2 omwox cm- kxtkkpkisk. fimdav, march it. mi.;. . 4 r 4 I MUtlNO. MACKIBURO. . X 1 t ,) Mtl.lXO, March HI (Hp. lull Tin mi'uIIiit 1 IiimiiiiiIhk Itiliuy mitt I lllri IIRf IJVI'D'IIIII I lllllMII uiitiui piuminc .-v. mill ulirum i'mil of all Kln.U. Th Im) Brtf liciiiiinliiit to prmtlio IwtM'tiall. Ko.'l llUy II I'llllll (if lllklTK ltlli In Milium Thry rn I n I n 1 - Adhesive Tape Used To Stop Whispering Beneficial Institute ' At Kelso Saturday ; WIL80NVILLE. MAi'KSIII IM. Marvh Hi - i Km l.ill Which of nil Hid iti ttltti nmi iHiTuliirn hit Ihm'ii iiirii In-. I l iln.riT muljlliuii thiiMi nf U'iiiiliirli' mi tlin ilultiMII? In vwry mu lni lu-ail linn linii IlKhlniii'tl mul Iiimm ef ha Imvii l.rlnlili'ni'il i,y t lie piru.nl nr that Imnlcr HM'iii, Urn pri'M-nt HiK in tin mi li .MululM Put i liniiKi'il I nun must IhIhk mi r.iuilul iluini Ihi'lr iiiltiiln mul c.itiiol lint. l.i Mil I fur rinni li. ru. munlm in il. ... lino on thn bunk nf Milk fiwk ami j kIIi.Ii iiIiik In tlio iti-w, fliilirrlii In lh alu lltolr lunch, jiul ciit hotii on lini n mul IiohIuk umlcr ih rnlii, IIik V. V. a. In tlu rKMilnu. ImIUi nil ulitm.l litiunin kI.miii lli.' Mm. Mul Diirni'll mul mm HiJ. of 1 1 ,.lv Momoiui tu..,l ih. t.)tl loriimin. m tlin wcokonil KiicaU nw iminv ti.ovv h.-Mri l... i....... Piirn.ll. Mlllllll lis of Mr. N. II Mr. J. J. nnli'il MOIJ.A. Maun !. flpclli Vh n the corner of liio school nniiii lnO 't'iiil')Kly Lr' ri worn rouuJ y th ivuumr of ttitr I i!iaJiT mul thf ; tiifciv lrirttih tin- ti-.ii In r i di-W I KKI.SO. March lfl. (Special.) ANiul IIS -roni, 30 of hom -r Im -irr. olli-nil.-J th ton. hi-m' nd parents' tnt t It nt held nt the Kelwt school hous Saturday, Manh 11th. oi.uij Imlil l-iil oiii" fourth (raiU-r at ; unJ-r the anni'lcri of th Kotmt I'ar- tM-t, 'tai thrn that Mi lUmliy rtitTi-ai hi-r oo lutlnn. In lh for J iJi-4 to rnfofp i hi ru'it "Thou dial! 1 noon County Suixrlntrnji-nt J. K. ('! not rhl-li-r. ni-ii 1-liiM.I III)' ti-aih ann i-vpl.ilhi-.l the rourun of atuily rr' liark." Slut ol'ialni-J adhcuv ; nil tartirr" annual n-lmrt an. I Mr. tajx anil tb flrat otfmJi-r h:iil hit I.. 11 M.iik. tahir of ttu lnti'rnii Mouth (ln(iprl Into ll'-ni. At th 1 di;.to griuVi of tin' llortn ai-hnol. MYi tu r taki-a lt!i U youn; moutarlii-a. a ajilomllil uVmnnatrctlon of tho ti-ai h altrn ti-ar an-! i-vi-n nkin. n th'lns of or-1 fpnMilon In Iho Intrrtiii'-yoimir-tiTt ay. It aa txpe till to . i1lrt erailfa. At noon a hot rhli kon ork wonilom. Sr-i.ilntly th diirt ' illnnrr lth "trltnniln' " a arrvej to I mute for f.ilaf niminUi'hi itrnrlfrr to all dy the I'arvnt Ti-nrhrr h tin 1 11 t!i-rr ui-n w-vrml hYMay forv-1 KM-iatlnn of KrUo. iicxm aha orr tiu-tn, ami one aa a At the afternoon rl.in a piano jtlrl. "Modi-rn tm-tbiHU du lt 11.";1o aa n-nJiTii! ly Ml Ktht-1 Wll mI.I one atron. "e m vrr hiard ti-ll kin-ion anil a vival nolo ly Mm. J. M. of aut h tlilnc ln-n I M younit." J C. Mllli-r. rU'B Cola aolJ hi warrhoiine lunl-' Mm I-tta firozxon of the (;rili.mi m- to William Shi.n-r. The deal ! hlKh aohool. then itae nn cxci-'Iont rloa-vl lat Satunlay. ' t.ilk on Ihv moral aluV of rhIM'a J. J. MvtiVr aiwnt the lattor imrt : nluiatlon of last tcrrk In Mnlalla. lioklni: afti-rj Mii Kllalieth K. Math- upoko the Intrrriita of til .Mnlalla ("la k- on the froi"N-llan rm-lhod of dovt-lop. nu Ijind IWi-lopment Co. ; nn-nt. Mii Matthew talk a full Tiie Ia)al (rd-r of Moom.' are ta'of innplrutlnn and ti't-nilnR lth vital Stve a dance In Mnlalla Marrh IT. I truth roni'-rnl:ie child development. Saturday aft.