Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 07, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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MIUNO. April t8H.IM J. I.
Mullotl U l.ulldina. iin addition lo hi
Udii-; Mr. llimnMnn and family ha
nioid into hU hcua. Mr. MttM l
ixxui ins T'lor rcaldrm
Mr. Croox Ua rrnliil hot lnto
building to a man from t. Hdn.
Iln la going to ua It Mr a un to
pairing ahop.
Mr. Ooilor. cf Canny, wa ihe giu-at
of Mm. ft. P. Wallain lai-t .
The l-adlra" Socl.il cluh nn-l llh
Mra. C. T. Howard ul Tnnnmay. vr.
tTAnXllili. A, ail "M' '-'I -Tba
(.in and li,.la ' ' ' "
d la diud up ii-J'U and ll"l-d
llill aundi ifult)
Mra. IImi I. Iifii tt a'l of lni'
ni il..cr va h.i .U and lon
nit (lain (i. II found
a bard tol ha I f..im-. hlh tin
litroa ioiild mill" ..H'lrii'
Wlill Iii-i,ib a tn- Iwd
nop and f'-mlioi. -'d io.lu
lino nmj BIKI PI"'""'" i Molid.i)
iiir iniia luii, a ii i"
lloal a moai 1 1, da III a irM
lirandma TW-di t m, alia a
f lloiially ra'l.-l l old and oun
I i. a. .id aaay qui. kl in h-r ll
A put - tHi- uii 1 hjiuf.l.ir ittorti n4 m hiihi' hrlor"
Uayllk'hl. Hlis lia.l ft ld ! "
i-ar Hh a ,iif 'i. ..ii..n of iia.-..
ihlrf of a huh Mill hd
I HHrft I rt. ill. Atnl a-lH-tlal.l-llia
la-ap'Yiar dam Hal ill
djy tii li.l all lid and all rv
I Kid a f"d llino Tlia (hi oniu
I ludoa In 1 liar an tnadv 'ir u I'd
I floor llmluiii'l
Harold Notion iii'irii'd lininu from
lu lio.i'lul Huii'lay Wa am (Ud lo
i l'lin "l1 and around aaalll
I Mr and Mr A V, CiNitc Mr l
I and III aoii, llimh, alli'inl' d llm lilin'l
at of Mm lloffiiiviaiiT al Kuk'h I're-li
II Jit Wlt.I.K
- Jo Ihoinlon and all ai-nl la
oii t'lljr on Halurl-y -n lauu-
Mr Aiii-rl'iiry haa lni in iU l in
uy of Wilxinvlllf for Hi pat rik. troKrn mil Uni llo loll l'ial and
i:sT.('.VH.. Or . Mari h 30 Th
J.iiioii-lriui Ihr I "old rr
Mra. I'roiun'a lnolln-r. Mra. P-lili r
hat M-n qulla III. Iml 'ia aolii"
ahat ln'll.r.
Tha Ciiiiiiiirri U lull bad a ou
rris uns an uptodat ruatlc barn a'ld
almilar wnirovonu'iiia will aoon !
I nn.'..r msv nn Ihn W irdt'ruold and
Millie Thomaa bi l;M Mm. l,0 ar t jatmi-i (anna, a.ille rrd I.lns and
ilolnrt and Adolpb Mltlrr are lonlom
a.ll.m I. co.nln Inlo lla oau on tx,nM. Ih.-rn
and bulldine up rapidly, laj Hata I , ....,..
Mrm. Jple Anaua eiilitlalind
I'rtH k
iniir.aln. A aoclal I'm aa enjoy ea
lf all A daliuy lti h a at-reit y
(he hretoaa.
Mra. rTank Mrl lard and ctilldrrn of
Ci nala. er the nm-sta of Mra. Joa. j
L. I;inlela lant S'inday and Monday.)
(ilatlns bulldina addition to their
Imrna. II (. tiehi-n la rviuirted to
have rft Ued ar hllei t'a plana for ihe
rnlariivmrnt of hi home.
