Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 14, 1916, Image 4

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Pwbll.ht I .try maty.
E. C. BROOIf. II tor and Publlihir.
Catered at Oregon City, Oregon. I'onotNc it MfaodcUi uiliir.
ucacnptlon Rata:
Ob year . II H
Mil Month. TJ
Trial Hubirrlptlon. To Moothi J
(Subscriber U nail the date of aiplrilloa tam mk on lanlr paper fol
lowing (belr Binw. If lot payment li not credited, kindly Botl'r u. lo4
lb miner III rectlx our mention.
Adrtllni lUle cb application.
Hl'SK HAS NKVFR WON Hl'SlNr SS. and" nnlu.fr) i buil.l.J
xn a foumlatiiut of toleration, lair tlraliiii,', limn! r'liii-s, rummm,
honrs-ty ami ilinliHiiot v. Tlie riitcrnrisr rrifatv ttir iM'inimi ( Ik-
(Kuro Timet apparent!)- to the contrary rvdu iih'taniliiig". The I'liieipiiw
srvrral wf-it poinrcJ to ttie 11 ili.it Anuii Mmuf, nuiurr of tlir
Orr.n I'ortlarwl Cement ONHpanv at Oswcg-o, by nuking frantic tlur;:i-
.'aint all Ihjii.U of patcmcnt in mIikIi iTiiient was nut uw.l aiul by wrir!i
rritiYiinj; Mtilliiniiuli nullity otTuial wlm Jul nut select iniu'retr lur all r!
tlir permanent toad" uoik in tliat county, iu violating tht rtvncnif J rtilr
n luinr conduit to tlir Jrtrinirnt of lii buinri ami himself. 'IV
I'litrrptM lus only words of praise for (Kwrn new inJustry, an J this
I -a per sincerely liopet tliat tlie plant will result in the upbuilding of tlir town.
Never liii Tlir Knterprisf rprrwd an opinion oilier than tlii. Yet flic
()rnn Time in an editorial which covert a pae or two Myt that The
ijitrrprisc "lam home husinos." anj "throw liah) of light around enemies
of people anj Mate."
The Enterprise would like to have the Timet indicate just where it li.it
shimmed Oswego biisincs or thtown a halo of light around the rneiniet ol
the people nl 'f 'he tate. 'Hie assertion is nude with that blarnhics anil
posit it rnrt that i-haraiterie half baled youth.
Hie Enterprise rrpcats that .-Wan Moore i taking the wrung method
to secure business for the Oregon I'ortlanJ Cement company. Instead i t
making friend, he is maling enemies Instead of working up a spirit oi
lojalty for hi company he i arousing a feeling of opposition. Instead oi
securing business, he is driving it away.
Mr. Moore wants Multnomah county to buy hi product and begin
his efforts by denouncing officials from whom he expect business. The Eng
lish language is too tame to express hi opinion regarding hi competitor.
This miue spirit has been manifest. ever since Mr. Moore went to
( Kwrgn everal year ago. The announcement of the plan of the company
were received at first with great joy on the part of the people of the town,
who had vision of growth after years ot stagnation. Within a short
tine, however, Mr. Moore, by his fighting spirit found a large part of
the town against him. I-argely through his efforts the town was divided
into two factions, and include J in his opponents were many of the mint
prominent citizens of the community. The courts were called upon to
settle one dispute arising out of this personal characteristic of Mr. Ioore,
and during the trial he engaged in a first fight w ith one of his opponents
:md later lost his cae. lie built a home near Oswego and immediately
fcund himself in difficulty regarding a line fence. Those people in the
town down the Willamette who do take his side of the disputes. The Enter
prise n'akes bold to declare, are influenced by the prospects of securing n
industry and not by personal admiration of Mr. Moore. And right here
it may be well to state that The Enteprise, unlike the Oswego Times, is
not subsidized by a paving or cement corporation.