-rniHm'i train took out She urtted teai'her to develop Individ. to load of pole, earn hwd occupy-1 uallty. to teach the child to work on in; two flat car.i. Kir'y In the day , principle and to live from within. She Slt-r" men had to move a little fur-,a'.o empbaaled correlation In achool thrr down the tracka. while the en- work and recommended the pedueoy of ChriM n the l t-t iiedacocy for a teacher to study. Prank Well, aanlstant tato super mtendent. poke on the "Needs of the Kurul School." He showed how ' WII.SONVII.U:, Manh lii-lSpe-ciul The farmer are liuny with i lover n-c.l. land planter and plantinx of all oit. Mr. and Mr. Aden wt-nt to Cort land on FYld.iy to buy ipritu kimnI. The Comtiier'lal cluu met on Fri day rwnliiK and a cooperatue t-ieam-i-ry Ma one of the plan dmcuiied. IJiiiiiko to Mr. Iloullnii and fuinlly. Mr. Mallot Intend to ImM.I a rexideiii'M on hi other property ami renldi' there, and to occupy In npire iiioun-nt Im Intcli.l to clear land. Mr. X. II. Parm-ll made a IuikIuc trip to Orf-Kon l it) Saturday. Mr. A. U June .k a caller Sunday t.t the J. I., punielii' home. I lu.uii-iii-u oi ii loan; now often III I null.' ha Ih-cii lirouillit to llm f.u nl Mr. Mary liatilel. Mm. Sldm y 1'aker and younii on (iom her and Mr. Joi Mm Kate 1.. M.uili-U went hnltie to cantern lrei.-iin on Krl day after iendlnij the winter here with her sifter. Mm. Win Haker A representative of the Kurd" auto mobile lsiti-d the farmer here lnM week. demontnitinK that inaihliie. I'otato luiier were around (hi vi cinity Tuesday Imt not many pota toes have been sold jet. The Union (irowers' association re ceived word that their car had ar lled at it t ilestlnatlon In lais An Kelc in Kood shape after the tout; de lay. Mr. Willie'ui. wlu was examined and pronounced lnane, wa sent to Salem. The fact that there was a lecturer at the school houne last Saturday nlcht. did not seem to be Kenerallvj ero Oregon City li.ltnr Saturday. Mr. ('.rant Aaliliy Is koIiik tn luilM a new home out on ttie road, lie traded hla car to Mr Ol-um. the liery stable man. Tho sratKO will rive a shadow so cial and lunch next Wednesday liitiht. Tln-re will be a n .uraut before iheoer btifore the tin until makci lis up sl.adows are snld. I'. nr.iii. e We will plant mine oi the Tho Parent-Teach-M mei tin wl'l I daffodil. Tbev will (!.! us oi-r to a so'.ibiiiK child; how many a dark pur- pne tiiunui'd to u p'an fur ttixid. In a KlIiupM" of tho sea of cold (plead out In a btl of daffodil. No one may mcr know. They nvi out from the full!!" In solitary clump. I. nut upon the k In broad bauds of Kold. or ktrvlrh In utibroken line alona the I edKCN of thn lawn. Ill their Koldell j dress, even when e er Ibliiit eln la i dark, and unlike most Intel)- tliluus they are without cost. alde from the 'sIIkIi! pain of putlillK their rout In Hie ground llu-y demand no care, no protei Hon from the cold I liecd. a Is sliuun by their shlnlnc fan under a omtIiik of fro.it. No watering In the dry season fur Ihe olfwerlnt; time Is IE fifiSTfllil; ai