Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 03, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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Bachelors and Old
Maids to Be Debated
School Children
Get Stars for Work
t l 3 E Mb- :
v w n y Lr
Cheese Facte ry Is
Planned for Liberal
Good Program Is
Given at Mulino
Industrial Club
At Beaver Creek
- aiKelinK brlJ ( thfl r."y
l.ool botiM on the evralni of Feb.
Slrd 1th lha vlrw la rUbllliln(
rotx-riilUe bw factory l l.lbrrV,
Frant Knubrntrr, prrtulrnt of the
n.ttlnn. the ttrinrlPkt i.-ki-r , uullnlatn-4 bu.ini-t. anj ofk of the
Ml UNO. Marvt. -(8w!it Tb
rrccl Trihrr' tutctinc bili l
the hhuul boUM ll Frtdy. A short
but serf intrmiiiiK pn'graM ws rvn-d.-ii'J
by tho pupils w the school
I KWKH t'HKKK. Munh S-iHpi-rUI
I 1'rrnion Vrddfr. s'hmil tf,r
UiKir. and U J. AlU-n. I1nlu.1rl.1l club
(vpn-M nlaine. Ufcltr'd i hixil Wednes
day and talked on Intel club urk III
their J-
In.. Ik ,.r.,,m M t.H.in-ia Hieplin lrrlm. 1 DC ') UOIO VI
ilfrtwt was -iir auer onvo juiuiuk
Ihe c'ub. The club iirisanlieil nurt
a brlil bjr the angulation anl much
uf Ibo evening. In MKtlnj for the !
m.tEK of barlnf iurb an In.tlM
lion nearer ua than la Canby. Mr.
Kraihercer succwdej to rrratin a
di rrt-r. of Interest that naultrd In lb i
mliiluUIre Was Cutuplt-trd. 5JIM
(iruo. the leather, la president and
Mr. K. J. Maiile aotretitry.
The 1W and tilrU" Industrial club
had a bouib. brr popcorn and randy
ul ritun U Ji6 north of l k The pro.-ee.ia rrom una la
and the promt of fifty cows for f ! mlnK loaanla Ihe .utvbae of a ne
I flat Wo bate a modern achool build-
ral. art. ao brartlly In aywi-athy lihlnc and are all proud of our achool. " "'at fair.
a project lhal promlxt to do aay,"ur rareni i ra. nrr mrruuaa
. ' n..i.i ih inirti ftiiuy eti earn nioniii.
lime ago and elected the folio lux of
flier: Arnold ncbrr. pre.l.lfiii;
Gertrude HohlanJer, vice pre.hlenl;
lanora lieatle. eretary; Alfred It'4
lie. trr.nuirr; Mr. Wm. lanlel, ad
ler. They plan lo hae a local fair
In their on Mrlnlty next fall an I
then take their produce lo the county
with the long Journey to Candy for
Ihe marketlnn of dairy produce lhal
Ihe Uberal factory plan aeema certain
lo utow In fa i or day by day.
The rlalng generation in our plaee
enjoyed Ihe rare privilege In th
eelt beKlnnlnit rb. rial of having
Ihe achool routine broken by two red
letter day. Klrt. VahlnKton'a birth
day waa ohKenred In suiipcndlnc Ibo
regular leaaont and replacing them by
an order of nercinoa commemorative
of Ihe Father of Our Country. The
diK-lamallnna. aonjr and addrense
were of a character calcu'ated to In
apire In the children partlotlum that
muat leave Its Influence through life.
Friday. Feb. SSlh. a duly obaerved
as Fnrenl day. The attendance waa
much larser than the teacher had ven
tured to hope for. thecontlnuounbrlKht
weather havlnR brought a nmh of
The l-adlr HiKlal club met tlh
Mr. Crook laat Tbnrvday. (julle
numlier of the tiicniber ere prenenl
and a good lime a enjoyed by all.
Th- net meeting of the club lll te
he'd at the borne uf Mr. Churchill.