The Enterprise, which has fought steadily for hard surface roads on
main traveled highways for three years and for the most of that time ab
lutely alone, has indicated no preference between bitulithic, concrete or
other forms of hard surface. The Enterprise believes that a dty council
or a county court is fully able to select the right kind of hard surface for
local road conditions.
This brave little fledging in his third issue rises to denounce every
Portland newspaper, the Clackamas county court, the leading Multnomah
county pood roads workers and others equally interested in the upbuilding
of the state. It makes charges it cannot prove, it imagines conditions that
do not exist, it wants to fight anything, somebody, it cares not whom. It is
a weekly messenger of the Moore spirit, contrary'i bombastic, loud-mouthed,
long winded, intolerant and lacking in good, sound, old-fashioned judgment
pouting it one the floor," thr.l'ouiirr cisntinuei (nutter down in the tory.
While Wilson and lluile wrie in the foinu-r bariumi of the M.Kuulte
irw.it, rriik-uiliri tlut the d.Mmt iltoiiu-) Mt it the fit i lull.
In piloting a lot id lhr who made the uid, I)itiul Ait"itwi llr.lr'
luntr j-ii tint, and the luinr of Sl.riilf Wdn, who rivoiu!ly con
dmtrd and trad the putt, i Ut,
'Pie Knteipiise rr.i( that while litmt Attorney .n!,;c- wa not
a ineiiitsrr of the party that made the tup, he drw-ive equal iirdil with tlir
Jirfitf who wit imi hand. It it thiongh the co operation id tlir- two
n'htult and through their o-opriatioii txily that the prohibitum law till
he enloitrd. It it thmuh thrir cooprialuxi (hat tiiM null at the one
at Milwaukie air nude tuixrw '1 he I ntriptitr hope to u-e niuie nl
tin. piAitual get iiigrtlier (nit oil the pait n these (wo w.mln ollituU
whith tesiiltt in gid to the ciunmunity and the enforcement ol the law.
III! TOWN OE MII.WAl KIE it m w.ie .h. fjumm Umd iW
to build a new hIiixiI buihluig. The plan it to pioide a net
t nut u re lor the grade m'Iio, Iraving the Ptesent building for th
high kIiooI alone. 'Hie nred of iiuirax-d kIioo) rixmi cannot Isr disputed
Every part nf the building i uted for class work, (he ptiiu jvil even Luking
an office. Further growth of the uhoid it prexrnted unless the apaity of
the m hi nil it increased.
Reasonable expenditure for rducatiiMt, whete the exivndituie it war'
lanted tuch at in Milwaukie. cannot he tucirstiully disputed. At an attrac
tion to home seekers the drawing power of a wrll eqniis-, vlusil, tupplied
with oniix-trnt teacher, rank first, and Milwaukie canin t affird l'e
it power.
Oregon City it now experiencing (he benrlUial retult ot an up-to-date
mIumiI. Not only doe it mean brttrr education to the ihildien of the (own,
but it actually benefit business. It draw trade to Oregon Citv, wires of
ho and girlt of the country district ate living here that thrv .m attend t!i?
institution, and their parent, for (he nirt part ttuhst.uit'.il Claikam.it
county farmers, are given a diiect inteiest in the county rat.
The high m'IiooI tuition fund act, passed by the 1915 legislature, und.
uIik.Ii the district witliout stanilanlieU tugh vtiimlt ate taxe,l to puv
the tuition of (heir high schmil student, will enable Milwaukie to finance
a bond issue for vhooI construction. Tlie law not only en.il'les the district
to ecure a just tuition from out of-town student, but encourages the out-of-town
student to attend.
The Milwaukie sc1km1 i a growing institution, adding steadily to it-
power for giMd in the community, increasing the enrollment and hettrring
its equipment. Hie defeat of the bond iue intended for such a worthy
cause in a community like Milwaukie is not probable.