on ol j ria i-i'n r" ANrlaliVPrfpjnfUfrJli slmiljiiiijita-iUajjiJiiwua tlilfjlltf5lialfkltllxbi be held next Friday nlKht. Tl.ero will ho a di-bate and thn la dit s will sent' a bin- h j J Hie riMn M-axnii wliii h will soon be iienv Meanwhile -may we not all sny with tne poet at mimic time ' And then The patn.UK of Ihe Mulluo si iio-d i my heart with rapture thrills and are Kolnit to meet the '.'eth of Man It and nun.) I lio old Si hnolbnuse back luhlnd the new one for u play room. Mr. Slr.iUlit. of Clackamas, was thn J .lest of J. J. M illet over Suud iy. Mm. Mary PiinleN Is vlMltiiu her dance wt!i the ilaffn l'ls." The briKht wratlier whlill I've nil no March -Ird. him put the ground lulu plowiiiR shape once tuoie ami this op porluntly of ri-suiiiliiK farm work his been improved to the full ulne w.i away. The work was af (oinpll.hed with to team. Mm. Sam IM-Imke was railed to Hub lianl last week to attend Ihe funeral of her ister' Infant daughter. Mr, i 1'ehnke' children stayed at Mrs. Ma-1 "money and "manaKerueiit were on' while their mother was away. ; two of the main factum In secitrlnK a Mrs. Mat Krister of Tortland. wa Rood school. The meetlnR was unl :.n ovrr Sunday vlsilor ut the home of versally pronounced the best ever her parents. Mr. and Mm. Wold. I held because of the spirit and Interest As tho conRre nation of the Metho-, shown, while the excellent dinner !''! (hiin h was hurrylnR churchward i contributed in no small decree to make i 't Sundav. thev met Rev. Curtii hur- the meetlns a success. ryiu:: to the. electric depot that he mlht meet his apiwintmcnt at Cam. Mr. Taylor kindly consented to take Mr. and Mm. Ilradenlck. of Spokane, old-time friends of Mr. and Mm. W. A. Darnum, made a visit at the latter's Kev. Curtis" p'uee at Mullno Sunday j home over Sunday. eveninR so that the pastor might Jarl i Krl have rebuilt Mr. Juri s preach to the Molalla conRreRation at ( Ford auto Into a truck which will be that time. ! used for haulinic merchandise. There were 7S in attendance at the Albert Rodlun hns loRun work on Molalla Sunday school. It was voted his new mill on Deep Creek, near Kors- to have Easter services. Mm. Grace j berss. Tarks, Mm. Vernon and Mm. Knapp . Mrs. Albert Rodlun spent a part of beinff npi"Olnted a committee to ar- Saturday with her sister. Mm. Robert ran&e for the pronrani. (Jon.-irud. Dr. Ford, district superintendent of ! Mm. Jack Patterson is still confined the M. E. church. Salem district. ill I to her bed although somewhat better, be at Molalla Friday. March 17, when ! Mrs. Kowen is caring for her baby, an all day's nicotine will be held, i m - m . in . . .. I thinner wi-i oe ser((.-u in oie use- ment of the church. The evangelistic meetinps are to " continue for at least another w eck, under Rev. Curtis' direction. A photographer took a picture of the school children Monday. This Is said to be the third picture taken this year. A fire alarm was sounded on all the telephones late Monday. It proved to be that Rodney Dibble's house was on Are. The place is about a mile from town, but people turned out with J a riht good will, autos soon reached , the scene, to be followed soon by those j on foot It is said that the chimney burned out and luckily not very much real damage was done after