Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 24, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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    ! I
oriraiov crrv entkihmuhb. ikiiiav. shuck -.m. run.
Club Talks About
Italian Galiles
HHUFi.O, Manli M IMpeilall
Mre II It. Hlml ami Mra I). K
Thayer iter Hie lioalveaii at III it
iiii clliig of tin- oriiau a i lull livlil
I'llKfU) afli riHMiii In llm i IiihiI
tiiiiiMi, olii'ii llm proK'aill ronalali'd if
dlM-iiaalon mi Halloo, llm Italian ae
Ironomor If Mr A. J. HoaMlcr, llm
trt . riit luting Imcii prepared under
llm illr.M ll.m i.. Mi. II. r. MIL. Kill
lowing llm pr.MUin luiii lii'oii
Mrs. Geo. Lipps Is
Entertaining Club
HHWF.HO. M.irih 11-(Hpeclall
Tim l-adl'V lull of l-ake (irntu, mhlrli
la fi iiiiciiiuiiIim. imi nmxta regular-
ir. neing riiirriainmi una eneriioou
al thu liimm of Mra. Iioorx l.liia
Hollio Jo giiesl art- present, t tic K b
hii mmiiIii from I'oiilaml all of ahum
have oiahllahed home In llm Nike
lirutw diatrlrl. A program la to I car
ried mil anil llm iluua dlaiuaaod fur
llm Uiliiil1illnK ami Improvement of
llm lVa Crutf district.
OHWK'iO. Munh !1 (Hiwilal l
Th t conical aiilrll Ima pervdc (hit hi
tiiiihrn aiirrmindliia llm Hehoci a
IoiUk of Oawegti ami aa a rraiill lliurli
lnt rnal router In securing new mem
hrra fur I ho oritaiiltMtliin. Tomorrow
evening's meeting will h In llm na
ture of a llirary pruKram In 1 ham ofio,i, l Mnlilnx al (hit r'ruiik Whltlt-Q
Mia llumiihrf) of tlm Oawi'Ko j
M hiMil Tli roiiN'al la to eml In Max
ami thu Ion I ti at a I t r I lo kIvk a au
Iht to llm Innlna alid'.
flHWRliO. March !S. (KMrlaD
Hurt lira at tlm ()pko ('unxrpKullon
al iliurt h nril HmnUy lll lii-Kln Willi
Humluy arliiMil al 10 a m. The iri-ai h
Ina: aurtliit will !' al 7 .10 In tlm rtrn
Ink', rotiilui lnj by llm aalor. Iti'v. Mr.
Mi-tvr of Ituktt I'ark, I'urtlamt, who
hohla Kiilrri lii-rn tftf Similar
Tlm Don na ix i'ly of tlm rhun li
ttaa ciilnrlalimil lut Frliluy afli'rnoon
ul tin- home of Mra W. K. Ulrkm-r.
T ho Imlli'a nr pri'imrlnx fur a la
ar In lo itlvrn lalT In th yrar.
()HWKiO. Mun h 23. - (Spo. lal.)-1
Tlm aiiKKPRtlon havlnx Ixi-n made to
llm nwiKo Woman i-luli hy Mr. Wlr
pli. prtrltur of thi 0wi-ku iiiovIiik
plrturw Ihi'nlri'. lo tin rffri t that lio
would In' Klud lo tiavn thu womrn aid
Mill In pntvldlllK llolllllIK hut tint lii'xt
pli lutf fur Onoi'Ko. the rtuh rxpi'i l
lo appoint a nimmllli'i to ronfi'r w ith
Mr. Wlrpln and arry out hi liUa.
Tho cluli la frntlriivl to li-arn that Mr.
Wlrplit I w HlltiB to aid tho rluh In It
durational work In pruvldiiiK the li-t
pliturn rMlhl for hoy ami Klrl
of tln community.
OSWKtlO. March 25. (Hpciliil.)
Plalilnic In tlm vlrlnlly of Oitwoco la
ftccpllumilly good Jtint now. Muny
flMiprmi'ii arc ohacrvod iiiinliiK
throtiKli hern duly ctiioiito to tho liiko.
river ami vurlou HlrcniiiH ahiiut till"
lurnllly. Iirstt hhick Imsa have heen
Min In tho Duck pond within tho city
limit diirliiR tho pant work. Thin I
an uniiauiil Incident. It In licllovod
tlmt they enmo In dnrlim tho lilKh wa
OSWKtJO. Manli 2:1. (Speclul.l
W. E. SyinlUK'ton of tho Oivroii Iron
unil Storl company arrived In Oh
tve!o luHt Friday niornliiR In a luimd
new nuto of the Ciiho modi)!, which the
company recently purchased.
The Methodlft Kplacopu! church tea
Klvcn IuhI TlmrHday was lurKly at
tumled and tho afternoon wuh enjoyed
hy all.
