OKKIIOX (TIT KSTKIil'HISK. KlilDAY, KHMUtUHV ftViam. LOCAL URICPS by. In Ore. City butino. fUiurJar. W. I'. Kir hem, a ,roiil froit and dairyman U. In thla riir on WoIhUC ttmuk hbuio of IPghltud. anion IhuM ireiiMcilnt tmtiue In uron City Wrdne4y. J. W. Co!. oC Ubrral. an. n. Ithr, rt Portland, err buln- Lltor tn thi tity TuJy. N. liUlr. U knon l'f of Kllllo precinct Ortgon l'll'r 00 butltirt Wednesday. I'. O. Starry, real lat Wan ffm Cacby. a In Orrgon City Wrdnedy transacting buliit-. J. p. Wilkeru. mll carrier out of Cnty. a builii visitor In Oregon ctiy Tuedy. Terry Vorhle of Molalla U confined to the Oregon Ctly hoepllal ncre nnderemt tunical operation. Urtirc U Ead-n. of Usn. on of the well knoen farmer of that place. wa In this city on bulne Friday, Anhur KnlghL of Cnt.y. an ploy of the Southern raclflc company, at In Oregon ("ay ob uuinc Frl d. Mix Horn Stafford, tracber In the Portland chool. ipent Sunday un her parent. Mr. and Mr. . n- tnrA Grort C. llroenell enj Joeeph E- Hedge, Oregon City attorney. cte In IMlaboro Monday tola r ln the circuit court. O. W. Eattham, o attorney of thle city, went to Canby and llrlor Tur Amr ta attend the meeting of the rrmnre. t Ihe latter toen. John O'Dell. of Rrlght eood. In the county ee,t Friday nd collected bounty on the hide of l Hd cat and one coyote, he had killed. A ton a born Monday at the Ore iron City hoeplUl to the wife of Henry Van den Hoe. Mr. Van dm Ho la employed at the Morcan grocery. George Gresory, Clackaiuaa county i teaaei grower, from Molalla. wa looa In after butlncaa intereta Id the city Monday and Tuesday of thla Mr. and Mr. M. F. Rrown and dnughted. Mr. Ilea Mykol. have ar rived In thla city from near Stone, and will make their future reldcnce here. Fred MUVr. who wa recently an notated ooatmaater at Monitor, vat ln Oregon City on bulne Tuetday. Mr. Miller will take chant of the postof flee about tha first of March. A. V. Rustell. of Molalla, brought to County Clerk Harrington Saturday the hide of IS wildcat to collect bounty, Fred Creaon brought ln the hide of one coyote. Mrs. Delia Mann of Molalla waa tak en to the atate hospital for the Insane at Salem Friday afternoon. One of the attendant from the asylum called for her. W. H. Bair, buslnest man of Canby and one of the stockholder of tht Bank of Commerce, rlslted friend In the county seat Friday and attended the Elks' tmoker. Mrs. Howard M. Rrownell. of Euitene, It visiting relative in this city and at Concord. Mr, Brownell la the wife of Attorney Howard M. Brownell, for merly of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Coleman, of Sandy district, are receiving congratu lationt over the arrival of a little daughter, born Thursday. Mr. Cole man it one of the ML Hood guides. W. W. Everhart. president of the Pomona grange, passed through Ore gon City Tuesday from his home at Molalla, enrouto to Barlow where Washington's birthday was observed. V. B. Stafford, who received severe injuries when he fell from a tree a few weeks ago, is still confined to his room. Mr. Stafford is one or the well known fruitgrowers of Clackamas county. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Simmons will leave the early part of next week for Bend, where they will make their fu ture home. Mr. Simmons has been ln Bend several months and has charge of erecting a number of buildings at that place. The state grange will be represented at the Oregon Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Credits congress at the state house ln Salem, March 9, by Charles E. Spence, of Beaver Creek, who Is master of the state grange. D. G. Lecdy, C. J. Hurd. W. H. H. Dufur, and Austin T. Buxton. George Smith, wife and three chil