all. STAFFORD. STAFFORD, March 1C (Special) Men are very busy these days trying to get in all the hours they can be fore the next rain comes and the la bor commission looks on and approves knowing full well that a farmer's work Is from sun up to sun down in tho busy season. Mark Taker's new farm hand, who has been with him for the past two weeks, Is proving very satisfactory and Indications now are that tho boy has found a permanent home. Adolph Delkar's wife Is quite III at her home. Dr. Hugh. Mount Is In at tendance. Her husband's sister, Mrs. Sogsert, is helping to care for her, and all hope for her speedy recovery, Mrs. Case returned to her home here last Simduy after almost a month's absence at Newport, Portland and St. Helena. On her way back she took dinner with Mrs. Freeman of Willam ette, and enjoyed a delightful viBlt. She has a collection of agates picked up on the Nye Creek beach on exhibition. She was the guest of Mrs. S. H. Car ter of Peninsula, Portland, who owns ,J .S 'i- ? J MEADOWBROOK. A ? $ 4 r ' i,' MEADOWBROOK. March 16. (Spe cial.) Quite a few from here attended the recital at the high school in Col ton Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Schiere and daughter, who have been staying with the former's parents during the win ter, returned to Portland Friday, where thoy expect to visit awhile and then go to Idaho to live. Gill Nordling of Union Mills, start-1 a bungalow at Nye Creek beach, ed to school here Monday morning as J Judge Gordon Hayes moved his the school Is qut at that place. : father up to the old place a few days Herman and Ben Chlndgren are j ago. Mr. Hayes and his nurse are clearing some land for Miss Hannah j stopping with Mrs. Grace Gebhardt Johnson. i until his house Is ready for him to The ladies of Meadow-brook, being ! occupy. He is sorely afflicted and al- aoout 35 present, held their first meet ing Saturday afternoon, at the school house where the club received the name of Meadownrook Needlecraft club. After a short program and busi ness meeting, about two hours were spent In visiting and doing fancy work after which lunch waa served by three ladies. Some of the men folks are talking of learning fancy work so they can be there about lunch time. Annie, Freda and Harold Johnson of Union Mills, visited at A. L. Lar klns' Sunday. Mfss Hudson was a visitor at Tim ber Grove Saturday. John Saari of Portland, was out on business Monday. Elma Mattson, who has been quite ''.-X. A .- - rr. Hill --"iT T - A Big Price Reduction In Stover Engines Now made in l-U-2-4-6 Horse Power and up at prices that put this good engine within the reach of all. SEE THE NEW LINES AS SOON AS POSSIBLE W.J.Wilson &Co. Oregon City, Oregon 12TH and MAIN STS. FULL LINE Pumps, Wagons Implements, Etc. most helpless but wanted to come to the old place once more, where his young manhood was spent, and the ! son provided a way for him to do so. known, consequently, the attendance niece, Mrs. Chas Noblitt In Needy. Mr. Schatz has contracted to have wa8 Dot large- There was church In the eeenln; wood cut, which will clear off another Tne ferrv dld not cro8S on Satur- Su.irtay. Mr. Taylor, editor fif the PromoirsriilliinnrfifJ IVM aurl Ik-vlonlilrtinrea (Mum Miiqihuir r;.ktjfTj oti a unarms ft iiiMl I A(Wi- f Ami I w- I (llf- I lii 1 1 1 n i Arxrfrrl IVnnly fur rumJIfi lion . Sour Mtuu ti.HUHi'i Wornu i'i KTMil xmn .Irvri i vl russai!LossorSatr. KDV VRRK. For Infunti rj Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho Signature of AW i it.v.,i hi,riii''XuikTilTo' F.iavt Copy ol Wrpicr. In Use For Over Thirty Years CEFtt !uiiI,ii Muli. r. Clinib- M.ir-h.ill, Wuitir !.. (Vllliuni M.irliall ant OlU.