Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 17, 1915, Image 7

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Year Memorable
One For Hamlet
JKNNINliH UHMiK. w 18-(Hp
i ll) - Perhaps Ultra) la liu lltellcr com
niuiilly on tlm Oreu.iii City larllua
limn Ilia prelly Hills' hainlnt of Ju
liliigt I-o'Ikk. Il la cintriiliit dla
laiiit from Oregon (iiy the county
anal, anil a pretty (Jlolutit from Port
Mali? of Ha r.alilinlt hate Haltlina
In l'orllinl, and some offlcrs lu Oi
Kin City, bila few are raining truck,
chickens and In llin dairy btialiiesa.
Perhaps nu community of lia alia
ran iMiaal of a Utter claa of pipl
or a mora refined and tiillalie
people lliari Jennings UmIx Aay
from tlia busy hunt drum of city Ufa
they have built rosy homes and are
bringing up fhlr families In an atoms
I'liiTa of ri'lllii'inenl.
Tu aajr they are cll read people,
una only noed lo uiciill.w thai out luu
dally mwaMTa are drllvervd each
day by n-ul Jdt aaaan iiuallliiK
aci'iila, Inside Ilia dully papers hlili
rniiiK ItiroiiKh I he mull and Ilia largo
number of weekly and liinlilhly inaxa
ylncs which we revehe. ,fruiii onn of
our wide aaku ! a.
Jennings loUi' la rapidly Imm omlng
rtnoiiml f.r lla aaliniiii fishing and
rath year rroda are attracted lo llila
lilum during. Ilia finding a aiin and It
la mil imuaiial to count ocr a linn
tired fishing crafts at onn time tllt
llila delightful sport la on. Tim n'a
aon being iimially kimm from March
Mth till May I.I. for nature has ao
Kitted llila ciuiiinunily aa In muke the
Wlllumctto river at tlila place almost
aa grrl a aalmnn trolling luro aa at
Oregon City, wlili II Ii i been admitted
aa being tlio grcutcat salmon trolling
pluco In Ilia world.
Tim pretty banka of tlm Willamette
arc lined lth cottages aoiuo of tlii'in
are beautifully and artUtlially liiilll of
rohhlcatoue and arc lliu homes of
prominent business turn of Cortland,
who spend the greater part of the
year at llila place, i
IVdur laland park drew largo rrovtda
durliiK Ilia punt h hhh and
amusements lo ault the Unlet of all
Ilia regular l.imlina muting on lli
lilxlil of the first Monday III Iwitiu
in r ahlili ,. mm h in). mil. 1 ha an
n UK I t-li'i Hun of nMii in uke .ld
Ilia lal Monday In January at tlm lllue
Kroiil hall.
It ran ! aafi ly alald Dial list
aa pirtiy a ruiul a Ii'm.I and grounds
aa can l found In Oregon. Tlm Ideal
grimml aa given hy Ihn lain Mr. and
Wis. I.i riyniau Ji'iinlnga and (Htrhapa
aa one of lliu flnrat aura In their
doiiallon land rlalm. Willi efflili.iil
li'ai lifia our hixd haa bet ouio aland
ardlurd durliiK the yc.r. Mra. ('. I..
Hmlth la halriiun of Ilia hoard of dl
m lora and ('. I,. Ilaynra l ink. Aln
tllll and K.ld lliM-the being Ilia oilier
May apparulua hat a brrn ptm rd on
the grouuda ahlili haa auiuai'd tlia III.
tin onea and Mlndnw lioiva built at
the ludoa, hlrli Ja plnilng (o the
rya lit lh pirhy. ,
A I'arent Tai bxr aao lallon In ron
net Hull llh the a hool. baa a uifin-
lrlilp of 30 or more, rlprakert vlult
ua from Cortland and lth an abund-
aura of home lali'iil ilrllxhtful pro
Krama are glvi-n by oulrona, paniit
and rhllilrrii at thrae rKulr liiretluga
of lhi aMN'lii(lon. IdNika are U-Ing
added lo the llhrary and all are uniting
Ihrlr irTorta in kf'p Ji'iuilnga Ixxlice
ai hiHil up to the atalidard. Throuth
the cfTorla of llila aaM lu(lon the play
appaialua a a piil on m griMimU.
Mra. tlio. A. Oatrmii la raldi nt. Mra.
Minnie II. Altinnii, amretary; Mra.