Mr. Kate Coiirber wa vlltlng
frlcnda In Kldorado Ihl week.
Mr. Fred Krtckaon la vUltlng rela
tive and frlned here In Mulino.
Mr. John Hura. of Caoby. and Mr.
Ko H. Feebler of rortland.'have been
Hailing at the home of Jo. U Ihinlel
The former I Hit mother, and Ihe lat
ti-r the (Inter of Mr. Panld.
Mr. and Mr. Augut Krtrkton in
vUltlng their daughter. Mr. 1-enlle
Holiday, of Tuulutin.
Ml TUlle Mallet, who ha been
visiting her aunt. Mr. Tom Flub, ha
returned, lo her home In Eatern Ore-
irnn Mlu Vul'et hu tteen attemllni:
ganlenlng and other aprlng work that j tho MoU,u .hool durlnB ,be iMer
Tom Fi.ih ' bclldlng a new barn on
Mr, fim Ulley. Ife of the city mar-
hal at Mllaaukle. pet a roup'e of
day at Ihe borne of Mr. John Cah.
Mr. F. Itenntl. ho ha Ije.'n III for
the pat three week I loly Improv
ing. Mr. Hold. IVatle -nt the we k
end In Fortland vUltlng friend.
Mr. and Mr. Fr-Hl Force entertained
a number of friend Saturday and all
bad a niot enjoyable time playing
game until 11:15 after which a lunch
ll.Urt.IA. M.irch J-lrtpeclull
Mol peopld from here Kelnime Ibe
iiiu ili), and aulo In prefeluuce lo
.Icigli rtdiiig.
Mr J.ibnaon ha be'U iilte lck,
hut I nine better al thl rltlng.
I.lllln Mta l'ii U-bman enter
tallied a few of MT ci biNiliuale Hun
day at an Informal dinner, It Mug
l.eh,T ninth blrtlnliiv.
A. Ili'lm helped Ktank ChlM cut
cal'l'4o Halurday.
Arence Jobiiton, tbo li.i been tiilte
III. I (ome better.
A. Walling , of Cortland, wa out al
hi farm here Rundiiy.
There ere church aervlee at lla
ivhu hovl houio ttatunUy evenliig.
after a long a pontponeiuenl on ar-
omit of evera weather. The Rev.
Mr. Cob-man announced Unit there
otild be preaching every lo week
Ml Klglnore I'apaun rtturned lo
her ork In Kalem Wednesday after j
lulling lth homo folk a few day.
Mix Marian Kanlm.in K,nt a plea
tit evening with Ml Wanna Wanker
The lltt'6 Mime Motitagno were de.
Ilghtful caller of Mr. A. Worlhlngton
Huiiitay niomlng.
Mr. A. Thoma mid non lrlng,
pent ttiinday with Mr. I'nink ChlbU.
Ml linognn Jeell upent the week
end with home folk in the Hone City.
Thro. Htelnhlber bud a number of
hoK butchered Monday.
The Kev. Mr. Coleman a plea a
ant caller of David Long Saturday
Utile MK Grace Punian vinlted
llaella trbool Tburnd.iy.
Mr. and Mr. Alfred Tbouiui ipeiit
Thurnday with Ihe forwer'a parent
near Stafford. j
Mr. S. S. Uiiuti wa ploaant'y -n-
lAMAMlTH, March -(8peclall
Ml l.lole llo.ii li, ii-aiher at IHner,
pent ibe oek nul Willi her parent,
Mr. and Mr. Harry Koach,
I'barlin llurdllt -a gi-nUI ArUn
peddler, who baa In i ll making r gular
trip UiroiiKh Hit pari of the roonlry
Hit i w tiiter, I going In wink for A.
