OUWJONTITV KXTKItPKIKR. KKIDAY, M AIMTI f 10. 1)15 LOCAL BRIEPS Jut llurlesa, n of the ell known rmldtuls of Mulslla, aa here Ve4 nesday. 0. I!. Cray, of Aurora, In this rlty Wednesday, and among Ihoaa paying tama. Misa Arletha Cannon, of Handy, la Ilia guest of relatives and frbnda In Ihe county sat. Henry Uucntber, well fcnoan farm er of Heaver Cwi waa In Oregon tUr Wednesday. Herman HalU-rt, of llorlng. aa among Ihoa transacting business In Oregon City Wednesday. Kd Wanker, a resident of Oaaego, In lha llaiclla dlslrht aa in Oregon i Ctljr Thursday on buslnesa William llelme returned lo hla borne at Aurora. aftT spending Wed nesday In tbla city on business. Mr. and Mr. Kdwtn llard and aon. Otla, mho reside near Mullno, were In tbla city on Wednesday. T. R. C'.lncfetter. of Oswego, a prom inent resident of tbat place, was In thla rlty on bualnesa Wedneiday. Pcrnr Voorhrla. of Molalta. la Im proving at Oregon City hospital follow ln an operation for arpendlcltls. liana Jensen, a well known farmer of Woodburn route 1, waa buslm-sa caller In the county aeal Tuesday. Arthur Dougan, of Mu'ino, aa In Oregon City Wednesday. He la a prominent fanner of Clackamas coun ty In The Social Whirl Currant Happening tf Intareat In ni Akaul Oragea City Cantmah ParaM Taachara Plan ftoclal. Th larvnt Tea hera' association of Cajiemah will (he an rntertalnment and banket fix Ul ai the Blokes ha at Canem-h on Sututday evening, Man.li II. the program to coititneiu' at t o'clock. The early part of the rvenlt.g l'l be devoted to a musical and literary pros ram, followed by am' llonrerln,; the bankets, and thla fol lowed b dancing. The inner.! a Will ir n toward purehaaltiK anpptu-a for the Canrniah acboW. The rari nt lea' hera" association of Cancmih waa organin-d alut three years ago, and baa 2d iuetnlera. It object la to work for the benefit of the school, and since lit organization niurh hiu been done, such aa purvhaa lug rings and trapeie for the itym naslum and gmualuin sulta for the girls. One of the Uige rootna on the second floor that la now not In use haa bwn fllted up for a gymnasium an I la enjoyed by the atudcuta. The oftlceia of the as-nx latlon are aa fol Iowa: President. Mr. Mary Harvey; tlee-prealdcnt. Mr. Klmer Mayvl'lc; aecrelary and treasurer. Miss Nellie Mliler. Mount Plaaaant Mr. C. T. Howard of Mullno, aecre- Tsacher EntarUlned. tary of the Oregon Slate Orange, I M1 Aiken, principal of the Mount transacted bualneaa In thla city Tuea- pleasant school, waa honored by a de- day, ilightful surprise party at the home of J. V. Read, of Kstacada. candidate ijjf Jennie V. Nile, w here Mlsa Aiken for county commtaainner on the Re- makea her home during Hie school publican ticket wa in thla city Tuea- ,frnu day. Games, instrumental and vocal music Mr. and Mr. Albert Schoenborn and in(j lne Irving of dainty refreshments family visited relative in thla city on,),,,.,! fo . the evening. Wednesday. Their home la at Eldo- Thoae w ho made up the party were rado. iMiaaes He'en Hartke. Haiel Kurr. Cor- A. E. Kelly, of Mllwaukle. and MiadoIa Welvealek. Nellie Snk. Irene U A. Hawiey. of Portland, were Prant-Mcij,ni Crace snooi. Meta Hiatt. Mil ed a license to. wed In Portland. Wed-,,, McLaln, Lenette Snook, and June neaday. Scott. David Thomaa, Jack Hlatt, Carl Edwin C. Cerbcr. the lxfn fanner. jlartke. Ralph Nllea. Arthur Oaburn la the latest purchaser or a model Mani Lyman Warnock. Overland from Miller Parker, local t) agent. Gltn Echo Woman Mr. Martha Spagle. of Aurora, w ho in(J M Walker Wed. haa been tn this city visiting her son, Julius Spaglc and family, has returned to her borne. The marriage of Mr. Edna Tabor Miller to Mortimer E. Walker, deputy collector of Internal revenues at Port A marriage license was granted Frl-'fend was a quiet affair at the home of day anernocn at ancouvcr to Alton tne bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. Phelpa. of liull Run, and Mrs. Inex i jr. Tabor at Glon Echo, near Gladstone, Royer. of Sandy. Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Rev. Mrs. Delia M. Young, of Marquam. jj. k. Hawkins, pastor of the First moved to Oregon City the early part of j Methodist church, performed the cere- the week and opened a rooming house 'mony. . In the northern part of the city. C. E. Spence, ot Munno, master of the Oregon State Grange, passed through this city Tuesday en route to Salem, where he will transact busi ness. LADIES 33 piece gold Initialed, beautiful dinner set, free for few hours work. Any woman, boy or girl can do It. Send address to 920 S. Jersey St SL Johns. Oregon. Adv. H. F. Pflngstcn, principal of The Dalles high school, was In Oregon City visiting friends Saturday. Mr. Pflng- sten was for a few years connected with the local high school. Ben Kuppenbender, formerly of this city, was in town Wednesday looking afu-r business interests. Mr. Kuppen bender Is In the dairy business on an extensive scale In the Nehulem coun try. Dr. B. F. Geisty, of Aurora, and Guy Heacock, of the same place, were bus iness visitors in the county scat Thurs day. Dr. Geisey is president of the Aurora State bank and Mr. Heacock is cashier. E. S. McCormlck, former county Mr. and Mrs. Walker will reside in Portland at 543 East Nineteenth street, where the groom has a home in wait ing. Wlllard Hawiey to Wed Miss Fraker on March 11. The marriaee of Wlllard P. Hawiey, Jr.. to Miss Marjoriy Fraker, will be solemnized at high noon on Saturday, March U, at Trinity Episcopal church, Port'atid, Dr. A. A. Morrison will be the officiating clergyman at the cere mony. No cards of Invitation will be issued and only the members of tha Immediate families of Miss Fraker an 1 Mr. Hawiey will be present. Engagement of Local Couple Is Announced. The engagement of Miss Marnaret Cushlr.g to Charles Schoenheinz, both of this city, was announced Tuesday. The wedding will bo an event ot March 14, at the home of Stearns dishing, brother of the bride elect. They are both well known young peo ple of this city. Mr. Schoenhelnz Ie prominent In musical circles, and is a DOMESTIC WOES OF 4F. ONI WOMAN, CHARGING DE9LR TlON. SAYS HUSBAND FAILED TO FOLLOW HER WEST. Mr. lUttle llcttcr la lurd to pleaae. Hhe baa filed a auil for divorce agaltut J. R. KcU r In the Clackamaa county rlrciill court. They were married In Fttidlay. Ohio, July IS, 1905. Mr. Ileber declarea that between I Verm her :5. 191.1. and the time she left Sharon, I'enn, tor the wrt. her hus band beat her wlia plalnful regularity. The flrt aliened beating niut have co ire aa a Chrlatnias prenent. While thry lived together, she aaya. her bunband beat her, but for over a year now be ha dcmTted her, ah aaya, for he haa failed to follow her to Oregon. Mr. Iti lx r was only one of four to go Into the court here for relief from domentlc woca. Albert Wlegert charged cni.dty against Freda Wla girt. They were married in Vancou ver. Wa-h., May II, 1903. T. O. Davia sued U Joy Davis for divorce charging ilem-rtlon. They were married January :t, lU7, In Portland. The plaintiff auk for tlio custody of their child. P. II. Johnson ilurves desertion against Gertrude Johnson. They were married at Port llenton, Mont., Sep tember 19. 