Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 10, 1916, Page 9, Image 9

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Molalla May Become ,
A Sawmill Center
MOI.AI.I.A. Hur -(H ll )-A.
V. Il'll taa In Mululla mi biislmiss
Monday. H'l haa bet-n I'lllllhH imm
mi Mnka I'talrla tlm m( tutor.
A I'lnv if iiiui hlni-ry as hrukrn
Mniiil.ir iiinmum at Kri-d Hhafi-r'a
mill. While rrpalra it Mug in u 1
Mr. Hlufi r iuiiio In limn In load Dm
art IIihI mm Kalllng hla lumber al
lliu Huotln-rii I'm inc.
Mr lliiiiuiM-r aa In Molulla on Ima
Iriese &f nitiluy.
Mululluue went tantloual IrylnK
llii'ir union, Kunliui-rs ante hi-nnii-liiat
a lllllii braver a to linw Inunx
!!. I III (lllllii, HH-ll I III- Stllftt Will
ilntt a mi iln-ant-d In KniiiiKiila sun
kimIIvc of miiiiit r In n. it hat lius
Ih'i'H Jok lii-ly railed ' Mulalla'a arc
mill winter" r .nun up mi u. A unnw
it it to full Krl'U) w' It'll protttl
to lit) Unlit ami a(l r a f- hiiora he
Kun tu lliuw. Thla Ima aline lurnod
Into a ruin
It l aalil that :7 Imbue of allow
fi ll nut tit ( lilllioloa mill.
al tliu K b. Ih-rman lu- Ilia anl
Km iim luf wua rallml lo Karl
Trlinliln'a niiv tilxlil Ul tt-k a lhy
feared lha Hill girl wliilit baro plum
lunula, H
M Hosier tailed Dr. Walker In llm
lillil last ruk. I lia i lilldri'ii hate
all Ixm'H liavliiK I'jiik skx nf tint
IimiiIi ioiikIi.
l liu l-tiynl Onl' r uf Mooet rh td
officers Mil nil 1.
'Mil! Iii'i-iiI (livi'inlnn la throat Iron
Mo, Intiallllla, I'tr, Tim luteal vl' lima
rn Mr a. I'urtla, rfinl lh Mlaara Nellie
W.illu ami Zna ILhIkit,
4 ! I
I I l M I I I M i I l I ) t
IMMAWTH, Manh --tHpls!)-Wa
ai to data On tie hli bumltlj
1 low Mr. Kelly Suffrrwl nJ ,',"' l",l,l"'r u '"
now jv.r.iveiiyou!ierea ruj , ,,. ,, Mr VVl)lf.
How She wr. Cured.
MA( KHIll'IIU, March lH.iila)
- Tim winiry wcatlmr uf tlm la
l.oa In r'cliriiary ami Ilia flrnl In
Mum h ,.ul a "( lo lliu jtur.li nliiK
lliut wua khIiik on In am h ptulH-rani
Iiiim' of ilii'iiiimniiiillx curly liurwnl.
Iml mukii HkIiI nt th" illaiiolnt
ini'iii. V ciin nut look our Miur
(IcIiU wlllniiit a thrill nf Kritlllniln
Hint lin y arc tuicrlinnniicil by tlm aw
liurllnKUm, WU. "I waa vary Irreg
ular, Mtd had palna In n.y tll atxl l,mrk,
Lut fir taking
I V I!
'v, ,
V 1 '
liajcn ha I'ut up a lciiiiirarx i',4
hcf ha III "n'k ahlla Ilia im
li'Mi la iH'Inir r-lait.
Mlaa Klln-r Itntvll (nl tha c-k.
-tid at tli linma uf W. It. Il-c, In
tat kla.
W ar aorry lo l4rn that rrnk
Clilliotit ami family lll nm mova to
Jnliti M'xira hull In nl a hug tor
liom- unit laat cck.
I'. A. Iluiiti-r took a load of toKa to
I'orlluml Tiaxluy.
A. V. (Vikn hnti In-rxil all lion
I fill IiIihmI uf war, ami Ihut our urnuii'l
lliill h Allen Ima a i lo urk l j , frrtilUc. from thn ri-ontc-a If-
lUnuiK-r'a mill. I In r-tur I hint ,v,il I, nainrn lic-m.lf ami not hy
ick fnnii Wuiico roiiiily, lir 1 tht llf. tliln nf our lirulhrr ami anna.
Ii.nl Ih.ii iirklii alncv lt aiiniiiii-r I Kraiik lllllon. flmllmi work on III
Mrn. fuller a kIiIiiIiik ln-r Iioiibh- ,( ,, ruU,M Imiiomillih'. Ima cnmi-
liolil liixiila Mnlnluy lo U ncur
MlUankln, wln-ru Mr. Cull-T Ima ol-Inlm-il
nrk at hla Irmln uf piittrrn
in u k I ii r:
At II a. m., lit 3 p. in., ami 7:.1u p.
in, lli-v. MmCullr.m Hikn In the
Mi-iIiimIIhI i linn Ii KninU)'. Kui Ii tlmti
tin- Iiiiiimi una 'II pin k !. 'Tcatlim
inr Amliiit," ' Co-iYrBlnn" ami "Hln
Ak.iIih.I Dm Holy liliiml" liclliK tin-
lnica of hla a-rmuna. Hiimliiy'a' ai-rv
liniiiK lo al.iy till th Kriiiuiil la Ku!n
irmly lo urk.
Ilrrtlik Mi hula, uf ChlcaKo. hn
in-lit a putt uf I Im aumini-r villi na.
Ima nrcd a fine ponlllim In Ia An-tti-lca,
Cullf., ami will iruliully make
m.uliicrn CallfuriiU hla pirmam-nl
A liieellmi of III" Ixiari uf (llreclura
un In-lit lit I In- Kby aclimil on Hutnr
ihiy nlulit, Annniil rmillmi hualiieiia
Iron clnmil Iti-v. MueCullmii'i purl nf alone wua Iralinuelril.
