Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 14, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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    OHttlOX flTV KNTKHIMtlNP.. I'tf 1 1 A V. Al'IMl. II. HHfi.
11 11 ii a 11 r u
Aged Man's Birthday
Celebrated at Barton
HI.I.K t'KKKK. April 1. i
iii.n- .Mr. KirM-rt IN-trr and ""
llrmy nitaens l:!rd lth Mr. How
kit oi.e day 1at .
Hoy m.ngtasn Orrgon I 'D
victor rvo-nily
Mr. and Mr IU-mi.lt K'll.-U. '(
row I'll Vsltrr. ard Km. H.irotd Klt .' I j
mid wll. re vlMtlus wlih
llowlilt Hundk.v.
The M ! Mddred inn
I.iiii;1uk calli-d Mr. I Ml
Salur i
day afternoon.
Waller Ikius'a .
lVrll.nt 1
visitor on Monday.
IM.k llil.ton olJ a c.im'I- ! P'!nd Ihir nlallon to tnatihiHwl and
lo Mr. Vlula Ioiiiclui luat .,
XV. T. Holder. (trp'Uy a'i"-'r. n
In tlio DpiKhtHth'od on Monday.
John llroklc. Orrm Hallow and wtr
and Mm. Pavl niolurrd lo Hii.ii.-ll on
Janu-a Jr. i;i'io;i iflthnit.-i liU
0lh lilrthday Sunday. April !Mh. at
the hump of hl n. II K. Cthaou. f ,
iiarton. Ill chtldrfn and srandrhil
ilrcn were ;rrriit. A bountiful din- j
- - l..t .9 u lit.-h l
n.-r. a -i.. ... ii , . " I
me b.nnuuy raae. a ma. urnnu
t ake made ty a i-uuptc of hi sran 1
uauKhu-r. waa rnjoyed t-y all. Th
present w. Mr and Mr. II. Y. (.in-;
on. Jamra Jr. CibKon. Harvey Ulon.
II U i:ll..mi Mr n,l Mr R. II. f.lh-.'
win. Mr. and Mr. John Held and on.
. . . i
Th,-o,loro and t ht. r; Mr. and Mr t
Henry Uuell ndrbildren.lv. - A-ne. ,
HirU-rt and Alter: Mr. and Mr. II.,
ClliM'U. and noil. Howard; Mr. and,
Mr. Guy Wilcox and ion. Kaymond: J
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McvMurry and I
daughter. Halley and Itortilce: the j
MiBM-a Lucile Cooley and Uile :
Roach, and Mr. VlRiur.
Mlsa Edna Kennedy went to Port
'and Friday returning to Easle CroeS
F.'tuntay with Mr. A. E. Alspaush
mii'. MiyliiK with her until Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Fred HotI:m-lter were
the Fuesl of Mr. and Mrs. John Pour
Ihm Sunday.
.s. (. f f f r
' -
a . v .:.. ' . 4.
GARFIELD. April 13. (Special)
Lovely weather and all the farmers
are busy with their different kinds of
farm work. The orchardtsts are busy
spraying, pruning or setting out trees.
Our Garfield nursery man. Mr. Oliver.
Failing, has tap grafted for several
and, is now buy with help grafting
his nursery stock.
Mr. J. O. Bounds' mother is niakin?
him a visit
Mr. Fantan Is going to move out
from her nice mountain home as Its
too lonely for lier there with her chil
dren all gone. She intends spending
the summer with her son, Andy, at
Mr. J. 0. Bounds moved his family
onto the Heardsley place.
Mr. XX'healens moved to Portland I
after trying the farming act.
Mr. Julius Kreiger and wife ha-.e
moved to Estacada to open a feed
store In Mrs. Krelger's building, for
merly run as a livery barn by Win.
Mr. D. Demlng is busy staking his
Loganberry patch, getting the cedar
stakes of Mr. Joe Nickelson.
Mr. ChrlHtman on the Stakes' place,
called a veterinary to attend his
horses as they were ailing. Bemg
a fine young team he didn't care vj
take any chances of losing them.