Pearl Nlrtiuach, daiiKlitor of Wil
liam NIolmHcli, propr'.otor of the Rlv
omldo Inn, roaort for employes of tlio
cement iilni't, and William HuhcIi, uii
electrician at tho Southern Pacific
jnrdH nt Ohwcko, wero married InHt
0Hrntloii8 liave lieon reBiimnd hy
tho Olontnorrlo nuarry comimny nt
their quarry on tho ladexldo, tho
company having recnlvod n contruct
to funilnh rock for flllliiB on tho Pu
cilia hlKhway ahout ono and one-half
miles north of Obwoko. TIiIb In good
nnwa to Bomo, as tho conipntiy em
ploys from 15 to 20 men.
It. W. Koohler, who has onuln hoen
iippolntod deputy county asuosHor for
tho Obworo dlHtrlct, visited Oregon
City Wcdnosday In preparation for
his official duties.
Frank Nlcolls caught 10 fine Mack
linsB In tho loko last Frldnjr.
Mr. Campboll also a fine catch,
amoiiR them bolnR ono bIx and ono
lir.lf pounds and ono four and ono-half
Horhort Dyer and David Nelson, tho
boatmen at the east end of the lake,
aro repairing and painting thoir boats
In preparation for tho coming season
rfhlcli la cxpoctod to be good on trie
lalto owing to additional attractions
at Iko Grove and othor places. Doth
boatmen roport that they are nlroady
filling ordora for boats during tho
summer months.
R. Confer, local resident and em
ploye at tho log hoist on the river
south of Oswego, fell whllo nt work
recently and fracturod threo ribs.
Mr. and Mrs. George Wright and In
fant child am moving to Portland this
week. Mr. Wright will take up new
work with the Southern Pacific In
that city, having Just finished work
with tho Oregon Portland Cement
company. D. C. FIndlay, electrical
engineer at the .cement plant, will oc
cupy tho house whoro, the' Wrights
The dance given by the baseball
boys 'on SU Patrick1 night was rath
er a disappointment to the boyi flnan
cilly, while everybody enjoyed them
selves and It was stated by all pres
the dance was one of the beBt
ent that
iHnlui I i i affair of lint aiaaoll. The
foulura of llm dam lli moon
light IhiIII.i Ii In which juat olio
green light Imar I bit musician
ullklil during llm damn. Tim hull a
d"i iiraU'l with fern and green rep,
'llm l'iia Impa that llinlr mil d,nn ti
till receive) hotter put rixiHKft, Imw
Charles llixatiiim roi onlly look a
walk In llm tli lull y of Hooding ami
luli-i thai l la remarkable, llm
grottlh uf lhal oinniiinlly In llm paat
yvur, Now liiiiim-i may he aen every
where, II liu Iiih ii rumored Hint llm Ore
Kim Iron ami Hlid company, propose
rniinliiK a Jitney Ima fruni Portland In
((wi'Kii tlu llm Dmitliorpe roahliiitlal
if linn, mi that llm people (if thai eeo
Hull tan travel In 0ogn ami I'orl
laml al llii-lr will. ,
H. K. Cox riHi'lvml a vlalt a rouple
of day Ihla ct'k from lila brother,
lee) Co. ul Canity.
J t
IIAZKI.IA. Mn!i IT (Homlall
Clittrlf Ana'lii uf OkWi-Ku lt"'"(
at lh niiiim uf J. P. Cook Kiimlay.
I hiali liaki'r 4a in I'urlluml WimI
Mr. rrank Clillila aM iit Thuriluy
afliTtiiKUi tilth Mr. Allrnl Thnina.
Mr. uii'1 Mr. A. Wiirlliliintiin with
vlallor In OattcKu Tliur(ly after
Mi Kr-(' l-linimi rullcil on lu-r
iimlhur, Mr HMIa Hlilpli'y of Onpko,
V. W, Waukor a in I'urtlaml on
liualni' Tlmrailay.
AIiiiiiii Hay, from (limn Vlrw. Orr-
lionm at Mil v. rllmic.
Mr. ami Mra. Iliuiry )nnrun mailt
a Init'ni' lrli to I'lirtlaiul Krhluy.
Mr. ami Mr. J. II. M lntyn from
I)iko. wrrf I'ntrrlaliinl liy Mr. ami
Mr. J. P. Cook and Mr. and Mr. J. H.
Jarknoti Hiimlay afli rinxm
Mlaa Ilium tin piinran mii( a plvaa
ant afl'TtiiMin wlili Mix llaltlc Wan
kiT. rluiiilay.
A. I. U'alllliK, from Porlluml, wu
out to hi furm In llaxulla HumlaV.
Mla l.tiln WutikiT vUlli-il at llm
lioimi of her lirollmr. J. II. WnnkiT.
Siiturday and Kumluy.
Mr. and' Mra. Krm-t Whlllin unit
diiiiKhlir. Normii, am! Mma Iva Whit
Irn wire Ori'Kon City lnltura Sutur
iluy inornlni:.
MIi- Kthid a:nl Marlun Tlioimuin
of ()i-ko wi'iv thu RiieHta of Mix
KthiM Ilakor SBlurday and Hiimliiy.
J'""'"h M",,r- fr""' Tualatin. wa
visitor In llui-lla Thumduy.
Wllllnm Young, from H her wood.
Oregon, apent Tueduy night Willi V.
II Cook.
Mis llaltlo Wunker m very plua
nntly iilertultied by Ml Klhel linker
Wednesday afternoon.
