onr.noN' city vsmivimv.. phiday. rr:nniTAiiV2.. vnc. I: 17 DELINQUENT TAX LIST (('nillnut from Pine I ) I'hrUtliin l Votilrnli tut Hub Dl of loll 64, bliM It 17; 11.10. II C. Alianlr tat Hub M of lull I 7, blm k 1; 2S. Jcsal Hampaoii 1st Hub IH of lot I, blmk , 10. Carolina Vogl -Hub )lr of Tr 3 mil f. f Tr I. lot 10, blmk I; l 3. J. II. km! Huaan J. Hhupe Hub Dl f Tr. I ml of Tr. I, lota II 13 II. Henry Htromer-Hub DIv of Tr 1 and r. of Tr :, N of Inti I and 10, tlm k 1. II )1. lloiirjr Htromer-Hub DIv of Tr I and :'4 of Tr J, lut II. blm k I; 110 IX, OAK (JltOVK PARK. Clara I.. lly-tata I to 4, block I; III 00. Chat. MathUoli-tat 8, blmk I; till Amanda (Innlstal II 12, blmk 4; II 5. J. D. Morrltal 24, blm k I; II 37. Ierl U. Pomptat 17, blmk ); II 3. taclnd and Cba. II, Hutinell- Ixit . block II; IS. Clara Rockwell tat 3, blmk 12; 11.31. Martin Kiln tat 4 to 7, blm k 12; 15 60. OHCIIAHI) IIOMKK. T.a. M. Daniel and J. II. Colt-lllock 12; 13 17. Ilulb It. labour-Mock 17; t CI. T. H. Mi Daniel and J. IL Colt lllix k 21; 14 10. T. H. McDanli.1 and J. II. Colt lilm k :: H 15. T. H. McDanlel and J, Block 212); H 20. T. H. McDanlel and I II. Colt- II. Colt Block II 42; 11.10. M. (). M. Hampaon Block 45; f 2 05. ORCHARD IIOMKH. V. F. Hampaon-tal 40 17; 5.64. T. H. Mclhinlcl and J. II. Coll tal 44; 13 54. OREGON HOMKH. Mr. Nellie Heed Block :; 5.0fl. OKKOON CITY. T. U Charmun tat , block 3; J. K. A mint run lnii on lot blm k 7: 10 2. Mary M Charman tat 2. blm k 11)1 tl. 1, Win. F. and Daniel F. tahlgh tat 12. Mock 94; 13. John tawry tat 6 6, 111 HI. Jame Wilkinson tat i; uses. Jame Wilkinson Ut block IS; 12, 7. blmk blixk ); l 81. C. U Hlakealoe KV4 of lot J, block II; f IS SI. Pioneer Transfer Co. Impa. on lot . blmk 155. Chrlatlan Rluhm tal 4, block 38; til 30. F. M. Blubm-tat 7. block 38; 1:0.52. Theresa Smith tat 4 5, block 45; 117.10. II. M. CourtrlRht & Co. tat 3, block 46; 111.11. II. M. Courtrlght A Co.-Pt. of lot 7. block 4(S: 11.71. M. II. (Turk-It. of lot 7. blmk 40; 110 26. Annla 1.. Parr tat 2, blm k 59; 11.71. Mlnulo I. Smith tal 7, block 69, 127.36. F.rncst ami Anna Boylan tat 8. block 69; 112 .83. Mary I). Huntley Nly 4 of lot 5 and nil or lot 6. blm k C7; J 1 1.97. 0. II. Dlmli k tal 2 to 7, block 73; 111.97. Jolm W. l,oder tats 1 to 4, block 75; 120.52. Sunset tand Co. Eft of lota 1 to 7, blm k 78; 18.21. Kmll nnd Ina Hltlncr tata 4 5, block 79; 15.47. W. W. Itrnd'uy Nly 31 by 75 ft of lot 7. Sly 18 by 75 ft of lot 8, block 84; 117.10. 8. 8. Mohlor Lot 2 to S. blmk 80; f 5.81. Eastern IiivohI. Co. I,ols I 10 block 87; 15.47. W. F. l.ehltth ft Int. In lota 1 to 8, block SK: $2.71. Dunliil LchUh ft l"t In Iota 1 to 8, block 8H; 12.74. Annla I.. Fnrr I.-ot 1 to 6, block 92; 13.43. Clin. T. Porker Lots 1-2, block 93; 14.28. Henry Wolnlnird (heirs) tat 3, block 93; 15.13. H. M. Courtrlght & Co. tat 5, block 93; 2.5fl. Htinry Wolnhord (heirs) Lot 6, block 93; 12.67. Chun. T. purknr iAita 7-8, block 93; 1.71. nank II. Kord Pt of lot 4, block 98; Frunk II. Ford Pt of lot 5. block 98; 1.71. T. U Charnmn Lota 1 to 4, block 101; 1141.94. Job. C. and Lillian Cook Lot 3, block 114; 137.62. ' Griiee E. Lodor Lots 7-8, block 114; 23.94. II. M. Courtrlsht & Co, -Lots 1-2, block 115;3.07. E. nnd 8. A. Churloaton Lots 5-B, block 121! 35.98. D. C. Iitourotto I-ots 1 to 3, block 126; 15.13. D. C. Lntotirotto Lots 5-6, block 126; 13.42. D. M. Whltmoro Lot 1, block 144; 'Fred J. 8. Toozo Lot 4, block 146; Honry and Loona Ouedon Lots i z, block 149: , ... Honry and Leona Ouodon Lot 8, block 149; 110.26. Lottlo Q. Elton Lot 6, block 164, ,5IL M. Courtrlght & Co.-Ixit 5, block "eATIES ADD. TO OREGON CITY Mnrr KclloKK-Lots 1 to 4, block 1; Mnry Kellogg $12.31. Anna L. Snyder Lot 6, block l; 13.07. .. .. J. H. Hathaway Lots 7-8, block I, W. T. Hondorson Lots 2-3-4, block CECTRAL ADD. TO OREGON CITY. E. M. and Anna Howell-Lots 1 to 4, block 49; $2.05. E. M. and Anna Howell Lots 7-K, block 49; $1.03. .,.