onrcnrw city kntkuimhsk, ritf iav, hkcmmuku 17. v.na. page ummen. In Ilia ('In nil 1'iMirt nf Iha Hula On noil fur kantaa (utility, vi-ii i.iI.Ih H, i-iiiniirr, e. I t mil llubUII, ! f. ii.Udi. I n Malik IIuIiIh'II, ahote iuied d lemUiit; III Ilia liaina n( Ilia Hlaln of Or -.,ii )u ara hereby resulted t appear aim tiiiaam Hi" i-oniplalnt fil aHul you in 111a aixiio entiiieii tun, on i,r Im fun Ilia Jllli day tit ic riulirr. mM ilula Mug Ilia niplratliiu i,f all k fnuii Ilia flrat ptililli at Inn i.f Ihla iiiiimoua. ami If fun full (n M pear ur anaair laid niiiiilallit, fur ant Iheicnf, Ilia plaintiff .t.l)r , ilia rourt fur Ilia roller prayed fur In Iiit ruiiiilalnl, lu all : rur I ilix rMi dlaanivlng Ilia tiurrUre lulllrB't now ailatlug belaveli (Jalll llff ami ili'N'MiIuut. Ihla iiiirnnna Mililllii'd hjr order of I lun. i. V. Camp 111, Judica nf Ilia rltrull lourl, ahlili order a inaila on Ilia tin day of Nie m-iiiImt, 1 f I and tha lima preacrlhed fur ililli'alluii thereof la alt acrka. le(liitiliig lth Ilia laaiia dale I Friday. Nueinber Kill, I'M', anil ruiilliiuiiig t-a' h k thereafter to ami Iik Iu.IIiik IVIdujr, Ihreniber 31th. IHIS. HIIOWNKU. t hIKVMM. Attorney for rialnilff, Summon. In the Circuit Ciiurt of Ilia Hlaln of dragon, for Clai kaina County. Miriam l.iirKMMl, I'lalutlff, V. liaa. 0 linKK(l, licfeiidultl. To Cli.ia n. linneiMxt, aliove na'm il (f 'nil.inl : In I ho nam of llm Hlate of (trenn )oii am hereby required to appear anJ iittaot-r I lie roinilaiiil filed agnntt )oii In III aito entitled a'lH, on or I fnre Hi Jl'h ilay of i'irnilT 191,'.. km lil date lieliw Itir Mplratlmi of all taeek from Hi t flrat publication of Ihla amiiiiiiiiia, and If you fall to appear or ancralil roiiiiUlnl. for aanl there of. Ilia ilalnllff will apply lo Inn ro'irl for Ihe ri'liof prayed for In her com plaint, to alt: Kuradevrra dUaolvlim lha mnrrlurr contract now i-tlatlng between plain llff and ili'fi'tuUnt. Tlila luuiiiiou l puhltahed by order of I Ion. J, I!. Camp bell. Judge, of the rlrrult rourl, ahUli order ttiado on the) llth day of Novrmlrr, I31i. and tlio Unit pre-M-rilitd for pulilli atlon therein" la all week, beginning llh lha laatlit ilulid Friday, November 12th. 191 and con tinuing each (N-k thcreatter In and Including Friday, peecinhcr Xltli. lUtOWNKIX FIKViJiH. Attorney for IMu'itttrf. tummona. In the Clmill Coiirl of Dm Hlato of Oregon, fur ('larkatiia County. Herbert Cordon, riuintirr, VI. The tnikiiow n heir of Cyrua Wada worth, ilfiiaiuil. and Jano I Km Waila worth, hi" w Ifn. dwcaaml; Kiniiia M MrCurdy and (iuy T. McCurdy, hi'r hiialiiind: Mnrla ('. KiiKia and How ard K. KiikIi1, hvr hiialutnd; llolon Ijiiii! and John l.uiix, livr liiialianil Hiiinlo A. MiMirn and Jiiinia ( Mmire, tier liiiHlnind: U thu unknown hi'lin of Orrln KoIIokk, dixcnnrd and all Iho unknown liolra of Cluir luttii llullinwny. iliTfimrd, and June htr Ki'IIokk, Ifo of U'orKO Ki'IIokk; ami oIko nil other iiornnni or I'arllrs unknown rlnliuliiK lo hove any right, t It lo. 'tn(o, lion or Intoront lit llm roiil CKtuto doaiTllioit In thn rem plnlnt horoln, Dofcncluntn. To tlio unknown hi-lra of Cyrua Wnda- worth, iloroiihcd, and June Duo Waila worth, hla wlfo, doiouhi d ; Kminu M. MoCiinly and Guy T. M Curily, lior liiialiuud; Murlu C. KiikIo and Howard K. KiikW'. Iiit hunluilid: llololi I.iniK uiul John I.uiik, hor litiHlmnd; Itunnlo A. Muoro nnd Jiunoa C. Mooro, her IuihIhiiiiI; nil tho unknown heirs or Orrln Ki IIobk. (InreuNt'd, mid nil tlio unknown holra of Clmrlotto llntlmwny, doccnaod, nnd Juno Poo KcIIorr, wife of (JoorKU KoIIokr; and Iho nil othor pornona or pnrtloa unknown clnliiilim to have nny rlKlit. tltlo, otituto, lion or Inton'Ht In the rnl cntiilo (lonorlhod In liliiliitirf'H roiiipluint: In tha nnme of the atulo of Oregon, you aro here by required to nppeur and nnawer tlio complaint 11 lml RKiiinxt you In tho ohovo ontltled ault on or heloro tho Kill ilny of Junuiiry, 1910, mul If you full to niiHWor or othorwlso uppour the plnlntlff will npply to tho court for tho relluf prayed for In hla comphilnt, to wit: Flrat: That tho plnlntlff ho decreed to ho tho owner of tho following do aorlbed real property, to-wll: llcgln- n lug at thu soiithoftHt corner of nuld WndHWorth donation laiiU ciniin; thenco north followliiK tho ouhI lino of mild clulm 28B4.5 foot to a Btnko; thonco west 3KG0.3 foot to a atuko In tho went boundary line ot