OUI'OON' (MTV KXTKIM'WIHK. KIM DAY. .FAX HA It V 7. LOCAL URICPS . T Vnifi liuiinoM ma ft Mil ankle, flailed lh lonitly aal Wad nraday. 1'nMland, In Oregon f "Mr Wadiie day lianaai ling Ural lutlnaaa. II. l. Ileal!, itoutity Judge lil I'lat kamaa ruulily, altrinlrd l liual nvm matter In tit la t II r Tucaday. A. M Crawford, fmnirr ailurnry ral i if l hi Hate, tlallor In Or (m city yr.trrd.r Mr. Crawford la imv lal4 In I'nrlland. Mri A. (iUiiillli m n.1 family, of 1 tilrtrinth and Main alierle, anUr talnod (ur ilaa ield VVuleM lung, of 1 1. 1 1 1 ri lis tit. Waall, Mr. anil Mra II K FleMai haie again I tki n up Hii'ir reaidtiue ai Mad alnlie after epeiidlnit Ilia laal year III California attending llir eipnaltlun. Joaeph Alldradge tlallr lila parent. Mr. ami Mra A. O Alldr.ilgtt. of iblt i Ity oer Hundar. Mr. Allditlge la In Ilia iiffhw of Ilia Crown VVIIIamrlla al I amaa. Nitl Friday Ilia I'aiviit Ta here a ablation nf Ml. I'll i.anl will mrrl j In Ilia afternoon In Ilia aaaemlily roumj nf Iha a liiMilliouao. All patron an 'I parent ara urgni to atftiu Mr and Mra A II linuliltl d ata lu I lli.it Ilia property " I 'I I" l,afj night fur tallfnnila In l II rrlallxa Ilia lalina afall at Ilia ralalK Mra of llm UlliT llii'f I'ata apt III a"'I Illuaaril klxi flli'l ('nlar a IhUIIiiii fur rat rilia In this rllf al Ilia liuina iif.Mli ia nf ailinliilalialliiii In I'm ralala lliv furiiirr'a ami, I. Itnnlltlli' jTlir r 1 1 llilrru ara liami'd aa ln-lra: Mra. Caa.Ui Ktana. of Tanl-r. I'l'I'-r-MinHiiiM. lr. -n Mijr; Mra i.. ii. i. ..ii u..,i .i.iiii,. lri. i.,1. I I'U TliuraliHi. of Tanlir, and a third Mr. Kvaiia n-liirni'd from IO'I'I'Iht, Oral. Tni'adaX liTi" aha haa Inn 11 ii'ndlii Ihn hillda)i allh rrlalltri Mr and Mra lla Walla and HUli noli ar In III la illy and tilailatnua via Ulna ri''all'a. Mr. V alia fiiriiti-rljr la auli'd In Itr.'Kon flljf. Iih la now mana kit nf 111" I'arlflr T'li'ihiilia iini.ny al TlllamiMik l llf AIIit aiii liilliia llir hlliUa Uh lur alali-r. Mlaa Kjllh Hmllll nf liladalnni'. Mlaa Anna Hmllli rrtiirmd la lli'lllnx ha in thn lurlr Mirt nf thr ik ami mill rratitna lu r dulli'a aa Irai Iht In Ilia I U'll In K It tan) a htMila Mr. and Mra Kdaaid llarrliiKlnii. of lilailaliinc, ur rnliTlalnliig Ihrlr iIjiikM'T, Mra T. H. Ilaullna and hrr liltla ain, INinald. from lurlr)r, Mahu Mr. Haallna a Mlaa I'rarl I l.trritiK tun, N'fnra hrr marrlaK''. Mr. nii'l Mra Ijanim- .Vault hair,u ...... ...! .. .I...I I It. Il.l. ,.H Mil .1 I l'll IK'I Iff II llliltin III II, IP "il rr a .lull nf thna innnlha In llllnoli, I li In unil Kanaaa. Thi-r alau laltd llii' c t jxial I Ion ul California nil llu lr nax to Ihr raali-rn alali a. II. Thi'Uai-n, nf MiUaiiKli-. arj tliniiiKh Ihla lly Mnmln) to Curvnllla. lirri' tn lll hi' a alM'akrr al tha larinrr llirrlltiK hi'ld III that lily tllli ii'k. Mr. Th"l'ii ai'"'ura nil llif l'riv.im fur lo inliji ta Mra. 1'aliT Itliirliart and MUa Hit liadlnn lluliriiann, of Kuaall, have ft' inrnrd in ilu'lr honm alii'r aix'iiilliiK Ilia ImMilaya In thla lily lhi Kiirnta nl Mr. and Mra. Kurlo I'. I.aliiurclti1. Mra Itlni'hurl la a alali-r uf Mra. Ijiloiircll v Mr, and Mra. Wllllnm HralHirK. lu hitiit Urn inuklnii llxir liuinr In I'urt land, ura In lliln (ily tUltliiit tho Lit liT'a imnnla. Mr. and Mra. A. M Wlilln. Thvy will anon Iouvb fur Hull r'ranrUco, hIhtv thry lll iniikn llu-lr f ul lire home. Mra. Ki-uIhiik fr nii-rly MIh Kiln Wlillo, uf thla i lly. I'lnir'ia It. Moiiltuti, an atlnrncy of thla lily, wrm I'ullrd In Warren, Mln nraniu, Into Thnrailuy iiIkIiI on art oiinl nf thn nerlima lllnraa of hla Intlirr, T. K. Muultiiii, tirotlicr of Mlaa Kva 1,. Muiilliin. Mr. Muiilluti, Jr., rccohi'd wuril o frw tin y h ago thul hla futhiT iia III with iniriiiiiuiiiii unil TIiiii'miIii.v nlKlit u iro wit recrivrd alnlliiK lit' naa nol rxni lril lu llvo. Ilorlicrl (iroyhlll, n rotulm lor on lliv Ori'uon City liirllmi, li'ft a few workri lirfnro ChriMttiina fur WIhi uiimIii, lu he lit tho IiciIhIiWi of hla alNtrr whiil ilrulli i'iiiiii). Hho (IIimI u few