-, E. M. and Anna Howell-Lots B-7, block 63; $1.02. .,., E. M. and Anna Howell Lots 8 to 10 block 53, $1.54. COUNTT ADD. TO OREGON CITY. B. M. and N. DoolItUe Lot 1. block 47; $1.37. II. M and N. Ifcx.llltl.- Ut I, blmk 17; 1555, HAItl.l.Nd H AI)H, TO OIIK'ION CITY. Cba. K. MaHln-lt of blm k 4; II 71. Mry A. Ilau' b-'t of blm k I; 11.71 Julian, Mury, Caul and i. I). O llrlo - It of blm k 1; 22 23. Wiu. M. and Harah Hmlth-lt of blm k 2; 11014. OAHNKI.I, ADD. TO OIIWiON CITY. Kinina U Welrb lila 1 lo 10, blm k 1; lib), rJIrtiKWOOD ADD. TO OIIKOON CITY Hurah r. Hmllb-Uitf II, blixk I; 1275. Mr. M. K. Jolinaon-NH 17, blm k ; 11 87. Oladnluna ltal KKalo Aia'o. l-ola 12 3, blmk 7; 12.75. KI.Y'H ADD. TO OIIKOON CITY. J. II, Qulnn and Margamt JiiImii d,t I to 4, blmk 3; 15 56, KAI.I.H VIKW ADD. TO OHKOO.V CITY. Mary llnddaway Ula IS, block 15; 111 17. Mury Itaddaaay IM 12, blmk 15; II 21. D. K. Jai kon-Uit II, blm k 2011; 13 57. Il. l.n I.. Htratloii IM 13, blmk :0II; 13 42. I. K. JoluiiHin Ul 7, blm k 23; 11 42 IIOI.MW ADD. TO OIIKOON CITY Otlo rlibulli-lxila 12, blmk 5; III 40. MKTKH 4 llOUNDH TO OIIKOON CITY. Win. M. Htono-55 ft by 270 ft aa IV4. :k 123 419; 17.10. W. K, and lianlul lhlnb-H Int ai'b In iHirtlim land aa Di . Ilk 110 PK 140; 117.10.' Huruli A. Cbaav A portkin of land a !.. Kk 30 pR 312; 117.10. MT. VIKW ADD. TO OIIKOON CITY, A. II. Comba Uli 3 to 6, block 12; 15 13. I'AKK ADD. TO OflKCON CITY. Mary and Oo. I'uralful Lot 3, block I; 12 05. Mary and (!o. I'liralfiil M 4, blm k I; II 02. Anna II 10. Ilowvll-Uta 12, block 10; Mary M. Whlto Iot 8, block 17; 1325 I'l.KAHANT HILL ADD. TO OREGON CITY. Ouittliia Mm-linke Hly of lots 10- II. blm k 8; 13.47. I'l.KAHANT I'lCK ADD. TO ORE (iON CITY. C. W. HrndiTibot Ut 1, block 3; 1271. Hurinan Chandler tats 1 to 4, block 6; 112 8 J. W. H. and 8. I.. II. 8. Owens tats 5 to 7. block C; It 15. Jamea Dennett Ixit 8, block 5, 12.71. Hurman Cliamller Uita 911, blmk 5; 14.87. Mary A. Ilradley Lot (, block 6; II.2S. BTOKES' ADD TO OREGON CITY Frank Itullk Imps on lota 12. blmk A: $5.50. C. T. TOOJIE ADD. TO OREGON CITY. Chaa. Kolly Uts 4 to 6, block 1; $5.13. WEST HIDE ADD. TO OREGON CITY. K. K. Campbell Ixits 10 to 14, block 3; 111.75. HOUT1I OREGON CITY NO. 1 Frederick Sllnicerlund Uti 7 to 10, blmk 5; $4.90. Ina K. Andrews l.ols 4 to 6, block 6; $5.64. Mt. Pleasant Commercial Club Ixit 10. block 6; $5.14. Ina E. Andrews I.oU 11 to 13, block 6; $12.99. W. J. Ranch Lots 6 6, block 7; $2.94. Mary Smith lt 10, blmk 7; $5.14. Emma U Wolrh lxit 15, block 7; $1.47. D. J. Swltier 118 1-2, block 8; 12.45. Emma U Welch tat 9, block 20; 11.10. Emma L. Welch Lots 1011,J)lock 20; $2.21. SOUTH OREGON CITY NO. 3. C. H. Dye, Tr tats 1 to 6, blmk 76; $190. V.. II. Dyo, Tr. tats 6 to 9, block 77; $1.84. C. II. Dyo. Tr. Lots 6 lo 8, block 78; $1.47. C. H. Dyo, Tr Lots 9 to 17, block 78; $3.80. Mluhnol Mlimrlk Lots 18 to 21, block 78; $3.92. C. II. Dyo (Trotco) tats 1 to 4, block 79; $1.47. C. H. Do (TniHtoe) Lots 6 to 20, block 79; $5.51. C. II. Dyo (Trustee) Lots 21 to 25, block 79; $1.83. O. I. & 8. LST. ADD. TO OSWEGO. Louisa Morroll Lots 1-2, block 2; $3.65. E. and Loolla taForost tats 9 to 16, block 7; $27.60. F. F. Johnson Lots 6 to 10, block 9; $13.87. Margaret M. Welghtmun Lot 6, block 15; $3.75. J. J. Johnson Lot 9, block 15; $4.05. Chas. M. Rollins tats 14 to 15, block 15; $7.51. Chas. M. Rollins tat 16, block 15;. $1.20. Frank Johnson Lots 6-7-8, block 22; $8.40. Lucille Crooko Lot 13, block 25; $4.94. C. R. Johnson Lot 5, block 31 ; $6.00. Louis Morroll Lot 6, block 36; $5.71. A. S. Pattullo Lot 8, block 36; $3.76. Chus. Tono Lots 5 to 8, block 37; $11.10. AmbroBe Tnpfer Lot 9, block 44; $13.61. Ambrose Tnpfor Lots 1011, block 44; $7.61. Goo. E. Thomas