Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 11, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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TRY News
Orem Family Home
After Long Absence
Expect Bridges
To Be Washed Out
mi t niiiMlK WIIJWNVII.I
. ul Mr aul Mo M U i hindir-a, MMl HUku
daushtrr Vlvtea aad """ atlae'allh pri-iim.itira
ilaimah Johnsa. an u.-la al Mr. ,r r II Pmd la WiUornlll.-
ml Mr Albart IVi. ri. . Hur..a Jurial lb ha4. lae.rui tfalurdav
I l Urhlea. ol Vl-iuuam. vtslt-d lur Tualatin
al IrU brutS-fa. A I- Ulkm.. Tura
WV are aorrr lu eeeu Mi
If u'rv got a think thai' happy.
I kill ii down;
Make It abort and rrlap ami .napp.
Itoll II down.
VVhrn iwr brain II coin baa minted.
Down lb page ''" pen kaa sprinted
If you aat your effort printed
Ikiil II Juan.
Take oul MB aurplua letter.
IUMI II down;
rYer ayllablea the belter.
I loll II down;
Makr your meaning plain eiprea II
do we'll know, not merely gu Hi
Then, ray friend, ere you addreaa II.
Itoll II down.
To Cut Wood From
Blown-Down Trees
art arr
f blndirrti la qulia a
I 0 Oram. Ctar.
Orem look roaira'
lo aa Ma laouaan I
firm In Portland
Hih Inn Heelr abu all.-ii.h-.! III. I.
.. hi.l al Tualatin teat aamaalar. la
11,1,11 in allt-ii.tan. r al lb In. al li.-l
al ihr ixwni ,lkm tba lh trade
Mrnaa Uatalsla. a pupil of Iba Tuala
r and lll.'hard tin blab arhool, aprnl Halurday and
l Mr Hm r Hunday al hum bar
rda uf auod lor J I. Moaly, mana.r of lha Onion
I Grower' aaaorlatlun. aiiid another iar
Herman and lien fhitidsrro are rut-. of onkma on Halurday. Tha looal aa
tln aaw logs oa Mi Hannah John- aa utiun hat ban having a good di-al
Cut out all the extra trimming..
I loll It down
WIIJIONVII.I.K. Feb. -Wllaonrl'W.
I.. -i IU oldoat lankrnark Hunday uoon
ben the old Wllaonvllle Caah Wore
building, which baa long aim r N- n
used aa a ilora-houae by Ita owner. J
K ivi. r. of Patera Hardware com
pany, waa burned to the ground
II waa la thla building that fifty
ran ago the i-.ii.- uf the aurroun I
lug country caine and did tbrlr tra.. w-hen ou re aur
lag It waa hero thai Wllaonvllle na t .no,Bcr arMenre In iwo.
Ita poatortlcc In ream gone by. the j -nd r1, wiB ,0
malt comlna from irron City once a to() -0WB
aek. (Sel.vtcd for the Enterprise!
In thla building nlnrteen year ago' MKS KOSK UINTHKK
Jake Peter atarted clerking at a al- , r
ary next to nothing later he bought
la with hta employer Today Mr. Pe
ter own and operate the Petera
Hardware company with a dork of
It waa very fortunate that every
thing waa wet to that no greater dam
age waa done. The flrr burned two
building, both adjoinlug. The total
luax waa small, about $l.00.
Wllaonvllle ha one of the fatteat
baabctliall team in the country, hav
fj j ut It ill over Aurora. Hubbard.
hirwood. Tualatin and several Port
land team.
The Comrncrrlat club ha atarted In i
to get at leat one R P. I. out of her.
9 the Sherwood route can't get the
mail to the natron nearly o iioon.
WlUomille has two mail a day ami
bono to get at leaat me mail from the
I - I PMHI. rVb It. dapaelaP--Mr
lllle and ton bate taken a con-
! tract of cutting cord wood for Augual
lielkar frtnu Ibe numberlea treea up-
i - K.. mmhI u. i-atl ttal all.
;:;.wHr,hh, .her. a,;. .H. j-:
' al leaat a hundred cord In the )ob.
Joe Nemlc. ana tne neii oi r tDj ftpftct ,
llrnderton and Augual IVIkar. hauled Blrfl M Oregon lu
( hia mother hopa on Monday with twoj -frr a(, (a 1M,.
tli.i tame Ihruugli
fourhorae leama.
! The aibool waa rtoaed from Wednea
dav nalll Monday, the th. on ar.ounl
'ut the wrather
Mlta Hannah Jul.
afternoon al A. I.
