oim:jont citv kxtkhimmsk. i widav, avuil 7. UUi. LOCAL BRIEPS I W I'. K I" "" t i'n IIim dm ,t t .! il.Hi.n i,N M.iti.Uy. C linlllli i.f MiUs'ill In (Is I'F lidiaji ling In. lira on UiHi U) Marirr y. Inl.lo. i.f I nl.(, 'li lll'i' i"lf lll' ling l.ntini-M . tl W. I i iiii. II, font i i.f Mila. l ir. in uiifiiii Mir nil Uii'ini M.ii.j. Pulit-k lUrrl. snosn r"l ('Hi uf Ihls luuntf. I III l hi bnni In U'liiii. i: l H ii n. I of O.k liiois anions liii lm luini. l.inlin ii In f rn ( II Moll is) J. II lln. an attorney of I'nHlari'l. as III Ihl i Mr ViitivUf llii.ii' I InH Ii Hiil buslines W luniiill, nf Oak (Jr.ii. aiming liiiMHt iralinai III ( litlln In itrrumi Cllf on Friday. Mr aiil Mrs A J Kl'iiirf ami lllll. iauntitir of l.'tli cr Imalm-M ilal lura In Oil ill y Tu".l Ifc'piily HhrirJ M.inu. l Kile), of Mil sukln. s In Oregon nty YVHni--dy lrun4illn t.ilin.a II I llutliin. uH rliil.'M'l"iil of lha Oregon AnIIHalia.n lisaon. a iall"r In IliU rllr Wn.lic tsy, Iraai U Hmllti aii'l t'lauk HnUr la. h. farmnia limn Clai kamaa. sere anions' vlallnra III llila lty edn' lar. Mra WllMim ('aiilwi ll of Csnly In thla city "ii Hun. tar tuning lii'i Mir. Mra NMIIUiu Kli.ia of lark. lll o. I Ir-nrt. h llnffmrlaliir, a ell kiiuan larimT of Barton. aa amoiiaj IIhim transiting iiualliraa u Oregon "II r Friday. Allium Oregon City tlnltors In Can by during I tin Uat 'rk r I'liarlra Graham, Frank UImT and MUs irai a Hlli oi llarrjf Gibson, uf Harlnn. randl lata fur rounty coiiiutiliiii-r on lli llcpuhlltwn Hi ki.. aa a tlallnr In Oregon Clly Wrdnradar. Mr. ami Mra William I 'at Is of Carua were v 1 1 1 1 n k friends In thla illr on Mi ihIjt Mra liavia ass dinner1) Mlaa M.iU-1 Mllla of thla rltjr. I) H. Morns, of Rainier, visited Ma aUl. r. Mil. Fred W. Ilakrr, In (ila l alnnn Wi'iliinailay. Mr. Ilurna a formerly In lniallli'aa In (Hailstone lr. II. A. Itedman. of Catiliy. It"' publican candidate fur representative ami brother of Cotinly Recorder IM man. vlsltml Oregon (Mix Wednrdy. I ('. Ink. Iratellng fiflKht ami paui-ncrf aii"iit for llif I'nrllanl Hallway 1 .1 at I) I A l'oir (iinpanv. liNiknl afliT bimliuaa Inlrrcala In III1 rlly V.ilniilay. Torn In Mr. ami Mra. Ilav l.-un of HaU.-y, a lu miiiihI ilnulil-r Mr. an I Mra. Iiian an knn.n In llila rltv, ohiro liny r'alili'i a fi'w )i,ar axu llr la a lirolliiT of (. (). Iiryilni Mr. ('. Mann, of I'orllanil. vlUt lu'i mollii'r. Mra. Tlllln K'Uar.la. an I Kramlparonu. Mr. ami Mra. I'ralnr. In (iluilalnnn WVilnxiuluy, Mra. Munn waa formerly Mlaa K. lllli Kilwarda. Mlaa Klla WllUaiiia. hn hui lii-cn aiH-ndlnK ilm wlntur lih hir lirothor, Thornton Wllllaiua. ami family, of Hun lYanrlaro. Cnl., bn rrtiirnotl to h-r Imiim. "The rini." ot Mount I'lraaant. Orrunn furnipra rniiiiKod In vrtili niwlnir will havo (ho anaUtanrn nf II. 8. Brlioth nf thla rlly. who la a urail'inlo atuili'iit and follow In attron otny at too nKrli'iiltural oIIik In Cor vallli. (I. K. Blovona li-ft WVilnoailay for Onktnnit, (llf.. whfr Ii" prolialily will iiiukn hla home. Ilia family will rcmuln In Ori'Knn City for a ahort tlmn tH'fnro they, too, leave for I he koiith. Mlaa Uuth (Iri'Knry, alnter of Mm. II. II. CnrtlliUe, n'liiriii'il In lloiiuliim, W'unh . where ahe la a Iraclwr In lli lliHIiilnin hi IioMh, nfliT a vlalt of n ni'i'k at the hiiine of Mr. anil Mrx. Carnitine. lS. A. Colih. eiiKlneer. relurned from rtoiithmn OreKnn an Krhluy nioriilnir, wliero ho had Ihtii on ImihIih'hm. While in tho lonthern part of the kIiiIo Mr. t'olih vlMltnd Meiirortl, OrnutH laa nnd ItoiietmrK. Her. John Oval!. pu.tor of