tat 3, block 48; $10.05. EXTENSION OF O. I. A 8. LST. ADD. TO OSWEGO. Elsie I. Tapfor Lot 10, block lis; $19.50. J. A. Colfelt Lots 13 to 16, block 138; $41.25. OSWEOO HEIGHTS. J. N. Pearcy Block 1 ; $4.00. J. N. Pearcy Hlock 3; $4.25. J. N. Pearcy EMi of lot 4; $2.00. J. N. Pearcy Lot 7; $3.50. J. N. Pearcy Lot 9; $4.50. J. N. Pcacy 9-16 of lot 10; $2.25. J. N. Pearcy tat 11; $3.60. . J. N. Pearcy Lot 13; $3.00. J. N. Pearcy 916 of lot 15; $2.25. Lyman M. Lee Lot 17; $5.50. J. N. Pearcy Lot 20; $2.75. J. N. Pearcy tat 22; $3.00. SOUTH OSWEGO. V. S. Howard tats 6-6, block 17; $6.00. J. N. Pearcy Lota 1 to 8, block 21, 13.20. J. K. Pearcy Lota 1 to 18, block 38; J 17.70. W. II. Wsrrtna-tats I lo II, blmk 10; l eo. I. yman M l-- tau I lo I ,blmk 41; 11(0. II. M. Cuurtrlghl A Co - tats I lo II, blmk 47; l3o. II. M. CourtrlKht Co -tats to 4, blm k 41; II 10. II. M Courtrlsht Co tats (4. blm k 41; 1120. II. M. Courtrltbt A Co -I .Arts 1111. blmk 4K; 1110. II. M. CourirUht'A Cs tats II ( ID, blm k 4; II 20. J. N. I'rarcy-tala I lo II, blmk M; 10. J. N. I'rar y-tata 1 lo II, bUx k II, 11.30. J. N. I'ean y-tats I lo II, blm k I); 3 CO. , J, N. rar y-tats I lo II, blm k CO; 4 30. J. N. I'rurcy-tats 1 to II, block 15; 3I. Ol'TOOK. Mary J. I Hi kin-It of Tr. 15; l 10 2ND ADD. TO OL'TUiOK. John J. Kosnin Tr. I; 1120. John J. KdKrm-Tr. I; 1 1. AITKIIHON H Hi ll. DIV. OF Itl.KH. 6 67 1'AKKH.ACK. Anxla Whslo-tat II, blm k ; 1 6. It. A. Tlmmnns tat 11, blm k 10; 13 67. HTRAIOIITH ADD. TO I'AHKI'UCK. I'at Iflc Mtoneaar Co. tat 10, block I; 12.07. Pacific Htoncwaro Co -tat I, block 1; 12 09. I I'a'iflo Htonsar Co. tal 10, block 2; 1206. PEACH COVE. Mlnnlo tao sod J. V, Hoffman Tr. 11; 1167. Minnln ! and J. I. Hoffman Tr. 39; 12.77. Mlnnlo tae and J. P. Hoffman Tr. 10; 12.78. Geo. E. Yarmo H of Tr. 44; IJ0. Mlnnlo tao and J. lloffman-HS of Tr. 77; 12 41. Mlnnlo tae and J. 1 Hoffman Tr. 19; 13.21. Mlnnlo and J. P. Hoffman Tr. 90; 13 90. Mlnnlo la and J. P. Hoffman Tr. 96; II 44. TEOPLEB TRANSPORTATION I-OT8 Harvey Daniel tat 1; 1.02. . PLEASANT HILL PARK. W. J. I.lddell All E W 152 ft. and Ex 1 acre of tract 7; 17.05. PLEASANT LITTLE HOMES NO. 1. Thos Huston tats 8 9; 11.12. PLEASANT LITTLE HOMES NO. 3. Andrea Olsen tats 2 to 10, block 6; 14.60. POMPEII. Anulo M. Manning tats 3 to block A; II.C8. PRUNELAND. J. E. and Martha C. Dodds and II. Hudson Ex right of way to P t E. Ry. Co. tract 29; 11.77. J. E. and Murtha C. Dodds and R Hudson Tr. 64 56-56; 114.57. REDLAND PARK. Northwestern Ass'n. tats 1 to 6. block A; $10.03. Northwestern Ass'n. tats 1 to 14 block P; $65.78. Northwestern Ass'n tats 1 to 7. blmk C; $15.43. Northwestern Ass'n tats 8 to 13, block C; $16.63. Northwestern Abs'u tats 1 to 4. blmk I); $9.44. Northwestern Ass'n tats 7 to 9 block D; $7.67. Northwestern Aks'n tat 1, block E; $1.18. ROllERTSON, Chns. Fisher tat 1, block 2: $9.29. 8. M. Mann-tat 6, block 7; $1.06. 8. M. Mann tat 7, block 7; $1.05. Christopher Fisher EH of lot 10, block 10; $1.17. Christopher FlBher E2-3 of lot 12, block 10; $1.41. 8. M. Mann E!y 4 5 of lot 2 and all of lots 3 and 4. block 14; $2.06. S. M. Mann Lots 1 to 12. block 23; $5.S8. Carrie Ross taU 1-2, block IS; $9.99. ROCKWOOD ACRES. Sarah Muthows Tr. 20; $7.25. Ellen M. Rockwood Tr. 21; $7.96. Claronco W. Mathews Tr. 23; $9.07. Clarence W. Mathews Tr. 34; $11.75. ROSEWOOD. Ileaverton & Wlllsburg Ry. Co. So. 99 "A" of Tr. 1; $1.17. Edward Roos Tr. 56; $4.70. SAFFRANS PENINSULA. C. and Hortha N. Perry Pt of Tr. 1); $4.25. SANDY. Honry McGugln Lots 6-7-8, block 1; $3.46. Win, Robblns tat 3, block 7; $3.78. W. J. Wlrtjs WW of K of lot 2, block 8; $1.26. Sandy Land Co. Dlock "A;" $3.15. JUNKER'S ADD. TO SANDY. John It. Maronay Lots 2-3, block 3; $9.14. JUNKER'S 2ND ADD. TO SANDY. Herman RUlilerbusch Lots 1-2, block 6; $1.57. OTTO MEINIG'8 1ST ADD. TO , SANDY. John It. Maronay tat 2, block 2; $9.14., OTTO MEINIG'S 2ND ADD. TO SANDY. Oscar Smith Lots 1-2, block 2; $7.88. John R. Maronay Lot 5, block 2; $1.42. OTTO MEINIG'S 3RD ADD. TO SANDY. , Otto H. Melnlg Lots 910, block H $4.72. SANDY LAND CO. 2ND ADD. TO SANDY. Sandy Land Co. tat 5, block 13; $3.04. Sandy Land Co. tats 910-11, block 17; $1.89. f Snndy Land Co. Lot 12, block 17; $1.73. City of Sandy Lot 5, block 22; $1.26. ROOS ADD. TO SELLWOOD. Mnttle Coolrldge Lot 8, block 10; $5.51. SELLWOOD GARDENS. Chas. B. Mocres Tr. 20; $4.90. Chas. B. Moores Lot 29; $9.80. Chas. B. Moores Lot 35; $9.80. Arthur Needham Lot 36; $3.58. Chas. B. Moores Ex So 5 ft, for St, lot 43; $5.51. John L. Apple Ex So 5 ft for St lot 46; $4.28. Arthur Needham Ex So 6 ft for St., lot 47; $4.90. Chaa. B. Moores Lots 50-51; $7.35. Chas. B. Moores Lot 68; $3.68. Chas. B. Moores Lot 69; $4.17. IIOHH 4 WAI.KMIH ADD 70 KKIJ, WOOD OAHIiKSb. Arthur N1lim Ij U, I HI. Arthur f''i IM II; II I!. Arthur NjJhm M 13 tl Ill 17. Arthur Necdhaio-tat 17 lo X), 7(5. Arthur Nlhaii Uits 11)1; l II Arthur Newlhaia- Iaa 5. !M. Arthur NnH'"-l-M VI, l 41 HI I. V it It HIIIINtiH ADDITION O. U iMxn-lt I. M'Mk I; 11.17. HI'ITZKNIir.ltO OIK IIAIlD UtACTll W, H. Andrsat and J. C. Elliott King -Tr. li; lH BTANIJCY. W. V. Mlllr aa5 0. T. I'arry-I4 1. b'k I; till. ( wil parry-tats 34, bhk I; II K Karl parry-tats 14. uluk. I; l II W. V. Miller aitd O f. I'arry-tau II lo 20, blork I; II u. Mary A. and W. K. Morrls-tata 1 to 12. blm k I; 1175. W. V. Wallac and O T. I'arry- tata 1 lo 10. block t; 1:5 24. Rl'NHET CITY. Itoy . HuniWUnd -tat 2. blmik t. Ml. II. Ulldnr-tata I 2 3. blm k I; 12 TKI1RACE ADDITION. Kitacdda lloaity fa. Tr. "A;" III 43. (iiH. W, Gutbrtdgn-It 3, blmk 6; 11.62. Katarada Kalty Co-lt 4, blmk 6; 12 62. Kataada Realty Co tat I, blmk 6; II 15. KaUrada Ilty Co tat II, blo k (; II 45. Ealarada Rualtjr Co. tats 1617, block 6; 1 13. Katscada Realty Co -tat 20 to 23. blmk t: 1127. Eatarada Realty Co tat 21, block 6; 12.14. Eatarada Realty Co tat 4 to I. block 6; 1211. Katarada Realty Co. tats 1 to I. blm k 7; 13 05. Kstai ada Realty Co. tata 14 lo 17. block 7; $1.62. THE ULCKF8. Carrie J. Miller tats 12 3. blm k J. and all Kx. KU of way of Mult. Cen tral Ry Co., of lut 4. blmk J; $5.34. Multnomah Ontrul Ry. Co. 100 ft. Rt. of way 1.4) a re of lot 4, blmk J; $1.67. Cairle J, K; $3.94. Carrie J Miller tat 1 to 5, block , Miller tata ( to 8. block Miller tat 1 to 12, block K: $1.42. Carria J. L; $1X7. Carrie J. Miller Ixt 1 to 12, blmk M; $3.78. Carrie J. Miller lllocks P and Q; $1.22. THE SHAVER PLACE. James Collins tat S. block 1; $2.67. James Collins tats 6-7, block 1; $5.33. Jamea Collins tat 8. blmk 1; $1.97. THE SHAVER BUB. DIV. OF HLK. 6 TO 10, TRACT8 11 TO 18 OF THE SHAVER PLACE. Earl C, Dclmar and Geo. M. Shaver. M. P. Hoyt and Mary Wlttenbera tats 5 to 12. block 8; $21 93. Earl C Delmar and Geo. M. Shaver, M. P. Hoyt and Mary Wittenberg tata 1 to 7, block 9: $12.45. TOI.1VER ACRES. I. M. Tollver A strip of land not numbered lying between tracts 4 and 5; $2.95. VANDKMEER PARK. Frances VanuVmcer, Tr. tal 7. blmk 1; $26.51. Fruncea Vandemeer, Tr. tats 12. block 2; $13.68. Frances Vandemeer, Tr. tats 1 to 1 to 1 to 12. block 3; I13.6S. Frances Vandemeer, Tr. tats 1 12, block 4; 13.6S. Francoa Vandemeer, Tr. tats 1 12. block 5; 113.CS. Frances Vandemeer, Tr. tats 1 to to to 12, block 6; 913.CS. WALNUT GROVE. Cunby Land Co. All of Tr. 1-2-3-4 and Pt of 5; $19.42. Canby Land Co. All of Tr. 5-6-7-8-9-1011 nnd Pt of Tr. 12; $50.87. WEBSTER ACRES. J. O. Elrod-Tr. 3; $9.80. J. 0. Elrod-Tr. 4; $9.80. J. O. Elrod-Tr. 5; $9.80. J. O. Elrod Tr. 6; $9.80. J. O. Elrod-Tr. 7; $4.90. J. J. J. J. J. J. J. O. Elrod-Tr. 14; $4.80. O. Elrod-Tr. 15; $4.90. 0. Elrod-Tr. 16; $4.90. O. Elrod Tr. 17; $2.45. O. ElroJ-Tr. 18; $2.75. O. Elrod-Tr. 30; $15.93. 