dren have arrived ln Oregon City from Missouri, and have taken up their res idence at Mount Pleasant Mr. Smith is a brother-in-law of George McDowell of Mount Pleasant, and will occupy the Leonard place. He and his family are delighted with Oregon climate. Mr. and Mrs. George Mcl-ane and We lead in General Variety, Quality and Average Low Prices Our stock of Groceries, Provisions, Household Supplies are not exceeded, in Clackamas county Late Arrivals: Yarmouth Bloaters Norway Mackrel Seed wheat, vetches, oats, clover seed and erassi lower and gar den seeds, "Spence sweet peas,all shades in special display. Larsen & Co. Corner Tenth and Main- ttnJdui;trr, Mi MllJred, who hate Ira lituig in t'alidnnla. have returned tu thi-ir hunie at Mount ant Wtii'e In rlifrtiia Ihry UiM rvUlhr at H iMrso and at An j. lrt and nil a lar the MMau tMUXlrf. Th Gall.ralih farm at Tualatin h bra nnti-4 by Mr. and Mr. Hdard I'laitk, aba will mk tbrlr h.rtue at that l. Mr. Ulank It -ll knoan In ihl rlty, ah N fore h-r mar riage Mia Glad) t Hron and while alirn.linf Ortfon City high hx)l made b-r homo with brr aunt. Mr. Iteub l Kly. Itall'B Annatroui. an of Mr. and Mr. J, W. Armlrong a Injurrd Turtday artrrnoiin, while at Canby. Ha a brought to Ihi rlty aivoiiinlr by Irvin Kirarn and taken to the or fits of Dr. Mount, where bit Injuries a taken rare of. He a then taken to bi hunie In Wrat I. Inn. Ha ran In to a barlMMl wire fence and cut hi mouth. Enatomnt of Portland Girt to Local Man Public Mr. and Mr Henry Ioern. of roil' und. hat announced the engagement of their daughter. Ml Catheri'io Ikirrn, to Henry Hchornborn, of thla rlty, the marriage to take place March tt. at the Lutheran church at Lal Twelfth and Clinton strret. IVrtland Ml IWrn I knoan In thla cH, here h rraUW nearly a yeitr. Mr. S hoenborn I the (on of Mr. Richard i hiM-nUirn and brother ut Mi Elalv and Frank 11. Scbm-ntHirn of thl city. He l well knoan In Clarkamat county and In thl city. here be 1 employed In tha Cron Willamette mill. VERDICT FOR $600 GAS COMPANY LOSES SECOND PERSONAL INJURY SUIT HERE IN WEEK. After deliberating from I! to 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon, a Jury In tne tult of Mr. Ernest P. Rand against the Portland Gat Coke com- piny returned with a verdict of t00 for her. Mrs. Randa sued for f.oOO. Thl I the second suit lot by the ra company In the local circuit court within the week, Wednesday morn Ing E. P. Rand secured a Aerdlct for 310 for personal Injuries. Mr. and Mr. Rand with Mis Marian White and Mr. White were injured when an utomobllc driven by Mr. Rands ran Into an alleged defective gas company trench ani overturned. Mrs. Rands' collar bone was broken. The suit of Mis White against the gas company will not come up for sev eral week, and a motion for a new- trial In Mrs. White's action Is now be fore the supreme court. THREE-CENT HOG IMPOSSIBLE Oregon College Professor Say Cost Will Approximate Six CenU. OREGON AGRICl'LTVRE COL LEGE. Conallis, Feb. 24. (Special) "Statements recently made by men supposed to know, that hogs may be raUed In the Willamette valley for 1 cents a pound, are certainly mislead ing and If followed out w ill bring dis credit on the entire movement for bet- er agriculture in the northwest," saM Professor Potter, of the department of animal huebandry of the Oregon Agri culture collece. in commenting on re orts of the farmers' and stockmen's excursion to the Portland Union Stock yards last Monday. "To tell a group of farmers that they do not know how to feed because they say they cannot ratse hogs for less than 6 cents is surely not complimen tary to the farmers, many of whom have devoted much time, money and thought to the