tlio Swoil lah MethodlKt KpiHcopul cliiin h. wua In OroRon City Thnrmlny. Mr. Ovnll frnvela throiiKh -a niiinlier of OreKon I'OlllltleH mill t'HlllllllHllOH Hlllllll I'llllrcll ei In the ottt-IyliiK country dlHtrlelH. "llllllo" (Jiiy, elulilyiariild aim o Mr. and Mra. It, A. City of CliulHtono, foil a dlHtiini'o nf twenty feet Krlday afterniMin and liroko his rlnht arm near tho wrist, lie wit playlnn nrouiid n Iioiiko lioinn roiiHtrui'tod In C.liul atonn. v (ieoiRC Offlold, u Rtockinnii of Mer rill Orn . who u-im In Portlnml llio 1ul lor part of tho week with u Hhlpineiit of MtiM-k, wiib In OreKon City Sntur day and vIhIIoi! IiIh inothorln-luw, Mra. OFFICERS OF TWO 01 L PORTLAND ROAD Wf T LINN AND OIWCCO WOULD HAVK PIMMANtNT HIGH. WAV TO MULTNOMAH. JOLHT miLNC OF COUNCILS IS HIID WELKESDAY VEN1NG Clackamai County Court Will 0 Aiaatf L(na) financial Aid U Improvt Kea Btafl Town on Watt tidt. KClaLATIVe CANDlOATI TALK birOHl LIVt WIHM If lli joint plana of lli offli lala of Writ I. Inn ami (laarRu iiia'urn, II. r ! aid roail front Ihe Willaincltn fp rt au. ii.i,n l.rldi'n In II. M illno nail roulily I Inn a III l linpnu.d In a IM-riiiain'iit inaiiii. r At a iiiih'IIiik of llm lonm lla of Ixilli lnaiia liidd rdii' .day iiIkM In Wral I. Inn, II aa d. Idrd ai h lon alimilil Imiiriitn thai purtlwii of Ilia 1'arifl. Iilahaay alliutrd thln Ita i- pr. a Ilia llmlla. and ak that rounty rmul o rar fur thn Itili-rti'iiliiR and roil- nniilni atrip 1 he i hara tor of llio linprnieiiii'iil haa liM Ix-fii ii' ldid lip on, I. ut Ainan M.Mire. Rnni-ral nunaKT uf th Oh'ki.ii I'orllaiid Ceiimnt roni (any, of OaaeKO, aa prnantit at Ihr Joint mni-tiiiR and urRr th umi of r i input In lha roiiatnirilon of rii.i n-nt hlrhwaya He mlnrnd to tli pn ..ii' i t i" Idle llien In Ihe atnta prnun-iiiorr and dii tared thry ahnuld he put to work mi Ihe ro.vla. A. Kin Wllaon, mayor of OaacRo, John II. U'lliall. mayor of West Umi. ami John V, Clark, a iiieiulier of the Weal l.lnn rouni II, dlaruaand tha inatliT and the lo niunlrlpalltlna will appoint a rommlltev to prearnt llinr plan to the county oiirt and a.k for riMiirrallon and flnuiu UI aid. Offlilala of Wril l.lnn, liowrter, will tint wait until thn plan tnattiri'a, an J il.'iidt'd Wedni-aday nlKht to Rrade the I'lirtland road aa far aa llolton 21 fret In width, and to Rrada thn Wllluno'tle road ii fent wide to a point 2mu fiet I nun the aunpenalon hrlilnn. Thn lllll road, aUn known aa Hum M-t avenue, will lie Rraded !2 fi'i t whin for a dlntanea of Uoo f.-rt from tli3 IntiTMH tlnn of the mad to Wlllumeitn and Twelfth atreet. In tho Wlllumette dlatrlrt, will be (railed and Improved with iruahi-d rwk 6.".o fei In lenctn from Ita lateral tlon - ltli tha car Ir n k aC x n. -V i i in i i i H. C. tttphant. II. C. Hli-pliniia, of tii'orign, who talked at the l.lve Wire lum limei Tuodiy. la a landl'Uln on Ihe Ito I'll : .1 1' n llrket for mpri'iu'iitutlvc In Him IfKlaUture from Clarkamaa i mill ly. Ilia iliw laratlnii fllfd luat week In thn offl. e of Die am rclary of alati rontallia Ihe follow Iiir: 'If I am limn Innlnd and elm Ird. I will ilurliiR in inrm of of7li ataml for onoiny anJ edli Inm y In InRlnlallon to the n that thn lalpuylnR dollar may liwome aa nearly aa poaallde a Inindri-d cent dollar." DEFEAT 2 SCHOOLS OREGON CITY YOUNGSTERS PUT THEMSELVES IN LINE FOR COUNTY CHAMPIONSHIP. Ws are this week displaying tha greate.t Una of tha well known "Spencer" Sweet Peas In mixtures or solid colors, to gether with tha moat complete line of Flower and Garden Seeds Field Seeds, Fertili