oiii'cios' rrrv KXTKiipitisn. kin may. ywncn 21. mm. Uroiiutt'i uniiKtira furnish iiiualp mill iih i flint luii. Ii HTinl In I h h.iM, hikhI Iiiiii U iniinlpi ttrnit I IhmIi.I in illi'iiil. i 4 4 New Contrivance MULINO. ! StrahI Home Lost in For Clearing Land ; Ml UNO. Mjnh IX Sni'II MIm V.I Mr. Cld ! !.liltJ. r. of llnnor Vrrtk. rr Or- Und l.-ann in thl. vUlnlty hu w-, ( : n.eono bmi '"' , t..i,.r.i.v b, r o; M-it r.a bo l off on.. I Mr. Mary I Vh -Mi. '''' ihrr.br Btr.ll f. l.tlnfi th. .or... , -r. Mr.. Ruhr Ku.Mph. ho I. .lay Mr. lUHsbe f n hltiK ha tn iiwJ i In "'' llh full Mtlfai-tiun on lh mnrh of j Ml !'.. M 4. onahjy ho t ttfhlne Victor (irimtn. frmnk Hltxon aud xhool t K.-d'and lit-d nor parrM iUiK llfrtvt A number of Untrr j n r Ut Saturday and Sunday, urtti of rM lund -rrni likely to- Auut Krlrkwn U mnlnic hi or mult from this tt pplUn diirns J 4-j,irj ,'on on hl farm. 0. I. nan- lb prf M-nt )car. The upclhni aui. h hfld al lb Kby school on lh rvrnln of Manb 17 at tract J a larr rro d. tiordon Wt Iwic look flrl plate. Mr. Vci1nt bclU the anm plait In the routc-nt it Ihr !i-r Cro n hool rk before. Kd IlurRvu and bl iitotbrr ln law. t-Ul Olhion. bate tune to ratrn Orr-I aon (o ork throuchout ttic coiniuc lummrr. Mr, iiiirsru, un nr can !.! la hrlpinr lilm. Umla lUibnian. of t'anby. a br dnrini; tj ar-k. tlllnK up bit af- 'ro'inta. lie a furnnrly the Ka- Fire Last Sunday Kfil.K CKKKK. Manh :1 -(Sm rial I J. P. liralil nt Ma houie by frr Hunila). Aftor iIiIiik llm din nrr iliti-. Mr. Stralil i'iit ilnn in her lier'. Mra. It. Irah. who lite a hurt iluume away, to vUlt nwlille. Ii'atlna Mr. Hlratil and aon. I.eille. nt home. At alHiut 3 oclmk lh'v m that the nniin fllllna up with Kiuoke and aftfr lnv,-)lit Jtliijr. i,i.'i)rn-d that the huuar on fire, tx-twren the relllnc and roof. At they could not rraih It from the Innlde, Mr. Struhl went up onto the roof and pulleil iiiiiio of the ahlniilea Imme, when the flrf Jit lilaxed forth. Ity calllnit and ahoutttiK and dl hurnlnic the (tin they endiatored lo atlrji'l CLARKtS TAFFORO. 4 4 4 leigh man lie wld out hla outfit. ,hp .nentlnn o.' Mr. Kranh and family. territory. Rood will, etc, to I'eM koIm. who will continue to aerve the pa tron of thU territory. Mr. ltohman hai a ainiltar ptwltlon In eatern Waahlnitton. Mra. Frank Mf'ord of Saliun. and Mr. rVatik Klmmey, of Colton. called Ion Mr. J. L. Dmlel. later they I.. I .1... J..... In fllllt,rt hall I aiienueu ine uv m ....- ...... dren will, lu the nnntlnie. keep bouke for her brother. SyUvater Glton. In! the bouse lately vacated by Al loreni. . Mr. and Mr, sol Mruuatir who tneir Jotl lHaMt mMjc , bulue trip daughter, rean. are. to tne recrei oi rnlon Mmg Monday. their nrUDDora. aa wen a tne enure hut failed lo make them hear. Ho, a there were only the two to fight it. tbelr effort were unavailing They managed lo ave a few- hotxehold ef ftM. The wood shed (aught fire hut they ui'ceeded In putting It out. The Strahl family I movlni; Into the Staple horn and will rvldc there for the present. It I a ud thliix lo IIAUKKH. Minh J.I .