A large rroad o
of trouble ahlpplug on aciouut uf the
II. Joal ha received the apiailnl
ruriit uf ruad tuwrlaor for dlatrl.t
No 11
Mra Jo Thornton apent Haiurdai In
and Mra Pre.! Purlland. lading frlendt
Illy, relumed with f Helena Wllhelm w.-nt to HI llrl.-iia
make their home Halurday. lo tpeud aoin tun ir
u. -I good lo I hem lag bar alaier.
and cokl waatker Mlaaea Jewal and Nellie Angna re
Mm. I on Halurday from ISirllarul,
n un ipenl Monday jarbar they ban- been v tailing frln.a
larklaa'a. P Maart baa been qull III for a
I about aet'enty In roupW ut weeka.
t ulaca.
II I. Orem and fa Bill) returaed latt
S..Mr.lay after apvnding nearly II
muiilha la Iowa. Tb were mow
Iwitnd three timet ln-h nude their
tbrlr itaukb
lr and b.-r huabaii-l v
lilat'kruau and fan
For Your Baby,
The Signature of
U the only fuarantec that you havt UM
rden t'.agc. of TlllamiMik. hu came, immlier. atlendru ihe l.ilrrarr rlub A train atuuped al Wlltonvllle mi
.... . . i -la k. . - .1... aAm J... - 1 . - I f-k. ,.ll.w ik. .1 Bill tl . a
Hklm it aell then tkim the tklmtnlngt 10 lB" nlm ui-i .-m ni--iiua rriua eirning. taw ww'" iim i-.nui ui rruiuiij dii, aim an
ilt.ii at aVaaea el no word from hla huine a tele mg program waa readere.1 Huug. I rr making ditierate effortt lo proceed.
' 1 ' ' ... . . I L. J ll J. .11 J.n.Ml.l I-.-. ..... U 1 ' ..... . .L.
twutl d le a tin lo pnuura iriu.wui n. -..i.-,,, iiaiiuii . . pui... uui uii ai.t.uui ... uaniaa iruui nit-
i '.-.I. then-run- Humlav artcrnuun ne I . n i hlndgren. n-ading. IHtvliI .NortM Iroaty wire, wat rompellnl lu lie aatla
took Ibe train at Otwego Intending '. ling, dual, IJUIa Hrbl.-ie and Ora 1 fled with our llll'e illlugc
I walk In from Wlllamlna , llmchlnaott: racllaii-iu Han MetM-
Mr. Oldham' father am! muiher. ; nenl. aolo, Mrtle lluti hlnaoa; rari
who have been vUltlng the ton an I tatlon. Nettle IjirkiiK reading. I.lllle
Large Honor Roll
In Kelso's School
family, left on Hunday tat. to vltlt at Hchleve; dual. Herman and Urn i liln.
Re-llanda and lortiand dren. reel (a I ton. An Id Haari; "Mead-
Mr Nuaabaum look a load of pota- uwbrook Tattler." Herman I'hlngreii.
Iii-ii lu Purtland Mundiy He found editor
the road pataable until he gut into IV bale oa tba uni-Mimi. Keaolvisl.
the city, where tluth and mud nat That tba polk-) ol preparedneaa'
lur tha
night, however, we venture to aay thai
altrr laating the tplendld rueala pro
vldej by Mra Dill, of the Pottage ho
tel. the traveler were not Incllneil
tu du much grumbling
A number of farmer near our v
lage have liern placed In the I . i t
Hill voting i'n ii.. i recently, who for
merly voted al Pleaaant Hill.
prepared by him for over 30 yeari,
YOU'LL give YOUR baby the BEST
Your Physician Knows Fletcher's Castoria.
Soul only In one size bottle, never In bulk
or otherwl5e; to protect the
The Centaur Company
KEIjvO, FVb. 10 (Special) Mai
KUgel had the mfttfortunr of toilng a
horfe rerenlly
Mr. Itanium attended the Teacher'
intlltute held at Eautcada Saturday.
Priends of Gilbert Erl. a formor res
ident of Kelao will ha intereated to
kuow of hi marriage in toutlicrn Ore
gun atiout a week ago.
The larent-Teacberi' aaaoclatlon
met Wednetday afternoon. Jan. 26th.
and decided to make some matt rial
improvement to our school room by
re-painting the walnacoatlng and uoort
of both room and ball The aaaocla
tiun will alto provide Miss Ericksou
with one doten pairs of scissors and
other .irceseoriea for primary huy
work. Mr. Hlomwlck has be-n given
t to do the painting.
teachers' institute will t-c held un-
!der the auspice of the Parent-leach-
rs association Saturday. March lUk.