AnnonnoeiiM nt haa l"n made of
Mra. Molrd haa alio pto iMiin,he nmrrlace. al Vanrourer. of Wviu
her brother. rYink Klmmey. of Col- j Morrow 0f jutaiadannd Miaa Ulan he
Ion. I fox of Portland, the younu couple thU
Mra. Mary Daniid. a ho haa been
vuiltln relollrca and frk-nda In N ly
relumed lo her home In Mullno Sun
day. Mra. Kub Rudolph haa fone to Ore
toii C.ty to work In the Klectric ho
tel. She wa formerly employeil In
Mrs. Kate Uoueher haa none to
Needy to vialt her daiiRhler, Mr
ni3. Noldltt.
Mra. Otto Striker and Grandma
Hohl. of Eldorado w ere the RuesU of j
Mra. Kate Cou;her last Thursday. j
week vlalllnit the groom'a parent. Mr
and Mr. A. Morrow, here. The Broom
ta In the Vnltcd State navy, twine t
Honed porniam ntty In Portland, on tho
V. S. S. r-oaton.
The Udlea" Aid aoolety h bet-n
In (ha Anrlncwatrr IreatV.
ternlan church.
At the annual election of officer
of Ihe Springwater Sunday n'hool lat
Sunday, the follow ins were choaen:
Superintendent. W. A. Hard: aaaUt
ant auperiutendent. J. C. Peteraon;
ecretar'. M1 Florence Schenkr
treasurer. John Moer: librarian. K
Uothera club of Corral
Thuraday fternoon.
red Swart la aide to Ik
aain, a.'ier hi reent Ulio-
Krtirnl (ireppli.. atrlieil in llo
ateanier ' Heaver" on Wednesday an I
will upend tii inimer wilh hi unci
and aunt. Mr. and Mr. Norman Siv
Mra. KoU'rt Crahani and danKhh-r
Josephine. prlit Saturday end Sunday
In Portland.
Mra. Aubrey Vool and Mr, lla
rltirmk. of the loi-al athool. cud M
Pfklngton. of Corral Creek acliool.
were anionic Ih learher ahu attend
ed the liutitule al Molalla n Salur-day.
amrou .row Hi. bad alo appeared
on Hie rUbl brra.t. aithoiuli lontrarr
lo Ihe Ki-neral Mo f Hi-y wna not
pliilnful She -a... d aw a) at Ih"
tioma of her on In Ktaitord It bad
Iw. f hr with I bat br '"ly hoiild h
lokrn b' k to i 'liin and laid be-1
Id tha hutnd of lir ycuth. and ,
hT Hi. Ctnr!. . will i-atry owl b-r j
wUh having UH"d with tha lioilr
on Tueadav nt bt. alter aerlcea H
the chapel, mndo. by Hv. Col.
She wa nearly '. ara year old
Hrr aon. Jam and wl( of Uw. i.
will alo (O Willi lb body.
Mra. Nemle and ilaii.bieia arrlied
at lb-lr home on Vrdndy nlabt of
U.I wwk and Hie t;lr! were widioitK'
liietnlra of the Klrla club which met
with Mra. irae p.ni'pliir on Tliur
Merl Sihalta ba bia.led a whole la
land of atump lor Mr. WVddlo.
Mra: lllto'a mother and brother are
coming lo vlK her on Tuday.
lb CU'kaman Coiinly .Poiiiotu
liraiiK all! lui-el al IhiniaMiia Wed
lif..4t, April 12 lb ialiie ha ae
i ii red Ilia lierman hall for Hi day.
Theru will It a public entertainment
In Ilia etenliiK In which all are In
Mra W illiam Oibler I dolim nlcrly
and riMVta 10 I"' abln lo leal (In
horMlal In a fv dy. She will tiy
with relatlte III Portland until alie
la Klriiiiaj rnouxh lo mak Ihe Irl.i
K Aiil.K CilKKK. April . iSpeclal I
- Mr. I or lloffinclntrr, an old !
Ili-r oi till, place, died al her bono'
April I. I'l l'i. aller an lllnea of lo
wet-k I or a HclirtH-di r wa Ihiiii In
llunoii-r. Cermaiiy. July Jl. I " J Sb
caioe lo the l ulled Slalea III Im-..
The aiu ear the wa married 'o
Henry HoRineialer In I'lltaliiiril. Pa.
