"(ViTiuVN'T'TfVTrN t ki i mITs i-:,Tki" i V v. iiv f n. w i f "'-u'- iri4JL UJL-JUi-d Young People Form Good Tennis Club WllS()NMI.I.i:. Mar. . (Hp-hUII -Mr. nil Mr. J. W. Thornton toured to Cortland Sunday In their new HtuJo l.al rr kit. hlih they rwenlly pur-riiaki-d. Mra. M. ('. Younc and Mm. V W Mulino Business Sandy Sawmills Are Houses Thriving Active-Wire in Horse Winter Reappears At Clarkcs-Ncws t't.Allhl.H, Mann t Hfll.i It l.x.Us Ilk k litter Is lli: over II It yd. It U'$nn milh Uni Thursday iilv til and kept un until hail alwiul New Telephone Line Thru to Oregon City HI'NN YHIIK, Mun li Hmh I,.1i Mrs. llnwfiiiiaii rllca tlul they bid d.'lUlllt.l llll llli'lr IH'W liiillin. They arn kIhiiiI flv mill' aiiiith of r'ull Mt'UNO. March . l!pflall-45. HANKY. March I. -(HpeeUII Sun- I Tl..r clilnr of Ihrf M.i al a Ho- : WHO more l mwrva un riiiiii 'noer. Mr a l.vlure at ttif hall Prt- In. lies of miow. Telephone Intra are '.Uy rnln. Th litis of th Itvliir oi,ii-lia. out of tiiiiun: aloit on ao a 'ld." An admission fee of lie ioiiui of thf storm, was cnar-rd. One half of the prwoojs I'm KK-ri-I. vho nxrnlly dislocated - . - l.i . .. ... ..... a.. .... 1.1 Young vKIUd ttli frl.-nds In Aurora or the evening were turned over tor ma .uoiu.-r. i a....- iu .... retrral days hut eek. 'the U" of the !Ui" a tut lilrln' Indus- ork aciuii. Mla Glau)i and l-ah Wattner. ho trial c lab. Jhe levturo was Rlw-n un- jSi-nske & llm.lwander hate coin- are attending the Uiifoln hlch hool. der the auspices of the rarvtit-Tt-aih- plftm! a Mg il-jrlng Joti for Dtto were sending thla eekrnd with their riV aM Ull.in. The lecture was en- Mdnlg. C. II. Johnaon. also Verger arrnt In thta village ( oyU y all Hi. pinvnt Aft-r the lira, are itatlns blc rlearin Job The youn poi.le of Ihla vlllai;e nu t lt-clure a concert 'X ' done. Ml kelson t Nclium Hart tli-ir to feet ol the tn-ttut tf'il on the Icily, They loaded their ftelitlil on iMund. and it remained until rtunday. ;rar at Fall City and had II laken up Then the lud bernn hloaliiK Irotii ; Ithln a tulln of tin) i'ae, that la aa the ( f.illowrd tiy rln jtid II la ; far aa the track la laid, hut lll com tiu-llliiil (n now ami imtklna. Iota of uirme roiialrucllnn lk aitalu. The hltih mater. V hnH II lll clear up county road la ditched o ha.lly hy un. ii ,M'r4uo It UtloH t KprtiiK and ri'iinliiK water that It I Impanniitilo the farmer lued nice aeather In put lor a quarter of a tulle in meir crop ana luike nr.ten anil Th llttrim f n,,, Hunityalde lele piti poiauna. iidiona iiuntinny lll elve an entertain Mlra Kllialieth Marnhall from Port-'tneiit and ln hm lul In Mie near (it land li tint vUltlnK her pnreiita, Mr. lure, rTe.t .Mrnaii ana raiiuiy lor a anon Tl0 Sulinyil,, Telephone rotnimny ,,l,p- hag completed lit new trunk line to Krd Kwahlcn came home from Ore- (ireKiut City. at Mr. and Mr. Joo J. Thornton- Sat- 'oeer Male quartette. couiHeu ty atii iirdLT eTnlnK and oiuniilied a lennla ion Miller, flrnt hiaa; Itcn Chln.lurvn. club. Quite a number Joined the club;vond ban nil elected uth al. leader aa Mr, V. T. l'ron a iirel.Ietit. nd Mr Joe J. Thornton, a aecretary. A court mill at once hating necurcd a I'k con tract with the city or Portland for the Hull Run bead work, where the city will ronMniet a blR renervolr for the city water teiu. There are now four of our aeven amltl mtmlnR. Jonnrud Kro aliin Kle tnllU li aliio runnlnit full hluat. At the apodal chiHl meetliiK of dl trlct No. ". Mr. Ku'.ilt elected ill- ney of the lute Hub Stone. flrt tenor; Merman rhlndsrcn. econd tcaor. Our Parent Teacher' aoclutlon w&j luat organized when we dedlcat- will oon Ins conntitu ted on