siud claim; thonoo Houth 44 dDRrooa Bo mlnutoa eiiHt followliiK the wct lino of said claim 3818.40 foot to a "toko In the reentrant corner In aald wont lino; thonoo south 101.04 foot to the south- wont corner of ald claim; thonce Houth 89 doKroei euut followliiK the Houth lino ot enld olnlm 11B0.9B foot to the plnce of bcRlmiliiR, contaluliiR 1(10 acres, mow or Iobb. Said land aiBo bolng known as WebBtor Acres, tho 8ii mo conalBtliiK of 37 tracts, the pint of which Ih on fllo In the records ot Clackamas county, Oregon, and bolng In Hectlons 7, 8 and 17. township 2 south, range 2 east of Willamette me ridian. In Clackamas county, urogon free from any claim of right, title, os- tate, or Interest thoreln or tne ae fondants or any of them. . 8ocond: That the said allegod claim of right, tltlo, lntoroBt, claim or estate of the defendants 1b wrongful, Invalid, void nnd of no efToct and doos not con tttiito a cloud noon plaintiff's tltlo and that tho defendants, each and all of thorn, bo permanently restrained and debarred from clslaing any right, title, lion or interest In or to said Unds, and for euch othor relief as may bo equit able and proper, and for his costs and disbursements herein. Incurrod. Service of this summons Is made up on you by publication thereof In pur suance of an order of the Honorable J. U. Campbell, circuit Judge of Clack amas county. Oregon, made and en tered on the 24th day of November, 1915, ordering such publication In The Knterprlse once a week for alx con secutive, weeks, the first publication theroof bolns on the 26th day of No vember, 1915. LITTLEFIELD A MACOU1RE. Attorneys for rialntlff. SharUfa lalt In Hi ( i ult i utt of lha HUlo ol (" oil, fur lha County of l'la ka luaa l.illU. Valii, I'Ulnlllf, ta. Irri Val(, iMifi ndalit. Hlata of Onuun, I'oimly of I'lai ka inaa, a My lrtu of a iiiIkiiiiiI unWr, du mi ami an nw iitlun, duly laaud out of ainl umli r lha ai l of Ilia aluito fit llllid ruurl, In Ilia aliota llillllid i anno, lo ma duly dim ti ll and dntd Ilia ll'lli day of Niirrmlirr, ISI'i, Upon a Jii'lKin. nt r ii'li ri'd and ciituri'd In aid limit on Ilia K'tli duy of Novviu l-r, I y I r. In fator of Initio VabH. plaliilirr, and anallial f'rid Valid, dn lt'iidiit, lor llm auui of IJUUUO, with lull-real Ihi'ri'on al llin ruta of X p'-r 'nil pir aiiiiuiii from lha llth da of Kiiliruary, IK 1 1, and lha f miliar auni of 111 Oo roata and dlalnirat'iiiniiia, and thn riwla of and upon tlila writ, roiii iiiaiulliil ma to mako aaln of lha fol lowing di-ar I bad r-al proiM-rty, alfi- alu lu the rounty of Clio kamaa, ttala of Ori'(uii, In wit: I .ola ami 10 of lilm k of K'lK'i- wimhI addition lo OrcRou Clly. Now, tliiTi'furn, by virtual of aald d en! Imi, JinUmrnt order and doc roe, and lu ompliama with lha rnminatids of aald writ, I will, on Halunlay, llm lth day of lioa riubor 1 9 1 S. at tha hour of 10 M'rlixk a. m, al thn front door of the loiinly court hi hi In Ihtt City of dm nun Clly, In aald rounty and ui". H at publlo ail' Hull, aiilijort lo rodoni lion, to thu hlKhi-at bldib r fur I'. H. (old coin cnati in hand, all llm rli;M. Illlo and Inl'Ti at whlih llm within nn d ilrfi lulunla or i lllir of Ihoin, had on Ihn data of lha inortKare b ro lii or aim had In or to Iho above do a rllx-d n-al propi rty or any part thorn- of. to autlafy aald cierutloii, Juilxuiolit urdor. dcoronliiterral, tout a and all accruing roata. W. J. WII.HO.V. Hherlff of Clarkatna County. Origuii. Iiy K. C. HACKKTT. Unputy. latod. Orciiiu City. Ore., November Huh, 1915. Bummona. In the Circuit Court of the Kiato of Oregon, for Clarkninas county. Anne H. (Ireene, I'lslntlff, va. Win. K. (Jrecno. Defendant. To Win. K. (Jroene, above named d- denraiit: In Ihe name of the Btate of Oregon you are hereby required lo appear and anawer Ihe roiiipluint filed agaliiKt you III tho above entitled aulV, on or before tho 311 day of December, 1915, said late being the eiplratlon of alx weeks from the Drat publication of this sum mons, and If you fall to appear or an awer aiild complaint, for want thereof. Die plaintiff will apply lo the court for tho relief prayed for In her complaint, to-wlt: For a decree dlsHolvlng the marriage contract now existing between pluln tirf and defendant. This summons is piihllnhcd by order of Hon. J. V. Camp 'iell. Judgo of the circuit court, which order wus made on tho 12th day of November, 1915. and the time