What Alls You r
Ills Vot leoln ruil'iloKH, rll
llil4-lilr, pair alli-r a lnna- rntrnti o
fi.W r 1mm it, tim iliow llnl liie
il.l U Hun in.l nairryT rlpnn U
It Inn lirti tilallly la at Ma (im(
tlili rli in Iioum tnm-iy rlliirK Ilir
Uiy nl Ha Bivuiiiulaltsl Hiiaoit. Hit
liwli Ida LIimmJ Willi Miiinilalini
Ir. I'll Ool.leii Mislleil ljn'ov
try, Irisa fnm altsilml or liirrolict nnl
tiia-is from hsi im, luitt and
mu (Itivnuii, Imiulira Imiii ilia iiIimkI
II miiiii iml iiniur imilrr. II
UiMilvr Ilia Impuia di'Mialla and
rartii'i lliein oul, II U.sra all hit
tiinlira, llirontli Hi IJvcr, tloU,
iilnrya aiul r-k in.
If jn luva tlliirsliin, lIllHKith
lit rr, liaal or oilier ritarrli, iin.t. a.ly
rtrrtri or uimuiiliy 111111, K-t Ilia "li
Mvvry lo ilijf and Hart al one In
rrpliisi your iiiipui (iIinhI uh u,r
kind thai pula rmny and luliilnui
iiihi yiMi mihi urinal uaca 7011111 alio
tlgoroiii i.-linii.
hold by uViler In liipild or lahM
(hi in j or ifnd inc. fur Innl ) kiiri .
Ublrti 10 Ir. V. M. I'lrn-ss, Huiiilo, S. V.
Alliinr, HrrKou. Al 01m luni I
- ' " and
I , a Hvnuacii una
SHERIFF WILSON and District Attorney Hedges deserve equal
praise for the success of the raid on the Hotel Belle in Milwaukie.
While the district attorney was not present in person at the time
the officials visited the hotel, preparations for the raid were made in his
office and it is largely through his efforts that the state has so strong a case
i.gainst Fritz P. Itoysen. The Enterprise, a Republican newspaper, is fai
enough to declare that the Uemocrattc district attorney deserves as high
praise for the Hotel Belle raid as the sheriff, who is a Republican. But
not so the Courier. Under the head, "Hedges' Raid on Fritz a Success,'
that paper makes it appear that the Milwaukie trip was personally conducted
and engineered entirely by the district attorney. ' Mr. Hedges, himself,
realizing the injustice of the Courier's story to the sheriff, has willingly
signed a statement setting the facts forth.
By twisting the facts in the case, the Courier is endeavoring to rob
a man of credit that is due him. - The story printed in the Courier is not
a news story, but a political story, framed with the one purpose of taking
votes from the sheriff. There is all through the story an attempt to belittle
the sheriff. "District Attorney Gilbert L. Hedges Wednesday night raided
the Hotel Belle at Milwaukie, arrested Fritz Boysen, the proprietor,
tnd confiscated over 40 quarts of assorted liquors and beer," reads the open
ing sentence of the Courier story. Rather long distance work for the dis
trict attorney when the fact in considered that while the raid was being
made by the sheriff, his deputies and Deputy District Attorney Burke.
District Attorney Hedges was in the local Elks club.
"As the district attorney started for the rear of the establishment,
Boysen rushed behind the bur, grasped a bottle of whiskey 'and started
IVcIaritiK for lew enforcement, la
bor Icftlilutlon, a reduction In taxti
and itootl roailn. Oonte C. Hrownoll
Tuesday forwarded to SHr'tary of
State Hon V. Olcolt till doclurutlou
as a candidate for Republican nomina
tion for the legislature.
In his itatement he doclnre thu.
he "will work to eut down appropria
tion! to the minimum and to abolish
useless commission! and clerk anil
dt-puty hire throughout the state; in
fact work tor a clean campaign of
economy, to save the people's money
and for the reduction of taxes." The
words which will be placed after his
name on the ballot follow: "Strength
en law enforcement; aid labor legisla
tion; reduce taxation; work for good
In speaking ot Mr. Iirownell. tho
Oswego Times says: "This man wat
a member of th state senate from
Clackamas county, for twelvo years,
and his record van exccedlnKly Rood.