Tlio river raiHl U open lo travel now,
Mr. Marlon Htimuer I iiiltu nick
with a cold which Im It led In b"r
bniiicblnl lube. They will move Into
Mr. Warner bouite hi toon a kite I
W. U Warm-r and fiiinlly arrived al
Tli.' !ullr Thormlay night. Ftbluy
nioriilng Ibcy alartcd out In tlu-lr enr
but after going al mile they utruck
what I knowti a gutnh oll. Home
light rigs bad been pulled nut nf the
mud the day before; no they went
back lo The Palle. alured their cur
and made the rent of the trip by trul l
They bad a very nleo trip and enjoyed
the i cucry along Ihe Columbia.
J. II. Cooke nnd daughter, Mini Lu
cille of Fortland, railed on bU brother,
A. W. Cooke, Huniluy. Ihey drove out
In ibelr car.
Will Moore bai rented een acre
from A. W. CiKiko which ho will plant
lo tr.toe.
ThoKO who attended I'wrctit' day
at our Bchool enjoyed a very plcauint
lime. Faich child' daily work wa
untie In booklet form with an attrac
tive cover. Thi'KO were placed on Ihe
wall where they could be examined.
The work allowed training and cureful
prcpu.tttlon. A tho clne recited
the toachrm explained (heir method
of teaching. The children In Ihe lurg'i
room Move done good work thl year.
Mla Kuvell I lo ho commended for
her efficient work In tho i'hool room.
The pilmury tcnehor. Ml Itonch, ha
cuitM-d ny interruption to be regarded
with difavor. No apeclal attraction
t-N! prepared, the object being lo
five a correct Idea of the every day
work In the choola. Thl. If we may
JuHei from the comment made by tlitf
v'sltor. proved lo be entirely satis
la. torv. More than one of the moth
er who loft home reluctantly, and
mentally terming this late Innovation
a uselcK hinderance. came away high
ly pleased with tho school methods
and wishing tbat Farents' day came
o'tener than once a year.
The third In the series of polling
matches in the I tear Creek school was
held on the evening of Friday. Feb. 25.
K crowded house attested the Interest
awakened in the contest. First place
' wa3 won by Hiss Lillian Westberg.
A basket social is to be given at
the Macksburg school house on tho
evening of Friday, March 4. The pro
ceeds are to be used in providing
swings to be put up in the school yard.
The Mothers' club met on Thursday
at the homo of Mrs. Simon Miller.
Mrs. Miller's mother. Mrs. Schrock,
and Mrs. Euseno Mitts, mother of Mrs.
Frank Hilton, were present as visitor.
The next session of the club will be
at the home of its secretary, Mrs. M.
G. Baldwin.
Tho Woman's club of the Lutheran
church Is to assemble on Thursday,
March 2nd, at the home of Mrs. Karl
The departing winter, as if fearing
he may have been too Indulgent to our
race in granting us two weeks of sun
shine in the waning of bis reign, has
bestowed upon us one of the severest
storms of the entire season, as a part
ing gift Nothing, however, can annul
the benefit that must accrue from the
diligence with which that benlflcent
fortnight was improved. Vast tracts
of ground have been prepafed for the
seed, much grain has been sown, on
some of the ranches potatoes are plant
ed, and everywhere the flower-beds
have been put In to the most attract
ive shape. Should the Spring-time
bring with It ' weather that is at all
favorable, the harvest-time must be
considerably earlier han it has been in
several years.
his properly In Mulino.
Mr. Johnson Is putting a roof on
bis bouse and putting in new windows
and Improving It In general.
Mrs. Inet Larkin, Is viHiting relatives
at Clark.
Albert Krkknon made a business
trip to Portland last Saturday.
Quite a number of the Mulino peo-
i pie attended the banket ball game In
Colton last Saturday night.
Misses Tillie Mallet, Annie Jepson
and Ida llerdlne were the guests of
Miss llaiel Erickson Friday evening.
Tho farmers around Mulino are Im
proving thetr time during this good
weather by ploughing and getting ev
erything in shape for the spring work.
Take This for Lagrippe Coughs.