MOLAUA. Feb. 10. (Special) A (.ountv Superintendent Calavan and a
farmer had Just unloaded the last load ' representative of the state uperln
of hogs to complete the car which wag tcmJent 0fncc will be preaeut. The
shipped Thursday afternoon, when his proi5ram wiu be published later. The
team became frishtened and started Keneral public is. Invited o attend
to run away. There was a little boy lnlj meenng with sVeclal iuvlutions to
sitting In the back of the wagon. Con-! local teathers. The association
diictor Clark saw the accident aa he w,n gervlce dinner since It will le an
was golna to the train and caught the anMav nieelinc.
team before any damage was done. j p0iowin(i i8 the roll of honor for the '
Mr. Andrew, proprietor of the Mer-( month ending Jan. 28lh. 1U: Ad
mntlle company store, had hi itoods ' Viinl.C(l ,-ra(e: RtIt, una, lMitu l.ind.
shipped to Portland Monday. , MU Anna Mllan R,,u-.t M.
Unsatisfactory Mail
Service to Molalla
The agent, who came to the S. P.
Ian. Virgil Patterson. Eunic- Jonsrud,
depot recently, has just received a car rjorothv Jonsrud. Hazel Dunn. Leo Ua
of his household goods. num.
Rex Lewis has been kept busy with; Primary grades: Gertrude. Kligel.
his oxygen welding plant repairing va-Carl Kligel. Clarence Irvln. Cecil Pat
rloua pieces of ipachinery that were terson. Gordon Harnuru, James Milan,
burst in the cold snap a while back. 1 an Milan. This is an excellent rec-
The month's mail service has proved , 0rd for tiie little folks consld'-rlin; the
very' unsatisfactory to Molallan and i iiad weather.
many feel ready to petition that the ; The following officers of tin Self
mail carrying privilege be returned to Government club were elected to serve
the S. P. Una. When the first day of: for the month ending Feb.
the new service began and no mall for President. Leo Milan; secretary,
Molalla, people were ready to consider . j0hn Caney; police. Hugh Harllsou;
the source and treat the matter as a , executive committee, Virgil Patterson,
Joke. Many feel that the mall ha noti Ruth Lind, Hazel Dunn, Monroe llar'.l
come through as promptly as nature son.
would have permitted, even after it t'g time to dig up tax money again,
has reached the station. There was a dreadful storm of wind
One merchant sent an order to Port- sleet and snow here last Wednesday,
land for goods, when lie waited long Most of the fathers went lo school
enough for the goods to arrive, he said that day to help the children home,
that he had to order by telephone. It The directors closed the school for the
now takes five days for the Oregon ! rest of the week. The snow is going
City paper to reach here. Many look j hut la still In drifts.
longing1)' hack to the time when a car- Mr. Martin, a former inmate from
rier and Old Iluck delivered the mail ; Vancouver asylum, who has been llv
for fourteen years, never missing a j ing in Kelso nearly a year, left here at
day, never missing an hour, no matter flVe and was sent to the Insane asylum
what the weather was. so the story at Vancouver heforo midnight one day
goes. last week. A sane man could hardly
Mr.-s. Clifford, Molalla's postmistress ; have made the trip sooner by car. Ed
has held this office for a great many Re, who lived In Kelso last winter,
years and proven herself competent i was also sent to the asylum at Salem
and very obliging. For years she has i recently.
kept the office open one hour longor Alma Netzel 4!4 years old is recover
each day than Is required by law, to ( ng at the Good Samaritan hospital in
accommodate her patrons. Portland after her operation for rup-
Mrs. Clark, who has been at Canbytured appendix,
for some time has returned home with ; John Netzel who recently purchased
her little son. I the Dickenson farm here w ill return
. to the navy soon
Big Price Reduction
In Stover Engines
Hazelia District
To Have New Barn
Now made in l-li-2-4-6 Horse Power and up at
prices that put this good engine within the reach
of all.
W.J. Wilson & Co.
Oregon City, Oregon
12TH and MAIN STS.
Pumps, Wagons Implements, Etc.
with ber aider. Mm C Kalph In Ore
Kon city.