da) a after III" nrrlvul In tho i'BhI, Hit la expect ml huiiio within a nliorl tlmo. Mr. lirey hill In known In thla city 'mid (I'tiil Htuno, lie miirrled MIhh ICiInn I'ur rlHli, daiiKhler of (', W. I'arrlHh, of CIuiIhIoiio. Mra. N. M. Atldreilne rottirncil lu her Inline New Year n niornliiK follow! iik a trip of ono month Hpent In CiillNiriilu tit leu. Mrs. AlldrciUe wiih tho huoh! of her fulher, W. II. McClellnn, and HlHler, Mra. A, T. Dodue, nt Sun IIoro. Sho dIho Mnt Holiietlnio Willi her brother and fa in Ily. Mr, mid Mra. M. 0. McClnlliin, at Konnett. ClirlNtiiiiiH iiiurnliift, a little ami was wuUoined nt I ho homo of Mr. and Mm. M. (). Vie (iellaii, the Hntno date Mra, AllilrodKO arrived. Tho lit t lo ono was nainod V. II., tho third. Tho McChdlan fnnilly Ih woll known hero. MANY GATHER AT MULINO A ChrlutmiiR troo waa put up und a dinner Riven at tho homo of 10. P. llor- tlltio nt Miilino Dncomhor 25. TIioho enJoyltiK tho occasion worn: Mr. nnd Mm. K. P, Ilordlno, Mr. nnd Mra. Juko Renin nnd duiiRhtora HouhIo, Knua, Wll ma and Idn, Mrs. C. K. Ilovons, Arllu JoluiHon, lltitliorford Hovoiih, Nola Ilordlno, Mr. and Mrs. Hurry Ilordlno und fumlly, Mr. and Mrs. L. Ilollldny, MIhs Idn Muo Ilordlno, Kddlo Karl Ilor dlno nnd Mm, II. U Platts and daugh ter Harriott, of Portland. BEAVER 8KIN3 CAU8E FINE. S. K. Whlto, who Uvea nour Ames, and who wan arrested Docomhcr 26 for having In Ills possession six vnlunhle hoaver hides, was found guilty In Jus tice Slovor'H court Friday and fined J 12. GO and costs. The arrest was mudo hy Deputy Cinme Wurdcns Clark and Craig. White mnlntnlnod that he hnd Im ported tho animals from Washington several years ago. The approximate vulue of tho skins was placed at $50 hy tho officials of tbo game department. 17 RE8I8TER FIRST DAY. Seventeen votora registered wlth County Clerk Harrington Monday, the day (ho- registration hooks were opened. .Fred A. Miller, doputy coun ty clerk, was the first to register, giv ing him the distinction of being the first to register In this county under the permanent registration act of the 1915 legislature. administratrix allicit moh intv wa thani'inmo to oimauo cmditom An ai'i'lli aiUm ff an order In fl li mit. Med In Hi prulle drperinieiil nf Ilia futility i mill l,y Amu Y. Howard. adiiiliil.t'alrli of Ilia ratal til Cliaf lirtle l,il)Hup, Tue.dar rleaV fial la all.grd u ! a unl'i'Hi mrlbod nf dnJlii4 t Hilllnra. IU fluid N 1 1 1 k a la aperllig aa alloriiey f'ir Ilia a 'I InlnUtialfli Mra liuinup bird laal Jnr and a lea) data l lni hrf death, ll la alleged In Ina applh ailiin. ah liauafrrrrd her properly, a l lai kemaa rumilf farm. In lur on. Mlfl"fl liu)iinp. ili llir mh i.. nf ii, funding lur redllore 'llir edmlittatialrli IhuikI lu ilalma miUIJIiilllif aaatlial Ilia ralala n I a'Uira wrre pill In hrr liaiMla. and Dial all th property had l-een (4i,.f, f f. u,, a..lli alum aaa. Ilia) the rounl grant an nf'li r autliorliiiig a aull 1 1 h a.i'ln Ilia il.. In llir farm, an i hlld li"-" lianir and addrraa are nil knua n In lit" iwiiilmtrr HISSING HAN f AND BROUGHT FROM SALEM BY SON LOUH MAHTILL HAD WALKCO FROM ORtCON CITY TO BA LIM IN SEARCH OF WORK l-tmla Mjrli ll. am-d l? year., witu dlaaiH-aird from hla hiiitie In Oregon Ily lm rntlM-r 17. wua found U eiln -a lav liUht at Salem hr hla ami. Noah Mart!!, and Tlmrailay reluriird to hla Inline line. The elder Marlrll (ate aa hla reaann fur IraUng that lie waa limklliK 'ur Work. Ilia aun det lurea, liuwett-r, l ial there waa Ho reaann fur hla father lea Ilia aa he waa couifortaldy t ared fur. I he mlaalnii inun walked all Ihe way lu the lapltal tily. The flrat trnee ul III tit waa art tired In a letter from Mra ('. S. Heululi, uf the t'oimuertinl hotel at Canity, wliu read In the Kulerprlae that Murtell waa mlaaliiK Noah Mar tell left Ori'Koll I'lty Wediieaduy In un aiilninuhllp, I rati tin Ilia father lu Haletti The flrat liigury aa tu the lu ration of the elder Murtell waa niadnj In thn Sail-in pnllni. The rt'Klntera ufl all hulela anil IihIkIiik Inniaee. -were