zers, etc, AND DON'T FORGET Ws carry tho largest and best assorted stock of Groceries, Granite ware, Crockery, Glass, Aluminumware In the city. Wo guarantee every articles we sell, not only In quality, but also to price, sold strictly on a mon ey back proposlton, If goods are not as represented, or satisfac tory. Larsen & Co. Corner Tenth and Main It. M. ('. Hrown, at ber home on Mi- lullit atenue. Mra Helen Kmlth and Mrs. Kdward Hmlth of Cunemah went to Portland Wednesday tit accompany Kdwarl Hmlth home from St. Vlmenta lum pitul, where hn Ima hern connned aev- erul weeks follow Iiir a auritlcal nprrit- tlon. He la ImprovlnR. I Mr. and Mra. Dunne Kly and little duiiKhter, Horothy, Mr. and Mm. Smith and Mlaa Molllo Mil. hell or thla rlly. formed an aiitonioliilo party thut Icf. thla city on Sunday vlaltlnx at the home of Mlaa Mitchell's isreiila, Mr. am! Mra. Mitchell ut Sandy. Mra. W. K. AiIjiim, of Tacoma, ar rived In thla city Wednesday to he ut the hedalde of her slater, Mra. W, K. II. Smith ut I'll WuKhitiKton atreet. who la aerloimly III. Mra, (). AiIiiiiih, of Tiicomo. inotlier of Mrs. Smith, wan muililo to come hecuiue of alt Knctia .it lionie. Mlsa Cliiru Henchi KKer, one of tli-i clerka in tho offlco of County Record er ll.'dniun, liaa Riven her poHltlun for aovontl inontha on nccotitit of n iiervoua lireukdown. Her p'niv will hn fllloil liy Mlaa llo Hewitt, who haa hecn In the employ of the Oregon City AliHtract company. Mr. and Mrs A. W. Cheney, fotiuor rcHldentH of iIiIh city, weio hiimir giieata nt a aurprlHO party at their homo In rortlntid TliurHday nlnlit, their LTith wedilliiK ulinivorHiiry. Mr. mid Mrs. ('honey wore liinrrled In thla city In 1S!U and n'aldcd hero for a numher of yenra, w here he wuh In tho nnwHpapcr IiiihIiicbs. Mr. anil Mra. K. I). Olila nnd hoii. 1). V. OldH, necompunlcd by 0. K. Hull unci JoHiiph Culoaky, of Oak (irovo, nuiilo a trip over the Columbia River hlKhwny IIiIh wek. Mr. ColoHky Is n weullliy North nnkotii fanner who Kpomls hla wiuterH In Oak drove. Mr. OldH 1h loud In IiIh prniHes of tho Co lumlila Rlvor lilnhway nnd hopes to seo the day when Clackamas county will hnvo equally Rood hard surfaced roads on Its main highways, paved hy llio state by a direct tux upon all tho proporty of tho state lian luy at huol trjin won the fir! of the ( tarkamua county urainmur a. Iliad dehatea, held under the auaplcea of tho Cluckamaa County Hi hod leuKuv rlday. lu a spirited conical between the Harelay afflriuntlve teum comHi'd of Wrldiiu KuRe, Ruth Wllaon and I'cune Walker, and the Harlow rn-iu tun train, reprraentnd hy (iinirRe ZIcr ler, Kdward DoeRim and Orvlllj Ulddowa. at the IiIrU limd auditor lum. The lUrrluy yomiRatera held their opiHinenta to a two to one do- in lou on tne queatlon "Kcaolvrd, Th it the OreKon Hyatem of (ioveniment ShoiiM He Adopted Ly tho Olll'T Stulea of the I nlon." The tonleat waa crediluhle to thoae (akliiR rt, showiiiR thotiKlitful, IorI ral preparation and atronR delivery which alioulii mean a hlRb standard for debuting In this totinty in the fu ture. I'rlnclpul J. 11. Iowlund a.'led aa ilutrniun and II. N. Ilicka. Dorothy Ijitouretto and Uoyil HurdliiK were JinlRea. I'rlnclpul Coin and Miss Ada Mum, of the llarlow achrail, acroiu- panled their tenm. A vocal aolo hy Albert Itoake an J a piano solo by Alice Holman were much enjoyed liy a large and enthUH laatlc audience composed of teachers an J students. The Hun lay nexatlve team later de feu led Krldny night, tho alTrmutlve teutn of JennliiKS Ixxigo hcIiihi! at tho latter plare. These victories