1902. miff WATER PLANT VALUE TOWN OFFER 5000, BUT OWNE SAYS SYSTEM WORTH 1 0.000 MATTER UNSETTLED. RELATIVES DECLINE TO MAKE CHARGE DEPUTY SHERIFF IS CALLED. school supervisor ot this county, is a tmcmbc-r of an Oresrin City orchestra. candidate on me Kepuimcan ucxei lor county school superintendent of Mult nomah county. Mr. McCormlck is con nected with the schools at Gresbam. H. M. James, superintendent of the Lebanon school, was tn Oregon City Saturday and Sunday the guest of his mother, Mrs. I. James, and brother, Don James, and family. Professor James was formerly county school supervisor here. Lloyd Riches, editor and publisher ot the Stanfteld Standard, an eastern Oregon paper, was In town Saturday renewing acquaintances. Mr. Riches came as far as Portland on business last Thursday and called on friends in Oregon City Saturday. He was with the Oregon Journal tn this city for a number of years. D. O. Anderson returned the early part of the week from a six weeks trip to San Francisco, Los Angeles and other California c les and as far south as Tia Juana. Mexico. The trip was made In the interests of the Western Farmer, a stock publication, with headquarters In Portland. Mr. Ander son has charge of the livestock de partment. Prior to his connection with this Journal he was with the Western Stock Journal of this city. Mr. An derson reports business flourishing in all of the cities he visited and a better market for cattle than on previous trips he has made. ' LIBERAL MERCHANT SUES. W. J. E. Vick, of Liberal, filed a suit in the circuit court Thursday against John Ilradbury to collect $91.05, al leged to be due for goods sold. O. D. Eby 13 Mr. VIck's attorney. S. L. MULLEN FILES. Mrs. Chris Wllhelm, of the Wilson- illc district, is critically III at her home as the result of an attack made by her drink-crazed husband Wednes day night, and their daughter, Lena Wllhelm. a cripple, was Just saved from his wild lunge at her by their hired hand, Harris Miller, who was tile to capture Wllhelm and Imprison Mm In the potnto pit until Deputy Sheriff Murray arrived. WilhclM, an old country German, hud in his basement a lurge quuntlty of hard cider, according to the deputy sheriff who thoroughly investigated the case. Wednesday ho made sev eral visits Vf his stock and by night fall was drunk. Early Wednesday night he made the ntuck on bia wife, striking her with a half-filled bottle ot Ider, according to Murray. Mrs. Wllhelm fell to the floor and further Injured herself In the fall. ilhelm then turned his attention to his daughter, but at this stage in the game, Miller captured Wllhelm and locked him in the potato pit. He ran to a neighbor's place and telephoned for the deputy sheriff and Dr. Hutler. The physician examined Mrs. Wll helm, but was unable to say Wednes day nifht JuBt how badly she was In jured. No charge has been placed against Wllhelm, as his relatives have no de sire to prosecute. A close watch was kept on the house Wednesday night to prevent another attack. He 13 alleged to have threatened his wife before but Wednesday night was the first time he attraeptcd to carry the threats into execution. The town of Canby la fixing a alt nation somewhat almllar to the condl llona In Mllwaukle that pn-ceeded that town's fight In the courts with prtv ately owned water companlea. Canby now la aupplled by a ayatem owned by M. J. Ie, and the city coun cil I figuring on lntalliiig a munlc pal system or buying Ihe U-e plant 9. A. Cobb, an Oregon City engineer. haa examined the Lo system and rll niatea tta value at f Mu0. However, Mr. I.ee offered the town hla property for $10,000, and be declare that thl price la final. Mr. Lee doea nut hold an exclusive franchise, however, aa did the Mllwau kle water