Mr. Spackniana are busy moving
away from the Jack Honeymun place.
i s s 8 4 i- 4
rrpi.pn r.AnPivr.n Anrii is
(Special) The Garfield Country club weather putting In their grain. t
held one of their regular club dunces The past week an endless string of
last Saturday night. A large crowd : fishermen Invaded Sandy and vicin
was In attendance. j ity Btreams whiffing every nook and
Students taking the teachers' train- pool where the wily trout abounds
Ing courfae at tho Estacada high j but most fishermen return home with
school are visiting the different rural .
schools. Veuita Page visited the Por
ter school
Mr. and Mrs. Julius K-elger have !
moved from their farm In. Upper Gar-;
field and will make their residence In j
Estacada. i
Miss E'la Fanton. of Upper Gar-'
field vas married in Vancouver, Vn., !
to James Lovegrove. All the Garflol 1 1 Star paid a fraternal visit to the np,i to be mrsndrd and oiled and Un
friends extend congratulations. Sun-! Oresham lodeo and all rcnort having Provements to be made In the holi
day Mr. and Mrs. Ixivegrove visiteJ j a splendid time,
their sister, Mrs. R. Snyder. The Sandy's Woman's club ob-
The school in district No. 101, has served the western product day Wed
closed for the year. Miss Delia Ryn-1 nesday evening by a sumptuous ban-
Inif. the teacher, has gone to her home
in Estacada.
J G Vogel of Pittsl urg will build
large summer resort In northwest on
Sand Island In Columbia river lie- ( ma(je the trip up to the summit en
tween Portland and Vancouver. ! countering considerable snow.
A drink that should be on every table
' ' On ale at all Leading Groceries and Confectionarit
T f pW
H -i!pi lull -
..rl It. in ll.i-
li.XKKKS. April
u .,. i-iarkit
' okciuk .amp and hll falling tr'-
h- ulit'iH-J nJ ft-1 1 from lb prin 4-
txiar.l on a lirp a and rut U..
gatl In hi W. llo U U)i" Ml
In brelhi-r. Jjt.'ti t'Ltiki. until til
Irk l hrllrr ttK.Hl
Mr, f. II. I'irgm.ni ana u.virm.-r.
Engla. wr In town Ut tUturdar
Mr. XV. II. Wililanl.-r h min.-t
lo ""f"'1 1'" ur llh h,r
',,r r"ul,'' in'l'-
The 1'l.irkr school will rim 1'rl-
diy. April :it.
I. Inn K. J.'iiri. from Orrgon Oty.
i cavp a nn miwin on nKcni- ia
j womanhood, and V-A Olda frotu Oak
' Grove, ainike on ' lnink.-iini ' lai.
j Sunday rvi-nlnn at tne KnslUh M. K.
! churih and Ih.-re wa a fair rrowd -f
! pM.pl prrp.int.
I Mra. IVi-d tUm-r. of iVItoii. ha a
j lay i-ao of Mood KiM.n'ni: In h.T
' check and alio I In Hie I'reKon t'liy
hospital and we hop lie will ir.-l liei-l.-r
' 1 he f'.-.ir t'r..'k r.aii'.-ry ha ail
automobile tru- k lo haul Ihelr rrvjui
fn.m Clarke.
Ml Violet XX'.llUuf.r i very III
with the pneumonia. XX e hop for
(;o' ,A(.rlllry
from Harlow i
'I In -lnrl.. in nn n n I .iliuilil nn lillul.
'" . .. "
ne !a.t Krt.lay.
jar iviiir'j i irry in im mo i't'i-
f jre hiilJ o(J.
. .... ,n, , ,
HIT r w . ' " '
work lut Monitay.
rvd Zwahlen lu-led XX. H. Hotte-
miller with plowinc la-t week.
There w a a party jlvcn at home of
XX'. H. HottemU'cr Saturday evening,
April S. and evcohody who was pre-
ent had a Rood time.
Mr. and Mr. F. H. Schoenborn from
Ort gon City w re In Clarkea lat Sun-
day and attended churvb In the even-
Mrs. Lizzie Rinuo and son Clyde
and daughter Hazel and Mlbs Ruby
Card, visited Jack Klngo and family
l&st Sum'ar.
MEADOXX'HROOK. April 13. (Spe
cial) The Misses Trimms. John and
Theo. Marshall of Clarkes. spent Fri
day evening at P. O. Schlcve's.
A large crowd gathered on the
banks of MCk Creek Sunday near P.
O. Chlndgren's to have a picnic and
celebrate a number of birthdays whl'.-u
occur this month (April).
Nick Saarl and family spent Sun-
day at Mr. Hellbacka. '
The Finn people expect to build n
large hall soon, across the road from
the Meadowbrook school hou.-e.
Mrs. Chas. Holman left Thursday
for Poise. Idaho, where she expects to
stay a nionlh visiting her daughter,
Mrs. H. Cornell.
Mrs. A. L. Larkins and daughter,
Alma, called on Miss Hannah John-
son. who has been 111.
The Needle Craft Sewing club he'd
their second meetinc Saturday with a
good attendance.