The family eiit li vear In Kii.
In I'iTv they iroa.cd the pUln to
(irinon and tiled al Kiiiile Creek
Mm. Holtnii'liter droe one of the
leaiii acroaa lhi plulna. Mr. HoiT
melati-r waa lod and reapecled by
. i ley.
The patron, or tne a. now mei ai , nd Mlii, an $m.
aihool house around back of the new
one. It la to be tiM-d ai a play ahed
r-i. th.. -lilMivn A rhlrVn rifnnor
served to Ihe men by the ladles. '
Mrs. August Krickdon kindly donated
Ihe use of her kitchen and dining
room and dishes for the occasion.
Ml.-uies Huel and Rode Klarr. of
:.l( kstmrK. visited tneir grandmothe.',
Mrs. RosbJ Wallace. laKt Sunday.
Mrs. Joi. U Daniels and children
have cone to Canby to visit her par
ents. Mr. and Mra. John H. Turn.
The Infant aon of Mr. and Mra. Wal
ter Waldrof haa bevn quite ill but he
is Improving now. '
Tom FUh made a business trip to
Colton last Friday.
Mra, Crook waa an Oregon City vis
itor Saturday.
Mrs. Eph Dodte and daughter. Al
thea, were the guests of the former's
mother, Mrs. Mary nDnlels.
Mrs. Robert Snodgrasa and our
teacher. Miss Grlce. went to Molall.i
Saturday to attend the teachers' meet
ing held at that place last Saturday.'
Mrs. Flora Grioe and Mrs. Snol
grass attended the teachers' institute
at Molalla Saturday. They report a
very pleasant time.
Mrs. J. L. Daniels and children left
Sunday for Canby. where they will
spend a week visiting Mrs. Daniels'
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Burns.
Mrs. Herman was visiting her par
enU, Mr. and Mrs. Snodgrass, Sunday.
Mrs. Goucher la visiting her daugh
ter, Mrs. Charles Noblltt, of Needy,
this week.
ta. Trumngcr. or Eag!e Creek, a
visitor at Mullno last week looking
after business Interests.
0. A. and Archie Davis left Satur
day for eastern Oregon. They are
contemplating taking homesteads.
Mrs. J. A. Davis went to Portland
The Ladles' club met with Mrs. C.
T. Howard last Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. C. A. Wallace and children
The Gordon-Wink Lumber company.
which has been cutting maple on tha
place near AlspaiiKh. has
moved its mill to the C. C. Sallni:
property between I-ower Garfield and
Estacada. where there la fine stand
of timber.
I'PPER GARFIELD, April 6. (Spe
cial) Fishermen are returning with
well Idden baskets of trout from th
streams near "Log Lartarre." which
were heavily stocked Jast year with
eastern brook and Spencer Creek
Rainbow trout.
R. Chrlstman. orner Of the Stokot'
place, lost a valuable horse last week.
C. R. Spackman has disposed of his
Cpper Garflied property. Mr. and
Mrs. Julius Markwnrt are the purchas
Mrs. H. A. Laltarre has returned aft
er a two weeks' stay in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stokes and
daughter, Louise, have returned to
their home, aft-:r spending the winter
with Mrs. Stokes' parents In Virginia.
R. L. Carter was injured while work
ing In the Lemon-Davis mill on De'.f
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Krieger are
contemplating making Estacada their
future home.
Safe Medicine for Children.
"Is It safe?" is the first question to
be considered when buying cough med
icine for children. Chamberlain's
Coi'gh Remedy has long been a favor
ite with mothers of young children a
it contains no opium or other narcotic,
and may be given to a child as confi
dently as to an adult. It is pleasant
were visitin? Mrs. Seward, of Macka-! to take' t00' wbich 18 of sreat im"ort
burg, Tuesday I ance wen a medicine must be given
'-, , . j to young children. This remedy Is
most effectual in relieving coughs,
The Security Savings & Trust com-!
pany filed a suit in the circuit court I
Thursday against H. D. Sandstone to !
collect on a $77.50 note. The company
aiso asks for $35 attorney's fees.