companies, and the tow may build a municipal system and dis regard the Lee plant altogether. Engineer Cobb esliiuutea tlutt Canby could Install a muuliipul system com pleto for $IS.000. which would not only give adequate flrv protection but flrdt class aervlce aa well. The principal nialtia would be eight ln lii'i and the secondary plivs six mid four. Hla es timate Includes the cost of a pumping Plant ana a iu.uon-galloii tuna on a i. foot platform. Mr. Cobti says that of the Iae plant only about $.'U00 worth of material could be used In the con struction of the new- system. The city's offer of $.'000 to Mr. Lee Includes the lota on which hla pumps and tank are located, but In hla proH sltion to the city he declurcs that the $10,000 would not Include these lota The proposed eystcm would be sup plied with a deep well. No action waa taken at a meeting of the council last week, but the uiut ter will be brought ip again Monday ulghL H. L KELLY ELECTED EXALTED RULER OF LOCAL LODGE OF ELKS ANNUAL VOTE IS TAKEN AT ORE GON CITY LODGE H. E. WIL- LIAMS LEADING KNIGHT. IS ON IN CIRCUIT COURT S. L. Mullen, a road supervisor In the Harmony district Friday filed hi MRS AMY NELS0N WANTS $12,000 ueciarauon as a canaiuaie lor ina The annual election of the local lodge of Elks, No. 11S9. was held Fri day night H. L. Kelly was chosen exulted ruler, and H. L. Tachirlgl. the retiring exulted ruler, waa elected rep resentative ut the grand lodge. , Other officers named Friday nlglu are: Esteemed leading knigtit. II. r.. Williams; esteemed loyal knight. Judge Grunt H. Dlmlck; esteemed lec turing knight, Philip U Hammond; secretary, George E. Swafford; treas urer. Will L. Mulvey; tiler, 11. C. Ha kel; trustee. It. D. Wilson; alternate delegate to the grand lodge. Dr. Clyde Mount. WILSONVILLE NEEDS COUNTY IS OFFERED LUMBER AT li A THOUSAND BY SAW MILL OWNERS. A delegation of Highland farmers cam In Oregon City Thursday and asked Him county court for county aid In the construction of a mltn and a half of f foot plank road In their dls trict. The Martin Profiler, owner of a portable sawmill, offer to rut and d-t- liver along the roud planking for $3 a thousand, providing they are al lowed to take trees that now aland along the edge of the road. About ,'.(. 0U0 feet of lumber would be Used MILL MAKING PLANS TO AID HEN SECURE fl CANVAS OF EMPLOYES SHOWS ONLY 50 OUT OF IV) ARE INTERESTED IN MOVE. A plan In aid employes In aecurlng a homo or llielr own Is ucing inrnie.i by the Crown Willamette Paper Him pany, and a rompleln anmium rmcnt of Ihe proportion which the company will mako to Ihe :0 men III Ha em ploy la rtpeiird Boon. On the last payday, the company In bided with the pay check a slip ask- OF MAY ORCAIE HERE PROSPECTIVE MEMBERS NUMBER 1 DISTRICT ATTORNEY HEDGES SPEAKS. STOCKHOLDERS ASK FOR AN ACCOUNTING lug for an repression of opinion, out Commissioner Mattoon said Thura- of the VjO men only f0 declared Ibal day night that Ihn county court looked Ho y were Interested, although by re dpoll the protmsltlon with favor. Tin turning Ihe slips the men In no way road which Ihe Highland residents (omuiltled Ihemselve. A second aim waul Improved I much traveled, and Har rauvuss will bo mude so.ui. at the present I In poor condition. The company owns a tract 'r HitHrvlsor llcniielt, John Hulllvaii, iland In West I. Inn consisting of 210 Carl Hlumgren and John Putt were humealtea, varying lu aire from a among those who came to town. ! fifth to a quarter of an acre. The old Willamette Ptilp t Paper company, which waa coliaollduUd with the Crown-Columbia Paper company, bad pinna completed, not only for financ ing lh