Myrtle and Nettle Larkins called on
Selnie and Sadie Hellbacka Sunday.
Miss Moore of Timber Grove, spent
the week-end with Miss Hudson.
The Literary club meets at the
school house Friday evening at 7:30
p. m.
y if .4. 'Jv i, if ,-j (J,
- "5
a, s, ij. j s 45 r., a, & q
SAN-nv. Anril 13. (Snecial) Fruit
trees In full-bloom, bees humming and
birds a-singing reminds us that good
old springtime is here. The farmer
.ro inkir,w o.u-niaiT.. nf the. nr,ii
a Ashless string.
The past two weeks an epldem'o of
severe auto-have-one effected a
number of our prominent people and
the cause was promptly cured . 'iy
Chas. Krcbs, Geo. XVolf, D. Puree!',
P. Meinig and L. Towns and each pur-
chasing a new automobile. i
Last Tuesday the Sandy Eastern
ouet Inviting their husbands and
' KV.-PntlinurtK And friend. The affair
was a erand success in every respect.
The lift Hood unto stace made sev-
eral trips to the mountain resort. One
autQ companVi the Anderson machine,
The Drink
That Fits
........ M.t.t a I.. I iul nihil
i-.nu. r in ) lt'l I" H. ;! I"
mi. ml lh XX rM uli jU
M ki- tu lit I Iho tfjiidy sir
nit i l.uil.l 1. 1 in a kii" urn ! Ii'nk
Mr M-irk-lv u linking 1 - 1 1 ' lrii l.i
1'oitl.iiid. lu'ilmi Jt.-if.hl hult U
I'l a-'totlltll xlilli'll t'l fjllnrl. and t'
n- mn
Human Mi'l.-r l luii.iiu u i-i-
lion to hi Iihum
(Yank Ugi-iiund wl! bUIJ a bull
,,,. tuiualw on hu larui.
y Hr,, ha. ),!.( i oliipl. l.'.l J
, , h . , .,uttlI,,c ,,u,lt
Ki'ilpit-.l iili a tu.M.-rn wai.-t
A. I. Iiu'iiiilsnk Im kUrtc.l Hi"
rM k i niihi-r on llir liluiT i.m-I r. -It
ini; mk for our rsid.
A tl riit.-t I on Hi lh Sandy
krntut. for iiHMiil.'rjtilp. Th l.ln
" ' !' !' ,;,"J l,"t al
the araiik-vr. The two ald.-a are l.-d
I Mr I. J. Shvlle) and J. Ii. D
The Sandy 'lr I.iimtM-r .oinp.inv
had iiille an a.- id.-iit wh-n a d4"
gol Into the I' Ik and d-itiru!l"--l
the aaw and plr-- of fl.-w a'l
around. Iit no one Rot hurt.
t ft-
4 H
' KKI SH. April 13 (Spe. UH-Mri
Jack lutt.-ron. who hu been 111 for
IIiiia . n d tni.n 1 1 fi.A l!iMi.l
""" V'" ' . .. .
niarilan ho.-pltal In Portland Friday
wntre line win iitiu.-rm. nn i-in-iitinni.
i;ilH.rt Kf( yMwi
ui g
.... , , ,
f ii-n ni. (iniriiiv i i.i wii.i. n
Oregon to tluike. Montana, where
they Intend to tiv for a while.
A field in-it In which mine of (he
local achool will take part w ill be
held at HotinK Saturday. April It.
The Parent-Teaiher amtoclntl.m will
meet Friday evenl:i, April lllh at the
achool bonne. A short program w ill
be Riven after the bualne aelon.
The seventh and eighth Rrade nr
tv-hearinK a play which will be riven
in the near future,
NcUon spent Sunday with hi
family. relnrnlnR to his mill near Hull
Run Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Yaerettl spent the
week-end at their daughter's. Mr.
Max Kllgel'a home.
Ernest Hutchinson, with wife and
two youngest children, of Pendleton,
formerly residents of Kelso, sjient a
few days With bli wife's mother, at
Pleasant Home while enroute to Cal
ifornia, where he Is taking his wife
for the benefit of her hemth.
Road Supervisor Jarl has been do-
'K some good work on the road be-
tween Kelso and Sandy the past week.
Gilbert Erl and bride from southern
Oregon visited the former s father and
brother here last week,
Mr- Hutchinson, wife and faml'y
fame trom Pendleton to visit relatives
al "e Gilbert Jonrud family,
A number- from here attended th"
grange at Sandy Saturday and repor'
a' Rood time. Nine new members were
voted on and will be initiated later.