-r Mamhall lii-(riliinriili w.-rc m-rx-d and lb" rdnliu n ;hiu In danrliiK ami i playlnK Kami'. KmtImhI had n kiuuI tllllK. j Ml:i.i lor.t ami i:i.;.i M.iriii:ir.t i ; itcil Mr. II. ('. Kb-lumnltli and f.tin I II v lu-l Hun. lav. I V. II. cttlatid-r wan In Iikmi on hilMlii 4 lai.l Hd k. W. II. WVltlau.'cr wU inniii' bum to Mr I-'. May:b-ld of licivi-r t'reck lal cck. Mr. JaNoii Clarke and bin brntluT, I (Ji'orm Clarki' niv ploMlnx on tho Im- I wll place In KIwimmI. Mrs. .lumiii Clarke li l.iini.' ullli her lt.-r In law. Ml. (!. I". Clarke, ion IliKhland. for a uliort time. OARLOW. EACLE CREEK. I'.MiUlW, March I'I - 1Smm lall - ! Mr. Tnuifel etiteitaltiid the IjidbV aid of the .S in nl I. lulu-ran ibunh nil M.in h Mb. A lartte i ruwd wait pr-- cut. In Iii.Iiiik Mr Toiirft-I a nf-ti-r. Mr. Urn. n. of I'uitl.nul i Mr. Ilariiiluii ha nmteil bin f.imll) to Wlllulilette I'.urn, to Mr. and Mr. Ouk.i. a mm. Ml iliilni; lilielv Ibive Sheppard li.u boiiKbt the llen r.v Cllberlmili plai e, ciilil-.tlliit nf .'I', i arm. north of limn lue b a libe i llttin lUKe and w are WoiulcrlliK If he i III Vimhi WH'iirti a bird lo occupy It. , (If cotime, I line deiiu It but time will te'l. Iliive. i W. II. Tn 1 1 ut up (mm Cortland . Tucil.iy. Mr. ai.d Mm. I'.iK tlnitei) Mr. and i Mr. Wulntad. at Yoilirllli Monday. I Mr. Xt'oUtad ha a K'"d rimi r I h h lu if IiiihIiicm and they ny they havr lier- er recrellt-d li-at Iiik here. i I Lucille 7.lei;ler wa '.II mid out of reboot bint w eck. , Mid I .lire nu Wbliiu ha been cri- oimly III with the (piliiny but I I in 1 prnvliiK. Mr. Iiiliimon' brother, Carl John- KAfil.K CUKIIK. March PI -(Special I Mr. Kil. liotiKlam, who under went an operation iiiuellme ai:i. I IliiprovinK mid l expected bnlue the latter part of Ihe ueel,. V. (Jlven of K.Htacaila. wa ou r In till nelghborhooil Saturday. Inokluit up Homo Iiok for the market. Mr. II. S. Junex. of Cortland, wan! ion rclnim-d to tilendalc Tueailay. nut till way recently the gucKt of her (ireiiKii met Satuntay with a good mother, Mr. Viola IIoukIiik. atlenilani e. Hoy IioiikIiikh I going Into (ho heep ' It. K. unil Kluier Irwin went to I'ort biislneHH, for lie recently purcluiHcd - land Saturday. Kluier returned home 110 head. . Sunday riding u new home. He i Mr. Katie IlnuglaH called on Mr. I now breaking Ihe colt purchased hist Murphy Saturday nlternnon. I year from Mr. Kvan.v cri'Kii croquet. Mr. Ileal has appointed 13. F. Weddle local volunteer obsen'er for Stafford, to succeed I. P. Gage, who held the office ever since It wag first estab lished in this place. J. Q. Gage returned to this mother's on Monday from Silverton. where he sick was able to return to school Mon-' had been a number of days on busi- day. liens. field for him. addlnir to tho vaIup nf day of last week on account of the his already valuable place. nigh water at that time. A party of young people met, as they ' The