proposition aa fur as Ihe men rued, but the drawings for Ihcmsclvca. The pluns tit bouses, varying In alie I rum four In all roo.ns, are now held lit the office of the coiiipuuy here. However, with the consolidation of (ho companies, the plana were laid aside, and the new plans will probably differ materially from Ihn old. The first step tn cairylug nut (be achemn would be the construction of Evidence in the suit or J. II. Cum 'a street from the end ot the aospen- ulna. E. E. Itcliaan and J. W. 1 1 rooks. alon bridge lo the property, which Is stockholder of Ihe HuiMct Lumber known aa Willamette Heights tract Timber company, against E. C. Tho land la a 10 minute walk from Si-hwclUcr, the manager of the com-1 Ihe mill. The proerty waa secured puny, and other stockholder, wa by the r.lll several years ago when brought Into Circuit Judge Cumpbell's the plan of aiding the men In seciir- ou rt Friday In many aultcasea. The Hng houiea of their own was at first plaintiffs ak for an accounting and a! formed. cdlvialon of the profits of the com- - MANAGER OF SUNSET LUMBER TIMBER COMPANY FIGHTS CHARGES AGAINST HIM. An Oregon lily brain h of Ihn Ron of Veterans niay ba organised, follow ing llm iiicrilug of Meade post No. 3, Grand Army of Ihe Republic, Kalurday when Ihe mailer a thoroughly dis cussed K. I Olds, of Oak Grove, who la a soil of a Veteran, Ulged that Olcgoit City should ha represented ly an or- gaulnutloli. The velrrana have Ihn name of 115 local lin n who would b laiidldulea for membership Hlslrlit Attorney Gilbert I.. Hedge wa the principal speaker at (he meet ing of Hie post, hla subject being, 'The Koiilh One Generation After the War." Ho visited Ihe southern state In 191. indlng two dava In Rich mond, lb tapltal of Ihe Confederal' , aa well aa many i-lher title. H studied the civil war record (here, vislled (be old rapltal building, a v Ihe iburiti In which (lenetal l.ee re ceived word (hat Petersburg roubl nit longer hold out against I In- liilon fortes and viewed other Interesting Mb of war da) a. A program was given and a dinner served. Halurday wa pension day for the post pany, and defendants, .irought Into ourta tbo books of the company, bill! receipt and other records In great number. The case waa only !x-gun yesterday, and probably will not be completed be fore tonight or Monday. The Sunset Lumber ft Timber compuny own a mill In the Poring district. M'CORMICK ESTATE PROBATED. A H-tltl"n fur letters of admlnlatra- SUIT OVER RENT IS SETTLED AT LAST After two trials In the Justice court and an appeal on a w rit of review Into the circuit court, the suit ot A. C. lleau lieu agnlnxt Gus Shlnne wa settled III favor of the defendant Monday by (Ion In (ho es(u(o of the lute Michael Judge Campbell. Ilcaullcu sued Hbln McCormlck, who died ut Eatucadn re-.nca for $17. alleged to be due for r-'tit. ntly, was tiled in the probate do- At the II rM (rial in (ho Justice court partment of the county court Friday the Jury was unublo to ugrcc, and the Mrs. la-no McCormlck. hla widow, case was tried again when the plain- The estate Is valued at $2000 and, bo-1 (Iff secured a $10 Judgment. C. Scnue- dea Mra. McCormlck. the heirs aw bel, attorney for Shinties, declared that their children: James McCormlck, I wages could not be attached for rent. rs. Annie ItuKHt-11, John McCormlck, An attachment had been Issued fol- L DIES IN WEST LINN PIONEER RESIDENT OF CANEMAH ANO OREGON CITY SUCCUMBS AFTER LONG ILLNESS. M Frank McCormlck. Murlo McCormlck, Rosa McCormlck, Joseph McCormlck, Myrtlo McCormlck. Elizabeth MeCor Ick. Myrtle McCormlck. Elizabeth McCormlck and William McCormlck. Ihe adjustment bureau cf