hog problem. The agri cultural college is working bard on the hog situation and we want to do every thing we can to encourage the hog producers, but already the greatest dif ficulty with which we have to contend is the mistaken idea that it docs not cost much of anything to raise a pig. This idea has led many to go into hog-raising on a scale mid under con ditions which doom them to failure from the start. This failure discour ages others who are really located where they could make a satisfactory profit out of a few hogs. "Hogs must be fed a consldertble amount of grain under the most favor able conditions, but one time with an other the profit must come out of the waste products that are fed with the grain such as skim milk from the dairy farms, waste fruit from the orchards, and the stubble and waste grain from the fields. Under such conditions Ore gon can produce all the hogs the local markets will handle and produce them profitably at current prices of hogs and feed. Where the producer does not deponj upon the marketing of some waste products through his hogs he cannot expect better than to break even, unless there Is a radical chaiiKe In market conditions, a change which cannot reasonably be expected, since the relat'.ve prices of grain and hogs are now about normal and while changes arc to be expected they are juHt as likely to go one way as the other." League Concert Is Splendid Success WILLAMETTE, Feb. 24.-(Special) The Willamette Epworth League concert last Saturday evening in the assembly room of the High school, was a Bucceaa In every way, and an enthusiastic audience declared they en Joyed every number on the program from the tableau, in which little Una Hyatt posed as the "Goddess of Lib erty", and the notion song sung by lltt'e Delmar Coffin, up to the closing number. Marshfleld: Sawmill at Isthmus In let to be operated this month. JUDGE CAMPBELL IS TO RUN AGAIN FOR IJI 0PPOUTI0N PUBLICAN TO PROMINENT RE RUNNING POR RK- ELECTION NOT EXPECTED. t In-ult Jude J. U. Campbell will be a candidal for recte. turn at tha lle ruMlcan primaries. OpiHHilllon to Judge I'amptx'll I not ripe. ted. If any Clackamas conn ty attorney l planning to enter the race, hi Intentions have been kept a profound kecret. J ml so Cami'tvl! ha been JuditP in tha fifth dllrl I about eight year. He a tint anointed to fill tha vacancy raunctt by tha resignation of Judge Mc Hrlda mhrtt the latter went to the (late supreme bench. Two year luier ho a rlerted by tha people of Ihe dis trict, which then Included Clackama. Clatsop, Columbia and Washington count lea. The 1915 WUlattire pruned the fifth district down to Clackama county so that Judge Campbell lnco then baa devoted all hi time to local court. Among the office held by Judge Camptx'll are deputy dUtrict attorney, state representative and chairmanship of tha county Republican central com- niltte. He hat always been promi nent In hit part;, and before entering public life one of the town' most popular attorney. CAVEMAN IS TREED I ITALIAN IS BROUGHT TO OREGON CITY AND FOUND TO BE INSANE. Peter Hrevlo, an Italian, axed -13 year. wa ;recd wltn tne aid ot uioou- bounds, arrested by Deputy Sheriff Morgan and brought fiom hit primi tive home In the mountains back of Sandy to Oregon City and committed to the state hospital for the insane Monday. Itrevio lived In a hollow tree, and his diet consisted of roots, berries and hat food he could find around neigh boring fa nil houses. He stole an axe from one farm house, and spent much of his time chopping down tree. A number of men of the district de termined to arrest Hrevlo. They went to his hollow stump, but the ltullan saw them first and ran away. Dogs were put on