-(Mpei lul -I.iHik a If aprlnn lu come at Ut IwiaiiMt rtervllilui; I Im'(IiiiiIiik to grow now, (ml we lu. a thunder tlmwer on Kuii'luy und It I atKI rnlu In V hope It will iUl( iMn, huw eiir. Mr. Allierl luol went Inn k tuiiiin lo Ori'Kon t'lty lut Friday. I'ewey lfillilli Mut Sunday with tha llof.irii.T bon. Mle Violet and I'mmy Welllaurer from Orem City lited ihelr pur- enl. Mr. and Mrs W. II. M'ettlutifor, oxer fliitnnl.iy ainl Sunday. Mr. and Mr lv A. I'. laFollelte and Arthur (luff were In town limt Monday. There wa a (mtiiiuii Sunday cchool convention held In the Clarkoa Oer man MethoilUt Kplx-opal church lt week and there wa a Rood attend ance. Mlksca Florence and Pearl Strom. Kreen from OreKun City vlitlted their parent. Mr.' and Mr Carl Strom areen of Colton. over Saturday and Sunday. Ml Kncla Iterainan ient Sunday with Mia Ella Schieve. 0. J. Taylor, editor of the Molalla Plceer, delivered a fine me h and the rloneer quarti't annn aomo fine line lait Stindny eveuliiit at the Knit- llh Method!! Kplsenpal church, and the people enjoyed It o much, that they want them to return nualn luter on. The Pioneer quartet conlntd of Milton Miller. Hen ('hiiiilcren, Ilor. man Chlndi;ren und Huh Stone. Mlna lludiin. the Meadow brook achool teacher, spent Sunday with MIh laura Moore of Timber drove. Mr mn! him Pal -HTAH-MHII. March :i -iHin-i lull I. O, (lane I pullliiii up an M fHi chli'kiiu (em e around III uiolhei aunlen I Mi. Ma li'lkar, It I hoped. I on the rimd lo r'i'iiery and I now free from pain and (nil en)oy a nutuia vbi'P, fr from opla(e. Tin tallica' lllrlil met Willi Auaiikt I HtlUiir lust Thurwlay ewed for the liiiate. Al the for the good of Hit) order a Ht rlik proaram wa reiulert'd. Mr. Ilelkar, aciilor, ha had aeiera kick H'lla the luMt winter. I. O. (iunn railed upon our old frlen and nelalilior, ('apllii II. K. Iluye. una day last week,. Sidney Seedllllit "till continue lo Improve ftluce hi am ere alrk upell The family U IhliikliiK of leeklnit Mime drier climate for hi benefit Mr. Mary linker apeut the day liikt Wcilnemlny with Mr. (! and the old lime friend had a dellichtful llt Mr. Henry linker, the ilniiiihter, and children, came In tho aftruiMin. t - f f t a t a. t- t- 4 8UNNV8I0E. srx.VYSIDE. March 1.- Special I It. C. Scott ha old hi toro to A K. Illrnch of I'ortlund. Mr. and Mr I Uracil have Jimt recently been mar rl.nl. I.oul I.aJoye ba aold mil hi pool hull. J. ('. rtobertnon and family, of Full City, are llvlnc In their new home which they recently pun baaed of V. J. tlowermau. Mr. and Mr. I.oul l.aJnyo cave a furewe'l party to their friend FTlilay evetiliiK. Mr. and Mr. Fred W allace, of I'nlon Mlnnonltc ronitnunlty. abjut moving Mj,u wle h( ot ,he uner lo wocKtonrn. navu Namman "i moln,,ri . Mary Crook, taal Satur iuov hla family Into Mr. Struhahr 1 , , M I The danca Saturday mcht wa a de- ielileH inrrrii In everv war. A lnriW noon of Marvh 1 at the home of ltcro j mi , ,ttendance. People ivtary. Mr J. (ilhson wa prenent t,,,,,, fro.u ,.ortland. Or.eon City. aa a visitor ana renaerva vaiuame ; ianbr .Vedy. Aurora. Molalla. houtK as aoon a It i vacant. The Mother' club met on the after- luikUUncv to c1ui work. The"' next 1 eral and Macksbun:. meeting 1 to Ie at the home of tha, The dancot plVrn in Mullno are prealdent on Jlarvb -0. ind orJ,.ry. And any one at That niatilea magldan. the un ,nil!nc ,hrin lg aurel of a good, aided by tn rain, baa wrought won-i m niKM, mtlic i, ,,y furnished and the ball I large and haa wrought won il-r In the soil in the patt week, cov ering the law a with velvety green, bringing long m of early vegetable Into vie, nuking l;::l tiui I plainly told In the sleek-re.