The sonate Journal of 1901. at page
Mn. n. M. C lirovtn, who over the
signature, "Texpayer." ren'iitly wrote
a letter to The EotTrl asking for
an explanation of the Trlegrum's
charges, has xoluntivrrd to send a
letter to Sheriff Wilson. In which ah
apolotriies for her fo'tni-r communica
tion. She auks that llic letter K pu!
iUhetl. and it follows:
OREGON CITY. April . .Sheriff
Wilson: In Justice to you and my
self. I feel It nijr duty to apologlo
for an article In The Kntrrprlse that
was publlshiMl some time ago signed
"Taxpayer." I wrote that article and
at the W. C. T. U. last Monday after
noon I again stated I thought It in
Justice to the people ol this county
you ishorM refute the charges. Hut
this Morning' Knterprl.se over your
slgnaturo does explain, and also It '.n
plain w hy you kept illent, alneo your
excellent work In tho raid on the Hclle
hotel has of Itsdi made It clear and I
assure you of my help as In your form
er clertion to Ju what I can for you
My Influence dues not reach very far
1 , waa iliing-uri, arid
TT if i !; i a inmlilrvl
JL 1 I iih eoiiMipailon.
VL! 'I lireilisj a loliio
. '.vi77" eoimiluiiom
TfTX ri t Guilder. A lrn in
:? '.'' 1 IVnVs 11.. 1,1, -1
1 Medical Di..-.,,
ery. I look II and It litnll me rl
up, gave me new strength, put n
liver In (mhI ilinpe, and lirl,i , 1
in evrry way." Mm, lxi lh 1
Ills K. lii.l Htrwl.
Voters AllMiitlou' The HiHiie Trust
la illii bird It U l n'lloH Ihuu
.1111I1 of ilnllaii In di'fi'dt iirlalii MM'ii
for lUiUlil AHorni'r rtart iiiiiiny
nf Dm HIiiIh W lirT 1 lm liinky ilia
llll, r am! bri'wi'rs wiul IhmiI li'Sglru
1 1n in li I1I4 moriKy in II for lli'-iu.
1'lii'y t It I la lb it II llm law la imt ru
(orn il llir can hooting al will, proplM
will (il illgiii'i'd and waiil In ri'prnl
the piiililliltloii lit, ami lin e the trl
lilni'll nf II001 t will coliin I BUI tint
mark fur illiti k by 11111111 rom li,n.'
Mli'i thill ioiiilaln Hie Jtabli'i nf Hie
H,mi' Irimt Til."! inongri'l lu
not lu tllfilid al forscry ami pi rjurv.
If ihi i'Iim' 11m tutirlit Alliuiiry I
tliall v II11I the IhiIi MH'T gnla llll.
I sliiill lilorit III I'li'lilt'ltli'M law in
Ilir li-ll,-r. I alHlid lor Ktrlil liw en
Inn i-ii,i lit. oik mi v III tin a,liiilnl"if 4
tioii nf Ilir olTli'f and a niiiarn il"ul for
i tr l.iiils .
Hik folios, ill Biiarn, In Ilia Hun
day K'ulpriirliv: "Kltnru wl'l be inmln
by a iniih) at lln ui'tt ii'sniiui ol Hi,' tliilc I' i;sliil'iri lo na an aiiiciulnii'til
tit the imiMlilllnii law 10 tliat drug stnrriran toll Inlml. atlng lluuor Tim
ttuil will be fought by Ihe ilruggiala of I he Halo who hiv liarned nf
h Inliby'a plum lion I'luinim r, Innl rrl ill drugKiit and nieiiilwr nf thn
lain board nf pliai iii' y tundn llm aniioulii'riiiriil. llm druggUla fi'ir thai
IIiitw will lie ni'W drug itorea ulHimd III t ur pari of the illy " What ara
( -
I '-
M -S
yul going to do bImiiiI It.
