OBBOOIS (1TV KXTKUrWIHK. FKIh.W. KKHIM AWV II, l-'l'i. lKI.INltKNT TAX LIMT ( onlinued ftum Pag 8) II. K K.llt NWi of NWI Hm T. 1 lUIC. till 15 Adt I. Itfllw NWH (K kUflt 1 1 I II3K . II II - ' V. II. !.!. NWI, ..f NK .iid I Kn' 1 1 Tp I IUK. 132.7 II KiM-hnniM-nri Nil - and i II Tp I II IK $17.89 II Braille ( IS a '. Hr II T I II1K, tUM II. T Kllun SK'-t of NWl Hec II Tp I IC.1K. IM II A I'iirIi NK ul MKi, H.. M Tp 4 1MB; $I8.T. II M Push NW '., ..I HW, Mr. ' Tl 4 USE; IU.U. V H Pond NIC f NWU He. & Tp 4 IUK; M7f. Moore ami IUI k HK', Me. Tp 4 HSR. II1.U. Tlnm-rale and Andoraon -H of N V. Hec .i.i Tp I IUK. 110 1 llnlwrl Martin HS u( NWl Jr 33 i i, mi i; i i l'1-li.r Ualirlid-HWI of AW Hr 33 Tp 4 H3K. I0.0I II Kim N.I I Mi'. I lp II IK 17 I.' I MrlHiualil N I ami I H. I Tp 6 113 K. 110.71. Mr M r Nr..l dK', of NW, ami KKi t HW, S.-. I Tp II IK , II Thonia. N.'pII NW I, ol AV. Hi" I Tp i IUK; 6J0. II. till Kurt. MV'., ..I HK', Hp. 1 Tp 6 HJK; 630. WM llli.lli-Mtt ol HVVS HVt I Tp I Mil III t3. fVlUm Ml'lrr -NK' Of HWH Bee 13 Tp r. IM k. if. no John Krlrkwm- NWt. of HWW and HWH nf HW Her 13Tp 6 II3K: 110.00 T. C Broll-NW H 2 Tp 0 II3K. III. 12 i; (HIIm rteon NW of NWI4 and HS of NWI4 Hw 16 Tp I II IK. 144 07 I. .tin Itoynm. HW, of HIV, H.- n Tp ii u iioi John Roea NKI4 of SWi Her 23 Tp 2 K4K: 133 60. J. t, Waa iMWM of MRU Her 26 Tp 1 IUK: I2t.ll. Thomaa Clark NK', of NWki H .". I'p J ii i K l l Mike Malta-BWH of NW Sac W Tp 2 R4R 116.27. John I'auwfla HK, of NW H.t H Tp ! 114 K, 120 67. Joa. iTgMtoM ITTll i.r NRR lojl 3.. Tp t ROB $13.67. AJOMO Ru.k- NKV, ol NK'i Her I Tp 3 II IK; 110.40. I V Kuek NW, ..I NK'i Hie I Tp :: R4j II0.SJ. I. Willi. HU, nf NWi, Hit Jj Tp I MR; $27.41. H l Hurfarr VK, ..I NK', S.-. I Tp 4 II4K. IIU H7 Charlna (Irle.-HRW of NKi ami N K '., of HKh H.t II Tp I It IK. IUI i.l Amlr. K H lu.ll. r SV, if NW'., Sv, II Tp 4 It 4 K . IM.OK. John ltuiii In NK', i.i HW, uml NW, of SK'.. $21 r.o Wm. l.uina. HKU "I SW, nn.l l..n 2 Hoc II Tp 4 1(4 K. $14.00. .If.hii Kraomcr K1 n( NW', nnd W ', of SW, Hit I :i Tp 4 It IK; H".r.3. lohn Kmppcr Wi, of NW, Her 13 Tp 4 RIK; $20.00. I ('minor. Wt of HKV4 Hec 5 Tp I 11 IK; 3Ui!. ('. P.M.nmin --SV of NW14 Sec 21 Tp 4 IUK; $20.94. John Melrirka-KVi of NKU Sec 23 Tp 4 It IK. 33 38. H. P. Mctliilro SW, nf NK', uml SKI, of NW I, Ho, Tp 4 RIK; $28 HO W K. My,.r SW, ,.l NW, So- ::!, In I 11 1 k - 11" 00 J. F. Hllokloa- NWi, of HK', So. tl T11 4 It IK 110.60 W M Host SK', nf NK', See L'!l Tp 4 II IK $ll.:i7. (1. Huttnor 8WI4 of SWti Sec 10 Tp 4 IUK; $IS S. J. II lllittolil SK', 11I NW, So. ,;i Tp I It IK; !I00. I Ii. Iiatient -SW1 of SKV4 Sec ill TP 4 It IK; $9.00. K J, Winter NEVi of NK4 and SK of NW, uml N'., of HW Boo $1 Tp 1 Kf.K; $29.;n. Iloniiir.l Moliowan N'a of SW, anil SW', nf S W 1 , and NW', of SK', Hoc 1 Tp 2 USE; $19.68. Oxiinne mid Arinonl- All of 80c 3 Tp 2 R6K; $78 7.1. John Dolnti SH or NK',, ami SK', of NWH and NK', of NVW, uml NW ', .,f NW', See II Tp 2 H.1K; 146.00. T. II. lliimbo- NKV, of HKVi Hoe 1,1 Tp 2 H.IK; $8.01 II. ijmilctilicln SW', of SW', Sec 17 Tp 2 Ii - I . $7.r.(i. Oaaper Aniimer skv; or sw, Boo 17 Tp " IUK; $7.r.(i. K. W. IIoiI!koii--KH or HWV4 mid NWi4 or 8V!4 nod of HK4 SCO 19 Tp 2 RfiO; $141.12. 1). Hchorner- W o( SW!, See 21 Tp 2 RIB; $20.40. N. K. Dodge SEtt or NEV4 uml N IS 14 orSKV4 Sop 2r. Tp 2 U.1K; $84.40, r. Lahman NBU ot HWV and NW V or SE Sec 27 Tp 2 R8R; $22.80. K. W. Kohli N',i of NK', Soo WW Tp 2 ltr.K; 122.80. Joseph Hohniltt SVj or NEW 80c 81 Tp 2 ltr.K; $22.80. Oregon Lund Co. SWV4 or NW', and N ot 8WV and SEW or SW',i Hec 88 Tp 2 ROB; 16R86, D. J. Frasor 8 or NEW and NWi4 or HE!', ami Lois 1-2 80c 5 Tl ;t R8B $84JJ0, D. J. PruHor SEV4 or SEVi Sec 5 Tp 3 H5E; $0.90. Orogon Land Co. NEM of SEV4 uml SWVi r SK!4 Sue 5 Tp It R$Bi $13.80. John Howott-SVi or 8 WW Sec. 9 Tp 3 ltr.K; 113.80. M. (Irofenhaln NWV4 or NEW Sec 16 Tp 3 R5E; $G.90. L. Swoboda EVi or MVW Soc 16 Tp I R5E; $13.80. F. Annort NWW of NWW nod SW W of MVW 8cc ir. Tp 3 8R6B; $i5.r.3. N. School SW of 8WW Sec. 16 Tp 3 R5E; $14.25. H. P. Schell 8WW or NWW See 23 Tp 3 R6B; $5.70. J. P. Scheel