The danger of lagrippe lies in Us
tendency to develop pneumonia, and
the March death record from pneu
monia is appalling. Stop your cold be
fore it reaches the danger point, and
take Foley's Honey and Tar Com-
WILSONVILLE. March 2 (Special)
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Aden went to
Portland in their auto several times
j last week during the pleasant weather.
J. W. Thornton has a new Stude
bake automobile, which arrived on Fri
day. Potato and cattle buyers have been
quite numerous lately.
Miss S. M. Graham visited relatives
in oHr village and vicinity last week,
returning on Saturday to Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Alison Baker went to
Portland on Friday. Mrs. Eakcr has
been quite ill, but is some better.
Judge Thompson has been going the
rounds registering the voters.
The Onion Growers' association has
been having quite a difficult time get
ting cars, but finally shipped a car of
onions on Tuesday, after waiting two
weeks for a car.
J. L. Seeley went to Portland on
Saturday, on business for the Onion
Growers' association.
Aaron MacConnell, who was HI for
some time, is now feeling better.
Mrs. Ed Baker had four very bad
hemorrhages from the nose on Mon
day of last week, and two doctors were
In attendance. She Is still very weak.
The Mothers' club of Corral Creek
school, held a meeting on Friday after
noon, and planned to have a basket
social on Saturday evening, March 25.
Maggie Bishop, who was so seriously
ill, is improving slowly.
The "Emerson Literary Club" of the
vllllage school, gave a very nice pro
gram on Parents' day.
Lewis Nickels, a pupil of Corral
P-r ff i
.-.r,-n jw'-,.- l(
V r
. ... , y I- - f r
Big Price Reduction
In Stover Engines
tut) (! Sum sal Umu i
IYomolc DitilUifimfJ
rtt'&s ami IVvtunULu arc)
Opium Muruhwr rr,kkjrril
ik',. . ...
ill! I ,Ulll U I II.
A ivrfrct IVtnrih for Cmto
lion. Sour Stoih.lil.t
nontuu miMiiMuM jon ta
ftc Sink SifiiUVft
For Infuntt n j ChHiiren.
The Kind You llavo
Always Bought
Boars tho
Exact Copy of Wrappcf,
Now made in l-li-2-4-6 Horse Power and up at
prices that put this good engine within the reach
of all.
W.J.Wilson & Co.
Oregon City, Oregon
12TH and MAIN STS.
Pumps, Wagons Implements, Etc.
pound.-Mr. W. P. Bowen, Jimps, Ga., t:reek scn001' BroKe ms arm enu
writes: "I had a tfirrihle Bttek of la, while on a teeter-totter, at the noon
rrinnfi. ehei nnd notno all nr mv ! hour. He 13 Under
body, and a dry hacking lagrippe
cough. I began taking Foley's Honey
and Tar and when I had taken one bot
tle my cough was cured, my cold was
well." Jones Drug Co. Adv.
Circuit Judge Campbell Monday
the care of Dr.
Butler, who reports that the arm Is
doing nicely.
Parents' day was appropriately cele
brated at our village school and there
was a very large attendance. Prizes
of red, white and blue ribbons were
awarded for the best exhibits. Judges
not in any way connected with th9
school were selected and nearly every
child received a prize.
Judges and clerks for the day and
was served.
The afternoon of February 25 was
set aside In acordance with the wish
of County Superintendent Calavan for
Parents' day. The pupils' work was
shown and they showed their dally
work also.
EAGLE CREEK, March 2 (Special)
-James Taylor, after escorting his
ugnea wn uiTorc aww. wimrauus ! " T'ZZ mother to Dufur, returned to Eagle
,va Grave Newman from DJ. Kr- two's Creek last week for a horse which he
man and Emma Davis from W. J. Da- . . .. .v.i.t. had nurchased of Dick Gibson. He
aunng tne coming eiecuuus, wmtu - ,
vis. Mrs. Davis is allowed to take her i wU1 be much less fatiguing, than hav- started on his return trip to Dufur oa
maiden name, Emma Potter.
ing one board do all the work.