one of the cd our new achool houne lat Novem- vaiant lola. tT. There ulo briatilied a W. W. finham and children. WalHoya and Girla' Indutrial club. The lace and VlrRlnla. were rlnltor ln;boy and lrl are taklui; quite an In ihla nlace Sunday. . !tcrt In their club. Parent, teach- Tht Wllaonvllle bankvtball team ,cr and pupil are all working toru , fl, ,ho val. went to rvrowood lant Saturday nlKntne nanoaruuini; 01 our acnooi. j MiCurmack. rnd were defeatnl by a acore of IS to i Mr. Ifcnlclnon. of Colton. ha rent- p T Shelley ha pun littM'd the Hell 50. t'o admire our boy" srit thouch. (cd tho tore room In the hall and I nv.,ry j,,,, atlli wlu hereufter conduct In pUylns tho rme to a flnlh with eolan to put In a line of general tiier- ,;H u,rv i,8ia,,Rg f s.tn.ly. thl team a Inst Saturday nlitht Fern- chandlne. r.timor aleo ha it that he wood team nla7ed here and the wore1 1 colnc to erect an up-to-date rest- wu 37 to 5 in flfteec minute In fuvor.dcnce on proHrty he ha purchased of WiUonvllle. The Fernwood team her In Mullno. then quit In dUsust fearlni; the board j Mr. Scott, another of our enterprl wouldn't !uld the core. ,!nK rocrchanta. I Rolnu to build a A larce crowd attended the fair that home In Mullno. Mullno I steadily wai civen by the school children last ' erowliK nnd Improving. Friday. Tlvre were a number of' Mr. llunk has rented Mrs. Mahala cood exhibits which were Judged by Wallace farm and ha moved hi iiwvl turtle After the judsinK a very family Into the Wallace iiotne. Mr, cool program was given by the achool Wallace ha gone to Klrnt'i Valley to children. ! visit ber daughter. - I Don Allen, the mall carrier on the ; rural route out of Mullno, has pur A(TP1 KPQlnPnf fif i chased Henty Fisher place and Is ro- I ulate future. chulhauser has rented a ; house from Mr. Pugan. He Intends to remain In Mullno for the present time. MARQCAM. March . (Special.) O. U Daniel, who is employed by The Marqita.n archestra is holding tri-jthe Hult Lumber Co.. is spending a weekly practices preparing for their ' few days here with his family, the mill arhxil entertainment to be held oon. (where he U employed having shut The orchestra consists of seven Instru- down for repair. eon City hint week. It. Sullivait from poitland, wu out and looked at hi old place. He la RoltiK to hate some I'niM'liiK done nn I iiiten.1 bulldinx a new houae and I'Min. Mr. Sullivan plaii x-lllng or IMiir on tho plate. Christ Z allien Imti here.) some Iior !at work. J. Jackmin, from IVrtl.uid. was In Clarke looking for work last week. Mr. Pack ha rented hoiiic land of Mr. Marquarclt John Huol and Wekley I.ludau "rent Sunday with Fred Zaalil. n. Mr. Stella ('.reave visited her par ent. Mr. and Mr. ('. V l-arkln. over -Sunday. C. 7. allien wa In town on Mon day. Albert Ilauer. of Colton. went to l.oula jk Joye ha old hi fur in of (en acre to Mr. K alter, of Portland Mr. KaUer will more on hi new pU.e himiii. Mm. J. F. Mi'cer. who ha Im-u ' mimiiiK In Portland for the pant flte week, returned homo Saturday, Mr. Sihiieder. of riirtlaiid, ix-itt a few day with hi daURliler, Mr a Scot I. Mr M. K. Held, who fell and broke her flnxer during the silver thaw, I utile to lloe It BRitlll. Mr. Tow undid, who ha been III for a long time, I somewhat better. MINSTREL SHOW AT CLACKAMAS CI-A'-K AMAS. Oti. Man li ..