I In emncc'liul in i--l In k a In Molullu. ' Tlm Woman'a tlnh nf I lie l.ul In-run
Tlm tiuellim will lx colli linieil hy llm clniri h met ill thn linlne of lla treaa
ihtirch a mtor, llev. Cheiiley K. Cnr-1 urer, Mra. Karl IIim iIik, un thn after
H i. who Ima eitemleil u curillul liivl lnunn of Thurmlay. Man h I'lli. A Kt.Ul
latlon to (eryum to attend lliu prea
eiil w-i-k. Her. MitcCnllniii will now
hecln a iM'rlcit of lliei-lliin at Wood
work Metlinillnt clilircll, I'ortlaml. uf
which ir. Knuik Juim-a la tli puntor.
Ilia work In Mnliillu Iiiih heen coiimIiI
en d nf rre.it l.cin fll. DurltiK hla atuy
ltv. Mai Ciillntii njiide iiiuiiy wurm
frlenda, who will reiiu-mlH-r lliu kind
ly f.ne In I he yt-ura to cume.
Mr. iilutih wan l-iiy ttiat hei f cntt'e
for the firm of Worth & (ilnlch, the
p.til week. Tin-Mi Imtchera f liundlit
nearly i.ll uf Hie heef ruined aionml
Another iar of houa una b!iIh-iI to
thn 1'orth.ml KIim k unlit tlm punt
week. I lunlly a week him- hy with
out a tihliuiietit nf one cur mill un
ninny na four rurtonila lu-'.nn nhlpppd
lit u time.
.Mr. and Mia. Ittinm-I'H daughter
from Iowa, U now with her purenta
fur nil extended vlnll. It la hon-d
thnliidiu will not nturii until luwu'a
aummer heat Iiiih pumied hy. Mr.
l.'i'Ufli la hun been initio III for aev
'rui weeks pant.
II. N. Hunitnervllle. who hna heen
fylna amount uf work wua d for
llm Imaur to Ik- held at I'hrMiuua
for thn piirpoiio of rulnlui; fiimla lo
Im iim-iI In iliiircli repair and lui-irovei:t-nta.
Tlm lieit melliiK la lo
he un the flmt Thuraduy In April.
Tlm Miillu-r'a t lnh la to liui-t ul Hie
liiune of IM aecrctury. Mra. (i. M.
I'aldwln. Manli I'-lh.
Thu Mi-nninilli- conurcpitloii hud Ita
regular riiimlu) t-M-nltit; nervlio with
a fu'l attendance un March -Mil. mil
wltliaiuiulliirf the furlmm aloiin.
I.yilla H Mdkl.arn'a
VCtaLI (V.rn
pountl Tahlnta ami ""'
...i- I-.I....I rortlatid
Ilia Hanativa Waalt
I am fully eonvlncwl
that 1 am rntirely
njr) tit Mxrtm trou.
1,1.1 krul I..lf.
II over. I kmw Tue.day for itmrket.
don. m. worMaof '."""'''. '" T """.
R'kkI and I hotie every aufTerlna woman 1
will Clva Umrn a trlul."-Mra. Ann W'ddlii l.ella art .,n to rltiK In
KtXt.Y, riOOt-atjiUt Blrcct, Hurling- , ,,,u l",rt of tho oinlry.
Urn, Wla. ,
The many con vlnclng toatimnnlala con-
ttantly tiuliliahcd In tha riewapaper
cukHI Vtita proof -nuui;h to women who
auffer from IIiom dlttrrulnif III pecu
liar to their ae li.at l.ydia K.I'lnklmm'a
V-feUlil Compound U Ui mecllrlna
tliry ntxxl.
Thla gotx old root and herb remly
has proved unuallnd for theaa dreaj
ful Ilia; Itconlalna what la rieooVd ta
rcalora woman's braJth and ttangth.
If there la any pis-ullurlty In
your caato requiring peclal !
Irn, writ the Lydla 1- IMnk
hain Medicine Co. (confidential),
Lynn, Maaa for free ad vice.
Otar.ua and Armctil All uf lUe 1
Tpl II' K, ,l 74
J. .In Jx.l.n -H uf hf.'i ami KK4
uf NW and NK'4 of and NW
f SW Hr II Tp 1 ll'.K, l5 00
T II llanilMNK' uf fcK'4 H II
Tp 1 l('.K; I 01,
It. (ianiKiiU-in nf HW Hw
17 Tp 1 HW; 7 U.
t'a.per Af.tuwr-HK uf HW, Her
17 Tp 1 ll'.K, 7 K. I
r, tn 00; J. T. Kitliam, Jj60.
M-TIItlCT NO. $H-riptur t
May, 1.40; I'upa A Co , f I 15; C. Al
ford. I.'7JKJ; A. C. Warn.r, SXi;
0. (;roril.ladr, fl'-'OO; W .Kmy,
l'A.00; H. Naah, ',H00; I Mattuon,
t'.H.li; K. Cravel, It 00; Kob. Mat
toon, )7 M; John Data, 1 11.25; I.
Vtarhua, .'J 00; K. II.
IT. W. llo.!i,n-Ki, nf HW'i ami ... . .
SW nf HW.4 an I W uf jwil;3 - ' ' '
MTIUCT NO, l-G. Huiraa,
VM; W. lUndall, 7K); T. lilanchard.
Vi Tp 1 1(5 K. III! 12
I). H.herner-W uf HW He II
Tp 2 I15K; ;o 10.
H V.. IxxIk-8K nf fiK'i and 12.00; II. Kifl. I'M,
SK nf HK He 25 Tp 2 l(5K; 74 (0 W3TKICT NO. Yl Kamrath
(far old Wllaoti, I'tx); Tiyin Itunahua,
1150; K. I'. K.h.a.lt.rn. -'0(); AlUtt
lluffrnclttar, fiOO.
MhTliUT NO. 52-11. W. Kann.,
I100O; Olio llroukman, tiOO.
l.STKKr NO. LLW. W. Irar,
.'2M; C. YwUr, I 5; V.. K. Wbiu,
114.00; Wm. nir!, 11200; Brt
Ktnt, 3.25; Cao. OwinKi, 11200;
Mat toon, llm CaaUt, I00.
MHTKKT NO. t5-Ilt II. Kinrh,
to; T. Juhb. l lfl.OO; C. K. Iliv.ly,
121.00; Jut Youngfardorf, I00; A,
C. Whita, 15.00; H. 0. Klrrhem, $100;
Ceo. M. Illv.ly, 121.75; W. O'Connor,
1-100; W, Gihh, $100; C. Juhb, $100.