Gardners, Poultrymen, Orchardists
You will find our 128 page Catalog a
reliable and valuable guide. It tells all
about the best Seeds and Plants, Gar
den, OrcharriPoultry and BirdSupplies
eta, for the West
Our "Highest Quality" Jtockl and new policy, "Direct
from grower to plantar-no agent," charges prepaid
etc., save you time and money.
New Catalog No. 61 Tells All.
Routlede Seed & Floral Co. tortTandorI'
i Miss Clara Bullard was calling on
Mrs. Howlett the other day.
Mrs. It. B. Gibson was the guest of
her sister, Mrs. S. J. Eddy, of Port
land, over Sunday.
Mrs. Judd was the guest of Mrs.
Howlett one day last week.
Juite a number of the parents visited
school last Friday Parents' day. A
good program, which all enjoyed, was
rendered by the pupils,
i Mrs. Howlett enjoyed a visit from
her daughter, Mrs. Jane Douglass, of
St. Joseph, recently,
j Mrs. Bessie Douglass, who under-
went an operation at the Good Sa
maritan hospital, Portland, Saturday
morning, at last reports was getting
along as well as could be expected.
Will Douglas was working for Mr.
E. Naylor for a couple of days, setting
out ginseng plants.
tertalned by Mrs. Sarah and Mrs. F.
Childs, Wednesday of last week.
Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Zlvney and tho
twins autoed to Portland Friday after
noon. Harry Borland was working for Geo.
Nagel Saturday.
Mrs. H. Duncan and daughter Grace,
Mrs. Fred Lehman and Masters Wil
ber and Donald, Mrs. Frank Whltten
and son, Clifford, Mrs. S. S. Boutz,
Masters Jean and Shirley Boutz, Mrs.
II. Baker and son, Kenneth, Mrs. Geo.
Nagel, Mrs. A. Holms, Mrs. Flala and
Miss Ivah Whltten, were tho visitors
who Bpcnt a very pleasant afternoon
at the Parent-Teachers' meeting and
enjoyed a Washington's birthday pro
gram given by Miss Jewell and her
pupilB last Friday.
Plowing and sowing grain seem to
keep fanners busy In these parts.
The Hazel ia Literary society will de
bate on the following question Sat
urday evening, March 4th: -"Resolved,
That old bachelors are more beneficial
to society than old maids." Evoyone
cordially Invited to attend.
a unique plan of giving a gift star
whenever a child 1b perfect, cither In
behavior or lessons. These stars are
prized very highly by the little ones,
and are kept In little booklets. Tho
vluitora were: Mcsdnmcs Huddle,
Smith,. Burr, Roach, Royor, Moore,
Miller Norton and Cooke; Misses
Hock, Norton, Hall, Burnlco and Mabel
Elliott and Mr. Miller.
How to Prevent Croup.
When the child Is subject to attacks
of croup, see to it that he eats a light
evening meal, as an overloaded stom
ach may bring on an attack, also
watch for the first symptom hoarse
ness, end give Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy as soon as the child becomes
hoarse. Obtainable everywhere. (Adv.)
GARFIELD, March 2 (Special)
At the home of L. J. Palmatoer, on
Feb. 27, was held a double birthday
celebration in honor of Mrs. Sarah
Palmateer, aged 73 years and Mrs. E.
M. Harncr, aged 80 years, mother and
aunt, respectively of Mrs. L. J. Palma
toer. The dinner was given by Mrs.
L. J. Palmateer and Mrs. Sarah Palma
toer, two daughters, Mrs. Wilbur Wade
and Mrs. Charles Duncan. There were
21 guests present. Besides thoso
named were Mr. W. H. H. Wade, Mr.