I Cark haa pun haaed a new horae
Walter .wuhlen on the alrk Hat
Mr Precmiin died laal Thuraday
nlarlit and tin- funeral waa held on
IIAMSUA. Pah. IO.-(Mpwlall- l) ,rt,uf,u Wwood',
K l-ng ha. drafted Plan, and con W- lo Trt ol,on r"""
Hailed for a new barn. ,rr'
J lieu. Nal. who r ently lo.t 1.1. U. Kloren. - Slnunjire.-n waa out
barn by fire I u.akliiK plana to rebull I " 1"'" '"'r I"" "- r '"
aoon Slromarer-n
Mr and Mr. Max McMahan war. Vl!'LM w )V,',!l?"f,'r1
in the nelKhl,rh.HKl Hunday '"" Tllr tlmw la v i.lnhelr ir.
Alfred II. waa ., Hlaff.il Mr U"11'"""'
llor Monday HmlTl Klalnamlth waa In town laal
Much llakrr waa the KiieaL of A. J
Th.in.pa.in. In O.wea... Krl lav 11 "--" ffOB niton waa III
Owing to the bad weather, HaieUa rll,rk" ''""
dlatrl. t had no achoo! Thur.day and ' OlMS l la)ln with Mr llerx-
Prlday. n,,n
Cha. Auatln from Oawego, IPWI "
Wr.in.-Hii.ii nighi .ii Hi.- bona ,,f 1 ' a
k Barlow People
..i-.. I IamaM I I i.li. '
.Hlltl. .....'Kt.-...- ... w... ..... .......
Wanker were dinner gueata at the '
Cook home Hunday.
The young people of llaella had I
1 moat enjoyable coaatlng parly on Mak
er's hill Prlday evening.
Wlnlleld liuker apent a very plcua
am afternoon with David Long Hun
day. John Wunkur mid .on, l.loyd. wer
mnrketlng BbbbaSJ. lu Portland Tuc.-day
HaroM linker spent a few days at hi mid sleighing
bona I. ere laal week. MIhh Minnie Lewis enme up from
MIms llultle Wanker called on Mian Heuu-i Creek r'rldny und visited MIb
Klli.-I Maker Prlduy nfternom. I'earl lluyes. i n'llng on old Mldl
I lav Id Long and Willi. Miller w en. here The jiiiiw wan so deep and th
weather ho bad al Heaver Creek thai
school wi.h closed Thursday and Prl
duy. Mln.1 Trilllie MergHHen. of Portland.
Wishing for Rain
MMtl.OW. Pell. lil.-'IRpeclall I "I
us hope the ground hog did not a-.-o
Ita shadow'.
Nothing doing here for two n i
onlv growling uboul tbn wenlher and
wlthlOJ for rain. The kid, big an I
Utile, have enjoyed I he snow, .oustm-
in Pnrtlund Tuesduy
W. II. Cook sient Tuesday lu Or.
gun City.
A number of young folks from Went
I. Inn enjoyed a eoaatlim party, nlven spent Hunday with her pan'tita.
! by fa. Mini Hurley Whltlen Saturday. IauI lirsen la hotun on n vl.ll.
a Dave Shepard was In Portland 0M
a ,lii V I i ' week
Olio Mloiiser ban quite a crew iiamirt
I ilk' onions He has US, Will poiiiiiIh of
Mrs. KlntSW mid mm Jim, of Mr-
! Cleny, are vlNlting Mra. Klins.-y's
j daughter, Mrs lliidynll.
Horse Takes Crack
At Woodle's Nose
BAOUS CtlKKK. Peb. Ill (Special)
While liny Woodle vviui currying one
of IiIh liorseH the oilier day It ralMd
one forefoot. Ntrlklug him aeross the
DOM, ud making It QUltfl sore, tnd
BiOsing hi cheek under III. right eye
to turn black.
Mr. and Mm. Henry (Mall apent Ptl
day nflemoon al the home of It. I),
Mm. Viola DougluHH and Mm. It. II.
OlbSOn culled on Mm. HOWtett Mon
day afternoon.
Garfield Has Much
To Be Thankful For
Max Kligel lost a valuable home last everywhere, and soft Hnow over his
week. nhoe tons.