Whan to Taka Chambarlaln'i Tablata.
When you feel dull and atupld after
When ronntlputed ur I'll lima.
When you havii a ah k In-adachv.
When you hava a amir ktotim h.
When you tH-lfh after catiiiK.
When you have IndiKiatlon.
When ttervoua or di-apondent.
When you ltav no n-llab for your
When your IWt-r la torpid.
Ohuliiahlo atverywln-ro. (Adv.)
(Contlnuod from l'ait7.)
II. K. Kelly NW14 nf NV; Bee
y. Uhman-.VK of HW, and SW, VlM. yrtltk f;fomiirf( tm. Jf,0. MSTKK.T NO. f,-J0hn C. Miliar,
K WKVi7 2LiP VvK;,HZ'!0'iJry '''"miliar, $1.00; William Dol- I59J5; M. Jnhnalon. $.HM; C. I'.aka
Tp 2 K' K- "kr M. H-l; John Mo.hnk.. $7.00; ' $21.75; C. Kendall. $1.00; A. Johnaon,
Joarph H.hmltt-H'-i uf NE'i Hec!'"1''' Maa.inif.r, $,.00; C. G. Wat
33 Tp I K'K; $22 19. ! mora, $2 00; Charley Oroi.miller,
Oreat.n Und Co. HW'4 uf NW1; j$2.00; Jamb f'rank, $fiaOO.
and N'j uf MW'4 and HK nf HW'4 I MSTKICT NO. 19-A. L Jonea,
Her 21 Tp 2 K4K; $535. fIM. W. Jl. joflM( ...oo. tl A-
of and Ut. I 2 Hoe 6 Tp 3 K5K; Juhn ,. Urey
U. i. Kr.er-KK'4 uf KK'4 Bm I Ul- :M- Hrhwhrl. $10.00; C. T.
Tp 3 H5K; $.0. ! H-murd, $2.(KJ; A. Wieman, $2.00; M.
Ort-Kon Und Co NK'4 of HK'4 Nation, $2.00; Charlaa Whita, $1.Z5; Krtd W. Green. $7.32; William laen.
and HW4 uf HK'4 flee t TP 3 K5K. Wm. liottemiller, $2.25; Fred UdiKer.'aM Co, $5.92; HxJixin-Fwnau(fhty Co.
itaroiu uuiKer, it.iru; riwin .jj.r,o; l eieri li.lwe. lo., mz.ia;
Jat. M. Krlckaon, $7J0; Pope Co.,
$14.50; A. IJnd'iulnl, $2.00; F. Cro-
Urg, $1.75; W. lirown, $7.00; II. Tort,
$100; G. Ilumaa, $10.50; W. Jl. Stona
$2.75; C. WhlUhaad, $l0; kJ. W.
Turner, t-'CJUO; J. !UiU-r, $11.60; tl
Griir.n, $l7i0.
GKNKRAL UOAIiS-ll. C. Gilmora
$2i0; A. II. Knight, $2.M; A. U Mat-
toon, $1S.00; W. II. Matt'xin, tlZM;
John lletl-8'4 Uf HW14 e. ,Faut. 17.00: Flmer Krletann. 13 00
Tp 3 ll'.K; $130. iiiHTlMr-T vn o u u
$1.91; O. C. KlaeUrh, $21.20; Coaat
4 a. a. t. I ... a. a. J 4 .a. 4
4 Tp 3 K-1K; 12115.
) ARDENWALD. ,' W. C. Uxkhart SK' o' KK'4 Bee
3 Tp 4 K3K; $33.63.
(v 4- 4 4 4 i f 1 4 M t-' Ada H. llraden NW'4 uf KK'4 Bee t
!Td 4 IC1K: $12I.
AltltKN'WAI.I). March . (SmwIuIi K. Ilanaen NWVi of NK'4 "d IM
- Mr. and Mn. Amoa Ki-lw-r. who! I Sec II Tp 4 K.IK; l'2 TK.
huve heen upendlni; tlm w inter w ith I K. Klaehenhcrwr l-ola 2 and 3 Sec
liieir n, liny M-iaer ami luiiui), 1 v '
will n-turn to their former home In' Uratllp W$ of VrtH Bee 13
Lincoln. Neli. - .Tl' "IK; $26 55.
Mm. Arden ItoikwotNl Inn returned I " T- Klton NK'4 of NW'; Sec 23
from llm (Stand H tmnrlliin hoHpllul. ofTl' ' H-: $19 "
5 Tp 1 h'.K, ; $0 i Iufer. $15.!5; Urkin. June., $C3J(.1 ! Culvert Fluma Co.. $.18.70; Clem
I- Hwoboda-K'4 uf .VW'4 Bee li!''- f" Bonney. $.1.00; Jack Moraaa.j Dollar, $7.50; Chaa. Liveaay, $11.10;
$2.00; L. I. Klliott. $1.00; W. 8. Gor
Utt. $5.00; Aug. Johnaon, $1.00; J.
Tp 3 ll-'K; $13 in.
y. Annerl NW'4 of NW'4 and BW
'4 uf NW'4 Ber 15 Tp 3 2I(5K; $15.53.
N. Mchi-H4 uf HW'4 Bee 15 Tp'Autr. Dalatrom.
3 h' b uV'm' .,i , vu-i- o aJ WSTKICT NO. 22-Bert Dalmer.
II. I'. Hche'l BW'4 of NW '4 Bee 23 n r , .... .
Tp 3 ll'.K- $570 $''.00; C. I). Dlckeraon, SA; 8. J.
1. I. Bcl'icel NW'4 uf BW'4 Bee 23 ,2-: JmM BrIow. M:
Tp 3 II.'.K: $5 70. I J- lUaUlI, $2.00; K. W. Davidaon,
(SeorKP (Sniman NW of NE'4 & e $2.00; Hub Bowman, $1XK); Geo. Koba-
31 Tp 3 K:.K: $6 70.
A. Morrow, $1.50; Ixuia Baker, $1.70;
Miller-Parker Co.. $2.00; W. W. Irvln
A. Johnaon, $4.00; Victor Hill, $1.00; 1 $2S25; N. E. Cole, M; V. Skin-
ner, $17.40; II. Du, $12.77; D. 8.
Miller, $19.05; F. Norton, $29.75; 8.
Hoover, $13.35; M. King, $22.40; J.