0. Elrod-Tr. 31; $10.41. J. O. Elrod-Tr. 32; $6.13. Elrod-Tr. 33; $15.93. J. O. J. O. Elrod-Tr. 35; $10.41. J. O. Elrod-Tr. 37; $7.35. WESLYNN. Clackamas Abstract & Trust Ce tats 1 to 8, block 1; $9.40. T. L. Charman Lots 1-2, block 2; $3.53. T. L, Charman Lots 4 to 6, block 2; $5.62. T. L. Charman Lots 11 to 12, block 2- JS KS. T. L. Charman Lots 1-2, block 4; $3.53. Leonard T. Charman tats 6-6, block 4; $2.94. T. L. Charman Lot 1, block 5; $1.41. Clackamas Abstract & Trust Co. Lots 1 to 8, block 6; $9.40. WICHITA. S. B. Cook-Stt of EH of Tr. 9; $1.74. WILLAMETTE FALLS. Anna Downoy tat 12, block 9; $13.77. Hugo Schoenhelnz Lot 4, block 10; $2.90. Mrs. C. K. Dovcns tats 11-12, block 12; $7.69. Harry and Eillth P. Berdlne Lots 1-2. block 15; $8.41. Wm. C. FesterLots 11-12, block 16; $21.17. Fred Achilles Acreage tracts, all on N side of Co. road of lot 1, block O; $1.80. 1ST ADD. TO WILLAMETTE FALLS ACREAGE TRACTS. John W. Loder, Tr. All N of Co. road lot 2, block 1; $1.20. Bortha Kanney Tr. 2; $2.40. John W. Loder, Tr. Lots 1-2, block R; $9.60. Mabel M. Morrell All N of Co. road Tr. V; $2.40. WILLAMETTE TRACTS. Annle'S. Green 100 ft by 100 ft of E side of lot B, block 20; $2.40. WILLAMETTE AND TUALATIN TRACTS. H. M. Courtrlght & Co. Lots A-B- C and D, block 1; $10.40. ll. M. (Wt!,l.t A Co -I xrf c j .d r, Lit 1. 14. Joba W. l.-ier -I'.rt ut IaA A. Ll II; 4tl Hairy lrdmtau AIU'DK. tlk II; 1141 Harry lriJlh-ljAt A II, blm k 1), I J (. Harry lieldlntat CDKf. blmk I). 11(1. Harry lrdiii-tata CD, blmk 21, 11(1. Harry Herdina-lllm k (; :W J"apb Majiood-Hlmk 27 21 2) 30. i. II It. rtxbt of way; I 10. Flora Y. Oamlra Nly of block II. ti It n. ria-bl of way; I 17. Joaopklna and Iru,or Oaroilro Hly ut bbk II. ei. 1 A"; 4 II WII.LAVKTTB I'AIIK Geo. I'otfr-Tr' (a 12 13, 1I3I. WII.MjW PARK Kt A. Voui.l-I.of 71, blmk 3; ii i . ; WILHON ACItKH C. II. Huaacll and Y. V. Ittltikrr Nly -A" of Trt . II W. WIIJIONVII.I.K W. A. and K. A. tarm l-o I blmk A; 7 I II. O and Klala lUrtaborn-tala 10 lu 12. blmk II; 11(1. WINDrfOH C. A. Hh. iardl I. blmk 1; 11.17. O. T. and II. A. Illin-It I, blmk I; II 17. Chaa. Wlntra-tat 7, blmk 1; 11.11. KIM. Franklln-tata 2 4, blmk 2; 12 35. C. Carvell-tat l.blmk 3; ll.ll. Geo. J. and Fran.-la M. lUll-tata 1 to 4, blork A; !t0. ;.o. J. and Franda M. Hall tat 4 to 9. blm k 4; 1170. An.lr.w Kershaw tat 1011 13, blk ); 13 63. Ella C. Sablo-Its 4 7, block II; till. Klam Hbaw-tal 1. blm k 13; 11.17. 8. Nord tatS, blm k 13; 11.17. W. M. Howea-tala I to I, block 15; 13.63. Uuatav A. Hoffman tata 10. blk 15; 12 36. John W. I)d.r-tat II. block 15; 13.17. Cella Dla'-kwell-taU 12. block 21: mi. Andrew Keribaw tat 4, block 21; 11.17. Andrew Kershaw tat 6-4, block 21; 12 35. FIRST ADD. TO WOODMONT. Lenura C. Atwater tat 8 to 12, blwk 3; 11.56. WOODlll'RN ORCHARD CO. TRACTS Suletn Trust Co. Tract 3); 111.66. WOOD11URN ORCHARD CO. PLAT 11. E. H. taody Tracts 41-42; $11.50. SOUTH OSWEGO. J. N. Pearcy tats 4 15; block 44; 13.(0. J. N. Pearcy tats 89. block 57; 11.41. J. N. Pearcy tats 1 to 7 and 10 to 18. block 67; 15.60. BELL HEIGHTS Northwestern Truqt Co. tats 33 34. blm k 1; $1.38. GLADSTONE. Gladstone R. E. Ass'n tats 2 to 5, blm k 72; $10.24. Gladstone R. E Ass'n tat 9, block 84; $1.92. SOUTH OSWEGO J. N. Pearcy Lots 4 to 15, blok 44; $3.60. Wm. O. Morgan NE4 of NEVi Sec. 4 Tp3 R1W; $16.97. Alma Murdock S4 of NW of N EM Sec 4 Tp 3 R1W; $7.80. Susan and John B. Reynolds 54.60 acres. Sect Tp 3 RlW; $34.70. Leicester B. Atkins 15 acres, Sec 8 Tp 3 RlW; $37.92. C. C. and Louisa Adams 5.64 acres Sec 14 Tp 3 RlW; $7.97. Emily L. Bowman NH of NE!4 Sep 20 Tp 3 RlW; $57.40. C. S. Arnu'.d 30 acres. Sec 35 Tp 3 RlW; $31.36. Cornelia Wall Roberts 10 acres In Joseph Geer D. L. C; $15.37. O. J. and W. E. Purdy 58.84 acres In Joseph Geer D. L. C; $S2.00. Mattlc C. Smith 5 acres In D. S. Minklor