Il'ild aihi'rllt. Iiiciit. Will. M Hloim. Hlrtnni llldg,
Orrgon City I
llarvev (ilbMin has filed a devlura-
linn of lm candidacy for enmity emu
mlRnioiier, on thn Hnpiiblli'itn lli ket.
In Biniouni'lng hla r.uull J-y for
luiiiiulnsloiu'r. Mr. (illismi uji he has
no Interi'tila lo gi'ivo but the pnople's
Inleri'st; that he goes Into llm tolitct
Pacific Coail Ltagut.
I ah Angi'ti-i
Oakland i;:.',
Sun l-'rniii-l,o 111
Portland , ill
Vernon Ill
Unit Ijke 2 sil
SAN rnAM ISCO. Cal. AitII 1;'-
Two Oakland pltclmra wern iinubln In
lartnd illhiiiigh II wn thn ninth In
ning iH'furn llm I'm I In ml bniaum thor
oughly wnrki-d up. In thn 11I11II1 fraum
thn lli'aven i,x iir'd flva ruim, wliml'U
llm giinm 7 to 3. ICgglnlMilhiui to
In llm Imii Btnl Imtd down llm Callfor
ilium to II hit a. whlln llm llravnn anr-
ulilo lo c uro II from ihe aiaortini'iit
nf (lakliinil lalrli-ri.
Toilny s bnttlng order:
I'ori luiol Niton, rf ; Vamhii, Hi ;
Mouth mirth, If ; Will.', rf ; tiulito. h ;
Hiiiiiipf. 3li ; Ho, r. r , Ward, .
HlKglnlHitliaiii, p.
Oukland- r.arhraii. .Hi ; MkldU'loii.
If; Ijiik', if; Kenanrthy, 2li.; Kan
dull. rr. Harry, lb; II. KIMntt. c.;
Iavls, is ; liei-r. p.
1 I'miiirei- Doyle and I'hyln.
top tlm llvavi-ra today whrri tlu-y gut
1 "
Harvty Gibson.
but surely esn holp gome. Hoping for
45. shows that he waa the man who ,lr "ice-s nnu moi in ruiiire 1 may
fought through the legislature whnt,nae no C8"f'0 ,0 nol",t 'rou " an om
An Educator
Parcnu: It la quite essential that
your children accustom themselves to
modern iniBinOBs methods. There is
no better way for thorn to familiarize
themselves with the methods of tha
business world than by keeping a bank
account. Every legitimate phase of
commercialism will be touched upon
through intercourse with the bank,
and its customers aro brought face 1.0
face with various actual business
propositions which will prove invalu
able to the conducting of their own
affairs. Your children will team the
value of a dollar much quicker if it
is deposited in our bank than th.-y
will by spending each one they earn.
Paid on Time Certificates
The Bank of Oregon City
was known as the initiative resolution
amending the constitution of the state,
which changed our whole form and
system of state government. It was;
through his Influence, more than any
other one man In Oregon, that the old
political machine was destroyed and
put out of business. Under this new
system has come the popular election
ot United States senator at the ballot
box, the primary nomination law- and
all other legislative reforms. All
through his service In the senate he
was a strong advocate of woman suff
rage. To show the esteem that tho
people had of him, and the Influence
that he exercised, he w-as elected pres
ident of the senate in 1903. When
President Roosevelt came here In 1903
he was selected by unanimous vote of
both houses of the legislature, to de
liver the address of welcome to the
president. He is a candidate In the
Republican primaries for one of th.i
representatives from Clackamas coun
ty to the legislature which meets Jan
uary, 1917. The nominations occur in
Clackamas county on the 19th day of
May, 1916, in the primaries. In his
platform he favors good roads, lower
taxation and he pledges himself to th-2
people of this county that If elected,
he will vote and work to uIioIIkIi the
numerous commissions that are cost
ing this state about $1,000,000 each
year to maintain. He also favors and
will introduce Into the legislature end
fight for to the bitter end, a law In
favor of the people electing their own
road supervisors in the different road
districts of the county, and favoring
three county commissioners for three
districts, one commissioner to be In
the north half, and one in the south
and east half and the other In the
west half on the west side the Wil
lamette river. On account of his large
experience in the senate his services
would be invaluable to the taxpayer.