Io Rath from George, was seen n
tlila neighborhood last week and took
dinner with Joel Jarl.
M- Hannah Nelson Is reported on
the sick list,
Mrs. Victor Erickson entertained
some friends Sunday In honor of her
aged father, Mr. Erickson, who has
come to make his home with her here.
Joel Jarl and family went to Dover
The Gunderson young folks gave 1;
dance and party Saturday evening
and all report a fine time.
Mrs. Will XX'alker gave a party Sat
urday to a number of children In hon
or of her little son, Jack's fifth birth
day. Mrs. Jack Patterson was taken to u
Portland hospital last week.
Mrs. Martin went to Vancouver to
RRe her hiiBband. She reports that he
wl" "e a"le 10 relllrn no,nc B00n-
The farmers put in long hours dur-
ln tllfi Kd weather, but there are
many ncres to put In yet. XX'e hud a
heavy rain Tuesday.
A. S 4. Q, 3 ?, 4, 1$,
i & 4; $ Q 4,
' j
MACKSBl'RO, April 13. (Special)
The rain oeglnning on the evening
01 APrn lutn- Pul 8 suaaen stop 10 mi
seeding and to the gardening, but
tnere was plenty of work for the
ranchers indoors-machlncry was to
1)e overhauled and out In ropair, har-
Ing of the stock
To tho housewives, also, work was
not wanting. Indeed, as they had
been in the gardens, much of the in
door work had of necessity been put
ide. and though dreading the ap
Pearance or a ram ciouo. as rorecast )i
Interruption, welcomed the rain wh-n
't did come, for the opportunity It af
forded to restore the usual order In-
doors. The down-pour had a re-assur-
ing sound, drowning as It did, the re
sistless rail that is ever haunting the
true gardener to have him Into the
open air. Full well we know tho sun
would soon be showing again and
puahing vegetation ahead of us Ire
fore we could le ready for It. t
Frank Hilton- came home on Satur
day but returned on Monday to his
mountain ranch. Mr. Hilton reporu
the discovery of large deposits of bi
tuminous coal on his ranch which, If
all is as he thinks must be a fortune
in Itself
The Mnlalla Creamery has estai
llshed a route that takes in our neigh
borhood, greatly to the' convenience of
the ranchers who have hitherto been
i.Mie4 lii drive In I u'' Hh Ih.-ir
t lfUI
I r M.wlii.t It4 ! 1-1 lil ixiiiv
In Hi. yr.wlii l .1 'il.iili'l.
In.lli. ImiukM i i i,i a new Itii.hllie
Ul wek
XVrll w.iul.l it . .,f II It III i.or u
iu. who r. in'. In, I Ihe t..-ulllii't
nd lh ui. l.il i k inr m Ui
lNllrri-d llral.iie .1 Ihe lr Th il
.11, tt.lli.il I. Iln-lr I.I II" r . ' il.lf
pimiiKA or in ih.-ir .ii.." '
way in wlii.u their 11...11.1. . I "
. ui. .1' - .inr Hum wiiii.. nd ! i",;i. '
Hiw.lt o il tif t'11. yii, ,11.1 'nl li.'iii
.,n wood, lh.- It) n.waid Ii"'"
llilli Ir.olllliR woik loll r
and of iiin.ie 11 t!.. hl n- t'l
! artY-ihsi. . Ill Hie l""e lik.ll
ol Ihe )
MXHgl'AM. Alt il I! imperial!
The Udl.a' Aid m.i l l ha.v an
I. r i rraiu kk lu ,il Hie ball Frldav
rvrtilliR, April III).
Hon tiro. ('. Urn licit U 10 lK-ak
li. re in ihe hall S ii -l mcM. -ir'l
I) at -u
MlatHho.llpMin. ol S-ile'll. I llcle
acaln, following . r 1.- aii. n an ilr.-
It Oen of Ni-r.lv J M-en Itvlowii
Itc. and Mr.' k. ll have be-1
tjullr ill With pin iinieiiU (r kt'liiK
lliiie. Their duurliicr. Mr l.ewi. o(
ca.lern Dr.kuil. and Mr. A. Ii. Ill--
hard of XVllholt and ll" ;r m. XX'e.te)
liKkwri, of Porll.in l. a'e at th-ir
VJ'ilie a tui iiiIkt tr uu liere ntt-n.l-.
Ihe Kdl Fellow !.. l Silvciloii
lal Salur.l.iy nlubl Hi " Knn fr.u.i
herr wer Fred SKIr.in. Guv ('. Ijir
Mi'.. Ed Hiibliar.l. F: S.aiien and
I.m Jrnr. C. P. Thorn.