give the Hiirchiy Kchool place in the final con tent for the ".liver cup offered by City St hool 8iiKTlnteiulent Toone. This linul contest will bo held April It. The. Aches of House Cleaning. Tho pain and Boroiioss caused by bruises, ovor-oxorllon urn! straining during house cleaning tlnio uro soothed awny hy Sloan's l.inlment. No need to suffer tills agony. Just apply Sloan's Liniment to the soro spots, rub only a llttlo. In a short tlnio tho pain loaves, you rest comfortably and en- Joy a refreshing sloop. , One grateful user writes: "Sloan's Liniment Is worth Its wolght In gold." Kcop a hot tie on hand, use It against all Sore ness, Neuralgia nnd nrulaos. Kills pain. 2!o. at your druggist. (Adv.) MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUED Orpha Miller and John Simpson, of Boring, soenred a marriage license here Thursday. SCHOOL DEBATES TO BEGIN ON APRIL 12 TWO SUBJECTS WILL BE DIS CUSSED FIRST DAY OF SER IES OF CONTESTS. COUNTY OFFERED PAVEMENT AT 60 CENTS PER YARD CHOOL fUraO WOULD PROFIT. CONSTRUCTIOiN OF NEW PAPER MILL MAARV WORIWICK, FORMERLY OF STANDARD PAVINO COM. PANY, MAKH OFFER, COUNTY COURT WILL CONSIDER PROPOSITION AT APRIL IERH Purchase of Pavlrvj Plant for l&OO and Hiring of Himself at tS0g a Ysar ss Superintendent Art Parts of Worswick's Plan. Ill iiioiuui-iiuii ur hi REVIVES BUSINESS, BENEFITS OLD STORES AND BRINGS NEW CONCERN! If tha original plan of llio OiaiiiU-r i lain Ort-iion k California (rant land ! hill had l,.-n ad'v'H, Clai kamas ' nuiiity would r-'ia 'i,7: aiimi- ally Uit a.id work, airdlnR to eatiinalra Iritaf.) on tha pr-aUMiptlon j dial tha money tl'd up In (lis lalida waa a4-'nrd and put out at priid In ! tere-t n otlnr worila, ( lai kaln ' fOllflfv'a atiarM l,f IIim l.,..llla ri.-rlt.! from tl, M. of the l.uda would rrul I V" ,""",r'"1""n '-w'4 lb" laundry w.a ff, lo find a a lo mill f r on all f iwl tai.Ma '' dl""" "'" "ml' '" u '"" ! ''" Thla b..ildii. or, 'HM. .tr-rt pmiH-rty In ihe lounir. uni.anya plant lir. wl.i.h la no , ju g of M4in la nu aearloR com Or. Ron a Irr-diKll.la h-d fund, " "' ! - !.. It la two .c.r!. a bili and will under tha t. rnia of the ChamUrUla rrVl"1 "-ni',1 "' U u,.ern In .iuipm..i.t. laml irrai.l hill ai., i.l.l r.rlv. tl7ILnn. " I ')'" Thla a. mi would yield, under Inlliu law, an annual Inioma to th I On iW.it atrrrt, Ix-iwn-n Huts and 'tha alia of the cn- u.lll on Third. al a h.mla of Hi. alata of It. OK MM. ! M"r" hUH h"" Vi"", -auaflof lliahllllllyof ( onrre.ainrn '"r U" M'" u" U'liroot of Wlaconain and llakef of California, the bill a'tout lu ba pre- n-w rnlerprlu-a. Thr Hat In. Indi a a i.ry gM atorc, a rf.en(r and tul'd Vautit Inula, a in Orexon City are few, and pl.ina are Ik-In pn-pared fur lii roiiiifrtii t;on of a nmnUr of na h.iliira dnrtii( thn auniiinr molilha. men hant reirt that bualneaa la ph kin up. and they hav. boiei of .Kill Kri-atrr In. reaao when the Hork of building Ilia no mill la ftirtlmr anted to rongreas cut. the a urn Or rr " tr'""a "'r"- . . . t tllf.M htSiila fltt4 iuu.I I. tall a Tliaaa kou anmni would rrrlva In hair. The " ' " ' , ' " aln.. and atlll more m-n are put lo fnllowliia- tal.l. ah.... .k.t fh. ..-. "' all oma to Ore.,n It y eras of tha Chamberlain apportion mi nt means In dollars lu th. roannoa ' i within tho laat mouth or month and , a naif and there '.a atrry Indi'atlon ora. How's This? Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENKT CO., Toledo. O. wa, tha undoralrnad, bava known F. J. Cheney for the laat It rears, and believe him perfectly honorable In all bualnaaa tranaartlona and financially able to carry out any obligations made by hla firm. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE. Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cur Is taken Internally, actlnf directly upon tha blood and ran eoua aurfacee of the system. Teatlmonlala sent free. Prloe 71 cants per bottle. Bold by all Dnifslata. Take Haifa really pills (er eooati patio. The first of a atrlo of 8tiiud de Imtt'H, tho itim of which la to deter mine the bet' debaters In the hlnh srhnol, will bo ronductrd In the IiIko (ti'hool miilrtnrliim April 12. No ntlmis. aion is churKed nnd n Kenernl invitu tlon bus been Issued to all Interested In debuting work to attend. The liirft of the aeries will be held (lurliiK roinmenet'motit week, and a cup w 111 bo offered to the winners. The best debaters will be selected at each debute and thu winners determined by ellmlmitUm. On tho niornliiK of April 12, Leslie leveslek ami t'luirlea allaee. who represent the nfflrnmttve side of the nuestlon ami hnvo been coached by C. 0. Miner, will meet Aurdoy Tuor nnd Uuth Ketiliu:n, roprt'sentlng tho negative and couched by John V Loiler. The question is, "Resolved, That tho Viilled tutes bhonld uao nnned Intervention with tho Mexican situation." t That nlulit in the school auditorium, tho retention of the Philippines by tho United States will be debated. O. W. Knathum haa coached both teams. The affirmative will be represented by Earl ruddock, Esrhol Armstrong and Mer man Thinner nnd tho negative by Hon Staats, Myrtlo Young and Marvel Ely" CASTOR I A For Inlanti and Children, Tho Kind Yon Hare Always Bought Bears the Signature of Harry Worswlck. (..rmerly roini t with thn Htandard I'avliiK lompaiiy whlrli laid th" it j I ii Mrei-t linprotiv me nt laat aummer. ofTi-rcd to anpor Intend tha laying bard anrfaio pave, iiient for tho cotitny for rud in or relila a year. prtjM.l.im (ouniy will buy a plant, lend lum tho iim. of a roud roller and !? for liiMal'liiK the riiilpniont at a ci.nn m. m plum, lie ae for a salary of $ I H. a rar and olTera to Kit thn iniinty the nw of formulae without iluriclnx a rommia- alon or royalty. County JudK Audenuin will take up the matter with Coiiimlaalotiora MattiMin and Knlkht si iho n-Kulur April term of the county court which begin Wrdiii'ftday. lie bcllews (hat thn offer la worthy of careful nuiald- eratlnn. A di-rlalon will prt.lal.ly lie reached before the cm) of this week. The proHialtlon at pla od bi fore Ihe court court by Mr. Worawlrk fnl'owa: herowlth auliunt a propmltlon by which, aa I ratlina'e It. tun county can la) bard surface nauwuy Identlial with thn puveinent tf Main ulr.'t of Ori'Kon City, except of a thickness of five Inches Instead of tix inches, at a cost of CO rents a square yard. "The Initial rxp.-nw will bo a plant which ! am In ponltiun to si-curt for H04. About .'0U will bo required for InhtullInK ready for operation. All that will be nect-aary In addition to this plant Is a roller and thr county prob ably haa this aallatl. The paro- mt-nt to be laid will Ik three im lies asphalt com ( and two inch saphult wearing surfuce. "It will le necesiary for me to have the selection of three men who come In contact with the formula and pric es of luyltm.s Vorj It k pavement. Other workmen may b selected by the county, but they will need be under my supervision and subject to dU- rharKe If unaatlsiadory to me. "I w ill work on a salary of $1S00 per year, and I will keep the county In a poiltlou to continue the work shou'd I huppen, from any cause, to be pro- vented