Wilsonville basketball team often do, at Mrs. C. Fledman's on Sun- seems to be making quite a name for day afternoon and had a game of Itself. GROW ARTICHOKES Planted and cultivated name a potatoes. Of great value for fi-edlnir toek. They are the best hog feed known. They are remarkable for their fatteninir propertlea, (Treat produrtivenenB, over 1000 btmhels having been rained on 1 acre. Hauler to snow than potatoes. They need not lie dii(T. If hog are turned In on them they ran easily root the tuber out. One a;re will ket-p from twenty to thirty hnjr in fine condi tion for nevenil month. Snld to be a preven tive of cholera and other ho; dlneases. Plant 400 lb, per acre early In the spring. WHITE FRENCH, mot profitable variety. By freight or express, 10 lb, 40c; 50 lbs. $1.50; 100 lbs. Z.50...Per lb.f prepaid, 15c; 4 lb., 60c Ov 13 safe ClUlsc N. 62. f TUmtt, TM mi Girds Seeds ui Ssvplia so reornL RoutlerJge Seed & Floral Co. 1M 2Npobtland, ore. I The dance on Saturday evening, was well attended by the younger set. Miss Menga Batalgia took a promt nent part In a play at Tualatin, on Tuesday evening. I A milliner will be In Aden's store on Wednesday of each week, which will be quite a convenience for the la dies. A playlet entitled "The Burglar Alarm," will be given at Corral Creek school on Saturday evening, March 25th at eight o'clock, also songs and recitations. Mr. Reed Graham will j play the violin and a good program is assured. Baskets of lunch will be sold at the close of the entertainment. Everyone Is cordially Invited to attend. Sign of Good Digestion. old lady you may know that she has 1hfd.br a" of tbof? pr,f Molalla Pioneer, filled the pulpit dur ing the absence of the presiding mill, inter. Mrs. Mary Crook was the giic-st of 1-rr daughter, Mrs. Walter Waldorf last Sunday. Mrs. Ruhr itudolph has gone lo Lib eral to wor'c for Mrs. Gregory. Jos. L. Daniels has rented some farming land film Mrs. Crook. There will be a dance In the Mullno hall next Saturday night, March IN, Supper will be served cafetorU style by Mrs. Tom ?Ish. Everyone come and enjoy a t;ood time. Mrs. August Erlckson and son Wei ll i:, went to Colton to visit Mrs. Krickson's grand mother, Mrs. I'ab. Mrs. Hall 'r. itry feeble on account of her age and HI health. Elmer Erlckfion was a caller In Mil lino last Saturday. The TdleB' Social club mpt with Mrs. Oscar Hult last Thursday: Tho routine of business wa carried through and a general good time was A dainty The home of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Hep- ler has been gladdened by the arrival of a baby boy. The Mother's club Is to meet on the afternoon of Thursday, March 18th, at the home of Its secretary, Mrs, 0. M. Baldwin, who expects to return from Oregon City In time for this meeting. ? ? i Or 5 j. -3 ? CLARKE3. i f 6y & i $ b 4 $ good digestion. If your digestion Is impaired or If you do not relish your meals take a dose of Chamberlain's Tablets. They strengthen the stom ach, improve the digestion and cause a gentle movement of the bowels. Ob tainable everywhere. (Adv.) lunch wag served by tho hostess. Mrs. Rogers, who haa been visiting her parent, Mr. and Mrs. Scott re turned to her home In Portland last Saturday. C. fimith, of Eldorado was calling on friends In Mullno Inst