Iter, ai d Mrs. initl- r. of Hut hard.
Were lit town one d.iv l.ml e.-k.
Mr. and Mr. V I.. Hammond, of
liUd Tldlnic. were In town Sunday.
S. C. Miller and Win. Hrown. wer.1
Ialn K'uie ,e.iU on Ihe pari-ou
iii!.- liround Snlurd.iy.
Cart Martha aa )nl r. tunied from
hi trip out through I'.-nd and also
thnnigh southern Urccen.
J. C. Marquam h;i Improved the ap
liearaiu-e of hi yr perty in ar Ihe
church by building a in at wire f.-mn.
E A. ('illuming h.n I" u --lit a ne.v
The Ijidles' ld f ihe M. E. ihnrrii
will hi ld their arni'.il ha-a:ir on Fri
day evening, April lull. All kind of
fancy work and usdul articles will be
sold and Ice cream and t ake will !
served. It will be held In the hall.
loth of our avhniil teacher. Guy C.
Ijirklns and Mis Sofia M.id-on. at-
t.-nded the teacher' Institute at M v
ialla Saturday, April 1st.
i. i- .(. . a 1 1 a
. j. a , .. i. t. . . .)
STAFFOHD, Aorll 1:1. (SpetiuD-
Tho surfate of plowed field ha.l
formed a crust of dry "itrth by the ac
tion of the wind and "iin; therefor.
the gentle rain which iimie Sund.'.y
nluht wa qulio welromv in ninny
The new road superlsor with an S-
horse team hltt hed to the county rud
er ha been busily at work the pst
pleasant day upon the main thorough
fare between XVllsonvllle and the end
of his d'strlct, thereby employing 11
number of men.
A line from tho son who accom
panied the body of Grandma Tleile
man to the old hoinu, In Wisconsin,
aald they had to lay over a num' er of
hours In Seattle, hut expected to ar
rive at their destination on Mom'ay.
Mrs. Piller, who lived on the i.ld
Truby place, was .burled In the Staf
ford cemetery last Saturday, April S.
She leaves to mourn her loss, six chil
dren and her husband and hosts of
friends. She was 63 years old.
Mrs. Nemec, lately returned from
Colorado, where she hnd cared for
months for lu-r invalid mother until
the lalter's death, spent Monday aft
ernoon with Mrs. Gage.
On Thursday last Mrs. De'kar vas
taken by ambulance to tho Oregon
City hospital lor treatment and by
yoUerday'H r.-port was no better, but
her friends, of which she has many,
all hope for bi rieody recovery and
return to her family.
F. Francis brought his wlfo homo
last Tuesday, April 4th. Ho Is tho
genial secretary of the Farmers' Tc-i's-phrne
company. The Odd Fellow:)
and Rebeccas of Tualatin gavo them
a rousing reception at Robbson's hall
on Wednesday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Schatz took an auto
ride to St. Helens on Friday last and
visited Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Gage. Mrs.
Gage of Stafford accompanied them.
They started at 7 o'clock in the morn
ing and a long visit, Inspected the big
mill at that place, with Its many mod
ern appliances to convert great logs
Into the fine.-it of lumber, and arrived
at their homes in Stafford ut 7:30 p,
An auto is the vehicle to get there
4, i, i, a, S J $
4, ,V 4 i, rv Q, Q $
WILSONVILLE. April 13. (Spe
cial) G. II. Fiillr-nwlder, food com
missioner, of Portland, was In Wilson
vllle on Wednesday on business.
IL D. Ad;;n, wife and little son
went to Portland last WeWdnesday
by auto.
Mrs. Guthrie, of the Rose City, Is
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robert Graham.
Menga Balalgia spent the week-end
Garden and Poultry Suppliei,
Spray, Sprayer.
l64 171 rfJlPO"Tl-"DO"':
1.1 her hmiie In 'e
111 Ci.lHlm lil.il . lull h' Id II f I
t.Ur tiK-eliii mi I'll Uv tM.liliil
luii, l. h., b'i I lli'ti'lll lb
t nurill t.l lie, 'Hi. ill..l III XX i
..ii.il'e 011 rn.l.. etching, ami I
uii.ni ilif ! tint t.alioii ul li'iiu.i
on I lie faun
XtiM lexli. A lite" 1 Mil llnllii d I III
Xli'lll.- 1 lull if I'.ill.ll l'"k oil
I lull I it M..lli'll
Ihe XI II X . Ik h.ld a II'M
ell TtiMl.iUv r"lilMi ut Hie lelileln
i I. Ml.