- of the cattle and in the increased dulr- ci:tput. and bringing the rose and lilac bushes forw ard at a pace iliat gives naaon for the hope of plen ty of Easter flow era. The woods have treasurers that will repay a rugged climb over fallen tree irur.I.s and opozgy brU.sh heaps. The wild blacktM-rry, with its graceful spacious and have a good time. Mr. and Mra. Leslie Holllday. of ne pasture of aiT,. .,i ,,, ,,n CninnUv and were the guest of Mr. Holllday a parents. Mr. and Mrs. Auguat Erickson. While here they attended the dance. They returned home Sunday. N. H. Darnell ia one the sick list. Mm. Kate Goucher called on Mr. Long Sunday. Telephone message came that Mr. iC'ha. Xoblltt fell and sprained her I arm quite badly. She is the daugb- vines is in oua ana win aoon op.n ,er of Mrs KuU, uuchl.rt wll0 its pink and white blossoms, trim-1 ln Mujno ming the gnarled Arc-blacked logs Into! iln ('-hlir:pll Schulhausor received greui oanas or unguiem lonage. inier- ,ho .. Ilf ,hR .,.,h of her perscd with lovely flow-era. These 1 are pleasing to the eye and also give promise of the most delicious fruit in midsummer, as soon as strawberries are gone. The Oregon grape, with its glisten-' Ing leaves and the winter fern with - its graceful plumes meet the eye at every turn. J. .! $ $. & & '' i MEADOWBROOK. ' J (t A . Ji . ; .i 3 a MEADOWBROOK. March 23. (Spe clnl.) Mr. and Mrs. Frederick and daughter, Zelma of Liberal, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Royal Davidson. Jloyal Davidson and Warner Baty finished hauling logs on Milk creek for Hull Uros.. for a while and expect to haul logs on the Molalla for the same company. George LaFourgette of San Fran cisco spent the week end with G. W. Ifofstetter and family. About one hundred uttended Liter- ttr. Mrs. Schulhauser has the sym pathy of all in her sad bereavement. A aad accident orcured here in Mil lino Tuesday In the fatal injury of R. P. Wallace. He was clearing land and using blasting powder, but Just how the accident occured will never be known. Mr. Wallace did not come tn lo dinner and about 1:30 clock, Mrs. Wallace becoming alarmed at his long absence called Fred Churchill to go and search for him. He found lilm lying unconscious and brought him to the bouse, when medical aid was sum moned by telephone. Dr. Dedman of Canby, and Dr. Mount, of Oregon City, respotided and when thc-y examined Mr. Wallace they found him to be In a critical condition. One eye was de stroyed, one hand mangled, an arm and several ribs broken. The doctors decided to remove him to a hospital so be was borne on a stretcher to the depot where u car was held to take him to Oregon City. Dut all to no avail. He died at 8:30 p. in. The shock und exposure was too great for him to survive. He leaves a wife and the following sons: William, Fred and Pert. William resides at home with Bert lives on an adjoin ing farm with his family, and Fred lives at Union Mills. A daughter, Mrs. Cordlce Klarr was killed by a Southern Pacific train near her home. ary Friday evening at the school house when a good program was rendered. n'8 parents especially the Plrneer male quartet was enjoyed by all. Myrtle and Hazel Larklns called on Mra. Charles Shepherd Sunday. I. O. Cren started sawing logs for the IaRt ' November, 1915. Mrs. Wal Hult Bros. Saturday, on the Molalla I 'ate and children have the sympathy river with his gasoline saw. of the entire community In ther sad I. D. Larki'is of Marquam visited bereavement, with his brother, A. L. Larkins, Mon- The moving of the old school house day. Hazel Larklns returned home was