eiumllieil ami the mlaaliiK mull waa found at the Salt-in t'otiiiiiolta Mlanloli where lie liiul heen fur two tltiva. WEST LINN HONOR LIST I'n iiln neither iilinont nor tardy In Ihn Weal I. Inn aehuula during Ihe ntoliili uf Ititeinher were: Willie ('umpltell, Krntikle Melaler, Frank I'll k 't-. Iiuiiiliiltk Saluttla. .Inaeph Sa Inula, Johnnie Warllk. Kidim Kurd, Churlea Kurllk. Knymund Sallee, Itoli erl WrlKhl, llertlm Zlrhel, Unrenee Mae Hew Irk, Winifred Humphrey, Klnreiiee Karllk, Julia I.ytHoll. Clara Yiinker. Cluni Km Ilk. Kruiik PIhIht, John Mareo, (i'liilya Price, Kvunellp Hull. Jennie Kurllk, Dcmpitcy Powell, Marlon Wood, Ualpli McCoy, l(aldt (iiiynea, .loo Zadlnkar. Mary Ziidlnknr, liulli Ilohliisnii, Kit- n a Klnher, Amher Kurd. Ieonurd (troon, Cl.ilr P(dkey. Cliirinco Polkey, Hoh Halloo, May Powell, Mildred Kunak, Othu Wood, J oo Marco, John Melttler, WIPio Klllolt. Leonard Hull. Kmll HiiKliemln, Kdunrd lluKueniln, Kriink Hokiiii. llurlolKli WriKht, Kuhy lloKiin, (iliitlys WriKht, Klleen Nixon, Chariot to Honolulu, (ieori;e IllHel, I.o- onlo Adi-liiii, Allan , Ura per, Frank Snow, (iludya lllael, Mary Scherilniter, Margin ti Wyliint, Michel Wylant, Opal lloKim, Ktln Itoorner, Hormnn Hiiho lAoiinrd SeliwarU, Kmmot ShleldH, Hurry Zlrhel, Muhel Ford, Ella Kurllk Herman Taylor, CIiuh. Winkle, Her man Zlrhel, Violet Ford. C. Schyobel ono of Eight Honest Legislators, Find Newspaper Correspondents at 8alam. C. Sohiiohol, repi-esenlnttvo In the leglBlutiiro, received a nifty Now Years gift from the hands of tho Ore gon Voter, hy lining "branded" ns one of tho eight honest memliera of the last legislature , Seven correspondents of dully news papers at Siilom entered Into a com pact early In the session to mnrk out tho names of senators nnd representa tives as rapidly us each was con demned us dishonest In tho mind of any of the soven. The list at the start was cloiin not a murk on It. The en tire DO names stood forth In untari lshed Innocence. At the end of the sosHlon, only eight nuines were left, and Mr. Schuehel's was one of them. Miss Marian P. Towno, of Jackson county, was another. She was the only woman member of the house. Miss Clarke, who was a niomhor of the senato, lost out. So did our own Walt Dlmlck, and Guy Hunt and Charley Rlsley. What did they do? iWe always thought they were honest. But here we hnvo It. Chris Schue hel Is the one honest member from Clackamas county, according to the Oregon Voter's list, and Walt and Guy and Charley are hereby consigned to political oblivion. Maybe that's the reason that Guy and Charley are not going to run again. Walt la a hold over, and Chris Is to try another term, with this beautiful endorsement. JURY Ulllt TO AGREE Ifl TRIAL of 2 mm flNAL tALLOT AT 10 P. M. I fOUft fOH ACQUITAL AND TWO ton CONVICTION. KOflOM TO DISMISS MADE BY DEJENDANTS ATTORNEY DDilED Qr$ C. 'aonall, Appaarioj far Caerga 6ran and Ala Doulhll, Atucai Validity of OKI Act, Paaaad Vtar Ago. Afdr iliiii.iniin Iriiin I IS u'tluik Tuiailay atli-mnnli In 19 oilmk Unit Mailt, a Jury In the trial uf Oor to llman and Alri Imuthll, rliargad wllh t !, d I in at lhr dill ail, aa iinalile lu aKrea and aa Ulatnlaard. Tho laal hallul of IIm Jury la aald lu hat aloud four fur at initial and lo fur cunvlc I loll Iha iaar aa tried Ininre Jnalhti rileirra. Iilrll Atlnrui y lillhrrl lied (a a' ared fur tha alala and lit-urKe t' llrtiainil and I'ltarlea Klrvrra fur lh ilrteiidiirita. 