-The nilimt-el show wa nc-iitly git en by the lodging camp to work hint week, .the Clackuma public bcIhh.I. The (en ('.. J. Taylor, editor of the Mol.iPa Pioneer, gave the monologue entitled "lnd." and a concert wa furnlxhcd by the male trio confuting of Milton Miller. IWa Chlndgren and Hub Stone. The concert and monologue were fine nuiulx-r on the program kept the large auilleuce In a Rood humor from lnrt tu DuUli. Several iuillial selvclloti were furniiihed by Ml-.e Alice New kirk and Crace Herln'ri. former pupil in tiie school here. Marquam Is Deadly" nunt. piano, two cornets, two violins and otic trombone and oass drum. Hoyd Darnell has been visiting his grandfather. N. A. Darnell. Royd is . ..,. kl..L t. I ! I).,l.l Mr. and Mrs. Un HorUel. of Scotu;s,uu1 ,u uv "BU MUM. took dinner at Guy C. Urkins, ( J-. J- nt V5 .7p0,n,i'y Slm,ay I Friday, and Saturday he attended the Mrs. John Young and family moved I reunion dinner plven in OreRon City, to Orcson C.ty last week. Their manylMr- Mallot also acompanled his grand friends regret to see them leave for !dau.Sh,er P"1an'?; " s Krand" they were a great benefit to the com- daughter. Miss Tlllie Mallot was on mtmlty w hile here. hpr f t0, hfr ho,me ln eas'!rn ,9 Tae Laldies' aid i planning for a 6- Her father lives near Shanlko. new walk on the church property. Gits Xordellng has rented the Payne They are to furnish dinner for the:owari cotta8e and moved hl9 famll i.i.. ; in. Olaf Olson has moved from the Fred Mr. and Mrs. Ora Davis and children Myers place to his ow n property, lately lted the forn,er'8 Parents ,ast Sun- vacated by Mrs. John Young and fam Mrs. Echo Mumpower. nee Larkins, of Stono. is in the Oregon City hospital undergoing an operation. Mrs. F. A, Cummingg went to Port- j land last week to select her spring and . summer millinery stock. j T. Harmon, an old resident of Mar-i quain, died March 5. The funeral was I he'd at the Scotts Mills cemetery Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Scott's daughter and baby, are visiting at the Scott home. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. L. Daniels and children, Mrs. Kate Goucher. Mrs. Mary Daniels and Miss Kate Daniels took Sunday dinner with Mrs. N. H. Darnell. Eddie Berdino, who is working for L. Holiday at Tualatin was visiting relatives and frle.ida here last Satur- I day and Sunday. Otto Striker, of Eldorado, Ore. 'niiiHo a hnitnfiKd trin tn Mnl.llln hist Wednesday. On his way back he stopped off at Mullno and called on Jos. L. Daniels. Mr. Olson, who has a livery stable I nml nnii ira ta ntnrAmrtlnf Inir iha T111V- Pnirn fA (jHTinVichase of an automobile. Business ajwma Irt lt thriving In hi day, March 7. Sherman Miller went to Oregon City Saturday. Arthur Graham ARTHUR GRAHAM CANDY, March 9 (Special.) Mrs. Cassie Evans entertained a number of guests Saturday evening at the Cot tage hotel. The affair was given In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Graham, who recently returned from Indepen dence, Mr. Graham having again tak en charge of Huntley Pros, drug store at this place. The guests made up five tables of 500, Mrs. Lee and W. H. Hair scoring honors for first prize. Dainty refreshments were served at 11:30. Those present were: ' Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Graham, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Balr, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Knight, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. White, Mrs. M. P. Sailor, Mrs. Bertha Huret, Misses Fayetta John son, Lillian Wang, and Loraine Lee, Messrs. J. C. Kanpisch, II. B. Evans, seems to be thriving In his line. j . a t. , t : s. a g, 5 , . 