from going n with It from year to year. Should It develop that the cost of the pavement. Including my salary. exceeds 60 cents per square yard the county, of course. Is free to discon tinue the work. And In fact It will not be necessary for the county to make any specific amount of the speci fied roadway. Your attention Is called to the fact thut the price of usphalt always goes up later In the season and an early purchase, of this material by the coun ty will effect a very 'linto raving: also that. If you contemplate going ahead 1th the Improvement iinderconslderi- tlon the grading shou'd be started at once. The county will always loso money on this character of work by falling to take advantage of the sum mer mouths. 1 shall be pleased to meet you 'it any time to go into any details that may have been omitted herein. My residence Is 1119 Seventh street and phono number 129-J, Oregon City." FORD TIPS OVER AND TWO MENARE KURT Theodore Osmund, secretary of tho Hawley Pulp & Paper company, aud T. P. Randall were painfully Injured Sunday when a Ford automobile, owned and driven by H. F. Tichlrgl, turned over on the Abernethy road near Linn's Mill, when tho men were going out on a fishing trip. E. Schwab, secretary of the Oregon City Woolen mills, was tho fourth member of the party. 1 hey had been fishing In Milk Creek, with. Indifferent success, and were going to try tho Ab ernethjr, when a wheel of the car struck a large rock, twisting the steer ing wheel out of Tschtrgl's hands no 1 throwing the car toward tho bank, which It struck and turned over. Mr. Osmund's shoulder was sprained and Mr. Randall's hip was badly bruised. With two members of the paity Injured, they could not right the car, and as ait or tne gasoline had leaked out, they telephoned to Oregon City for help and were towed home. Mr. Osmund had an X-ray examination made of his shoulder Monday. Cut This Out It Is Worth Money DOTY ESTATE PROBATED A petition for letters of administra tion In the estate of George W. Doty, who died March 11 was Died in the probate department of the county court Friday, A will made many years ago was left by Mr. Doty, but the will left all hla property to his wife, who died several years ago, and bis three children are named as heirs In the petition. The estate Is valued at 1450. Cut out this advertisement, enclose S cents to Foley Co., 28J5 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111., writing- your name and addreas clearly. You will re ceive In return a trial package con taining-: (1) Foley's Honey and Tar Com- Jound, the standard family remedy or coughs, colda, croup, whooping cough, tlghtneaa and aoreneas In cheat, grippe and bronchial coughs. (!) Foley Kidney Pills, for over worked and disordered kidneys snd bladder ailments, pain In aides and back due to Kidney Trouble, sora muacles. stiff joints, backache and rbeuma tiara. (S) Foley Cathartto Tablets, at Wholeaome and thoroughly cleanalna cathartic. KapeclaJly comforting; to stout persona, and a purgative needed by everybody with aluggiah bowels and torpid liver. ou can try these, tax family remedla for only to, JONES DRUG CO. (Adv.) . h'Mila of each emry year: County llaker Ilenion C'tti ksiuaa Clalaop Columbia Cone Crook Curry Ilonglaa (lilllam '!rant Harney , Hood Itlv-r Jackson Jefferson , Josephine , Klamath Uke l-ane Lincoln Unn Miilhuer Marlon Morrow Multnomah folic Sherman TIllum.H-ik ,, I matilla Cnlon Wallowa Wasco Washington Wheeler Vamhlll Total rounty In the state Annual Income I zi.m :o.u 59.73 ' 2.(il7! 50.012 I'.Mi 14.1)1 i 4.347 1 23.77 1 C.7I2! 