Church service will lx hold at the
si liool houso Halurday eveuiiiK. All
are Invlled to come.
Iliisley Whlttrll vlslteil til hInIit.
I.Mr. T. II. Satan of Portland. Sutur-
day uml Suiuluy.
Mr. Kd Wunker and W. II. Cook
were In the How city on business Fri
day. Mrs. Frunk Whllten returned from
Ocean View. Oregon. Friday, whore
sho Iiiih been vlHillng her mother, Mrs.
J. It. Iluy.
Herbert Duncan was tint guest of
F.lvu Wanker Sunday afternoon.
Miss Mary Wilson and Mis Marlon
Kiintman were pleasantly entertained
liy tint Misses Pryinlironke Sunday aft
ernoon. J. II. Finn, from Jean station, was
u biislnes visitor In llaxellu Monday
.1. (inrtoii Ka.itman spent Sunday
afternoon with Walter Wanker.
Miss I vii Wunker cnlled on Mrs. Frunk
Whllten Saturday afternoon.
D. K. Umg inmlo a flying trip to
Oswcko Momluy mornlnv.
Mrs. Sarah Chllds Is visiting at Hie
A. VVullltiu homo In Portland at this
Mr. uml Mis. K. R. Whllten and
daughter, Norma, visited Mrs. Whit
ton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. .1. Wllketis
of the Stafford district, Saturday uml
i Harold Maker, who works In Port
land, spent thu week-end nt his homo
in llazellu.
The llazellu I .Horary and Debating
society met Saturday evening at tho
school houso with a largo attendance.
After a short report from tho program
committee the question, "Resolved.
That tho foreign Immigration to the
Vnllod States Should llo Prohibited,"
was debuted, the affirmative side be
ing victorious. Tho next meeting will
ho held April 1". Everybody Is cor
dially Invited to attend. The quos
Hon to be debuted Is "Resolved, That
Suffrugo Is Restricted to Those Who
Huvo Passed the Eighth Grudo Exam
ination." Tho leader on the affirma
tive Is Vernon Davidson and on the
negative Is Klva Wanker. An Inter
esting debate is expocted.
Alfred Thonios wua In Oswego Mon
day. Mrs. A. Nollson' called on Mrs. J. P.
Cook Mondny afternoon.
Mrs. Alfred Thomas spent Monday
and Tuesday with Mrs. Frank Childa.
Wlnlflold Ilaker made a trip to Oa
wogo Sunday evening.
W. n. Cook and Charles Austin wore
dinner guests nt the home of Wntt
Waldorf at Mullno Sundny. Mr. Wal
dorf was formerly of Oswego.
Mrs. J. S. Jackson called on Mrs.
F. Wanker Mondny.
Mrs. Fred Lehman and daughter,
Lonu, visited ut the Shipley home In
Oswego Saturday.
Miss Imrtgene Jewell spent the week
end at her home In Portland.
J. H. Wanker visited liis nephew,
Ed Wanker, Saturday and Sunday.
A. E. Holmajmd son. Charles, trans
acted business in Portland Saturduy.
Keep Your Skin Clear and Healthy.
There Is only ono way to have a
clear, healthy complexion and that Is
to keep th bowels active and regu
lar. Dr. King's New Life Pills will
make your complexion healthy and
clear, move the bowels gently, stlmu
iiA i, iiva, r-lnnnaa thA Rratem and
purify the blood. A splendid spring I
medicine. 25c at your druggist. (Adv.)
MOI.AU.A. Munh 21. (Mpix lll
A biir.lim limi'llliK h'dd at llm
.Mi thu'llnl ihtirrli i'ri'lay fori-noon
Dr. Ford, dlslrhl iiirrliileiiiiiit,
pnni'iit. Other churi In s upon Ihla
t In nit anrii rt-iiirnrnlml ly Mra.
Ilrotrn uml dmiKhiei of ('urn. Mr.
Mupli and Mr. Howard of Mullno.
It di'i'Med that llm in l quarlxr
ly confcrniifw klu.ulij Im ln-ld at ( in
Hal 1'olul, which la alwi In ihla ilr
ull. Kv rltilng liulli ati-d lhal llm
t. oik !iaa priiKri-Hi iiln-ly llm lt
low iiioutlia. A teai'lmla' training
cliia forniH wllli hot mm or two
loniilM-r at first, hut tiua grown en.
touuglugly. It wa leariuil that Mr.
Tat lor hh promised lo speak Humluy
en Minx In (hit Mi'ilimllst iliunh at
Cliirki. Or Ford asked apnlally
Unit llm remit of thai acrtlm In rn
K,rli'il, Hint It rn 1 1; ti f rot Ihiil r"Ku
lur irvct- lie elulililud at that
point. I Willi Ilia rliuri li and Hi beau
tiful paraoiiax i" Inaiirrd and lh
late on llm sumo fiavr lung alnce
limn f.tld. it wa liroiiglit out al Krl-
iluy'a liin.-tliiK,
It had In---!! pi't liiusly amiouni ed
hul Dr. Ford would apeak Friday
liftTii'Min at llm ihun h, hut a tlm
I'areiil Teai Imr nmeilng had Ihhiu an-
noMiii d aoinit limn In-fore, the nn-ct
lug wa adjounmd at noun with Iho
iiuilerataiidliix Hut uftrr dinner a. I
who were Inlereated would att 'iiil th"
later nuTtliu;.