Win. CiMik. tri-aaurcr and Mra. Will
Jiti'olin la llhrarlun of llila amoK latloi
In April, l'JU, a CnnKn gallniml Hun
day in hool ua forim l ami iiiei'llnga
re hold al Hie lllue Front ball mill
aftfr Hie new yeur when Ihn Oregon
( Ity ( oiii.ri-millonUtii pureh.iiM'd the
Ii IIkIoiu work and ahull Hurt r N .1
lurly iiIiiii a lliol. Ill 7ll Uieellng of
Ihn i linn h nii'iiil.era and fiumU f f
rullfli a I ioii of any plain' prupoaed and
fur ih ml featurea.
The i huri b and Hunday hid have
lukiri lot lia iriiillo: '(in r U' tit on
oiklng,' ami by ao doing they (
t In liilO lo grow aplrltually, aiu lul
ly, flnum tally and In Urge nuiulra.
Chicken Thieves
Scared By Shot
rial I Mr. and Mra. A. A. llopnon u
lertulned the Mympoaluin Card club of
Corl lurid on Friday vvrnlng. Kour
Uhlea of titiU were enjoyed. Irellcloiia
refrvahinenta were eerted. The iiivin
bi ra of Hie club are Mr. and Mra. Ileal
ly, Mr. and Mra. King, Mr. aud Mra
Wood, Mr. aud Mra. Ilemleiaon, Mr.
and Mra. Mulnlc. Mr. and Mrs. ftlrb
mom!, of Cortland, and Mr. and Mra.
Onlroiu and Mr. and Mra. Iloptou, of
Hi I a plate.
10 be PLANS
iBargain Pric
ii Ei
Haial Dollar and Tallhblut Indicated
a Marktd for Action Woman
li Indletad at Oo-betwean
In th Dtala.
for Ihn ilratrmilon of uoinlilon nlui.i
.1 r
i ne uuru niriniiuy annlveraary of at Aetna. Ind.. and lalim mimr MI, h
llilll.. II' ... a . m . ..I '
..one no,, waa onarm-q in a pretty were revealed lolay wln-n there were
way on rrniay afternoon from 1 till made public detalla of Imlli tmenta ro
the. Tbo llttltf liitliatloua rinal'd turned aiculiiat three alleged eonapira-
in omii preaenia and Ulllle on tile I tor. In Cerumn bomb Lima
happy oi rualon gave glfta to ra b t blld ..Arv lni, .,i ....l vi
-"-'ft - aiav vi v
For New Subscriptions to the
Oregon City Enterprise
and a camly cane aa a favor to all.
Centering tliu tublu wu the birthday
cake, aud candlea and Mra. Mi Karluuu
anahted Mra. WoihI. Healed alwut tbo
lalila were Helen Handera, Dorothy Ja-
ol,a, Klluil-itli llruihert. Alice Mc-
Curlane, llulmor Itoberta, Hlurlalre
Miaa Hrrlplurr la confined to ber
i Impel from Die Ktanin lli ul aaant la-' Iioiiip with lllnena.
tlon and the Hun. lay a luxd waa held Wr- n,l Mra. OlM-rbolt Were Kuuduy
at Iheihunli. On Cehruary :stb. 1 1 5 ' Ku.ja al the II. II. Kitiiuoiia bom.
a ( ntigreitatiiinul cliun li waa orgun.
I imI and to he known aa Or lire Con
(Crrjfutloiml i dun li and uiad) no mla
lake when the aoelety clioao Rev. II.
N. Hmltli aa 1'Untor. It herama fed
erated with ttregou City, Carkplme.
and Clai kamiia i hur bea. At tbo or
Hiinlnill.m there were ZC inemliera. al
an linpreaalvit Kualer aervlco 7 Jollied
and wo now have a tiiemherahlji of 39
with olio removal and ten have been
A rt'tiif inhered llt of our abaont
onea who arc away at achool or el no
where, la being kept and a cheery let-
VMrloua'1"1" M'nl '""""''y ,u ,n,n-
i nn nuiiuuy nooi naa riiiru-ni leail-
rnhlp with an enrollment of 100 and
CO. Tbo
graded lenHntia arc tmed
A ChrlNtlun Kmhuvor baa been or
ganized, while yet 111 lla Infancy wo
arc looking forward to many Interest-
auggeated to an alleged agent of the
roiixplriuy aa a fertile tn id for almllar
work. Two flrea and oploalona oc-
ciirrrd later at I'lnole at the plant of
the llt-rculea Cowder cou.pany.