pre- rtbed for publishing thereof Is six weeks, beginning w ith tho Usue dated Friday, November 19th, 1915. and con tinuing euch week thereafter to and In cluding Friday. December 31st, 1913. IlKOWNKI.I. SIKVEIIH, Attorneys for riuliitlff. Summons. lu the Circuit Court of the Suite of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Dawn Ilird. I'lulnllff, vs. John Clifford lllrd. Defendant. To John Clifford lllrd, tho above- nuiiied defendant: In the name of tho Statu of Oregon you arc hereby required to appear and answer tho complaint of tho pluliiilff 111 imI hero on or before tho 7th day of January, 19115, said ditto being more than six weeks after tho date of the first publication of this summons. And It you fall to so appear and an swer said coniplalnt for want thereof tho plninllff will apply to tho court for the relief pr.iyod for In the complaint which Ih a decroo disKolvIng the DondK of matrimony now existing between thu plaintiff nnd the defendant and for the care, custody and control of the minor child, John Clifford iUrd, Junior, and for such other and fur ther relief as to the court may soom Just. This summons Is served upon yon by publication thereof In tho Oregon City Knterprlse for six conBocutlve weeks, by order of Honornblo J. U. Campbell, Judgo of the above cntllloi) court mndc and entered tho 24th dny ot November, 1916. Dato of first publication, November 20th, 1915. Dato of laBt publication, January 7th 1910. E. M. SCANLON. Attorney for rialntlff. Vniicouvor, Wash., Room 4, Sobollolil lllk., or In cure Clerk Circuit Court, Oregon City, Oregon. Notice of Frnal Hearing In tho County Court of the State ol Oregon, for Clucknmna County. In the Matter of the Estate ot Louis R. Dobs, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned, tho duly appointed, quali fied and acting administratrix of tho estnto of Louis R. Doha, deceased, hus rendered nnd presented for sottlcmont and fllod In the County Court ot the state of Oregon, for Clackamas coulity, her final report and account, and the aald court has by order duly given, mado and entored therein, appointed tho 27th day. of December, 1915, for tho hearing of objection thereto and settlement thereof. P ESSIE T. HOWARD, Administratrix. LITTLEFIELD & MAGUIRE, Attorneys. First publication, November 19, 1815. Last publication, December 17, 1915. Notice af Final Settlement Notice is hereby riven that the flw.l account of Wm. Hammond, adminis trator of the estate of Margret Phil lips, deceased has been filed In the County Court, of Clackamns county. Oregon, that Monday the 20th day of Docember, A. D. 1915, at ten o'clock a. m. baa been duly appointed by the court for the settlement of said ac count, at which lime all persons ln- iMiealml In aald talal may apptar and f I lt tlu-lr rli t-ptiona tin relo, Mial put, lli I lui, N'otaiuhor I'jIii I'JIV VM HAMMOND, AdmiiiUtralur of llm KUlo of Mar Kiel I'lillllpa, i e.iaed. IIAM1IONI) It HAMMOND, Attormyt fur Adiniiilairatur, ummona. In Ilia Cm ult 4'oiirl of Ilia Hut of On-null, for lha County of Clarka maa. Mary 'lln r-i I'nitun, I'laliillir, M. ( haflia Henry Kenton, I'vlainUlil. To riiarloa Henry Kenton, definid ant, above named; In lha nam of lha stale of Ortxo", you arn liendiy r'ulred lo appvur and aiiawrr lha ciiiiplalnl filed attalnat you In llm above untitled court and cauaa on or before tha 7th day of January. I14, laid dale being all week after Ilia flrat pul, Hi atlon of Ihla summon, and If you fall to so appear and answer II hln aald time, lha plaintiff will ap ply lo Ilia court for lha relief prayed for In ln r complaint filed herein, to wll: A di-r of this court dlsaulvliig (lie bond of matrimony now and hnrn loforn dilating between plaintiff and defendant. This aulnmoiis la publlahed oiko a week fur sli ronaecutlve weeks by or der of tha Honorable J. V. Campbell, Jinlxe of llm abo entitled court, dated Notemher 21. l'Jli. Iiulo of flrat publli atlon, Noti inlxr I"!. ID 11. Iiula of lt publballon, Jatiuury 7. 19Ifi. WM. I'. I.OII I). Attorney for I'lulnllff. U wl lildg., 1'orllund. Oregon. Summon. Ill Ihn Circuit Court of the Bute of Oregon, fur Clui kuuiua County. Ilurlelgll A. Mi'Kee. I'lulnllff. va. Jollll McKee, Defendant. To John McKee, tho ahote uumed de fendant: In the name of the atato of Oregon you are hereby required to ap-ar and anawer the complaint filed agalnat you In the above entitled suit, on or before thn 21 Ml duy of January. 