1 lift Jury aa roin .or. uf K U Martin. Ilrure llak'i, A. I.. KnlKhtly, II J. Uluiter. II. K. KtilnKK and Harry I'. Myera., Millar Wardan en Stand. The i aar a the Ural una haaed on' the (i'll at. i.aed -y '.he rli li-Kla luttire. alllih forhldl flnhlllK iH-tWeell Ihe aunM'iaiill hrldKr' and llir fal'a. The arrral aa tutidr hy Maali-r Klah Warden II. Mighton Kelly and liepnty Kl.b War.l. tia II. rt Jewell and K. II. Chirk hefure Chrlaliitua. They found llman and Imuthlt In a I mat lieur lite inuutli uf the hx ka & o't lo k one morn it at . Ill ma kin a; the urn hi Mauler Warden Kill) and liepnly Warden ( lark fell Into tho WlllaiiHllr. The mter flah warden and Ihe two deptitlea Wile the Wlllliaaes fur the atale and Ihe defendants went nu tin aland III tluir own defenae. Urown and Ik'Ulhlt d.t lured on lite atulid that they hapHiied tu hr out In their bout lu aet tire a biMttii mle. The ufriiiii'a uf the Stale Ciime and Kl Ii i niiiiiilhlnii li'Mlliol that lliey a. w Prowli and Itntithlt row uIoiik by Ih h.iiik of l.ir tlo r ami reach Into the wuler. near the hhiire. aa If tlivyj were udJiiatltiK it n i The ilcfimlanta , replied (hut thry were rear hllli furi hx ka to lie Hard it hnllaat. Attack Made on. Gill Act As soon aa IHMrirt Aiturncy lied ye had inmilelcd hla opening re mark to the liny, UeorKc C. liruw- m il nulled fur the itef-'tulunta. inailej a n oliott tu dlftoNa the tune, aliening I thul the Kill ad wua InuiUtl. JosMce Slevern denied hla motion I Alt ir lit y linn. Hell dot 'ared that aft-, rr the piiHKiiKe of the Clll act hy the! lexlsluiur,', uiiutlier luw. In conflict to! the Clll nieiiHiire, wuH puh.id and. us Oils secuild meUHiire was uf a later! dale. It Invalidated tho (Jill act. The! aerniid ineusuie ivas the agreement be tween the liTlsluturoH of Oregun und Wutihliinlon to the effect tliut thero j would be no tiiuiigu In leKlslutlon of-1 feeling fihhlng on the Culuiiibln river I or on any nf Its tributaries, where the Culuiiiblu Ih the dividing line between the two stales. Test Can Is Rumored. A test cuho on these grounds In un effort to knock out the Clll net, which closes the best (Uniting grounds to the commercial fishermen, may be made. The. trial of Urown and Doutliit drew a large crowd and tho Justice courtroom wus filled to the doors dur ing the ilny- ROYAL ROSARIAN8 PLAN TRIP TO HAWAIIAN ISLANDS ANO IN VITE LOCAL MARCHERS. . Dean Vincent, prime minister of tho Royal Itosiirtmis, Portland, has Invited the Oregun City Fnllsiirlnns to Join an excursion on tho steamer Greut North ern to the Hawaiian Islands which is being arranged by the Kosurlans. The bout will leave Portlund April 12 and will return in 18 days. The excursion will be strictly an Oregon nffulr, as tho boat will nail directly from Port land to tho Islands and directly buck, milking no other stops. "Wo would like to have tho Fullsnr Iiiiis of Oregon City go with us In a body, If possible nnd If that Is not posstblo, we would like to have as many members as can find It conven ient to muko tho trip," rends a letter from Mr. Vincent to C. 0. Huntley of the Fullsnrlnns. "Tho fare will be only $150 with first class accommoda tions." Tho Rosurluns will take their band and orchestra and a number of dunces and parties nro being planned. Elabo rate preparations are being made by clubs at Honolulu for the entertain ment of the Oregon visitors when the ship arrives. Governor Wlthycombe Is among thje Invited guests of tho Rosarlans. SCIATICA'S PIERCING PAIN To kill the nerve pains of Sciatica you can always depend on Sloan's Lini ment. It penetrates to the seat of pain and brings ease as soon as It Is ap plied. A great comfort too with Sloan's Is that no rubbing Is required. Sloan's Liniment Is Invaluable for stop ping muscular or nerve pain of any klmh Try It at once if you suffer with Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sore Thoat, Pain In Chest, Sprains, Bruises, etc. It is excellent for Neuralgia and Headache. 25c at all Druggist. (Adv.) HILLS III ONE DAY ILMfft MINORICKlON HIT BV BOB BLCO AND HA ARM ANO (.10 MACTURED. 'Cuina on, all you hu ami! lo o lu Ilia iratryard Hh Inn " Thla from una of threa yum In aa thry draKKed a hulialrd tti una of Ora I lir a alrru nuia nunuar atirr mam. Al Ilia lop Ilia and aa a,n IllVd with an a nil duit-n ,aaarimrra -hoya and Kirla. A road lo tha graveyard, Indird. A inilirr of Ilia alelKh. a (! luoia lo ilia rltdit or lo ll !"'