Anderaon, $4.70; I). Shtperd, $14.10;
A. Snyder, $10.03; V. Berg, $21.35; S.
L. Miller, $2.70; A. H. Saga, $20.55;
a- I- at - 4 f f I a- 1
i '
... ,t.
( I a t -I I 1 I f
IIAZKI.IA. March 5 (Spt-clull A
anrprlrn puny islv.n In honor of Mlaa
Jean Wlliiou'a 17th birthday wua held
it the Wlluon Inline tut Hulnrdiiy even
lli, Miirell 4lh. Af.er a inont enjoy
uh'e time wan tijient In plnyltiK kuiiicb,
refreiiliiiientn wero nerved. ThnBi'
prem-nt wero: Minna (HIo Mclnlyrt),
Mildred Monk, Mary I'ryniliroiik, la-.
mi I'rytnhrtnik. Marlon Kiiathum,
tint uf . ..ilulla'a mohl pioiulnenl drity-j Mury Wlluon, llannuh Pollard, l.ncy
men and wood dt-alem fur I he punt j Pollard. Klliaheth I'ryinhrouk, l.eomi
few yenra. lit preparlni: to movfl eusl I Pryinliroiik. Ilium h liiiticaii. Iliitllt
uf tho mutmtaltrt atioti. with u vh-w Wiinker. l-Mlth unl-.et, .lean llmin
to lukltu: up a homoHtcml. HU huh
la alrvaily locuted therv.
GokhIp hurl II that Molalla lit to he
a iirent cawinlll center In the near
future. Thene rumors have mil been
HiicceHhfully traced to their urlKln.
hut M-rhnpH I lie tlenlre It father to
tho thought. There tiro a number who
feel that thla nhntild Im ho, im Molalla
la ripiUlliilant from neveral larne
tnicl.t uf tliuher. It la wild ilutt It
would rcttilro ten year to harvest
oiio Inrp- tract nf It. It U pointed
- out that both power und Hllea are hern
im well un Hltcn for lioiiiea for em
ployvH In a humti loving town. Nor
iltica liny one Iohi kIkIiI of the fact
that wo lnivo two rullmudH which urn
no Imporlant n factor In Midi an on
ilerlakliiK. When ono t-oniita the hov
cn cut'M In thn yiiftlH now ready to Ihi
limited with tics, lumber ami polctt It
Im cany to aim a llttlti morn In mlnd'H
po when It would mean ho much to
tho country.
It Ih reporled that liecaime of thn
lack of carH, Oru Slyter Ih behind with
It Ih HhiptuentH of po'eH to tho extent
of 27 cnrhmdH.
(frent Interrnt Is bolng taken In tho
Piiront-TiMichnm' mcetitiKa. Tho next
tnet-tliifi will bo hold at lliu Hchool
Iioiibo on tho third I-Ylday or Murch
A lliicinaii Hhook tho wlrca duritiK
tho recent Htorm IohI thoy becomo too
Mr. Yodoi- was a pleasant vlnltor
Iva Whltten. Mnbel Wanker. Wanda
Wunki-r. Hum I ltuniiluuiii, 'Violet He
Netil nnd Wlufleld linker. Fred Mc
Intvrc, GeorKO Mclntyrc, Charlea Wll-ll-inmon,
Kdwnrd Twlny, Orval David
mn, I.luyd OavltlMm, Vernon imvld
Hon, John Pnttllard, (iarion Ktibthnni,
Herbert Duncan, Klva Wanker, Ken
neth I )i. vhlmin, D. K. Uimi, Guy Me
Vny, WIIIU Miller. I.luyd Whltten nnd
Mr. ami Mra. Wlluon.
Mra. Frank Whltti-n left WedneH
day for Ocean View, Oregon, where
hIih will vlc.lt her mother, Mrs, ,1. It.
I la vn. t .
W. II. Cook apenl Monday In Ore
Ron City.
Mra. Krnest Whltten wua a week
end vlHltor In Portland.
MIkh IiiiOKt'tie Jewell was pleaHunt
ly enlertalned by MIhh lCtbnl linker
Wedni'Hda.v oveniliK.
Iluroltl llalier npetit thn week-end
ut home.
rort'uml. where the hun been taking
treatment for aoine llic.e.
Mra. Church Btni'h relurned to her
home In Syenmuie after a few tlnya'
rlitll with frlenda here.
Ira Htewttrt traded hla propt-ny
for that formerly occupied hy C. I).
Jett'a family nnd !u moved Into the
houne after having made repair.
llev. J. W. Price hit returned from
The lecture at the White Temple In
Portland Saturday wa well nld ndi-d
Thone roIiir from here were: Kuth
und lliuel Cran.i. Gtady Smith und
Dorothy and Nellie Price.
Anionic improvement in Sell wood
(Sitrden I a new limine, which will
lie oe.npied by the t'rey family.
An effort I helms made to pet a
brl.lltc over; Joh'ihton ereek, where
the former brldite wa cloned.
Mia Dorothea Nanh's uiil', will
Klve a recital Saturday In Kller'n hall.
Ftiine. KockwiHid will ngipear on the
The family of Hoy Cochran, nf Sell
wood, will apeml Sunday with Mr. mid
Mr. Hoy Reiner.
ft. A. Purh-NE'4 of 8E'4 See 23 Tp
4 It.lK: $16 57.
If. M. PiiKh NWVi of SK'4 Bee 23
Tp 4 R.1K; $l 53.
F. H. Pond NE'i of NW'4 Sec 25
Tp 4 K3E; 16.75.
Moore and Habcock SK'4 Sec 25 Tp
I IHK; $23.52.
Tlnnt-rnle and Anderaon S i of N
K4 Sec 3.1 Tp 4 R.1K; $10 2S.
Hobert Martin S'4 of NW'4 Bee 33
Tp 4 K.1E; $.'.0.C1.
Peter Gabriel SW4 of SW'4 Sec
33 Tp 4 IME; $10 03.
II Klnic Uit 1 Bee I Tp 5 HIE: $7.42
J. McDonald l-ota 3 and 4 Sec 1
Tp 5 R.1K; $10 73.