1910, said date being the expiration of lx week from the flrat publication of (III summons, and If you full lo appear or answer aald compluinl. for want thereof, the ptulnlirr will apply to the court for the relief prayed ror In her complaint, to wlt: For a decree dlasolvlng thn marriage contract now existing between plain tiff and defendant. This summons Is puhllidicd by order of Hon. J. U. Camp bell, Judge of (be circuit court, which order was made on the 7th day of De cember. 1915, and the time prescribed for piibllahing Is six weeks, beginning with tho isHiie duted Friday, December luth, 1913, and continuing each week thereafter to and Including. Friday, January 21st. 1910. IIUOWNEU, SIEVERS, Attorneys for rialntlff. Notice of Final Hearing. In tho County Court of the Stale or Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Kfttute of Andrew U Itotgtad, Deceased. Notice la hereby given that tho un dersigned ndmlnlHtrntor of the cstato ot Andrew U llolstad. deceased, has tiled his fllnul report In County Court of Clnrkaiiins county. Oregon, nnd ticked for his discharge, and said court hus set Monday, January 10th, lain, at 10 o'clock a. in. for the hearing of until filiinl tcnort nnd for the settlement of said estate. Any person huing objec tions to said II In ul report Is hereby notified lo flic the same In said court on or before said dato that they may be heard and settlement ot said estate completed, whereof all pgrsons Inter CHtcd aro to take, duo notice. Dated, December 8, 1913. C. II. DYE. Administrator of Aforesaid Estate. Notlca of Final Settlement Notice. Is hereby given that tho un derslgued has filed her llnnl report with the honorable County Court, Clackamas county, Oregon, as admlnl trntrlx ot the estate of Catherine J. Jones, deceased, and the court has fixed the 20th day of December, 1915, at tho hour ot 10:00 o'clock a. m. ot said day to hear said flnaf report and to settle suld estate. Any persons In terested or having abjections are here by notified to appear In the court room of tho County Court In the court house, Oregon City, Oregon, at Bald time and dato. Dated, November 18, 1915. MINNIE A. THOMAS, Administratrix of the Estate of Cath erine J. Jones, Deceased. GORDON E. HAYES. Attorney, Executrix' Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the un' dersigncd has been appointed execu trix of the estate ot Samuel Case, de ceased; all persons having c'aims against aald estate are hereby notified to present tho same with proper vouch ers, duly certified according to law, at the office of Mrownell & Sievers, at Oregon City, Oregon, within alx monthB of the date ot the first publica tion of this notice Dated Novemlier 2G, 1915. MARY CASE, Executrix. DROWNELL & SIEVERS. Attorneys for Executrix. Notice to Creditors! Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned tins been appointed by the county court ot Clackamas county, Ore gon, administratrix of the estate ot V. lU Mack, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me for payment with proper vouchers at my residence nenr the Doon's Ferry and Aurora road about two and one-halt miles from Au rora, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. My address Is Aurora, Oregon, Route No. 1. ALICE M. MACK. Administrator of the Estate of V. L. Mack, Deceased. . Final Notice. In the County Court ot the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas. In the Matter of the Estate of David O. Leavens, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned executor of the estate ot Da vid O. Leavens, deceased, has filed his final acreuiit Ub Hie county (ourt of CUrkains county, (n-K"ii, and dial Muinlay, Hie I ''lb day of January, J'JUI, ha been Tied by Ilia (uurt a llm llm and place for bearing olijeetioin lu Ilia aald final a' count and Ilia objei tluna thereof. Ial of firal publballun, KrbUy, Ixt ivmber 17, I V 1 i. Hale of lt publlratluii, Krlduy, Jan uary 11. l'-i. V. K I.KAVKNfl, Ki ecu I or. Not'ca lo Craditora. In Hi" County )urt of the Htat of HfeKon, fur the County of CU'k inaa. In lha Mutter of th" Ual Will and Teatuiiieiit of Annie Marnaretla Chrtatrtiavn, Ix-:eaid. Notice la hereby Imii that tha un deralglied baa lM n duly upMlliled CI 04'utor of tha eatata or Annla Margar etla Cbrlatrnaen, dieaed, by the county court of Clackamas county, atata of Oregon. All oeraona having claims against