( " unaren auto middle al a rroaa alreri, a di-lmin nut aa fa. I uU hla feel aa hr iiiIkIi! he a li'lii'huiia pul or lira hydiaiit a lllll tluarr than itiapeiird, or a turn thai aaa a little tuu aharp and thuae alio oivrheurd Ihe lari liaa ri-u.ark nf th ilaredevll lad wntild him time to rr fliit on lh truth of hla Imitation. Th atrret, fl'lrd Hh fmi-n mud and rotiKh from tha traffic uf atituin i hllet rnd leama, Ii nut t'Mxl wmi-th fur lltentt inrrryinakrm. Thry take t i tha nldralk and In lt iiiint'i llial tlioae alio had otiaMnn to go on Twelfth, Hrirnth, Hlth. rlllh or aev rral other atn-ela III loan altrre lioth Ihe alilevialka ami the Itr.nle wire KimhI, found It heller to walk In 111 alrift than to try lo dodice hohaleila on the aldeaalka. Hli fierauna a ere Injured In (Jnnon ( Ily hy Imhalrda. The ll"l of Injured fnllutaa: Tom Hutn, aprallied ankle. John Mvera, many hrulM-a and minor rut a. I.uuk Tom, maahed finer. Klmer lleiidrirkaun, hruken arm and lei;, hrulaea and poakllda Internal In Jurlea. Mlaa Klhel Alldreilic. apralned an kle and lirtiliei. Jaik Olt, aen n year old aoii uf Mr and Mra. Ott, uf Mountain Vk-w. arm apralned while rouatliig. Mr. Ilendrll'ktwlll, the lltuat aei-lotl-ly Injured nf tne alx, waa taken Hi Vim-cuts huapllat In Portland. Ik' wsk Mantling on Seventh atnt-t wh.'fl :i iHihah-d hit him. Dr. M. C. Strh I;!im;i1 la ottendlng Mr. Heitdrit kann. Mlis Alltlredgu waa thrown from a lull when It hit a feme. Streets of Oregun City mfrr a nunc her of exciting and iluiinerntiH mutes fur bobs. Twelfth street from llurrlaun to Main. Fifth from a point far up the plank ruad to Jefferson. Sev enth from the Kasthain school building to the head of the Singer hill road, were the most popular Sunday. W. ti. HOWELL GOES TO FILTER COMPANY w i FORMER WATER SUPERINTEND ENT ACCEPTS POSITION WITH JEWELL PEOPLE. Willluin il. Howell, who ended 27 years' service wllh the city, us super intendent of the water department, an nounced Monduy that In the future he would be connected with the California Jewell Hlter company. He will iiuike Oregon City his headquarters, but his work will ca'l him to all parts or the Pnclfic coast stales. He will Install filtration systems nnd act as salesman for the company In this territory. Mr. Howell will begin active work with the compuny. probobly next week he said, when he expects the mnnuger of the company 1 arrive In Oregon City. They will probably leave at once for a trip through the Wll'amette val ley. Mr. Howell laid the first main in Oregon City's present system 34 years ago and when the system was later taken over by the city, he was retained as superintendent. He has served the city 27 years without a vacation, he declared, and lost his first day's pay In all that period Inst Saturday. C. HOHNE ESTATE IS VALUED AT $3500 Petition for letters of administra tion In the estate of Charles Hohne, who took his own life a week ago Mon day, has been filed In the probate de partment of the county court by Miss Martha Holme, his sister. The estate Is valued ut $3500 and Hohne's three sisters, Misses Martha and Hattie Hohne, of this city, and Mrs. Clara Hunnon, of New Jersey, are named as heirs. A slmPor petition was filed Monday In the estate of Robert Britt. who died at Canby, November 21, and in the es tate of Perry Puckner, who died at Hea ver Creek, December 18. The Ilrltt estate Is valued at $200 and the prop erty Ml by Mr. Huckner at $260. MAIL SERVICE OVER W. V. S. BEGINS SOON Judge Grant B. Dlmlck, president of the Willamette Valley Southern, Tuesday received word from officials of the postofflce department that the new electric road operating out of Ore gon City would begin to carry mall Jan uary 16. The Willamette Va'.iey South ern will r?ach Mulino, Liberal, Molalla, Monitor and other points and frill car ry 'two mails a day each way. Lane county would hard surface the road from Eugene to Harrisburg. AL11I DEFEATED BY The Orrguu City nigh nhool U.krl ball train today rlrfralrd Iha alutiinl leam al Ilia Armory lib Iha a ore V lo II. i,rin, rrnirr fur Iha bl(h a h'ml train, and Mllllken, forward, played steady game, Iha former aeeurlng fmir Uakrls In Iha flrat half and Milllkrn taking four baaketa and aerurlng two fotila in the