Mr. M. C. Newell-SE'4 of NW'i
and NK'4 of SW'4 Sec 1 Tp 5 n3K:
Thoma Newell NW'4 of SE'4 Sec
1 Tp 3 R.IK; $.1.30.
Duvld Kurtx SW'i of SE'4 Sec 1
Tp S R3K; $3.30.
on, $1.00; Robbini Broi., $1.15; J. W. R. W. Zimmerman. $.13.75: C. F. Ziee-
Georna (Sutman-B'4 of SW'4 Bee- Standing, $1.50; Frank Vaurhn, I ler, $23.00; W. T. Bauer, $31.50; M.
JP..3 u"K ."'Iw' vvi.i- i . Grhn unitt. $1.00; Wal-lKinir, $0.00; V. Skinner, $6.00; II.
W.H. Iiryant-S'4 of NW'4 nd lota . . n n..J,-, -.J. ... ' ,lftn'
3 4 B-C 3 Tp 4 K'K' 66 t--., ... . . . i'u, va.w, -i. ivunaun, l,
SW'i of HB'i fiec S Tn4 K5E- 111 40 -"! C. K. Ramnby, $1.00; Jack PUnU, $12.00; A. J. Zimmerman,
Jacob St hmldl-SWVi uf NE!4 and yner, $0.50; C. R. Jackaon, $00; '$2.00; W. D. Fiah, $12.00; J. IL Hart
Lot 2 Sec G Tp 4 R5K; $13 57. Uon Cuihinir, $2.00; L. 0. EMred,;man, $10.00; B. Adam, $10.00; C.
John Clnffey-SW'-i of NW'4 and 1 $4.25; Eber Kldred, $4.25.
M 4 St- 6 Tp 4 R5E; $13 57. j DISTRICT NO. 23-R. W. Zimmer-
J. W. Powt-ll-rN'i of SE'4 Bee Stm()( 900; V. Berk. $8.00; W. D.
TP..4 E'..?.!i,.0;.., .... a... J Fiah. $2.00; J.Bon. $4.00.
II. ail. n unir .'l ui o ,4 cm.
Tp 4 R5E; $13.40.
u- i leu onv
Sheriff and Tax Collector of iThil'1' iMi Solon Kin"r. KMi Ray
auckamaa County. Oregon. ' f-"1". 5 00S Will Jackson. $2.00; Gua
a a. Pottrati, $3.00; Enoa Yoder, $4.50;
I Aftrnn k'immi-r 11 fkl flnrrii Frwl.
COUNTY COURT !erkk,,on' 600: AIbin Fnckaon,
a.w; itcnry leu, ll.;$'; .L. p.
Potwin, $12.00; E. Crindelland, $80;
Edward Still, $6.20; J. A. Kitchinfr.
$12.00; W. M. Wade. $18.00; Will Still
$5.00; Adolph Still, $11.00; Edward
DISTRICT NO. 24 C Boeche, ' Still, $4.00; Charlea Whita, $3.00; R.
$5.75; D. D. Hoatetler, $5.02; Ernest j Schuebel, $4J0; C. ChrUtensen, ItOO;
W. Kaiser, $12.50.
ELECTION D. C GarlouR-h, $45.
00; Huntley Bros. Co., $15.20.
SHERIFF-Miller-Parker Co.. $5;
Wm. J. Wilson, $29.50; D. E. Frost,
$11.80; L. C. Hubbard, $11.60; F. A.
Miles, $C0; II. W. Trembath, $7.00;
Walter Elliott, $3.50; Sandy Mail Auto
Co., $4.00; W. C. Murray, $3.00; West-
Spacle. $21J25.
DISTRICT NO. 25-John Craves,
$1.00; C. II. Lorens, $5.00; John Heinz
$2.00; H. Drier, $2.00; C. H. Smith.! era Union Tel. Co., $2.80.
For In&ntt and Children.
The Kind Yea Have Always Bought
Dear tha
Signature of
rtoHoburtf plannltiK $75,000 IiIkIi
They Let Him Sleep.
II. T. StrnynKe, Gainesville, Gu.. R.
R. No. 3, was unable to sleep all night
without Rt-ttinR up. "Sontetlniea only
a few minutes after koIiik to bed, 1
would have, to net tip, und 1 tried ev
erything I heard of for the trouble.
Finally 1 tried Ko'ey Kidney Pill and
after tukliiK one bottle I believe I am
enilrely cured, nnd I sleep noi.nilly nil
nlKht." Foley Kidney Pills tone tip
weak, hIiikkIsIi kldnrys, rid the hotly
of poisons, plvo appetite, energy nnd
refresh lug aleep. Jones Dri-ir Co.
DISTRICT NO. 1 W. II. Counsell, $2.00; S. O. Cribble. $2.00; H. D.
$175; Caffall Bros., $3.00; Central Harms, $9.50; Joe Gibson, $50; Wm.
Shoeing Shop, $10.40; W. II.' Counsell, ' Gibson, $2.00; Louis Celbrich, $3.00;
$23 JO; Joe Peters, $77.50; Geo. Wil-john Celbrich, $2.00.
son, $52.50; II. A. Battin, $32.50; J. DISTRICT NO. 28 Robbing Bros.,
H. Gibson, $55.00; W. Sellvrood, $35.00 $G.97; Cole's GaraKe, $2.00; Charley
W. J. Hudson. $10.00; 0. J. McKen-1 Hardy. $3.35; Zeb. Bowman, $3.00; L.
ncy, $85; H. M. Hyerstay, $34.00; ! D. Shank, $14.00; Ellis Nicholson,
Seth Cook, $12.00; R. Gibson, $17.00; $3.00; Ben Sherman, $2.00;. Frank
Walter Kanne. $4.00; Carl Parrj-, Sherman. $4.00: Guy Dibble. $22.00:
"hi'"' H of b V Sec I Tp; J2.00; S. L. Mullun, $2.50. George Gurnsey, $8.00; Lambert El-
., .; . vn,. . e-,. e I DISTRICT No. 2-R. Johnston, dred, $7.00; Eber Eldred, $C00; Frank
m T,? fin-i'i'! Sw $40.00; Ward Jones, $30.00; William , BaKby, $2.00; John Coover, $4.00; N.
John Krlckson-NWU of SWU anJ lJ0""' $:".00; P. Arnold, $2.50; T. A. B. Wade, $7.00; Luther Nicholson,
. .J. ,j. tv a .jh g .J- -J. p ?- . .j. ,J
.J. .j a t -1? s- a $ i. - jv
"I suffered greatly from
nenrouaoeaa and head
acttea. The Uaat clte
maut tar ma drendful
pain. I bacaa using Dr.