colds and croup,
SANDY. Ore., March 30. A modern
rock crusher will be located on the
Could Hardly Do Her Work. i Bluff road, near Sandy, next week, and
Housework is trying on health and j it will furnioh crushed rock for five
strength. Women are as much in-' adjacent road districts, including tho
dined to kidney and bladder trouble material to pave the Bluff road from
as men. Symptoms of aching back, j Sandy to Pleasant Home, at the Mult
stiff and sore joints and muscles, blur-: nomah county line,
red vision, puffiness under eyea, j There is an Inexoauatable supply of
should be given prompt attention be- first class road rock on the Sandy j
fore they lead to chronic or more ser- J bluff. It is planned to make the Bluff j
lous ailment, lire. George Hauck, j road part of the automobile road from '
955 Pearl St., Benton Harbor, Mich., j Portland to Mount Hood,
writes: "I was awful l.au, with such "There will be more permanent road
pain I could hardly do my work, and j work near Sandy this year than ever
f S f-
'jr ii i V, -
f-rfV v v 'rri.,- V i
(Il2r7',-,:;''' ; i
Big Price
In Stover
Now made in l-U-2-4-6 Horse Power and up at
prices that put this gooti engine within the reach
of all.
W. J. Wilson & Co.
Oregon City, Oregon
12TH and MAIN STS.
For Your Baby.
The Signature of
X -aa
U the only guarantee that you have th
prepared by him for over 30 years.
YOU'LL give YOUR baby the BEST
Your Physician Knows Fletcher's Castorla.
Soid only In one size bottle, never in bulk
or otherwise; to protect the
The Centaur Company
tliuia by lh Johimoii lna. on hratrn j
Op'iiln rfinarVa by Hi-v. V. II Wi-tt ) ,
lauli r; addre. 'Tho Klllplnn at , .
Monk'." by I H'ltl'T. iimab' by or-j ,
ih.'tra: addri'a. 1 lounu Aitn-ru n
by O. V. K.mtlmm; onln-lra
v .
i t i
KACI.i; t UKI-.K April 6 iSp.k ll l
Mr. J ni" HoiikIR". t1!. -loi'pli.
bll Ixl'll tilt KUlMt of hiT iiiiiIIht.
Mr, llimb'tt fur tho pul fl iluv.
rt'iiirnliiK lin n u en MotidiD.
The dirnicr art' h'y Ih -"" fi
diiy rutting In the i-ropn.
Ml't Maralmll. arcompaiilitl by J.
I1. Woodlo nml alio, th" Mlasr Mury
and Ni'ttlii Woodln. tiioturi-d ovrr tu
Mr. llowlrtt'S lut Tllvlu." (lrtlKJil
nnd vUI'imI v. 1th lnr for a rlmrt timo
Kvcrctt lU'ckolt, with thn uUi I
ante vt to nun, ha been clcarln)
up aoiiio of the tumpa on lila farm re- j
rently. j
ltnv Woodlo. with the aid of hi futh-
it. J. I'. WuimIIb. built aoiiii- (cure IiihI i how
.MArRSl'l'ltU. Apill altfpM-l.il I
Tim inaxlcal r(trt Ih un' '
upon a roll it'll 'Ii""!1 ''m" "1
trr'a rain. Viii alini iiimII'1 I'y
innii aklll. o(t"ii. a I fll known. i
1n bflli'f. but nbi'ii iit "li'iin'iil'il ')
thn pllnt up rn-ry of runrlirr h'i
biivr rir wrrka born rliiitli.it widi-r th"
(Mifurcrd ib'luv u'M'd by i.iit!iin'i
mln. a iiirtiiiiinrpliiU aurlhy of llm
Arubluii KiilvtU I tlx' r. aiill
Thrlvlnu Kniln fl"M" I" brlubl.at
icri'i'ii ari In ;ili'IHK nmlra. I !.v
adj.i' i nt trai t of d irk rl h anil H'I
ri'diilriit from the upheave! of p'n.
nnd urib'ii beie the lima r "f
earl)' veitetaiileii beapenk a "-ed aup
ply for the table, afford not only ki'
Iflrull.ib for th preaetil but apeak uf
I the lomliin harvoal wttU a pp'tnotil-
Him that milnt vla'ldell Ihe h"urt
Ho Ww.rotnly din- thv land f'y it'iij
no Oil tliut a week' Interval between
line obaervntliina of the Inn In aW
a Uloiipi eaninrn of Junule tli.it-
Mf. lloffnian, lh Sumly bui.her.
wa In Emtio Cr.ik and vli lnlty on
Momlity looklns for unme bi-cf emtl...