Tbo lettera augKeatlng Iheao chargea
were alleged to have been written to
Ixmla J. Huilth, wltiiraa (or the govern
uieut agulnat Huron (ii-nrge Wllbelm
von Hrliuken, Churln C. Crowley, a
detective employed by the Uermun
conai.l Ki neral, and Mra. Murgaret Cor
nell, Crowley a employe, tbo three per
on Indicted,
All appeared today fur arraU-nrm-nl
on tbo two counta of each Indictment
and w ere releuned on ball Ixind of f 10
A a FA lllllllllf awt III A itniliar I tu I
eat pleu.ure. being awlii.n.lug. roln.l"n V' ,,,,"ll'",
boating and canoeing. Alinunt every
trip made, by the ateamera plying be
tween Cortland and Oregon City
lir.llltflll liuMattliwitra l,t II.Ih i. it'l...
rnjoy the acenlc trip from Cortland!!!'" u'"' " vMXwA P
hy Intnl. A rural mall aervlco by wuter
furiilnhea tlio IT. 8. mail lo thoao whuae
liumea aro on tlio river banka.
The bvuutlful Hlver View ,mp
fcroumla la the arena of a largo gather
ing of people during the later part of
July and first week In Augunt when the
Kvangellcul Aanochitlon camp meeting
In In Reunion. And encti Reunion of the
day a ap'uudld progrum la given, which
la a fine opportunity for I ho coimuun
Ity to attend and enjoy. In a P-irgo
dining bull meula nro aervvd hy tlio an
MMiiittou at roMt prloe. From aoventy
five lo a h il nil red famlllea enmp and
hecomo In clowr touch w ith ouch oth
er and fellowahlp w ith God In the lurge
tuhermu'lo among the fir trceal Pre-
vloua year a delegate to these camp
mectltiKK uud convent lon huve come
aa fur awuy aa llellliiKhuin; WuhIi.
Not much Improvemeiit was made
on our Bl recta thla year aa a special
levy was voted down; but with a ten
mill levy to bo used on our main
Htreota from rnrllmt to county road, a
number of blocks of hard surfacing
streets will bo Improved In 1918 and
Is one of tho Improvements our com
iminlty la looking forward to with a
great delight, as wo know good muds
are vary CHHentlal to a Rood commun
ity. There has not been tho building ac
tivity as war ro nntlceahlo In former
years, but the Improvements have been
of the substantial kind. The artistic
and coiy little bungalow on the county
road south of the school was completed
this year for Italph Hrown. Tho homo
built by George Gerry on the cast aide
of the cur-lino Is nhnut completed, mid
contiUiiH seven largo rooms; Is of the
IiuiikuIow typo and prettily located on
a knoll where, a view can be had. The
I Unman cottugo which Is also on tho
eiist Hide was completed during tho
Tho homo of Rov. Smith was remodel
ed and a story added and with the
peinitlful lira In tho background makes
an lileul homo.
A beautiful residence Is being built
by Mr. Mulclmy near tho Muldrum
line, which will have all modern con
veniences. Tho Hots Floral Nursery hus dono a
splendid IiuhIiiohs during tho year, In
fact has grown so rapidly that It waa
ncc.esHiiry for Mr. Uet. to have a part
ner and at present Mr. Stnlkor Is with
Mr. Hctst. And Just now the hoaiUlful
chrysanthemums are at their best and
nro marvelous to behold, so rich In
coloring and such liuxo varieties.
Mr. Ilyron, also, has found their was
money In raising' violets and sweet
pens and these varieties are to bo
found in his conservatories a few
block's n nay at Mcldrum.
We have two good stores with roal
wide-awake bilncHs men at their
heads men who havo had some years
of oxpcrlenoe In the grocery business
before and men who give liberally to
ull causes of the community and both
are boosters for the Community club.
This Community club has been organ
ized about six xyeurs and was a boost
er club for good roads, civic Improve
ments, etc., and Jor several years had
a large mumnerHiup, uur. ior ibck oi
Interest on tho part of some, and re
movals of some of tho earnest workors,
the membership went down, but after
a rwHt during the summer months, the
men sre planning on new thinks and
the people In general are taking up
the work with renowed activity. And
a year from now we expect to have a
membership of a 100 or more. Ladles
are also eligible for membership. John
Slnclalre, at present Is president; Jim
Bernard, secretary, and Miss Mary
Farniim recording secretary.