KHi1 Marvin and a few
days latar started to taka
Dr. allies' Heart Treat
ment. I soon cot ao much
better that I waa enoour
atd and contlnuid taltlnc
ttta two reroedlea until I
waa ao well that work was
no bother to me at all."
Idaho Fails, Idaho.
Striving to
satisfy the
demands of
everyone is
apt to affect the nerves,
and continual standing
may weaken the Heart.
Dr. Miles' Nervine
is invaluable for Nervous
troubles, and for the Heart
Dr. Miles'
Heart Treatment
is highly recommended.
GARFIELD. Mtrch 9. (SpeelnD
Fanners ore wiiUIhk for ood wenth
ir. Wo had 10 Inches of snow tluriiif;
tho past few tluys but most all of it
Is now Kono, but there Is plenty of
John W. JohiiBon of Lower (ittrflold,
diet! hint Sunday. Tho roniulns were
interned tn iho ZIon eemetery Tues
day. The deceased loft a wife to
mourn her Ions. Sh has the sym
pathy of tho community.
Snow at upper Garfield was three
feet deep.
Henry Funtnn Is going to a logging
ramp soon.
Mr, I.nno, the Watklns' agent, camo j
with his onto last week. Ho ran Into
so much snow that ho went back and
got his team.
Dr. Adlx drovo his car to Krloger's
In 18 inches of snow to attend Mrs.
J. Krleger, who was ill.
TIGARD, March 9. (Special) One
of the worst storms of tho year raged
along tho Tualatin river last Frldny
night, whon the wind reached a velo
city of (iO miles an hour and trees were
blown down. Toward morning snow
began to fall. Prospects for a bump
er crop of fruit aro bright, tho cold
weather holding back tho buds until
spring wentaer opens permanently.
Danger of Draft.
Drafts feel best when we are hot and
perspiring, Just when thoy are most
dnngerous and tho result ot Neurulgla,
Stiff Neck, Sore Muscles or sometimes
an altack of Rheumatism. In Buch
cases apply Sloan's Liniment. It stim
ulates circulation to the soro and pain
ful part. The blood flows freely and
in a short time the stiffness and pain
leaves. Those suffering from Neural
gia or Neuralgic Headache will find
ono or two applications of Sloan's Lin
iment will give grateful relief. The
agonizing pain gives way to a tingling
sensation of comfort and warmth and
quiet rest and Bleep is possible. Good
for Neuritis too. Price 2oc, at your
S W14 of SWIJ Six- 23 Tp 5 R3E; $IO.fiO.
T. K. Soott NWli Sec 29 Tp 6 R3E;
$10 42.
G. Gilbcrtson XW14 of NWVi and
8 4 of NWVi Sec 25 Tp 1 IMK; $44.97.
John noyone SW'4 of SWVi Sec
21 Tp 2 IUE; $10 91.
John Ross NKVi of NWVi Sec 23
Tp 2 R4E; K3.M).
J. P. Pint NW'i of NEVi Sec 25
Tp 2 IUE; $22.21.
Thomas Clark NE'i of NWVi Sec
25 Tp 2 RtE; $19 9S. '
Mike Svlti SV4 of NWVi Sec 2o
Tp 2 IUE; $15.27.
John Pauwels SE'i of NWVi Sec
23 Tp 2 RIE; $20.57.
Jos. .Ilazlnals SWVi of NE!4 Sec
33 Tp 2 RJE; $13..r,7.
Alonto Rusk NEVi of NEVi Sec 1
Tp )l R4K; $18.4fi. v
J. P. Rusk NWVi of NEVi Sec 1 Tp
3 RIE; $19.32.
Leo Willis SVi of NWVi Sec 25 Tp
3 R4E; $27.41. '
S. D. Surface NEVi of NEVi Sec 1
Tp 4 R4E; $10.87.
Charles Gries SEVi of NEVi and N
E Vi of SEVi Sec 11 Tl 4 R4E; $16.61
Andres Scholler SWV4 of NWVi Sec
11 Tp 4 R4E; $8.S8.
John Rameyia NEVi of SWVi and
NWVi of SEVi : $-1-50.
Wm. Lumns SEVi of SWVi and Lot
2 Sec 11 Tp 4 R4E; $14.00.
John Kraemer EV4 of NWV4 and W
V4 of SWVi Sec 13 Tp 4 R4E; $47.63.
John Krupper WV4 of NWVi Sec 13
Tp 4 R4E; $20.00.
J. Crothers WV4 of SEVi Sec 15 Tp
4 R4E; $31.26.
C. Poorman SVi ot NWVi Sec 21
Tp 4 R4E; $20.94.
John Metrlcks EV4 of NEV4 Sec 23
Tp 4 R4E; $33.38.
II. P. McGnlre SWVi cf NEVi' and
SEVI of NW Vi Sec 23 Tp 4 R4E; $28.00
W. E. Myers SWVi of NWVi Sec 23
Tp 4 R4E; $12.00.
J. P. Stickles NWVi of SEVi Sec
23 Tp 4 R4E; $10.50.
W. M. Ilest SEVi of NEVi Sec 29
Tp 4 R4E; $11.37.
G. Huttnor SWVi of SWVi Sec 29
Tp 4 R4E; $18.45.
J. D. nattcnt SEVi of NWVi Sec 31
Tp 4 R4E; $9.00.
J. I). Dultent SWVi of SEVi Sec 34
Tp 4 R4E; $9.00.
E. J. Winter NEVi ot NEVi and SE
Vi of NWVi and NV4 of SW Vi Sec 29
Tp 1 R5E; $29.33.
llernnrd McGowan NV4 of SWV4
and SWVi of SWVi and NWVi of SEVi
Sec 1 Tp 2 It.'E; $19.58.
Roots, $30.00.
DISTRICT NO. 3 G. De Younp,
$2.00; H. Bock, $2.00; Herman Sei
bert, $7.25.
DISTRICT NO. 4 J. A. Kitchinfr,
$5.50; Leslie Shank, $9.25.
DISTRICT NO. 29 G. H. Gray,
$6.75; A. Gray, $7.00.