NWW or SWW 8ec 23 Tp 3 R.1E; $5.70. Oeorge (littman NWW ol NEW Sec 81 Tp 3 R6E; $0.70. (loorge Outman 8W of SWW Sec 33 Tp 3 R5E; $13.40. W. II. Ilryant 8W or NWW and lots 3-4 Sec 3 Tp 4 R6E; $22.66 SWW or SEW Sec 3 Tp 4 R5E; $11.40. Jacob Schmidt SWW of NEW and lxt 2 8ec 6 Tp 4 ROE; $13.57. John Claffey 8WW of NWW and Lot 4 Sec 5 Tp 4 R.1E; $13.67. J. W. Powell NV4 of SEtf 80c 6 Tp 4 R5E; $13.40. II M While N ' Tp HK 1114 W. J. WILMOM, Mbrrlt Bd Tai CoIUmIki of i'U' kamaa ' '" "" " COUNTY COURT j . KXI'KM'Ill HI." I'K mum ii m I llllll MM DISTRICT NO. -fni Un. 88.00; Carl Una, tM; Kdd. Gubar, ll.on. Will Una, 11.00; Frank Thoma. IUI, DIHTKHT NO. 10 Hart II. Klnrh, 4.0li i A. W. Ilotkln, $0.76; Q T Heaba, $0.76; Klvy llaaba, $0.76; Har vey Marahall, 10.76; W. W. Dillon, $0.U; II Koblnaon, 2.00; I" II. Dun ran, 16.00. . DIHTKHT NO. II Mark Rivera, $2.00; Charlaa llayta, $1.00. UISTKUT NO. n Augu.t llu bart. $100; W. Karr, 11.00; 0. JOaVlaV- 1 " '-' " 1 Htar.duh. I If kin.! 11.00; J. C. Martin, 11.00; J. T. COUNTY VKTKRINARIAN M iu,m 2..',0 DIKTRHT NO. 14John Kggi iiiaiin, 12.00; A. Klaiiiamlth, 1160; llanry Hanrlrl, MM, DIXTKHT NO. I7-Aler Tlra, 12.00 Warrenra Kreere, 11.00; Oeo. Kohler, HI. 26. UIKTRKT NO. 10- Urkini A Jonaa, $120.00; Thomaa Kvana, $1 60; Ralph (ireen, $1.60; William Daniel., $1.60; William Thoma., $2.00; D. J- MaklnaUr, $0.76; Krad Kamrath, $3.26; Frank (iroeamiller, $2.00; Henry (iroumlller. $1.00; C. Cro.emiller, $2.00. M I KK T NO. 10- John Ander - eon, $1.00; R. Hrhuebal. $.1.60; J. V. Pli, $1.00; I. W. Cook, $1.00; J R Kranria, $2.60; R. Bullard, $4.00. DISTRICT NO. 21 Frank Ariuelt, $16.00; Merit Clark, $7.00; John Comer. $4 .00; Chae. Berk. $3.00; Krirk Trygg. $20.00; W. S. Oorlietl. $6.00 DISTRICT NO. 24 John Clark, $11.00; I.. Aikin, $4.00; L P- Spagle. $11.26. UISTRKT NO. C. A. Rhlen. $3.80; Aurora Lumber Co., $1.05; 0. , TrulllngeM, $.00; M. Boyla (8. E. II. Cray, $0.76. ' Card). $10.00; Otto K. Meimll I.Mrv DISTRICT NO. 31 C. G. PeUra. j Waaver). $6.00; W. C. Mangum (Mr.. $2.26. MrKinnia), $8.00; W. C. Mangum UISTKUT NO. 33 Floyd Spurlin.i Mr. Ilalmer), $5.00; W. C. Mangum $9.66; J. Marra. $2.00; J. F. Smith, ,u, m. Caytoa). $2.02; Frank T. Bar PU0, I low (Wm. Dickelman), $10.00; F. M. DISTRICT NO. 36 Port Ry- I- ' Robertaon (John Keen A C. H Wil P. ''.. $00.30. Iloughby). $8.00; J. F. MrCormark I (LSTRICT NO. 44 Richard Beaker (jinn Marx). $10.00; Deni. Oonovan $2.00; A. S. Newton, $4.76. (Jerome Hamilton). $12.60; J. K. Mor- DISTRKT NO. 47 K. C. Warren,L,n (( hl, Willoughby), $5.00; J. E. $23.10. Morgan (Mr. Joailyn), $9.76; W. A. UISTRKT NO. 54--W. W. Iing. ,., (Ml. K. K. Ilukrr), $5.00; J. $10.60; C. a Wiaer. $3.60; Ceo. Per-1 due. $2.00; Paul Sam.on, $4.50. DISTRICT NO. 67-ll.ppli-r It Wal.h Lumber to., $1.2u; rrank Mil- ton, $8.00. ' (iKNKRAI, ROADS-Clem Dollar, t0.TI M. Marahal. 91.60; A. la Mat toon. $0.00; W. C. Mangum, $0.00; J. K. Morgan, $0.25; A. Stegeman, $120.00; Babler A Gerber, $1.00; Geo. iM.ril)i 400; J. K. (Jngc (Mr. Joa Ummera. $500.00; E. C. Warren, . ay j4 00. .-.rr Jrog Mrjl- pjMe). $90.02; J. I Caae Co.. $13.05; Coaat , aj w. Nachand (Mra. E. E. Boker) Culvert Bad Flume Co., $520.70; G. A. Ato.OO; F. Miller A Son. (E. Scott). Khlen. $4.65; W. W. Irvin. $101.10; 1 $10.00; Mr. Steven (Mr. Pluard). R. W. Zimmcrmnn. $13.75; C. F. Zieg-:t4 00. A j Knightly (Mr. Marco). I..r ll'J.OO! W. D. Fiah. 14.00: J. H. tiM. c 1 a 11 - ' , nnn. . A l.m. 1 .... Ti. , , C. Potwin, $4.00; A. J. Zimmerman. ; $4.00; G. Hantx. $4.00; V. Skinner, T"", - 19.70; II. II. I'eeU, U.l-; r num. $18.87; I). S. Miller, $8.10; V. Norton, $0.66; S. Hoover, $15.15; M. King. $IK.:il); J. Anderson, $29.0:; D. Shep ard. $9.00; A. Snyder. $13,110; V. Bern $14.70; A. Bolland, $7.05; Horner Hro.. $20.28; W. W. Tucker, $5.00; Frank Millord. $14.26; Fred Horner, $3.00; H. Horner. $2.00; W. Myers, $2.00; W. Dutcher, $20.