Monday. CLARKES, March 18. (Special) Miss Dora Marquardt from Portland, Is out visiting her father, 0. Mar quardt, and family for a time. Mrs. Albert Iluol from Oregon City, Is here visiting her sons, John and Edd Iluol and wife, for a short time. Fred Bauer of Colton, went to Hea ver Creek to attend the phone moot ing last Monday. Fred Zwahlen spent Sunday with Edd Iluol and family. Mr. Jason Clarke was In Portland visiting his relatives last week. A surprise party was given at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. White Sat urday evening, March 4th. Among those present were: Iluby Gard, Mar garet Lelchtlvelse, Emma Kleinsmlth, Hazel RIngo, Irene Trimm, Allene Trimm, Minnie Stegman, John Mar shall, Albert Busman, Wilfred Mar shall, Clyde RIngo, Theodore Marshall, Mr. und Mr. I). M. Miimhull ami .1. I'. Woodle and wife rn'lcd on Mrs. j llowlett Sunday ufti-ri i. i Miss Kln a Kennedy waa the ueek-l end guent of Mr. Metzger of (IrcNhum. I ami nbio attended the tciii-hcrn' lm.l tut at Kclxo Saturday. MIhs Viola DeShazer und ("lias. I'p degr.ivo wero visiting with the fur tiler's grandmother, Mrs. Viola Inug I... C.,.,.1,... """) I Mr. and Mrs. K. Foster ami Mm. Mary Young, called on on Mrs. llow lett Monday nflernooii. Koy DouglasM sold nine hog to W Given on Monday, taking them to lb" Kxtncaila slock yards. II. S. GlhMin and Mr. Orkey iittend- ed tho Dnlliis Hale at Damascus Saturday. A. W. Cooke und wlfo woro up this way recently, returning home Snnduy. Everett Beckett camo home laHt wook, ill with thn lagrlppo, und stayed homo for a fow dayi, until getting hot ter before returning to his work. Mr. Jiih. Krlckum inade a biiHlneii Irlp to Portland I'll.l.iy. UPPER GARFIELD BRIEFS. Manufacture of elementary text books In Oregon would establish a now Industry und rullove taxpayers. March lA.-t heavy mm. Win. Porler'n (IAI!l'li:i.n, During thn I lust week the roof of burn full In. The (inrlleld band Is preparing to glvn it oiio hour farcn "When Doctors Disagree" In the near future. Tho boys ii ro all hard ut work momorixltig their various parts. Mrs. II. A. I.nllarro tins Ix-eii In Portland the piiHt few days visiting friends, Win, Krolger's now housn which has boon tindor cotiHtructlint for soino time Is now completed. It Is said that tho Depp Creek I.uni Imt Co. will soon Blurt up their mill to fill a number of orders for lumber. Tho Dorcas society will hold their regular monthly meeting on Thursday, March IMIi at Log UUIarro. PRUNES AND CRAFTED WALNUTS Also Pem, Peichea, Aprlcolt, Almonds, Applet, Cherriei, Small Fruits, Etc. ' ,' 8AVE 60 BY BUYING DIRECT Mull your want list today, stating quantity 'and varieties RUSH us our surplus Is going fast. LAFAYETTE NURSERY CO., Lafayette, Oregon. VALLEY PRODUCE CO. WHOLESALE DEALER IN Fancy Dressed and Live Poultry, Eggs, Veal and Hogs WE CHARGE NO COMMISSIONS PAY CASH PAY THE MARKET PRICE PAY PROMPTLY We will pay 16 to 17c for all food hens shipped lo us before March 18th Write us lor shipping lags. Send shipment to us and et quick returns. 20354 Wsibinf ion SI. PORTLAND, OREGON Phon Miiu 1058 lifts The Drink That Fits A drink that should be on every table P ORTLAND BREWING CO., Portland, Ore. On tale at all Leading Groceries and Confectlonarles PHONE YOUR DEALER FOR HOME DELIVERY