postponed until better weather prevails. March Is certainly giving us some of her wind and rain. with him. where sho expects to stay about two weeks. Mrs. Hutchinson and Delbert Hut chinson visited Mrs. Roy Hutchinson Towns on Willamette-Pacific railway of Liberal Sunday. The latter is quite ; prepare for great celebration on open- r I' 'V via w - 1 Tr v v-. - w . ,rs A - fv . Big Price Reduction In Stover Engines Now made in l-li-2-4-6 Horse Power and up at prices that put this good engine within the reach of all. SEE THE NEW LINES AS SOON AS POSSIBLE W.J. Wilson & Co. Oregon City, Oregon 12TH and MAIN STS. FULL LINE Pumps, Wagons Implements, Etc. For Your Baby. The Signature of Is the only guarantee that you have th Genuine prepared by him for over 30 year. YOU'LL give YOUR baby the BEST Your Physician Knows Fletcher's Castorla. Soid only In one size bottle, never In bulk or otherwise; to protect the babies. The CcnUur Company, Chf$Zk& nt lu'cly. We ar aorry to Irani that Humid NVrtou I sick Mith typlmlil fovcr lie at I lie On1,;, n City lionpUiil. Krank WIU011, ovi-mccr for Mr. I'ur In u lakcn lck vrry imlili'iily on Wcilnemluy inornliiK. MARQUAM. I I r M l H M I lilt' CARFIILO. IIMIUKM UV4 CAItnKI.I). Man h l -tHpm'lal) -Mi. I'ViiIiiii ami Mr J. O. Itouml IX'iit WiHliicml.iy ltli Mr. CiMk of I'plx-r CurDrlil. The lixllc of I Ik1 tiarflehl Ihiri'M mx li'ty h' lcl a mh'IiiI ullicrliiit at a l.tll.irrv Tlcjr linil a larg croJ mill a finn tlliirnT. MAItQl'AM. Man h 2.1 -( Special . - M" I'li'knr)'. on of (lar. hunket a.H l.,1 ami .mcttuli nt III ! n"M '" hrr 7 yi'iir, in mi in r.iun nun. a umiaiu o Im kIvcii hy Ihn .Mnriiiiiiu m IkmiI l-rl day pvciilnx. Mimh 31. Thi .Mar iiium orclictra will play. The inoi-t IntcrvntliiK part will lo Him auction 1'iTltiK of tho ahailow of tin' laillc. lo'ph Mvcri hint a colt MiaiiKi'il hy run n I n k iiKiilimt a xharp ml of a of oii tlirc mile. Kiil'i-rl HiiIiIit anil funilly crc tlm (tin-Bin of J. tl. HniiiiiU IiikI Hundoy llcrry h'milon rallctl on hi niolhcr und Mlatcr Tncmlny. Mr. fwoiiililey left WVilncmlay for I'a.co. Wailittiittiiii, to m riiiii to week. Tin1 C.irtli'lil liuiiil Itili'ml kIvIiik ; piny ami ciilcrl.iliiiiii iit lu the near future, at tint Cnrnelil (iraunn hall. hoard. The. mini; wa run Into honlili-r six or leveit liichcu. The llentley hoy are KrulililiiK for I. I). Uirkln. They will riniii u 10 or 12 acre lonit. MIh lluxel IjirklllH fif M emlnW. liriHik in aiiivlnir with her nnrle I I) i CREAMERY HOLDS MEETING, Urkln for a few week. ! Tl, !,,ln""1 ''-'"' ' ' ' J. C. Miinnmm I Itmlallliiit a 1 01 ,n" 1 '"r 1 r,", ,r,''",,r line tank coiiipniiy wn lieiii al the plant or I lie llou'd work I procrcMlnis low ly on ' '"''Puny on Clear Creek IiihI Momlnr account of tho Inclement weather. I""1' 11 K"011 ""'"'I""'- " '',- lier. The report of Hip officer hIiowci! Mint the yeur liimlne hail PONT MISS THIS. Out out till lieen hli lily atlfacury. A nicellim Klip, enclose with Su and mall It to of the directum I to lie held April It), Foley & Co., CIiIciiko III . wtIUhk )our I at which time the officer will ho niiino and aililre clearly. Yon w ill ! elected for the eiiHiilUK year and Hint- receive In return u trial packaKc con-i ter of liiiportiince to the company ill- tnlnlntr Foley' Honey und Tar Com- cinmcd. pound, for lii.rlpii) coiikIih. colds and croup; Foley Kidney nil, for Initio hack, weak kidney, rlieiiiiintlMin. Mad der trouble, and Foley