'S ?. $ V EAGLE CREEK. EAGLE CREEK, March 0. (Spe cial) A. W. Cooko and wife, of Da mascus, came up last Wednesday to see Mrs. Howlett, remaining over night wilh her. J. Kirchem, of Sellwood, wa3 re cently a guest at the home of E. Nay lor. Mrs. L. A. Woodle and Mrs. Califf were over to see Mrs. Howlett the fore part of last week. Roy and Carl Douglass made a trip to Springwater on some oats. Mrs. A. W. Cooke and son, W. W. Cooke, came up on Monday to see her n . )k-... -' If V... -4 -1 at its.ii. n -iii-ai.i-."tIi.i'tfj,, 1.1 jf J rv' ' A Big Price Reduction In Stover Engines Now made in 1-1 2-2-4-6 Horse Power and up at prices that put this good engine within the reach of all. SEE THE NEW LINES AS SOON AS POSSIBLE W.J.Wilson &Co. Oregon City, Oregon 12TH and MAIN STS. FULL LINE Pumps, Wagons Implements, Etc. For Your Baby. The Signature of T7 a . SUM Is the only guarantee that you hive tht Genuine T i f yi r? r 1 1 i f i i i i r prepared by him for over 30 year. YOU'LL give YOUR baby the BEST Hl Your Physician Knows Fletcher's Castoria. Soid only In one size bottle, never In bulk or oUierw.se; to protect the babies. 4 r7r-r The CcnUur Company, (Jr7JcJUU WILSONVILLE. t MULINO. 1 t r WIIJIDNVII.I.K. M.inh 9 tSpe- MI'I.IN". Mir.li 9. (Spe. tail l')-Mr. M. C. Young vlaltej r. la- M-r'H n-K-'l -" " rar- tlvt-a In I'orlland lHt week. "d U ' ''l " 'ial e will l-'nmk MrKliniiii.ua. left on W. dn.-a- ,", "'" H"1"' utltT for llio latter duy for Kliuiiiiili Palla. ,,"lf ,!" Hiofttli. Mra. Allaon ll.ik. r a niuliv frlrU.U , Mla.1 UiU Aahliy. lio hna tieen via. will lio glud to know tliu('ln' la I..-I-, and r.-'ulivi-.t at Hulrin month, ri-lurnrd Iiiuiik it In Irli-nda for 111"' pant liixt Krlilny. Ild IMriirll. nt I'liruuiid. waa via IiI.ir liln itruiidrnlli.r, N. li. I'nnoll ut Miilln i, lull .'" k Tin' I i r Klvi'ii I'V (1. J Ta)lor. dltor of llio I'loni-rr. nt tin' Mullno l.-r. Mr. and Mra. Moor.', of I'urlluinl. UIIin Mr. and Mra. KIiiht Junra dur Ine tho wi-i'kvnd. 1'rnf.f.aor liruliiiin nnd t lilliln-n , KH-nt iS.it unlay and Siimluy nt 1 1 1 I r- ( f:.riti li.itni u.'itr our lllni!i. t Mr-. W. lUtk.r. who waa III f..r;n hall lu-l Mduy ..v.nliiK. ua roiiik tlini.. la now . uiiv.il. ... .nt. h'tijou d l.y th." pn-a.-nt i a .u.i.,,1 T..i,.iiv... h..r I Mla tirai-r r i.rl.-H. of I'orllitnd, la nv.T fliind.iv. ! l'""""f I'luk f iiMi..itr.liil i'l. I. It. tl.tllitf ol. .It. i ..a. did work for our III.k. mid ninny i thliiRa uro undir uy for lln linproM' iiionl and dovrlopiii.'nt of WiIkoiiviIIi' (M1m JimihI.' AnKua rt'liirtivd on M.ui duy from N.-w Iwrc, lnro lu hua Ih-imi vIkIIIuk frli'iiilM for three wi-vka puxt. A ronip.'lvnt lilackniulth nrrlvi-.l In our village un Moiidiiy, who la pn- puri'd to do tho vory licst of work In hl.s Uni'. ut tho K.irauc or loiiuK fitaiiKi'l. A kukri Km l il u ml pr.iKniui will l.c bIvimi at t'ornil Cr.-i li b.IuhiI on Saturday I'V.-iiluu, .Mnrcli ll'lh, ut fli;lit o'tlork. Tho pl:ili't t'lilUlid "Tho lliirKlur Alnnii," will ho itlvon hy lix al talent. lOvoryono In rurdliil ly invite. I I ) ultond. a few with her alnier. K. J. Mnplo. J. W. lUnka hna rel ied Mr. Ma halu Walliieo'a farm and inovod hit . i family from thn II. A. Howard houar o r there. Mra. Wiillueti halim KOiio I to KliiK'a Valley to upond tlm auinmorY Willi hrr daiiKhler. Mra. Krcd Wood- bldo. It. I'. Walhieo hroiiKht a loud of i'iini-iil troiu t'mihy hint week to build , tho roiinilatU.il fur lua now ulto. ) Mrn. Iil.'vona nnd ihiiiKhlor, llalllo, I who huvo hcen vlnliliiic Mra. H. V. ' Chiirehlll tho puxt two turned In iter homo In last Tuoiiday. wo.ka, ro I. Inn county V f ... t ' MEADOW BROOK. , ., .. .j. ... i. i f f. j' LEAP YEAR PARTY. Otto Meinig's horse which has been ' and It is the Intention of the gentle- ....... iA..n .hi, nnct bIv nmntlin ! mpn tn t?Ivn n nnepr-h nnd A concert &t lutsuay to f,ei fjndlng cure abollt to give up I the Clarkcs EnKllsh M. B. church next u. oicAiiisier, jonn e-iq. ur. ueaman, mother, Mrs. Howlett. Mra. a"d