his trail, and Hrevio way forced to climb a tree to escape them. Deputy Sheriff Morgan with others forced him to come down, and brought him to Oregon City. Hrevio came to this country from his native Italy 16 years ago. H. L KELLY, FISH Giving as his reason the friction ex isting between himself and members of the State Fish and Game commis sion, H. L. Kelly, of Orexon City, since July 2.'), 1915, the master fish warden of the state, Wednesday tendered his resignation. It was acepted Immedi ately by the commission. R. E. Clayton, superintendent of hatcheries, will assume the duties of the office of master fish warden im mediately, having been elected to that position at the special meeting of tho commission Wednesday. Although there has been some fric tion existing between Mr. Kelly and ineniliera of the commission, It is de clared In Portland that Mr. Kelly has been in rather poor healthy recently. This may have had something to do with his resignation. H. L. Kelly was appointed master fish warden by the State Pish and Game commission June 2R. 1915, and assumed the duties of the office July 1. He has had wide experience ln hatchery work, belns employed by the government for years and having been interested In the same line of work In South America for 18 monthB. From South America Mr. Kelly returned to Oregon City, his home, and was award ed the office of master fish warden. Mr. Kelly has not announced what his plans are to bo for the future. VETERANS WILL MEET AT EUGENE IN JUNE The state meeting of the Grand Army of the Republic, the Women of Hie Relief Corps, the Sons of Veterans, the ladles of the Grand Army of the Republic and the Spanish War Veter ans will be held In Eugene June I I, 13 and 16. A meeting of the council of administration of the Grand Army of the Republic was held in Portland Sat urday and the date and meeting place was selected. George A. Harding, de partment commander of the G. A. R. of this city, attended the Portland meeting. MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUED Ethel May Smith and Joseph Craw ford, of Oregon City, secured a mar riage license from County Clerk Har rington Friday. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Notice is hereby given that I will not be responsible for any debts con tracted by my wife, Mrs. Mary Hart, of 1112 Taylor streeL she having left my bed and board on Feb. 2.1, 1916. Dated at Lebanon, Oregon, Feb. 23, 1916. (Adv.) JAMES S. HART. WARDEN RESIGNS CREAMERY INCREASES JO PER CENT The Mount lliHtd Creamery. In t'om paring business ot tha pant tao month lib the rorrcupoudtiiK two month of lal year report an Increas of (UK pound of butler made, or an lucrease of 3d per cent. Ilia iteamery mail aaement lukea liilnrenl III prenclttliiK ihi'M) tlKuret, which ilinw an Increase in bullerfut production In (hi com munliy, and cash return tu (ha farm er of the Handy valley. Alllioush the liiislneita I only about tu year old, It ha axlsled tha daiomeit In ritcml Ing their slink holding and securing lili;h gruda roa. RIGID ENFORCEMENT OF TRAFFIC RULES VIOLATORS OF ORDINANCES WILL BE PROSECUTED, WARNS HEAD OP DEPARTMENT Oregon CHy traffic ordinance are to ha enforced to tha letter, and all vlo lulor will be arrested and prosecuted to the limit, warna Chief of Police lllauchard. Wagon and automobile must keep on the right tide of lh street, and hen turning corner must nut cut ucroi. but make a tipiara turn, ald the chief Wednesday. Automobiles will not bo allowed to stand on Main street during week day for over half an hour although they may le parked on aide atrects. While Oregon City ordinance make no provision to that effect. Chief HUncbiird recommend that automo bile