(M); W. Thomas, $11.25; fieo. Askins, $10.00; Larkini & Jones, $90.00; W. H. Wett- Igltfar, $3.70; W. H. Mattoon, $9.00. BOUNTY Burrell Loonoy. $2.00; August Dhooge, $1.50; Frank Nicho las, $1.50; 11. Swale. $1.60; A. J, Lamb, $9.50. ELECTION Oregon City Enter prise. $24.25; Wells Forgo & Co., D. C. Garlough, $46.00. SHERIFF Wm. J. Wilson, $5.75; Miller-Parker Co., $1.50; H. W. Tromlmth. $59.90; W. C. Murray, $3.00; K. T. Mass, $0.60; H. H. Hughes $8.00; G. A. Bergion, $11.00; D, K. 1'iost, $4.40; W. E, (.rifllth, $7.60. CLERK -Williams Bros. Trans. Co. I $0.75. RECORDER Massachusetts Bnnd- ing and Insurance Co., $9.00; Julia Baker, $3.75; E, P. Hodman, $5.00; L. Cochran, $115.00. ASSESSOR Clnru Wcbor, $25.00; J. E. Juck, $3.00; J. 0. Stnuts, $31.50. COUNTY COURT A. II. Knight, $44.80; W. II. Mnttoon, $42.00; Wil bur, Spencer & Beckett, $15.00. COURT HOUSE A. D. Burnett, $1('..00; T. S. Stipp, $30.20; Geo. Dc Bok, $83.60; 0. P. Roctho, $27.00; D. R. Dimick, $22.80; John Hughes, $17.20 W. F. Young, $37.00; 0. W. Robbins, $34.20; Choster Card, $35.40; J. L, Kruso, $20.00; J. K. Ely, $25.60; F. F. Toozo, $37.00; G. C. Dallas, $35.00; 6. S. Bullock, $34.20; J. W. Hart, $34.40; John A. Richey, $33.80; E. W. Scott, $33.20; J. C. Bradley, $18.00; L. C. Hubbard, $7.40. JUSTICE PEACE John N. Siev- ers, $40.95; Ab. Dillmnn, $1.20; George C.rcen, $3.20; L. Aldrich, $3.20; George Ott, $3.20; Wnltor Wentworth, $3.20; E. Bailey, $3.20; L. Noble, $3.30; John Albright, $1.70; Frank McFarlnnd, $4.50; Joseph Stiffler, $4.50; Amy Nel son, $4.50; W. H. Hulbcrt, $4.60; Niel James, $1.70; Charles Kruger, $1.70; D. E. Frost, $1.70; Lowell Blanchard, $1.70; Falls Restaurant, $4.50; Will Green, $1.20; A. J. Knightly, $1.20; Geo. Gardner, $1.20; E. T. Mass, $1.20; F. C. Burke, $1.20; Claude W. Devore, $23.30; George Kitzmiller, $7.80; Susie Ann Cooper, $3.30; Ben . (-1 t . . raet tn . a si A aur All. 3 - ration, ai.ov; n. u. nmra, u.vu, W. D. Menthorn, $2.00; B. R. Kimmel, $840; D. K. frotA, 444J0; 0. A. Bar gran, S4M) K T- Maum, H; Waal ton Union T4.-raph Co., 11.10; Ma N. Hlavara, 1300, lUlan llaita. W. I ...I A. Millar, tiAO. OKONKH- Dr. W. K Hempstead, H7.H0; LV. ' II Malaanar. $600, (i HUMVKVOK I'aul Dunn. 171.00; It. T. Malilrurn, II07J0; J. C. Hulll van. 116.00; IM Thopi, $7i, Harry Hhallay, WM. Thomaa Irunn, MM 1NHANK Dr. J. W. Noma, $6.00; Dr Guy Mount. 86.00; TaaeUrn Union Telegraph Company, $27,00; I Or Hubbard, 10.10. HUIT. OK rW.'IIOOIJt- Mr. II I Hull. 0000; J. K. Calavan. 8.6; llrenton Vddr, fViUM; V. L Cala van. 14.60, D. V. Kr.t. H20; ( art V. Andaraun. MM; 0. A. Bargran, 14.00. UOAKD Of HKAI.TH Dr. O. A. Walah. 161.00. Ij!l I I l I I i I mi: Tha Huntlay Aftiaa Haby lloma. vnjtu; luymono H Raalay, 112.60. (TM'NTV I'OOR Win. Dai.f..ih. $10.00; Orr)oii l oin. !'., (Tom Jonaal 4xw; Boya A Oirl.' Aid Hor.. II0XK); Mre. Bradll (J. MrNamara), f 10.00; Mi . Mary llurkner (W. T Tln.ley). $20.00; Ham Booher, $10.00'; Dork Mo- ,,r fio.OO; Mra. Jaaala Allen, $10.00; J atun lloma (Mra. J. Avln), IIOJO; Mary Buol (Rol.t. TrimMa). $6.00: satah Olbbona, $20 00; Klla I'ayne, j fio.OO; Henry Hplaea (Mr. A Mr., 'chalk), flO.00; W. J. Motdenhauer, 1 110.00; Uulae Ballou, $16.00; Mrt. 1 flbraith. 116.00; Harry Cooper, 120.00; Rata (iardner, $16.00; Anna la Snyder. $16.00; Mra. 0. W. Tohmp eon. $10.00; A. C. Sleight. $16.00; Ada Ullaw. $N.OO; Katie Fluard, $H.0O; .;B Trary ( F.unira Horner), $10.00; ,rll Uilr.. $lotni; K M Valentin, $26.00; Mary Renfert, $20.00; S. K eriri (Joe For. $8.00; Mra. Lee Card (Michael floyl), $8.00; F. Fred- Brown. $10.00; . K. Jonea (J. J. Bui- orkl. $20.00; Ida C. Eggleaton (Jane niri,nrr 4 Son. (J. J. Bullork), $25.46; Uuia tllmler (John Marx). $4.25; W. i. Mulvey (John Beeral. $12.00; My- trn 4 infy (Joseph-Andrew), $15.00 Mary I. Wilaon ( Kdwartl Miller, $27.50 Mr, p Kraaer (John Marx) $10.00; Frnnria Welah (Mra. Piexa). $6.00; Dr. 0. P . Overton (K. W. Scott). m ,.rmn Fi.her (Jonathan iS""?"" 