and the people generally of thin coun
ty, and for that reason, if for no other,
he ought (.0 be nominated In the pri
maries on May 19, 1916. He Is an
able man and should be nominated if
the people want good service and want
results, because It is generally eon-
ceded, by Ills enemies as well as hl.i
friends, that he knows how to do
things and howr to produce results."
cial we need good honest men In office
and I wi?h you well.
MRS. R. M. C. MOWN".
302 Molalla Avenue
Avoid Spring Cold.
Sudden changes, high winds, shift
ing seasons cause colda and grippe,
and these spring cold are annoying
and dangerous and are likely to turn
into 3 rhronii- summer cough. In
such cases take a treatment of Dr.
King's New Dl.ieovsry, a pleasant Lax
ative Tar Syrup. It soothes the cough,
checks the cold and helps break up aa
attack of grippe. Its already pre
pared, no mixing or fussing. Just ask
your druggist for a bottle of Dr. King's
New Discovery. Tested and tried for
over 10 years. (Adv.)
Charging that her husband struck
her and often ciuurrol with her, Mrs.
Julia M. Davis filed a suit In tho Clack
amas county circuit court Sat
urday against I!. 'A. Davis. They
were married Juno 8, 1903, In Minne
apolis, Minn., and have five children
She asks for the custody of two of
the children.
John Vigelius filed a suit against
H. II. Johnson to collect a note for
$80. With Interest duo since tho note
waa signed January 24, 1902, the plain
tiff claims $109 Is due. Ho asks for
$10 attorney's fees.
Newberg is working for loganberry,
cider and vinegar factory. Albany
and Rosebnrg are also after the same
kind of a plant.
To Rid Child of Worm.
Don't scold the fretful, nervous child.
Often ita due to worms. Get rid of
these by giving one-half to one lozenge
KIckapoo Worm Killer, a laxative
worm candy. Give only plain nour
ishing food, lots of outdoor exercise
and put to bed early. Watch stools
and continue giving KIckapoo Worm
Lozenges, they will positively remove
the worms. 25c at druggist. (Adv.)
Cut This Out
It Is Worth Money
Cut out this advertisement, enclose
t cents to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield
Ave., Chicago, III., writing your nama
and addreas clearly. You will re
ceive in return a trial package con
taining: (1) Foley'i Jloner and Tar Com
pound, the standard family remedy
tor coughs, colda, croup, whooping
cough, tightness and aoreneaa la
chest, grippe and bronchial coughs,
(2) Foley Kidney Pllla. for over
worked and disordered kidneys and
bladder alJmenli, pain In aides and
back due to Kidney Trouble, lore
musclea, stiff JolnLa, backache and
(1) Foley Cathartlo Tableta, ai
wholesome and thoroughly cleansing
cathartic. Especially comforting to
atout persons, and a purgative needed
by everybody with sluggish bowela
and torpid liver. You can try these
Um family remedies tot only is,
with the firm determination. If sur
reiufiil, to give hla time and thought
to the advancement of the public wel
fare, and that ho considers the roud
problem the most important matter
heforo Uie people today.
Mr. (llbsnn is a resident of llarton
and has lived in Clackamas county 15
years. Ho Is wcH known In that com
munity as a successful farmer and ha
a large acquaintance throughout the
county. Mr. Glbsoo'i Interest Id pub
lic affairs is shown in the fart that hla
neighbors have retained him In the
capacity of school e'erk and school
director continuously during the last
26 yenrs.