Ml Myrtle Woodlo railed lul U"r
Krnndmolher, Mm. H. V. Iliiwiett, Ium
Hiituriluy nfteniuon.
Mr. llerkett and OiiiihIiI.th. tho
Mlho Vera nnd MiiIm'I Heekett, mo
tored out to the hiiuiii place Sunday
and nprnt the day.
A. I). McMillan wit aeen In KiikIo
Creek Monday nnd ho railed on Uuy
Woodle, pnrrha!iin flvo nne rowa nf
hint. It appear Mr. McMillan Ih ko
1 n u Into tho dairy IhmIiivhh.
Mln Myrtle HoffmelHler made it
trip to Kalncadn Haturdiiy. She In
having Homo dental work dune.
Mr. Howlett received n pleiiHiint
mil from MIh.i Lena Cuhlll laht Sat
uriluy. Sunday school wan fiKaln alarted In
this nelKhborhood Sundiiy after n vu
cation durliiR tho winter.
Pumps, Wagon Implement, Etc.
x Spring,
Sprlili U lookfld upon by many Uh tli-1
moiil dellKhlful HO.iKin of tho year,
but tfilA rnnuot be hiiM nf tho rhoil
nmtic. hfl cold nnd diifti'p weather
brliiKB on rlioiimntlc pnln'a Whfeh nro
nnythliitc but plenxiint. They fan he
relieved, however, by npplyln! Chum-
herluln'H Mnlmont. lObtuiniiblo v-ttKJ-whoro.
euiMea Renulne urprie.
Thn lomblued foreia of dynaiulti
nnd horae-poaer ar.) rodilrlnr the
number nf atump nnd root with ev
ery puKnliiK day. Till I runhed wlfi
ImreiiM'd vlifiir now on Ihe aeed lime
o near.
1'imv a.4 lr" 'nc rnncher mid llielr
fumllle. the)' do n'd, nltoitether. n
Klett the itoclal .'Ml nf life. VUlla
are enchunced to IhW ft'Utlial llc
lire iiml benetlt alno fur itA, o llnd,
I creatly fuclllliited by JnliivhanKii i.f
tlioiiKltl and experlem e.
Thn MotherH" club la to meet Al"tI
llllh wllh Mra. Kr.mk lll'lon.
Mlsx Lucille (ilbhon Ih vImUIiik her
hIkIit In rnrtland.
Thn home of Mr. mid Mm. Hay Vo
der wim Kladdeiied on Monday by tint
birth of a little -ton.
KYank lllllon Ikih one tu bU moun
tain ranch to put tn his mimmer crun.
Mrs. Howard, Mrs. Short, Virginia
Graham and Wallace Graham, of Port
land, visited relatlvoa here on Satur
Jack Aneus has been trying out
I am very thankful for Foley Kidney j before," said Paul MieniR, president of, BOme automobileB, with, the prospect
(Adv.) : the Sandy Commercial club.
Routledge Seed & Floral Co.
None Better at Double the Price
All Sizes up to 600 Egg
We guaranty, that yoa can T-rmte a Buck
eye aucceiafully even thoriFh you never aaw
an incubator before. Buckeye catalogue on
Poultry Fonda and Supplieaof all klnda. New
catalogue No. 62 Ulla all a poatcard will do.
169-191 Second St.
Portland, Oregon.
of Investing.
Mrs. Frank Seely's two. grandchil
dren accompanied her from Portland
cial) A speclul school meeting wai
held at the school house Saturday to
on Sunday and will siend two months j elect a director to fill the vacancy
here, while their parent, make 3 trip 1 made by Italph Holman, leaving II. F.
The Drink
That Fits
A drink that should be on every table
On Mle at all Leading Groceries and Confectionaries
to Canada.