the Port land Association of Credit Men filed suit In the circuit court here Friday gainst W. J. Cummlng to collcci $.!;". .1;!, alleged to bo due on u not". The association asks for $'i(J. the costs f the suit. lowing (he second trial in the Justice court. Judge Grunt II. Dlmlck and Vl Mulvey represented (be plulutlft How to Prtvant Croup. When the child la subject tn attacks of croup, see (o It that he eula a light evening meal, as un overloaded atom ach may bring on un luMuck, also watch for the first symptom hoarse Hess, i. nd give Chamberlain' Cough Itcrncdy as soon a the child becomes hoarse, Oblalnublu everywhere. (Adv.) Mr. Knitbv Itakel, a r'blenl or Oregon City and Cunemah for 44 year and well known through thla part of the county, died at the home of her daughter. Mr. P. J. Winkel lu West I. Inn 0 n' lock Friday night after a long Illness. Mra. Ilukel waa born June HI, is;. I, III Germany and cnn.e to the liiltod State when a girl. Hbe I survived by six children and 13 grand' blhlrvii. Her children ir. Mrs. P. J. Winkel, August Itakel. George Itakel, Herman Kakel. William Itakel and Mra. Sam uel Stevens. The funeral will be held 3 o'clock Hundiiv alb-moon from th Itakel home In Canemah and Interment will le in (be I. O. O. K. cemetery a( Muun- lulu View. Colda Quickly Rdltvtd. Many coplo cough and cough from the eeglnnlng of full right through lo spring. Othera get txM after cold. Take lr. King's New IfV covery and you will gel alinoai Iniiis'-' , dime relief. It check your cold, stop the rucking, rasping, tissue-tearing cough, heals the Inflammation, soothes the raw lubes. Easy to take, Antisep tic ami Healing. Get n fiOc Initio of Dr, King's New Discover) today. "It Is certainly u great medicine and I keep u bottle of It colitlnuu'ly on bund" writes W. C. JesHeinan. Frunconla, N. II. Money buck If not satisfied. (Adv) FRUIT GOES TO WASTE EVERY YEAR FARMERS PLEDGE THEIR SUPPORT. county commisslonership with Clerk Harrington. His motto Is, "Friends to all favors to none. Giving every district an equal representation." Mr. Mullen at present is a road supervisor, and is a Republican. Has Eight Children. Mrs. P. Kehkamp, 2404 Herman St., Covington, Ky., writes: "I have been using Foley's Honey and Tar for near ly two years and can find no better cough syrup. I have eight children and give it to all of them. They ail were subject to croup from babies on.-' It Is a safe and reliable medicine for men and women as well as children. Don't iet the cough that follows grippe hang on and weaken you. It is easier to get rid of a cough or cold than of its consequences. Jones Drug Co. Adv. yl MARCH 6 to 11 1 k. - LsA FOLGER'S c2? COFFEE I g Toeon'm J Q JJm. COFFEE fZtf&? 1 i T "rS fe UJ K SEND OR ( WK a.u Sk I I v TOUR 1 Ir LARSEN & CO. ! 1 Corner Tenth and Main Streets. Ntk--- wJ f " ' ' V. l FROM JOHN MILLER, BOR ING BACHELOR. The slander suit of Mrs. Amy A. Nel son against John Miller, well-to-do Bor ing bachelor, for $12,000 began yester day before a Jury In Circuit Judge Campbell's court. Witnesses for the plaintiff were examined and the de fendant went on the stand before the court adjourned last night. Mrs. Nelson alleges Miller made re marks reflecting on her good name while they were in a hop field west of St. Louis, Ore., last fall. Miller, she Hays, repeated the assertion three times, and for each time the alleged remark was made she wants $1,000. The jury was selected yesterday and is composed of F. F. Tooze, Chester Card, G. S. P.ullock, J. W. Hart, C. A. naxter, J. L. Kruse, A. D. liurnett. O. W. Bobbins, W. H. Cook, John K. Ely, George DeBok and G. C. Dallas. The defense consists