driver algnal. a I done in Port land, when making a turn. He calla attention to tho fact that traffic rule rrgulato wagont, bug t let. and all teama as well at automobiles. Vlulutlona of the traffic ordinances are punishable by fines, or by Jail sen tences in case the fine la not paid. For a week or two Chief lllanchard hat paid particular attention to the enforcement of the traffic cordlnanrea, but no arresta have been made. From now on, ha said Wednesday, the regu lation would be enforced to the let ter and violator prosecuted. . E OPPOSED TO CONSCRIPTION BILL RESOLUTION CONDEMNING CHAM BERLAIN'S MEASURE UNANI MOUSLY PASSED. Mc uiliers of the Maple Ijine grange went on record against the military plans of Senator Gcorgo E. Chumber !hln In a resolution passed unanimous ly at a recent meeting. The measure is declared to be undemocratic, un-Am erican and tending to foster militar ism. The resolution follows: Whereas, There has been presented to the senate of the l.nlted States' congress n bill, known as senate bin No. 169r. said bill having been pre pared and present by Oregon's senior senator. George E. Chamberlain, mak ing military training compulsory, not only for our young men, but also for our children, Including boys 12 years of age; and Whereas, We believe said bill to bo un-American, undemocratic and tend ing to foit-r militarism and propared- ness for war Instead of tho manly and elevating pursuits of peace. Therefore, He It Resolved, That Maple Ijine grani;e. Patrons of Hus bandry, No. 2!tfi, Is unqualifiedly op posed to the said bill and that we feel deeply grieved and chagrined that such a monstrosity should hnve been pre sented In the rnlted States senate by an Oregon scnutor. TEACHERS' COURSE PLAN. The I'nion Illgli school of this place will probably Introduce an elementary teachers' training course and a depart ment of .domestic science Into the school course In tho near future. The! board of directors, Messrs. Canning, Ganger, Me'.nlg, Wilklns, Warnet and Clerk F. K. lleckwith met last week. The matter of Introducing the element ary teachers' training was favorably discussed. The demand for domestic science was also diBcimsed, and It was the sense of the board that the department should be added lo tho school. It was said that if the Union high school should establish an elementary teach ers' training department It would en title graduates to teachers' certificates after passing the state examinations. 2 HUSBANDS ALLEGE TOESJFT THEM Two husbands filing suits for divorce in the circuit court Monday allege de sertion as the basis 'of their action. Hen Vchon and Grace D. Vehon were married February 3, 1910, at Uattle Creek, Mich., and he says she deserted him soon after their marriage. Ed Raymond and Julia Raymond wero wedded in Oakland. Calif., January 1, 1902, and Iiave two children. After LaGrippe What. Coughs that 'hams on" after lagrlppe exhaust the strength and lower the vi tal resistance. F. G, Prevo, Redford, Ind., writes: "An attack of lagrlppe left me with a severe cough. I tried everything. I lost In weight and got so thin It looked as if I would never get well. I tried Foley'g Honey and Tar and two bottles cured me. I am now well and hack to my normal weight." Foley' Honey and Tar gets right at the trouble. It Is safe, reliable 1 remedy. Jonea Drug Co. (Adv.) 5' CASE CANNOT ACREE AGED FATHER lAVt DAUGHTER HIT HIM WITH PILLOW AND AOAIN WITH DISHPAN. A Jury composed ot fit nimi and one woman In Ilia court of Junilc.i of the Peace Hlevert Bulurday night wat unable to agree on the guilt of Id Mf.MiiiiKh, charged with assaulting her father, John McMaugh, but waa able to reach tho conclusion that probably the beat thing