II U In I"' ll""'l II1.1I I tlx fklimlt
all ki... Hi. I t li'i lii'.' a liri
ibo !!. kn,nli In XMIi-oiitllte at Ui
d iiure of X'oiihk k Hluiiic I
The member o.' lb Part lit T. ai In r
j.Hiilliiii kiuprir.-d Hie tillage pi
t'lU d lomiier oil Flld.if (I Iiihiii,
4 hell III. V rfk.i lliriu lo piirlake of 4
hut Inn. h, a'r.ady iete. and wall
ln. A l.irne ei id aalh.-itd at lha A II.
I', XX'. hall on H.iliinluv rt.'iilt'K April
Kb at 7 01 lo. k In llnl.-n lo adilr.".!..
itu-n by , Doiti Puller and O XX'.
l .i .iIuiiii. of Dun. -ii I'ilv and m i 1. n I
Ii . tlmi by Johimou Pro, iiri henlra
MIm- lliltle and Meuiia llniultlii
,l..iiiK"l pl. a mil in rlie pariv for
IbTir imil Iter ll luturdav lierio-.,
Ihe I. "Ion b.iiiK .Mr. Pulaliiln I
I'lrlli.Uv The Mollur' ilub of Tor
tl t'reek, of whli h Mr Hataliila I
A liiellilier. preelite. her with a be'l
llful lerr) t In German lii in. .XI ri
Win linker making the prekeiitutltui
..-li At iiu.i.inK Rain.', vtbl'h
ni-ru the orteruoon i.-uure, Mr.
Aubr. y XXixid and Mr. Miner Jom
won Hie prlie A ihiilily i olliilloi'.
of lake and inflie u 'm'd mil
(tie kuikU il.'p.irled ihlng Mr Hi
t.iUU nuiin more happy t'lntidai.
t . I ... . t-
MILINO. April 11 iSpeelall
Mi Tblell and Kev. I'urtlM nr..
holding piolraelid meellnn at (he
Mi-iIiimIi-I (iiunli They will lonllini
to hold uieeiiur .i'lrlim th evt nliiK
all llui. ii k. "Julie luriie erowd al
lend the meeting and appear Inter
eiled 111 then and all enjoy the uliu
Ing by Mix Tldel, who U a gift
t.l Vo:lllt. XX'e hoie Hill 'literefl
will eoiitlnue in Ihe rhureh. (
Hull Pro, m in1 1 1 I busy now
m ung lum'.MT. HukIiii s la looMiu
up in Ihe lumber tr.nle.
Mr. Punk and fiiiully hate moved
to Kim; Valley. Titer" '"'fi
making Ihel. 'loine hero In Mull'in
lnee lut autumn. They formerly ro
Hlded In King' Valley.
Mr. Mahalu XX'a'Ineo, who ha been
visiting her duughter In King Vul
ley. returned to her honi here last
Mis May Frlckmrn of Oreiroii riiy.
ai vUlllug reliitlvi s and friend here
Inst Week.
Grant Ashby and . II. Durnxll in lo
a buslne trip to Portland last Hl
urday. Mr. Roan Wallaie and duughterlu
law, Mr. KYed Wallace, visited lb A
former' granddaughter. Rosla an I
llael Klarr of Mackaburg
U Wang of Canby, ennm try here
In hi new auto last Tuesday, an I
while passing through Miilino narrov
iy missed having a serious accident.
While crossing Ihe small bridge h i
met Pert Wallace and family In a wag
on, and the horses became frlghtenul
at the auto when one horse hacked
off the brblKo and the wagon wa bad
ly smashed, but luckily no one was
hurt. However, nveryone coiicerne I
In the accident was badly frightened.
XX'ayne Howard purchnsed several
lots In Miilino lust week. He coutelii
plates putting up n postoffire building
during tho summer. Thero ure also
several more new building contein-plal.-d
In the near future.
Mr. IHinlelson of Colton, Is going 10
put a stock of goods In the atoro room
In the Mulino hall.
Mr. Albert Krlckson, who has boeu
seriously 111, Is Improving slowly.
Last Friday afternoon, thn 7th. and
MU grade pupids of Miss Grlco's
school held n debate. The questions
were: "Resolved, That tho horso Is
more useful than the automobile"
Tho auto won out. Tho other ones
Hon was: "Which Is the most bene
fit along educational lines the study
of arlllimntlc or hlutory?" History was
Judged to ba the most beneficial ac
cording to tho nrgumont produced.
Mrs. Inez Lurk 1 11 went to Oregon
(ity last Saturday on business.