'lao.uo; w, j. 1100a t.nrn. naran no 0.uu; v. J. 1100a 1 Jim. ruirnn uid- bong) $2.50; C. C. Store ( Mr. Lampe. M. c c store (Toxier), $.1.00; Morgan's Store (('has. Willoughby), $8.00; Morgan's Store (Claude m Course), $6.00; Geo. Reddawny (Claude Iji Course), $5.00; Salem Woolen Mills Store (Wm. Sullivan), $12.00; Mrs. J. M. Quick (Mrs. C. R. Gossler). $12.00; A. Mather (Mr. jjajg), iji.OO; Falls Transfer Co. (Mr. u Coure)i 13i50. W. W, Polock B-Uchoj, McKinnis), $10.00; Bnnnon ft Co (Mri) Jogslyn)i Hir(0; ('has. F. Terrill (Ben Lanes), $8.50; Bntdorf Bros. (Mrs. Fromcl), $8.00; Batdorf Bros. (Mrs. Bushcnvillc), $5.00; L. D. Westfall (Mrs. Mary Lock), $10.00; Mrs. M. J. Mellon (Mrs. Lee Brown), 860.00 1 D. M. Klemscn (Mr. Muthe son), $1,1.00; Board of Water Commis sioners (A. Perixi & C H. Willough by). $2.80; M. Bevins (Mrs. Josslyn), $0.75; N. E. Taylor (Mrs. Boher), $22.00; Mrs. T. L Crites (Mr. Fresh em), $10.59; Mrs. T. L. Crites (Mnthe son), $1.75; Mrs. J. E. Armstrong (Bon Lanis), $28.55; Multnomah County (Lee Brown), $1.18; Robbins Bros., Robbins Bros. (James Russell), 19.05; Robbins Bros. (Wales Russell), $8.90; Robbins Bros. (Eliza Stain), $5.40; Iirscn & Co. (Eva Marco), $20.00; Larson & Co. (Chns. Willough by), $8.00; Larsen & Co., (Albert Peg uron), $10.00; L. Adams $8.16; L. Adams (Jack Smith), $10.00; L. Adams (T. Penman), $12.00; L. Ad ams, $3.75; Oregon City Hospital (John Fall), $40.00; Oregon City Hos pital (Surah Booher), $13.00; Oregon City Hospital (Charles Froling), $20.00; ;. H, Liehthorn (A. Woolisa), $4.35; R. Petzold (Mrs. Crites), $15.00; Huntley Bros. Co. (Chas. Trol ling & Mrs. S. Booher), $4.10; Mrs. Ida Southorlund (Mrs. Gibbons), $15.00; Dr. J. W. Norris (Booher, Mntheson, Beers, Cassiday & J. Smith), $17.31; W. H. Thompson (C. W. Hurst), $10.00; Jones Drug Co. (Mrs. Beers), $3.00; G. A. Bergron (Mrs. Booher), $8.00; Oregon City Ice Works (Mrs. Saunders), $5.40; Elec tric Hotel (Dick Meyers), $20.00; Frank Ott (Foster Sisters), $18.61. JAIL W. J. Wilson, $51.35. JUVENILE COURT D. E. Frost, $25.20; Mm, la E. Church, $23.40. TAX REBATE Theresa Stegman, $8.87. PRINTING & ADVERTISING Huntley Bros. Co., $39.5"; Oregon City Enterprise, $474.75; The Courier Press $92.55; W. J. Wilson, $12.00; Bushong A Co., $48.00; M. E. Dunn, $5.00; J. E. Calavan, $15.79; Jones Drug Co., $5.65. SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND MKAMDRKRA. Y.. Bail, MAi TAX DKFARTMKNT -John R llurnphrya, ISO AO, Ona Rtmnar f 12.60 INMURANCK A J. Knifblly, Art IM.40; AUaa Ina. Ca., M7J0; lull man A HoUnd. M 40; John R. llurnphrya, fWJO. KXI'KRTINO B(XKH J U Htaal. t&00; J. R. Morrl., M.7. lawrl Prarallaa. f,k.. 1010. In lha aaaltar of th paution. of C W. Kruaa, J. W. Htonar and Thonia. O. Rawa for Counly Road.; patillon. refarrod W Vlawara. In tha tUr f il.ti report of the t ounty Board of H-.ad Vlewera on the a hWOia If. Ilulr. lev. laMOM W T Hharkay. W V. Young, l.t and -Jnd Divlalon, ami W II. Kellendonk Road.; paeaad Aral and aecond read ing, and refarre.1 U the Dlalrirt At torney. In tha matter of tha petition of R. Hrhueliel and J. f, A'lamf for rounly roada; ordered that Mid petition, be diamieeed. In tha matter of tha Henry Holl man road; aet for hearing Marrh 3rd, 1110. at 10:00 A. M. In tha matter of the rlaima of St. Agnaa Baby Hon,, and Raymond B. Saaly for rattle imlrmnity; allowed In tha auma of $M7.60 and $120 rt- pertively. WILLIAM VAVVTER, OF MEDFORD, IS DEAD MKDroRD, Ore Pel. I - William t)p ,ni ,Uy of February. 11. upon I Vaeter. banker, tnr-inbar of 04rrcnl. . . .,1,if.m and enured In aaid i. ai.laturra and rominent cltlen. dlodjtotr( ,n, ,g(D r 0f j,nuao. 1!0. here tonight m favor of F F. Ilrandea. plaintiff, and William L Vai-r. dead In hie very' ,,, .1on.nCe jobnaon. Karl (Carll prl .it tin- K' " an active and Influential (Inure In put. lie affair of thla .tale for the paat 30 yeara. la wai a man of unuaual tal ent, and a magm tl. raonallty VALLEY HOGS GO UP 25 CENTS AT YARDS MARKET FOR CATTLE IN PORT- LAND ADVANCES NO MUT TON ARRIVES. UNION RTOCK YARDS, Portland. Feb. 7. Willamette va'lcy ho; are llndltiK Kuarantco'l quotation of IT 7". in the looal marl I :i hlo-.