Tho dlnni-r hour lu tho church
liHsemi'iit proved a Hum to he long
remembered. About iO wrre preaent
tnl weiuliir.ly i-urh wurled to lak
hand In the preparation and lertlng
a well a In tlm dining and merry
linking. Dr. Ford spoke at Iho i hup li In tlm
At tlm arliiMil two of llm high achool
room had t bo openi-ij logi lhr lo
acroimnoduta the crowd pr"nt Mr,
(ieorgn Aduina wa Iho loader for Hm
Iho proKmm oon proved thut nut-
U ut ubOlty ia not lacking in Ilr-
ai IiimiI It follow : Music, high h hool
onhestra; piano dm t, Olu'Adum and
lion Kteiluit; tloliu duet. Vlvlun
Itolihln and Mrs. K. M. Joy; piano
solo, Murgurrt (irouury; vocal nolo.
Mary Palfrey, accompanist on piano,
Mi. Palfrey: piuiiu aolo, llumld Jut k-
Kin; piano duet, llessic and Maud
Kthcnl; vlilln solo. Vivian Itobtiln:
music, high school orctmstra.
Dr. Ford ioke a few mlnutea ii-
on tho aliuiliirlly of tho prem lu r and !
Ii's. hrr a flidd of work.
Recently a pupil started to her
toucher thut pupa thought that tho
school was Htandard and mamma us
sure thut it wu not, Hie explanation
ut that time lielng thut we hud a stand
ard high school hut not elementary
school. Friday County Superintend
ent Culuvun anounced that he hud
been chocking up the Item and thut
from Hint day on both department
should bo called standard. The niies
aro wultlng to he posted and the pen
nant and t'ertlftcHto will soon bo he.o.
Superintendent Calavan took four iMb
Jecls: IndtiHlrliil work, domestic scl
euco and I'nion high school. He bo
gau by congratulating Molullaiis upon
but lug un eight room school house of
which v,'iy part is In actual use,
whin Iho town claims i iopu!ui'oii of
only fioo. llo also apolouied i'or the
stuud he took When tho plans for a
school with uil the room.4 upon nun
floor, were shown lo him. llo sulil
thut ut thut time ho hud not 'jcllcvod
thut it wu practical, but since Im
had seen how cheaply It could i-o lone,
bow much time tvus saved, and how
Hindi easier It Is for pupils to roach
safety In euse of llro ho felt cnivln
red that It Is tho coming style In the
building of school bouses.
Superintendent Calavan told how it
has boon protvn thut pupils di 'letter
book work where a part of !'.. time
Is spent upon ludustriel work , llo
urged those farmers who huvo the 1
laud to let tl.i'lr children have a t-umll
portion of their own to work, Hint they
miKht buy llioir own iieoessil'es ami
Ihcroby Uml I'.o work 111010 inlorost-
llo urged lho people to .tec that
they would in Hie nour future nnod
15 acres for playgrounds, shops and
various school activities and Him the
time to think c' that, is before the
price of land rises. Ho tirged that
since the school, where the twelve
grades nro tai'ht, Is the hoip.'r of the
children for a good share or t velvo
ears everything possible should be
done to muko thb school am! school
life attractive.
After reading Iho list of projects
and requirnient8 that the government
Is urging the pupils to take tip, Mr.
Calavan urged Hie Parent-Teacher or
nml.ntion to orgnnl.e an Industrial
luh. He staled that the literature up
on this subject might bo obtained nt
Ins office or at tho ugripi'lttiral cl
lego at Corvallla.
Mr. Culuvun stated taut it is ex
pected thut there will bt about three
hundred dollars for prizes ut the Can
by fair for Junior exhibits. Ho told
how business firms put up hundreds of
dollars In prizes each your to encour
age the young people In loing tlulr
liei'.t In various linos of work, It is
suld thut Mr. Dimlck litis u Mantling
ofier of twenty dollars for tho best
corn exhibit
He told of the experience of the 'ads
who won the hundred dollar trips to
the Panama fair bint year, also of tho
lads who won two weeks trip to Cor
vullls agricultural college.
Superintendent Culuvan believes,
that every girl should have a Ihoiutigli
course In domestic economy aim ev
ery boy should know how to cook '
Every girl should bo able to make
her graduation dress when sho .i initi
ates from the elementary grados.
The speaker seemed to think that
the only practical way for Biiinll
schools . to have domestic science. Is
for four or five schools to unlto nnd
hire one of the best teachers in that
line to go from school to school giv
ing certain days lo each.
