 Loaves U. S. Bread 25c Box Soda Crackers,. Family size 65c Breadfast Foods Golden Rod Oats. Reg. 35c, pkg.. 30c Golden Rod Wheat, Rog. 35c pkg. 30c Roman Meal ' 25c Krinkle Corn Flakes, 2 pkgs, ..15c Shredded Wheat, 2 pkgs 25c Ralston Bran, 2 for 25c Full Line Kellogg' and Quaker's Cereals FALLS CITY BUTTER ON WEDNESDAY, BUTTER DAY, 65c LARGE ROLL - Peanut Butter, 2 lbs 25c SYRUP SPECIAL Log Cabin Maple, pints, reg. 30c 20c Log Cabin Maple, qts. reg. 60c,. 40c Log Cabin Maple, H-gal. reg. 90c 80c Columbia Syrup, M sal 30c Columbia Syrup, 1 gal 50c Karo Syrup, ty-gal 30c Karo Syrup, 1 gal ...55c Tea and Coffee Caravan Coffee, lb., special 35c 3 lbs. per special $1.00 This Blend Is a Perfect Coffee; rich in aroma, strong In flavor, yet Is smooth and pleasing to the most delicate palate. Royal Coffeo, lb., special 30c Gold Dollar Coffee, lb., special.. 25c Llpton's Tea, 1 lb. tins for 65c Best Bulk Teas, lb 45c Soap and Washing Powder 6 Pars Crystal White Soap 25c 3 Cans Old Dutch Cleanser ....25c Light House Cleanser 5c Pure Extracts, bottle 10c Crackers 3 10c Boxes Crackers 25c 2 25c Boxes Crackers 45c 3 pkgs. Graham Crackers 25c M or M Cases Crackers, lb. ... 8c Full Line Fancy Cookies, 10c box, 3 for 25c 5c boxes, 6 for 25c Full Line Fancy Cookies In Bulks German Egg Noodles, reg. 15c. 10c Fruits and Vegetables Of All Kinds Fancy Wlnesap Apples, box... $1.25 MORGAN'S The Cut Rate Store Oregon City Phones Pacific 19. Home A-133 AUTO DELIVERIES Gladatone and Parkplace, Monday and Thursday morn ing. Mount Pleaaant and Falls View, Wednesday and Satur day A. M. Wet Side and.Canemah, Tuesday and Friday. OREGON CITY DAILY. for 1916. JONES DRUG CO. (Adv.l 1