to do wa to leave the case entirely up to Justice Maine. Tha one woman Juror waa Mr, Clara Ihillock. She I one of the rtrst women Juror In Clarkam county, If not the first. John MtMniigh. who wa Ihe prin cipal wltnesa Cor tho atate, declared on the ttand that Ida daughter hit him on the bark of the neck with a pillow and on tho chest with disbpan. Ha said the made hit note bleed. Tho girl In defense maintained that he merely protected herself. Hha mid the wauled to get past her father and tried to ninvo him aently when ho Jumped up and began to assault her lth hi cano. Deputy District Attorney Thomaa A. Ilurko appeared for the state and W. A. Dlmlck for Ihe defendant. The Jury ent out at 5:13 o'clock. SUIT TO FORECLOSE E Mr. Kale Sumner Thursday filed a ult In the circuit court against M. It. Ilaworth. K. R. llaworth. J. A. Ar- burkle and Katie II. Arbm-kla to fore close on a note and mortgage for $.ti0 May 14. 1910, Ihe defendant. It It alleged In the complaint, gave tlulr note and a mortgage on the property for n.1.6 acre In Cluckamat county. Tho note ran for five years. Mr. Sumner ask for i!00 attod'ney't feet. AUTO REACHES MT. HOOD. The first automobile to leave Port land In 19tt destined for the buae of Mount Hood reached It goal Monduy night after a run of two hourt and 25 minutes. It wat a Reo, driven by C. M. Meniles. sules munugcr of the Northwest Auto company, of Portland. The party went all equipped to shovel mow and cut their way through mountain road, but Instead they found an almost dry trull with the exception of the last 10 miles. Here the car drove over frozen snow hard enough to support the cur. Rhododendron tavern wus reached In the time above, whl'e a Hilnt a short distance beyond the tollable wat mado In five minutes more. Ileyond that. deep snow will keep tho antes back vote of the church member the limn for uno'tiT three months. , her of trustees can le Increased. Sugar is Going up 100 lbs. Cane Sugar $7.00. 100 Ibi Dry Granulated Sugar $6.80. 14 lbs. Cane Sugar $1.00. 15 lbs. Dry Granulated Sugar $1.00. At the world's war continues, tht price of all ataple cormnodltlaa continue to advance. We hat purchased large quantities of the but brand of oocerle early, and art able to give you the advantage of thla by favoring ua with yov-r patronage. Read the following prlcea and come to the ttore where price are marked on gooda In plain flflurta. BUTTER FALLS CITY BUTTER Is tho bcW creamery butler to bo had at any price. Kvery roll gunrunteed. For special Inducement we will sell at exceptional low prlco ever WED NESDAY "HUTTKR DAY." FLOUR SPECIAL. Beit Hard Wheat Flour, regular wholesale price, $1.45 per tick. $5.60 per Bbl. Swan Flour, $1.25 8ack, $4.75 Bbl. 10 lbs. Pancake Hour 45c 10 lbs. Patent Flour 40e 10 lbs. Farlnu 45c 9 lbs. Corn Meal 35c Rice, Macaroni, Etc. Hiiltnna Raisins, II 10c Muscatel Raisins 10o White Figs, II 10c Illack Figs, 3 lbs 25c Dry Pouches, 3 lbs 25o 4 lbs. Pink Ileans 25c 4 lbs. Mexican Henna 25c 4 lbs. Hayo Ileans 25c 5 lbs. Hroken Rico 25er 4 lbs. Jap Rlee 25o 3 lbs. Hosthead Rice 25c 4 lbs. Sago 25c 4 lbs. Tapioca 25o 4 lbs. Cut Macaroni 25c 4 lbs. Small White Beans 25c Hams, Bacon and Lard Armour' Best 8ugar Cured Bacon, Hrcakfast Bacon 20c Racks, pound 20c Armour's Rest Sugar Cured Hams, pound 20c Side Racon, Rest Eastern 23c Salt Pork, Eastern 15c 1 pound-armour's Picnic Ham 12'zc No. 10 Pull Pure Lard $1.35 Lard Compound, ln bulk, per lb. .' 