Cntliiirtlc Tul li'tx, a wlioloHoinu and tliormiKlily i leniiMliiK churtlc, for conHtlimtlnii, till iou.'inoHH, headache und hIiiki;IhIi hnu'ela, Jotie DrtiK Co. Adv. Money to Loan PAUL C. FI8CHER Lawyer DeuUcher Advokat Itoom 2 Heaver Hlila. OreKotl City ill. & 9; Q Q Q 6 , ASPAUGH S ing of road about August 1. ? t 1 t ALSPAUGH. March 23. (Special.) I Mrs. Wm. Kurasch and Heatricej Lily of Estccada and Mr. and Mrs. i Honry Iieera of Greham spent the '. week end at the home of John Gith- i eua. j Cleve Helplfl and family have moved i into thoir new home and Noah Hclple has moved into the house that was vacated by Cleve. i : Mrs. Henry Githena and Miss Dick Gitbens were Portland visitors Satur day. . Rheumatic Pain Stopped. The drawing of nniHcles, the sore ness, stiffness and agonizing pain of Rheumatism quickly yield to Sloan's i Liniment. It stimulates circulation to the painful part. Just apply aa ii pots. In a shun time the pain pilves way to a tingling Albert Mann was out and visited his brother, Rev. H. B. Mann, and family lust week. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Eberly from Oregon City were out and visited his parents, Mr. . Eberly and family on Portland the latter part of last week. Sunday. Mrs. Fred Hoffmeister and Grand- "ettiauier wan m town on Monday. lose one's home by fire Mrs. Viola Douglass and son, Carl, were Estacada visitors on Tuesday. Mrs. H. H. Hoffmeister is on the sick list. Miss Edna Kennedy made a trip to sensation of comfort and warmth. Here's proof "I have had wonderful relief since I used your Liniment on my knee. To think one application gave me relief. Sorry I haven't space to toll you the hiatory. Thanking you for what your remedy has done me," James S. Ferguson, Philda, I'a. Sloan's Liniment kills pain. 25c. at druggiBts. (Adv.) Choice Rose Bushes In order to reduce our surplus stocks of choice two-year Rose Bushe, we will put them up in collections of 6 and 12 at very low prices. SPECIAL Your selection of colors but our selection by name, ail correctly labeled (regular value 35c to 50c) at 8IX FOR $1.35; 12 FOR 2.25 Postpaid. REMEMBER This price is for our regular 2-year-old bushes that will bloom nicely this season. ma Judd made a call on Mrs. Howlett last Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Kltzmlller and Mrs. G. R. Woodle called on Mrs. Howlett one day last week. Mrs. Walter Douglass called on Mrs. R. P.. Gibson last Wednesday after- for noon- , Carl Douglass Is suffering from an attack of rheumatism. : Eagle Creek Grange met as usual Saturday, over 40 eople being pres ent, Including visitors and children. A ..1. . ..tn ...nil haA ha. , .. ... ,. k Oregon City for a few days, fore dinner. After dinner the sub- (T tlfcz 0UR C0MPLE?E CATfilt0G N0- 62 0N REQUEST Routledge Seed & Floral Co, 169-191 Second St. Portland, Oregon. Rev. A. .1. Ware from Oregon City preached In the English Methodist church last Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. John Coulter visited Ed. fluol and family last 8unday. Jack Hooper, the Watklns man, was In Clurkes last week. Rev. II. U. Mann preached In Logan last Sunday. . Alva Card spent Sunday with Elmer Klelnsmlth. Mrs. W. H. Bottemiller is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Charles Ralph, of ject of "The Strawberry Bed How to Ret Out and How to Care for; Best Variety for Home Use," was discussed. There were also a few readings and songs. A committee was appointed