A1SPAUGH Peb 10 (Special)-- Joel Jar1, C' A' Jonnson and ot,lerE Again we have had a visitation of
Mr. and Mrs.' George Douglas and I sold a car of potatoea to Ed Harnette Bnow sleet and nlt wltn ,he mer
daughter Harriet and Prank Dowty& Son', 1,ut afe waltl"K storm cury running down into the 20's. hut
and Mr. and Mrs. Cha Sparks were ! to J ettle 80 th anloa'1 nem' . . 'Saturday it began to climb and Bun
the guests uf Mr. and Mrs. J. W.1 Sround f d n0' " day got up to 53 and Monday mon.lng
eiiauon ueic in uic miuii, ..v. a) animm me woKe mi rejoicing, as
hope the storm Is about over as an or lt i00le,i pon fields of green.
the hay mows are getting very low. ; Tne average Oregonian does not sigh day afternoon.
m " j for snow, hut halls, rain, as a friend,1 .
Dowty Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Iteers are spend
ing a few clays with the tatter's par
ent, Mr. and Mrs. John Gitnens.
Will Still spent Friday evening at
the home of John Githcns
should be adopted;" affirmative Her-, It. W. Orahuin went to Portland on
man ChlndaTen and Mr. Culberson ; i Monday, on business,
negative, Charley Kern and Jim i low- Prof. Don D. Sowers, of the Univers
al! The decision wa for the affirm-lty of Oregon, will lecture at the. local
ntlve. Siiii, by society. The next ' school on Prlday evening, Fein nary
meeting ol the club will be held Pebru-I 11th, at 8 o'clock. Lantern slides will
0ARF1BL.D, Feb. io--Bpocluii-The
snow Is about all gone mid '
cry one la xlitil lo see the gri'cn grir-i
once more. We have much to bo thank
ful for, as all have about what thsy
hail v. li.-ii Hi., tit.. t-i. . ImiMiii .. vi-, nl
Mr. and Mm Walter Douglass spent ,,.,, ., ,. ,,,,, ,(IV,. ,.',, H,,
ary IS.
Mrs. Milton Chlndgren entertained
the Fancj W ork club at her home Fri-
NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. aH snow and freezing weather are sure
The Enterprise desires to advise all to bring colds, rheumatism, pneumoni;
Echo Githena attended the teachers' ; subscribers who have subscribed for ana oiner ins in us iraiu.
local Institute at Estacada Saturday. the paper and are entitled to receive Mr. Delkar, the father of August and
Little Mary Cogswell, of Eagle! the premium of four magazines, that Adolph Delkar, Is ulte sick, also three
Creek, has been very ill with the scar-; their name have been forwarded to of the children, and Mra. Ida Delkar
let fever but is recovering. the eastern publisher and the bud- is not well, and fears are entertained
Echo Gltiens closed her school at scribers should either have received that she may have the grippe.
Hogan for a few days last week on ac-jthe first copies ere this or will within " "
count of the "silver thaw" and snow. a very short time. The gubscrlp-lons
John Glthen received a fine bronze! the receipt of the first copies, running INJjiVV UAIiriCLU IJrtL
Elwcod Child Saved
When House Is Fire
turkey gobbler from California last
After LaGrlppe What
for a year from that time.
ESTACADA, Feb. 4. At a meet
ing held at Cazadero between repre
What Children Need Now.
In spite of the best care mothers can Bentatlve of the Portland Railway,
give them this weather bring sickness Light & Power company and property
to many children. Safe, reliable fam- owner at Cazadero and from Garfield,
ily medicine are In demand. Mm. T. arrangement were made to open up a
writes: new road about two miles long from
I tried I "Foley's Honey and Tar cured my ooy umianau n me raua a una at i a.-
i ..ih and eot of a severe attack of croup after other adero. Work will begin on the road
IU no"b - ... . . i
Cough that 'hang on " after lagrippe
exhaust the atrength and lower the v.
G. Prevo, Iledford.
tn,l write: "An attack of lagrippe Neureuer, Eau Claire, Wi.,
left me with a severe cough.
everything. I lost
Akin If
... n I tried Foley' Honey and
Tar and two bottle cured me
.ii nd hack to my
weight." Foley'. Honey and Tar get
11 13 WUC, i v.. a
ESTACADA, Or., Feb. 10 In the ex
citement incident to her discovery that
the roof of her home was on fire last
week Mrs. Ed. Hodgki, of Elwood, ran
a half mile to a neighbors to obtain
help, neglecting to take her two-year-
j old son out of the house before lea-.
w ill uhnrlen I "'s-
be used, and an enjoyable as well iih
profitable time is assured those who
attend. At the closo of the lecture u
Valentine's party will he given by the
touchers and pupils of the school. Ev
eryone is cordially Invited to attend.