Doc Palmateer and wife, Mr. Charles
Duncan, Mr. Wilbur Wade, six grand
sons and four granddaughters. The
table was loaded with good things to
which the guests did justice, after
which the evening was spent by the
e'der ones of the company living over
their childhood days, as they were
all raised here and In Estacada, and
together. All enjoyed the occasion to
such extent that the time to depart
came all too soon, after wishing the
honored gumta many rvturn of tb'
tiurllt'lil (;runi;o hi'ld a lun lut
Saturday. A the turn worn tinny Mail
ing It wa a bid lr grunco, save five,
To Vlnltnr fclTO pri'ftrllt.
The wi'iitbrr Imi't o ubu a It ha
lui n the pant two win'k. A lb" furin.
it Improved the llum, mont of tin'
HprliiK gruln wit put In. j
Tbi (now that fell lunt .Miimluy wa,
li I im' Ik-h Ii'p nt tbi Km i tun place. ,
and thi ground via white In (iiirnViJ. '
Si'vi'ral are buy planting prunn tfrv !
nnd prunliiK orcburd. Oliver K.illliiU.
Ibo (iurdi ld nurwrymiin, I buy gruf
A brother of Mr. Trnpp from
in iiiu lll rave her a to day'
vinlt the fore part of tho week.
Heiiiy I'ul unit -i-r, of Htivertuu. vl
Itci) hi mother bmt Huniluy.
jf In
iVr nUSB
For Over
Thirty Years
bm B UliSH
fW MMMatt trw
Mulino Telephone
Line Now Working
Sawing Bird's-Eye
Maple-Clearing Land
ALHI'Artil!. Ma nil 2.-(Spei lal.)
Tim (itiruun ami Wink Lumber com.
puny In huwIiik o il bird' eye imih
for tho Portlund liuilr factory.
d'orgc Kltchlng ha taken the con.
tract to do tin) IokkIiik for them.
Two families have taken a contract
to clear laud for Mrs. Jack llrown on
the Ciickamii river. They will uw
a donkey engine).
Mr. and Mr. Henry Boer anil
Uuiru lleuglo, of Crexliam, upent tin'
weekend ut the home of John Gitii
ens. Mr. nnd Mrs. Mursball AbipaiiKh nnd
duiigbter, Janet, of Portland, and Ed
na Kennedy, si-nt the week-end at
the AlHpuugh homo.
Echo (ilthcns atU'iuU'd tho teacher1
liiHtltuto at Urcxlmm Saturday.
John (iithi'iiH purchuHed a ri'KlNtervcl
Chester White sow from J. W, West, of
Oswego. j
J. W. Dowty sold A valuable thor
oughbred Shorthorn bull enlf to W. A.
Proctor, of Cottroll.
Mrs. Coznrd is visiting with her
sons, Cluudo mid Ernest Cozard.
Mrs. Frank Mcflraw and son visit
ed with her daughter, Mrs. Ernest Co-r.fiii.
Mrs. ICmtnii Doug'us and duughtur,
Harriet, of Portlund and Mr. and Mrs.
Clum. Sparks, of Kstiicndu, spunt Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. J. I). Dowty
I. Mri.INO, March. :-(Sp.ial-TlMi
I fine weather of tho pant Week or '
: m-eltl to In about (Her, the wind I
' ntr ini! fnmi th 'iutb, wllb rtery liulb
'uitlnii uf a ruin Morin. Huino grain
wa Miwn and a few put In early gar-
i d n.
Mr. lUi'ilu ami lauxbter. Until.'.
; are Rpeiiiling a few day with the form
ler pUti r. Mr. H. W. Chun bill. Tbi-y
jeiliett to leavo for thi Ir Inline Hear
; Tangent In l.lnn rounty In a few day.
Tho ti'lephouti I'otnp.iny of Mulino
bud four men out repairing tho linn
lirt reii hero un I OreKon City lunt
wwk, and wo now have telephone ser
vice ukuIii after nearly three week
without between hern Hint Oreitiut City,
Mlu OkIii Ht'wnrd. of Mai kaburg.
wa a week vim viBiior with per smitT,
Mr. Il 'rt Wal'are of Ihl
Cbarllo SebullmuHi r In
HtiM-k and glvi n n wa-ye
hi farm for two and one Imlf ai re of
lund near WiHidburn to a Curl Hiiieuk,
who ha moved on tho plain.