He asked all who were teaching
thvir daughters to sew and rook to
raise their bands. The- vote soon
proved that the time-honored custom
has by no means gone out of practice
with those who had daughters old en
ough to learn. Mr. Calavan thought
that if all mothers could and would do
the same, there would be no need of
rtonii alii' tl"iii In tlm ajl.ixila
I In i--iiinl lo lead alury l,ai k of
llm twinkln In Mil Hiouiaa' ea, ti,
aalrd lhal aim till ior and what aim
laught her lilrln Mra. Thoinaa Ix-faa
.f aluting lhal lur (fir's prod to b
buy. Wherever alia wa aim l'ilit
Hit art of roiikiiig. fancy work and
Mining ote, and over Hm laon
wer laiighl "nil limy roulil do aa
wi II a ny girl '
Dr. Thomaa, on of n-r aons, lx-gn
rui th lug di-rillalry uinn tlm Wa.li
HiKlon lili ycui. tfo. lstr hm r
lalillahed un offlit In Mulalla, wliirn
Im praiilicd uinii ortuln data. An'-
otlor offlc" In hi iiiinli rn bum" '
romodafe Hi fii'lp hur.
Who I I" kim how nun h lhal
early training lioaut In Mr. Thorn
In luior lift for in no ixruaptlon I
Ltiimi f and define of finger, nwd
ed inure than iln-y am In drntisiry.
Mr. Calavan did not urge tlm trai h
I ii f of tnanuul ru t preaent, Iiim oi-m'
of Hm great rx;ruf and also tlm fan
lii.it it la a al'nly lili h Is Imhoi :l:i;i
inure prarllcal a Iho year go by
II abowrd iy llguro how nun h
could bo done If llm li-u surround ng
dlatricta would form a union, how lit
Ho Hm Ut would I fell by tilt wboln.
till ha said I hul h donlit-d whethir
Inn adjoining dlalrlcU would approve
of amh a union rnnrn Hm fioiK( of
Hie new law wlihli enaiilea Hm pupil
to bite Hii'lr vlnol money tranafer
nd to any dUtrii I wbli-h tlmy may
l llixme lo Dill' T. tlniN being abbl to
have Hi aihn'K of the wIiimiI ;t
ferlng Hie niiul ami Im-bI rourae.
Thl 1'iietUix favored by '
altendunctt of two of Him director,
Wa)ne Kubblna and W. W. Kterhurt.
who apokn a few word In favor of
union bkh ' hisil
Curt Ultltr. one of Molalla'a l im
ber dealer la ronli'mplatlUK moving
lo Oregon ( Hy In tlm m-ar ft tore. Ha
ipect to handle bulldlrg nialerial
ul that place.
Mm. J. J. Vi'tiltT. a eom-ki:leil her
huahaml to MolilU reienlv 1 be
roiipio hate been apnn ling the e-L
end with Mr. and Mra. Ko. Mitler.
Mr. MethT hna been tblnklng of mov
ing Into Iho huiiM- he had built luat
aummer and
later ori upled '"V
Mr. ( lark and family.
Milerlul na ls-en slowly arriving
for unither rr.id. wo uinm the Melx.!MonJliy lho ,7lh day of Al)rli 16
that the bulldi':g will bo dmio a '-on
i s the weather proves more fatoraM i.
Various atr'.i'l were rruili-l tl'irlng
the hiight days hit wii k. Mr. Kter
uinnii Robblns took grent Inlcrist lu
tho work Hitt was being done In front
of hi rosli'i nee. Thl wcrk w4 cer
tainly nrvibil (me rhuckhole near
Mayor Ft ei halt's r-sldence ha Just
been lllleil. It .Tctid lo lie Hie don
fat! of more than ore loam last win
ter. Mr. Itlvtrs, who ha been working
In u shin'g'e mill noitlu-sst of Mo'alla
was a vltitor at the ttuoger home last
riaturdiiv some difficulty wa ox
perlcnced by the train crow when it I
.villi, t. f ,1 TM ill lf I till U.lim HtUltl !lL !
turn-table. rail for extra men soon ,,,, a;ove cntltU, ,.ourt an(1 ailliwer
brought vnon.Ii lo make the turn tie comp'alnl filed against you In
Monday. Ceo. II. Cregnry shipped !,ho nbove en,,ieJ collrt on or iforc
great bov of trlmmod t.-as.-Is .y '8lx wocks from tno ,0tn da). of Mjrch
r.ulph Allen and Mr. I ooiiey's sun ,SI6 w,r, 10th daV of March 1916
have gone oast of the mountains lo'i(n, . ,i, nf ,h- flr, nuMlrmlnn
I lend
.nr. .lounsuii. wno uhou 10 nave a Bppoar ami answer the complaint, the
blacksmith shop here, is back and has plantif( wiu apply to the above en
gone Into partnership with Mr. Ma-'mlcJ court for tlie tellof pray(.u for
sou In his shop. It Is rumored. - 'ln tne complaint heroin, to-wit:
Mr. Summorvillo Is muking every ef-1 y0T decrie of tno alK)Ve cmuC(i
fort 10 finish up business mutters folrt ,nat ,he honiiB of matrimony now
here so thut ho can start east of the cxlstlng between the plaintiff and the
mountains by Sunday. Ills son has (ipfon,i. nt be forever dissolved and
'already Immsleaded over there and
writes encouragingly to his father.
They Let Him Sleep.
II. T. Struynge, Gainesville, Ca., R.
R. No. :i, was unable to sleep all night
without getting up. "Sometimes only
a few minutes after going to bed, I
would have to got up, and 1 tried ev
erything I heard of for the trouble.