Or. A. h. Murdy. decided to stay for a few days with " 1 j her mother. ! Sign of Good Digestion. : Somf of tIje people of this neih- When you see a cheerful and happy borhood have been bothered with , oia may you may Know tnat BDe nas tramns. Two nassed throuch here hope, he discovered a piece or baling wire, about four Inches long portrud- Cooke ins out hetween tIle rlbs near the back uon'j. ine norse cviueuuy nucu the wire with hay and thus grew out of the horse's system. The horse Is now sound and well. Chas Krebs has sold to his farm good digestion. It your digestion is ; ,a8t wopv 0ne has been a freauent . Gerkl Rros- at ,a-00 por acre' Impaired or if you do not relish your , visitor during the winter, but the oth-' The entertainment by the Catholic meals take a dose of Chamberlain's er jus( came iaBt weci- Tne people YouiiK People was a decided success. Tablets. They strengthen the stom- j wsn they wo,,)d tramp on and not It was attended by a large crowd. Gov ach, improve the digestion and cause trouble them any mere ernor Wichycombe of Salem, gave the a gentle movement of the bowels. Ob tainable everywhere. (Adv.) I "Walter Douglas was visitor on Tuesday. an Estacada principal address of tho evening. BETTER BABIES PROGRAM GIVEN i Gardners, Poultrymen, Orchardists You will find our 128 page Catalog a reliable and valuable guide. It tells all about the best Seeds and Plants, Gar- C- den, Orchard, Poultry and Bird Supplies etc., for the West Our "Highest Quality" stocks and new policy. "Direct from grower to planter-no agents," charfies prepaid etc saves you time and money. New Catalog No. 63 Tells AD. Routledge Seed & Floral Co. ' SANDY, Arc., March 7. A "Better Baby" program was given tonight at the Methodist Episcopal church under! the auspices of the Sandy Woman's club, an observance of the federal chil dren's bureau baby week. There was an out-of-town speaker and talks by several local people and special miiBic. The St. Patrick's day entertainment given in Shelley's hall last Saturday evening was well attended, the hall be ing crowded. After the program by local people and Instrumental and vo cal music by Misses Emily and Flor ence McElroy, of Portland; Misses Elsie Telford and Maxine Telford, of Oregon City, and Miss Mildred Foster, of Boring, Governor Wlthycombe gave an address. Sunday evening. Everybody Is invit ed to come und hear them. Miss Edna Elmer was a visitor at her uncle's, J. Vlrk and family of Mo lalla last Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Mohb and family, from Logan, were in Clarkcs and visited their daughter, Mrs. Edd Buol last Sunday. Fred Bauer, Jr., of Colton, and W. H. Bottemlller were In town last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Schieve and daughter, Arlene, wore out visiting the former's parents, Pete Schieve and family for a short time. G. Manjuardt was in town laat week. Jako Schieve purchased a team of horses last week from E. A. LaFol-lette. Much Snow Falls Around Estacada Take This for Lagrlppe Cought. The danger of lagrlppe lies ln Hs tendency to develop pneumonia, and the March death record from pneu monia is appalling. Stop your cold be fore It reaches the danger point, and take Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound. Mr. W. P. Bowen, JImps, Ga., writes: "I had a terrible attack of la grippe, aches and pains all over my body, and a dry hacking lagrlppe cough. I began taking Foley's Honey and Tar and when I had taken one bot tle my cough was cured, my cold waa well." Jones Drug Co. Adv. i ESTACADA. March 9. (Speclul) Snow has been falling here since Mar. 1st and Is now from twelve to