10.270) 7.3 JO that the ih-iI month or two will sea a The heaonirnt and foundations of th mill are now helnj dii; with a similar Irw rraae in the nainl-r of bus!-i atoam above! and will soon lx com neaaes In that section of the town. plrted und tha ronatnu tlon of lbs r The pt.prr company bought tha old Inforred r mcreto buildings thein ilto of the Oregon t'lty laundry, and aelvea will soon be under wsy. .... . , .3 FOUND DEAD III BED lO.MOiBOOV fr MRS. SARAH ANN HINCY WILL Be SENT TO MIDDLETON, OHIO, HER OLD HOME. H. B. DAVIS FILES SUIT II. II. Davis baa filed a suit to ro! led a 1900 note slgmsd by Henry War nick. lie askt for 1 100 attorney's fees. :i.t:ii i.Zf-i I 14.107) Cl.MS Mrs. Harah Ann illney was found 11.411 Idt-ad In her bed Saturday morning al 4 931 lVl 'k no"l,' ' D"r on t-'harlea Tlde- 69 73 nian. In the Stafford district. Death 7,CD1 was due to cancer and came after a 2i."2 ng Illness, eg "AH .... Bh" years. II months u.41a 11 4'.0 iK0 Sprincfleld. Ohio, and spnt the greater part"of her life In the middle aeL She came to Oregon from South Dakota It years ago. Her body will )e sent to Mldd'rton, Wis., where she once lived. Her five surviving sons are James Tlet'eman. of Oswego; Charles Tlede nian. of Stafford: George Tledeman. of Mountain Road: John Tledeman, jf Sherwood, and Frank Tledeman, of Colorado. Fifteen grandchildren also curvlve her. 35,)78 3)101 1653 21.03 4.1.C1S S.4J6 36.337 .tl.0S6.000 E DIES AT HER HOME Mra. Phoebe Hughes died at her home In Greenpoint late Monday aft ernoon following a long lUness. She was 5r years old and born In Penn sylvania. Four children, Kdward. Clark and the Misses Olive and Irene Hughes, of this city, survive her. The body is being held at the undertaking establishment of Myers & llrady until the arrangements for the funeral ar completed. I SHE LIVED 53 YEARS MRS. ELIZABETH SUMMERS WOULD HAVE BEEN 80 YEARS OLO IN MAY. Mrs. Cecelia Riggs Is dead at her borne on Clackamas Heights, after an Illness of only a few hours. She Is survived by her husband, Albert Riggs. and six children, the eldest IS years and the youngest one year. Mrs. Riggs was born in Germany la 1S77 and came to America with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Rupt. when a young, girl. She lived at Clackamas Heights many years. Mrs. Klluheth Summers died Hun day morning at her borne on the cor ner of Seventh and Washington streets. She woulj have been 10 yea.- of age next May and had lived In the same bouse 63 years. She was born In Baltimore. Md., and crossed tha plains with her husband In the early fifties, who died 4S years ago. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. -Thomas Mooney, and her father died In 133 at the ago of 107 years. One daughter, Mrs. Walter Little, died to years ago. Mrs. Summers U survived by th following children: Mrs. A. Leary. of Portland; James Summers, of eastern Oregon; Mrs. Charles Crossman, of Tacoma; Mrs. K. Mc Samara, of Ore gon City, and Peter Summers, of Or gon City. MOUNT PLEASANTRIES Thomas W. Williams died Wednes day night at the home of his daugh ter. Mrs. J. B. Edwards, at Mount Pleasant after lingering lllneaa. Ho was aged about SO years. The funeral services were conducted Thursday afternoon and interment waa in Moun tain View cemetery. Hood River to have factory for prep aration of candied fruits, school. . Your Cash Goes Furtheresf Here SEE WHAT IT WILL, DO SUGAR SPECIAL 100 lbs. Cane Sugar $7.55 100 lbs. Dry Granulated 7.35 14 lbs. Dry Granulated 1.00 13 lbs. Pure Caue 1.00 FLOUR SPECIAL Swan Flour, $1.25 sack; Bbl...