D. u C; $5.09. Grace D. Barnes 301.75 acres In James Dalley D. L. C; $199.46. Paul and Katie Heckman 33.69 ac res In Anson Cine D. L. C; 3J2S.91. J. B., S. O., R. I. and J. V. Seeley 1 acre In Thomas Ilalley D. L. C; $3.08. Chas. Snyder 20 acres In SW of SEM and SE cor of NEVa of SE4 Sec 1 Tp 4 RlW; $10.25. Geneva Madison 5 acres In John Newman D. L. C; $4.14. Louis H. nnd Clara B. Campbell 43 acres in Wm Meek D. L. C; $22.36. Richie S. Gallop $4.20 acres In Wm. Meek D. L. C; $55,13. Frank hhodes .25 acre In Lot Whit comb D. L. C; $9.06. Alice M. Charles 50 by 100 ft In Lot Whltcomb D. L. C; $10.71. H. R. Wlllingor 50 by 100 ft In tat Whitcomb D. L. C; $13.39. Maggie Angola 1.05 acres In Lot Whltcomb D. L. C; $18.43. J. H. Johnston 1.49 acres In Lot Whltcomb D. L. C; $2.37. Hcndee Bros. 9.50 acres in Lot Whltcomb D. L. C. ; $SS.24. Fred and Gottlieb Keller .89 acre in Lot Whltcomb D. L. C; $25.62. Otto J. and Rose L. Hirsch 1 acre in Lot WLUcomb D. L. C; $7.87. Margaret Carpenter and J. W. Alex ander 8 acres In Lot Whltcomb D. L. C; $71.91. Ira Hurley 3 acres In Geo. Wells D. L. C; $20.82. Caroline Drefs .25 acre In Hector Campbell D L. C; $1.40. .Rosalind Gibson Imps on 9 acres In Hector Campbell D. L. C; $9.74. Geo. L. Kingsbury .65 acre In Hec tor Campbell D. L. C; $19.46. Geo. T. and Delia Parry .86 acre in Hector Campbell D. L. C; $2.09. Louise E. Hamilton 7 acres In Hec tor Campbell D. L. C; $43.09. S. Z. Rilea 2 acres In Hector Camp bell D. L. C; $9.03. Honry Hoard 46,000 so. ft. In Daniel Hathaway D. L. C; $6.96. Mrs. F. A. Atwood 10 acres in Daniel Hathaway D. L. C; $33.36. Inex Bryant SH of NV4 of NW!4, ex .30 acre, Sec 17. Tp 2 R1E; $32.90. Ada and Paul Schroeder 20 acres Sec 20 Tp 2, R1E;$8.33. Jane Lewis Chapln 1.42 acres In S. H. Tryon D. L. C; $31.00. Silford J. Nelson 16.66 acres In Jos lah Franklin D. L. C; $19.29. Clara L. Owen 16.67 acres in F. A. Collard D. L. C; $24.70. Edward E. and Fannie Sterling 25.01 acres in Jesse Bullock D. L. C; $21.40. Caleb Perry 33 acres In Jesse Bul lock D. L. C: $52.40. Tha O'eiiinorta Co. 4441) a r la GabrlH Walling U I- C; 2(l 20. I. W. Hr!nd-250 acre la Go. WllH,g DI.C; 27 3. taulao V. Hamilton 25 ws la R C. Craafurd li. L C ; :0 00. Frank It. Ital y 2 (1 acrte In R. Y. Willi lo U I.. C ; 5(9, T. L. and Mary Charman I) 44 area lo Haiuuel Hhaonoa D. U C ; 'J (t. Wm. M. Turnrr 41 acre la Hauiuel Hkannoo U. U ('.; 12l (2. (iro. K. and Tbomaa P, Waixonar 14 lit acrs In Hainuol Hhannoa D. L, C. 7I 63. Thmi I'rlwa 4 0) acre In D. D. TompUn D.I.C; III 74. T. I- and Mary Charman CO by 15 ft. la Juha Ann Ul D. U C ; II 17 Wm. Duos 12) acre la Julia Ana ta.l D. 1. C; 3 ). Km in a E Van Keas I t a r la Jame Miller D. U C ; 11134. Kmcrald H. Waldroa 1.13 acres In Geo. Crow D. I C; 111 76. Cba. II. and Kita Hart) acre la Gro. Crow D. U C; 12120. Mary K. Hart acrws la Go. Crow D. U ('.: 13712. John Kkel 25 60 acres Bc 4 Tp 3 HI K; .:0 70, Kra II. HaiTlaon V of 8WW Hec 4 Tp I R1E; $33 30. iab McArtbur 64 are 8c II Tp 3 ItlK; 2I tn. P. A. ltrrs-20 acres S 14 Tp 3 HIE, 12)40. Hu.an Iiahli;reo 10 40 acres la Bee II Tp 3 HIE; 113.40. May K-nt Hmltb 6.40 acres Bee 18 Tp 1 HIE; 7.03. John 8. lu-all 10S acres Sec 21 Tp 3 HIE; 167.67. C. N. Walt-21.07 acre Bee 27 Tp 3 R1E; .'2.62. Chas. N. Walt 20 acres Bee 33 TP 1 R1E; 117.60. Wllhelmlna Walt 10 acres Bee 33 Tp 3 R1E; 154.40. C. N. Walt 14 acres Bee 34 Tp 3 R1E; 113.62. Mrs. Ortrude Bruin ti acres 8ee 34 Tp3 R1E; 154.39. J. O. Metcalf .64 acre In A. F. lied gea D. L. C; 15.13. E. O. Cauflcld Part of 1 acre lo A. F. Hedges D.UC.I 12.03. Colin IC Jamea .20 acre la Phil ander Lee D. L. C; $5.10. Cbtoa M. DeYoe .63 acre in Phil ander Lee D. L. C.; $5.10. Canby Canal Co. .30 acre In Phil ander Lee D. L. C; $15.63. T. W. and Carrie C. Collier 8.27 Tes In Philander Lee D. L. C; $20.67. Henry A. Gllbertson 