aald rxute ara hereby notirii-d lo present the tn.e, duly ver- iried, and with proper w,u. In-rs a ro quired by law to the underalgned at hi ofllcn, 217 211 North wratern Hank Itullillng, I'urtland, OreKun. within all muni ha from tha date of this notice. Hated: Occernber 17. I!iIV A. H. limHELL, Kxteulor of Ihn Kutte of Annie Margsretta Cbrlteiuien. FOR BALE Team of horaea; 2000 lbs II. Imgcoy, one mile weat of Clarka iiiii Slut bin. A.liri- Mllwuiikle II. No. I. FOR SALC-Fint cl Hulateln Fries Ian bull, two year old. regutered, w ith up lo-date pedlrrc. Inquire of I'aul Dunn, lloring. Ore., It. F. D. I. FOR PLASTERINO AND CHIMNEY building, call A. C. Wi-ulcr, phone 72-W. Oak Crovo. A GOOD OPENING for shoe and bar-n-w shop In Mullno. Address C. T. Howard. Mullno. - CORE OF THE EARTH. Its Farm a MyiUry, but th Glob, as a Whale, Is a Rigid a Stl. Tha theory that the cruxt of the earth Is only a few utile In thlckuc and reata upon an lutenvly bented molten Interior la no longer tenable. It Is now known that tha earth, an a whole, pos eee a high degree of effective rigid ity, a great a If It were composed throughout of steel. It I no doubt true that the Interior of the earth Is In an Intemwly heated condition aud that It apMars to iMwaeii xmie of Ihe qual ities of a fluid- At the iinie time II bebavea lu many ripecta a a solid. Profi-nanr Mllna cowludes from the velocities of aelsuilc wave at different depths thst (be materials and general characters of the crust of the earth that are found at the surface may ex tend to a depth of !ut thirty miles, but beyond Hint the material seems to merge Into a fairly homogeneous nu cleus. This slnte probably extends to a depth of slx-lentlii of the radius, but the retiinlulng four-tent lis form a core whit b differs lu Its physical and possi bly Its chemical constitution from the outer iMirtlou. What the state of this nucleus I must lie a matter largely of conjecture until w-e have a fuller knowledge ot the state of mntter when subjected to the vast pressure such as exist within the earth's Interior. Additional evidence tnnt the earth, as a whole. Is at least as rigid ns sleel Is furnished by a study of tidal phenome na and also by the rsriatiuu of latitude. -SL Louis 1'ost IiSMitch. Squaring th Circl. The origin of the problem squaring the circle is alumst lost lu the mists of antiquity, but there Is a record of an attempted quadrature In Egypt 500 years before the exodus of the Jews There Is also a claim, according to Hone, that the problem was solved by a discovery of lIlpiocrntes. the geom etrician of Chios not the physician 600 11. C. Now, the efforts of Hippoc rates were devoted toward converting a circle luto a crescent, because he had found that the area of a figure pro duced by drawing two perpendicular radiuses lu a circle Is exactly equal to the triangle formed by the line of Junc tion. This Is the famous theorem of the "lunes of Hlpiocrates" aud Is, like glauber suit out of Hie philosopher's stouo. an example of the useful results which sometimes follow a search for the unattainable. A Bearded FraK. One of the curliest of the American bearded freaks wus LonU Ja&per. who lived lu southern Virginia at about ?be time of the close of the Revolution ary war. His heard was nine aud a half feet long and correspondingly thick and heavy. He could take his mustache between his fingers and ex tend his arms to their full length, and still the ends of the mustache wen, over a foot beyond hla linger tips. Appealed to Him. "I liked the rotunda of the capital at Washington." suld the fat mau. "Aa to why In particular?" "It wns several hundred feet In dl anieter, one of the few apartments I was ever In where I didn't feel that I was taking up too much room." Louis. vllleourlcr-Joiirual. Barbadoa, Agriculture Is the chief pursuit in Barbados, and without doubt the Island Is Ihe most Intensely cultivated spot In the West Indies. Sugar la the chief crop aud has liccii from time liiimcnio rial; tobacco l grown slightly, fruit hurdly at all. Sever Critic. Alice I like Tom Immensely, and he's very much the gentleman, but be does like to talk about himself! Grace Yes, dear, your knight bath thousand I's. ltoston Journal. Th Result. "His wife made him." "She did. nnd when she rrled hlin on the community she found be was a mhar.,'-Riltmiiire American. St. Helens creamery now In opera tion. Echo baa city ball. let