Finally 1 tried Foley Kidney Pills and paper of general circulation lu Clack
after taking one bottle I believe I am lamas county, Oregon, and printed and
entirely cured, and I sleep soundly all ,
night." Foley Kidney Pills tone up
weak, sluggish kidneys, rid the body
of poisons, give appetite, energy and
refreshing sleep. Jones Drug Co.
The Herman Reformed church, near
Wilsonvllle, Is going to give a basket
social on April "th. The proceeds are
for the building fund for the cellar.
All ladies are asked to bring baskets.
A good program Is being prepared. Ev
erybody come.
Rank Foolishness.
You occasionally see it stated that
colds do not result from cold weather.
That is rank foolishness. Wero It
true colds would be as prevalent In
midsummer as in midwinter. The mi
crobe that causes colds flourishes in
damp, cold weather. To get rid of u
cold take Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy. It is effectual and Is highly rec
ommended by people who have used It
for many years as occasion required,
and know its real value. Obtainable
everywhere. (Adv.)
Astoria 23 out ot 30 Industries on
lower Columbia in operation employ
ing 10,000, men.
Neighbor Told Her
Cure for Lumbago
Rheumatism and lumbago are awful
things and cnuao Kreat pain and mis
cry, but 'o)c Kidney I'lUa can rout
. Mrs. G. It Eveland. Duncan Mills,
111., writes the following letter: "X
waa stricken down with lumbago and
was unable to turn mysolf In bed. A
neighbor brought tne a half bottle of
Foley Kidney I'll!, and laid she had
been similarly afflicted and that they
bad helped her. Po I tried them and
waa completely relieved by tho uae of
two or threo bottles. I hav had
aplendid success with them and have
never knowm them to fall. I moat
heartily recommend Foley Kidney
Foley Kidney Pilla ton up weak,
Inactive, sluggish kidney, rid the
bodr of polaona, give appetite, energy
and refreshing deep after pain. Don't
neglect kidney trouble. Remove th
cause with Foley Kidney Pllla.
T ni4 CMK f Wcrira.
txin't 'old th fretful, amiMia ililll
(in ill i f to iH; (,rl rwl of
IbeM) If gltliig on half lu l.l.a ili-li
Kl k- Wufii Killer, Uiatlta
worm randy, Ol only plala ftour-
I'll.lig fiHI, lu of oul duuf mari'M
and put lo bed tarty. Wt k slool
and iiiiillnn xltlng KukMi Worm
linga, limy wl'.l poitltly r"u
lha woriiii. ; i druca'tat (Ailt I
Nolle l tlMkholrfir.
Nulba la hereby glten that lb reg
ular anruial mrrling of lb atix klinl'l
rr of llm ('War Crek Creamery Co
will b held Monday, Mnb Zotti, HK,
at I oVIid k p. in, at Hm plant pur
pom ut thl meeting I an ! tlon of
a hoard of fit dlrt-rior, km reury and
treaiurer and other Important and ri
ular Lualneaa. All alo kbuldnra ar
rtijneclt-d U) I prRMrnt.
WANTCO - Vo'ing ralvra. Ad lreaa II
' I. ;iller. Oregon CHy, u r. D I,
or phone I'ai Iflc 37 J ur I loom HI.
WORK WANTCO Widow of with
llllla girl of four, would like bouao-ki-eplliK
woik wlier ahe ran keep
i lilld with lu r. Addrea. Mr Calh
Tlne Flalii-r, Ijil'ryor, Tetaa.
Administrator Notlc.
Notlra 1 ben by givra that the un
deralgned bar been appolnlel adminl-
tralor of Hi alat of Anna H. Ilaye.
dwa-awd, by th honorable rounty
court of the Klal of Oregon for Clack
amas rounty.
All penoni baring claim again!
said estate are hereby notified to pre
sent the same to me for paynx-nl with
jtoper tout hers at my resident near
(iladstone, Oregon within six month
from the data of thl notice.
0. W. JONKX.
Administrator of the K-atat of Anna 8
llaye. DeceaM-d.
Dated. March 2. 1916.
Notlc of Final Jettlement of th Es
tate of Helnrlch Wahler. Oeceaied.
Notice I hrrrby given that the un
deralgned executor of tho estate of
Helnrlch Walilcr. deceaaod. haa filed
!n the county court of CUkamas coun
ty, state of Oregon, bis final account a
.th rxeiuUr of aald estate and that
been Died by said court aa the time
for hearing objec.lons to aald report
and the irttiemcnt thereof.
Kni iitor of the Estate of Helnrlch
Wablers, Deceased.
Attorney for Executor.
In tne Circuit Court of the State of
Jregon, for C'ackama County.
T. O. Davis. Plaintiff,
U Joy Davis, Dt'femlant.
To 1.. Joy Davis, the aliove named de
fendant :
n the name of llm Stale of Oregon,
Vnu arc horehv reoulred to a:inenr In
of this su-nmons. and If you fall to so
held for naught; nnd that plaintiff be
given the care, custody and control of
thu minor child, Charles Cecil Davis,
ot the parties to this suit, and for such
other and further relief as to the court
may seem meet and equitable.