At the last regular meeting of the
Rcbekuh lodge the following officer
were Installed for tho ensuing year:
Anna Riddcr, noble grand; May Mur
ray, vice grand; Mettle Ilatalgia, sec
retary, and J, L. Seely, treasurer. Miss
Battle Ilatalgia was D. D. O. M. and
installed the officers. A pleasant so
cial evening was spent, at the close
I of the Installation ceremony,
j The river Is very high at present,
and lt Is anticipated that several
bridges will go out If the rain keeps
up for many days. The ferry has
stopped running and the river is full
of angry looking currents, filled with
Chas Thompson has lieen appotned
registrar for thla district, and is al
ready starting on his wcrk of listing
the legal voter.
rytntng;. "'" . : ... rpmw,lM had failed f recommend it this spring. This road
thin it loo-ea as u i ,.-. . , -- f.nm nnr ex- the n re sent distance to loadlne faclll- On her return with neighbors, the
I am
right at the trouble. ItJ
perience that It I a wonderful remedy ties In Estacada by about a mile and a ; youngster wa found In the middle of
for cough, cold, croup and whooping half and by connecting with the Esta- the room, crying and watching the
cough." It stop the cough than hang cada-Cazadero road will shorten the roof overhead burning. The fire wa
on and weaken after the lagrippe. distance from Garfield to Estacada by j soon extinguished and the child was
Tones Drue Co. (Adv.) more than a mile. unharmed.
ESTACADA, Feb. 10 (Special A
marriage license was Issued In Van
couver, Wash., this week to Ernest J.
Cozard, aged 23, and Jane Eva I-ooney,
aged 18, both of Estacada.
Saturday evening und Sunday with iln
lattor'H parOntS, Mr. anil Mrs. J, C.
Duns, of rtiirlleld.
Everett lleckett was the guest of his
mother mid wife over Sunday.
After a two weeks' visit with rein
tlves out this way, Jesse Douglass and
family returned lo their home in Port
hind on Tuesday.
A. I). McMillan wns a Portland vis
itor on Monday, and on Tuesday he
butchered some hogs. '
Mrs. Geo. Prlester and Mr. and Mis.
Pred Moehnke wero tho guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Douglass over Sunday.
Mr. Moehnke Is a brother, and Mm.
Prlester a sister of Mrs. Douglass.
II. S. OlbSOn made a trip to Barton
on Monday.
Thomas Baden, men hant of Viola,
passed through Eagle Creek on Mon
day buying up eggs und chickens.
The do Ronne brothers are sawing
some wood for Carl Douglass.
Repair Telephone
Lines After Storm
CLARKKS. Feb. 10. I Spe. i.,1 , - Mr.
Zw allien Is fixing up his telephone line
and put son ie new pouts In and also
Mr. Wettlaufer put In new posts on
his part last Saturday.
Messrs. Ed and Otto lluoll were in
Oregon City last Tuesday.
Messrs. J. and Oeore Clark hauled
a load of grain to market last Mon
day Last Saturday night there was a
farmers' union meeting at the Farm
ers' union hall.
M. - Lara Moore visited her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Moore, In Gresbam.
Miss Mary Hottemlller Is staying
or later. Home have hud sickness, but
nearly all of them are well or on the
way to recovery. A few lost homes.
As the weather or the past fow weeks
Is Just the weather thut causes sh k
liens among horse., Us u wonder then
were mil more lost.
Our mall carrier Is to bo commended
us he hasn't missed n trip so fur, even
When the mall from Portland failed to
arrive, he took out whnl wns here
und distributed It on a day humane
pal runs thought loo severe for imy
one to he out.
Mrs. II. Epperson, of Diifur, bus been
visiting with relatives and old friends
the past week. As tho snow around
Dufur Is four feet deep, with sloot, It
will he a while ere sho can no home.
0. Twttnbley's brother is hero on a
visit. He Intond going to vllt their
parents near the coast If the roa-l
get passable.
Tracy school, with Miss Armstrong
us leueher, never missed a day during
the bll.zjird. South flnrflold school
missed two or throo on account of
snow and cold. Mr. Parson took his
sled load of acholurs lo and from
school during the worst days taught.
Mr. Hpnrkmniin, Sr. pussed away dur
ing tho bad weather. Tho remains
wore Bhlpped to lients, interment being
made in the family plot at Mt. 8rolt
Mrs. Mary Orestra today Applied, by
her attorney, C. Schuebol, for an In
Junction order from the circuit court
to restrain her husband, Ambro Ores
tra, from going to her home near Ore
gon City. Judge Campbell refused to
isaue such an order, and promised to
hear Mrs. Grestra's suit for divorce