A delightful social affuir followed
lift among our boys and girts.
The Hoy Scouts' Is an actlvo organ
ixatlon, their regular attendance at
Holiday school baa won for (hem hon
ors. At present are building a cabin
jonnnie Kotierta have moved Into
the pluie vacated by the Mllluu Cotter
Mra. Hill of Cortlund. baa been vis
iting Mra. dulling.
Meaara. Curmli hael and Multhewa.
who have made their home at Jen- 000 ''tt,'h- Tno liill tmenia charged con
iilnga Lodge for ten years, huve re- "1,lr"' ' ,0 Interfere, with und destroy
muted to lluttleground. Wm.h commeivo with the allies and uso of
The Christian F.ndeavor meetlniis 11,8 """ ' Incite arnen, murder and
are being well attended. Mlaa Kuth . aasoaslnatlon.
rtiio Langcly conducted the meeting on 8x-clric charges were made that the
Hit. l.'th. Her topic being "How the three alleged plotter! conspired by
I mpheey of the Angela' Chrlhtniaa eendlng a letter from here August 8 to
song May Com True." A pleasant Lo'ils J. Smith. Detroit, In an effort to
time waa enjoyed at their monthly ao- Incite him to arson, murder aad assussl
ilul meeting on Friday evening. The nation by burning certain buildings at
Kndeavorers huve pledged 11.00 a Aetna, lnd., and works and buildings at
mouth toward the electric lights at Uhpenilng, Mich.
me cniircn.. a social time with music The conspiracy was alleged to have
aim gnmea ioiiowcu. i-oicorn waa aer- bad Ita Inception here May 1, 1913, and
ten i.jr me aociui committee. The aw- ju.nerous dates and Incidents and tu
ond Frlduy of the month Is the time contents of lettera were et forth.
set for their aoclul affulra. Sniln, wag alleged to have been em
The annual buzunr given by the ployed by tho defendants at 1300 a
Grace Guild waa qulto a aucceas. al- month to further the conspiracy on
though tho night wua a very stormy Muyg. Tbo following day Crowley was
ono. The cafaterla supper w as w ell alleged to have paid Smith J2r,0 to go to
pstrolilxed. The candy booth where Tacoma. Wash., to ohtn'n Informsilnn
with lurgo roouia ami fire pluce for B,Vlleloua hum, inado candy was dis- concerning the lulling of vessels from
meeting place.
A Grace Guild was formed In April
and many plensaut and profltuhle gntll-
pensed by Mrs. llertha M. Hart, Was northern ports for Vladivostok and oth-
iinusuniiy attractive with Its pretty er ttorts of the allies. The vessels un
decorutiins of ChrlstmaR belli and
rings have been hold monthly audrpoinsettlss.
semi-monthly and weekly recently to
get reaily for an annual buxuur,
Onn of (he note worthy meetings
taking place In October when the ta
llica of the federated churches were
entertained by the Guild. Coming In
closer touch with each other and with
the tonsts and cheery words of en
couragement us they sal around the
luncheon talile, helped to scatter sun
shlno along the way, and give an Im
petus to work with renewed activity.
It was a pleasure to also assist, the
ladies of tho federated churches with
tho dinner and supper In the early (lays
of Octolter, when the Congregational
conference was held In Oregon City.
The Guild has been an aid lu social
mlHHlonary, mercy and help In the
community. The calling committee,
of which two aro chosen each month.
keeps In touch with new comers and
getting people Interested In church
Tho Master Cooks, while not an or
gunlsutlon, Is a body of men of the
Community who charmingly enter
tained with a cafeteria Biipper and net
ted 25 for a porch for the church.
In honor of these men and their wives
dullghtful gatherings have taken pluce,
thus tho social uffalrs of tho commun
ity havo entered among the activities
of the church. From this body, we
have a men's choir that render special
music at the Salibath morning serf Ice
us well us selections lit tho gatherings
In tho community. The choir Is com
posed of II. J. Robinson, Frank Tuck
er, W. L. HllnoBtone, Geo. A. Ostrom,
Lorrnino Ostrom and Mr. Woodhara.