This summons U served upon you by
publication thereof once a week for six
successive and consecutive weeks in
the Oregon City Enterprise, a news
published lu Clackamas county, Ore-
gon. pursuant to ail order ot the Hon
orable J. U. Campboll, judge of the
above entitled court mado and enter
ed herein on tho 7th day of March,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
No. 405-40G Railway Exchange Iildg.
Date of 1st publication, March 10,
Date of lust publication, April 21st,
Sheriff's Sale.
Iu the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, ot the County ot Clackamas.
George E. Lawrence and S. W. Lawr
ence, partners doing business under
the style and name ot Lawrence Bros.,
J. C. Herring, Defendant.
State of Oregon, County of Clacka
mas, 8s.:
By virtue of a judgment, decree and
an execution, duly issued out of and
under the seal of the above entitled
court, In the above entitled cause, to
me duly directed and dated the 14th
day of February, 1916, upon a Judg
ment rendered and entored ln said
court on the 12th day ot February,
1916, In favor of Geo. E. Lawrence and
S. V. Lawrence, partners doing busi
ness under tho style and name of
I,nwrence Bros., plaintiffs, aud against
J. C. Herring, defendant, for the sum
ot $61.00, and tho casts of and upon
this writ, commanding me to make
sale of the following described real
propTty, situate in the county ot
Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wit:
Lot 1 of Boction 31, Tp. 3 S., R. 4 E.
W. M.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said ex
ecution, judgment order and decree,
and In compliance with the commands
of Bald writ, I will, on Saturday, the
1st day of April, 1916, at tho hour of
10 o'clock a, m., at the front door of
the county court houso In the city of
Oregon City, in said county and state,
sell at public auction,' subject to re
demption, to the highest bidder for
U. S. gold coin, cash In hand, all the
right, title and Interest which the
within named defendants or either of
them, had on the date of the mortgage
herein or since had In or to the above
described real property or any part
IK C, lhiumi, rc..Ut y. J. Mm. CK
Tte First National Bank
of Oregon City, Orrgon
Traiuitt a (jriiruj Iljnkiu.' It.iMiicn Open from 9 A. M. to i P. M.
William Hammond
Philip L. Hammond
Attorney! Law
Abatrv ta, Real Fatatn, loaa. luaur
ortKoox ciTr. orison
Parinc I'hoi, II, Hum Pboa A 274
Off!r PboorParlfie Mala ;
lloom A 270.
li-ter Illdg., Room I
O. 0. EBV
Attorney at Law
Money loaned, almtrarl furnish
ed, land title examined, eatate
aetlM, general law bualn.
Over Bank of Oregon City.
Attorney at Law
Dawttchtr Advokat
Will prai tko Ul all courts, mako col
lections and settlements.
Office ln Eoterprtao Uulldlof.
Oregon City, Oregon.
thereof, (o aaUafjr aald extcutlon. Judg
ment order, deree. Interest, coats and
all accruing cost
Sheriff 6( Clackamas County. Ore.
Dated. Oregon City. Ore., March 3rd,
Sheriffs Bala.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Orvgon, for the County of Clackamas.
It. P. Henlnger. Plaintiff,
Thomas J. Clark. Mary C. Clark, bis
wife: Ed. W. Mueller and Mae C.
Mueller, bis wife; S. C. Spencer. B, K.
Knapp. trustee In bankruptcy ot Thom
aa J. Clark and Ed. W. Mueller, doing
business under tho Arm name and
style of New Murket Garage, John Doe
and June Doe, Defendants.
State of Oregon, County ot Clacka
mas, ss.:
By virtue of a judgment order, de
cree and an execution, duly Issued out
ot and under . the seaV ot tho above
entlt'ed court, In the above entitled
cause, to me duly directed and dated
the 29th day of February. 1916. upon
a judgment rendered and entered ln
said court on the !lst day of Febru
ary. 1916, In favor of H. P. Henlnger,
plaintiff, and against Thomas J. Clark,
Mary C. Clark, his wife: Ed. W. Muel-
ler and Mae C. Mueller, his wire; S. C.
Spencer. B. K. Knapp, trustee ln
bankruptcy ot Thomas J. Clark and
Ed. W. Mueller, doing business under
the firm name and style of New Mar-
get Garage John Doe and Jane Doe, de-
fondants, for the sum of $910.52, with
Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per
cent per annum from the 21st day ot
February, 1916, and the further sura of
$32.00 costs and disbursements, and
the costs of and upon this writ, com
manding me to make sale ot the fol
lowing described real property, situ
ate In the county of Clackamas, state
of Oregon, to-wit:
Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 of block 9 in Sell-
wood's addition to Milwaukle, Oregon,
Clackamas county.
Now, therefore, by virtue ot said ex-
edition. Judgment order and decree,
and in compliance with the commands
of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the
1st day ot April, 1916, at the hour of
10 o'clock a. m.. at the front door of
the county court house in the city of
Oregon City, in said county and state,
sell at public auction, subject to re
demption, to the highest bidder for U.
S. gold coin cash in hand, all the right,
title and Interest which the within
named defendants or either of them,
had on the date ot the mortgage herein
or since had in or to the above de
scribed real property or any part
thereof, lo satisfy said execution, judg
ment order, decree, interest, costs and
all accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Ore.