The Ijtille Koii.il liuli met at Mr.
Cronk' biht Thurmlay ufternoon and
report a very pleat-ant time.
The Parent Ti'iu hem' .niiallnn
met nt tho niiiiH'1 !ruo laitt Friday
and a very luteri tlnu prngraut w u
renden-d by tlm m lioul hllilt t it.
MIhh tirb e, tho teai her of Ibo Mulino
chiii'. went to Salem Frlduy cveiilnif
lo visit her puients, r.'lurnliiR Sunday
Miss Tllla Multatt, of Molulln. tin
iieen a Mulino visitor fur tho pant
week or two.
with tier sinter,
I place.
bit traded ll
vycar leant' on
Teachers to Meet
At Kelso March 11
HARLOW, Murch 2. (Special.)
Mrs. Johnson, mothnr of Ilert Johnson,
died suddenly Monday night at the
ago of 82 years and 10 months. Mrs.
Johnson came here from G'.cndnlo In
October. She Is survived by two Hons,
Bert Johnson, of this plnco, Carl John
son, of Glondule, and six grandchil
dren besides many friends. Funeral
services wore hid In tho Synod Lu
theran church at 11 o'oclock with Rov.
Lock, of Canby, officiating. Interment
was in the Scandinavian cemctory.
' Carl Johnson, of Glnndalo, cume In
on the early morning train Wednesday
to attend the funeral of his mother.
R. E. Irwin and Elmer Irwin, went
to Portland Tuesday.
Mrs. Edl Ogle, of Aurora, was visit
ing friends here Friduy.
Ed. Ogle, of Aurora, was trimming
peach, trees for his brother, Robert
Ogle last week. Robert returned to
his ranch from Portlund last week,
where ho will remain for the summer.
There Is no pluce like tho ranch for
Monmouth gets
creamery plar.t.
$.ri000 co-oporatlve
KELSO, March 2. (Spiuial.) Fol
lowing Is tho program of tho local
teachers' instltuUi to be held nt Kelso
Saturday, Murch II, under tlm aiiHplcvs
of thn Paront-Tcnchor association:
9:00 a. m., course of study and
teacher's annual report, J. K. Cnluvnn,
county superintendent; 9: -15, demon
stration of tho touching of oral ex
prcHslon In tho Intermediate grade,
Mrs. L. It. Mack; 10:30, Tho Morul
Sldo of tho Child's Education, Lottu
flregson; noon recess; vocal solo,
Mrs, J. M. C. Miller; 1:30 p. m., Froo
bellam Method of l)eve!nie.mnt, Kllza
btith K. Miitthowgj- 2:15, Needs of tho
Rural School, Frank Wells, assistant
state superintendent. Tho public is
cordially invited to attend, especially
thoso who nro Intereslud In school.
The Pnrcnt-Tcachor association will
servo a hot dinner frco at noon.
Fifteen parents wero prosent nt
school on visiting duy Inst Friday. In
tho afternoon Mrs. Barntim's pupils
dramatized "Robin Hood" after which
performance school was dismissed and
tho seventh and eighth grades sorvod .
rofreshinents, consisting of coffoo, cake
and sandwiches to tho visitors. A
discussion, led by Mrs. Chus. Tlmmor
mnn, was thon hold on tho meaning of
co-operation of school and homo.
A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Juck Patterson Friday, Feb. 2.ritli.
'HU in Hra
Ik,,, MtOcit
Take lh
Ilroi.l.t. Akrofiiri.'irV.H.TFRH
year k nown 1ft Itat, Burnt, A wiyt kallal.Mj
Write ut for shipping tags. Send shipment to us and jet quick returns.
WtafclHf IM St
Mala 1058