Mrs. Jim Davis Is going to a Port
land hospital next Saturday to be op
erated upon. She has been In poor
health for the past two years.
Mrs, Kate Goiicher, who has been
visiting relatives in Needy for tho
past past two weeks, returned homo
Mrs. Adams of Maoksburg was tho
guest of Mrs. R. P. Wallace laBt Tues
CLACKAMAS, Ore., April 10. The
eighth grade of the Cluiknmas gram
mar school orgunlzcd and elected of
fleers Friday as follows: Harllo
Prower, president; ' Clara Johnston,
vice-president; Purloy Jteynolds, treas
urer, and Vera Flancry, secretary.
Mildred Dedman was chosen class
prophet; Vera Flanery, class poet, and
Roy Johnston, claBB historian. It is
proposod to have graduating exercises
and several social festivities are hn
Ing plannod. There are 12 member
In the clasB, making It the liirjrest In
the history of the school. Members ol
tho clnss, besides Ihe above-named
pupils, are Pernord Moore,' Margaret
Robinson, Georgia. Potter, James Umi
ker, Ihcodot Wold and Elmer Gray.
Canby Department
CANIIV, April IS. (SjeciaD Ono
of the most enjoyable events of the
season was the "hard times" parly
given Thursday evening by tho East
ern Star.
Mere words will not describe the
costumes worn, but many of them
suggested that attic trunks and rag
bag had been robbed of their con
tents. Staid business meu and digni
fied matrons each reserve aside and
Joined merrily In the qualrllles, Vir
ginia reels and games of long ago.
Ora Slyter as Judge, Lee Eckewon
ns corstaole, Howard Eeclei as attor
ney and Henry Hewitt as clerk form-
AI I UIIUL 1 tin iVi r.
lYirtvjIr nitSi-itWfWii
tvss ami li'VluMUfl .
Upturn Mirphu rurMucri
.'.-5 0
Atwtfrfl lU-nirdv forGwflf
I Ion . Sour SUiwa h. UUcrt
WormiJl hhvuKmix jruna
rcSm4 SitMiarfcf
Etatt Copy of XVrsp)tr.
ed a iell organlund ."'lit vim with'
wonderful rnpldllr produced warrant
and pronounced Judgment ntliil
arlou i-eiiiii'iu n fir wearing "bili d
lnrt." llk lie, ton i-l,ithe and
Jewelry. The eulpiil were lined
from fifleell in fill) 11 nt mil ic
leiited. The u nllein.-ii secured lhlr
1 iirlinTU fr Hiinner bv tboonlui: u la
dle loot, th owner of whb li wai
nirely hidden liehlnd a screen. Some
of Ihe gent'emen bine been heiir l l
remark I tint It If i"i:rpi lulnu 'that
small fert some Inrgn women have,
olhera vlea rrrna. A pleasing pp
gran in was rendered ronl.Hug of Hie
following number:
liiino solo, Xltst. 1. limine ee: n'i,l
Ing, Mm. Pond Shadier; vecnl ol.i,
Mis I onise Gustrock; recltaHon Mr.
H.-len l-ce; piano solu, Mr. Pura
inan; rending, Maude Peatty; vocal
solo, Aron tc'; decllon, Mr. Mu
lerloli; medley, M. sitiime !e, liar I,
Missra liblHin, GiinlriK'k XVang. an I
Mrs, R Super entertaltu'd Ihe fol
lowing gileat over Sunday, Mr. mil
Mrs. George Altnuu. Mr, liny Mc
Gee,. Ml F.ninm Pergman and lorr
Hutchinson, all of Portland. Mr. and
Mr. llonry Garrelt. or iscwneri!: I'-'i-j
bert anl Ora HiitchlnHou, of Mnllno.
The Canby ! and bo) gae an -mi-Joyable
dance at the band hull Sal-ill-day
night. A good crowd wa pres.
cnt. Aurora and Oregon City being
well repiesented.
Miss Gertlo Wilson of Oregon Cliy
and Mis Clara Mitchell were guest
of Mr. and Mr. It. J. Lunelle Salur
tiny night.
F. Awtson and family motored up
from Portland Sunday to visit with
the former' parents .iiimI sister, Mri.
llenderllo. They were iieconipanled
by Mr. Arntson'i father, Mr. Laud
serlck. Miss Whitney, of Tnenmil, gave nn
Interest In: talk oil mission nt the M.
K. church Sunday evening. Ml.n
Whitney Is treasun r of tho Columbia
river branch of Woman'. Foreign illu
sions. George (iorllam and friend, Mr.