26 acre In L. A. Seely D. U C; $22.43. Maud C. Newton 5.50 acres lo Champing Pendleton D L. C; $12.10. John R. Newton 4.42 acres In Cham ping Pendleton D. L. C; $15.78. C. P. Hagen 20.83 acres In Champ ing Pendleton D. L. C; $13.35. Richard E. Jeffrey 23.18 acres in Champing Pendleton D. L. C; $7.21. Harriett F. Murphy 21.33 acres In Geo. Brock D. L. C; $6.11. Willamette Falls Co. 17 acres in Ambrose Fields D. L. C: $53.00. I. W. and Agnes M. Noble 6 acres Sec 1 Tp 4 R1E; $2.12. Ida G. Bergstrom SE4 of SWK S of SWVi of SWH Sec 1 Tp 4 R1E; $14.80. Joseph M. and Nellie Beatty 1.50 acres Sec 4 Tp 4 R1E; $4.24. J. D. Morris 65 acres Sec 7 Tp 4 R1E; $66.79. Walter 11. Moore 8 acres Sec S TP 4 R1E; $4.24. Andrew O. Rowland 60 acres Sec 3 4 RlE; $27.79. Joseph Gibson EV4 of SEU of SE4 Sec 10 Tp 4 RlE; $10.83. W. E. and Catherine J. Shaw SW of SE4 Sec 13 Tp 4 RlE; $17.11. P. E. & E. Ry Co. 20 acres Sec. 13 Tp 4 RlE; $2.05. Joseph Gibson Etf of NE4 of NE 4 Sec 15 Tp 4 RlE; $24.38. Fred, Henry and Mary Waespe 19.31 acres Sec 16 Tp 4 RlE: $7.12. A. K. Higgs 10 acres Sec 16 Tp 4 RlE; $3.90. A. K. Hlggs 10 acres Sec 16 Tp 4 RlE; $3.90. Edwin Peery 10 acres Sec 16 Tp 4 RlE; $3.90. Henry H. Hepler 1.60 acres Sec 23 Tp 4 RlE; $2.66. Gustav Henke 10 acres Sec 25 Tp 4 RlE; $19.24. J. E. Marks 57 acres in John Marks D. L C; $46.80. Geo. V. Joseph 85 acres In A. K. Marks D. L. C; $39.97. J. . J. Stangel 42 acres in Albert Fish D. L. C; $20.13. Arthur Mestdash 5 acres Sec. 3 Tp 5 RlE; $3.33. Bertha Stegmann 7 acres Sec 3 Tp 5 RlE; $6.94. Wm. and Anna Leach 4 acres Sec 4 Tp 5 R IE; $2.44. E. A. Loveall 20.50 acres Sec 6 Tp 5 RlE; $10.25. Albert W. Elliott 42 acres Sec 20 Tp 5 RlE; $8.61. F. E. Dahlberg and F. B. Madison 80 acres Sec 25 Tp 5 RlE $32.38. Thornton J. Robinson W 60 acres of NWK Sec 28 Tp 5 RlE; $50.25. Maurice Johnson 16 acres Sec 31 Tp 5 RlE; $10.21. F. J. and John Joerg WV4 of and SEV of SEVi Seo 33 Tp 5 RlE; $123.01. John N. Koloen 3 acres Sec 2 Tp 6 RlE; $1.50. Emll and Tillle Klstner SEtt of NEK Sec 5 Tp 6 RlE; $18.82. Roy Crites 10 acres Sec 12 Tp 6 RlE; $6.63. John N. Koloen 140 acres In S. G. Nicholson D. L. C; $60.74. Joe Phiester 3.50 acres in E. Al prey D. L. C; $2.97. C. U. Barlow 21.60 acres Sec 5 Tp 4 R3E; $S.38. Willamette Valley So. Ry Co. 1.39 acres Sec 15 Tp 5 RlE; $1.41. Portland Trust Co. 1 acre in Hec tor Campbell D. L. C; $4.73. A. K. Higgs 22.12 acres Sec 16 Tp 4 RlE; $10.14. Thomas W. Lane S M of NWi of SWtf ex. 6 "A"; Sec 18 Tp 3 R2E; $4.17. J. L. Bond Ntt of NW14 of SW ex. 5 "A"; Sec 18 Tp 3 R3E; $4.38. Aug. Almsqulst 40 -acres Sec 6 Tp 5 R3E; $9.27. Elmer and Alberta Bums 5 acres Sec 28 Tp 1 R3E; $2.84. Sleigh Furniture Co. SEVt of Stf of NE14 and NWK of NWVi Sec 16 Tp 3 R6E; $43.50. C. A. Johnston W of NEK of S E'm and Estly 10 acres of NWU of SE K Sec 36 Tp 4 R4E; $3.37. W. A. Kelly SW of NE4 Sec 26 Tp 2 R5E; $9.12. A. Johnson SEK of SVfi Sec 36 Tp 4 R3E $7.15. -30 aire Cm I Tp 1 -10 rca See I Tp 3 II. K. Noble NW of BW'4 Hoc 1 Tp 4 IHK; Ht. Wm. V. Dolph-NEK of NE Roo 14 Tp 4 R3K; 11160. II. 8. Mailua I ai res Bsc 10 Tp I R3K; 4 93. N. A. Rodlun 20 35 acre Boe 21 Tp I R3K; lt 04. J. and May Richard 10 acre Boo II Tp 3 IUE; 15.63. Nulla Brand Valla 7 acr Bee 10 Tp 2 H5K 11.47. John Kellorln-E of BWli Bee I Tp I RtK; 2) 33. Iilulne R. Hmltb S 14 acre Boa 11 Tp 1 R2K; $11.40. Wm. M. and Irene Btone N'i of W '4 of W Bee 34 Tp 4 R2E; l)15. Wm. M. and Irene Btone SK of HW and E of NW Be 31 Tp 4 R2E; 122 43. I. 1 Clark 9) 14 acre S-c 24 Tp 4 R2K; 11530. J. II. Parkel 4S acre Bee 24 Tp 4 R2E; 17.02. W. L. Mulvey. trustee 2.7) acres la A Hood D. U C; 13 )7. W. L. Mulvey, trutee 221 acre lo Robert Caufleld D. U C; 15.37. Willamette Valley Bo. Ry Co. US acre In A. Hood D. L. C: $1.02. I-eonore No I lo 11 acre Sec 2) Tp 1 It2E; $1.44. M. If. tana 150 by 100 ft lo Ore gon City