If I am nominated and elected I will
during my term of office nt all times
conscientiously and Impartially work
for the best Interests of tho taxpay
er.i of Clackamas county, and will ex
ercise my best endeavors In seeing
that the money of tho taxpayers Is
Justly expended and that a dollar's
services will be given for tho dollar
(I'nld Advertisement.)
Is Tho
Republican Candidate
who is espociully well qualified to do
the work to tho satisfaction of thn
general public. His business as real
estate mnn for many years, listing and
soiling farms, timber and city prop
erty has given him unlimited Informa
tion in regard to all roads and condi
tions of each Inrm or timber tract in
the county, the lay of tho land and
kind of soil, tho advantages and dis
advantage's each owner has to contend
with In his or her locality und believes
in vuullng property accordingly, and
don't believe an owner of some littlo
farm purtly cleared up should be
jumped onto for an extra assessment
if he happens to have the good luck
to get a few acres more cleared up
during the winter. Ho believes they
should have a chnnco to raise a crop
or two, begin to realize something
from It before having to pay twice
an much for It in taxes as they can
get for the crop.
Give anyone the chance and they'll
gladly pay in proportion to their In
come and boost instead of growl.
Woodwarl is a Republican and al
ways hat been; has seen 37 years of
Clackamas county's hard knocks;
was married In Highland, Oregon; has
helped Ills wire raise a family of nine
good children, all taxpayers and good
citizens of Clackamas county. Those
of you who know him are aware that
he has the education and ability and
qualifications to give you a fair and
square deal and will do so. Others
who den't happen to know him will
find they have voted for the right man
for the right place.
Don't forget to register, or else quit
kicking afterwards, If you don't get
the right officers to do your work.
(Paid advertisement by R. E. Woodward.)
I Win. M. 8 tone as City Attorney;
from the Oregon City Courier, issue
of April 1!H3, .M. J. Hrown then
To to Honorable Mayor ond thn City
1 uunrii:
(ii'iitlrmen: '
The three saloon keepers who tout
their llcrnsci in Oregon City, to sell
Intoxicating liquor, ran dispose of th
same under their govt rninent li
censes, in quantities of nut la than
one gallon, nor mure than four and
aeven-elghtha galloni. Thu Is regit-
luted by thn Federal Statutes, and th
city has nothlr g to any us to the sato
and disposal of liquor under Iheso guv
eminent licenses, as long aa the par
ties did not sell In quuiitltlea less
than on gallon. They are entirely
within the Jurisdiction of the IVdcruJ
Respectfully submitted.
I t 4. . f .
Vt'm. M Hl.m. aa a nllUle a
from Ihi- KnlrriirlM, April II
Home U
Voters Attention! The IUmiio
Trust Is dying hard. It la
spending thousands of du'htra
lo deteut certain men fur IHs-
trie! Attorney In eriry county
of Ihe Htute. Why? The whla-
key dlallllera ami brewers
want limit legging. Thr
big money In it f-ir llieni. They
k think that if th law la nut en-
forced they c.iu. boot leg at
e will, people will get ill.igusteil
and want to npal the pnihl-
bltlon law, ami then the trl.
iimph of lliHirn will come. I
11 in thn mark for attack by mi-
meroui horsn-llli's that pupil-
Into the stttbli-a of thn ll.xixn
Trust. These mongrels have
not hesitated at forgery and
perjury. If you elect me IMs-
trlet Attorney I sha'l we that
the buot-leggnr gets his.
sliiill enforce tho prohibition
law to the letter. 1 stand for
r- strict law enforcement, econ-
nmy In the administration of
the office und a suuaru deal for
The liquor dealers are not spending
any money to defeat candidates who
lender opinions like the one printed
If I wanted to call a man a "mon
grel" I would ilngli him out. You
know we have Just recently dissolved
partnership with these men you class
as "mongrels." Up to the 1st of the
year our share In the business was
$1000 from each, annually.