Lythn, of Portland, wero guests over
Sunday with th-i former's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. L. II. Gorham.
Mrs. G. W. XX'hltn, Mrs. Ar'hur Gn
ham mid Miss Rlxy (irohnni, spent
Sunday ut Liberal as guests of Mr.
and Mrs. M. P. Sailor.
Miss Mabel Huffman und Mrs. Stel
la Hart of Portland wero guests at
tho Wang home over 8unday.
.Mr. and Mra, B. A. Priest and daugh
ter, Pernlco, wero Portland visitors
for tho week-end.
A.i.ti..,,. )
r. - mm i
H 1915 Ford 5 pasa. fully equipped, practically new $395.
1915 Ford roadster, fully equipped, like new, $345.. s
1914 Ford 5 pass., fully equipped, klaxon horn, cut out S
and apeedometer $295.
1914 Ford 5 paw., fully equipped, run only 4000 miles, jj
EE: $325. "
E 1914 Ford 5 pas., fully equipped, fineit condition, $295.
1914 Ford roadster, fully equipped, $275.
1914 Ford roadster, fully equipped, practically new, $295.
Ej 1912Tord roadster, $197.50. s
E 1189
Alto Pears, Peschei, Apricots, Almonds, Apples, Cherries, Smill Fruits, Etc.
Mall your want list today, stittlng quantity and vnrlotios RUSH ns
our surplus Is going fast.
LAFAYETTE NUR8ERY CO., Lafayette, Oregon.
Fancy Dressed and Live Poultry, Eggs, Veal and Hogs
Write ns for shipping tags. Send
For Infanta itd Children.
The Kind' You Have
Always Bought
Boars tho
For Over
Thirty Years
Mr. XX'alter l-elmimil. of Oregon lil .
altelided the dull' e H.iluidiiv lilkiit,
and spent Sunday with Canby fil.-m's.
P. O. Stacy and Arthur Graham
lured to Liberal Salur.l.iy aflern ioii
Mild remained until Sunday eveliii'i-.
enjoying mini, good fishing along the
Mrs. Cvini fnfrllnt
Mr Caasl F.V411 eiilerle'ii -d a
few friend ut card S.itunlnv t ti ll
ing In honor of her guest. Mi. I.rr
eiuo, of Porthin.i. Ilinh 'ore ;
won by Mis Fayctlu Johnson and Mr.
Adi.111 Knight. Mr. Lnwreine and
Win. Maplo were awarded Hi" roiio
latlona. Piilnly rerehuinl .t'
sered al lliillvldiial tables.
Ntw 6lor for Canby.
The building formerly oitiipIihI by
tho Pig Hl store wa reopened this
week by Sum Gold-'-n. of Portini'd,
who I hun lllng j lomplete line of
XV. Pell of Pottlmd. a (iin'-'y
visitor several days tbl i''k
CANMV. Ore.. April 7 -(Mpe. 1 ,1
pei l it
iiirly In I S
- W.M-.
Kit k llebokah lodge enl'
about 40 guests lit a Gun purl)
Tuesdnv night. First prlnei
awarded Miss Fay.-tln Johnson and II.
A. Perkmun.
Mr. F. A. Kruegi r relumed Sumhiy
from the Oregon City hospital, bring
ing with her, I'.atiy Kdwiird. thr.M
wiH-ks old.
Mr. K. A. Priest took her daughli r,
Pernhn, to 1'ort'iind Thursday to re
relvo medliul Irealment.
Gardner Whipple and William
Miilem wero Initialed Into the Artisan
lodge. Wednesday evening. Tweniy-'
IH-j Wsltlng nieiiiliers were present
from Oregon City. A liiinipiet and gen
eral good time fallowed the Initiation.
It. Copplck. n foin.-r resblent of Caii
by, was greeting old friends here Wed
nesday and Thursday, llo was on hU
way to Portland, after u visit to hi
homo In Prownsvllle, Oregon.
She Grow Nervous at Nightfall.
. More drended than nil iiliirm of lire
by night Is the hoarse, hrusiw cough
of rriiup to iho nervous mother who
fear Ihlii tenor ol childhood. XX'hy
worry, when n few timely doses of
Foley's Honey and Tar will ward off
croup and clear thn throat of choking
phlegm. It will give you conlldeni'i.
to fnco nightfall without fear of croup.
Mrs. Pen Meyerlnk, (iymer, N. Y
says: "Our little girl wou'd surely
havo had croup hut Foley's, Honey and
Tar stopped It at once." (Adv.)
shipment to ui and get quick returns.
Ibia 10S8