-r advanco of 25c over laat week' price. There waa only one load of swine In the hog alley t North Portland for the day. No ahlpmenis came forward from the Interior, tie r, lore me extreme, quality stuff was not given a test. liencral nog inumei ranso Choice light welcht $ 3""! Good Hunt weight 7.0.1 Medium weight Itough and heavy 7.007.15 iw an- -1 came loiiiiu -.im-ii Into the North Portland yards over Sunday; one of them being from Idaho. Market for cattle is intense') firm with Willamette valley Inrerior qual ity sold at ;' over what the same sort of stuff brought Inst week. Top quality w 11s not given a lest during the atoning bul the sales of the ioor stuff at the advance, Indicated a much firm er tone. No supplies ut ull reached the unit eon yards at North Portland over gun- . day. Trend of the trade is naturally e y s.ronii but a. nothing was avail- IS! r... -1 ...,r.. nm iVPn; 1, 1 , 1 1 11,1 ' , I , . . vv ,.w.v w B- any sort of test. However, the general outlook is for stronger prices. Before noon Monday eggs were sell-1 e office of (. Scmftbel. Oregon W, , slncc naJ , or t0 Vm above de Ingon Front stroct Portland ut 37 14 Oregon, properly verified as by taw rpQ, 1)ropcrty or nny part cenls a dozen for candled and ut 36 required, wilhin six months from the thoreof tQ satlsf). Mld exeoution, judg cents for caw count. Deolers stated 1 ,1te hereof. ment order, decree, interest, costs and il.-ir t.t :tr. , 1 . ih. w.oil.l bo iimiblv to . b un tip, A 35-cent case count price 1 seems to be ihe ruling quotation. SANDY WOMEN ENTERTAIN. BANDY, Are., Feb. 8. The Sandy Women's club gave an entertainment 111 Bhelley's hall Saturday night, which I. I I.i f tl.t, 1 nils ...ii ,....-..u:.i, ... ,...., w storm ,n emergency uau was. me .. ... ..... 1 title of the winy M. A. Denton. Wai- tor Helms, Alice Maekoy, Sarba Dea ton. Zadle Itonnott, Carl Shetterly, Johnnie Shelley, Mrs. A. L. Deaton and Wanda Denton were in the cast. "The Women's Sandy Club" was Ihe subject of the second play, which was rendered by officers and member or th. nlt.l, lp, Rlln llntm.bM.-b Plur.-l Lennnru. Mice McGugin. Minn Den- ton. LiiUi Eddy, llertha I'urcell. Alice Bm1 Z,.,lie llonnet. K.lna Ksson an.l , 7.h it,,i...lm A nnmlwr r,r nmaleal selection ere given, nosmi; who uiu Inatrumental solo "Hutnoreque," by Katie Junker. NEW SHIP IS SUNK. LONDON, Feb. 10. The Hrltlsli steamship Belle of Frunce of 3876 tons built In 1915, has been tropedoed and sunk by ;i submurtne in the Mediter ranean son. Nineteen or her crew are mining and are believed to have per ished. Twenty-two others were res cued. Lawrence P. McGahan. Chicago youth, is hiklnic cross-contlnentally to arouse Interest in prohibition, and par ticularly to advertise the Prohibition National Convention to be held in Min neapolis In 1916. Cut This Out It la Worth Money. DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c and mall it to Foley & Co., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. You will re ceive In return a trial package con taining Poley's Honey nnd Tar Com-j pouod. for lagrlppe coughs, colds andter Into a written contract witnin live crown: Koley Kidney rills, ror lame back, weak kidneys, rheumatism, blad der troubles, and Foley Cathartic Tab lets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic, for constipation, biliousness, headache and sluggish bowels (Adv.) MONIV TO LOAN PAUL C. PIOCHIR IUWVKII Naam J. haavr uildmg "M am, oRtciON Notita la Craditara- la lb ' .. ... i) .-nil of Ihr rilalo ut oration, lor iTarkaroa. I'ouaO In Ibe mailer of tb Ratal or alary A I'ovara. I .-... . .1 Notlra la baraby gltan thai lha aav drnlanrd. W W llrwta. 'aiaculor Of lha aetata of Mary A. I'oaera. d iaad, haa Hlad bla final axounl la Ibe County Court of the Mtate of Orr "' '"r n rounly of CU kamaa. and ' Mete day of Mar. b. Il. at the hour of ten a m of aaid day, at the court bona at Oree.ou City. In aald ounty and atate, haa bean appoint! aa the time and placa for Ibe bearlnit of oblertlrma to Mid tlna fjhn-ount and thr aettlement thereof W. W WIICI K HAM. A I.KI'I'KH. 4 iii.rin v HIT llly llldr Kir.t pul.luallon Ki'b II, 1010. Uat publlratlon Marrh 10. 