12' 2o No. 5 Tin Pure Lard 70c CANNED GOODS 4 Can Oysters 25e 2 Can Y. R. Milk .......15c 2 Can Merlgold Milk 15c 8 Can Clams 65c 3 Can Pork and Rcans 25c 6 Can Sardines 25e 2 Can hili Con Carne 25c Pickles and Kraut Sour Pickles, pint Jar .15e Sour Plckle. quart Jar 25o Sweet Pkkles, bulk, quart 25c New Kraut 6c Kellcsnoo Kerrlng, doi 25e SUICIDE IS NOT DEAD ELGIN HEIMER IS IAFK ANO WILL IN MARSHFIELD, LOCAL OF FICERS ARE INFORMED. Ktgln I Miner, tha Hatruin tlrwt eoiilvctlniier ehti a ward ago Hunlty left a "lir lo Mitt Laura Orvrn In tilth he aald that by oc'ixk on the morning of February II ht "would be no mure,'' It tafa and well In Mrh field and slaving with an aunt, accord ing to Information relred here ty f hkf of Police lllain har-1 and Hberilf Wilson. The Marshfleld polli lttleiraphc Chief lllanchard lha'. If I Miner wtt silted In Oreton Ctly. no coiild raally be arrested. Chief illjtit bard M'pllel that there aa no ilmrn talul llelmer. Ileluier "Willed" III ''' lo'lr l Ml Green, but It has lo M--n opened since hi departure, and an attachment on the alore for t s 1 for I'oitland aholesalert hat been filed on hit stock GiMMla now In tha sliire are atnpl'i se curity for Ihe outstanding LllM. sheriff Wilton at no time look Helm er't threat of suicide wrloiiily, pur tlcularly after It wat learned that he look an early mornlnt train for Ku- gena after confiding In tht Homhern Pacific agent here that he a going to Marthfleld HE CAME HOME 2A.M.; SHE WANTS DIVORCE llecaute her husband would tfay out until the wee small hour of the morn ing and then refua In tell Iter where he hud H'Ut the night, Deiileu K. Hahreiio Friday filed a tult for dltorce axalust George II. Huhreno. Hho tayt hit regular hour of home coming waa I a. ni. and aomrtlmet he waa at lata at . They were married In Ut An geles, HeptemlM-r li. 1911. Daisy Twombly alleget desertion In a divorce suit agalnal Royal Twom bly. Thy were married Huptemlx-r :o, I9l)l, and have three children. Hha aaka for their custody. AT Artlclea of incorporation of the Swedlah Kvangellcal Lutheran Carl borg church at Colton were filed with County Clerk Harrington Thursday. The trusleet are Julius Hull, John An demon. Ilermuu Chlndgren and J. K. Sandal. The church owna property with an estimated value ot 13000. The. article of IncoriHiratlon provide that the church shall have at leust three trustees, one of whom Is elected each ' year for a term of three years. Ily a Quay Now SPECIALS 10c Cun Salens Be Toilet Paper. 3 for 10c Tillamook Chersn, 2.rc lb., 2 lbs. 45c Arm & Hammer Soda 5c r0-lb. sack Dairy Halt 50o r0-lh. sack ground Salt 35o 5 guls. Coal Oil 65c 3 boxes Matches 10c Corn or (iloss Starch 6c 10c Rottlo Rliilng or Ammonia.. 5c Vinegar, full quart 10c Vlnegur, gallon 25e Sauer Kraut, quart 5c Reg. 25c size K. C. Baking Pow der 20c 3 lb. Can Stem Cut Coffee 70c Reg. fine K. C. linking Powder.. 40c Reg. 80e K. C. Raking Powdor..65c Reg. 25c Can Tnhlo Peaches. ... 10c 4 pkgs. Quaker Corn Flukes. .. .26c Small Onion Sets, 3 lbs. Tor 25c Fancy Hood River Apples, box $1.50 Fancy Naval Oranges, slzo 80, doz. 40c; sl.o 176, doz 20c Fancy Lemons, extra largo, do.. 20c Walter Baker's Premium Choco late, special, lb 45o Walter Baker'a Breakfast Cocoa, reg. 30c, lb 25c Regular 30c pkg. Rolled Oata.25c Cod Fish, 2 lb. brick 20o 3 CunB Silver Salmon 25o 2 Cans Chinook Salmon 35c 6 Loaves U. S. Rread 25c Peanut Rutter, 2 lbs 25c Pure Extracts, bottle 10c Breakfast Foods Golden Rod Oats, Reg. 3'ic, pkg.. 30c Golden Rod Wheat, Reg. srn:, pkg. , 30e Roman Meal 25o Pancake Flour 20c Krlnklo Corn Flakes, 2 pUgs, for 15c Shredded Wheat, 2 pkgs 25o Ralslon Rran, 2 for ....25c Full Line Kellogg'i and Quaker' Cereal. $1.50' Fancy Apples box MORGAN'S The Cut Rate Stores 2 Stores, Oregon City and Bolton Phone Pacific 19. Home A-133 LAST THIS . WASIIEREI SIX' INDIANS HANGED ORVILLI BUTLER, MONMOUTH FARMER, SEES MANY CHANQII SINCE PREVIOUS VISIT. On Ills