DISTRICT NO. 30J. Bickner &
Sons, $5.10; Oswego Lumber Co.,
$7.50; W. M. Wade, $6.00; J. C. Kitch-1 $25.96; Glenmorrie Quarry Co., $537.
iiifr, $6.00; II. S. Jones, $6.50; E. E. 1 85; Ed Wnnker, $20.00; Walter Chuck,
Sailing, $6.00; J. A. Hitching, $6.00. I $3.00; Joseph Chuck, $3.00; Ivan
DISTRICT NO. 5 C. W. Schuld & I Haines, $90.0; James Hays, $10.00; Ed
Sons, $96.60; C. C. Lake, $18.50; O.jwhitten, $9.00; Clarence Whitten,
M. Richcy, $18.50; B. Johnston, $20.00; John Raicy, $2.00; Frank Ford
$12.00; Geo. Tacheron, $18.50; John; $16.00; John Haines, $29.00; Winfield
Meyer, $14.00; Herman Naas, $10.00; Baker, $12.00; Howard Worthington,
S. Garrison, $12.25; W. Neal, $9.00; $4.00; Chas. Horstman, $6.00; J. K.
C. E. Erickscn, $9.25; A. Jonsrud, Worthinffton, $19.00.
Beware of Ointments for
Catarrh That Contain Mercury
aa mercury will aurtly destroy the aensa
of amell and completely deranita tha
Whole system when entering it through
the tnucoua aurfacea. Such artlclea should
never be used except on prescriptions
from reputable physicians, as the damage
thev will do la tt-n fold to the rood vou
tan possibly derive from them. Hall's
Cstarrh Cure, manufactured by P. J.
Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no
mercury, and is tnken Internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous sur
faces of the system. In buying Hall's
Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genu
ine. It I taken Internally and made In
Toledo. Ohio, by P. J. Cheney A Co. Tea
tlmonlala free.
Sold by Druggists. Price 75c per bottle.
Taka Ball's Fatally Pills for oaatlpaUoa.
$12.00; John Meyer, $20.00.
DISTRICT NO. 6 Sandy Fir Lum
ber Co., $1.73; Jonsrud Lumber Co.,
$4.65; Jarl & Eri, $32.35; T. B. Bow
en, $4.00; Lewis Hull, $9.00; J. R.
Hall, $2.00; S. Hall, $11.00; R. E.
Jarl, $28.13; Geo. Harrington, $4.50;
0. Lindholm, $9.00; A. Lindh'olm,
$8.50; Ed Flateau, $15.50; Ed Little
page, $8.00; W. Widmer, $16.00; C. A.
Johnson, $16.00; M. Mickelson, $32.00;
Will Bell, $12.00; John Haley, $3.00;
T. B. Milan, $7.00; Will Milan, $3.50;
H. W. Hail, $8.00; H. Revenue, $2.00.
DISTRICT NO. 7 Port. Ry. L. &
P. Co., $20.56; Paul R .Meinig, $13.50;
Sandy Fir Lumber Co., $114.68; T.
Hagan, $25.87; Wm. Ganger, $15.75;
A. H. Klingler, $24.75; G. Gibbons,
$22.50; M. Thomas, $7.30; J. Cackle
recsc, $13.50; A. W. Klingler, $22.50;
H. Ten Eyck, $33.50; A. Caven, $6.75;
B. Pickens, $6.75; Wm. Ganger, $24.75
A. H. Klingler, $30.37; F. Gibbons,
$27.00; G. Gibbons, $30.37; T. Hagan,
$30.37; H. Moulton, $24.75; G. Gary,
$18.00;'E. TenEyck, $27.00; B. Win
ters, $24.75; J. Cacklereese, $13.50; R.
Shipley, $29.25; D. W. Douglas, $42.00
M. Thomas, $31.50; H. Ten Eyck,
$42.75; C. M. Davis, $28.12; J. Fegles,
$27.00; B. Akins, $14.60.
DISTRICT NO. 9 Bert H. Finch,
$10.00; Garfield Lumber Co., $187.62;
Fred Lins, $15.00; Ed. Guber, $9.00;
H. Schmidt, $6.00; Carl Lins, $6.00; 1
Ed. Grafenhein, $4.00; Gus Zwirn-
man, $4.00; Victor Doman, $14.00.
DISTRICT NO. 10 Hodson-Fee-
naughty Co., $32.90; Ernest Marshall,
$5.50; Kaspar Wheeler, $1.00; Harry
Robinson, $14.00; C. H. Duncan, $7.50.
DISTRICT NO. 11 W. A. Holmes,
$3.45; James Adkins Lumber Co.,
$1.15; 'Gladstone Lumber Co., $29.45;
E. L. Pope, $32.25; Mack Rivers,
$26.50; Charley Hayes, $25.00; B. D.
Pennock, $17.00; Eli Rivers, $18.00;
Nick Rivers, $11.00; Otto Purcell,
$10.00; F. A. Vallet, $2.50; F. M.
Robertson, $3.00; E. R. Leek, $13.75;
J. S. Imcl, $7.00; Frank Imel, $7.00;
L A. Thompson, $5.00; V. F. Thomp
son, $4.00: F. A. Jones, $2.00; Irving
Hanson, $4.00; J. R. Livesay, $3.00.
DISTRICT NO. 12 Albert Gerber,
$4.00; H. Christesen, $2.00; A. Powers
$1.50; Edwin C. Gerber, $9.00.
DISTRICT NO. 31-J. P. Bartles,
$13.00; G. G. Peters, $12.25; Henry
Peters, $6.00; Carl Thompson, $4.00;
Henry Angel, $1.00; H. Iderhoff,
DISTRICT NO. 33 Frank Millard
$12.00;$12.00; Pren Howell, $3.35;
Amos Millard, $2.25; Harry Howell,
DISTRICT NO. 3-1 Wilson &
Cooke, $5.35; W. Kaiser, $12.50; J,
Zimmerman, $2.00.
DISTRICT NO. 35 Jarl & Eri,
$38.81; G. C. Maronay, $15.80; Sandy
Fir Lumber Co., $12.00; John Milan,
$5.60; T. B. Milan, $7.85; G. C. Mar
onay, $6.00; Will Haley, $2.00; A.