of a general de nial. A large number of Rorlng farm ers will be brought to Oregon City to day to testify in the case. Mre. Nelson, M. Lang, J. Oderniatt, C. A. Blinco, John Anderegg, Mrs. M. A. Paker, Mrs. E. E. Stanley, J. M. Stanley and C. F. Nelson were wit nesses yesterday for the plaintiff. Wilsonvllle and the extreme south ern part of the county need two Indus tries a creamery and a vegetable cannery. The soil ot the district Is rich and much ground is put Into vegetables and fruit. However, on account of the fact that Portland offers a poor inducement for produce, largo quanti ties of high grade stuff goes to waste each year. A number of farmers of the Wilson ville district have pledged their sup port to a creamery, and many now arc urging the formation of a company. Otto Knoor, of Wilsonvllle, Is build ng a large barn on his place. A free ferry and a rural free deliv ery route are also receiving the sup port of the town. . MILL SUES TO QUIET TITLE The Hawiey Pulp & Paper company has filed a suit in the Circuit court against Henry S. Hiisiilcrre and all their heirs of the estates of Polly Bus sicrre and Pen Holladay Jr., to quiet title to a lot in the northern part of the city. C. V, l.atourette is the mill's attorney. Springfield: Chrlntian church plans $1000 addition. PAY $ 1 59.60 TO STATE Attorneys representing Stanley Mc Kay paid into the treasury of Clacka mas county the sum of $133.60, follow ing their clients conviction on a charge of failing to give half a road to a passing vehicle. This sum, repre senting a fine, forfeited bail and court costs, Is three times the highest pos sible fine that can be collected on the charge. McKay was convicted before Justicve of the Peace Sievers. The payment of the fine Indicates that Mc Kay desires to drop the matter. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Notice Is hereby given that I will not be responsible for any debts con traded by my wife, Mrs. Mary Hart, of 1112 Taylor street, she having loft my bed and board on Feb. 211, 191(1. Dated at Lebanon, Oregon, Feb. 23, 1SH5. (Adv.) JAMES S. HART. Rank Foolishness. You occasionally see it stated that colds do not result from cold weather. That Is rank foolishness. Were it true colds would be as prevalent in midsummer as In midwinter. The mi crobe that causes colds flourishes In damp, cold weather. To get rid of a cold take Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy. It is effectual and Is highly rec ommended by people who have used it for many years as occasion required, and know Its real value. Obtainable everywhere. (Adv.) Grocery Bargains Wholesale Prices Retail Quantities UNION PEAS I CARNATION MILK I GOLD DUST SHOULD SELL FOR 15c 3Cans25c3Cans23c 18c 95c DOZEN 90c DOZEN PACKAGE SUGARFLOURCOFFEE CANE, sack . $7.00 CROWN, sack $1.35 3L4Q nf" 98C BEET, sack . $6.80 CROWN.barrel $5.30 gLbRo aP nn CANE, 14 lbs. $1.00 Snow Drift, sk. $1.40 L Blend coffee 0 DC BEET, 15 lbs. $1.00 White Swan, sk. $1.25 i lb. Good Coffee less THAN " " bbl. $4.50 Special - 22c WHOLESALE PRICE Every 8ack of Flour Guaranteed. 3 lb. Can - 60c WESSON'S OIL PURE HONEY TEA-Liptons or ?0r ran 15c-25c-35c Tetleys UUt tdil pgr Glass Jar 65c lb. 35c half pound Fails Gty Butte 65c fir; ENGLISH WALNUTS I Crystal White Soap I Crackers by the Box Imported 2 lbs. 35c 6 Bar 25c 8c per pound Fanc.Wine.apApp.e, MORGAN'S $1 50 a box ail 1 U Monday and Thursday morn- The Cut Rate Stores I View, Wedneiday and Satur- I Newtown Pippins day a. m. 2 Stores, Oregon City and Bolton Weit side and canemah, 511 ttnA $1 25 a box Tueaday and Friday. $1 MO $1.0 a DOX Phonei Pacific 19. Home A-l 33 OREGON CITY DAILY