to plan for the May picnic which will occur May 20. Among the visitors wpr Mrs. F. C. Wilson of Warner Grange, Mrs. Sarah Dallas of Damas-i ens, James Bel rf Sandy and the Miss es Edna Deyo and Florence Colt, teachers of the Eagle Creek school. An All Fool's day dance .will be giv en by the Eagle Creek Camp No. 639, of the Woodmen of the World, at Cogs well's hall, Saturday evening, April 1. with dancing from 9 to 3 o'clock. Has Eight Children. Mrs. P. Rehkamp, 2404 Herman St., Covington, Ky., writes: "I have been using Foley's Honey and Tar for near ly two years and can find no better cough syrup. I have eight children and give it to all of them. They ali were subject to croup from babies on.'' It is a safe and reliable medicine for men and women as well as children. Don't iet the cough that follows grippe hang on and weaken you. It is easier to get rid of a cough or cold than of its consequences. Jones Drug Co. Adv. Harold Rough, Mrs. Robertson's son is visiting his sister at Jefferson. Tli cyclone Sunday pnssnd about one mile west of iih, for which we are very thankful. It blew the old Hun- son barn over into Mr. Caffney's fluid The patrons of the Sunnyslde Tele phone company will give a box so slal Saturday night at Frank Ott's, J, C. Robertson who Is an accomplished musician has kindly consented to give several numbers on his piano dulcl mer. A. W. Cooke, of Damuscits will act as auctioneer. All are invited. a, . 4. 4 4, 4, 4, 4,4,4,4, 4,4, sv s DAMASCUS. Q i t 4 6, Q t; f. DAMASCUS, March 23. (Spoclul) Tho funeral of Mrs. Jessie Jacobs Davis, who died at her home in Port land, March 16, was held ln the Dun kard church Sunday with Interment in tho Damascus cemetery. Mrs. Da vis was a daughter of Mrs. Suther land of this place. She was horn on March 26, 1894. In 5911 she was mar ried to William Davis. She Is sur vived by her husband, one son, a moth er, two sisters and five brothers and many other relatives. Mr. Campbell, of Barton, has moved on Mr. Robertson's place which be re cently purchased of JTfn Bowerman. Miss Agnes Norton is working for J. W. Roots, of Boring. J. D. Corbin has been on the slcki I FORDS FORDS FORDS FORDS j 1915 Ford 5 pats, fully equipped, practically new $395. 1915 Ford roadster, fully equipped, like new, $345. 1914 Ford 5 past., fully equipped, klaxon horn, cut out and speedometer $295. E 1914 Ford 5 pats., fully equipped, run only 4000milet, E $325. 1914 Ford 5 past,, fully equipped, finett condition, $295. EE 1914 Ford roadtter, fully equipped, $275. EE E 1914 Ford roadtter, fully equipped, practically new, $295. EE 1912 Ford roadtter, $197.50. EE FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO. E 1199 EAST 13 & HAWTHORNE AVE. I PRUNES AND CRAFTED WALNUTS Alio Peirs, Peaches, Aprlcoti, Almonds, Apples, Chcrriet, Smill Fruit, Etc. , SAVE 50 BY BUYING DIRECT Mall your want list today, stating quantity und varieties RUSH aa our surplus Is going fast. LAFAYETTE NURSERY CO., Lafayette, Oregon. VALLEY PRODUCE CO. WHOLESALE DEALER IN Fancy Dressed and Live Poultry, Eggs, Veal and Hogs WE CHARGE NO COMMISSIONS PAY CASH PAY THE MARKET PRICE PAY PROMPTLY Write us for shipping tags. Send shipment to us and get quick returns. 203 W Withini ion Sl. PORTLAND, OREGON Phont Main 1058 The Drink That Fits 1 . A drink that should be on every table PORTLAND BREWING CO., Portland, Ore. On sale at all leading Groceries and Confectlonaries PHONE YOUR DEALER FOR HOME DELIVERY