C. Baumback, $22.80.
DISTRICT NO. 38 R. Richardson,
DISTRICT NO. 40 Coast Culvert
& Flume Co.,. $30.40; D. L. Erdman,
$5.00; Lee Bartlemay, $6.00; Carl
Anderson, $4.00; C. Bartlemay, $2.00;
Geo. Epperson, $6.00.
DISTRICT NO. 41 H. H. Udell,
$5.86; R. C. Frace, $1.50.
DISTRICT NO. 44 Thos. Penman,
$4.00; Rich Breaker, $6.00; Murry
Newton, $4.00; A. S. Newton, $18.25.
DISTRICT NO. 46 R, Dunham,
$6.00; Arthur Cliff, $6.00; Edward
Nachand, $16.50.
DISTRICT 'NO. 47 Wilson &
Cooke, $14.25; E. C. Warren, $193.05;
H. E. Sharrow, $4.10; W. B. Stokes,
$1.45; 0. P. Roethe, $44.50; John Feld
man, $15.75; Wm. Feldman, $11.00;
E. C. Warren, $4.20; G. G. Jones,
$6.00; C. W. Risley, $35.80; W. B.
Abby, $2.40; 0. P. Roethe, $15.00;
Frank Lambert, $7.80; D. Abby, $7.80;
W. F. Krueger, $7.80; C. W. Risley,
$7.80; Clyde Curtin, $7.80; Ira Hart,
$3.25; D. R. Easier, $3.25; R. B. Mad
ison, $3.25; W. M. Cook, $3.25.
DISTRICT NO. 49 Bert H. Finch,
$162.18; L. H. Burd, $1.25; W. B.
Lemon, $4.00; Geo. Cook, $0.50; Geo.
Hathaway, $0.50; H. B. Davis, $1.00;
G. T. Hunt, $0.50; R. E. Davis, $4.00;
R. W. Lemon, $31.25; A. G. Burd,
$16.00; H. H. Hunt, $16.00; G. T. Hunt
$32.00; Robert Snyder, $12.00; A. C.
Anderson, $4.00.
DISTRICT NO. 51 Jonsrud Lum
ber Co., $17.53; A. L. Heacock, $24.75;
RECORDER L. Cochran. $65.00;
Elliott-Fisher Co, $0.82; White Car
bon & Ribbon Co, $4.50; E. P. Ded
man, $5.00.
ASSESSOR J. E. Jack. $5.00.
$2.50; A. H. Knight, $33.30; W. II.
Mattoon, $39.00.
COURT HOUSE Board of Water
Com, $21.00; Home Te I.Co, $14.30;
Miller-Parker Co, $0.50; C. W. Freid-
rich. $8.50; Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co,
$5.00; Matt Justin, $8.00; Western
Union Tel. Co, $0.25; Fred A. Miller.
$3.00; E. R. Heiple, $7.60; W. G.
Brickley, $19.00; Aug. Staehely,
$15.80; Jas. F. Nelson, $20.00; J. D.
Ritter, $22.20; B. A. Howard, $19.00;
W. A. Proctor, $16.40; E. Heiple,
$16.60; Mrs. J. N. Dustin, $2.50; J. C.
Bradley, $12.00; Fred B. Madison,
$6.80; Owen G. Thomas, $6.50; Chas.
Rider, $7.00; A. L. Blanchard, $6.20;
E. Harrington, $6.40; E. P. Elliott,
$12.00; John Lewellyn, $2.20; J. D.
Taylor, $2.40; E. M. Howell, $2.00; J.
E. Downey, $2.60; J. Nielson, $12.00;
Henry Henrici, $12.00; H. F. Martin,
$12.00; F. C. Burke, $12.00; E. L.
Johnson, $6.20; C. W. Friedrich, $6.20;
H. C. Salisbury, $6.40; A. CBaum-
back, $12.00; Herman Lyons, $12.00;
W. B. Cook, $59.80; 0. W. Robbins,
$33.60; J. L. Kruse, $26.00; T. S. Stipp
$33.20; W. F. Young, $37.00; G. S.
Bullock, $28.20; John A Richey, $39.20
George DeBok, $36.60; A. C. Beauliau,
$2.00; E. W. S,cott, $30.30; 0. P.
Roethe, $24.60; John Hughes, $32.20;
J. P. Cook, $13.40; A. J. Hodge, $4.20;
Sol S. Walker, $2.00; Chas. Rosen
treter, $3.20; R. R. Quick, $5.00; D.
E. Frost, $2.20; L. E. Blanchard,
$2.20; H. W. Koehler, $3.20; Frank
H. Greenman, $5.00; W. L. Burt, $3.80
Elsie McKimm, $3.80; Stella Dryden,
$2.20; Clarence Dryden, $2.20; Neil
James, $2.20; Charles Kruger, $2.20;
John Bickner, $3.20; Thomas Fox,
$3.20; George Miller, $3.20; Ella
Johnson, $3.20; M. D. Bass, $5.00;
G. M. Leslie, $3.20; Jennie Jones,
$6.40; Joe Miller, $5.00; Vinko Davisch
$6.40; Mrs. Carrie Bickner, $3.20; J.
C. Haines, Sr, $3.20; E. L. Davidson,
$3.20; Chas. K. Thomas, $9.80; Kurtx
Leitzel, $7.80; Daniel B. Gray, $10.00;
D. Thompson Meldrum, $2.20.
(To be continued.)
Plans on foot to lrriRate 100,000
acres of Little and Dig Agency plains
in Jefferson and Crook counties.
Cut This Out
It Is Worth Money
Cut out thla advertisement, eneloas
6 cents to Foley & Co.. 2835 Sheffield
Ave., Chicago, 111., writing- your name
and address clearly. You will re
ceive in return a trial package con
taining: (1) Foley'a Honey and Tar Com
pound, the standard family remedy
for coughs, colds, croup, whooping
cough, tightness and soreness la
chest, grippe and bronchial coughs.
(2) Foley Kidney Pills, for over
worked and disordered kidneys and
bladder ailments, pain In aides and
back due to Kidney Trouble, aor
muscles, stiff Joints, backache and
(I) Foley Cathartic Tablets, at
wholesome and thiroughly eleanslna;
cathartic. Especially comforting to
stout persons, and a purgative ne-W
by averybody with alutcgiah bowela
and torpid liver. ou can try these
Lars a family reroedi a for only 6c