contract tor 10.000 GETTING A START rrr Br Nathaniel C Fowler, Jr. (Cbyrtgtit. Uil. by Ih. M'Clur per Brn.jni SOCIETY. "I am not In society this winter,' aaya a young society woman. "I am too busy n go Into society," remark young nian. What Is "aoclety" anyway, tha so ciety about which tba foregoing was spoken? Ileal!?, 1 don't know, and tha three big dictionaries refuaa to enlighten ma. At a gueis, I should ay that probably the young people quoted refer to the collection of per una Ibey meet when they go out. when they ara away from borne, at balls, partlea. and other Invitation functions, and not neceaaarlly to tha Individuals whom they visit I'erbapt they ara unfortunate enough to be long to some alleged exclusive form or aoclety, or to some clique or col lection of conceited people, who, be cause they don't know where they tand, assume lo stand for something about which they know nothing. Thousands, yes, hundred of thou sands, of young people have Injured their present and discounted their futures by going Into what they call "aoclety." Ye, many men and wom en bave sacrificed tbelr soul upon the altar of "society." Young people should have friend, they should not be bookworm or room hermits. They should Intermin gle, tbey shuuld exchange experi ence, play games of conversation, and other game; but all this does not mean "going Into aoclety," for "soci ety" I commonly understood aa sim ply another word for axce, with or without the wlnecup. It I a significant fact that our great merchant prince, our men of prodi gious Intellect, our famou discover er and scientist, our men ot mark In every walk of life, care more for sociability than for society, and not one In a hundred of them Is In "ao clety." Tbey live natural Uvea, make friend anion- their kind, and enjoy social Intercourse. Tbejr don't "care fig" whether Mr Tone invite them to her most exclusive ball, or whether Mr. Highbrow Include them In hi list of dinner guest. Many men of wealth, and more men who baven't any. lacriQce the vitality of life to get Into "society," and when they get In they spend half ot their time keeping In. When they become old enough to know, better, tbey go out into Nature' out-of-doors, breathe the fresh air, and mentally, and some time physically, kick themselves for the folly ot their silly ambition. Don't worry about finding your "so clety"' level. Your level will come to you, and any level you try to reach, which is either above or below your proper sphere. Is disastrous. Dear In mind, young man and young woman, that mere money, the ability to dance the tango, and the capacity for small talk, are not keys which will unlock the door of good society. If your, ancestor came here In the overcrowded Mayflower, or your sev eral times removed grandfather chased Indians, remember that you may not be any better than other peo ple with a hazy past, for the whole- world feeds on the same kind of meat, sleeps In similar beds and wears much-alike clothes, It It can get them. "Society," as It runs, starts from nowhere and ends In the Land ot Nothing. Good Manager. A bare-headed woman with a fadefl and ragged dress solicited alms the other evening of a gentleman who waa crossing the City park. He came to a halt and asked: "Is it for drink?" "No, sir; If for food." "But I don't know how you live. I have to practice economy in order to have money In my pocket You may be extravagant, for all I know. How much money have you spent today?" "Well, sir, I've stfent seven cents that will run five ot us on cold pota toes so far; and It I can get three more we'll top off with bread and wa ter before going to bed. Might leave out the bread It I can find a bit ot tar to thicken the water and deceive the children. Can you draw It any finer than that, sir?" The man held out a dime aa he passed. Hannah Snell, "Female Soldier." Hannah Snell was born at Worces ter, England, on April 23, 1727, the daughter ot a hosier. In order to seek her husband who had abandoned her, In 1745 she donned man's attire and enlisted as a soldier In Guise's regiment of foot, but soon deserted, and Bhlpped on board the sloop Swal low, under her brother-in-law's name of Jamea Gray. She was wounded in the alege of Pondlcherry. but succeed ed In extracting the bullet without calling In a surgeon. When recovered she served before the mast on the Tar tar and Eltham, but when paid oft she resumed woman' costume. Her ad ventures were published under the title of "The Female Soldier," In 1750, and she afterwards gave exhibitions In military uniform In London. She died Insane In Bethlehem hospital, London, on February 8. 