$4.50 Crown, sack $1.35 Crown, ltbl $5.30 1.0 lbs. Pancake Flour 45c 10 lbs. Patent Flour 40e 10 lbs. Farina 45c 9 Ins. Corn Meal 35c Rice, Macaroni, Etc. Sultana Raisins, lb 10a Muscatel Raisins 10c Whlto Figs, lb 10c lilack FiKS, 3 lbs 25c Dry Peaches, 3 lbs 25c 4 lbs. Pink llcans 25c lbs. Mexican Beans 25o 4 lbs. Huyo Henns 25c 5 lbs. Broken Rico 25c 4 lbs. Jap Rice .'...25o 3 lbs. Pesthead Rice 25c 3 lbs. Sago 25c 4 lbs. Tapioca 25c 4 lbs. Cut Macaroni 25c 3'4 lbs. Small White Beans 25o Hams, Bacon and Lard Armour's Best Sugar Cured Bacon. Hacks, pound 20c Armour's Best Sugar Cured Hams, pound 20c Sltlo Hacon, Best Eastern 23c Salt Pork, Eastern 15c 1 pound Armour's Picnic Ham..15o No. 10 Pail Pure Lard $1.35 Lard Compound, In bulk, per lb. 15c No. 5 Tin Pure Lard 70c CANNED GOODS 4 Can Oysters 25c 2 Can Merlgold Milk 15c 6 Can Clams 65c 3 Can Pork and Beans 25c 3 Can Sardines 25c 2 Can Chill Con Carne 25o Pickles and Kraut Sour Pickles, pint Jar .... Sour Pickles, quart jar . . . Sweet Pickles, bulk, quart .15c .25c 25c SPECIALS 10c Can Pepper Good Broom Toilet Paper, 3 for... Tillamook Cheese, lb. . 5c .25c .10c .25c Arm & Hammer Soda 5c 50-lb. sack Dairy Salt 50c 50-1 b. sack H ground Salt 35c 5 gals. Coal Oil v65c 3 boxes Matches 10c 25c Box Pearline, or Go'd Dust. .20c Corn or Gloss Starch 5c 10c Bottle Bluing or Ammonia.. 5c 3 Cans Old Dutch Cleasnser 25e 3 Cans Lye 25e Vinegar, full quart 10c Vlnogar, gallon 25c Reg. 25c size K. C. Baking Pow der 20c Reg. 50c K. C. Baking Powder. .40c 4 pkgs. Quaker Corn Flakes. . . .25c Small Onion Sets 5c Fancy Hood River Apples, box $1.50 Fancy Naval Organes, size 80, 48c Size 176, doz. .' 20c Fancy Lemons, extra large, doz. 20c Walter Baker's Breakfast Cocoa, reg. 30c lb 25c Regular 30c pkg. Rolled Oats...25o Regular 25c Can Peaches 10c 6 Can Sardines 25c 3 Cans Silver Salmon 25c 2 Can3 Chinook Salmon 35c 6 Loaves U. S. Bread 25c Box Soda Crackers, Family size 65c Breadfast Foods Golden Rod Oats, Reg. 35c, pkg.. 33c Golden Rod Wheat, Reg. 3oc pkg. 30c Roman Meal 25c Krlnkle Corn Flakes, 2 pkgs, ..15o Shredded Wheat, 2 pkgs 25c Ralston Bran, 2 Tor 25c Full Line Kellogg's and Quaker's - Cereal FALLS CITY BUTTER ON WEDNESDAY, BUTTER DAY, 55c LARGE ROLL Peanut Butter, 2 lbs 25c SYRUP SPECIAL Log Cabin Maple, pints, reg. 30c 20c Log Cabin Maple, qts. reg. 60c,. 40c Log Cabin Maple, reg. 90c 80c Columbia Syrup, H-gal 30c Columbia Syrup, 1 gal 50c Karo Syrup, -gal 30c Karo Syrup, 1 gal 55c Tea and Coffee Caravan Coffee, lb., special ...,35c 3 lbs. per special $1.00 This Blend Is a Perfect Coffee; rich in aroma, strong In flavor, yet is Bmooth and pleasing to the most delicate palate. Royal Coffee, lb., special 30c Gold Dollar Coffee, lb., special.. 25c Llpton's Tea, 1 lb. tins for 65o Best Bulk Teas, lb , 45c Soap and Washing Powder 6 Bars Crystal White Soap 25c 3 Cans Old Dutch Cleanser 25c Light House Cleanser 5c Pure Extracts, bottle 10c Crackers 3 10c Boxes Crackers 25c 2 25c Boxes Crackers 45c 3 pkgs. Graham Crackers 25c Vi or M Cases Crackers, lb. ... 8c Full Line Fancy Cookies, 10c box, 3 for 25c 5c boxes, 6 for 25c Full Line Fancy Cookies In Bulks German Egg Noodles, reg. 15c.. 10c Fruits and Vegetables Of All Kinds Fancy WInesap Apples, box... $1.25 MORGAN'S The Cut Rate Stores 2 Stores, Oregon City and Bolton Phones PaSific 19. Home A-133 AUTO DELIVERIES Gladstone and Parkplace, Monday and Thursday morn ing. Mount Pleasant and Falls View, Wednesday and Satur day A. M. West Side and Canemah, Tuesday and Friday. OREGON CITY DAILY.