Claim; $7.34. M. J. Denny 130.24 acre Bee 27 Tp I R2E; $75.93. France Vandermeer 11.754 acre In Peter Rloearaoo D. L. C; $50.82. Peter Vandermeer' 10.754 acre lo Peter RInearson D. L. C; $50 83. Gertrude Butler 60 br 160 ft la Peter Rlnearson D. L. C; $2.15. Jame and Ruby Adam 15 acre Sec 21 Tp 2 R2E; $20.33. Jame Barlow 6 acres Sec 25 To 1 R2E; $7.09. Irving O. and Emmett Odell 8i of 8E Sec 25 Tp 1 R2E; $58.20. John P. Wrinkle 10 acre Sec 26 Tp 1 R2E; $11.40. Mabel Palethorp IS acre 8ec 27 TP 1 R2E; $17.10. M. J. Denny 9.48 acre Sec 27 Tp 1 R2E; $4.99. W. A. and A. A. Pearson 9.96 acre Sec 27TplR2E; $11.44. M. J. and R. E. Denny E of 8W of SWKSoc 27 Tp 1 R2E; $14.35- C. Reynold 6 acre Sec 28 Tp i R2E; $9.00. Lillie F. Clark .45 acre Sec 28 Tp 1 R2E: $1.40. Margaret E. Idleman NE4 of NW14 Sec 34 Tp 1 R2E; $79.30. M. E. Idleman SE of NWK Sec 34 Tp 1 R2E: $42.70. Archie L. Watt 2 acre in John Gar rett D. L. C; $8.34. F. A. Knapp 6 acres In John Gar rett D. L. C; $19.46. H. G. Hartshome 15 acres in John Garrett D. L. C; $23.06. Alta Smith 8.28 acres Sec 2 Tp 2 R2E; $10.15. Saml J. Shaw 10 acres Sec 2 Tp 2 R2E; $18.14. 8. R. Haworth and J. Arbuckle 33.66 acres Sec 2 Tp 2 R2E; $24.60. Fred J. Gilbert 6 acres Sec 2 Tp 2 R2E; $10.76. Joe Castagnetto 10 acres Sec 6 Tp 2 R2E; $15.75. Jas. H. Beckley 7.98 acres Sec 5 Tp 2 R2E; $10.50. Q. Brodle 42.16 acres Sec Tp 2 R2E; $33.29. O. 4 C. R. R. Co. .87 acres Sec 9 Tp 2 R2E; $3.06. Jennie A. and O. C. Graves 34.20 acres Sec 10 Tp 2 R2E; $55.86. H. D. Sandstone Co. 5 acres Seo 10 Tp 2 R2E; $11.79. Martin C. Colson S& of NE4 of NEK Sec 10 Tp 2 R2E; $13.07. H. L. Keats and L. P. Rorey 101.16 acres Sees 15-22 Tp 3 R2E; $39.87. O. L. Ferris 10.59 acres Sec 22, Tp 2 R2E; $8.25. John W. Clark 10 acres Sec 15 To 2 R2E; $6.88. City of Gladstone 5.50 acres Sec 21 Tp 2 R2E; $8.25. M. B. Wilson SEK of SWK Sec 23 Tp 2 R2E; $19.42. Myrtle M. Kirk 10 acres Sec 34 Tp 2 R2E; $9.67. Eugene and Kate Nalsh 1.94 acres In Isora Canfleld D. L. C; $5.51. Dole V. Harrison 12.01 acres W. T. Matlock D. L. C; $28.17. Catherine and H. T. Latham 82.5 ft by 148.50 ft. in Sam'l Campbtll D. U C; $1.84. Phoebe A. Gilbert 20 acres in A. P. Smith D. L. C; $48.30. H. A. Webster 15 acres In A. P. Smith D. L. C; $27.02. J. T. Apperson 24.50 acres In James Winston D. L. C; $13.41. Lavenia O. Williams 312 acres in Fendel Cason D. L. C; $19.84. Bertha J. Shearer 137 by 110 ft. in Fendel Cason D. L. C; $3.20. John W. Loder 1.06 acres In Fendel Cason D. L. C; $9.60. James and Henrietta Willcox 5.20 acres in Fendel Cason D. L. C; $32.40. N. R. Lang, trustee 1 acre in Arch ibald McKinley D. L. C; $1.81. Chas. S. Riley .378 acre in B. Jen- nings D. L. C; $1.42. Wm. B. Jennings 11.82 acres in B. Jennings D. L. C; $31.06. Annie M. Park 1.22 acres in Peter Rinearson D. L. C; $22.80. T. L. Charman 30 acres In Geo. Abernethy D. L. C; $72.60. Chas. and Myrtle Panek 9.84 acres In Geo. Abernethy D. L. C; $6.45. Betsy Tellefson .61 acre In Hiram Straight D. L. C; $7.43. Edward T. Lewis 50 by 100 ft in Hiram Sraight D. L. C; $6.88. Otto J. and Rose L. Hirsch 6.40 acres in Joseph Kellogg D. L. C: $47.94. T. Charman (heirs) .60 acres In Ezra Fisher D. L. C; $1.62. C. E. Reynolds 26.50 acres in Ezra Fisher D. L. C; $23.65. John W. Loder .50 acres in Ezra Fisher D. L. C; $6.06. Julia A. Helfrich 2.25 arces in Ezra Fisher D. L. C; $12.10. John W. Loder 3 acres In Ezra Fish. er D. L. C; $3.63. E. H. Sblniere 30 acres in Ezra Fisher D. L. C: $72.60. Chas. T. Terriil .35 acre in Ezra Fisher D. L. C; $6.05. C. E. Reynolds 26.86 acres in n c. Latourette D. L. C; $22.57. E. M. Howell 50 by 100 ft. in Ore gon City Claim; $2.57. David A. Sanderson 60 by 100 ft In Oreson City Claim; $1.71. Ella Fay Younz 60 by 100 ft In Oregon City Claim; $1.71. W. II. fite-U K7K; )30. David Htaeli H7E, 13.10. (Continued on Page 9.)