You will claim the right to Inter
pret the law, as well as to enforce It
no doubt. Will you enforce It In ac
cordance with your Interpretation
printed here?
Talk about going HOMK!
a real slow one.
Judgo I.andls Jumped Into uuttonal
fame in one day when ho II nod Ihe
Standard Oil Co. $!),000,000, City
Attorney William Btono has hi in run
way back In the brush.
"Tiik err y has notiiino to
Away goes Congress!
And tfith It goes Ixird's Oregon
Closely behind Is the Oregon Lcgls
laturo! And tho Oregon City chartor is at
the tall of tho procession.
All gone, brushed off tho U. 8. by
onn great opinion of Wllllnm Stono,
C. T.
This will either put hi 111 up beside
Chlof Justice Holmes or make him
Oregon's state Jestor.
This Is soino opliion, anil It Just
can't dlo a natural dnuth.
II It sticks (of course It will be car
ried to the U. S. Supreme Court) bet
ter have a row-boat ordnred for vou
will see Borne WET old tlrnon In nwin
The lust Congress passed a law making It nrlmlnnl to ship liquor Into drv '
territory and according to Mr. Stone's edict THERE WON'T 1110 ANV 11 11 v
TKKKITOHY. Some smart Alec will take up' k govermnont lice ,se il K
naught " V' St' Jha nl Curr' N"llon wl" l,UV0 "or
Our lust legislature pussod n law that thn nnPuin ,.r
cense was prima funlo evidence that a man wua a "blind pig" oDorut r
no nun not a county or state license. .
And William Stono has blowod away the Legislature
Lord's Oregon Laws nlulnlv nuv what aiu.ii ,! ,i,.'..i...m ..... ,
81lon,00ftZvriaM;.,Bt"lI,rOV,de U, "nilltU,g bUt lMra'a ,,vurct wouldn't n,aka "
Away go I-ord's.
Our city charter lays down the boozo regulations and restrictions about as
.lnK?2l enS;!,K'irneCrrt0r W""ttm 8t"8 b- lS
vvny don t we hove him abolish the Legislature while ho lias his abolishing'
suit on, and save Oregon a heap of money? uiioiianing
Honestly, follows what do you think of the booze "opinion?" Havo we a
lega genius on the city staff, or had we bettor cull In the lunacy coiniiiLlon
Under this opinion any grocery store, pool room,' moving plcti Btore"
millinery store, woman's club, or any other concern, can pay $20 for am?:
ernmont license and start a four-quart wet goods emporium In coi noetlon
ouatltlerrHOn Ut KOVCrnrnont llconBe Pcdille boor In gallon
No use having local option laws or voting on saloons, for the present sa.
SnBar'ePsay gVOrnmont 25' BBVe 975 " change' over into fSuuart
Ilooze will be more plenty than piye wutcr In Oregon City. Jlush the ele
vator so tho hoys can have the goods sent up. e elfi'
It la hard to believe a man appointed to tho Important position of Citv
Attorney could find such a basis for such an opinion In law 7
A government license Un't o license. It Is more a flno ' It Is a Inr t
simply says to a man give Uncle Sam 25 and he won't arrest him r7,r .niiin
liquor, but he must take hi. choice, with tho .tatecounty and city
That Is all there Is to a government license. y'
As Mr. Stono says, the saloons, which the city council refusod in ,,i
lcen.es bec.u.e they had been arreeted and convicted o Wo atlng ?pJ ?ci?v
laws, may continue to sell booze, with the difference that th ... , y
sell four-quart Instead of four sup.. "'"erence that they must now
explwe' puDlBhment th8t the' may ,e bo" but more of It and at a less
(Paid Advertisement by O. W. Eastham, Residence 620 11th 8t Or
City, Oregon.) l" ure"on