Wo huve adopted tho budget plan
and feel tho money will come In to pay
all expenses and the pastor's salary
In full. A piano and chairs have been
purcmisod; elect no lights and gas
range Installed, tho latter being do
nated with a generous gift of dishes
and etc. from tho IliiAsalo CongregU'
tlotml church for which wo fool very
Mrs. Ella Eailes bus presided at the
piano for the church services during
the year.
Under the practical and spiritual
sermons and leadership of the pastor
and Mrs. Smith there Is a growing in
toroKt In real things of life, and In the
willingness and desire to render genu
ine service.
At the annual meeting In November
It was decided to have a board of man
agement ond Instructed thp pastor to
perfect such on organization, as wo
believe "the interest, wisdom and
strength of men are necessary for the
highest efficiency In every good cause.
The board of management to bo con
stituted entirely of men, church mem
bers and non-oliurch members, Chris
tians and non-Christians, professional
men, working men, business men, any
and all men of good moral churacter,
und having a Jlvely Interest In com
munity affairs. This board shall In
clude deacons, trustees, and other
church officers In addition to the men
selected above. Tho duties of this
board shall bo to deal with the church
finances, receive all monthly bills, pay
all such bills, discuss all business af
fairs pertaining to the material wel
fare of the church, receive all month
ly reports for filing. This board shall
be a clearing house for plans for
church efficiency and activity In each
department excepting tho spiritual or
der scrutiny Included the steamers
lluiel Dollar and Tultuyblus. .
Tlm booth where the aprons, caps.
bags and funcy articles were displayed
was decorated also with Christmas col
ors and was presided over by Mrs. Ellu
Katies and Mrs. A. A. llopnon.
Kev. Edwards und wife, Mrs. Haskell
of Oregon City, Mrs. Tato of Canomah.
und Mrs. Hill of Cortland, were otit of
town guests who attended. Tho society
netted :I3.
The flftoenth birthday anniversary GRACE A COMPANY PLAN REJUVE-
or Miss Anna Doerlng was observed in
a happy way when fifteen of her school
mntes were Invited to her homo "Frult
dalo" on Saturday afternoon. A large
u. ,i-u .nu nuui airyjiuiiiie- NEW YORK, Dec. H. The an
mums and sprays of the asparagus nouncemcur by tho Southern Pacific
fern were: used for decorations. Mrs. COmpany today that It had agreed to
Kdd Roetho assisted in serving the de- eIl ltg 80hldlng of 110,800 Bhares of
Melons refreshments. Those proscnt Paclflc Mui steamship company stock
were Wllma liruechert, Elliabeth to w. II. Grace & Co. was taken here
Hruechert. Allco McFarland. Nellie , ,t,n, n, stnr ami Ktrlnon nnrt
and Elxa lieu, Myrtle Berry, Vernon tne. Pacl,,c MnlI fluR will remain on the
Ijtdtrn tttith fnilr TVr.pA n.l rt I
..., ...... ..u ..ii.i: I.8cinc ocoffln.
lioctiie. Crotty gifts wore showered VV't.llA ll,a ,l.i,,o tmi.l nlil.ll, liv w P
This is the time of year that most people arrange for their fall and winter H
reading matter, and the Oregon City Enterprise (weekly) has decided to f
Good Until Jan. 1, 1916 j
Think of it) By subscribing NOW and sending in or paying 75 cents you H
will b given receipt for 13 months' subscription, or until January I, 1917. ' f
In addition to this, we will also include a year's subscription to Home Life, The
Household, Farm Life and Woman' World, free, and your subscription to all these H
publications will cease when the year has expired. E
We want the Oregon City Enterprise to go into more homes of Clackamas County. E
You get the full county court proceedings, correspondence from your locality, to-
gether with all the best county, state and national news each week in the Enterprise.
Keep the date in mind This Offer terminates January 1, 1916.
Use the Coupon
printed herein in
sending in your
(New Subscriber)
Oregon City Enterprise,
Oregon City, Oregon.
Gentlemen: '
Enclosed please find 75 centa for which send me the Oregon City
Enterprise to Januury 1. 1917, with magazine offer one year free as a
P. O.
upon Miss Doerlng.
The regular meeting of the Parent
Teacher association was hold on Doc.