The vilTase school will close about
the middle of June.
The farmers are finding It a great
convenience to have a good horse
shoeing establishment at the garage
of Young & Stangel.
Frank Stangel Invested In an auto
mobile recently.
Jake Peters has sold a good many
Implements to the farmers for the
spring work.
The river waa very high last week,
but has gone down rapidly, and the
boats are running on schedule tlma
. Why Constipation Injure.
The bowels are the natural sewerage
system of the body. When they be
come obstructed by constipation a part
of the poisonous matter which the
should carry off 1 absorbed Into the
system, making you feel dull and stu
pid, and Interfering with the digestion
and assimilation of food. This condi
tion la quickly relieved by Chamber
lain's Tablets. Obtainable everywhere.
Noyer was elected in his place
Sadfc and Sefnte Ilellbacka visited
nt Mr. and Mm. Matsons, Sunday.
Mr. Pcpora, a Finn from Canada, has
bought the place known as the Chasc'n
pJace from the Savon Land Co.
Ruben Chlndgren visited at Sehleve
Sunday eve.
Hans Melltlen has the chicken pox.
The Literary was well attend Fri
day evening, the question, ','Rcsolved,
There Is more happiness In married
life than bachelorhood" was debated
on. The affirmative was P. O. Chlnd
gren atjd B. F. Noyer; negative, Chas.
Kerns and Jim Howard. The Judges'
decision were all for the affirmative.
Million dollar shipbuilding plant Is
planned for LInnton.
all who knew her and the family huro
the sympathy of -the community ui
large.- She leaves to mourn her Iosh,
an aged' husband, four aons, John und
Henry of Damning, Fred and Dave of
Eagle Creek, and one daughter of Port
land, also 17 grandchildren. Rev. Mr.
Aue of EtUncaila conducted the timers!
services ut the family residence Mon
day forenoon with1 interment la the
Forrester cemetery.
3 3 j .
CLARKES, April 6. (SpeclaD Pe
ter Sager and family visited their
daughter, Mrs. George Clarke and
family of Highland last Sunday.
Miss Elda Marquardt was In Oregon
City a few days and Visited her friends
last week. .
W. H. Wottlaufer was In town on
Ernest Derger is grubbing stumps
with a stump puller.
V. Sullivan from Portland went
through Clarkes In an automobile fant
John PUU of Colton, purchased a
new automobile last week.
A. F. Hurtie was tn Portland last
H. C. Kleinsmlth was in town last
A union meeting was held' at the
Clarke hall last Sunday evening. The
program consisted of musical selec-
Robert It. DwIkkIiis, the lO-moutliH-Old
mm of Mr. und M.'S. (luy l,wlni;liM
Of (iluillUono, scored !)9 per cent In
A eiigueiuc contest conduct by (lie
()rjtoil Congress of Mtitlinr ut Port-
liin.l list week, lt'ibiiit Ima never
been s'iVm a day In his life utid I I Mo
picture nf nenltli. Ho Is tho grand
son of Ex Ctfitnly Trensuror and Mr.
1915 Ford 5 paw, fully equipped, prac&alty new $395.
1915 Ford rbadaterV fuBjr equipped, like iW, $345.
1914 Ford 5 pasa.,, fully equipped, klaxon1 horn, cut out
and speedometer $295.
1914 Ford 5 pat., folly eqiupped, run only 4000 !
1914 Ford 5 pass., fully equipped, finest condit.ri; $21S
1914 Ford roadster, fully equipped, $275.
1914 Ford roadster, fully equipped, practically new,T$29ffi.
1912 Ford roadster, $197.50.
E 1,99 EMT 13 4 HAWTHORNE AVtv-
Abo Pear, Peaches, Apricot, Almonds, Applet, Cbrrra-, Small Fruit, Btc.
Mall your want list today, stating quantity and varieties RUSH
cur turpltis is going fast.
LAFAYETTE NURSERY CO., Lafayttta, Oregon.
Fancy Dreised and Live Poultry, Egg., Veal and Hog.
Write lot thippin; tags. Send shipment to us and' Jet quick returns.
Wiaaiaflaa St