laal action of Ihe game Karr and King, of tha high n hool train, alo played rnnalatnitly. The llneiipa follow: Oregon City lilgh a Ii'miI Center. (rrrn; fnrwarda, Mllllkrn, Maaa and (ialra Miller; guarda. Parr and KHig Alumni-(Voter, Wilaon and Han- Una, forward., Murrla, la'l,n and llralle, guarda, Vlrrhua and liambai h. rrru n oAaa-a uaa CAPTAIN WELL KNOWN IN OREGON CITY WHERE HE LIVED. Cuinaln Kiirn II Parka, formerly of' OreKun City, died al Port On bard, Wuhh Iu.l Tlinrailav anil waa Imrled U.l Knlor.li.v a, , ,,r.liiitf In Informallne. ntflvtd here yratrrday. I nlll a few moiitlia ago, Mr. Parks had mado his home with bis aon, II. I). Parks, atj (Jranilvlew. Wsnb., who, too. lived In! (lila city at one time. I Captain Parks was mm h respected ' fur hla rrllglutii devotion and while In Oregon C.ty w a member of Ihe Flrat ! Preahyterlan church. For several years before hla death he was an In- valid and unable to attend religious ienit ea. He was Iwrn In Ohio In 1837 and was ruptain In the i:.'.;li Ohio Infantry, ,-ummlHsluiied to that poMtlon on ac count of bravery In the war. At the, lose of the conflict, he spent most of I his lime fur several years on farms In Iowa and Illlnola and later took up a! homestead In Colorado. From that state he rame to Oregon, and lived In Oregon City severul years. He wished to spend Ihe lust few months of his life with rnmrades, he, wua taken to the soldiers' home at Port Orchard. lie leaves a wife, one daughter and futtr sons. Including Dwiglit U Parks, a men haul In this state, snd Mr. Parks, it member of the Oregon Agri culture college faculty. AFTER HER MOTHER MRS. ERNEST CINTHER, MOTHER OF 10 CHILDREN, PASSES AWAY AT HER HOME. Five days after the death of her mother, Mrs. Ernest Glnther, the wife of a Beaver Creek farmer, passed away suddenly at her home Thursday morn- j ing. She was a sister of Christian Schuebel, city attorney and member of the state legislature. Mrs. Glnther was born In Germauy iu 1S53, and hud lived In Clackamas county since 1S73. Besides Christian Schuebel, she is survived by two other j brothers, G. A. Schuebel of Beaver Creek and Robert Schuebel, of Mulino, and ten children: Robert Glnther, Mrs. I liaxei Aicuanue). uuu oirs. mum. Schoenborn, of Oregou City: Rose G. Glnther, of Washington, D. C; Elnora Benana, of Alaska; Bertha Johnson, of Sun Francisco; Mrs. Hattie GraBier, of Gladstone; Mildred Nlclson, of Portlund, and Henry and Raymond Ginther, of Beaver Creek. Mrs. Rosmond Schuebel, mother of Mrs. Glnther, died last Saturday, Christmas day, and was burled Mon day. COMMERCIAL CLUB TO ELECT0FFICERSJAN.I5 The annual election of the Commer cial club will be held Saturday even ing, January 15, and arrangements are being made for a buffet luncheon and smoker after tho business meeting, The club will elect successors to T. W. Sullivan, O. D. Eby nnd M. D. Latour ette, members of the board of gover nors whose terms expire, and Mr. Sul livan's successor as president will be chosen by the club members. The new board of governors will elect a vice- president, secretary and treasurer. MRS. ELIZA STEHMAN, AGED 70 YEARS, DEAD Mrs. Eliza Stehman, wife of Ell Steh- man, died Saturday morning at the family residence, Seventh and Divis ion streets, aged 70 years. Besides her husband, 'she leaves a sister, Mrs. Alice James, of Salem, and a brother, George H. Hagey, of Crook county. The funeral will be held at 1 o'clock Sunday afternoon and Rev. Mr. Clack, of the United Bretheran church, will officiate. CASTORIA For Iflfuiti and Children. The Klcd Yen Ban Alwajs Brcght Bear tha Signature of JOii'i H DARUnG, Of I A in ! II i a am aa a HOUNIAIN VltV, UtAU RISlOINT Of ORICON CITY 11 YEARS rASI(B AWAY AfTIR ILLNIIS OF OVIR YIAR. John II. (wrllng, writ knoaa rrai drnl ol Ofmon ( Hy, died al liia koine In Mountain View addition Saturday ulKhl from hardening of Ilia iMrri-a after an llltn-al of Olrr a rar. Tha funeral arrtlira were rundu'i.d al Iha family horna Monday a'trriiuxn at J o'cbai. wllh llr. W T. Mllllkrn. paator uf Ihe