1792. Oh, Certainly Notl John Eendrlck Rungs was one day calling up bis wife on the telephone. The mnld at the other end did not rec ognize her "master's voice," and. aft er Hangs had told ber whom he want ed the ninid asked: "Do you wish to speak with Mrs. Bongs 7" "No. Indeed." replied the humorist; "I want to kiss her." It Sort. "Military courtship must be trying." "Naturally. It is a sort of court martial." "Buy It In Oregon City." PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lavyer MOftCY TO LOAN I). C. I.AixL irrrr. rrniilr'i nr The First National Bank of Oregon City, Orrgon CAI'ITAL, fS0,WH).lO Tranyit llrnrtA K:iiiLiril limine 0(k-ii from 9 A. M. tu 3 P. M, William Hammond Philip L. Hammond HAMMOND A HAMMOND Attorntysat Law Abitrart. Real Kstate, Loan, lasur a nee. OftfWON CITY". OREGON Pacific I'hona It, Home I'booe A 271 Office I'hone -Pacific Main 401; Horn A 270. STONE 4 MOULTON Attorneys- t-La l!eaer Illdg , Room 6 OHKGO.V CITV .... ORKOON O. D. EBV Attorney at-Law Money loaned, abstract furnish ed, land title examined, estate sett I d, general law bualnvaa. Over Bank of Oregon City. W.S.EDDY,V.S.,M.D.V. Graduate of the Ontario Veteri nary College at Toronto, Canada, and the McKlllip School of Sur gery ot Chicago, la established at fashion Stable, between Fourth and Fifth on Main Street. llotb Telephone Office Pacific 65; Home A-93 Res. Pacific 161; Home It-80 COUNTY COURT (Continued.) BOUNTY-J. T. Hoopeg, $3.00; Carl Mumpowe, $9.00. SHERIFF A. B Cummins, $8.00; D. E. Frost, $7.00; Wm. J. Wilson, $16.50; Walter Elliott, $3.50; G. A. Bergren, $5.00; II. W. Trembath, $50.95. CLERK I. M. Harrington, $10.00; Huntley Bros. Co., $14.25; Underwood Typewriter Co., $3.50. RECORDER L. Cochran, $05.00; E. P. Dedman, $5.00. TREASURER Huntley Bro. Co., $0.50; Frank Busch, $4.00; Jones Drug Co., $1.30; M. E. Dunn, $5.00; Burroughs Adding Mach. Co., $9.00. ASSESSOR Huntley Bros. Co., $3.G5; Clara Mitchell, $3.55; Gertie Willson, $3.55; J. E. Jack, $2.20; Geo. F. Johnson, $G.00. COUNTY COURT Cora Hunt, $2.20; W. H. Mattoon, $30.00; II. S Anderson, $7.00; Huntley Bros. Co., $21.50; Clyde English, $7.10. COURT HOUSE Home Tel. Co., $14.85; Frank Busch, $2.70; Board of Water Com., $21.00; Jones Drug Co., $2.50; C. W. Friedrich, $10.30; Falls Transfer Co., $1.25; Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co., $31.95; Pac. Paper Co., $4.75; Miller-Parker, Co., $16.58; H. L. Mar tin, $3.85; Glass & Prudhomme Co., $44.60; Roy Woodward, $74.25; Jos. E. Hedges, $75.20; Oregon City Ice Works, $2.60; Hogg Bros., $0.90; Morris & Scott, $198.28. CIRCUIT COURT Huntley Bros. Co., $4.50; 0. P. Roethe, $45.60; J. W. Hart, $46.60; W. F. Young, $49.00; O. W. Robbins, $33.60; D. R. Dimick, $46.80; J. P. Cook, $46.40,-John K. Ely, $49.60; A. D. Burnett, $46.00; F. F. Tooze, $48.60; Julius Pausen, $51.40; G. S. Bullock, $46.20; Chester Card, $47.40; J. A. Richey, $48.00; Clara Adkins, $4.00; Thomas Adkins, $4.00; John Hughes, $38.20; J. A. Liz berg, $2.20; E. W. Scott, $45.20; F. C. Burk, $2.20; Frank Haberlach, $46.40; Chris Hartman, $2.20; Mary Petrella, $4.00; G. C. Dallas, $47.00; J. L. Kruse, $47.00; Geo. De Bok, $45.00; Wm. J. Wilson, $6.00. JUSTICE PEACE John N Sievers $2.10; John N. Sievers, $5.10; D. E. Frost, $10.34. CORONER W. E. Hempstead. $124.40; John N. Sievers, $7.50; C. T. Sievers, $10.00; J. E. Wells, $1.20; C, Grimm, $1.20; Millard F. Adams, $1.20 F. C. Klinger, $1.20; N. C. Cromer, C. G. Morris, $1.20; Herman Brown, $1.70; E. A. Klar, $1.70; Orville Kling ler, $1,70; Ed Murray, $1.70; Ed Mur ray, Sr., $1.70; Geo. Adams, $1.70; W. W. Knight, $2.50; L. P. Howard, $2.50; Dr. H. A. Dedman, $10.00; Maude Moore, $14.00; Dr. Ben Geisy, $5.00; Dr. C. H. Meissner, $5.00 SURVEYOR Huntley Bros. Co., $1.20; D. Thompson Meldrum, $14.00; Harry Shelley, $2.50; H. H. Johnson, $62.40; Bud Thompson, $10.00; Paul Dunn, $10.00. INSANE The Western Union Tel egraph Co.," $0.56; Dr. J. W. Norris, $5.00; Dr. Hugh S. Mount, $5.00. COUNTY COURT SUPT. OF SCHOOLS G. A. Berg- ren, $5.00; D. E. Frost, $3.50; H. S. Anderson, $1.00; J. E. Calavan, $35.80 A. B. Calavan, $10.00; The Typewrit er Exchange, $5.00; Brenton Vedder, $128.30; Williams