10th. The members of Mrs. SnashaH'g
room rendering a group of sotigs. New
books huve been, received by the li
brarian. The program and entertaln-
Ornce & Co., who, in conjunction with
the American International corpora
tion, announced yesterday that they
had bought tho seven remaining steam
ers of tho Pacific Mall company, are
only general, It was predicted here that
the new purchasers would so rejuven-
ment conimlttoes aro to combine in Lte the pni.,c Mui that within a year
iiit-ii tiiuiitt uii i mi evening meeting or g0 jn
... me second rxtuay even- between this country and the orient
uir ly u.u uuw year.
The squalling of the chickens awak
ened the Hrlgham family on Tuesday
night and Miss Mublo, a plucky high
school student, fired two shots which
went whl?.lng through tho nlr and
struck II. J, Itobinson's home near the
bedroom where Miss Ethol Hart was
sleeping. Tho would-be chicken thloves
were scared away and we were glad
that nothing sorlously resulted.
Mra. Iarl Brlggs and two children
of Grunts Tubs, will Bpend the winter
with her mother, Mrs. J. C. McMonl-Bol.
or so the line might resume operations
West Linn has 111 water customers
at the present time, although several
.of this number have not completed con
nections with the city's mains.
The reservoir ls now partially filled
with water and the finishing touches
are being put on it. The stnndpipe,
which is used to supply the higher
sections of the town, and all, the mains
ore filled.
George F. Horton, who is postmaster
and has an office in the station of the
Willamette Falls railway, has been
named collector of water rents. Re
corder Porter Bays that the system of
paying adopted by the water board Is
The Hank of Commerce of Oreunn not well understood. Payments are
City held its organization meeting in l'ue by the 10th of each month and in
the rooms of the Commercial club tmvnnce. i no wuier riuus re uie same.
Lloyd Riches, for 10 years an em
ploye of the Oregon Journal, a Portland
dally, and for the last two years and
a half stationed here as Oregon City
correspondent has bought the Stanfteld
Optimist and will take control of Uie
paper the first of U'e ne' yenr.
Mr. Riches mado a trip to Stanfteld,
which Is located In Umatilla county,
25 miles from Pendleton, last week
when arrangements for the sale 'were
completed. S. Norton Dobo Is the
present owner.
The new owner will change the name
of his paper back to the Stan field
Standard as soon as he takes over the
property and will continue to run it as
a Republican paper. Mr. Dobo changed
the name of the paper to the Optimist
two months ago.
Mr. Riches will leave Oregon City
the end of this week and take a short
rest before taking charge of his new
Tuesday and the following directors
were chosen: George H. Urown, E. P.
Ded m an, Joseph E. Hedges, John R.
Humphrys, R. T. Mclialn, H. S. Mount,
Charles W. Rlnley, Thomas F. Ryan
and I,eroy D. Walker.
Tho directors met In the afternoon
and elected the following officers: Le
roy D. Walker, president; Thomas "F.
Ryan, vice-president, ond John R.
Humphrys, cashier.
Lebanon has shipped -two carloads of
Christmas trees to Snn Francisco.
Rooth-Kelly company Is building a
new burner at Springfield.
ns In Orecon City.
$100 Reward, $!C0
The rruderM of this rmjwr will b
pleased to It-urn (hat there It ut least ona
Ureuiled (llsenne tli.it m lcm-e Im been
utile to cure In ull II." t. ami jhiit la
CotHrrh. Hall's Cuiiinh Cure la die only
r-uHltlve euro row knurt lo (he it.eOieiil
rrntcrnlty. Cnt irrl; hein n vmsilt'Ulnnal
disease, rr.ttiir.-a ronMltutloiidl trvai
nient. Hull s CY.I..I r.'i l ure Is taken in
ternally, m-tlntr .lirerllv timm inn Mnr.il
and mucous nm.,ecs the system, tl.ere
liy r.estroyiiKT the ronn I tiien i f (l.e u!s
ease. anil ffivltnr the pntient Mrenerih hv
hulhllnic up the rnnxiliutli.n anil as-ilsiing
nature In dolnir Its w rk. The prnp.leiors
have an rr.tirh faith in Ita curative now
era that I hey offer One HumlreJ Dollar
for any case lhat It faiia lo euro. 6end
for Hat of trstlmnnl.-.!.
Addrraa: F. J -HRNET a CO., Toledo. O
Sold hy all leiitraltts. 7f.e
T Hall a family Pills for constipation.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 14. The Re
publican national convention will be
held June 7, a week ahead of the Dem
ocratic, the national committee decided
Inasmuch as this date necessitates
earlier primaries In South Dakota and
Maine than they had set for them, the
'committeemen from these stated ob
jected and suggested June 27. The
earlier time, however, carried by a vote
of 37 to 13.