taolll (hufih, offl" lal Ing. Many frlrbda of Ilia family al Irndr I t,i rnirnl - a a Mountain View i t-uirl. ry The pal l-arera wrrr A. Mauli. V. r. Imon, William Mt l-arty, II. Vaulloy, C. W. Halloa and Mr. (Juffnry. The floral Irlhulr. arr braullftil. John Iiartlng waa the a,u of John 'and Amanda liarllng. and waa burn ( near (iarkravlllr. OMo. OttnU r 17, i HI), and later motnl It the slate of Nrhraaka, where he marrlrd Mlaa Amelia HiiilllilK-rK'-r. II tame wllh his fainl'y lo Orrxon In Il, snd art lied In Oregon City. Mr. Iiurllng la aurvhed by hi old ow, Mra. Amrlla liarllng, of Oregon City; Iwo daughter. Mr. Mirtlr Heard, of On gun City; Mra ISarl Arm "rung of Hauls lUrbara. California. one aun, Juim liarllng. or i iinunu ! H 1 1 Ollly brother. V. M OarllnR. ""' "' t'"Jr- MRS. ELIZA a STARKWEATHER. OF CONCORD, PASSED AWAY AT ACE OF Si YEARS. - . , Mr, h'lxa Oordon starkwrainrr. a resident of On-Kon since IKK. died at Concord station Sunday at the aite of 85 years. She waa horn near Vernon. Jennlnga icounty. Ind., January 17, ls31, and with the family of her father moved to In ; dcitendence, Missouri In 1SI5, and from I there Journeyed across the plains, ar riving In Oregon In October. 1 S 16. She was married to William A. Stark weather st Molatla, September 22 1S53. The first home of the couple was In I. inn county, where they took up a do nation lund claim. Later they returned to Molalla and In 161 moved to Oro gon City where they lived four years while Mr. Starkweather served as reg Inter of the I'nited States lund of i flee. Since lsoj her home has been at ! Concord station. She is survived by two sons. W. L Starkweather and H. G. Starkweather, I both of Concord, and two daughters. Mrs. Ella Whipple, of Canby, and Mrs I Ida Dorry. of Concord, as well as K grandchildren. DR. HJ. ATKINSON I VICTIM OF TYPHUS Word was received here Monday of tno ueaui 0f Dr. Henry H. Atkinson, a medical missionary at Hitrport, eastern ivrsia for years. Death was caused :,y typhus. 0r Atkinson wl'l bo remembered In ,,..,.. ,. ,,... nu wife waa Miss Tacy Wilkinson, an Oregon City girl. She attended iiie local schools. Inter Bhe wus graduated by the Pacific Uni versity at Forest Grove. She was tlien employed as teacher lu the Barclay school for a few- years until her mar rliiry to Dr. Atkinson. Mrs. Atkinson is a member of the Congregational church and during her residence here was always prominent In church circles. Euch year while she has been with her husband In Turkey, the local church goers of the Congre gational made up a pure of over $25 and sent to them as a gift " J0HN SHEPHERD, OF TUALATIN, IS DEAD John Shepherd died Monday, Decem ber 27, at the home of bis daughter, near Tualatin, and was buried the fol lowing Wednesday by the Bide of the body of his wife, in Mountain View cemetery. He was born In Ripley county, Ind., and was 74 years of age. He crossed the plains at the age of nine years and lived for a time In Washington county, and then went to eastern Oregon for the benefit of his health. He afterwards lived In Canby and Coalco, his wife being killed by a train at the latter place about two years ago. He is survived by one son, Ross Shepherd, of Willamette, and two daughters, Mrs. Ivy Cantrlll, of Coalco, and Mrs. Grace Hinton, of Tualatin. MRS. JOHN ANDERSON DIES. Mrs. John Anderson, mother of Guy Anderson, of the traffic department cf the O.-W. R. & N". Co., died early Mon day at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Haj-.el E. Ott, In Portland. Mrs. An derson was born at Healdsburg, Cal., 50 years ago', and was married to Mr. Anderson 33 years ago In Portland. She is survived by her husband, one son, Guy Anderson, two daughters, Mrs. Ott and Miss Rujh Anderson. Her moth er, Mrs. N. E. Bradford, of Stanley sta tion, and three sisters, Mrs. C. B. Scott, of Stanley station; Mrs. John P. Ker rigan, of Los Angeles, Cal., and Mrs. C. W. Swallow, of Oregon City, also survive her. , iASQUITII OFFERS I n o nt n ii i m ii ! IIIULOIUH TO MKEI18 IRELAND IS TO BI IK! MPT