Transfer Co., $3.71; W. E. Finser & Co., $5.62; Huntley Bros. Co., $11.55. BOARD OF HEALTH Dr. O. A. Welsh, $45.00; George J. Case, $2.00; William I. Perry, $1.25; Dr. Orel A. Welsh, $7.00; Dr. W. D. Butler, $0.50. COUNTY VETERINARIAN Jas. Smith, $12.60. INDIGENT SOLDIER Meade Post No. 2 G. A. H, $30.00 . COUNTY POOR Wm. Danforth, $10.00; Oregon Commission Co., (Tom WEINHARO IUILDINC K. J. Mum. CaluVr CLAUDE W. DEVORE, Attorney at-L Notary Public Katacada, Oregon. Phone Pai.lfle (2 Home A HI CEORCE C. BROWNELL Attorny-at-Law All legal bualnes promptly attended to C. ICHUtlEL Attorney at Law Deutscher Advokat Will praillre In all courts, make col lection and settlement. Office In Enterprl Iluilding. Oregon Clly, Oregon. C. D. 4 D. C. LATOURETTE Attorneya-at-Law Commercial, Real Kstate and Probate our Specialties. Of fice In First National Hank lildg., Oregon City, Oregon. MONEY TO LOAN On Real Estat PAUL C. FISCHER Lawyer Romm 2 Heaver Iluilding Oregon City, Ore. Jones), $14.00; Boys' & Girls Aid Soc. $10.00; Mrs. Bradtl (J. McNamara), $10.00; Mr. Mary Buckner (W. T. Tinslcy), $20.00; Sam Booher, $16.00; Dock Mosier, $10.00; Mrs. Bessie Al len, $10.00; Patton Home (Mrs. J. Avin), $16.00; Mary Buol, (Robert Trimble), $5.00; Sarah Gibbons, $20.00; Ella Payne, $10.00; Henry Spiess (Mr. and Mrs. Chalk), $10.00; W. J. Moldenhauer, $10.00; Louise Ballou, $15.00; Mrs. Galbraith, $15.00; Harry Cooper, $20.00; Kate Gardner, $15.00; Anna L. Snyder, $15.00; Mrs. G. W. Thompson, $10.00; Gusts Greble, $10.00; A. C. Sleight, $15.00; Ada Le Baw, $8.00; Katie Pluard, $8.00; Ella Tracy (Eunice Homer), $10.00; Ben Landes, $10.00; E. M. Val entine, $20.00; Mary Renfert, $20.00; S. E. Card (Michael Boyl), $8.00; F. Fredrici, (Joe Fox), $8.00; Minnie Sohn, $10.00; Huntley Bros. Co., (A. Lahlke), $3.45; H. S. Anderson (Chas. Chase), $1.50; The Estacada Phar macy (Mrs. E. M. Horner, Ferdinand Repke), $4.20; R C. Scott (Foster Sis ters), $18.85; Otto E. Meindl (J. G. Seahom), $5.00; Batdorf Bros., (Mrs. jBushenville), $5.00; Electric Hotel (Dick Meyer), $20.00; Robbins Bros., (Eliza Siam), $8.32; Robbins Bros. (James Russell), $8.15; L. D. West fall (Mary Locke), $10.00; Annie Ros enthal, (Mrs. Rosenthal), $15.00; Board of Water Commissioners (A Pe rizi & C. H. Willoughby), $2.80; Char man & Co., (Booher, Mathieson & Dickelman), $17.80; Good Samaritan Hospital (Alfred Woolsey), $45.00; Good Samaritan Hospital (C. H. Mo eller), $9.00; W. B. Rambo, $4.40; Francis Welsh (Mrs. Church), $5.00; A. J. Knightly (Mrs. Marco), $7.00; Oregon City Wood & Fuel Co. (Mrs. Josselyn), $4.50; L. Adams (Mrs. Star), $3.25; Dr. A. McDonald (Mr. Chapmans), $10.00; Bannon & Co. (Mrs. Beers), $4.96; Mrs. J. M. Quick (Mrs. Gossler), $8.00; S. E. Card (M. Bayle), $16.00; Denis Donovan (Je rome Hamilton), $12.50; St. Vincent's Hospital (Chas. McKinney), $13.00; Frank T. Barlow (Wm. Dickelman), $10.00; J. E. Combs (Mrs. Slater), $10.00; C. J. Hood (Albert Pegurin), $3.00; Duane Ely (Chas. Willoughby $5.00; W. Pollock Restaurant (Mhas. McKinnis), $12.00; G. H. Lichthorn (A. Woolsey), $7.35; Ida Mobra (Mrs. Moser), $10.00; Mary I. Wilson (Ed ward Miller), $27.50; Mrs. A. Glock ner (E. Miller), $27.50; Mrs. F. Fras er (Mrs. Marx), $10.00; The C. C. Store (Mrs. Shepherd), $5.22; The C. C. Store (Mrs. Star), $3.50; The Hub Grocery (Mrs. Brown), $10.00; L. A. Woodward (Mrs. Sanders), $3.50; Mrs. Ida C. Eggleston (Jane Trul linger), $9.00; D. M. Klemsen (Mrs. Smith), $22.00; Paul R. Meinig (Ed ward Miller), $4.50; Falls Transfer Co. (Mrs. Sarah Gibbons), $6.00; Mrs. T. L. Smith (M. D. Tresham), $24.00; J. F. McCormack (Mrs. Josselyn), $9.80; J. F. McCormack, (John Marx), $10.00; Mrs. Geo. Himler (Mr. Mathi son),. $20.00; W. W. Linten (Mrs. Ed gar Brien), $3.00; Heyers & Brady (Albert J. Rosenthal & G. Remfert), $40.00; Larsen & Co. (Mrs. Eva Mar co), $15.00; Larsen & Co. (Albert Peg uerin), $10.00; W. C. Mangum (Mrs. Star), $30.00; W. C. Mangum (M. S. Stewart), $6.93. JAIL W. J. Wilson, $24.29. JUVENILE COURT Walter Elli ott, $1.00; D. E. Frost, $4.20; Williams Bros. Co., $1.00; Minda E. Church, $32.10. PRINTING AND ADVERTISING Oregon City Enterprise, $188.85; The Courier Press, $99.60. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES A. E. Ball, $45.94. TAX DEPARTMENT J. 0 Stoats, $69.75; Jones Drug Co., $1.10. EXPERTING COUNTY BOOKS $25.00. REFUND OF FEES Bertha An derson, $20.00.