Dated. Oregon City, Ore., March 3rd,
Sheriff's Sale.
In the Circuit Court ot the State cf
Oregon, for the County of Clackamas.
C. L. Weaver, Plaintiff,
Eatella Schlicker, Defendant.
State of Oregon, County of Clacka
mas, ss.:
By virtue of a judgment order, de
cree and an execution, duly Issued out
of and under the seal of the above en
titled court, in the above entitled
cause, to me duly directed and dated
the 24th day of February, 1916, upon
a judgment rendered and entered In
said court on the 15th day of October,
1915, in favor of C. L. Weaver, plain
tiff, and against Estella Schlicker, de
fendant, for the sum ot $250.00, with
interest' thereon at the rate of 6. per
cent per annum from the 1st day of
October, 1913, and the further sum of
$35.00 as attorney's fee, and the fur
ther sum ot $14.00 costs and disburse
ments, and the costs of and upon this
writ, commanding me to make sale ot
tho following described real property,
situate ln the county of Clackamas,
state of Oregon, to-wit: .1
Lots 1, 2 and 3 of block 41, Mintuorn
Addition to the City of Portland.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said ex
ecution. Judgment order and decree,
and in compliance with the commands
ot said writ, I will, on Saturday, the
15th day of April, 1916, at the hour of
Horn A 111
Attorney at-Law
All tel business promptly attended U
Commercial, Real Estate and
Probata our Spwdaltle. Of
flea In llrat National (tank
Illdg., Oregon City, Oregon.
Attorney at-Lav
Notary Public
Eatacada, Oregon.
W. S. EDDY, V. S., M. D. V.
Gradual of the Ontario Veteri
nary College at Toronto. Canada,
and the McKllllp School of Bur
gory of Chicago, la tetabllahed
at Faablon Stable, between
Fourth and Fifth on Main Street.
Ilotb Telephonea
Off lc Pacific 65; Horn A J5
Re. Pacific 1S; Home B-80
10 o'clock a. m, at the front door of
tho county court bouse In tho city ot
Oregon City, In said county and state,
sell at public auction, subject to re
demption, to the highest bidder for U.
S. gold coin, cash In band, all the right,
title and Interest which tho within
named defendants or either of them,
all the right, title and Interest which
the within named defendant bad on
the 15th day of October, 1915. the
date of the Judgment hero or since had
In or to the above described real prop
erty or any part thereof, to satisfy
said execution. Judgment order, de
cree, interest, costs and all accruing
Sheriff of C'ackamaa County, Ore.
Dated. Oregon City, Ore, March
17th, 116.
In the matter ot the estate ot C. W.
Evans, deceased.
Notice la hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed execu
tor ot the estate of C. TV. Evans, by
the County Court ot Clackamas county,
Oregon. All persons having claims
against said estate are hereby notified
to present the same o me for pay
ment at the office of Hammond and
Hammond, Beaver bid., Oregon City,
Oregon, with proper vouchers, within
six months from the date of this notice.
Dated February 25th, 1916.
Executor ot the estate of
C. W. Evans, deceased.
Hammond and Hammond,
Attorneys for Executor.
Executor's Notice of Final Settlement,
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has filed his filial account
as executor of the estate of Eliza
Koch, deceased, in the county court of
Clackamas county, Oregon, and said
court has set Friday, April 21st, 1915,
at 10 o'clock a. m. as the time for
hearing said account and the objec
tions thereto, and for making a settle
ment of said estate. All persons hav
ing objections to said account or the
discharge ot said executor, are hereby
notified to present the same to said
court on or before said time.
Executor of the Estate of Eliza Koch,
Attorney for Execuetor.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas county, (in
Bes3ie V. LaLonde. Plaintiff,
Herbert F. LaLonde, Defendant.
To Herbert F. LaLonde, 4034 Del
mar Boulevnrd, St. Louis, Missouri:
In the Name of the State of Oregon
You are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint made and filed
heroin against you ln the above en
titled court and suit by the 28th day
of April, 1916, as prescribed by an
order of the above entitled court for
the publication of this summons,
which said date aforesaid is more
than six (6) weeks after the dute of
the first publication thereof as ordered
by the court in the above entitled suit;
and if you fall to appear and answer
the complaint made and filed herein
ln the above entitled suit on the above
date aforesaid, plaintiff will apply to
the above entitled court for the relief
prayed for in said complaint, which
said relief Is for a decree of the above
entitled court forever dissolving, an
nulling and setting aside the marriage
contract heretofore and now existing
between plaintiff and said defendant;
and for a further decree changing
plaintiff's name to that of Bessie V.
Rumsey, and for such other and fur
ther relief as this honorable court
may deem, meet with equity.
This summons Is published and
served upon you by order of the hon
orable court, J. U. Campbell, Judge
of tho above entitled court, which said
order was duly made and entored
therein ln said court on the 10th day
of March, 1916, based upon plaintiff's
complaint and affidavit and the rec
ords made and filed ln said suit.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Dated and first publication March
17. 1916.
I-ast publication, April 23, 1916.
lhoiet pacific E2