four teen inches deep on a level, which In terfcres with farmers' work. The Garfield band supplied the mil' sic during the baskctbull gamo be tween Estacada and Oregon City. Mrs. Julius Krleger has been ill for the past week and the doctor was com pelled to go through 19 inches of unow to reach her home. Mr. R. Chrlstman, having purchased tho old Stoke's pluce, is now domi died there with his family. Ho has recently bought a new 1916 model Franklin motor car. The Garfield Dorcas society gave banquet for the young ladies who took part In "The Trouble at Satterlec's' at tho home of Mrs. W. R. Reld. ROAD WORK NEAR CLACKAMAS CLACKAMAS, Ore.. March 7. About two nilles of the road between Clack amas and Baker's bridge has been ro- surfaced with gravel and will soon bo In good condition for travel. This adds another ll.ik in the roads radiat ing out of this place. KAST CLACKAMAS. Mar. 9 clal) Clarence Englioiisu wiih the hiii( to members of the Literary soelety ut hl.i home Saturday evening. Feb. lit!., kIvmk ii leap your party. A fine lline wan enjoyed by all. The evening wiih npeiit In playing curds and gnmex und o fine lunch wiih nerved by the hunt. Thoso present were. The MImki'h Ver nlo Erlrknmi, Arlene Ilnwnrth, Annie Anderson, Theollne fjirsen, Julia ('ru ler, Edna Hover, Sylvln Clark", Medn IlasiniiMen nnd Henry KMiike, Arnold Dune, Henter Wler, Raymond llenni'lt, John Iielnrleh, Elmer Hhenrer, Floyd Wler, Earl lloycr. Olto Kllnke, Clif ford Tong, Henry Koch, Clarence Eng lioui:o and Mr. nnd Mra. J. Tong, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dennett. Mr. nnd Mrs. K. II. Iloyer, Mr. und Mrs. Marshall Shearer, Mr. und Mrs. WoIhIi, Mr. nnd Mrs. RasmuHHcn, Mrs. E. Dane and Mr. and Mrs. Joo Enghouse. I MKAIlOWIIKOOK. M.ireh 9. (Spe c-lull Tho Meadow brook Literary ( lull held u Hpeiliil HK'Uli'g TlnirHihiy meiiliiu ami decided to have 11 play lSH'lii the near future, iliilo will bo uu- nouiKid later. Until Clilinlmeii vlHltid NV(tlt) Lar 1. 1 n h Sunday. Homo from li.'ie Attended Ihe lec ture given by (!. J. Taylor, of Miilalhi, on "Had" at Colloii, hIho wore enter tained by the male ipiart "lt coiiHliit lug oi" Herman ami Hen ( hrldgreti, Milton Mllh r and Huh Stone. Ilfuululi HofHlelter kuvo u birthday party Sunday hut on account of thu snow there VMinn't many out Mrs. Vllnen returned to Portland Sunday after spending n few days with her husband. Plans are now complete operating Willamette Pnclllc trains to Coos Hay In July. An Ideal Spring Laxative. A good and limn tried remedy Is Dr. King's New l.l.'n I'IIIh. The Ilrst dosn will move the slugghdi IiiiwuIh, hIIiiiii lato the liver and clear the syHlvin of waste and blood Impurities. You own It to youiHcIf to cleur tlifi-nynteiil of body poisons, accumulated during thn winter. Dr. King's New Life Pills will do It. 2!io at your drugglHt. (Adv.) PRUNES AND CRAFTED WALNUTS Alio Peiri, Peaches, Apricot., Almonds, Apples, Cherries, Small Frails, Etc. ; 8AVE 50',' BY BUYING DIRECT Mall your want list today, stilting quantity and varieties RUSH ns our surplus Is going fast. LAFAYETTE NURSERY CO., Lafayette, OreBon. VALLEY PRODUCE CO. WHOLESALE DEALER IN Fancy Dressed and Live Poultry, Eggs, Veal and Hogs WE CHARGE NO COMMISSIONS "AT CASH PAY THE MARKET PRICE PAY PROMPTLY We will pay 16 lo 17c for all jfood hens shipped to us before March 18th write us tor snipping tags, bend shipment lo us and te nuick returns. 20314 Wnhmclon Si. PORTLAND, OREGON Fhonff Mi.a 1053 The Drink That Fits A drink that should be on Qvery table PORTLAND BREWING CO., Portland, Ore. On sale at all Leading Groceries and Confectionaries PHONE YOUR DEALER FOR HOME DELIVERY V