Chicago claimed to have a majority
of the committee pledged to choice of
that city as the convention place, and
Is regarded as the probable winner.
The committeo ratified a reduction
of 36 In the southern representation.
C. W. Mathews lost his suit Saturday
night against Orella Buzza, A. Buzza,
Attorneys George I. Brooks and Arthur
Cotshausen, Constable A. L. Reed and
Justice of the Peace Kelso, all of Mil
waukie. The Buzzas foreclosed a mort
gage for $250 on Mathews' furniture,
and Mathews claimed the furnture was
taken without proper legal process.
Mathews charged that Constable Reed
pulled a gun on his wife, and asked for
$1500 damages for taking the furniture,
$25 physician's services and $2975 for
the loss of his wife's companionship
and servloes for the time that she was
prostrated from the shock of Constable
Reed's behavior In their house. Mat
hewg was unable to show to the satis
faction of the jury that Reed was in
toxlxcated or that he had drawn a
gun. Mrs. Mathews has another suit
pending In the circuit court. The jury
was out only a short time. O. W. East
hnm appeared for Mathews and Gilbert
L. Hedges for the defense.
Oscar Johnson and Alfred Wall are
guilty and Jack Bolstrom not guilty,
according to verdict of the Jury at
12:20 o'clock this morning.
The arguments In the trial of Oscar
Johnson, Alfred Wall and Jack Bol
strom on a charge of giving liquor to
minors were completed early yesterday
afternoon and the jury retired at 2:50
The case opened Thursday morning
before Judge Campbell and by Thurs
day night the state's wtnesses had
been examined and several for the de
fendants. Jack Bolstrom, one of the
defendants, was the first put on the
stand Friday morning. Through the
efforts of District Attorney Hedges the
testimony of several of the defendants'
principal witnesses was barred.
J. W. Sadler, one of the leading mer
chants of Aurora, went to bed ill with
appendicitis several weeks ago.
Saturday morning Mr. Sadler, much
Improved, woke up In the Sellwood hos
pital in Portland to find himself mayor
of the city of Aurora.
He knew nothing of his nomination,
nothing of his campaign and nothing
of his election until the news was car
ried to htm at the hospital after it hud
been found he was elected. It tfas a
complete surprise.
Friends of Mr. Sadler at Aurora were
about to press him Into the campaign
when he took sick. He was too 111 to
be told then. But the friends went
ahead, nominated and elected him and
C,enre E. f.awrence and S W Tjiwr- 8ala no.ning. Me wi'l remain at the
ence, doing business as Lawrence Sellwood hospital for a few days, but
Brothers, Tuesday filed a suit In the his recovery Is practically assured,
circuit court against J. C. Herring for -
$180, the value of 1850 pounds of dyna-j Final announcement Is made that
mite alleged to be wrongfully with-1 total state tax levy will be $562,000 less
Many Elderly Oregon City Residents
Suffer From Some Form of Kid
ney Trouble.
When past middle age, there fre
quently conies a noticeable weaken
ing of the organs of the body, and re
sulting danger of quick decline. It Is
quite necessary to give prompt help
to any part that first shows signs of
wear. Healthy kidneys are necessary
to hale old age. Weak kidneys often
bring constant backache, lame back,
stitches and twinges of pain, annoying
urinary troubles, and the danger of
dropsy or Brlght's disease. Doan's
Kidney Pills ore gratefully recom
mended by very many aged people.
Read what an Oregon City resident
James Wilkinson, 201 Fourteenth St.,
Oregon City, says: "Nothing gave me
so much relief from pains In my hack
and other symptoms of kidney trouble
as did Doan's Kidney Pills. I had to
get up often at night and I couldn't
sleep on account of the pains and aches
all over. I was quite stiff In my limbs.
Doan's Kidney Pills were finally recom
mended to me and I used some. I
took several boxes and though I am in
my seventies, I am now hale and
hearty." (Statement given March, 29th,
Over three years later, Mr. Wilkin
son said: "All I have said In praise
of Doan's Kidney Pills still holds
Price 50c. at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mr. Wilkinson has twice publicly rec
ommended. Footer .MHl"i"i (n Tv-e