FROM CONSCRIPTION, WHICH IS ( SINTIO IN tLSTIR. PlfAS PASSACE Cf EIU API vm By mm n f Miu' Da'.la'ad Nary Swl Hap I (aprataad That Paapla By Val MnUrlng Will Ytl Make II Da ad Laltar. I.OMKIN. Jan S Tba bill provid ing for coinpulaiiry military aorvpa was liilnrtuird In lira lloua of Com- mom today by Prrmlrr Avtiltn. l'o Irr Hie Irrma of Iha bUI, all male t,rn the ' of II and II who ara haibrlora or widowers without cbll dr. n dependent ou tbrm ara liable fur military arrilre. Irrlond Is eirltnlrd from the Irrma of the Dira.ura. Mr. Aai'illll aald AO rata had been made out for grnrral rumpulaion and that Ihe bill ha waa Inlrwlut Ing rould be atiportt-d by thoaa oppoard lo con rrlpllun. Hir John Klmm, whoa n-algnatlon aa home irrrrtary waa announced yra trrday, made a apret h In tba llouae of Couiinuna today In whbb, aflrr i- prraalng rrgrrt thai h had found II nerraaary lo sever his relations With lreliiler Aaqulth. h p'raded for rejee lion of tbo compulsory a nice bill. The prrarnt bill. Sir John said, rep reaentrd legliilatlon flrat and Inquiry afterward. -Volunlarium la birthright of the nation." be continued. "Iel Ihe gov. rrnmrnt be lure that If they aril It for a meaa of pottage tbey ara getting a aqua re meal." Kir John denied that the facta Juall-Qi-d the aaaertlnn that young men bad refuted to pay their debt to tha coun try, adding: "Do not let us play Prusalan mili tarism the compliment of Imitating the worst of its Institutions." The Irish national luaue la consid ered likely to prove troublesome point in carrying the compulsion meas ure. The lister memliera have adopt ed a resolution framed by Sir Edward Carnon. denouncing the proposal to omit Ireland as "an Insult and humili ation lo the loal and patriotic popula tion and the adbandonmenl of the prin ciple of equaHty of sacrifice In time of war on the part of all his majesty's subjects In the United Kingdom." The premier hoa?d tha compulsl n contemplated by the bill would be come a dead letter, saying: "Let the men come In now of their own free will. The military authori ties will allow them to attest under the group system, which will be reopened.' WOMEN'S FRIGHT IS VALUED AT $5300 Tom Day's bull ran out In the road In front of Mrs. Lulu Freeman June 25, 1915. and frightened her. Thursday she filed a suit In the circuit court against him, asking for $5000 personal Injuries, $200 for physician's and nurse's fees and $100 for loss of time. Mrs. Freeman claims that the bull was loose upon the county road and that when she saw the animal sho fainted. As a result of her experience. she says, she was confined to the hos pital for a month, suffers numerous pains and is under the care of a physi cian. ASHES OF C. HOHNE TO BE TAKEN EAST The funeral of Charles Hohne, who took his own life Monday after plac ing all his savings In the Northwestern association, now In the hands of the receiver, was held Thursday morning nt the funeral parlors of Holman & Randall and the body was taken to the Mount Scott crematorium. The two surviving Bisters, Misses Hattie and Martha Hohne, will take the ashes east as soon as the estate of their brother Is cleared up. Rev. F. Wievestek, pastor of the First German church, offi ciated at the funeral service, which was well attended. 1. L LVDELL DIES AS HE PLAYS WITH CHILD L. L. Lydel died suddenly Friday morning of heart failure at Gladstone. He was playing with his little grand daughter when he 'suddenly fell over dead. He had been In good health pre viously. He Is survived by a widow and a daughter, Mrs. W. R. Wilson, of Gladstone, and a son In Washing ton. FRAUD IN DEAL ALLEGED. The case of Bridenstine vs the Ger- langer Motor Car company, E. E. Ger- langer and others began yesterday morning before Circuit Judge Camp- bell. Bridenstine alleges that he trad ed a 100-acre farm at Logan for two houses In Portland and a $2500 mort gage on property near Seattle and that the Portland property, as well as the land on which the mortgage was held, was misrepresented to him. 11 mill J I I lUiLL