lliillrr, Monmoulb farmer lid teoll pioneer. In Olegu'l Ctly Tuexlay. pln hit tei.md latt tu Ihe loan time lM. He hurt lor an hour tit )' ago on hi up the ttlle), but thl trip It tpendlng t'trrtl daa In the county vlalllng llh hit ton, J Dean lluller al Ilia ler a home at Dak (Imv. The laat lime Orvllle Duller t In Oregon City over night. In l'0, h aeys all Indian t bli la were banged on XI tin atm t following an Indian war Mr. lluller t roaaed Ihe plains villi hit father In lull and lived in Oregon City Mum after their arrival for a year. In the early "to'a they moted lo Kola, a pioneer tn In I'o'k rounty, and lat er eenl In Monmouth where the eldrr Mr lluller combo trd a atom. On III Mutler hauled goodt from Portland doen the valley to hit father' store. In the 'f() t, Mr. lluller ttld Turtday. Ihe road waa a trail thmuah the wll dVrneaa. and Oregon City waa a te nement of only a few hnutea under Ihe bluff Mr. Poller aaa turprlaed at the tlie of Oregon City and al the detc'opmciil of Ihe aurroumllng country. He spent Ihe greatt r part of Tuesday In Oregon City. C. H. SKOOG. OF GROVE, PASSES AWAY OAK GROVF.. Frh. 22. The detlh of Guy Howard Hkoog occurred Sunday morning at hit home here, of tubercu losis of the valve of the lungs, alter an lllnea of iter a year. In Annual he, alth hi ttlfe, went to ll.-nd. Ore, In the boH-a of deriving benefit for his lialtli. returning here liat week. .Mr. Skoog wat ."I teart old I Vt ember 7 leal. He leaves a wife, Mrt. Maude SsiMig; a father and mo'her. .Mr. and M't. t). T. Hk.. and 'our brothers, Oliver, Ovar, Gordon ami Gerald. The ( m-r.il will he held fr.ni Flnley't un dertaking pnrlort Wcilnctu.iy after noon at 2:3U. with builal at Itlvervlc cemetery. Many Children Have Worm. Worm are a common childhood ail ment. They make children Irritable, nervous and rettlets. betldea robbing tho body and mind of proper nourish ment. Watch your child. F.vamlnn the ttoola and at first tlgna of worma give your child a treatment ot Kick poo Worm Killer. They kill the (he worma and poltonoue waate. Tone the tyttem and help restore your child's health and happy dlsKtsltlon. Only 25c at your druggist. (Adv.) House Cleaning Specials 2Tc Rox Peurllno or Gold Dust.. 20c 2r,' llox Nuplha Wash Powder.. 20o 3 Cans Old Dutch Cleanser ....25a 3 Cans l.yo 25c I.li:lit House Cleanser 5c 0 Rars Crystal Whltn Soup 25c This la Houte Cleaning Tim Reg. C.lc I (rooms 65c Reg. &jc Ilrooms 45c Good Rrooin 2 Go Cedar Mop wllh largo run cedar oil $1.75 Extra good mop stick 15c Tlireo 0-cent boxes Golddtist. . . .10c 10c bottle Rluelng or Ammonia So Light House Cleaners 5c 6 bars "Rob White" Soup 25c d lbs Sul Soda 10c SYRUP SPECIAL. Log Cabin Maple, pints, reg. .10c, 20e Log Cabin Maple, qts. reg, SOn,. 40c Log Cabin Mnplo, gal reg. 90o, 80o Columbia Syrup, gal 30o Columbia Syrup, 1 gul 60c Karo Syrup, V4 gal 30o Kuro Syrup, 1 gal 55c Tea and Coffee Cnravnn Coffon, lb special ,,..35o 3 lbs. per special $1.00 This Rlend Ih a Perfect Coffee) rich In aroma, strong In flavor, yot Is smooth and pleasing to tho most delicate paluto. Royal Cnrfec, lb special .,30c Gold Dollar Corfen, lb., special.. 25o Upton' Ten, 1 lb. tins for 65 Rest Rulk Tens, lb; ....45c Crackers 3 10c Roxes Crackers ...25o 2 25c Roxes Crackers .45o 3 pkgH. Graham Crackers ...... 25o or Vt ('uses Crackers, lb. . . . 8o Full Line Fancy Cookies, 10c box, 3 for 25c; fjc boxes fi for 25c Full Linn Fancy Cookies In Rulk. German Egg NoodlcH, reg. 15c, , ,10o Fruits and Vegetables Of All Kindt. AUTO DELIVERIES Gladatone and Parkplace, Monday and Thursday morn ing. fvt. Pleatant and Fall View, Wednetday and Satur. day A. M. Wett Side and Canemah, Tuetday and Friday. OREGON CITY DAILY