111. hh.nffa tale. In the ITnull Court of the Hlate of Or. ton. for the "ounty of Clarkaroaa. f t Mrandea. Ilalntlff. va. Kloreme Jobnaon. Karl ICarll John eon. Anna M. Jobnaon. Kdlth !: hotham and R C. Dye. OafendanttL. - BUto of Orvnon. County of Clarka inaa, aa: lly lrtue of a Judgment order, de rree and an eiecullon, duly laeued out of and under the aeal of the above entitled court. In tha above entitled aim-, lo mi- l'll uirecn n anu uau-o I .1. ii ,,n Anna M. Johnaon. With Kame.lKtham and K. C. Dye. defend ant, for Ihe um of $1000, with Inter-j, eat thereon at the rata of 1 per cent j per annum from It? 23rd day of April. 1114. and the further aum of llOO'H) . . ... ., as iilti.rnoy tee. anu me lurwi. r iui of $4110 coals and dlburcment. and the coata of and upon thl wrlt.j . - 1 nnimand nc n.? to iiijk.- san- 01 i.ie. folloKlnic described real property, situ ate in the county of Clackamas, slatrfi ........ r ..I iir.-"on. iMii lllock numbered one hundred twelve 1(112) and one hundred thirteen 1 1 3 r ( ijigjaiotir, according lo ""' duly re corded map Or plat thereof now on file In the reconW'a offlie of fcald county. Now. Therefare. by virtue of ald execution. Judinunt order and decree, and In compliance with the command of said writ, 1 will, on Saturday. iheI9jg m (BVOr of Cha. H. Hrower. Utk day of March. 191, nt the hour of plaintiff, and agalnat A. P. Caey. un 10 o'clock a. n.., at tho front door of . married, and H. P. Strong and Jane the county courthouse in the city oflpoe Strong, his wiro. iefendant, for Orcaoii CRT, In said county and state,! lne BUm 0 $1000.00. with Intereat .ell at Dubllc auction, subject to r .;,, . the rale of S per cent per 1 demntol,, t,. the hlghejt bidder fr.pfjun, Irom lne stn day of December (. s RO,j ro ca,R in hand, ail trio, i right, title and Interest which the with - named defendant or either ot tnem,! I taamaJI on the date of the mortgage here- j , r ., ,. hail In or to the aluno d- i scribed real property or any part there-' of to aathtf) said execution. Judgment! r. , r. ..-roe. .titer. --t cn.-ts an.l an OOCndBg costs W. J. WILSON. Sheriff of Clackamas County, Ore Hv p r 11 WKRTT. Deputy. I Now therefore, by virtue of said ex rjoiOd Oregon City. Ore.. February : edition. Judgment order and decree. ,91C .and In compliance with the commands ' Lf said writ. I will, on Saturday, the 1 36th day of February. 1916. at the hour Notice to Creditor. nf in o'clock a.m.. at the front door or Notice la hereby given that the un - downed has been duly oPPoJaM I by hA Ont, Prt.trt r.r Hm Slnto ni tiro- ",v v - J. for h County o Kxocutrixot tho estate of John "ioung- er. deceased. AH persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present them to me at Date of first publication February 4,h- 1910 NELLIE YOl'NGER Executrix of the Estate of John Younger, deceased C. Schuebel. Attorney for Executrix. Notice of Final Settlement Notice is hereby given that John P. , ,L c.,., I lllZlIl. r.M-OlllUI If II. L- I'jIMrt.C u, ----- . . ..,, 1 .. ed for settlement and filed in the of-; floe of of the Clerk ol Clackamas County. Oregon, his Final Account of hl administration of said estate, and that Saturday, the 5th day or March 1916, at nine o'clock a. m. at the Court Room of said Court. Oregon City, Ore- on. in said County, has been duly np Pointed by the said Court for the set- dement of said Account at which time ami Place any person inieiesieu ... b , . . 1 , 1.1 estate may appear an.l present objec (ions or exceptions to said Account, and contest the same. Dated: February 4th, 1916. JOHN P. HOFFMAN. Executor or the Estate of F. A. Hoffman, deceased. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals w ill be received by the county court of Clackamas county. Oregon until Saturday, the 19th day ot February. :"16, at 10:30 a. m. for the construction of threo divisions of road, bne division of which Is known as Oak Avenue road and tho other two divis ions as the Oatfield road. These bids shall be lump sum bids for the complet ed work according to the profile and specifications now on file in the office of the county clerk. All bids shall be sealed and directed to the County Clerk of Clackamas county, and mark ed Oak Avenue nnd Oatfield road and shall be accompanied by a certified check made payable to the Treasurer or said Clackamas county In a sum equal to rive per cent ot the amount or said bid. which check shall be for feited to Clackamas county upon the rallure 0,' the successrul bidder to en- day ana rarniaa a bhonnwj "v The right is expressly reserved to reject any and all bids, by order of the County Court of Clackamas county, this 2nd day of February, 1916. IVA. M. HARRINGTON, County Clerk. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY J08EPH E. HEDGE Lawyer MOMCY TO LOAN ). C. I.ATiiLrrr. Pmulrni V. J. M.vaa. Caehitr The First National Bank of Orogon City, Orejtoo CAnTAJU $V),ooo.oo TranMrt. a (Jrnrral Hanking Uutmce 'pi I rum 9 A. M. lo 1 P, M. William Hammond Philip L. Mammon HAMMONO A HAMMONO Attorneya-at-Law AbelrarU, Real Katata. lao.. laaur anre. OReMOM city. ORR0ON Paririr l-hone HI, Home PaW A 274 Oflre Miooeev-PaelOe Main 40. IIUIDV A'OI. 0TONE A MOULTON Attorneya-at-Law lieaver Bldg.. Kooni 0 ORRfjOR CITY . - ORROON 0. 0. EBY Attorney at-Law Money loaned, abatrart. lurnlah ed. land tltlea examined, eatalea aettler. general law bualooaa. Over Bank of Oregon City. C. SCHUEBEL Attorney at Law Deutichtr Arjvokat Will prartlca In all eourta. make col lectlotu and aattlementa. Office In Enterprlae Building. A Oregon City. Oregon. Sheriff Sal. In the Circuit Court of the State of I rtmn tnr llu- t'ountv of 4'laok.imas. v-.v. - - - Cha. II. Brower. Plaintiff. . a u r'.mv .inmarriofl anu II. I . Strontt and Jane Doe Strong, hi wife. lK-(endants lltla nf i-lendanl. SUte of Oregon. County of Clacka- maa. a. Ry virtue of a Judicment order, de cree and an cxcccution. duly l.cued out of and under the seal of the agove entitled cjjurt. in the above entitled cauae. to mo duly directed and dated the 25th day of January 1910, upon a Judgment rendered and entered In court on the 25th day of January ana ,1C furthcr sum of 7j.00, as ! attorney" fee. and the further sum of 9 $5 cost and disbursement, and ,ne' c0Stg of and upon thl writ, com- mani:;ng me to make sale of the fol- owinK ,i0scrll)ed real property. Bltuate , lne countv of Clackamas, state of llr. ...,, ,uii I ,. v ... u lh 8. e. 11 of Sec tion 23. Township 1 South Range 2 j East of the Willamette Meridian. thc court bouse In the city or Qrcgon nty in colinty and state sell at public auction, subject to re demption, to the highest bidder for V. s enlil coin, cash in hand, all tho right i(t,e and ntorest which the within j name(1 defendants or either of Ihem, 1 ,m(j on tnc (latp of the mortgage herein all accruing costs. V. .1. WILSON, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. By E. C. HACKETT. Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Ore., January 28th, 1916. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the un- ,irrsilrnecl. beinir an interested narty to the extent of being the owner in fee --;. " .k ; , simple ol all mat property aouiun on the Southerly side of the alley run ning enstwardly and westward!' thro ugh Block 2S of Oregon City, Oregon, and having options for the purchase of all that real property abutting on the Northerly side of said alley, has applied to the City Council of Oregon City, Oregon, by petition duly filed with the Recorder of said City, asking for the vacation of the alley running Enstwardly and Westwardly through lllock 88, from Main Street to the Easterly side or said Ulock 28. Dated January 21, 1916. Hawley Pulp & Paper Company, By W. P. Hawley, President. HliWtey Pulp & Paper Company, By T. Osmund, Secretary Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed admini strator or the estate of J. F. Byers. de ceased, by the Hon. H. S. Anderson, county Judge of Clackamas county, state of Oregon. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them to the administrator with proper vouchers attached within six months from the date of this no tice at the office of Stone & Moulton, Oregon City, Oregon. First date of this publication, January 21st, 1916. FRED B. MADISON, Administrator. STONE & MOULTON, Attorneys. Final Account. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas: Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, as Executors of the estate of Theodore Armstrong, deceased, has filed their final account In the County , Court of the State of Oregon for Clack- amas County, and that Monday, the I'honra 1'arlBe 61 Home A III OIONOI C. IROWNILL Attorney at Law All leil bualnaaa promptly attended la C. 0. 4 0. C. LATOURHTf Attorn. a. I Law Commercial. Real Eatate and Probata our Speclalliea. Of Ore In Drat National lUnk Hldg. Or(im City. Oregos. CLAUDE W. OEVORE, Attorney-at-Law Notary Public. Oregon. W.S. EDDY, V.S., M.D.V. firaduala of the Ontario Vetart nary Collega at Toronto. Canada, and the McKllllp School of Hur-Ki-ry of Chicago. i. eatabllahed at Faablon Stable, betweaa Fourth and fifth on Main HlreeL lloth Telrphonea Office Phctflc 06; Home A-06 Rea. Pacific 104; Home B-00 I 2Sth day of February. 1H0. at the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of aid day and the Court room of said Court haa been appointed by said Court aa the time and place for the hearing of objections thereto and the aettle ment thereof. Date and lat publication January 21. LMf MAKION PALMER. EARNEST PALMER, Joint Executors. M J. VanValkenburg. Attorney. Summon. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clae kamaa. Lillian Webber. Plaintiff, va. John Webber. Defendant To John Webber, the above-named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and anawer the complaint In the above en titled suit filed against you on or be fore six weeks after the first publica tion of this summons, to-wit: the 4th day of March, 1910. and U you fall to so appear and answer for want there of the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In said com plaint as follows: For a decree dis solving the marriage contract between you and the plaintiff and for such other and further relief as to this honorable court may seem Just and equitable. This summons is pub'ished pursu ant to an order made by the Hon. J. U. Campbell. Judge of the circuit court of the state of Oregon for the county of Clackamas on the 18th day of Jsnu ary 1916. The date of the first publi cation of this summons being January 21. 1916. C. SCHUEUEL, Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County: Llllle Ellison. Plaintiff. vs. Horace G. Ellison, Defendant. To Horace G. Ellison, above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear in the above entitled court and answer the complaint filed against you In tho above entitled court on or before six weeks from the 14th day ot January, 1916, said 14th day or January being the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fall to so appear and answer the complaint, the plaintiff will apply to the above en tided court lor the relief prayed for in the complaint herein, to-wit For a decree or the above entitled court that the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and de fendant be forever dissolved and held for naught and that tho plaintiff be given the care, custody and control of the two minor children of the parties to this suit, and for such other and further relier as to the court may seem meet and equitable, including her costs and disbursements herein. This summons Is served upon you by publication thereof once a week for six successive and consecutive weeks in the Oregon City Enterprise, a newspaper of general circulation in Clackamas county, Oregon, pursuant to an order of the Honorable J. U. Camp bell, Judge of the above entitled court, made and entered herein on the 12th day of January, 1916. FRED J. MEINDL, No. 405-406 Railway Exchange Build ing, Portland, Oregon, Attorney for Plaintiff. Date of first publication, January 14th, 1916. Date of last publication, February 25th, 1916. Notice of Appointment of Adminis tratrix. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed adminis tratrix of the estate of Chas. Hohne, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby no tified to present them with the proper vouchers attached within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, namely, January 7th, 1916, to the administratrix at the of fice or Stone Si Moulton, in the Stev ens building, Oregon City, Oregon. MARTHA HOHNE, Administratrix. STONE & MOULTON, Attorney.